October 4, 2020 Martindale, Texas 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Weekly Mass Schedule

Saturday (Spanish)- 6:00pm

Sunday (Spanish)- 8:00am

Sunday (English) - 9:30am

Thursday Mass (English)- 7:00pm PO Box117/312 Lockhart Street Martindale, TX. 78655 Adoration Every Thursday, IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL (rectory) 512-357-4500 starting at 7:30pm-8:30 pm Parish Website www.ihmmartindale.org Friday Prayer Group– 7:00pm Parish Office Baptisms Quinceañeras Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday– 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Office Hours Baptismal preparations are Preparations must be made at held once a month. Please see Monday-Thursday the parish office to register. least 6 months to 1 year prior Parish Staff: 9:00am - 3:00pm to the celebration. Information Pastor- Administrator -Diana Arroyo Marriage forms can be picked up in the Parish Office. Rev. Rafael Padilla-Valdes Office-512-357-6573 Marriage Preparations must Office Administrator- be made at least 6 months in advance. Diana Arroyo ([email protected]) Deacon Mission Statement Eugene R. Wohlfarth [email protected] We, the parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, are called by God, through the Holy Spirit and our Savior Religious Education Jesus Christ, to praise, love and worship God through the Assistant- JoAnn Zavala–Martinez celebration of the Sacraments and especially the Eucharist. Under ([email protected]) the patronage of our beloved Immaculate Mary, mother of Jesus, we hope with deep humility to be a loving, caring, giving and forgiving community in the service of all whom we touch in our daily lives. Guided by the teaching of Our Lord found in the Good News and in the traditions of the Church, we strive to be a Beacon of Faith, Hope, and Love and a Harbor of Peace.

The Sanctuary Light Weekend Mass Intensions will burn in the Glory of God for Saturday 6pm †Elida Deleon †Gumercindo Villarreal Ramirez †Vicente & Lola Cruz

†Vicente & Lola Cruz

Sunday 8am Jesus Galindo (health) Monday, October 5 GAL 1:6-12

LK 10:25-37 Sunday 9:30am †Cleto & Carmen Luera Tuesday, October 6 Rubin Pavia (health) GAL 1:13-24 LK 10:38-42

SCAN FOR PAYPAL DONATION Wednesday, October 7 Weekend Offering Memorial of Our Lady Loose & Envelope $ 1,569.00 of the E-Giving $ 25.00 GAL 2:1-2, 7-14 LK 11:1-4 TOTAL $ 1,594.00 Thursday, October 8 GAL 3:1-5 LK 11:5-13 Oct. 3-4 -- 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time The readings today challenge us to ask important questions about Friday, October 9 ourselves: What kind of tenants are we? Do we claim the vineyard of our GAL 3:7-14 lives for our own and turn God out or do we recognize that everything we have comes as gifts from God and is to be given back in praise? As we LK 11:15-26 reflect on the gift of life and dignity given to each of us, how are we called to show greater respect for life: for the unborn; those on death row; the Saturday, October 10 immigrants coming to our country with or without legal permission; enemies GAL 3:22-29 who kill others without regard? Where do we need to grow in love for the LK 11:27-28 life and dignity of others?

Octubre 3-4 -- 27mo. Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Sunday, October 11 Las lecturas de hoy nos retan a hacer preguntas importantes sobre Twenty -eighth Sunday nosotros mismos: ¿Qué clases de inquilinos somos? ¿Reclamamos el in Ordinary Time viñedo para nosotros y sacamos a Dios o reconocemos que todo lo que tenemos y somos viene como don de Dios y deberá ser devuelto en IS 25:6-10A alabanza? Mientras reflexionamos sobre el don de la vida y la dignidad PHIL 4:12-14, 19-20 dada a cada uno de nosotros, ¿Cómo estamos llamados a mostrar mayor MT 22:1-14 OR 22:1-10 respeto por la vida: por los no-natos; por aquellos esperando la pena de muerte; por los inmigrantes viniendo a nuestro país con o sin permiso legal; por los enemigos que matan a otros sin miramientos? ¿En qué áreas necesitamos crecer en el amor por la vida y por la dignidad de los otros? SATURDAY OCTOBER 17th SODA 11AM-2PM DONATIONS



IHM Parish Hall We are needing some 312 Lockhart St. NAME Brand soda Martindale, 78655 donations for the Parish Brisket Fundraiser. Please Plate will include Brisket, Potato Salad, beans bring donations to the and side trimmings. Drinks and desserts will be an additional charge. parish office. Thank you.


This year the Diocese of Austin Parishes have formed an AT HOME Religious Education Program due to COVID19. We all know this year has been a challenging year for everyone and we need to pray for healing and a cure. IHM will still have an RE Program based from the safety of your home. Materials will be provided to your children along with AT HOME learning instructions.

REGISTRATION AND PARENT PACKET PICKUP WILL BE IN THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BUILDING DURING OFFICE HOURS OR Join Archbishop José H. Gomez, President of the U.S. AFTER MASS ON SUNDAY’S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, bishops, priests, and Catholics across the country in praying a virtual rosary in a Please remember that you must wear a mask during moment of unified prayer for America on Wednesday, registration and while in the IHM RE Building and any public buildings. October 7. We pause in a moment of prayer for America at this time when there is so much unrest and uncertainty. We Registration Fees (for supplies, etc.) ask Our Lady to lead us to her son Jesus, the Prince of $35.00 (1) / $60 (2) / $85 (3 or more) Peace. *First Communion Program: $20 additional per student The rosary will premiere on Wednesday, October 7 at 3:00PM EST on our YouTube channel and Facebook page. Confirmation Program: $20 additional per student EIM WORKSHOP (during pandemic) EIM Policies require all clergy, religious, seminarians, employees and adult volunteers serving in a ministry requiring EIM compliance to submit an EIM Application for Ministry (one-time only) and attend an EIM Workshop at least once every three years. EIM Applications are being accepted at eappsdb.com/austin for new employee and new volunteers currently active in ministry. EIM Workshops may resume in August – pay attention to updates communicated through parishes/schools and the EIM Office. Persons who already have an EIM account and are due or past due to attend an EIM Workshop should complete the Temporary Online EIM Training at www.austindiocese.org/workshop to fulfill their compliance requirement. For more information, call (512) 949-2447. TALLER DE EIM Las políticas de EIM requieren que todos los miembros del clero, seminaristas, empleados y adultos voluntarios sirviendo en un ministerio que requiera el cumplimiento con EIM, entreguen una Aplicación de EIM para el Ministerio (una sola vez) y asistan a un Taller de EIM al menos una vez cada tres años. No se están aceptando/entregando nuevas Aplicaciones de EIM durante este tiempo de COVID-19 y todos los Talleres de EIM en persona han sido pospuestos. Sin embargo, la Oficina de EIM ha creado un Entrenamiento Temporal de EIM en Línea para cumplir con los requerimientos de cumplimiento para aquellos que ya tienen una cuenta de EIM y les ha llegado la fecha, o ya se ha pasado la fecha en que deberían de atender un Taller de EIM. Vaya a www.austindiocese.org/taller-de-eim para completar el entrenamiento temporal de EIM en línea. Para mayor información, llame al (512) 949-2447.


Kenneth Villaseñor Funeral Director

Nancy Marmolejo Office Manager