LITURGY OF THE WORD Second Reading 1 Thes 1:1-5 © The scriptural quotations are taken from the Jerusalem Bible, published and copyright 1966, ST BERNARD’S PARISH Sunday 18 Oct 2020 A reading from the first letter of St 1967 and 1968 by Darton Longman and Todd Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordi- Paul to the Thessalonians Ltd and Doubleday & Co Inc, and used by per- BATEMANS BAY nary Time A We are mindful of your faith, hope, and mission of the publishers. 2 David Avenue, Batehaven NSW 2536 love. REFLECTION First Reading Is 45:1.4-6 From Paul, Silvanus and Timothy, A reading from the prophet Isaiah to the Church in Thessalonika by Fr Michael Tate P .O. Box 3220, Batehaven, 2536. Priest: Rev. Martins Aloga Principal: Mrs. Jo Wain which is in God the Father and the Whose Image and Likeness? Tel: 4472 4153 Secretary: Roslynne Trompp St. Bernard’s Primary School, Batehaven I have taken the hand of Cyrus to subdue E:
[email protected] Finance Admin: Anne Jackson R.E.C: Sharon Beashel nations before his countenance. Jesus first cleverly throws his Lord Jesus Christ; wishing you Website: PC Co-ord: Marie Weatherall Principal: Mrs. Jacqui Heffernan Thus says the Lord to his anointed, grace and peace from God the Fa- questioners on the defensive. They Office Hours: 10am to 2pm Asst. PC Co-ord: Sr. Marie McAlister Carroll College, Broulee to Cyrus, whom he has taken by his ther and the Lord Jesus Christ. are the ones carrying the coinage, Tuesday-Friday R.E.C: Erica Drewson right hand to subdue nations before We always mention you in our not him.