163 ‘ TaISSUE lk


In Memoriam

❚ Untimely death of MDP Chief Constable Alf Hitchcock The Sad Loss of CONTENTS ISSUE 163 JULY 2017

The Sad Loss of Chief Constable Alf Hitchcock 1 Chief Constable

MDP mobilises . . . in response to terror attacks 6 6 Alf Hitchcock

Project Servator starts rolling out 10

Interview with ACC Operations 14 10

MDP’s key role in memorial unveiling ceremony 16

Interview with ACC ODC 18 16 ❚ THE SAD AND UNTIMELY DEATH on Representatives from MDP, the Service, MDP Fitness Programme Update 22 Bedfordshire Police, Lancashire Constabulary and the College of @ministryofdefencepolice 16 June, aged 58, of Chief Constable Policing (formerly the National Policing Improvement Agency) Alf Hitchcock, after a short illness, came as – in each of which Alf had served – were joined by senior a shock not only to his family and MOD military and civilian personnel from the wider MOD, together MDP embracing the power of social media . . . 26 Police colleagues, but to the wider policing with civic dignitaries and community leaders from Bedfordshire. The Service was led @MODpolice world, in which he became a prominent by The Rev Canon

26 figure over the course of his 40­year career. David Wilbraham,

At a Service of Thanksgiving for his life, held at St Paul’s National Police Chaplain,

Church, Bedford on 6 July, leading figures from across the with assistance from ‘ police service – including Metropolitan Police Commissioner The Rev Kevin Goss, Cressida Dick – were among the 300­strong congregation. Vicar of St Paul’s. ‘ TalkTHROUGH Editor: Norman Hicks We welcome articles and photos of interest to readers, but reserve Corporate Communications the right to shorten/edit contributions. Room 122/1070 Staff contributing articles should ensure they are suitable for open MDP Wethersfield publication. Braintree, Essex CM7 4AZ tel: 01371 854053 If you would like to discuss your contribution, please contact the Editor. e­mail: MDP­CorpCom­[email protected] 1 CONTINUED . . . THE SAD LOSS OF CHIEF CONSTABLE ALF HITCHCOCK

Alf was the national policing lead for birthday – a fresh faced constable who equality and human rights for four years maintained those ‘Peter Pan’ youthful until 2016. He was also the national police looks throughout his working life. spokesman on knife crime, and in 2008 he “Those formative years were was appointed by the then Home influential on Alf, as they have been on Secretary, Jacqui Smith, to develop and the many senior officers and staff who have grown up in, or served with, lead the National Tackling Knives Action Lancashire and used the experience as Programme. a springboard for greater things. Moving to Bedfordshire Police in 2011 “The Met thrust him into the as the Chief Constable, Alf led a complete national spotlight, not only for his restructuring of the force, which resulted involvement in operational activity but in double the national average levels of also as a result of rolling out Neighbour­ crime reduction and similar improvements hood Policing as well as the leadership The funeral cortege was given a police of London by the end of 2006. In 2007, in detection of crimes across the county, of the Tackling Knife Crime Action motorcycle escort made up of officers he was appointed as a Deputy Assistant whilst meeting the budgetary challenges Programme; working closely with the then Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith. from the four Forces in which Alf served Commissioner within the MPS with during this period. It was these skills and and a guard of honour was formed outside responsibility for Operational Services, qualities that led to his appointment as the Above all, I will remember him as “His time in Bedfordshire may have the church with MDP Deputy Chief with portfolios including Professional Chief Constable of the MDP in 2013. TRIBUTES someone who was passionate about been short but his influence on its workforce and legacy in its policing style Constable Andy Adams and current Standards, Command and Control, Alf was awarded the Queen’s Police ❚ Mark Lancaster, Minister for the public service, relentless in pursuit of continues even four years on; although Bedfordshire Chief Constable Jon Diversity and Citizen Focus. excellence and consistently positive and Medal (QPM) in 2008 for distinguished Armed Forces who until recently had Boutcher taking the salute. optimistic. Our thoughts are with his his recognition and reward policy of services to policing. He was subsequently ministerial responsibility for the Ministry In 2009, Alf was appointed Deputy family.” deploying packets of broken biscuits for of Defence Police, said: Readings and tributes were provided Chief Constable at the former NPIA at made a Commander of the Most Excellent good performance has, understandably, by Alf’s widow, Mrs Helen Hitchcock; their Bramshill, to help set up the new National Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the “I was deeply saddened to hear not endured. The ever smiling Chief daughters Melanie and Sophie; Sara College of Police Leadership and to review 2017 New Year’s Honours list, for services about the untimely death of Alf Constable not only managed to win Thornton, Head of the National Police its leadership courses. to Defence and Policing. Hitchcock. I knew Alf very well in his the hearts of his staff but developed Chiefs’ Council; Andy Rhodes, CC capacity as the Chief Constable of the some lasting relationships with his Lancashire Constabulary; Mr Boutcher; Ministry of Defence Police and held community and its leaders which have him in the highest possible regard. He Alf’s former Staff Officer at Bedfordshire, continued until this day. was a consummate professional and Det Supt Liz Mead, with DCC Adams “In 2013 the opportunity to move I echo the sentiments that have been giving the Eulogy. to the Ministry of Defence arose. Over made by others. My sympathies go to four years he worked tirelessly to Alf’s family and friends at this very develop the way we do things, aligning difficult time.” the Force with the MOD requirement ❚ Julie Taylor, Director General Head whilst also ensuring a capability to Office and Commissioning Services at the support wider policing. Many an MDP MOD commented: officer will be thinking of Alf as they undertake the annual fitness test he “Alf will be sorely missed. He has ❚ DCC Adams said in his Eulogy: introduced. been an inspirational leader for the Alf Hitchcock devoted the Ministry of Defence Police, modernising “It is a fitting end to Alf’s career whole of his working life to the force and ensuring they could rise to ‘ that the last national press coverage of policing. the new and demanding challenges they our Force was a positive one – the face. He was liked and respected by his “Always ’proud to call himself a successful deployment of his officers in officers and by everyone who knew him Lancastrian he started his career with his support of the wider policing effort in the wider MOD. local force in 1977, just prior to his 19th during Operation Temperer. It is also fitting that the last formal recognition of Alf’s public service came a few months Alf took up his post at the MDP four ago at the investiture for his CBE years ago, establishing strong links and received for his contribution to the MOD working relationships with colleagues and policing.” across the MOD, having committed the whole of his working life to public service. ❚ Eamon Keating, National Chairman of the Defence Police Federation, said: He joined Lancashire Constabulary in “We’re shocked and saddened by 1977, later serving in each of the other the passing of Alf Hitchcock. He was a organisations represented at the fantastic person, a true gentleman and a Thanksgiving Service. copper’s copper. In 2005, Alf led the Safer Neighbour­ “He will be sorely missed by all of hoods Programme within the MPS and those who knew him and worked with delivered the successful roll­out of him, and our thoughts and prayers are Neighbourhood Policing across the whole with his family at this deeply sad time.”


❚ David Rogers, Chairman of the MDP’s “The loss of Alf was a tremendous do amazing things day in and day out to Retired Officers’ Association (ROA), paid shock to our members. In the police deliver security. this tribute: family of the MDP and the MDPROA “In his four years as Chief Constable Alf will be a monumental loss and he will “We came into contact with the of MDP, Alf led the force with a care for be sorely missed. However, I would like Chief on a slightly different level and officers, a commitment to secure the to think that we were honoured and were able, therefore, to see a side of him future of the force and a determination that serving officers were unlikely to see. privileged to have had Alf in our lives. that MDP should play an increasing part We had the privilege of seeing the He will never be forgotten.” in the national police landscape. I am Chief on a more social, rather than on confident that Alf’s vision for MDP will ❚ David Riddle, the Chair of the Ministry an official basis. be carried forward by the Senior of Defence Police Committee, said: Leadership Team, supported by the “Nevertheless, ROA members are “Alf Hitchcock’s sudden death was a Police Committee and MOD. constantly keen to know how the Force great loss for everyone who knew him, is doing currently and what the future All the Members of the for the Force and for policing as a holds for the MDP. As our President, Ministry of Defence Police whole. We will miss him greatly for his ‘ Alf was pleased to address the ROA and kindness, his approachability, his Committee send their kept us up to date. He always had time boundless energy and his sense of fun. condolences to Alf’s wife and for the ROA and there was a mutual We will miss him above all for his belief family, and to all in the Force. respect and genuine friendship between in the importance of policing, and in the Alf, the man, will remain him and the Association. police officers under his command who always in our memories. “When Alf was honoured in the ’ Queen’s 2017 New Year’s Honours List with the award of a CBE, we were absolutely delighted that, not only was he the only Senior Police Officer to be honoured on that occasion but it was our President who was getting it. “At our annual reunion weekends, Alf addressed the AGM in an informative and amusing way and during the gala dinner he always agreed to be the after dinner speaker, which he did exception­ ally well with some very funny stories. Alf and his wife Helen made a lovely couple and were delightful company.

4 5 OPERATIONTEMPERER MDP mobilises ...in response to terror attacks ❚ IN THE WAKE of the UK Armed Forces from The busiest day was Saturday, 27 May, when the Force supported 60 public events, Manchester terrorist attack all three‘ services moved quickly to support police forces including several high profile music concerts, festivals and sporting occasions, as well as in May, the mobilisation of across the country, including helping colleagues the Civil Nuclear Constabulary large numbers of armed to keep the railways safe and providing Ministry of Defence Police and Ministry of Defence Police. reassurance to the general public by Around 1,000 military personnel patrolling city centres and shopping areas. (MDP) officers in support were deployed alongside the Police forces given MDP support of Operation Temperer, police to backfill existing ranged from the Metropolitan Police involved not only close co­ guarding roles . . . releasing Service to Dyfed­Powys and from West operation with the Home armed MOD Police officers to Mercia to South Yorkshire, a response support the wider incident described by MDP Gold Commander, Office Forces being assisted, response. Assistant Chief Constable Paul but also with the 1,000 ’ McLaughlin, as ‘extraordinary’. In the first 24 hours MDP officers were military personnel who were deployed to eight local forces across He said: “We responded exceptionally mobilised at the same time. England and Wales, this figure rising to 18 well. The professional manner and attitude by the Bank Holiday Weekend, when up to of staff was first class. We provided very Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, a quarter of the Force’s total strength of large numbers in response to what was Chief of Defence Staff, alluded to this Authorised Firearms Officers (AFOs) were required and the transition to the military critical aspect of the national counter used to mount policing operations at a from the MDP at local level in terms of “We had a large contingent of officers South Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Thames terrorism response in a message to MOD range of iconic sites, crowded places and them back­filling us also went very who came down from Scotland, with 40 Valley, Cheshire, Nottinghamshire, staff in which he said: major public and sporting events. smoothly.” per cent of them peeling off to Staffordshire, Leicester, Kent, Surrey and Humberside and the rest coming down Derbyshire. here, to Headquarters for onward Said ACC McLaughlin: “As well as those deployments. officers who deployed to the above “The recruits at OCC who finished locations, I would also like to thank the their course on the Friday were deployed Headquarters Operations staff who ran the to London on the Saturday. They stepped Gold cell, Crime Command who provided up to the challenge and did exceptionally 24/7 Force Intelligence Management Unit well and brought nothing but praise from coverage and colleagues out on Stations, Feedback following the event had their Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) led by the Senior Police Officers all of been, very positive, said ACC McLaughlin. and East Midlands host forces for the way whom worked hard to ensure the success “We were received and hosted in which they conducted themselves. of the operation.” extremely well by our colleagues from the “In fact, for me everyone responded Lessons learned have been captured Home Office and in many respects we so positively, not only those who were and a full debrief took place in June. “I feel provided the lead in some of the aspects deployed, but those who supported the that the Force should congratulate itself on of patrolling Authorised Firearms Officers deployment and those who remained at a job well done,” said ACC McLaughlin. (AFOs), given that it was something that Stations. was not as familiar to them as it is to us in Permanent Secretary Stephen our day­to­day role. “I would like to place on record my ad­ Lovegrove, during a staff dial­in as miration and gratitude for the way in which Operation Temperer gathered pace, “Overall, it has been a real success and everyone involved rose to the challenge commented: credit has to go to the early planning that with such efficiency and professionalism.” took place and the execution of those We’re very, very pleased plans both centrally and locally, together Other Force areas given MDP support and‘ proud that Defence can play with the strong embedded liaison officer were: Essex, Gloucester, North Wales, such an active part in that kind we had in the National Police Co­ Devon and Cornwall, Dyfed Powys, of operation keeping our ordinating Centre and the Ops Directorate. Humberside, Northants, West Mercia, country safe. 6 7 ’ CONTINUED . . . OPERATIONTEMPERER

MDP Deputy Chief Constable Andy Adams commented: “The MOD response to Operation Temperer has been impressive and I know that colleagues in the wider Department will be expressing their own support for what their staff have been doing. I would like to take the opportunity to recognise the important role MDP officers and staff undertake through our dual focus at times like this – our role within the MOD and that of delivering a policing service which can be called upon outside of the department. “Critical incidents always generate the ‘can do’ attitude in those who are operationally focused; people put themselves out, are prepared to endure long hours and simply want to get on with “I saw many examples of that through­ done’ and I, for one, am extremely grateful the job; public service overrides personal out this operation. There has been an for the commitment of everyone interests and other commitments. enthusiastic approach to ‘getting the job involved.” Thank you MDP...

FROM: Jane Sawyers, Chief Constable From the outset I have been incredibly impressed by the Staffordshire Police response of the MDP. Our operations were reviewed and within 48 hours extra staff were being rostered in, extra I am writing to express my thanks to your officers who were security measures were being put into place and public deployed in Staffordshire over the Bank Holiday weekend at reassurance was happening. Weston Park Food Festival, Uttoxeter Race Course and You may have seen the public reaction to our presence at Lichfield Bower, following the horrific events in Manchester. the event, on Facebook and Twitter feeds, as well as in A total of 30 of your officers were deployed to our Force response to articles in the Hull Daily Mail, and on the BBC. and I have received nothing but positive comments about They all covered extensively how successful the police them both from the public of Staffordshire and my officers operation was, and how much the public appreciated us being who worked with them. at the event. There were many social media pictures and comments It was clear to the people of Humberside that a great about the reassurance they provided to the public. proportion of those officers were Ministry of Defence Police. I would be grateful if you could pass on my sincere thanks I have taken the time to read some of the incredibly to the officers involved. supportive and moving messages from the public on our social media channels – there are hundreds! Andy McDyer, Assistant Chief Constable FROM: I met with all of your officers on deployment and can say (Operations) Humberside Police that they all represented your force in an extremely positive I was both Gold Commander for the North East RICC and professional manner. I also took the time to visit each response to Operation Temperer and in Humberside for the team when deployed on the ground and again I was Radio 1 Big Weekend which was one of the most challenging impressed by their professional and engaging style of delivery but rewarding weekends of my career. I want to send out a on the operation. huge thank you to the Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) Once again, please accept my heartfelt thanks for all and in particular to the officers and staff from your Gold cell, your teams did this weekend – whether they were posted at Devonport and Clyde for the support you offered to both the transportation hubs, on the perimeter, or in the venue, as Humberside and the Region. part of the firearms response, or dancing with the crowds When the threat level was raised to critical, we had to whilst wearing face paint, you really have made the people respond quickly to decide whether events could go ahead, of Humberside proud of both your and our police force and if so, what extra plans we needed to put in place. this weekend.

8 9 the desired effect. Inspr Luke Halls is the station tactical commander for Project Servator. PS Hibbert told TalkThrough: “We deploy to multiple locations around the Naval Base. Our deploy­ ments are unpredictable and are planned to deny, detect and deter any persons carrying out hostile reconnaissance by making the environment in which they are required to operate as hostile as possible.” Patrol areas have included, but are not exclusive to, the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and all points of entry, as well as various external sites around the base, including Gunwharf Quays, retail and leisure outlet, Cascades Shopping Centre, Portsmouth Train Station and Bus Policing Team around the Portsea area The team consists of a blend of Terminal, Gosport and International and have developed more resilient experienced officers, with recent Ferry Ports. intelligence gathering processes. recruits and student officers. By being “MDP officers are deploying jointly We have also been invited to attend on the Servator team the students with Hampshire Police colleagues local advisory group meetings,” said have all completed their portfolios from the local Neighbourhood PS Hibbert. well within the permitted timescales. Project Servator starts rolling out ❚ THE ROLL OUT around the The main premise is to deployments, involving a wide range ‘ of resources. Force of Project Servator create and sustain a hostile operating environment for These can include specially trained has begun, following a those conducting attack officers, supported and amplified by successful pilot programme planning, both online and at community engagement, media and the site while informing, at HMNB Portsmouth. public relations to help disrupt reassuring and recruiting the Former Portsmouth SPO Chief hostile reconnaissance and wider friendly site user. Inspr Fiona Kerr – currently Frontline ’ criminality whilst reassuring and Operations lead at MDPHQ – “Servator deployments can be engaging the public. explained what the project is about varied to meet the tactical deployment The Portsmouth Servator team and how it fits in with the Force’s plan as, similar to policing demands was formed from the current recently adopted Operational whether city or rural, one size does complement on 16 January and Policing Model: not fit all.” PS Guy Hibbert, as the team leader, She said: “Project Servator is a Devised by the Centre for the together with PC Amrit Jhitta, have tactical option that supports the Protection of National Infrastructure qualified as Servator operational Operational Policing Model, and has (CPNI) Project Servator is a strategic commanders, whilst the PCs in the been researched and developed over method of policing that uses team have all been trained in the the last seven years. unpredictable, highly visible policing techniques being deployed to achieve 10 11 CONTINUED . . . PROJECT SERVATOR Outcome of the Infrastructure Policing Review By Richard Clancy, Business Management

❚ The STRATEGIC DEFENCE ❚ The option of merging some, or Earlier this year former Chief all, of the infrastructure police Constable Alf Hitchcock told and SECURITY REVIEW forces in the future will be kept TalkThrough: that was published in open, but will not be taken “There were two factors that forward before 2020 November 2015, included a were quite important – one was the ❚ Further work should be commitment to ‘integrate requirement for some capital undertaken to look at non­ expenditure up front (i.e. money to infrastructure policing fur ther legislative options to improve make it happen) and secondly that and to review the options to interoperability between such a major policing change would the infrastructure police forces, do this’. require a legislative change. and options to improve A cross­Government review efficiency and operational “So, the view of the Prime team led by the Home Office was effectiveness. The relevant Minister at this time, quite rightly, is established in early 2016 to conduct Government departments that the combination of those two an Infrastructure Policing Review and the forces concerned have things makes it difficult to achieve (IPR) to assess the options for been asked to contribute to in the short term, particularly given better integration of infrastructure the work required to develop the level of complexity of legislation The project has also proved highly policing in the UK. options, which will again be which will require to be amended as motivational for team members and The review team included led by the Home Office a result of Britain leaving the has led to closer working with some of representatives from the relevant The key message is that a European Union. the Force’s intelligence­gathering and Government departments merger of the MDP with other other specialist services. The formal merger has (including MOD) and secondees infrastructure police forces WILL been put back until after 2020 from each of the Forces that were NOT be taken forward in the ‘ Project Servator has also been a and we have been asked to within scope of the IPR (i.e. MDP, immediate future. driver for the Force making operational CNC, BTP and Home Office examine how the relevant use of social media via the MDP’s The work to assess potential airports policing). Forces can work more closely recently inaugurated Twitter account. options for improving interoper­ together and start to get In February of this year, and ability between Forces and closer to convergence without PS Hibbert is the first MDP officer following consideration of the improved efficiency and operational the requirement for who has successfully passed the findings of the IPR, the Home effectiveness is now ongoing. legislation. Office confirmed that: Trainer programme as set out by CPNI The Chief Constable and his ’ That work is currently being led and is accredited with delivering ❚ The Prime Minister remains colleagues from the CNC and BTP by the Home Office and they are Servator training in Force and to the of the view that further are fully engaged with the Home working up a plan of elements to 11 other Forces presently signed up to integration of the police forces Office to assist them in developing consider in the coming years. In the Servator. The next phase of the roll­out has deployments are being carried out at that have been within the options to meet the Government Conservative manifesto document a scope of the IPR (i.e. MDP, BTP, remit described above, together seen MDP AWE deploying Servator AWE, Clyde/Coulport, Whitehall with commitment to progressing this He said: “This has generated very CNC and Home Office airports with an implementation plan that officers, under Inspr Andy Ramsay and training planned for Devonport, CSG positive networking as currently only a policing) would be beneficial will increase collaboration and work during the life of this PS Mark Yates and the Force has also and Portsmouth. small pool of Servator trainers exists improve operational effectiveness parliament was included. ❚ However, due to other more completed joint deployments with the between the various infrastructure across the police family. I am assisting “Servator deployments have also pressing Government priorities “Now the election is over, albeit . police forces. in September, with a been carried out during Op Temperer, it has been concluded that a with a hung parliament, we stand future course to run at York involving Chief Inspr Kerr said: “Servator RIAT and Operation Clockface and formal merger of forces WILL Further updates on the outcome ready to work closely with all MDP, Civil Nuclear Constabulary and works with the Operational Policing Destiny and will continue to be a NOT be taken forward at this of this work will be published in due interested partners to ensure that time course. this is achieved.” trainers and Model (OPM) as part of our deter valuable tactic in countering students.” and detect strategy. Training and terrorism.” 12 13 No let­up in operational tempo

Report by Editor Norman Hicks Interview with ACC Operations Paul McLaughlin Photograph by Paul Kemp

❚ THE ROLE OF ACC OPERATIONS has been a demonstrated the most cost effective and efficient Supt Dave Pawley will now pick this up and Dave will ensure structure, alongside a HQ central Force Control and the good work continues as we move closer to First Entry particularly busy one in recent months, with a Information Room (FCIR) and Duty Resource Management Point (FEP) at Portsmouth. number of organisational changes affecting the Cell (DRMC), involving full centralisation of the Ops My HQ Ops team have also recently begun working up Portfolio. way the portfolio performs its many and the vast amount of key data required to support a FCIR and various duties. This decision also encompassed a change to empower all DMRC and we aim to get to Initial Operational Capability On top of that, the Force’s response to Op Temperer SPOs with greater autonomy on budgets and procurement (IOC) by end Autumn this year. within their own areas of business, in line with our new (see pages 6­9) in May, has also had a positive impact and The portfolio has, for some time, also adopted the seven Leadership Standard. Detailed SPO responsibility, role and has raised MDP’s profile considerably across the country objectives of the Operational Policing Model (OPM) across accountability was also communicated which in effect has and, via social media, across the wider world. all stations and SPOs are regularly looking for different and created our ‘SPO Charter’. ACC Operations Paul McLaughlin is relishing these innovative ways to deliver our business more effectively and challenges and took time out of his busy schedule to answer In terms of the portfolio workforce, throughout the efficiently i.e. in some cases, ‘more for the same’ or ‘the TalkThrough’s questions about how he is meeting them. project work, including the OSU/CSG review, I was always same for less’. conscious that the final decision taken by the Chief Officer At the time of our interview, as Op Temperer entered its With recent changes in JSP 440/628 which now Group (COG) could potentially result in movement of staff final ‘lessons learned’ phase, he had been in post for over articulate an effects­based security approach, SPOs must and therefore could have an adverse impact on their nine months, but had been doing the role on Temporary engage our customers to communicate the benefits of personal circumstances. Promotion for much longer. adopting MDP’s OPM and the resultant effectiveness and I therefore held vacancies open at local level to ensure efficiencies. It is important to reiterate that the HQ Ops We began by asking Mr McLaughlin: that, if required, I could minimise the potential impact on team is here to support and supplement SPOs in their officers and staff by offering them a choice to remain in a engagement with Heads of Establishment. How have you found the transition to the local post, thereby negating a move of home and resulting substantive‘ role? Continuing on the OPM objectives theme, in December in minimal disruption to their families. That choice was open ’ 2016 our work on Op Servator significantly increased with “I was delighted with my success in the process and to have to the majority of staff involved and a number have taken it the publication of a strategy and an accompanying action been offered the promotion. I was fortunate enough to have up and have settled in well at local level.” plan to drive through the implementation of Servator across had the opportunity to experience the post as T/ACC for two all stations over the course of the next 12 to18 months. and half years and since my promotion last August, I've now The Force is embarking on a period of great Equally, we are working closely with the Centre for the been in the same post for a total of three years three months. ‘ change, with a move of Headquarters, the roll­ Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) to deliver The transition from temporary to substantive was quite out of the new Operational Policing Model, Servator training and create a robust communications plan seamless. I continued in the same post, which enabled me to the arrival of the QEC class carriers at going forward, as well as achieving self­resilience on training continue with the routine business work of my portfolio as the Servator brand. “The Divisional post implementation review was completed Portsmouth and enhanced activity on the well as the various Ops­led projects. in line with other HQ PIRs and the subsequent decision Clyde, in preparation for it becoming the single The portfolio is also anticipating the results of the on­ What has been beneficial for me personally – and I guess taken by COG resulted in the recent closure on 1 May of integrated operating base for Royal Navy going Naval Base Review outcomes which, coupled with the for the wider Ops staff – is that the uncertainty of who will both Divisions. Change, in whatever format, has to be submarines by 2020. How has your portfolio reduction of the Force annual budget – which will lead the portfolio has now been removed, which allows us communicated well which, when actioned diligently, often been preparing for this change? undoubtedly necessitate a review of our operational all to crack on with Ops business and key project work that enables staff to accept the change because they understand ’ footprint (Reset) – will require some creative and innovative “You raise a number of developing business areas and will enhance the portfolio outputs. the rationale behind the new organisational structure. thinking in MDP delivering our customer taskings. operational enhancements to my portfolio which the COG HQ Ops and Standards strived to open communica­ There is no doubt we have some challenges ahead in the I and the wider Operational team look forward to the and my HQ Ops team are alive to and preparations in some tions lines to staff through promulgation of each report portfolio over the next 12 months but we will tackle them various operational and portfolio business challenges in the cases are well advanced and with others areas, it is early phase to the Divisions to ensure staff and customers head on and look to them as opportunities to demonstrate weeks and months ahead.” days. For example, the portfolio has been very active with understood progress with the project. A number of factors MDP’s unique purpose and style with confidence in each Op Justiceship – preparations for the deployment of the The decision to close down the Nuclear and were considered in reaching the decision, not least the initial other, pride in what Ops deliver showing resilience and Queen Elizabeth class Carriers (QEC) – for over 18 months ‘ PIR which indicated that the Divisions were not functioning flexibility, executed in a professional style where we adapt, Territorial Divisions and operate from the and credit has to been given to Chief Inspector Fiona Kerr as intended, following PR11 HQ reductions. protect and reassure to meet customer requirements. centre cannot have been easy. What factors and her team at Portsmouth as well as Chief Inspector John did you and the Chief Officer Group take into Further work with process analysis and due diligence Brizzolara and his team for the work they have done to get This requires strong leadership in the portfolio and I am consideration when adopting this policy? ’ workshops proposed options for change which MDP ‘operationally match fit‘ for QEC arrival and trials. very confident we have the team to deliver.” 14 15 MDP’s key role in memorial unveiling Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, and Memorial Trustees. ceremony Designed by sculptor Paul Day, the Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial features two large stones – one representing Iraq and the other Afghanistan – linked by a giant, ❚ MANY MONTHS of Air Vice Marshall Garry Tunnicliffe was two­sided bronze tondo, depicting the the MOD lead for the project and chaired Memorial’s theme of ‘Duty and Service’. planning by MDP Whitehall numerous inter­agency planning meetings, The memorial gives equal prominence to officers and their MOD which were attended by Whitehall Deputy military and civilian contributions. SPO Inspr Peter McDonald, as the MDP The area of Whitehall and Horse London­based colleagues came lead Operations planner. to a successful conclusion in Guards including all roads leading to both The meetings were also attended by sites were closed off using Hostile Vehicle March, when HM The Queen, representatives from the Prime Minister’s Mitigation barriers with strict control of accompanied by HRH The Office; MOD Ceremonial Planners; MDP entry to emergency vehicles as well as Whitehall SPO Chief Inspr Jeff Renton, as certain specific ‘official’ vehicles. Security Duke of Edinburgh, unveiled MDP Bronze Commander, together with was paramount given the profile of those the Iraq and Afghanistan representatives of the Metropolitan Police attending and in light of the Nice and Service (MPS) the Royal Household; Royal Germany attacks. Photographs by Paul Kemp Memorial in Victoria British Legion; The Memorial Trustees; MOD MDP were very high profile and this communications staff; Westminster City Embankment Gardens. included foot escorts of the current Chief Council; the Royal Parks Agency and a com­ The new Memorial recognises the of the Defence Staff and Chiefs of Staff mercial specialist event security company. contributions of the UK Armed Forces reconnaissance visits of the key locations, They were joined by Their Royal with the Secretary of State for Defence and all UK citizens who deployed in the In addition, during the six months both Horse Guards – venue for a Drum Highnesses The Duke of Edinburgh, The from MOD Main Building directly onto Gulf region, Iraq and Afghanistan from before the ceremony, Head Service and subsequent Royal British Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Horse Guards Parade and into the Royal 1990­2015, and those who supported there were several Legion Reception – and Victoria Embank­ Henry of Wales and other members of the Pavilion prior to the arrival of Her Majesty them back home. ment Gardens, which are east of MOD Main Royal Family, as well as Memorial Trustees, and the Duke of Edinburgh. Building and in which the memorial is sited. led by their chair, former Chief of the Led by the SPO and DSPO, the MDP Defence Staff Lord Stirrup. MDP Whitehall Command and MPS also deployed Whitehall Station officers, Silver Command agreed that a coordinated Following the Drumhead Service, the Operational Support Unit (OSU) MPS/MDP operation would take place the Memorial was formally unveiled at a search team, OSU in the General Police with MPS taking primacy at Horse Guards short ceremony in Victoria Embankment Duties role, Explosives Search Dog Teams and MDP at the Gardens. Gardens, in front of the Ministry of and Central Support Group GPD officers Defence, where Her Majesty the Queen However, Op Topcap continued to The entire operation was a success for met a small number of civilian and operate at Horse Guards, where a Service all parties concerned. In a letter of thanks military guests who contributed to the of Dedication launched proceedings, to all those involved in the planning of the attended by some 2,500 invited guests, event, AVM Tunnicliffe wrote: including families of the fallen and ‘Having seen the event unfold over representatives from the many groups, the past weeks and days, I have the military and civilian, including current utmost admiration of how you have Service Personnel, veterans, civil servants individually and collectively delivered and aid workers, whose efforts are marked what has been a most successful event. by the memorial. You overcame each challenge, including The service was conducted from a those that arose at the last minute. And specially constructed Drumhead on Horse in facing such challenges, the Guards Parade with the Queen, Prime collaboration and co­operation of all has Minister Theresa May, former Prime been abundantly evident, as has been the Ministers and the Defence Secretary, spirit of willingness to deliver a Sir Michael Fallon, in attendance. marvellous occasion.’ 16 17 Rising to the challenge . . .

On the OCC side the biggest bulk of OCC activity and what has Report by Norman Hicks been the most challenging has been the constant drive on recruit Interview with ACC ODC Dave Long Photograph by Paul Kemp training since June 2014. During that time the team have been really proactive in developing a more bespoke recruit training programme that better meets MDP’s needs. The course has been is a good success story there, around how the team, from having a ❚ Although in the substantive post of adapted to use materials from the wider CoP Syllabus but also to 60% staffing and capability reduction has actually positively better meet the MDP’s needs, to make sure that we do not over­ ACC ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT and demonstrated its worth and value to the Department. train in certain areas that are less relevant to the specific task that CRIME for only a few months, Dave Long is The challenge from that success has created more interest and officers are deployed on. more demands on the team particularly on proactive investigations no stranger to the role, having completed two It’s beneficial to adopt national standards to link with either and intelligence development, resulting in the COG making an stints as Temporary ACC during the recent CoP or the Scottish Police College and look to implement best enhancement bid to HOCS for additional resources. practice and be consistent with those wider UK policing standards. Force restructure. I think all the people in key areas that know Crime Command is However, we have to adapt that to make sure that it meets MDP caught up with him at a busy time for all the Chief performing well for Defence, would ordinarily support an increase, TalkThrough needs and more importantly those of our customers. And it’s Officers, with a number of key decisions about the way the Force but the challenge is in finding the money and resource to be able to absolutely right that we do that, that we try to align on the will operate in the future either pending or recently delivered. make that happen – something that is really challenging across all accreditation to make sure that we are linked in with both E&W operational areas of the MOD. We began our interview by asking ACC Long how he was and Scotland jurisdictional areas. finding his role now that he was no longer a temporary Further focus on Crime Command has been brought about by The other difficulty for the OCC is keeping up with all the incumbent. He said: the recent success of the team during Op Dragonroot, a multi­ other mandatory training that needs to be done, for which there agency operation across the UK (led by the National Crime Agency “In terms of the portfolio, having undertaken the temporary has been a renewed focus over the last two years on delivery of promotion on two separate occasions in the past, I’m familiar with and National CT Policing), which demonstrated MDP’s ability to leadership and management training. the challenge of the work load, the business areas and the people. work collaboratively with other policing partners where risk exists The Security and Culture Review by Len Jackson from the on the Department’s ACTO stock control processes. Such scrutiny On the substantive promotion I was therefore able to fall­back Police Committee, outcomes from some PSD investigations and places further expectation on the Crime Command team to on my knowledge of the business and where it’s heading. I had feedback from the My MDP Survey concluded that we needed to continue to deliver.” already had the best part of a two­year grounding to be able to place more investment into developing our leaders. The OD pick up on the strategic considerations, work as part of the Chief What other challenges does the Strategy referenced this requirement and there has been significant Officer Group and drive forward the business requirements, so time and effort put into that, leading to real progress on delivery of I’m not having to start afresh. That makes it, not so much easier ‘portfolio face? leadership and management training to Sergeants, Inspectors and but smoother, to be able to take forward the role, because you “Crime Command is the’ operational side of my portfolio’s respons­ Chief Inspectors – with courses also opened up to civilian colleagues. are comfortable with yourself as a Chief Officer and the need to ibilities. Other responsibilities have focused around on­going This has enabled us to really drive forward on the Force Purpose lead people towards the business outcomes that are needed for delivery challenges with Firearms Branch and the Operational and Style, the Police Code of Ethics, the Policing Principles and use the portfolio. Capability Centre. They are two separate command teams but have of the National Decision Model (NDM) that together we refer to as the Four Cornerstones. The challenge comes in finding a way of moving the Force very close interdependencies in terms of what they do. forward in a productive and pragmatic way, so that it can grow and From the Firearms perspective there is a real challenge around We know there are still some officers who have yet to attend, develop, against the backdrop of financial constraints and the meeting the demands of the Force, given the Force consists of over but nonetheless the feedback that we’ve had from colleagues who indecision around some of the key things that have affected the 90% armed officers. have attended it and some of the things recorded in the My MDP infrastructure, there will be difficulties in making Wethersfield a Force over the last couple of years – like the Infrastructure Policing Survey show that it is heading in the right direction – and has been Moving through the introductory phase of fitness testing ‘centre of excellence’ for the delivery of training, because the site Review, the MDP’s future funding model, what is happening with a worthwhile and essential investment. without consequence, and then looking (later this year), on the with is due to close by 2020, so there are limitations on what we can AWE and the proposed move of the Force Headquarters.” consequence phase, there is a significant amount of data, which do to ‘add value’. We will have to look to the future HQ site on The OCC Team has also been heavily involved in the together with the Annual Medical programme needs to be that aspiration. development of new promotion exams, the transition to Work What have been the highlights of the past captured and harmonised around all the individual role profiles. Based Development promotion process, updating Policy and However, we’ve got a really good team of people that work two‘ years within your portfolio? Together with other priority training like First Aid, Taser and Standard Operating Procedures (SoPs), scoping the potential for very hard, under very trying circumstances – cash shortfalls, ’ Firearms Command, these developments will enable us to enhance MDP Apprenticeships, developing and delivering new First Aid “One area of significant challenge has been in Crime Command. instructor shortfalls and a lack of investment – but they still do their our compliance with College of Policing (CoP) standards and achieve training for firearms officers and many more important activities The team have really demonstrated over the last two years best to make it work. That’s down to the success of all of the our firearms re­licence – which is due for renewal in December 2017. that sustains the operational focus of the Force.” significant growth in asset recovery and disruption and in the Firearms Branch team including all the training delivery centres outcomes of investigations. They’ve worked to MOD priorities and This presents a real resourcing challenge, because the Force is across the Force not just at Force HQ. worked closely on the agenda set by the Vice Chief of Defence Staff not cash rich, we are not instructor resource rich and we’ve had to How have you managed the various projects The working relationship between me and (ACC Ops) Paul (VCDS) in respect of ACTO Stores (Attractive to Criminals and adapt to make sure that we can live within our means from both a ‘the Force is involved with? McLaughlin, is very productive especially around firearms training, Terrorist Organisations) and taken positive steps to collaborate with financial and a head count perspective within the limitations placed ’ where we identify practical solutions and common aims to secure “The Business Change Team (BCT) – which has been until recently other partners including Fraud Defence. upon us by HOCS. training delivery. Sometimes it’s a logistical nightmare to release a team of two: Supt Dave Pawley and Ch Inspr Phil Lucy – was The team have demonstrated their ability to be more proactive That’s an organisational challenge in itself, when you want to people from stations when you’ve got competing demands for heavily involved in the MDP contributions to initial SDSR15 Security in investigation delivery. The throughput and number of cases has be proactive and look forward, around succession planning, around training and operational requirements, but it’s one we keep in check Options, initially developing the new Operational Policing Model increased year on year for the past three years; the number of developing the training regime and around developing the training and overview through the Strategic Firearms Group and I act as that (OPM) concept and, in consultation with DBR/DefSy, delivering recoveries – whether that is asset recovery or related disruption – infrastructure, which the Chief Officer Group would wish to be link into the COG to keep colleagues aware of where there may be and debriefing the OPM concept ’pilot’ at Aldershot Garrison. has also increased significantly during that same period, so there modern and maximise the use of technology. With regard to the potential difficulties or increased risk. Project Servator was a specific strand of OPM that supported CPNI

18 19 CONTINUED . . . Rising to the challenge

principles for behavioural activity and influencing during The only other area of business that will fall under my operational deployments – the team established a governance portfolio, now that we are in the HQ Review PIR group with key stakeholder input that has served to provide a ‘implementation phase’, will be Operational Standards. I’ve platform for continued progress. This strand now rests with HQ overviewed Op Standards business functions in the past in the Ops to take forward, following pilots at AWE and Portsmouth. role of Head of Standards, so I’m familiar with the work areas but naturally need to take stock of how we are going to move The BCT also worked to the priorities set by the Chief forward on current priorities.” Officer Group, so following OPM/Servator they led the MDP contributions as part of the Infrastructure Policing Review, working as embedded officers within the HO Project Team, How did you find the transition from providing timely MDP specific knowledge and expertise to Temporary‘ to Substantive ACC on a ensure that MDP interests were represented accurately within personal level? the Project. This supported the Chief Constable, COG, Police “There was significant ’learning for me during the period of Committee and wider MOD briefing processes. More recently, Temporary ACC – two stints on that – which I think of as the they have focused on developing Programme and Project ‘before’ and ‘after’ my attendance at the Strategic Command Management, bringing that methodology and approach more Course. I was looking forward to going on the course and it into mainstream MDP business and thinking. didn’t disappoint. In some ways it was very challenging and in Whereas, traditionally, MDP projects would have been led other ways it was just what I expected. I think it caused me to by somebody at Headquarters, we have had a number of look at myself, to discover more about Dave Long as an examples where people out on the ground – operational individual – what makes me tick, why I do certain things and to commanders, managers away from Headquarters – have been be more open about my expectations of others especially those actively involved in some of those projects and that’s good, people that I work with on a day­to­day basis. especially as we are trying to change the culture of the Force, So, I don’t know if people saw a different Dave Long when I to make it less Headquarters centric (although the recent came back from the SCC. It was fortunate from my perspective Operations re­structure does place command overview that toward the end of finishing the SCC, an opportunity came at HQ!). up for me to do another period of temporary promotion. When This approach recognises the value and contributions that afforded an opportunity, I never view it in my mind as being people out on the ground bring to business and operations, anything other than permanent. I never think I’m not going to Force marksLGBT

because I don’t have all the answers and HQ doesn’t have all the do something because I’m only temporary and someone else answers. Invariably it’s a team of people and usually it’s the will be taking over. SMEs, the people that do the task day­to­day that have the best You make the decisions to try to do the best for the Force. ideas about how we can best improve to move the Force I’m a career MDP officer and I’m proud to have served all my forward. Engagement is really important. 33 years in the MDP and I’ll continue to drive forward and HistoryMonth

Another business area in the portfolio is Organisational continue to represent MDP to the best effect, providing Development – more recently operating as a ‘team of one’ – leadership to the people that are really committed within the representation of the political struggles the LGBT Chief Inspr Steve Rochester, who has completed significant work Force. There is a real ‘can do’ attitude about MDP and that ❚ AS AN INCLUSIVE EMPLOYER, proud to community has faced. this year to carry forward development of the various work sometimes gets lost when you hear about some of the bad support its LGBT staff and the communities themes under the OD Strategy into its second year – with one things that might have happened with some of the incidents LGBT History Month was also celebrated in style by the theme focused on the My MDP Survey – identifying what came across the Force, some of the outcomes that might come from it serves, MDP marked LGBT History Month Special Escort Group. out of 2015, tracking how it progressed through 2016, delivering some of the surveys and when you read things around the in February. the new Survey in late 2016 and determining with other possible future implementation and changes to VSAs and shift PC Kelly Street baked a Rainbow cake and presented it colleagues what needs to be taken forward in 2017. patterns, it’s very easy to focus on some of the negative views. This annual event celebrating the lives, struggles and to the SPO, Supt Konrad Chrzanowski, who said: “The SEG achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender When the Force adopted the CS Leadership Standard, Steve The strength of the MDP has always been its ability – when always has and always will fully support LGBT staff and issues played an important part in getting that together, making it (LGBT) people was marked by MDP LGBT Champion the chips are down – for colleagues to respond positively and along with all other aspects of Diversity and Inclusion.” MDP specific and then delivered briefings to assist rise to the challenge – whatever that is. I think MDP have ACC Dave Long raising the Rainbow Flag at the Force’s implementation across the Force. demonstrated that time and time again and will continue to do Headquarters, alongside DCC Andy Adams and ACC PC Street is pictured presenting Supt Chrzanowski with so in the future. It’s been really good that we have been able to focus Paul McLaughlin. the rainbow cake surrounded by members of the SEG. specifically on organisational development and the ambition The other part about me as an individual is that I honestly In recognition of the support provided to the Force remains for the OD Strategy to be absorbed as ‘routine try to be a good leader. My starting position is the belief that during the month by the Colchester­based Outhouse East business’ into the MDP Policing Plan. people aim to work to the best of their abilities and they are going to give the level of commitment that’s required by charity – which offers support and information to LGBT Delivering the OD Strategy has been essential to Force dev­ the Force. I don’t try to second guess people as to whether people in Essex and campaigns on their behalf – Mr Adams elopment, but our surveys and routine staff engagement tells us they want to contribute or not. I prefer to set the task, remit later presented its representatives with a new rainbow flag. (COG) that we can always do more to improve ‘life in the and resource availability, enable colleagues to get on with it MDP’. I believe we’ve done a decent job to move forward on and encourage them to respond positively within that This year marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of many of those priorities given all the constraints that I’ve framework. the Sexual Offences Act, which decriminalised private spoken about in the background. Regular progress updates have homosexual acts in England and Wales for men over the been provided to the Police Committee and we will continue to It’s important to be yourself and to be authentic when age of 21. consider priorities to move forward on changing the culture of you’re leading a large team of people and you’ve got a senior the Force. position within the Force.” The Rainbow Flag is regarded as a global symbol for LGBT rights and therefore this year it is a particularly fitting 20 21 MDP Fitness Programme Update By Alyn Rourke, MDP Fitness Adviser ❚ This year also sees the 3rd iteration of fitness testing worlds to ensure FOLLOWING THE WINSOR The Fitness Team also manage a the Global Challenge. This challenge is compliance and best working practices recommendations (March cohort of 55 fully qualified and trained funded by the MDP and is a good way for are developed and maintained 2012) all police forces through MDP Fitness Trainers (FT) whose role all MDP employees to engage or increase throughout policing. is to assess the MDP officers locally England and Wales were their physical activity levels, whilst working and, where possible, support any low The MDP continues to work to expected to implement fitness towards achieving their role­required level development programmes of align with College of Policing (CoP) minimum fitness standards. testing for police officers and officers undertaking improvements in guidelines and to aid interoperability so, on1st June 2016, MDP their personal fitness. This year the challenge has been and carry forward the Prime Minister’s rebranded as Virgin Pulse Global agenda of greater harmonisation embarked on a year­long If there is a local business need Challenge. This new format brings new between police forces period of without consequence for additional FT support then this and exciting additions to the already can be applied for by officers. The The 1st of June 2017 saw the end of mandatory fitness testing, to superb existing platform. For more obviously room to improve and swell potential FT must be fully supported this investigatory period and the assess the Force’s capability. information please log on to: those figures through 2017/18. and submit a MOD form HR103 commencement of mandatory fitness This period followed a great deal (General Application) through their https://globalchallenge.virginpulse.com/ testing in line with performance To this end a new planning tool for of scientific work conducted by the line management chain to the Fitness The MDP Fitness Team continues to work with the wider monitoring in the MDP. SPOs has been promulgated to ensure Institute of Naval Medicine (INM), Team. This is then subject to external that all MDP officers are rostered a policing community through a collaborative Fitness Testing Fitness testing is an area of capability and should be to assess the role of the MDP training budget approval. Further fitness test date and it is planned from Working Group headed by Kent police ACC Jo Shiner. managed in the same way as requalification for both Personal Authorised Firearms Officers. The professional development and the outset of FY 2017/18 as per PST This group’s agenda is to horizon scan the policing and Safety Training and Firearm qualifications. INM’s work assisted the MDP in and Firearms Training arrangements. familiarisation training is then choosing standards and tests by which necessary from the Fitness Team to assess the Force. The MDP chose The Fitness Team based at before sign­off is complete. the Multi Stage Fitness Test (MSFT) MDPHQ is continuing to support the The Fitness Team also fills a regular MDP helps trainee OH Nurse and an alternative test of the Chester process by visiting stations to assure slot on the Operational Capability Treadmill Test (CTT). (See results the delivery standards and educating Centre (OCC) Leadership and below). staff to allay their fears with regard Specialists’ Scheme fitness testing. These focus groups Management course to help support Both of these tests have been have been successful in engaging the senior officers regarding their Already registered nurses who are currently The practice placement or work experience element of the validated and peer reviewed, giving remaining small proportion of the responsibilities for fitness testing. This undertaking university training to become course can vary in length and could be as much as 80 days in assurance that they are acceptable and workforce who are yet to be mandated course is available to all current and Specialist Practitioners in Occupational Health the one­year course. robust performance monitors for the aspiring senior MDP officers. or be cleared for a fitness test. need some exposure to occupational health Said Patricia: “Activities during this placement are tuned to MDP to use. practice whilst in training – termed practice the learning outcome, usually under the supervision and with ❚ At the time of writing MDP have Pass placement. the support of a trained Registered Specialist Practitioner, in successfully engaged 77% of the force collaboration with the relevant Higher Education institution. Fail MDP Occupational Health Lead Clinician Patricia Obende 19% “MDP is providential in having an experienced registered ❚ Since the 1st June 2016 the MDP told TalkThrough: “As part of their professional development, Not yet 27% Specialist Practitioner, therefore these students will be supervised have tested 71% of the force with a these nurses are required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council 4% % tested 71% 77 (NMC) to undertake a period of placement experience that can and supported by me, with a consequent benefit to MDP.” pass rate of 97% be synonymous with work experience whilst in training. To ensure that there is collaborative working between 2% While this on the face of it seems practice training and academic training University Link “The Department of Health regards provision of such like a very healthy proportion of the Lecturers visit the practice establishment with a view to not practice placement as being a vital part of the education process Force who have engaged and success­ Engagement Testing only audit the students’ learning, but also to ensure that the and has said that every practitioner shares responsibility to placement is working well for the establishment. fully achieved their role­required support and teach the next generation of nurses and midwives. minimum fitness standards, there is still As part of this scheme, Patricia recently played host to Anne “There is a shortage of Specialist Practitioners to supervise Harriss, Associate Professor and Reader in Educational these students in placement and the Nursing and Midwifery Council has advised that three students can be supervised by Development and Course Director from London South Bank MDP Role Est. Aerobic Capacity* MSFT level CTT equivalent time one practice teacher at a time. I have been approached to University. (Level : Shuttle) (Min : Sec) support this professional requirement.” Professor Harriss has been awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Nursing – the highest award it can bestow – in MDP AFO (Pre March 2014) 36 5.7 10.00 The students being placed under Patricia’s supervision are recognition of her exceptional contribution to the nursing from London’s South Bank and Brunel Universities and can MDP AFO (March 2014 onwards) 41 7.6 12.00 profession. either complete their Specialist Community Public Health MDP Tactical Support Group 51 10.5 10.00** (Occupational Health) Nursing degree as a one­year full­time The University is a committed supporter of the Armed course, or split their studies over a longer period as a Forces Covenant and also celebrates Armed Forces Day and part­time course. hosts an annual Remembrance Service. * Aerobic Capacity must be at least this value in order to attain the CTT target time and/or 15M MSFT ** This test is conducted using the CTT Running test 22 23 Women’s Network PROBATIONERTRAINING PROGRAMMES 2016 Building Confidence Event ❚ TOGETHER with three female MDP colleagues In 2014, Caroline was a business owner and a mother of one young child. Whilst pregnant with her second child she was I was invited to attend a Police Women’s diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, a life changing condition that Network event – hosted by Supt Nikki Leaper affected her personal and professional life. She recently made the of Devon and Cornwall Police – to discover the difficult decision to undergo surgery to have a stoma. experiences of other successful women. Six months after her surgery, Caroline took up cycling to get fit, ten months later she had completed the London to Paris cycle in The aim of the day was to listen and exchange views about the 24 hours. Now, Caroline is a triathlete and has recently completed life experiences of others and most importantly to reflect on our her first Half Ironman Challenge and was also in training for the own personal lives and its impact on our careers. Bolton Full Ironman competition. Caroline is a true example of Arriving at the event we were greeted by Supt Leaper, who setting a goal, challenging herself and completing it! presented a brief about the day ahead, before we received a After lunch, we participated in workshops including Wellness, welcome from Alison Hernandez, the Police and Crime Goal Setting, Managing Difficult Conversations. These seminars Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall. were about re­focusing one’s attention to setting personal goals Listening to Alison’s accomplishments within politics and and promoting personal wellbeing to encourage a healthy and New recruits throughout her career, it is clear to see she is a true advocate for purposeful career, from simple tips about diet and exercise to equality within the force. She reflects the epitome of confidence visualising an ‘end­goal’ for success. and goal achieving for women. Time was spent establishing mindfulness and promoting self­ We then embarked on self­reflection, as a group we discussed esteem, self­belief and self­optimism to re­evaluate our career graduate . . . ‘what does self­confidence look like?’ There were an array of ideas paths. Some of us set some new personal goals to achieve to given, with an overwhelming majority confirming that confidence is promote personal happiness and success. portrayed through appearance, presence and voice. However, the main factor impacting confidence was deemed to be happiness and This day gave us a chance to reflect on and assess our honesty, ‘being you and being happy within yourself’. professional careers and personal lives. Being able to promote confidence in all aspects of life gives a real benefit to setting goals This event wasn’t just about professional development and and reaching them. confidence, it incorporated personal confidence and aspirations to challenge yourself and meet personal goals. We met Caroline The Women’s Network gives the opportunity to empower and Bramwell, an inspirational woman whose story can be found support women within the force to develop and promote a @carolinebramwel (Ironostomy.co.uk). successful and happy career.

By PC Rachel Sully

24 25 Police team up to MDP embracing keep pupils safe online By Katy Lockyer, Digital Communications Manager MINISTRY OF DEFENCE POLICE (MDP) Officers More than ever before children and young adults are spending the power of their time online and while this can be a good thing – helping have teamed up with colleagues from to help educate local school children on them keep in touch with family and friends and providing valuable information – it also has its dangers. Hopefully our how to safely surf the world­wide web. presentation will help them think carefully about their online The officers, from Police Scotland’s Youth Engagement and activity and encourage them to surf safely.” social media . . . MDP’s Community Policing teams, visited all 12 Primary Also speaking with Cardross Primary children were Schools in the Helensburgh and Lomond area speaking to 15 times the average number that DCPOs set up accounts to support members of the Rotary Club, headed by Sheenah Nelson, a ❚ A RECENT boosted post hundreds of children about staying secure online. it had been receiving prior to the their work within the respective former teacher at the school. The Rotarians were inviting and advert promoted on PC Craig Stamp, Youth Engagement Officer from Police boost and promotion. Defence communities that they children in the Helensburgh and Lomond area to enter a Scotland and MDP Community Police Officer PC Ian Mustarde, the MDP Facebook page poster competition to highlight the “Don’t Know? Click No!” served. joined members of Helensburgh and Garelochside Rotary Club, Resourcing Manager Michelle message. produced unexpected results at Cardross Primary School for a poster competition launch. Kirkwood commented: “The MDP However, this will be the first The group kindly donated PC World vouchers for the first, and a Force Twitter account previously used Facebook as a tool time that a corporate account, in The series of 45­minute presentations began with second, and third place prizes with certificates and prizes has now been launched to Garelochhead Primary on January 16 and saw three officers – to boost recruitment numbers support of the whole Force, has presented to the winners at the Helensburgh Civic Centre. PC Stamp, PC Mustarde, and PC Russell White – travel to all support, amongst other back in 2015, with my team been launched. A main driver schools in the area over the next few days. Chief Inspector Des Kennedy, MDP Deputy SPO at HM handling anywhere up to 65 behind this is to enable the things, Project Servator. Naval Base Clyde, said: “We are delighted to support this joint applications a week. The message delivered to the kids was a simple one: publication of Project Servator initiative between Police Scotland and the MDP. The MDP Facebook account “Don’t Know? Click No!”, encouraging them to refuse online communications in order to assist was launched during 2014 to “By the beginning of this year, ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ requests from strangers and to tell a “This is an issue which impacts upon the Base staff as there in deterring and detecting criminal will no doubt be Naval Base employees who have children at support the ongoing recruitment with no significant advertising in responsible adult. They were also given an insight into some and terrorist activity, as well as to of the risks associated with being online such as cyber­bullying this particular school and at other schools in the area. drive and has been used steadily place, the number of applications being received had reduced to an reassure the public and defence and identity theft. for this purpose ever since. To “Our thanks go to our local MDP Community Police average of 20 applications a week. community. officers PC Mustarde and PC White who have worked hard to refresh the current pool of PC Stamp explained: “There are six million Facebook views The recent activity on Facebook and 1.3 million views on the internet every minute. support this initiative.” applicants, permission granted to ACC Ops Paul McLaughlin YouTube has surpassed our expectations, try boosting a post and promoting told TalkThrough: “The launch of with some 700 applications an advert for the first time. the MDP Twitter account marks received in less than three weeks. a progressive step in enhancing The post was boosted and the “The response has been the digital footprint of the Force, NET advert promoted for just under phenomenal, showing the MDP as outlined in the MDP's From DII toMOD two days at very low ­level cost, what an efficient tool social media Communication and Engagement with staggering results. Within just CHANGES TO MDP’S COMMUNICATION AND the use of more up­to­date software, like Skype for Business, and can be when looking to attract Strategy. over a month the reach for the INFORMATION SYSTEMS ARE COMING. modern working practices. Users will also benefit from the applicants and raise awareness of boosted post was circa seven “Twitter will play an essential increased opportunity to use smartphones and tablets and the the Force more generally. My team By March 2018 DII will cease to be the system that is used to million, attracting in the region of and vital role in supporting Project associated mobile ways of working. now has the challenge of sifting process and deliver MOD’s information and in its place will appear 139,000 reactions (i.e. likes, Servator. It will provide a news ­ Other changes that MODNet will initiate include a single email through and ensuring applicants MODNet; the system that was previously referred to as the New comments, shares). The number of feed for regular communications to Style of IT (NSoIT). If you, or your staff, use DII then you will be account, a virtual agent providing first line support and, in the are eligible to move to the next people following the Facebook our customers, personnel, local affected by this change. future, telephony and video conferencing through the MODNet stage of the recruitment process.” account also increased from communities and the general computer. The introduction of Office 365, OneNote and OneDrive The switchover is being co­ordinated by MOD Information around 34,000 to 54,000 (since The official MDP Twitter public, presenting messaging on is likely to provide users with a familiar environment, as this is often Systems and Services (ISS) as part of a pan­MOD programme and the software that is installed on their home computers. topping 71,000) and the account was launched on 3 July. continuous vigilance and success it is happening for a number of reasons. Most obviously, the recruitment team was inundated The Force has ventured into the stories whilst ensuring contract for the provision of DII will end soon and a new contract These changes will not happen instantaneously and sites across with application forms, receiving tweeting arena previously when reassurance.” for the provision of communication and information system the country are scheduled for migration on different dates. ISS will services had to be agreed. liaise with site leads to co­ordinate the migration activity. ISS is also But another important factor is that software on DII has been ensuring that it will be possible to share information between those specifically tailored for MOD use, which makes it complex and communities that are still on DII and those that have moved to Follow MDP on Facebook: @ministryofdefencepolice costly to maintain and update. DII is also near its maximum capacity. MODNet. However, the change to MODNet is not simply about Everyone in MDP will eventually be affected by these changes, Follow MDP on Twitter: @MODpolice addressing DII’s deficiencies; there are benefits that the adoption of so look out for announcements and notices. The most authoritative MODNet will bring. source of information on the migration to MODNet is the ISS For the MOD the advantages of a less bespoke system are that website. Links to this and other useful advice can be found in it can be upgraded more easily and cost effectively. This will allow MOSS announcements, InForm and the Ihub MOSS page. 26 27 exam proved no problem, but the introduction of an oral exam was very different to anything done before and caused the OCC a number of TrioCommended dilemmas, including, finding out how

to run them, checking which questions from Police Scotland were pertinent for the MDP, and then writing some MDP specific ones. To say it was a steep learning curve, not only for the officers sitting the exam but also for OCC staff, is an understatement. Thankfully for this exam they received assistance from four trained assessors as well. It was expected the structured interview would go okay as both Sergt Chapman and Inspr Turner are qualified interviewers and fully Policing understand all the competencies. However, the officers sitting the interviews had never experienced a structured interview, which quickly DC DALE HUGHES received a Chief Constable’s contribution, but particularly recognises the subject matter commendation: expertise that you have developed and successfully used in the became apparent. complex area of Data Protection and Freedom of Information certificates ‘For your professionalism, detective ability and dedication in To everyone’s credit, including legislation. Your contribution has ensured that the Force has the investigation and presentation of evidence during a tutors and supervisors, word spread consistently met its legal obligations under the Data complex high value pension fraud enquiry. During the quickly about what is expected from Protection Act and the Freedom of Information Act. You have investigation you had to obtain personal and medical files also been an Ambassador for the Force on the Eastern Region the interviewee, including fully held by Spanish authorities, including tracing the Spanish Police Data Protection and Freedom of Information Group, for Clyde explaining why they carried out their registrar responsible for recording the original claimant’s which has helped to enhance the reputation of the MDP and actions by linking them to legislation, death, his Spanish doctor and their accounts and records promote the Force within the wider UK police service.’ regulations or MDP procedures. As obtained. The local magistrate and police service were needed to undertake the search of a Spanish address, all achieved an added bonus to this qualification whilst overcoming difficult jurisdictional and language issues officers system, there are now 33 newly estab­ and requiring great patience, professionalism and resilience. lished constables who have undertaken Your work led to the successful prosecution at Harrow Crown development for structured interviews. Court of two offenders who were sentenced to terms of THIRTY­THREE OFFICERS from (OCC) staff working from Clyde, have imprisonment and a confiscation order for £239,625. Being the first officers to complete the Clyde Group become the been in close liaison with both the this qualification was always going to first to receive a recognised Scottish Police College at Tulliallen and be difficult for them, because of the external qualification by Jackton to ensure that they fully unknown element of what to expect. completing a Certificate in understood the processes and that the It was not plain sailing for all of them, qualification was not only achievable, MOD Policing, which has been but every single one, without fail, had but also pertinent to the MDP. accredited by the Scottish Police to work hard and deserves the Training College. In addition to the successful qualification. completion of their initial training at They commenced this qualification It is also important for all to Wethersfield, the officers also when they started their recruit training understand that this Certificate in compiled a portfolio of evidence of JIMMY BURNS has been commended by the Chief at Wethersfield in January 2015 and MOD Policing is a Level 7 in regards Constable: their operational effectiveness to completed it after a number of to the Scottish credit and qualification evidence their competencies, and ‘For the dedication and commitment you have shown difficult assessments throughout their Framework (SCQF). That equates completed three separate summative throughout your time as Wethersfield SHEF Advisor. This probation. directly to a Level 4 qualification in assessments. commendation recognises your invaluable contribution to England as per the Office of The qualification follows the same ensuring that MDP Headquarters has operated within the ❚ Multiple choice question paper LORRAINE HOAD is commended by the Deputy Chief Qualifications and Examination requirements of Safety, Health, Fire and Environmental pathway as that of Police Scotland, Constable: ❚ Oral exam Regulations (Ofqual) Level 4. Protection and that MDP has complied with all necessary risk and is designed to ensure that ❚ Structured interview ‘For the professionalism and commitment you have shown assessments for operational training, which in turn has officers continue their studies and The Diploma in Policing being throughout your time in the Ministry of Defence Secretariat ensured the safety of staff and visitors to the Wethersfield develop as competent police officers. The two OCC officers at Clyde completed by MOD Police officers in team. This commendation is in recognition of your general Site and the environmental protection of the site itself.’ PS Maureen Chapman and Inspr Anne organised/planned and ran the three England is a Level 4 so this Turner, Operational Capability Centre assessments. The multiple choice qualification is a direct comparison. 28 29 MDP team reach If it all goes wrong By PC John Davies, National Police RAF Fairford Dog Trials would you know what to do? ❚ I HAVE BEEN ASKED to write this piece as a result of recently attending the National Police By Landon James, Business Resilience Manager Dog Trials. To introduce myself my name is John Davies and I am currently MDP’S BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANS stationed at RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire (2013) having previously served at Boscombe Down in Wiltshire. I have been a I LAST WROTE ABOUT BUSINESS the Head of Establishment decides to utilise the MDP station Police Dog handler with the Ministry of Defence Police for 32 years CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT (BCM) in building or offices for someone else because we were not part and have been handling my current Dog Baro since 2014. the March 2015 issue of , of their BC site recovery plan! DAY 2 TalkThrough It all started when I received a phone call from Force Dog Everyone working in MDP should check with the person On the second day we travelled to Stroud to complete our person since when the main change has been Officer Matt Robertson on 5th January 2017, asking if I and my PD responsible for the BC plan at their station or department to search for phase two of the trials. We had to search a farm house the withdrawal of JSP503 – although it Baro, a four­year­old German Shepherd would like to represent the see what their criticality is in the event of an incident and when where Baro found someone hiding in a wardrobe. Then we remains available for guidance and is still Ministry of Defence Police at the forthcoming South West and and where they should report to. searched a wooded area where Baro found a person hiding in the Wales Regional Police Dog Trials at Blandford Camp in Dorset. very useable for Business Continuity undergrowth much to his dislike of the nettles. It’s better to do that now than during or just after an (BC) Planners. incident. Rank or grade is not an indicator of criticality – it may This was my first dog trials and was held between 6th­9th DAY 3 The new guidance is the British Standards Institute (BSI) be that the person who holds a GPC or has CP F authority is February 2017 where I found myself competing against six other & This was the Phase 3 element of 22301, which is available across Defence to those with a role in the person required in the first 24hours. police forces. The trials consist of three phases, each phase testing the competition, including BCM and details of this are covered in 2016DIN02­003. Some different police dog skills. If your post is considered RED or RED★ critical you should obedience, agility and man work. aspects will also be included as leaflet seven in the revised have this recorded on HRMS by your line manager. The criticality ❚ Phase One includes tracking, property search and chase and This was yet again the phase where JSP440 manual. phases are shown below and can be applied to post criticality. we scored our most points. Baro stand­off As is usual practise, BC plans are being updated throughout enjoys his obedience work the most Some of you will have heard the word ‘resilience’ used and the MDP, including the MDPHQ Site Recovery Plan, to align ❚ Phase Two includes person search and weapon/attack on but unfortunately he didn’t quite this should not be confused as being the same as BC. Defence with the critical priorities defined in the MDP Policing Plan. Of handler manage to get over the 6ft scale resilience is of course supported by having BCM in place but course, MDP is usually in the front line when it comes to obstacle and much to the crowd’s other factors contribute to resilience for example health and ❚ Phase Three includes obedience, agility, send­away/redirect dealing with emergencies and incidents. delight face planted with style. safety policies/plans, security plans and contingency/ and man work, consisting of chase and detain, stand­off, However, BC is not about dealing with the immediate operational plans. emergency recall, gun attack, handler attack and crowd control FINAL DAY incident, it is more focused on the long­term impacts. For On the final day of the competition, we had to complete a track, example, dealing with a fire on site is more about incident So, in summary, please ensure you are aware of your BC Baro performed very well and we managed to finish in second stand­off and property search at a venue in Malmesbury. Although management on the day. BC comes in if the effect of that fire is plan and where you fit into it. Once you know that it may be a place overall. We also gained the most points for phase three, Baro was not up to his normal high standards when it came to the that many offices are going to be out of action for days, weeks good idea if your BC planner runs a small exercise. At least one which resulted in coming away with two presentation cups. Our track element, I was pleased with both the stand­off and property or months. is required annually in any case. performance ensured that we had qualified to go to the National search which were a real success. If you’re finding some of the detail a little hazy it may be Police Dog Trials. It’s important that our plans reflect this and as lodger units The final scores were collated and the trials closed with a they link in with the local establishment BC Site Recovery Plan. time to refresh your BC training, especially as it is a MOD formal presentation dinner at The Marriot Hotel in Bristol where For example, it wouldn’t be useful in the event of an incident mandated course. It’s sometimes wise to hope for the best but THE NATIONALS the winner, PC Tom McCrea and his PD Mike from PSNI, were where half the buildings at an establishment have burnt out, if prepare for the worst. presented with their trophy. The National Police Dog Trials were held at the Avon and Somerset Police headquarters on the 18th­ 21st May 2017. There were 11 Overall, I was pleased with how Baro performed at the CRITICALITY PHASE INDICATOR DESCRIPTION different forces and 20 competitors for this year’s trial. Nationals and it gave us plenty of new ideas to work on. I would In the first 24 hours RED★ What cannot be disrupted for more than a few hours like to say a big thank you to FDO Matt Robertson for giving us I dusted off my tunic and polished my boots to perfection, Baro the opportunity to compete at this high level. I must also thank Days 1­3 RED What must be back in operation within the first few days had a bath and full grooming session to make him look his best and PC Ian Sawyer for all of his help training in the lead up to the then we headed down to Bristol to face our competition. competition and look forward to continue working with Baro for Days 4­7 AMBER What cannot be delayed for more than a week DAY 1 many years to come. Days 8­21 GREEN What can stand a few weeks delay, but no more We started with a briefing and introduction of the judges followed I would also add that I would encourage any handler to by individual and group photographs. That afternoon Baro and I consider taking part in such a forum as I feel it was highly beneficial Day 22 and beyond GREY The rest: critical objectives not so sensitive to time delay, completed the crowd control aspect where around 15 people acted not only for myself and Baro in a training sense but in learning new and the remaining non­critical objectives as the rowdy crowd, shouted and threw plastic bottles at us to test skills and networking. I would be more than happy to help any our skills. fellow Dog Handler if this was a path they wished to consider. 30 31 End of an era at AWE

BARBARA ROSEBLADE retired Having travelled with her from the MDP on 29 June 2017, husband in the Forces for 34 years she was able to fit in well after 19 years as a civilian to our uniformed organisation Barbara is a real animal lover and kept employee and at the age of 70. and had the poise and assertion necessary biscuits in her office for any passing dog She has been invaluable during to handle the officers around her, assisting out on their patrols. She was banned from this time and those who have with their issues and joining in their humour. locally held displays as the dogs were often Over her 19 years at Burghfield she has had the pleasure of working more interested in the content of her seen over eight SPOs and DSPOs and with her during her career felt pockets than the activity they have been hundreds of PCs come and go. She has that such hard work and tasked to complete. On one occasion she always been on hand to help all ranks with was forced to watch a drugs dog display dedication needed to be their enquiries and requests and has guided from the confines of a police van to commemorated in this article. many a new recruit through the ‘260’ prevent the dog being distracted by her overtime time sheets, their DV clearance Barbara joined the MDP on 1st June presence, yet she still found herself joined Chief meets applications and other administrative 1998 and was the first female civilian by the dog in the van as soon as the display

processes. She recalls having to learn many employee to have taken over from a police was finished! different skills over the years, getting to officer in an admin role at AWE Burghfield. At one time she was even placed on grips with new IT systems and even turning She recalls having to measure up to some the MDP insurance for a period to allow Plymouth University her hand to conducting hearing tests for all pretty high standards at the time. However, her to take a search dog home to care for as she had previously worked within the officers at AWE Burghfield at the request it when it began suffering from extreme Armed Forces as Secretary to the Colonel of the Chief Constable. kennel stress whilst its handler was away. of the Regiment and then promoted to Concerns for the dog’s welfare were so Police Studies students Personal Assistant (PA) to a Brigadier of extreme that the FDO at the time agreed

the Royal Signals Regiment Headquarters, to this unheard of precedent and she she was well suited to the role. ❚ On Wednesday 17th May, whilst former Chief Constable recalls with great fondness how she was AT HM NAVAL BASE DEVONPORT a rolling Alf Hitchcock was visiting the station, he made time in his Her service within the Armed Forces able to care for the dog in lieu of its programme of visits for Plymouth University schedule to meet the students and gave an informative talk was an interesting time as it was during the handler. The dog’s handler was visiting Police Studies students has been started under Gulf War. Her husband was part of the family in Australia and although initially it regarding the various policing aspects of the Force. This was Rear Party which involved taking care of was for three weeks, his wife injured her the Force’s Outreach Programme. followed by a Q&A session which gave the students the the wives and families. Barbara’s role back and could not travel for a further There are usually about six students per visit, plus their opportunity to understand a bit more about the involved supporting him, visiting the wives three months. Police Studies Tutor, Paul Richards. The visits allow the organisation, particularly as they may be thinking of making and children and giving help and support Despite turning 70 earlier this year, students to gain an insight into the Ministry of Defence the MDP a possible career choice in the future. when required. Also, as Secretary of the Barbara’s hobbies include dancing and Barbara said that the best part of her Police as a potential career choice on completion of their Wives’ Club, she organised outings and participating in the local Rock Choir. In As a result of this programme Mr Richards has had role was the variety of work and the entertainment events to help keep morale fact, she spent her 70th birthday singing university course. considerable interest from other students at Plymouth satisfaction she got through being able to up during what was a very worrying time. in Sainsbury’s to raise money for Comic help officers resolve their different problems. The first and second­year students visit for a full day, University and has offered the university campus for a Before joining MDP, Barbara worked in Relief. Officers have commented that her presence which starts with an introduction to the station and force ‘Show & Tell’ recruitment opportunity in October this year, the employment service during the has provided an atmosphere of stability One of her most prestigious events to allow the Force to promote its recruitment campaign, recession. Together with another colleague, from the station SPO Chief Inspr Claire Pitcher. even during the more difficult times, where with Rock Choir was when her local choir they piloted a Government incentive giving all students the chance to get an insight into the MDP. they knew they would always be met with a was asked to sing at Kensington Palace for Next they visit the MDP Dog Section at Devonport, scheme called ‘Job Interview Guarantee’ friendly smile and a sympathetic ear. Prince William and 250 celebratory guests where Kennel Manager PC Dave Gibbs organises a dog­ (JIG). This was created to help and assist and VIPs. This was Prince Williams’s first disadvantaged, disabled and long­term At Christmas Barbara’s office resembl­ handling display, followed by a familiarisation of a dog official charity event in his new home! So unemployed people back into work. They ed Santa’s grotto and brought festive spirit officer’s role, plus an informative talk about the duties and if you are ever looking for her, she can interviewed clients to build up a database to the whole building despite any inclement responsibilities of the various specialist dog handling officers, usually be found ‘flash mobbing’ around and met with potential employers to weather, time of day or length of shift! Newbury or other local town centres… coupled with an outline of the training involved. arrange interviews and work trials, along It is not to say that she didn’t fall foul Barbara was extremely sad to be with any necessary support for the clients. of a few practical jokes along the way; with They then move onto MDP Devonport Marine Unit leaving the MDP but felt the time is right Barbara found this particularly rewarding as her favourite being when she was asked to where, again, they are given an overview of the Marine Unit to start enjoying her retirement. Barbara her daughter has been confined to a teach another officer to dance in order by the Marine Unit Commander, Insp Tony Micallef, who has two children, Lloyd and Stephanie, as wheelchair since suffering a windsurfing that he may surprise his wife on her well as three special young men in her life; outlines the various aspects of a Marine Unit Officer’s role. accident when she was 17. It was in this birthday, only to find out when he her grandsons Matthew, Daniel and Ben. The students are shown around the various vessels berthed employment that she saw the role of unwittingly left his email account open within the Police Boat Camber and finally given a short trip Admin officer within the MDP advertised when nipping to the toilet, that it was a All those at AWE wish her all the best and decided to apply, due to her colleague of his that made the request in for the future and will miss her hugely. out to the various patrol areas that Devonport Marine Unit background within the MOD. his absence! Enjoy, Barb, you deserve it! officers are responsible for policing. 32 33 Photograph: Paul Kemp

Terror Response MDP officers worked in partnership with a number of other Police Forces at locations across the country in May, during Op Temperer – the national armed police response to recent acts of terrorism on UK soil. Here, officers are pictured at Stansted Airport, where they patrolled inside the main terminal, as well as at the railway station, working closely with colleagues from Essex Police and British Transport Police. For a full report and more pictures see pages 6­9.

Published by the Ministry of Defence Police and produced by Williams Lea Tag (07/17)