Clinton County Sunday School Rally August 16. Gov. Rich will Speak Clinton Independent. VOL XXVIII.—NO. 42. ST JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2. lfl»4. WHOLE NO.—1450.

Th# Male lUtMkllrau Convention. Have your Watches. Clocks ami Jew­ —You can now talk with the people ed among your citisens in order to bring Faint I) W aait to«» Waalnt. elry it-paired at Allison ’s, the old reli­ of Westphalia by telephone. Hello. The Republicans, at their stale con ­ about so pleasing a result, for Ht. Johns At the ionise or at home, ironing will able jeweler. Hnitgen ! vention at Grand Rapids last Tuesday, WE mm ADMIT surely compares most favorably with be done when so desired. Satisfaction Hpectacles and Eye Glasses at almost —Kalkaska's huckleberry crop is a placed in nomination the following any place of Ita size that I Dave ever guaranteed and all losses made good. wholesale prices at Krepps, DeWitt A failure this season. . Last year 5.U0O THAT THE INDIANS WEKE TOO MUCH Mbs. L. E. Knapp ticket: seen. Near high school building. Co.'a. Eyes tested free. bushels were shipped from that point. For Governor — FOR THE ATHLETIC* THURSDAY. It is with the idea of encouraging this —E. M. l’otter. an old and respected JOHN T. RICH. Looser desirable spirit of working together for HOME' MATTKKN. pioneer business man of Orid. died in For Lieutenant Governor A good pair of business horses to ex ALFRED MILNE*. HrancU The KMlarm of ihHiawr war* lh* Hank the common good, that I have presumed change for one good horse. Enquire at that place on Sunday. July IS, aged *» Vnr Secretary *>f state— DeUInni ol l anplrr JrlTrl- and lit* to make these few remarks, and to let this office. years. WAMHINOTON GARDNER. Calhoun. —The Michigan Voluuteer Infantry H»rtl Hildas •»> th« Ckl|e*«M. you know how others see you, and that Hmoke “Crown of St. Johns, ' 10 cent* —Married, at the M. E. parsonage. St. For State Treasurer— such efforts to improve your surround, AMociation will meet in Elsie August Johns, on Sunday, July 20. by liev. C. JAMBS M. WILKINSON Marquette. Tlie largest and moat enthusiastic For Auditor General- crowd of theseason attended the ball ings cannot be wasted, nor go unrecog ­ The Greatest bargains in Ribbons on G. Thomas. Miss Nora Phelps to STANLEY W TTRNRK. K.__ nized by any observant stranger. sale at ll7 L. Kendrick 's. -First-class cabinet photos only 90 Charles Keeler, both of St. Johns. game at Athletic Park last Thursday Prices always tlie lowest. For Attorney Ueoerai- A Visitor . rents per dor., at Stage's, east side, St. —The following letters remain dead afternoon to witness the game between FBEP A MAYNARD. Kent. the Chippewa Indians, of the Indian Great Cut Price Sale on Capes and Johns. in St. Johns post-office: Clive W. Lyon. For Cotamleetooer of Land OSe*- Doiilitful Halt-Ill in* far Clover Jackets At II. L. Kendrick 's. —Miss (trace 11 unt has been chosen M. M. Merrill. Mias M. McDonnough. WILLIAM A FRENCH. Presque lale. school at Mt. Pleasant, aud our own The failure of the clover crop in re­ I*rices alwavs the lowest. as a in the 4th grade of the Mrs. Lillie Marsh. Arthur St. Clare. For Superintendent of Public I net ruction* team. To the Indians falls the glory of cent years in many localities, owing to A. H HENRY K PATTENGILL. Inabatn. giving Ht. Johns her ilrst defeat in base l'errin school. Mias Lucy Tucker. For Member Board of — the ravages of the root Ijorer and other Agent for tbe popular Champion Mow ­ —Buy your gold tilled watches of —Eddie Sperry brought in ff.Mil PERRY F. PDWBRS. Wexford. ball this season. Tlie game was hotly causes, lias induced a search for other ers. Reapers and Iimders. keeps a com ­ Krepps. DeWitt A .. leading jewelers, bushels Alsyke seed from eleven acres Tlie political machine had been so contested and. no doubt, would liave plete assortment of repairs for same. been more close at the llnish if Umpire forage plants to take ita place, and nu and save money. and sold to Osgood, at $8 50 tier bushel, thoroughly overhauled, packed and test­ Clothe* CIumi I. Ittnl und Krpurad Jeffries l ad rendered better judgements. menus inquiries are received by the —We invite the attion of our readers and walked away with 127*> 75. There ed. especially in Rich * case that he was station in regard to such plants. Those By II. Iltckey. over Clark A llulae to the advertisement of F. A. Hyatt, are some things about farmiug that nominated on tint ballot, as was known His decisions tiecame too rank to be store. iiearabie and Capt. Hollister insisted mentioned below tiavc been employed hamesstnaker. elsewhere in this issue. pay yet. by the engineers he would be. iu that another be chosen to assist. This certain localities und for certain pur­ Are You Going til Murry T —Attorue>-(General Ellis has written —The Ownesn Mutuals •‘did up” the Wm. A. Norton, of Ht. Johns, pre­ poses and under the proper conditions If so. remember that I liave a due line an opinion to the effect that county Athletics in a boll game Monday to the sented the name of Geo. A. Steel for met with approval and Wm. Bishop was of Furniture and would be pleased to chosen, after which the game went more are of undoubted value, but the\ can clerks liave no right to suppress mar­ time ofb to 8 . Bad errors on the part state treasurer. lie received 865 votes mot be recommended for general culti­ nave vou call and examine my goods. riage licenses. smoothly. E. I. Hull . of tlie Athletics in the tjfth inning was t»u tint ballot. Rut the U. P delega ­ vation iu Michigan. The station is in­ No. 1« Clinton Ave. —Prof. L. Holbrook, of Duplain tions had been sworn iu so thorougly The tint ining went quietly, each the cause. In one inning the Mutuals side scoring one run. Iu the second the vestigating possible substitutes for township, a graduate of our highschool got In seven runs after two men were that their man Wilkinson received the clover, aud remedies for tlie elover fail For handsome goods, cut and made up and late of the Normal at Ypsilauti. interest was considerably livened by a in latest and beat style for man. and at out. nomination. However. Gogebic county ure. and. may in time liave sometldng lowest prices, call and see Judd, the lias been engaged for the principalship gave their vote to Steel. Kent county beautiful :> base hit by Hhillejoe. He —On our editorial page we reprint was warmly cheered aud injoyed it im­ valuable to suggest . Meanwhile a word merchant tailor, opposite Tlie Steel. of the Muir school. Some Leasons of the Great Strike” gave Wilkinson 2B and Steel 27. La­ of caution seems in place against ex­ —J. Shindorf A Mon. builders of mensely. In the third timing there Men ’ll Clothing from Harper's Weekly which will give peer gave Steel 9 out of their 13. Sagi ­ pecting too much from the plants here Cleaned, altered and repaired in a carriages and all manner of road and naw gave Wilkinson 12 and Steel 18, was an evidence that Ht. Johns were in­ our readers a very concise statement of clined to be rattled. The Lndians were mentioned. If the clover la found in prompt and satisfactory manner at rea­ business wagons in this village, are facts which brought about the recent and Wayne gave Steel 105. On motion the spring to be killed, the tleld may be sonable prices. A lkx DeClaikb . raising their wood shop and store room of J. W. Fitzgerald Mr. Wilkiusou was held down until two taeu were out, Next to postoffice up stairs. strike. It is of timely interest and when by a series of errors for Ht. Johns planted to corn or sowed to millet. to better sene their increasing trade. declared the nominee for state treasurer. Lota ol should be carefully read by all. they let in four runs. They, in turn Omitting the clover crop for u year will —The next regular meeting of the Black Dress Goods and Silks —As Chas. Moreland was driving The platform adopted is an ingenious ­ were retired by the Indians with a starve out the borer and enable clover Grand Rapid* Driving Club will take home one day last week a spark from a ly constructed quail trap, abounding in to be grown again. In any case one At Kendrick ’s. place on their grounds August 18. 14. goose egg. Here occured the big kick Prices always tbe lowest. passing train fell into his buggy. Noth* swelling sentences and a profusion of on the umpire and Bishop was pursued* crop of hay may be expected from the 16. 1*> and 17. This bids fair to be the Clieuile Curiam*. Lace Curtains and ing more was thought of It until some rhetorical nothings. Tlie silver ques­ ed to assist. In the fourth the Indians clover before it fails. most spirited meeting yet held by the time after haying put the buggy in the tion was dodged in tlie outset . and Judge Alfalfa.—The yield of this In Michi­ Shade Curtains At Kendrick ’s. association. were retired with a goose egg. For Ht. gan is seldom greater and usually less Prices always tlie lowest . shed when a little slater discovered it Kelly put them on the keen run when Johns Washburn reached third and —The official census figures show that he demanded that they say what they than that of common red clover, while Don't buy Carpet* without looking at to be on tire. Tlie tixtuies were burned scored on a passed ball. the plant itself is less desirable iu sev­ our stock. Prices always the lowest. Saginaw has fallen off nearly 5.U0U in off and the box nearlv destroyed. meant: that they should be honest and imputation since I (Ml. This is not an The tlfth begau to loom up in better eral respects. The stems are ratlier II L. Kendrick . —An insect lias lieen discovered in true in their financial convictions. He shape. Lemieau hit a sky scraping tty woody and the leaves crumble badly in isolated case, for Muskegon has lost which feeds upon catarpillar* very naturally manifested a curiosity to curing. It is difficult to get a good Summer lieverages and everything .>.um in the saint* period and West Bay but Richardson was under it, and the stadd. Tlie (dants start well in spring gtsxl for the inner man. at Fowler ’s. aud other insects that injure orchards. know whether the Republicans should other two were quickly retired with no but in our midsummer roughts ceased Citv nearly HUU. It is called the praying mantis from the do something or nothing, whether they growing, turn vellow and become over ­ To I ho Haacn. —An attempt was made to wreck the scores. For Ht. Johns. Derr got to third When in St. Johns call at Watts' devotional attitude It assumes while should be brave and true, or not. These and came home on a good safe hit by shadowed by weeds. Airalfu is liest uight express going west on the D. G. were unheard-of conundrums m a ma­ adapted to the south and west. It pre­ Dining Hall. No. 4 Clinton avenue, for watching its pray. It lives by catching Washburn and he. after some pretty fers a deep fertile soil, either naturally meals. Board bv the da/ or week.— H.& M. last Friday night. At Munica the catarpillar and holding it tirralv chine convention, and the whole great Meals 25c.; 5 tickets for fl.UU. a rail had lieen laid on the track, but stolen liases, came home ou an error moist or irrigated. On dry soils it re­ while it sucks the juice out of them. issue was disposed of by gagging the of Miller's. quires good care until its long roots W. H. Watts. was discovered by the engineer in time have become well established. Small The Oregon horticultural societv have judge, while the convention was assured Iu tlie sixth the Indians could not Tlie Mercantile Co. pay the tarmen> to avert another horror. made some very gratifying experiments that it made little difference what tliey plots well cared for have furnished good —Grasshopper* are playiug hob with acii third tiase ami retired with a pasture in this state, and u little of the more cash for Butter and Eggs than with tlie iusect. said on the subject. Not much atten ­ goose-egg. Baylis scored on Wash- seed may well lie sown for trial with the any three concern* in Clinton county. vegetables and pasturage and ever}- — Advertisers should lieai in raitid tion was (laid to the truth in all of the seeds of other forage plants in a held thing that is green in the upper penin ­ bum's hit and Rlclianlson went out ou intended for pasture. Alfalfa heaves Delicious ice cream at Fowler *. that we go to press invariably on Wed ­ cut-and-dried deliberations. a tly to right held leaving three on liaaes. sular. One farmer leports that lie put nesday afternoons and prepare tlieir out of heavy soil as badly as clover. Morhlo*- Oil. A Tonne Life Gone tint. The tint halt of the seventh the 1 'rinun»i Cfocrr. —This’ is proving to The best Machine Oil on earth may green blinds on Ids house not long ago copy accordingly. When several “ads*' be a valuable crop in the middle and and grasshoppers ate them the same dav. Bertha C. Davison, after a long aud indiaus received another goose-egg. lie found at Balcom's agricultural ware- reach this office as late os Wednesday it painful illuess. died at the home of her Miller was too fat to nui so hurt (?) his south Atlantic states where it thrives rooms. —Attv-Gen. Ellis lias given it as his is impossible to do them justice in com- on soil too light for other cloven*. Ho opinion that where butter, eggs, meat mother. Mrs. Allison UictumUon. in ankle. Ht. Johns was also retired with far as tested in the west anti north the Fresh candies dally at Fowler's. |M>sition. The :ulvertisers who have this village, early Saturday morning, a goose-egg. In this mniug occurred results have not lieen satisfactory. or other produce are sold from wagons their copy in by Tuesda} are assured of Small plots liave lieen grown at this Fresh fruits and pop at com Fowler ’s. the seller is liable for the (teddler* ’ li­ July 2S. I»M. of acute inflammation of the most brilliaut catch of th* season. i tasty displays. You will confer a great the stomach, aged 23 years. Squair found the hall and sent a station for many years with no (urticu- Block Laces aud insertion*, in all cense fee. He lias also decided that the favor on iis by handing in your ropy as larly promising results. as the vields The deceased was bom on the farm sky scraper to the left held. IVcor have widths aud qualities 70 cents charged for advertising each early in the week as (Kissible. lieen ton meager for profitable cul­ At Kkndrick ’8. description of delinquent tax is iiaid be­ east of tlie village, ami was the oldest started for it and caught it by a long tivation. This season we have it grow ­ Prices always the lowest. —Prof. B. McClellan, as mentioned reach, falling as the ball touched his ing in a plot by itself and also iu u half fore the sale of the land. of three daughters, the otlier two sur­ acre mixture with other clovers and last week, made the most successful viving. who. in unison with otlier kin­ hands. It was a grand play and was Smoke “ St. Johns Bouquet. ” 5 cents. —An excursion to Cleveland and and lieautiful balloon ascension and grasses, it is now (July 29 coming in dred friends and a large circle of stead ­ enthusiastically applauded. tlower at six inches to a foot lugh. Spring and Summer Underw eat. return will lie given bv the D. G. II. A parachute drop on Saturday evening M Ky and Detroit and Cleveland fast admirers, not forgetting her faith­ lu the eighth the ludiau* got three Crimson Clover is an annual, living out At II. L. Kendrick ’s. last ever before witnessed in St. ful attending physicians, did all in their scores by errors. The ball was thrown one season, though in favorable locali ­ Prices alwavs the lowest. Steam Navigation Co., starting from Johns. There was just wind enough ties it may be sown early in the fall, iu vain : death was the only alternative. iu to Kitimond from Ilrst base and lie Get vour meal* at The Hotel Ht. St. Johns Saturday, August 4. at 5:29 p. stirring to earn* the aeronaut gracefully when it lives over winter aud produces m. The Imat will leave Detroit at !»«wer to relieve her »uffehngs. hut all missed it. Not kuowing where it went its crop the next season. Johns. Walker street, west. 1401 upward ami awn} . and the (larachute Two>ears ago she drat experienced he picked up what he suppieetl was the Hptrrry.—This was recommended in a 11:00 p. m.. arriving iu Cleveland at opened almost immediately upon leav­ bulletin of this station last year as a Studs and Button Sets for shirt waisbt this stomach trouble, which grew iu right one and caught a man at third. At ALLISON’S. *>:.'Jb Sunday morning. Leaving there ing the lialloou. Prof. McClellan makes valuable plant for improving certain It was the wrong ball, however, and be­ \ —------— . on the return trip at lu p. m. Passen­ an ascension at Ovid on Saturday next. severity, until nine weeks ago she was light, saudy soils. Manv liave since For the beat watch repairing goto gers will be allowed to remain over in ilrst routine*! to her couch where she re­ fore matters liecame settled the Indians tested it on various soils as a forage Krepps. DeWitt and Co. Every job —Tlie I>etroit pension agency lias mained until death released her. Itad run in three scores. Ht. Johns got plant with unsatisfact >rv results. It is Detroit until 4:06 Motidav p. rn. Fare Mi‘ leas names on its Ixiok* than it hail too small and contains too little sub- warranted. ______for the double journey from St. Johns. Her attending physicians. Drt.Gillam one tun in this inning and iu the ninth stauce to be of value where clover or Nm I TtIMr at tlie same time last year. The yearly and Weller, to fully satisfy themselves both sides retired withno scores to their You come to town don 't; foforget to *3. report of the agency is being made up theoniinary grasses will grow. More ­ —Three weeks ago last Stiuday dogs aud her friends, aud for the benefit of credit. over it is somewhat inclined to liecome Crich about thos e Eavet and shows that at the liegiuniug of the medical science and suffering humanity, Following is the score : a weed. chased some liens lielotigiug to II. D. last tiscal year July 1. 18K>. there were Buy your cottou Sheeting Saturday. McCabe and it was thought one lien had made a postmortem examination, ST.JOHNS ABH R 1*0 We liave put on sale 5.UOO yards to go at 45.577 person* on the robs. There were Kineh. • •...... 4 1 l 4 8U8INE88 LOCALS been killed. Upon going into the barn which revealed the fact sometime since 4 cents. See it for yourself. 1.919 names added during tlie year and Barits, lb...... 5 2 3 la At II. L. Kendrick 's. Sunday morning last Mr. McCabe heard stated by them, that there was a de ­ OSMSMO. 2 b...... 4 2 0 1 Xntlw to Tan-patrru. 2.UHK were dropped through death and Darr.jM f...... » 3 1 o Village taxes should he raid at ouce Prices always tlie lowest. a strange noise in the cased sidiug of other causes. The total number on the rangement of the stomach and liver that Washburn, rf...... 4 3 3 0 to the undersigned at Hunt sdrugatore. could uot possibly liave been (‘orrected HM nh Mmu . <• f...... loot Hnrar ami Harnr.. (or iwlt. a stall. Upon Investigation it was rolls on July 1. 1*94. were 46.011. The FUton. 3 b...... a 0 0 1 W. W. Brainahd . Collector. found to have been made by this hen. The funeral was held from the ramily Squair. I f-p ...... 6 n 0 0 A good Work Horse and Double Har total amount of monev paid to i>ension- UanoaL c...... 8 0 1 7 I ueas residence at 4 o'clock, last Monday Where lid von get that shirt laundried for sale. Enquire of She had tlowu iu a place where a Itoard ers last year from the Detroit agency H. II. Harris . Drayman. had lieen knocked off and in this place, afternoon. Rev. C. G. Thomas, pastor a* to 37 23 » At Ht. Johns Steam Laundry . was M1S.7SB.I8. INDIANS about four inches wide, she had lived of the M. E. church, officiating in the Funeral furnishings at No. ltl Clinton ftywrlal Sola- for Nalurtla). —A neighboring school tiny has lieen Facor. I f.. Ave.: residence. 106 Wight street. 5.U0U yards (i cent unbleached ootton 22 days without food or water. The suspended for readintr tlie following es­ absence of Mr. Hall, rector of Ht. John's *h*llaf«. p..... (Epitcopal) church, of which the de ­ Mlllrr, c . —... K. L Hull . remnant from tine to twenty yards iu hen is still alive aud is liegiuniug to as­ say on --iiants:” Pants are made for KnbtUard. a a.- Funeral Director. piece i to be sold at 4 cents per vard. ceased was a faithful, cousistant and St. Arnold. 1 l>. 1 I sume her former plump proportions. men . and not men for |>anu. Women Shaw. of. .. At 11. L. Kkndrick 's. —The problem of poverty and helpless­ valued member. The Episcopal male l/emieux. 3t> , 2 3 Take your Laundry work to the Ht Prices alwavs the lowest. are made for men ami not for (quit*. quartette and Miss Nina Waldron pro ­ i'alaar. 3 It.. Johns Steam Laundn and patronize ness and incapacity is studied by < ’has. When a man (milts for a woman, ora vided music. Mato tax). r X home industry. Toe latest patterns aud styles iu sum­ Dudley Warner in the second instal­ woman (rniits for a man, tliey are a |mtr Among the kindred friends from abroad were Mm. Magratii and two 40 II 10 r » 4 Tn Kent. mer wear for gentlemen, at J mid's, the ment of “The Golden House,*' which of (rniits. Pants are like molasses, thin­ merchant tailor, opposite Tlie Steel. appears in the August Harper's. We daughters and Miss Margerie Paine, of Folding Chairs anti Folding Tables ner in hot weather anti thicker in cold, I>etn>it. anti Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pray. Hm«r Other- View I’*. E. I. H ull 's. watch a plain, resolute little woman ofOwosso. Tlie interment was made i'he man in the moon changes his pants Editor Independent :—While not Did you see out Shirts. Collars and hi: stati: swing* bank threading her way through the crowded during an eclipse. Men are often mis­ in the famil} lot iu Ht. Johns cemetery. T OF FOWLER. and unclean streets, going about Thus it is. nnother voting, pure and wishing to take up much of your valu­ Cuffs fast week f taken in pants. Such errors produce hopeful life lias been snuffed out. and able space. I hope it will not be amiss Ht. Johns Stram Laundry CAPITAL. *15000. day after day —one day like another, ex­ breeches of promise. Tliere has been sticiety deprived of that degree of good to give in a few words the impressions cept that even day tlie kaleidscope of The ladles liave fallen in love, not NET ASSKD4 OF STOCKHOLDERS. MS much discussion whether pants is sing ­ tliat would liave been wrought through msde upon a visitor by vour beautiful with us. but with the handsome work misery shows new combinations. The ular or plural. Seems to us when men her life work had she l»een spared. we turn out. FRANK ORULER. PrmMrat Her life* struggle lias ended, aud that little village. First of all the neat and KRKDEBICK SCHEMER. Vbe-PrraMm story already gives evidence of earnest wear pants they are plural anti when substantial walks and well-kept grouuds St. Johns Stram Laundry . effort to understand and desire to im­ luiven of eternal life and joy has lieen W. H. SMELLING O tliey don ’t Its singular. When men get reached. That which appears to be around your court house give an unmis ­ Caution N . prove the conditions of life in over ­ onr temporary loss is tier eternal gain. DIRECTORS on a tear and tear their pants it is all takable idea of your pride of appear- My wife. Henrietta Morgan, having CoiMMiOa Orator, Frtotrttk SrferaM crowded portions of New York city. right, butwhen pants go on a tear and May God bless and comfort those who left my lied and board without just —The executive officers of the Agri ­ mourn. uneen that speaks well for the thrift and W H. Ssrillsg, John H CorfcU. tear themselves It is all wrong. enterprise of your county ("ongross, and cause of provocation. I hereby caution Pt*trr Thome. Frask Grotor cultural .Society are putting the track I.MI *lt»WT« all person* against harboring or trust­ Joaonb Ortok. —Judge Person was recently request­ shows that tliey are determined to keep ing her on mv account, as I shall pay in excellent condition for the unusually ed by 100 or more depositors of tlie Cen­ “No more difficult task was ever sot “ Foor per coat ItirrM hK oo Urn* i line races in prospect for onr approach­ lief ore an individual than that of write up wltli tlie rest of Ht. Johns in the no debts of Iter contracting after tlie tral Michigan Havings bank to summon log a description of the Bannum and matter of public improvements. Then date of this notice. Dated Riley. Mich ing county fair. Aside from this they a grand jury to investigate the causes Bailey Greatest Hhow on earth, for no again, the cemetery. that invariable test July 18. 1894. W. W. Morgan ^TATE RANK OF VT. JOHNS. are painting the grand and judges stands matter turn muen may be written on of the failure. In a letter to Ihtmecutor of a community's rlviiiiaUon. is a beau­ We came to Ht. Johns to stay, ami COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS. and the pagoda for the use of the hand, Gardner the judge says that the average the subject even in the most extrava­ and making other needed ami note ­ gant appearing language, this fact will tiful proof of the spirit of public spirit now ask vou to assist us by bringing juror is not an expert in such matters always remain: one-haff the curious that surely prevails in Ht. Johns. I your work to the CAPITAL *MSS worthy improvements which are in aa the complicated affairs of a bank, and sights will not be mentioned, and (he liave rarely seen so well tended and or­ Ht. Johns Htbam Laumdy . keeping with their every movement whole article will seem tame beside as tlie jury would be hugely dependent namental a ** city of the dead ” in a town liny Coal of ohn icks looking toward an agricultural show the actual wonders it vainly attempts J II . NET ASSET* OF STOCKHOLDERS, SSSSjMI upon the prosecutor's advice, lie deal ml to describe, so many and so wonderful of this siae. and no one tiling expresses which will result in varied beueflU. pro the latter to thoroughly acquaint him­ are the attractions. so much of true refinement as the ten­ fit and pleasure to the producer and per- All our stock of 124 Pongees at 10 PORTER K. PERRIN PrwUlSI self with the hanking laws ami the bus­ “The manifold difficulties besetting derness with which we care for the last cents per rant. sous engage* 1 in various vocations In GEO. W. MARVIN Vl»» Pruti—». iness of the bank ami report wliether a the average minder! man venturesome \ II L. Kendrick ’s. enough to undertake writing of the resting places of our beloved dead . Nor j. w. FrnmaEALD. cmhtsg. life. These county fairs are like many- grand jury Is necessary, or whether Prices alwavs the lowest. H. H FITZGERALD. Amu other true efforts in life devoted to per­ multitudes of marTeious • injects con ­ Is this all. In numerous drives about fect home-building. With a united ef­ whatever prosecutions, if any appear to tained in the Barn urn A Heilev Great­ your clean and thrifty village. I note on l>on ’t pay any attention to the mis- fort this, like even- other guud and com ­ be necessary, cannot he instituted by est show on earth. are known only to ever} liantl the handsome dwellings, repreeeautions of agents for outside DIRECTORS the daring individual himself. Ills dealers Murdock will do better by you mendable enterprise, must succeed in complaint and warrant The invest!- bnun become* a maelstrom of surprises smooth lawns, neatly paved gutters, iron P E. Pinto, O. W. M«s«*r. Ora. F. Mtrtto.J. our united good. Let every one do ion will lie begun at once, and if it tin marble or granite work than anybody . Os,*>44, J. H FsSres. J. W. lltiqisK. something —to compete for a prize. or a and Ills thoughts go ranging over the hitching rails, tine hotel ami substan ­ and he la right here at home. CIs to a belief that a grand Jury la ages from the creation to the present tial factories, all making upon a visit­ Mtehral SpNatof. Jsmm Meltto ra. kind word of recognition of the success necessary, one will be sum mooed. Re­ Tb* At««nt»m 3. a Aillsow. o. R. Cssh4a. Jams day. until It become* too chaotic ror ing sfnuiger a lasting impression of of the enterprise This done, we are ceiver stem* I MM signified his wilUmr- any use. ' Wide Cut Mowing Machines, a fresh lot bourni to win A united people In an neas to assist Prose cutor Gardner in thrift, local pride anti solid improve- effort for good rarely fall. At Owoaao August 9. Reduced rates just received and for sale by every way possible —Ex on all railroads. mt. which lam sure has always exist­ A. B. Bali om .

\ * -OJ-.p,--1 * .... .o tk...: ■: CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY AUG-. 2. 1894

MINOR MICHIGAN NEWS. Gladwin will now be lighted by CONGRESSIONAL NEWS BIG STORM DOWN EAST. THE STATE NEWS. i electricity. TOWNS DESTROYED. Sbmate . -ntvth day. —The coaferearc rapnrt Several f’rrso — Killed end C—Iderahta Grand Rapids wants a public hath. A new telephone lint* ia working be­ on the legislative- executive sod judicial ap­ Proprrty Destroyed. tween Fowler and Westphalia. propriation bill ws» agreed to Mr. .\U«a pre- DOINGS AND HAPPENINGS IN Korthville has a new public drinking PURIOU8 FOREST PIRES BURN neated .i resolution directing the ntlorney- Manchester. N. II: The most diaaa- fountain. The Sunday school rally at Kula- grnerml to If—lit to the Sea*to fall cop**" of troua storm that visited this locality in MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN VILLAGES. all cerraeoaadeaer which ns —ad between the Cheaaning votes for water works | inaxoo, August 39, la to be made a big department «.f justice und tin* railroads center­ years did a great amount of damagr. August 14. ovenL ing In Chicago from June in to the pro —nt At (sake Mnvubenic. four miles from w. CkanMw; HlMwr, of Died ffwki nf Ury, Hot Waalbar Without lUla. lime Mr. Platt objected sad II went over. the citjr, the storm was accompanied A SI2.5on school house la to be built The !inlay City !>riving club will Mr. V—t. In the absence of Mr. Voerbem. chairman of the II—• ...cnmiuc. who U IU t>y a cyclone, which wtcoked build ­ NwhlMly —Nrw »lyle (IMI Adopted for at Manistee. r bold ita summer meeting Augnst 22 Moke tho Conditions rsioisM* ter a ing*. blew down large trees and ile- i and 33. i railed up the confer* —* report on the tariff Util* Troop* —An Almost Complete Manistee will build a swing bridge ■tearful (Jon Bagrat Ion- Many Hundred* MIL Mr. Uaffrey took the Boor sad resumed atroyed much valuable property. Eigh­ The common counoil of Centerville of 1'oopte Itomrlcu aad la Sad Want. the speech ha began the day before, bat Ur port of Ut Uopulatloo of MleklfM across the river. his ramar— did not arouae much later- teen or 30 summer cottage* yvere par­ luu. decided to light the streets of the mi. Hr spoke principally — to tlw tially wrecked and half that number (■rand Rapids has been mode a post- city with electricity. justice of the duty on sugar. Mr. demolished. Then* were scores of ofHcv of the first class. Dispatches from several Wisconsin H mates. of Virginia, sod Mr. (Jaay. of llurrows mmI AltkM Mr- NootaalMl pleasure boat* on the lake when the Sparks from a threshing machine set cities tell of awful devastation from Peaesjrtvaaltt. made brief speeches on the A new elevator, with a capacity of tin* to the creamery and two barns at tariff bill, sad after aa executlrr session the storm struck, and three went down The Hepublirau ooujfresnionnl con ­ J foreat Are* in various portions of the Saaale adjourned lloiraa. -The ronunualca- 20,000 bushels, lias been erected at Three Oaks. Loae, 82.500. with a total of eight or IO lives lost. ventional of the Third district cum- state. Owing to railroad bridge* and tloas were read which passed hetwean the Tarrytown. N. Y: Thomas l'ickett. prisinir llrmaeli. Calhoun. Katun. Kala- Athena. Preach government und the American embassy llama* Deajardln. an old resident telegraph wires being destroyed there at Parts relaltro to the assassination of Pres­ hi* son. Edward l'ickett, and James inauxi and Hillsdale counties was held President Fish, of Albion college, is and business man of Alpena, was is little communication with the burned ident Carnot The secretary of the United Martin, were drowned. 'They went at Albion. Resolutions were adopted very 111 at Ray View with an attack of fatally overcome by heat. diatrictsaml particulars are very scarce. States embassy said that the r—otutioas of oat in a sail boat on the Hudson river, complimentary to the Republican peritonitis. rostoteae* of toe House and Senate were rest! The Mt. Stanislaus Kosta church From Ashlaud the following ia sent In the French < Thau be r of Deputies sod .Senate and as they did not return it ia sup­ party ami its platform, indorsing Gov. out: amid great enthusiasm. The conference report James Dougail, of Chicago, wax building. Polish, at Ray City, was de ­ posed that during the storm their boat Rich and Representative llurrows. ami Forest Area are producing great suf­ on the I eg In .st l vi- executive and ju distal was upset and the men were drowned. expreNoing regret at the death of Sen ­ drowned near Grand Haven. lie was stroyed by Art*. Loss 8(4,000. appropriation bill rave rise to considerable 30 yearn old. fering anti loss throughout this vicin ­ discussion, principally on the clause giving the New York: A small vocht. carrying ator Stock hr idge. William A. Foote, Frank Platt, a tirrman in the paper ity. ami railroad companies have never rommissio —r of pensions nonmi for making six persons was capsized in the find- George J. I.oma*. who ran the first of Kalamazoo, renominated Julius mill nt Three Rivers, was struck by a before experienced such damage from special examinations The report waa agreed son river opposite Hs*ting* daring a locomotive on the Michigan Control, to and lhr House adjourned Caesar llurrows. of Kalamazoo for re­ belt aud killed. Ares. Git the Wisconsin Central it is severe storm and three of the passen­ presentative in congress. The nomin ­ died near Ann Arbor. Sun ATS. — IWthday. —Senator Vilas. of Wis­ impossible to more trains. Phillip*, consin. who was secretary of the interior and ger* were drowned. ation was carried by a rising vote. (Juincy think* she needs better Are The hardware store of Emit .When, protection and will vote on water the headquarters of John R. Davis’ inter posttnaatrr-grnrral during Mr. Cleve­ Newmarket. N. II: During a heavy The Sixth district congressional Re­ at Saginaw, was damaged by tire to lumber company, a manufacturing lands Ural admiuislrmlion. replied st great thunderstorm on (treat Ray. a small publican convention was held at Lan- works August 6. length to Senator Gormans attack upon the the extent of 81.500. town of 2.000 people, is totally de ­ President For two hours he held the Boor, boat containing William R. Ryrne and •igg Iftmoeabla Ham U MhMIl >>’• L. II. Osborn, u well known farmer stroyed by Arc. A dispatch from auud the wrapt attention of the Senate and Michael Carrdll wa* capsized and both Pontiac, placed Mr. Aitken in nomina ­ The St. Joaeph river Is *o low that galleries, delivering his sealhing rebuke of the near Sherwood, died from a kick in the FIAeltl. a small station u fetv miles were drowned. Another iMiat met with tion and a motion to make the nomin ­ passenger* urc landed from steamers abdomen by a horae. Maryland Senator He denounced Mr. Gor ­ in skiffs at Herrieu hpringn. from Phillips, says that 500 women and man s assault — wanton, reckless and unjusti ­ a similar accident, anil ita occupant ation by acclamation prevailed. A children from Phillips are in the woods fiable. aud tbougb he declared that Mr. Cleve- letter from the nominee was read in Eight large pile* of lumber were laOi Bd-deil i" r Omaha line, caught Arc. The White and iron ore were voted upon and defeated. cause any further damage. Here and A crowd of toughs in Iainsingstuffed Mr Washburn iHep.. Me.' renewed Mr. Vila* there tire isolated Arcs, but they arc ing to bight of wearer; to lie cut to tit leader named Casey organized un army River Lumber company's mill with motion to instruct the conferees to recede from straw under a broken-down old horse, not in condition to do anv harm. the ligurc easily. Iiack in a single piece of just un even hundred. 40.900.000 feet of lumlier in the yards the one-eighth differential on rettaed sugar* with curved side streams: u vertical too weak to get up from the ground, ware destroyed and when the latest but Mr Gray immediately made the point of opening in each side at the hip; the Mrs. Thomas Gough, of Manchester. and set it utirc. The horse was roasted report was received the entire town order against It that it wa* not competent for THK MAKKKTix. Washtenaw county, took u dose of to death. the Senate to Instruct In a "full and free" con ­ sword-belt to lie worn underneath the was threatened. The Omahu bridge ference The point of order w— debated for Tolsilo coat, the sword-hook emerging through opium to make her sleep, und in the An old lady named Hall, living in across the White River at Maxun is some time, but had not been decided when the morning was found deoil. Senate adjourned. HoirsE. —'The day's pto- Wheal— No. 2spot .... 50 ,n S 51 the opening in the left side; the Moore township. Sanilac county, went burned. Railroad officials sav the loss ceedlngs wore dull in ihe extreme The con ­ No. 2 Sf-pU'tnocr ...... 5 il*u i rs shoulder strap to lie worn: the insignia The 4-vear-«>ld daughter of Frank out to shut up the chickens during a at Mason is fully it million dollar*. ference report on the fortliicatlon^ appropri ­ Corn —No. 2...... 4Dyd \ 4* of the corps or the number of tlie heavy thunderstorm. She wo* struck Homesteaders in the outlving dis ­ ation Mil wax agreed to. The day had been Oats—No. 2 wnite ...... 30 i!1 33R I’nmM*. of Negotiate, was so severely a—tgned to the committee on Inter-state and HutTSIo — Live **tor regiment on each side of the collar. by lightning ami instantly killed. trict* an* all Aeeing into the nearest foreign commerrr . and woe twenty or thirty burned while playing with matches Cattle—Mixed shipments ... t 3 A) 34 All that her life is despaired of. towns, leaving their homes to the fury Mils reported from this committee were 5 Work on the buildings for the new pai—d Sheep . 2 an 3 fwl WISNER DEAD. of the flames. The Are department Lambs ...... :t ai 4 (*t Charles E. Welch, un nged colored upper peninsula insane a*v lum at sax ato . — ix*ih day. — After a week of Haas—Choice weights...... 5 no 5 hi is carefully guanling the outside limits speeches the Senate agreed to the further con ­ He *ti an « «-Member of file state Le(b- man. fell eight feet from a hay loft at Newlierrv has lieen liegun ami will lie 1 omuou and rough . f. ou <» 5 40 pushed rapidly forward. Several car­ of Ashland, and the city is not in any ference on the tariff bill asked by the House of latnre. Niles, striking hi* head and breaking immediate danger. News from Hur­ I:> •>;, ftcntativc* Tin tcM the strength Cleveland. )r*s neck. He died instantly. loads of material arc arriving daily. came on Mr Washburn s motion that the Sen ­ Cattle—Hest...... 4 4 09 r,t 34 30 lion. (.Tiannoey W. Wisner. the well- ley states that the town has lieen ate recede from that portion of the sugar Uther grades ...... 3 UJ 3 »* known cx-uicmber of the legislature Ruchanan is to have u new axle fac­ An uttempt was made to derail the enveloped in a dense cloud of smoke amendment Macing a differential of one-eighth Rug» ...... 25 5 fk» from Saginaw, died at his home on the tory. with a capacity of iMW axles daily. Detroit. Grand Haven A Milwaukee all ilay. with Are* on nearly every side. of u c«nt on sugars above No 10 Dutch stand ­ •sheep ...... 2 23 3 in ard. After sc flour and s half of d< bate on the Lambs 3 ou (ffc 3 73 Uridgcport road, southeast of Saginaw . Two brick buildings, with u plant to Itassengcr train No. 15 at Nuncia. A Thirteen Lives Lost. points of order the president pro tern Wheat No. . rod ...... 31 I 51 The cause of hisdeath was a complica ­ cost 835.000 will lie erected for it. rail was placed in u switch, but was Latkr . — Dispatches from an impro ­ Hr. Harris, sustained the point of order andoats —No. 2 white 4k to 4* tion of diseases. discovered before any serious damage Bruled the motion out. The decision was Im­Corn —No. 2 mixed ...... St) to 31 Secretary of State Washington Gard ­ vised telegraph station nt Phillips. mediately appealed from and a motion made to M* Mr. Wisner was lmrn in Ml. Morris. was done. Win., tell of the lass of 13 lives as u rut•burg. ner used his eloquence to good effect lay the latter motion on the table. Both mo ­ OaUto ...... $ 3 73 a xu.lain the for one term, and ran on the Greely against Are there. Price county and one of the wealth­ • >n the appeal brought the senate to the Cattle—1 iood to prime...... 1 » 73 a it 41 ticket for congress in 1C.’. He was a Rattle Creek. He was the son of Rev. iest and most prosperous of all the vote on the Washburn met lea Upon the Lower grades...... 2 25 to .1 A) member of the state senate for three James Woodruff, of Ohio, and was The town of Sand I*akc. Kent towns in the timber regions of Wiscon ­ result binged perhaps the fate of the measure Hogs ...... 3 ;tf* to a at lint, though the Republican* scored the vic­ Sheep sn«l lamb* ...... 2 XI it consecutive term*, from 1**7 to 1WJ, visiting his grandparents. county, came near being burned, but sin. Three thousand people are jiomc- Wh— t—No. 2 red ...... 4M\U the Aame.x were oonAined to a large tory In xrcurlag the vote on the one-eighth lie was defeated for renomination to Renjamin Rain, of Petoskey. was less except those who have lieen offered differential. It developed that they hail no re- Corn —No. 2 mixed ...... 4; g liarn owned by C. II. Jones containing xerve -trragth. and the vote on the Washburn Oste—No 2 while ...... 30 M the senate in 1*03, but was elected to poisoned by paris green. He sprinkled shelter in the neighlmring towns. the lower houas*. 230 bushels of wheat one horse and a motion also resulted In a tie. and consequently New Vork. the stuff ou his potato vines, and the Worst* than all. at least 13 people are wax lost. After these vo'ex on attempt was Citt'.e—...... * i no to 94 00 Jersey hull, ull of which were lost. known to have lost their lives. All mad-.' t<> delay matters and the resolution to Hoffs ...... 3 73 a id family wen* sick for some time from it ri-- ton further conference wax agroetf UtrlilfM. a,«ao.37 «. the effects of eating the tubers. The 2-year-old son of II. N. Fellows, the dead were drowned in Elk lake Sheep- (.ood to choice ...... 2 fgl to i 73 without division. Tbe chair then reappointed lotmb- ...... 3 74 to 5 00 The first count of the |>opulatum of Uroy, Ingham county, must go while trying to escape from the Are, lbe conferees Messrs. Voorhees. Jones. V—t. Charles ('hattuck, of l^nsing. was Wheat No. 2 red ...... A4toi* schedule of the state i-ensus of 1894 through life with only one hand. He except an unknown man whose tmdy llarrlx Sherman. Allison and Aldrich. Hotter Cora —No. 2...... 4VJ ,iL ■V» lias isren completed. It is lielievcd to found guilty of brutally lieatiug his was allowed to play near a hay fork wa* found in the ruins of the house of There are not a quorum of members at anv Data—No. 2 white...... 41 to 41 J. little daughter until she was covered time sad all the busts* — transacted w— by lie complete for all territory in the and hail his hand drawn into the pul­ 1' W Saekett. editor of th<- Phillips -inantmoux consent Dnlv once wax there a Chicago. state, except the tow-nship of Irving, with bruisex He was lined 825 or 80 ley. Flesh ami Imnes were ground Time*. The property loss cannot at hitch and in this case advantage wax taken of ('•title Ilext steers...... $ 4 no to 4 t0 •lays in the Detmit house of correction. theabsence of a quorum to prevent action on a > 'ommon ...... 3 30 to 4 AO in Harry county; Newton, in Mackinac into pulp. this time lie accurately estimated. Iiut toil The meesege announcing that the Nsasie Sheep ao clock the House took 1 tat-...... M to :wt throwing her household goods out she amounting to between S5ou.oon and Mess pork per lb...... 12 75 12 (si been received. The totals given are winter-greens. Her assailant is un ­ liecaim* so excited that she plunged a reress until So clock, the evening session wax to supposed to be substantially correct, known. The girl is in a precarious 9800.000. On this property there is an devoted to private Mil* Lard perewt...... 3 93 to 7 OU headlong through the window, break­ insurance of nbout four-fifths nf the Hexatz . -IWthday The Senate rested from Detroit. but arc. of course, subject to correc ­ condition. ing tier arm and suffering severe inter ­ the excitement of Ihe week Hnuu The tion. The population of the state June value of the plant. Cattle—^(Iood to choice ...... t 3 .Vi to |3 H5 Ionia lias xtnick a gusher in Us new nal injuries. House held a very short session but mrnaged l/i*er grades ...... 2 75 to 3 ,V» 1. 1804. was 2,?3V,374, as compared with llrieAv summarized the Ares in that to transact a good deal of bustae— of a private Hugs ...... 3 CJ to 5 13 well just added to the city's water sys­ locality have burned as follows: The char—ter. The only thing of Importance la Mhcep ...... 224 3 (.1 X.093.889 June 1. 1 v .kj . anil 1.863.05* Mrs. Flora Simmons, living near ihe day s peor —dings wax the dlseaaatea to June I, 1884. The increase* in four tem. A sheet of water »vux found at a Constantine, thought she would gather city of Phillip* is entirely wiped out; lounb- ...... ;ion to 4 (.1 depth of only 15 feet, which is feeding without action of a Mil to smsad the rs vised Wheat No. 2 rcxl spot...... 5«toa 51 years has been 145,486, or 0.95 per cent, some egg* recently, after dark. She the city of Mason is practically de ­ statute* no ax to give federal court* additional No. 1 wim.- spot ...... 33 Mi M and in the ten years since* 1**4. 385,716. ."•00.000 gallons a day of cool ami spark­ was considerably shocked to put her stroyed. with the White River Lumber power* In den ling with violations of Ihe copy ­ Torn —No 2 spot ...... M («£ 47 ling water. v-nmpany und 30.000.tM0 fret of lumlier; right law. ns It applies to plays and opera* A Dale—No 2 wnite spat...... 3k (<6 :t> or 20.81 per cent. Of the total incrcaae hand on a lively black snake that lay joint resolution wax adopted ■.till further ex­ Hay Tlmothv...... 11 * ii an since 1*90 (145.486), 31.959 i* in the city Tlu* Imdy of the unknown man found coiled up in the nest. The snake meas­ ‘headquarter* of the Ashland lumlier tending the appropriations for I MM until Uotaloe* new. per bu...... 1 •.■• « 2 Ol company, near Nhorrs Crossing, is August 14. and — the thermometer wax near Mutter Dairy |a*r lb...... 14 Ik of Detroit, and 19,150 in the city of half haraed in the woods near Iron- ured almost six feet in length und had ihr century mark nt 2 3b p. m the House ad ­ to Grand Rapids. wood has lieen identifled by the num ­ nearly swallowed un unbroken hen’s entirely wiped out: a pedal train on ('rrornery ...... lit Se 20 journed. Kgg» frrsh iwrdox ...... 10 to 1*4 ber in his watch as Win. Spry, of Hur­ «*>rg the Omaha, consisting of IA oar* and .hskatr . -IMnh day —The Senate wore an — - Lire poultry -xSpnin: ckietas 15 to 13 pert of peace and serenity in striking contrast IroowiMMl Mr hrn Naball. ley. who disappeared three year* ago. Every one of the 31 saiv mills on the the locomotive were all burned, hav­ Fowls ...... H to Ii lie was demented ing broken through the bridge near t.» the excltcntent of the previous week. Vtce- Ducks...... 7 to k At a meeting of the Miuer*' union Menominee river a rv inconstant opera ­ I‘resident Stevenson had returned and occu ­ Turkeys...... » to • held at Iron wood the strike was de ­ tion and the boom company is sorting Ashland Junction; the ramp* of the pied his accustomed sen; Among the Mils In­ Prof. Harthoiomew ha* arranged to Thompson Lumber company were troduced wax one bv Mr. Alton to provide for clared off. AI miu I one thousand men 3 ,000.000 logs daily. M. Jfc M. paper 4VKKKI.Y MKVIMW OF TIIADI-:. take tin* Jackson base ball team for a burned ut White River: two bridges on the Issue of trto.ilki tnt in tre—urv notes to br hare lieen working for the past week '.our of the interior towns of the state. mills an* producing 250 tons daily of distributed pro rate among the xtat— 'for the paper ami pulp. The weekly ship­ the Wisconsin Central road, both on relief of tho worthy poor. II wax referred to! New Yosz. —Ilua 1 review of irsAc say* ami a rush of union anti non-union The Jacksons will try to lent contest ­ the finance committee. The report of the con ­ men for places would have lieen made ments of lumlier amount* to 15.000.000 the main line south of Ashland. These Tbe heavy outgo of gold ihe tsllof the treasury ing teams at liall. and the professor are the loose* speciHeallv. Resides the ferees on the agricultural appropriation blll renertre aatl ol tbe price of xtbeal to the low**: whether the union bad declared the will furnish a lialloon ascension und feet und every industry on the river is announcing ag.-rrment on nil the amendments point on recent anti the Inrrea-ln*: uncertainty in full operation. ulmvr the damage to timln-r und log* but the one appropriating 41 0MOM for the ex­ about the larin hare entirely overnhailowrxl strike off or not. The military com ­ [■ariu-hiitc drop. termination of the Russian thistle, wax agrees I panies have left. It is now six weeks scattered through the wood* to indi ­ other industries Huslnrmdelayed for month- The Rattle Crack tmndxinen of Ja*. Cold water was in gala at tin* in honor vidual homesteader*, houses anil other to. ‘Ihe >enatc formally insisted on this by two great strike- now crowd* the railroad- since the strike was instituted, and of the first grand rally of the Hram-h amendment and sent the MU I tack to confer ­ and swell* returns and gives the impres-lon of IV. Wood, the defaulting reaxurer of property, to cut cord wood. etc., will ence. ’nH* xendry civil bill wax presented revival is bu*iar*x. but it D not yet clear bow the own go Iwwk under practically the County Sunday School association. All 'I'll. House ..mi ...... iii.hii f iillirr * tcmlmg same conditions as liefore. Owing to the grand lodge of the A. O. I.’. \V„ swell tlie generut damage to uppalling far there Is an Increase in new traffic distin ­ have located him in Wisconsin. As public buildings were decorated with figures. the appropriation- until August It wax passed. guished from that which lias lieen merely the lateness of the season not more Hags und bunting, and uknit lO.Ooo Hoi st iteyo-iii the passage of a few untm- blockaded or dderred. In some branches tberv than half the striker.* will lie ublc to Wood is trying to make an honest liv­ jxirtant Mils bv untiiunoux consent, nothing (tas lieen more activity but In others ten*, be­ ing. the iioml.Mnen will give him a strangers were present. The exereiaes An ,tn«trl«n Arch Have Killed. wax accomplished Mr. Houtelle offered a reso ­ cause events led many to Infer that no ebaagv get work, and the compauie* refuse to wen* presided over l»y ex-Gov. Luce. Arch Dnkc William III..**on of the lution co!u.-ratulai In* and rrcognulng the Ha­ of tariff would be made. The internal revenue discharge the men working. chance to square himself. waiian republic, but on a |mtnt of order It wu- : rcetptx on whisky suddenly dropped more Elvin Swurthout. of Grand Rapids, late Arch Duke ( barlex and n second Tcfrrrtxl to the committee on foreign affairs. than half aatl sales of wool greatly inertia sail The citizens of Niles are agitated math* the address of the day. cousin of Emperor Francis Joaeph of Hut I bn uncertainty Lx not removed aad much An Awful Nwlrlde. over the discovery of iron ore on the Lynching Tm> Hood for Them. (ioT! Rich has refused to grant the Austria, met with an accident that re­ of the busmans dour seem- to be tn the nature Sarah Itiekels. an unmarried woman farm of Nicholas Kich. • two miles sulted in iii* death, lie wo* riding at Dan llett*. Sylvester Cisco, John of Inauraare against IKM-Ibllltie* Wheat ha* south of that city. Specimens of the requisition of the governor of Califor ­ Harter and lloyd Houghton wen* ar­ found to the lowest depths u deeper still and 40 years of age. attempted to kill her­ nia for the extradition of Alonzo .1. Wcikerwdorf. near Kadcn. when his has sold below Uc. making the monthly aver­ ore have lieen examined by an expert rested at Grover llill. O., for a**aultiag age at New York the lowest ever known. Horn self bv cutting her throat. The Whiteman, the ex-*enator of Wiscon ­ horse shied, being frightened by a pass­ physicians saved her life, lull she was and pronounced good. Steps are being ing Electric car. The arch duke wa* Flora Sweeter, a 13-year-old girl living was 1 rnagni with aconuatx of Injury to part of taken to investigate thoroughly the sin, who was charged with forgery. It three miles southwest of Grover Hill. tbe crop, aad the exports are trIMng Cotton still determined to die. mi she went wa* proved to the *ati*faction of the thrown ont of the saddle anti in falling declined IHltotaJ reports eouat for nothing in into the woodshed and emptied a kero ­ supposed vein. hia head strtiek a stone. One of his John Harter called for the girl, telling lOtnpanaoa with oaormou- visible stork- governor, that the signatun* that waa Textile industries have been perceptibly stimu­ sene lamp on her head, thoroughly Charles Forrest, a young barber, wax feet iiecame entangled in a stirrup and. the parent* that he would take her to alleged to have lieen forged by White- a dance and bring her home at 11 p. m. lated sword Hag to dealers bv disagreement- ■satur-iting Iter clothes. She then set arrested at Cellar Spring* for burglary man wa* genuine. Whiteman will he the horse running, he wa* dragged which naaav suppose any prevent change of the jn* to herself, ami when her brother, at Carey, 41., and Howard City. Midi. some distance before the animal wa» On his way to Grover Hill he forcibly tariff aad there ha* been more buying of cotton given his liberty. assaulted her. He then hrrmght her goods with slightly higher prices for a few, attracted by her screams, discovered The crime was committed last sum­ stopped. notwithstanding the closing of some Important hrr. she was a blazing pillar of tire. mer. and he witli another prinoner. Ilngh Hunter, charged with embez­ to the Ilverv lmrn ut Sylvester Cisco, null* la wool — the goods famine which Her brother rolled her on the ground, was confined in jail at the latter place, zling 870i» from the T.. A. A. a V M Three Men Killed by m (toller Kyplnalen. at Grover llill. where the three other rlolhier* prepared for themselves by deferring railroad while station master at Clare, men yvere. anil there. Irntween 8 ami orders is such that imperative necessities now extinguishing the fir me*, but she died but burned their wa/ out anil escaped, One of a nest nfslx I Hitlers at led He parted company with active participation in the recent i to the state board of nuditor* for al­ 4. the children of .lame* W. Ganlon. a lumlmr yards of the Nhevlln-Carpenter .loi naga d corn aad other reaps without early lowance by the county of Ingham. It loeomotivc engineer at Hartford. Conn., company, on the Hank of the Missis­ rslas the reduction tn ihr yield of corn t- ex­ his wife and family a year ago. leav­ 1 strike. It is proposed that none of the pected to he conaldernbte. The oulleah hf the ing his farm near Meridian, and tak­ wa* a bill for the exprnae* of the who hod lieen missing three dav*. sippi river. It spread yvith remarkable yield Ui the spring wheat state* Is ragantol aa ; men shall ever be employed again un grand jury called to investigate the ing room* in the eity. A young woman i anv American road. when they went to bathe in the (Vm- rapidity, and heron* It was controlled, unfavorable which rwnru upon eeontry mer­ ! iHilaries amendment frauds, and the 1 eotieut river, were found dead in the destroyed property valued at nearly chants ami check* .Icmawl ••several Ihoaaaml lived with him but she made up her -■rising miners in Ohh> I ad tana aed Ato lmata mind to go home Jerry got mail ami A large stone wa« thrown through a iMMird took the claim under •■onsidera- cinaet of a freight cabman* standing on 9500. OllO. 1 close to return *0 wo rk al rates agreed upati Michigan Central ear window a* the lion. Attorney-GeneraI Ellis has given a side traek near the round house, not in conference and Ibts coatlaues to depress angrily pul led down a folding lied, Gov. Flower say* he will not run again with the alstre fatal results. lie was train passed St. Charles Saginaw . the auditors a verbal opinion to the 4(in feet from their hnar The ra- business 1 hmugb'vut tributary region* Advices unless the New York Democrats har­ from western aad port Sweats re eftto* do not a well known politician of Greenback county C. C. Latta. an Indiana effect that they hail no right to pay honee wa* newly painted ami the shew relatively m> much improvement an to fame traveling mat*, was struck on the side i such a claim from the state traKhurv. children went in to play. It U sun- monise fasting ay damaad. OH v am ad. final anal 1, of the head and knocked unconscious | If the state n attorney » opinion is fol ­ poaed they closed the door and conlil A dispatch from Varzin xtaten that LaolavtHa (except for last talmeaai. Detroit The train wa* stopped ami a search lowed. the eoanty * only hope of being Omaha owing to crop damage. Milwaukee Work on a street railway in Alpena not open it ami soon suffocated in the Frinaea* Rismarek hail a fainting flt a m Fool. Mlnaaapalls aad Itotuth reporting will be beg un by Chicago Imaines* made for the coward who threw the j reimbursed la through the state legis- stifling hot air of the narrow enclos ­ few days ago and has since been con ­ general trade aa rharartertand by mere than men who have been given a franchise. atone, but without success. I iature. ure fined to her bed. CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY AUG. 2. 1894.

UoKlalar aad W*b*. Huguenot ’ lie took your town of loathed by charity, might ask for DEMOCRAT MATTERS. The Democratic doctrine of individ ­ Faviaux with a horde of free-laoees justice! Not with the fawning tone Impure Blood O m 88303 ■ Si«lR( I to !•«>*»pis'• Hasty. ualism has been su far )• a. sight of gathered togother of all tho poach­ and the crawling mein of some whom during a generation of tlepubiicau Haatfssu itsslf hi tot i Ton k ers and returned galley slaves of my 1 see around you —these counts and So slaoriiMl lias the country become in tariff delmtea, strike news, asaina­ party government that such move ­ ImI KOtNIIIIUdNH own village. Kver deep in high princes, ready to kneel for favors — ments as that of the American Rail­ Wbc fain tbs BMiirjr, as tions and other questions of vital in ­ Ttol with witw. Bad Will! tbit treason, ray gracious lord. ” but erect and loud, as men who aslc terests that the work of the commis ­ way Union are more opidemic than "And of high troason you ere a man's rights! My liege, my Louis, sioners appointed to examine into the sporadic. The doctriae that the Ws hardships born* by who Judge." returned the cardinal, who do you refuse me justioe —what, workings of the various departments rights of the mass are subortl n ite to Hood1 !%%>%%%%’s Har,aparilla,- To • ttioa's We. a* loyal an. had listenod so long with growing even longer audience in the pale here and to : implify them has been al­ the real or supposed interest oi the in ­ On ■ . Hut la tha prison pea. impatience. "Faviaux! again that presence of the baffled murder? I most entirely overlooked. And yet dividual is not finding its first affirma­ Wit! toys * loony wills, we I ala from a particular business standpoint, tion in the Deba proclamation oi "one Wav rom history's papa that fata stale pretense! My liege, bad man tall you that hare your carpet is de ­ for all and all fur one." The policy ures a (ay. count, most knavish men! and I filed by tho foot of him who ought tbe work which 1ms already been ac­ complished and now under considera ­ which uses the taxing power ot the Tad Sad ahava those walls arise, do not come so often to the Louvre to wear your favor under your royal In h dly pels liar to'erd tha akto*. tion will do more to commend a Demo ­ government to compel the great ma­ Tbai Hs (or wtuch with loral prida as to lose ail regard for the truth) arms—three fleur-de-lis in verity, cratic administration that many pre­ jority of the people to maintain the For years they su Bared, hoped aad abuse your royoil goodness. For this but branded on his shoulder! ” tentious measures whieh have filled profits oi certain classes of employers under a pretense of inaining the wa­ Tod I rnard Is seen within. soldier bath none braver, and "Lord cardinal, one by ono you columns of newspaper space. What Is Hood ’* Rlllearsi Tor ird'i head \ stoat dying ossa. his youth's hot fohy, misled —by bavo severed from me tho bonds of known here as the Dockery commission ges of certain classes of .employes is re­ Nor laaa dark, la Blth aad grim* whom your highness (to Orleans) human love. ” faltered the monarch, has already saved by systematizing the sponsible for the spirit which now in ­ General Booth claims that the Lie i >ved that dear old Bar: a crisis sists that liecnuse there are twelve or la « « who bo»«tof Urlh uti uat may conjecture —is long since can ­ afraid to know more as he oaught a work of the departments fSTb.'JVA a Salvation army converts to Christiani­ XVh< list publish to tha world uhalr year, and the measures which have al­ fifteen hundred workingmen at Pull- ty 300,000 people every year. celed by a loyal manhood. He will glimpse of Gaston ’s countenance con- man whose wages have been reduced be the lion of your army and tho ter­ vulsel with a timorous tremor. ready passed the House and now {lend ­ The Hun day law in regard to th* Oat old Ubby's walls, we view. ing in the Senate will add SHU.M.*: or the labor organizatiou to which they Will foy and sadness, old sod nea. ror of your foes when I shall have "Have done with plots aud treason, belong has the right to impose bur­ closing of business houses of all sort* The >ricele«s io the sishl of those a total saving of B47B.M75 a year. This In New Orleans is to be rigidly en ­ sunk to real, eternal repose on that whioh have spattered all my reign! saving of D47S*>7A is the minimum dens upon the productive industry of Aroi tires th- past n brio, throws forced. We i room to room, with nolseiei bed of death where one ages no How many unfounded, your polloe rmount. That it will amount to largely the country to maiutain their wages at more. Ho is, mv lord —and you may may know. Now leave mo amidst the old figure. In some Hindoo temple* in South Each Let tie-Held like some dark phantom over f&t*o,o(io is shown by the fact that compare him with this mouse who my trustiest friends, my closest kin ­ while the estimated savings in the This is not casuistry. Hut it is casuis­ the col lee tion is taken up by To flit beiore ear vision like s dream. shakes yet with a wag of his least dred. who will, as before, guard mu pnrehneeof supplies was 9IU0.0M). the try of the veriest sort for journals an elephant that goes round with a Hrvrtliar lorms o t comrades, whose last finger —he is. upon tho word of a from villains. Go home, and sleep contracts which have just lieen let which have advocated protective tar­ basket. breath. show that the saving in these p. .• iffs asa means of roaming wages to W’rnt out In war's deep crimson tide of death critic of swordsmen, one to bo put away your perpetual phantom—tho condemn the Debs method of levying Two hundred thousand fruit trees, before all to both friends and foes midnight assassin who opens your chases exceed BMIO.IWU. How marked the eoatraal now, the throngs we Everybody who knows anvtliing tariffs: or to attempt to draw distinc ­ most of them the Italian prunes, have meet It is I whom he had most offended, curtains and wears tho faco now of tions which do not exist between the been planted in Thurston county, 'Vho crowd the room* mad corridors, whose all about the manner in which either foot. and I have pardoned him." Chalais. now of Houteille! Farewell!” national or state departments are con ­ methods of McKinley, The difference Washington, during the last twelve Borne lost beylnataz life's wild storms to ••And wc do gtvo your patron to It was almost a formal dismissal. ducted appreciates the tendency to add. is only one of method, beyond the fact months. breast. that the Debs tariff system is not le­ Aad others, weary, t'red. aeeklnr rest the winds, ” cried Louis testily.about For once, at least, his detractors year by year, to the number of em­ The upplioation of eleetricity to the Who pest from spot to spot, where on the whom his brother and numerous confessed, tho great salesman ployes for the purpose of creating of ­ galized. whi that of McKinley is. smelting of iron is being experimented floor. courtiers had assembled in support seemed to ino/o his lips in a fervent fices for political reward, .lust how Rotlt aim at the maintenance of the with in Sweden. Is marked ih~ name of one. who veers be to re minority by levying tribute upon the lied slept and dreamed of home and loved oast of the scheming favorite. And ho prayer. this system has Iteen abused was shown majority, ltoth insist that it is tbe A shock of earthquake is tran» there. made that significant wavo of the When he lifted up his voice, never in the series of articles on Washington Who now returns to mark that toot with cars departmental work published recently duty of society to make a sacrifice for mitted at the rate ef 10,003 feet—or tlod frank to them In life's drc Ininx veers hand to the captain of the guards in youth had it worn a sweeter, la i he i tea the supposed advantage of a remnant, three mile* —a second. A quiet pease nadlmmed by care or tears fuller tono, and the tirst word spell­ American Tribune which might be interpreted. "To It was thisabuse which the Dockery lkith declare the doctrine of "all for There is a tree in Nevada so lumin ­ bound the host and his familiars the Uastlle with him.” commission was created to cure. Ail one.'' which means, with !>oth. that, ous from exuding phosphorescent rudely making for the door. Richelieu understood the token government work was done in u slip­ given the power to enforce embargoes matter that one can read by its light. Cardinal Richelieu.thoroughly, for he Sun; himself be­ "Sweet heaven, graut an old man shod manner which would have bank ­ upon commerce and obstructions to | A party of students of Stanford uni ­ tween tho eaptivo and tho officer, patience!” said Richelieu. "I am rupted any private business enterprise. traffic detrimental to all in the interest founded on th* Play of •*.'lcbelleo." by versity have discovered tho ossified Lord Lyttuu. crying with a force whieh he mar­ reproached for bloodthirstiness —I. a Kvery body knew it irat. while Con ­ of a few. the exercise of that power remains of a prehistoric Amerioan velously found in his shattered body: churchman, too- in a realm whero gress appreciate I that someth?* becomes a duty. CHAPTER VIII—Coirmrcm should lie done, the field which In tunes like these we find the Re- within an hour's ride south of San ••Nay! not so fast.” malice dares to act vigorously in no publican influences, which have advo ­ Adn«n let the fine stool almost ••Away with him!” dread of the dungeon and no regard offered for storing uway office-in 1 Francisco. roach his breast, but bowing him* constituents was too inviting cated the doctrine of "all for one, ” An unusual growth is noticed in the ••What, sire/ You do not know — of the rack. Here clemency is au In every campaign of later politics, re­ self, it wee goin; by in a sorai-circlo molested. garden of George D. Colt at Norwich, oh. pardon me!—you know not yet orror, ruinous to thrones I know Something like 18,000 persrtWI turning to the Democratic principle of harmlessly enough, when he cut at that this brave and honest heart that tho scythe of soverity alone individualism as the one upon which Conn. A wisteria vine has ontwined It. and severed it like a stink of employed in the departments here stood botween mine and murder only should bo applied to the roots of our Under the provision of the appropria ­ our system of government is built. itaelf around an elm so tightly that it barley sugar. In Harada* ’ hand was last night! Sire, (or my saao —your noxious weeds! Better for your suc­ tion act approved March 3, Isttfl. u com ­ Much candor would lie udmirable were is gradually strangling tho growth left six or eight inches and the old servant ’s sako —undo this wrong, cessors. whose troublous times will mission consisting of three Senators it not mi clearly forced by the necessi­ out of the latter. gaud}' hilt, "flnically studded with and let mo cancel the sentence. ” be but a faint replica of your woes, ami three Representatives, was lip- ties of the situation. Government, ac­ rubios and pearls.” as the inventory pointed to "inquire into and examine cording to Democratic interpretation, ••At your peril intervene anew' my lord, hod I dug up thoso roots is constituted for the purpose of giv ­ DR. KILMER’S of his wardrobe recorded. Then the This is too much.” returned the and bruised them to a powder for the status of the laws organizing the executive department, bureaus, divis ­ ing to ever}’ citizen equal opportunity. knight, with uu old timo chivalry, king, to tho exultation of Gaston dissipation to ail the winds! Siro. which bad not. by this axample. gone ions am! other government establish­ Such government cannot contemplate and the knot of nobles "Again, from tbe foot of that great throne ments at the national capital: the the exercise of its powers against an out with Francis tho First, flung sir. do your duty. ” these huiuls havo raised aloft on an element of its (Mipulation for the pro ­ down his long sword, and drawing a rules, regulations and method-, for the The cardinal for the first timo Olympus, looking down on mortals conduct of the same: the time und at­ tection or lietternicnt of any other el­ dagger, threatened tho courtier as at and worshiped by their awe. beforo tention devoted to the operation . ement. It cannot tax one industry for the tirst, und after one short bout, as bowed to the petty storm. •■I feel tho fire spreading among its foot, I say, will you spurn tbe thereof by the persons emp'.i*yc:l there­ the benefit of another. It cannot un ­ (leroe. as brief, he disarmed him, dertake to maintain either wages or the ashes,” murmured he, between gray-haired man who gave you em­ in. and the degree of efficiency of ull and elutching him by tho throat, to pire and now sues for safety?” such employes: whether any modifi ­ profits in the interest of any one class the hindrance of his breath issuing his coughs. "Hut I never do aught b/ taxing the productive energies of Ho knelt, as ho had not done for cation of these laws can be made to se­ save in a hiss, he lifted the dagger without rofleotion. and Adrien's hot­ cure greater efficiency and economy: the entire country. It knows no ele­ five years, without a supporting arm to strike him dead, saying- headed intervention was no play on and whether u reduction in the num ­ ments. It deals with the citizens as to ease his fall or raise him up ••Serpent! hiss thy last! Thou dost my board. Never mind, nothing ber or compensation of the per* ns the unit of the government. ••When you see your emlnonco Under such u Democratic government not deserve my anger, but some heel will be loit to our friend Haradas by authorized to lie employed in tn'.d Ex­ really at tbe foot of the throne of policy the growth of the Debs spirit must be fouled with crushing theo, my slowness to move; and I have ecutive department or bureau caa In * heaven.” returned the heartless be­ made without injury to the public ser­ would not In * possible. The monstrous and so die in the acme of your ambi* noticed that when a flro sweeps over ing. with all tho sarcasm which had vice. claim that the rights of all the people KIDNEY LIVER *22 W tion! by a lueau. a dark and tragic a field the trees may remain scathed l)con sheltered, without utterance, in The commission was authorized to are subordinate to the rights of a few death!” and blackened, but tho leaves and Ills bosom a lifolong, "then wo will employ three experts to assist them, men could never have found voice in Pain in the Bock llarada* saw the eyes peering into worms that battonod on their sap this country but for the legalizing of listen to you. ” und the heads of the various depart ­ Joints or hips, sediment in urine like hrick-duat his with the gloating of a wild cat are reduced to nothingness! Yea. ments were instructed to detail from the no less monstrous doctrine that He went away on the arm of his frequent calls or retention, rheumatism. whieh at last springs on tho hunter count, I shall go to my end. consum ­ time to time such officers and employes government has the right to lay a brother, the wouid-be murderer and who slew its mate, and the glitter ­ ing and mastering all that is hostile as the commission might request. heavy hand upon the industries of the Kidney Complaint usurper, and both followed most ing stool descended like lightning. beforo me. and my rod robo will From the House. Dockery of Misaouri, people for the advantage of special in ­ Diabetes, dropsy . scanty or hiffb colored urine. But at the same moment a column of cover the waste I shall have made. closely bv Haradas, who would havo Richardson of Tennessee and Dingley terests. The Debs boycott is the com ­ t rinary Troubles given half the kingdom which he of Main were chosen, ami from the plement of the McKinley tariff law. idlers, guards and functionaries, Tako my friend away, bravo cap­ Ptinxln* sensations when vnldtnx, distress prs*. tain. ” be said, lingering at tho door: coveted for the assassin's courage to Senate, Cockrell of Missouri. Jones of | Ami but for the |ianonly of the law quivering with apprehension for whieh saves him from even the sus­ Hire in tho parts, urethral irritation, stneturu. "thank you for showing your regret! stab him there and then in the hack. Arkansas and Cullum of Illinois, their ofllces at a stranger having on* picion of statutory crime. McKinie) is As the suu melts snow and hardens I'naidod. abandoned, Hlchnliou Dockery was made chairman of the Disordered Liver teroi tho |ienetralia surreptitiously, commission and upon him u large nnrt not less a despoiler than Dele--' mud. so doth a foe's mishap soften tottered to his feet, leaving to slido Bloat or dark ctrotes under the eyes, toueus trampled down the ornamental bushos of the lalior devolved. Louis Republic. coated, constipation, yellowish eyeballs. as clumsily as an elephant, and whilo the courageous man and harden the off him the counterpart of the Capu­ A general summary of the cense- of chin’s robe, in which he had entered Hrallrnttl of IN* Msaata. At DrncgUit, 50 rents and $1.00 aim. surging over the tw«* combatants, coward! .Speak not. Adrien." he con ­ the various de|>artments showed that 'IswMr U*M* to HssMS" ------llw. the palace. Hu uppearud in a cava­ separated them in spite of the terri­ cluded stoutlv. to hide his true sen there were 13(1 officers or bureaus and The proceedings of the senate yes- Dr. Kilmer A Co .. liiNOHAMToa, N. Y. ble grasp in which Man prat hud liou. "but go: I would not see young lier’s costume, which became him 4i«s divisions and IT.SV* persons em­ yesterday manifest a healthful activi­ valor so burnt leu a- gray servioo! ” well, with orders and stars upon the ployed therein. Il.tWiT males and .*>,037 ty of |Kitriolic feeling in that body. WC MILL MAIL rOSTPfllD seized the count s nos 1* 00*1 Pk-tur*. ratiusa "Fare you well; save Julie, and bosom. females, that of the number employed Senator Deffer’s anarchistic resolution ••Swords drawn —before tho very in the eight executive departments, met withun almost unanimous oppo ­ “MEDITATION " palace! Have all the laws died with console her." ••It is not for a Kicholieu to go out In •ictuses tor it Lai«r Liao of the serpent's den showing that the Department of Lalxir, Civil ServLc sition. and Democrats and Republi­ Maori*, nil from Urn < oks* Richelieu?” faltered an old major- When tho cirdinal turned to re- cans. Southern men and Northern men. the poison has soaked to his heart. Commission anti Fish Commission, wrap****. <0*1 • 2-rsat xup M domo. unable to believe his oyes as confront tho ruler whoso tutor into which are under the civil srrvice law. joined together in deprecating the pay p ots — Wrtto (or IMS ot Ah! old mountain, ” roused he, as he oar utter It* prrmlssM. Inriori. the guards disarmed the knight, and grealne** ho had solely been, he mot 8,037 were in the class subject to com ­ lawlessness which has kept the coun ­ las tuoka. a kalfr. state, ots. the courtiers dusted the pule und a gloomy face, latuis had nerved proudly went through the room pete tire civil service examination »• try iti a state of terror for nearly a wool son eetez Co.. gasping lobleinan hituseif for the effort of his life, where all turned away from the sol ­ liminafy to appointment, and S.’-« fortnight. The speeches of Senator IM llnroii SI . Touumi . OBIO. Whilst the latter was regaining which hao always been his insur ­ itary figure which no chango of at­ that nuinlter entered the servic ■ Gonion of Georgia, and Davis of Min­ breath to furnish au account of the mountable barrier: the shaking off tire disfigured, "the snow deepens on such examination: the residue. 4.7AS, nesota were especially vigorous and timely. affray, the overpowered knight was of the triumpher over his liberty, if your crest, the storm lashes your were employed in departments at the Patents. Trade-Marks. time they were classified and placed The laws must be enforced in order Raasrttansn sari Arirlo* so to PstowlaMttty cC dragged into the palace. IIis an ­ not over his heart. bosom as fiercely as ever, and the buMlit Mi for •* Isvtwtsvs* UstSt, or Haw lotto little unwashed boys of the village under the civil service law by the ex­ to guarantee the lives anil property of •**sias*." nma :Tintn vioann, s. a tagonist hastened to tho king s pres­ "Now, for yourself, ” cried he. to the people in safety. The working ­ arc dancing round the tire thoy kin- ecutive order: that the ages of those ence. where a fresh cause for terror begin the colloquy. "What moans employed, stated in multiples of five men of the country are especially con- was awaiting him. Thero stood the this false report of death, lord died at your feet! Beware. Haradas, years, range from twenty years to oerned m t bis When law and order gray robe of Father Joseph, but tho cardinal? ” lest the great mass split with tho ninety years, und the length of service arc dethroned force become* the domi ­ thrown-back cowl rovoakod tho aged 1 "Ate you then angered, sire, that tlnme. and thundering down, grind of ull employes ranges from one year nating power. In such a condition the head of ‘’the Ked Man. 11 Under this 1 still live?” you and your kind into undistla- to sixty year* each, anil that of the rich have nothing to tear. They can garb, which no ono ever cared to up- ’ "No: but such artifice------” guUhnblc atoms!'* whole numlter employed .*>,010 have purchase immunity and buy protec ­ from one to uinc relatives each in the tion. Rut those whose capital is their proach nearly without invitation. ••Not mine: look elsewhere for [TO BE COMTtllL’BU] FREE! Ruppwrt’s FACE BLEACH government service. ski)) and health and brains must look Appiriimt Ite (teutons —t* •«>»—» Kioheliou had come through the artifices.” retorted the prime minis ­ .Ote U.S. t,ilMri death This tops the infinitude of -What’s that T* ways wa< suspected of being unsafe, C. XX*. Huskies and E. XV. Sells were United Mtates Senate would be a dan ­ it looked ail right, but tliuro wore insult to your majesty:!’ "Wo have pnnUhod them already. ” chosen us the experts to assist tbe com ­ gerous experiment. That anv mem­ f*om«* reasons why the managers wore ••Yes! it requires a mountain to llarada* liasteno i to say, irritated at mission. and month swerr spent in the ber of that August body would give toms*, a . BUPP*BT. oa. I4tn *t„n.Y.oity ■ afraid of it They could not decido crush this terrible sorpent. ” retorted being left out of tho dialogue. "One various departments. The best busi­ countenance to such a proposition is to themselves and they sent up to Lon ­ lie regretted. Rut the fact that Sena­ Uf ICC OANHOT SEE NOW YON 00 Hiutioiieu. “1 have not yet. like M. Huguet. the captain of your revor- ness methods employed in large finan ­ WlrC |T ANN NAY FRI1RHT. don for a famous engineer to come cial institutions were suggested, ami tor Peffer’n reM»lution served to dem ­ Francis, welcomed .Sister Death:” ence'* own defenders was heard und look it over. Ho came and was as u result, several bureaus were en ­ onstrate the unsnimity of opinion King Louis was on the halatinc lie boa-ting of thu good riddance to toy Satkte, tkkM >>■*■■.* Itoil • l«ki puzzled, tno. until ho thought of a tirely almllahed. As may well In * im- among Senators in the line of thought kmyy Mti nswto te M V«m*i *kl felt liko tho novioo taught swim­ France of your immense ca|iacity. SMI*S*ktea Witter,"■— — 11 rte way to test He took a Kodak and magined. Representative Dockery, the in which the President lias led. may ming in u leash, who at last bus and he was promptly sent into tho head of the commission, is an intensely serve a good purpose in the end. It w 1-w------|OT .1 Mprl Ini ikmili,SkH top «teiN ntado a picture of the Itridgn with P * MSay.TVtte. >-«totey..*tototo ttekin . pulled tno cord out of his trainer's congenial place for such irreverent unpopular man almut the depsr.ments will, itt least, show the country that IMS—SSI. tenhll Mrtel wtoto —teto Hi ■«*«■> bo train U|»on it. Then he kopt his hand, lia-adas -aw the Indecision, baholers—the state prison on the here. XX henever he steps into a de ­ rebellion is not a popular idea. — Kan­ —■at. Sty twmm (■■■■) to mtt tetkO tot Ifwi’i putet camera in position and waited for a rsrr M TteaPt* to to itoiyte tiilki •» ten — and hurriedly whispered in his voice, Fast end. Your lordship will thus partment there is n flutter among the sas Pity Times. rntl fitter* i. ii i il ikkMi Hi* Vtoil*. which hrd been altered in clearness of see that wo were prompt to avenge fast train to come. Pretty soon an employes and every clerk who holds a OXFORD WFO. 00. MI WUsak Am. OHIOANO.IU. express came thundering on. and Tlie llamev Peak Tin Mining com ­ melody ny the fivo lingers of his foe: you. we were—” sinecure feels that his turn is coming pany of Soutii Dakota, one of the "in ­ | just as tho big locomotive struck the next. The great work which has Itvn ••Ho Arm. my liege ’ ilaviug as­ "Wo! ” interrupted Richelieu, with fants" especially nourished at Govern ­ bridge he pulled op*n the slido and accomplished can be seen at u glance sumed the soepter. wield it! Re- lofty dis tain, uni a withering look ment expense by the XIcKinley law. is W, L. Douclas took a second picture on tho same from the. following summary, showiug member it is a sword, though which causod the cabinet <'• sar to said to have b^en. according to English m n o tdato that still held the first When the savings in each bureau. $3 SHOE NO OCUCA T ' . wrapt with velvoL ” blanch so that his iwauty-spots of mve-tors. only a cleverly gotten up the plate was examined tho pieturo Carr hating -applies ...... eicj.iei model of an ••infant, ” used to absorb 05. CORDOVAN, Ho had forgotten his order for the black satin seemed deep holes in his .Iboiitklti; Trraaarvr't report showing FRCRCHA DMMCU£DCALT with the train was found so much lio- warrants Mr o • British gold. It is also an open ques­ prisoner to be brou/hl in as soon as face. -‘Ha! ha' vou hear, my Hog** ? M.toHNECALfAK j low tho other as to show what tho linprm iiiz me I bo I • of iiostoMe* se­ tion whether the other tin "infaat. ” ho hod had timo to prepare the What page. man. in the last court rous! tog ...... Iln.JM 1 $ 3.5® POLICE,3 sous. engineer and managers had feared — Keaulatlnx proper!) return* ...... have not been equally spurious. monarch for his coming: and tho grammar made you a plural* Count, a dangerous droop to tho bridge. — Improving Treat ur) accounting tya- guards led him in at this juncture. you have seized the hireling, sire, lein ...... Mr. Gladstone has an income oi **" rjCTRA FINL. ^ Now York Times. The cardinal started with uraazo- shall 1 name the master. ” International money order ...... T.e*' tier annum. And yet the pos- *2.*tfPBOY£CNOOLSW£SL Form of 1 res*nrer*» wtrmau...... ti.wv session of such a great fortune, much •LADIES- merit, for ho bad no knowledge of Not a man behind the king drew Hoc Itestmyln* old money onlert ...... 1 .om Adrien's endeavor to strike the fa­ of which was acquired during years r,t a breath, while tho latter paused for Footling tho hog is being revolu ­ Tots)., ...... vorite with punishment adequate to service as the most powerful a rnplv. Kven Haradas ’ ready tongue tionized. Formerly anything that Of this total the hills which accomp ­ the figure in the llritish Government, ^ .ecNoroacATALoaue his designs. With Jev as great tho W-L-DOUOLAS, failed him at the daring of tho old could be fed to swine was allowed, lished the savings hive all Imen en ­ has never rai«ed a suspicion against knight saw with whom the king was BROCKTON. MAM. mau. who. null* single handed, de ­ ! without regard to the filth contained, acted into laws witii the exception ot him. Xlr. Gladstone lias lieen the Cte- closeted, of that king he would not fied them all. er by VMritv tbe sour swill, filled with disease germs, the bill improving the method o. sar's wife of politic* • *3.00 Nbsv. have besought an hour of his life. "No. enough. ” replied Kin. l

Hutu* 'mnpaiiv. tli« Distillers’ and a somewhat quickwitted young man of tb* damoeratlc party. However aa the LBttAL NOTltm The Independent rattle-feeders rouibmalluu. are exam- little eduestioo, who started in life as policy of tboee Democrats who are now pies of vast conspiracies which moitop- a locomotive tlreman, who soon became tryimt to bring about harmonious action Tenas of the Cirrait t’oart . olise important branch** of produc- an mliusntial member of labor orga- by the party in Congress is to let by- l 8. 'ORBIT. Editor sad fuffWw. tive imlusti s m ' owm ‘l ,KJt •«»* U) a tariff law along the lines of tlie Wil­ iMwwt...... BAH of Art can hr nbuinnl at Premium*...... IIS II Norristown. Pa., -and ran errand* for should not be iutolerabiy heavy, and go HUPPrt"8 * them whan they are going on; son bill. Vet I should not feel un- Fine* ...... 446 07 HAMILTON'S AKT GALLERY. Washington when encamped there. it ought to prevent them. To this end happy in the event that the other view Fee*, transfer ...... W 75 NO fl. CLINTON AVE. on iu this way until the return of bet­ Fee*. membership...... W mi ter times should make it pnatible to a rigid enforcement of existing laws, in­ prevails, because to enact a measure Luw* pant ...... 'UNOau flicting severe penalties upon the oon- like the Senate bill is a great achieve- O ur * is an age of clubs, conferences raise the wages to the old standard. Total ...... *05.436 Ml and conventions. (Irganizatiou among The companv chose the latter course spirmtors to make warning examples of inent for the demticracy. It is u com- DISBURSEMENT* us is running riot. The greatest good witli regard to its great establishment them. a* well a* suitable additions to ; plete reversal of a policy of thirty years, Iamui *...... • ll.n'8 au lnte«e*t on withdrawal* ...... I.4T4 -IS which lias marked the prog rets of the at l'ullman. ir. Chicago. It reduced tlie law to increase their effectivenM*. standing. It is like a short turning of Withdrawal* ...... 18.161 :« past half century has been due largely will no doubt be of service. Hut this an army to the west that lias been Expenses ...... IJJD w wages, ami accepted orders for cars Premium* refunded ...... « Ml to organization. The most powerful whicli could not be 111 led without a se­ does not suffice. All railroad and tele- marching due east. It is the beginning Membership lee ...... 1 ISO forces retarding right ideas of vere loss, but which would serve at graph corporation* upon whicli the of a new and better order, and even if Cash on hand...... ’iUI] aocial life and the development of the leaat to keep the working foroe em­ country lias to depend for tbe transpor- only a beginning is not to be condemti- Total...... 6 N..42B *5 altruistic in man iiave sprung from or ­ ployed. s*i as to bridge over the liard tationsof jiersons aud goods and tbe ed. ” KKtMlUfMTW Loan* ...... $ 37,875 Ml ganization. The tlrst thing which times. Tills is the case as presented transmission of intelligence-tiling* a* Should the House adopt a resolution <'ash In Treasury...... MM 91 fMiund*. broken or unbroken, at ex­ in the Michigan republican party just to the condition of tilings. The work ­ 4th cedes 04 stutres. has run US weeks; : value. MSA7. : u:—- nent into ciiaos. and inflict incalculable would be sufficient —tlie desire of inem- nth cede* 45 sbares. lie* run SI weeks: due*. let his name lie mentioned as a uomi- tion. ” The company answered tliat it 9*275: pmflt.ll.Mi: value. BM.74. Wmtern Honuw «ffpr«l an* all oee for ‘governor unless Utah's saw nothing to arbitrate. Some time loes aud suffering upon millions of peo- beta to adjourn as soon as the tariff bill 7tli aeries. 73 share*, lias run AA weeks: due*. pie. on tlie ground flint some railroad is disposed of. in order to lake part in • IAS: profit. $1.45; value. 917.MI Full Hlooil Amerirau Horse- lame wa* withdrawn. He as much as afterwards the "American Railway *th sedea. lit* share*, has run Ml weeks: due* bum* there is great fraud among tlie Union." :ui organization of railroad mu - uses cars from some car shop, or rails the <'ongreaaioual campaign- •4 50: profit, t .16: value. fajM No liiNtanip* or HrottrhoN. from some rolling mill, or that the tele- The making of the Wilson bill came D. S. FRENCH. Rich workers and was ashamed to iiave I ployes. under the leadership of Kiigene F M. SPAULDING. President. bis name used at such a convention. V. Del**, interfered in the matter by graph companies use wires from some near causing tlie deatli of riiairmau Hecretan . In*peel ion of Stork and ( orre>- lbngree s letter to the Republicans of j declaring a boycott against ail the Pull wire factory, the o|ieratives of which Wilson, and if he |*ersists. iu the present i potidpnre Solicited. Michigan expressing Ills sentiment*. man car* used on dilbrent railroad lines ! ,UIV‘* HO,u* ‘ 'luarrel with their employer* condition of his health, in trying to per-1 *i»en \b.1 on forai labors in «»nnection wiU. the ware, to say tlM* least, sensible anti by "tying up" even railroad line or grounds even still more remote, Uriffj that tailed to obev his liehest* Then The sympathetic strike of tide ktad is a conference tliat would pnistrate u| Probstrof »aidi\>unir.aiiii*ProtMi*«iAi<-*inth«- olios. On the liicii »ide of the house Village ot Si. Jsbas. un tk* 2*«h day of Deesmbst R. M. STEEL there is Uie same confusion, l'ingree the sttike aud its accompanying disor- ‘tanger to which society cannot nffoul strong and healthy man his friends fear A D.. INS4. ami Hull ibr crvil'ior* of *skl Jwsssul At. Johns. October 14. WB IP- an-allowtd mi inoBIki iiooi the Bale oi Iklt no ­ was redicnled by many and many tlid : tiers spread far and wide, obstructing u* •*»«■*«*. »;»d tlie transportation for tbe consequence*, lie say* lie is iu tice Id which to prss»at their rlwai 1ST adjait- the commerce of u large part of the! tatagiaph ooaipaaies oare to the pso- the tight to remain until tlie last blow meat. listed Jase 26, A I) . 1MM not pav any attention whatever |to tlie CHARLES M. MI.KRILL matter. However, tliere waa enough country, and bringing incalculable loss pie Mdnpiate protection against till* is struck regardless of Id* own health Judge ol Probsle . LIVERY strife at Urand Rapids to convince and suffering iifioti tlie American 1 danger, a* far a* they are able to give or feeling*. . _____ —AND— everyone tliat Uiere is a screw loose in people. it. It is therefore their duty 'ntlexibly Although Minister Willi* was sotne-iM made In the payment of a certain*tnort- ftt«<' dated the am day of May. A. It. 1*71, ex the Republican party (somewhere. There is one feature of thi* business to refuse tm ploymeut to ull (lersons what premature in fully recognizing ccuted by Lee J. Knapp and Helen a. Knapp of who will not furnish every pomibie the republic of Hawaii in advance of in­ the township of Uatb. Clinton county. Michi­ which will at once strike every fair-; gan. to Edwin C. 1 nslec of Hamburg. Living THU MTKIKK. minded man as very siugular. If tbe Giat they will never aid in j struct ion* to that effect from Secretary atoii county. Michigan: which mortgage was (;realism tliere in little doubt tliat his recorded In the «fio- of the Heglsler of Deed* The strike is practically over, notwith­ Ihillman t'ompany. instead of offering 1 * ,D,,Kf,ig on tliat dangar. for Clinton county, in Liber 46 of Mortgages, standing tlie assertions of Deb* and their woricing-iuen. in spite of tlie los ­ I^et it not be said tliat this would be a I action will be approved by tbe admims- on isure 311, on tbe flit day of May. A. 1). 1*7*: detiial of tlie rights of tlie laboring men tration. It is not probable tliat any which mortgage waa on the Ittli day of May. Koverein to the contrary- Tlie men who ing business, continued employment at A. !».. I**8. duly assigned by said Edwin C. to organize tor tlieir own lienetil. There action will lie taken on the formal pro- I nslec to Daniel Sober by itsalgmuent duly rr- «ibereri their insane orders are now seek­ a reduced rate of wages, had simplv said conlcd in tie- same office. In IJIwr *»1 of Mori ing work from Uieir old employer* to them. "We ate sorry tliat our husi-1 are ImlMir organizations, especially teat of tbe ex-i^ueeii against Uie estaii-! gages on page II*. on the 1st 'lay of August. among railroad employes, which every- lishment of tbe republic in Hawaii. A. l>. 1SW; which said mortgage waa attar- on Uie same term* they refused, at ness lias so fallen off tliat iiave no Ion- ! ward*. on the mat day of July. A. I).. ltd*,5 Eduly Boarding Stable ger employment for you; we are «v>m- Inn Iv recognizes not only as legitimate Tlie bills for the admission of New ■assigned by the said Daniel Sober toI ItolwrlIlftkMiPl W lieb* ’ command*, and after they have M. Swlgart by assignment duly recorded In the FINE TURNOUTS OF ALL KINDr hwt u million dollar* in wage* and de ­ peiled to cioae the works, and you will but os extremely useful to tlieir own in- ! and Arizona have lieen favor- same olfiec In Liber » of Mortgage*, on |>ag>- terest* as well as to their employers , ably reported to the Senate and a* tliere », on the 1st tlay of August. A. I).. ISM. and Special at tent lob given to Hoarding Hoi»» . ■ n» stroyed several million dollars worth of have to shift for yourselves until we get then- iH-tug now due and unpaid upon said (laaa outfit* furoivbed lor' ommenlalMri pnpafty. and to that extent rendered pmlitable order* enabling us to take von *"d **> the public at large Such are tlie i* practically no opiaMitiou to eitlier. it mortgage for principal and Interest, three hun­ Funeral*. Pleasure Parties. Me. is only a question of time when tliev dred and seventy-five dollar*, and no proceed ­ their employer* les* able to pay Uie hack -if the companv iuul tlone this brotlieriiotsl of locomotive engineers, ings having lieen Instituted, at law or In equi­ SaHVrvou. having Lame and Disabled Horass «>ld-heart«l thing in n cold business- the brotherhotid of tnunmen. and others, will liecome laws. ty. to recover the same or any part therrot. will find I be heal of fsrllitie* lor irestment at my wage* on which they are deiiendenl for whereby tbe power of sale contained In said aublsa. M.C LIVESAY. V eternity nurgses. la at- their daiIv bread, and after they Iiave like way. tliere would Iiave been no Thev keep tlieir contracts and ;ue care- There an* tnauy sensational rumors mortgage is now operative. Notice la hereby teudaace .Wables M dear West of Tbe Ms* gtven that the said mortgage will be foreclosed North aid*. ' 1729' procured an aasertiou of authority from trouble. in fact, the companv did this fwl to ba reasonable in tlieir demands, uikiat concerning tlie testimony taken and tbe premise# therein described will be sold very thing in one instance without stir- Whan tliey iiave u grievance they are j by the Senate committee that isinvesti- according In law. at public auction to the (HOIK M’MOPIKLD Prop r. tlie general government that Uie full highest bidder at the west trout door of tbe force of tlie nation will be employed to ring a ripple. It closed Its shops at De- always listened to with the utmost re* gating the sugar scandal, but as tlie court house. In tbe village of fit. Johns. (Mate troll, ami transferred the work that pact, aud they do not lind it necessary committee lias not madepublic any of of Michigan, ithat hslng thebuilding wherein suppress tin* disorder and disturbance Is held the circuit court for tbe county of RICHMOND A OSBORN, of business, tliat always follow* an en­ miglit have tieen done there to I hi 11 man to resort to strikes in order to get jus- , the testimony venllcatioti is impossible; Clintoni. on Natnniay. the SNth day of July. t ice. Tlie*e organizations Iiave done in- they are too serious to be repeated wiUi- A. I».. HUM. at one o'clock In the afternoon forced idleness of labor. Soute years for tlie purpose of keeping u large num ­ The mortgaged premises to be sold a ri­ ser! bed therein as all of that certain piece1 or General Insurance Agents aguMartin and Keamev fermented strife ber of men at Ihillman employed. Rut finitely more to advance Uie interests of out. Don . parcel of land situated In thevillage of Uatb. Over Allison • Jewelry Store. amoog tlie workmen of the country, it was at Pullman, where the working ­ tlie working-man. to protect iiim against ---- —------in the county of Clinton and stair of Michi­ A YfllliMti PrtsaB*. gan. and described aa follow*, to-wit : Lota <61 W. JOHNS. MICH. iwraiyzed business and rendered horae- men Iuul lieen kept employed at a sacri- i oppression, and to win for him general six and (?) seven, block (IT» seventeen, as laid lea* thousands of otlierwiae contented lice to tlie companv. where the trouble ' ***teem and sympathy, than any or ai| a friend in need » a friend indeed, and down In tbe recorded plat of the village of Representing thefollowing com pan t Hath, county of Clinton, state of Michigan, .NortItwe-tern \alional. of lilwaiikH, and iiappy laborers. No sooner did oeenmd. not »t Datratt. wton Ms o»-!<*«*» «Ik . which said premises will lw> sold t o ar that as one parrel and to satisfy the amount due and The Sun Fire, uf London. tiieae deluded men realize their desper ­ ««!«» »-"• —m “,Kl e“J“' T1?4" 'S' cost* of foreclosure os provided by law -Dat­ Thf InsnraiireCih, of North Amerira, ate condition and the cause of it. tiiau Tlie Pullman working-men Iiave thus follower* witli grand but impossitm ani|c0|^». ii you have never used this ed Mav 2. A. D. ISM. The Ktna, of Ilaiifordr ROBERT M. SWIGART. thev pursued tlie authors with tlie vin ­ taught tlie employers of labor in the schemes of emancipation and power Great < ough Medicine, one trial will con- PATTaasog a Ft.rvg. Assignee sprinfifteld. of Springfield. Bass., country this lesson: When times are ««‘l who seduce them into criminal en- viace you that it ha* wonderful curative Attornevs for Assignee Rockford, of Rockford. III.. dictiveness of declaration and made of powers in all disease* of Throat. Cheat Germania, of New York. them vagabond* and fugitive* from jus­ hartl and work cannot profitably lie car- terprises fraught with disaster lit all, ~OKTUAO»: SALK-Default hailaf teen and l.ung*. Kach bottle is guaranteed to utads in lbs readltlos* of s certain ittilrn- Westchester, of New York tice. Debs and Sovereign Iiave given Uie rie«l on. employers should carefully al>- but most to the laboring people theni- do all that la claimed or moaey will he- Mtursof mortgarr dated Juse V, 1*77, sal nrrutsl ItATlston. of Ho«ton. Ms— stain from trying to bridge over hard selves.—Horpr ’a lleririy. reAmded. Trial bottles free at Fildew A by Jedoluili Gasklll sad Augrlka ht* wife, both fate strikers like cause for vengeance, of IsckMtt.N. Y. by Hsrulbsl Gsiklll sf St. ami partly demented, as tliey are *up- times for tlieir operatives by offering ” Mi liman'* drag stores. St. John* A Fow ­ .lehso. Mlrhigan. their attorney in fast. le ( harles | Washington Letter. ler. Diff bottles Stir and $1.00. 1 G. Hathaway, awl recorded Juae 1*77, la tbe | iwised to be. may suffer Uie same fate them employment at reduced wages | •tMcsollhr tteglater of Ib-eds lor the County ->f from tlie men they have so cruelly Tliat would Gum tumble. The only ------' Union. In l.lber 42 of Montage*on pasr-110 to 117. FOR SALE. is whkh I non gage 1 her* l> rial wed to Is-daeai the wro ng ed. safe policy tinder snob circumstance* is Wasninoton . ii. u . July fiL i»i. 1 -late of thta asdee the auui of oac Ihouwsud three 1 hundred fifty four and IS-IOn dollar-. Iwstdea an In order to cloar an rotate I want u cash simpl) to discliarge tlie men and let Tlie Democrats who place tlie inter- purchaser tor tin- loilowtng lands in the town* ' Attorney fee of Thirty iKdlarw. awl noruitorpro- of Victor and Hath, vlx: Tnc .-*out h eaat quar­ (tOKOHOLV. them take care of themselves. How do rtf tlie party and tlie country above Because I reeding at law or In equity having lieen inwtilUled 1 to recover sav pan of the debt wrnrsl by aabi ter ot the Nort h sot quarter of section seven When tlie heueiits which progrnsive sensible working-men like this view of tliat of individualities, whetlier tlioae I luonrage . nos tbe re fore, by virtue of tbe |«wer (7): the North-weat quarter of the South-west I of sale is void msrtgsge roatained, aad of the quarter of section eight (fit. ali in Town fir. tlie case? Yet tliey cannot tleny tliat individuals lie M. Senators or private north of Range one ill weal Alan the industry and intelligence ought to con ­ It is so Pure! Molute id worh lave made *sd provided, notice la just this is the teaching conveyed by citizens, have lieen working manfully hereby given, thai on the 'lid day of -eplem South-east quarterof the Hout h-west quarter of fer on society at large are secured to in­ That's the great reason why you I her A. If.. 1*04, at lot-lock in the sltorbsou, at section thlrtv-two .32): the South halt of the dividuals or to u class, tlie renult is tlie conduct of tlie lhdlinatt operatives. ^im^> tlie smoke of tlie Seuatonal explo- should know ahout our sail. It re­ ' the Wrot Irani door s