The Clinton Independent. VOL XXVIIl.-NO. 40. ST JOHNS, Mil H.. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 19. 1894. WHOLE NO-1448.

(lave your Watches. Clocks aud Jew* —Yesterday was the hottest—071 in ST. JOHNS TK.I VKLINU ON THK ItIVKK "Tl»» RnraU." MM. They -ought t Iw Haa. ■•raa Kuhaaft. elry repaired at Allison's. the old rell* the shade. Some time in October, or possibly be­ We learn from Edwani Brown, our A good pair of farm horses to ex obauge for one good horse. Enquire at able jeweler. —Denny Allen has been adjudged in­ Eiskumuck . . June 25. '94. fore. this justly celebrated comedy will liouored citizen, and the People ’s choice Spectacles and Eye Classes at almost be presented at Newton Hall, the pro ­ this office. sane and was taken to Kalomazoo asy­ My Dear Parents —I told you on for state treasurer, that the desire was wholesale prices at Krepps, DeWitt & lum Wednesday morning. my card that when we returned from ceeds to go to St. John's church to be so strong and ripe tn nominate Mr. E. Smoke "Crown of St. Johns.” lOcentc Go 's. Eyes tested free. —Charles Shields is now a brakeman Mines I would write you all about It. applied on payment of the church debt. E. Whipple, of St. Johns, for governor The Greatest bargains in Ribbons an ‘ The Rivals" Is one of the finest come­ HOftK 1ATTEBN. ou the D. A M. local freight, running We left Eiseleben about 11 o'clock Mon ­ in the People's Party convention at sale at 11. L. Kkndkick ’s. from Owoaao to Grand Rapids. day forenoon, and rode until 7 in the dies ever written and is a favorite with Lansing. July 4th. that be could liave Prices always the lowest. our greatest players. Joseph Jefferson —Ail orders for coal to date taken by evening through some of the grandest received the nomination on the first Great Cut Price Sale on Capas and scenery in the llartz mountains. and others having used it as a starring ballot if he had only consented to allow* Jackets At H. L. Kjcndkick ’a . —L. Grant is improvinKhis store with John Hicks at 96.U0 per ton will be piece. In the St. Johns production of Prices always the lowest. filled at $5.76 per tou. bis present price. Mainz (or Meutz) is a city strongly for ­ bis name to be thus used. The occas­ a fresh coat of paint. tified with a population of about 60,000. the play great care has been taken in ion of this ready decision was: First, —The Athletic base ball olub will A. M. Ualraai. —There are 480 boys in the .State Re­ We selected tins *Trlg**r —...... E. J. Molnat floats in the wake of protected and petted By H. Hickev. over Clark A Hulaa* proven a great detriment to pastures, —By referanee to the crop report in following. Tlieu there were thousands Fair H. W Holton wicked combines whose pur|Nise is to store. David. .K. A. St ruble corn and potatoes in this section. crush out single handed toilers who 1.000 small Hot. Wanted 1.000 another column, it will be seen that the of other people there. We did not go Thotnai .0. E. K Woodruff —A large number from St. Johns at­ promises are good for a profitable crop up to the grounds that night, but as it have seen fit to get into the race for an To shoot harmless firecrackers. Fur­ tended the colored camp meeting and Mr*. Maiaprop ...... Mr* E. H. Lyon of nearly every cereal and fruit. A was raining, went directly to our hotel. MIm Lydia LangtiDb ------Mlaa Nina Waldron honest and upright livithood. (five us nished rree at 9 o'clock a. m.. July 4th, At Spaulding A Co 's. barbecue at Grand LedgeSundyy last. Julia ...... ------41m Jeanio Max am good rain, however, would be a great The Three Lyous. the man who the people want, aud not Opposite The Steel. —A room in the south-west corner of m help just now. The next morning we started out. aud Lucy MI Gertrude DooJiur he who is using all manner of question ­ the basement of the court house is be­ Maid Ml m Maud Slot* able methods to force himself upon the For handsome goods, cut and made up ing plastered aud tilled up for the use —At the meeting of Encampment after walking around the city and view­ in latest and best style for man. and at No. 88. I. 0.0. F.. held July 11. the ing the Prince's palace, which was very people. Let the people seek the man and and comfort of the janitor. Clinton Comity -mum lay Hrhoal Itmllv in lowest prices, call and see Judd, the following officers were elected for the fine, aud the large, open hall and sol­ not the man the other. He who seeks merchant tailor, opposite The Steel. — Edgar Madison, of Ovid, a brake- St. .lohna, Auyail IO. ensuing year: C. P.. G. A. Powell; H. dier ’s garrison. a public office should be disfranchised. man on the D.. (». H. A M. R. It., had a The time, the above date, has been Men ’# Clotlitag loot crushed by the cars at Linden last P.. E. Scott; 8. W., M. D. Ormes. S.. We went up to the sliootiug grounds settled upon. Gov. Ricbwill speak and Bum (toll. Cleaned, altered aud repaired in a J. L. Tranchell; Treas.. L. Vauconsant; prompt and satisfactory manner at rea­ week. He is doing nicely at present. thinking we would get our dinner there, other prominent speakers will be pres­ To-morrow : Friday) afternoon the St. J. W., Wm. Corkiu. sonable prices. A lex Dk Clairk , —('has. Adams was liefore Justice hut ou arriving we found all the eating ent. Every Sunday school superintend ­ Johns Athletic club and the Owosso Next to postofllce. up stairs. Duncan last week charged with assault­ —Prof. B. McClellan, the Intrepid rooms full, but saw a stand a here the Mutuals will cross batsat Athletic Park. ent and worker is requested to corres ­ Lola of ing John M. Dodge, to which he pleaded young aeronaut, will make a balloon staple Frankturts were being sold and pond with the executive committee. We are confident that the result will be ascension aud parachute drop at St- served ; so over we went aud ordered a Black Dress Goods and Silks guilty and was tined $2"> aud $4 costs, All schools are urged to join in making one more scalp added to St. Johns’ belt At Kendrick 's. which be paid. Johns, on Saturda.y July 28. Mr. Mc­ plate of these German favorites, adding this a grand success for the schools and but the Mutuals dispute this. Follow ­ Brices always the lowest. —Work on the foundation for a new Clellan is one of the most daring and some saurkraut and bread, and retired thecause. J. £. Littkll . ing is the batting order of the two to a beer hall to eat it. When finished Chenile Curtains. Lace Curtains and residence for W. A. Norton, corner of successful aeronauts in the country and Chairman of Ex. Com. teams Shade Curtains At Ken dhick ’s. McConnell and Stewart streets, is pro ­ all should make it a point to be in St. we walked about the grounds and saw Owoaao St. John* Prices always the lowreat . about 50 dime museums, but did uot Miller c. llarUa 1 b. graming tinely under the contract of Johns on the date given. Michigan Crop Report. ( ollamt-r j> Coleman 3 b. Don ’t buy Carpets without looking at enter any of them. Here we also wit­ llurhaoe I l> l»«rr p Pulfrey A Pouch. —The Ladies' Aid Society of the Bap­ I*he Monthly crop report issued by Morgan * h ttiehardeo:: < . f. our stock. Prices always the lowest. — Edgar D. Moss, a former resident of tist church held their annual meeting nessed in operation about 25 Merry-go- Sack rider 39 Pitton 3 b. II L. Kendrick . rounds with several small Ferris wheels Sec re tan of State Gardner the past KgelU Kinmond c. Maple Rapids, and for nearly or quite at Mrs. Thomas Padley ’s. Wednesday. week comprises reports up to July 1. Sullivan i. f. Squair :I3. Summer beverages and everything fifty years a resident of (Minton county, July Uth. at which time the following and roller coasters. Back of all was a Broat r. f. Motmt r. f. good for the inner man. at Fowler ’s. building where the shooters would shoot The report says that returns at hand in­ Ewero. f. Schofield I. f. died at his late home in Little Rock. Ar­ officers were elected for the coming year: dicate that the wheat crop of the State To the Huagr>. at marks. Aud then some time around makkikd kansas. on Friday, July 13. 1894. of con ­ President. Mrs. L. K. Patterson: vice- When in St. Johns call at Watts' in different places were stauds where this year will be about 16 per cent less gestion of the stomach. president, Mrs. A. Teachout; secretary. than the crop of 1893. The reduction FREEH -VAUSE — At the Farmer * Hotel . St Dining Hall. No. 4 Clinton avenue, for could be procured delicious ice cream, John*. July IS. IBS*, by Rev Frederick Hail, meals. Board by the da/ or week.— —W. T. Church made another ship­ Mrs. Vosburg: treasurer. Mrs. Thomas is entirely due to decreased acreage. •if St. John * Church. Mr Janie* K. Freer and ment of horses to the eastern market on Padley. The next regular meeting will candies, etc. Well, all of this was sev­ Ml*# Sarah A. Vauae. both of Maple Rapid*. Meals 25c.; 5 tickets for $1.00. The farm statistics returned by super­ W. II. Watts . Saturday night last. There is a growing be held with Mrs. P. Aldrich, Stewart eral time larger than the St. Johns fair grounds. visors. so far as compiled, show a loss BU8INE88 LOCALS demand for good carriage horses, aud street. Wednesday. July 25th. at 2 p. m. or 15 per cent in the southern and The Mercantile Co. pay the farmer* We went back to our hotel aud went Funeral furnishings at No. 16 Clinton more cash for Butter and Eggs than breeders must turn their attention to —Commencing Mouday. July 16th the northern counties, and of 19 per cent in any three concerns tn Clinton county. the production of the best of this class. to bed iu order that we mi ght be able Ave.; residence. 105 Wight street. D.. G. H. A M. Railway sell tickets to the central. The average vield per acre E. I. Hull . —Elder Hose is spending several the different .Hackley Park assemble) * to get up early and take a trip down the will fall little, if auythiug below the Funeral Director. Delicious ice cream at Fowler ’s. weeks in our village, looking after his river Rhine. Accordingly, at 8 p. m. at the extremely low fare of $4-2> for average of a long senes of years. With Hand lair Individual Strawberry Forks »ld home in Kmmousville. which he has the round trip : children over 6 and un ­ we took the host “Ilembolt" for a short the crop still standing correspondents _ _ At A llison ’s. rreatly improved, outside and in. as trip. On our journey we passed some Sealed bids will be opened July 23. der 12 years, half fare. The dates are estimate as follows: Southern count ­ 1894. at 7:30 p. m. for the purchase of Machine Oil. well as remodeling and improving the as follows : The assembly. July iHth to of the most tieautiful scenery I have ies, 16.42 bushels: central counties. 15. $10,009.00 A per cent, sewei I Kinds at the The best Machine Oil on earth may surroundings, which will combine in 21st, inclusive, and July 24th. 26th and seen, until, finally, about 10 a. m.. we 74 bushels; northern counties. 1G.13 Board Room in St. Johns, Midi. The be found at Halcotn's agricultural ware- making it a very desirable home. 28th. with return limited to August arrived at “ Rheede's heiam.” Here bushels. State. 15.58 bushels. The aver­ right is reserved to reject any or all bids. rooms. ______we were to get off aud go up the moun ­ A statement of information cau be had —The summer normal school at the 26th; for the camp meeting. Aug. 2d to age yield per acre for seventeen years by addressing the clerk —Dated. St. Fresh caudies daily at Fowler's. Perrin school building, under the super­ tain on a dummy, and see the national 4tli. inclusive, anil Aug. 7th and uth has been as follows: Southern count ­ Johns. Midi.. July 5,1894 Fresh fruits and pop at corn Fowler ’s. vision of Supts. J. B. Htone, of DeWitt. with return limited to Aug. 23th: for monument, after which we were to go ies. 10.90 bushels: central counties. 16.42 DeWitt II. Hunt . and Howe, of Maple Rapids, gives prom ­ the grand lodge session Good Templars. over to Bengin —" Fair Bengin on the bushels; northern counties. 13.62 bush­ Village Clerk. Black Laces and insertions, in all ise of great success. The school started Rhine.’’ els; state. 16.63 bushels. widths and qualities Aug. 13th and Uth. and Aug. 20 and 21, To Mont. At Kkndkick ’s. July 9th and will continue live weeks. return limited to Aug. 25. llartz mountain is described as a The harvest will lie largely done in Folding Chairs and Foldiu Tables Prices always the lowest. There are twenty pupils enrolled. broad mountuin range situated in the thesouthern anil central sections of the E. I'VLLS. Smoke “ St. Johns Bouquet. " 5 cents. —Allowing us to be a judge, Frank (>>BTra(laii mil MmIIbr. north of Germany. Ou this is situated state this week, or by July 14. Ki-iwmi- anti Goaollar. H. Rose, publisher of the Corunna In­ A convention of the Prohibition party the National Monument, about a mile The total number of bushels of wheat When you hea; the sleigh liella you Spring and Summer Underwear. dependent. now publishes the best made of Clinton county will be held at the from the river, yet it could be distinctly reported marketed by farmers iu June tna> know that Clias. Evans is near at At II. L. Kendrick ’s. Prices always the lowest. up and best looking paper in .Shiawassee court house. St. Johns, on Friday. Aug. seen as you ride bv on the river. It is is *66.36]. Uaiul with his tanks of Kerosene oil and county, and as be is lending its use for 3. at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of mostly of white gtunite withGerman em­ The total number of bushels of wheat Gasoline and if lie sees your cans set­ (Vet vour meals at The Hotel St. the best interests of the whole people ting out he will stop and fill them at Johns. Walker street, west. 1401 electiug five delegates to attend the blems on the top. and all the German reported marketed in the eleven lowest market price. No trouble. No be should tie encouraged by a lilieral warriors on the front, in bronze, with state convention at Kalamazoo. Aug. 8. months. August —June, is 14.298.306. credit. 2w Girl Waalul. patronage to select a new county committee, and decorations on the sides and corners. — which is .537.816 bushels more than re­ —The L. A. W. have given sanction Art You lining to Murry T A good girl (German preferred) who for miscellaneous busmens. All who The emblem resembliug our statute of ported marketed in the same months It so, remember that I have a fine line understands general house work, wanted to St. Johns wheelmen to hold a race are opposed to the legalized saloon aud liberty was:« feet high. Then ou the last year. of Furniture aud would be pleased to immediately. Applv at or address this meeting here September 5 and •>. That believe that It stands in the way of all (>ack is written iu bronze the year It was The area planted to corn equals the nave vou call and examine im goods. office St. Johns can successfully entertain her commenced and completed. It is so sit­ E. 1. H ull . reforms, aud are willing to work with area in average years. The per cent in No. 16 Clinton Ave. Kpnuldtng A- Co. visitors upon such occasions has been the onlv party that opposes it. are invit ­ uated that it faces the river, and one the southern counties is 98. central 102. Sell the celebrated Ward «!t Paine Sheep demonstrated, and the coming meet will ed to attend. Mass meeting at 230 p. standing up there on the top of the and state 100. In condition the crop D. M. (4* horn A Oo. Shears. ______in no way be behind Its predecessors. in. Dunn and Hucluns. the noted ora ­ mountain could liave a lovely view. It ranges from 88 per cent in the south­ We wish to call the attention of the Studs and Button Sets for shirt waists Fuller particulars later farmers m this county to the fact tliat At ALL!SON’8. tor and singer, wiil be present. Ladies known as ** Old Barbara Rose's Monu­ ern section to 97 in the northern. The the old reliable Osborne Machines arek —We learn from a private letter of are especially invited. Every one will ment." and is 460 feet above the level, outlook for oats is promisiug. The sold and taken care of hv our agent. L. For the best watch repairing goto recent date that John Taylor, husband he welcome. BY O rder ok Com . aud was erected in honor of Emperor area planted to potatoes has l>een largly A. Durkee. St. Johns. Any one need ­ Krepps. DeWitt and Co. Every job •)f Ella Liddell, both former residents Wiiliam. father of the present Emperor increased throughout the state. Com­ ing old machines of this make looked warranted ______•>f this village, died a short tune since after, repairs or new machines, can ob ­ Next Tim-- Noteworthy Forth, oialng lli«ruMlan» of Germany. The mountain abounds pared with average years the increase tain them by applyiug to E. A. Durkee. and her oldest sou broke bis left arm in silver, iron. lead, copper and zinc, as You come to town don't forget to see In the forthcoming (August! number in the southern counties is 8 per cent; The sale here this year on new Osborne Crlch about those Eavetroughs. but two days previous to his father’s of The Forum, there will lie three strik well as marble, alabaster and granite. central. 12 per cent; northern, 12 per Binders and Mowers proves the ronti deuce of the people, and thus far lias death. And so it seems affliction rarely ing articles treating of the three recent We went and partook of a sandwich cent, and state 9 per cent. The average Horae anti Ha rot- » for salt.

MINOR MICHIGAN NEWS. PRENDERCAST HANGED. ()alet a* Chicago- llnttlw a» V Ur ram so to. WRECK FIENDS ARBITRATION. KILLED SOLDIERS. The great railway strike fat practie- Northville lias purchased a new 9300 The Cowardly Murderer of Moor liar, nlly at au end in Chicago- Trains on I ' | public drinking fountain. noon PuoDUed With Death at Chicago. all road* are moving, passenger train* DELIBERATELY DERAILED A A farmer named Jake Nwartwolrt PRESIDENT CLEVELAND BAYS I* atrickKugene Joseph i'rendergaat, THE STRANGE EXPLOSION OF are almost without exception on time, IT MUST BE. who on Oct. 38, 1893. shot und killed A CAISSON AT CHICAGO. and freight traffic is rapidly become PASSENGER TRAIN. was killed by his mower in u runaway regular. “The back bone of the strike near Holland. Mayor Farter H. Harrison in cold blood at the latter u home on Ashland Is rot only broken," said Manager A little 8 year-old daughter of John Will I'romri t tttl#r the law of Iktuluvard. Chicago, was hanged u* au Two Artillerymen. One Tr*oy*r and Kgan. of the General Manager* asso ­ Chicago A (irond Trank Kxpreau Gardner, of Port Huron, was drowned IK J# -fach la tlw Aanoaaeement Iu expiation for the cruel crime. Haven lluraea Hilled —A score Mure ol ciation, “but the back I tone has entirely Tkranu Prom lb* UnlL •> Hattie in Hlack river while playing on some The last chance for life which re­ disappeared. The blockade is calv'd, log*. Washington Oltptlrhn—Ollier fea­ Holdlere Wounded - Kanaetea ol Head and it will require but a short time to Crook kirriMu Hilled and Foartoau mained to 1’rendcrgaftt was swept The farm house of William Kdgett, ture* of tba Strike Situation. away when Judge Groaseup. of the lieu Utowu .300 Feet—Ollier News. get the railroad business of the city People Injured Ulcbl|M Now*. ! near Hattie Creek, was burned to- federal district court, refuaed to inter ­ back into it* regular routine. ” j gelher with the contents. Loss, 91.500; fere by granting a writ of haltea* cor ­ Continued improvement in the rail­ 1 insured. Washington: It lias been officially pus or permission to appeal. When A caisson of Battery F. Second artil­ road situation elsewhere except at Atlantic oxpraw No. G, joiag east on announced from the White House that I'rendergaat was informed that the lery, Q. S. A., exploded with terrific Sacramento and Oakland, Cal., is noted. the Chicajp’ A Grand Trunk railroad John llulbert was arrested by the the President will appoint a commis ­ last hope had faded away he refused force at Grand and Oakwood boule ­ At the former federal troop* were due at Hattie Cnwk ut 3:30 a. in.. w»» Hay City police. He is wanted by the sion by the authority given him by to believe it. Again and again he vards. Chicago. Twoartlllerj ’ineiiand landed. Imt the state militia stationed authorities at Vassar on a charge of ditched l»y a deliberately planned the arbitration act of 1000 to investi ­ argued that malice was a accessary one trooper were instantly killed. on the water front Ut oover their land ­ wreck at the top of a heavy grade one ' stealing 93a gate the labor troubles at Chicago aud element of murder and that there was Nearly a score of other persona- ing were fared on from ambush after and one-half mi lee treat of that city. The question of the udoption of the elsewhere aud report to the President no malice in his act. It was merely troopers. residents in the vicinity and the regular* had moved away, and u Thutiut* W. Crowe, fireman. of Val­ county road system was voted on in and congress. This determination on an unpleasant duty as he saw it, and pasM*rs-by—were injured. Mime of them train which it was Miught Ut *end Ut paraiso. Ind.. tvaa killed and fourteen j < hippewu county and was carried by a the part of the President was arrived it had Iteen accomplished. 11c insisted fatally. The list of the killed is: J. Man Francisco under guard of federal Itanscngerx aud trainmen were injured. ( large majority. at after an interview with Secretary- that It would be judicial murder were Donovan, private. Butter}’ F. Second troop* wa* thrown from a trestle and The express tvaa 30 minutea late, but Treasurer Hayes, of the Knights of he hanged. urtillcry; Edward Doyle, private. Bat­ tired into by the strikers, resulting in had just alotved up at the head of the Henry* X. (tear, and Clara S. Potter. loibor. Sir. McGuire and C. X. French, Meantime the gallows timbers were tho death of one of the engineei* and • two well-known young Saginaw men. tery F, Second artillery: Joseph Gay- (fradr. The train consisted of express of the executive committee, and Mr. Iteing taken from the atore-romn and lor. farrier. Troop II, Seventh cavalry. the wounding of several soldier*. und Itagifujrt' car. two eoacheaand four ! have left on tlieir bicycles for the tested. It wa* the same gallows on Thousand Islands. Nchoenfaher. who were introduced to The troop* left Brighton Dark for a PullmauK. The ongiue and tender, ex­ the President by Senator Kyle. After which Buff Higgins suffered for hi* long march around the city to exercise IliaulroM Fir* In an Ohio Town. press and ItuggiMfe ear and twoeoaclies Sweeney, the Henton Harbor gambler discussing the various features of the crime a few months ago. and from the horses. There were 150 men aud Kdon. a small town in William* were* l tadly wrecked. The four Pull­ * who assaulted a Chicago newsboy for situation for more thun an hour, the which the anarchists dropped in '80. officer* in the detachment. livery* county, O., wa* visited hy a most dis ­ mans remained on the track. It i» a selling A. P. A. paper.-, has been cun- President promised if the leaders When the structure was erected it wa* thing went smoothly and there were astrous conflagration, resulting in a miracle that ull of the passengers ©a- i victed and Hned 950. would return to Chicago und use their tested with handling*. no incident* until the column, march­ loss of 9175.000 worth of property. caped with only bruises and concus ­ The murderer's lust night was spent Seventy-two buildings were destroyed, The residence of Jatnrs O'Brien at influence toward restoring peace and ing south on Grand Boulevard, was just sions. and that not a lame tvas broken. order he would appoint the commis ­ in bound sleep und he ate a very little including nearly the entire business Kingsley. Grand Traverse county, was crossing Oakwood Boulevard. Then a The tireman remained on his engine sion as MNtn ax the disturbance* had breakfast. At 11:45 a. rn. the sheriff territtc explosion occurred. The men section of the town. In manv eases until it was overturned, when he tvas i destroyed by Are, together w ith its ceased to such an extent us to render ap|K*ured in the corridor, followed by there was no insurance. The fire ^ contents. Loss. 91.300. on the caisson, supposed to be Dono ­ thrown out. und struck on his head, a careful, thoughtful investigation the condemned man who wa* sup­ van and Doyle, were literally blown started at 11:45 and ut 3 o'clock the breaking liis neck. Many ol Saginaw's fair cyclists arc possible. ported by Chancellor Barry of the to pieces und others were thrown destruction wax complete, as a brisk The wreck tvaa deliberately planned. now wearing the orthodox bloomer*. The President laid great emphasis Cathedral of the Holy Name. I’ren- manv feet by the violence of the con ­ wiud wax blowing. The village fire The liolta that fastened the Uadi plates Five of them took a run to Hay City to on the fact that no steps could lie dergast looked like u poor, scared boy. cussion. Four of the horses drawing department eonststxof one hand engine. hail been removed and the plates taken witness the bicycle races. taken in this direction until lawless­ a* he wulked. without urging. Itehind the caisson fell in their tracks, shot Relief was sent for Ut llryanand Mont ­ off and then the rails spread. The ness had ceased, and he made hi* the young priest. He wore a cheap, pelier. hut the tire had burned itself S. N. Tower, of Coleman, ex-town- through und horribly mangled, while second sleeper stopped over the place promise contingent on the pledge of worn suit. Ills shirt wax white hut three other* were blown 50 feet aheud out by the time they arrived. where the rail had Iteen tampered ship treasurer, has had some trouble without a collar. Jailor Price deftly of late und it in claimed that he is the labor leaders to see Ut it that so ugaiust the tree* on the iKtuievnrd. with. The officials claim that this is far u* organized labor is concerned the put strap* upon hi* arms, feet and legs. I*. C. Hanford, well known ax the short nearly 8700 in his accounts. dying instantly. The caisson was the third attempt at the same kind of trouble at Chicago und e’sewhere will Then the white shroud wa* put ultout blown Ut atoms, not a piece of it Chicago tnunager of the Standard Oil work within one week. Ithaca will he the place for the meet- immediately disappear. him. He was fearful und nervou*. larger thun a man's hand Iteing company, committed suicide hy shoot ­ The wreck caused much excitement |ing of the Gratiot Agricultural asso ­ General Secretary-Treasurer Haves, As the clasp* were prepared for his found. The boulevard looked like ing himself at the Hotel Metropole. in Hattie Crock where there has lieen ciation this fall und no pains will In * of thu K. of L., in speaking of the de ­ arm* he raised lux right hand and made a battlefield. There wa* a quick He wo* supposed Ut lie very wealthy, a constant strain fur some time past spared Ut make it a successful fair. cision of the President said: **Tho the sign of the cross. He was sane series of explosions afU*r the first hut worried over the financial situa­ on account of the prevailing strike. enough to keep his lips moving in tion. Ijexington has suliscribed 830.000 President seemed pleased to receive us report and shrapnel shot rained like This sequel of the troubles und the and immediately opened the subject er ax the Anal preparations were bonus for the proposed Port Huron A hail umimg the trees on the iNiulevard tio : MAitKKra. plaiu fact that it was deliberate, has by referring to the law which the g completed and the cap wa* drawn and pierced the surrounding dwellings. udded greatly to the excitement and Lexington railroad, and if Port Huron parties interested desired Ut see en ­ Eover !ii* head. The concussion Itroke every window New fork. then* is universal denunciation of the does the same the road will Ik * built. forced. Au hour wa* spent in discus At 11:48 he wa* standing on the trap in the houses for blocks away. The (Attic—Natives...... J im 0 K> 15 miscreants who would do such a deed. Alltert Ilozzellc. the lielgian who sing the various provisions of the act and the crowd waited ex|iectuntty. It | walls und roofs of the dwellings Hog* ...... 6 Zi motion to appoint two arbitrators, to ­ siles. I'ncxploded ..hells of the rear Wheat—No. 2 red ...... »l*tt wen* heard on the streets to say that tcnced Ut four months imprisonment. gether with Lalstr Com ­ read, und reporters drew their paper* part of the caisMin lay strewn over the Corn —No 2...... 4i4*«t something would happen on the Oat* No. white...... Win. Needham, of Highland Station, missioner Carroll I). Wright, to act u* and pencils, ready to put down his last ground. With the explosion came 52 A (irand Trunk. Affidavits have lieen Clg reload. not only lost his pickle factory, hut he u commission of arbitration und in ­ word*, but Fr. Muldoon had dissuaded great confusion of the troops, and for taken of those who overheanl the re- Cattle- Beat...... « 4 r. n ?« 75 is poorer by 9517 in cold cash. This vestigate and decide what should tie him from making any scene in hi* IhM a moment the men and officers seemed marks aud the men will Is* arn*strd. moment*. The trap fell from under (Uher grade* ...... a si w 4 25 -utn was Hecreted in a waste paper done by either party Ut settle the con ­ powerless to move. To this wa* added Bogs 35 41 W. J. Spicer, general manager of the troversy. The commission has all of Prendergast at 11:49. and lie fell like a Sheep...... 2 M ut :i 2. Itaskrt. the fright of the occupant* of the *ur- Lambs ...... Chicago A (irand Trunk, offered u re- the powers necessary to administer hag of sand. There wax a slight shrug roundiug house*, who ran screaming 4 Ol at 5 25 wani of 8 Mki for the apprehension of It is probable that Sault Stc. Marie Wheat No. 2 red ...... M oaths, subpoena witnesses, etc. We of the left shoulder ax the rope from their dwelling only to lie sick­ • tat* —Nix 2 white...... 49 .*» the men who caused the wrack. Sheriff mi may secure a large permanent state expect to secure much more from this stretched, and far as Prendergust ened by the sight in the street. Corn —No. 2 mixed ...... 50 w. IValkinshaw, of Calhoun county, also tish hatchery if the city will donaU- a arbitration than the tinui settlement knew it was all over, llix pulse Iwat A still alurni was responded to by I’ll 1 aburg. •jfferad a rawanl of (MKi. site. The city will act on the matter of the present difficulty in Chicago. until 11:57, and then the jury of physi­ the fire department and u complement Gallic...... $:» mo Ct ft 75 very soon. While it is in itself u great victory for cians Hied by. Each listened ut his Hog* ...... :> s.'» of 50 police officer*. It wa* some little Sheepaud lambs...... 2 H5 0 J 85 Michigan Crop lleport. l-'rauk O’Mara. aged 18. was killed labor organizations and everything heart to see if life wa* extinct. Nine­ time itefore the two dead artillerymen Wheat—No. 2 red ...... teen minute* after the drop fell, the 58 u 57 The Michigan crop raport. issued neur Kalamazoo by u span of colts that the A. B. F. has fought for. it could In * found. One of them, mungied Corn-Mixed ...... 42 43 Oslo —No. 2 while...... JO 40 front the office of the secretary of state, running away. Ills wagon tipjted over gives official recognition to the justice rope was lowered, the xhror.d removed n it Itoyond recognition, hut supposed to I * Cincinnati. says: “The returns at hand indicate und he struck on hi* head anil died in of their demands for arbitration, and and the body placed in a coflln. Doyle, had Iteen blown over a board it will lead much further, for in the Cattle-Good to prime...... $ a Hi ft fl <> that the wiieat crop of the state this half an hour. sign 35 feet high, and wa* found in a Lower (trades ...... ;i »w or, :j *. ’> year will* Ik * almut 15 per cent less moments of the future, when defects REFUSE TO STRIKE. The Weston furnace at Cook's. Man- vacant lot lK*)und it. One leg and an Hog* ...... 4« 4* 5 .Vo than the crop of 1893. The raduction of the present arbitration law have arm were gone. The man supposed to Sheep and lamb* ...... 3 jo ut 4 istique county, will go inUt blast at Iteen made apparent by actual experi­ American Federation of l.altor Tike* * Wheat -No. 2 red ...... St is entirely due to decreased acreage. lie Donovan hud lieen thrown 300 feet Corn —No. mixed ...... 50 Tlie average yield per acre will fall once after being idle 10 months. That ence. prompt steps will be taken to Lnirlotlc s:mu >I. 51 will start the kilns und make business diagonally to the right and wa* found Oats-No. 2 white...... 45 ft M little. If anything, Itelotv the average utnend the same.' The conference of the American Fed ­ Toledo —Uroia. good iu that locality. in a vacant lot. Joseph Gaylor was of a long series of years. Correspond ­ l*rb« U 1‘lrnird. eration of Lultor iu session at Chicago found near where he wa* struck. Wheat No. 2 spot ...... 9 55•vi'.a \6 »Vi ents estimate as follows: Southern Farmers in the eastern part of the Chicago: Mr. Dehssaid: "Wearc very decided against a general strike. The No. 2 September...... tout Great damugc wa* wrought by the ex­ Corn —No. 2...... 45 f't 45 counties, 15.43 bushels; central coun ­ upper peninsula are troubled greatly much gratified over the action of the action of President Debs and the plosion to the neighboring property. OSIS—No. 2 white...... 41 (0 42 ties. 15.74 bushels: northern counties. this summer with grasshoppers, which committee and ut the act of President American Railway Fnion was indorsed, Windows in the surrounding Iioum ** lliilTalo -l.ivo Mock. 10.13 bushels; state, 15.58 bushels. are on hand in million* und cat the Cleveland in appointing a board of however, and 91.000 voted for a de- were blown out and the damage to Cattle—Mixed shipments...... 9 ( no ^ |4 sr> The ares planted to corn equals the top* off green vegetables. arbitration. We have no doubt that fenM* fund tor the coming trial of Dehs. residence anil park property in the Sheep ...... ;»«i «» 3 25 area in average years. The [ter cent the Itoard will be composed of men of An address to the public wa* issued, neigh I tor hood of the accident i* esti­ Lamb* ...... 4 w» 0 f> 25 in the southern counties is 93. central A son of James McRorrie, a black­ Hog* —Choice weight ...... 5 <4 5 smith of Hay City, was run overy by a high character and anility and thut which in suitstance says: mated ut ultout common amt rough ...... 5 lo 0 5 25 103. and state 100. In condition the n F. & P. M. train und had tmth feet they will I * able to locate the right or After careful, calm and full consid ­ Col. Wilson, who wa* detailed by Chicago. crop ranges from 08 per cent in the wrong involved in the existing con ­ eration of the great industrial up­ crushed mi Itadly that uinputation was Gen. Miles to investigate, said of the Cattle-Best steers...... f 4 Z’, at. 4 an southern section to 97 in tiie northern. troversy. by virtue of which a satis­ heaval und in view of complications cause of the explosion: “My theory Common ...... :im tt 4 25 The outlook for oats is promising necessary. The boy is only 10 months Sheep and lambs...... 2in 0 4 75 old. factory settlement will be reached. wo are forced to the conclusion that of the accident is that the screw plug The area planted L» potatoes has lieen We are. of course, for arbitration und the best interest* of the union* affil­ Han* Mill'll...... (Ml 0 5 |0 diaries Jones, a demented colored at the base of one of the shrapnel be­ Wheat—No. 2 red...... MW M'i large'y increased throughout the state. had this principle Iteen recognized this iated with the American Federation of came loosened, Mime of the powder Corn — No. 2...... 42 <4 r: Clover meadows and pastures an* in inau, jumped from a train on the way strike would have lieen avoided. ” labor demand that they refrain from lists...... 41 "t 41 to the Kalamazoo asylum from (irand leaked nut, und taking ground and Mens jtork. per lb...... 12 M - them we stand for lawlessness and 'hc*t of any individual officer of t.iis liorted from the foreign affairs committee view of trade sevs: When clrrurn*lance* are (anal. Hi* reasons for taking his life has iteen going on swelling it* capitul Kleven bill* were 'uwotl but none of national duly weighed, the strength and soundness of Misenar, us Uohinson was seen with conference, regardless of the position importance. business in thi* ••••untry during the past few him last. Ilis leaving a bill of sale of are a mystery to his friends. His ac­ and apparently coining money, it never he may occupy in our organization*. weeks are ama/ing. with the second city in (N’eurrad to the shareholders to In * in ­ Skx 'atk -lT&th day The river and harhot :faS 1 ouiit rv in the hands of a lawless mob. be- all the dead man's property, the con ­ counts were in first-class shape. While we may not have the power to appropriation bill, watch usually gives rise to quisitive. Now, however, they are site* many other cities .uni :«.«ps mil rail­ flicting stones as to his whereabouts, While Mrs J. G. Uasey. of Holton, order a strike of the working people -harp debate and consumes from three days to way 1 rants ’ almost entirely nlopjtod over tho openly criticising the management. :i week for its completion, was passed. An­ and the remark* made by bis wife to a wax out driving she raised her um­ of our country, we are fully aware vast area between Toledo aud the I'scMlc with The annual meeting of the stock ­ other irqiortanl bill- :hr legislative.executive jiresldential proclamations declaring the exist- neighbor led to his arrest. Misenar brella. It frightened the horse and it that a recommendation to them and judicial wa* immediately taken up and enre of au insurrection und the iioxsJonatc was arrested by Sheriff Sweet while at holders is held in this city the first to lay down their tools would put well on Its way toward passage liefore the ran away, throwing the lady out of week in August. With some tin* pos ­ Senate adjourned. Horan The House agreed answer ordering half a million men to stop work in a wheat Held. An examina ­ the buggy. She landed on her head largely influence them to do mi. work, with u prolonged -trike <>t coal inim-r . sibility ha* suggested itself of “throw­ to the report of the conferree* on the pension not fully ended in many states, and with dif ­ tion of the ImhIv showed the marks of and appreciating the responsibility we appropriation hill. The remainder of the dav und died u few minutes later. Mr*. ing Pullman down" and putting u man ference* between the house and senate on the at least nine* heavy ••rushing blows by declare that wc believe a general strike was devoted to the consideration of prlralr tariff i|uesllon so wide that duito* affecting ' Uasey wa* 00 years old and leaves a idII* Although several were debated none at the head of the com;tauy who can mining and msnufaet .re- camM In .mtic - some heavy blunt instrument like the large family. at this time inexpedient and unwise. were passed. Itaek of an axe, crashing the upper In * more polite in his intercourse with We further recommend that all con ­ ■sited, mdustrios and trad.- hare nevertheless Kil. Kopka. of Dundee, lias a thick the rest of the world. Local st«H*k* Skxatk . -ITSth day. The proreedinT* in the conn on with sublime conhdeucr that the pro ­ aml front part of the skull, malting u xkul! mid he probably owe- his life to nected with the American Federation Senate wets' Ustlrss and devoid of interest, llic pie and their government would soon realore holder* view with openly expressed one thing th;>: relieved the general monotonv pumice of the brain. the fact. While working in a black- of labor, now out on sympathetic order. The shrinkage of Imslnrsx and the de- alarm the effect of the strike and feci strike, should return to work, and Iteing a personal explanation bv Mr. Ailen. |.Tension <»r wiines hUV0 I...... I ':ne « o.-cted- xm'th shop setting tire* he was struck that bv his autocratic and stublNirn A recent newspaper charged the Nebraska small, the failures relaitveiv few and unim ­ Itobbrr* Hliol the I*«mI miilrr, on the head with a sledge hammer. those who contemplate going out on •senator with being intoxicated and indecorou* portant. and there are even signs in some in ­ refusal to permit disinterested inquiry sympathetic strike are advised to re­ in his conduct recently, which .Mr Allen dustries of actual progress toward recovery .lust after l-ostmaster Weather wax. Kopka was knocked out for u little as to whether or not there i* anything denied. At the same time he arraigned thr Tom previous troubles. Wheal la slightly of Somerset. Jackson county, hud while, but a few stitches and a little main at their usual vocations Mr. fabricator of the story as an assas.,in of per­ lower, in profound disregard of thr govern ­ to arbitrate he is jeopardizing their Ihillman. in his persistent repulse* of closed for the night three men drove treatment by a doctor soon brought property. sonal charm ter. ’ i 'onsiderstlon of the legis ­ ment report, which indicated small yield. He­ up to his store. I *aat master Weather- him around all right. arbitration ami in his hearties*, auto ­ lative. executive and judicial appropriation re I pis and export* in the present disturbed cratic treatment of hi* employes, ha* ' idII was resumed, hut it wa* not passed, owing condition of I iu slues* are not significant. Corn wax sleeps in the [tost office and the Company II. the Emmet Ililles. of Speaker Crisp was renominated for ] to the tendency of some Senatrrs to ttlllmstei has advanced a little. 1 hough occounta indi ­ men made n noise to uttract his atten ­ proven himself a public enemy. . and the lark or a quorum. Hol ’d- The lions* cate a good yield. The number of failure* Jackson, has adopted reaolutions ex­ congress by the Democrats at Haw- ; transacted no business before the hour arrivec tion. telliug him they wanted to Iniy For years the railroad interests huvo during tho past week has been 237 In the United pressing loyalty to the state, and re­ kinsville. Ga. shown the lawlessexamplexof defiance | which had been set apert by special rule for Staters against 274 last year and in 49. something. When he opened the door , eulogies In honor of the late Kcprcsenlaltvr agatnal 21 lost year, gret that the recent strike resolutions II. A. Hischoff. 53 year* of age. man­ to injunction. . and have set aside law* two of them rushedin and overpowered had Iteen pasM*d and misinterpreted. A ' liientr VV Hour!;, of Ohio. Many speeches Ngw Y<> mk . -liredslreet's review says. ., and in produce while weslern manufactures and mer­ bullet grafted him. He is not danger ­ Thirty-five commonwealera. under prevent pooling, discriminations and chants suffered loos through inability lo secure Lansing: Gov. Itich upon Iteing ap­ other imposition* on the publie. In three hour* damage to the amount nl ously injured. No plunder was secured the command of “Gen.” Clark, were 970u,UQii had liren done. There wa* no supplies and raw materials from the oust The and there is no clue to the perpetrators prised of the action of the Kininet arrested in PUtaimrg for taking p>ts- this disregard of law these corpora ­ railroad strike and borrow In part repealed the I rifles, a military company at Jackson, mean* of fighting the blaze and it effects of the recent soft coal strike by shutting session of an old icehouse. They wen* tions have given the greatest impetus up a large number or important industries in which adopted resolutions denouncing to anarchy and lawlessness, still they quiekiy spread to I' instead'* hardware locked up. but were released under I store, then to Hedmwywr Jt Van Cur­ the cenlrni west through want of fuel Hut Saginaw societies of Christian En ­ the military authorities for calling out promise of leaving the city at once. do not hesitate when confronted by 1 * ’rhafts no more favorable time from the point deavor will erect, a pavilion for con ­ the troops to quell insurrection* and outraged labor to Invoke the powers of ran's grocery. Alexander's drug store. of view of the merchant ami manufacturer, 3Au Sable is considering a proposi ­ Horner * meat market. Miller's suliKtn. than the midsummer of IMM. after the pan!< tagious diseases suppress riotous mob,, stated that he the state, the federal government, season In IMD could have been chosen to pre- tion made hy a Grand llapids man for McMillan s jewelry, t onkin h bakery, John llrikkila. n Finn, was found at would thoroughly investigate the lacked by United States marshal*, in ­ ripttate so widespread a railroad tie-up when matter, but chose to withhold his tiie establishment of a factory for the junction* of courts, proclamations of ltarr s jewelry ami the Gazette ofliee. business was already *0 generally and severely Cole's creek, uear Hancock, drowned, manufacture of brick from common All were destroyed with the entire restricted. Iron, steel, lumber, shoe wool and lie and another Finn had lteen imbib­ opinion as to what sort of punishment the I'resldent. and sustained by the cotton manufacturing industries ut larger east­ would lie inflicted, if any. in case the sand. The factory will coat 1IIMWO, bayonets of soldiers and ail the civil and content* and the fire stopped only ern and western centers have peart trail v no ing freely, and lleikkila never reached when it could And nothing more to shipments and commercial travelers through­ troops should In * found guilty of in* und the citizens of Au Sable have 30 military machinery of the law hare rr- home. The other Finn claims the Itoat days in which to subscribe for the burn. The entire business jNtrtlon of out the central western states generally hare •upsized in I’ortagc lake xulNtrdination. I led on the summon* of the c irporntion*. be. n compnlled to leave the road. stock. Against this nrray of armed force and the town is wiped out. Schoolcraft county has a great Mrs. J. F. Palmer. of Hudson, had a Yokohama. : The govern ­ brutal moneyed autoeracy. would It An Opposition -a the Pallraao Company. spring. Kitchi-ta-Kipi, ultout 14 miles not lie worse than folly to call men Two striking Miners Shot by Troops. At n meeting held in Knal Nt. Louis. narrow escape from cremation. While from Manistiqur. It is 300 feet in ment has chartered Ifl steamer* be­ ironing her dress come in eontact with longing to the Yuaen-Kaiseha com ­ out on general nr local strike in H icm* i ompany C, KifU*enth I*. S. regular*, III. , hy n nnralterof Business men from the gasoline stove and in n second she diameter and 05 feet deep —a great days of stagnant trade and commercial that eUy nnd Nt. Lmiia, Mn., the mat­ Istwl of water, clear as air and green pany. with the intention of landing came into collision with a mob of was enveloped in flames Prompt 10,0(81 troop* in <'orea . Strong rein ­ depression. riotous foreign miners at Spring ter of orjranizinir a new sleeping car ax emerald. The grain* of sand on the No. Iletter let us organize more comiMinv. to he known a* the Conti ­ action on the part of her daughter bottom can he diatinctly seen, and the forcements will also In * held in readi ­ Valley. III., and after patiently endur ­ saved her from an awfnl fate: as it was ness in Japan. Japan has refused to generally, combine more closely with ing volley after volley of stones, fired nental I'alnce Car 101mpuuj. wa* dis- tlace* where the wate** boils in l«Ntk our forces, educate and prepare «mr- ennaed at eemsiderahie length. Ilenri* her side, arm and hip were badly ike little craters. Gnarled trunks of withdraw her troops. War l* regarded into the molt, killing two men and burned as inevitable and the Japanese govern ­ selves to protect our interests, and that wounding several others. IV. Felham Clinton, of London, assured Icedars project into the spring, draped we may go to the toll'll-box and cast those present that there was nodotab% Joseph Moravec. a crippled Hoh-.*- fantastically with mooses There is a ment has forbidden the native press to inian of Traverse City, aged «l year*, make mention of events happeniug in our votes as American freemen, united that bond* of such u ciunpsnt could he raft, with a hole in the middle, through and determined to redeem this country An Kloetlou Mwrder Kapkated. handled or the Iswdun market if prop ­ committed suicide by hanging himself which the I tea u ties of the spring may ( orea. from it* present political ami Indus ­ Bartholomew Shea, who killed Rnht. erly promoted. A ' ommlttee wax np- to a rafter in his woodahed. ills wife be seen. went out to visit in the morning and Mike Htapletnn. aged 30 years, com ­ trial misrule. Ut take it from tie hands Rons in a riot at Troy. N. Y.. on the nointed to apply Ut the seerettsry of when she returned discovered him While tmthing in Hlttff river, near mitted suicide in Caldwell county. N. of pluUtcratic wrecKer* and place it (n tnunicinal electirn day. ha* Iteen con ­ state of Illinois for a charter, the new the bands of the common people. company to lie capitalized at 93.000,000, i The man and his wife have been Coleman. Am Harriager 30. was taken C.. hy drinking 17 bottle* of Jamaica demned to death by eleetroentlon dur ­ ta be divided into shares of 1100 each. county charges for two years. with cramps and drowned. Dos t take Gas Iron flattery's toa.; is. ing the week of August Ji. 1 CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY JULY 19. 1894

himself an unprincipled politi ­ It costs 8000 to fully equip ft 4RCHIE RYMA1 DEMOCRAT MATTERS. cal scamp, wholly unworthy of the THE BOYS AND GIRLS. utatlon with the necessary apparatus. Each station must posse ss a surf or I Can ’t Sleep confidence of either party.” I hart a tired, worn-oat feeling. Ihte------Do *1*1 Or»fi4*i«ro« lb* Defy ef Boases “How about the indorsement ot ■omiTiiixu AHotrr vnelk stirs lifeboat and a Lyle gun. which weighs DROPS INTO A GOOD HUftiOH Deraoerery. some of the Populist candidates?*' i.iru ui Attus. 185 pounds, and Is the timely Invention i that tbs nervous system to out of .*der. Whaa of Captain Lyle of the army. This gun this coca plaint is mads. Rood ’s Hanapafflla ia TO TBLL STORIES. David Grermever of Topeka, one of “The only kind of a combination which could produce any political re­ is used to shooting a line to the wreck- j nssdstl to psrtfy sod tMsMso tko -lc-.i, and thus the most prominent snd influential Oar Rmvr Co* at U aard asd Haw ed veaael. and lias been found to be the Democrats in Kansas, in a recent in­ sult would be such us was made In It Uava to Wurk to Save L.lfe—‘Tba •t Anlnk- 1IK. and since that ia universally con ­ best of the many Inventions put for ­ terview said that the leadrm of the gala of tbo U*a iwadlUi Btrtls- ward for this purpose. The breeches Populists were all ex-llepublicans. ceded to be impossible, the indorse ­ dnjre. ment of a few stray minor candidates buoy Is another apparatus Indispensa ­ •o Ut«—.Naw U* !• “Populism. ” he said, “la Republican ­ ble to the Ilfe-aaring station. It ia ism gone to seed. Populism lias now would be simply the prostitution of the powers, purposes and aims of a The story of Uncle Sam’s life-taring simply a circular ring of cork from reached a stage where It is simply Cox- which hangs a pair of canvas breeches. eyism. and Coxcyism is incipient revo ­ great party to advance the interests of service Is one of thrilling interest for and aniy^Hood'*. Cures sundry individuals hostile to the Dem­ The whole ia arranged to hang by an Bomthin^food etn come oat of lution superinduced by organized vag ­ every boy and girl Iron ring to the hawser. like the life­ Canad a, if pooplo would only bailor* abondage and militant scoundrelistn. ocratic party, and who would be a You mry have read or heard of the dead weight on the ticket, alienating saving oar. Sitting In the buoy, one it Aa a proof of this, wa reproduce In so far as Cuxrvitm professes to aim loos of the two great emigrant ships passenger at a time la drawn along at remedial legislation, it is simply the German and liberal vote by stand ­ Mood ’s f»llla osrasllMvsrms. Mlwnm, the following from a leading Canadian ing on the Populist platform, and which, not very many years ago, were the ropes by means of hauling lines paper. Mr. Arabia Kymal. a wall- old. flat greenbackery with the latter and la trough! In safely from the Populist paternalism and semi-social ­ alienating Lheold line vote by theirat- driven upon the Jersey coast by the known citizen of Brantford, Ontario, wreck. istic features engrafted upon iL Not titnde of enforced hostility to the na ­ fury of a storm. In one of the unfor ­ waa talking to a newspaper reporter tional administration. To place such When a vessel la driven ashore by "THE TRIUMPH Of LOVE one of its powers is within the consti ­ tunate reascls were 400 persons who day the sharp eye of the station look ­ one day, whan be told the following tutional 'power of Congress to grant, candidate* upon the ticket would be not only to lose the party the benefit perished, and In the other 300 went out speedily discerns her and the IS HAPPY, FRUITFUL MARRIAGE/' story: even if Congress were willing. Take alarm la sounded. If the wreck occurs “Yea, sir; I am a llring witnaaa tc out the appropriations for carrying on of candidates of its own for such down. We luul no coast guard then. offlees who with tongue and pen would at night the vigilant patrol sees her the eflieacy of Dodds Kidney Pills, the government and for pensions, and Between Sandy Hook nnd Little Egg struggling In the breaker*, and flash! which are, in my opinion, the bast take out the subjects of federal taxa­ maintain its cause, but it would be commissioning men to oppose anti goes the Cos ton light, which tells the remedy now offered to the public tion (tariff), the currency and inter­ imperiled crew that they have been state commerce, and there are no abuse the party. It would create dis ­ Everybody in onr city knows of my trust of the party integrity and hon­ sighted. In n thrice the wrecking crew other matters about which congress appears ou the scene with the life-sav­ case and how bad 1 was. Yon can can legislate in such a way as to affect esty of purpose, it would withdraw get lota of witnesses to substantiate from the party public respect and con ­ ing apparatus. The lifeboat la always monetary or economic conditions. used when the sen la within bounds, my statement*. If you wish, I will “Their Republican education leads fidence and make the campaign a howling farce, and cud in utter disas ­ though this Is the moot dangerous form till you all about my sickness and the Populists leaders to suppose that of reacue. If the sea Is too much for the government can do anvthing und ter and contcmpL ••With a good ticket nponan honest the boat and Its crew, a line is attach­ “About a year and a half ago I took everything. They forget that the cen­ ed to ncyllndrlcal shot, and the Lyle tralization of wealth, and the central ­ Democratic platform, even if defeated a dull pain in my back. I conld not in the State, we can poll a vote* that gun sends It across the wreck. Those ization of commerce is the result main­ on tnianl the foundering ship seize the understand what was the matter with ly of the incorporation of all entcr- will astoniah even ourselves. We can me. One day a friend handed me a elect a large number of representa ­ line and pull aboard a rope, which they irise. and that this has been author- make fast to the mast. The hauling parcel and it dropped out of my handa zed ulmovt wholly by State- laws, and tives in the legislature and attain to a position as a positive force, if not a line also provides them with a hawser. lie picked the parcel up und handed it rif ever changed by law it must be The shore end of the Hawser passes to me again, but It fell the second through theaction of the States. Dem­ controlling influence in the State, and ■ Would Know over an upright crotch secured by an i,rand TTulliai (hr Plain Parts! time, and It dawned on me that my ocrats understand the powers and re­ in the present political condition of the State it is by no means certain anchor, nnd aver this bridge the life Now Mat overt** of nodical Met, arms were almost powerless." sponsibilities of Utc States, and the car mores back and forth until all as Applied to married Life, proper limits of Federal power. They t hat the Democratic party may not “Well, did you drop the pareel ac­ have a plurality of the votes. Of have lieen saved. Would Aloae for Past Errors cidentally'. ’" the reporter naked. do not. therefore, ask the Government Such, in brief. Is the life-saving ser­ Avoid Future Pttlolls, Nliould of the United Metes to make laws course it goes wishout saying that the earn the Wonderful Little Hr “No, it just passed through my convention will stand for tariff reform vice of our country. The men who oc ­ which they know it has no power to cupy tlie stations are entitled to the . tailed “Complete .UuuteooU, ■ hands and 1 was powerless to sustain and bimetallism, and indorse Presi­ r to Attain It* ” make.'* gratitude of the whole land for tliCTr any weight in them. 1 began to get PAirrixo or Titr way *. dent Cleveland ’s administration “ Man Ibv I.lfe-llont. liravery and vigilance. Thongh their "Tier* at last la Information from a high worse and the doctors told me that Ilarbor ran n line of deadly reefs. It Continuing. Mr. Orertncyer said- Maa York UaaUn. lives are not to be envied, they contain medical source that must work wonder* with partial paralysis was aettiug in. ‘^Ve arc at the parting of the ways. nan a veritable death ground to atorni- some bright spots, for there are excel­ thla generation of men.'' Gradually I lost all the power of my We must choose between reaction und Outside of New York City Americans struck vessel*. Congress at last real­ lent libraries at the stations, and in have maintained that with gold as the Tbo book folly describes a method by which legs, arms and the muscles of toy revolution, between Coxcyism and the ized thla, and lmilt eight life-saving sta­ nice weather the men have sports of SO attain full vigor and manly power. back. 1 got so very bad that I had to constitution, between Democracy ami single standard of value the United tions along the coast. That was in various kinds. A method by which to end ail unnatural Slates Treasury and through it the walk on crutchea Finally I was ad ­ political demonology, lietwren the re 1847. Two yeara later Unde Sam took drains on the system. public and the commune. We must re­ tinaucc* of the country were at the £10.000 front hie pocket and pat up Tki> Pete of the lieu. To core perro n ro o m, lack of self-cootroi. mitted to the Ilrantford hospital, and mercy of the organize*! wealth of New stations on Long Island, betwe-m Mon- trace our steps and return to local Once nn anient Mcyclist wa* -vLitiug despondency, etc. while there 1 was in a frightful state. self-government, to honest economy Y'ork. tauk Point anil Coney Island. I'lenscd To exchange a jaded and worn nature for I could not sleep at night and I was tin more than one occasion this has lit* latest adventure, and explaining to one of brightness, buoyancy and power. and simplicity in Government We with Ills work, he tried again, nnd dis ­ To cure forever effect* of exc so powerless that I hai to be turned must look to the Mates mainly to sup been demonstrated to be a fact beyond tributed lifeboats along the coast of the Inquiring family the reason of the in bed. press trusts and combinations, to dis ­ perodventuru while «very passing the Southern states, nnd by and by the strange condition of his new bicycle To give full strength, development sod month anil year add to the abundance tone to every portion and organ of the body. “1 conld get aronnd the room with incorporate business and trade anti re­ little houses of the life-savers arose on tiousera. Age do barrier. Failure impossible. ZjOK the aid of two cratches, but if 1 sat or store and maintain competion. or we of testimony and make bimetallism our lake shores. “Y’ou see. the road was smooth nnd must go on in tlie direction the Re­ more than ever a necessity. This was good work no fnr ns It The book Is port ly medical and ttitrUiflc, um* lay down 1 had to remain in that straight, and 1 was going for all I was tern to curiosity seeksru. invaluable to man publican party lias been traveling for The bankers of New York hem an went, bat It was not enough. Tlie only who need iL position until 1 was assisted to more. informal meeting the other day and worth—the old wheel was Just burn- “My case was pronounced incurable thirty years, from centralization to stations had no regular crews. The in :ng —when suddenly one of these A despairing man. who bad applied to os, paternalism, from paternalism to na ­ reached an agreement to relieve the work of rescue was left to the rough Mm after wrote : and 1 waa discharged from the hospital Treasury from the drain of its gold by dreadful liens these country people i.-er- "Well, I tell you. that (list day Is ope I'L tionalism and socialism, and from and uncouth people who dwelt in the sist in keeping ran out In front of my without any hope of ever being cured. these through complete revolution to supplying the foreign gold buyers nelghlMirhood <>f the stations. Some of “Several doctors held a consultation from their own coffers. This meeting ‘hike ’ When the lien saw the wheel imperialism. them* people meant well enough, but coming after her she began to run. only on my caae and they decided that my “There is but one party of the pro- was not held at any suggestion from they were tinctured with certain li»w- . i t you I Washington, nor was it held until the Instead of getting out of the way, she I Sru wrote that I would And it this way7 “ diseaae was a complication of kidney lc. but one party of lur constitution. UrmM-ss which meant harm. Thy per­ rnu straight ahead. I shouted and And another thus: ut one party of local self-governmenL most imperative und emphatic an ­ mitted the stations to fail Into decay, “If you dumped a cartload of gold at my disease, heart trouble and paralysia halloed, but she kept on. feet It would not bring such gladness into my “1 can tell you the outlook was not but one party for personal liberty, but nouncements were made at Washing­ so that when wreck* occurred no iu»- E ton that no more Government bond* "Then I slowed up. anil so dll that life aa your method haa done." at all agreeable. I went home to my one party for the Republic, and that is siatniK-c could be rendered because the hen. Then I turned a bit to the tight Write to the Rata Mbdicai . Comvaw V. the Democratic party. All its adver ­ would lie issued at this time, no mat­ life line*, buoys and even the boats bad to Niagara St., buffalo. N. Y^, ami aak tor the mother's place near Hamilton, then —Just after tlie ben turned that way. little book called “COMPLETE MAMIOOn." saries lead down to the hell of unlim ­ ter how low the gold reserve should lieen stolen. Tills would never do. to die. run. Then I turned to the left, and there Refer to this paper and the company promises ited power Existing conditions will One night the ship Powha'.tan wtnt wan that lien. I did all I could to taasM tii«‘ how, la sooted • ntma Meed “I only weighed 107 pounds and It is an easy matter for New York any marks, and entirely free, until It to well not all yield to legislation. Insofar down off the Jersey coast ami 3U0 lives make her get out of my way or to there waa very little of me left as they will, that legislation must be hanker* to shut up their. gold and re­ were lost, because of the failure of introduced. fer all buyer* to Washington. In do ­ get out of hers, but It was no use. So “Shortly after I reached my directed toward scggregalioii and de ­ our life-saving system. at last I gave up trying to save her nea izi i e* b> e mother's, I heard and read of Dodds centralization of forces. The Demo ing so they stand a chance of seeing The loug wislMsI-for change came at the gold reserve reach a point consid ­ from her fate. I ran my wh?el straight Kidney Pills haring cured paralysis. cratie party is the only part>#whnsc last, and Fucle Ham’s coast guard as ahead, faster and faster, until I over ­ genius points to such a course. The ered critical, necessitating the issue of It exists to-day was organised. In 18MH I had not mnch faith that anything Imnds te> maintain parity and credit, took her anil rode over her! And tbe would do any good in ao advanced a Republicans bring responsible mainly ’the lion. 8. H. Cox. the father of our Jump that old bike made when It struck for the state of the country, generally and giving bond speculation an impor ­ case aa mine However, my wife got life-saving service, came to the reocuc. that hen gave me a 'header,' and over claim that nothing is wrong, and the tunity to piav its part With an honest (luce more l ucle Sam. listening to Mr. a box of the pills and 1 began taking bimetallism the Government oouid con ­ 1 went iuto tlr* ditch! Of course there l’opulists expect Congress to pass laws Cax and some others, opened his purse was n good puddle there—there always them. The first box did mo good. 1 which it lias no power to |iass. and trol the sale of gold and turn to silver and took out fJUtl.000 for the service. whenever the foreign demand for the Is: nnd of course, too. I got a good could feel a peculiar change cams which if enacted would subvert the Sumner I. Kimball was placed at the splashing, nnd that’s what's the matter government iUelf.oThey seem to think yellow metal became threatening. over me. With the third box tht head of the service, and he went to with my trouser*, you seer* pain left my book and my appetite that the initiative and referendum As it is now tlie banking interest* of work with n will. He discovered a New York practically have tlie matter “Ilut what liecame of the hen?" nak­ partially returned. With the seventh will set all things right. They claim terrible state of affairs. lints nnd to have discovered this expedient, in their own hand*. They are inter ­ ed nti in teres till small Istener. box 1 threw away my crutchea and thieves had rendered some of the sta­ "The Mfi? l’shaw! I didn ’t care when in fact we have lieen using the ested of course, in maintaining the tions unfit for service and shot lines after having taken ten boxes I telt faith ami the credit of the country, particularly what became of the hen. initiative and referendum in our con ­ uim I rockets were missing. No wonder like a new man—l am now fully re­ stitution making for a hundred years, hut they do not see a* yet that bimet­ It was my trousers I cared about. allism would not only lie fair to them, people were drowned. Mr. Kimball Hut If you want to know badly. I’ll covered. having taking nineteen boxes and also in the administration of law. built new stations and repaired the old in ail. The prohibitory amendment was the bui fair to all the people and to the tell you; 1 believe that hen was ‘In tlie Roof ones, lie put In new llfc-car* and dis ­ »«*.«**' KIDNEX LIVER iss •^■SSP “I now weigh over 14S pounds, and fruit of the initiative and referendum, Government which the people have set aoupT* charged the inefficient crews. The new "In the soup? ” * am gaining a couple of pounds a weak. and now they propose to give us fe­ up The single gold standard is pure­ ly in the interest of speculation. crews were regularly drilled, well fell “Ye*, she was decidedly in tbe noup ’! Biliousness My care can be ascribed to nothing male suffrage in the same way All. and regularly paid. That you may or nearly all. the corporate bond steals Indeed. 1 inav say that 1 know she was lleedsche. foul breath, sour stomach, heart­ bat Dedds Kidney Pilla" know that Mr. Kimball was the right dead in It.’ ” burn. pain In chest, dyspepsia, constipation. whiee have been fostered upon coun ­ Sherman on Incom* Tsim. man in the right place nnd knew w’ * Fortunately for the people of this ties. cities, townships and towns hare " ‘Deoil in ItY " country these pills are now within Senator John Sherman's position in he was dolug, 1 lure but to tell . “Iudeed site was! I shouldn't won ­ Poor Digestion been fastened there through the ma- regard to a Government income tax is easy reach of all If the loeal drug ­ that out of twenty-two wrecks \...... der If the man that own under not one life was lost. From time to hen wa* so 'dead in It' that she never procured by writing the Dodds Medi ­ what nrvocTiACY *hov :.d t»o Grant s. time the efficiency of our life-saving Lohk ot Appetite cine Company. Ltd.. Buffalo, N. Y., oi even winked when the bike struck "•If you want a field of labor you Or. the ??na of May. 1*70. he made a service lias been increas'd until It her." ▲ splendid feeling to-dey and a depressed one Toronto, Canada Price. SO cent* pex can find it anywhere, says the song. long speech in the ?*enate to show that seems to hare reached perfection. Tlie to-morrow, nothing seems to teste good, tired, sleeptoesend all unstrung, weakness, debility box, or six boxes for 83.50. lie sure U There is room in Kan-a- for the wisest an “income tax is the most just and whole of the Atlantic coast is now Snrrdlih lilrfhdera. get Dodda statesmen to labor for an Indefinite equitable tax that could be levied. * lie patrolled by crews of experl.-a?ed men. Nwssi|n Boo I builds up quickly a rundown period and then leave some things un ­ laid great stress on the good results of nnd our lake sliorea are under the same Children In this country, however constitution and makes tbo weak strong. X. Worth, the famous dressmaker done. The Democratic party of Kan ­ the system in England For 30 years surveillance. The coast service Is di ­ much they may enjoy birthday celebra­ At Druggist* SO cents and $1.00 sice. "I*vends* UsMs to IfeslUk- fm CVoessUsina toss. of Paria keeps a regular force of sas should address itself to reforming that country “had maintained in peace vided Into twelve districts, controlled tions and gifts, are quite content to the laws of the State, and to lessening and in war. with a surplus revenue I>*. Kiijssn A Co., bison a wto *. N. Y. about fifty persons, besides the em­ by a general superintendent, with head­ have them once a year, but the fortu ­ the burdens of State and local taxa­ and without it. the income tax a* a quarter- of Washington. ployes of the dressmaking depart ­ tion. It should nnd will demand once part of tier system." said Senator Sher­ nate children of Hwcden have three Then the stations themselves have a FREE ! rTAo”p»’”rl“*.lM FACE U« IvllUtl BLEACHli i ■■ ment, numbering from 300 to 700 girls, more a rcMibintssion of the question of man on that occasion "and every general inspector, who is stationed at birthday* In the course of every twelve ,IIUt.Ma»Mu-tarlMlUwt.n acoording to the season. constitutional prohibitiou. It should writer on political economy who has New Work. Each district lias a super­ inontha. First, anti most Important ia rt alkl ta ,t r-r tou.aal Miss Adeline Knapp, who has been and will oppose- witli all its power the written for 2ii years has I venture to intendent, who Is responsible for the the real birtli-day; but tlie ether two la . t*-f Ual au. aay rival! a lakr trial. I for several years the race track re­ hypocritical, demogogical and wholly say. concurred in it’’ The system efficiency of his station. Next comes are also occasions for festivity uud the useless and senseless proposition to was supported hy Whir* anil Tories presentation of small gifts. These two porter of the San Francisco Call, rides the stations which are In charge of o-akaa. |*»1-*a*. ■»•*, HatktoaSa. aallaw. impose upon women the burdens of alike, “through all the fluctuation* of days nre those whose names the Swed ­ man-fashion, in Turkish trousers, a keepers, each of whom must lie an ex­ aaa, avaa. i-arraa, »akaalaa. ' t lagtausad suffrage And since the madcaps have English politics " ish boy or girl bears. For every day A. nUPPffNT.d Ea'idth St.aN.Y.Ctty cutaway coat and a silk hat. She owns pert in boat n*nft, Isoldes knowing all pushed the subject to the front, it In fact. Nenatnr Sherman wa* so surfing and how to take clurge of in the Swedish calendar lias it* owu a number of fine horses. ppeeinl name. Iiesides the weekly name might not tie amiss to ssk for the re thoroughly convinced of the justice of wrecking operations. Several able ICP OANfiOT 3IE NOW TOO Of Inquiring Hon —Papa, what Is rea­ peal of the municipal suffrage acts, the income tax that lie seemed at ■urfmen constitute the crew at each of which It bears like the day* of other ■rE IT AMO PAT FREISNT. eon? Fond Parent —Reason, my boy, und pnt candidates for the Legislature times to fnvoi the abolition of all the stations. They an* paid at the countries. CIA Sara ear t Iraa-t aralaal ar aak Ir Sometimes the parents give a child TrTl—- —r*- ——------* —*■-- is that which enables a man to de ­ upon record upon the subject The other method* of raising revenue for rate of 8So a mouth not a great sum ■ Saai, Saatak, -akaI fikakaa. ikiatU la katl on«- name ivldch Is not to fonnd In the aad Wavr^naA^airaamI /-a^Skaaia, aSA termine what la right. Inquiring Son convention should demand the repeal the Government- lie considered it it**- of all of the more abnoxions features measureably above the system of Swedish calendar so that there la occa ­ —And what la instinet? Fond Parent of the Murray law. and the whole tariff taxation on the necessities sionally n r-mrowful plaint such as the —Instinct is that which tells a wamu brood of infamous statutes which have of Die laboring Haase* .).<• ■ ... • •. little gir! who explaln<41 she is right whether sift is or not. been enacted in support of iL It should taxes on sugar, eoffee and tea did not regretfully to some English friends that i*V fte ise%.b Hospital nurses and their friends demand an absolute return to loeal fall on the rich and poor alike, he con ­ she had “only two birthdays." “One I FREE______uftaswoMof ltd W«rM'#fAfts. OXFORD ■Ffi.C0.M3 ONIfiA 90,111, will be interested in soma statistics self-government, and to that end the tended. for the reason that a rich man of my name* ia Sigrid. ” she said, “and | hero been compiled by Pro- repeal of the jury commissioner law. needed no more of those articles than there isn ’t any ilay for that” Every■ day haa a special name In the Tyndall. According to these, the police commissioner law, and the a poor man did. Ail of the earnings statutes conferring extraordinary and of the latter were taxed in this way, German calendar ns well, and some of W. L. Douglas Itoepital nurses only attain on an av­ tyrannical powers upon judges, county while only s small percentage of the the name*, allowing for the difference CUAP IOTHCOCST. erage. the age of 2j years while the attorney anil the attorney general. rich man s income was reached by In Innsunge. nre the name in tbe cor ­ ■ t) ^ VL. NOtCUMZIHO. non-nursing woman roach the quite "The Democratic party should ad ­ either the tariff or the internal reve­ responding date* In tbe two calender*. #5. CORDOVAN, mature ago ef :»8. dress itself to the task of u complete nue laws. The observance of such "namesake rRIKSHA ENAMELLED CALT revision of the laws, and should apply In 1X77 Senator Sherman was still of days." however. I* not by any means fine cau &mnmhk BRILLIANTS. the knife unsparingly wherever it the opinion that a revenue system so common in Germany ms in Sweden. <3.»fP0LICE.3S< found an a I nisi- of power, and the which was I ward on consumption alone To American ears the glib statement -.Mjawomoi Cove toes men need money least, statute- of Kansas teem witli them. was unjust to the great masses of the mm’.* by a little Mwcdish girl who wa* v"' EXTRA FINE.' and yet they most nffeet IL The railroad* should not tie so treated people. No portion of the general asked a- to the date of her birthday, *2.' LZT* BOYSSCHOCiil'CES. •* to cripple or embarrass them, but revenue waa derived from property "The fifteenth of March, twenty-sec­ •LADIES* Nothing contributes ao mad. to the tbev should be required and compel led taxation and for that reason an in- ond of May. nnd nineteenth of Novem ­ duration of life as moderation. to treat the public with absolute fair- corar tax wa* all the more neceasarr ber.’’ tut* at first a decidedly strange "Don't yen find it very uncomforta ­ t>f«* and all discrimination* in tbo Without it the * c 11 thy < lasses won id Cast Aeliore. bound. . »NO roe CATALOGU6 ble to fast 39 ilnys?" said the visitor tc can i iagof either freighter passengers e«cape taxation fu Federal govern ­ W-L-DOUOLAS, when they nre compelled to risk thztr Willie's Henson. BROCKTON, MMt a man who waa doing the act in a should be not only orohibited but pre­ ment purpose* almost entirely. The lives perhaps a dozen times during vented." expense* of the Government were Yen esn envw mower hr wrwrlng tbe dime museum. “Well." replied the the thirty- day*. They patrol the “Nay. pa.” said Willie. *1 wish ihe Ttv'KKT *r»T nr. 'TKAroirr, largely incurred in protecting proper ­ W. L. Oenalas 83.00 Who*. freak, “I d<« t ratal telling you con ­ coast all the time and on stormy nights you'd buy Aunt Sarah a nice comforta ­ Iteeowee, w* are the largest manofaft er— eg “Will the convention nominate a ty. and property should, therefore, bee- thisgradeof sheas la (he world.on-U-uaraateelheir fidentially that I esn stand fasting 30 their Tigilsnee must lie doublt*!. ble arm-chair.” straight ticket? asked the Time* cor- its ust portion of them. •toes by stamping the nesee and prtoe on the days pretty mail, so long as I caa/fet Without the night patrol the coast "Why. I thought you didn ’t like your baemm, which proton yes agstaat hlrh prtoseeed tespondeail. 1111* ia the way John Gherman talked guard would be of little use. The pa­ a square meal every night'* in his public speeches all through Aunt Hamk. Willie." the middlemen • profit a. Oar sheas rrissi suet— “Certainly." replied Mr Ovrrtnerer trol stations nre divided Into four ”1 don't. That's why I want her to seek In style, easy Stuag sad wearing quelttm "Whr t else ran it do ’ The I’opufisU I "resident Grant's administration. Tar­ Wehoselhau* an Id avan whaia si lower pMsaefev A German paprr save tnai a oneu watches of two men each. At sunset have a nice comfortable arm-chair. •he vein*irtvro thaw aay flthrr mah*. Tehaneauh indorsed female suffrage ana denounc iff and internal revenue taxation was they leave tbe station anil separate, who had burned a five-pound Joint of n burden on the wage earners, and it She’ll uae It Instead of sitting on me | ed the Democratic party. The nation ­ going to right and left until they meet all the time.” veal, to avoid a enabling, threw the al administration is now Detaocratic. wa* from this class that the Govern ­ the patrol of other stations. The pa­ ment's revenue was largely obtained. spoiled moat away and Sold her mis­ Every Populist orator wilt be com ­ trolmen exchange suitably inscribed Simple Knnnsh. tress that the oat had eaten It “In ­ pelled, to abuse it in order to Justify If this system were continued. It checks, which Is proof that their work should be accompanied by taxation "What’s tbe difference between a deed.'' said the lady. “We will see the vaistenee of the Populist party. has been performed Having done this boned upon property or the tueome of about that;” and she took the The Democratic convention will de- they go hack to their houses, from grizzly that's liven bitten on tbe fore ­ Harr against female suffrage amt pro ­ properly.______oat pvt it in the kiteben scales am*, which their reliefs set out and perform head by a tiger and a saw without a hibition and many other Populist fads the same service, nnd ao on through luitr ’ nekml Johnnie, nt the O found that it weighed precisely five snd fancies No hoaorabl# man could Richmond Vs. has grown ao fast the whole night The stations on tbe drum Clnto. Everybody gave It up. 'there. Kathriae.” she for a moment pretend to stand upon that some of the fortification* con ­ Atlantic coast are well built houses, “Why." said Johnnie, onr is n I mar 'I suppose that is five pounds of both platforms If any man ahould structed outside of the ettv daring the and are about five miles apart. The with a sore bend, anti the other is a meat, bat plans* 1*11 me where the aaire to do an. be by that very aoL war are now wiUBn the clip limit* connects them in many saw with a barr brad. ” mr CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. JULY 1» 18HI.

reCRTV. who wars afterwards Imported each state was advocated, endorsing source of political power, and their L£4«AL NOTICES. MARBLE The Independent permanent by the committer and rati* President Cleveland and his admiuis- H* 1* ” these predis nts. these kings, ye tied by the convention. but the agents aud servants fur the and tration for the prompt and vigorous people. For the lint time really in the Term* «f the ('irralt Vonrt. The committee on resolution* waa measures taken to repulse and repress history of the world, the lung was GRANITE HffiUbt.l. b.,’ORBIT. Editor and ProprtMor. Homewliat dilatory in the completion of by military force the Interference of made to gel off the throne, and the STATE OK MICHIGAN. i its work. After a Iouk and anxious [»eople were royally seated theron. The ash Judicial circuit f lawless men with the due prooesn of the people became tbe sovereigns, aud the I do hereby Ax and appoint the time* of ST.JOHN*. THURSDAY. JULY II. 5»4 waiting they reported the fol lowing laws of the United State., and with bolding tbe several terns of court within said which were adopted : old sovereigns tiecame tbe servants and circuit for tbe years INW and I Mr',, as follows : J IIEMOI H ATK Hi ATE TICKET. <*otntnerce among the States and de- ; the agents of the people. It is hard for I'M STOW couhty . M««wi«t. That It Is with pMMrr that the First Monday In February. IdMagatew to this eoswllon learn that the flaring that the action of tbe President , Xou “>a ■* U» d * Ti ^ Fourth Monday In April. Hrnatrir. PuJ Term - name of tMi rattttMil fellow citlMU Honor ­ _. _ .. ... | bow thoroughly it lias been ingrained Laat Monday In June. able Usorer a . tffiaei has baan proasinenti> and Ins administrations has the full in the brain of almost everv man. that EDWIN K. UHL. Second Monday In November mentioned, brnughoui Michigan as a candi ­ sympathy aud support of the law ahid* the king hail some wonderful right over UKATIOT COUNTY. Senator. Short Twin date for the nomination of Mao- treasurer ing masses of the people of tiie United him.—that in some strange way the Second Monday In March < emetery Work of any description as JOHN STRONG. ' We deatn him eminently <|uailttad to 111 wtUi Ftrat Monday In Jane. ,-redlt to himsalt and honor to hisfriends such Dow in l*nor as any place in Mich­ Governor States, and will tie supported bv all de- k‘D* in™T Second Monday in September. t>u#ltiou Trained In matters ol flnauce. oare- ___ ... ' r . . ulous manner he belonged body and First Monday in December igan. I have a Fine Display of XF VV 8PENCBH O. PISHKIC tu., tried and truMetl as well as methodical in (Mitments of tin* government anti by soul U» somebody who rode on a horse— •ated • tetober 1-4*1 DESIGNS in Scotch. Swedish anil Lieutenant Ouvwoor- a.; ht» trustnesa dealing*. be would be a Mrona the |iower aud resources of the entire to somebody with epaulets on his ghoul- S. B. DABOLL. Circuit Judge, American Granites man for the place Active aud public spirited htb Judicial Circuit. Mlehtiraii. milton p. Jordan . as a ,-ltixen. be has merited the rnoBdencc and nation, would have been immedialelv der and a crown on his brainless head. After getting prices elsewhere call and Haewiary of SUUt— won the esteem of both the you ns and old of adopted by a nearly unanimous vote of Our forefathers had been educated in examine. You will decide to LEWIS E. INLAND. bis party, and thus, fetdinjr that hli nomina ­ that idea, aud when they lauded on tion tor the position named would aid In the Senate as it was the next day —only Mfdnif of Twhers L\aiHinati<»ns buy of me. State Trenaurrr — etrcnghenlng the ticket especially In a local American shores they believed it. They (ITTI1 C. KvKSTF m use. we would ask that the delegates to the Fcffer voting against it—tuu! not Sena- thought they belonged to somebody, For Clinton Countv. ISW-'. Auditor (it-ntml- msm-convention him-nil bonorsble mean* to tor GalliHirer of N It for some hum - F. F. MURDOCK asmrn the nomination of Mr Steel tor thepo- wr -N n.. ior home iinex they thought they must lie loyal to FKANK H. GILL. fit ion named plainetl reason caused it to go over a sonie thief, who could trace his pedi ­ Hi. Joans. Thursday and Friday, August 3 Altttirnr)- < Irnritil- gree back to antiquities. It took u and 4.1 MM. Opposite Fost Office. St. Johns. Mich. JAMEs tl'HAla j! t.*Da »”iTi“V' U' ilay under the rules by objecting to a long time imd great endurance to get HPRtlAI. BXAMISATIOB*. OotmulMloiier Land IKIca— K. w. ^ ^ ^ vote thereon and refusing to withdraw that idea out of their head aud hearts. SI. John*. Friday. August 31. 1MM of « DeW’ltt. Friday. September «•. I sat. PETEK MCLVANEY On motion of W. H. Hninwn «£clJth® objection although he was begged They were :;.nun miles away from the At the regular examination. examinationa Hupe-rmtcmiwn, Public Instruction — to do so by his republican colleagues. despotisms of the old world! and every will commence at tt o'clock a in. All other ex- Haw That People ALBERT J. JENNINUs town ami voting precinct selected one wave of tbe sea was an assistant to animations will commence at * o'.-look a. in. Speaking of the situation Senator K. M WINSTON. K«nkr State Hoard of Education — from its delegation to compose a com ­ them. The distance helped to dsin- chant there minds of that infamous be­ Countv Coiumisaioner of School*. will pay MICHAEL DEVEREAU.\. mittee to name candidates to be voted Daniel said : *' I am a states rights democrat, and would be the last man to lief. and every mile lietweeu them and Strange for in the convention to represent the the pomp and glorv of monarchy helped itt HI VTK NOTICE—Probate Court. Cl in The worst enemy of labor orgaui/.- stand idly by and see the authority of Ion rouoly, •*. Notice fa hereby given that their county in the state senatorial and rep-. . to put republican ideas and thoughts in Poil claim* sod iltuinili agalnai tb«- ratal* of f'hila* at ion is reckless, short-sighted, incapa­ resentative conventions, aud to select a ie stale encroached upon, but I fail to their minds. Resides that, when they j i Ian Jacob deceewd, will h« board by tho .ludgr of ble aud egotistic leadership. came to this country, when the savage I'rohslr of aahi County, at Ihr Probate Gffiee in tb* Xtiey representative of each township as mem- see anything here that encroaches upon Village of St. John*, on Ihr 3tvth day of Itecember. It the authority of the State of minors in was in the forest and ti.unti miles of A. D . INN. and that ihr creditor* of aakl ilmaml E. K. Giiarill . editor of the Green tier of a new county committee, and to —. . . . . waves on the other side, menaced by arr allowed ox month* noiu the data ot thi» no ­ for inferior pictures ville Independent, is waging a hot fight Jo*W t»»e name of some person as chair- am way. The president is acting en- barbarians on theone side, and lamine tice in which to prevent their claim* lor adju*t- tirelv within the lines of the constitution on the other, they learned that a man ment. - Dated June 3ft, \. D-. IHM Is against the renominatioii of Stanley \V. man. The committee, in their personal < ’HAKI.LS M. M i.KKILL. When the Finest Works ami his action is to be commended bv w* ‘o hail courage, a man who had Judge ol Probata . Turner for auditor-general. Mr. (win- nreferances and tenacity for a candi ­ all law abiding citizens rooanlioa* nt ; thought, was as good as am other man of Art can be obtained at bill is a staunch Republican and was date for governor —theie being some .umiing ill tens, regardless ot iu worId lhey bullt ,lp ** t» HAMILTON’N ART GALLERY, then political prediction t»r itartisan 1 were, in spite of themeselves. little re- oilTGAGK HALE. Default uaviny been once a member of the Soldiers ’ home strong advocates of Filigree aud Bliss, M Munie In tbe payment of m certain mort- NO 6. CLINTON AVE. but a clear majority for Rich—tried the feeling. publics; aud the man who liad the iraire - to Daniel Sober by nasiirninciit iltily re­ Mnf*. ______The kings of the old world endeavored corded in the same oIBcc. in Ulier *1 of Mort- exceptions. The delegates and com- 'luainted wiU. his authority and powers, to parcel out this land to their favor ­ iraire* on inure lit. on tbe 1st day of August. Tnr. brave, tearless and truly Ameri­ mitteenen endorsed by the convention liUti tl'*n «°"e in exercise them in a ites. Rut there were to mauy Indians. A. D . i*«; whlen km id mortgaire wa* after­ There was to much courage required wards. on the 31st day of July, a . D.. im.duly can action of Fresideut Cleveland dur ­ are as follows righteous cause arid for tbe good of the , ^ , - , . MS*laue«l by tbe said Daniel 8otx>r to llnbert ing the perilous ordeal of the jutst two and so M. Swlgart by asslgument duly recorded In tbe To st«n- convention —j. w. Fiixc**raid. st > iffneral public. He lias not exceeded men bad to come here who were| idissat ­ same office in Lilwr *•> ot Mortgage*, on |>age weeks has brought fourth wonts of John* : W A. Norton. St. John* : J. C. Brun his authority one whit: Oil the contrary isfied with England, with Germany .with W. on tbe 1st day of August. A. D., I sal, and x : II. M. High. | then- Ik -1 iiv now due and unpaid upon said commendation from all. irrespective of M,n - victor ; J.T. Danteils. 1 he has not as vet exhausted it. If the Ireland and with Holland. The kiugs mortgage for principal and interest, three hun­ partv or creed. He has proven that I °rii : u K w. H. tamos, federal troops are not sufficient for this favorites stayed at home. Men came dred aud seventy-tre dollars, and no proceed ­ HORSES! lien* for liberty, and on account of prin­ ing* having I men Instituted, at law or in equi­ under the most trying and critical cir- l **• : B c. MeCrumb. t^gi«-. /eph the service of the United States and all the hardships, perils and danger of und the premises therein deecrihed will he sold JMIK HAl.t. - ash ,*r - a new country, of a new land, and the according to law. at public auction to the provetl note* oi in exchaugt foi .- calm (Mlhwatioa Of tt» matters ^'",n Vl"- K'«wani c. MoK«c. then send them to t'hicago or any other highest bidder at the west fn>nt door of tbe CattleI or other property, a large number of W. H. Sagv. Dal I a* : i lia*. Farmer, «»vld ; W'm. consequence was that our country was court lious**, in the village of St. Johns. State KIMT-CLAMI HOKHKH, brought to liear upon him have l>een Park*. Dalian : C. C. Vaughan, St. John* ; If. point when* their mobilization inav be- settletf by brave and adventurous men, of Michigan, (that taring tbe building wherein Is held the circuit court for the county of Hoth Native and Western, weighing tro-n I.IXn the means of upholding the laws of our Collltier. Hath ; Geo >1. Schaix-k. Duplaln : come necessary. The constitution is by men who had opinions of their own and were willing to live in the wild for ­ Clinton-, on Hat unlay tlie -Nib een to precipitate in action, Imsh ; Char. Nami-r, Watertown ; Geo Wood ­ only to tree*, rocks and savage men. luuvel ol land situated in the village of Hath, ruff. St. John*. The best blood of the old world came in the ,-ounty of Clinton and state ot Michi­ thousands would now be dead who live To Senatorial Convention H. P.dage, Bing- AiN ORATION gan. and described as follows, trwwtt: Lots »6> Western Horses off'eml ai> all to the new. They did not understand six and IT* seven, block ilT> seventeen, as laid to repent of their folly. He struck ham ; K. W. David, Eagle : J. VV outcalt, what liberty meant —w hat political lllter- down In the recorded plat of the village of Full HWhn I Anierieaa Horses. while the iron was hot. Not to hast> J. w lu-kwith. Victor. g »-». stone llrlltrml ut I'nnlrr. V||rli., .1 illv I, IN04. ty was. but they found out in a few Hath, county or Clinton, state of Michigan, No Miistainrs or Hroiiehos. itlley : II. N. Key*, nvld ; Sherman KeutlW-ld. which said premises will he sold together as waiting until the moment the laws were lit .lailni G. I’tltrrMin. of lltal Villas*. years. There was a teeling among oae pan-el and lo satisfy tbe amount due and Ur-ugal ; J. H. Kaudolph. W.ntphaJln ; charter openly violated, then calliug a hault them that raised to their eternal honor costs of foreclosure as pntvidcd by law -Dat. K. Pbelpa. Hath ; Thu* I*. Steadman. Dupiain ; Ftihiishetl l»y r*|um. like a siuilieam to the clouds, they were od Mav 3, A. D. 1WM. Inspection of Stork and Corres- that was heard and heeded by tbe unru ­ Kineraon K Vance. Lebanon ; K M Webb. 1m- KOBEKT M. SWIG art . Ladies and Gentlemen ;— Tlie in favor of education. Wherever they PATTKMON H Fi.ykk . Assignee (Hintlenre Solicited. ly and vicious mob. The men were Wltt ; char Hulti. Greenbuftli ; T I. Shiiait, Decimation of lndepeudaitce is the went they built school houses, intro ­ Attorneys tor Assignee. Watertown ; Scott Dike. Kiley. duced books, and ideas of literature. made to fully realize the extent of their grandest, the bravest, and the pro- open violation of tlie laws aud the re­ County Committee —C. C VVatighau, chair­ They Itelieved that every man should OHTGAGZ: SALK — Iwuult Itaxla; tno man, SL John* ; St. John* —W . II. Hrunaon. 1st foundest document tliat was ever sign ­ know how to read, write ami should sult lias lieeu peace again restored . bale in Ike ,-ondi I Ion* of a certain inden ­ R. M. STEEL Precinct ; VV. W. Siuionaou. 3d Precinct. ed by the representatives of a jteople. find out all that his capacity allowed Mture of mortgage dated June !), 1*77. An I exec uted by Jrdedtah Gaaklll und Augrllca hi* *11*. both St. Johnn. t k?tob«-r 14. Ital *.4tw. The Fresideut knew with whom he had D II. Hunt.-hi Precinct : Hath chaa.E. Phelpa; him to (-omprehend. That waa the It is the embodiment of physical and glory of the Furitan fathers. They for ­ of Icockiiori, N. Y. by Hannibal Gatkill of Si. to deal aud not only exercised a perogn- Eagle. K. S. Doty ; Dupiain. Luther Eddy ; moral courage ami of political wisdom. John- Michigan, their attorney In fact. u> < harle* tive of his (tositiou hut met the require­ Olive, Cha*. 8. Mar.h ; lelanon, L G. Hurvh : got in a little while what they suffered, G Hathaway, and recorded June », 1*7T, In Ibe 1 say of physical courage. Iiecause it Continue,I on Page * i -•Itceol Ihe ItegiMrr of |le*d* for tbe Counly of I ments of an imperative duty, and did it Victor. J.D. Vanbtirger ; DeW’ltt. M. J. Tout ; Cllnloii. In l.ilwr 43 of Mortrageaon page. 110 lo 112, 3L. IT7" E FL IT Dallas. Kiley Kic- . Kaeex, Warner i aaterilne ; was a declaration of war against tlie on which mortgage there t-,1 aimed lo ledueal Ibr —AND- so well that he is applauded on every ] Ovid. II. V. Soule. 1st precinct, cha* Farmer. most (Miwerftil nation of the globe: a 1 -late ol thia notice the »uui of one tboo.and throe j side ami quarter of the globe. I hundred rtfly four and |S-|Ui dollar*. Iwvldea an I I 3d ; Green bush. Daniel Turner; Bengal. Kd- declaration of war by thirteen weak, ; Attorney fee of Thirty Indian,and no »uit or pro- i '«*nl II Lyon ; W ntertowu, Holme* T. Clark ; unorganized colonies; a declaration by Do You ^ feeding al law or In equity having been lo.iltuled | To MKTTLK 1*1 V ICIIITIC \Tlov ltllcy, II. N. carpenter ; Wofttphaila, J. II. Itan- | lo recover an v part ol the debt twcured by raid - a few |>eople without military stores, mortgage - no* therefore, by virtue of Ibr |io*er j Mr. Hudson, of Kansas, lias intro- •■otab. ol male in *akl taorlgrgr -< nuinrd, and of Ihei without wealth, and without strength -talule lo »uch cave made and provided, noilee la i a bill in Confmaa to prevrt and Washl^rtiHi Letter, I hereby given, that on Ihe 33d day ol veplon- settle strikes, to settle by arbitration all; Jlltl]. as against the most powerful Kingdom *t*r A. It.. ISW4. al I o ’clock in the afternoon, al on the earth: a declaration of war made Use Salt? Ihr Wat front door of the Court Hooae lor the j tlifferences batwaeu employers and em-; Cleveland and his cabinet county of Clinton. Michigan, in tbe village of Hi. ptoyea and to provide a i«ialy for re- JUV ;llmosl swaw|MKl wiUl ^(egnm.s when tlie British Navy—at that day the John*, in *atd --oiinty. there will he *old at public I mistress of every sea—was hovering It will pmy vou In nutnerou* wavs vendue, lo ihe tiiglmt bidder, the land iu *ai it*. quit work shall lie submitted to three on our soil, and when the principal milk, why not search for the lies! 1MN CHARLES G. HATHAWAY, ,-laaaoutAt* furniabed for I oiumert la I Men. venteil what at tine time looked like it salt? Test, compere, esk questions. Frprvva a WAi.aaiix-a. .Mortgagee. lit tier ala. Pleaaure Parties, Etc. arbitrators appointed by a Circuit Court cities of An erica were in the substaml- Altoraeya for Mortgagee. Si. .lofaa*. Mich might lie a revolution, ami volunteering tial possession of the enwnv. And so, Investigate wrtial in all erases where the courLs or United SS*I ’ervona having Due and Disable, Horae* aid to any imaginable extent, in both I say. all things considered, it was the N OKUINANOR TO I'HIIVIIIK Fill will And Ihe treat of facilities for trealmebt al my States military authorities may be in­ men and money. The Fresideut aud bravest political document ever signed Diamond Crystal Iht- ttp|M>inlntent of Strvr-t Commlaaioner stable*. M.C. LI VESA Y, Veiernary Sorgeou.ln at­ i>> man. And n it waa pbvaioiall) Tin\ ihe Village of St John*, ami lo drwignale tends tire Stable* 3d doer Weel ol Ti e stee voked. Persons guilty ol disturbing the Ids advisers lieiieve that the worst is I hi* dutle*. North aide. (173K) property of emplovers without itaviug nave the moml courage oltwdMtt* 7 V I'l/tap of a. JuAm* Krrrky orddiaa that : ovet . Iiut they none tlie less teel proud ineut is almost lieyond the phvsirial. I Dairy Salt Sa> .1. It ohall hereafter lu> the duly of the ZH 4NK RflHfIflEI.D Prep r. applied tor arbitration shall lie deemed They had the courage not onlv, but baa done for other* There - no se re* | Hoard of Trualee* of the Village of SI. John* lo ap­ of the confidence re|Hised iu them by point al the brat regular meet in.- In April of each guilty ot malicious mischief. The same the\ had tlie almost infinate wisdom toj eboni li. Write und get |>artleiiiers. year a Slreel t otumtaeionri who .hail hold office Congress and the |ieople aud will con ­ RICHMOND A OSBORN rule shall apply to employers who re­ tinue their efforts to deserve that con ­ declare that all men an- created equal We grant that salt Is cheap, but la for oae year aod until hi* .ucceeaor ba* Iwen ap­ duce wages or discharge men without With one stroke of the |>eii. tlu-\ thei a good reason why you should pointed and ha* qualiSwl. fidence. struck down all cruel, hearties* bar­ not Itave the best? look fairly and SB, 2. the dutle* of ibe Street Couitulaaioaer submitting the case to arbitration. In fully into the salt question, and yon'U .hall lie aa followa, via : General Insurance Agents It is Speaker Riclumisoit now. if you riers that aristocraey. had raised lie- ftnd the way to belter flavored butter, (a) He *hall, dllrlug the tirni ten day. of each all of the last cases employers shall lie month . when he .hall he *o directed by >akl I loan I please. Representative Richardson, of tween man and man. they struck down aud better price* through our Dairy < Ivor Alliaon'a Jewelry Ston with one immortal blow tliat infamous of Trualee*. tnapect all the .Idewalk* and crow- liable for the full amount of wage* un ­ Tenn.. Iiavnu; lieen elected !Si*eaker pro. It. Indlspeusahle for rooklug and walk* wtlbtn Ibr Village of H(. John*, and «hall rr- ST. JOHN*. MICH. spirit ol east. almost a God: with Iteprcoenilng the following Couipa.i* DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO^ uext meeting thereafter, all defective piece. In ployment. the period not to exceed one of Speaker Crisp, who has Imen called one word, with one blow, tliey wiped vald »td*wrlka and rrowwalka. together with the .Northwestern National, of Milwaukee, location of each defective .idewalk and , roeawalk. year, nor can they call u |m>ii the United away aud utterly destroyed all there had At. Clair, Mich. The Sim Fire, of Lontloii, to Georgia by the serious illness of Ihh l»eeii done by centime* of war. cen­ aod Ibe uuwher of thelet aod block aod Ihe name States forces for protection until they brother. of Ihe owner and occupant of each lot oppoalti- The Insiirann* t'o., of North Vnierlra, have applied for arbitration. time* of hypocrisy, centurie* of injus- which any »uch defect in any aidewalk may lie The Kind, of Hurt ford. The democrat* of the tarifi conference : ice lound by bint. N|iriurt1eld. of Sprinrtteld. Mnss.* tktnsideration by the house of the reso ­ tb) He *hall Kerve notice -» aa -jiretted by mid committee have lield daily meetings What more did they do V Tliey then Goodrich Line for Chicago.Hwnl of Trualee. upon aoy pereou, directing hint Itoekford. of Itoekfonl, III., lution to investigate the railroad thi* week, ami the air i* full of rumor* declared that each man liad a right to to repair hia .idewalk or lo build a new oar. (vermaiiiu. of »w York, troubles lias I ►ecu indefinitely postponed. live, and what doe* that mean ? It id- He eball. at Ihe lira! meet tog In each moatb, Westchester, of New York. each contradictory of the other a* to report to writing lo nkl Hoard of Troaleea an Tlie sulhcommitte had lieeu confident mean* that he ha* a right lo make I iletuued aiaiement of all work -lone by him du ­ Itorlston. of lloston. M:i- what thev have done. These rumor* Ins living. It mean* that tie liad right ring the preceedlng month that the committee on rules would allot ;ne nothing more than guesses a* mem- to breathe the air. lo work the laud, i !•) He ahall perform auch other -lullev In ton to it two hours of some day this week. nection with III* office aa he ahall lie directed by lier* of the conference will have uotluug that lie stand* the equal of even hu­ •aid Hoard ol I'ruatee*. Friday Representative Geurv had a talk to *ay until thev report to their respect­ man lieiug iMMieath the shining star*, f lie ahall, before entering upon the dullew of F0JI SALE. with Representative Catching*, of the entitled to the product of hi* labor — ; hla office, take and auhecnlw the oath of office and ive House*. the labor of his hand ami of hi* brain. Ale the aarne with ihe Village Clerk, aod .ball gtvr inmmitte on rules, asking for time on a Imnd tn llie anni of lOiMlIliuned upon the Had the situation not iieen entirely And what more did these tnen say ?1 | faithful tw-rfotmance >f tlie dttllea of hla office, In order lo die, tin «-*taic I want a caoti l»im*hgeer for Ibe following Inn,I* in th« town* Friday or Saturday, but was told that They laid down the doctrine that go ­ - aald Itoifi lo be Aral approved by aal l Hoard of tl. all In Town flyo of s(>eaker Crisp Representative Mall­ of Truateee upon i bargea oreterred. ami one week ', t«) north of Range on, i|) west Also th, ecutive committee of the Knights of people existed solely for tha lienefit of ATLANTA nolle* in writing lo tabl l ouuniaatoner of *ahl South-,mat qnarferof Ihe South-weal qiutrlero; ory. the chairman of the suboommittee, the state, that is to sav for tlie kiugs . charge* section thlrtv-two (33i; the South halfof th, l«al>oi. who are m Washington this — and ----- SB,. 4. snbl t'ommla*ioner .hali he |i*id .uch will make an e.Tort to have a day or part and nobles. And what more 'f That South-weal quarter of Iht Soulli-oaat quart, • week. aiNiut liegilining iiii|>eachmeut l auto of money for each day of ten hour* actually of aectlon thlrty-lwi> r33'. all It, town six (4) of a day next week devoted to the ques­ the |-- ree ,>t |M>liticaJ I aprnt by him in tbe employ of the village aa the north ,»f Kang,- one (I - weet. proceeding* against Attorney General (tower. Thai was not a revelation, hut CITY OF RACINE 1 Hoard of Trualee* .hall direct If* ahall. el ihe tion. ! Aral meeting In each month, render a aworn ar- Fkir price* ami other particular* mpp v lo (Jlne\ liecaoae of the arrest of Del**, a revolution. It chauged the ideas of Mtuth Mpmljr lor thi* rmiU-.l FRANK K KOHstiN. The cost of the I tilted States of put­ the |ieople ;wlth regard to the source > count lo aald Hoard ol Truvtee* ol ell »err I re. twr If MU Haminoml llulldlng. Detroit. would have been regarded a* a good trf«,,UcaI power, Them- -leaiiiftliliH- have IminenM- rx-at-rve lorraed hr hint for weld village during the preced ­ ting down the railroad strike in the ixtwpr. **nk»h (-liable- them »o make ihHr reg ­ ing mnalu.aau ahall «verify where the aerview* joke. A* it is it merely gave tlie mtel- por tip. first time it made human l»e- ular (w-heriiile* In tbe iimmM unlavorablo wwte performed. we*t is estimated liy government officers wnUlsr. tar. 5. The tint appointment ruder ibia ordi ­ ligent piddle an opportunity to gauge iug* inen. What wa* the old idea ? nance ahall he made al Ibe flral regular meeting In S IT 1 > Ni 4 ITICK At fully $1 .infmhni . It may toot up more. Each I SOM oms burthen with Kleepl iik aecom- the caliber of the men who control a The old idea waa tliat no political pawar ■noilatlon* for :•»*|M»M*«-fixer*. will leaveGNASli Augnal. IBM. 1 .1 VAFGHAN. The catiinates Include telegraph bills, once iNiwertnl and intluenlial organiz ­ came . nor in any manner lielonged to. H avkh for CHICAOo -lally. i-xe»-f>i salunlay. DgWitT If. IlrXT. ITewldent deputy marshals' pa\ and transporta ­ the people. The old nlea was that po­ , at »«l |>. in. risk. ation and to wonder how tliey ever litical i>ower came from the clouds, Extra Sat unlay irlp* lo < Tilracxi. < ••initten, tion and maintenance of United States managed to get their authority ami how' tliat political power came to some tner- ( Inr May 3* atwl ending September A imth days troop*. The estimate for marshals iwv - Inclusive. long the organization can stand the une aculoii* way from heaven ; tliat it came Arriving In (’hlrwipt the following morning In In Chicago alone is from Sl.Mussi to they an* making of it. down to the kings, and queens. ;uid lime for the outgoing train* CLIFTON HOUSE. fgUMHi, and Congress in a few da vs ml tilers, that was the old idea. The Fare, berth Included, ... M-l.iMI Senator Daniel, of Virginia, iu addi ­ W AIIAHII AVE ant, M\ Dipt IN ST.. will lie asked to appropriate tins, as it nobler 11 veil upon tlie laltor of the peo­ tion to Iteiug a state's rights democrat ple. the iieorde had no rights: the nobles Knnnd Trip, rmsl for ocssaii , • C'H ICAOO is urgent. stole wltat tney liad aim divided with Hemming, leave chlcsgo ■lally. except Sun ­ of the staunchest sort is known among day at ::30 p. m.. arriving at Grand Haven the kings, and the kings pretended to early next morning In time for tbe dally ):40 TH»- Hrsukllaan Cntmj-t t nnirnllnii lawyers os an authority upon Constitu ­ divide what they had with God al­ a. m. I.imlied Kxprra* train on II . G. H k M. AMEKICAN PLAN. All hut two or tlnee towns were more tional law. His resolution offered ae a mighty. Tire source then, of (tolltioal K’y for all pomin East and North kxtra Sunday trip* tn Grand Haven, com- o PWNCB WU,KJbW.N or lea* represented in the Republican substitute to tlie semi-anarch *st resolu ­ power wa* from above. The people mewing May ft. and ending Sep) U, Imth day* were responsible to the nobles, toe me lute* ; J300, f?.*i and per Dsy. A -yimr-obl Siaiiton by Hnanv WlikM: dan . county co nvewtitai at the court house tion offered by Senator Fefler.of Kan*., Ini larivt shtawaeeet- Mahl »*>• I ami I* Napoieon. intynt' hies too thetlie klkings, and the iieople had no HU* It the Abort tine to CHICAGO. I’aaaen- found at MILLKIUH FRED IIAHN. ST. JOHNS. laat Friday. and supported hv the populist Nenator right whatever, im*more than the wild ger*abould*e that their ticket* trail via Grand ••very WEIJNESDAV until further noMee. H°r The meeting was rapped in onlei by in one of tlie most vicious ami out- lieasts ot the forest*. The kings were Haven and thta popular line. additional notice and |*edl*ree concerning thi* Through tk-keta In all ndnu via Chicago This is one of the most convenient, line young home. *ee J. Fairman. Groom rageoiis speeches evei made in the Sen- responsible to the clouds: not taa toil* nan la had of all railroad ticket agent* C. C. Yaugiiaii. chairman of the county safest plewssntest ami homelike hotels M. C t’AffiPREU- owner. A. W. GOODRICH, G. HURHON. Grid. Kiel committee, when linn. J. C. Brtmaon. Prea’t. i’hleago Gen'l Traffic M'g'r. .... jy^,i5r£3jas?.,,aLttSs: JOHN W. GILLMAN ffiftaffilt. In the city. If you stop there once yon At DtWnt Thu reday and FHdST: Grhl. tat of Victor, was chosen tempormn chair- and tlie transfer of authority to a com -1 tiou of indepe"'!ance reversed this Hup'i. Chicago JHO. SINGLETON, are sure to ,ln so again. 1440tf urday ami Monday. ami C. C. Vaughan temporary sec- mittee composed of one member from thing and said. no. the people are the Gen'l Fa** Ar t. Chlaago Fee -lift to emmre l colt. (LINTON INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, JULY 1». 18JM The Independent INAL. MY MOTHER’S GHOST. THE JEWEL CASKET. WHIPPLE'S Sayer* Clark is doing tlie in Alexandrite which is gmu by day and HTEAM PKINT1M. ROuNfc. ! Detroit. BV M. BABCOCK. rad by uigbt la a woman ’s alone. SUPPLEMENTARY ADJUSTABLE A. J. Pullaw was a busti visitor What has become of the editor of the A pearl neck lace ineteed of a > leap ia I'uOllihad «v«rv Thursday morn ­ | in Durand Monday. made to eaet In a alngle loop a diamond ing from ths Indopominn' block. Utica Daily Preaa ? I sent him u ghost with a pearl lianeatb finishing the coda WIDE TIRE. Mo. I 7. Clinton avonuo. (•eo. (J. L. Spaulding arrived liome story and I liave never beard from him last Friday evening. In time golf will be celebrated among the WEU H. (‘ORBIT. Proprieor. since, lias he been seeing or dreaming decorative sport* A matchbox ia a golf TEHMH i (too. Fowler was a business viostor iu about gboau until he lost his reason ? caddie aa be stands waiting <*i golf playecs. FOR FARM AND LUMBER WAGONS. Owoaao Wednesday. Crtcilj la Atrtl> *od dmtb notice* Issartad fist. - J Obituary luuiurnU. nwlttlku. teed* or Ikuki, of .inn Arbor. "One Hundred Years Ago. ” The Con -' the canter of heart shaped brooches or He . raid bo lUrrra lor at th* rate ol Sroroau Mias II. Fauline Adams returned pandaute. baing, of course, inclosed in a 1? per !im, grelational church, at Westmoreland, rim of jewels to light it up. Oorrvspeodasre cooloioioc local saw* la •olicitrd from the Cleveland Y. I*. 8. C. E. con ­ celebrated its centerieal. Rev. Dr. W. j (Porn ml part* of tbetoutty. vention Tuesday evetuug. An iutereaUug back comb baa a aeries of roc i un bo roo do iso E. Dunham, father of the editor. In his conventional rays iu gold marked with Mrs. C. E. Uemuiiugtoii. of New York address, said : jewels at intervals. These are intended to JOB PRINTIN O * f City, is tiie guest of Mrs. O. L. Spauld ­ “ Where are the Brighams, the Stod- suggest fruit bearing branches, for collect IlDourooMod for aiyle aad i-heaimea* ing und fami'y. dauls. the Browns, the ('larks, the New­ around the slem and swiugtng a curling § J “Walt" Merrill aiul II. L. Kendrick combs. the Bishops, the Merrills, the tail ia a jeweled serpent in the act of biting 4 (HIKCH BBKNVX. Kelloggs, the Drapers, anil the score of at * diemoud that be mistakes for an = is , are enjoying the Blue Ilibbon race meet ithers who tilled these pews in days apple.—Jewelers’ Circular. HT. JOHN'S CHURCH-EPISCOPAL at Detroit this week. •Orric-r of iVukrr end Mead Slrrclt. long gone hy. Some of their decendants Mornlu? aervice, Md; S. H., IS N ••n niiiK Miss Lottie Fames returned Wed­ occupy their places, but they leave passed FIN, FEATHER AND FUR. a*-nr ice, ,:$b: Holy < omtnuirtoti. first Sunday nesday morning from a two weeks' vis- into invisibility. Are tliey not here aud In each month. after mornlns aervtce. ' liave they lost then interest in the well- FREDERICK HAI.L. Rector. i it with friends iu Howard City. Hat* avoid a liouae wherviu a guinea pig fare of this church ? Does not tills one Is permit lei 1 to rostiu at will. BAPTIST i'HUK c'H. Oeo. W. Emtnous and family are now hundredth anniversary stiranv emotion WJ Trow bridle Street. j comfortably quartered in their summer in their hearts '! I fancy the old saintly The bird of grrwteat Is the si 1 Mornlrur aervlee. MH$*S Sunday Sc hool, ltd: j pillars of this church are invisible pil­ batroes. One ha* been kuowu to follow- a \ errnlBrrrrtlcf. Td; communion.munioa. urst Hun- house on the island at Argentine. ship for 64 days without once being neeu lc «lsy in each month, after morning •*im teal lion still, having lost none of tlieir in- ( '■! ".I.AM HARD, I‘■•tor. Fred F. Murdock pud wife. Bert King, tereat in its welfare. Nay. but tlieir rest on the water. Mrs. A. Dutcher and Miss Kda Duun interest is intensified, und that, if iu the The animal w bleb must nearly reeembiea ■. E. CHURCH. Mate Street. an* among those sojourning at Bay spirit life, tliev liave learned auy new a plant is probably Ilymenopua Mcrntnc —CUMfi meeting. SAW; i>reachln«. View. or higher truth, any broader conception insect found iu , which lean an ex­ (T'llKRE la i»o escusa* for ruitinx up Hu. popMe bijrtiway ram* u narrow tired wagon when lor 10 s>; Sunday xeboo.. icnM. Kvenlug: —Ju­ of God's love and mercy, any wider traordinary likeness to the flower of on 11 Hiodwwte aum you can vet a act of Wide Tire* that can In- put on over the narrow tire- venile League. JUM: Bpwortb league. Sstt: Miss Maggie Smith and Miss Walker, sweep of human sympathy, they will be orchid. dm meeting. t>:00: prtwrbing. 7;B. Regular of Bengal, went to Toronto Wednesday for SALE B"5T DAVIE8 Sc ADAMS pray* r meeting, Thursday evening. earner to teach tlmse to their decciidanU. When an ares of lower temperature, with , C. (i. THOMAS. Pastor. morning to attend the B. Y. F. U. con ­ and will do so by every possible means within their reach. I fancy thi* church rain or mow. is approching, the goldfish , PIK8T CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH vention. edifice to-dav is full of spirits, gathered remains near the surface of the water, Head of Brush SC. Mrs. M. W. Kiumoud left Wednesday here at the scene of tlieir earthly iaoors. while if clear, sunshiny weather ia expect­ Morning »ervice at !•:»»; evening service at morning for a two weeks' visit witli her to celebrate this anniversary, and that ed they will airnoet always be found near 7:JI>: Suiulsv school at noon: Y. P. 8. C. E. the center of the reeervoir. meeting at 5:15; Junior 8. C. E- Thuraday at 4 sister. Mrs. Geo. Petrie, in South Bend. the rejoicings of this hour swell, not p. iu.. prayer meeting Thursdays at 7:14 p. m.. only along tiie isles of this earthly tem­ Giraffe* have become very scarce eince Woman'* association Tuesday, t p a. Mies 0. Indiana. A. Hhaver. m- jr: >lla* Anna Treahwi II. chair­ ple of Gou. but also throughout the isles the dervtebee eeised the beein of the upper man ot relief com. of Y. P. 8. C. B.: Mr*. H. E. Mra. J. Abrams and little daughter, and through the archesor the temple in Xile. They were once to be bought for Ua.drain, chairman of relief com ot woman * of Detroit, who hod been guests in the the golden city, the new Jerusalem. about ffTUO each; now a good giraffe would QlkOClAtloli. H. E. Bt'TLKR, l’a»lor. family of 8. Heller during the past week, An hundred years of record and the fetch over 16,000. The Janlined ’Accumu­ Issiks arc not \et dosed ; an hundred lation at Faria recently refused to sell three FREE METHODIST. returned to tlieir home Tuesday morn ­ years of work for God und humanity, very young ones for $10,000. Morning service:—Satdaaih school. ing. blit the end cometh not. ' Preaching. iu:45; Evening service. 7 ffl); Young People > meeting. JXU |t. m. ; « law meeting Bussell Emmons. Jr., of Oscoda, this I never before liave seen so good u RECENT INVENTIONS. Tuesday* at 7:») |i. iu. ITayer meeting, state, is spending a few days with his ghost story, and all located iu the old Thursdays, at 7 :SU. F. A. PERKINS, l*aator. uncle. Geo. II. Stephenson, anti oilier church in which my mother was a mem­ A clothesborse in which tbe uprights are Are Yum relatives in our village. He is h nice formed of metal rods with eyes into which Bt’NINKHH DIRECTOR Y. ber. and to which I used to carry lier tbe croeeruds ore linked. looking boy. little foot stove when I was a little lioy. A btiUou fastening consisting of two Burin* rs. Scott Swagart and daughter, of Grand When I wrote the editor tlial I had itrieaUy pivoted together, aud Ledge, who lutd lieen visiting friends OKU ATI: K tHHKH WHOI*- WILSON A seen and spoke to my mother and site each formed with ia slot , iand witha nib. 15 ABl> Proprietor*. Walker ft. Wral. Kv- and relatives in St. Johns for several luid spoken to ine. and tliat I knew that •rything is our lise dose pmmHly asd with xal- Twra Live* Waved. tetarnou Ladies' ssd < hiMren * HsireuUlug, • days {lost, returned to tlieir home Mon ­ she lives. I think tiie sou should liave specialty. Mra. Fbebe Thomas, of Juoction City, day morning. had the courage lo liave said to Ids old III., was told by her doc ton* she had Con- [ a roll FflKKrH. iropri»t*r efThcMerl “Ait" Wilson, the steady and faithful father that there is one who still lives, sumption mod that there was no hope for i A dvertising? liari*r -bop. Ladiee ’ and rhUdren's hale young book-keeper in the St. Johus her. but two liottles Dr. New Dis­ Jr .'.'.isg srpveulty. Ovod hath rooms Incuasectleo who a short time since saw the widow King ’* National Bank, left here Saturday for Babcock, who was an honored member covery completely cured her end she *ays Bay View, where lie will spend to weeks it saved her life. Mr. Thomas Eggers, Attorney s. of theold church. Four fellow, he prob ­ ink Florida 8t. San Francisco, suffered ot the heated term ably lacked courage. I am sorry for from a dreadful cold, approaching Con- TOR KEY. < iperm Hons* Block Ex-Itegister of Deeds for this countv, him. Huiuption. tried without result everything JONX • . MOOLIS*. F. W. launphen*. anti now prominent If I am to write up tuy early history, else Ilian bought one Imttle of Dr. King s SDraiv H. LYOS. New Discovery anti in two weeks was yon * ihiolin * AUorncy* *1 Lara, 81 among the leading jewelers of Ionising, that ot tiers may kuow, 1 will commence Jokss. Mich. < lira nvar Kendrick ’* store. cared, lie ia naturally thankful. It is L was in town last ThurMbiy shaking a little hack. My father's name was sarh results of which these are sample*, hands with old friends. Samuel Babcock. He and my mother that prove tbe wonderful efficacy of this O Horsey* at Lav. Otter over St. John* Nation E INDEPENDENT has a first- at Bask 1140 Mrs. E. L. Valentine went to St. name from Connecticut and founded the medicine in Conghs and Colds Free trial Louis. Mich., yesterday to try the cura­ village of Hampton, mm called Weet- Imttle* at Fildew A Milliuan'x Drug store, ILL H. HMI'NNON. At torse t st Lora snJ tive properties of the mineral springs morehuid. Oneida county. N. Y. He Ht. John* and Frwler. Regularise. .TOr, w Solicitor In < honesry *.».. traveling in Europe fora number of up in the Whiteslsiro jail. I was named to St. Johns, and our Subscription t.Dt:n a * w u.SK' im*k . Attorney* | months past, returned to their home in Marvin Baticock. I was born in the JOB PRINTING at Law. *t the old »t*ad, oeer the "corner! 1 F year 1H17. July 2. and was the youugest .Imp eiore," st Johns. Mich. JM7 tins village last I iiesday. They report AT THE INDEPENDENT OFFICE. List is continually growing larger. WiumiiKit: omimikn . Atteraeys at go«*l health and a plensant and protita- of the family. 1 remember when only l^o otter over Allison'* Jewelry tUorr ble outing. three years old. of riding with my Dentistry. M. X. Duncan and wife. G. A. Powell mother anti my aunts in an old lumber An advertisement in its columns will , anti wife. Wui. Tick aud wife. Mrs. C. wagon to tiie jail where I saw mv father Torn Padley, m. kknyon . brnltal Kaat Walker AO Street. Il» II. Beeves. Mrs. WycolT and Mrs. Win. about readv to die. And tliis was tiie only bring good results and the space is Ph.VHiriaiw*. 1 G. Holmes went to Ovid Saturday night time that I recollect of ever having Tim- Pioneer Manufacturer sn. of II.. I. O. O. F.. in- seen him. The creditors took all- H. UttBliK. M. D., surteon and Ho ___ • meofralhituteoyralbic PkydclM.1’hyOclan oorer to-day. aud I am glad that I ■tort-. Ml Johns. Mich. ISMtf Stltwell. who hail iieen her guest for a ttaid for my mother’s coffln. ^ I.. ttlM.AS, n. «»., Physician and few tlays. left last Satunlat for Frank- I am writing this history not so much O* s'irgunn. OMcw at assldarav*. up|io*n • hnuav. vast otter hours lo « |i m . sxrrpl Wed- linville. N. Y„ where the former will for myself ns for others, hoping tliat I! All Goods and Work War­ ssraday. then to »|>. m. 1 IU spend a few weeks with the latter. Mr. may ennui rage poor boys to do better ranted aa Rcpresontud. vinnill*, n. D.« H»m.r«paihle Vaughan ucromiMtnied the lathes as far Mian they sometimes do. 1 always was R• Pnyslrtan, Surrenn sml Aro.-achvur otteras Detroit and saw them pleasantly constitutionally feeble, so inurh so tliat • a Main street. l**Wlll. I IU one woman said : “Marvin will have to A prill. ISM. Photography. quartered on the steamer for Cleveland iro to the pixir house.” But old Esq. and Buffalo. Page salt!: “Yon never can tell whml i THE l*. Pl.l AKLTT. landing PhMogrs- 0. E. Ball. Warner Buiitlav. K. II. kind oi an ox a lousy calf nuiv make." • yktr. orar< lupin A Co.'s storr M. Joun*. ORBIT k VALENTINE, OOapyinK »nd enlarging Work rusranleeil firsi^lsas.Wilson. Geo. A. Wells, and F. II. I resolved that I could and would keep out of the |MMir house, ami I would show Jackson will leave here next Satur­ them that some dav I would make a! White Sewing 52 VoUtrinory. day for An Train lodcc. Alger county, pretty goml ox. f n. V. A. OuM Medallai of L* ‘ke Ontario Vetnrinnrr Coilegr ott«e. to spend several weeks in their regular MY FIRST RKHIICT. 18 STILL KINO lionaid't drug stare. Night*. Palmer*'Hotel. artiual fishing and outing season. Two In those tlavs they used to liave gen- ' HARDWARE. ■ ---- weeks later Mr. Ball will return when ernl trainings. They had old musket* Fainting. Mr. Chas. Fowler, et. al.. will join Uiei flint U*ck*. ami troopers with horse i the rw,M,irHteT nf i rSttimi uSuniamSr>^iJu^ *•• by mall prompt It ’QmMy I vacation. : a break. made some molasses candy. tooE. xsrrOsac*- . iki> in** of so-rxss is i 1 I «lra os a trial It dulti t look quite rigid It didn't get MIMIM: KVKXTx, stiff, so I set the Imsiu in the sink. In Airiiniltunil Implements, ( misisfing of PIown , Harrows, anti • OppailloOwirt Hous*.**)uarr. M. jobs* Mil'll. meet with Mrs. E. II. Lyon on Thurs­ 1 pollen the mouse out. rolled thecandv j Also Buggies anti Farm Wagons. Shelf Hurtiware, ______isn day. July 28. at 1 o'clock. Cordial in­ into sticks on a good clean shingle and Nails. Plain was then realty for business, and mv Tr. iatetl anti Harltetl W'lre. ( hums. Tinware, ■ I. Ml l.l.. Ki , in.illn vitation to all. Sloven, anti «» tes Ara HraSrar* IS* Wlrbi airat biisinemt though rather small. was a sue , The Baptist Young people will serve cess. I held the troopers' liorses while I Amrn. ice cream and (Tike every Saturday they went into the tavern “to see aj evening, in the vacant store at the heml man. ami they alwnvs gave me some ­ of main street. west side. thing for that. M. Baim ih k . I COMPOUND. Pomona Grange will be lieid at Bath St. Johns. July 14, 1SH4. on Saturday. July 28th. A picnic at (7h hr roniittmrtl. i Fine ladce. on Wednemtav by the Wood ­ None Bfllrr. N$ic Lower Price man of DeWitt. is the leason of tiie Hurls inn’* trmrs ssits. We are Agents for the ‘‘OLD RELIABLE ” Gasoline Stove. change in note. The Bast Halve ia the world far Cato, For •luaMty ami variety of work. The Eaton Rapid* comp meeting lie- Hraises. Here*. Ulcers. Halt Kbaaai. Fever tfns July JBUi tuid claoes August Ah. Hares. Tetter. Chapped Hoads. Chilhlaae*. A. n. IMUIOM. Ag.l. Next satunlav and Sunday will occur Corns aad all Skin Krnption*. aad posi ­ m. John*. Mich the fourth and loot quarterly meeting tively cares Film, ar oo pay required. It RT Repairs furnished for ail machine* for this conference year at the M. E. le go ran teed to give perfect ('oil and Hee Ua at the Old Stand, Walker Street Went. Mg. Kiras Prarafi Lily Oeeaparay. church. I lev. G. S. Hickey the !»rmid- or moaoy refunded. Pries ‘Jft e its per An aNIUon lo the shove may be found e mr iliac- « complete lira* of Farm Imisemetn* lug Elder, will be praaent and pnwch box. For sale by Fildew A Mlllaaen. Hi weooaa. i errtaaaa,Oraaae. sec. All raereea*. 4aM In IN. Janes ami •esrakor* by ell irtgeu Saturday evening and Sunday morning John* aad Fowler ed Seal-class end at bottom orhrara. CLINTON INDEPENDENT THURSDAY. JULY 19, 1894,

Hut I think, my friends, we had bat­ the Gospel must come under ha* s * e * :«x l - -i: TABERNACLE PULPIT. ter keep the Hlbla a little longer in­ tremendous bombardment Got* tact It has done pretty well for a us all to repent, lie counsels, ha A SERMON APPROPRIATE TO good many yea re Than there are old coaxaa, be importunes, and he dies for THE TIMES people who find it a comfort to have ua lie comes down ont of heaven. it on their laps, and children like tha 11a puts all the world ’s sin on DR. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY storiee in it Let us keep It for a curi­ one shoulder, ha puts all the That sl'teth In tha r. •.*••• ahall osity. anyhow. If the Hible ia to be world's sorrow on the other Uuh' - 'TIm Wh Oar Moatb Killed thrown out of the school, and out of shoulder, and then with that Alp The Great English Physician and Surgeon, with 1 wghfr"—Mlwial Art tha the court room, so that men no more on one side and that Himalaya on the swear by it and It is to be put in a ah the Doctor that Curkh after all Weak. That’ll Utagh. other, he starts up the hill back of Known to almost every household in Michigan dark corridor of the city library, tbe Jerusalem to achieve oar salvation. O tierh h. e Failed . Examination of Patients at H otklh . K'-ran on one side and the writings of He puts the palm of hia right The chronic aAicted, In older U> lisve Um* Imat skill of tin* Noted Specialist, mast either y* /« tarih tpoeiaiitt , or the Dmooki .tv . July 15.—Rev. Dr. T»l- Confucius on the other, than let us foot on one long spike, and ha Jtftoreatut mm/m to /See*. Statistics show that, among all chronic -offerer*. not more than one In live hundred ever go n«|v, who it now in Australia on itit to the larger cities to receive treatment: this fact is owing mainly to two reasons: First, the terrible dread the sick have each one keep a copy for himself, for puts tha palm of his left foot on an ­ of leavlax home and goinK Into the turmoil, noise and -ou fusion of a great city, and tin- worry and exhaustion Incident round*the-world journey, baa selected we might have trouble, and we wonld other long spike, and then, with hia to travel Second, the great expense of the trip and the uareaounatde prices i-harged for examination and treatment by he the subject (or hia sermon through want to be under the delusions of its the city spa rial late. It Is a notorkm* ln«-t that ehmate Meases are so dlstlact from sente ones that the regular practi­ hands spotted with his own blood, be tioner. as a rule, want* i.oihlug to do with them, ami If satiate" *tth Ids lunar, will frankly say so. hence the neese the press to-day , *'l*aughler, M the text consolations; and wc might die, and gesticulates saying: "I*ook! look! »tty "f the speciall-i; und that ho shall put hlmnelf where those patient* h«««/W by their family »«rhr may see him be in taken from l’salm 136: 3: “Then we wonld want tbe delusion of tha and receive flr*t-rlsa« treatment, although unable to visit tbe city to *ecutv a like quality of skill. The fact that a city end live With the crimson veil of specialist visits your county seat, and receive* and proscribe* for patterns at your Inst hotel doe* not In the least detract was our mouth filled with laughter," exalted residence of God's right hand, my sacrifice 1 will cover up all your from hi* skill, honesty. Integrity or respectaldllty. For If s man is s gentleman at laune lie l geullernan every- and I*aalm 3: 4: "lie that aittelh in which it mentions O! what an awful where, although occasionally a hungry doctor will caution . *tck man or woman to keep away from us; that too In face of the sine; with my dying groan 1 will swal­ fact that the same sufferer lias heeu » indent of sold rtor lor month* and often year*, and paid lilrn all the money he the heavens shall laugh.” thing it is to laugh in God ’s faoe, and low up all your groans. Look! live” cou!d rake UI. ' scrape and now Jnds himself worse off than at Is-glnnlng of treatment, |yet__ ..'cautionedl» cuul l»y this M. D. to •— * — * * —d Ignorance. Common decency wouM. at least, suggest silence on the part of »u< i Thirty-eight times does the Bible hurl his revelation back at him. look out for fraud und Igimmnee. Common decency wnuM. at least, suggest silence on the part of such creatures. Due* Hr. Hut a thousand of you turn your back Humphrey cure • vary bodyhody> > No! DoesHoes he treat every casecaeu that goesgoe* to hinthtm'f No! M earnestly request* all person* under treat JE All healthy people laugh. Whether it beneath, and amid the flaming of naught all my counsel, and would \ tammii . A sthma akd a lx . Arrct-rinx* or tnt nt to write him often, ms advice may J pleases the Lord or displeases him; everything above. God will thunder: thk I'prut Aim PAaaxtig*. Thl* remedy none of my reproof; 1, also, will laugh i cm I iodic* all the "tonic ’* and "antiseptic" push uny given case .hi ms rapidly as pis.-1 Y that depends upon when we laugh and "Hut thou didst laugh!” I think the at your calamity.” O! what a laugh ; * properties of IIiimi, and It* curative pow ­ * at what we laugh. My theme to-day moat fascinating laugher at Christiani­ that is—a deep laugh; a long, rever- ! er Is a* near it “specific" for i 'aturrhal af­ on the part of the pntlent by mull I- tin T f fection* a* It I* possible to product and nuxt thing to a |wr*ouul consultation. ra is the laughter of the Hible, namely: ty I ever remember was a inan in New berating laugh; an overwhelming when u-tsl lii connection with tin tu­ Sarah's laugh, or that of scepticism; Eugland. He made the word of God tor's regular <-onstltutlunal course of TIIOI’MAN IP* OF MEN g laugh; God grunt we may never hear it J * treatment and dietary, will careunv com - David's laugh, or that of spiritual ex­ AD over tin- country an* ladng slowly !4cd seem ridiculous, and he laughed on at Hut in this day of merciful visitation, of Catarrh: provided th*«suffers r w,U fol ­ to death year after year owing to lie- vl- fy ultation; the fool's laugh, or that of our holy religion until he catne to die, yieltl your heart to Christ, that you * low Hr. Humphrey's I usi rut-l Ion*. Wh-. n tal lluids pawsing off with the uritaetwater sinful merriment; God ’s laugh, or that It Is understood that Catarrh In some They fc, all run down, drugged out and and then he said: "My life has been may spend ull your life on earth under f form or of some part, 1s tin- foundation of whipped of energy and umhithin. Init an- ^ of infinite condemnation; heaven's a failure—a failure domestically; 1 his smile, and escape for ever the four-ilftI.- of all chronic ailments and 'all nic-niis-lou* of wltvn-»!m-Iruccnusc of flk laugh, or that of eternal triumph. tiie failure to recognize uml cure thl*. U their trouble Hew. Seeking n-llrf fnm. X have no children; a failure socially, thunder of the laugh of God's indigna- * the reason for mi much disappointment the family dorter, they are tn-ati-d for Scene: An Oriental tent; the occu ­ for 1 am treated in the streets like a tion. 4Ni the part of sufferers with long , tid ­ a, pants. old Abraham and Sarah, per­ ing iffts-tloiis fu"y explain* why . [. w L.teumut Ism ana Kidney Hisease. hut to B pirate; a failure prnfcsaionaMy, be­ The other laughter mentioned in the , 9are cured of th- • disease*. no purpose. Tht-v try imtei.ti-1 nostrum*. X haps wrinkled and decrepit. Their cause I know but one minister that Bible, the only one 1 ahall speak of, is * Tlte Doctor I* surrounded with tie fin­ ■ ipaolnt ...... Tje three guests are three angels —the est und most extensive collection of In ­ t rs may l«-of all ages. fmn. men- Imy* to X lias adopted my sentiments. ” For a heaven's laughter, or the expression * strument* ever tin ported to lids country i.tlvancetl life, but the inujttrity an- i-dd- W l,ord Almighty one of them. In return quarter of u century* he laughed at of eternal triumph. Christ said to his for examining and treating all form* «»f rl men who h for the hospitality shown by the old Christianity; and ever since Christiani­ chronic ailment* of the head, face, eye, ' disciples: "Hlessed are ye that weep j 9car, throat, ...... , chest, lung*, bran, sto ­ midyear* If *uch will come to me. anti people God promises Sarah that she ty has been laughing at him. Now, it now, for yc shall laugh. ” That makes * mach, liver, *plfon, kidney*, laiwt r re­ bring a liotlii- of their urine. I will .how shall become the ancestress of the is a mean thiug to go into a man s productive organ*, urinary organ*, brain then tile cause of their trouhlt. me know positively that we are not to and nervous sUsteni. paralysis, rhuiua- l*ord Jesus Christ. Sarah laughs in house and steal his goods; but I tall 9 spend our days in heaven singing * tl-m. sick litadachc. Imckucbc. tumor*, TIIorKANim OF WOMEN the face of God: she does not believe you the most gigantic burglary ever long-meter psalms. The forrnsllstic growth*, joint disease*, piles. hlpdl*euM'. Suffer i In - disappointment* of u it She is utfrighted at what site has sclath-a. skin dt*ca*e*. ulcers und every flown. In-nuRitied. nervous system Hit invented is the proposition to steal and stiff notions of heaven that some form of weakness of el i her malt-or female nutrltal relations who can Is- perfectly done. She denies it She says: "I these treasures of our holy religion. The doctor** spas-IHr medicine* go *t might cured. people have would make me miserable. to I lie diseased organ, and can la- plainly didn't laugh.” Then God retorted The meanest laughter ever uttered is I am glad to know that the heaven of felt at work In the diseased part* very *»W/e for ?*rirate Qaerti** Utt to with au emphasis that silenced ail the laugh of the sceptic the Hible is not only a place of holy shortly after their use Is Itaguii. They Zt..<‘w. / in/# (Mo/tMi A#// to <;«*- an- pleasant Ic take, inlld bat searching ttemen at to by roytetl. disputation; "Hut thou didst laugh." The next laughter that I shall men ­ worship, but of magnificent sociality. In action, yet hums - with the (met delicate My friends, the laugh of scepticism, tion as being in the Hible, is the lady or child, do not reduce the strength, "What,” say you, "will the ringing and can In- used while at the usual oecn- 1 famdtrfut f'aret by my new Improved in all ages, is only* the echo of Sarah's laugh of God's condemnation: "He laugh go around the circles of the U tion, a* many puilt-tiis still aide for method of treatment accompli -bed in laughter. God says he will accomplish that sitteth in the heavens shall Erti work and cits*- uitt ntlon to business nervous disability, prematun- decline of saved?" I say,yes; pure laughter, cheer­ are often slowly, sure'y. yet tilicwim'hiu*- inaniv powers, and klndn-tl affection*. a thing; and men say it can not be laugh.” Again: "I will laugh at his ing laughter; hoi}* laughter. It will be ly dying, knowing ll.emselve* III. vet de ­ •vhl>-li have liccn neglected or unskilfully calamity.'' With such demonstration ceived Into a false security, they pns-ra-- Dr. tiOL.liHH 8. HUDIPHREV I realed. So experiments or failure*. |*a- done. A great multitude laugh at the a laugh of congratulation. When we tlenln tn-ated hy mall anti medicine* sent will God greet every kind of great sin tlnatf and put off tlie matter until tlu- express miracles They say they are contrary mecta friend who baa suddenly come to cast- I* rendered l.u-umhie. The doctor <$ures /HI Others fail. by free from obwervnliou. to the laws of nature What is a law und wickedness. Hut men build up a fortune, or who has got over some of nature? It is God ’s way of doing a villainies higher and higher. Good dire sickness, do we not shake hands, FAI TH for men OF ALL AGES. fortunates urlMst not only from the fact of Um moat sclentlfic thing. You ordinarily cross a river at men almost pity God. liecause he is so Ry n-n*on of false uety t Ih-vouth of our are kept In nnd specific medication known cither In this or any other coun ­ do we not laugh with him? And when , ignorance <»f the serlou* n-stdl* whlt-bccrtnln -oilbuy and Indis ­ try. hut also to the fact of the direct Influence of Id* powerful one ferry. To-morrow you change for schemed against by men. Suddenly a we get to heaven and see our friends creet practices pnsiucc. Those vice* If pcr*i*ii~l In eventually will iipttn tl-«- peculiar mental depr ession* alwav* found In such one day and you go across another pin drops out of the machinery of ^undermine the constltutiau. Indut-e nervous -lebility ami curly cases, hy which In - Is enabled to infUM- u part of Id* own energy there, some of them having come up decay, organic weakness, premature It*** of the manly power*. Into their liopeles* IIv «m. Were not all *uch rose* lield In the ferry. You made the rule. Have you wickedness, or a secret is revealed, out of great tribulation, why we will .Involuntary list of vital l.aids. general t>ro*tration, anti oft most *»cred eonfldenci- Um- doctor could print letters from not the right to change it? You ordi ­ aud the foundation liegins to rock; times Imlatcllliy and chronic cpilep*y. Of nil maladies ulMIct- tistusauds of grateful iMtlents who have lieen cured, and urc to ­ say to one of them: "The last time I , ing mankind then-1* pmlstbly none al*iut which the common day perfect m«-n. physically and mentally. Disease or debility narily come in at that door of the finally, the whole thing is demolished. saw you. you had been suffering for family doctor i*i general prat-lire Knows mi little, yet nosuffercrw of the repntdu-I Iveorgans of cither m-x rapidly destroys the en ­ church. Suppose that next Sabbath What is the matter? I will tall you > need I heat ten I Ion of t he i-xpcrh-m-eii »pt*,ji j*l more than I he-e, ergies of laitli Isaly and mind, nils the step of Its elasticity, six weeks under a low intermittent a» hen- we have to minister to u disease . I*siy. a diseased mind. dims tin-Itrlght eye. iwbsthe cheek, ilevelopr* -ttwardlce. and you should come in at the other door? what the matter ia That crash of fever;” or, to another, we will say: ► »«»d Imagination* Nllt-xl with morbid anti *it« i,-h. pull twi*i. ami torim-nt them until they are completely exhausted has he not a right to change it at any lent roan there says: "1 mean to have covery." We shall laugh. Yes; we In tinier lo tint I n name to suit their i-ondltiou. hut with u power of |s-netrutlt>ti Imrti of years of study anti experience, lie in- , -"Hilly every plum- of dl*t-a*e severe enough to stamp It* Impress upon the face or form. >nld a gentleman n- time he wants to change it? Alas! for my million. ” He goes to work reckless shall congratulate all those who have cently "A lady culled upon Hr. Humphrey who only six month* l«-fon- wa* u perfixrt plctnn- of health. Tin- do-tor looked up the folly of those who laugh at God of honesty, and he gets his first SIOO.000. come out of great financial embarrass­ « kindly a* the lady entered und *ultl. 'I am sorry to tell you I tin not want yon for a jmtlent. ’ 'Why.' said the lady. Then- I* not mui h the matter with me.' Ah.' say* (Is- Doctor. 'I *ct* an enemy In possession of the premise* which I cannot dislodge.' when he says: "I will do a thing;” He gets after awhile Ills fco' ments in this world. because After some gtssl natuml Iwnterlng on tie- part of tin- lady r,l*>ut her trilling disability she look Iter leave. I went tin- they responding: "You can’t do it.” After awhile he gets ills ffc.xi. coo. they hare become millionaires in next week with Iter lt» I*-- city where *lte consul ted an eminent professor In a <1 medical college. This doctor hod the ,lady undressed to tier •- t and with a wonderful array of Instrument* thmn|*-d every Inch of her chest, front anti rear and God says that the llible is true—it is "Now," ho says, "1 have only one heaven. Ye shall laugh. It shall then with a tastily stelliti-copi* he listened over every ;inrt of tin- upper Imdy: took in-n and ink and mapped out tin- region all true. Hishop Colenso laughs; Her­ more move to make, and 1 shall have be u laugh of re-association. It is just 11 *i I he In-art and :< ■-.*!<• :t* valve*: tulk-il i rued I y of tie lot-es of tic- lung- >-r* ..f tl<-In art and all *ort* of •rale*' anil . ‘crx-idtatlons. ’ and when the examination wa* over the lady wa* so completely exhausted she could scarcely stand alone to bert Spencer laughs; Stuart Mill ray million ” He gathers up all his as natural for us to laugh when wo , Ir drt-ssad. .she paid thef lit t-xurtitnullob ft*-, it-.k her prescription for rod liver oil and hyi*-ph<-*phlie-. uml returned to In-r laughs; great German universities resources; he makes that one last meet u friend we have not seen for ten home. I'lttr child! In four month* sin-wa* mouldering in her shroud. Hr. Humphrey saw all thl* ut a glam-c many month* f laugh; Harvard laughs—softly! A grand move, he fails and loses all, and ;before. Il-altli lm* It* feature*. . hath tdd I*- *« lit hy ,-\pn-~* pmvldetl ll can reach m--within um lu- alter Iwlng pu**etl I'rltie ens: "Hut thou didst laugh.” The nois Central; some said one thing und a iiaah. Wc will have to talk over all fifteen I tour* oltl I* alsttduli-ly worthies* for unalyals. a* It always dts-omissa-s. anil those iwrtle* wIm» ask patients tit send Ihelr Garden of Eden was only a fable. some another. They all guessed that has happened in the ten years of water sevx-ral huittln-tl mile* for no* ' . - I* an - either -tdllir' tln-ui*clxf* or stimt*mt- • l-c. Fn-*li urine give* llte *<-l»»larly physician « xralualde Information. Stale iirin is worthies*, exet-■'em lo frighten llte Ignorant. The urine for unalys s should lie saved during There never was any ark built; or if it wrong. 1 will tell you what it was: his heavenly residence, aud we telling , the after part of the night and ttrwl in llte morning, . The Isittle should I*- ulnolulely clean, well corked, secundv |Hu-ked. and sent was built, it was too small to have "He that sitteth in the heavens him in return all that has happened at the earliest possible moment hy expn*-* to tnt- Express charges must always la- prepaid* * by‘ '*the -cmfrr. f two of every kind. The pillar of fire laughed " A man in New York said during the ten years of his absence ENfLoHE HTAM1* FXiR REPLY. i by night was only the northern lights he would lie tbe richest man in the from earth. Ye shull laugh 1 think Mess Dr. H0LIQRN S. HDmPHREY. SIP Brand Streei. S.. Lansinq. Dlicti. The ten plagues of Egypt only a bril­ oitv. He left his honest work as a George Whitetield and John Wesley liant specimen of jugglery. The sea mechanic. Rod got into the city coun ­ will have a laugh of contempt for parted, because the wind blew vio ­ cils (odi way. and in ten years their earthly collisions; nnu Toplady - lently a great while from one direc ­ stole 815.000,000 from the city gov ­ and Chaf!ds Wesley will have A tion. The sun and moon did not put ernment Fifteen million dollars! laugh of contempt for their earthly W. L. DOUGLAS 5 DOLLARS themselves out of the way for He held the legislature of the misunderstandings; and the two RIGHT'S Joshua. Jacob's ladder was only hori­ state of New York in the grip farmers, wh} were in a law suit all S3 SHOE so TWp zontal and picturesque clouds The of his right hand. Suspicions were their days, will have a laugh of con ­ la tmd by • pair. « PER DAY destroying angel smiting the first-born aroused. The grand jury presented tempt over their eartlily disturbance 13 DISEASE in Egypt was only cholera infantum indictments. The whole land stood ubout a line fence. Exemption from IND OTHER DISORDERS OF THK KIDNEYS 20 Easily Made. become epidemic. The gullet of the aghast The man who expected to ull annoyance. Immersion in all glad ­ ness. Ye shall laugh Christ says so. CAN RK PERMANENTLY CURED RT UkiNO Wf xraat torn- men. womer. bsri, and girl* to whale, by positive measurement, too put half the city in his vest pocket work fora* a fewho-jr. -ully, right Insml sroand small to swallow a prophet. The goes to Hlackwell'a island; goes to Ye shall laugh. Yes, it will be a lUt irowr hoasoa Th.-basinets I* ea#>. phasant. laugh of triumph. Oh! what a pleas­ storv of the immaculate conception a Ludlow street jail, breaks prison and DR. J. H. MeLEAN'S strictly honorable, and par* hetlrr that. «nx other ant thing it wul be to stand on the shock to all decency. The lame, the goes across the sea; is rearrestod and offered agent*. You Itavr a dflf Celtl sn-1 no wall ol heaven and look down at compelItiou. KxprHetw*- ami special ability un ­ dumb, the blind, the halt, cured by brought back, ami again remantled to salaa. and hurl at him defiauoe, and LIVER 4ND KIDNEY jail. Why? "He that sitteth in the necessary. No eatdtul required. We equip you mere human surgery. The resurrec­ see him caged and chained, and wc with errrrthlag tliat voo need, treat you well, tion of Christ's friend, only a beauti­ heavens laughed ” Home was a great forever free from his ciutchca Altai BALM. sad help von to ran. ten time* ordinary wage*. ful tableau; Christ, and Lazarus, and empire; she had Horace and Virgil Yes, it will be a laugh of royal greet ­ Women do as xrell u- laen, and hoys and fftrlt Mary, and Martha acting their parts among her poets; she had Augustus and ing. You know how the Frenchmen It la a safe and unfailing remedy for Ml good pny. Anv one. snywherr. ran th> tbo well. My friends there is not n doc ­ Constantine among tier emperors Hut cheered when Kupoleou came buck Kidney Lirer Disorders wor*: All »neoat*l wl»«j follow onrpWnMtl tlm- trine or statement of God ’s holy word what mean the defaced Pantheon, anti from Elba; you know how the English Troubles, Pie direction*. Earnest work will *urely bring If jm wzrt 11m DRESS SHOE, mb tatha taint roo a great deal of monev, Exerxthlag I* new that has not been derided by the scep­ the Forum turned into a cattle market cheered when Wellington caiue beck _ lrotu Waterloo; you kuow how Ameri­ •tylss, Ondt pay $61* SS, try nry S3, S3A0, $4.00 or and Female Irrcgnlarilta. and In great demand. Write for oor |«mphlct and the broken-walled Coliseum, anti $5 Shot. Tk^r r. J. U. MeUwa BvdirtRP Or*, sider it a perfect Hible: but here arc aqceducts? What ni* that thunder? Home cheered when I’ompey camo do to by parchailsg W. L Doofftao Skoot, Noon uJ bwafoaaa. sceptics who want it torn to pieces "Oh!” you say. "that was the roar pries stamped as tba bottom, look tar It trim yao bay. ST'. LUUU. MO., back victor over '.mu chick Every W. L. HOPOLAB. Prsshtoa. Mooa. Sold by George Stinsok &Co .* And now, with this Hible in my hsnd, of the battering rams against her cheer was a laugh. Hut, Oh! the •OUC PBOPRlETORff. Box 408 , let me tear out all those portions walls" Nu Wiiat was that quiver? mightier greeting, the gladder greet ­ & which the scepticism of this day de ­ “Oh!” you say. “that was the ing, when the snow white cavalry PORTLAND, MAINE. mands shall be torn out What shall tramp of hostile legiona" Nu The troop of heaven shall go through the Nerve Blood go tirat? "Well," says some one in the quiver anti tbe roar were the outburst streets, and. according to the book of Hevelatiou, Christ, in the redcoat, the Tonic Baitdcr audience, "take out all that about crea­ of omnipotent lassghter from the de ­ crimson coat, on a white horse, and all tion and about the first settlement of fied and insulted iioavena licme de ­ the armies of neaven following ou the world. ” Away goes Genesis • '.Now, ” fied God and he laughed her down. white 1 torses oh! when we *ee and i f~«PATENTS v—ts. zwdTrpdo-Mxrk-. ob*xtnod. znd >11 Pat-J says some one, "take out all that Nineveh defied God nnd lie laughed hear that cavalcade, we shall cheer, pact buwoawx oopdoctml tor up--vn#rt Icn.a about the miraculous guidance of tha her down. Babylon defied God ami we shall laugh. Does not your heart children of Israel in the wilderness. " he laughed her down There is a great kwat quickly at the thought of the Away goes Kxndna "Now, ” says difference between God ’s laughter und jubilee upon which wc are soon to great J 9RMM HIVUTI. UIRW.tlf I'NVIM., ...... 1 some one else in the audience, "there his smile. His smile is eternal beati­ enter? 1 pray G«n 1 that when we get ? t*oa. Wo stir lo o . If twioaiablo or not. iroo ol J through with this world and are go ­ xcksrgv. Oar loo not duo till patontiosorurrd. i are things in Deuteronomy and Kings tude. He smiled when David sang t A asosMitT, "How to Obtain Patama,' xrtthj ing out of it, we may have some such that are not fit to be read. ” Away go and Miriam clapped the cymbals, and . WILL1ANS' J cost of sam« in tbo U. 2. sod :,rsqfn cottstnrt J vision as the dying Christian >aoo*. 'too . Address. J Deuteronomy and the Kinga "Now, ” Hannah made garments for her son. had when he saw written all j HED1CLM: CO., aays some one, "the Hook of Job is a anti Paul preached, ond John kindled over the clouds ia t lie sky the per has. Schenectady. N.Y. IC.A.SNOW&CO. fable that ought to come out" Away with afw*calpytic vision, anil when letter "W';” and they asked him, 0 for »M4 sod Erockviilc, (ML Owe. Pavaitv Omcr. WstNiMVM. D. 0. J the Honk of Job. "Now, ” says any man has unr thing to do and does it standing by his side, what he thought one. ' thaee passages in the New welL Ills smile! Why. it ia the nth of that letter **W" meant. "Oh!” lie IrWMT omUDON uwr Testament which imply the divinity May, the apple orchards in full bltxim: said, "that stands for welcome. ” And of Jeaus Christ ought to come out. ” it ia morning breaking on a rippling mi may It be when we quit this Away go the Evangelista "Now," sea: It ia heaven at high main, all the world. "W" on the gate. "W” on the u/y Morwh CURBS door of the mansion "\V” on the says some one. "the Hook of Revela­ bells beating the marriage peal lint r. r-fir f.etn Bxceaatve or I tli rone. Welcome! Welcome! Wel­ -.Atloo. thaythey non know ~ RHEUMATISM. tion — how preposterous! it represents his laughter—may it nevar fall oa us! come! I have preached this sermon to conftdc ia to got proper ndvo- . If no* bottle dess yea no reed, don't bar snetlwr. a man with the rnooo under his feat It ia a condemnation for oar sin; it is with five prayerful wishes: that you Don’t tm>h la anybody bat try Psr SsS- At-- 1„--- or sent i-•!**»* ua TrifttB6«LT«rV3B ew1 and a sharp sword la his hand." Away a wasting away. We may lat the might see what a mean thing is th« Bradfield's PENSIONS goes the Hook of Revelation. Now satirist laugh at us, and all our com ­ laugh of scepticism, what a bright there are a few pieces left. What panions may laugh at ua and we may thing is the laugh of spiritual exulta WNN WE00ERRURW. • - Maatmteo M»*rosy. -M fr o i*ox hi. wAtriisniffisrcIa shall we do with them? “ft” aays be made tha target for tbe merriment tion. what a hollow thing is the langt Female Regulator some man in the attdienee. ”1 don ’t | of sinful merriment what an nwfnl of earth and ball; bat Gad forbid that ^OLOHM.______WIDOWS. .believe a word in the Hlbto. from ooe we should ever come to tha fulfilment ’ thing is the laugh of condemnation, what a rsdient rubicund thing is ths (BNLMMMk PMMMi. end to the other." Wall. It ia all gone of the prophecy against the rejectors MEN8TRUATICI Alee, fee KoMteee andtetM-v* dtaobmd Hi the tteeat Now you have put out the last light laugh of eternal triumph. Avoid ths : to "WOMAN'' mailed free. LWtgts the regular \rmr -r Ni-YjfpaatlK war of the truth: "I will laagb at year eorrlrnr* of Ots Indian wars of lMl t>. mate and for the nations Now It is the pitch ill; choose the right lie comforted. REetIUtTOR 00.. Atlanta, do. Rdr wads -wo, wow atttfed Oldsey nsw-tedcWoM darkness of eternal midnight How calamity.” Hut, my friend s, all of ua 'Blessed are ye that weep now —ye do you Ilka it? who rejeet Christ and tha pgrdaa of shall laugh, ye shall laugh." L CLINTON INDEPEN DENT THURSDAY JULY 19, 1894

SWIM MIN' IN THE CREEK. bittdf tears lie whispered the hor­ dews of heavon. Think of this and TOE TABLE. ror to her oar that Adrion knew all keep me to your breast." VaeMton's *“ 6 10 1 0U 4.4 10 •« a 3ft 'Neath th' hot nd brills' sun. to oppose him. Ho had hidden bis not beiiove your eminence so far of the blondes marry. This may put Urtad ... I wtaht I wui a nor aren Don't taka lipa from flattery * toncue O.R.A Tjei 1 •« ft !» 10 10 7 4ft forgets your duty, and his majesty's a new complexion on the hair bleach­ 9 SI Ho , I cud cut and lick cowardioe with some tremendous Ksrrphui)...... 2 OS S « II 0" Uhl hi down to Hsndr Holler ing business. liraod 2 l*| « Ol. II 00 V SB vaunts, but he foil bis weakness as greatnosp. aa to resist his mandate. ^ _R*rt'« Cfoeer Raw Taa, Mason ---- ‘Nd to swimmln in th' creelc ™ arrml Hkuuti • an fr t>. ui. *. at. a- « Ba IB —St Louis Star Say lays. he advanced. Pray you, madam, obey tbo king —no He, bitterly—Pshawl A11 women OOaLOHlIUUUMitw Milwaukee ** r> 7# Reuil, which tho cardinal ’s residence him he had become denser metal u. m whispered Haradas. in hi* lowest Dougherty county, Georgia, hae a The beat tiffhters wear the fewest feathers* I had built up into notice, they had alt harder, stronger. lira oil Huw -Lt .CL r» 4u 9 00 2 16 !> Oft tone. "But this is the last place to negro who makes it the businesa of Fsrrjralmrx...... las* b 44 » oft 2 Ift « 15 the life takeu out of their piumos by "liut you are not of hor kindred — NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSION « 37 10 Oft 3 12 10 4ft diaoourto on this thome. Meet me his life to kill rattlesnakes and sell O.U I. Jet...... °o£ the rain. she is an orphan. to-night a. Marion's where tho the buttons. Via the C.. II. S ». R. K. Urmod itopidi. Ar « 4ft 10 70 S 2ft II 00, Haradas at his first inquiries at the "Then her country is her mother." £ Among the numerous towns that ------1 7 14 10 ftft 4 1® II .*3 princo of OrleanH and kindred spirits gate was rollevod by loarning that was tho reply. Under agreement of the Trunk linos. It «ss C 7 40 11 ?ft 4 28 12 3ft go to dream of Ulchelieu dead, and ought to be pretty woll soaked is decided that no Nlaesra Kalla cheap excur­ 8 » 1 4ft he was right in his instinct Julie • The country is the king ’s" sions would be run this year until after the W. J S 2ft 12 17 Wallace, Idaho. With a population |>. IB. the king re-born —Louis spelt Uaa- do Mortemar was again with her "Ay. is it so?"retorted thechurch- nm of August. The Cincinnati. Hamilton A .Jet.. ft 57 1 is ft 00 2 40 ton. another son of Maria of the Med- of 1,200 they have fifty-seven saloon*. Davton railroad will run one of their famous V 00 1 20 * Oft 3 10 adopted father. man "Then wakos the power excursions to Niagara Falls at the usual low icis. upon tho throne!" Julie's ap)Miiotmont as attendant which in the ago of iron burst forth rate, sometime about the first or second week Ornad ...... s it 9 U I 47 S ftft S ft* ••But I—" Wlatw Wheat. lOO ItaahsU P*r Am In Aiaruat. These excursions were dlaeou HaUy------ft&» 10 14 2 JS 7 40 4 47 upon tho queen had passed tier to curb the groat and raise the low! Wonderful reports come in on Saiser’s tlnued last year ovtnc to the World's Fair, Pootlmc ______I ft it 10 M 3 oft S 28 ft 87 "Beguiled by the crafty fiend, you through the Louvre ogress Shu had Where sho stands, around her. see and it la expected that they will be lamer than X'lWMk*. 7 II :«2 S 44 9 (* « :«u have been tempted to betray your new winter wheat and monster winter rye. ever tbta year. I-ook out for the ancounoe- 9 2ft 7 oo taken a coach out of tho city gato to me draw tbo awful circle of our Over 2.000 farmers planted these Brain* ment of them In this paper DETROIT...... Ar. 7 II ft# 4 06 brothers—” SW" hair Tar. Bcffbt Car and Sleaplar far (Service HeulL solemn church! Set but a foot with­ last fall and now report yields of 50 to 70 "No, no, I was asked no questions; in that now sanctified ground, and bushels wheat, and over 00 bushels rye per Aluminum corrodes under the action of th* Last ward. No. II has Pulasan Sleeper. Chira«o to no conditions were imposed upon mo All was peaceful thero when she human breath Detroit. No 14 has Farter BufTet >r attached arrived before the storm. The car­ ou tho head—yea. though It wore a acre. The way it looks 100 bushels will be ere wedding her—my lost one!" reached. Send to John A. Saiser Seed Co., We arc always much better pleased tirand llaren lo Detroll, (extra tksrit.UrMU.) dinal often esmo to this castle for so- crown,” he added, letting the young No. It has Chair onod the torrors of that of Ulm Minister. JKO. W. LOUD, BEN FLETCHER, You would not betray mo. your its officers. Haradas saw by the Traffic Manager Trav. I‘sea Agent. neighbor, your follow-townsman, your ed. and he had started at the higher CROSS-flRA ISKD, shrinking of the guards that he was Hall's Catarrh Cure THoa. Bbomlky . bocal Agent. oldest friend!" said Haradas hypo­ boating of his heart like a dying man sour. Irritable, so that the no longer sustained, and he bowed Is taken internally. Price, 75c. whole world seems wrong. critically. "But again. I forget when tho insect ticks in his bed ­ post. us if convinced nothing mure was to That's tho way you feel where we stand. These priests are be dono then and there. wbeo your liver in inac­ not our friends. To-night, at Mar- 1 ••My brother tho archbishop of The cost of the world's railroad* is estimated tive. You need Doctor "I am only my ruler's mouth­ st about fZN.0U04Mlu.iui. CLEVELAND ion ’s." Lyons, lias chosen the casior path." Piereo's Pleasant Pellets to piece." persisted ho with forced stimulate It and correct it. TO Ho laid his be-ringed finger across murmured ho. unabio to catch oven $2.50 calmness. "I go, my lord, and you ll»(»Rias'i i ampbsr lee with (llyfwrts*. up yo* his lips, and stole from the cardinal's a short sleep. "Would that, like T*I« urtsmsl nmlunly xeaulne. Curesl tianel Hindi for you. You won't mind have only to blamo yourself If this •adr*a,U44Mm,Ac. C. l>. ClerK Cw.Ul.Usvsa.CL BUFFALO palace, breathing less incumbered him, I could say—‘Horn poor, and the taking of them — resistance should cost you power. " they're so small and so when without tho portals v need to poverty, I live poor, and Via “C. & B. LINE." "That is my stake. Ab, nark The Herman name for tram car la “Pfcrd- nofurnl in their effects. "He only bites at vongeanoe." , when I dio poor may 1 llo among tho Commencing with opening of navigation gamester, what is thine? Look to it ■trasaenelaenbohu waxen. ' All that you notice with •about April let). murmured he, "and he starts at high poor!' Yesterday I was the lord of them is 'the peod that woll! Lose not a trick. By this Magaidceat Side Wheel Steel Steamers, treason; so I will not let him Into life and doath. and now only an old When Travel lax. they do. same hour to-morrow thou shall have In the permanent curs of Bihouanees, Jaun ­ the chief eouneil of plotters Yot be man racked by tho curse of state, Whether on pleasure bent or business, take on ••tuns of Ohio.” and Stats of "Now York.** Franco, or I thy head!" heconoluded. every trip a bottle of Syrup of Ft**, aa B act* dice. Constipation, lndiffuutioo. Hour Htom- ho but the sentinel at tho door, that suspicious of all men! my leeches nebe. Disxineaa. Sick or Bilious Headaches, DAILY TIME TABLE. launching the menace because he saw most pleasant Iv and effectually on the kidneys will be enough to doom his head bribed to |>oisoners; pages to stran ­ and every liver, stomach, or bowel disorder, iSundays included ) that the guards had marched down liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches they're ptarasfwd to gtvo satisfaction , or again to the block; but best let him gle mo in sloep. My vory king and other forms of sickness. Kor sale In 60c L‘va CPv land, US r o. I I/sava Buffalo, Alt r. M. the eorridor and the two were alone themoney is returned. murder Richelieu, then die for that leagued against me. though this brain and II bottles by all leading drucfflata. Manu ­ Ar Buffalo. Tja» *. m. j Ar. Clsvsiaad, 7.80 a- M. but for the weeping woman. crime, while 1 console his Julie. was the unresting loom from which factured by the California FI* Syrup Co (Central Standard Tims.) ••My head! You covet it, perchance, Don ’t tinker at your Catarrh wfth un ­ From tho wrecks of Franco it is I was woven tho purple of his greatness. oalv. ______because it is younger and brighter known medicines It’s risky and dannrnuv Take the “C A R. Line ' steamers and enjoy shall carve out —who knows? —per- ••Why does not Joseph bring me You may drive it to the lungs. (Jut the • refreshing night s rest when enrouts to l»uf- than your own. shaveling!” responded Every nation of the globe has had its “ston fulu. Niagara Kalla, Toronto. Now Vera, ehanoe a throne! all indespitoof my nows from town? Why nothiug more age" at some period of Its hiatoiy. Even as Hamad v that has cured Catarrh for yuan the courtier, aching to have quit the and rears — Dr Hagu ’s Catarrh Hsmsdjf. I „.in». Ubsay. I.oot) lstnads. or any East­ lord cardinal " from Marion?" late aa the time of Move* and Aaron the rite of ern or Canadian point. quarry, and not daring single-handed rlrrumctsion was performed with a stone In the meantime, Mauprat left the When there came the sound ol knife. I.'honp Kaeursleas Weekly to >lagarmKalD to assail tho cardinal. palace also, not jocund, but dead at Julie's arrival at the gate, and that A villainous amusement In India la that "Irreverent ribald!" cried the lat­ called panjah. It consists In locking hands Write lor oar tourist pamphlet. the hoart Ho walked unwittingly of tho postorn only being opened for mi WILL MAIL roRTFfUD ter. following him step by step to tho mad n irlng who can be made kneel. Many a Buo Basel I'vtsn, i ntll lafl T. F. NEWMAN. H. R. ROOERB. to the river, and found no reiiof in her admittance, he was dividod be­ hands are thus broken. door, aa he retreated overawed, "if 1 MEDITATION " Uea’I Maa'gr Uea'I Pern. Agt. the rainy wind that blew from the tween fear and hope. Ills joy at am breaking, beware of the fallen tor IS Cleveland, Ohio. wood of l'assy. greeting her was cut short hv her Ritrdoctk Hi.ood Hitter* taken after Bolv Looking toward tho Louvre, his flushed and toar-stroakod faco fore ­ ruins! I tell thee, soorner of these eating will relieve any feeling of I wiamwrs. npU a i-tomt mio p » whitening hairs, when this snow par pnslasr Writs for II off fancy peopled tho windows with shadowing her painful story. He weight or over fullneasof the stomach. ear •ahrr Has pr-mlnos. I rx4 QU­ melteth there shall como an over ­ Sold everywhere. ITO Snobs, s kali*, saw •*- phantoms; in each gilded coach he reddened, too. indignantly wtien ho whelming flood. Vad retro, Lucifer Wooiaost Ssicc CO.. aaw tho monarch t>esido his Julio. bad heard it and hugged hor to his 4S0 Huron St.. TOLXXMJ, ~ the throno seeker! Avaunt from Aa reconciling enemies is the work He turned away from the palaoe. re­ heart Richelieu, and I defy thee! Walk of (Jed. so separating friends is the moving his hand from hts sword, for "Close —close!" murmured he. ••The work of the devil. elys CREAM BALM CURES regicide was an awful word in tho world would nevor need u Rlcholieu blindfolded on;behind thee stalks thf headsman!" Every time you avoid doing wrong car of a nobleman of the .Seventeenth it bearded, mailed men. the lords of CATA RP H century, and Richelieu's reproof had earth, resisted flattery, falsehood, yon increase you inclinations to do => 7F 50CENTS. AU.0RUCCI9T! liftUOl 8TRAMIR6. LOW RATO. CHAPTER VII. that which is right j fallen on suitable soil. avarice, and pride, as you. poor Tho Old Fox Dtev Julio was in tho Louti -c, sure child, with the dovo's innocent AMD CLEVELAND. No repose that night for the char­ Remarked by R. C. Joiner, of Allen HflMffi Ufl : enough and never more in direr scorn have withstood your sox's tire wills ffii V i I PITTSBURG. ^ acters of our tale. Tne king was en ­ P. ()., Hillsdale Co,, Mich.: "Nothing diets—fl I j need, of his sword, poor eroature! tompters, vanity and power! AdiaatiBMi Ol BUFFALO and compassed hv the host who hated the gave mv rheumatism such quick relief aadi urv Nswl M ALL POINT* BAST She had not been left alono for •■The king, perhaps, is sufficiently aa l>r. Thomas' Kclectrio < >11—believe it jaaw r« otrdinal. and eaten up by his love for traise --in lo aus **4 more than an hour in the chamber punished by the biow to his pride. the only woman that had ever cen ­ infallible for rheumatics." rates for telaotas ■VMT IVMNM IITWMH m-sl >••• sssuMSe whither Lady Hautfort had {violently Haradas, that mandrake drawn out sured his advances; Haradas. embit­ ass tea. O. T.HHk conducted her, before another door of the meanest mold, who thinks to tered by hia defeat, waa eloquent as The trials of life are the tests which DETROIT $ CLEVELAND I opened, and thero appeared a figure climb up to the most onviablo crown Natan in counoil with his fellow-con ­ reveal how much of truth there is in Conasctlax with earliest trains at ClmUrnl 1 which had always overcome, with its of Christendom, as I have made it— spirators in Marion Delorme's bou ­ ua lor all potata l ast. Sooth and ' natural lack of prepossession, her I'll have him broken on tho wheel doir. and having determined them to No man can be regarded as a muster TOURIST TRAVEL Sooths training of deference and worship of and flung alivo into tho fire! unless, Sunday Trips Iona. July. Augast sad Sapless her Only strike at once, overruled tbo last re­ of himself till he has conquered bis To COLORADO RESORTS ; royalty. like the reptile he is, his venom Will sol In wrlr this roar, sa-l tbo Croat Rook monstrance of Mauprat at being passions. island Route bs* siroser sisrte .tea-rfwi or Louis the Thirteenth had nothing smothers out and extinguishes tho r,**mr*u U> I ran-port j who will toko la mmm W«a« ••Twttii chosen their assassin by a trlok in is* lowolr ooel of Ootereao'o French about him in his sad. long, fagots. Hut shudder not, tho«n are the lottery. Julie wept and sighed, The first trial of I)r. Wood's Norway drawn faco. dark complexion and wild words! I will bettor tern par my Pine Nyrup will satisfy any one that HIGH ALTITUDES. Toledo, D etroit d niackinac doubtod und believed in her lovor. Tbo Trask It porfw 1 4oat>!-< »* ___ ' black mustache. He seldom laughed, tongue while you aro noar. (to to the lung-healing virtue of the pine IHvteteOS. Train loalpatho n« »h- »orr host, so* n him P8TOSKEY. THE "SOO." MARQURTTfi. [TU BE CONTINUED. ] Train *s!l»l tbo BIO FIJI Isowr. • 'htrneo ho wa* now frowning. He loft her my room, yours now. ami be careful ' tree hiu now been refined into an ef- •tell. *» tap. ». *04 strtoos —--n I Moraine »< Itenoar AND DULUTH. I fective and convenient cough medicine. or •VnloraOo apnaa* far hros bfsot at his feet till sho roso indignant —there may bo tbo kittons romping Curlnsltla* Prow* the French Amy tteaaos Ttobot A«wst ms (rtn ran raloa. son Two new steel psseeuger steamers have Just He clnd her a« If sho wore a child on tho floor!" I Sold by all dealers on u guarantee of (urtb - laforaBoUo" -III t»» Qk—rfnllT^osU^yiirkO re- been built for oar t'ppcr bake Roatc. (offilag A novel which was reeontly crown- satisfaction. -pood I to bj aeeroootns JRO *1 UK. 1)00.000 mil. brad for illaalratcd pamphlet. for Having left hor duties in the pal- ••Hut, father." said the young ladr. o 1 by tho French academy aa pos ­ Adlrta. i ace without the formal request ob ­ postponing to another time hor A. A. SONANTZ, e. e. o v. a. sessed of unusual morit contained a There is no grief without some DITMIT, MIOM. tained. and theniashing himself into urnuaumunt at tho change in his ac­ huntence o( which the following is u , fury, exorbitant as far merely as her cents. "I thought a cloud of dust beneficial provision to soften its in- the omen t uaauo shah mi. ca translation: "It was midnight. A tansenesa. | offense was grave, reproached her for followed mo afar on tho highways, man who lay in ambush listened to I the idea of such scandalously hasty Do good to those who do you evil, and oven as I alighted at tho gates their conversation: but suddenly a 1 nuptials as she confessed to bo in the clang of arms behind, tho ring of and by this means you will gain u vic­ dense dark cloud passod in front of tory over then*. contemplation. Ho showed no rule hoofs ------•" tho moon, and prevented him from Miller s Feed Barn and Livery of mason and no regard of right as •• 'Tins but my guards, fair trem­ bearing more" Here is another or. ’ ho replied, smiling sincerely he loudly proclaimed tho bond un ­ phrase, written tn full earnest by a lawful. whatever the cardinal might nt this ovidnneo that tho Huguet |i aaantly and conveniently located near the roaster of French criticism: "It was say, and then, abruptly throwing off wan on the alert. ono of those duois in which one of northwest corner of tho Court llouao the flimsy mask, spoke of bis truo "Oh. in one hour what years of Ik) warn, the blades literally buries itself in reason for tearing bar from the anguish crowd!" moaned sho. the heart of tho other." A criticism NT. JOHNH, MICH. chevalier. Ho declared his lore in "Nay. there’s no danger now. in a French journal upon a dramatic that arrogant tone which already he Thou needest rest, and thou shall Larffe carriage floor, roomy, clean and airy jierformance lately ended with these Davis' Cream Sqixnanr mum power had assumed, though never a lady- lodge heaido me. I tell thee. Tush' hot water and fowl conker eemetaad. ■taila. and dean food, and all at reaaonahl* words, which are worthy of Sir Aerate MoatMtt Deed for atreular All AM. killer. Hut he encountered more )'e cheerful, my rosiest Amazon — Hoyle Roche; "Mme. Judlo's talent nttoa Hand cream .-teparssor*. majesty in that girl ’s honest heart thou wrongest thy Theseus " is like the froth on good champagne. Daria 4* Hank In U A M. Uu* Chicago* than dwells wi.hin the crowned and "Did you say 'wronged' him?" sho Beware of thrusting the scalpel into The Livery Department scopterad anger of a hundred kings. cried in relief. "Cardinal. my it; for If you do. there will remain LN VKbTIUA'l £ Hie irrigated landnet la well equipped with good Vehicles and Hors He was silenced, and listened to her father, did you sav 'wronged V Provo naught but a pinch of ashes at the Idaho and you will •a. < all and see me. outburst and vindication of her sex It. and life shall grow ono prayer for bottom of tho oiomblc. " Another find them the olifap humbled and abashed as soon dm she thy reward and his forgivonosa. " sot, the beet and the taertf o. r. millkii Pmp*r. French journal, in speaking of the had viewed his villainy apart from ■■Hah! All will be well. And results of certain false reports, de ­ meet accessible to the veil. In the end he. tho ruler Adrien will come with himself in clared: "This is the handiwork of market* of millions, crept from tho room liko proof in tho bright morning." ovll tongues, manipulated by oruel EMIGRATE to Idaho and vote will a woasel on whom all tho hens had Hut there loll a thunder at tho bands "—Argonaut be happy. Ita a new triumphantly fallon. and not till he gates louder than that of heaven, 2 POINTS ♦ country, ita for the lay on his thorny pillow did he be­ and there rose in air. even entering 5 smaller far gin to vow veogeanoe not only upon to that room, those most dreadful of Victim—Ooo! Phow! You charge H ack ache and Lame H ack come w , Caveats , i haul mark ? ner. but upon Mauprat. the insig words; "In the king ’s name " double price for this kind of sham­ from disordered Kidneys. fruit grower, nifloant but successful rival, and Huguet had already opened wide poo. don't you? Doan ’s Kidoev PUfs positively T IRRIGATE the land* of Idaho ’ COPYRIGHTS. cure ail Kidney Complaint* + CUM I OWTAIN A PATMT V Nr i their great abettor. to the new-comers. and. hacked by a Barber — Yon. and you have a nreamt new and an booate spsi,-'. wrtte to In this marvelously suitable mood handful of guards. Haradas. with ill- notiee Tratimony proven it to the world. ^ surety of crops aaoi Um A- <:«>.. who have hadsdas qyflffii |aaaa* Victim—I thought so. I Fifty cents will prove it to you. m snsnmu la Urn isSaat bnsiasas ------ho was intruded upon by Haradas conoealed exultation, appeared with that you osako me suffer twloe as fruit in abundance : inn* strict I r confute*ttisl. Allan, 1 Pieter MIRrnm( a.Buffalo.N Y ♦ COGITATE? Of convee you will, riiiasannn msnvnn, Pnteet. a»i n™ «" He had also gone through his trial tho roval scrawl which commanded much. ♦ Sole Agents for United States • tmatkam see* fnw. M so a eamfofflSJ Of maal i the transference lo him of tho fair then send for our l«iandactaatfaboohs rmiffs. . with the pride-wounded girl. in Aasak taken thmngh Mean A O b. tnaatve vain he had sought to soothe, fawn runaway, Mho shrank from him in I*loosed Hor. W Pries. SO oeaSa par baa. ar «8v hnxaa foe A Idaho advertising ■aoaiai notice m the Wvlwatlhe American, and W fltso for wall «0b re steps ef psten. ffi thaa uv Ivoaght wtdetv bet ore tho pv* lie with- and flatter; then be let fall hints of loathing, and clung to the cardinal, >hoem»kor — Well, daffi't any of te For sate try nil rfo sDra. ^ matter. Addraes E. L treachery, and stung at iaat by crying, in her trepidation —“Think those shoes suit you. miss? ixxnax. Julie's disdain, tho dim and glim ­ of my dead father' Think how. when Miss Flipporiy —Oh. yes. indeed, G P AT. A., Omaha. Neb mering sense of his cloaked words an infant, clinging to your knees, but you have auch a delightful w%y broke forth into bolder light. At and looking to your eyes, wrinkled of laeiag them up I thought 1 would Patents, Trade-Marks. W. N. U.. D----XII--28, Jana. ■—* • j&tsssrenjs.r.; that her haughty spirit failed her. care fled from your brow before my try on severnl pairs ours -Harvard ■**4 ASvtes se vs esssoseMRw at Mlllfr ttuul Aaawsrlax STKsiSRr,. and, weak woman again, she wept srsHo of ohlldhood, fresh from the Lampoon. txa I: CLINTON INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, JULY 19: 1894.

that all our fathers were in favor of in dependence. Do not understand that SHOES SHOES? The Independent they were all like Thomas Jefferson, that they were like Adams. There Mercantile ST. JOHNS. THURSDAY. JULY If. II were thousands and thousands of them And your Friends to call at our Shoe Depart­ who were opposed to American iitde- ment and look at the many Banraiua which -Till pendauce. There were thousands and WE we offer for the next week. They are all thousands who said. ’“When you May- men are created equal, it is a lie: when this season's styles aud worth from 25 to you say the political power resides in INVITE 30 per cent more than we oak for them. Cliiitou Couuty Saviup Baok the great body of the people it is false Dry Goods Department. Thousands and thousands of them ST. JOHNS. MICH. said ** We prefer Great Britian ’ But the men who were in favor of indepen YOU. .. deuce, the men who knee that a nes Pay* 4 Per deal. Interest mi Her** 1* nation must be bom. went on full of The Best Chance of the 8eat>ou to buy a pair of Summer Shoea hope and courage, aud nothing could stop the fearless few. They met at at a Big Saving is Right Here: Philadelphia, and the resolution s Now we are through with our Semi-Annual Inventory we will moved by Lee, of Virginia, that the colonies ought to be independent slat Close Out and give you your choice ot all our . . . Ladle* Tan Calf Blucherett Shoes. Price 3.50 and ought to dissolve their political con ­ sale Price 3.00 orTioi nections with Great Britian. Ladies Tan Don go la Button, or Laoe Shoes Price 3.00 sale Price 2.25 a . J. Baldwin . Pr*» P. K. Wiu«onu. Trss, They had one common aspiration. 3. Pbvxill Vc-Prss. B. C Dura Am Tr* They wanted to form a new nation. Ducks, Lawns, Ladies Tan Russia Calf Oxfords narrow square Toe More ttian that moat of them cordially Price 2.75, sale Price 2.00 TDK LOCAL «A«««TB. bated Great Brittian and they pledged Ladies Tan Doogola Oxfords very stylish. Price 2.00, each other to forget these old religious sale Price 1.00 omi a or Tn* Iidiwdmt . prejudices for a time at least, and agreed Ladies Tan Goat Oxfords square aud narrow Toes St. John*. Mich.. July >». U Llama Cloths, Prioe 1.50 and 1.75 sale Price 1.25 The io Iiowidn Are the price* p»B in tBl that there should be but one religion produce in thU market: until they got through, anti that was All our Ladles 12.00 Don go la Oxfords will sell for 1.0a the religion of patriotism. Our fathers Wheat, white...... — ------All our Ladies 91.50 aud $1.75 Dongola Oxfords will Wheal, rad ...... founded the tirst secular government Wheat new------that was ever founded in the world — Fig Sateens. ... — »ell for 1.25 the tirst government that said every Misses Tan Button or Lace Shoes all solid only 1.25 Clover Seed ...... -...... —~ jfl church lias the same rights, and no Boys Tan Shoes well made Prioe 2.00 now 1.46 A lathe...... —...... more, every religion has the same rights 1 lot Thibet Cloth* and Rhodautes. 32 in. wide, Sale Price------5c yd Odd size Ladies Dongola Hand-sewed Oxfords sold for Htihr )i*r ...... and no more. In other words, our (Worth 12±c) f2.V0 92.50 and 9&75 take vour pick for 91.50 Koire —iraah...... fathers were the tint men who had the Childs Dongola Oxfords Pat tip Price 1.00 sale Price ■Mar...... -—...... ------sense and genius to know that no church .75 cents. Hean»...... '*•* Tallow. ------should be allowed to have u sword, that Hay. i»er ton...... - . it shouldn ’t be allowed to cxertjits moral Big Bargains in Children’s \ Sleeve Vests. Potato#* .....------—------influence : my idea is tliat religion Wo Gunmntee Honest Treatment and the Very Lowest Prices Pop-corn, per ion pound* ------should liave the influence on mankind that are in existence. Onion* ...... that its goodness, that its morality, its Balance of our Ladies' Shirt Waists for ______39c Com .....-—..... — ------3 justice, its reason and its argument 20c Harvest Gloves, great, for. ______25c ves it and no more. The religion that Men ’s Working Shirts. 50c values, for ...... 35c MERCANTILE CO. SHOE DEFT. Wood...... -...... **53 is to be supported by law is without Hide- ...... "« e Best Cottonade Pants on Earth for ------89t The Lowest Price Shoe House iu Central Micbigau. Pella...... —...... —...... value, the religious argument tliat has Cht.-kcns. live...... —...... to tie supported by a musket is hardly Others ask $1 and $1.25 for same thing. •• ilmael ...... —.— worth making. A prayer that must Turkey*, live...... —...... 25c Windsor Ties for ...... — ------15c 1 •• >1 reseed...... ~~ have a cannon behind it better never be Ueeer, " ------uttered. Forgiveness ought not to go Dtaek*...... in partnership with shot and shell. Fans Given Away. Love need not cam- knives ami revol ­ MMIAL. vers. Ho our fathers said: “We will July 17. I Ml. form a secular government, which will FROM allow every man to worship God accord ­ Don Cope wm on the sick list last ing to tlie dictates of Ids own cou- Grocery Department. week. sciene.” They said. "Religion is an in­ Paris!—the fountain-head of fashion. Just why, nobody Mrs. E. N. .Steward hail the pleasure dividual thing between each man aud • can tell, but the choicest things—the most artistic of gathering apple blossom* last week. hiscreator and lie can worship as he We are just through with our Semi-Annual Inventory aud tind that our please* and a* he desires. ’ And why. creations —the acme of style—come from the country Harvesting will begin in earnest to ­ you may ask. did they do this ? The stock of Groceries is in better shape than ever before. All goods day. though the having is not finished. history of the world warned them that are fresh and clean. How do we keep them so? By turning them of the “fleur-de-lis." Ross X. Whiting, of Detroit, is spend ­ the liliertv of inau was not safe when in over so often that they do not get a chance to get old and stale, the control of any church They knew which everyone knows is the secret of a fresh stock, “especially in By special Request of some of the Leading ing his vacation with his cousin. X. A. tliat the church had stood side by side steward. with the tluone and tliat the result* groceries. ” Come to our store and ms;>ect our goods and you will Modistes of Clinton County, we have appointed A good attendance is reported at the were bad. They also knew that if they find we are not feeding you chunks. ice cream social at the home of Mr. and gave the church the power, it would corrupt tlie best nation in the world We not only dote on the tine quality of our goods but at the very low LJj A D 8 M PUI P A V' Mrs. Alvin Eldridge Friday evening. Aud they said that tlie power must be price at which they can be bought. Here are a few sample prices: ■ ww ■ W ■ i The Ladies Aitl Society, ot West in the great body of tlie people. And Bingham, will meet with Mrs. Lottie the officers and servants of the people Foster. Wednesday afternoon. All are must tie responsible to them. And so I 10 Bars Soap...... —------—------—25c of St. Johns, our agents for the sale of the UNIVERSAL invited. ______say again, as I said in tlie rominenc- 5 Plugs Hustler Tobacco. .. ------25c1 FASHION CO.’S Perfect Fitting Patterns of the Latest ment. this is the wisest, tlie profound- 2 lbs. Tea Dust. ------...— ...... —....—.....------25c MAl*I.K RAPIDS. est. tlie bravest political document that Styles. We have left with them for free distribution was ever signed by man. They turned, 1 lb. Fine Cut Tobacco _____....------25c : July I*. IM4 a* I tell you everything squarely about. 2 lbs. Smoking “ ------—------25c ! S. Glover visited Grand Ledge on They derived all their authority from 6 lbs. Crackers------— ...... 25c UNIVERSAL FASHION MONTHLIES the people. They did away forever 2 Cans Salmon ------.... — - —.. — ------— — 25c Tuesday of this week. with the theological idea of government. FOR THE PUBLIC, and The band social Saturday evening was And what more did thev say ? They 1 31b. Pail Shining Light Axle Grease, “Best iu the World" ------25c a success, socially and iiiuuicially. said tliat whenever the rulers abused We are also selling Mason Fruit Jars cheaper than ever before ALBUMS OF FASHION Misses Laura Howell. Agatha Dun* this authority, thispower, iucapable of Yours trulv. stall. Mrs. A. II. Creasinger and Mrs. destruction, returned to the people. How did ihey come to this ? I will tell ST JOHNS MERCANTILE CO.. FOR THE DRESS MAKERS to be had for the asking M. A. Howe, of this village, attended you. They were pushed to it. How ? the gathering of the Y. I*. 8. C. E. at They felt they were oppressed, and Grocery Detriment, j Cleveland last week. wheuever a man feels that he is tlie sub­ ject of injustice his perception of right A feeling of universal sadness pervad ­ and wrong is wonderfully quickened. place in the air. and be*-aim* glorious liberty of one citizen ceases only where The Universal Paper Patterns Excel all Others. ed our whole community on .Saturday forever. the liberty of another citizeu commences . Xo laxly was ever in prison wrongfully 1. Because they arc perfect in tit. each part being cut with exactitude and in such morning last when a telegram an­ who did not lielieve in the w-rit of habeas Seven loug years ot war. lighting for | I know of no better definition. 1 ask proportion that, in caae of any alteration, only the .shoulder or under ami aeam I* to be nounced the death of our former towns ­ corpus. Xo body ever suffered wrong ­ what ? For tlie principal tiial all men von today to make a declaration of in­ touched. In other pattern., when you alter one pan. you have to alter all part, and thus spoil fully without instantly having ideas of are created equal, a truth that nobody dividual independence. Allow your the shape: in the universal patterns this i*avoided. man. Edgar D. Minis , late of Little wife, your husband and your children to 3. Because aaam». lap. and hem. are allowed on the pattern*. When no aeamaare allowed justice. And they liegau to inquire ever disputed except a scoundrel, no- on a pattern, it require* time to measure the same aixe of a seam all around a piece, for if more Rock. Arkansas. Mr. Moss was at one what rights tlie kiug of Great Bntian txxly iu the entire historv of the world. make theirs. Let everybody be abso ­ ■can; i* left on one pan of the piece than on the other, the shape is lost, and often a person time one of our leading business men as had. They liegan to investigate and Xo 'man ever denied that truth who was lutely free and independent.' Let us lie allowing the seam on one pan i* apt to forget It entirely on another, thereby losing the pro not u rascal, and. at heart.a thief, never independent of partv. independent of portion and spoiling the material well as one of our most prominent citi­ dig down to the lied rock upon winch 3. Because material is saved by their use There arc other pattern* on which the seam*, society must be founded, and when and never will. everybody and everything except our etc., are allowed, but tiave too much put on. resulting in a waste of material and the use ol zens. He had held several public offices they got down there, forced there, too. What else were they lighting for?! own conscience and our own Drains. more goods than Is necessary of trust, and invariably discharging the by 'their oppressors, forced there against Simply that iu America every man Do not Itelong to anv clique. Have the 4. Because the description, are short, concise, and yet embrace every detail, giving ail clear title deeds in fee simple to your ­ necessary Instruction* for putting the model together. The fault with almost even' other duties of each witli honor to himself tlieir own prejudices aud education, tliey should have a right to life, liberty, aud pattern is. that the description is too long, and require, time tn study it. with the chance to for found at the tiottom of things, not lords the pursuit of happiness. Nobody ever selves. without any mortgage on the get the beginning liefore the end is reached. and satisfaction to the people. He was not nobles, not thrones, but humanity deuied that except a villain. It has premises to anybody in the world. 5. Because they come In all the necessary .lie*. -Some pattern, have too few sixes, others a pioneer. Itaviug settled here in an I teen denied by ktugs ; they were theives. Are you not more than glad tliat in too many and tlie rights man ; aud so tliey saiil ■«< Because they are so cat that the measure need only be taken in Up- ordinary manner, early day. where lie resided until nearly "we are men.” and these colouies ought It has been denied by statesmen : they 1, <*• Was announced the sublime princi- an <) no allowance or deduction u required a* is the case with other patteroa. four years ago. when, on account of fail­ to be stntes. and these states ought to were liars. It has l»een denied by canli- , pal tliat political power resides in the 7. Because no matter bow intricate the design, the pattern is som '-tit. notched and irranged be a nation, and that nation ought to nals. bishops and by tlie clergymen : people? That our fathers then made up , that a child can _put it together__ xnrr wnnoutwithout difficultyiiimiuii)'. ing health, he. with his wife and young ­ their minds never more tn be colonists . 4. Because when the garment t* made like the pattern, it is surr to look like the illustration drive the last British soldier into the they were lnpocrites. What else were by which It was selected. With some other patterns fault ha* been found in thu respect est sou. Eugene, emigrated to Little sea. And so thev signed that brave they lighting for ? For the idea that ;uid subjects, but that they would be 0. Because they are put in envelope. Iiearing the description in three languages, the only Hock. He wns a man of sterling worth Declaration of Indeiieudence. I thank all ihe political power is vested in the free ami independent citizens of Ameri­ pattern In the world so distinguished great bodv of the people. The great ca-'' All who .stand lieneatli our tiaunei 10. Because they are the lowest tn price and excellent husiuess qualifications, every one of them from the Ixittom of U. Because they are absolutely perfect in lit. find save Time. Labor. Material. Money and my heart for signing. I thank them for bodv of the people make oil the money, are five. Ours is the (lag tliat has in j Patience, a* I* confirmed by the largest h.ousr. in the country. and tor his integrity, uprightness and what tliey were, for what they are. for do all the work. They produce every­ reality written upon it. Liberty. Frater­ thoughtful kindness to others, lie was what they did and for what we liave re­ thing that is produced. Then who shall nity. Equality—the three greatest words greatly loved and esteemed by the entire ceived ; for what tliey suffered, and for sa\ what shall lie done with what is pro ­ in all the language of men. Liberty., what we enjov. duced. except producers. Is it the non ­ give to every man the fruit of liis own community in which he lived, and his What would we have been if we iiad producing tliiet sitting on a throne ? labor, the labor of his hands ami of his deatli is deeply regretted. He was a remained colonists and subiects ? The history of civilization is the his­ brain. Fraternity—even mau in the KEEP IN LINE kind, loving and indulgent husband and Whatwould we have been io-da> ? Xo- tory of a slow and painful enfrmnclus- right is mv brother. Equality—the DON’T QBT BEHIND THE TIMES. father, and his wife and two sons. E. E.. bodies —ready to get down on our knees ment of the human race. In olden rights of all are equal The declaration OUT OF FASHION. OUT OF THE WORLD and crawl iu the very dust at tlie sight times the family was a monarchy, tlie of independence lias at last been carried of Little Rock, and Postmaster A. J.. of somelNxly that was supposed to have father lieing the monarch. The mother out in letter and spirit. Seventv mil- ______of this village, tiave the heartfelt sym­ in him some drop of blood that flowed and children were the veriest slaves. lions of people are celebrating today. pathy of their numerous friends here. in the veins of that royal robber. Wil­ The will of the father was supreme law ; We are a great people. Three millions Patterns sent to anv address post paid on receipt of price bv liam tlie Conquerer. Tliey sigued the he had power of life ; he iiad power of —tr: thlftssu! _ ^ r . r r 7 AN ORATION. Declaration ot Independence although life and of deatli. It took years and states to forty-four. applying to our agents they ktiew it would cause a long and years to civ ilk* this father, thousands I will not name any of the great lu* u ■ Continued from Hiari, bloody war. They looked forward aud of years to make the condition of wife who fought for liberty. All should be 5 saw poverty, deprivation, gloom aud and mother and child even tolerable. named or none. I reel that the un- : and forgot to apply the principal of death. But they also saw on the A tew families constituted a tribe, the known soldier who was shot down with- I out even his name lieing rememliered . I CHAPIN 4 COIPAIYjjf ST , . HU universal liberty of toleration. Some wrecked clouds of war. the beautiful few tribes had a chief : the chief was a of them did not forget it. and I want to bow ot freedom. Tlie war commenced ; tyrant. A strong nation robbed, plun ­ who was included onlv in a report of a give credit where credit should lie given. there was little money aiul less credit, dered and took captive weaker ones. hundred killed or a hundred missing, Thecatholics of Man. laud were the the nation liad but few friends. To a This was the commencement of human nobody knowing even the number that tirst people on the continent to declan* great extent each soldier of freedom liad slavery. Our fathers knew the history attached to Ills august corpse is entitled Universal Pattern Company, universal religious toleration. Let it to cloth ami feed himself. He was poor of caste, they knew that in the despot ­ to ns deep and heartfelt thauks as the PARIS, FRANCE. be remembered to their eternal honor. and pure: brave aud good, and so lie ism of the old world it was a disgrace titled leader who fell at the head of his Let it be remembered to the disgrace went to the fields of death to tight for to be useful. They knew that n me­ host. Standing amul tlie sacred memo-| of the protestant government of Eng the rights ot mau. What did the sol ­ chanic was esteemed hardly the equal ties of the tirst. on the threshold of tke .and, that it caused the grand law to be dier leave when lie went ? He left his of a hound and far below a blooded second. I ask will the second century be | MADE :epealed. And to the honor and credit wife and cidldreu. Did he leave them horse. Thev knew that n nobleman as good as the tirst? I believe it will, of the catholics of Maryland let it be in a beautiful home surrounded by civ­ held a laborer iu contempt —that lie had because we are growing more and more 1 ~ RESORTS UP ememberod that the moment they got ilization. in the repose of law. in the se­ no rights the royal loafers were bound humane. I believe there is more human ('an lie Comfortably aud Economically tiack into power they renacted the old curity of a great and powerful nation ? to respect. kindness, more sympathy. & great de ­ reached via the FROM law. Xo. He left them on the edge, on the The world lias changed. Not long sire to help one another in the United The Baptists of Rhode Island also, fringe of a tmundles* forest in which ago when a delegation of laborers and States than all the world besides. We SANTA FE ROUTE. THE led by Roger Williams, were in favor crouched and crept the red savage who mechanics came from Europe to Ameri-! liave better homes, better clothes, bet-1 of universal liberty. Roger Williams was at that time the ally of tne still ca they were received at New York City ter food and more of it. and more of the From Chicago. St. Louis or Kansas City. | BEST was in favor of the eternal divorce of more powerful Britian. He left his wife as though they liad been princes. They conveniences ot life than any other peo ­ Round-Trip Tourist Tickets at Great­ ple on tlie globe. Our country is found ­ '.bureh and state. Ho many religions to defend herself and care for the child­ looked a thousand times better to the ly Reduced Rates, and witli final limit AND in our country: so many theories ren. The soldier of 177H did not march true Amerioan than a delegation of the ed upon the dignity of labor, upon the and dogmas came in contact: so many awav with music and banners. They Albert Edwards and the Edward Al­ equality of man. Ours is the tirst real of October 31. 1W4. will be on sale folles. mistakes and stupidities became went iu silence and not to meet an equal berts. theroyal vermin that live on bodv republic in the history of the world. daily from June 1. IMG. to September MOST Beneath our rtag the people are free acquainted with each other, that re­ but a superior —to tight live times their politics. And I would think much 30. IMG. Write C. A. Hlooms. As­ DESIRABLE ligion liegan to fall some what into dis ­ numbers : to make a desperate stand to more of our government If it would We have found that man is the only sistant Gen 1 Passenger Ag*t, Chicago, repute. Besides this, the question of a stop the advance of the enemy, and then feast them instead of the imbeciles of u source of political power, and tliat the new nation liegau to take precedence of when the ammunition gave out seek the roval line What we want to-day is government should govern. We disen ­ for information regarding the trip. PATTERNS all others. protection of rocks, or rivers and of what our fathers wrote down. Tliey franchised the aristocrats of the air. and The people were too much interested hills. Let me say here, the greatest did attain to their ideal: we approach have given our country to mankind. IN in this world to quarrel about the next. test of courage on earth is to bear de ­ nearer but have not reached it yet. We The preacher was lost in patriot: the feat without losing heart. That army want not only independence of state Rlectrtc Hitler*. For Sale, A btbte was read to tind passages against is the bravest that can be whipped the not only independence of nation, but This remedy is becoming so well known sings. Everybody was discussing the greatest number of times and tight something far more glorious, the abso ­ •od so popular as to need no special men­ STYLISH rights of inaii: farmers aud mechanics again. Over the entire territory . so to lute independence of the individual. tion. All who have used Electric Bittern WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. suddenly tweame statesman, and in speak, then settled by our fathers, they That is what we want. I want It so ■sing the same song ol praise.—A purer AND every shop and cabin nearly every were driven again and again . Now and that I can stand on an equality with the medicine dees not exist and it U guaran ­ Data. Corn. Bran. Midi!lines question was asked And answered At then they would meet the English with reat; that I can say this is my air—my teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Corn leal. Ground Ford. Hay. PERFECT last our fathers liecame tired of being something like tbetr numbers and vic­ sunshine, and I liave a right to live, Bitters will care all diseases of the Liver Straw and Wood, at the elevator. colonists, tired of writing anti reading tory would he theirs. There were very hope, aspire, labor and enjoy the fruit and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Bodes. FITTING petitions and preeenttng them on their few hearts then beneath tliat (lag that of tliat labor as much as any other in­ | Halt It beam and other affection* mused SPRAGUE A St}!'AIR. bended knees to an idiot king. They did not begin to think that the struggle dividual on the face of the globe. We by impure blood —Will drive Malaria MANNER. began to have an aspiration to form a was useless, tliat all the blood and trw want every- American to-day. on this from the system aad prevent as well an new nation —to oe citizens of a new re­ ure liad been spent in vain. And IIMth anniversary, to make a declara ­ ■ ure all Malarial fever*. —For care of AT public instead of subjects of a monar they went on as best they could, hoping tion of individual independence Let AN HONEST MAN Thev had the idea. The Puritans, each man enjov his liberty to the ut­ Headache. Constipation aad Indigestion cby and lighting until they came to the dark try Kioetrir Bitter* —Entire satiafation Wavtko —ro Mil our STANDARD Tea. Cof ­ the Catholics, the Episcopalians, the mtl ••ombre gloom <»f Yalle\ Forge most —enjov all he can. but be sure It is fees, Bpteee, etc., to consumers Ifcmr roods j-a .cz :soit’s Baptists and the Quakers ail had the not at the expense of another. guaranteed, ot money refunded Price 50 sell tbemselvea utter one trial. Big proSt to The rich man gave his wealth the poor eta. and $1.00 per bottle at Fildew A Mill- THE TAILOR. idea that they would like to form a man his life, until at last, hv the victory The French convention gave the best •gents. Write for circular IMI’Kk Iai . TEA IT WAIJCmt ST BAHT. HT JOHMH new nation Now. do von understand of Yorktown. the old banner won its definition of liberty 1 ever read. The mans drag stores. 5 C\>.. MCsdlUe .'Square. Detroit. Mich