The Clinton Independent. VOL XXVIIl.-NO. 40. ST JOHNS, Mil H.. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 19. 1894. WHOLE NO-1448. (lave your Watches. Clocks aud Jew* —Yesterday was the hottest—071 in ST. JOHNS TK.I VKLINU ON THK ItIVKK "Tl»» RnraU." MM. They -ought t Iw Haa. ■•raa Kuhaaft. elry repaired at Allison's. the old rell* the shade. Some time in October, or possibly be­ We learn from Edwani Brown, our A good pair of farm horses to ex obauge for one good horse. Enquire at able jeweler. —Denny Allen has been adjudged in­ Eiskumuck . Germany. June 25. '94. fore. this justly celebrated comedy will liouored citizen, and the People ’s choice Spectacles and Eye Classes at almost be presented at Newton Hall, the pro ­ this office. sane and was taken to Kalomazoo asy­ My Dear Parents —I told you on for state treasurer, that the desire was wholesale prices at Krepps, DeWitt & lum Wednesday morning. my card that when we returned from ceeds to go to St. John's church to be so strong and ripe tn nominate Mr. E. Smoke "Crown of St. Johns.” lOcentc Go 's. Eyes tested free. —Charles Shields is now a brakeman Mines I would write you all about It. applied on payment of the church debt. E. Whipple, of St. Johns, for governor The Greatest bargains in Ribbons an ‘ The Rivals" Is one of the finest come­ HOftK 1ATTEBN. ou the D. A M. local freight, running We left Eiseleben about 11 o'clock Mon ­ in the People's Party convention at sale at 11. L. Kkndkick ’s. from Owoaao to Grand Rapids. day forenoon, and rode until 7 in the dies ever written and is a favorite with Lansing. July 4th. that be could liave Prices always the lowest. our greatest players. Joseph Jefferson —Ail orders for coal to date taken by evening through some of the grandest received the nomination on the first Great Cut Price Sale on Capas and scenery in the llartz mountains. and others having used it as a starring ballot if he had only consented to allow* Jackets At H. L. Kjcndkick ’a . —L. Grant is improvinKhis store with John Hicks at 96.U0 per ton will be piece. In the St. Johns production of Prices always the lowest. filled at $5.76 per tou. bis present price. Mainz (or Meutz) is a city strongly for ­ bis name to be thus used. The occas­ a fresh coat of paint. tified with a population of about 60,000. the play great care has been taken in ion of this ready decision was: First, —The Athletic base ball olub will A. M. Ualraai. —There are 480 boys in the .State Re­ We selected tins <la\ in which to m _ selecting the cast and the costuming he is well-known in ever) section of the Agent for the popular Champion Mow­ form school at Lansing. play the Mt. Pleasant Indians at the this visit because all the sharp shooters ^ stage effects will be the best to be state as a fearless fighter of trust and ers. Reapers and Binders, keeps a com ­ —John Hicks and Sprague A Squair Park. Thursday. July’Mth. Both teams of Germany had a celebration there the had. combines. Second, that he is honest plete assortment of repairs for same. are the pride of their respective towns. are building additions to their eleva­ Sunday next proceeding the Monday on Below we give the complete cast of with uimself and his neighbors in crush­ • IO K*wanl tors. —L. G. Mc-Knight A Co., purchased which we went. There were 7.000 characters: ing out corruption aud wrong wherever For gasoline stove that I cannot repair. —Buy your gold tilled watches of the first load of new wheat brought to shooters on the grounds, who drank Sir Anthony Absolute .......................... L. L. Coen be finds it. He is not a policy man. but Prices lowest. Gko . D. Cooper , Krepps. DeWitt & Co., leading jewelers, this market July 17; grown on the farm Captain Jack Absolute ----------O. N Richardson At the Bicycle Shop. St. Johns. 11,000 bottles of wine, and 1 should ruikland ------ R. L. Doolioir dares to freely assert the honest con ­ and save money. of 8. W Newman in DeWitt township, judge. 700 kegs of beer, and yet they Bob Acre* A. J. Hicka victions of bis own heart, although be Clolhaa Claaaad, Ilyad and Repaired —The droughth. which is still on. lias for which they paid .131 cents per bush. were as thirsty as democrats on the day Sir Luoiu*<>*Trlg**r —......................E. J. Molnat floats in the wake of protected and petted By H. Hickev. over Clark A Hulaa* proven a great detriment to pastures, —By referanee to the crop report in following. Tlieu there were thousands Fair H. W Holton wicked combines whose pur|Nise is to store. David. .K. A. St ruble corn and potatoes in this section. crush out single handed toilers who 1.000 small Hot. Wanted 1.000 another column, it will be seen that the of other people there. We did not go Thotnai .0. E. K Woodruff —A large number from St. Johns at­ promises are good for a profitable crop up to the grounds that night, but as it have seen fit to get into the race for an To shoot harmless firecrackers. Fur­ tended the colored camp meeting and Mr*. Maiaprop ......... .............. .Mr* E. H. Lyon of nearly every cereal and fruit. A was raining, went directly to our hotel. MIm Lydia LangtiDb ---------Mlaa Nina Waldron honest and upright livithood. (five us nished rree at 9 o'clock a. m.. July 4th, At Spaulding A Co 's. barbecue at Grand LedgeSundyy last. Julia ..................... ------ 41m Jeanio Max am good rain, however, would be a great The Three Lyous. the man who the people want, aud not Opposite The Steel. —A room in the south-west corner of m help just now. The next morning we started out. aud Lucy MI Gertrude DooJiur he who is using all manner of question ­ the basement of the court house is be­ Maid Ml m Maud Slot* able methods to force himself upon the For handsome goods, cut and made up ing plastered aud tilled up for the use —At the meeting of Encampment after walking around the city and view­ in latest and best style for man. and at No. 88. I. 0.0. F.. held July 11. the ing the Prince's palace, which was very people. Let the people seek the man and and comfort of the janitor. Clinton Comity -mum lay Hrhoal Itmllv in lowest prices, call and see Judd, the following officers were elected for the fine, aud the large, open hall and sol­ not the man the other. He who seeks merchant tailor, opposite The Steel. — Edgar Madison, of Ovid, a brake- St. .lohna, Auyail IO. ensuing year: C. P.. G. A. Powell; H. dier ’s garrison. a public office should be disfranchised. man on the D.. (». H. A M. R. It., had a The time, the above date, has been Men ’# Clotlitag loot crushed by the cars at Linden last P.. E. Scott; 8. W., M. D. Ormes. S.. We went up to the sliootiug grounds settled upon. Gov. Ricbwill speak and Bum (toll. Cleaned, altered aud repaired in a J. L. Tranchell; Treas.. L. Vauconsant; prompt and satisfactory manner at rea­ week. He is doing nicely at present. thinking we would get our dinner there, other prominent speakers will be pres­ To-morrow : Friday) afternoon the St. J. W., Wm. Corkiu. sonable prices. A lex Dk Clairk , —('has. Adams was liefore Justice hut ou arriving we found all the eating ent. Every Sunday school superintend ­ Johns Athletic club and the Owosso Next to postofllce. up stairs. Duncan last week charged with assault­ —Prof. B. McClellan, the Intrepid rooms full, but saw a stand a here the Mutuals will cross batsat Athletic Park. ent and worker is requested to corres ­ Lola of ing John M. Dodge, to which he pleaded young aeronaut, will make a balloon staple Frankturts were being sold and pond with the executive committee. We are confident that the result will be ascension aud parachute drop at St- served ; so over we went aud ordered a Black Dress Goods and Silks guilty and was tined $2"> aud $4 costs, All schools are urged to join in making one more scalp added to St. Johns’ belt At Kendrick 's. which be paid. Johns, on Saturda.y July 28. Mr. Mc­ plate of these German favorites, adding this a grand success for the schools and but the Mutuals dispute this. Follow ­ Brices always the lowest. —Work on the foundation for a new Clellan is one of the most daring and some saurkraut and bread, and retired thecause. J. £. Littkll . ing is the batting order of the two to a beer hall to eat it. When finished Chenile Curtains. Lace Curtains and residence for W. A. Norton, corner of successful aeronauts in the country and Chairman of Ex. Com. teams Shade Curtains At Ken dhick ’s. McConnell and Stewart streets, is pro ­ all should make it a point to be in St. we walked about the grounds and saw Owoaao St. John* Prices always the lowreat . about 50 dime museums, but did uot Miller c. llarUa 1 b. graming tinely under the contract of Johns on the date given. Michigan Crop Report. ( ollamt-r j> Coleman 3 b. Don ’t buy Carpets without looking at enter any of them. Here we also wit­ llurhaoe I l> l»«rr p Pulfrey A Pouch.
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