Clinton County Sunday School Rally August 16. Gov. Rich will Speak Clinton Independent. VOL XXVIII.—NO. 42. ST JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2. lfl»4. WHOLE NO.—1450. Th# Male lUtMkllrau Convention. Have your Watches. Clocks ami Jew­ —You can now talk with the people ed among your citisens in order to bring Faint I) W aait to«» Waalnt. elry it-paired at Allison ’s, the old reli­ of Westphalia by telephone. Hello. The Republicans, at their stale con ­ about so pleasing a result, for Ht. Johns At the ionise or at home, ironing will able jeweler. Hnitgen ! vention at Grand Rapids last Tuesday, WE mm ADMIT surely compares most favorably with be done when so desired. Satisfaction Hpectacles and Eye Glasses at almost —Kalkaska's huckleberry crop is a placed in nomination the following any place of Ita size that I Dave ever guaranteed and all losses made good. wholesale prices at Krepps, DeWitt A failure this season. Last year 5.U0O THAT THE INDIANS WEKE TOO MUCH Mbs. L. E. Knapp ticket: seen. Near high school building. Co.'a. Eyes tested free. bushels were shipped from that point. For Governor — FOR THE ATHLETIC* THURSDAY. It is with the idea of encouraging this —E. M. l’otter. an old and respected JOHN T. RICH. Looser desirable spirit of working together for HOME' MATTKKN. pioneer business man of Orid. died in For Lieutenant Governor A good pair of business horses to ex ALFRED MILNE*. HrancU The KMlarm of ihHiawr war* lh* Hank the common good, that I have presumed change for one good horse. Enquire at that place on Sunday. July IS, aged *» Vnr Secretary *>f state— DeUInni ol l anplrr JrlTrl- and lit* to make these few remarks, and to let this office. years. WAMHINOTON GARDNER. Calhoun. —The Michigan Voluuteer Infantry H»rtl Hildas •»> th« Ckl|e*«M. you know how others see you, and that Hmoke “Crown of St. Johns, ' 10 cent* —Married, at the M. E. parsonage. St. For State Treasurer— such efforts to improve your surround, AMociation will meet in Elsie August Johns, on Sunday, July 20. by liev. C. JAMBS M. WILKINSON Marquette. Tlie largest and moat enthusiastic For Auditor General- crowd of theseason attended the ball ings cannot be wasted, nor go unrecog ­ The Greatest bargains in Ribbons on G. Thomas. Miss Nora Phelps to STANLEY W TTRNRK. K.__ nized by any observant stranger. sale at ll7 L. Kendrick 's. -First-class cabinet photos only 90 Charles Keeler, both of St. Johns. game at Athletic Park last Thursday Prices always tlie lowest. For Attorney Ueoerai- A Visitor . rents per dor., at Stage's, east side, St. —The following letters remain dead afternoon to witness the game between FBEP A MAYNARD. Kent. the Chippewa Indians, of the Indian Great Cut Price Sale on Capes and Johns. in St. Johns post-office: Clive W. Lyon. For Cotamleetooer of Land OSe*- Doiilitful Halt-Ill in* far Clover Jackets At II. L. Kendrick 's. —Miss (trace 11 unt has been chosen M. M. Merrill. Mias M. McDonnough. WILLIAM A FRENCH. Presque lale. school at Mt. Pleasant, aud our own The failure of the clover crop in re­ I*rices alwavs the lowest. as a teacher in the 4th grade of the Mrs. Lillie Marsh. Arthur St. Clare. For Superintendent of Public I net ruction* team. To the Indians falls the glory of cent years in many localities, owing to A. H HENRY K PATTENGILL. Inabatn. giving Ht. Johns her ilrst defeat in base l'errin school. Mias Lucy Tucker. For Member Board of Education — the ravages of the root Ijorer and other Agent for tbe popular Champion Mow ­ —Buy your gold tilled watches of —Eddie Sperry brought in ff.Mil PERRY F. PDWBRS. Wexford. ball this season. Tlie game was hotly causes, lias induced a search for other ers. Reapers and Iimders. keeps a com ­ contested and. no doubt, would liave Krepps. DeWitt A <k>.. leading jewelers, bushels Alsyke seed from eleven acres Tlie political machine had been so forage plants to take ita place, and nu plete assortment of repairs for same. been more close at the llnish if Umpire and save money. and sold to Osgood, at $8 50 tier bushel, thoroughly overhauled, packed and test­ Clothe* CIumi I. Ittnl und Krpurad Jeffries l ad rendered better judgements. menus inquiries are received by the —We invite the attion of our readers and walked away with 127*> 75. There ed. especially in Rich * case that he was station in regard to such plants. Those By II. Iltckey. over Clark A llulae to the advertisement of F. A. Hyatt, are some things about farmiug that nominated on tint ballot, as was known His decisions tiecame too rank to be store. iiearabie and Capt. Hollister insisted mentioned below tiavc been employed hamesstnaker. elsewhere in this issue. pay yet. by the engineers he would be. iu that another be chosen to assist. This certain localities und for certain pur­ Are You Going til Murry T —Attorue>-(General Ellis has written —The Ownesn Mutuals •‘did up” the Wm. A. Norton, of Ht. Johns, pre­ poses and under the proper conditions If so. remember that I liave a due line an opinion to the effect that county Athletics in a boll game Monday to the sented the name of Geo. A. Steel for met with approval and Wm. Bishop was of Furniture and would be pleased to chosen, after which the game went more are of undoubted value, but the\ can clerks liave no right to suppress mar­ time ofb to 8 . Bad errors on the part state treasurer. lie received 865 votes mot be recommended for general culti­ nave vou call and examine my goods. riage licenses. smoothly. E. I. Hull . of tlie Athletics in the tjfth inning was t»u tint ballot. Rut the U. P delega ­ vation iu Michigan. The station is in­ No. 1« Clinton Ave. —Prof. L. Holbrook, of Duplain tions had been sworn iu so thorougly The tint ining went quietly, each the cause. In one inning the Mutuals side scoring one run. Iu the second the vestigating possible substitutes for township, a graduate of our highschool got In seven runs after two men were that their man Wilkinson received the clover, aud remedies for tlie elover fail For handsome goods, cut and made up and late of the Normal at Ypsilauti. interest was considerably livened by a in latest and beat style for man. and at out. nomination. However. Gogebic county ure. and. may in time liave sometldng lowest prices, call and see Judd, the lias been engaged for the principalship gave their vote to Steel. Kent county beautiful :> base hit by Hhillejoe. He —On our editorial page we reprint was warmly cheered aud injoyed it im­ valuable to suggest . Meanwhile a word merchant tailor, opposite Tlie Steel. of the Muir school. Some Leasons of the Great Strike” gave Wilkinson 2B and Steel 27. La­ of caution seems in place against ex­ —J. Shindorf A Mon. builders of mensely. In the third timing there Men ’ll Clothing from Harper's Weekly which will give peer gave Steel 9 out of their 13. Sagi ­ pecting too much from the plants here Cleaned, altered and repaired in a carriages and all manner of road and naw gave Wilkinson 12 and Steel 18, was an evidence that Ht. Johns were in­ our readers a very concise statement of clined to be rattled. The Lndians were mentioned. If the clover la found in prompt and satisfactory manner at rea­ business wagons in this village, are facts which brought about the recent and Wayne gave Steel 105. On motion the spring to be killed, the tleld may be sonable prices. A lkx DeClaikb . raising their wood shop and store room of J. W. Fitzgerald Mr. Wilkiusou was held down until two taeu were out, Next to postoffice up stairs. strike. It is of timely interest and when by a series of errors for Ht. Johns planted to corn or sowed to millet. to better sene their increasing trade. declared the nominee for state treasurer. Lota ol should be carefully read by all. they let in four runs. They, in turn Omitting the clover crop for u year will —The next regular meeting of the Black Dress Goods and Silks —As Chas. Moreland was driving The platform adopted is an ingenious ­ were retired by the Indians with a starve out the borer and enable clover Grand Rapid* Driving Club will take home one day last week a spark from a ly constructed quail trap, abounding in to be grown again. In any case one At Kendrick ’s. place on their grounds August 18. 14. goose egg. Here occured the big kick Prices always tbe lowest. passing train fell into his buggy. Noth* swelling sentences and a profusion of on the umpire and Bishop was pursued* crop of hay may be expected from the 16. 1*> and 17. This bids fair to be the Clieuile Curiam*. Lace Curtains and ing more was thought of It until some rhetorical nothings. Tlie silver ques­ ed to assist. In the fourth the Indians clover before it fails. most spirited meeting yet held by the time after haying put the buggy in the tion was dodged in tlie outset . and Judge Alfalfa.—The yield of this In Michi­ Shade Curtains At Kendrick ’s. association. were retired with a goose egg. For Ht. gan is seldom greater and usually less Prices always tlie lowest . shed when a little slater discovered it Kelly put them on the keen run when Johns Washburn reached third and —The official census figures show that he demanded that they say what they than that of common red clover, while Don't buy Carpet* without looking at to be on tire.
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