Theme: Accelerating community progress towards healthy and better living

The Republican President of , Dr. Edgar C. Lungu speaking during the SGBV project launch in Northern Province

1 My name is Davis Mumwensi, a Youth Exchange Programme (YSEP) volunteer based in Malawi from Livingstone, Zambia. Through Sport in Action, I was selected to go to Malawi and coach sport as an YSEP volunteer in Malawi. Currently, I am coaching a football club in the Northern part of Malawi and also working as a Physical Education (PE) instructor at Kavibale School. The PE sessions run on Wednesday and Friday, and work with two classes on a daily basis. Each class has a total number of 164 pupils, that I have had the privilege of managing alone. Under PE, I initially had one class, but this was expanded to 3 classes after it was realised that the introduction of PE in the school led to them having more pupils. A number of pupils were also leaving their classes to join my PE sessions. I consider this a huge achievement for me.

In 2019, I was nominated as a NON-CITIZEN SPORTS PERSON OF THE YEAR, alongside two other sports men: one from the UK and one from Germany. I won the award based on the committees’ recognition of my contribution to sport, including leading my team to win the district First Capital Bank League. My team also played 45 games, with an unbeaten run and qualified for a regional Tournament. Further, at regional level, we played four league games and won all and qualified for national. At national level we played 4 games and won all and where crowned as the Malawi under 20 First (U20) Capital Bank league champions. After the U20 finished their league with a 53 games unbeaten run, I took over the U17. They had already played 11 games at position 14 in the league table prior to my involvement. With me in charge, they played 17 games, won 13, lost 2, drew 2 and finished the league at position number 3.Considering these achievements, as earlier stated, I was given the award as the NON-CITIZEN SPORTS PERSON OF THE YEAR. I got a trophy and a certificate with an amount of money worth K8, 000 (Malawian ) which I shared with the team (gave the team K3, 000).This award meant a lot to me and it has given me more confidence. I will always work hard at each and every opportunity that comes and I thank the all mighty God for His blessings over me.

I also thank our organisation Sports in Action (SIA) for the opportunity, trust and support they gave me to be ready for work. I also thank the YSEP group for the opportunity and consideration to participate in the programme. I can't also forget to thank Hazel Ndubakwada who has been pushing opportunities for me. She has been there for me and she strengthens me when I feel I can't do it and always tells me to stay focused and work hard. She has been my mother, teacher and friend. I am so proud of her.

I always say: "if it was easy everyone could have been doing it, so the failure of others will not stop me to do it".


With every support that comes to SIA, opportunities are created for children and young people to better their lives. Those who take it, their lives change positively. We would like to extend our appreciation on behalf of our organisation and participants for every help rendered. For any support to our programming, get in touch with us.

2 Northern Province SIA implementation concentration

Lusaka & centrals provinces SIA implementation concentration

In Southern Province, SIA is only in Livingstone

Sport in Action geographic coverage by district in 2019: Livingstone, Lusaka, , , Chibombo, Kabwe, , , Luwingu, , Nsama and

3 Vision statement: Active, Healthy and Better Living for All

Mission statement: Endeavour to use sport and recreation as a tool to improve the quality of children’s lives by providing a programme that will bring about motivation, self-development, child protection and self-reliance through social and economic empowerment

Table of contents Acronyms...... 5 Introduction...... 6 Performance highlights...... 6 Prevent! Sexual & Gender Based Violence Prevention and Survivor Support project6 Sport for positive lifestyles...... 8 Volunteer Zambia project...... 10 Women Empowerment through sport (AAZ project)...... 12 Zambia Community HIV Prevention project...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Prevent! Sexual and Gender Based Violence project...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Conclusion...... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4 Acronyms ART-Anti-retro viral therapy EU-European Union GIA-Girls in Action HIV-Human Immune Virus SGBV-Sexual gender based violence SIA-Sport in Action USAID-United States Agency for International Development ZCHPP-Zambia Community HIV Prevention Project NGO-Non-Governmental Organisation OVC’s-Orphans and Vulnerable Children AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

5 Introduction

Founded in 1998 as a Zambian NGO, Sport in Action (SIA) aims to better the living conditions of its target population and communities. SIA delivers change in communities through sport development and the use of sport for development. Sport development involves creating safe play environments for beneficiaries through construction/establishment of sports fields or structures in order to grow sport activities especially for children. Sport for development on the other hand, is where sport activities are used to create safe spaces for delivering positive messaging to beneficiaries for positive behavioural change and promotion of access to services that promote healthy living.

The target population for SIA are parents, teachers, children, youth, adults, different abled people and key community gate keepers. In order to effectively implement projects (activities), SIA makes use of existing community structures which easily enables the organisation to ensure sustainability or continuity of projects after closure.

In 2019, with different expertise and experience in different programming areas, SIA implemented activities in programme areas of OVC’s, HIV/AIDS, SGBV, international cultural exchange, sport facility construction and development, economic strengthening, sport development in officiating and coaching capacity building and life skill

Performance highlights The following highlights SIA’s achievements by project and districts of implementation.

Prevent! Sexual & Gender Based Violence Prevention and Survivor Support project

6 Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) especially against women and girls, is a significant public health and human rights concern in Zambia. It can result in significant mental, physical and sexual reproductive consequences for both recipients of the abuse and their families.

In the National Demographic Health Survey of 2013-14, 37 % of women aged 15-49 reported that they had experienced physical violence 12 months prior to the study, and 43% reported having experienced this form of abuse since age 15. Further, 17% of women reported that they had experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, while 10% had experienced such violence in the 12 months prior to the study.

This was a slight decrease in prevalence compared to 2007-08 when 47% of women of the same age bracket reported having experienced physical violence since age 15, and 20% had experienced sexual violence. Nonetheless, the magnitude of the problem is still very high; and therefore consolidated efforts are needed to combat the problem of SGBV in Zambia.

In this regard, SIA in partnership with World Vision and CMMB is implementing the Prevent! Project, also referred to as Natwampane. Funded by the EU with World Vision as the lead, the project aims to contribute to the reduction of cases of SGBV, particularly in Zambia’s Northern Province. SIA’s role on the project is to engage boys and young men aged 12-24 years, through sport as a means of changing harmful beliefs and cultural practices that lead to SGBV. This would also have spill over effects on Gender Equity, Sexual Reproductive Health Rights and Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Research and practice have shown that

7 adolescence – the catchment age – serves as a foundation for an individual’s values, principles and practices. Therefore, through this ‘catch them young’ approach, behaviour change is more easily achieved.

The project which initially started on 1st July 2019 was launched in the Northern Province on 10th December 2019 by His Excellency, Dr. Edgar C. Lungu, and the President of the Republic of Zambia. Other dignitaries at the launch were the Cabinet Minister, Minister of Gender, EU Ambassador and World Vision Country Director among others. To date, the project has succeeded in hosting stakeholder meetings at council offices in all the districts of Northern Province. Key attendees in all these meetings were District Commissioners, Council chairpersons, District Administration Officers, the police and other key stakeholders. In addition, SIA managed to conduct YMEP training for community sport coaches (22) and staff (06) as trainer of trainers from all districts of implementation.

Sport for positive lifestyles

In partnership with Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports (NIF), with funding from NORAD, SIA has been implementing Sport for Positive Lifestyles project in Zambia, specifically in Lusaka, Livingstone and Kabwe districts. The projects overall objective is Consolidation and strengthening of core programs through capacity building and organizational effectiveness and efficiency for greater outreach and impact.

8 Girls in Action Netball activity & group photo at Fountain of Hope

Through the project, SIA achieved the following in the last year:

1. Partnership with Junior Achievements Zambia, were three (03) girls were trained as ToT’s for entrepreneurship cascades in the placement sites to sport participants with bias towards girls;

2. 100 peer leaders (educators) reoriented in CSE, leadership and life skills under Girls in Action (GIA) in a total of 5 sites in Lusaka;

3. Five (05) boys and three (03) young women were trained in basketball and football coaching respectively;

4. Conducted one (01) Girls in Action (GIA) tournament in , Lusaka, in which a total of 182 girls participated in different sport disciplines namely football, basketball and netball accompanied with life skill sessions facilitated by 18 peer leaders and 2 female coaches bringing the total to 200 participants in the tournament;

5. Signed MoU’s for redevelopment and use of basketball, netball and football sport facilities by communities; and

6. Over 200 girls reached with GBV, CSE and HIV prevention etc.., under GIA.

9 The activities conducted under this project are a channel through which opportunities are created for the girl child to fully participate in sports and life skills in a conducive environment. The Sports facilities developed and being maintained under this project creates a safe environment for the participant and the coaches to develop their respective sports skills.

This in the end has resulted in a number of positive changes in the participants which includes the development of the participants basic sports skills, increased

knowledge in different aspects of social issues affecting them in their communities such as HIV, GBV, children’s rights and drug and alcohol abuse among them. Additionally, the Young leaders have been identified among the participants to lead their peers in certain sporting and life skills activities. The project therefore promoted positive behaviour among coaches and participants both on the field and in communities.

Volunteer Zambia project

In 2019 the Volunteer Zambia Project, again was very successful, concluding with three successful cohorts of volunteers from the UK, each lasting a duration of six weeks. The volunteers collaborated successfully with Zambian volunteers to undergo cultural exchanges, implement countless community sports events in the hub-sites, and facilitated the participation of a staggering number of participants.

Fountain of Hope Netball court

10 Through the Project, two sports facilities were also constructed. There was a new facility built at Fountain of Hope orphanage in Kamwala which is a multi-purpose Netball/Basketball court, and a New Netball court for the young girls of the Kaunda Square Netball Hub-site. The constructed facilities have backed the progress of the life of the project which among them includes an increase in the number of participants, an improved playing environment, a reduction in sports injuries among the participants as well as consolidate partnerships between sport in action and the centre where the sports facilities have been constructed.

There was also a rural placement conducted by some students of the project who spent ten days in Chongwe and Liteta to work with schools in those areas; to facilitate classroom-based teaching and physical activity. Also, in a rural context, Sport in Action had constructed a play park for one of the rural placements in Chongwe, to enable the children of the community there to access play facilities.

The summer also presented itself with VIP guests including Professor Sally Mapstone from St Andrews University and Bob Allison from Loughborough University, both of whom are the respective vice chancellors at their institutions. The visits were highly valuable and were an excellent way to highlight the power of the partnership between Sport in Action and The Wallace Group to ensure buy in from partner institutions at the highest level, thereby retaining its highest levels of sustainability.

The Project also ran sport specific workshops where over forty individuals attended over five of the six sport specific workshops and were awarded certifications from the Wallace Group and Sport in Action. There were also workshops run for the higher- level leaders focussed on Feedback, Self-Development, and Reflection, where again, over ten participants were certified with all three of these certificates from the Wallace Group. The trainings that were conducted where highly beneficial as evidenced in improved planning, implementing and evaluating practices of young leaders’ and community coaches during their practice sessions. This in the end resulted in effective delivery of sessions

Meeting with the first lady Esther Lungu

11 There is also now a year-round presence in Zambia on this project, currently in the form of Jack Preston as the Wallace Group Project Manager; who has also been openly embraced and welcomed into the Sport in Action management team, as Sports Development Manager. This has enabled a year-round impact from the Volunteer Zambia Project and our partnership with the Wallace Group. In 2019 we were lucky to have two individuals in country to develop the project and work with SIA.

The flagship of this project for 2019 was the development of the hub- sites, which we have seen grow rapidly and vastly. We are extremely proud of what we are able to achieve through this concept; and partnering with this project for continued development is a key Sport in Action priority. Through the hub-sites we now have great partnerships with the Football Association of Zambia, Netball Association of Zambia and the Midlands Basketball Association, all which have committed to drive the concept forward and ensure success.

We were also able to work with UK sport to develop a toolkit to roll out hub-sites of this project country wide and have successfully done so in Livingstone thus far,. We aim to expand the scope of this project to other regions in 2020. The toolkit takes community leaders through the step by step process of setting up their own hubs, and has successfully trialled within Lusaka to set up 8 sites.

Women Empowerment through sport (AAZ project)

The project was funded by the German Foreign Ministry through Streetfootball world with SIA as the lead organisation partnering with various Partners and working tightly

12 to ensure the project is a success. Partners included; Chiparamba Breakthrough Sports Academy, Buleni United Sports Academy, Grassrootsoccer, Futeball

Da Forca, Kalim Sports Council, Sports Aid, Africa on The Ball, Rural Sport Foundation, Smiling Kids Zambia, Community Health Education Sports initiative Zambia.

The project objectives were

1. The importance of women’s football in Zambia further strengthened by the education and training of young female football coaches

2. The number of inclusive football programs is improved particularly for the female population of Zambia

3. Local sports organisations in Zambia to strengthen their structures, their cooperation with each other and with regional stakeholders (ministries and the press) and

4. The project is linked to the success of the German women’s football. A total of 35 female coaches were trained in football three concept. All the trained coaches worked together to hold three community football festivals and holding of 150 community football sessions. The project contributed to the increased pool of female coaches as well as female participation in football in communities around Zambia. In addition, collaboration among sports NGO’s in Zambia through the project improved, coupled with improved media coverage for the NGO’s and community activities.

The end result is the higher likelihood for Zambia to see an improvement in football participation by females and thereafter, the country will be competitive in female football at local, regional and international level

13 ZCHPP is a USAID funded project with Pact as the lead whose aim is to contribute to the reduction in new HIV infections in Zambia. SIA is implementing the project in Chibombo and Kafue districts. The project targets priority populations with positive behaviour change messaging and access to high impact services. The project makes use of an active With a target of 15,010 in both districts, In Chibombo district a total of 7,633 males & 14,751 females were reached with PP_prev messaging whereas in Kafue district and responsive referral a total of 7,902 males and 9,855 females were reached representing over 100% reach network from the HIV positivity by test modality and district community to facilities in order to increase access to health services. In the calendar year, SIA managed to record HIV positivity yields of more than 20% by utilising targeted index and mobile modes of HIV testing. Linkage to ART services for all individuals found HIV positive was above 95%.

Further, in order to sustain Mobile and Index HIV positivity yields in 2019 in Chibombo district were 24% and 43% whereas in Kafue districts were 27% and 46% behaviour change respectively. Linkage to ART was 100% and 99% in Chibombo and especially among women, SIA also facilitated formation of economic strengthening groups among beneficiaries in order to reduce economic vulnerability.

14 A total of twelve groups were formed with savings and loans in total averaging over K30, 000. The economic strengthening groups led to various business start-ups among the participants such as chicken rearing, crop farming and other business ventures. All these efforts were recognised by the prime partner which led to the shooting of a documentary on the effectiveness of HIV testing done in communities of Kafue by SIA volunteers.


Running with the theme accelerating community progress towards healthy and better living, SIA managed to drive positive change in the communities with increase in access to health services and economic participation by locals in various communities around the country. SIA will build on past performance to yield more positive results out of its community programmes with key focus on the perceived vulnerable population sub-groups.

In the year 2020, the organisation will increase its community programmes in HIV prevention and testing in order to immensely contribute to the reduction in new HIV infections in Zambia. Nevertheless, the organisation will also run with other programmes in areas of SGBV, OVC’s, construction, sport and international exchange programmes etc.., in order to contribute to the alleviation or elimination of socio-economic challenges among the Zambian citizenry. SIA will ride on existing and new partnerships both local and international for an effective and efficient system of service and material delivery to its beneficiaries around the country. SIA in 2020, will run under the theme: Behaviour Change for a Healthy Community.

15 Sport In Action House, Burma Road, P. O. Box 50144, Lusaka, Zambia Tel: +260 (0) 21 1 237864 / +260 (0) 966285535 / +260 (0) 97 7 637771 Email: [email protected] Website: www.sport-in-action.com Facebook: Sport In Action