U.S. Chetrses Rebels V Iolating Laos T Ruce
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PRIDAY, MAY 28. 1961 PAG^ TWENTY ^ . r lEmnins ii^rald ATcraw Dslly Nat Pm e Ron For tho Week Ended Tha Waethar STOM W IU IE CLOSED May «, Ifdl F o r e w t of V. S. Weathyr Bareaff SUPERVISED FREE PARKING AboutTown TUESDAY, MEMORIAL DAY Bala eadiBg, elaariag, «eld REAR OF STORE 13,326 nig^t. I.ew la SOe. dhaaea ad Anivwon 'Shea Auxiliarj-, VFW. Member of the Audit Mattered freet. SaddaF gmtianBg will ipansor a public card party HOUSE Butmui of Otrenlutle. fair, mild. Rtglf near dde. tcnlKht at 8 at the VTW Poit MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER M anchester^A City of Village Charm Hama Army Specialist 4 Samuel J. t VOL. LXXX, NO. 202 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1961 (Claeelfled Advertielog on Pace 10) Haugh, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Listen to PRICE FIVE CENTS uel J. Haugh Jr.. 71 Garden St., Kathv Gndfrev participated in a mass parachute wixr-cBs.' jump during Bbtercise Channel Manchester, 7h Reef, a five-day field training ex- lOHMI .%.M. K- erciae recently at Ft. Jackson. Monday thru 27 ‘Riders’ State News S. C. S p ^ aliat Haugh is in Co. B .Saturday, 5F of the 82nd Airborne Divisions Contest yh S25th Infantry, located at Ft. Eveiy Day Roundup Bragg, N. C. He la a 1958 graduate 3F Stay in Jail U.S. Chetrses Rebels etf Jtonchester High School, and entered the Army in July 1958. Voluntarily Mlaa Joann B. Morrison, daugh-. Todsy^ Sstiirdsy snd Miondsy Woman Killed ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Morrison. 60 Hemlock St., was named to the By ! « £ ASSOSIATED PRESS As Truck Hits women’s drill team at Springfield The first 27 "Freedom Rid College, Springfield. Mass., for the ers” convicted daring the cur Passenger Car V iolating Laos T ruce next >'ear. Miso Morrison is a JUST IN TIME FOR fresljmnn physical education ma- . rent drive to desegregate jor at Springfield College. j MEMORIAL DAY PLANTING Deep South bus facilities re East Lyme, May 27 (IP)—A mained voluntarily in a Mis New York City woman was 1 Wllilam G. Hearn, aviation sissippi jail today while six I killed and”a Bridgeport truck I structural mechanic airman ap j driver injured in a collision | prentice. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. others • threatened a jail hun Reports 30 John E. Hearn. S3 Windemcre St., i ger strike in Alabama. between a trailer-truck and ai recently graduated from the Avia Boys’ Wash’ll Wear The legal action___ in Jackson I car at the Bridebrook over-j tion Structural Mechanic School at Mies., apparently had little effect j pass on the Connecticut Turn-' the Naval Air Technical Training : on the determination of Negro , pike yesterday, Infractions CCTter, Memphis. Tenn. leaders, however. Statements is-* Mrs. Sally B. Freeman, 35, of sa sued iq a number of cities indicated 4997 Henry Hudson Parkwav. .N'ew i Member.1 of Anderson Shea Post MADRAS-TYPE '4 a stepped up campaign was being | York, was pronounced dead at and Auxiliary who plan to attend planned with more riders expected | the scene.- 1 At Geneva the Memorial Sunday service at St. e to head South shortly. The truck driver, Anthonv Pas- i Mary’s Church will meet at 10:15 | The 27 convicted of brea,ch of the garo, 33, of 260 Birmingham St., | , Vientiane, Laos, May 27 (IP) a.m. at the church. Auxiliary mem- : peace in Jackson elected to -re- > v,-as taken to Lqwrence Memorial , —Premier Prince Bonn Onm bers ■who will decorate graves will OI R E.NTIRE REM.MMNT, STOCK OF main In jail, at least for the pre- : Hospital, New London, with cuts meet at the post home tonight at SPORT COATS sent, rather than post bond or pay j face and possible chest in-1 I left today for a meeting in 6 o’clock. I 8nes. juries. Nice, Erance, 'with Cambo City Judge James Spetwer told j state police said the truck was dia’s Prince Norodom Siha Mias Jeanne M. Kerrigan. 11 ' • ROSES the riders their conduct "flagrant- going west on the turnpike when ' 7 nouk, leading proponent at'a, Bnaign St., a Junior student at ly dLsobeyed ’ shortly be-• jumped the e.splanade and hit St. Marc’s School of Nursing in fore he imposed 8200 lines and 60- coalition goTemment for Waterbury. was elected vice • SHRUBS Regular 15.99 day jail terms yesterday. But he i Laos. president of the student councji smspended the jail terms at the ’1 Boun gave, no indication there and was admitted to the request of the prosecution. Shobting Probed whether Kfs meeting with Si honor society recently. She is the : • TREES Defen.se Attorney Wiley Blan Ridgefield, May 27 lA*)—A coro daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. j ton, Little Rock, Ark., contended ner's inquest is being held in the . hanouk might result jn his Kerrigan. ofBcers herded the 27 into a wait death by shooting of Capt. Clar ordering a Royal delegation, .99 ing room for white persons when ence N. Warren. 45. chief pilot for now in Geneva awaiting or- they arrived from JMonlgomer)’, Pan American Airlines. deFs, to attend the coinference. Ala.. Wednesday in wdiat he de Warren died yesterday in Nor Neither was there any indica ATLAN'nC scribed as a "plot to arrest them." walk Hospital. He wa.s found ROSE BUSHES At Montgomery, six of 11 F’ree- wounded in his Ridgefield home tion of whether Bouh might FURNACE OIL dom Riders arrested on charges of Wednesday night. go on , to Geneva. Offic^Is Autonuile IteUvery breach of the peace when they at The cause of death has not been here sRid he probably would tempted to get integrated service given. L T. WOOD CO . Hand.<;ome plaid.s and checks in wash and wear cotton. Cyrut C. Davis tells newsmen that he is ready |or a little nip. Warren was a well known pilot , return To Vientiane soon. Phone Ml 3-1129 Regubir ^ Choice of 11 (AP Photofax.) at a bus station lunch counter were IMPORTED Popular 3-button model with \fent back. conVertiblo flap- .................. tt) ___ - still in jail. who flew newsmen to Moscow in 2.00 ea. EA. V arieties The chaplain at Yale University August 1959. when former Vice ; Geneva, May 27 THis 9 9 patch pockets, blazer-type metal button?. Sizes 10 to 20. and four others from eastern col President Nixon visited there. He United' States charged today leges were released under 11.000 also participated in many firsts the Communist-led Pathet Democrats GrOndpa, 92, cash bond each and flew to New for the company. Burr Nursery grown: Golden Climber, Inipw ed Blaze. Survivors include his widow, Lao rebels are engaging in a The Doctor. I’alismann. Picture, Konigan Lui.se. Golden York, explaining responsibilities SUNGLASS compelled their return. Final four children, his parents and a systematic violation of tho RUMMAGE Charm. Etolle De Hollande, Eclipse, Crimson Glory and K nows Now sister. Ami. Quinard. exams begin next week. cease-fire in Laos. Rally for Before leaving, however, they A statement issued by the Amer SALE Canoga Park, Calif., May 27 held a news.conference at the home I Unmarked Cars Bill ican delegation to the 14-nation con- (ff*)—When two thugs waved of the Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy, Hartford, May 27 i.Pi The ! ference on Laos here said there razors at him and demanded tic.-icuera stand willi hal.s off and heads bowed last night as they sight the body of one of two men had been "at least 30 breaches o( Sot., May 27.10 A.M. Reg. 3.75 Roes Bushes SCOOP! a Negro Integration leader who is House, by a 197-54 vote, has de- | killed in a ca\'e-in at Toronto's new subway. fAP Photofax.1 President his money, 92-year-old Cyrus the cease-fire by Pathet Lao among the six in jail. The home feated a bill that would have | --- J,,------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Spoonored by C.' Davis fought them 'for it. was heavily guarded by National banned the use-of unmarked State forces" between May 13 and yea- Registered patented ro.se hushe.s: Chrys PRE-TICKETED Washington, May 27—Democrats He had exactly $2. They took Guardsmen. terday, ’Ihe Mlsfdonary Society of ler Imperial. Merry Heart, Peace, Tif .87 BOYS' "LAKELAND" Police cara for traffic patrol a Talcottvine Congregational 8,000 strong—rally tonight behind it—and left him for dead in George B. Smith, a Negro law night. Cave-in Kill ^!16 Hours in Mud, Gravel "Some of the violations were Oiurrh fany, (^erry Glow. EA. TO SELL FOR $4.00 and $5.00 President Kennedy, under attack an alley, his throat cut in four student at Yale, said Abernathy isolated incidents, but many re 1 place.-!. had been denied permission to tele The vote yesterday was. in ef flect a pattern of premeditation,” Republicans for his support phone hia wife sincp his arrest fect. an endorsement of the State the statement added. In Hm Church Rosement of tractors-for-priaoners trade Davla lay there, bleeding, Polict Department's use of un- i ZIP JACKETS for five hours: Then his son,- Thursday. The Ameriesn eharget .raind and w r new spending proposals. "Those who remain in jail, be marked cars as means of promot- j Two W orkers Father, 19, Saved grave questions about the futura of Light Refreahmenta on Sale. Billy, a policeman, found 9iim. Kenne'dy himself had top bill ginning with the evening meal, have ing highway safety.