Town Directory, Part-IX-A, Series-7, Himachal Pradesh

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Town Directory, Part-IX-A, Series-7, Himachal Pradesh CENSUS OF INDIA 198·1 5 E R IE 5-7 HIMACHAL PRADESH PAR T X-A TOWN DIRECTORY K. L. NEGI Of the Indian Administrative Service Oi rector of Census Operations, ~ Himachal Pradesh l1li11,.-------------~-~-- ~ - .- . .~. ~-::--::-::::-~ .......I I I I '\ _. 1-- I~ ... r I , """" ' It [ )"~ ,.. A,r..,,~u·; . ~ . l '~ J . 1 I II II I .. "1 ) ,~~ (/. "~ ..... =~t,ax .. ...... .... , ... , ..... -.m.. WITHIN BJ<ACKET ""1('j0 ' n __ 0 . , , - .... ... - -- - ~ ><. ~ - -.. -- - & £1£.2£ && • • _. r. a. ~. _. _. ,', -... ._ .... J • _ ........ _ •• = ___1, ____--··' ~ ____~ •• l..J...l....j".lJ.~~~ _...-----.,.r- -yy-----...._~._..____~ . , - !- !·,- """ - '~~-~l:$!!.~-"~~ _ r. -~: ..... ~~~ "?~ ..... .-.....,., ... .....:_~- ___ ~?_ ~_~ __ " _________________-~ . -----------.------- _ . , .,..,. 10 - '-. .. ,.,r 1 ,. 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I I .. _I"'I. __ ..... ~..._~~_I CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS A-CBNTRAL GOVER.NMBNT PUBLICATlONS I·A Administrative Report-Enumeration} For official use only I·B Administrative Report~Tabulation It·A General Population Tables lI·B Primary Census Abstract III·A General Economic Tables (D-Series Tables of first priority) III·B General Economio Tables (B-Series Tables of second priority) IV·A Social and Cultural Tables (C-Series Tables of first priority) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables (C~Series Tables of second priority) V-A Migration Tables (D-Series Tables of first priority) V-B Migration Tables (D-Series Tables of second priority) VI-A Fertility Tables (F-Series Tables of first priority) VI-B Fertility Tables (F-Series Tables of second priority) VII Tables on Houses and Disabled population (H-Series Tables) VnI-A Household Table (except Tables HH-17, HH-17 SC and HH-17 ST) VIII-B Household Tables (Tables HH-17, HH-17 SC and HH-17 ST) VIII-C Household Tables (Report on Households) IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes X-A Town Directory (Present Volume) X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XII Census Atlas B-HlMACHAL PRADESH STATE PUBLICATIONS XIII-A District Census Handbook-Village and Town Directory Dne Volume XIII-13 District Census Handbook-Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstra,cts CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD v PREFACE vii FIGURES AT A GLANCE ix-x SE CT I ON-A Analytical Note Census concept of an Urban Area ; Urban Agglomeration Scope of the State Town Directory 3-8 Statement I-Status and Growth of population in Himachal Pradesh in relation Growth History to the Country; Proportion of urban population in each St?te and Union Territory, 1981 Census ; New towns added in 1981 Census; Towns declassified in 1981 Census; Districtwise proportion of urban population in descending order; Distribution of towns by population size--1971 and 1981 Censuses; Distribution of statutory and non­ statutory towns by size-class; Towns by civic status; Density by size-class of towns, 1981 Census ; Sex-ratio by size-c1?ss of towns. 1981 Census ; Average number of households per census house by size-class of towns, 1981 Census 8-17 Statement II-Physical Rainfall and temperature at district headquarters towns ; Aspects and Location Distance of towns from nearest city ; Distance of towns of Towns, 1979 from the district headquarters ; Towns not connected by rail ; Towns not connected by bus-route ; Towns having navigable river/canal within 10 Kms 17-22 Statement III--Municipal Per capita receipt and expenditure by size-class of towns 22-24 Finance, 1978-79 Statement IV-Civic and Road length by area and population ; Distribution of Other Amenities, 1979 towns by type of sewerage and size-class of towns ; Latrines by type and size-class of towns ; Distribu­ tion of towns by method of disposal of night soil and size­ class of towns ; Protected water supply by size-class of towns ; System of storage of water supply by size-class of towns ; Fire fighting service by size-class of towns ; A vailabi­ lity of fire fighting service at other places by towns not having it ; Towns not having electricity for domestic con­ sumption 24-31 Statement IV-A-Civic Introductory note 31-32 and other Amenities in Notified Slums, 1979 (iii) Pales Statement V-Medical, Introductory not6 ; Type of medical facilities by size-class of Educational, Recreation­ towns; Use of medical facilities at other places by towns al and Cultural Facili­ not having these facilities; Number of beds in medical institu­ ties, 1979 tions ; Schools per 1,000 population; Adult literacy centres ; Availability of working women's hostels, stadia., cinemas, auditoria/drama/community halls and public libraries by size­ class of towns 32-31 Statement VI-Trade, Introductory note; Important commodities manufactured by Commerce, Industry and size-class of towns-First, Second and Third Commodity ; Banking, 1979 Important commodities imported by size-class of towns­ First, Second and Third Commodity; Important commodities exported by size-class of towns-First, Second and Third Commodity ; Distribution of banking services, agricultural and non-agricultural credit societies by size-class of towns 37-51 Primary Census Abstract Introductory note ; Location particulars ; Area; Occupied residential houses and households; Total population; Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes; Literates; Workers; Non-Workers; Analysis of Census data; Average house­ hold size by size-class of towns ; Proportion of literates by sex and size-class of towns ; Proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population by size-class of towns ; Percentage distribution of main workers by size-class of towns 51-58 Appendices Introductory note 58-59 Statements I to VI 61-101 Urban Primary Census Abstract 103-107 Appendices : Appendix I Location of towns arranged in alphabetical order 111-112 Appendix II Towns arranged according to population size 113-114 A ppendix III Towns arranged districtwise according to population size 115-116 Appendix IV Towns showing their outgrowths with population 117 Appendix V Places of tourist interest in the towns of the state 118-119 SEC T I 0 N-B MAPS: Urban Population-l 981 Location and Growth of Urban Centres-198l Land-use Pattern of Urban Areas- Chamba 1981 (Class II to Class IV towns Dharamsala arranged in alphabetical order) Kullu Mandi Nahan Shimla Solan Sundar Nagar (iv) FOREWORD Under the 1971 Census series publications, for the first time a state level town directory volume was brought out as a source of basic data in respect of all the towns in the state. The town directory volume of 1971 series proved useful to the planners, administrators, research workers, academicians and others and, th'!r~for~, th;! state level town directory blsed on the 1981 Census is also proposed to b~ publishd. The blSic frame of the town directory of the 1981 series remains more or less the same asin the case of the 1971 series. However, a few modifica­ tions and innovations have been made to make it more informative and useful. It is with this objective in view that, besides a new statement, a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on data on the primary census abstracts and infrastructure have been added. 2. The volume is divided into tWl> section>. Section A pr~5ents an analy­ tical note, the town directory covering seven statements, townwise primary census abstract and a few appendices. Section B contains a number of important maps, including maps on land-use pattern. Statements [to VI of the town directory provide a wide range of demographic, economic, social and cultural data in respect of each town. These cover information on the location of towns, civic administration status, growth history, physical aspects, civic and other amenities, municipal finances, medical, educational, recreational and cultural amenities besides trade, commerce. industry and banking institutions, etc. These statements are broadly comparable to similar statements included in the town directory of the 1971 series and the data contained therein is amenable to a trend analysis. The statement VII of 1971 series of town directory relating to population by religion and scheduled castes and scheduled tribes has been dropped as its compi­ lation is expected to take time. A new statement IV-A, however, endeavours to provide informltioll 011 civic and other amenities in slums in Class-I and Class-II towas. It is hap~d thlt this informltion will b~ useful for undertaking new or stri:llgth'!lling the existing bBic civic services in the slum, to meet one of the require­ ments of the Minimum Needs Programme. 3. The data for the town directory has been compiled in the Census Direc­ torate by Shri P. K. Abrol, Investigator under the direction of Shri K. L. Negi, the Director of Census Op.!rations, Himachal Pradesh. His team of devoted workers led by Shri K. C. Suri, Deputy Director of Census Operations worked painstak­ ingly for compilation of the volume. The task of planning, designing and co­ ordination of the project has been carried out by Dr. N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (MAP), provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. The draft manuscripts compiled in the Census Directorate have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters by SjShri S. P. Dhukral and S. C. Jain, Investigators under the able guidance of Shri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I avail of this opportunity to thank all my colleagues who contributed to this project.

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