DISTT. BILASPUR Sr.No. Name of the Schools DISTRICT
DISTT. BILASPUR Sr.No. Name of the Schools DISTRICT The Principal, Govt. Sr. Secondary School Bharari, Teh. Ghumarwain, P.O BILASPUR 1 Bharari, Distt. Bilaspur. H.P Pin: 174027 The Principal, Govt. Sr. Secondary School Dangar, Teh. Ghumarwain, BILASPUR 2 P.O. Dangar,Distt. Bilaspur. H.P Pin: 174025 The Principal,Govt. Senior Secondary School,Ghumarwin, Tehsil BILASPUR 3 Ghumarwin, P.O.District Bilaspur,Himachal Pradesh, Pin-174021 The Principal,Govt. Senior Secondary School,Hatwar, Tehsil Ghumarwin, BILASPUR 4 P.O. Hatwar, District Bilaspur,Himachal Pradesh, Pin-174028 The Principal,Govt. Senior Secondary School,Kuthera, Tehsil Ghumarwin, BILASPUR 5 P.O. Kuthera,District Bilaspur,Himachal Pradesh, Pin-174026 The Principal,Govt. Senior Secondary School Morsinghi, Tehsil BILASPUR 6 Ghumarwin, P.O.Morsinghi,District Bilaspur, H.P. 174026 The Principal,Govt. Senior Secondary School,Chalhli, Tehsil Ghumarwin, BILASPUR 7 P.O. Chalhli, District Bilaspur,H. P, Pin-174026 The Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School,Talyana,,Teh Ghumarwin, BILASPUR 8 P.O. Talyana,District Bilaspur,H. P, Pin-174026 The Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School, Berthin Tehsil Jhandutta, BILASPUR 9 P.O. Berthin District Bilaspur,H. P. Pin-174029 The Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School, Geherwin, Teh Jhandutta, BILASPUR 10 P.O. GehrwinDistrict Bilaspur, H. P. Pin- The Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School,Jhandutta, Tehsil Jhandutta, BILASPUR 11 P.O.Jhandutta, District Bilaspur, H. P Pin-174031 The Principal,Govt. Senior Secondary School,Jejwin, P.O.District Bilaspur, BILASPUR 12 Himachal Pradesh, Pin- The Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School,Koserian, Tehsil Jhandutta, BILASPUR 13 P.O. Kosnria,District Bilaspur, H. P. Pin-174030 The Principal, Govt.
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