ACA IMPLEMENTATION RESEARCH NETWORK VIRGINIA: BASELINE REPORT State-Level Field Network Study of the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act January 2015 Rockefeller Institute of Government State University of New York The Brookings Institution The Public Policy Research Arm of the Fels Institute of Government State University of New York University of Pennsylvania 411 State Street Albany, NY 12203-1003 (518) 443-5522 ACA Implementation Research Network Virginia: Baseline Report Field Research Associates Massey Whorley, Senior Policy Analyst, The Commonwealth Institute
[email protected], (804) 396-2051 x105 Massey Whorley is a senior policy analyst with The Commonwealth Institute, where he conducts research related to health care policy. Prior to joining The Commonwealth Institute, Massey worked for Virginia’s Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commis- sion (2008 – 2012), the General Assembly’s program evaluation agency. Massey holds a bachelor’s degree in public policy from the College of William and Mary. He also earned a master’s degree in public policy from the College of William and Mary’s Thomas Jefferson Program in Public Policy, where he was a Schroeder Fel- low in Health Policy. Kirk Jonas, Research Integrity Officer and Chair of the Institutional Review Board, The University of Richmond
[email protected], (804) 484-1565 R. Kirk Jonas holds the office of research integrity officer and chair of the Institu- tional Review Board at the University of Richmond. He served as interim associate provost from July 2007 to April 2009. Prior to that time, he served as director of the Richmond Research Institute and has served as an adjunct professor of political sci- ence at the University since 1986.