2016-2017 Catalog 702 W. Town & Country Rd. Orange, CA 92868 Phone (714) 437-9697 Fax (714) 437-9356 www.CNICollege.edu
[email protected] January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2017 Published January 1, 2016 2016-2017 CATALOG MESSAGE TO STUDENTS Dear New Student, Welcome to CNI College! We are delighted that you have chosen CNI College as your learning institution. Everyone associated with CNI College is looking forward to working with you and providing the guidance necessary to assist you in your future endeavors. This Catalog has been designed to answer your questions about school policies, regulations and academic expectations. We ask that you read your Catalog and sign the statement in your orientation packet provided to you acknowledging that you have received a copy. Remember, your future begins here at CNI College. Your new profession will require you to adhere to professional standards and behavior as will CNI College during your training. The faculty and administration wish you the very best success. James Buffington President/CEO, CNI College ii 2016-2017 CATALOG CNI College Core Values Achieve the Highest Integrity at All Times Provide Excellence at Every Opportunity Practice Dignity, Respect, Humility, and Justice at All Times Create an Environment of Positive Forward Thinking and Fun Energy Contribute to the Highest Good of the Community and Employers That We Serve Embrace and Drive Change with Passion iii 2016-2017 CATALOG Table of Contents CNI College Core Values………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….iii Table