Trends in Test Programs, Alternate Pathways, and Pass Rates November 2009 Credits and Acknowledgments
State High School Exit Exams: ® Trends in Test Programs, Alternate Pathways, and Pass Rates November 2009 Credits and Acknowledgments This report was researched and written by Ying Zhang, CEP research associate. Jack Jennings, CEP’s president and CEO, co-authored the recommendations and provided advice and guidance. Diane Stark Rentner, CEP’s national program director, and NancyKoberand NaomiChudowsky,CEPconsultants, gave helpful comments to the report. Jennifer McMurrer,CEP research associate, assisted in verifying and editing the report and state pro- files. Rebecca Barns, CEP consultant, edited the report and the state profiles. Laura Sobchik, CEP intern, assist- ed in data entry and verification. Jody Peltason, CEP intern, provided general assistance on the report. The Center on Education Policy extends its deepest gratitude to the officials in the 26 states who responded to our state survey on exit exams, verified the information in the state profiles, and answered other questions about exit exam policies. Without their assistance, this report would not have been possible. We would also like to thank Keith Gayler, CEP consultant, who helped with the development of the state survey, andthreeexternalreviewerswhoprovidedinsightfulcommentsandsuggestions:Dr.DavidConley,professorand director,Center for Education Policy Research, University of Oregon; Dr. John Robert Warren, professor, University of Minnesota; and Dr. Lauress Wise, principal scientist, the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO). The Center draws on general support resources from the George Gund Foundation and the Phi Delta Kappa International Foundation. The statements made and the views expressed in this report are solely the respon- sibility of the Center. Table of Contents Summary ...........................................
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