Bogumil Terminski


Geneva, May 2013.

1 Table of Contents

List of Acronyms (3) Introduction- a brief overview of contemporary involuntary migrations (5) 1. An overview of development-induced displacement (26) 2. Historical considerations regarding development-induced population displacement and resettlement (39) 3. Theoretical conceptualization of development-induced displacement and resettlement (43) 4. The most important causes of development-induced displacement (47) 4.1 Construction of Dams and Irrigation Projects (47) 4.2 Development of transportation (57) 4.3Urbanization, re-urbanization, transformation of urban space and population redistribution schemes in urban areas (58) 4.4 Deforestation and the expansion of agriculture (59) 4.5 Mining and transportation of resources (60) 4.6 Population redistribution schemes (64) 4.7 Conservation of nature (67) 4.8 Other causes of development-induced population displacement (68) 5. Applying the concept of human security to research on development-induced displacement and resettlement (68) 6. Activities of international institutions (88) a) Group (89) b) Regional Development Banks (90) c) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (92) 7. Development-Induced Displacement and (93) 8. Concluding Remarks (98) 9. Selected Bibliography (100) 10. Abstract (101) 11. Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: An International Bibliography (102) a) Books (103) b) Chapters in edited volumes (108) c) Articles in Scientific Journals (126) d) Working Papers/Conference presentations/Reports (146) 12. Annexes (155) 13. Development-Induced Displacement and Human Security: A very short introduction (159) 14. Mining-Induced Displacement and Resettlement: Social Problem and Human Rights Issue (179)

2 List of Acronyms

ADB – AFDB – African Development Bank CABEI – Central American Bank for Economic Integration CIDPs - Conflict Induced Internally Displaced People CIDR – Conflict Induced Displacement and Resettlement COHRE- Centre on Housing Rights and CRAB - Regional Commission Against Large Dams in Brazil, (Comissão Regional de Atingidos por Barragens) DAC - Development Assistance Committee (OECD) DCD - Development Cooperation Directorate (OECD) DIDR – Development Induced Displacement and Resettlement DIDPs – Development Induced Desplaced People DIDS – Dam Induced Displacements DIDR – Development Induced Displacement and Resettlement (pol. przesiedlania inwestycyjne, przesiedlenia industrialne) DPs – Displaced Persons ECOSOC - Economic and Social Council of The ECHO- Humanitarian Aid Department of the European Commission EDP -Environmentally Displaced Persons ENGOs- Environmental Non Governmental Organization ESCAP- Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific FMR – Forced Migration Review GTRP- Gwembe Tonga Research Project HWR- Human Rights Watch IAP – International Accountability Project IBRD- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ICJ – International Court of Justice ICOLD- The International Commission of Large Dams IDA- International Development Association IDB – Inter-American Development Bank IDMC – Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre IDPs – Internally Displaced Persons IFC – International Finance Corporation IMF – International Monetary Fund INDR - International Network on Displacement and Resettlement IOM – International Organization for Migration IR – Involuntary Resettlement

3 IRN – International Rivers Network IRR- Impoverish