Daniel Webster Bird Checklist

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Daniel Webster Bird Checklist MASSH OWAUDUBO DANIELN’ WS SEBSTERTATEWIDE MASS AUDUBON’S STATEWIDE WBIRDILDLI CFEO SNASERVATIONCTUARY NH PELROJEPS BIRDSCTS BIRD CONSERVATION PROJECTS This entire sanctuary is managed for birds and has been designated an < Important Bird Areas (IBAs) are sites Important Bird Area (IBA). providing essential habitat to one or more species of breeding, wintering, < We maintain over 300 acres of this 475-acre sanctuary and/or migrating birds. The statewide DANIEL WEBSTER as grassland habitat through rotational mowing. Fields portfolio of 79 IBAs represents critical WILDLIFE SANCTUARY are important habitat for nesting and foraging by a wide habitat for every bird species regularly variety of bird and mammal species. Bobolinks and Tree occurring in Massachusetts. Swallows nest during the summer; Rough-legged Hawks, Northern Shrikes, and a variety of owls feed on mice < Birds, like many Massachusetts residents, and voles in the winter. Nest boxes are maintained and flock to the coastal areas of our state. monitored for Wood Duck, American Kestrel, Purple We help protect Piping Plovers, tern Martin, Tree Swallow, Black-capped Chickadee and species, and coastal habitat at 90 sites in Barred Owl. southeastern Massachusetts. < The wet panne is fed by groundwater and provides seasonal wetland habitat for a number of birds < This important work cannot be done including Wilson’s Snipe, Spotted Sandpipers, Greater alone. We depend on the support of and Lesser Yellowlegs, Green Heron, and Glossy Ibis, our members and work closely with Marshfield, MA 781-837-9400 along with a variety of ducks and songbirds. many other organizations, agencies, [email protected] < Portions of the property are managed shrubland and landowners. habitat. Shrublands provide habitat for Brown Thrasher, American Woodcock, and a variety of songbirds. As this FIELD NOTES habitat decreases, so do these bird populations. We are HOW YOU CAN HELP. working to increase this habitat at the sanctuary as well as maintain native plant species in existing shrublands. Date: Turn your checklists into data and contribute < The osprey pole at the sanctuary has been occupied Time: since 1990 and was one of the first successful nests to Mass Audubon’s knowledge and Weather: on the South Shore after a dramatic decrease in the understanding of Massachusetts’ birdlife and Trails taken: osprey population during the 1950’s and 60’s. Osprey the birds of our wildlife sanctuaries. Keep were heavily impacted by the spraying of DDT but a list of birds on your walk and log on to have rebounded since DDT has been outlawed. They www.massaudubon.org/ebird to submit your are a remarkable success story. Our close proximity to observations. Your sightings will be stored in a Green Harbor River and the coast provide good feeding database that Mass Audubon scientists can use grounds for the sanctuary’s osprey and their young. to track birds on our sanctuaries. < The Purple Martin colony, housed in hanging gourds and Help us collect important data by participating Observations: more traditional housing apartments, is one of only a in Mass Audubon bird monitoring programs few colonies in Massachusetts. Purple Martins are aerial foragers, eating insects caught on the wing over our including the Oriole Project, the Whip-poor- open fields and skimming the surface of nearby Webster will Survey, the second statewide Breeding Pond to drink. Volunteers and staff monitor this colony, Bird Atlas, or our sanctuary breeding bird providing additional housing as needed and banding the surveys. You can also get involved in the annual young so we can learn about their habits and needs. Christmas Bird Count or our annual Bird-a- thon. For more information, visit our website: 2010 www.massaudubon.org. BIRD CHECKLIST FOR DANIEL WEBSTER Canada Goose American Coot Warbling Vireo Yellow-rumped Warbler Mute Swan Black-bellied Plover Philadelphia Vireo Black-throated Green Warbler Wood Duck Semipalmated Plover Red-eyed Vireo Blackburnian Warbler Gadwall Killdeer Blue Jay Pine Warbler American Wigeon Spotted Sandpiper American Crow Prairie Warbler American Black Duck Solitary Sandpiper Fish Crow Palm Warbler Mallard Greater Yellowlegs Purple Martin Bay-breasted Warbler Blue-winged Teal Lesser Yellowlegs Tree Swallow Blackpoll Warbler Northern Shoveler Whimbrel Northern Rough-winged Swallow Black-and-white Warbler Northern Pintail Semipalmated Sandpiper Bank Swallow American Redstart Green-winged Teal Least Sandpiper Cliff Swallow Connecticut Warbler Ring-necked Duck Pectoral Sandpiper Barn Swallow Common Yellowthroat Greater Scaup Wilson’s Snipe Black-capped Chickadee Wilson’s Warbler Lesser Scaup American Woodcock Tufted Titmouse Canada Warbler Bufflehead Ring-billed Gull Red-breasted Nuthatch Scarlet Tanager Common Goldeneye Herring Gull White-breasted Nuthatch Eastern Towhee Hooded Merganser Great Black-backed Gull Brown Creeper American Tree Sparrow Common Merganser Least Tern Carolina Wren Chipping Sparrow Red-breasted Merganser Common Tern House Wren Field Sparrow Pied-billed Grebe Forster’s Tern Marsh Wren Savannah Sparrow Double-crested Cormorant Rock Pigeon Golden-crowned Kinglet Song Sparrow Great Blue Heron Mourning Dove Ruby-crowned Kinglet Swamp Sparrow Great Egret Yellow-billed Cuckoo Blue-gray Gnatcatcher White-throated Sparrow Snowy Egret Black-billed Cuckoo Eastern Bluebird White-crowned Sparrow Little Blue Heron Eastern Screech-Owl Wood Thrush Dark-eyed Junco Green Heron Great Horned Owl American Robin Northern Cardinal Black-crowned Night-Heron Barred Owl Gray Catbird Rose-breasted Grosbeak Glossy Ibis Long-eared Owl Northern Mockingbird Indigo Bunting Turkey Vulture Short-eared Owl Brown Thrasher Bobolink Osprey Common Nighthawk European Starling Red-winged Blackbird Bald Eagle Chimney Swift American Pipit Eastern Meadowlark Northern Harrier Ruby-throated Hummingbird Cedar Waxwing Rusty Blackbird Sharp-shinned Hawk Belted Kingfisher Blue-winged Warbler Common Grackle Cooper’s Hawk Red-bellied Woodpecker Tennessee Warbler Brown-headed Cowbird Red-shouldered Hawk Downy Woodpecker Northern Parula Baltimore Oriole Broad-winged Hawk Hairy Woodpecker Yellow Warbler House Finch Red-tailed Hawk Northern Flicker Chestnut-sided Warbler American Goldfinch Rough-legged Hawk Eastern Wood-Pewee Magnolia Warbler Evening Grosbeak American Kestrel Willow Flycatcher Cape May Warbler House Sparrow Merlin Eastern Phoebe Black-throated Blue Warbler Wild Turkey Great Crested Flycatcher Virginia Rail Eastern Kingbird Sora Northern Shrike Common Moorhen Blue-headed Vireo .
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