1 Questionnaire Summary of the main activities of a scientific Organisation of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Period: January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2006 I. Formal information on the assessed Organisation: 1. Legal name and address Institute of Construction and Architecture Dúbravská cesta 9 845 03 Bratislava 45 Slovak Republic 2. Executive body of the Organisation and its composition Directoriat name age years in the position director Ing. Peter Matiašovský, CSc. 50 2005 deputy director prof. RNDr. Vladimír Sládek, DrSc. 53 2005 scientific secretary Ing. Jozef Kriváček, CSc. 50 2002 3. Head of the Scientific Board doc. Dr. Ing. arch. Henrieta Moravčíková 4. Basic information about the research personnel i. Number of employees with a university degree (PhD students excluded) engaged in research and development and their full time equivalent work capacity (FTE) in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and average number during the assessment period 2 ii. Organisation units/departments and their FTE employees with the university degree engaged in research and development 20032004 2005 2006 average Research staff No. FTE No. FTE No. FTE No. FTE No. FTE organisation in whole 26 23,14 30 26,7 31 25,77 33 26,54 30 25,538 Department of mechanics 5 4,3 6 5,05 7 5,63 7 5,8 6,25 5,195 Department of structures 77776676,216,756,5525 Department of materials and rheology 4 4 6 4,72 6 5,04 5 5 5,25 4,69 Department of building physics 5 3,83 5 4,5 6 4,25 7 5,16 5,75 4,435 Department of architecture 4 3,01 5 4,43 5 3,85 6 3,52 5 3,7025 Mechanical and technological laboratories 11111110,8510,9625 5.
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