CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1664 HON
E1664 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2018 BIRTHDAY CONGRATULATIONS SUPPORT FOR H. RES. 1169, RE- Theater, that Mr. Smith met the love of his life, FOR GLADYS COOKE AFFIRMING THE COMMITMENT and his future wife, JoDean. OF THE UNITED STATES TO PRO- Over the course of their marriage, JoDean MOTE FREE, FAIR, TRANS- and Mr. Smith had six beautiful children, in- HON. BRENDA JONES PARENT AND CREDIBLE ELEC- cluding two sons, Justin and Drew, and four TIONS IN BANGLADESH daughters, Adrienne, Emily, Laura, and Kath- OF MICHIGAN leen. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DARREN SOTO At the age of 29, Mr. Smith joined the U.S. Thursday, December 13, 2018 OF FLORIDA Army, pursuing a career of service in the field IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of health care. As a Service Member, Mr. Smith studied at Baylor University, receiving Ms. JONES of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise Thursday, December 13, 2018 today to wish a very happy birthday to a re- his Masters in Healthcare Administration in Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sup- tired teacher in my district, Gladys Cooke. 1992. Mr. Smith worked at U.S. Army hos- port of H. Res. 1169 calling for a free and fair pitals around the globe, from the Army Gen- Born on December 17, 1938, Gladys was the election in Bangladesh. My district is home to eral Hospital in Seoul, South Korea, to the third child of Jessie Mae and Robert Jones. a large population of Bangladeshi ex-pats, and Army Health Center in Vicenza, Italy.
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