UNITED STATES. Inspection servi>ce, -lfexican border. El Paso, Tex.-Acting Assistant Surgeon Alexander reports, July 25, 1903, as follows: Week ended July 23, 1903: Inspection Mexican Central passengers, 173; inspection Rio Grande and Pacific passengers, 22; inspection Mexican immigrants, 91; disinfection soiled linen imported for laun- dry, 417; disinfection 4 trunks of passengers from Tampico, a port infected with yellow fever; disinfection 2 trunks of passengers from Vera Cruz, a port infected with yellow fever; vaccinations, 6. Laredo, Tex. -Acting Assistant Surgeon Hamilton reports, July 27, as follows: Week ended Juily 25, 1903: Number of passenger trains entering from Mexico inspected, 14; persons on trains entering from Mexico inspected, 503; immigrants vaccinated upon entry, 21; immigrants inspected, 55. Six immigrants deported for disease or physical causes. Yellw fever reported at San Luis Potosi, Xexico-Notifiation to inspectors on Xexican border- (Jar disinfection. [Telegram.] VERA CRUZ, MEXICO, July 31, 1903. WYMAN, Washington: Reliable newspaper dispatch reports yellow fever San Luis Potosi. Important because close to Texas by rail. GOLDBERGER.

Notification to inspectors on Mexican border-Car disinfection ordered. AUGUST 1, 1903. Acting Assistant HUME, Eagle Pass, Tex.: (Gioldberger, Veracruz, reports yellow fever San Luis Potosi. On account this and other contagious diseases Mexico, Secretary Treas- ury has determined, under paragraph 147, Quarantine Regulations, 98 1257 August 7, 190B 1258 through Pullman cars will not be allowed without thorough disinfec- tion, requiring at least twelve hours. Method wiU be: Preliminary fumigation with pyrethrum powder, 1 pound per thousand cubic feet, two hours' exposure, followed by formaldehyde, per paragraph 165, regulation A or B. Give notice in reasonable time to railroad officials. Inform collector customs. Wire report of action. WYMAN. This telegram was repeated to Acting Assistant Hamilton, Laredo, Tex. Replies received to telegram of in8tructions. [TelegramS.] EAGLE PASS, TEX., August 3. WYMN, WEashiyngton: Instructions telegram being carried out. LEA HUME. EAGLE PAss, TEx., Aug9Ut 4, 1903. WYMAN, Washington: Fresh Pullmans are to be sent here from San Antonio. Mexican Pullman will not cross frontier, but transfer passengers at river to fresh cars. Passengers other than Pullman are always transferred to fresh coaches in Diaz. Any Mexican car entering United States will be disinfected after to-day. LEA HumE. LAREDO, TEx., August 2, 1903. WYMAN, WNashignton: Arranged with railroad passengers on Mexican Pullman transfer to American Pullman commencing August 3, Mexican Pullman to remain in Mexico. Therefore no disinfection at present. Detained three passengers from San Luis Potosi to-day. HAMILTON.

Precautions at E Paso against importation ofyellowfever. AUGusT 4, 1903. Acting Assistant ALEXANDER, El Paso, Tex.: Are there any through Pullmans or other cars from Mexico at pres- ent? Bureau informed yellow fever San Luis Potosi has passed quar- antine at Monterey and at Gulf Railroad, and is also at Lenares, Ciudad Valles, and Panuco. WYMAN. 1259 August 7, 1903 Reply. EL PASO, TEX , August 5, 1903. WYMAN, Washington: No direct line from any infected city; passengers arriving on Cen- tral from there are carefuilly inspected; if necessary, detained and their baggage disinfected. AL1;XANDER. Request from State health officer of [Texas relative to yellow fever in San Luis Potosi and to border restrictions. AUSTIN, TEX., Augs?t 3, 1903. WYMAN. Washingtmn: Will you kindly wire me what information you have relating to yellow fever in San Luis Potosi and what restrictions you have placed on border? This department will appreciate information as to conta- gious diseases contiguous to Texas. TABOR, State Health Officer. Reply to State health offcer. AUGUST 4, 1903. TABOR, State Health Officer, Austin, Tex.: Goldberger, Vera Cruz, wires yellow fever San Luis Potosi; Lip- pincott, Tampico, writes, dated July 28, infection passed quar