Reference Projection Energy and Emissions 2010-2020 ECN-E--10-049 December 2010 Acknowledgement This report has been written for the Projectbureau Schoon en Zuinig (Project Office Clean and Efficient) of the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs. This report contains the English translation of the Dutch report „Referentieramingen Energie en Emissies 2010-2020, registered under ECN report num- ber ECN-E--10-004. The ECN project number is 50046. The PBL report number is 500161005. The contact persons of this project are coordinating authors Bert Daniëls of ECN (tel. +31-224- 564426, e-mail:
[email protected]) and Sonja Kruitwagen of PBL (tel. +31-30-2743526, e-mail:
[email protected]). In addition to the coordinating authors a large number of employees of ECN and PBL have con- tributed to this study: Luuk Beurskens (ECN), Pieter Boot (ECN), Eric Drissen (PBL), Jeroen van Deurzen (ECN), Hans Elzenga (PBL), Gerben Geilenkirchen (PBL), Joost Gerdes (ECN), Coen Hanschke (ECN), Michiel Hekkenberg (ECN), Anco Hoen (PBL), Benno Jimmink (PBL), Sander Kieboom (PBL), Sander Lensink (ECN), Stefan Luxembourg (ECN), Marijke Menkveld (ECN), Pieter Kroon (ECN), Kees Peek (PBL), Arjan Plomp (ECN), Marian van Schijndel (PBL), Ad Seebregts (ECN), Jos Sijm (ECN), Jeffrey Sipma (ECN), Sietske van der Sluis (PBL), Joost van Stralen (ECN), Casper Tigchelaar (ECN), Martine Uyterlinde (ECN), Martijn Verdonk (PBL), Paul Vethman (ECN), Cees Volkers (ECN), Wouter Wetzels (ECN), Alessia de Vita (ECN), Harry Wilting (PBL). The English translation was conducted by Marlies Kamp (ECN). The final layout was done by Kim Stutvoet-Mulder (ECN).