PUC Orders Five Red Bank Rail Crossings Eliminated
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Weather Distribution Jfoitty «r today and tonight. High today, 8M0; low tonight, Today 70, Some cloudiness tomorrow, high In 80s. Variable winds 13,950 through tomorrow. See page 2. Met An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Since 1878 BY VOLUME 82, NO. 237 lamed Dally, Monday througb Friday, entered as Second Claai Matter CARRIER at the Poit Office at Bed Bank. N. J.. under ths Act of March 3. 1878. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 1960 7c PER COPY UNt, PUC Orders Five Red Bank Rail Crossings Eliminated Long-Sought Improvement White Withdraws To Cost RR $19 Million NEWARK — The Public Utility Commission plans Mayor Candidacy :o eliminate 29 railroad grade crossings in the state SHREWSBURY — Mayor Ber- n a move to improve safety conditions. nard B. White will not seek re- Five of the crossings to be eliminated are in election in November. Red Bank and will cost the New York & Long At a press conference yester- day in his home, he said he ~~~~ Branch Railroad 19 will complete his term, which million dollars to re- expires Dec. 31. move. In a statement, the mayor said Slaying he must forego the November They are at Shrews- campaign because of "pro- bury Ave., Bridge Ave., found personal reasons" and "an- Monmouth St., Chest- ticipated additional responsibili- Suspect :ies that will be placed upon me nut St. and West Ber- COLLARED — Monmouth County delegates attending National Democratic Convention engage in bit of horse- n the near future." gen PI. 1 play with their favorite son candidate, Gov. Robert B. Meyner, before start of yesterday's proceedings. Left to • "It was not an easy decision," The PUC, in a report to Gov. right are Thomas J. Smith of Fair Haven, alternate delegate; Gov. Meyner; Mrs. Katharine Elkus White, Red Bank, he told reporters. "I thoroughly Critical Robert B. Meyner released yes- enjoy the office, and appreciate and Mayor Paul Kiernan, Long Branch, delegates; Mrs. Meyner, and Mrs. Gustave J. Freret, Fair Haven, a visitor. terday, said it had already or- the support of borough officials dered the elimination of eight and employees, and the co-oper- May Not Live crossings and plans the eventual ation and friendliness of the res- dents," he added. removal of 21 more. For Questioning The PUC started a survey of Kennedy Has Nearly Enough Votes To Elect Candidate :he 2,364 public grade crossings He stressed that he intends to On 6 Deaths in December, 1958. Where safety continue to work closely with the conditions were considered haz- local Republican organization. Mayor Bernard B. White UNION (AP) — Michael ardous, the railroad involved was As to his successor as the Re- 'ekecs, a Hungarian refu- ordered to correct or remove the For First-Ballot Nomination Today publican candidate, Mayor White gee accused of murdering crossing. said the choice is up to the local Red Bank Mayor George A. Republican County Executive six persons, lay in a coma Gray told The Register this morn- But Opponents Platform Committee. He added that "there Trooper n a hospital today, a po- ing that he is not clear just what Campaign Kickoff are many qualified people to car- yesterday's PUC action means. Briefs ry on." iceman's bullet lodged in Think He'll Miss LOS ANGELES (AP) — Here's the base of his skull. "I knew from the declaration Hadley S. King is chairman of made by the commission in 1958 a thumbnail sketch of the major the committee. Other members The end of one of the most planks of the platform adopted Hurt In that Red Bank was on the prior- are Mrs. Elsie Graham, Mrs. Ed- intense manhunts in the state's ty list," he said, "but I'm not Out, Then Fade Sought for County last night by the Democratic Na gar W. Heller, Jr., and Harry history came last night when tional Convention: r sure of just what the PUC an- LOS ANGELES (AP) — Davey. ekecs tried to shoot it out with nouncement means in concrete By DON WOOD Foreign policy—Restore the na- Mayor White said he met with two policemen on a dirt road ;erms." Democrats name their tion's military, political, econom- the committee and all council Gun Duel in a wooded area. Register Staff Correspondent Mayor Gray said he would have presidential candidate to- ic and moral strength so that members, except Mrs. Harry He fired a volley of wild shots the borough attorney, Samuel it might more effectively lead the HOWELL TOWNSHIP - State LOS ANGELES — Sen. John F. Kennedy, or whoever may be Jackson, who is vacationing, to before being brought down by Carotenuto, contact the PUC to- day with Sen. John F. 'Ken- free world in its search for a inform them of his decision. He police this morning pressed a nominated, will be asked by Monmouth County's delegates to the a bullet fired by Union Patrol- day for more details. nedy (D-Mass) riding a stable peace and an expanding also said he intends to meet search in a Freewood Acres wood- Democratic Convention to kick off his campaign in Monmouth land off Rt. 9 for two men who man Walter Lcamy. "We have been living with world economy. again tomorrow with the County Fekecs, a 25-year-old lover o crest his backers believe County, as Adlai Stevenson did eight years ago. escaped after a rookie state the problem of Red Bank's National Defense — Recast the Executive Committee, at which sports cars, formal clothes and will give him a first ballot Mayor Paul Kiernan of Long Branch, one of New Jersey's time possible successors will be trooper was wounded in a gun grade crossings for three nation's military capacity in or- battle on the highway. jazz records, was being sought years," the mayor said. "I victory. delegates, said yesterday that he der to provide forces and a di- discussed. by police for questioning in con will ask the presidential nominee Mayor Since 1958 A third man was arrested on sincerely hope that a solution A restive, noisy and generally versity of weapons sufficient to nection with the slaying of twe is now in sight." to open his campaign by speak- deter limited or general aggres- Mr. White became acting may- the spot. disorderly convention which ex Man Fatally One of the fugitives Is believec policemen In Highland Park lasi Mayor Gray's drive to elimin- ploded with an ovation for Adlai ing at a meeting sponsored by sions. or following the tragic death Sunday. of Mayor John H. Hawkins in ta.haye been injured. ate the grade crossings in the E. Stevenson left the Massachu- the County Democratic Organiza- World trade—Press for reduc The search gathered momentum tion at Asbury Park Aug. 22. the Newark Bay train wreck of Trooper Louis Taranto, 26," o borough started Jan. 10, 1957, setts senator's major opponents Injured By tion of foreign barriers to U. S Toms River was admitted to Fi yesterday after Middlesex County Gov. Robert B. Meyner and the Sept. 15, 1958. He was counci when the council instructed Mr. clinging to the cliffs of hope products. kin Hospital after being shot i Prosecutor Edward J. Dolan sail singing group, The Four Aces, president at the time. He was Carotenuto to initiate elimination that Kennedy's tidal wave will Car in Wall National economic growth- the right forearm at about 3.1 that Fekecs had killed the twi procedures through the PUC. recede quickly if it doesn't en are already scheduled for the af- elected the following November, policemen and had slain fou; Pledges policies to speed rate of defeating Charles A. Johnston, a. m. His condition is reporte Elimination of the grade cross- gulf them at the start. COLLINGWOOD PARK — A fair. economic growth. These would as fair. (See SUSPECT, Pg. 2) ings was one of the mayor's cam- Staten Island man died last night Eight years ago Democratic Democrat. His victory places him But they had only a precar- include an end of what was called and his supporters in command Yesterday was Trooper Tar- paign promises. several hours after being struck candidate Stevenson made the ious hand-hold. This was dem- the tight money policy of the of the local Republican organiza anto's first day on the job al During the next two years, the first formal appearance of his 1 New Anti-Polio onstrated by the fact that Ken- at a service station by a car Republicans, control of inflation tion, which at that time was Howell Barracks. He was trans PUC conducted feasibility hear- campaign by speaking at Jump- nedy had what were'regarded driven by a Princeton University aid to economically depressed (See WHITE, Pg. 2) ferred from the Tennent Station ings at which the borough sought as solid commitments of dele- security guard. ing Brook Country Club, Nep- areas, broadening of minimum Troopers Taranto and Ralp Vaccine Ready :o establish need for the elimina- gate votes only 18 short of the State police' said Arthur Ken tune. wage benefits and planning for Niles stopped three occupants ol :ion of the crossings. industrial automation. Two Seek Approval NEW YORK (AP) - A drug 761 needed for the nomination. ny, 62, of 173 Beement Ave., Laud Platform a car for questioning while in- company says a new anti-polio The resultant PUC declara- Nobody ever came that close Staten Island, died on the oper All three of Monmouth Coun- Agriculture—Raise price sup- From Planning Board vestigating the report of an at- vaccine, more powerful than the tion approved the borough's re- In the past and then lost out.