SMUG? f,

OLNEY SUCCEEDS GRESHAM CARDINAL IN DANGER. NO DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION BAT HAS A SNAP. ATTACKED BY AN ELEPHANT. WILL NOT HURT M'KINLEY QThvoincU. " CPndet THE SITUATION IN MISSOURI Jol.n K. Knlilnaon *«•• Englishman Arretted for Threatening Circa# Man MmtroAii Has Iteoai Hired as Body Narrow Cardinal Vaughan's Life. General Becomes Gimrd for (Itorye Gould Cincinnati, 0., June 7.—John F. Rob- Triumph of Foraker Not Death to ftj - The Attorney Chairman Sees No Ne- JOSEPH KUBLER, PUBLISHER , B.—A man giving his Harrity Stone on Refusal to Call a came losing June Denver, Colo., June 7.—-Bat Master- the inson, the circus man, near Secretary of State. name as Lorenzo Covington, was ar- park. As it was he the Ohio Napoleon. \To cessity for a Conference. son, one of the most famous characters his lift* at Terrace widely \ tV raigned in the Bow Street police station Democratic Convention. light with that r.oh and beautiful Is much modern In the west and a man noted for his had a desperate Rn this afternoon, charged with having and elephant Ciney and Vi designed upon incut Made late frl.lsy After- Hfllpvt'K CmII nerve and record as a killer, has been known wicked Mirewtl Political Observer# Predict That factory made furniture A ppolnt threatened to murder Cardinal Tlist to t In* llriiKirruryTo* of the his wounds appointed a body guard for George The Governor Think* the Action was l>atlly Injured. While Make War antique models, that only persons ac- noon Judge .Jiidsou Harmon of that gctlier Now In National tonven- they will If t lie Porn Iter Paction Vaughan by throwing vitriol upon - fatal, de- Could. That Is what he writes to State Committee Whi Cowardly are not liable to prove quainted with the real thing can Cincinnati Succeed* to the It was shown that the pris- to come. It Will Help William's This is prelate. Ventioii Would lie llarnifii! friends in this city, and from his ac- Democratic trouble him for some weeks tect at a Klance the difference. oner had sent a letter to the cardinal Say* the was miracu- factory Attorney Generalship. to lliihlik'mm Interest*. counts he Is “flying high” and only His escape from death Cause. especially true of such modern demanding the payment of £250, which Party Won’t Split. few weeks the contain touching the high places on which mil- lous. During the past made furniture hs does not Covington alleged he had lost through circus have observer, lionaires are w*ont to alight animals of the Robinson elaborate carving. A close In their the York, June plated other changes cabinet to what is taken part In all the big slugging in less than thirty days a convention have lived to tell about it. Ciney multuous receptions that were accord- the'm rearrangement of several portfolios, and it thr* the standard Import package of watch a he« and whh in Mitchell's corner will be called to discuss the financial away on a dead run, was e ed to him last fall clear across con- was New ('Minuet Being lotiikhl Willi Kininit Pt-olillilllon < nnvi-nllon caught, the ti glasses, but an ordinary package and in this connection consideration during'his fight with Corbett in Flor- question. hours before tin* brute was tinent from New York to Nebraska transfer of Secretary Pasha as Grand Vlilcr. Springfield, < >., June 8. —A large num took laxati would be a case containing 300 gross. given to the ida. In his letter to friends here he tells chained and placed In a car. It and as far south as New Orleans, and Smith of Justice, hut her of workers have al- the rcnieii The importation of watch glases into to Hie department Constantinople, June B.—The Turkish temperance of attending the races w*lth Oeorge about twenty men to accomplish the view Is generally entertained that It and transfers finally ready arrived In this city in anticlpa BRYAN AND ZEISLER. Its this country is estimated at 100,000 tills other were ministry today resigned and a new Could, and how that worthy gave him feat, ami Terrace park had more genu- any attempt to war upon him and force president tion of the prohibition state conven there by gross, or upward of 14,000,000 glases, an- abandoned and the concluded cabinet is being formed, with Kiamat money to stake on the races, and how ine excitement than lias been seen him Into th<* background is made u would he mere- lion which will be held on Monday, de Nehru*k» Orator and Chicago was nually. that the simplest plan Pa she as grand vizier. he won and lost. Certain It is that The the In many n moon. Mr. Robinson faction of his own party In his own ly vacancy caused by Mr. vottonal exercises having been ar thereby to till the anybody attempting to harm Gould (told Man to Debate. rut badly In several places and lie suf- State his popularity outside will promotion. Pension* himl l’n*toltlee*. ranged for the local churches tumor people might infer front its name that Olney’s while Masterson is in his employ will Chicago, June 7.—Congressman Wil- fered many painful bruises. he Immeasurably Increased. Judge Judson row of a character appropriate to th< Babylon, L. 1., Is one of the wicked Tiie appointment of Washington. June B.—Pensions were get the worst of It, and may occupy a liam J. Bryan of Nebraska arrived here A man of national reputation and Harmon of as attorney gen- granted follows: occasion. Harrietta (5. Moore has beei places of the country, but that would be Cincinnati as corner lot in a graveyard. this morning for the purpose of cross- FALL OF ECUADOR. who Is a close and conservative ob- eral came in the nature of a surprise. Iowa: Additional—Robert Brown, selected as temporary chairman, and i ti serious mistake. The town is so god- ing swords on the silver question w'ltb server of national politics said today al His name had not even been Maynard; Andrew J. Cottrell, Fertile. Is probable that Shellls, the well know! t *li«- of ly that Captain Oakley, one of the trus- canvass'd Hon, Sigmund Zeisler, one of the lead- UUP ini Con ftlms ion of Success the Waldorf hotel: "The history of th« as among tin* There is the Renewal—John Johnson, Northwood. grange man, will be nominated foi tees, has authorized the arrest of all possibilities. —William J. Bain, Brainerd; FOREIGN MISSIONARIES. ing gold men of the city. The debate flic Revolutionists. last democratic presidential campaign best authority for the statement that Increase governor. persons caught riding bicycles on the John W. S. Ivors, Bed Oak; Reuben P. Is to take place this evening at Central Washington. June 7.—News of the may repeat itself In the next republi- the had several men under Lord's day. The constable is in despoil president Conroy, Maquoketa. Reissue —William music hall, and an equal number of success of the revolutionists in Ecuador can convention. Nobody doubts for a consideration, and the portfolio of Jus- NOMINATION. 'I lie Most Notable Gathering Kver Held and wants to know what show he H. Mellon, Rodman; Henry H. Cash, REPUBLICAN tickets will be distributed to both sides. came to the navy department in a moment thut the antagonism of Tam- tice might have been had by James C. Chalny; Samuel Reed, Perclval; Elijah In America Take* Place Week. stands against several hundred wheel Nest Tin* question at Issue will be that the cablegram from Cajltaln Watson of the many Hall, then the most important (’after of New York, who was counsel J. Drury, Marlon; John M. Runyon, Ge- men from New York and Brooklyn. The Preliminary Skirmishing Iti-gliiH li Geneva, N. Y.. June 7.—The most free and unlimited coinage of silver at Ranger, which warship is now at Guay- factor In New York state politics, was for the government in the Bering sea neva; John Payton, Bedford; Daniel W. Therefore a number of special depu- Prescott; tin- Polk Connl,v Convention notable gathering of foreign missionar- the 16 to 1 ratio without international aquil. The cablegram Is dated at mainly responsible for the nomination tribunal and the income tax cases, had Stahl, Archie H. Ilalrd, Col- been sworn iti and the war is lege August co-operation would unwise and inex< and reads as fol- of Mr. Cleveland. The more bitter hi# ties have Secretary Springs; W. llillon. Olin; Des Moines, la„ June B.—The prelim ies that has ever been held In this coun- be Guayaquil yesterday on n>. *»... hi* been dispost-d to accept It. th« unntmer. The general sen- Isaac B. Mann, lowa Falls. Original inary skirmishing In the contest for tin try will take place next week at Clifton pedienL lows: "The Insurgents have possession denunciation by Dick Croker, and community that '’¦ivlUlh knew Judge Harmon personally timent of the is it Widows Edward Davison (lather), about miles distant. of the city. Governor General Flores more fervid the eloquence of Itourku and an and both admiiv* „„,i respected his republican gubernatorial nomlnatioi Springs, twelve captain is a meddlesome crank, Forest City. today resigned. Ignacio Robles, liberal, stronger became the senti- ability. It was he, probably, who nnu lYrtimehtt- Original Widows—(Taro- in this state was Instituted in tin The occasion will be the twelfth annual haH Cockran. the effort will be made to rescind the order. A in favor of Mr. Cleveland, and If, presented his name to Mr. Cleveland. line Strayer, Decatur. Additional— Polk county convention. The light hai onv< ntlon of the International Mission- THE COSTS MILLION. has been proclaimed military and civil ment Hugh T. Crockett, North Platte, practically narrowed down to two can ary union, the membership of which is general. All quiet at present. Commu- ns has been threatened, a delegation In curiosity of navigation E-Governor Campbell of Ohio, a close in- One coastwise crease —Robert D. Williamson. Omaha; dldates, F. M. Drake of Center- "Xclusively confined to foreign mission- nication with Quito by telegraph is in- part opposed to McKinley's nomina- of friend of Judge Harmon, also warmly General More Thun Regal N|4eM.lnr of the Dur- In 'the Gulf Mexico used to be Grant's John Rich. Lebanon; William E. Ross, ville, aries, whether service retired. The terrupted.” tion Is sent to the next national conven- supported him, and the president se- and W. M. McFarland of Esther- in or den—Sloane Wedding. passage on the inside route from Mobile Anselm. Reissue—Lyman B. Cunning- ( way best thing that cured also from ex-flovernor Hoadley vllle, and the adherents of each aro (invention will be nondenomlnatlonal, The last statement explains why the tion, it prove the b> Pensacola. The inside voyage is ham, Kearney; William H. Hindman, Americans Ilk# of Ohio, who is now tiling in New York, making a bitter fight in the county con- wid according to the advices received Lenox, Mass., June 7.—Two of thq state department has heard nothing of could happen to nim. made by crooked way of waterways Danbury; Joseph N. Houston, Rain- he inclined and whose law Harmon was, vention today for tin* selection of dele- by the secretary, Itev. W. H. Belden, richest families In America were united the progress of the revolution from fair play, and they might separated from the open gulf by nar- partner view; Samuel S. Hoyt, Lincoln; Harvey fore# favorable his ability E. Camp, Hamilton; Mary Ann Riley gates to the state convention, to Im* held over 100 missionaries—Presbyterians Thursday noon, Minister Filman, who to retaliate upon those who would row banks of eand. A man named most replies as to when In the beautiful ob- and standing. After canvassing the Luther, Wymore. In August, favorable to their respective and Methodists, Congregationalists, Trinity church James should have arrived at Ills post at Quito such a statesman us McKinley Into Grant straightened a part of the pas- Abercrlmblo situation thoroughly, the of- South Dakota; Original—Henry M. candidates. Tin* silver question is not Baptists, Quakers, Episcopalians, Re- Burden, and Miss Florence Adelu some time ago, Ecuador has been in a scurity." ME sage by digging a carnal to give deep president Vernon. Jr., fered the portfolio of Judge Baker, Mt. Increase—Franklin involved, ns it is beyond doubt that tin* formed Dutch, etc., and some of whom Sloan were married. turbulent slat** for some time past and water at a point where a wide detour Justice to H. Slade, Hudson. Reissue —Randolph by Friday, and im- republicans will refuse to be beguiled have traveled thousands of miles to The granddaughter of much dissatisfaction was expressed by used to be necessary. He set up a lit- Harmon wire Addington. Huron; Alfred Caudle, Rap- bride Is the REFORM PRESBYTERIANS. a favorable by the free silver siren. r»*ach this country, will take part In the Mrs. the people generally at the conduct of tle llgh'tihouse 'to aid navigators, and mediately upon receiving id City; Philetls Shepherd, Mitchell; William Vanderbilt, and daughter announced Howe, Julian; The ammunition which the opponents deliberations. Among the countries to of William B. bridegroom, the government. This was fomented by then charged toll upon all vessels pass- reply, the appointments. Thomas J. Thomas B. Sloane. The Case, Tyndall. Original Widows —Abi- of Drake ar** using in today's gathering lie represented are China, India," Tur- James Abercrimble Burden, Jr., is a the transfer of the celebrated Cruiser Tlie Annual Synod of I lie Denomination ing through. The passage was of some Brown, Northville. Siam, gail consists in the fact that he is a rail- key, Japan, Mexico, Africa, Syria member of the family of Burdens whose Esmeralda from Chill to Japan under < on.rnr. at Denver. Importance during One period when Mr. Gluey'* Signed Commission Post offices have been established as road man, being president of two roads and the Pacific Isles. The meeting will fortune originated in the great Iron the cover of the Ecuadorian Mag early north and south were fighting over the follows; Colo., June 6.—Representa- Washington, June B.—At an early hour and a stockholder ill four, besides be notable for the presence of an un- works at Troy, N. bearing their In the spring and since that event there Denver. defences about Pensacola. lowa—Ventura, Oerro Gordo county, Y.. tives of 10,000 Reform Presbyterians I* this morning the commission of Mr. spending nmst of his time In Chicago usual number of veteran missionaries, name. He is himself a millionaire and have been several revolutionary out- Wm. T. Fish, postmaster. the States and Canada are gath- Olney as secretary of state was tilled county, Instead of upon his native heath. pome of whom have been in harness for has l>een a promlinent figure In New breaks culminating In this last success- United There are two Dr. O’Reillys In St. Nebraska —Bushnell, Kimball ering here this morning to attend th« >ut at the state department and at 9:30 George C. Phillips, postmaster; Ware, J’olk county has the largest delegation ever a half century. The convention York society for several seasons. ful attempt to overthrow the govern- Louis, father and son. The younger is annual synod of the denomination, o’clock Acting Secretary Uhl sent it Butler county, John L. Tremble post- to the state convention. will be In session for one week, and Its The reception will be given at thr ment. It is believed here that now* that rather gay has a fondness for leav- which is. legislative body of th# and over to the white house, where it was master. discussions and conclusions will be of Sloane home place, which comprise. Guayaquil and other principal coast the ing ids office for hours at a The postofflee at Bronson, Cheyenne Church. About 250 delegates will In time while ¦signed by the president. Shortly after BICYCLE RACE. Importance to religious denominations 2.O tween and this was fin- Itushies* to Collect the tls, one of the largest hotels in la*iiox missions and reforms of various kinds. edy Which cost Senator his I :5« this rooming, the red win- of July Npeeeh. Morriaey when Judge Harmon, the new attorney 4.46, light $4.201(14.35. ished at New*. was engaged for the exclusive use ol ning. prepa- life, and was summoned before the cor- general, will reach Washington. It is Cattle Reeves s3.2sfti\>.oo, cows and heif- The actual time of the race was the wedding guests for three days. A New York, June 7. —Elaborate THE KENRICK CASE. oner to give testimony in the matter. ers $1.304i>3.5n, bulls $1,254)3.25, stoekers and 65 hours and 53 miutes. The last relay Colorado Springs, Colo., June 7.—ln rations are being made for the annual likely that he will pay his respects to $2,009)3.60, and special car conveyed the guests froir His father of feeders yearlings calves reached the finishing point commenting on the recent conference ndependence day is one the best known the president at Gray Gables, where Mr. $4,750)3.25. should have New York to Lenox, and will remall celebration of 1 nt Arclil-DlmpK*ln Publish.-# Hie Order De- in St. Louis. Sixtieth street and Western boule- of the two news gathering associations Tammany anticipated No physicians Cleveland will go. Judge Harmon's ac- at here until the guests are ready to re hall, and it Is ixmlni; Archhi*Imp Kt-nrlrk. Chicago. vard 8 o’clock this morning.. Arriv- In New York, and the subsequent libel- thait large the fc ceptance was not received at the white at turn. The Item of ex|M*nse for trans an unusually crowd will be Mrs. Bullitt of Lexington, Ky„ who, Union Stock Yards. Chicago, June ing when they did, they broke all Ameri- ous statements made by the Chicago Ex-Congressman St. Louis, Mo., June 6.—When shows Dose house until yesterday afternoon after porting 180 broughums to Lenox for th* present. Amos J. Rome ¦with her husband, are among the well 10.—Hogn—Heavy $4,859/4.75, mixed $4.25# for relay organization, the Gazette editorially Cummings is a dispatch from denying that the cabinet meeting had adjourned and can records a race. use of the guests Is estimated at $7,200 chairman of the commit- time known people of the state, has obtained 4.50, light $4.251)14.45, rough heavy $4.30# blue rider the mili- says: "The United Press is a purely speakers, Archbishop Kenrlck had been deposed. then the appointment was The represents The bride's trosseau is said tee on and the braves look to a divorce. The Bluitts were quite prom- Immediately 4.45. business organization, a corporation to havi Archbishop Kain said: "In order to tary and the red the postal service. A $40,000. him to provide the society with some the made public. Solicitor General Conrad Cattle—Beeves $3.65.90, cows and heif- cost fettle, once for all, the conflicting »torl<*i inent during Breckinridge sensation 4.00, Stockers and feeders $2.30# great throng was assembled to meet the whose business it Ih to collect news and line talkers. is acting attorney general today, Mr. ers $1.75(q The presents have been mostly In thi concerning the archdiocese of and Mrs. Bluitt became quite famous 4.00. riders as they came sjieeding into the to sell it to its patrons. There is no Thin Invitation was sent St. Louli Olney being engaged in arranging his form of JewelH and a conservative estl to President you the dispatch for her outspoken position at that stir- Sheep—Market steady. city. sentiment Involved and no attention Cleveland I will give to be pub* private and official papers preparatory mate has placed the value of the gift! and other: ring time. The court granted to th? has been paid to the attacks of the llshed and those whp read it are at lib- to assuming the duties of South Omaha. The blue rider In the relay bike race at $700,000. Tammany Society, or Columbian Or- his new office, erty form their * plaintiff the return of her maiden name, arrived at the finishing point in this Chicago assessment concern masquer- der, New June 3, to own conclusions. that of sectvtary of state. He will qual- Union Stock Yards, foiith Omaha, June For the convenience of his Immedi- York. 1895.—Dear Sir: but as her name was Mary Shreve city at 2:39 a. m. ading under the once honorable name On (the of have nothing to say." ify next week, probably on Monday. As 10.—Hogs—Heavy $4.33# 4.45, mixed and ate family and guests Cornelius Van Fourth July next the Tam- Goodloe Ransom Bullitt the loss of a of the Associated Press. At a confer- many society, Rome, May 24.—T0 Archbishop Kain, ¦*> on as Mr. Olney reached his office this light derbilt haH Becured the Bacon eottagi or Columbian Order, will single name will be a great l $1.15#4.40. ence held recently it found utterly 8810 Lin dell boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.' not depriva- he Cattle—Market steady. was James hold In , at 10 o’clock a. tion. Colonel Bullitt entered defense morning i-eclved a number of call- THE FRIENDLY INN. impossible to reconcile the methods of at Lenox. Abercrombie Burdei Ry a late decree of the 21st Inst., for- no ers who came to Sheep— Market steady. has taken the Edey Johr m.. its celebration of the 119th anniver- to tin* suit and Is perfectly satisfied with proffer congratulations. the two companies and the conference cottage. warded to you, the sovereign pontiff has Among them was Acting Rluane, the uncle of Miss Sloane, Is en sary of American Independence. Tim the Secretary Kansas City. Old Hotel, was fruitless. Chagrined by the transferred Archbishop Kenrk'k to an* outcome. of State Uhl, Peabody Philadelphia, Will out- tertainlng a large party his occasion is designed to be of exceptional and these two were clos- 10.—Cattle—Native steerH $4,004)5.40, Stock- come. for which made entirely at Leno> other archieplsoopal and named yoa eted for Shelter Deserving I’oor. they had place, called Wyndhurst. significance and We see. There are twenty-seven highway some time discussing state de- ers and feeders $2.65# 4.00, calves and yearl- extended effect. of Louis. Philadelphia, Pa., June —The re- different predictions,some of the lighter earnestly desire the favor of your archbishop St. The letter 1* bridges over the partment matters. Nearly all the am- ings $4.00#K.00, 8. per- Mississippi between cows and heifers $3,009/4.00, of weight Associated Press papers have sonal presence, and on the way. Ledochowski. Bflainard, Minn., and Muscatine, la., bassadors and ministers of foreign gov- range steers $3.25# 4.35. modeling the old Peabody hotel was give you this urgent a 4.45, attacked the business standing of the Pension* slid Postmaster*. Invitation to of 500 miles. Those above ernments sent notes of congratulation Hogs—Heavy $4.30# medium $4.15# commenced today under the general attend and address the distance 4.40, light $1.U0#4.30, pigs $3.65# 4.00. United Press. This is no matter of sen- Washington, May r«*uiiioiii Crmitet. and telegrams poured in from all superviHlon of John Wanamaker, ex- 7.—Pensions were meriting. Should your attendance lx* con Minneapolis are seldom above 400 feet over timent, but one of business, and the the postmaster general, with a view to granted as follows: !mj*>»Hible, we would value an expres- Washington, May 6.—Pensions weri long, While one at Muscatine i« 2,500 foot country. Grain and Provision* heavy Wednesday turning the structure into a lodging libel suits instituted Iowa: Restoration and Supplemental sion of your views appropriate to the granted as follows: que long, nt«grnce6.62‘/*. Houston. William H. Brocket!, late years the people breakfasted on two rolls and Whisky—Distillers' goods gallon walls somewhat resembling a fort- Majors; Charles F. Peters, Omaha. the Itlaglng. Denison; Charles a cup of per fUone Re- Hardy, Humboldt; M. from the little towns which have $1,264. Chicago tVIII Krpct a structure Issue —William Osborn, Elk Isaac John Brown, Gar- coffee, which he ordered for Prei* ress. The enterprise involved an ex- City; San Francisco, Cal., June spe- den sprung up around them have fallen from the prison Sugar—Unchanged. H. Seeks, Emanuel Higgins, Lin- 7.—A Grove. Original Widows—Elisa- 8( Need* penditure of several hundred thousand York: cial beth Milligan, restaurant. His keepers said he was Butter—Creameries 12#14c, dairies 114 f coln; James Wilson, Walton; Yates from Victoria gives an account of Salem. into the habit of stealing the fruit and 20c. dollars, and it was believed by its pro- South Dakota: Original—George bearing the ordeal remarkably Washington, June B.—Bids for the Stewart, Hiawatha; Henjamln F. Ev- the wreck of the schooner Kodiak on B. trampling down the fields adjoining, un- well. Cheese—Cheddars 9V. Young Americas, moters that for all time to come It Kodiak island; Fulling ton, Dead wood; Forest Little- The convicted 10c. construction of the temporary post- ans, Roseland; John C. Mann, Albion; also the loss of the One til the farmers have been forced In self inspector Is confined in a would be an attractive resort for vete- H. schooner field. Hpearflsh. Increase—Edwin L. cell in murderers’ Eggs—2o® 20V. office at Chicago are being examined William Beall. Omaha. Widow— C. Cl. White of Han Francisco Willow 'defense to saw down the trees, though row and has for a Hides—Light and heavy green salted rans of the Grand Army and visitors to Catharine Trigg, O’Neill. Lahore. Lake. eotn. companion a at the office of the supervising archi- near the same place. Ten of the crew Nebraska: Restoration and thus destroying the beauty that made man named Considlne, who fully cured 449/30, green hides 344/4c, Chicago from all parts of 'the South of Reissue- Slouj green tect today, the offers ranging in the world. Dakota: Reissue—John H. Ray- the White were lost. Many Conklin, deceased, drives through their fields delightful. Is charged with murder. The prison is salted calf 7V. dry flint 6V, dea- These were Gilbert Wllford. In- cons, each 30e. neighborhood of $150,000. The struct- expectations, however, have not noids, Harrold; Daniel McMahon, Dun- frosen to death while lashed in the rig- crease—Jones F. Arapahoe. overcrowded Just now and it was Impos- can; George H. Horlocker, Johnson. Tallow—No. 1 solid packed sc, No. 2 ure is to bo 500 by 250 feet, one story in Been realized, and even prominent G. A. Vlewfleld. ging and others were drowned. The Reissue—John Llttlefleld, Litchfield; A St. Louis man has Invented a ma- sible to give the Inspector a cell to him- 4V. cake 5V> Ft. men who themselves lowa postmasters were appointed as Justus H. Lion, height, and built of brick and steel. had personal survivors crossed the mountains Kearney; Henry W. chine that stamps steel engraved bank self. McLaughlin will have to sitay in •xperlences prison Lincoln; Minuet |m>ll«. The new permanent structure will cost In the old have been follows: through the deep snow to Hoagland. Enos Sayres, Wa- notes by steam, the first of Its kind In hls cell until June 17 least, when hls county, Okyak, where hoo; Charles B. Boyce. at $4,000,000, and it has been decided that among the foremost in criticising this Ftscus, Audubon J. H. Nor- medical attention Omaha; Gilbert the counsel Minneapolis, June 10.—Wheat—Closing— ton, was given them. L. Cook, Pole; world. The process, while more will make a motion for a new scheme to perpetuate the memories of vice W. 8. Fiscus, resigned; Hites- Lodge John C. Aaron, trial. June Rb%o, July HIV. September 78V; on Henry Ives Cobh, a local architect, will vllle, Butler county. J. 8. Margretz, Harry Hannson, F. A. Sweeney, A. Greenwood. Original costly than the old process by hand, If this motion be denied, sentence the war. As a result Libby prison vice Widows— Busarv track, No. 1 hard 82V, No. 1 northern be selected to design the building, will Ira Btoner, resigned; May City, Osceola Obron, Andrew Johnson, F. F. Rogers Gates, Gates; minor of Preston Brown* turns out ten times as many notes in will be passed upon him. 28c, No. 2 northern 81c. lisappoar from view as soon as the land which will probably be a sky scraper. county, R. H, Townsend, vies A. F. and E. W. Hall all had their feet am- Gates. Reissue—Lucy M. Conklin, WIU the same length of time. upon which ft stands can b# disposed cf. ford. Yule One. Training. Chambers, resigned. putated to save their lives. Crew Into Clilnme Kiupror Orutrful. A Boston dressmaker obtained Judg- New Haven, Con., June B.—The FOSTER COMING HOME. Yale Washington. June 8. —The Chinese Am Arkansas Hanging. ment against Sadie Martinot for S4BO, crew left here today for New London, BUCK FOREST DELUGE. Germans Discipline Murages. A NEW The Arne rice n Adviser of tho CHlnoee minister here, in company with Acting Morrikton, Ark., June 7.—Will Downs, ELECTED MAYOR. and supplementary proceedings have where they —4ll occupy their old train- London, June 7.—A from Will Arrve In July. Secretary of State and accompa- who assaulted Pauline Brtdenbaugh, dispatch been Instituted. Miss Martinot swore ing quarters until the Yale-Harvard Uhl. Berlin to the Pall says nied by an Interpreter, waited In per- Fifty Persons Lost Tholr Lives was hanged this morning. The drop fell Mall Gaxette Ths ClUseas of Worthington Give tha •that she had no money, that her man- shell race, which takes place In the lat- Washington, June B.—Hon. John W. la the the governor of son upon the president Friday after- •It 7:30 but Downs’ neck was not broken the Cameroons tele- Old Mayor Up for Lost, ager was obliged to pay her hotel bills, ter part of the month. During the three Footer, adviaer of the Chinese peace en- Cloud Hurst. graphs that the Germans have noon and presented him with a letter by the fall, which was eight and one stormed Dubuque, la, June 6.—The that he owns tihe gowns she plays in and weeks Intervening the crew will train voys, left Shanghai last night for Yok- Stuttgart, June 7.—Telegrama re- four forts belonging to the rebellious people ofl will from the emperor of China thanking half feet. He wae pronounced dead 1n Worthington, Dubuque county, that her mother owns her Jewels, with on the Thames river twice daily. ohama. He arrive In Washington ceived this morning from the Bakoko tribes on the lower Sassage becom- him In graceful terms for the kindly Black fifteen and one half minutes. He spoke ing disgusted at the un- •the sole exception of her diamond gar- about July 10. foreat district of Wurtemburg, river. The fighting was of the most prolonged sad Fast Time on k Tamleni. offices exercised by the United States which about three minutes, stating that he explained absence of mayor, Dr, ter buckle 3. When the lawyer Incau- was deluged by a cloudburst and Inun- desperate character. Two hundred na- their London, June B.—Mills and Edge on a U. S. CTul*«*rs Sail for CntieiiliNgfii. In behalf of the restoration of peace was guilty of part but not all, he was Dando, have office tiously asked where the buckles were dated by the consequent tives were killed, many wounded and a deposed him from •tandem safety bicycle finished a race Southampton, United between China and Japan. The im- overflowing charged with; he had made peace with and elected Peter Ament In Miss Martinot replied with great se- June B.—The of the river Vach Wednesday large number taken prisoners. The his place* against time 'today, covering 377 miles States cruisers New York and Colum- perial communication was In the Chi- night, his Maker and wanted to meet all In Dando disappeared two verity: “Where they should be worn." itate that fifty persons killed In German loaa waa 12 killed and 47 wound- about months In twenty-four hours. morning nese language, handsomely encased In were heaven. ago bidding The conversation on this point was bia sailed this for Copenhagen. the Ballngen district, and all ed. As a result of the battle trading In without even his flamllyj royal yelltw slk. of the Birmingham. Ala., June Har- goodby. dropped. • bridges spanning region has been Seventy l.lvee Were I,net. ~a ?— the river were carried ris and Abe Mitchell, colored highway that resumed. Amrrican College Priest*. ‘lux Kt-fiiiul. away. Vienna, June B.—Further news from Income robbers and murderers, were hanged Washington, It seems that young Mr. Curxon, who th*» Roberndora valley which was Rome, June B.—Messrs. McGinley, June B.—Blanks have In the Jail yard at noon today. Katloaul Silver Convention. CENTERVILLE IS SICK. Donnelly, Hedonla Omit Likely. Both married Miss Lelter, Is not above a '?wept by a storm on Thursday, was re- Kelly, Darlln, Lavette and been prepared at the treasury marched with steady tread to the soaf- Memphis. Tenn.. June 7.—The com- Bennelde, pupils In the American col- Jeddah, June Is little Joke. A short time ago, when he ceived this morning. The previous re- department for the use of per- 7.—lt thought prob- fold, and made harangues to 1,000 per- mittee of the Central Bimetallist league Tta Soath*D-k.u lege, were ordained priests today and here that Tow- UM 1— h, was In Afghanistan, he was so desirous ports of devastation and death were sons who have claims against able the present troubles will sons. nan completed the arrangements for general 100 CINM Korinbl*. of making an Impression on the ameer not In the least exaggerated. Seventy will celebrate their first mass tomorrow. the government for refunds on culminate In a Bedouin revolt, the silver convention to Hanqaat Waea’t Is It, national lie Centerville, D„ that he rigged himself up In the regi- .oersons are known to have ueen killed To mark the fete a dinner will be given the Income tax. The refunds will be owing to the beginning of the pilgrim- next week. The 8. June o.—Halt ths Manchester, June' 7.—Florliel 11, held auditorlun In ofCenterville hi sick from mentals of a general. The trick worked and many others are mit-sing. by the faculty of the American college made under the revised statutes which age season and the fanatical hostility southern money con- population ths owned by the prinoe of Wales, won the Which the honest effects of lee cream eaten at a to a charm, and the ameer, seeing the tomorrow, which will be attended by authorize the commissioner of internal at the Bedouins to Giaours. waa recently held has sociable Hsvngra Manchester cup today against vention last night. o§ glittering and imposing uniform, sup- Mike w NurrttufHl llnlri. Cardinal Gibbons and the visiting Amer- revenue, on appeal, to refund all taxes a large been for three days. Senators There la no danger Held of horse* which Included M. F. engaged deaths and ths physicians are SH posed that the young man was a dis- London, June B.—A dispatch from ican bishops. erroneously or Illegallycollected. Every of Indiana, Buck of Kentucky, reaping % THE CORNELL CREW. Dwyer’s Banquet 11. Florlsel was the Turpio harvest. tinguished warrior. The result was Simla says the Waziristan tribesmen dollar of Income tax collected will be re- among those spoken of for per- favorite in the betting 7 to Amer- are that 'Mr. Curxon received the most have made an attack upon Fort San- Five cent telegrams are to be tried In paid to the persons from whom collec- S. But manent About twenty Praettee Spin icans, who turned out numbers, chairman. sen- marked homage, which he graciously deman, In the Waslri territory, killing Italy. The government is also trying tions were made. A Good Taken This Harm- In large double that number of mem- backed Banquet so ators and A NEW CHINESE LOAN. accepted, fortunately getting out of the Lieutenant Howe and eleven of his at- to have the tariff with other European ing by the American*. hsavlly, that Just bers of ths house ofrepresentatives are before tendants. countries reduced. An Englishman and & German In Chi- before the race the odds were I to I, Paris Maskers Sagply the Celestials With country the imposition was dis- Henley. June 7.— The crew expected. covered. cago are partners In a new busineae Cornell whereas a fortnight ago they were •»e,oeo ia UoUi. which they advertise as a launched their racing 'boat at 10:10 this to 1. Skips. It has been recently calculated that watchdog M Distance one mile and throe London, June 6.—The United Proa# Harper end exchange. They will be prepared morning for a spin over the oourse. The Attempt lo Mow s Safe. An Englishman and a German In Chi- (luring the eighteen years ending wltl\ soon quarters. learns from the best London authority cago In Omaha, Neb., June B.—A special this to sell dogs trained for watching, or fthe Americans paddled to the regatta win- Elk Point, S. D„ June 7.—An attempt are partners a new business June 30. 1890, than per- that Paris bankers have - no fewer 1,826 post British StesMsr concluded a which they advertise as watchdog from Cheyenne says B. killed cyolones dogs may bo engaged by the month, ning and rowed over the oourse, Askars. was mads to blow up the safe at the de- per cent gold a afternoon J. sons were in in the Queenstown, Juns 7.—The British Chinese 4 loan of 114,010,. exchange. They will be prepared soon Harper of Cheyenne today confessed to week or night. The German partner jumping dose under the Berkshire shore. pot laid night. The holes were drilled 000, guaranteed by United States. quick steamer Devaur is ashore Briggs Russia. The pir>U sell dogs trained watching, he the of Vest, who has the experience, having been em- They pulled a short, stroke, sad on and charges fixed but the thieves were price, ho for or the seducer Maude died reef, on the Donegal coast of . •

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