April 18, 1899
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. TUESDAY APRIL THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1882-VOL. 37. PORTLAND. MAINE, MORNING, 18, 189#,__PRICE prosecuted by the authority of tble HAROLD SEWALL MAY RUN. •‘He st trted out to hnd Tuning. Ho MISCEI.LANBOCT. ONE OF VICTIMS DEAD. house.” went to his house but be was not. there. BRIBERY The was to JJTTE1IPTED. Spat / Is at present a member of the next day I subpoenaed court. POLICE L met at me to wait un- a SHARED. d he toid house from Berks county and I* Demo- Hawaiian Minister Suggested as Candi- Schultz Prlc** crat. wm a member of the olth ami til he went to see Police Captain Kulp date for Congress. The Waterfllle Stabbing Affray fifth Conurosses from the 17th Pennsyl- and ask him what be should clu 1 toid vania district, and Is a Republican. Schultz 1 did not want to go on the wit- ness stand and he said all I could a Murder. Coyle. Costello, Brvne end filerlee, were ISPECIAL TO TW* PRESS.) right, some are go to Philadelphia if I wanted to.” Proof of in formerly in the legislature. Bath, April 17.—Hon. Harold M. Corruption Democrats uod some are Republicans. Stephens* said that Schultz sent a man who has t<*en the with hlui Uj th.* who went as far as The majority report 1s signed by hve of Bewail, representing train, Barn Idcntlfle.l Newark. und us «lMlron Said, to Have Pa. Legislature. the nine members of the committee, First For Rock- United States government at the Ha- Dive Divided Kob- They gut oil there Stephen chairman; Victory Keepers was told to go tc the Lafayette hotel and by Ilia Victim. Messrs. Fow, Democrat, waiian islands, Is on his way home and Democrat and Koontz, Randall wait, for a message. No message arrived Dixon, is expected to arrive in Bath this week. and returned and Young, anti Quay Republicans. Stephonns to Jersey City. land Man. Proceeds. The examination of was sus- The minority report la signed by Tlgbe, It haa been rumored on the streets here Itery iStephena* pended at this and Mr. Moss called 17.—At noon today Democ rat and McClain, Kreps and Voor- that an effort be made point Waterrllle, April a today possibly may The report •Simon Buttner to the stand, lie testified w»« manifest about the hees, Quay Kepublleans. to him to run as a candidate for con- auob excitement Makes con- get that in 189J when he came to this Investigating Committee Its reaches substantially the same city, In tha vlelnlty of honors from "a ho went to a certain stretta and especially clusions as the majority report. It how- greeslonal Bagadaho? county country )uy,” of the politician Who told him t but be the police station as a result of the Win- ever, relieves from oensuro some in the second district campaign. Report who weie named for lebuko by slow stabbing affray Saturday night, persons WOULD HAVE TO SEETHE POLICE. the re pert and it recommends More Revelations Into oommenctd to be some- majority Second District Contest BATH SCHOOL BOARD. that the olBoers ‘that the testimony of and against He was Instructed to see Inspector of tha two what alarmed for the safety Messrs. Coyle, Costello. Spatz, Kvans, N. Y. Politics. Williams, but he could not see him and Titus and Jones, An Excellent Combination. men who are now In the lock-up. Moyle*, Kulp, Byrne, Begins. Contract Closed For Nfw Fonr Masted met Price, then a round-man, now a be referred to the tribunal for ae- beneficial that thsre would be proper The pleasant method and It was not belle vail Recommends Prosecu- tennl nation. Schooner. captain. known brothers effects of the well remedy, any attempt to get at the Qnlron Buttner testified that Piloe told him bo of manufactured by the It Syrup Flos, but so much waa displayed that would have to him a month to feeling tion of Nine Men. A BUKAK FROM THE pay $100 California Fto Syrup Co., illustrate the (JUAY. [SPECIAL TO PRESS./ waa not thought best to take them to insure the of the resort which the value of obtaining the liquid laxa- Bath, Me., April 1?.—The Bath school protection known to be court room. Senator and Twenty Others Will Sensational Made a be and that if anybody was tive of plants Magee Win Over board held a this Charge started, principles to the Littlefield Oelcgates Shep- lengthy meeting evening Against laxative ami So tha warrants were taken Desert Him robbed, he, was to ‘‘and medicinally presenting Today. to discuss the needs of the department for (Price) get half, them in t^e form most refreshing to the station and read to the accused men while I have don*- business for this and the financial Folice with tim quite to the It herd In Camden. year will report to Captain. taste ana acceptable system. were eeonrely behind the bars. u while,” said Buttner. Buttner testified they and Majority Harrisburg, Pa., April 17.—State Sena- committee It is said that is the one strengthening laxa- were Minority Iteports Tuesday night. that it was 1m *90 und ,(Jl that he paid perfect At the hour when the warrants who tor Magee or Pittsburg, bassteadldly the board will nek for an addition to tbs the to Price. At that time Buttner tivd, cleansing the effectually, had not money system read, the death of Louis Hrassna to This. be was nn heaaaches and level's .Agree voted for Quay for United States Senator, South street school. At a meet said simply running ordinary dispelling colds, after the primary and one occurred. The man died shortly he would not vote saloon without n concert, hull attached. yet promptly enabling announced tonight that ing of the committee on lire gently of St. department Buttner euid at the trial in Jersey City of to overcome habitual constipation per- noon hour. i'ather Cbarland for the und'that the ox-Seuator;t3morrow held tbie evening it was voted to advise Richard Croker Assistant Prosecutor Joseph Noonan and Its perfect freedom from Patrick De Bale church was hastily sum- Stood 205 To Again manently. other members from Alleghauy county The Vote tne sale of the present chemical engine Assemblyman Simpson fer bribery he had and sub- that the man every objectionable quality moned when it was seen hud also cast their last vote for He testilied against Noonan truthfully, but on the Quay. and steamer No. 1 and to ask for the pur- stance. and its on Stand. went on acting kidneys, could not lire and reaohed his bedside IlarrlBburg, April 17.—Majority and 176. that before he the stand he had and without weakening predicted Quay would lose twenty sup- chase of a new hose and chemical combi- liver bowels, the saoru- were to the sworn to nn afliduvil regarding the truth it the ideal just In season to administer minority report, presented tomorrow and said the or irritating them, make porters prospects nation wagon. of which ho bad no ’dea The -Jtiduvlt ment. House this evening from the committee Silver Dollar laxative. were bright for the election of a Senator. It was reported on the street late this had been dictated by Mmith. was an- weeke been In- In the of manufacturing figs At m. Monday It which has for Heveral past Buttner said his Broadway (iraden had process three p. A conference of the Republican Sena- evening that the New England are to the of attempted Ship been examined are used, as they pleasant nounced the physicians in attendance vestigating the charges tors an I members voting for Senator frequently by Inspector by bull ling company had closed the contract who had told him taste, but the medicinal qualities of the that he had been connection with the balloting Quay was held tonight to consider the Thompson (Buttner) Handry Deruseby brlbory’ln Refuses to Answer Some More a from senna and upon of chairman of for another four masted schooner that he was running resectable dace. remedy are obtained stabs. I'be States Senator and the con- letter Senator Flynn, Town One of Those Claimed By todsy. by the knife for United Everything had gone well until Captain other aromatic plants, by a method fatally injured unti-Quav Republican organization, sug- and die In a sideration to the House of the Mol'arrell “Personal” Price came to the Then Bufct- to the California Fio Syrup man Is falling will probably gesting that a committee of conference GO TO WORK TODAY. Questions. proclnot. known Men. a case of "hands that The latter bill, which was i»e named on of those for Shepherd n**r said ltjwus up.” Co. only. In order to get its beneficial short time. With this probability jury bill. the part voting said to have been Mr. Quay, to confer with a like commit- effects and to avoid imitations, please tbe affair will result In a double murder, eventually defeated,'was did was to threaten to close the tee on the part of those opposing him, Broadway remember the full name of the Company orlme ere being dis- Introduced to aid Ssnator Quay in his The York Mill Strike Was a Short unless he received $150 and the details of the with a view of adjusting factional differ- garden up on the front of every this trial in thePbiladel: h'a printed package. cussed eagerly. Developments np to then approaching ences and the election of a Senator. One. HALF OF ANY ROBBERY — Senator read a letter from ex- FIG SYRUP CO.