affected population. to to theloomingfaminesituation.Theclusterisappealingfor funds avert meetthegrowing oftheefforts needsofthe generation aspart irrigation production, livestock vaccination, feed production. Thisisinabidto andpoultry facilitateownfoodproduction andincome possible returns. maturinglive-saving Thesehouseholdswillreceive to crop short inputsincludingvegetables seedspluscash,support targets initialfrom the250,000householdsto cover thepopulationinIPC3andabove followingthelatestIPC, increased accessand includingelectricity,services are expectedto slowtheresponse telephone,bankingandfuelshortages Theclusterisrevising actions. its the delayed fortheprovision commencementofthecurrent rainspresents ofinputs.Thedisruptionessential awindowofopportunity The provision ofagriculturalinputsto farmersremain apriority. by AlthoughtheMeherplantingseason closes thethird weekofJuly2021, Tigray As ofJuly h

May Kadra SUDAN p://f Humera ster sclu Dansha Households Reached 2021 Tsegede Kafta Humera .o Western : Dansha rg REGIONAL 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 9,000 9001 -10,000 No data 501 -1,000 /e Monthly thiopi 1 - 500 Awra Adi Remets a Tsegede | 2.Seed quantities distributed bytheBoA notcomplete.The boundaries and names shownand thedesig partners. from status asdataisstillbeing collected funding not reflectcomplete leveldoes Production date: 26-07-2021|Data Source:TigrayHRP 2021 andPartnersreport asofJuly2021|1. Funding North WesternNorth Tahtay Adiyabo Korarit May Gaba RESP Agriculture Asgede Endabaguna Hageray Adi May Tsebri ONSE M Laelay Adiabo Tsimbla Adi Daero AMHARA Seyemti Adyabo Shire Tahtay Koraro Zana Dima Selekleka Mayechew Tahtay Chila AP Adet R Kola Temben Rama Maychew Akxum Laelay esp Central Rama Naeder Abergele Yechila Adwa Abi Adi Endafelasi Ahsea Keyhe tekli Adwa Melashe Tanqua Edaga-Arbi onse Edaga Arbi Aheferom Samre Hahayle Egela Enticho Saharti Hagereselam Temben Degua South Eastern Samre Sieneti Emba Mekele Geraleta Zala Ambesa Bizet Zata Hawzen Neqsege Selewa Raya Bora Eastern Gulo Mekeda Afeshum Ganta Hintalo Dashbo Adigrat Southern Endamehoni Maychew Hawzen nations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by theUN. by oracceptance endorsement onthismap donot imply official nations used Awelallo Kelete Adigudom Wukro Enderta Sowha Saesie Dawuhan Edagahamus Alamata Tsaeda Emba Agulae Erob Mokoni Wajirat Atsbi Atsibi Chercher AFAR ar d Quantities ofinput HOUSEHOLDS REACHED TREND Gap 0 100000 20000 40000 60000 80000 Animal healthservices: Animal feedprovision: Crop seeds: Training andadvisoryservices: RES 0 Households Reached delivered 20 43% 19,200 49 May P O 2,952 MT 40 142,567 NSE 95,645 57% June 60


767,900 animals

51 27,722 Reached Households 80 July

79 people 100 ZOA WVI Future Feed the MCMDO FAO/ REST 0 Yesus Mekane CERF LNGO FUNDING [email protected]; [email protected]; Contact: [email protected]; Resource Partners 1 3 LNGO INGO UN EU by partner Households Reached 0 INGO 2 83 1,000 1,641 P required $38M AR 20000 Funded $6.2M 10,442 11,000 3 FAO 8 T UN 4 40000 4 N ER 5 1 60000 Germany Cluster Agriculture

S 6 102,261 80000 7 1 US 100000 8