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Connecting Expression Data from Connectivity Map and In Silico Target Predictions For Small Molecule Mechanism-of-Action Analysis

Aakash Chavan Ravindranath,a‡ Nolen Perualila-Tan,b‡ Adetayo Kasim,c Georgios Drakakis,a So- nia Liggi,a Suzanne C Brewerton,d Daniel Mason,a Michael J Bodkin,d David A Evans,d Aditya Bhagwat,e Willem Talloen, f Hinrich W.H. Gohlmann,¨ f QSTAR Consortium,g Ziv Shkedy,∗b and An- dreas Bender∗a

Received Xth XXXXXXXXXX 20XX, Accepted Xth XXXXXXXXX 20XX First published on the web Xth XXXXXXXXXX 200X DOI: 10.1039/b000000x Manuscript

Integrating profiles with certain proteins can improve our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms in protein-ligand binding. This paper spotlights the integration of gene expression data and target prediction scores, providing insight into Mechanism of Action (MoA). Compounds are clustered based upon the similarity of their predicted protein targets and each cluster is linked to gene sets using Linear Models for Microarray Data. MLP analysis is used to generate gene sets based upon their biological processes and a qualitative search is performed on the homogeneous target-based compound clusters to identify pathways. and proteins were linked through pathways for 6 of the 8 MCF7 and 6 of the 11 PC3 clusters. Three compound clusters are studied; i) The target-driven cluster involving HSP90 inhibitors, geldanamycin and tanespimycin induces differential expression for HSP90-related genes and overlap with pathway response to unfolded protein. Gene expression results are in agreement with target prediction and pathway annotations add information to enable understanding of MoA. ii) The Accepted antipyschotic cluster shows differential expression for genes LDLR and INSIG-1 and is predicted to target CYP2D6. Pathway steroid metabolic process links the protein and respective genes, hypothesizing the MoA for antipsychotics. A sub-cluster (verepamil and dexverepamil), although sharing similar protein targets with the antipsychotic drug cluster, has a lower intensity of expression profile on related genes, indicating that this method distinguishes close sub-clusters and suggests differences in their MoA. Lastly, iii) the thiazolidinediones drug cluster predicted peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) PPAR- alpha, PPAR-gamma, acyl CoA desaturase and significant differential expression of genes ANGPTL4, FABP4 and PRKCD. The targets and genes are linked via PPAR signalling pathway and induction of , generating a hypothesis for the MoA of thiazolidinediones. Our analysis show one or more underlying MoA for compounds and were well-substantiated with literature.

1 Introduction

Understanding protein target and off-target effects of bioactive BioSystems a Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics, Department of Chem- compounds is a critical challenge in the field of drug discov- istry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, United ery. These effects are of great importance as bioactive com- Kingdom pounds that indicate a certain therapeutic effect could cause in- b Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics, Uni- versiteit Hasselt, Agoralaan 1, B3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium advertent phenotypic effects by binding to unexpected protein 1 c Durham University, United Kingdom targets, thus resulting in disruption of compound efficacy. d Eli Lilly U.K., Erl Wood Manor, Windlesham, Surrey GU206PH, United The mechanism of action (MoA) of compounds could provide Kingdom insight into inadvertent phenotypic effects. Although many at- e Open Analytics, 2600, Antwerp, Belgium f Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson and Johnson, 2340, Beerse, tempts have been made to understand MoA, this still remains 2 Belgium a challenge in the field. Molecular g http://qstar-consortium.org Existing methods used to understand the MoA of com- ‡ ‘These authors contributed equally to this work’ pounds involve analysing chemical structures, transcriptional † Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: [details of any supplementary information available should be included here]. See DOI: responses following treatment and text mining. Phenotypic 10.1039/b000000x/ readouts have also been recently used to explore MoA. 3, 4

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Studies by Young et al. show that integrated analysis of phe- carried out by Iorio et al., where they developed an automated notypic screening features and ligand targets could identify approach to exploit the similarity in gene expression profiles MoA. 5 Other studies scrutinizing gene expression profiles following drug treatment. A drug network was constructed in also have given insight into drug MoA and further prediction order to relate compounds based upon gene expression rank- of drug targets. 6 Applications using gene expression profiles ing from the CMap tool. The drug MoA was determined based to observe several genes and signalling pathways concurrently upon the collective population 3 Khan et al. and the hypothesis enrich the understanding of underlying mechanisms. Many re- that chemical structures of drugs (encoded in 3D) impact the searchers have focused their interest on the delineation of gene drug response. This resulted in specific patterns of gene ex- expression profiles, in order to identify those key genes and pression, which established a statistical relationship between gene clusters whose expressions alter disease state. 7, 8 These the occurrences of patterns in both chemical and biological gene alteration patterns are identified in order to underpin the space. 19 The work of Gardner et al. shows that Genetic Net- mechanism of disease. works and MoA of compounds could be interpreted by gene In order to experimentally determine gene expression vari- expression profiles to study the SOS pathway in Escherichia ations as described above, microarray techniques have been coli. 20. developed to measure almost any change in biological activity Iskar et al. used the CMap data to analyse drug-induced that can be reflected in an altered gene expression pattern. 9, 10 differential gene expression of drug targets in three cell lines.

Using such high-end technology, compound effects can be Different sets of drug features, such as chemical similarity and Manuscript measured to provide extensive understanding on the effect that Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC, based on therapeutic genomic scale alterations have at a cellular level. This tech- and chemical properties of the compound MoA), were used to nique is capable of simultaneously providing information on show that homogeneous gene expression profiles were reliable the expression of a few thousand genes at a time. 11 Microar- with mean centring. The chemical structural similarity, mea- rays facilitate the discovery of novel and unexpected functions sured by the tanimoto coefficient, indicated that coefficients of genes. This method is very well established and has a wide greater than 0.85 show similar biological responses and tend range of applications such as the identification of novel dis- to have similar gene expression profiles. The same is also seen ease subtypes, development of new diagnostic tools and iden- with compounds that share the same ATC code. Furthermore, tification of underlying mechanisms of disease or drug re- Iskar et al. quantified the concept of a feedback loop using sponse. 12, 13 In addition, gene expression profiles also help computationally normalized data and scoring methods appli- Accepted in identifying therapeutic protein targets understanding gene cable to gene expression readouts. From the Search Tool for function, as well as establishing diagnostic, prognostic and Interactions of Chemicals (STITCH), 4849 CMap arrays and predictive markers of disease. 14 40,656 drug target association provided 1290 drug-target re- , Due to the advances in the genome studies, there is a lations. 21 22 The studies also showed that nearly 8% of the wealth of microarray data that has been deposited in public drug-induced targets were differentially regulated. They also databases such as Expression Atlas, which is a subset of Ar- identified unknown drug-induced target expression changes, rayExpress. 15, 16 Other public databases such as Connectiv- some of which could be linked to the development of drug , ity Map (CMap) consist of drug-like compounds tested for tolerance in patients. 6 23 gene expression in four cell lines. However, it is largely un- In our study, we propose a new approach which aims known how a compound exactly modulates gene expression to link chemical space to protein target and gene expres- and only a few data analysis approaches exist. One of the com- sion space, thus providing a better insight into the MoA of BioSystems monly used approaches in comparing gene signatures is the compound clusters. To achieve this goal, there is a need Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical method, which was used in for additional data from which the link between compounds the CMap study. 17, 18 The CMap study aims to construct large and protein target space can be formed. Public chemoge- libraries of drug and gene signatures and provides a pattern- nomics databases such as ChEMBL and PubChem contain matching tool that detects signature similarities in order to es- large amounts of bioactivity data that aid in machine learn- tablish a relationship between disease and therapeutic MoA. ing approaches. These approaches extrapolate from knowl- The libraries were used to design the method that compares edge to classify new and orphan ligands for potential protein gene signatures to diseases in the database and predict the con- targets, or off-targets, based upon the similarity of the chem- nection; the MoA. Due to the ability of finding connections ical structures. The target prediction algorithm based upon and similarities between the genes, disease and drugs, the re- the Na¨ıve Bayesian classifier was employed to predict prob- Molecular sults are termed connectivity maps. The database consists of able protein targets for compounds without target informa- 1309 diverse bioactive compounds on four different cell lines, tion (Figure 1). 24, 25 The resulting prediction provides each where nearly 800 of the compounds are currently available in test compound with probable protein targets and their respec- the market. 17, 18 Another study based on the CMap data was tive scores, representing the likelihood of binding to 477 pro-

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tein targets. 25, 26 Target prediction approaches have been re- cently applied in a variety of areas 27, such as the elucidation of MoA of compounds used in traditional medicine (including ayurvedic and Chinese medicine 28) and are also used in ex- amining ADR 29. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study employing in silico target prediction in the context of gene expression data analysis.

Fig. 2 Mechanism of Action of a compound. The compound to protein target information is derived from the target prediction algorithm and the phenotypic gene expression information is curated Manuscript from experimentally annotated data. To complete the triangle, KEGG and GO pathway information is annotated for the genes and proteins and are overlapped to find similar pathways.

2 Materials and Methods Fig. 1 Target prediction overview. The orphan compound fingerprint information is fed into the algorithm, which predicts the 2.1 Gene Expression Data. likelihood (score) of binding to proteins based upon prior knowledge. This method establishes the link between the compound and protein targets, further linking it to the MoA 2.1.1 The CMap Dataset. The CMap dataset was ex- Accepted tracted from the Connectivity map server and consisted of 1309 drug-like compounds with their respective genome-wide expression profiles. In our study, the analysis for MCF7 (breast epithelial cell) and PC3 (human prostate can- In addition, protein targets do not influence gene expres- cer) cell lines, containing 75 and 101 compounds respectively, sion changes directly; they work through signalling cascades. were retained after filtering for compounds administered for a Pathway databases provide information for linking genes and duration of 6 hours and a maximum concentration of 10µM. protein targets. Databases such as KEGG and GO have been When multiple instances of compounds were found, the aver- used in the study to rationalise the findings. 30 Repositories age gene expression level was used. (KEGG and GO) have information relating to a wide range of organisms, which makes it flexible enough to integrate infor- mation from different databases and thus to study the func- 2.1.2 Pre-processing Raw Gene Expression Data. BioSystems tionality of recently discovered genes. 31 As shown in Fig- The extracted gene-expression data was pre-processed using ure 2, the MoA relationships were established in the follow- the Factor Analysis for Robust Microarray Summarization ing way; compound and gene expression via microarray data, (FARMS) method 1.8.2, 32 by separate arrayType/cellType compound and protein target via the target prediction algo- combination. For an elaborate discussion about the FARMS rithm and protein target and gene expression (CMap) via path- methods, we refer to Section S2.1 in the supplementary in- way information. Hence, for a given gene expression read- formation. The log ratio was calculated per compound versus out without knowledge of the protein targets modulated, our the vehicle. If multiple vehicles were present in the dataset, approach gives an understanding into the MoA of the com- the vehicle closest to spatial median of all vehicles was used. pounds. By studying three particular clusters benzoquinone The expression set was then filtered using informative/non- antineoplastic antibiotics, antipsychotic drugs and antidiabetic informative calls (I/NI calls), 33 where genes that were classi- Molecular and anti-inflammatory drugs, we were able to find evidence of fied as non-informative were excluded. Two types of arrays compounds perturbing certain genes and proteins thus trigger- were used in the experiment and thus only genes common ing one or more pathways. Hence, giving insights into the to both arrays were retained. Furthermore, only genes with possible MOA of the compounds. abs(log ratio)>1 for minimum 1 sample were kept.

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2.2 Target Prediction Data. dictions, in this approach class-specific confidence score cut- offs were calculated internally in order to increase the accu- 2.2.1 Target Prediction Algorithm. The target predic- racy of our predictions. 34 These compound bioactivity pro- tion algorithm developed by Koutsoukas et al., is a probabilis- files were represented as a binary matrix, where 1 represents tic machine learning algorithm for predicting protein targets of a likelihood of compound binding to the protein target and 0 bioactive molecules, which employs the Laplacian-modified represents otherwise, with respect to the individual score cut- Na¨ıve Bayes classifier (NB). Chemical similarity is the under- offs. lying principle of the method which is built on the approach that, if compounds are similar in structural space they trig- ger similar targets. Compounds structural features (Extended 2.3 Clustering of Compounds. Connectivity Fingerprints 4) are used as molecular descrip- tors. The NB classifier can be illustrated using the following The first stage of analysis comprises the clustering of com- equation. 26 pounds into groups exhibiting a high degree of both intra- cluster similarity and inter-cluster dissimilarity, according to the target prediction scores. The distance between compounds P(D = f |C = ω)P(C = ω)) P(C = ω|D = f )= was based upon the Tanimoto coefficient, which is a widely  (P(D = f ))  used and well-established distance measure for binary val- 35 In this equation, the probability of a compound belonging ues. Our implementation is an agglomerative hierarchical Manuscript to class ω given descriptor f is calculated. P(C = ω) is the clustering approach. Each compound is absorbed into increas- priori probability of class ω and P(D = f ) is a priori proba- ingly large clusters until the dataset is expressed as a single bility of the features, f . P(D = f |C = ω), is the key value in cluster composed of all compounds. The previously generated this equation, which is the likelihood of the feature f given binary profile matrix was then used to compute the similarity the class ω. This probability is estimated by the NB classifier between each compound bioactivity profile. The hierarchi- from the training set (discussed below), which assumes that cal clustering method employed here generates strictly nested the features are independent of each other for a given class. structures, which can be presented graphically using dendro- It has been observed before that the NB classifier is still an grams. effective classifier in cases where features are correlated. In Accepted machine learning practices, a training set is employed for the 2.4 Feature Selection. classifier to learn from the examples and make predictions for the unseen dataset; the test set. The classifier is trained on Feature selection was performed by applying Fisher’s exact a large benchmark dataset of bioactive compounds retrieved test, target-by-target, with the given cluster of compounds from the publicly available ChEMBL database, which is a as one group and the rest of compounds as the other group. repository of small bio-active molecules extracted from sci- To integrate the gene expression data in the analysis, genes entific literature. The training dataset covers 477 human pro- that were regulated by a particular cluster of compounds of tein targets with around 190,000 protein-ligand associations, interest were chosen. 36 The Linear Models for Microarray based upon the reported bioactivities (Ki/Kd/IC50/EC50) be- Data (Limma) method was used to assess differential expres- ing equal or better than 10 µM with a confidence score of 8 sion. 37, 38 or 9. These rules for extracting compounds ensured reliable The Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rate (BH-FDR) compound-target associations for training the model. The tar- method was used to adjust for multiplicity. Protein targets and BioSystems get prediction algorithm performance was evaluated by 5-fold genes were ranked based upon their adjusted p-values. 39 cross validation. 26 2.2.2 Predicted Protein Binding Probability Scores. 2.5 Pathway Analysis. The output file of the target prediction algorithm for a given compound is a list of ChEMBL protein targets and a score Once the lists of genes and protein targets had been obtained, quantifying the compound’s binding likelihood to the target. a pathway analysis was conducted in order to interpret the bio- The rank is based on the likelihood (NB score) of a query com- logical function of the selected subset of genes/protein targets. pound being active against each of the protein targets. With 2.5.1 Overlapping Pathway Search Using KEGG and this data, target prediction matrix scores for the 76 and 101 GO Databases. Pathway information was extracted from the compounds for the 2 cell lines (MCF7 and PC3 respectively) Molecular KEGG and GO databases for the gene sets and protein targets were generated for all the available protein targets. involved in our study. 30 The protein targets and gene sets to- 2.2.3 Data Binarisation. Although it is common to use gether with their pathways were used as input for the pathway- empirically derived global score cut-offs for bioactivity pre- oriented approach. 40, 41 Interesting sets of genes and protein

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targets from a particular cluster were then examined for com-

mon pathways. Identification of overlapping pathway(s) en- HSP90AB1 ables biological interpretation of the results. This pathway- oriented approach does not involve any statistical analysis and is dependent on the quality of information available in both HSPA6 databases.

HSPA4L 2.5.2 Gene Set Analysis Using Mean Log p-value DNAJB4 HSPH1

(MLP) Analysis. MLP analysis, in contrast with the path- ADCY7 HSPA1B way search presented in the previous section, does not involve AHSA1 pre-selection of genes prior to the analysis. Genes are catego- P4HA2 DNAJB1 −log p−value CHORDC1 rized into gene sets according to their functional relationship. DNAJA1HSPA1A A gene set is most likely significant if many of the genes com- HSPA5

prising that set have small p-values obtained from the test of MYC differential expression. Our algorithm uses the LIMMA test 42–44

statistics for this, as discussed in section 2.4. The MLP 0 20 40 60 80 100 method can be used to identify which biological pathways ap- pear to be most affected and their interconnections may be −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Manuscript visualised using a GO graph. More details about the MLP log fold change method is given in the supplementary section S2.2. Fig. 4 Volcano plot. -log(P-value) Vs. fold change. Every gene is represented by a dot in the graph. Genes HSPA6, HSPA4L, 3 Results and Discussion. DNAJB4 and HSPH1 at the top have the smallest P-values (i.e. the highest evidence for statistical significance) when testing for The hierarchical clustering of compounds according to the differentially expressed genes between the cluster of interest and similarity of their target prediction profiles, based upon the other compounds in the set. Genes at the left and right-hand sides of 477 ChEMBL targets, is presented in Figure 3 for the MCF7 the graph have the largest effect size (fold-change). The HSP-related and PC3 cell lines. Several interesting target-based compound genes for sub-cluster containing benzoquinone antineoplastic Accepted clusters (with Tanimoto coefficient > 0.5) are identified in antibiotic compounds in the plot are seen to be highly significant, each cell line; 8 from MCF7 and 11 from PC3 (numbered thus suggesting their role in the MoA of these compounds. in their respective heatmaps). The target prediction data de- pends upon the structural make-up of the compounds; hence GO pathways are retrieved for the gene and protein target sets a compound cluster observed in one cell line will also hold for sub-clusters of interest and common pathways are studied; for another line, given that all member compounds are present and the second is gene set enrichment analysis using MLP in in both cell lines. This is the case for cluster 3 of MCF7 and which the focus is on coordinated differential expression of a cluster 4 of PC3, which contain the same set of compounds; set of functionally related genes. estradiol, alpha-estradiol and fulvestraat. The number of pre- dicted targets found for each compound present in MCF7 and This analysis flow is illustrated for 3 of the 19 identified PC3 cell lines is shown in Figure S1. clusters in the following sections. Results for the other homo- This study hypothesises that compounds stimulating simi- geneous target-prediction-based sub-clusters are summarised BioSystems lar targets will also trigger similar genes and pathways. Each in Table S1 for MCF7 and Table S2 for PC3. The MoA for compound set is expected to be associated with a number of 6 of the 8 MCF7 clusters and 6 of the 11 PC3 clusters, are genes (differentially expressed between the subset of com- established using our integrated approach. pounds in the cluster and the rest of the compounds in the set). In this paper, heatmaps and volcano plots are used for 3.1 Benzoquinone Antineoplastic Antibiotic. the visualisation of predicted active protein targets and differ- entially expressed genes, respectively, for a given compound 3.1.1 Associating Genes with Compounds. The first cluster of interest. compound cluster studied consists of the compounds gel- In the next step, pathway analysis is used to deduce the danamycin and tanespimycin from cluster 7 of the MCF7 cell Molecular MoA of the compound cluster. Many statistical approaches line. Both compounds are benzoquinone antineoplastic an- have been developed for pathway analysis. 45 For the analy- tibiotics, which are used to inhibit the function of heat shock sis presented in this paper, two approaches have been used; protein 90 (HSP90). 46, 47 In Figure 4 the top differentially the first is a pathway-oriented approach in which KEGG and expressed genes between these 2 compounds and other com-

1–12 | 5 S9 secddb h S9A1gene. protein HSP90AB1 that signifi- the shows by Literature statistically encoded 1. is be above HSP90 change to fold sta- a found with be HSPA4L, all cant HSPA6, to were as found HSPH1 such was genes DNAJB4, change and Other fold compounds a significant. the shows tistically both gene in HSP90AB1 1.2 volcano The the above in compounds 4). 50 the than (Figure greater both plot -log(P-value) in a per- change shows a also 2-fold shows and above HSPA1B Gene an of displayed. turbation are set the in form they pounds represent targets, line protein cell predicted PC3 similar of share 4 compounds subcluster these and that MCF7 Given of datasets. 3 the Subcluster both sub-clusters. PC3. in type for present therapeutic clusters compounds defined 11 22 and of MCF7 set for same subclusters the 8 to leading heatmaps, the inpol ltfrtetpdfeetal xrse ee of genes expressed differentially top expres- the The for plot based prediction. profile compounds, protein-target sion two from these protein results to of the bind set upon to the likely tane- represents are 5b and that Figure geldanamycin targets identical with 7. cluster is 3a, as Figure clustering spimycin in gel- This presented of that cluster to the tanespimycin. highlighting and 5a, similar- Figure target danamycin in protein presented upon is based ity compounds of clustering 6 opud fsmlrteaetccastogether. that class showing therapeutic bringing thus similar in of useful genes, compounds is targets of upon type based compounds similar clustering perturb to seen are eo h 0hpretl r ersne nwie opudcutr ihhg aioocefiin ( coefficient Tanimoto high with clusters MCF7 Compound a) white. the in for represented data are prediction target percentile protein 90th upon the below based lines. scores cell similarity PC3 compound b) showing dendrograms and with Heatmaps 3 Fig. )MF 7 compounds) (75 MCF7 a) | .. soitn rti agt oCompounds. to Targets Protein Associating 3.1.2

prochlorperazine trifluoperazine fluphenazine haloperidol 1 dexverapamil fulvestrant estradiol 2 alpha−estradiol exemestane 3 fludrocortisone

LM−1685 4 SC−58125 rofecoxib

h oori cldsc htdre oor ersn nrae iiaiyaogtecmons hl similarities while compounds, the among similarity increased represent colours darker that such scaled is colour The exisulind diclofenac 4,5−dianilinophthalimide N−phenylanthranilic acid TTNPB probucol sulindac sulindac sulfide indometacin 1–12 MK−886


celecoxib 5 W−13 metformin tetraethylenepentamine phenformin phenyl biguanide genistein quercetin resveratrol butein staurosporine imatinib bucladesine tioguanine LY−294002 calmidazolium fasudil nocodazole ciclosporin

48 trichostatin A colchicine quinpirole monastrol

h compounds The nordihydroguaiaretic acid dopamine benserazide tamoxifen raloxifene tomelukast valproic acid arachidonyltrifluoromethane 15−delta prostaglandin J2 arachidonic acid tanespimycin 6 geldanamycin 7 tacrolimus Molecular BioSystems sirolimus

iloprost 8 paclitaxel tretinoin oligomycin The thioridazine chlorpromazine prochlorperazine trifluoperazine fluphenazine amitriptyline clozapine haloperidol verapamil dexverapamil fulvestrant estradiol alpha−estradiol exemestane prednisolone dexamethasone fludrocortisone LM−1685 SC−58125 rofecoxib exisulind diclofenac 4,5−dianilinophthalimide flufenamic acid N−phenylanthranilic acid TTNPB probucol sulindac sulindac sulfide indometacin MK−886 felodipine nifedipine nitrendipine celecoxib W−13 metformin tetraethylenepentamine phenformin phenyl biguanide genistein quercetin resveratrol butein staurosporine imatinib bucladesine tioguanine LY−294002 calmidazolium fasudil nocodazole ciclosporin A trichostatin colchicine quinpirole monastrol nordihydroguaiaretic acid dopamine benserazide tamoxifen raloxifene tomelukast valproic acid arachidonyltrifluoromethane 15−delta prostaglandinJ2 arachidonic acid tanespimycin geldanamycin tacrolimus sirolimus iloprost paclitaxel tretinoin oligomycin

compounds eatp PC)adGpoenculdrcpo 5(GPCR). 55 C receptor kinase coupled G-protein Protein and (HSP90), (BTK), (PKCZ) type alpha BTK zeta HSP90 kinase protein protein shock Tyrosine Heat (TPCC), 1 member subfamily AP-1 all channel V factor cation for Transcription potential same are receptor targets the Transient protein (AP-1), is 5 x-axis top the 5c). The in (Figure plots. rest compounds the of than ordering expression The higher relatively in- compounds a two duce these shows clearly cluster compound this rti”(O068)wsfudt ea vrapn path- overlapping an be to found was (GO:006986) return protein” may completeness of lack Table a and results. consequence, S1 empty a Table As (see the databases of S2). pathway completeness GO the upon and dependent KEGG between is pathways genes common and and of targets search targets qualitative protein This functionally-unrelated short genes. in- a potentially to deeper of compared a information, list provide interpretable can more or pathway(s) com- sight, the the for by How- searching regulated MoA. the ever, genes about information and provide already targets can pounds protein the of tion )P3(0 compounds) (101 PC3 b) .. sn ahast nesadMA. MoA Understand to Pathways Using 3.1.3 ntesuidcutr h aha rsos oteunfolded the to “response pathway the cluster, studied the In

ticlopidine thioridazine perphenazine

1 loperamide haloperidol bromocriptine 2 lisuride

apomorphine 3 verapamil U0125 hexamethonium bromide diphemanil metilsulfate tolazoline ethambutol azacyclonol hydroxyzine fulvestrant estradiol alpha−estradiol

dehydrocholic acid 4 lynestrenol prednisone danazol butirosin 5 idoxuridine sulfathiazole sulfaguanidine

sulpiride 6 celecoxib hydrochlorothiazide metolazone

troleandomycin 7 erythromycin > oleandomycin

8 midecamycin josamycin

0 paclitaxel

compounds mercaptopurine

. azathioprine metronidazole 9 )aeietfidadnmee in numbered and identified are 5) moroxydine levodopa naloxone chlortetracycline imatinib minaprine niclosamide trimethobenzamide HNMPA−(AM)3 splitomicin naphazoline tretinoin TTNPB 15−delta prostaglandin J2 diflunisal trichostatin A captopril chlorhexidine zimeldine ciprofloxacin fasudil amprolium 4−hydroxyphenazone rofecoxib diclofenac 4,5−dianilinophthalimide cotinine pyrimethamine tanespimycin edrophonium chloride dipyridamole

Identifica- methotrexate aciclovir rosiglitazone troglitazone

acebutolol 10 isoxsuprine metanephrine hesperetin butein resveratrol fisetin genistein LY−294002 11 khellin ticlopidine thioridazine perphenazine amoxapine cyproheptadine loperamide haloperidol bromocriptine lisuride apomorphine verapamil U0125 hexamethonium bromide diphemanil metilsulfate tolazoline dicycloverine ethambutol azacyclonol hydroxyzine doxylamine pheniramine fulvestrant estradiol alpha−estradiol dehydrocholic acid lynestrenol prednisone danazol butirosin idoxuridine sulfathiazole sulfaguanidine sulpiride celecoxib hydrochlorothiazide metolazone troleandomycin erythromycin oleandomycin amylocaine midecamycin josamycin paclitaxel mercaptopurine azathioprine metronidazole amiloride moroxydine levodopa naloxone chlortetracycline imatinib minaprine niclosamide tolnaftate trimethobenzamide miconazole HNMPA−(AM)3 splitomicin naphazoline tretinoin TTNPB 15−delta prostaglandinJ2 glipizide baclofen diflunisal A trichostatin captopril chlorhexidine oxetacaine lidocaine zimeldine ciprofloxacin cinchocaine fasudil amprolium 4−hydroxyphenazone rofecoxib diclofenac 4,5−dianilinophthalimide cotinine pyrimethamine diltiazem tanespimycin edrophonium chloride minoxidil dipyridamole methotrexate aciclovir rosiglitazone troglitazone acebutolol isoxsuprine metanephrine hesperetin butein resveratrol fisetin genistein LY−294002 khellin Page 6of12

compounds Molecular BioSystems Accepted Manuscript Page 7of12 i.5GnsadPoentresrgltdb opud ednmcnadtanespimycin and activation geldenamycin compounds by regulated targets Protein and Genes 5 Fig. irrhclcutrn fcompounds; of clustering hierarchical ( aayi sakonihbtro S9,tu modulating thus gel- HSP90, of compound of inhibitor the known activation Moreover, a the is with danamycin response. associated protein is unfolded inhibition shown also HSP90 has HSPA4L, Literature that HSPA6, DNAJB1. HSP90AB1, and genes HSPA1B DNAJB4, the protein shock and heat alpha target HSP90 protein predicted the involving way compounds, linked. other are for (HSP90AB1, genes perturbation genes the high The and have (GPCR). targets not 55 the do receptor that here shock coupled hypothesis studied Heat G-protein the AHSA1) (BTK), factor and suggesting and Transcription BTK (PKCZ) ADCY7 are kinase HSPA1B, type targets protein HSPH1, zeta Tyrosine The DNAJB4, C (TPCC), HSPA4L, selected. kinase 1 HSPA6, cluster Protein member sub (HSP90), V the alpha subfamily to HSP90 channel respect protein cation with potential perturbed receptor particularly Transient are (AP-1), genes AP-1 some Thus, blue. in represented (a) ntexai n odcag nteyai.Teslce opudsbcutrcnan h nycmonsta rdce h targets the predicted that compounds only the contains sub-cluster compound selected The y-axis. the in fold-change and x-axis the in ) iatvto fpoentargets; protein of /inactivation

log2 fold change

Target Proteins −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 thioridazine chlorpromazine prochlorperazine trifluoperazine

(c) Profiles plot ofthe top differentially expressed genes forcompounds tanespimycin and geldanamycin fluphenazine amitriptyline clozapine haloperidol verapamil (b) Heatmap showing the top predicted targets ofcompounds tanespimycin and geldanamycin dexverapamil fulvestrant (b) estradiol alpha−estradiol (c) exemestane eta ftepoen agt(os n opud(oun)clue codn to according coloured compounds(columns) and (rows) target proteins the of heatmap prednisolone dexamethasone h rfiepo ftetpdfeetal xrse ee ihcmonsodrdacrigto according ordered compounds with genes expressed differentially top the of plot profile the fludrocortisone LM−1685 SC−58125 rofecoxib

exisulind (a) Protein target similarity-based clustering diclofenac 4,5−dianilinophthalimide flufenamic acid N−phenylanthranilic acid compounds ordered according to (a) compounds ordered according to (a) TTNPB probucol sulindac sulindac sulfide indometacin Molecular BioSystems MK−886 felodipine nifedipine nitrendipine celecoxib W−13 metformin

tetraethylenepentamine phenformin phenyl biguanide genistein novdi hs ahas(al 1.Asuycridout carried study A S1). (Table be to pathways known are these overlap in the in involved proteins re- and presen- genes and The show processing tation”. “antigen HSP90AA1 pathway KEGG the and to sponse HSPA1A HSPA1B, HSP90B1, h noddpoenresponse. protein unfolded the quercetin resveratrol iial,teoelpbtenHPpoenadtegenes the and protein HSP between overlap the Similarly, butein staurosporine imatinib bucladesine tioguanine LY−294002 calmidazolium fasudil nocodazole ciclosporin trichostatin A colchicine quinpirole monastrol nordihydroguaiaretic acid dopamine benserazide . tamoxifen

(a) raloxifene tomelukast valproic acid

rti-agtsimilarity-based Protein-target arachidonyltrifluoromethane 15−delta prostaglandin J2 arachidonic acid tanespimycin geldanamycin

49 tacrolimus sirolimus iloprost paclitaxel tretinoin oligomycin AHSA1 ADCY7 HSPA1B HSPH1 DNAJB4 HSPA4L HSPA6 HSP90AB1 AP−1 BTK HSP90 PKCZ TPCC GPCR 1–12 | 7

Molecular BioSystems Accepted Manuscript Molecular BioSystems Page 8 of 12

by Albert 50 also supports our finding that HSP plays a role in antigen processing and presentation, where these proteins GO:0006986\ GO:0061077\ GO:0042026\ are released during cell death in order to bind to cell surface response to unfold\ chaperone−mediated\ protein refolding\ receptors of the antigen-presenting cells. ed protein protein folding

Table 1 Overlapping Pathways. Pathway Search involving the top protein targets and genes regulated by the compounds geldenamycin and tanespimycin.

Pathway Target Genes HSP90B1 Heat shock HSPA6 response to protein 90 alpha HSPA4L unfolded protein DNAJB4 GO:0035966\ GO:0006457\ HSPA1B response to topolo\ protein folding\ HSP90B1 gically incorrect protein antigen processing Heat shock HSPA1B

and presentation protein 90 alpha HSPA1A Manuscript HSP90AA1 Fig. 6 GO pathways containing the top 5 gene sets with MLP 3.1.4 Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Using the Mean for benzoquinone antineoplastic antibiotic compounds. Every ellipse represents a gene set. The colour indicates the significance: minus log p-value (MLP) Method. GO and KEGG pub- the darker, the more significant. The connectors indicate that the lic pathway databases lack updated annotations from the lit- 51 gene sets are related. The lower the GO term is in the graph, the erature. MLP analysis bridges this gap by identifying sig- more specific is the gene set nificantly affected biological processes or gene sets consist- ing of functionally related genes. The top 5 set of significant

GO terms according to their structure in the ontology are dis- Accepted played in Figure 6. The MLP results agree with those from the tochrome P450 2D6 (Figure S3). Antipsychotics drugs are pathway search and literature on the pathway “response to un- known to be promiscuous therefore identifying selective pro- 52 folded protein”, which is on the top gene set in the analysis. 49 tein targets are difficult. Figure S2 displays the top genes The pathway search provides information on known existing regulated by the compounds which include genes INSIG1, gene-pathway links, whereas MLP analysis shows statistically IDI1, SQLE, MSMO1, etc. The protein target CYP2D6, a enriched pathways that are significant (with or without avail- member of the enzyme family Cytochromes P450 (CYP), is 53 able literature evidence). While the pathway search makes use known to metabolise drugs and to play a key role in the 54, 55 of top differentially expressed genes, providing 5 genes linked synthesis of steroid, and prostacyclins. Lit- to this pathway, the MLP analysis can provide an enriched set erature studies have shown that CYP2D6 greatly influences 56 of genes biologically linked through the “response to unfolded the metabolism of antipsychotics drugs. Pathway analysis protein” pathway. Using the LIMMA p-values as the input, the information was also added to relate the MoA of the antipsy- chotics. A search of an overlapping pathway was executed

HSP and DNAJ-related genes are shown to dominate this gene BioSystems set (Figure 7). on the antipsychotic cluster, where genes INSIG-1, LDLR The MLP method therefore provides statistically significant and protein target CYP2D6 were observed to overlap with genes and also the significance of each gene in the pathway “steroid metabolic process pathway”. This observation com- of interest. The gene set enrichment analysis is a good start plies with the study by Polymeropoulos et al., in which it was when there is limited pathway information, in understanding shown that genes INSIG-1 and LDLR were up-regulated by the MoA of compounds. antipsychotic drugs that also influenced the steroid biosynthe- sis. 57. While these genes show significance for the antipsy- chotic drugs, they remain unperturbed for the other compound 3.2 Antipsychotic Drugs. sub-clusters. The neighbouring compound cluster (verapamil A cluster based on the MCF7 cell line consists of well- and dexverapamil) of calcium channel binders are known to Molecular known antipsychotic drugs (amitriptyline, clozapine, thiori- have antipsychotic effects, thus large numbers of similar tar- dazine, chlorpromazine, trifluoperazine, prochlorperazine and gets are predicted. 58, 59 The genes (IDI1, SQLE, MSMO1, IN- fluphenazine), which share the predicted protein targets mus- SIG1, MNT, SRSF7, HMGCS1 and CCR1) also have similar carinic, histamine, dopamine and adrenergic receptors and cy- gene perturbation on this sub-cluster.

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Significance activity.” 57 0 10 20 30 40 In the compounds clustered based upon protein target simi- larity, compounds verepamil and dexverepamil shared protein HSPH1:heat shock 105kDa/110kDa protein 1 targets such as the hydroxytryptamine receptor, the adrener- DNAJB4:DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, mem AARS:alanyl−tRNA synthetase gic receptor, the histamine H1 receptor, the dopamine recep- HSPA4L:heat shock 70kDa protein 4−like tor and the muscarinic receptor M4. Although PPP1R15A:protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (i they share similar protein targets, the intensity of gene ex- DNAJA1:DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, mem pression profiles were different indicating that the method can HSPA1B:heat shock 70kDa protein 1B clearly distinguish between close sub-clusters and thus sug- HSPA2:heat shock 70kDa protein 2 gesting differences in their MoA. SREBP and cholesterol- HSPA4:heat shock 70kDa protein 4 synthesizing enzyme seladin-1 were not predicted by the tar- HSPA5:heat shock 70kDa protein 5 (glucose−reg get prediction algorithm, as they were out of the applicability HSPA6:heat shock 70kDa protein 6 (HSP70B’) domain. HSPA8:heat shock 70kDa protein 8 HSP90AA1:heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cyto HSP90AB1:heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cyto 3.3 Antidiabetic and Anti-inflammatory Drugs. DNAJB1:DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, mem

A PC3 cell line cluster (Table S2) comprising of thiazolidine- Manuscript diones (rosiglitazone and troglitazone drugs) was found to 63, 64 Fig. 7 Significance plot of top functionally related genes have both antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effects. In contributing in the pathways “response to unfolded proteins”. silico target prediction algorithm indicated that these com- The plot represents the top 15 genes contributing with the level of pounds were likely to bind to the peroxisome proliferator ac- significance in the bar for the respective pathways in the MLP tivated receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma), peroxisome prolifer- analysis for geldanamycin and tanespimycin compound cluster. The ator activated receptor alpha (PPAR-alpha) and acyl CoA de- height of a bar represents -log10(geneStatistic)) of the gene saturase. Spiegelman has shown the MoA of antidiabetic thia- indicated on the y-axis. Unlike the overlap method for pathways zolidinediones to induce activation of PPAR gamma and thus search, which uses a short list of annotated genes and targets, MLP regulate genes involved in glucose and lipid metabolism. 65 makes use of all the p-values obtained from LIMMA analysis to Gene expression profiles of genes FABP4 and ANGPTL4 have Accepted identify gene sets enriched in small p-value. In this case, MLP fold changes of 3 and 1 respectively. Studies have shown that results agree with the overlap pathway method and therefore can be used where genes and targets are not annotated with pathways in antidiabetic thiazolidinediones are ligands for the nuclear re- KEGG and GO. ceptor PPAR, which exert their anti-hyperglycaemic effects by regulation of the PPAR responsive genes and also that gene FABP4 is rapidly up-regulated upon PPAR gamma ligand ad- Furthermore, MLP indicated that the “steroid metabolic ministration; this confirms our finding of this gene showing process” pathway was significantly enriched in the antipsy- high fold change. 15, 66 A study by Pal et al. showed that the chotic sub-cluster. Enrichment was also observed for the path- gene ANGPTL4 is responsible for epidermal differentiation ways “cholesterol biosynthesis process”, “sterol biosynthesis mediated via the PPAR protein. 67 process”, “cholesterol metabolic process”, “sterol metabolic During overlap pathway analysis, genes FABP4 and process” and “steroid biosynthesis process” (Figure S4). The ANGPTL4 were found to share pathway “PPAR signalling” BioSystems gene Dhcr24, as shown in the Figure S5, is predicted to be with proteins PPAR-gamma, PPAR-alpha and acyl CoA desat- highly significant on the ”cholesterol biosynthetic process” urase. Confirming our observation, antidiabetic thiazolidine- and is known to code for the protein cholesterol-synthesizing diones in pathway hsa03320 of the KEGG database induce enzyme seladin-1, which agrees with the study by Crameri “PPAR signaling pathway” by perturbing genes FABP4 and et al.. 60, 61 Another gene in the list, G6PD, was also known ANGPTL4 and PPAR proteins. This indicates that the MoA to regulate the pathway through protein sterol regulatory of antidiabetic thiazolidinediones involves PPAR signalling. element-binding proteins (SREBP). 62 Studies by Iskar et al. There was overlap of the pathway “induction of apopto- have shown that the genes LDLR, INSIG1, IDI1, SQLE and sis” with gene PRKCD and protein target PPAR-gamma. In HMGCS1 are responsible for the “cholesterol metabolic pro- the study by Elrod and Sun, thiazolidinediones were shown cess” 23 (Figure S5), which is in accordance with our results. to have potential for inducing apoptosis in cancer cells by Molecular As stated by Polymeropoulos et al. “activation of antipsy- binding to protein PPAR-gamma. 68 In our study on thiazo- chotics by genes associated with lipid homeostasis is not just a lidinediones, we also observed that gene PRKCD is down- common off-target effect of these drugs but rather the common regulated substantially when compared to other compounds in central mechanism by which they achieve their antipsychotic the dataset showing selectivity for this particular gene. Hence

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suggesting gene PRKCD to be involved in the MoA for thia- of the compounds was found to involve genes FABP4 and zolidinediones. ANGPTL4 and protein PPAR and pathway analysis confirmed ”PPAR signalling” as being involved in the underlying MoA 3.4 Other Compound Clusters. of these compounds. All these analysis were confirmed by literature evidence. Note that these studied compound clus- Of the 8 and 11 compound clusters identified in the respec- ters (antipsychotic drugs, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory tive MCF7 and PC3 cell lines, our approach was able to link drugs) along with other CMap compounds, were selected to the genes and targets via pathway(s) for 6 compound clus- represent a broad range of activities not necessarily related to ters in each cell line. Some of the links (compound-genes, oncology, and were profiled only in cancer cell lines due to compound-target and genes-pathway-target), however, lacked practical limitations. An assessment of the extent of the re- literature support (Table S1 for MCF7 and S2 for PC3). The sults to be cell line specific is therefore not feasible here. target prediction similarity data also produces many single- Although a large amount of information is present in pub- tons, which are compounds that do not share any targets with lic databases, KEGG and GO lack annotations. 51 MLP analy- remaining compounds in the set, thus providing a limited num- sis thus provided the statistical information required to enrich ber of clusters to be investigated. genes in the pathways of interest. This approach enabled us to gain valuable insight into known MoA of compounds and also 4 Conclusions provides a means by which new (or previously unestablished) Manuscript MoA can be discovered. Combining target-based compound similarity with corre- This paper therefore presents a pragmatic approach to sponding gene expression information provides a better under- dataset integration, involving relatively few stages of statis- standing of compound cluster behaviour, both on the bioactiv- tical analysis. The method was designed to capture the differ- ity level and on the transcriptional level. Ideally, any target- ent associations (if they exist) between compounds, genes and driven compound cluster can be investigated using this analy- targets, in order to gain insight regarding the MoA of com- sis flow, but it is more logical to prioritize clusters with com- pounds. This approach is not only limited to the use of gene pounds that share at least half of the targets. This compound expression and target prediction data, however; the technique cluster selection requires choosing an arbitrary cut-off for the can be more generally used to find links between two datasets Accepted Tanimoto similarity score, which is 0.5 in this case. Studies measured against the same set of observations. The technique by Hert et al. and Martin et al. show mean nearest neighbour may also be improved by integrating more sophisticated simi- similarity across different activity classes are between 0.3 and larity functions, which could more accurately predict the clus- 0.7, and therefore 0.5 is a reasonable value to describe similar- tering of compounds based upon the affinity to common tar- 69,70 ity. Increasing this cut-off value would mean filtering out gets and thus provide an even more powerful predictive tool. other compound clusters for the next level of analysis, while decreasing this value would allow for more compound clus- ters to be analysed. However, in practice, the choice largely depends on which compound sets are of most interest to the Acknowledgement researcher. Analysis was performed upon all selected homogeneous target-driven compound clusters, but focus was placed on the We would like to gratefully acknowledge the Institute for the BioSystems MoA of three compound clusters; benzoquinone antineoplas- Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flan- tic antibiotics, antipsychotic drugs and antidiabetic and anti- ders (IWT) for providing us with the O&O grant 100988: inflammatory drugs. QSTAR - Quantitative structure transcriptional activity rela- Analysis of the benzoquinone antineoplastic antibiotic drug tionship. We would like to thank IWT and Janssen Phar- sub-cluster gave insight into their MoA through the HSP genes maceutica and Johnson & Johnson for jointly funding PhD and the HSP90-alpha protein. Further pathway study directed projects of Aakash Chavan Ravindranath and Nolen Perualila- us to the underlying MoA though ”antigen processing and Tan. Ziv Shkedy and Nolen Perualila-Tan gratefully acknowl- presentation” and ”response to the unfolded protein”. In the edge the support from the IAP Research Network P7/06 of the sub-cluster study of antipsychotic drugs, our integrated ap- Belgian State (Belgian Science Policy). Georgios Drakakis proach was able to narrow down the MoA of the compound thanks Lilly and EPSRC for funding his PhD. Sonia Liggi and Molecular to protein target CYP2D6 and genes INSIG-1 and LDLR. In Daniel Mason thanks Unilever for funding. Dr.Andreas Ben- addition, the pathway analysis confirmed the MoA through der thanks Unilever for funding and the European Research ”steroid metabolic process pathway”. Furthermore, in the an- Council for a Starting Grant (ERC-2013-StG-336159 MIX- tidiabetic and anti-inflammatory drugs sub-cluster, the MoA TURE).

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