Friday,April 12,2013,8pm Saturday,April 13,2013,8pm Sunday,April 14, 2O13,2pm Ail pertormancesare at SymphonyHall.

JahjaLing, conductor KyokoTakezawa, violin


FRANZSCHUBERT SymphonyNo. 5 in BJlat Major,D, 485 c. 27' Allegro Andantecon moto Menuetto:Allegro molto Allegrovivace


JOHANNESBRAHMS ViolinConcerto in D Major,Op.77 c. 38' Allegronon troppo Adagio Allegrogiocoso, ma non troppovivace KyokoTakezawa, violin

The approximaterunning time for this program,including intermission,is one hour and fifty minutes, performedwith the ChinaPhilharmonic, theHong Kong Philharmonic, the Japan Philharmonic,Singapore, Guangzhou, Nagoyaand Osaka Symphonies in Asia,Denmark's Aarhus Symphony, France'sOrchestre National de Lille,and Manchester'sHalle Orchestra. She also appearedas thefeature soloist on the HamburgNDR Symphony tour of Japan. Ms.Takezawa's chamber music per.for- manceshave drawn high praise, and as co-directorof the SuntoryFestival Soloists of SuntoryHall in Tokyo,she hascollabo- ratedwith the latelsaac Stern, Yo-Yo Ma, WolfgangSawallisch, Joseph Suk, Pinchas KyokoTakezawa, violin Zukermanand manyother distinguished aftists.A prolificrecording aftist, Ms. A s theembodiment of musicality.violinist Takezawacan be heardon BMG'sRCA AKyoko Takezawaelectrifies audiences VictorRed Seal label. Her most recent witha richnessof playing,a virtuosiccon- recordingis a perlormanceof the Violin fidenceof feeling,and a fieryintensity that Concerto,Op. 14,by SamuelBarber IACOBSMASTERWORKS establishesher as oneof today'sforemost with LeonardSlatkin and the SaintLouis violinists.Ms, Takezawa's interpretive SymphonyOrchestra. Her other record- THE ROMEROS insightand indisputable talent have made ingsinclude the Elgar Violin Concerto with RETURN! hera sought-after SirColin Davis and the BavarianRadio soloistwith many of the Friday& Saturday,May 17 & 18,8pm world'sleading SymphonyOrchestra; the ViolinConcerlo orchestras. Sunday,May 19, 2pm No. 2 by Bart6kwith MichaelTilson Ms.Takezawa has performed as solo- JahjaLing, conductor Thomasand the LondonSymphony; and istwith such prominent ensemores as PepeRomero, guitar; The Romeros, guitar theMendelssohn Concerlos Nos. 1 and the NewYork Philharmonic, the Boston DenyceGraves, mezzo-soprano 2 with KlausPeter Flor and the Bamberg Symphony,the PhiladelphiaOrchestra, the Symphony. ChicagoSymphony, and the symphony "TheRomeros are the guardiansof the orchestrasof San Francisco,Cleveland, Ms.Takezawa began violin studies at the HolyGrail of the ClassicalGuitar." Baltimore,Saint Louis, Houston, Toronto, ageof three,and at sevenhe toured the - LeipzigVolkszeitung Dallas,Montreal, Detroit and Cincinnati. UnitedStates, Canada and Switzerland as a Abroad,she has beenheard with the memberof theSuzuki Method Association. JACOBSMASTERWORKS Academyof St. Maftinin the Fields,the ln 1982she placed first in the 5lst Annual LondonSymphony, the TonhalleOrchestra JapanMusic Competition, and at 17 OIGAKERI{ PLAYS oI Zurich,Bavarian Radio Symphony sheentered the Aspen Music School to RAGHMAI.IIl'IOFF Orchestra,the DresdenStaatskapelle, studywith Dorothy Delay, with whom Ms. Friday& Saturday, the RoyalConcedgebouw Orchestra, Takezawacontinued to studyat TheJuilliard May3&4,8pm the RoyalScottish Natronal Orchestra, Schooluntil graduating in 1989.In 1986 she Sunday,May 5, 2pm the LeipzigGewandhaus wasawarded the Gold Medal at theSecond JahlaLing, conductor Orchestra,the OlgaKern, NHKSymphony and the NewJapan QuadrennialInternational Violin Competition Philharmonic.She has collaborated with in Indianapolisand, most recently, she manydistinguished conductors, includ- receivedthe prestigiousldemitsu Award for JOSHUABEtt PTAYS ingSeiji Ozawa, Sir , Michael outstandingmusicianship. Ms. Takezawa, TGHA|K0USff TilsonThomas, Wolfgang Sawallisch, who hasbeen performing on theAntonio ^ KurtMasur, Sir NevilleMarriner, Stradivarius"Campocselice"(1 710) on loan illg,-"'ili'i3*ffi Leonard :'qr:a::v'-vl'l Slatkin,Charles Dutoit, Marek Janowski to herfrom the Nippon Music Foundation, uun0ay,May zb, zpm -2 and SirAndrew Davis. She has per-formed mostrecently has been given the Guarneri JahjaLing, conduclor JoshuaBell. violin at majorvenues around the world,notably delGesu "Wieniawski" (1742), on loan to CarnegieHall in NewYork; the Kennedy her providedby theStradivarius Society in Centerin Washington, D.C.; London's Chicago.ffi TICKETSSTART AT $ZOI BBC Proms;Musikverain in Viennaand SuntoryHall in Tokyo. In pastseasons, lVs. Takezawa per- The San DiegoSymphony formedin NorthAmerica with the St. is supportedby a grant from Louis,Tucson and Jacksonville, Charlotte. theJamesh-vine foundation Torontoand Seattle Symphonies. She also VIOLIN MichaelDeatherage TRUMPET BILL CONTI, Jeff Thayer CalvinC. Price PRINCIPAL POPS KarlaHolland-Moritz CONDUCTOR Concertmaster Pincipal RichardLevine MAITHEW GARBUTT, PATEAND FORREST DEBORAH RonaldRobboy John MacFerranWilds PRINCIPAI SUMMER CHAIR 'OHN Ray Nowak POPSCONDUCTOR NickGrant Mary Oda Szanto KIN-DAYID MASUR Principal Associate Concertmaster BASS TROMBONE ASSISTANT CONDUCTOR R. JisunYang JeremyKurtz-Hanis Kyle Covington Associate Principal I Principal Principal AlexanderPalamidis SOPHIEAND ARTHUR BRODY GeorgeJohnston FOUNDATTON Principal ll CHAIR RichardGordon + SusanWulff TBD MichaelPriddy AssociatePrincipal Associate Principal ll BASS TROMBONE W. GregoryBerton RandallBrinton MichaelPriddy SamuelHager YumiCho Jory Herman TUBA HernanConstantino Matthew Garbutt MargaretJohnston + AliciaEngley Principal AllanRickmeier Pat Francis MichaelWais HARP KathrynHatmaker JulieAnn Smith AngelaHomnick FLUTE Principal Mel-ChingHuang Rose Lombardo Principal TIMPANI lgor Pandurski RyanJ. Dilisi SarahTuck JuliaPautz Principal ElizabethAshmead WesleyPrecourt (S) Andrew Watkins SusanRobboy PrccoLo Assistant Principal ShigekoSasaki ElizabethAshmead PERCUSSION YehShen OBOE GregoryCohen SarahSkuster Anna Sk6lov6 Principal Principal EdmundStein JamesPlank Betsy Spear HanahStuart (S) AndrewWaikins John Stubbs AndreaOverturf PIANO/CELESTE Pei-ChunTsai ENGLISHHORN MaryBarranger JingYan AndreaOverturf JoanZelickman ORCHESTRAPERSONNEL MANAGER CLARINET MagdalenaO'Neill VIOLA SherylRenk ThomasC. Turner Principal ASSISTANTPERSONN EL MANAGER DouglasHall Acting Principal TheresaTunnicliff KARENAND WARREN KESSLER CHAIR FrankRenk PRINCIPALLIBRARIAN NancyLochner CourtneyCohen BASS CLARINET Associate Principal FrankRenk LIBRARIAN RebekahCampbell TriciaLee,Acting Chi-YuanChen BASSOON ValentinMartchev Wanda Law Principal QingLiang RyanSimmons (L) On Leave ThomasMorgan (S)Long TermSubstitute Musician LeylaZamora AJ Nilles + Staff Opera Musician DorothyZeavin CONTRABASSOON All musiciansare membersof the American LeylaZamora GarethZehngut Federationof MusiciansLocal 325. HORN BenjaminJaber YaoZhao Financialsupport Principal Principal isprovided by Darby Hinshaw Chia-LingChien theCity of Asslstanf Principal & Utility SanDiego Associate Principal WarrenGref Commissionfor MarciaBookstein CtyofSan Diego Artsand Culture. TriciaSkye GlenCampbell DouglasHall