UAIL9 ' 7 'irV50:- - From San Francises? Wllhclmlna, Oct 28. - ; For San Francisco: MjL - I f . I 1 I Lurllne, Oct 2G. 1 7 J From Vancouver: a .'- Maknra, Nov. S. . For Vancouvtr: f Niagara, Nor, It,

livening Bulletin, Est 1882. No. C304 PAGES-HONOL- ULU, TERRITORY :?G, Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXlII. JCo. 7345 Ji OFHAWAII, TUESDAY, OCTOBER fol5.U PAGES y : PRICE FIVE CTXTJ n n c i "I J n ' n urn ! Li L L w-- kJ . L j u . ."' ''..' nnnncnnnnaannn, : :'- -- :;...:: Haw Uatcbri Lni 8 ' Xt U MAIN DATES OF . 1 a McCRATH ESCAPE XX - ;DuiIs!i3T a ;; ' .; U mi M - Than $l,C0O,O0a- Sure a - a February 191-Th- ree Chinese a (V - ' a taken to McGrath's home; In a i - liner, ' word "of shape ; The new Matson .of .a cablesram from the head a KaUhl to buy opium are rob- - a which cam by Associated Press a few office of the corporation. In Fran- ; 4 - San a bed of $7oo. , millio- a days ago, will be more cisco." to John H. Drew, manager 4-- Smhr- than the of a February 4ohn .J.. ( 'Jack") a n-dollar despatch herald- Castle V CookeV shipping vessel the department a; McGrath arrested, held by po-- a ed. It will be "another Matsonia" and .' This stated tbat, the contract has a lice for investigation. a will cost more than the present qjueen been placed by Xaptain Matson with -- M 5 B. ; f 8 February H. Lewis and J a CQ;:sTf.:iri;:oriP: of the Matson fleet, the Union Iron Works of San Fran- a T. Scully arrested, all three a Associat- Mat-so- n 1 Confirmation of the recent cisco for vship jo duplicate the a V charged with robbery. - ed despatch Capt William la to be completed a Press that and within the a February 18 Scully and Mc- - a Matson, president of the Matson Navi- next .15 or If .months.h This, meanf tt Crath Indicted 1 by territorial a gation Company, bnlld v - was to anotbei " a grand jury.' - v a Aftermath of Ssnrntinnnl ; ; morning in v(ContIau:3:on 18--Gr- liner, arrived; this the pagflj fonrl a March ' and jury returns a a further Indictments against a Arjfil 0" A Getavav Last Com Mi nnr.""r Scully, McGrath, O. A. VC a " CBert") a a Bower and Paul IV Boggs. '. a - siiGiiiu; a March 26 McGrath, 'Scully and 8 g Report of Jail Ccr.n 8 I Bower plead not guilty. - - 8 In Bumor : Ccncs From. London Bulgarian aqd Teuton Forces 8 April 12 Indictment ' against ' 8 STORY OF FRED GOUGH, WHO SAYS ; 8 Scully quashed. Strong reports OFFICIAL L.V:i7Y - and Lrcks Confirmation Close toTbining; French Ex- " 8 ' " sc:;; "DADQEn-GAME- 8 he has turned state's evidence. 8 " ga;:g3te;:3 was Any . K0PIEIS1 Mm with r:oic: Frcm Source pedition Reaches Serbs and 8 April 14 Bower and McGrath 8 plead guilty to second-degre- e laid ELrCTZ county Anc:;::Y a:;d attc::;ey- - ' ReinforcesThem; Turks are 8 ' 8 robbery. : T , r ' : , U.S. PROSECOTifJG 8 8 cqu'jty atto;:ey ::.ov:;i secu;;z3 r - Concentratirig; Official Ger- OiJ TARIFF PLAN CiHCLES 8 April 26 McGrath and pals or 8 eral FAY AND HIS MATE CO AHD TO ' 1 ; - dered to appear for sentence on FHEPAHES PUT .VAHEr.-- man Despatches 8 ' 8 : ; .. - v-r- May 1. - GRAr.'D r. ;.; ;;; : 8 8 ju.iy Thursday Gouiii says ::t:::,,. : Star-Bulleti- n April 20 McGrath escapes at Trying to Get at Bottom of Al (Special Correspondence) 8 8 : , - SET LOOSE 7HE;J v GATE ; J. P. Cooke Expects Congress End of Long illness Comes Dur- 8 night from county jail, ; 8 YA3 CPE'.'ZD FC;i : -- ICQCd Plot to Blow Up Ships LONDON, England, Oct. 26. - . Accept-Suggestio- May 6 Sentences passed on oth- ESCAFE-WA- Will to ing Ecirly V. : rnjng Hcurs for 8 8 THAT HIS S E'XOUAGED CY liZai Ccrrying r.Iuniticns ' From The race for the road to Constan- 8 ere. Scully glen : suspended 8 -- : ; ; OF. JAILER FER?J, DEPUTY A;;D C tinople and possibly for the fact- . . Retain Existing Duties V:!I Li! Honolulan; 8 sentence of 13 months, 'Boggs 8 FiOHU THE United States i a week at hard labor,-Bowe- r or of victory into the war has de- 4 A ' - 8 8 leg-islctio- n one-ha- lf n r Congress will approve by early 8 three and years at 8 niiviiiiauvii niiiwii fi vwmc mjr fclnwO reJriirj .z Star-Bulleti- n excit-in- g (Spf clal Correspondence) veloped into a gigantic and Sec-rvlar- y the county of m the recommendations of . hard labor, Lewis two years: at Jail at the time the McGrath escapa warrant in 8 A- 8 , L 1 . . . ;' 1 A I . f . I . ;: '" ' 1 ...... - I contest. r ; ik. i : ? LONDON England, Oct. 26. .. Q' j h f tLe tT:iasury McAdoo for 8 hard .labor. ''')' a mo mucr w iac icrriioriai granj jury, anj r.3v aire-- i;:n . do so. - 4 intend to to T c It is reported here that Prince , The Bulgarians, who are trying the retention of the exliiiLj sugar 8 Since above date the 'McGrath 8 draw this the Jury's attsnticn cn Thurrj'. von Buelow, former, ambassador to join the Teuton armies of inva- duties, in the belief of" J. I". Cooke, 8 case has been continued from 8 and manager of Alexander 8 time to time in territorial court 8 mands official' investigation and eublifi attsment ef th f C, to chancel- sion in Serbia, and . then open the f rprueit . a. . 141. . A a a t Italy, and the German & McGrath missing. , , . . wwuniy Miarney m. brown. Baldwin, who returned today from 8 still ' t 8 Bethmann-IIollwec- ', mu- . ":. , - .v' Star-Bulleti- n lor,. Dr. von road to Turkey for men and a business and vacation trip to the 8 v . .. - - V r 8 The presents herewith Tor the first time the "InIa" f t ' ' : t:-.- 3 Mill soon submitto King Alfonso nitions,- are now within a few mainland. V r ..v v"-- '';-.- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 h88a8888 of the escape from the county jail of John J. McGrath, member cf f c of Ppsin and President Wilson an miles of reaching their Teuton v From a brief talk by Mr, Cooke this gang, "Dader-gam- e S-..':.- wmcn conauctea cp.i V' - morning' it may be gathered that he is mis the hoijups ani conditions allies. -- outline of the on which with Chinese until last February, wa3 broken up when it3 Icr. : 3 W definitely optimistic as to the future - Germaiiy might discuss peace. The French expedition , which of the sugar producing industry as arrested one after the other, tried and convicted ca various c!.r- The report is unconfirmed.- - landed at Saloniki and struck in concerned with the tariff. ; He points ; McGrath,. awaiting sentence, made a getaway frcm tto couuty night SO.- - points:, 9 men wh-- a'; land toward Nish is' reported to out - that undoubtedly the secretary's the of April The manner cf his th and his movements, afterwards, have been a' mystery ever El.m. . r r have made recommendations, backed . by the ad ; SHIP PLOT IS CHARGED day to gool on its tre ' ministration ( forces, will be accepted mendous effort and to have reach " And fact3 surrounding escape have never reache l tv. j r"- - 1 . I. the tl3 by Congress. 1L - A A J t 1 . . .. n NEW, YORK, N. . Oct. 26. ed the Serbian army in the south s ii a Binrr r r es Mar.f rr 'wrin i p nw i i i i v i "As I look at . the situation," "said ; Robert' Fay,: the German arrested and' "given it . needed reinforce that he himself opened the bis: pita cf the county J i'.I r.r ! . Mr. Cooke at his of&ce, shortly after . . a -- TV. m I 1 1 1 - .. . ' escape. .11att. al...... v. t .. i: ' ' - .'; --V1'. lo oi i:m ;; in New Jersey and charged with ments. ,- his return, resolves Itself into this iti.i "it jllblv U.-- i - ' - when McGr-'- 1 cut cf Ja!l yir;l Lu? n:vt cf . scheming to ma- - question --'Who will oppose .'Mr. Mc- r": n " attach infernal; Italy- is hammering hard on' the C-- . , ! r "'3 v.. er z w: a'.vay t T met L.'i i Adoo's And. I do 1 recommendations .rr.;-t:- ; L;-- I ; chines' to vessels leaving port with Austrian front which is said in the Izf ci givca to 2 r-. i. " o Tvq members of the cf hartcr .'T'Tte not believe eittier ".Republicans "- -r 1 :'.--- : ' - munitidns,' "the object being to military 'despatches ':. be shat- ... - . . V tist Cf a f " r ?!c"r.,'i C to -- Democrats k will do so. , 1 . tcuiiii,;-'"-- : . blow-the- TerT.irr;;.! Trct ::r up sea,5 was flrraiim-i- d -- trf'-th- - at tered but. still;.unirokn2,J!ftv fjr 1 iiiasu ct - ta-w- 3 " i secretair rj ;k - J.T Kot did he dard to ha e ays 1 t: ' - a until IreeJ tell,wr.t tuvlay jfcrnialiy'v"chargcil The Serbians have suceectled'in! laiuix nas not maae uie&e recommeu- arrived thix morning'- c a the .Wllhel-inln- fcicry 1.-- McGrath's getaway. . He insists that If he had'tcli.tie 3 - - 4... ex-pV- ap pf will ' v ction with & plot to Jc checking datlons without the consent and . Augustus Ccfwads- Murphy.. and a meeting tho board ' - .with ' coniu the; Bulgarian: advance, " '' tot have been safe In' jaQ.; . ' - " - as- - soon as possible. l:r.-u.ticn- proval of president and ;ihe ad now be called ; 'Attcrney-s;r.?ra- l C ships.;'' - Scholz the Cough's statement has been given at'length to iiiuugii ji is svm jnoTing. siowiy ; ; forces, may be regarded .Augustus Edwards; Murphy, fojr the Several meetings have been held up t--a : : mlnlstrauon to City. and County Attorney Brown. When given to attcrr. : '.(Sd.olc), 'who was arrested with forward. T '.,"..' ; back and as standing firmly by the course sug- last seven years clerk of the ..local on account of the lack of a quorum, general was considered to be directly within the province oi the ecu ; im- it . ' Fay and is said to be a court; at during of to-Mr- relative Large forces of Turkish troops: gested. A large number of . Democrats United States district diet and the interim tbuslnesr attorney's offic and referred by Mr. Stainback Crown, who at cr. ; - ..; ar-.raign- ed - Victoria street shortly; piling up.- - pMhe German lieutenant, was are being concentrated oh ; the were already In favor of the retention his home in portance has been began searching examination of the facts preparatory to presenting t: ' g- a ' :- - 4 morning, "folio ; con- ; and . formal after o'clock this One of the first things to be also. . of the tariff after this to the grand Jury. . . shores of the Black Sea to oppose ' a. - matter territorial an illness which lasted nearly sidered at the next meeting . is the ' ' 5 announcement others- - will , express JAIL. Paul Daeche, . who claims to ; :f:.V .""', TELLS OF LAX CONDITIONS AT COUNTY not the rumored landing of Russians! '. ; month and a half. ;: fishing " their, own approval.' ''.'.. placing of the several hundred -; X i XKThWa. chiTZB d!?T be mixed in there.''1- '..V." - ; ; td. i rlMith canlnir Ma sontonra ha w nut in at the up with the others .,.;.. 't i Aeked whether or not there'appears Funeral services, whkh friends sampans which are now In the harbor, wii will! drugs. - ; of the family are.asked to attend, which wilkhave to be.removed as sary, having had previous experience in the handling of The any way but who' has also been to be any tendency, among Republi- and . . mm . . . C7.,iMtf r- - beheld from the residence 3 o'clock soon as work is begun on the new sary is in a smau... room openmg on Tom me uosdiuhi f.. iwm wucia 4)viui;, ... .. arrested: by the federal secret ser- ADVANCE ON ALL FRONTS cans of Influence to try to secure a it - Boggs, . t measure of protection on sugar tomorrow afternoon. Private services Diers. Nos. 8. and 10. SuDerintend- Grath, Bower and Lewis wefe kept t vice men, was arraigned today larger up Through1 the dispensary, Cough was a TOLD IN GERMAN MESSAGE would be the case if the exist- later will be held in the Nuuanu ceme ent C R. Forbes has been holding his continuous attendance at V than - everything was going on in the hospital , also. ing duties were retained, .Mr.. Cooke tery, where the remains will be lnter- any decision until alter tne arrival oi to see virtually that - " bath-roo- m window. Through this wir.1 Chief The followinff cablegram red. Rev. Father Stephen will offi- and McCarthy. I ; r- In the dispensary is a with a Flynn of the United from offk of no situation ' Church said that he knows ' men to make their frequent exlt3. TL . States secret service signed claf German ; sources was received among Republicans which will ciate at both services. . t Treasurer McCarthy's trip to the Cough says, it was the custom of the the the " . , - : - , widow guard was lax, he says. It was over the frr today: r . r. complicate matters. ' ' Mr. Murphy is survived by a coast was taken: to attend the na- then went over the fence. The complaint, which charges the rio one daughter, Thelma as he explains, that McGrath was to have made hia escape on.tta nU- -t i ."German Headquarters Report. Oct. and Katheriner tional convention of , insurance com "I hope nothing develops of the sort Mur- being asleep, McGrath walked down to t. . and Jlax Breitung, who is still "at 28. German, positions 250 meters two brothers, Charles and Frank which was held in San April 30, but Instead, the guards nor do I believe it will, and in fact, missioners locked Gough opened and McGrath walked out. large, . long, north Lemessinil, Champagne, phy, and a sister, Mary. Elizabeth, all gate which was not It and Dr Herbert Kreinzle, rather look for Congress to be unani- Francisco. The treasurer reports that gate McGr3th. Ha E.y which were by recon- of whom in New York . City, j every Gough readily admits that he opened the for arrested yesterday, with conspir- taken French, on duty," he said. reside fhci mnvpntlon was a success In c quered by mous retaining the news Mr.' Murphy's death however, he did so in the tfclief that McGrath was nertly going cn Germans, yesterday. Five! As to exact legislation will The of detail, 33 states being represented; that gm , ing against the United States. Dr. officers, 150 French prisonered. Only the that came as a severe shock today to those of the frequent visits to the outside which all the members of ti:a - ' nve or - be perfected, he says it is impossible sometimes with six insurance of liberties, 8aj3 (, Kreinzle has been released on one I ' loved genial federal make. Seeing them permitted all sort3 small trench; northeast Lemes who knew and the men. - A little talk on mai to - to Whether tne retention of - knowing, 3 4.: -- . ! - forecast lni-- v.. th- - crota fni- nfpHrath rnrp.lT for convenience, "bail.- sinil In enemies'-hand- court clerk. From the day of , his ,t.a Mf. McCarthy gave to the represents t- "Hlndenberg's army clares, the Jailer, the deputy Jailer and the guard3 winked at -e rc. again crossed (Continued from Page Four.J tives and their wives assembled there, that i llluxt district, & reconquered'; Kasl-mlrsh- kl (Continued on page our; absences of the gangsters from jan wiinoui. auiuunwuuu. TEUTON LOSSES HEAVY " brought many inquiries from his hear ' J " ' farm. Leopold's Bavarian GIVEN REMARKADLE LATITUDE '' ' ' - ers as to steamer scneames, noiei J; PRISONERS .':"' Star-Bulleti- n r army repulsed Russian attacks east rates, and similar. details, r? ;M:v-- i - Cough's story as told to the and laid before tem.orai LONDON, England,1 Oct. 26. earanovitshi and : south ; Vyaoncvs-- county authorities, is a sensational revelation ofvth lax -; the isl Cour-an- ' ; Mbv of. them considered ' The 'Niewe Rbtterdamsche t. koye Lake. '.. 'i STOiDlDiD county jail. . ' . by civil- the "Linsingen's army stopped enemy's ands wild and uninhabited gangsters' were sent to the Jail awaiting trial, G, of Rotterdam . says that Ger- says McCarthy, and I From the time the r Czar-torows- ized people," guard. ng was a positions . east Kulki and west declares, they were given remarkable latitude. The many lost from October 11 to Oc- at- did my best to put them right on the were house! :a Us Ja.l r . repulsed enemy's counter of They were treated like privileged guests. They tober 20 57,424 dcad,r ISopiI subject and tell them the truth Gough in3.5.3. 4--3 mssinganH tacks, took prisoner four officers, 1450 OF HALF MILLION of cells, whereas only one of them, 4 plUl Instead the ; expressed L,.- . men,- : ' things. Many of them the Deputy - - wounded. The, iotal' losses of the ten machine guns. - Under the noses of Jailor Joseph J. Fern and JaLsr. "Germans advanced yesterday fuiv wish to Visit the Islands,- out coma was brought to the men in larg qtrt.... . Central Empires for. the war are .stay, was Punohu, Gough asserts that booze ther in the Balkans, not this time because their openly indulged to, nlg- -t ana cay. The Germans - He declares that gambling was placed by this aper at 5,000,000. reached limited. They had not yet visited women from US c. east Viscgrad heights, Suha, con-ve- nt - on numerous occasions He "relates that . Pa-lan- they were at the uora Ponas, and occupied South ka the fair when women girls of doubtful repute were allowed to see ta Inn And ' not had op and other and . RUSSIAN and l had the 15 to two - ARMIES AROUND the north slqpes of 'Raca oners and remain with them from minutes Jiom-s-- r - portunity yet of seeing' the Hawaii , Valley.. Also, further east,- Marko-vats- h, He maintains that on numerous occasions one or fr?03.i RIGA, HOLD OUT In the state huiwing." , c..-- i3 t V DVJNSK; Laope and Kutschevo. Took Korean Accused of Stealing exhibit oners would slip out of the hospiUl, usually, by a window, History of Growth of Rapid - prisoner during last three days . 960 and be gone for hours. at a time. LOWDON, 26: - From Physicians J ' would to England, Oct The Serbians. Forms and Transit Issues-o- f Securities CABLE REQUEST FOR Cough's story also asserts. that often the men tcle?;one Russian armies on the northeast I toe look for bail ; ? Signing Prescriptions they wanted to get out to - u in TRANSPORT sheriff that Cu-- U -- y. are still stubbornly defending Riga Outlined Court SPECIAL go In custody of a police officer. This o CALL BLOODED STEEDS tense, and would be let a-- and Dvlnsk and checking MEN what they 0".t-.l the efforts FOR 0AHU ARMY Joke. The prisoners would do After a threeday chase In which 1902,' when the construction of the In- -. of the Germans to reduce these fort- TOO CHEAP FOR GIFT In .:,;;;...... v ; pasyed. coming to the jail plainly, under Internal revenue officers, United States Infancy, often back resses and perfect their plans for the company was still in its .Washing- J'. marshals and city detectives were en- With eyes turned toward f get what t - winter campaign quarters. (Special Cable to Nippu Jijt). and at the time of the authorization "cough the men seemed to be able to gaged. Ah Choy, a Korean, was run $1,000,000, Ho- ton, officers and men on leave with further declares that There Js also evidence on the SAN ; FRANCISCO, 26-L- ocal of a bond issue of the Rose. He says tfcarwten that Oct Wai-pah- u to go way of privileges from Sheriff west Allies are down and arrested last night at nolulu Rapid Transit & . Land Com- expired terms or under orders wanted to the they woud te. , the preparing for a Japanese are objecting to the pur- de- anxiously any guards or had any other grievance by Arthur McDuffie. chief of of $500,-00-0 harir tn the mainland are disllk of the c new offensive, intended to prevent chase of two blooded pro- pany issued a stock dividend them. - the horses tectives.; Choy is said to have stolen capital awaiting reply to the wireless sent by to Rose and he would fix it all right for Germany from diverting the forces posed to be sent to Emperor Yoshihlto In order to bring the total 8TAEMENT. IS GIVEN C?RROeORATIO,l. from the offices of four physicians in the- - quartermaster s aepartmem io s she is compelled to maintain on the of ; stock Issue to a round million dollars. in e Japan, stating that the purchase 10 or more of blanks ' hoariniraftpra the caDital. asking for Corroborating Cough's statement lJi-Georg- the amount capital at ; western line to keep it unbroken. price of. $3000 is ioo cheap. They are Of this the actual some soldier,twho was serving which are required by law to be used contributed' by stockholders in the an extra transport to take back Wllcott.a former re U- - m c. ' was-ofte- hospital whe ;n also objecting to sending team on se- - In and about the the in the purchase of opium. He Is men who have oeen wauin? Wilcott g-- company amounted to only $500,000. of the cheat saw the drinking and r; GERMAN PAPER POINTS account of the difficulty of transportatio- " months-fo- r "go He says he nsed of having forged the doctors' . a chance to were - The company's contention at that here for i ty n.'-..-,.. ' ;. " ' ?el"totrtet visiting the men, and other Incidents reat: OUT WORK names, presented the orders, and after was It was permitted to hqme." , , the lw time that JnA of McGrath's escape. . buying opium sold it again at an enor- issue stock dividend of $500,000 information" tpatHhe ixgan. wnicn circumstances been t v; the Wilcott intohed Friday. Kis statement ba ORGANIZE UNION OF mous profit ; tangible and intan- ipavPK here November 5. had but five : hta sentence last , BERLIN, Germany, Oct. 25. The as the value of Its county attorney's office for presentation to the grand jury. Choy's system was ingenious and it fran- class and no second class accom h h speak-wh; German forces are advancing today JAPANESE LAUNDRY! gible property including the first J he was afraid to a ccnSn is said he has worked for weeks be- and : that the Sheridan, 1, on all fronts. They have retaken the chise which the Rapid Transit valued modations as he got out to tell the authorities of captured by on WORKERS AT 'FRISCO fore blanks were missed by the physi- at $500,000 wag claimed. by the com- which comes December' 5, has not even jail ShSlJtSrfSm positions the French - " cians.' Going Into a doctor's office he to- room single man, led the quarter-mantf- r Sunday.: , - pany exceed $1,000,000.. for a attorney office with: the nan:: when phy- Washington an extra COnBo?Smen have furnished the county ' A German) newspaper figures that (Special Cable to Nippu Jijl). : posed as a patient, and ther The foregoing' are thought to be tn ask for prospective witnesses. . ;. ;; during the entire war to date German SAN' FRANCISCO, Oct. 26. Bunjl sician turned his back or left the room the two points of greatest importance transport to relieve the situation. Tt several other ; , ' have torpedoed 16 Brit- Suzikl, Japanese labor representative for a moment he tore a sheet of blanks brought out today in the trial of the was explained to the department that from; the center or back of the book, injunction brought by the terri- many men are waiting here with ap- ish warships, one French warship, who has been In attendance at the " suit - getting away, three Russian and one Japanese, and labor congress In California, is en- where they would not. be missed. tory against the Honolulu Rapid . Tran- parently no chance of Grcvb Doc- Story Giitp that against this only three German deavoring to organize a Japanese laun- Blanks signed with the names of sit & Land Company, in which the and the. urgent need of another trans Fred Gousli's warships have been sunk by submar. dry union in this city. It is proposed tors Samuel D. Barnes, William C. former is seeking to restrain the com- port at once was pointed, out Hobdy, W. H. Ketchum and Carl Kell- capi- ' . . , ; pany from further Increasing Its IMS Ines. .. to affiliate the union with the Amer 20,000 ; were found on file at the Hawaiian ; ;.. ;. Eiehteen thousand; to cubic ican union. er tal stock. , ...... J inhabited country Is ;'; Drug Company's store at 42 Hotel File Fourteen Documents. fppt nf natural : eas eaual a ton of The coldest, by cooking pur- story has been told to the province of Wercho-jans- k, street and all of them are said The points were brought out in the coal . for heating ad. -- Fred Cough's f'tS-th- said to be. the W. L. HOPPER STRICKEN, Attorney-genera- ; Star-Bulletl- n. l the physicians whose names are signed testimony of "A. L. Castle, now secre poses. :;'i;..;:; v:j-:;:;':p- :' ,; to In Oriental Siberia. The daily .Brown, ty .Yl::.:-Stalnbac- forgeries. . - City Attorney year to be . tary of the Rapid Transit who was and to .,' ' mean temperature of the entire W. L. Hopper, pioneer resident of same, down sary. I was the "3 :a t Blanks Missing From Four. upon by the plaintiff to produce . in a bunch of banan&s received; from Invariably been the Wil-belmi-na called is 2.74 degrees below zero. this city, returned today, on the It has was in them were brc ;: . ex: Dr. missed blanks from , any i Mass., While he Keller first the minutes of meetings of the Jamaica at Pittsfield. fruit to minute details. 1 r from the mainlanc. He suf ' ' made short tine a frv his book, and immediately made a re- company pertaining to .. increases In merchants found a bird's nest: with jail kept a sort of diary and fered & slight stroke of paralysis on he fig- wa3 ccnSneJ to Q port to John F. Haley, collector of in- . As Mr. eggs In of events which shipboard Saturday, but is doinj; nice- Its capital stock. a result of two it fragmentary notes an attack cf ar; : ternal revenue. Haley took the case Castle's testimony; a mass of figures story. . Some of these notes ly. His physician. Dr. Arthur G. Hod-gijx- a, ure in the the Jail up u:. Iron Fence the United States at- brought, lengthy, were ;' a population of 880,000. been turned over at Ornamental Iron bearded ship off quarantine dp with district was out records Albania has and memoranda hive tober 22. ' Structural and the torney, and after examining the nar-- 14 documents were placed in Thpr ar 21786.892 Hindus. 66 H E. HENDRICK, LTD, and directed Mr. Hopper's removal to read and t to the authorities, 647,299 Moslems, 10,721,453 Buddhists Gough's story follows: ' Lterchxnt and Alakea Sta, an ambulance after the ship docked. page : -- (Continued on page two.) (Continued on two) and 3,87603 Christians la. -- lacUa, My name is Frci Gough anl at STAR-BULLETI- trwo HONOLULU N, "TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1915.

FIR&PROOF v MYOR FAVORS BIO WATER FLOW DOES HIGHER EXTRACTION MKE STOCK DIVIDEND li CORAL ROAD IN N UP FOR BIG OPERATING COSTS? OF HALF MILLION HLLEBRAi WE STORE EVERYTHINQ.1 CITY TRANSFER COMPANY JAMES H. LOVE PHONE 1231 HAI GLEN IS VASTED George Duncan Brings Up the and filtration of saccharine juices, con IS GIVEW REVIEW flPIIU BELT . a r aequently descriptions of methods and Question at Meenng 01 apparatus designed to clarify and pu ITILtNII-DVIk- W 4 Mill Engineers rify cane juices are .not essential, but Love's Sugar -- Concerning the rainfall In vicin- a few comments' founded on well (Continued on page two) -- PETER KANAE: From the man Says Big Saving of Money the may thoughts com- - and ity of Hlllebrand glen, which place second important known facts lead the of ner In which the city i burning J Completing the sugar pro- pre Time Will Result Substi-'tutio- n James T. was yesterday ap- all interested in the art of evidence br the Dlaintiff. ison is taklne hold of tang l in Tailor business session of their convention, to obtain with- s testimony pointed by the city water investigation meeting of the sugar duction better results Mr. Castle showed that dict that It will be a moving force' for for Concrete the third annual out becoming deeply involved in sci from 1899 until 1903 the caDital city, good to see peo commission to Investigate, for the se mill engineers this morning concluded good In the it is curing of data, considerable discussion entific chemical research or higher stock of the Rapid Transit was in ple to go to work from tne start liae two important phases of their discus mathematics. creased from S30O.0OO to il.2S0.000. un 111 th meeting of the tnves-- that. ,n"Vhv";71;"V;""Virtn of 1 cm sionsmilling and clarification. "As is well known, the of clarifi Taking up VESSELS TO AND the tigation and loan : fund commissions up art the first Increase in the three and a half mile of . , After the discussion had brought cation of cane juice partly chemical stock of the com DanV.' Mr. one stretch road yesterday. A letter Jrom G. K. Lar-- is ranital nn .tapk: DAWSON: I think FROM THE ISLANDS in, Haklpuu round-tbe-lslan- d several Important points concerning i the section of the and mainly mechanical, consequently Castle testified, with the aid of rec the ocbDle of Australia I highway, ' making rison, superintendent of hydrography grooving, George Duncan, chairman meeting ht and It local federal station, placing a the most Important branch of factory ords, that a of the stockhold have felt prejudiced against Ameri- (Special WIrelesa to Merchants' coral Instead of concrete, as suggest- - at the of the milling committee, asked; "But rightly ers of the Rapid Transit was held on rough estimate on rainfall in this vi ' operation fallsont&ide the do cans since the war began is because Exchange.) ed editorially Star-Bulleti- n with all this elaborate grooving and September 18. 1899. being IKS in the ye, cinity, was read. The letter follows: main of the engineer. there cable and wireless news is so scarce, i terday. Mayor Lane says be-llev- es higher extraction, the question is; represented. At time the average only that he A G. K. Larrison Har Basis of Endless Trouble. shares this there. They get on the Tuesday, October 2S, plan letter from to Does it pay? Vhat I have been try caplUl was to ssoo.oo mUCll bV the has much merit, and ry Murray was read at the meeting. Yet the engineer should be privi- stock raised ahrmt nno.fifth AS neWS thU SAN FRANCISCO Arrived, Oct. 2$, . that be wouldjbe glad con- ing to find out is how much expense is issuance of: S100.0OO worth of to have It follows: ""An leged to take an active interest in the br the source as comes to Honolulu papers. .6 a. m., S. S. Matsonla, hence Oct. sidered by supervisors as examination of the Incurred in the maintenance of rolls new stock. A from the depart - the before the rainfall records of the upper Nuuano process as it falls within his province letter x . " concrete road is begun. 1 grodved In this manner, for It Is need- ment or the auaresseo to r -- to provide the means whereby the interior, wtaRTHY: Three membera Arrived, Oct. 26, a. m., S. S, I do not think valley leads me to believe that the say Is not any, for H. Atherton. secretary of the t It it is too late to make less to that there sugar-make- r produces results for faul- then were in San Nippon Marn, Oct. 20. ythe mean rainfall over the urea in the vic ' v. and- - acknowledsing tecelDt of the harbor commission hence change yet, says the mayor, "and one cannot escape the . pitch of ty treatment of cane juice Is basis com nan same Bodse, ? 26 2:20 p. m inity of Hildebrand glen and above the the w placed Francisco at the time Sailed, Oct S. S. when one considers the saving made grooves without a new roll shell. of a notice of the Increase, as ! 5 " 1000-fo- ot trouble factory which myself! fact Church Honolulu. -- level is from 125 to 150 of endless in a Church and In Ventura for I by coral road con- ; comes evidence. a rather than a inches per annum. "Again, If a piece of iron has to be relieved by the engineer's in lived for 13 days on the same street ' Oct. 20, Ft. bk. Dlppedalle, Ade- crete road, it is worth much discussion along and breaks put a piece between Increased to S500.000. . : - staff. We of Hawaii have about as nd within a block of me. hut i.either laide for Honolulu, 41 days out; will ; - Add Half Mile Area. Another meetins of stockholders at least. r the grooves, it means a hew sleeve difficult a problem in treatment of us we were so close to be! ordered San Francisco. - do not believe the would "The total catchment area which any of the was held on January 25, 1901. there of knew that to T that road 4 again. Take a walk through cane juice as can found in cane gether. I on to him on roweii Sailed, P. more $10,000 If would be added to Reservoir by this be the being 19S7 snares represented.: At inis ran Oct' 1. bark It. Rlthet tost than a mile built one- the new iron Works just now, and worldV morning we boarded the Honolulu Mahukona). Z coral, mayor, proposed ditch would be about - sugar due largely, to the fact meetinc the canital stock of the com- - street the for (not of continues the "and one where all rolls came " half square mile. wonders the that we raise abundant yields per $500,000. Wilbelmlna for Honolulu. FORT DRAGG Arrivec. Oct 26. sc. at that I am placing that very high. from. Has anyone ever tried the oxy-acetyle- Danv was Increased to II One hundred fifty inches of rain acre by the aid of artificial fertiliza was testified this time the cost Repeat, hence Oct 1. welding apparatus for the that at A BERG EH: Some-- tion, also our cane lands are located of the nronertv of the com Dan y ex f TT. HENRI Sailed. Oct. 22, U. S. A. repairing of rolls,, such as parts that every variety of physical thincr nnsrht to he done to set rid of T. Logan for Honolulu. kc , -- in almost ceeded J600.000. and that the nurnose .stretch that Is now practically l0".?"?! parts Glen-dal- ""'J have been broken out, etc? Can and climatic conditions. capital stock was the gang of loafers that hang about EUREKA Sailed. Oct 22. sc. e S as of the increase in ; five-sixt- hs so . welded, be as easily, machined iha to the city hall on Fort , - h..nmni iTi.w, ...... , -- 4.1 would furnish about of that After this preamble, Mr. Truscott for the purchase of equipment rather Wmnra for Honolulu. the originarironr : , ; he thought large street and frequently shut off pedes ' " Sailing Postponed. ait who has ridden over It. problem, then stated that that than farther extension. this amount runs off as surface water Concerning the grooving ly owing to variety of conditions 30, 1902, Mr. trians, who nave eitner w van oui S. S. MATSONIA will not sail from "Suppose we save from $30,000 cast-stee- the On January testified that R. : Renton Hind laid: l or push their way lo $25,000 by' changing from concrete there would be a dally supply of from The which have to be met by all who treat Castle, a meeting was held at which in the street San Francisco until Thursday, Nov. one-ha-lf which was installed at th On paydays the - coral, say nothing saving about one and to one and roller of sugar in Hawaii, to consider all of was voted to increase the cap through the crowd. 4, for Honolulu. to to of the three-quarte- re- time it rs gallons beginning of the season has done place is well nigh impassable. tof lima that f ha sx A iAit1il viAAoe. million daily, or the juices which enter a factory as a ital stock to 5800,000. On April 5 of bout 630,000,000 to 650.000,000 gal markably , well, s Contrary to opinion report went 4 ariiy be 'closed to traffic." would not f standard product The the same "vear. another meeting was : was advanced by some people, ' iCTTY ENGINEER WHITEHOUSE Ihfit rA' wnrihlr nf onniMeriilnnf I ,UUB 4 ouuuuu which into many Interesting details of the was a communi PAJ5SE5GEES AEZITI3 are very U is no smaller today than the day it held at which read Followin? the reauest of tne board of v, could take this amount of money and The .above estimates r treatment' of the;Juice to clarify it cation from the S. N. Castle estate. mepns was put in, showing cane juice supervisors that I suggest some I.--I. Hllo, so-call- crude, and should be used only with that - Per str. Mauna Kea, from , Ingenious Hydrometer Jar.- . according it into the spoiled "road This communication, to roughening city streets, I am of Haklpuu a large factor of uncertainty. I fee has no appreciable action on cast steel Mr. Hind submitted a description court, a pro-- of the October 26. Mrs. F E. Trotter, Miss this side the stretch. roll- minutes read in set forth going to recommend that a kC4 pav- Way Be Closed Long, quite sure that the drainage from this when employed as a material for of a hydrometer jar made of 2 inch DQ8ed agreement whereby . N A. M. Trotter. Miss I. Farrell. Noa. Time. 400,000,000 ' recom- the ing eight feet In width, ana cousistin?; area 500,000,000 not, however, - D. "It is estimated," says the mayor. will add or ers." We did brass Cubing, sealed at one end, by. a Castle estate, which then owned J209.- Alull, S. Bowman, A. Christian, R. gallons annually No. 4 cast-stee- l iri con- of little cubes three ornour inches Hob-inso- n, - f'that the road at Haklpuu. will have to 'Reservoir mend a returner bar heavy' brass plate," The open nd of 00O "Worth of the bonds of the com Oki, A. T. Short, R. Ross, T. R. cast-stee- across, be used. This will cost ubv.ut to be closed to traffic for months '"Attention Is invited to the fact that junction wth l rollers, but a me is, nppea ana me top ena pany, Its bonds II. O. Wood, Misr Shlpman, H. three part, of water is now draining Into gun metal or jar ai would surrender all four dollars a vard. but it will answer at least and tLat is a very conserva this substitute such as brass the mouth ot theJar Is bevelled off to ift exchanee for an issuance of stock W. Kinney. W. Wyllie, K. Yamaguchi, No. 2, only the purpose and make a spiendid rcaJ Per-reir- a, tive estimate. It ia possible: that and that the large floods might be used to advantage." a.fairly harp edge, Th'e depth of the with the Tight to Mrs. M. G. Levin ho. Miss G. M. it ' at . par, preferred; cover as well. which now overflow No. 2 would be When the discussion came to mill ; L. Foranda and wife, J. Wyllie. Vill take two or three times that " lip .is I suQcient to give inconstant exchange , to common stocir at any rv i. added to the total supply. However. housing a communication from H. K. D. Clement R. Schubert, A. M. Brown, m I A A ? 1 error in the reading of the hydrometer The agreement also carried a w ftiA f Imi a rvAifAi rk VtA A opIva1 n was to time. SUPERVISOR AHIA: I know that Scholefeld of Kona read the of about, 310 of a degree.-Wit- the proviso whereby the estate would re J. Jones, C H. Ahn, H. K. Ahn. -- w following Aylett, the garbage superintendent, is On the other hand coral road work war "erervwr effect: 4 higher which are ,now a of. 15 ner amount 1 extractions raiva hnnna cent street 4 should be considered. . , . , Lou from Friction; V " getting nervous about those does not close the road to traffic at 1. being obtained With the '.milli, the ing to approximately $31,000. refuse cans, but I fail: to see why I all. The Tuie of coral construction is "A matter of considerable moment juicefrom the. flnaj ; discharge roll, is The comDanv. the minutes related responsibility or hav- P1SSE5GEE3 EC0XID upon should take the that the more "traffic there" is it. which commonly receives nc attention so low, In density that. It Is difficult took 11 n the bonds of the estate in ing them placed along the street I proves says TirnTEn i rmmrn coupl- Per I.--I. str. Klnau, for Kauai ports. the better it for the road," is the undue friction loss at the to get , an exact, brix reading owing exchange, as regarding the agreement. storekeepers will don't believe that : the mayor. ings by the nor- of-h- e to October 26. Miss Broadbcnt Mrs. VUILU LLUlUliUi caused' the fact that; ' to the. influence meniscus, .but This was Includede in the Increase want the things set ou in front or : Ethel Broadbent, F. E. Heinle, F. E. It is understood that .several of the r mal position of the top roll when by the use of this jar sighting across $800,000. It was testified to. and re their Btpres on the sidewalks. Hol-llng- er i :rcrvlsora who have already voted working. Is 'either above or below the the top1 edge, .ah exact readingVof the sulted in the changing of some of the man got the Boyd, C. A. Bruns, A. B. Lambert. is the that first Geo. Pang. W. C. Atkin. i3 build a concrete road have now level of the power shaft. , spindle can he obtained to which read stock of the company to preierreo. idea of spending $100 ca those cans-- let E. Flfleld. J. to favor plan, son. W. T. R. A. Gorman, J. A. cne the other their , "While the amount of lift of the top ing a constant, correction can be vpb-- ; Half Million Stock Dividend. him decide where to put them. . Frost ' ATPIOT ' -- E. Miss I. .'nions having expressed to R. Vlerra, Mrs. H. Brown. been this roll . varies between different mills, uined:,; tin Mav 7. 1902. at a special stock ' - :fcet since the visit to the section there Is for every mill an average This device has been In' Use In the holders meetinc the caDital Stock Of NOTICE. E. Smith, Mrs.- N. Fernandez, Master J- -t Saturday. amount, a point where the roll works Kwa Milt for: two seasons and has en the Rapid Transit was increased to Fernandez, Ben Haaheo. According to men experienced in LICilEOfJ soorj under normal conditions. The amount laboratory- staflf .'.to obtain 11,000,000. Another meeting, was neio The steamer Mikahala, substituting Per .1.-- 1, str. Mikahala, for MauL Mo-lok- al. ' abled the real work, coral needs much water. of. the lift should be ascertained and fairly constant last mill. Juliet purities on June 6 of the same yeaf, at which for the steamer W. G. Hall, will sail Lanal, October 26. Mrs. M. G. cfter. which It softens and works to compared with the level ofjhu driving because of the accuracy with .Which time a resolution was passed ratifying Thursday, night at 10 o'clock instead Freitas, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. TJrown, - re ther- much like cement. Haklpuu shafk '. J, .i', y..' - brix,. readings hari unity" the Increase to a million dollars, and of at 5 p. m. ",;'vv v .' - Mrs. W.' E. Wall, Mrs. C. McCorrlston Prof essor 3. U. Ronerison of Purdue ".'- ' of efs. cn ' r rcctlan sees much rain and if rain "1 recommend surveyor's level or 6304-3- t - ? f apd party, J. Mnnro and wife. 1 a' be' made. device fa not patented distributing tne stocs: 01 a a man a University, Lafayette, Ind who will This ter is not sufficient with ' transit for this work, as sights can be and tne design is onerea to tno pian The distribution included a $500,000 wagon arrive in Honolulu on the Shlnyo " water could be kept on the taken when the mill Is working. A tation laboratories gratis." ; took dividend. . read, getting his water from the near Mam from on November 2, ' bench mark, the exact height of the ; on March Pan-Pacifi- c Have Gone to Pearl Harbor.' . Mr. Castle testified that l y sea. is possible that some dis- - will be the speaker at the con- - It drive shaft centerline," can be estab- con-- 1 25. 1903. a meeting was held to frm f th-tiii- n mav h hrmicht luncheon on that date. Professor Rob- - "After the morning session the c lished on, some immovable object, so vention at 1:45 on a special train Hor fh( nnrchase of the Hawaiian cp meeting supervisors j ertson win talK on China, naving spent left at the of the that the height of the roll can be com for Pearl Harbor to' inspect the' equip Tramway Company, a corporation I numcer or years lecturing to me pared any tcnlit. or with this mark time. ment of the ' government machine which was controlled In London, ana fY.nrr.Hft i th hpKt mad that can official and literary people China " Mr. Hind and others expressed their shops. Tomorrow "morning at 9 the which onerated mule-draw- n tram cars be put on the Haklpuu section,' says on modern scientific problems, such opinion that what seemed to be the 1 a the wireless, gyroscope and convention will convene again, to hear through the stjreets of Honolulu. The Engineer Whitehouse, "but coral would the shredder the Searby - ce of the future was several important papers, among oth4 purchase price was approximately fclrhlv KatiKfactorv. Tt will wear ..quia air., ironng nis teciure iour shredder, which has been giving won - . ' many or eou- - ers iwo on sugar macninery.. oy $325,500. The contract regarding the from five to six years without repair, has met perhaps. as me derful results at "Puunene, where It approved : C. White of Kilauestfand William Wyl nnrchase was ratified and $6000 cated Chinese aa any other American. " and will cost only about $5500 or has been In operation. ; ' lie of, Onomea. ' '. .": the meeting: a want He was first sent to China by the "' at mile. If the supervisors the Do Away With Crusher. Attending the convention at the with this meeting, change to be made, It Is up to them. International committee of the . T. M A In connection question 6f vital importance." present time : C; B. Herkes, "J, 2500 stock "By using coral we will not need "to C. A., to establish a point of contact ' . are: the issuance of shares of said A. M. Simpson of the committee Chalmers, ' J. Greive, Jas. Nlcoll, W. t th nar value Of $250,000 was au Ehut c 3" traffic any time, and by among the cittsenB of .that republic, on at milling, "and which I hope will be Duker, J. G. Smith,' R. S, Norrls, E. ' This Increased the capital t:?!n.g concrete we will have It shut and his work in scientific and Chris- taken, up by the. meeting, Is thorlzed. ' : ..whether Kopke, Charles Conan, R. R. Hind, E. comDany $l,250,uvu. c!T continuously lines i has been successful, , Pro stock of the to ur&ikSrs'. almost for several tian those shredders can operated Cush-mgham- , pole be with W. Greene, W. G.,Hall, J. S. K. with Mr: Castle still a witness, tne nouUis, as w o come to each place that fessor Robertson was a champion out being, preceded hy a . Kraie wsk! all-roun- d .Horace Johnson, . G. P. Win records' of the company containing is too narrow to build around. It is vaulter, football player and crusher. The .installation of them too to change the athlete during his JBchool days at the terer. F. Bechert, W. J. Kruse, George authorizations for . bond issues were cot late make the if without a crusher would be very much Osborne, G. H. G. W. Cunning fjpenisors decide for It. "Boilermaker School." simplified, .Halden, to be taken up this afternoon. and the cost of Installing ham, A. Englehard. T. Murray. A. H l ... m '. very, much reduced.".. - - a n i Case, E. C. W. Mlotoir Starrett P. Bento, GOING 4.;. The mining, committee' consisted nf P. WHITEHOUSE v . Alexander, J. I: Renton, J. B. Lalig, George Duncan, J-E- Or chairman: Ken k. j. Neil, F. Loehr, H. S. Walker. F. TO KEEP CLARK AI' nedy, A. M. Simpson, J..L. Renton, H. w. Macfarlane, E, J. Mooplar, J. P, Very much more remarkable than IJwJ .U UUJI 1UIL l WlLllLLiiilHtt . aictJiDDin, o. ROAD PATCHING JOB t 4 C. Breneman. Lynch, W. A. Kinney, W. G. . A, Pillar : we might about, M. S..TruscotL chairman of the W. anything say the Kraft . W. W.escoatt,' John Muller, in mittee on clarification and filtration, U. r?harHeTf!lark" shall be retained U Lau. A. Hicks, R. M. Goo. O. R. street- - car, are the remarkable things peo- EC opened the discission of these Import- Olsen, G. F. De Nux, p. E. th rtv Amnlov as luna of the KlGilTIOR, ant points la Wilson, natchlnp pane. That Is the intention with the following words: J. Hi, Prau, J. M elnecke, J. C. Plank- - ple continue to say about it every- Much " Whitehouse, and he has been written in Jnton, H... P. Agee, S. S. Peck. H. of City Engineer and probably decision to tne super- ,;0v volumes will follow in Waldron, S. T. Carr and R. W, An- - will forward his where. meeting. : ine. uture concerning the ': visors; tonight at their TAVERN f clarification arewa : Faa,;iT CLAISS liEiE'S Whitehouse .was asked to state to the board what he intended to do with The wheelbase is .110 inches, request rriark. the board making the " The price of the roadster or Tour- " (Continued rrom page one) In honor of the first cabin passen after, discussing a motion made by Su gers of OIKIOOTMIGHr. pervisor William Larsen saiuraay a ing Car complete is $9G0 (f, o. b. and officers the wilhelmina. ai passed unanimously. co tic form books of other , physicians which arrived this morning, the man meeting and later Honolulu ). Cash sales subject to it was found that blanks had been agement of Heinle's Tavern has ar m .TiRwer will be that 1 intend to tskeu from books of at least four. AH ranged an especially' fine dinner and EAGER HAVE LICENSES keep Clark, said Whitehouse thisaf-omnn- n 5 discount on list price. V ' jes pointed to Choy as the thief. dance for evening. Excellent mu HUMS "an d thoueh I have not yet this will . -- at the detectives were right in look-- ' sic will be played during the dinner dicUted the letter, the gist of It ;:g for Choy was made certain when Clark is entirely capaoie as a DODGE BROTHERS, DETROIT. hour and the usual tine dance, music Of the 68 men who submitted to be that several Chinese located by the offi will be rendered for the dancing, fol- the Horner, "that so many people ehould natcher of streets and that I see no . ; " sena kept at cers, told District Attorney McCarn lowing the dinner hour. ; " supervisors at a 'meeting last week. in a petition of this sort, and reason why he should not be ; i they had seen Choy sign the blanks. society1 plans for the preservation and restrict that so few of them have chiDDed in that job. " ."' - Local folk and the army and -- acting pen to . help in.( the very, they i ia Oka n fferont.. ... matter from Lcter the and bottle of ink used navy set are cordially Invited to at ed hunting of. game birds, only 19 work advo lh JO ilamm-Youn- g - ; ;. of a road The von Co. by Choy were brought in to head- -- cate. as road overseer or luna ,' tend this evening's festivities. Adv. have themselves paid hunting quarters.;;,- - ; license One of the suggestions made nv th building g4ng," continues Whitenouse, Vl fees. This is discovery by Detective McDuffle put his a made petitioners is that a closed season be and I se no reason why I should Distributors ) force at Supervisor Robert Horner who - has is now POUCE COURT NOTES . placed on the county For years kick him off this job that he ths disposal of the internal revenue had-hi- three days s clerks at work going over. the covering ail classes of. game birds in doing satisfactory. He has men under collector, and for several a half books unoer dozen or more men have been trailing Phillips Benevitzi accused of assault in the treasurer's office, the order that th OV ItlJT IncrMfl In iitim. him. it is true, but he works Choy. He was found at Waipahu with and battery, was. fined $10 and costs communication haying been referred hers, and DeputyAttorney Carden Is instructions and follows a routine o Mr. Horner by the other supervis- patching." a cult case containing all his clothes, of $3.60. . :. ; making an Inspection of the law books method of and was evidently making a frantic ors. Now Treasurer D. L. Conkling 10 see u tne county can lawfully de j , syndicate to escape the officers. Canriano Anrbruis. Domingo. Hlsato s sending out letters to the other clare a closed season. It is the gen. The famous German coal clort 49 asking Germany was .renewed for May and Jack Hiwa were found guilty of them to bring in their $5.50 eral belief that. this Is a decision left at Essen, Choy was arrested last for sell ee. ' :; on playing prohibited games and were for the legislature only. , 15 months. ing opium and was out bond when Of men who signed he began stealing blanks from, physi- fined $5 and costs each. the three the . Some complaint is being made b J petition as a committee with whom certain hunters who pay their licenses, cians. He i$ said to.have served two 'city might correspond, prison terms for handling opium and The court deciiod to keep Its eye the namely but who are not allowed to hunt on ether drugs, and has caused the offi upon Sam KohoIOtlD for son j time, larry Armitage, Fred W. Carter and certain large tracts of private land cers more trouble than any other one and as a "Teiil. ha was given a tts- - Ella A. C. Long, only Fred W. Carter used as preserves where the birds are pended sentence of 13 months for has paid the' license fee that goes to liberated. drug peddler on the Islands. . It is felt by these men that drunkenness. ward the preservation and protection to long as hunting is allowed the of game birds.)-- ; IS GIVEN JOB birds should be released in sections CORREA J. H. Haole, who figured prominent "It is startling." says Supervisor of land open to the public. Co D, 1st Inf. BIDDING TWICE ly, in an affray in the Iwilei district . AFTER Star-Bulleti- n, i'ltf-v- over two weeks ago, when he demol MAY SANTOS DIES OF rallied tor a time, but mWi'-- "'J- - i(i tr"- '" "fn ' lowest ished sundry electric lights and finally nad a sinking spell yesterday and ex- N. G. H. Correa & Almeida, who bid by mal- BURNS; POURED OIL ON ng took a woman the throat and pired yesterday among five firms on the at 8:45 o'clock. The farily arm- treated her, was convicted of assault home is near Cooke and completion of the and battery before Judge Monsarrat CLOTHES PURPOSELY and Ward streets. ory, ware today awarded the contract yesterday and fined $25 and costs. Every member of this company is firm sent in with their at$i0,909. The May Santos, the daughter TO ordered to attend a meeting at the hid a certified check: or 6&o. inis is In the new contract, the former prlco CURE A CQID H ONE DAY terms of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Santos, who, Armory Wednesday, October 27, at ih firm that offered lowest being $12,109. Protest against Cor- take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE 7:30 p. m. .. ; "when bids were called on the same rea was made by Bow ler & Ingvorson, ast Wednesday night poured oil over (Tablets). time., their bid being pro bidders, Druggists refund money if Matters of UTMOST IMPORTANCE PHONE 2295 BEACHES Crv iat rival who claimed he was her clothes and then ignited them, aft it fails - to cure. The tested'..In .a public hearing. Following Inefficient for such work.; .... er being reproved by her parents, died signature of to be discussed. - - ; W. Man-nfactnr- liis all of the offers were, rejected at Queen's Hospital last night as the E. GROVE is on each box. ed Mustace Peck Co., I&cL Approxl-pi&tel- y STAR-BULLETI- N ALL KiNOS OF ROCK AND 6ANO FOR CONCRETE WORK new ones called for. G1YES YOU result of the burns to her body. The by the PARIS MEDICINE F. W. WICHMAN, and' : FIREWOOD AND COAL . $1200 Is saved by the territpryj TODAY'S N EWS TODAY girl, who had been employed by. CO., St. Louis, U. 1st Lieutenant, Commanding. the S. A. 68 QUEEN STREET - I P. O. BOX 212 HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TDESD'AV, OCTTOBEIZ 2G1015. w ARRIVALS FROM A v mm firm immiiDGsGaii SMMWoiss MAINLAND TODAY NOTE THESE MONEY SAVEBS .... - i Inventory of Mary 'MA An of the estate f M. Eklond, play (Special Star-Bulleti- n Correspondence) W. the noted tennis J. Alexander has been filed in circuit er, arrived this morning' on the Wit TO RETAIN court. The estate la valued at about SCHOFIELD BARRACKS. Oct, 26. STAND - helmlna. ' Wednesday v The 1st Field ArtlUery was the last Special I51.C7I.51. 'p.! regiment to return to the post follow- Brother Lawrence, member of a Circuit Judge Whitney yesterday ing the completion of the field maneu- Scho-fiel- Catholic brotherhood, came to Hono granted Keaki a ; divorce vers. The regiment arrived at d SUGAR to Louisa lulu today on the Wilhelmina. or 20c TARIFF Oil from Charles Keaki, the grounds be Barracks at 3:20 p. m., Sunday. Grape JniceS. W...... ,Regular Price 23c bot. USl'ECIATJ AT cruelty. 1 ' ' The regiment was employed Saturday ing extreme , & SOc In returning the aelge guns and search- Miss Edith E. Smith arrived today Boned Chicken, R. R...,.. Regular Price 3oc tin...... SPECIAU AT - maneu- on the WQhelmlna. Miss Smith has . A "sale will held In lights used during the field delicatessen be been enjoying a vacation In California. Squash, S. & W.. ..Regular Price 2ivtin...... PECLUi AT 15c George B. Isenberg of Honolulu the Harrison block. Fort and Bereta-- vers to the various coast artillery - posts where they belong.- - Cranberry Sauce Price 30c J. PECIAi; AT 25c Heard Secretary ot Treas- nla streets, by the Catholic Ladies' Capt F. Moaher, pilot at the port of ...... Regular tin...... ury Give Speech Aid Society, next Saturday. HIlo, returned this morning on the . were Mo- - 1-2-- Quite a number of changes Wilhelmina, accompanied by Mrs. CO-- 7-1 1 bishop of HEITRY & V LTD.1 disc to McAdoo is in lenrv Bond Restarick. made yesterday In the assignment of sher. HAY Turn the little That Secretary firm Honolulu, appointed Mrs. Celja Artillery. his decision to ask Congress to re- has officers of the 1st Field sugar Searle and M rs. Kamaka Kawalhoa Capt Ned B. Rehkopf was relieved S. T. Short a prominent resident of tain the existing tariff on and y repeal that clause which would place as parish visitors. .1 from the command of Battery F and Maul, was among the Island residents It on the free list after May, 1916, was appointed battalion adjutant, 2d bat. reaching here today on the Wilhel morning by George B. Isen- "A meetlne cf the Honolulu Phllhar tallon. '. 'V'-.'- . mina. '''-:;:'- stated this tonight In anaaaaaan- ::v:' nionlc Society will be held Capt Henry S. Kllbourne, "who re. berg, who heard the Secretary of the INFORM WASHINGTON 'Japtanese Silk Go and thP Elks' halL Persons Interested In cently arrived on the Sheridan, was Tom Church, of Alexander & Bald tt cds Cu:: Treasury speak in San Francisco the OVERCOATS ARE NOT music are invited to attend, .("' .... assigned to "command Battery F. win, among" tHe a day before the Honolulu roan left on was llonolulans who POPULAR IN HAWAII today. Capt. P. D. Glassford was relieved returned this morning on the Wilhel a a the Wilhelmina, which arrived " . :.: J. D. Mclnerny, J. L. Fleming and from command of Battery B and ap- mina. a a "Mr. McAdoo showed plainly that he a In a cablegram signed by Gov-- a 1120 Knnann Phoae 1522 Abovo Hold Zl. Intends to atand for the retention of T. ILv Petrie have been appointed by pointed regimental quartermaster. Bt 1 ernor sent today H Circuit Judge Whitney as appraisers Capt Charles R,' Lloyd, who recent-l- y H f). Stanton, a. husfnessman f Po a Pinkham and the existing tariff on sugar, as he has by Z. Johnson, estate of John J. Carden, late arrived on the Sheridan, was re- mona, Angeles county, California, a Col. Samuel the a already Indicated said Mr. Isenberg. of the Los ' aijuunt-general- . ' v " m a a t a National Guard a "In addressing the Commercial" Club of Honolulu. f lieved from' the uhassigned list and amvea loaaj un me uaeimina ior a war; assigned Battery B. a of Hawaii, the department a luncheon, at which I was present, he to command visit here. r a was officially Informed that over-- a 4 given at re- 11oni1 Via nuottlnn rtf tariff chxnePA A hallowe'en party will be Capt John W. Kilbreth, another not In In Ha-- 8 George a coats are demand a Gc:f would be one of the first and most the Castle kindergarten at o'cloc cent arrival, was relieved from the Mr. and Mrs. B, Isenberg re request Was made, Oriental young wo uhassigned appointed adju- today, passed a wall and the a serious Issues presented t6 Congress next Friday evening. All list and turned from a vacation a for authority to turn 550 over- - a beautifully colored chil- V 4 rnwon an era In In IWeniher" men in Honolulu are invited to at tant of the 1st battalion. in California at the exposition and ? coats now on hand to wherever a lis kimono mads to 'T'-'::1- a -- ; ' :';' y-- ,' a8Cignments While in the exposition city Mr. tend. r .. The of the lieutenants Lake Tahoe. ' ' a directed. a , . Edison sev- who arrived on the Sheridan for duty order. Isenberg saw Thomas a. ' CoL Johnson asked . that the a al- grand with" 1st Field Artillery were, as Mr. Mrs. Swift a an inspection eral tlraesV The noted Inventor A meeting of the territorial the and P. A. came back a value of the coats be. credited to a SSRotdSL invited. ways attracted attention wherever he iurv will be held In the Judiciary build follows! 1st Lieut Frederick Stew- to Honolulu today on the Wilhelmina. allotment for otner necessary a Ari-dru- s; a the Mr, Isenberg. also saw imr at 2 o'clock next Thursday after art,' to Battery A; 2d Lieut Clift Mr, Swift Is manager, of Henry May & Between Nuuanu and Smith C : ". vent," said ."I " stores for the equipment' of new now on to Battery B; 2d Lieut John N. Company, Ltd. tt a Henry Ford, clad in overalls, giving noon. The jury is at work ( "fully organized." , " a companies a . ; Hauser, to Battery B. ' j an exhibition of assembling Ford cars its annual report. v a In another cable the war' de-- a and giving them away 16 prominent AvAa .;-a- sr. .v Mrs. A. Mason and daughter, Miss a partment was asked to send 100 Xt officials as soon as he had assembled The members of the Japanese Y. M 2d O'Hara and a Mason, of Kohala, Hawaii, arrived to- officers' sabers, scabbards, a ''- Lieut Edwin J. a each themV C. A. will hold a hallowe'en social at detachment of coast artillerymen ar day on the Wilhelmina, after visiting a and russet leather belts for the a Mr.' and Mn. Isenberg passed some the club buildin on Friday evening on the mainland. ' ' rived at Scbofield Barracks yesterday a use of the Hawaiian militia. a Mrs. Isenberg is 29. All English speaking ' ' time at Lake Tahoe. October and went Into camp near tbelst ln--1 a .' much improved In health as a result Japanese are requested to be present antry gardens. They have taken F. G. Snow, a prominent land owner a a a a a a aa a a a a nana ; of her stay on the mainland. . Both guns who lives near HIlo, returned this Every charge of two seige and Eiesfr 14 an1 Kra laonhfirir aalil Ran Vran- - A big cargo of bananas, 6000 bunch two howitzers brought up from morning on the Wilhelmina, accom- . clsco was full of Honolulu people, and; es, was taken in the Lurline this aft Honolulu Sunday by a detachment of panied by his wife. , DAILY REMINDERS that everywhere they went in the city ernoon. Other cargo Included 69,000 the 1st Field Artillery. They are be- "Velvet" Ice Cream, they met friends from Hawaii, i cases of canned pines, 2000 tons of ing Installed with their platforms near Irs. J. J. Baker and children came molasses, 300 tons of sugar and mis home this morning on the Wilhel To get value, sell it by auction. See the old stone crusher on the north side ' ; v mina. Mrs. Baker Is the. auction ads. Adv. , ' Milk, ; i cellaneous freight gulchl I the wife of Cream, Butter : MoprjiNG on change of Kaukonahua 1 ; well-know- n I Round the Island In auto. 4.0O. Lleut-co- t Frank W. Coe Is expected contractor. E. G. Duisenberg and Lewis Stables. Phone 2141. adv. market Lester Petrie to arrive tomorrow with four jcompan-les- " Were it not for Olaa the were appointed by the loan fund com ' E. M. Ehrhorn, territorial entomolo .Before deciding on your white hat quiet -- these; ' of coast artillery to engage in -- & would be a Institution . see those which Milton Parsons - mission yesterday to investigate the. A-A- gist returned this morning on the ' days.- During the last 24 hours out siege artillery target practise. -- Lurline, Adv. proposed new Queen from ; on received on the HONOLULU total sales of 1020 shares, Olaa furi route of the Wilhelmina a vacation the DAinYilEH'S ASSOClATi::.' of street sewer line for which f the city mainland. His with The Goodwin, only exclusive corset tlie trading in 700 shares all sister returned absolutely new 1915 nished ; .:. : shop In Honolulu; is asking an appropriation. ARMY'NQTES v: . at the uniform price of 7. Onomea hint: models. Pantheon bulldin. adv. up to Z3, other, ;to, proper has crawled but the of Kalmukl wil A. R. When in . douht. as 'the Sugar, Hawaiian! The Mothers' Club Published statements that the 12th Mrs. E. A. R. Ross, wife of E. go. you active issues, Oahu Hallowe'en costume dance at ar- thing," to the Clarion. There Commercial and Ewa, are untanged! hold a regiment Infantry, which has been on Ross of C. Brewer & Company, are sure to get styled quality and fit Liliuokalanl School next Saturday aft rived this morning on the Wilhelmina " lis is still neglect- the border near Nogales, Arizona, fo? Irt clothing furnishings.;,; V U The miscellaneous ernoon, October 30, from to 2 to 5. All enjoying a on main- and ed, and HIlo. common, stands offered gany months ' has been ordered to after vacation the If you want to be sure of getting ' - ' ' children aire Invited to attend. Ha not credited by army land. . V - . . . .. no bids. , are at 50 cents a share with wallah Children 10 cents; par the recognized standard In men's do music officers here. No such order has been thing or sure. t& go to ' ents - Brigadier-Genera- G. of free. Issued, as far as can be "ascertained, Mrs.- M. E. Richardson and Master - l H. Cashion The Ideal. , They carry only the lead- not probable regi- Asher Richardson arrived today on the British army has been wounded at and it is that the ers. ..; i ' ' - ' '" Children who are to sell tickets fol i ; ;.' 1. ment will be moved here until more the .WUaelmlna, coming from Texas. : Mer- 'iHi,...'Ai,.. the Dardanelles. ' Did you know "that Bowers' the Outdoor Circle's children's earn! ' Schofleld v TAfrf' barrack room is provided. I. They will visit relatives" at any legiti- '. " chant Patrol win undertake ; at San Franciscp requested to meet with Mrs. ' ::-- val are San piega papers first published the Barracks. Xv-y- mate detective work, as well as furn- James Bicknell at 3:30 o'clock next report that the 12th was coming here. property? Mrs. Low ishing watchmen for yout, Expositions. Thursday afternoon at F. J. The rumor probably grew out of the A. I. Silva, buyer for Mclnerny's ' r . Just call 2515. . ' rey's residence, Victoria and Lunalllo knowledge ; 6000 troops haberdashery, returned to this city, to- i i . general that , ""No greater . than oss of .' crime streets. are to be sent here as soon as possible day on the Wilhelmina, after a buying time. '; - Save time by using Mutual ' '. ' ; - trip In which visited Chicago and 35!., 3 . . .! he you of harbor Wireless. Next time start to A meeting of the board I For the purpose of investigating a New York:, change your mind and call 1574 commissioners will be held in the of write collision between a motorcycle ridden ' Give them your message. ; f''' public - , John1 wife fice of the superintendent of JjytWilliam'D.- Redmon, former sol Mrs. WXewIa,' of Lieut ' Delicious S, "&.W. grape Juice at 20c 1:30 o'clock tomorrow after Lewis, commander of .the K--8, arrived worka at dier, , now employed department a bottle is one of the specials for Wed- board at morning ' ac- noon. Two members of the' ar headquarters, and an automobile driv- this on the Wilhelmina, nesday at Henry May & Co.'a this morn companied - by rived from the mainland this en by Sgt William D. Walters, Hospifr. her, sister, . VIssi Flor bargains, too. quorum Hono- week. There: are other ing, thus making a In al Corps, a board of officers has been Better investigate. Phone 1271. lulu, i They were T. M. Church and "Bar aDDointed to meet at Schofleld , Clothes cost .money, and the wise C. J. McCarthy. ;:: i Ralph Balding,: , manager ' C. of i racks. Those on the board' are Capt man takes care of his. ; When . you !., KliHiiliili,. I f: A. Benjamin, 4th Cavalry; 2d Lieut Brewer & Company's HIlo branch, and or "Bv a rub as ulain as the ' EL J. want them washed or dry cleaned jiilltLii!iIi;ij;iililii Benanse of the death of AuzustUS ill li iui ii Percy Deshon, 1st. Field Artillery; 2d Matson Navigation Company agent dyed, take no chances send them to It Li i hi t;u i.....i...... pate of Father Murtihv. clerk of the States plain bald United Lieut Livingston . Watrous,. 25th .In- there, arrived this morning on the experts. ; Call 2919 or 1491 for the ' ' district court. Judge Dole this morn ; '2,---:.- : . "' Time. ' 'Shakespeare. ; ; fantry.: Wilhelmina. '' French Laundry'. V y i- ' ' ine declared court adjourned unu -- ...... "; ' Have you Joined savers yet? r Thursday.. Most of the offices in the W. S. MacDonald, representing a "the The shining head of Father Time self-deni- al court building are open for the trans '2d Lieut Edwin X O'Hara, Coast It takes but a little now ti D but serves to remind us that physical de- New York factory belt: manufacturing action of necessary business, but the Artillery Corps, in command of and means comfort and fredom from c powers will decay. True of the organ- tachments of the 55th, 68th,' 91st and concern,' arrived today on the Wilhel anxiety on. Save something, parts. death of the clerk has caused suspen- mina, to look, over the. business field later be ism as a whole true of Its 159tlr ' Companies, Coast Artillery ' It ever so little Start an. account with pres- sion of general activity in the building. here for his firm.'. , . We have artificial aid for the Bar- ' Corps, will proceed to Schofleld. the Bank of Hawaii. , - v ... one organ of the bu- :. ervation of but racks for the purpose of making pre- ' ..:,.'..: CADILLAC BA 4 The -- Yoii headache, in nine cases out of reau system SIGHT the most .pre- interesting meeting has been arrangements . E. F. Cykler, an Engineer coming An liminary n. ct for' the "annual ten, Is due' to eye-Btral- Don't SEAT Is desired to a:: of senses. Spectacles are a evening here to accept pposition . v cious all planned for Friday at the siege gun and howitzer practise of the a with the your eyes and In the training cf baby. Z ways, , yet Is 1 " Lord-Youn- g Company, don't. have Oem nuisance in some It ITniFersitv Club bv the ladles of the Coast Artillery companies. ' Engineering ar youngster who 13 1 - examined by anyone expert; toi ': "' accom hut an Dr. elvat scarcely possible estimate them at Outdoor' Circle. As there are over ' .S3- 5T ' rived today on the Wilhelmina the CADILLAC BABY L Sanford, in the Boston' building, 'Will k true worth, or imagine our condi- nas panied by Mrs. Cykler. . - their ' 300 members rana eacn one me The coast defense' commander,. Coast ; .iV is flattered by the r give you satisfaction. ' r . pronit: tion without them. 7 privilego of brlnglns her escort, a Defense of Oahh," will Inspect; Forts i Baby considers ' ; For office, store and bank fixtures, tlr.::'. . glass aid, we shall Cooke & Cooke When in need of laree number Is expected. The rea Armstrong, De Russy," Kamehameha J. P. of Castle was fgrown-up- " andrcsycr-'- j : you give wv 4 : f Aaa S ' ' show cases, soda fountains and com- be. pleased to have us a trial. turn of the evenlna: Is to be an UlUS ana nuger xNovemuer o. vuenaance among the . Honolulans returning to cordingly. today!. mercial furniture, see F. Gust-ll- n, If we do not'hold your trade thereaf- trated travelogue on. India by Profes- in" ranks will be the same as required their ,home c.ity; He has been lYalter. The CADILLAC T V. "Mrs; - 'representative, ter, it.will be our fault sor J. B Rock, who has recently re- away on business. - Cooke ret- manufacturers SEAT 'may be attache i ! I Royal, Hawaiian' Adv. . t turned from ail extended trip through turneq here several weeKs ago. :j. Hotel stantly any v- - I " ) to staniiri that part or tne worm. v- - ' Ueut-col- . Frank R. Keefer. Medical Stop at Bishop & Co.'s in the morn- er closet and Is he!! Vr. 7 ' J, T. Molr, rnanager of the pnomea ing and make the Initial deposit on :; self-aju:t- : Corps,7 post surgeon at Schofleld Bar In place by . a Sugar. Company,. arrived today In. the that savings account j you have been - ' - " NATIONAL GUARD NOfES racks has been appointed recruiting ':. spring clamp. A.N.SANFORD officer at that; post relieving Capt Wilhelmina, accompanied by his wife going to start for so long. No mat Baby, cannot fall or twl and daughter. They OPTICIAN Samuel'S. Crelghton, Medical Corps. have been'visltt ter .how, little, cash you have on hand, about we believe In "Zilt ty : To plan a" fitting reception ior the ing on : the mainland for five weeks. start that account now. ; - First" . . , " rifle team of the National Guard of .' poor " Boston Bids. Fort Street CpL" Fred J. McGray, Company F, "A workman always blames , .Price eachi Hawaii on their return here Noveni Dr. E. A. Back,.who has been Inves- his but is; easy enough for 1st Infantry, has' been ordered to Fort ; tools' It ' to ; v.-- -.' Over May & Co. ber 23, members of the militia are Shafter the purpose of conducting tigating the Mediterranean fruit fly even the poor workman to have good meeting tonight 7:30 at the Jor Cz hold a at a prisoner to Schofleld Barracks. ", here for the department of agriculture, tools they ; cost no more than poor W.;W. Dimohd Co., lf:2, -- - . - armory. The meeting 'was called by ; , r-- - " House of Housewares. . 53.65 Ctr- r :: sr-.'sy:- "; returned today' on the Wilhelmina, ones. No matter ywhar your trade. Is, The Kin the ed officers club, Capt William Carothers, Company after a visit to Washington on officlal you will find tools of temper and qual- ' " 'V the guard are . . : SAN.PRANCISCO but all members of M, 25th Infantry, has been ordered to business. 4. ity at Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. asked to attend. : .sweet singers at the Popular ' Fort Shafter to bring a prisoner back l Those No answer has come from Sgt to Schofleld Barrafcka, ' : James F. Fenwick, assistant man- theater are being repeatedly called Bellevue Hotel Thomas J. K. Evans, who Is now in ager of the Hawaiian Electric Com- back for more and they are delighting : ' pany,' came back on ; Washington, to the cablegrams sent CpL: John M. Bayless, . Hospital the Wilhelmina their audiences . with "Coming him yesterday asking for details of Corps, Schofleld Barracks, been today after a four "weeks'-- . vacation Through the' Rye," "Annie Laurie" Geary and Taylor Sts. has passed ' the homecoming of the team and tell ordered to Honolulu for duty at the in San Francisco 'and , other and others of those old; sweet tunes Ing them to prepare for the biggest ' California cities. - ' So dear to Take In this First-Qa- Alakea dispensary. ; ..'" the heart Strictly ss time of their lives. Col. ? Johnson concert for a good evening's enter- "For age and want save while you ' ' ' m: hoDes for a response tomorrow. Pvt' Alfred R. Johnson, Company K, Mrs; Frank Woodward and Miss tainment, "'. ' s Tickets for the dance which will 25th Infantry, has been Phyllis Woodward of Berkeley came Built of concrete and night sent to the For no morning's sun lasts all the day be given at the armory Saturday department hospital for treatment .' v to Honolulu this morning to visit the Railroad building at night has been to ' steel Private bath will be given to guardsmen tonight. V' :' 38T 36T. .' ' Hawaiian Islands and see Kllauea vol- made possible In Africa by , the use for distribution. , Y 1st Class Albert Thomas, Hos cano. They will pass - three 'weeks of a freight car as a lighting plant, every room; 12 minutes Pvt ' ' Benjamin Franklin wrote this pital Corps, has been relieved from here, returning to their California equipped with projecting arms that and ; head- of '. from Exposition The creation of a "certificate duty at the Alakea dispensary. home on the Matsonla. . carry searchlights. , many other proverbs on the subject quarters for island resi- glory." to perpetuate In families the memory of members who i died for Mr. and Mrs., Zeno K. Myers re- territory, was among the Honolulans of economy, but proverbs never yet $2 per CpL Frank Bryan,' 143d Company, dents. Bates, their country In the war now in prog turned to Honolulu today on the Wil- returning to this city today on the .: ' C.'A. C, has been promoted to ser - helmina, two As an ex-offlc- lo member made a man save. There's just one day and American ress, is being considered by the geant, vice Sgt Wise, discharged. : after a months' vacation Wilhelmina. up;' on the maihland,seelng exposition of the Insurance commission, he at French cabinet 3"5V:. 3BT - the reg- plan, $4 per day and up. 'V . touring con way to save successfully have a of absence for 10 days and Northern" California "Mr. tended the session of the national Leave has Myers Cong- - been granted to 1st E. F. Rice, attended the Insurance vention of insurance commissioners as ular plan of Saving and stick everlast- ASTHMA COUGHS Lieut ress in the exposition city." a delegate from here. - 1st Infantry. ": ifHOOPING COUCH SFASKODfC CltOLT ; ingly to it. t)o not save what is left . , . CATA&1H COLDS - HQSCVmS Ilarrv ll Strange.' manaeer of the Several New York residents, includ over after your living expenses PERSONALITIES Honolulu Gas Company, set foot in ing Mrs. Charles Weston, Miss Mary are c v Honolulu again today, after attending Weston, Miss Dorothy Sargent, F..K. "paid but save a fixed amount FIRST, f r I HENRY W. KINNEY, superintend the meetiner of the Nat inn a 1 Has Cjn. Rehn and G. S. , Olds, arrived today. ent of public Instruction, returned to gress at Sa Francisco and'extending coming In on the Wilhelmina, for the then live on what is left; - " U tn.u Honolulu from Hawaii today. ' an. invitation to the delegates to hold purpose of touring the islands and A bnpU. saa tnd effective treaewart vcid-in-f druss.Ucd with sacceu for 35 yean. their next meeting In this city. seeing Kllauea, They, will return next The altcarryins the antisepdc vapor, inhaled CHARLES H. BROWN, former rep week on the same boat 'A t every breathiaS. easy. t'Ml Vf with breath, nake resentative, will leave . main- - Demosthenes Lycurgus, manager soothes thesore throat. for the of sad stops the couch. and In the Wilhelmina . December 3. the .Volcano House, and John Detor. Deputy Sheriff J. W. Asch'was a He will go to Washington where, he manager of the HIlo Hotel, both land passenger on the Wilhelmina today, Cresolene U htvaJuahl says, Bishop & Company to mothers with yoan he will assist in urging legisla ed here today on the Wilhelmina after returning from a business trip to San cbiUrca and a boon to tion needed for HawaiL making a thorough tour of California Francisco. He said he met w, R-- Fart S snfierers from Asthma, and picking up pointers on the man rington, business manager of the' Star- - avings D e par n Send us postal for tine t descriptive booklet The largest sponge ever found came agement, and operation ot mainland Bulletin, there, and that Mr. Farring- - ' ' oto omor rom the Mediterranean. It was three hostelries. . tontold him be expected to return. to VATOCRESOlXHECa feet across and ten feet in circumfer Honolulu on' the Manoa, due here next - C-J- , ence. . McCarthy, treasurer of the Tuesday. :X-, -, j i - - Obi HONOLULU STAR.BUT,LETIN,- - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2fc 1015. i rJURPIIY IS DEAD; MOO CASTS SUGAR I i mo r - - fc. ...-.- . - - . . . - . p . . . . . r.,- - BE - VILL BUILT, GL00F.1 CAST 01 DOUG IUI ?jley h; ;- -' -- ) - - - - 1 Allen ' - &- - ' editor - - n I I'-- CABLEGRA 1 SAYS COURT CIRCLES OF PACIFIC ;o Tuesday;..;; :;;;: . . : . en, mu. THE, REAL CRIMINAL. raiMfiiii i .octobkb lit - -- it .'- :; GOOD OH 'BOTH (Ontinned from page one) (Continued troin page one) Insinu-ate- (Ccallanea Eton cat) . FAITH SIDES. .Some time ago a Kansas City, officer, in re Secretary of Treasury s tit the steamer should le in RTvice ttom tial arrival in. Hawaii he made friends Company Had Chance dutywlll be by suspension of the op--, f A fusing lo prosecute a man who shot his drunk tJje-repor- January or Febi uary, 1347. and kept them. THe record or his e ion of the clause in biltj ; rat the tariff Official confirmation lliat the ; ; 1 .COOjWW to Make Big Profit tf en. son. because he Jiad bnitally assaulted his "As the Mataonia cbst $ business and official life, here 'is i or whether, there will be a repeal of- - T r V far-reachin- g latson Navigation Corapiiny is to build Van-- - - ; . - when she was built a year half bright one. He was a memherof three a more own mot her, said : f t - an4s A atrong defense of Seamen's aatnre. has not aro, the new ship will: cost more, as fraternal organizations aid always the yet become - -- prob carcely-veile- d manifest That tlicr Matsonia" is ".'hailed hy Hawaii' with - ne jn case you, was In law, together with the j criminal ims is not. nor shipbuilding price have 'iprrsd ma at the forefront 'any project ably will not develop until Congress , ' 'trcimiiM1' appreciation; of Lilly since MaLsnnf was; which they put forward. In accusation that . the Pacific Mall ratification and a iyct your son. He is the man who vour trr the the death meets he said. .. inive Mr. Brew said today. Mr. Murphy Honolulu Steamship Company has. gone out of in- tf has lost a - Mr. Cooke Cipt.'Matson's enterprise and faith in the fiiid -- business ships was In New York son the whiskyl jou' will dd vourself and ; The Matsrnfa run carry 2V) cahln splendid citizen, an efficient official because it cculd sell Its hn the news became publlc'of Secretary- - dustrial future of territorVfor the next few althcuh she has; accom- and a thorough gentleman. ' at a big profit is contained in a let- the this office (ind your, wholft ncighl6rhood a big - McAdoo's - ' ' : ' ' '" ter from Secretary of- the Treasurer recommendations. v. . v . j aa, hls;tt as' by us!n a Was Born in New York. ; cars;' " ? V' : ..' ; r'' :." f ..'".V " W'j i modate . wrviw.oy niKung out ine namo oi me man who part f the steeraffe.'!"w!rfch has V.Mr; Murphy was born In New York McAdoo to Secrets y . of Commerce "It came at a very timely nwrnent bw In sugar One million six -- hundred thousand dollars remodld for tfu."ancy by men oat". City on May 4, 1861, In which city Redfield, given out to the public In the Industry, he commented. sellsjFtou th west whisky onSiihday. ' I'oulevard es. Ik Washington. 7 "It saved the market from going to-piec- The i ilat.vonla's , freight capacify bis relatives have been In business A ill be put the new HricK "That "an ovi: - into is When yon find him bring the evidence to me." 'mm tens. . for five generations. He was the son .Copies of this letter reached Hono- There was already a feeling- ncc of the same good faith .which prompted A. '"The new chin should "help v cf Felix Murphy and Anne Hunter of lulu today. Secretary McAdoo at- of apprehension and the besMnforu : few days ago a citizen of Honolulu, having sugar 1 in doin; awav with the ram- that city. His education was received tempts to show that the Pacific Mall ed men foresaw that several . r? businessmen "of fonoulu to stand behind murdered his own wife and stabbed, himself mer travel congestion which was so In New York. ; could have complied with the new law months before May . 1 the date for I. osne company, anlAmerican company, when to death, as report evident here froui June ) to the mid- He came to Honolulu for the first without much trouble or expense, also free sugar the operation of the tUusT September was time in 18S7 (McAdoo's) Interpretation would be discounted and large - np' , .strong effort swing 4 dle of Noth!ns said as assi&tant manager of that his of rcwa a to ;kentiment , ; breath, IJooze did it. Jiooze did it.' .. .. In the chlesrsiu concorning the name the Arcade which then was a large the "language clause" proved to be plies put on the market Holders of, re in favor of suspension of the coastwise The city of Honolulu is shocked. The neigh- - of the new steamer. , . . . drygoods concern. Shortly, after he correct and made conformity with It course would be rushing to sell their wThe follwin ..statlst'ei coheern'nr was made assistant manager of Jor- not difficult v supplies before May 1. to get a price, . Avhich'.niVant competition by foreign lines. winch, borhoon in the tragedy is hor the MaUonia twjll enah'e , ho dan's, and then manager of " advantage. This would inevitably de- ; 1 thoe assistant Near the end of the letter, which is rificd. It must have been a bloody sight which have not seen toe boat; to ain soire the Kahuku store. One June 13, 1891. a lengthy up press the market In fact, disorganl- - one. he takes Pacific Mail ' v ' Idea of the size of the. aew ship wW he married Katherlne E, and, xatioQ was in prospect .. . THE ,4IIAir.rACTORY.M the eyes ofI the policed Near the bleeding Melin finances and the prices at which the iet is to duplicate her Tie statist Jos. err when Thelma ilurphy was about two five Pacific Mail steamers were sold. "Sugar men felt that this period of; body of the supposed murderer were the empty fmm the Fireman's Fund Resist' for years old, left for New York City with would appear, to be possible," discounting might be or evrnl -- "It be fourflve . . ..-- - ":.; - i I i'gh Sheriff Jafrott aptly terms ttic ' terri- - demijohns of Maui was con 1315:. bis family. , declares, "that the company after do six months before May 1. Cut when wine. It wine's Matron fa Cress tonnage. 372 Returning to Hawaii, Mr. Murphy - ; nt. ing business for 16 years without a the announcement came, from Wash- , . ir.l .prison , raan-factorv- i" Under liis fi!73; a J' tribution to Oahu's crime. And the real crimi built. 191?.,,at Newport Ne.' went? Into business for himself, con- dividend found that existing conditions ington, the market steadied, trensth. Virginia; length, . AM) ducting rr able making morenso- - 4.feet; breadth. a shoe store In this city. A, gave them an opportunity of selling ened. and. the sugar Industry- - knew-- : 't fidministratioir it is hal, who was he? ; W5.1 3fS-- If K)6Zd;it,what;.aut ; depth, ? : horsepower,.;; year later he was appointed as clerk I out of their , property at a where It was was surely most, the livc'i )f .Jmahy;' prisoner? - FrancLsco; managing In at' ' . i: preparing the man who sold the wine,- and he who made home iort. .San the public works department and prleevwhlch would return fortunate announcement was ' Navigation 12 years them the full 'that the re-ente-r- owner, Matson Compary. ago became clerk In the local rn to society and , win and hold a who " valuation of. that property upon the made at the time it was.1 . it and those licensed it according to the ; : - ; The Matsonia is one . of the nest federal . ;; ; . ':A court . v : O - company's books, plus at least,-CO- Cooke says It" la o there on meritj and;in addition is prov- of; equipped and most elaborately anpo'nt. i imos.iLi laws the territory which legally provide for Upon the retirement of the chief more." '; , V. ed pajsenger steamers sailing the . predict for how long a period the free-- ' r n business investment territory. ; ," Clerk of the federal court, Mr. Mur- 1 for.the , the traffic r ;;, news thst th.lfi to He ends by saying he is inclined io sugar clause w'.!l be. SM'pend the phy was appointed . to : position, t?t Mr. the think that otner vessels under the In case suspension ar.j i 'rry likely the conditions previous to Hlowly it dawns at last on the eat body duplicate her in "every way will ,ne this being on 16, 1908. is. i.:t November American flag. will be Vt-- i " .a'.Iy, t ; -- found to handle repeal Is the course. , ; J::r'''nbra(-y- built; welcome to IlonoIu!ans, and . rctt's jvece notcso,darkaa now ybtejrs Mr. Murphy was a member of the , that the wholeltcense sys Is also evidence that Capt. Matsbn traffic to and from the Orient looks for at leaat & year or two, t i e Elks, Knights of Pythias and Red Men, says " ::i the en by contrast, but it is certain that tern of the liquor: traffic isi;'cTiminal.";It; is; a has faith m the future of the Hawai He was a past in ,that otnera Lave prtct? r.j f exalted ruler the spect - - - ' ian Islands, both 1n their ability . to at to the late clerk, federal court even longer period. tendons 4rides in humanitarianism have legalized conspiracy J against the ' welfare of Elks and a past chancellor' In the today was adjourned ana a a source - until 10 o'clock .. J tract 'tourists, of Knights of Pythias. , ' ; l. v Mur-phv- n mad . nder his direotlon, withont loss of t lie freight' business; as-we.i- . Thursday morning. Above Mr. a men were burned ,to death,-an- society, the stability of oyeftmentt ; peace i Paralysis in J913. v ''r .Three , ' ' office in - Cooke, who has Just returned the federal building the seven' firemen hurt. In a fire, ntial discipline and without breeding In the I; : On February 20, 1913, Mr.' Murphy oi iiio nome ana ine nappincss .oi ino mai from the coast, saw Capt -- Matron Stars and Stripes are riylng at half-mas-t' which deatr yed the lirery stables of suffered a stroke of paralysis, which - oners belief being parapeted, they V'-"--- ' that, vidual; while In San' Francisco and told lilm cnrtsi uneia ai i.iizacein, n. j. 7 J ' ' eventually led to his death fhla morn- 1 i; -- -- ' would con- v. ; then he never Teiret the -- not ork. " ing. He from m f The tragedy of Manoa Valley is only one of ' recovered the stroke to ,' struction of the new liner . ;.o ' the' extent that during" the last two r hi; !i' sheriff insists,, fundamental .. , . . Is asa many; j.nousanqs ;oi oiners iany occur,, nere TThe news that the contract and a half years, he was able to at- signed gratification gen- i his policy, -- that the prisoners be useful is a matter of tend office, ' of and elsewhere and in fully, ninety per cent of M- -. t6 the affairs of his On ; erally,'" said Cooke this .morning, 13, : durir-- They ' September this year, he was taken their terms. are not merely I . ''community them, liquor is the prima causa, the real crimi and believe that this ill and was forced to remain at home. rs, but producers. And the-- habit of being JBooze H will stand hy Capt." Matson' and help He ' never recovered from the .nal.'- Booze did it. didit'! f- make, ; latter ' the" new liner' profitable' to -- the Illness. '.: '. .' ;;.' ween ill remain wJtK them'' .'wheiiUhey company. for. lia-- ',' iTha:t many defenders of the Jicehse system Thu is a big taing ; Federal Judga Sanford B. Dole to- -- a 'fir iikj jan. are too i gnb ra ntj i6drincnrably. besotted to be day paid thefollowlng tribute" to Mr. importanco ? announce of, - ;ri'( fT:crn also vastly more opportunity , The . the Murphy; Vtf'i,-:,- reacnen oy .uncus-- ment in Pacific Shipping circles is . In anyi niorai eonsiaeration .is . "He was a man of a great of Felf-'relian- .deal ce dicated by the attention?' paid in the litiativV, and self 'phtabTy tme, butChow , long iwill talce sane, force of character.: Not .Only In his it papers to the plans of the com V to be make wills in I1 - T work was this shown, but when he used afraid ta thoir their n have hitherto- hail. Self- ther - v , , reasonable, rhnd gfrietal)y twell:meariirig nibii pany. ;. The featt .Curoaleie " ... I'YancJscoi was attacked oyer two : and a half r 14 top ' minus presaged death. ; y , vencnnrn.qfd..-The- qualities thus of October carries the o years ago -- it j to see- that every, time' they sustain' the license jt " by the; ailment: to which toe . nrst page: ; neaa 1 ! : twosiumn he finally appeared - : d s t a ndj t cm in; good, stead when sVremlby Vote they announcing sneenmbed. he to un- - i their! are sustainins: law the plan .re)'4l)4 te. new have; made up his mind to get well Nowadays the "practical man .doesn't wait. o r.ioT;;! Ilnrr.' At that time It' was not known to the and mental battles lessness' aiid majjiag it; eerjtain thaiJiomeslwill and he. concentrated his- - energies to rV5'l'l lt wold cost maeh excess ol - (ilrthe last nimite jor does he show neglect of ;v-:"J- that V1-' Jn .; end. world. v; AAA '. . ..'-.- that ,r )(...- in the outside . tftW. i iiin be wrecked and tragedies mnltiplied on every ' f fnnttpV " ' ' ,v '.'As soon as he, was able to bo out '.. hi.lpved'pnes by rtinriFtrip in ii' i; on public ,wbrks,; is lifltv.' prison iabor: hand?,' ; i ; ? V''X he returned to his duties, although at ALL- - f.1EN (3r" COMPANY K ; : under Sir. Jarrett it has nrst. he had. to be carried up and down ;''' hazard manner. ATTEND SERVICES FOR the two flights of stairs to his office. ..r ::d, ceeording to other territorial v Those who declare ?that the German army Yet- - he never allowed himself toJlbe. lv.:tWe;.'wi1idraw','np o legal will for you free of ; before,' SERGT.'S TINY 'DAUGHTER discouraged or to give up. He grad better rc;dts .than ever? organization : must- be; :r lacks ihitiative rather With Company K, 2nd Infantry, at ually . improved, until It, as charge, provided we are named as one oi;tli9 ; seemed if Vtho tc r: the counties by ' ' itory and tending In a. body, ; funeral services hev would recoyer substantially taKcn qnacK.nt. me spectacle ot,tne :ieutons, on his i it-i- . ; " s. h executors. Consult iik about; this. 'important i vUv.n TV' over ithe vemains of little Thelma former healtiu .. t i l.'l or Vonsiworablc ' t he verge win) launching' "Balkan cam- three-year-o-ld ' of cr, the Vhitaker,. the 'daughter - P-.:- - Attack Due to Overwork. matter. ;v;; . reach $75,000 a ycar--j- AVhlt-ak- er to at r meanwhile of 1st Sergt, and Mrs. Victor. -- ago paign' in whirlwind fashion and - ."The attack a month was .a ill probably be individual, instances of r Company K" r,2nd Infantry, surprise and a disappointment Out- hold irigmore than IJOO miles of front against f were to be heio; , at 3,. o clock . this side of his duties, his activities .have tl.ej. iicv will seem to .H.-H- . lau. 'line "nonor the French, British and ;Rnsians'.15 develop afternoon from the Chapel of been great. Mr. Murphy iad always 4 insti-- 1 ' was to be In r.dilv growing.ambng penal' ments in; the Balkans come one after another, Williams. Interment been devoted to the drama In an Nuuanu cemetery Cbapla.ia William amateur way. He was a member f :s of lie mainland has occasionally: been Reese Scott of Uie 2nd InfantryVwas it is evident, that the Teuton drive into Serbia " three fraternities and was devoted to e , f 1 b;-'t!.- of some one individual to officiate. . ''''; i ? conduct wasdelayed ' until Bul cboperalion ,was the work of. these In fact his at- garja's .The little girl's casket' was hanked tack of two and a half years ago was " r cr proup of prisoners.' on the asWrcd--an- in a profusion yQf.. Jtotely. floral offer d ihe bolt started ih largely due . to overwork in carrying ; ; V ! : a vo I ccn .so obvious that in ings from the men of K Company, the out his entertainment schemes, which committed toVthe cause . of t M Ferdinand himseJf' United Spanish iWar veterans, in ap- . y in traces,. has jhe , system work; added, to his office duties, if 'honor :''v---..- - - : prominent, . .( ; . : which 'Sergt Whitaket is c the Tcutons. . :J::-- peared too much for hl3 strength.. J . -- .; . v Hie and ..many other frlends.i ; :i..u abandoned because. of . ?'The local . federal court, fully ap prisoners. in as announced yesterday, tno utuc preciates Mr. Murphy's fidelity and of individual That certain girl died the . department hospital : President AVilson's action jin naming a New .at ability, and will greatly miss him. . )fi:one'rs' will take advantage of ihe iin;. after a threedays? illness from pneu? He was good good ther',': a husband, a father, - York colored man as minister to Liberia recalls monla. Her', fa Sergt Whitaker, 1 -- a good citizen and a thorough gentle- -- freedom they , are- permitted, and make is one the Tuost popular men : In .' to 'older Tcsidentsi ofillqnoluiu the: career here of man." .'.;. in the best makes and various ernamentatiens. ''i escape?" or attack pome other prisoneror the company and Is one. of .the oldest t nts ; ; ' Federal Judge Charles F. demons Stewart the nerro who after-- men, In . point of service. In the regi ' ! V ' t said;'' ' . .'' JEV7ELHY CO:, 115 Z nl. mav rroVc wll.71 nltv of dealincr wiili ..;.; . ' VIEIRA net:! X ment?. He has served in the. Second - . . ' " . . A . anq - ward went to Jiincna Dccarac promincnuy 1899.-'-r- . ."Personally, I am sorry to lose Mr. . in the'i. . it docs not disprove tlie since. :.ry :; ?K; identified withJiJiepuiclifeo Murphy not only as an associate. In ie xightfi. c t t r v i r .lo 'make prisoners the work of this court but as a friend. Hi repiiblic; M one;. time Stewart; his feloquent parcel post Business From beginning of !cr men 1 the his connection tongue , sprinkling , classic ' phrases, isras very OF HONOLULU GROWING with; the office of clerk of the. federal tiiods.- - ! court as deputy clerk under Mr. Hatch, nuch inthe limelightpf Twelve thousand parcel post , pack aC ages mailed from the Honolulu post-offic- e l as an attorney at the bar came in ably "smaller present ; 15 - close touch ' with him and found it a e than is at in the first days of; this of-th- of it Hawaii may well be proud proweis month, against 4800 for 'the same pe pleasure to do business with him. He -' was always courteous, considerate and !i ; .sons- riod in 1914, is the: remarkable In ; " sturdy as , Puke Kahariamokir and ; J ; al u: -- to VJaiow Capt. crease shown In a semi-annu- report obliging, and ready to come early and S Limited- - ; "; -t; i - is gratifying; that vol :- Evans.-O- ne )f is the fast- It ; T. J. K. them ssued by - Postmaster William F stay late to accommodate the bar.' -- . idioti - Papen thinks 5 enough ; v of r those An Official. in Young. . Efficient .Timmer in the world and has shown it ...... K . .. ; ? " not to; encourage Licut.; Fay, of the The total number of parcels mailed 'And he' .was . an efficient official, . kind competiti6'n.:.The. other Yankees'! - l.ardest 'of the local office from October 1 to devoting considerable time outside of rTiTPTTTRrTRn : . f hlachines at . - - .' c himself as the best rifle-sho- t, in German army, iri;fying:liis, mfernal 15, 'was 12,583. For the same period office hours, to making himself well tablished . IL; S. ports.-- J . 1914 only 4891. pe- his As a" man he 25GS Rooke SWPuunur.V... 4 75.00. -- of., on to stcamers'leavirig in it was For the informed in work...... c.Tinyfjdsiyy; . and national $ptot&. the V ' - ' . ; generous, ' ' ..'. riod from April 1 to 15 of this year was sympathetic, ready to 1124 Lunalllo 4 70.00 ' "'rw-'".; r ; .' t ...... r ...... '. ' "I S tales. ' I' :' '..;v-i- . . :- - . v-v- the total was 9344. The October fig lend a . hand in any good cause or to ' Cor. Green S 75.00 " - .v .' and Victoria sts..... rn. ; 1- . . 4 -- ' He help needy. The of high ... - .. , ' V . v G recce 's posi J ion .between ;t tipper and ures thus show a gain of more than the evidence "Ave...... i...... J 3000 parcels over the April business Ideals in his work, his loyalty to the .2355 Oahu ...... 5 ...... 100.00 ; is "nntenable. for; lonf V : - - 263S Oahu ave., t inanarizing the territory,s contention con: netlier millstones transacted. court and his goodfellowshlp are Manoa...... 3 : ? -- things . . 'Rapid depreciation, seettis does I not, seem possible she1 can .avoid being A total of 64S packages were insured pleasant to think ot." . .nine Transit it n 15 days of Expressions of sympathy and trib- i; the first this month. 1 into, the war. 15-da- y' ? that the rolling stock gathers raoss.v tdrawni. against 452 during IBe period utes to the work of Mr. Murphy were . miTURIIISHED re- in April. .. ; . heard from all quarters today. In - to use at the I lawall ;buildln& during months'-rist- t on the mainland. Mrs. Hackfeld'and Prospect daughters have Sts..;.. I...... 2 " ...... 27.50 big Pineapple Day and in the clos-tn- g Farrlngton and their the been stopping In California, while Mr. 14 Mendonca Tract (Ullhi 8t)...... 3 20.00 daya of the exposition.- - - Farrlngton and their son. Josephwent 1712 Kalla Rd, Waiklki 2 25.00 -- to Madison, where Joseph entered the DWELLINGS FOR RENT (partly furnished) 'v . " A. McCARW; spent University, Wisconsin, Mr. Far- . FURNISHED 770 - FRED. . who has of f: ? Kinau 4 : Lunatllo . . ; 3 bedrooms...... 855.00 St ...... 220 some, time in Honolulu looking rlngton continued .east, end ibefore re- SL'.: .: -- after : . . . . 75.00 1004 W. 5th Ave, Kaimukl...... ;..:....:. 4 16.00 the interests of the soldier and sailor turning to 4he coast visited tVashing-ton- , Green and" Victoria Sts.. . . ; ; 9 2 3o.oo. 1020 Aloha . " 18.00 - .-''-1 Wilder Ave. and Spencer. Lane ...V. v.;...... -..- 2 with reference to : Y.- M. C. A. work, D.,C;;i; t ...... will leave - this city, today on the - Central Ave- - - KalmukI ...... 25.00 1339 Wilder Ave. V.w.V.C.V.v.'s V $ " " : 40.00 v Prospect St. .. .. 30.0a ar-- Pu-naho- ;.. Seattle ! Lurline, being called San i , u' 1562 NuyanuAve. 50.00. . SUMNTJl .COPN of to Francisco .LESLIE WEISHART, a former Pearl City; l i , ...... morning and on business connected with the asso- Is attending Peninsula ..... ca the Lurline tbia ' athlete who the v , . 30.00 Luso St. (near , School '2 . " ...... 20.00 - V 1 . ; ';: Park Ave, Kaimukl.;. ta ttta city.- ciation. J:- '- University Michigan, written to 5 :ts to locate of has Lanihull Drive . . '...... 3 " ..... 70.00; Thurston Ave. :w ... L ... i ...... 2 25.00 Paul R. Super, general secretary of M . Tantalus Heights .'. .V...... 3 ': ...... 45.00 1312 Center Kaimukl i:..;'.;;-:.- 2 A 25.00 Tice-preslde- ' ' St.; Victoria vas nt big ' '...;...... xr.llX S. .GREEN of RICHARD SCHMIDT, the Y M. C A.r telling about the : UNFURNISHED r. - : 25.00-.....- . morn-M- Michigan 1818 Beretania 2 . arrival on, the Lurllne this of the Schmidt Lithographing Com- plans for the union million 811 Lunalllo' ...... v ...... v . hedtooms...... J60.00 St ...'...V.'...... :... -- St. Green is an automobile .man, pany of San Francisco, left San Fran- dollar building. , He also inet Douglas 1522 Hastings V. . . , . " 75.00 2015 Lanihuli Drive (Manoa)...... 3 40.00 1 St ...... decide-- to -l-ocate-here. ' cisco on Ventura today Hono- is taking sv course in the 1 iay the for Oond,who 1475 Thurston Ave...... ; ...... 40.00 Walalae road bet 6th 4nd 7th . Aves .1... 15 " ...... 125.00 , - lulu. Mr, Schmidt is one of lead- literary -- department Ann: Arbor. ;M , - r the at. .1221 Pensacola St...V...:...... 40.00- Hyde and Oahu, Manoa ; , ...... 2 " 25.00 X 3 ; TAYLOR of the Quartermas-- ing men UTlhe lithograph, world, and Some time ago . Weishart met Lum '. C. .1940 Young ...... 35.00 ;f Y; M. who St 2355 Oahu Ave Manoa...... a ...... 5 ; ...... 70.00 Depcrtment ell at'Hthr a Is knownas'a good booster.. r He will Fong, a former Punahou student 1231 Lunalllo St.; .... . So.OO ...... 1124 furnished) . 4 50.00 ym Ut:vtnIagi;and"iiIiskcAted stop at the Royal Hawaiian hotel dur is now at the University of Missouri. 2355 Oahu Ave...... , ...... , u.uu Lnnalilo tpartly " ...7.'; or : rlzht elbow. He' will be out" ing his stay here, Lum Fong expects , to take up Y. M. Center Ave.i Kaimukl ; ...... 15.00 929 Green st ...... :'. .;.;..V.. . ..' 2 ;j ...... 35.00 ; i .fpr eome .time.; work in the near future. Kunawal, ...... : 20.00 t CA. Lane ...... 131 T B'lfi.klki St f 40 ' ...... 25.00 : AND MRS. r. R. FARRING-TONV.wlth;Ml- ss MR. ." 1 1205 .V ...... 2 : 25.00 ; VTOOD has written fb A.. P. Rutht and Miss Fran- A quarterly dividend of 3 per cent Stanenwald DIdg. Wllhelmlna Rise ' : ' it - Co., r of the Promotion , Committee ces Farrlngton, will return next Tues- on the common stock" was declared GuardianT rust Ltd. Merchant Street v Xromv fiy Kelly-Sprlngfle- ld Co. V Z for pore literature oa Hawaii day : in rlhe Manoa a three the Tire - HONOLULU STATl TTIXETIN, TTTFnAY, OCTOBKK 2C 1915;


Shirk? No Important f Work ' Accom- graceful and contemptible action." he IAI LEADINGWFACTOR declared. "V owe U : to ourselves COURT CASE plished at Meeting of and to the public. We should in some Charter ...... , way : apologizey to the general public V; Convention Last Evening for- - the ungentlemanly treatment Wilfett & Gray's Comment on which the majority of this convention Attorney Withington Paints a is die jprcate " Industry Shows Tendency After 40 days of wrangling and in- accorded Its guests: .;. ; Word Picture of Pre-Bec- -- to Decline finite settling In its seats, the Char- I o.bject to this "holier than thou' Transportation timo to cn!:o : : ter Convention actually got down to of Mr. Smith, shouted At- trie hcla nrixci attitude. " The frecfy-slidis- g cord ; work last night: to the extent of tak- kinson, who Was on his feet waiting A rather uncertain market Is the ' - If Mrs. John Doe wants to catch the , arid .ZZico ' ing up report of an opportunity to I was biccuit nicldn i tick tdjustf itself la every forecast of Willett & Gray's Suga the of the committee for talk. passes j, h 15 and inserting several the's " not present at the last meeting of this street car which her home at - avoid-xs- g Journal for the week of October 14. notionvcr posture of the body and I had a goo4 reason for be- 2:17 o'clock in the afternoon, she is at baldn- - The journal, which came by today's "andV and "a's" in the text boy out home :;Ic:ni cxA ing away."- ; liberty to send her Japanese ttrsb ca . clothes or following Interesting Drsf five sections of the proposed - ."v,V has - mall, the "'..v,- and ask the conductor to hold the car charter.- . i . "I said that night and AI say again . . .. . - ihouldm ensuring nummary: - f for a few minutes while she arranges profitable; It ll:2 Aand; Cabled Actual progress, with the charter that it looked to me like a conspiracy rcnlr3 Statistics fcv Special her hat or "primps" a bit:.-- - . eJwayi Receipts, was madeat the expense of Senator on, the part of the majority , put In Cuba The entire Island: are, however, the con- food c!:cc::j!e 17io tons, 5C1 week William Acht,' who rose to his feet Smith In gret excitement. - Chances that more and '1 acainst ions last ductor would not hold the car.. He Ab:o!atc. Comfort 3000 tons last year and C000 tons in as soon, as'; the deliberations had "Get the pollceand bring absent wrath-full- y. doubtless would, politely say : 1913. :' ' - reached the provisions for the board members here,t suggested Achl There guarantees cafe from : it I y supervisors, forth his .,:': r'---- will be another along in a' mlnute.T . Avoid usttjcris , They Exports, 27,068 tons; stock.. 256,394 of and launched - plan government in Finally the voting came on Therefore, if the Mrs. John Doe in T for tons, acalnst last rear 112.000 tons. commission of Castro's . alum and adulicrantb. are t3 xrierior. Look ef- question In ;, In Centrals grinding, 1 against 1 last fulL After numerous unavailing motion and It was carried ; almost lived Honolulu the ; ;.- v eighties, probably a sigh the words" SHIRLEY week, none last year and 1 In 1911 forts to Interrupt the. speaker, the unanimously.' ; ;j - ; v , she heaves regret yearns for, days of PRESIDENT ttamped on Stocks in the United States r and convention settled back' and heard the Then came a long' interlude In of. and, the Tjtyal Cod taaitiFrtt. :Stzl Kzzt czl Allrzzu Cuba together of 06,507 tons, against long speech out Then, they tabled which, the convention slowly .waded the old tram cars which used to beat the buckles. la this way . calling for four sup- through sections of the re- up and down the streets and on the S3Z,8Z3 tons last week, and;: 467,85a his amendment the first Bm &S9, HtwuU. IUw.3, TwmUi Nw Yrk, U. S. A. you sure of getting tons last year, an increase of 38,C52 ervisors, and the principal work of port of the committee of ,15. , U sidewalks, sometimes during r i the tiVt C. Ions from last year. the evening had been accomplished.; .'Finally, J. S. Kaleo rose and moved blissful period of 25. or SO years ago the goods ' ' , genuine lijht, Raws: Excitement started at the meeting that Achl's amendment, providing for . Honolulu probably didn't make the New- - ' did always cool, strong and supremely The improvement noted last week shortly after the reading of the min- four supervisors be tabled. iThe mo- fus that York when the know that It was off the track.', that of Tsingtau). .Thb was JDi.CS.CU by 26 ayes 20 noes. last mule-draw- n tram car was taken When the people began to tire of of 1913, ' - ccnifcrtiy-unccndlticnol- ly utes of last meeting, the notori- tion carried to less than. that, the continued through most of the week the -- was pretty slow system cars; Ira-po- rts ' .; ous meeting to which several promi- Immediately afterwards the section on off its streets. Honolulu the of the tram being made up cf i.i under review. ; r v go guaranteed by the cakers. At the'close on Thursday Centrifu nent, men were invited to express the establishment of a board of sup- glad to see the tram cars accord- Clintcn G. Rallentyne; "father" of the and $."7.C03.T22 In exrrf. gal sugar. test, was quoted at their opinionsV concerning municipal ervisors carried without change by a ing to the way Attorney D. L. With- electric railway in Honolulu, came to t6 , ; :; y t. v-..; .'. ; v! present-da- ; government, and where they were un- vote of 27 to.19. ington. XX'::' their rescue and the street Lz?: i Fc:l 3.75c per ib duty paid. C "I C::'S' will,-b- ; system c M. able to speak because a quorum of the Tonight the conrentloh Attorney Wlthington's story. was car was Inaugurated ' ii v V.'A a I t i j ; ' t u.i. On . Friday, Intermediate That - Zllrlej, U. S. A. - without no pass .'yr.-!(' - ' convention which had Invited them bard at work: all the time; but It Is told In. Judge Stuart's court, during Honolulu shed tears at the . ; Kales, a speculator paid 3c c. tc L basfs ? Ing of the tram cars. The residents '. SaU'Eoerywhtrt did not appear.: A. Castro moved doubtful If they cover more than one the first day's trial of the territory's " ' - f . mar y for for 10,000 bags Cubas, raising the - " the-wa- t record the meeting be section,- the next section being, that injunction against - Rapid rhere wanted something In of ket quotation o 4.01c per lb. On Sat- that the of suit i the Tu.w- . fixes number ; supervis- efficient service, AttorneyAVithlngton - stricken from t the minutes because which the of It came, out in connection " urday October shipment Cubas sold Transit ' w!3 ti.e ar.,1 ? yc i ; .. could be no meeting which was ors as eight Almost everyone objects with the early history nf the Rapid said. . ' y ; ib tiui .i. j to Federal at 3ttc c. T. (4.14c); there Ae knew t!iii restively. T.V a r. : On Monday 2,o0o bags Porto Ricos, not composed of a mapority of the to this scheme and has some pet plan Transit and how the latter company ' ' which he would like to Introduce," a , China's net foreign trade amounted part In store and part for shipment, delegates. . .;r had taken over the franchise of the 4 1914 Denisn, Smith Co., quo- W. O. Smith 'then rose with empha- battle royal being sUcs to Start when old tram car. company which at that to $" in (not incfudin? d tti. sold at 4.01c per lb, raising the ; " '. ' J;-- majority - tation of free dutf sugar from the last sis.; ;.: v. the minority and leaders time was operated, almost- -. entirely Isy -- Need Reeqrtf of Disgrace. clash, something which: did not hap- London. I ; ; ..: i': sale at to 4.01c per lb. Cubas 1 from - : - 3c pen night T. . ; - c for shipment were held at 3V4c c. it tH "W need some record of that dis last The tram cars were little and dirty. and from store at 3c c. & I, without No bicycle cop ever ; had to, chase buyers at this basis. -: them for breaking the speed limit A Tuesday was "Columbus Day." and GIRLS! TRY IT! man living -- in Kaliht could board a :it:: - car-lnth- e mm- a close holiday. . . , : tram morning; ride out to mmm even- On Wednesday the opening was dull, Walkikl and return home in the i ' t 1 Vai-- offerings on basis of ing without getting off the car or , with the lowest .1 .; ; JL-XJl- 2 c c f. (4.08c), but buyers views TAKE CASCARETS changing cars. Which all goes to were nqt abore 3c c4 & r. (4.01c), and lIAVElCIliWY show, 'declared 'Attorney Withington, as' then only for a limited quantity, with what kind of a street car service 1 LA.A-"- : was shown when the American took the residents of Honolulu had to put ; " ' 50,000 - bags- - at, that-- basis and then up with. .- y; - withdrew from the market. BEAUTIFUL HAIR IF HTIPATED Aside from waiting for. prospective . As we' go to press further business passengers the little tram . per- mmm: wg done, at the 3a basis, leaving the formed other humorous - stunts Jstea'dyi. witli buyers and then. When two cars' Vould meet market at that Dis- - i Every of Dandruff Liven uver , Lasts.- - There-i-s a report that an ope Particle 4ney lour oh the same track, the driver of one - conveyance VERV GOOD ASSORTMENT rator bought a small lot of Cubas, in appears and - Hair Stops - - Bowels and Clear . Your would promptly turn his; off aisgust'pf store, at 4.04c. , i .Coming Out' -- Complexion the track, much to' the the tired mules, no. doubts and. allow : It wilt .be noted that the business AttorrieyjWith-Ington- - - the other car to pass.; m :m - thus far on : the advance has been : ' u.b DraW a Moist Cloth Through Don't Stay .Headachy; Bilious did hot'say whether theTe istii J U)out moderated and the market can -- ever any -- argument as to which car "Kinonos scarcely be called settled on any new Hair Double Its Beauty With Bream ead and . . and : ' - should get off the track.' J ...... ' basis i until considerable further busi ' ! . FOR v Once - Stomach'Sour- - - - v done.- - coming will at - - One incident recalled by 'Attorney ness is The week . . ,t, ; ,.; '(.a C, fii-ialdv ' show whether the' advance 'can be " Witlrjngtonwhfch1 rtncidi 1 wavy, Get'a?&e-bon- f S7.' majntaIned;,or whether, lack of inter Ydfi r hair becomes light, V?? was related by Former Governor .Wal- :0 $12.00 jCakelCa-gqacets- and fluffy, abundant and appears as soft; - Tonight sure!; ; and In- est by buyers' will return the market : ter F.'Frear tending to show the - &a young enjoy .genest Aiver, and - to Its former declining. tendency until lustrous- and beautiful a , the nicest efficiency of the service was this : ; Dande'rlne Cleanse.' bowel cleansin you evir experienced. a level is reached, somewhere below glrl'a after a hair An attorney boarded a tramlcar fn V7 ,try a tiiotb with a Cascarets "will 11 eg ;anff t 3c c. & f . . ;. Just thIsmolsten rf it.r - ; the- neighborhood of , Fort ; street .and Some been by little Danderine .and .carefully draw It cleakyour thirty-- fietiot bowels; with- - inieresi has shown - was proceeding out King . street on ? - . your- taking one small wiu- wase up tpeculators v TecenUy for new crop through, hair, out griping.; iou ieeuns : I: c. his way Jo Waiklkl As the trata Car ; - will cleanse vrnnrt Yniir bflfld will'Se dear; breath sugars, particularly for January ship strand at a time; This - approached the judiciary building, - . . - . ' ' tu m u: tongue clean, .'stomach- Bweet " and excessive right V ment' Sales were made at c & f. the hair of dust, dirt It f :xx.xmm Fcrt , L, epp. Catholic Church attorney remembered that he had in (3.89c), then advanced to 32cM6c c. oil and in Just a few moments you eyes bright, step elastic- - ana com- - " his ; pocket a legal paper ;wbJch he O' f. ( 4.08c) and declined to 3c c. & t. haye doubled the beauty of1 your hair. plexion rosy they're wonderful. Get 10-ce- wanted to file in the clerk's office. nt now" ,ahV' drug" store. . . . ; beautifying the at once, a b$x at (4.01c). : "A. V: Besides' hair Upon request, driver, e'afely give Cas-car- et the stopped his Advices England Danderine dissolves every "particle of Mothers can a whole - ' from state that car and patiently waited until the at- : 1 . purifies Invig- to children any tirijo wheh cross, sales of new crop sugars have been dandruff; cleanses, and torney filed paper In court, Havana vzz'lz stopping Itch- feverish, biliousj tongue coated or con- had his the : Havana dl Spashb RDecial Notice made to that country to extent of 200 orates the scalp, forever and returned, Whe- ; " ' harmless'.-rAd- v. house to, the .car. " 230,000 tons. . ! ing and falling hair.: !,, ; stipated they are v " , 'j Two end up , - - ; ther the other passengers objected to for a quarter We feel that Cuba. ? :; i But what will please you most will r we are no longer you the. delay, Attorney Withington did The visible, production to end of be after a few weeks' use when v1- - Ha-wai- not say.' ';.;'...; ';;'., c trsngers In l, September Is 2,532,978 tons, or 27,337 will actually see new hair fine, and M. A. Gunst Co., z., D i ut V ;' 'pointed h Is :ril but by the tons less the corresponding fig downy at first yes-i-b- ut really, new Attorney ; Withington out than - m merit of our work that the tracks on which the tram " ure of last year of 2,560,335 tons. The hair growing all over the scalp. If were pretty are entitled to xecelpts of the week are only ; 1755 you care for pretty, soft hair and. lots cars used to run bad and, : 25-ce- nt to , bring . Into" the against; 3000 when a car would suddenly begin tons tons' last year; al of it surely get a bottle of ' foreground our though exports are 27.0C8 tons com Kn6wIton's Danderine from any drug- run smoothly, the passengers would name, 'which al-wa- ys um pared with 11,000 . same week a year gist or toilet counter, and Just try it hat and al ago. Stocks" decrease slowly and Save your hair! Beautify It!. You ways will stand stand at ! 236,394 tons,- - or more than will say this was the best 25 cents fcr conscientious service a::jraey, double the figure of 1914, which was you ever spent Adv, ,'v "';.;- - FOR ETKEERS and reasonable charges. 112,000.. One : tons,,, Central continues ; to work, and weather is reported as TO BE SUCCESSFUL ' : H j fair andi unsettled, but all indications . SOUSED SAYS ' KEEP " . .. . received from Cuba, point to a record ; N EW. JER SEY MAYOR The : mill engineers now in conven Punch crop 1913-16,--Visi- i for production tion are mingling business and social '. 9 to October. Is 2,536.603 tons against ATLANTIC CITYr N. klng sessions in pleasant fa Won Yester 2,5643. tons-las- t year, or. a decrease before the New Jersey. Retail Liquor day afternoon; they were,: the' guests For of 27,732 tons. v ;v . Dealers' Association,; In ; convention of the Mutual. Telephone Company, Java.' ;. , ', ..C:- lf;r here, Mayor Riddle said : ' :; Manager F.J G.; Hummel .taking them ' Our Batavia cable reports tbe .9ep "Some of the best things I ever dld over the plant. -- They heard how the company's wireless branch is Unking tember exports tot Europe as . 80,000 In" my life were done while I had a , Moth - souin-seas- ers' tons,-- which rather- more than, makes couple of highballs under my belt 11 tne Ausiraiasia .ana Ha- " - July-Augu- waii, , how local and Inter- up for st exports, always ideal and the the which have maintained that the - were shorter, than anticipated. ..The life Is made up of 50 per cent home. island services are handled.; They total" exports of crop to Europe 23 per cent good music and 25 per cent saw' the fire-alar- m Bcheme, the "mast Parly this clock"; "trouble file," now good . - er andeven the stand, at 329,000 tons. It will, no booze. The most Successful laughingly doubt, be recalled exports to year I ever experienced was In 1896, and as one of them re that the today, they had a glimpse of Europe in. August, .1914, were only and I remember that-- 1 .was soused marked ' the nether world when escorted into ;,:;, '';; 1 5490 tons, but large purchase most of that year. . When mother after the . the sulphuric battery room. "FOUR-A-PAY- by Kingdom , " , the United soon after the for the two previous years, respective- ; Last: night; was "Engineers', Night" . or big sister outbreak of hostilities, September ''-- the ' every ly ; ''; r ;' '. at the Bijou and member of the shipments made up the large v- total of cast wore one time1- - or another , a entertains, 212,546 tons'. The shipments to east- Reflnecl. lX ")i;; at ICE CREAM big red convention - badge. t no" ern countries amounted to 136.000 tons 4The demand at 4.90c less 2 some here's " what improved, and the Federal and Tonight will be "Engineers' Night - drink so ap- ; FLAVORS. V for the month of September, 1915.. The at the Popular. The annual banquet v. hole crop Warner on Saturday quoted 5c less 2 o this season is being ship- will be held Thursday .night the propriate or-'s- Delivered Twice a Day ped ih reeord time, the total exports with other refiners unchanged at 4.90c at -;- Commercial Club. , to September 30 beingr 755,000 tons, less ,:-;:- ;;J, popular as. 2.Monday against 600.307 tons and 705,822 tons On the refiners announced delicious, re-freshi- ng the discontinuance of the recent priv A WOMAN DOCTOR . ilege of withdrawing contract sugars - r . .. i l If it's from Rawley's, at the basis of the price on the day says, "Eugenics is a necessary, factor - marie , ; -- punch of shipment : ; . . ::,;; , in the future of the race. ;,The aver- X v Jfmtmr U Omtmt ; . ... One refiner gave the following no- age American, girl is unfit for. moth- With- - - it's pure. , tice: erhood." This may be true, but' if . all contracts entered on ailing girls passing Phone 4225 Fort A Beretania "For and weak and from after Monday; October 11, 1915, invoic- girlhood to womanhood, would only es rendered at the price stated rely, as thousands do, upon Lydla' E. ; - m. . c j l i in the contract irrespective of what PInkham'8 , Vegetable ;. Compound: t mm-'r;- - C AChaming Complexion the price may be on date of s&ipment that simple remedy made from roots m;cjj2i;.:;.;;.:'.,.;, Bcttlsd 7n:rc th2 C.::::z or when sugars arrive at destination. and herbs, to restore the system to - A hlocjc of ice in your punch bowl, a . Arr. ; Preserves, beautifies and purines ; For outstanding contracts Invoices will a normal healthy condition it would bottla cf f:. J;:' .' " the skiu and complexion. ? many which, they : : ORIENTAL GOODS The be' rendered and deliveries made on cause ills from sufi or two, a little pineapple or any other crushed fruit in .:. c: . favorite for over 66 years. . the basis of prices prevailing at the fer to disappear, so that, motherhood t, - . plain-a- s, A You have the : f: opening of Monday, might become joy or. their : lives. you like it finest punch that 2. f't business October the 4 ' every V .. : - Vido Stock of Gouraud's 11, 1915.- AH the other refiners is Advertisement. ; occasion. , - . ; ; deccriptioa sued a. similar notice. , . Only the choicest of rlclvripe Grapes used for Am; -- '3 C::;3 ' , ' , Westfield," N. ,;...-- Oriental Cream Joseph Sabolow6ki, 20 yekrs old, was . Armour factories at and.llattawan. III 1; Best at Any ; Crzzzlztzl tytHZsi found dead in his room at No. 2i2 No diluting, no artificial sweetening.' Just tie purs j I r . "The We will send a complexion cham- ' ; J II. - ', - High Gaa ow- AA flavor. ; A.; . V '' . .. ois and book of Powder leaves Eves tnAamA kw nuw streetr Hartford. wa3 f ; i A Price." A- - ' " Buy Grape ycv:r grocer (or 15c to cover cost of maOing - - suretoCsa.rxdaadr.J ing from an open jet ; He had been T a case of Armour's Juice frcn cr . - - . out of work; ,; and clubs. and wrapping. . ' ;f ., tjt Zvsxtj. No Smartirj, On the basis that every 4 grain of Druggists Department Do you want. to know I: j-- r THE CHERRY, At and Stores icyeo tint Eve frwnfnrt A wheat will produce 50 of its k!nd a th; v: t5 rv; FERD. T. HOPKINS & SON. German scientist has figured that the Send .for our. Craps J ji: r Fprt St., Cor. Pauahi 37 Great Joaet St.. New York City. tafnhTube2$c. ForCtsktltUCytFmaik third year progeny or a slpglegrain l.- 1 - would give 300 men a meab; ? TTOXOLELU STAR BTnjjKTIK. TTTFSDAY, OCTOBER 2rt, 191R.

Honolulu-Stoc- k' Exchangs ilonoluluAuctionRooms (T "n Tuesday; Oct.2. i s PLEASED? Alakea.Ctrett opposite Ballay'a !,v'n(Ts;A,. ii it n i ARETOU , 1IEECANTILB. i Eld. Asked :; : i ; Furniture Store Alexander ft Baldwin.Ltd ...... not, see:m v v ' if C Brewer 'ft Co V...... ' .yv 8UGAR. .',:.- - ;v Plantation Co...... 23H 23 C ; LEFT FOIilY-FIV-E First np to i wamm will Haiku Sugar Ca ....i... ' Pert Haw. Agri. Ca ...... Coast Yill Be Haw. C ft S. Co...... Haw. Sugar Co...... 39 ;; Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Honokaa Sugar s. t-- AUTOS LYING FOLLfl'J Ca .... ' Metiofi In Record Time Vffli Honomu Sugar- - Ca ...... 130 ..:;"::.':; ' Hutchinson S. PlanC Co.. Agents for v' .... . 23 Kahukn Sug. Co. -- ...... it L .:'.,l.J Great Northern to Make Run ERESIOPIATiOW Kekaha Sugar Ca ...... 1W 173 I ;r; Fire, Life, Marine Automobile Sugar OilDffiS From Here to San Francisco Koloa Ca ...... '. Baggage .' McBryde Sugar Co Ltd.. ; : & :.'v:.-': Tourists, Insurance in Three and Half Days Oaha Sugar Co. . 2 .i ...... 26H I --4 FINE. FURNITURE Bringing 14 tons of mail, the largest General shifting of captaincies on Olaa Sugar Ca, Ltd .... . ' " shipment which has arrived in any The liner Great Northern will break Matson boatg and promotions in ac Onomea Sugar Ca , 38 H - ...-- ft

Matson steamer since the Christmas all records on her first run from Ho- cordance, are scheduled according to Paauhau Sugar Plan. Co.. ' rush of last year, the. Wilhelmina nolulu to San Francisco, leaving here the word which reached, here today Pacific Sugar Mill ... ft" docked at 7:20 o'clock this morning at December 6. Her time for the trip on the Matson steamer Wilhelmina. I Pala Plan. Co. Pier IS. ' She also brought in a capac to San Francisco will be '3'4 days, to the effect that CapL . Henryv F- 1 Pepeekeo Sugar Ca HovUuchYould Alz:cnd2r ity freight cargo, and left 43 new au- breaking the record held1 by the Korea vVeeden of the Manoa has resigned Pioneer Mill Co. 31 31U i tomobiles on the dock at San Francis- of the Pacific Mait line by more thab from the service of the Matson Navi-- San Carlos' Mill Co, Lid. g co room enough ,' '. ; gation Company. Agri. Co. 23 23 You De because there was not 12 hours...... i: Walalua ?i Vorth .0c - : 'When . he for them.'- Her passenger list was 124 - asked what knew of the Wailuku Sugar Co...... 150 This news was received by- A'f P. situation, manager cabin and 32 steerage. Taylor of J.' IL' Drew, of Walmanalo Sugar Ca ... Goods now on view by order of the Promotion Committee in Castle & Cooke's shipping depart if. from the time you started ' The ship's mail totaled 623 sacks a letter this morning from E. " A. Walmea Sugar Mill Co. . . L. C. ABLES, . and her cargo 6333 tons. Of this menL. said that while no official con ' MISCELLANEOUS. to earn you have saved 15 ' Berndt, chairman of the committee, . .;' firmation has reached him as ; yet per cent or 25 per cent of v Limited. Trustee amount 4299 tons are for Honolulu fnow in San. Francisco. ,r ' Haiku F.'ft P. Co; Coa. and 2034 for Hllo. The Hilo freight from the company's head office in San Hattn F. ft P. Cdf Pfd.. . your Income? Remember, it was exceptionally heavy because the The regular schedule as announced Francisco, he understands that Capt Haw. Electric Cal ..V.V. would have been accumulat- TO GET VALUE SELL BY on by the Great 'Northern officials will Weeden ; has resigned from the com Pineapple' Co. . A ing compound Interest all . Sugar Factors . IT Enterprise, going the Puget Sound Haw. .T. . 33 34 v ' 1& .. : be a 4 day run to the coast The pany's service will not even time. - AUCTION. j ; run. left it for the Wilhelmina to car and be Hllo R. R. Co, that r officials state that the record run of captain of a Matson freight boat. Pfd...... Commission Merchants "- ry. Tbfc automobiles,, for news of Hflo By. Co, Cora....' You could - G have done It Goods Hauled FREE to the which local auto dealers besieged the the reat Northern will be easily the We have hadno advices yet con. HcjL B M co.r Ltd. . . 20 Agents fastest yet recorded, and they ate. cerning Capt. Weeden, ' said Mr. Ton can do it now. and Insurant Auction Rooms. office of Purser R. V. Menary. will -- Hon. Gas Co, Pfd 100 come over next Tuesday on the Ma- anxious to make the distance. In less Drew but we should know when the HoiU Caa Comr.'.... 100 Take the hint start saV days announced. San man arnvea-iro-m i noa, leaving San Francisco today. . than the 34 nen las raainiana. Hon. R. T. & L. Ca. lng NOW. CapL "reported good Francisco people are very much in i hb company nas ueen cuubiuermg i j.j Steam NaT - ' Agents for. Peter Johnson a - I voyage, tne terested in the run and a large num the situation and I- understand "that n 19 Hawaiian Commercial Sugar with considerable swell resigned htmi rt ' first three days at sea, and beautiful ber of prominent citizens will Welcome Capt. Weeden has nermaxh Oahu Ry.'ft Land Co Co , weather the rest of .the tlnie. Purser her when she returns from her record cuw ii uiu mic. oci tw.;v; v w uuu I pabang Ilubber Co, Sugar Company. " - Haiku V enjoy- trip. irV-i ;. ? 23 Menary. reported an unusually .; Mr. the Hono : It. 11UICB Ul UO IUO MIC, vuc BONDS. Planutlon. .; t ', able program of deck sports and other Berndt writes that vacancy by, ' entertainment, which made time pass lulu citizens now in California are caused Capt Weeden'a Hamakua Ditch Co. . Maui Agricultural Company. resignation ' s.. making big fight ' Hawaii and from command of the. TT.w' A' V. t m Sugar Company. quickly for all on board 'A dance was a for 1 On... HAWAII, LTD Hawaiian ' Manoa will be filled by promotions r- VT-- -- . BANK OF every night except Sunday, In active- - in presenting the - ' 95 held have been according to priority. .If Capt. .Wee Kabutu Plantation Company. by before-th- e Hill Haw; Ea,1 spite of the roll' experienced the beauties of Hawaii den company s employ Ter. Pub. Imp. . Cor. Fort and Merchant Sta. McBryde Sugar, Co., Ltd. few days out, owing to people, P. Wood, W. K. Farring has left the Haw. Tef. Pnb. Imp. ship the first il. following promotions .. un-- 4s.. ' the will Katul'jl Railroad Corariny. , rough seas. . ton, J. S. McCandless and Z. K. Myers I Baw. Ter.' doubtedly be nade, according to ship. - A sackful of mail and a Portuguese, have been unusually "active in pro 4tJ. Kauai Railway Company. -- ' ping men in touch with the situation: Sf,,.1 Etowaway, who managed to elude- - the moting the Interests tt" Hawaii an - V. :,,7:v & .. Capt Francis M. Edwards, com- ""u S Kauai Fnilt Land Co? Ltd. HA? - S THE ven CO vigilance of watchmen, until after the the mainland. Vif f ho" T jirllnfl nftll K.K.t.0. K.&. ti.LX3D.6a -- nunHor ha nnHo Honolua Ranch. . ; . LTD Honolulu - ship from. 3an Francisco, ' ' ' had sailed . - succeeding ' : ' captain of the Manoa J00? T f AcenU were transferred to the Matsonla when ; . v -- 100 ' Capt. Weeden. v; vTT a ' " ' the two ships passed at sea. 1, Capt. Troel Smith, , who has been "on- - .R-T- - r US- - 08 Time of the voyage over from the CO BERTHS 100 bay 19 I McBryde Sugar Co. FOR ICE COLO DRINKS AND city was five days, hours and time, will' be 'promoted to captaincy 5s '.... 10 minutes a good record considering T.tirllnP - Muiuai ieu os ...... 105 14 . of hi PER CENT ICE CREAM " TRY - the rough .weather experienced the Chief Officer , William M Rind of I tianu Ky. & Land UO. 5s. 104 THE days The Sugar Co. 10ft 107 LIMITED first three out. Wilhelmi SOLDIERS Orl the Matsonia will take command of jOahu 6s.,..".. THE V HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. na's cabin passenger list consisted the Ilvades. Rind left here in charse I Olaa Sugar Ca 6s. . .'... 93U' 94 I G. & Co. , Hotel and Eethel Streets mainly of Honolulans returning from of the. Manoa, after tCapt. . Weedan Pacific Fi 6s... V. Co. vacation' trips on the mainland, and was . summoned on less than eight I racinc bugat Aim ux es Issues K N. & K. Letters, of B. DillbiLari formed quite a "Who's Who In'Hono- - hours' notice to go to San; Francisco. Pioneer : Mill Co. s ... .. r LI MIT tD. ' - - Sari Carlos Milling Co. 6s Credit and Travelers' Checks ulu." :..'.:' Hawaii: Phone m iWalalua Agri. Co. Ss,... available throujhout the world. General Asenta for Company, ef FRANK HUSTACE Atlas Assurance V. Time-expire- Sales: Between Boards-r5-0; 70, 100, d soldiers who wanted GIVES CREDIT FOR London, New York. Ur.i:rwrit Autsmeblles 'find Motorcycles. to go to the coast 1 in the Lurline at 80. 50, 50. 10. 40. 50, 80; 50 Olaa 7: ersr Ajencyj provider.: .Vr;h. Repaired 4 steer- 30 Onomea 20, 70 Onomea 391 Insurance Co; Z7 o'clock this afternoon, in the 38; Inton Cueen CL, rear Judiciary -- ' . 25, 10 Oahu Sugar Co. Stansenwald DuUdlnj. ? age, were disappointed as all steer- 26. 4th floor . r ... age space available. was sold out be- GIlEAIi'IiTllEII,! Session Sales 40 Oahu Sugar Co. Cable Tnm:!:r3 ; C." & fore they applied for.; tickets. A r 26: 5. 5 H. S. Co. 40U: 50 AS ; '7; The Lurline carries only 17 steer- Onomea 3$H 10, 50 Olaa 50, 5 Ewa OEIMD ! F J age passengers'; The .WDhelmina, 23. ? - .ry SH s y sailing a week from tomorrow, can I r SALMON HALIBUT TO Latest sugar quotation: 66 degrees i ! A ' V' carry them, as she has room for 75 3Effl N. 4 W w M .'V' SMELTS test, 4.45 cts. or 23 a ton. i::c7s Toulon steerage" passengers1 -- The. Xurllne's first-cabi- n out today numbers 35, Star-snwa- JJ CL Metropolitan .Meat Market , Ulst w OiZt 12 Merchant 3445 The ship sails at 4 o'clock this after- "U any V fxil$e lor, securing the AND LOUD CnCKZr.3 ' Phone - STOCK noon X2., . on? Under the auspices of the Maryland .from Pier . v Great' Northejn, the Honolulu run 4.45cts '(i-Jmit- -.- Members Honolulu Stock and Csni Sums C:-.' ' ?t : ed) Eagle,' the monthly publication of'th It is quite probable,' owing to the during the tourist season is distrib : Exchange. U. S. Maryland, ship's company congested condition of army trans- uted, should be glfen ;to ,E. A. S. the ' it of that cruiser will give a moving pic ports during the next few months, Berndt, whose; persistency In keeping FACTCH3 " HONOLULU PHOTO SUGAR j. F. T'OHGArJ CO., LTD. ture show this evening on board, com that many enlisted men whose term after Cal Stone and other officials COMMISSION . . CHANTS Mn ' W k W U . - . mencing 7:45 o'clock. An of service ia up will have tp return of the Great Northern. Pacific Steam louse Trust Co.. V- - r SUPPLY CO. at excellent SHIPPING AND INSURE . program has Been provided, and be to the. coast In the steerage If they ship Company is largely responsible Information Furnished and Leani ; ANCE AGENTS get home by Christmas.' - for decision to put the Ltd. 7 - v " KODAK HEADQUARTERS tween reels the Maryland band, which desire to the Hill line's Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Made. big; Into, service , between San KZ3 Fcrt Street recently gave &' concert 'ashore, will liner ' ' Merchant Street Star Cu!!i!r3 very good Francisco, San Pedro and Honolulu.? Exchanae Jt - 1S72 play some music i t '' ' Fhcr.a Owing to the hurried arrangements Zeno .. K.,- - Myers emphatically ex Port and Merchant' Streets FORT ST, HONOLULU, T. H. the men aboard the cruiser have been pressed the above opinion this morn- Telephone 12C3. 1 v unable to notify their friends, as plans ing on the Wilhelmina, relative to the HANAN'S were finally completed only this morn- - Among the 6hlps due here any day part Mr. Berndt has played in securi- - J automobile and made a' - motor , trip run tc-isz- s. BEST SHOES ng, and they wish to make the public Is schooner , Sadie, 25 days put ing the liner for the. Honolulu through the Santat Clara talley, the List of Officers and Directors : Electricity, gas, scTecr.3 In all the glv-- : - I was present at the luncheon great peach, apricot and prune belt announcement to their .numerous from Fort Bragg, Cal., today. E. F. BISHOP...... President Partially furnished cctt3, In city they are -- ex- en by Mr. Berndt for Mr. Stone he of central-norther- n . Califoriila. Fine cottasa 1 1 izz. MclNERNY SHOE STORE riends the that -- H. ROBERTSON...... ;.. tzz: pected ' to come and see the show. Probably tomorrow the schooner A. said. H. ;P. Wood, Mr. Berndt, Mr . Mr. and Mrs. Myers visited at a' Small cottage in town; . , I - Fort above King St. and myself only, ones Lake Tahoe. touring through .Vice-Preside- nJ Manager Kpw liou3e: There will be ample accommodations F. Coats will sail from this port for Stone wererthe after v and . j. Oc- present That luncheon and the con--1 Santa Clara .valley and northern Cal-- cottage; flae Iccstlcn; $23. for all the sailors" say 'the more Gray's' Harbor She arrived here m a V. 1 S I - R. IVERS . . . . Secretary and. s.n ' "li . i i m a v I. - - ierence tunuwiug ,,.,-- at iwuicu air. i uornia many: cottage; $13. Probably two 17.- ; ' luey mei rionoium merrier."; one or ' the tober -. 1 E.: A. R. ROSS. . . .'. .Treasurer " :- songs will Berndt worked like & Trojan In be-- people while away, especially In San For Ss's. monologues and be included - . in- G. R. CARTER...... Director a' the program,1 but that has not yet Bringing cargo here from Seattle, halt of Honolulu's transportation Francisco. Choice building lots Li Ka'.llL , definitely upon by terests, was the deciding factor and 1 v C. IL . '.Director been decided the the Matson steamer Hyades is due I ; COOKE...... Home-Mad- e " - clinched the .matter. The booby, a Bahama bird, so V, . is The Best Cread committee in charge. v- here next Tuesday. She is expected J. R. GALT,...... Director Gay-- 1 - Mr. Myers, A. Bergand W. F. spiritless that .when attacked by In Town. The following "films will be snown: bring a few sacks, of maiv ? other J to represented ; the Honolulu Insur-lblrd- s gives up R. A. COOKE ...... Director "The Strange , Case of Princess t nor .It does notilght, but Real Cj4.;3 1123 . Fort St. Phone 2124 ance Club NaUonal Insurance I - A. QARTLEY. Director. oil-tank- fish has caught' resist- (two reels); "Mr. Peptic's i El Segundo, la at ithe the it without ...... 842 Kaahumanu St. Te!s:h.:n 2333 Kahnr An the .t oi-- unrp. ' - : : - r "Hypno Trance;" "The due here in a few davs. She is listed consress nem in an rancisco. ' D. G." MAY!. ; ...... '. .Auditor Temper;" and lowing the closg of this big gathering Key;", Dentist's Jan- - v having Sunday from San Girl and the 'The as sailed I --T" - Mr. and Mra.'Myers obtained a small BY AUTHORITY. tor."-- : Francisco. Her skipper is- Capt. Mc- - v. V; I g ' " ' ...... Kellar. HIGH SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE 0 HARD w FRUIT GROVERS. Oce 2 o'clock this afternoon the by-virtu- e At Under and-- of a certain Bishop Co. ; San cr .V HIT BY COLUPSE QF anic" steamer. Ventura sailed from Writ of Execution issued by the Hon Francisco for this port, and should BANKERS ; : ' orable J. M. Monsarrat, Mag- ft w BJGt EUROPEAN MARKET arrive Monday morning, sailing the District - istrate of Honolulu City and County . Pay 4 yearly , on Savings De same, afternoon for Sydney.- . FOR RECTOR SALE. growers, except of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on posits, compounded twice P. H. BURiNETTE California fruit - : ' IX 1315, ; ..- AnrruaHy. .' California orange men, are experiencing will carry For rent 17.50, oc sale on easy the 8th day of October, A. in . Commissioner of Deeds for the The steamer Mackinaw atf the matter of Harry T. Mlll.1, plain and New York; NOTARY PUBLIC hard times because the European 270 tons of canned pines from here terms, new. bungalow, Deeds, Bills war has cut off the market for canned this Kalmuki, 849 6th ave. Tel. 1783... tiff, vs. Gv Morita, defendant, for the Draws Mortgages, of to New York when she sails from 21-10- V sum .Forty-on- e and 0 1S4L21) Attorney and dried apricots, peaches, pears pOTt Wednesday Thursday. ; 63044 2t . ... , of SPECIE Sale, Leases, Wills, etc for or dollars, on 12th day Of Oc- 'THE 79 MERCHANT and other 'fruit, according to J...T. I did, the BANK, LIMITED. the District Courts. Her space 'available was given as A.-- 1846 Moir, manager of the Onomea Sugar NOTICE. tober, D. 1915, levy upon and shall STREET, HONOLULU. 4hone 250 tons, but Fred L. Waldron, the lo offer and expose foe sale and sell at Company's plantation, who returnet agent, when the ahip arrived yes Capital subscribed . : U8,000,000 ; cal All persons are hereby given full no-- public auction to the highest bidder. on the Wilhelmina today from a five terday, found the additional 20 tons Capital paid up...... 30,000.000 IF .YOU WISH 70 ADVERTISE IN weeks', California;'. :: : - i tice that the undersigned will not be so much" of the, property hereinafter . ; . . . .20,000,000 visit in could be. carried easily, so the' larger , Reserre iund .'. . responsible, any bills contracted in referred to as may be necessary to NEWSPAPERS ?! found California fruit m$n kick . - ,: i for ' SAWOKI, Local Manager. amount will go.-- my name by my wife.. satisfy the said Writ of Execution, at MEAT MARKET A GROCERY Call on or ing most about there being no market Anywhere, a. Any Ime, crops," has Five steamers were passed at sea VICTOR VEIRA. the Oahu Prison Stables, rear of Oahu Write y for their he said. 'There been a great deal of beautiful fruit by the Matson liner Wilhelmina, which C304-3- t Prison,- - In Honolulu aforesaid at 10 THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY allowed to go to waste in California arrived at 7:30 o'clock this morning. o'clock a. m:; of Friday, the I2th day PIIOIJE 3451 Francisco They were ftll headed for San . Fran PROPOSALS will be received at the of November,-A- . D. 1315; all of the 124 Sansome StreeL San in the last few months, because the O. YEE HOP & CO; war has simply knocked the bottom cisco, and Included tne U: S. army Bureau oLMSupplis and "Accounts, right, title and interest of the said C - transport DIx, mine planter Major Navy Department, Washington, D, C, G. Morita following per- CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD. out of the European market, which the in and to the - Ringgold, v the America Maru 10 a.; m., November 23, property defendant, un-- HOME INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII, . Samuel building consumes thousands of . tons of Cau- until o'clock sonal of the Importers of best lumber and J Nippon Maru, .last night 1915, delivering rods for. re- - sum "said LTD. give ornla fruit in times of peace. and the and for steel less the' due under the Writ materials. Prices low, and we --- - 96 That the news of . Secretary , Mc- the steamer Frank H. Buck, which inforcing concrete at the naval station, J of Execution, together witx interest. KING STREET, CORNER FORT. MAYFLOWER your prompt attention whether -- - 1 order Adoo's decision to recommend the re left here yesterday. . , Pearl Harbor, 'Hawaii. Apply for pro costs and ay, fee and expenses are KONA COFFEE smalL We have built hun- - large or tention of the existing tariff on sugar When the T. K. K. steamer Tenyo posals to the- navy pay office, Hono-- 1 previously paidl In city with per. - HAWAIIAN TRUST has always given ? dreds of houeses this was received with great jubilation Maru arrives here Friday from San lulu, T. 1LV or to the Bureau. SAM- PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. ' satisfaction. If you want to build room-ou- t Forty-si- x CO,.' . satisfaction. - feet " among sugar refiners and business. Francisco, she will have for UEL McGOWAN, Paymaster General, pairs window blinds, 15 LTD.., ; ' ' ' '. . third-cabi- n 10-7-l- consult us. men generally in San Francisco was only SO passengers, advices U. S. N. a. I doors, 8 window frames,' 16 blocks, 21 HENRY MAY & CO. stated by Mr. Moir. "It will mean' a to Castle & Cooke, local agents, state. 6304-Oc- t 26-No- v. 2. rollers, 5 ladders. Carries on a Trust r great deal to Hawaii, he added. . - All other cabins are full. Nearly 350 Terms cash, in United States gold Business In all its SEALED PROPOSALS, endorse4 " Japanese have booked for this boat, coin.- v:"'- :: branches. At 5:30 o'clock last evening i the which means many will ire disappoint "Proposals for Marine Railway," will Dated at Honolulu, City and County Hind-RolD- be Bureau Yards Osteopathy h schooner Columbia sailed ed and will be unable to witness the received at the of of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, this Royal Toggery, "dr schurmann from the offing for Ahukini, Co 'dis- coronation ceremonies next month in and Docks, Navy Department," Wash- 12th day of October, A; D1915. " ' ' cargo of 933 tons of coal Japan, one of the chief reasons for ington, D. C, until 11 o'clock a. m.. FOll SALE. CLOTHES FOR M EN -- Union Streets charge her W. P. JA.RRETT, Beretanla and' November 27, 1915, and then and there 1733 from Newcastle. ;.,.'! the heavy westward travel this month High Sheriff. Territory of HawaiL V Phone 501100 and 10th 152-5-4 Bishop. 26-No- $160 on 9th Hotel at from the mainland and here. publicly opened, for constructing a 6292-Oc- t 12, v. 1L Lota St, avea;, Palolo; $10 down, $3 per nio. YOU marine railway at the. Naval Station, If - Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Proposals are No interest. . .: VTU'r. gases and MIKAHALA WILL TAKE NOTICE. are troubled with heartburn, HALL'S .RUN THURSDAY invited on separate component parts $160 Lots 50x100 on 10th, 11th and a distressed feeling after eating take a cf the complete railway. Plans 12th aves Kalmuki; $10 down, $5 SEE and From and after October 25 Alamukf ' Many New Modes In Fall and Substituting W. G. Hall on specifications may be obtained on ap bridge, Waialua, :per month, ;;. " Dyspepsia for the on the belt road in Winter Millinery. LW Tablet the run to Kauai Thursday, night, the plication to the Bureau or to the Com will be closed to traffic until; further - on , Mikahala will leave here at mandant of the naval station named. notice; Through - is requested For cheap lands call COYNE MISS POWER steamer traffic J FOR FURNITURE V ; " before and after each meal and you will 5 p. m., accord H. R. STANFORD, Chief of Bureau, - so-calle- "road Boston Block Fort Street 10 p. m. Instead of at to take the- Idwer ; Younj EuHdlnj obtainprompt relief.Sold only by us,25o ing, to a notice issued by the Inter-Islan- d October 12, 1915. through Waialua. P. E. B. GTBAUCH 26-No- v ' Benson, Smith 4 Co Ltd. Steam Navigation Company. 6304-Oc- t. v. 2. t CSOlt' ' WaJty BIdg. ; M S. King SL HONOLULU- - STAB-BULLETT- K; OCTOBER, 26 1915. .7 SEVEN

7i TTTi WW VM II II SATES in J p;;TONIGHT 'LOVERS ArJD LUFJATiCS' ABOUrJD KLULUOIGF AustralisnConcer Oaymond Teal EIu::ccl Ccmsdy ; Co. Company IN LATEST BUGu TilEATEi! DILL IHSS AGNES PURCELL ...... Dramatic Soprano 'OS1 liSi' 6'J LIB. EICHABD CONDON., r...... Lyric Tenor, XoTeri and Lunatics" Uw the hypnotic power of the eye wiUi LIB. CONWAY. ; : . Piano Virtuoso' ,Tel WILLIAM Company's bill opening last night at such effect on the young husband that OFCiionuscirtLs hubby passes ; the mesmerism along ' In Repertoire of Bijou for half of the the' the first and soon eferyone at the hotel is eith . igti-Cla- ss week, is veil named. In addition it is er being hypnotised or hypnotizing AND Wi Program Stage-Door-Johnn- ie Not-- - H Music th a farce whose situations are t carried someone else all In the most exagger Rrst ' -.- ... . ' , - i O through with such fivacity that , it ated fashion. v... : ed m Time of Ptolemy II, G ranks as one of the best of the Im- : The musical numbers as a whole are possible absurdities the Teals bare below the standard of tunefulness the at Sphinx Theater

... :. company Ray produced. . Teal has shown here. of 8:30 Concert Program. The fun, which happens at the JFair mond Teat has a pseudo-souther- n song It must have been about the lime PtoUmv th Second that the first ' 9:30 Pictures. view Hotel, Sunnyplace, California, which takes well and Hazel Lake, in a ONE 0? TH03S PLAYS FULL 0? ; centers upon a pet doe secured for a solo number, Is an emphatic hit A young man carried the news to his rery young unsophisticated very dainty song by Mildred father that he had fallen in love who and wife little young man GOOD ppIXCpy; GOOD IIUGI0, GOOD GHTG by kind-hearte- d major. Manning, Tulip In a fair chorus girt. Said : T . POPULAR PRICES: a and elderly "When It's, Time Br one of the ludicrous mixups in Holland, would have better success evidently used to hang v around the AlO) ' - when the GOOD DAIICIITG A GOOD TIUE FOP. YOU Reserved ...... , ,50c wbich. farces abound, , the young if it came anywhere but at. the end stage door in Alexandria, : ' going some first" l: r- Menothes Baby Dolls were I General Admission 25c husband comes to believe that of the act ; how his wife has. become possessor of ' In the last act there Is an attractive strong at the Sphinx Theater. . '.' Bdcony baby, dog which f Leroy Kins-lo- w ...iM5c a a note referrmg to the chorus number in year ' being entirely misunderstood.' The and the Teal Ducklings sing "The thing, that, has made history, as Bay Your Scats Early. A Phono 5937.' SEATS ON SALE DAILY AT THEATER. elements In farce are s Pick of the Family." This act also after year other young . men continue , other the : stage of show ' w to haunt the door ..the t Telephone" 3830.' mother-in-la- of the extremely em- contains a clever vaudeville specialty Prics3: 10, 20, 30 and 50 Cents. ; phatic sort, on airing by Kelly with Madeline Rowe, shops waiting for the fair young be- ENTIRE CHANGE OF. PROGRAM TOMORROW. who insists her Claude calcium opinions at every opportunity ; a ho- In which they portray - first a sales ings who flit about before the young ; man .away ,, black-fac- e man trying to please a woman on a and call the .from tel porter of the common or ; ' : his-labors.- ; ',.y' Tariety; a. very deaf old chap who is shopping tour and a luckless theater- a guest; ' a breeiy American who is goer trying to look over the top of a Accordine to Minnie Vanderwoort ostrich-plum- Ducklings at the mistaken a doctor; a young widow big e hat In front of him. leader of the Teal for " the.-famil- Phoenix, Arizona, and and a few more odd characters. It closes with ' iar trick of BIJou, Honolulu. ordinarily laugh- one persons singing and mak El Paso, Texas, are the three centers Two more than another, as the able scenes are In toe first act one ing the gestures. known, throughout the. world;' (Raymond Teal) next offering, beginning Thurs- Gretna Greens for the chorus girt , "I In which the porter The why towns are i TONIGHT and the deaf old gentleman (Claude day night is. "Caught In the' Snow, can't tell you the other Kelly) are trying to converse. Soon but it Is said "to be anything but a called that said the leader of ;the ' - ; .'many . . ; '.-- ;;.;' chorus, "but Honolulu has so afterward the suppositious doctor tries frost" . ' r 7:0 charms that I do not wonder that the eirls want to stay here. There Is a Exclusive ; Paramount Feature House ' .- rumor "going around , the theater at ELSIE JA1TIC ( J .- Cr -- toTour curtamers V FILT.1 DKAHA OF EXILE IN SIBERIA Dresent that one of tne gins win re The Vivacious Commedienne la 1 IwM-- ' ' ' ; here'peraanenUy..-W..r''- , : : - main : v.-- rr!io TTTf Hnnnn Chocs end . n "This nangtng arouna tne stage aoor hv Johnnies Is retting to .be a thing 'is' A thrilling life In Russia This picture, in connection with' the drama'of of the past The old expression. - and Siberia, featuring '.that talented latest episode of 'The' Adventures of go a noes Betty in Search of a Thrill cl cf citihctSca, bece 23 .y- Young, Hello, dearie, let's ror riae young actress, Clara Kimball. Kattlyn," "Wfll be shown at the Ha- not anneal to the hard, working girls ctylc, cosiTort. Hawaii' theater tonight - A Fcr Every ; br d:It end comes to the waii theater for a limited engagement of the profession. We have our frlendi Heart Throb llcmcnt L" for a limited engagement "Hearts in they are always welcome, nut ii L Once 1 and a vrcrcr of Exile, picturlzed from the,"book by of four days, closing . with Friday we have. the time for : rrrl!. by Owen night's last skow; There will be two isn't often that John Oxenham and the play New . 1 evening dally frivolities. 1 The Davis, Is a World Film , Corporation performances each and a People gen ; r "We all work hard. in , ;' 12 Czz tiiflcd with cny release and is heralded as one of the matinee. eral do not begin to realize what the " ever thrown Clara Kimball Young has previously most gripping dramas . " chorus rlri has to do. We must learn .en- been seen in. Honolulu In plays ; of L play . ; across the screen.'.' As a' it ' different, steps every three heart-intere- st upon a dozen joyed a lengthy and successful career, deepest and each memor- y. days, and in addition to tnat, appearance hail her j?op-ularlt- f MThs Lc:t Tcrpcda'.' which record is rapidly being dupli- he increased ize the words of as many songs. I do cated In the silent drama. - v - ; ;r not believe that the average girl can do this. I have known a numner or PATHS V7ZZHLY ?. girls who have made a success In the .;. V , bie New York shows who, could not f EMM?; make good with our company." Don't fail' to sec the fifth i Miss vanaervort says mai uie gin must learn 2K songs a week and must exciting, chajptcr of Imhi' ?. new stens. and after this is HEffiiiMf completed the young .ladies ,do ;; not A EViVY I2IDAY AITD. CATXHDAY. have.much. time . THUAY, seems: that the big quaiincauon ior CD CD memory adapt- Prices: 10, end Cents. - It's- - a big program for the Ad Ctub the chorus Is a and an - FORT ABOVE EINO' lunch tomorrow. Capt' J.'van Beuren thio it mm ability, for hard work at ajl times. . . When aaked resardinz the marriage Mitchell, noted Boy . Scout leader; question, Miss Vandervoort answered : W. D. author and " Rev. Westervelt pro- When asked as to which one of lowed by the .Oliver 'Morcsco g "Plenty of girls marry out or tne r' new head of the Library of Hawaii; ; Members of the HawaIian.EngIneer-In- girls contemplates cf Lois J!ere::th la the r.: Company i fession and are happy.' A girl ..from the Teal'ctorus is ,- the Australian Concert Association, who are attending the .young she said, "I am. sorry "Help Wanted- la five rccl3, d :r:v? ; the chorus will appreciate a marriase here,, these are some of the features. The of sugar house u- annual convention the man la makins eood. He doesn't I can't say now but she Isnt a which the aerouonie crchestra, - r program as announced is: r experts in city, will attend the vna . Cpl. this ; sup blonde."'-- - the leadership cf Franc!3 -- Library, of have to be .rich. As long as. he - ' ' Is'z, Do you realize what the Popular . thea- concert; tonight: at the wants of life and is Kina, will play El:ctlc3. offer you in way. of I plies the sho-r- n Hawaii has to the ter, given by the; trio of Australian ne nappy, xne man On Thursday, nUht will ba relaxation ? then they will . CO'iCERT Af.'D FICTUHES recreation, education and musicians.' 'The engineers plan to be girl must have the great Dankl Frchaan prcurt!:n , who marries the chorus "Hear President westervelt Wed present with their ladles, practically TONIGHT AT AERODQME "Nlohe,' featuring IIa2el Dawn cf : ' ; a. eood line stories or he is apt to nesday."'- - : ; many of r in , a body, reserved 'seats for "The Lady", fame. ThU U a f wifey. The old Pink. get in trouble with " "Bring the boy your boy of them having been set aside for the Tonight 2nd' Infantry band, un- fanciful comedy far above the usual. ' Rtnrv rolntr to the club is all right the ' ; " of else's boy nobody's boy. occasion. . ,. ' ' Principal1 Musi-cla- -- with some wives, but the chorus girl der the direction of J. van B. Mitchell, chief of 'staff ..: Last night the "Australians, were Nicholas Novak, will give a con- "Monaco possesses the e a!! :t Dan Beard, the big boy man, and audience, has been wised up to tne situation. to , greeted with another good; must have something cert at the aefodome commencing at aray in the world. It consL'.3 cf 73 tlon husbands Boy scouts, wm , taax The f.r- - head of the which showed of the : ' 6:45 o'clock; This concert will be fol guards, 75 carbineers and 21 tn. new.? . . .. :;V . v': J about boys and Boy Scouts. 5 sbngs given by ; Miss Agnes Purcell "The Australian Concert Company, end Mr.; Condon, and the selections now at the Popular theater. . Richard played by Mr. Conway on the plana Condon,: tyric tenor; William Conway, .applause, that V, compelled re- - with piano virtuoso; W. R. Hughes, mana sponses. . ;;.'-- . .; . ger, win rurni8n music. ., A. complete change of program wul : ! Don't miss this! be the order tomorrow night at , the Guests Mill engineers now in con Popular. There will be new pictures vention.". , - - the following excellent , concert and ' features: ..'v-'' - - j Piano March ; Hongrolse (by re-- quest) KowalskI ' ' ' . -:-- :;. Mr. Conway; :;Y -.- . : 1 ( r - . p , . , rf . the wonderful K C Cook's Eoot,Mrs. Tanet Araby. 1 - f ia I'll Sing the Songs, of ...... (r-- ; , i. Clay I IcKenzie Hill; of Boston Cooking School - , ...... - - - Frederic I .: ?, t:..5 every LcrLsewiiecow to become an expert coot how to prepare Mr. Condon f- -c t ciuir j c :s lie lasuy wia go simply wild over what yon set 'ELAINE 'CAST April Morn ...... '.'Robert BaUen ; ; : , , 'Miss Purceir 11 C Xock is illustrated 9 93 YLt Cook's In colon, contains tested and Prelude In : C Minor. : Rachmaninoff wiU ;- -v: provea recipes that be successful every : Conway- ; ' Mr. -i timeKi the few simple suggestions are followed. Lionel Barrymore, a clever member ,' I Hear You Calling Me ... . - ; does not The II C Cock's Hook has been prepared of the great Barrymore. family of act Charles Marsnaii by using tools that hold their temper. A tool that n erpense- - of many thousands of dollara.- - In Ro i..;. .st ors. is an "added starter" "The Mr. Condon . ,.. and purchased at a store would easily cost Elaine,-th- e early week serl if mance of Where My Caravan. Has Rested... stand up under severe test and working conditions is a dear yet we give cbsoluiriy as we spell-boun- d l50 cents, it fret al that has held thousands JTinnan want you to know exactly wnat Jw v; laxiag en lout Liberty and which . at the theater , V Purcell ' . 19 uo you ux Miss tool at any price. loraer ana wnat u wui ior tertains thousands In story form in - : Broken Dreams . . . . Napoleon arae f' , . - - . yoar own kitchen. . xou need this won. Star-Bulleti- n Saturday "even m m . 1 A the each Mr.: Condon Cenm oooic ti u ox vuuf. iapqinsnc ' more, - teg: John Barry brother to Second Hungarian Rhapsody . .Liszt We carry a complete line of merchanics'''.-'-tools for all to every housewue. seen In a numoer Lionel' has been l Mr. Conway,, , comedy offerings. avmam of clever screen '. same against defect in manu- How to cet tho This is the Initial appearance of trades and fully guarantee anjr Uotncs V ; Dooll "big" part which the 'role "JERSEY LILY" GOING TO Cooli'a Lionel in a temper. Tlie prices are right and a trial will con- Mro. Co. Nfrite your name and address of Del Mar promises tohecome. But MAKE TOUR OF MAINLAND facture and Dept coupon. At- tor the" fact that' he does not boast of plainly on tnis ,; - Chicago, colored certificate mustache, Lionel might easily be Just ..been com i vince you of their quality. v v , tach the Arraneements hate ' r i ; . . V;:V :'. 25-ce- so '.' v ; nt mistaken for his brother John, " 1 ' ' .' packed in cans, pleted for. an American tour for Mrs. '' : '.:'-.--..- ' - I enclose certificate. they facially. However, their r' ,.' .'.:' Srnd the Cook's sending both to us. alike are Lily Langtry. who in' private life; Is glad to help in the selection of your FBKK. X You will be misrhtr rlad rpm Btyle of acting differs greatly, Lionel Lady De Bathe. She wilt come to tne We are always you CiA. Mfg. steering a course clear of comedy. I late this month with her. en X . JaraChicaorb. or a states Elsie" Janis in "Betty la Searcn tire London company, in the new play tools and give you any information as to quality and its use Thriir is right at home, that little Grundy entitled "Mrs. herself by. Sydney ' comedienne having evolved for I..-- Thompson." . , in the market. :l'l:-':- ' a a corned v that fits like a shoe. : Tne Mrs. Langtry, who nas not Dcen:in heart-throbs- "; are lacking heralded . the SUtes on the Jegmmaie stage ' but that does not detract from the 1904." will booked througn Come get acquainted with our tool man. y since ,be in and .r- charm of either. the pboto-plpa- or the Klaw & Erlanger. Victor Kiraly and star. As a matter of fact, Elsie Janis directing af appear Harry S. Alward are her n "sob stuff" would hardly fairs. After a preliminary tour oi uae c V ; ; i . We attend to Checking and Sealing of natural. principal cities Mrs. Langtry will be n in New York. "Mrs. Thompson" is a modern comedy in four acts and n it Mrs. Langtry appears as a smart. te . i up-to-da- business wom,an. -- I on all outgoing steamers without inconvenience to passengers, tTHEATeRI Xew Jersev zinc mines in 1914 pro The Home of Movies. duced ores valued at $7,515,914; ;We also make a specialty of Furniture Moving. Matinees from 11:30 to' 4 o'clock. 2,000f0O0 pounas . or ; An order for . Lumber and Building Materials. . : 177rSd. Kir. St.' . Evening (two shows), 6:45 and 8:30. frozen meat was received by Morns Special Prooram for Today, and Co. of Chicago from the , Italian " Union-Pacif- ic Tonight. government Transfer Company, Ltd., Breaking In (comedy) . , . .Vitagraph Czar Nicholas has posthumously of City Grafters of George to Fable awarded the Cross St '. .' r . .' - - ; ' Essanay ' (comedy) . a Russian nun, who ' Sister Ivannova. ''.IJ ; . LXS. ; .. Hi . p Mail Carriers. The Way ef the Woman died while leading a Russian charge. (drama) ...... Essanay A bronze statue of General ash-- i - ? 1878 Kinff St. next fo Young Hotel Phone Made in America j '''''." ington has been presented to the Mili- if Ileducatioaal) ...... Edison tary Academy at West Point. The Day donor .requested that his name be , j; iComedy) , Edison withheld. . 1 .. - , ' - . ;'- - ' -- - - T. ..r.., , w '.. I EIGHT 'HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1915.

j;-;-;!-;;;:- ; to furnish new bond of $2500 and meanwhile Lewis Is released upon own recognizance In custody of pc ' A Lot of Two Acres oa voo -- lice department until after sailing of L 000 Lurllne at 4 p. ra. ' APRIL 14 George A. Bower and John i MAK1KI HEIGHTS T. McGrath plead guilty to second .Trith xaarino tea ccata per foot K. degree robbery. In Judge Ashford's Property; view alono worth ;; court Sentence, set . for April 24. The many cases Involved directly or indirectly with the escape of Jack Boggs fails to appear In court Drinking, Gambling tnd Vi:its outside of the men were beginning McGrath on the nlfiht of April 30 are shown in the chronology below. In - Attorney Straus presents physician's to be so noised about . that the Jail this summarised history of police, court and jail records only the main story: - certificate showing that he ia seri-- ! of fJotcrious Per-- : authorities ' were .alarmed. An entry of the McGrath case as It was prosecuted In the territorial court Is. related. ouslyill with sciatic rheumatism - ; view of occaa ; Henry coming to In" charges there; concerning, .opium con-- for the oae who eajoys an aaobstracted mitted, He Declares tells about .Lewis The allied cases the federal court the i and unable to attend. His case i the hospital and goes on to say on, except In the case of Scully, the member of .then ' ' that deals, are not touched tinned to April 17. 'V-- , aad raoaataias. - outside people were talking of punished by territorial court but was sentenced to a Boggs all . , (Continued from ens) ?;- the gang who was not the Bower. McGrath and "night trips and the deputy orders all year and a halfby the federal court. y - :.7 .'-- : held In Jail without bond. City At- - lay sleejirrs. a call' came from .the except Boggs oyer to. the JaiL" (Boggs The dates' and notations below are those leading up to McGrath's arrest, - torney Cathcart objects to renewal Let us show it to you was a physician's care.) "But escape events afterward which concern hie pals. . ; supported by office to prepare two beds for socio under " trial' and later and the of bond and Is court : expected prisoners being sent over they , saw Charley. Hose and got re- McGrath Chronology. , - v ; ; ':-- ':.''':;:';';'--- Defendants had been unable to raise ' - from .the police stations I-- rery turned to the hospital again." bond amount anyway. " ' SDiet ;::J2J& Cd.i soon to learn why they' were to be More details follow of booze being FEBRUARY 4 John j. McGrath; for-- show cause why citation should hot APRIL 17 Boggs appears la court ' ' 1 v-- -' " Bethel Street located In tbe hotpIUL- - They arrlTed furnished; the .men. also a note that mer customs Inspector, arrested and be made permanent. . r'-- vTtUI set for April 25. -- about 10 p. m. Jack Scully and Jack Bert Bower went out one night ; to first, exposure comes of "badger-game1- ; Jadge Ashford . approves . $2500 V Sentence of Scully i and iliewls, - McGrath. both of theta apparently tin meet a girt. : v. ':' ;t - hold-up- s by Henry B. Lewis bond for Henry 8. Lewis. Edward convicted of second-degre- e robbery der the Influence of liquor and carry-Inn- :' "Polynapa, the policeman, was oa and John T. Scully, former manager . K. Hunt bondsman. .... :t . on March 13, further continued to ? r more , liquor. . ; . , duty that night sleeping," the journal of Waikikl Inn, and lIcGrath. Re- FEBRUARY 26 Scully and Lewis r May 1. . 'v.iv: v:' - MA says, up once and" Mc- - : plead- - Innocent to- first-degre- e rob--' - . guard was placed on them, and "lie woke asked sult of, robbery of Chinese at Lewis' attorney withdraws motion Federal Judge Clemons for' trans- show-girl-s . Ks-ll- ht "; the following day three for Bert and he wss told that he was Grath'a Beckley street home in bery charge before Judge Ashford. for new triaL - s - - j porting opium. bathing. - - Both liberty, . Scully on $ 4000 plea of came to rlslt them late In the after- Jack McGrath said., 'Come night of February S. at APRIL 26 Boggs withdraws L Scully tells marshal he wished to - -''. on, we will Played : on $2500 bond. ; sec--r noons : play crib' and they FEBRUARYS .5 Charge . of Vobbery bond and Lewis v.k not guilty and pleads guilty to KfJIESS' " get to Hilo to sail on "Tnystery ond-degre- -- : 12 games MARCH 1 Supreme court hears, argu- e . "Shortly after- - both secured bond or thereabouts until Bert lodge against McGrath early Jn robbery. Sentence set vahlp- - Maverick. Scully sent to they When they left they came home."- - - - i',.'' i Warranta but Tor Scully ment on writ of. prohibition granted t for May 1. McGrath and Bower and and left ' ' afternoon. ',' prison to begin sentence. . Two " i, - restraining'. uuge Ash- - said. 'We'll see yon again ;V Guards Easily Tricked . and Lewis, sworn to by county at- Sheriff Rose J Scully, and Iewls (latter two on other federal charges set aside until " "!- , ' : ' . - :' How easily guards were trick- '. . ford from com pelliiv5 him to appear May 13) ; : original ordered Cack A;aln. '! . T . the torney'a office. , conviction. called up. - - - did." ed or how lax they- - ' in court and explain discrepancy In ! appear same ' They rcrely About two'VeeVs r were Is illus Scully ; arrested at 2:45r o'clockt ' to for sentence at time. : JUNE 25 Affidavits on file In federal later HcCrcth tad Dert Cower arrived rated la, entries in the diary and also charged "with robbery," brought to returns on Lewis srrest v,.-- -. APRIL ; 30 McGrath escapes ' from court, made public, sworn to by Dis-- - 4r-Sher- ifl Rose, wins In legal in charts cf Can Lee. Both were what Cough: haa told the .authorities. police station., bond of $1000 for re- MARCH county jail about 9 o'clock at night trict Attorney McCarn. George A. : re-leas- ed c 3 - He says want- t fight, prevent answering to Judge loai c '1 .: dA. an had. smmunt that when the prisoners , lease flled. Lewis also arrested, to .Story as told, by Jail authorities is !' Bower,-E- . Rellly, H. Bogss and 1 to; ' C. P. L.U iU J tioa la rt scire. Earn stayed till ,11 ed go tout rat nisht for a stay of on habeas corpus writ Ashford for.'acuons in Lewis arrest that he left about, midnight, after !Mrs;, Victoria Hyland. declaring any-4n;t-h they would put a feather, FEBRUARY 17 Lewis ' identified ' In Supreme court Jhands down decision securing- - permission from guard to J ''Scully guilty of transporting and duatsr-l- n prohibition perpet--. room, "There? to arrived at 9:30 p. m. asch bed, to look JIke a bead :; police court '; by Ah 'Tint, Chinese. making writ of j go from hospital to another selling opium.' Rellly is a federal - Gcugh Hccpitd e . Fred at and t 1C:."j p. ra' Tors-cam- Jn. hafr4?urle In. the coverJet- would put ; who said Lewis wss jnsn who drove ual. Writ grstoted on theory that from which he made his getaway by recently found guilty on Vh:n -' -- prisoner, v : ; c'.'.'- all long nd cut'the lf;ht.and Ken teat ...... carrying Chinamen Judge, brderV.was fissued . a. window. .Various reports ss to ' ' '"3 r,i;ht If? .car to Kalihl ; : an opium charge. Mrs. Hyland Is a Gcrcjcrs Were Kept JY.ztzi -- U jurisdiction. ; the;' ;'; rr; ; trti.-.- ;for A corv : Also illuAtratla. the. kind cf guards who were later ; robbed. This was without help . from outside,' ropes" supplied, r former steamship stewardess. 1 Frcm Jr.:l : l c put 8 Scully and Lewis . tlr.' :;'y fr:m tht Kentucky sti over the gangsters. Gough records at police court hearing pf Scully, MARCH Trial of ete also that he got away from 26 Judge Ashford cancels U:t Friy -; JUNE ' ; C3 ; this-a:his- ' .v.-:- - 1 - Judge - IOC"." f diary; ,: ; charged with robbery.v begins in Ashford's court r Honolulu on oil steamer J. A. Chans- amounting to - Scully's bonds, $1200 . cr.t In - standing joke Is.'.Where'.do I 18 McGrath Charge Is first degree.robbery,' men lor, which sailed for San Diego ' Fred Coush, whose states of Ccc; f.'jr.ty. ' :c" r The FEDRUARY' Scully, and and remands Scully to .custody of be- - to, sleep TVnmeanlng jjoliceman being robbing Chinese of the McGrath escape has been laid At U;i3 Houth- hzs iclvcn .the .When, . Indicted by territorial grsnd jury on accused of shortly after 1 ticlocVi m... " ;; -: r;-- high sheriff. ' This action taken on y 'cones-- ,, :":' : $700-- - vu- ,r. ;; MAY 1 On McGrath, Boggs fore th 3 county attorney's cTlce for the court tttcrncy's of2ce the name he watch" Charge of first degree robbery. . this date Scully's (attempt to es? - " , account of prcs;ntitl:n the? terrltcriil prand of a tLru- Izt ..who 'is .said', to- - have . Other names are, giren ,of mea who cn counts' each. MARCH 13 Jury, .after four, hours and Bower were' to be sentenced. 'to three guil- cape from Honolulu' while charge jury,. wa3 the county Jail been a btween tp eecure boozo and visit the prisoners, though in the esse FCRUARY 1 Scully and McGrath deliberation, returns verdict of M6Grath missing. Boggs;-- ' according :nt'to en' pending against him in federal and January : 3, 1315. He was convicted , who, Gougb of officials or members of the police erra'-xne- ty of Becond degree robbery against attorney and physician, too ill at ! tc! ecco fcr the men d 'before Judge Ashford, and-give- tad territbrial courts. -- par-'.-- n Lewis, .- . ; . of. a bad check a f.ayr, Lad' free, access to them. ; He department Gough admits that he has given time to enter plea. Scully and v - . , county jail to. attend. Bower pres further McGrath case still continued. , an-eth- er " Scully another on year's imprisonment With time c2 Llzo furnished the came of no personal knowledge of the motives $2500 .: still has trial Judge Ashford defers sentence con-tlnue- d tea Bond fixed at eaeh. ent JULY 7 McGrath case against for conduct and. the payment of agent for visits., . . ; . - charging similar charge to face, in this case until May 9 in three cases. Also - r:od clslsed to te their their Second Indictment first all to July 17. v naz ; McGrath. the ccsts,.he was released last FrK la r :it'-.- tocze. - . . McCuffie T degree - robbery ; returned against having been Indicted with orders sentencing of. Scully!!" and 8 Curry ' take and Mentioned. JULY U. 8. Commissioner day; : '" '. ' 1 Hearing on ;. charge set for , "Av.y inj then wanted more Among those mentioned as visiting Scully. and: Lewis.- rj ';'''. this '' Lewis on same date. V ; discharges Ratta and McCutcheon, ' tle d -- ";".v-:"--7-- According. to his story, he d'4 not they very often JudgeAsh-for- d .March 22.! ..'.-- MAY 5 Scully given suspended sent boc:? tTi wasted it the prisoners are Harry Lake, special Following indictment C who had been held by the federal Intentionally pass the bad check but - Cc-;- V - MARCH 17 Sentence of Scully and Ash-'for- d. ccrtucs, 'they tiled . to detective for the count attorney's issues warrant- for arrest of ence of 13 months, by Judge authorities accountable for assisting ' of "- - : ow- expected to have some money depos 9 more. ' Lewis.-- ' .:-- ;'-' '.': Lewis deferred, until March 24. 'JDeputy City Attorney A, M. ta V? t:"hc-- and crder fice, and a man referred to in , the Scully in his attempted escape. Men crew a ' ing to trial of ; Scully and McGrath. Brown, was to ited in the bank for him and C:r.t:;-- : v :a In full swff3 and eften diary as "McD," who, says Gough, was FEBRUARY 20 Story thst Scully, tells court that it due held not to have broken law. check, against man who" was ' ' - Bond- - of it. The tht-- s v.: f.;k:j en the tai'e.' Captain fie. McGrath and Lewis unable yet to Scully and McGrath raised Scully that Indictments were found 17 case t!; Detectives McDuf -- McGrath in of He ; JULY territorial money '. ;v : -- to have deposited the failed to' C:.r.2.-- " were to. $5000. ; r:i ;;.'f T". :.. against Boggs, Bower and McGrath. Lilt's eays good of get lwnd fixed by Afford but August 2 . J:k's there'was a ileal convei ; re--;, court continued to do so ana the case'against Gouh was t - - "r MARCH grand jury Boggs Bower,! of, whom At th'.s Ccujh's itory takes a . Jail In custody ot officers and both ration betweenv the prisoners, ani out' of; 1 AUGUST case continued pressed. He was convicted. k : says '. pffice.; turnsv three ui9diAtmeait8r each for had pleaded guilty,; sentenced.' : . - fciutwh i tur. Jle these men, .much, of it ,arred .on- - la from 'county: sheriff 'a ' until called upl' ; Immediately upon his arrival at the C : .pr-on- ers sed to February first degree robbery! against John ,' Boggs," McGrath" and Bower, all of Urt all the whispers in the dispensary , Bench warrants issued SEPTEMBER 30 McGrath cas strick- he was placed In charge of tho r; tcrrc' s . . George (!!Bert")..,Bo,w-er.- r guilty;-.'sentenced- Jail f...:::3 lutthst s thecamd J Apparently Googh" was suspicious of 19 for Sculjy and 'McGrath; but; not TJcuny, A.. whom had pleaded en from calendar, .along' with that dispensary la a -- 11. dispensary. The in 7 ' star--V John McGrath . and , Paul ; given la- ; ire::::; IcCrath always won all the callers en. the men la tbey served and men oat brought to .Boggs one week at hard of Scully on one of, robbery Indict- room opening off from the hos Boggs. Charges; ."badger-game-" small Jail t:. : La . wltn for; la'Utude t of bor and costs, his attorney'pleadlng zzrr.t Ire pital, .iie.eays know, tloai' Sheriff criticised - Clty; Attorney Brown moves l? he does uot what -- ments. A room opens "- hold-up- s hospital. bath from - : - " already . & merxj-'J- c , .'r1':-- similar to those to possib ly ;:i::t corner ca the cc!n, the. euTercatIona w'ere:, about,, which given J: 'i that he was expected live striking' of case until called up. the dispensary. An Inside guard usu- f cf.;cards a 21-?J- udge pending agaiasfe Scully. McGrath and more an mourns. a .:.2'rool: were sarrieaL FEBRUARY Ashford orders ly not. to two ... states his intention to re- - . - stated abQve. ally was- stationed in tho hcs;Ital r. :al-- a Ccush,- ra'nd Scully- - and McGrath placed In JaIL , Lewis, but bawd pn .other offenses ..B,ower. sentenced to (Oahu prison any Mc- l t:; ' Off cne.roccaElon.i.Jie notes, , Lake vive McGrath case! at time room and an outside gtard on it 9 own-.palsi-Ther- ; of kind. ot, $10,000 by one-ha- lf ' - v. - to t'Jn tis brought taagaaines tO:the prisoners. after publication of .'fact that men the it for' not more , than' three and Grath! may be apprehended . and lanal outside hospital.. Ecth cf ' :V- - ," - the c! ri-t- IT court ; for fourjjmeh. . ,; . they t : :'i lo, and laughing Opium ;j?t2l ty Prlfcher ,. ,V" had been atiiberty.ln years at hard labor and costs brought' back to Honolulu, " these guards, be says, were negligent c- ; Boggs arrest p. m., j. ' - 1. . .'be , Of. z up, -J 3act would i iAmcns. most . .of Hody. of officers, since Febrtujry l8j Court :v"v ';'.. ,. Scully's "involved experiences with ... the remarkable the 1 to in 'their supervision. ' the doUoh. ;: cv ' ball not 'furnished'. . charged wjtscobbery. "r t McGrath sentence not ;givn, he law.' t!l entries is .one which declares in brief thcuth yk , the were not' yet over,' though the members of the gang par-of"Scul-l- "When -- .!, Jail-break- 1 tv-- ARY.;22-!-ScuI- ly. City A)l2gf4, ,to V - rh:yc3 thoy had to haya FEBRU and McGrath Jail. rje being xStini missing, following -- tost wbseipcsedix Jail. McGrath ;!- - begun. his sentence of a year get they Ja and to hay - vU',-- , hehad wished to cut for the nlsht'. 'iLe tciues ana and Cower gulled an opium released fronj Jail, on bond, of $4000 ;McGratheR4 others; ;'' aV on federal conviction. go cif .deal C : and half the would into the dispensary ani 1 j : procured, oplunvfor them.'' I ( .;i:;; years k t:-::- r' i sroundMa Plata with .a.Chlaamen; on vLel'.ha street 'each. Meanwhile McGrath bad been fi Lewis sentenced to two in '. Just,aa the "robbery and opium cases into, the bathroom, ! from there ,o?en . Scully !glvS.$50OO ef t 2 c . -- ty' even cf the says.-the'tw- - by federal authorities on bond for prison at hard "labor, and costs of - 'f' Ho men secured word arrested ' 2 were being cleared away, the alleged the window and jump out, then seal- t - i. on arch 24 tov tedelve v '!"'-- , . Hra. They,8k through- - ono of. theJcjaany agents. .on - charge of handling opium;; and! rfi: courtv';-- r conspiracy In which 'he, 'Motor-- '': il j case. ' lng the wall, the latter Icing easily ;convction,,!rj-.'Ji;- Star-Bulletin- t-.- : . deputy would' dn $1000. - sentence '! pubilshee' report Mc- ' - tn to t The the! outslds of, a Ehbment of . opium' leased bond of sK At - cycle ;Of2cer Chilton and J. ill. performed. - ; Scullyr r already total4 of .way f. : 'to' ? a Crlr.U Lut rem .wouldn't- How- tanaed 'Xrom. a.Taci3C' Mall, streamer. FEDRUARY 3 Sherll Rose declares under Grath. is on to .Mexico:- Fischer were im plica ted, . wa com- $9000 $1000 . ; bond; ordered td produce .6 published " ever, ho ttcrrcd. the xaobUns They had no- - getting away Scully and McGrath always Jn cus v MAY Fact, that another ing 6n for hearing-- In this case the de- t;.r ' trouble'in - ' -- President Polncare cf France, in . ".'! second-degre- ." -- ! - . d addltionat , e rr. t'o cT::. I.!:-- :vr from the-.- Jail, on some pretext and tody of polIce.ofSper while perpjit-te- Ku ..robbery "charge still men were alleged to have conspired clining to drink a glass of champana t MARCH.--.- 19 UpV afternoon, Lrc-.-;h- ,. to-- ? At- to; earl!, . Scully, scheduled to Ci) .crr,:r Cccxe. soli the "depe," cemjnj. , back . with stay at,Maklkt.home ,of. lies, against Clo kep'a'.wiiness, Fischer himself, King George - four men,, unable to secure ' bonds. with of Inland at their C:;;h toys thot cftca women who plenty ,ef., money and torney Claudius . McBride... Says Of- come up In; Judge ''ABb ford's court from a session of the liquor license a rhavlnaa hl;h Judge jail '1 recent meeting, saii he had maJa it would bring cus- .Whitneygbred.;th,em( to! on May '23. Reported case will be . car ? to tcs'lho rr'or.ers eld time samfclinj It away. - . v;-.- 'ficers Slzemore,. and Hill had , board r! . previous , year, when ; -".' ; the to drink no wine as lov.z 83 ti.3 us-oisU- y ; siteynooip. rule 0--- . . .,-- mldille of :: - fUsks zl whisky with them, '. tody. t - nolle.- pros8ed; Scully . having turned V Scully was running the Vaiklkl Inn. Both in his diary and in his later ; Henry ; ; ' war lasted. crr-.ocilc- la their stockings, FEBRUARY 24Judge Ashford Issues B.' Lewis. convicted pre1 state's evidence: Scully still under ' 'charge against Fischer statements he reports being 1 a. m . 41 mm v Later the : tells of ' a i viously on ." or--!!- , with. Scully, ..released . ; . t 's cs roony as four aolece, made by new men on oruer i;4u requiring oaena nose $13,500 bond. ; .:: was dropped. v watch of the $5000 ball pending second-degre- e Hs t J tht names cf women to appear before him at 9 n. next sentence.; MAY 22 l4ist of rob The Scully-Chllto- n case, after manner in which the prisoners were Scnlly-McGrat- hi h-:- r'j show-caus- . , con- V . c::;:rict who' day and e why should trial further, bery cases against McGrath and cf : r; !';ht' conducting themselves. But these re- ihe . .much legal procedure, went to trial not be found guilty! contempt, tinued by Judge Ashford because of Scully called, McQ still miss- the Jail and were freely r . of of rath only a few. days ago, and last Friday ' ports, he says, were never repeate. d, f."'-!- ; new developments. ; 1 - ; , ,; . . 26. 1 ; . for the prisoners would telephone to court This an aftermath of order ing. '; Cases continued to June the two men were found not guilty. V "citing MARCH , 20 Attorney. McBride, repre- 4 !. ' 7 , la lh2 cose cf cr.e. cf the prisoners someone police Rose to appear that afternoon ' JUNE . McGrsth reported to have Scully Is still in the territorial in the department and Boggs, argues .. th? folly troclicd ho says and explain discrepancy in papers senting before su been .In San Franc Jsco eek prevl-or.s- prison, serving time on his federal have the obnoxious guards removed. -- - 1 preme court for reduction of bail : ' I! 6 fcj thU t 3 tLllod by a young of arrest of Henry B. Lewis. ' Sher- - .r ".!;'rvs':;'v sentence. ' ; v; v.. ; AAV u.a'vas Gough says that day after day and I In ; L' $10,000 to, $5000. 16 resulting :!o3 tlrl who has been - ITs return, to court showed Lewis ?ro JUNE After two trials ;aiti:c?tis rart after night- the carousing . and - Ini-:tr!- nlsht Boggs secures freedom from coun- lh3 (...::. al Home. The irl arrested Sunday. Lewis told courU 1 in. .disagreements, Jury in federal frequent outside visits went on. Some- . ty on ; ttay ' jail writ of habeas corpus. . Scully trans- to 3 tho man and - had been placed under arrest on court finds . guilty of vi5 :l t: times for.a day or two- there. would be - , v : Monday.- .; y-.- t; McBride. fails to secure reduction esse v iv.. i oro: tloocs us much sa. two a pretense of. discipline enforced, by . porting opium. The federal ' cflii:::::::::;;!:;::: h-- v:i h 25-She- rIff in bond being "badger-game- ) Gou-- , and after out short : " hold- t a .cays. He FEBRUARY , Rose falls to grew put of the t!e, the guards at the order.; of somebody :', Boggs-i- s wmm ' ' time remanded to 'custody - c;:h :. . Ihot hea wesea caiae. the obey Judge Ashford's citation. Oh up of the Chinese in Kallht in Feb- higher. xp, .iavariably,. " '' ' r la. itain, wi- t t .but he alleged, - of sheriff. , ; . ; y '. "',' til 'it! : ::3 would go with them lato the previous evening through his attor- ':' ruary. '''. , : the men would soon be given unue v c:; ry shut the door; ; ney; he had obtained writ of prohi-bitio- n MARCH Bower and JUNE .21 Scully sentenced to year toi. liberties.. '.Sometimes they .would m m . m - be r McGrath In jait except when taken 'kro' tr the 'trlscaers-- came from .chief Justice restraining ,.ana . a nau. in prison , on zeaerai ;;;.;;e;llJlLLUWL T moved the hospital free- '- - frod and ; to- i . . ' '; .. m its -' . Scully out under, . -- court of ; 'vcry.i. ;ot!y-at- Goush ays.theyJ Judge Ashford from compelling him total charge'of handling opium. ' - -- '.- dom to the Jail, on ' ' :: - - :' f ;! Itself one eo "'' . : - Tfr:2'$ Tc -. $14,500 y'! :' 22-Scu- ...';r .tooze.-conceale- d . baiLv,, lly ; '" .:::::;:.': 1 f appear--- eft-- . J about to, .' . '... V JUNE makes getaway from '' ': r.-mo- r caafon vhenj und erg round -- ; -' -- the. op- ' '. - :; - . Deputy City Attorney Brown tl "'" . -- 3. .' ' ' . Judge Ashford cited tp appear' be- : .Honolulu in middle of night in pow- lenry May & Co. have Just received -- went flyina about that Scully c man (name la hi ixutv poses release. of Bowefin custody sampan, two pals, to be a shipment 'of unusual attractive c iy a named .evldeoce-an- d er with said and - ' the .prctecut' Attorney T 'rAU A r. ' r . ; s sco s ) am to ed'state'f wtre two men on the back seat, as of counsel. Straus, to hunt ;! - U1" decorating Ai l0'- TTi cc u r : rn sy's re loa e 1 Joe- Ratta and! H. McCutcheon. bonbons and. crackers for .i.. Ina authorities ,nh sooda.'Ven the -- I - att--1 had nar as could' make out 'The car for balL Judge Ashford agrees with ; noth- Wiity :5-r- tx ths ol ar delayed there, all rest-o- - ,Jack Sproat aald to be owner of the Hallowe'en table. There's prpT4, i.k'M f gang. But . after., a little I of - c taow-- . .tht, hurried away and went back. . ' Brown and. denies attorney's plea. nothing more condu- rtliont Ufuirtt, err. ; a c . .0 kio with them. A they.-woul- . sampan, , wirelesses from Molokal ing prettier and itadr4 r be let .go- back ; the 0. "After awhile the inside guard MARCH 22 Scully, Bower, McGrath that-h- e ' girl with hlta. They wfera playiag. - " . has Scully and party, and cive to fun than these English crack- wsiTB rcR hospital. r- , . - ; up rvTi nuirui xxd Ash- - . ; waked and realized that Jack' was and Boggs arraigned in Judge . " ers!. your , BOOKLET. caris fcr money, v.wnen be Jen jacK ,.: ' - next 'day Deputy U. S. Marshal Make selection early. Phone How McGrath .Escaped, ;'.''.' gone, -- was v: ' (McGrath) went out. over the fence. and scared to death. He fords court Boggs only pleads to .Heine leaves to secure fugitive.: ; 1271.-Ad- ; vi . ;. The story of McGrath'a escape itself ! jjr. waited with his car and the hunted everywhere. About 15 min- charge enters plea of not guilty; JUNE 24 Scully brought back to Ho he in as . ' together. Jack tells substance follows: utes later I saw that the outside guard ' Case .set for; March ,26 and other In early morning. federr4 The new Hungarian war loan will girl and they went out - "The night before the bunch were was asleep nolulu In . J. S. TYREE; CierrJjt, IntT - ' drvr.k at 11:SD p. m. and In still so I went and woke three, ordered to plead at that time. court later his attorney announces bear 6 per cent interest and will be ret.'- coming up for sentence were ; there .'a 1-- him up. I thought he'd have fit! ; McGrath, 2, CSV.'-- z the .knee of Court reduces bonds of he is ready to begin serving sent- Issued 37 according to a Ber- ever the fence tors many , at rumors of this and that flying He was worse Other. . - - acared thah the Bower and Boggs from $10,000 to hil f ' '. y jail. Sheriff Rose came up ence of year and a half imnosed hv lin despatch. sample of many, incidents about the He acted like a wild man waved his 57500. v v- - '.,... Tl 3.!? a about 8 o'clock and two. men who were gun wh'ch Cough relates showing. bowr around spilled cartridges out MARCH 24 Jndge Ashford sets April said to be territorial grand Jurymen, and scared me for fear he might ac- ; 10 for sentencing Scully and eo-ll- the men came and went 'and Lewis were with him. - -'- cidentally somebody. got what liberties they were allowed In shoot He. on first conviction. . ''- "Rose spent a long time whispering ;:-- down. looked unider the beds, and in MARCH 28 McGrath; Scully ; the jail. -.' ; ' ; and to the men. When he left he said By - Men; '. " the dispensary and bathroom. this Bower, plead not guilty.- Hearing Llhfrtita Given ' you - ; loudly, 'Well, see tomorrow! McGrath was well away. i Boggs. The cf diary that-h- e kept con time of cases against McGrath and fort "Shortly before 9 o'clock Jack told was y taios chhr enlightening particulars; "When it learned that McGrath Bower set j for.1 April 5. t Scully, me. he wanted me to turn .water , went see his wife the had gone, it seemed like, everybody charged on separate counts, to; be It is lie. .jitjto -- : -. "Jck on In the bathroom. 1 did so. At this : - vy. v;:,- around there but me knew he was caned. v . too!;ht," runs one entry, "and was, guards later. ' d time both the inside and outside making his final getaway. I was the MARCH : 27 Scully. Boggs. 'lc-otl:- TranMt guird, JK McGrath ty Rarid were' asleep. ,. Legros. on the inside looked - V- last in the jail, it like, to bear and Bower again indicted by terri- for you to buy your CHRIST--. returned at 12:50. - ,t ' '- ind - Joe Lll on the outside.'" After news.' - : ' V ; the torial grand. Jury on charge of first Another: entry: !, . - thought maybe they .were "Caoobiing very today.- .;ona- - wards, I. fMcGrath took j one suitof clothes, ;Tife; - slept" ' '-- v '. ';':- - 1 drugged- for Xhey' so heavy. v. no" pajamas. : ; 5 Boggs, plaf-- ts coming in to office and deputy J r APRIL Scully, McGrath and ' thought also mayhe the outside man , - ' toldi the' chaps to cesse. but , T heard , from the others that he Bower still In county jail, unable to warden had some boose though I don believe 18 ". suggestion that you come early and the. game contlnned. was in town days after he made his raise. $7500 '. bond. Boggs bond ho wloked guard had. m of-th- : the inside getaway, and that lot time meanwhile raised to $12,500. Reduction losef.v t noticed Terrs' as usual the i." readyi: - Vo befag used to While Jack" was getting he .was living at hie house.- It also APRIL 8 Scully, McGrath.' Boggs and that a SATISFACTORY fa'se cards were - thot ' thought be was going out through . the waa talked he had caught' the a loan that Bower plead hot guilty to new ' tlzy with. Jack asked me. for " window, and over the .fence for one of steamer Makura for Sydney and made charge. Trial set. for April 12. ; SELECTION .can e made. of J2 to ttart playing crib won $10, was ' his night trips. He; Inside the his getaway clean. w - - : APRIL 12 Latest indictment against returned my: tt. ff 7 one , of . guards it?- bathroom when the "When jail found out NYeneJl Amon.3 VJsttra.; the authorities scully quashed. Strong . rumors Cava f.:!e woke un.'."t 'Where McGrath?'; he ask that McGrath was gone '.they sent Scully has turned state's evidence. 13 author, ncte: , i ;.: Here j ed ine.i In. the. bathroom,'.! says and Bower and Lewis" over the Jail-- no , Also reported, that: first indictment EVERYTHING REDU0I3D Bale OOO today on therpretense? 000 "AH three out guard , ! back Boggs f- full-Whe- so he was. Then the went more hospital for them, against four men was and getting bond. Came home n defective cf gave deputy .to sleep again. Jack was In there was sick He was allowed to stay. second is the one upon which other they returned they changing. his clothes. made others and telephoned for This the third time the three will .stand triaL box of cigars "He asked me to give him a lift had been sent over to Jail. The other On, same day Attorney McBride . (two women of the over the fence. But I figured he was times they .were allowed to come back ' withdraws as counsel for Boggs. At .r Iwilet district) to come Tcmnd.: They and Oriental Silk Just going out for a little while to the hospital but not after this. The torney'. Straus appointed ? to defend came at T:80. , - Jumped the knowing men were al- . that all of the deputy ordered them to the JalL . Boggs. - Attorney Thompson with fence and came through they pleased. I v lowed to' do what said. "Neither on the night that McGrath draws as counsel for Scully. Nolle gats."' - the !:'' v on Til open the gate for you. I knew escaped nor on any previous "night for prosse for Scully entered (giving He tells 'abottt a guard being gate locked or guarded. any guard Goods wome togo the wasn't a long time, was there at confirmation to report Scully turned allowing the -- duty and Auto Waiting Outside. gate, So as I know they. never V ':;--- ; gires brief-l- y the far state's evidence). '.:.;;" V:-" into the hospiUl roofa and . "About time heard an auto kept . was orgy hollared. this I' one there. It the easiest Trial of other three defendants deUHs of an outside the wall by the gate. . It sound- thing In the world to make a getaway. set for Aprtt .. " Apparently by this' time the visits y When, opened It ed its horn twice. I The . gate was not locked that night APRIL 13 Henry, B. Lewis rearrest- Lurtos, etc, etc. ;"t"---- gate . I saw it It was a big car. I very was not T the and believe eften it ed, his bondsman, Edward K. Hunt EGUSA; with the engine .running steadily. The locked. ; It was barred on the inside being reported, to have disposed of a, V X. ,Ury Tres headlights were out but the sidelights but it wai easy to lift the bar and his property and left for the mala 1120 Nnuanu Street, above Hotel Phone 1522 l i ii, til '.'; ; I.r were on. - open gate." :7 ; land. . . ,.. ... ,;w.- - c n r.r.i: l:,tzd rrrzLtppji the t v. .! , "Jack jumped into the ,car. There ; fore supreme cpurt on March I and J udge" Ashford 'gives Lewis a day ; .Now, no rvally happy home was ever founded' on Fclf;shness, and no egotist .was t 7 SrOKTS, CLASSIX-IEl- AXD SIIirPIXQ " ' ! I i s I I ever a successful home builder. Dorothy i . t . i i ! ! i SECTION Dix. " - . v vj;

-- STAR-BULLETI- . HONOLULU N, TUESDAY; .OCTOBER 26. 1915. rvp F!AQ HAPFVIIAnD.'! Pin r v nrnTTiir rnnrk i VILLA JUDGE DOLE SEES KO PSECEDE1T i i h i flH USE L1IIIES UlilliU.Uli 1 lilTj iiilUL ILillJ Ii hOilLbLliLi't.,

IW-OZAV- MEMBERSRIBOF COMMONS CASE REfl AGGRESSIVE SETTIKG EMEa A PROTEST CONSCRIPTION IDEA La io ;;cizc!iv dl.-J- - io -- f LONDON, Eng., 26. mm j. Oct A mani iuliAiUiiJ festo deploring the suggestion that a conscription prom Among to be considered law be enacted and ment would merely FTTH n Uncertain on Matter of Appeal, the matters Islng to oppose was made public President of China Extremely be the same as "j'y OfJ FIRST CHIEF In the admission of a petitioner would it the present with, the single differ A yesterday over the signatures of - Sensitive to Opinions of ence that emperor l JLii - mimim But Says Naturalizations be his attitude toward the constitu small number of members of the house the first either l.l( tion,- - his knowledge of English and Yuan Shih-Ka- i or his son would have j of commons. - Western Vcrld May Be Cancelled ; knowledge said life tenure Instead of ten-yea- r terra. v . his of the constitution, The signatories state en a Agua '. that the Carranzista General at Judge Dole. . In discussing the peace society's "And.Mayfcs'Mot Th:n," Says i V (By s ; actment of such legislation Is In Associated Press.) plan, Pneta Surrenders Town to That the admission of Takao Ozawa, Regarding the matter of appeals by rights TIENTSIN, China. Promoters of the Tientsin Morning Times Ccpt. Kittcik,-Whos- Tv.d a Japanese, to citizenship would government contravention of the of British says: last few weeks seem v local the In naturalization subjects the Society for the Preservation of to Rebel Force- - not necessarily establish a precedent man and Is likewise .unwise and have Therevealed the fact foreign Year Cruisa is Afcsut 0 . ;r ; cases. Judge Dole said that If a unnecessary. To '.force into the army Peace, he organiattlon; which .Is en- that whereby the "bars would be let down" has been naturalized and it turns out any deavoring to moiiarchy opinion, generally. Is nol hostile to- AJsoeiated Press vTlrelesi much larger proportion of the reestablish the Net until after January 1 a: 5"per tr Trienl to all other alien Japanese in Hawaii that there was something fraudulent young men of the nation would, aays and is generally conceded to have the ward the monarchial movement Many Ariz., Oct. 26. Gen. Vll-- become subjects foreigners Dr. Goodnow's view haps not then, will the l S. r DOUGLAS, who might desire to about or some feature which might the manifesto; so deplete support of President Yuan Salh-Ka- i share rulir it the ranks of for China, in present condi- Maryland be placed in reserve. Cart la Is still an adversary to be consid of Uncle Sam, is the opinion of Fed have made it Improper for the court labor Owat Britain would be and his administration, have apparent- that her by threaten- - Dole, f that tion, a monarchy would possess cer- Sumner E. W. Kltteile, comma r. i:r ct ered Gen. Carranza. His eral Judge Sanford B. Vf to naturalize him, the government pressed to turn out a .sufficient supply ly stirred up an opposition quite dif- ed Invasion of Sonora has begun and The fact Ozawa's petition has might bring case up again and tain advantages over a republic Pro- the big fighting craft said )t.: that the of army from what was expected. -i of munitions and requisites as ferent viding the chang were accomplished "We hare heard enly frc- his forces have captured the town been accepted by the local federal have It cancelled, which action, ths are required to meet the pledges Great The avowed purpose of the society - v n peaceably, Washington, nothing," Agua Prleta. court, and has been taken under ad- judge added, is a kind of appeal. insure-successio- and In such a manner sail to was to and prevent 1 gen Britain has made her allies. as to reflecting upon Capt. Klttelle. "If the Mary!; : 13 Reports here say the Carranza visement by Judge Dole, has . led to Appear Question New Point. Would Antagonize Laooritet, disturbances. However,, the paper? avoid discredit era! there surrendered. many speculations as- - to just what "But whether Is an appeal In "A the President It is probable that the placed in reserve, which ii so:v thert Conscription wduld, too,' arouse f printed in foreign concessions almost we not It w ::i outcome would be should it be a. naturalization case not is a new - : Powers would regard the episode as a are at til sure abet net the or widespread opposition to the govern universally have attacked the move- be target prscti v J U ' accepted. If Instructions have been Judge Dole. I have purely domestic matter in which they until after huh WRECKED TRAIf point said 'Since ment as the possible creator of imme- 1 n- ment in the labor ranks and would were-no- t will November ci - Issued by the department of justice been on bench have been no in, called upon to interfere. start about ir the there destroy the existing national unity, so diate trouble If persisted at this T- - OF MEXICAN V . for one month at -n Vcl: and CAUSE to the effect that district attorneys appeals in naturalization cases." Dr. O. E. Morrison, English Bloodshed Hard to Avoid. essential to the successful prosecution time. the San Diego. If the order J I. d it refrain from noting appeals in natur- Judge Dole pointed out the r& Shih-Ka- i, . "Can the suggested change be madj LIBERTY, SAYS CULPRIT that of the war. . adviser of Yuan la also become a.' r the alization cases Attorney IL W, Brec-- appeals, widely without bloodshed, and without dis- won't effective until vised statutes limit and that : Yesterday the tovernmeWaet an discussed as having taken the fit st of the year. - having said such instruc- : not Included among crediting the chief executive? It be- BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Oct. 26. kons that naturalization is examnle to other emDlovera-o- f' labor tame position and urged a discontinu :u!3-frr-- n ! "The Maryland has been In r tions were received in a circular let - - comes mere and more doubtful as days recent wrecking and destruction these limits. A - by announcing thai every eligible man ance of the attempt to restore the slon 13 years, we era f.-.- two years ago he was say appeal An-- go by and the maneuvers of the mon- and by fire cf a train near here by a band ter about whn "I would not that an postoffIce department might monarchy at such a crucial time In 5 in the . ' being sure that she lj to t la as an act In attorney here some observs-er- s not be taken," Judge Dole continued. world history. ;;' archial party become more fully re- r' of Mexicans was done district feel free to enlist without fear of los reserve. My two ytcrV trj'. : i i: ; liberty. So inclined to believe would to study Yuan Shlh-Ka- l Is vealed. There la not the slightest in- ihe Intercut of Mexican have been that. "I have that Natui ing his position. At the termination President said to now, and I am du9 fr,r i'..:t2 C. Flcres, a Mexican who was should Ozawa be admitted, the door allzatlon Is not a penal action. It Is war, says government be extremely, susceptible foreign dication as yet of the widespread de bays Chano of the the no to' I can finish tha wcri; z.-z- l rr.i.', v on has would be open allowing all other alien a, civil My. decision the mat the general attack, sire the part of the nation that the - arrested cn suspicion and who action. in tice all employes who enlist will be criticism and made target practise eff V'.- ; t r- - In peace society by President or anyone else should as fen con to having had a hand the Japanese here to become citizens and ter would not be binding unless the reinstated" In their properplacg In the on the socalled news pedo practise ot'f Tan rciro. r p'orti cend the'Imperial throne. : wreck. Flcres Implicates & number of thereby voters. It Is estimated that supreme court sustained it civil service. papers printed at tario us' treat V..:A - r. r.v J Capt. Klttelle add.'d ex are-mo-re 20,000 Japa- . by Society his countrymen, and arrests are there than alien Giving Case Much Study. ; and students is supposed to have "The for the Preservation fcenlor to all officers In t'.. 1 IVjARMI - pected as a re suit. nese in Hawaii who might pass nat- "The case of Ozawa Is such an im TEUTON AND resulted In a temporary' hdnin'g, at of Feaee makes much of the fact that States Naval at cy of . ' movement." provincial delegates Aca'ir The deed was done members uralization tests. portant one that I do not 'wish 'to IN FIERCE FIGHT FOR RIGA.' least, of the monarchial are being sent to with the exception cf t'..2 i. .; - ; Keying y a new fscticn, Flcres says. Of this Need Net De Binding. hurry I am giving It a good deal Rouses Harsh Criticism.- ' to participate In a discussion rec-r.t!- c : it ' LONDON, Eng, Qct. himself, COO. - dent Igctlen are more than Mexi Judge' Dole's opinion in the matter, study." .. , , , ..-- v -- Instead of creating a' derlre the of the proa and cons of the change in there cf '. slans are pressing; ihe Germans in a for. Secretary cf the l.'avy J. , cans, he Seme live In Ameri however, intimates strongly that this -- Judge-Dole added that he has heard erleB of pitched battles in the north proposed change in "government the the name of the government for It ie'3 In hl3 cf (!.. towns and along the today the monarchial movement rp would merely be a change of name. can Irrder ethers would not be the case. He said nothing of the Instructions to district in an effort to regain the -- territory effect of head3 there. "I den't c;-- t ; : :.3 13 c; :.3 i cf the Wo Grande any by admitting attorneys, by . Attorney to the moment seems to have been, tp Lut pertinent to Inquire who ap- that decision him referred to taken from i them, b von HIndenber; it superintendent," r.3 s.v.::. .i, ". --A- Ctrt'.'.'y r.' PIct Ozawa to citizenship would not neces Breckons. -:- I . - aunng tne past wee, me siavs oeing focus attention upon the decidedly points these delegates, and what claim they already have a v : .' non-republic- ' so-calle- Thirty Mexicans from the other side sarily be binding unless the decision Section IS of the revised laws reads. character of , ttje they possess to speak on behalf of r r ' heavily reinforced and being appareny ' If the' ship Is placed i.i w: subjected repre- 1 cf the river trek 'part in the wreck, was sustained by the supreme court In part as follows:, ' Iv well supplied with ammunition. TLe republic, and has It the provinces they are said to or the officers ar.d r. t wi ! M f 13 I'lcrc 3 They Jedned a band of 20 , ' J to harsh criticism. It . generally sent. In cur the cf i I fays. of the. United States. '.On the other: ."That It the duty of the uerman line is noiaiqg,ti noweyer, ana cpl'ca selection ferrel'ts ether c.::-'.- nr. t v, ho live cn thi3 side. The plans were hand,' he added, this would be true United States district attorney for the at least two places have repulsed the pointed" out that there really are" no the 3 delegates Is an Impudent ini-pestu- re cut down to a thirl cf vV ' rcf;:'.iy laid and the band had no . upon : elected officers now in China and the financed by interested parties - from the fact that the decision of one respective 'districts afidavlts Russians In: a decisive manner; 'This rumters. So:r.3 cf t'. . t :.'. trcul'3 dcrc. ih'rg the train and after-- v upon ah--. good government Is not pretends to for tbelr own end3, and as reracts district court Is not binding, ehowing cause therefor, to lnsti; is along the front southeast of Riga te ordered to naval . i : -- rd rcltlrg the passengers. ' - be. - The press-offer- s no especial ob from a really representative expres- t:.'' other district court Such a' decision tute proceedings in any court having to the northeast ot.Dvlnsk.VThe Slav- ers transferred to v:., . The American teller, who was by the local federal court would not jurisdiction to naturalize aliens in offensive persists at a number of.oth jection to a constitutional monarch, sion cf public opinion as it Is possible navy's battleship. tt-treh- . ' vrunded when a tcr.d cfldexicans be binding uron Itself, it is inferred. the'judlclal district, in which the nat-- j er points, however, and the position but. points out, that such a gov'ep; to conceive" The hzs h: I r.i r a trcl seju-- of the Sixth d In this respect Judge Dole pointed uralized citizen may "reside at the of the German left) is by. no ? means ou3 life. Shs l.:3 t '.: " t r near-her- e Sun- - - ' ' Cavairjcn the out he might admit Ozawa and time, of bringing, the for the pur- secure. ' 1 Mexico, 1 cr- y, that suit crui:: c-.- ' ' prclatly will die. His wound CO 1C0 '. that the petitions of cr other pose of settings aside and canceling Germans Give Grotind. A ' - called her? fr. . 1 S p j mi tce.i renounced fatal. There 1 E'-,v- .t ' Japanese, should they be filed; might the certificate of citizenship on the South of the Pi'ipet marshes the ' A (3 mk m --4 m i m M m . . . J iar at Lr T v r 4 0 in t Mexican band. They not be accepted and the applicants ground of fraud or on the ground that Germans, have been forced to give ca. Vcr.- !-. C I r: d v.!-.- rci :ents came up. A n rv" i made citizens for any number of rea such certificate of , citizenship was ground., particularly north Loutsk, r r. I c... .. V of re In pursuit, - - -- ; tcr.t . - , :'- - - Lc-- L:':. ? illegalfy procured . sons. ', f. where the battlingtas been severe. j ch rt...:rt3. ;.n ,:t . ... ' t: (J. ff.". Still further to the south, In the mmm tatt!3 r.r.i Am sJ m. m V m m ' ; ' region west otKor ih$ .1: 13 ynrs f . . T Auiruss have lu.a ana are ad- on J s . vancing against the Russians along a fct-:- roll- r Japancca FIcad "f."i:;i:.;y v.hlch'.Etill .3 Lloh alove the front v :. A A A er SAitlnj rink. The name "Schantung It has been er. I - A- '- H.v' ccccity" fcr T.'lany cf lh3 , Eient-h- a GeselloChaft" ha3 net been holm that owlr.3 t.) t CULGAR FORCE CRUSHED? painted cut cn the rolling stock of the cu'ty just at pr-- c' HELP BEING RUSHED TO SERBS Chances Being Mclj railway are freight frcm Arch" ! t ' m . m m X m k. A 1 and German sisna still '! k w " : : 1 i U Petersburg) it mj LONDON, Eng, "Oct 28 The la place above all the stations. "Kais- h.. ft tji 'first (t engagement between the troops' of the , (By Associated Press.) A'"A . er Wilhelm lifer" Cout3 Itself proudly to transrert rjoc I3 ty : land : either by boat or, train!" Only Allies,: proceeding north' in Serbia to TSINGTAU, China. Few traces re on the street signs along the beauti- at least until the Sweepers Busy Dcily; Search long up. prcrcsed r: .. 2 persons with passports or other proof the relief of the Serbs and the Invad main of the siege which troLbed ful marine drive. In all directions the The , of citizenship are permitted to ing Bulgarians, has resulted in the the Germans of this model city and typically. Cerman names of firms stand asrrel, Narvik, Karr.-'- I 1,., lights Flay Oyer, their l:-:'.- m. - ft 4 m. m a.. mUm m Water, By Bulgarian v' enter,5 and all newcomers must report complete defeat of the Bulgars whom turned it into "Japanese hand.?. forth on. the. quaint, gables and tow- The Every Night immediately to the police headquar- the French met and crushed at ltrivo- - means of aeroplane scouts," the Japa- ers houses which suggest ington denied ,repcrt3 th v mer.:v. i ters and make their movements known ak, 40 miles north of where the Salo-- nese were able to direct the. fire cf Heldelburg or Vienna. gariaa cabinet :; I ? z In Verdict of nikl-Nis- Cf the The ccttcn crcp . . - big guns a a (By Associated Press.) j' . Even English citizens h Graeco- their against the. forts Bronze Gone. to the officers. railroad crosses Tablets 1 I te' - 10t5.J,CC ) bale3 by t: Murder" ; HONGKONG, Chino.As the gateway leaving an English boat for the few Serblan border. ", heights surrounding Tsingtau so ac- The most' conspicuous monument In - to the commerce of the Far East and hours It stops In Hongkong on its way The Bulgars. are retreating' In the curately that little .damage was done Tsingtau. Is a great granite monolith Agriculture. Thii lit' ncan England's most important stronghold rrom England, or India to Shanghal.or direction of Strumitza, pursued by the to anythingbut the ;miditars '.strong- which the Germans erected on tie Slr.c3 v:x in the Orient Hongkong feels the ef- Japan must report to the police and Franco-Ser- b forces. A holds. A Tew stray shells landed In waterfront at the point where Ger- Trc;3 by Wireless A?ociatcd Federal fect of the European war more keenly obtain' a permit, to leave the island A - despatch received ; by the Dally the city.' Pieces of. shell ..did slight mans first landed in 1SCS to take over COMO, Italy, Oct. rorter Charl- than most of England's outposts. Be again." Recently scores of "persons Telegrapa night fronv corres damage to the American consulate. granted by mur- last its the concession them China. ton, the American who rg 6trongIy fortified there Is every who regarded this regulation as mere pondent in ish states that the Allies The Brazilian consulate was wrecked. On each of the four sides the monu- Lri.'.e five years ago, on of dered hl3 here reason why an enemy should seek ,to red? tape which could - be overlooked have sent word for the : Serbs to en A 'corner, was knocked off the Frinz formerly a great was found guil- ment' there wa3 their hcneyr.iorn trip, make Shanghai less formidable." have been left standing on the dock deavor to hold out f"or five days longer Helnrlch hotel, a pretentious building ac- "unpremeditated mur- bronze tablet commemorating the ty yesterday cf Ordinarily, ships are permitted to while their steamer moved out of the. by the end of which time help on .the waterfront But all damaged quisition of thU commercial gateway and to serve six years ' der" sentenced tpproach Hongkong island through harbor. ' ''' I ;:, form, will , Kvalls have been . repaired and ? the peni- ..--" '' m. reach them. ? to China. Three cf these tablets have nr.d months In an Italian V . tiht two channels, which lead Into the riv German Business Killed. ..-- beautiful city which the Germans pried oU. Only one, bearing ' '. been the tentiary. . er harbor. One of these is now closed Before the war Germans had exten- TURKS WIPE. OUT ARMENIANS carved out of the granite hills facing bust of Captain Jaeschke, the first - IIi3 actual term'will be for less than and the , other channel Is carefully sive business Interests Jn Hongkong N BLACK SEA CITY--: A A I Klaochau bay Is moving along peace- governor general of the colony, re- two years as the time he has spent In and-swep- i " guarded t dally for mines. and were formidable competitors of OcL fully, little changed excepting that mains. Japanese oncers say MONDAY ; LONDON, Engn 26 The entire Chinese rl. cn awaiting extradition from tho -- S71; : Early in the war a Chinese Junk was the English.; Many of the German population Kerrasund, a Japanese have replaced Germans. ; coolies stole the tableU for the metal. . Ocean'c LocUe N.i. I'nlte I red since awaiting trial en- Armenian of States ' sowing mines In the businessmen? escaped before; they ed; 7:3') m. ' discovered ' town on the-- Blacky been; put Instead of 2500 Europeans who liv city, ii to le deducted. . trance to the inner harbor. There were interned, and are directing their Sea.has The marvelous modern which --o- to the sword by the Turks, according ed in Tsingtau previous to the siege, the Germans created In 16 years TUESDAY -- have been constant rumors since then affairs from Canton. The transfer of 12,500 Japanese have settled . here. Honolulu Lod23 No. r. to mail advices to the Daily Mail from stands . as an enduring monument to i'J; . ; sweepers the-Dollar- : : v;ilso:j of the discovery of mine and Line' ships to the British ': .A '? Many opened up shops ; Desrea; T:C) p. Odessa.. J 1 . i of these have their constructive genius. Bare gran- clal, First other craft supposed in the hire flag and the sale Of tne Pacific Mail - : emvoy Kerrasund has popnlatlon of 24,- and taken over business which the WEDNESDAY , i:a:.:e3 ::eco ; A" a ite hills were leveled, graded and of England's enemies. . K ; boats. will1 make it? practically Impos- - ? Japanese -- 000, Tut what proportion 'the Armen- Germans conducted. The painted with such skill pines now Hawaiian Led 3 :fo. -- 1 republic No movements of Ships are permit .German firms to effect any that lnr to lizeria. sible for ans are to. the whole is not stated. government . discouraged this rush to cial, Second Decree; 7:C) ted in Hongkong harbor now at night considerable shipments of freight as cover the once barren peaks and beau- ? Neither women or children were Tsingtau, which was overdone to the maples every- m. 1 Tterj Federal "Wlrriessl and searchlights constantly play over few", bottoms' will be available, except- tiful acacias and thrive Arrrf!stf br spared by the Turks, - the , correspond- extent that many, of the new shops' WASHINGTON. D. Oct. ,26. J. waters anyone who has Japa- where in parks and along avenues THURSDAY the to locate ing those .under the British and ence says. Entire homes were wiped have had to-- close.- - - J negro ; "A."' V:-'- lined with dignified modern buildings Honolulu Lodss cf T?rr :i' L. Curtis, a prominent of New escaped the vigilant police boats. The nese flags. ':' house-to-hous- e x out in a systematic mas Using Waldeck'a Palace. - A, A'- Aj magnificent ' York, was yesterday named by the ights wander over the, frowning , to Hongkong ; has of granite and brick. No. 1; Stated and I : also Tourist v travel sacre. Only in Houses where-- ; Mos- "lilltary necessity" , has enabled the-harbo- was which : minister to r, entrance - marine drive creeated A Consistory, No. 1, j . President as United States mountains about practically, Ceased. The hotels- have lems lived were, the occupants unmole- Japanese officials to take over many Liberia, the African Republic He on which disappearing guns are con few guests excepting business men ' winds all about the concession and - : ' sted.;-":. A v private institutions as well as the pub con-ful-rene- :J:: out startling contrast to tucceedB as resident minister and cealed. English ; volunteers ho are stands Is the FRIDAY and ic buildings, t Lleut-co- U Yoshlmura, or Republic George W. on Chinese roads, which have existed for Oceanic Lodge-N- "71: the American Gunboat River. ashore waiting for their ships to start GREECE' FORCED SOON S- : military governor, ; occupies $3000 only r the the thousands of years but are scarcely Z , p. Buckner. His salary will be a An American gunboat is the for the Sues: Nearly every boat start- - cial, Third Degree; ' TO SHOW HER HAND.. . handsome stone structure formerly passable for a loaded donkey. year. : warship in port at present and ing England a delegation ': the for carries LONDON, . Eng. Oct 26.4Greece,s Colonel Ger- SATURDAY gunboats alone patrol the young used by Waldeck, the American of Englishmen whose friends position as. a neutral nation, is becom- governor , - y man of the concession, who leading Canton, af- good-b- - GUTHRIE CONFERS WITH Pearl river, to and gather at the dock to bid thefn, ing, more, untenable each hour, and is now a prisoner In Japan. .This Im brd protection to foreigners who have as they sail off to war, - , . there are Indications that-- she shortly CAROn ISHII OVER. Chinese navy, but in posing building surmounts a high knoll SCHOFIELD LC5CE ittle faith in the win be aligned with the Allies. A n the heart of the European section FOMlLS SITUATION ordinary times enjoy . the protection ( CHINESE FERNANDEZ IS AFTER declaration of war between Greece and city great white flag WEDNESDAY ' of 6hips belonging to several of the V, of the and the Bulgaria is regarded as a possibility with the. rising sun in It which floats European nations. , A - ; (Special Cable to Hawaii Shinpo.) ' OWNERS OF FIREARMS this week. . .'AJ:iAA':'.: from the lofty tower is the first thing Japan, Most of the English troops ordin Bulgarian papers are openly threat- DEAD US RESULT TOKIO, Oct 26.United Hongkong also ; NOT YET REGISTERED which meets the eye of a visitor enter SATURDAY Ambassador Guthrie and Bar- arily stationed at ire a, . ening. G reecer . accOrd ing to reports States gone and their duties have been taken ing Tsingtau on the railway manned on K. Ishll, minister of foreign affairs, here. Official organs at Sofia declare by- Japanese. A by English guard. Hun- . he are -- yy.''" had a long conference today over the over the home Because believes that there Greece must expel the Allies wh'ere dreds of the Englishmen employed by many unregistered weapons In the pos- A Japanese garrison of one battalion situation In China. It Is said the lean- landing at Saloniki for relief of the occupies on the heights i; shipping concerns varous persons about the - the barracks OFFACMf Yuan Shlh-Ka- l toward the hu the various banks, session of Serbs, or Bulgaria' will do A A HERMANN CCZHf- s- ing of . it overlooking the city. Japanese soldiers narchlcai system of government was and mercantile houses have volunteer- city, Antone . Fernaud-??- who is in police the city and two regiments of 1 the chief feature discussed. ed for thi3 work so that the regulars charge of the registration of firearms FRANZ JOSEF PARCONS i Vsrtammfunisn In K. cf P. go European city office, announces " Japanese are scattered along the 246 Associated Press by Feders! Wireless 4 12. might to battlefields. at the clerVs POLITICAL PRISONERS.- - : A Montag, October railway by Germans J tzl " Docks guarded by volun- will immediate steps to miles of built the ; 1 1 : . are these that he take: Octo- PITTSBURG. Pa.. Oct 26. Four , Montag, Novemher COMPLETE QUEEN EMMA AMSTERDAM Netherlands, seaport rail- tz teers. The camp where hundreds of bring such persons to a compliance 26. to connect their with the teen girls, employes in a local factory, lion tag. Decern!; er 6 tz 1 . ber Amnesty has been granted by way system which touches Pekin, HOME BY END OF YEAR Germans and Austrlans are interned with the law. Persons who do not Emperor Franz Josef of Austria Hun- are dead as a result of a fire which W. WOLTUr.J, T: " charge Squads of firearms wit "a the- - coun- Tientsin and Shanghai and connects Zi'-r- . ' ', .." is in of volunteers. register their gary to all political prisoners, destroyed the (factory yesterday,' while C. POLTE, i'. who are Yangtse-klan- g Koa furnlture.whlch was exhibited civilians may be seen drilling in var- ty officials are guilty of a misdemea- serving sentences for crimes commit- those centers with the eight- - others are seriously Injured. great penetrating the LOC-- t'.O. 1, In the Hawaiian building at. the Seat- ious parts of the city preparatory to nor, and a fine of not more than $00 ted before the war,; according to ad- and other rivers One man employed in the factory la HONOLULU 2 -'. - ' tle exposition Is to be used in furnish- giving part of their time, to guard may be Imposed upon such persons ac- vices "here. These pardons will re- interior of China. v.': ;;AA also dead. - - V ORDEfl. CF, PHCI. r . , ing the Queen Emma Home In Nuua-i)- u duty. cording to the law. lease principally Socialists,' it is said. Abandon War Time Railway. valley, the furniture having been The English volunteers wear khaki From January 20 to July IS of this In preparation for the attack of American ships registered for the TTa ceet at their 1 granted to the Daughters of Hawaii suits with Norfolk jackets and short year there were 107 firearms regis- BELGIANS MUST QUIT Tsingtau the Japanese effected a land- foreign trade on June SO, 1915, num- fierstznla m Pert th: trousers' which leave the knees ex- tered, against S3 of the six months SIGNALLING , ing in Lao-ehan-wa- h bay, 45 ; miles bered 2.76S, of 1,813,775 gross tons, Thnrsday evening at 7:: 3 c by the last legislature. Plans for the ALLIES'; PLANE. ' restoration and furnishing of the home posed. Englishmen of all ages may be previous. Sixteen weapons were reg- ROME, Italy, Oct 26. Despatches northwest of Tsingtau and constructed an increase of 737,623 gross tons over CIIAHLE3 J park complete are now practical- seen walking about Hongkong In these istered in August and so far this reaching here from. Brussels state that a teniporary, railway upon which they American shipping for foreign trade FHANK MURItAY. V ; :; and ' - , pride : .. guns ly finished, and by the first of the uniforms with the same the month a record has been made of General von Bissenger, the military moved their . and at the end of the fiscal year 1914. year they will be open to the public home guards In London and Liverpool 17v Most of the latter number , are governor of Belgium, has issued a no-- supplies to sites behind the hills sur- This Is about triple the Increase in Honolulu lczz: :r, ,; Ai. A.A. n f . . f - ilrs. W. F. Kelle has been secured as take in their unusual uniform. owned by Manoa valley citizens. ueo tu uie ueigian resiaents oi Brus- rounding the city. Germans and Chi registered tonnage- for any previous custodian. Money for a fern house Sports Are Neglected. sels that unless a stop is nut to the nese believed the Japanese would hold year in American history. ; courts are Increasing use of right-of-wa- y perma- has been donated by Mrs. C M. Cooke, Golf courses and tennis .the national for signal ling of the aviators of the en- this and build a Wall has donated the deserted for the time being, as most ests by local farmers and settlers to emy, - whereby they know in which nent liner but the Japanese have al- Success has followed forest plant- 1 ' and Arthur F. ' ' ' men who have not supply needs for timber is abandon- ing ferns. ' " of the ablebodied their houses are quartered German troops. ready taken up the rails and on the sand hills of Nebraska. returned to England are getting their shown in the fact that small timber the troops will be scattered through ed the route. -- A A : Jack pines planted there by the gov- Vzzi exercise through military duty. sales on ' the forests" numbered 8,298 out" the city and each Belgian house Little change has .been made In' the ernment forest service "10 year3 r ?3 C::c Strict watch is kept upon all pas In 1914, against 6,182 the previous hold be obliged to have, two or more general appearance of the city .by the now nave a height cf '13 feet an I a - sengers entering or leaving the Is-- j year. v ;; ; billeted on It, "' - Japanese. "Rollschubahn. is the s' gn diameter cf A-:; --A- IHOXOLULU STAB-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 1915.

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i:OTuL - r-- . CSuSIil LBBSK Co Mr V"- v .r r CV i CM: 'ZD , S Gil L - 111 T - -7- pr: n-TT- T--T- 7ATi f cvu Elf o.t fftricf. tceT, iniKiut :'"'.;' tKv. - tl;3 highest 1 r: 1 JACK O'LANTERNS Li i. TtTrt, ! tt Ttt. ( hi 0 ECO RATION 3 ... 1 . Secretary War ad- ; to r 7 NOVELTIES -- VF r of fiarrlson has "The relation of the militia the 4: vised the Aero Club of America that regular army is such that the Instruc- STICKERS -- .: militia of ficert can be trained la mili- tion of the former must conform to :;.: on the raarkcL , Held tary aeronautics at the United latter, and this priaclrls :. t;;:c FAVCr.3. r States that of the LUXURIOUS AND Is recognized by Congress la the law COMFORTABLE -- - r. CARDS' tTom eZ Pcn8e of . the War Depart- that' has been enactea providing for . QUALITY niGIHin THAI! Till PniC2 CLASS " ; STRICTLY FIRST h t 1 menu t . . the attendance of officers and enlist mui.v.wdv 4U UIOtokioXl"AU4UIUC 1UUj : ROOMS. - . CATH3 "rf rMliiVn.i. - Secretary Garrison's fol- Organized" Served nt our Fountain.- - t3 " Ceet la battle efficiency and gunnery letter is as ed men of the Militia at The most complete and untrue lows: - . , - , the United States army service, ; facta .In kt.k. tuh ; - V ' ' ' TRY IT line In HonofuJuJ ... 20 laaL'are shown la a report issued Sfe. 1 schools. Under this law it would bs L5?,'??President Aero Club of America, ' .F7 r oy the navy department reaching Ho -- admissible for. officers and enlisted Come In you'll rturtiy find nolulu this week. , New York City.; men of the Organized Militia to at- Pints r.A.,r...V.i;'j;;...U0o; by the (lozenlX somethfng to please you. ' gunnery "My dear llr. Hawley: . tend instruction at the For la the battleshln elass your and receive Quarts .V. by the $7. U. S. Georgia comes I have received letter of Sep United States army aviation school at J...... ;v .75c; dcrca, tat first with 7 yon my v a percentage of S3.347, and, the U. S. S. tember In which Invite at San Diego, California, Provision U Ci-l- 10 efforts are bein Urand fctcry; f.ze ri. Tcr MlnnesoU last with a pe'rcenUge'of Un"onK the that made for mileage, - subsistence and XL by our generous Sold only by . particulars address tiU nnus, 7 17.22S. Other vessels In their, order a number of quarters of those who nay be author ; pnbllc-eplrite- d working fclaws. flchs iz.z. are Texas. Wyoming, Michigan. Sara and citizens ized by the War Department to, at toga, Kansas, New, In cooperation with the Aero Club of pay .York. Delaware. promote efficiency tend, but from federal funds cur P. Colorado, New Hampshire. New America to and ing period of attendance is not Jer uniformity-l- a the organization of the the sey, Utah, Arkansas, VennonL Lonisi authorized. ..;r ; ; aviation corps of the National Guard. Sencide Hotpl in the Ycurj CaJIdlnj ana, Rhode Island. - South ' Carolina. "According to the provisions of the Moriaa and Nebraska. "I am myself deeply Impressed with CHARMINGLY SITUATED AT the Importance of developing ele-- militia law referred to authority to In the torpedo class the Patterson this may grantr WAIKIKI e ct ueienae ana attend service schools be DeUjhtful Rooms; Perfect heads the gunnery 41st with 87.075 per ug.muoui ed or the "War Department upon the tail-end- appreciate generosity cenL and the Balch Is a bad er Erectly the and ' " Cuitlne. - patriotism cf those who have express-- recommendation of the governor cf ' ' v ; Opci TJntii :15 P. H. r i : H. MIYAKE with 00.945.- Of the cruiser class the the state, to which the militia officers il Galveston leads with 94.172, and the M a ces;re 10 conuiDuie suosianuai ; and. men belong., if, therefore a rec- - Oriental Art Goods RaiPfsii Utt witH 1 r 1 fii in th. donations la money to aid In this mmi ' Is usual runboal th UiT(lAwVJiMfi th. I work. .m ommendation made in the t: .a I'.zrl. 3 Fort, above Ceretanla r!a : manner, prompt attention will be giv Cia Vcr..rf.: tl Ust with S9.063 and the Annapolis Is Hie complete organlxaUonal t-- res In - I KAr.'CIt f.'.Y ' ; v . :. for militia as planned by en by the War DepartmenL and if the r:v last with 12 957 . scheme the C:;:;t::::n:J following-standings- v,Tar for-- the school are reported t:'l r:i The- - - and merit lte Department calls for the conditions at t'r:-- :;:; squad- - reception f.r r for battle efficiency are shown: In the catica ultimately of 12 aero to be such' as to warrant the i batUesfcip cUss Michigan rcr.?, cne fcr each militia division, but of these additional students, and if the A, L. r -- ftAYcTrr:;::.:;? the leads possess with 73.614 and the Minnesota is again wl--Z existing deficiencies In the candidates are shown to the 7oyo;'::Pcriada5 or-- required the 26.866, other battle- - i?0 fundamental requirements of qualifications for admission For l.fen, Vcmen and ChMJren. - shlps la order from the Michigan down Eaniratloa which have seemed to de- of like grades la the regular army, I can you favorable ' i N K. UYCDA, fol ows Texas. Georffia.'Kan- - mana pner aueauoa, ana 10 uae greai assure that action ' v c H CI ICS TAVERN belnzas ;. ... - . . . Meet Fcpular Ceach Resort In 1C23 Nuuanu ZL sas - New Hamnshlre. Delaware. New ccst cf aeroplane equipment for which will be taken. City. Jersey, New York. Wyoming. Utah, Ne to fund3 have been specifically pro-br-a "I am i with great esteem, very sin the . - videl ty Congress, ; no progress has cerely yours, Rat:i That Are Rl;ht ska, Arkansas, Vermont, South Car- V?V::vVThe E:!:t in't!:D.L::::aMTcr all c U;:, ' ,u ' European Han ollna,. Jlorlda, Colorado, Louisiana, beea made in this branch of militia (Signed) LINDLEY M, GAItRTSON, Anerlcsn and ' 1 - , .. of War." ; "C.n the Crrch at WaiUfcr. Rhode Is and. The Patterson 1eada instruction. "Secretary ;.reUva3 "tablrs, cliairs aaj everythic;; n:cc ry again torpedo ' la the class, with the -- citrrtainaicnt 'funikhcd'by;,"-- . ; Unierwood Typewriter ' ' Trlppe the tail-ende- r. For gunnery 'for .' r-- - the Trlppe was next to the tail-ende- r.

" ! ' 4 f j i " tr,.i J t V Kin rr and Mar. CLEAN LINEN DY

CLEAN F.?ETHCD3. ' - - i ! I il i "f. c ki I WASHINGTON, D. C More than sngar being only 45 million . pounds. M ka Vli Meantime beet sugar has 'practically c: .1 C . .1 FRENCH LAUNDRY J one-fift- h of the 40 billion poundaTof 1431' disappeared from our imports. u:h' . Call or 313 likii sugar that represents the world's pro- off teen years ago, when the Cuban sup year .was . In - duction last" . consumed ply, of cane sugar was cut off by war, Coino don, tho rratcr'a fine; United- - States. The consumption we imported nearly two tii:ioa,pounc3 ' the ...... r r th6 meals' excellent always. of suar in the United States exclus of beet sugar. After-the- . return cf CAFECUARD YOUR STORE f. - sugar-produci- ng - peace oar- : " ive of , its islands in :Cuba imports.' of beet ; Employ ' (Special Star-Bullet- in Correspondence) during the scal year ending June 30, sugar fell off sharply, and in the last r -- Maul, Cswtrt' He chant Fatrot "WAILUKU. OcL 22. While 1915.' been calculated by the Bu fiscal year beet sugar imports amount j opening a gate In has 1C73Alikea tU. the ditch la Iao Val reau of Foreign and Domestic Com ed to less than cne million pounds. ley, -- Manuel Nunes VIerra was struck merce, Department of Commerce, as The cutting c3 cf the sugar supply Fhent 1CS1 . Cfflce 2515 on by X the head a boulder which rolled 8630 million pounds, or 8S pounds per of European ' countries has resulted Xiatcj y3.vD a day a v down upon him 'from the bank and ; capita. : : -- 'r- V"'; In a remarkable expansion of our sales prohably instantly killed last Frldas coun-- sugar foreign For the " Of the sugar consumed in this of to countries. Gcod-Aiit'j- morning at about 9 o'clock. Vierrs via O. R. IX . A ery 1941 million pounds fiscal year ,1915 . they aggregated 582 Tickets S ' n was a ditch for -- MAC tender the VaiIuk' - pounds, egainst mil - ' "GET THAT HAPPY r were produced, on million as 223 Co.- : 'all t!:V. IV . u . WellsFarirD - V Sugar. Company. : ; 1S00 40 Va " ' million pounds in Hawaii. .589 million lion pounds In and; million ' body. 1 I cine at The was. found floating in the pounds in Porto Rico, 327 million pounds in 1830. . stream that afternoon and it was at pounds in the Philippines, and the The following table presents th8 ". ' THE SWEET CHOP first , supposed that he had been remainder. In foreign countries. Cuba, leading changes In the eebnomid posi- - crowned, until an examination showed the leading source of our imported tion of sugir in 1914-1- 5 as compared that his skull had been fractured, and sugar, us 4785 million pounds In with the preceding year; o sent 0 he had taken-n- water his be-i- - - r: czzo. that into the last fiscal year, that quantity n' a. : luuiions 01 pouncsj - - " lungs.' A search discovered the stone 1913-1- 4 . 1314-1- 5 nearly four times as much as that ' . v, Tr.ere.Ja c'!yA,' 'ii" : 1 which , probably killed him. from Hawaii and eight times as touch World's sugar product. 42.C33 40,4: ; CNZ CZSTt :'V- - He was 47 years old, an old employe las that from Porto Rico. U.S. cane sugar product 601 4S3 or company and by I by U. S. sugar product 1,467 1,443 -- It at THE IDEAL ine is survived a Beet sugar cow leads cane sugar beet Ctt wiaow, ana a ' Ml children, the eldest nearly cne billion pounj3 la the year- - U. S. Imports r uoy : Hotel Ewa'.Fcrt -- : 10, me youngest z. una er meilv Anmeatl nrouctL havlnz reversed Cuban . . i V.i ; . V. 4,927 4.783 Workmen's Compensation Act the fam-- J the conditions that obtained twenty - Hawaiian . ; . . 1,115 U31 ''".': ; '" tn '"nr. lly 118 I ac-mo- re 583 .will reclve a month t for not years ago. In 1893, for example!, Porto Rlcan i.i.V..; 641 1 -- vV'-.vf- than six years: ; ; ; sordine to the Statistical .'Abstract of , Philippine . . i . i 117 327 kilo , - ' ' SC3 c ':'J ::i cr. the United States, the domestic sugar All other v. V ' 18 151000 IS LOWEST I product, totaled approximately 775 U. S. export sugar . . . . 72. .582 BID ON SUBMARINES Uailllon pounds, the share, of '.beet U. S. consumptldn" sugar 8,794 8,6CS ... . ; cr.Y cocD3 ; ; ; .'!!AT I Union Iron Works Offers to Build Five ... . ' New V. S. Craft at That Rate.; C'.LKENY.'HITC. CNAMELf ' WASHINGTON; .D. Bids ' C for the 16 coast defense submarines appro-- 1 ii. ii:c::feld tco.; priated for. by the last Congress were ' opened at ' the Navyt'Department to Hi : ; Limiud;. . - : f U iaJki.L day. The lowest bidders were; the Ccmmlxslon l.'trchanta,: 1' Union Iron Works of San Francisco, i l ' I'"tiii,,"i r"'ii'T I"" which offered to build not .less .than Copies of New-Yor- k papers reaching The. New York yard, the largest oi . - 'HONOLULU I C"".v:c- V.'Z C!VZ IT. nve or tne saDmarines t .for ial0.000 ago Honolulu' a few days sUte that all. Is of Incalculable military y value each, and the Electric Torpedo Boat - Rcretrv of th Naw Joseohns Dan- because of Its $30,000,000 worth of C L Z. Company . f of Massachusetts, which bid jjeig . the sale or - : will not recommend 1177 r;.:- - inao-nv- e. - equipment and location near rail a: :s cu aza.uuv eacn ror noi iess v ,K,nitnnmn- th rorernment of its -i - ' r; r- r:::::r Aongre-s- 1 -- - waterways Tin. HONOLULU MUSIC CO. uiBuaujr. , . Byecjues. . . panic-- m varda.-- road lines and and in the m - - ,1 u cwalMKfv Mas nse" tintv 4 uiar vpe 01 Doaw oui ia giviug oui n Mv . win ho Htrin' center of an enormous manufacturing :;:v.;::v the-blank- et , ';.',-'-.' . Everything Musical ;;. specifications, covering , districL ; , . ' rnHwminr r .nnni - ,; - rrt. only speed, arma- L, -v- . -- '' the radius of action, -rv now oo: The Philadelphia yard represents an ItclNERNY PARK .v' ' win nr that vard ; Fort, next to the Clarion menL sUbillty and propelling machin-- 1 . w, expenditure of $30,000,000 and its aban- C:.-;:--t Let . v..ha t toini Mi utilized to the fullest possible ex donment has never been seriously, con advantageVr any .: ored to take 7 of new tenL either for manufacturing or re sidered. ;.v ... CHAC. C. DICKY, A;t, ideas which the constructing engineers pairing purposes or for naval bases. The Washington yard manufactures of the shipbuilding plants might offer. Including Herchar.t, rr, FcrL Self-fillin- g According to plan as all kinds of naval ordnance. The Practical Foun- - ; The completed plans are left to the the formulated by the departmeaL the several navy aeroplane guns, . fourteen Inch 'guns. tain Pen ". . ) ; bidders. If these are unsatisfactory and every sort of ammunition. the department may reject them. yards will be retained as follows, and - I Puget yard on - for the following reasons:. The Sound the Pact . t CONKLING'S. i - will These submarines be of, the yard wyl be utilized flc coast is considered to be located coast defense type and of 450 to 500 The Portsmouth Sea It lighter strategically and Is being gradually t1- MILLINERY; at ARLEIGH'S vAlia iftlnleitAmAftt TtiAV alTl w ao at for the manufacture of the. FiTt ccn -. . ic-- ,. fo n m electrical suppUes, small boaU and developed. , ; . .'; iok. .The Mare Island yard San Fran ISCr.CLULU HAT CO, a speed about sub-- WPW and for he construction and at have of li: knots f - - : cisco, object-o- severe criticism; : CCl3 ; ; :- r. . r.v p merged. They, will be armed with a repair of submarines . the .CnCl anti-aircra- be for is being used for the construction oi f.f We are EXPERTS In Oevelop. three-inc- h ft gun and sreex- - The - oil ships and a supply ship. . The Irj, Printing and Enlaro- - pected to be able to remain away from rP ma"n mu h . s . Deing . deepened . for kinds; of vessels on the channel Is to admit Inj. I base 30 days. station all '. their at least l - Atlantic coast. : f vessels of any .draft. Tv ' v yiili . CUY YOUd CLOTHES AT, , HONOLULU PICTURE FRAM- - - cur - DOCTOR TELLS OF : v cc:n INQ & CO, i CLARION SUPPLY :, THE . , ETHER'S EFFECT ON AND YOU WILL EE TREAT. ? COLORED WOMAN DIGGER Afii,IV AND fJATlOIl ING YOURSELF RIGHTS " rTm3 KOTidii;Pioru?j :?.AD3 Jour.:;;ji v CHICAGO. W. - King . ' IIl.Dr. of ' Bradford, PaJ, recently told a number : v CHICAGO . ; . .' . of his colleagues at a meeting how SHED BY LEAGUE i he turned a negress skin white as the has made arrangements with us to distribute thcsar-'- cf Gxtcn Dry Qzzh result of an accident v He treated a beautiful spoons of leading motion picture playerd. Hvcry colored woman for lumbago by freel J " ing one leg from the hip down to the t WASHINGTON, D. C Great prepa in the navy, army,' coast defenses and spoon decorated with the likcnc: an r ? cf an artist. rations are being made for the Con- national guard. Every phase of the These spoons are beauties. The pattern. I ; ' '' ankle with ether. - Defense, which national defense Is be considered at large bowl, an J cr. ( ! Hotel CL, near Cethsl t. "After a week or so," said Dr. King. ference on National to the new idea of a smooth, silver 7 ,:r3 'she returned to my office and said: will bo held la Washitgtoa' October the conference. ,' The' design Is modern and elegant TL3 sreca 1j -- ri Doctor; th Inmbaro ia roni: hnt 4-- 7. Immediately following the Grand offering splendid value" for the price. Start a cci::ctlca ca C . c Army of Republic encampment the coupon below and mall it to our c"!c?. - . I think I shall have to prosecute you the James C. Duggens of Aurora, Ind.r J for mistreatment You've done more The Conference on' National Defense, Ready for immediate delivery -- Franc X. Clira IV. . Y.TAKAuU7A has H noted water spaniel which dur &C2n you you ' to be held under auspices of the Na-- Younj, Beverly Cayne, Mary Fuller, Carle C;Viwia.r.i, An.'U C-.v- ; . t, J, .:v Li.T.:td. than said would.' ing the last few months has caught THE TThe leg I had treated was perfect- - tionai Defense League, ana in wnica by Warren Kerrijan, Ethel Clayton. ' - several hundred pounds of fish : riAttcbr-- CRACS Fckes la 8TRADIVARIUS OF ly white and is so to this day." : 1116 Navy Leagae, National tune as- 45c EACH 3c additional far packlnj and mai:in3.,U2S Attz:?iei Cc; v - diving for them and catching them in - Car.:txry Cans, wood lined. V PIANOS . Some of the doctors oresent agreed sociatlon, ana amiiateo aeiense organi- - ' 1 ; If called for at effice, 15c i .... I his mouth. BERGSTROM . ration will participate, promises to .be Nuuanu CL near Ktnj CL MUSIC CO. that ether freexinsr haa been known to remove the pigments In the skin, Urge a gathering as the C. R. .... , film sTArt croon COUPON " n, Vs Star-Bulleti- II. . but they say Dr. King's case Is unus- - encampment ; . . ;1 Ycv-- Hava It Honolulu Ilcnclulu. T. " r - c f ; - - - : - ' Please send me one souvenir . uaL . :. -- ft '- I.' The .Conference on National- De And we honestly believe that NEW YORK DRESS CO. : as per offer,. for which fizd end::: I ire 1": ' spc:n ' . DOLLS fense, which will be first national the - t ! Designer..-' age. : (Stamps accepted.) H. F. DAVISON, More than- - $200,000,000 has been gathering ever held, in the United ! Latest New York A visit will be profitable for Creations t S spent by the various states on 31,000 States to consider the problem of de-mil-es Name '' ; - Tonic yoo ladles. . highways. 1L000 fenses the; nation. wIIL Is ex-mil- es 3t Hair J " : HAWAII A SOUTH of state About forr it street ; ...... : : . . . : . Pantheon Buildtnj, SEAS CURIO COv have been built, within the last pected. have an important bearing on. the best Lair tonie on the market cty..v.;i"):.v.;.v.v.v. Phcns ZZZ7: ' : -- Congress - ; Tcrtir-- Hctil Yeunj Building ? two years. Only seven, states have the action to be taken by at Wcabottls. CcIJctJybycs.-- no form of state highway department. I the next session regarding tacreises . Benson, Smith A Co, Ltd. ' : 'IVVELYB -- H6i0LTJLU STA1BULH 2V 1915. r

i . ! 1 1

;; ;;; u ;r yt

-- , !9 - o T --"7 - . - : "71 ) C!3 .A t r CZ ,. f ' i - ' : . ) uJ ? rtV i , , 1 - ... .. - - - j : ' i - 1 1 n Ccntsln f.!hcn Proves Big Stcr for Harvard Scuad Bcrrctft Hzny Hector end Dave Bancroft Fc!!cv 'Vr,r Lr to -- Wilh -- Vf'fT 'i"-'f-'l'p-- ' P-1"- -! ! J lii.iv.,,.. t Uuiuill UliJ kt4.4k.J r.j -- -- i;;;n:;s r.'I::c3 PcJo tr.jCirkin Vilh'CiMO-ie- -; Th::r Uziurzl Avcrcnca in Ch S:r;:: C::lt C:r:r:3 Cut fcrccka r.takes Ghr.vinj "Against Washburn Orcgcn 1 ' ' 'Senior" Ldasae. STANDiNQ OF TE'AMS. ; C::J L.i ; P.. w. Pet - ..H..-.- v,' ' mft L0C3 . to Pullman v v :';p. Palania . Jl !X ' :L000 Honolulus 3 0 lOOt) wen Kanluwela '.iV;i.Z?.'i, 1 ' - 0 ' ,1.000 p. c. . .2 667 ' a ...... ;i -' Vard rumbling; oCending I second. Today Philadelphia pUy ,Ttt Call Garnet. .l and wnila Kalfhl , . . i il i 0 1.00a S t Cosmos 333 Red Sox batting class told the story four -- Be- " : lt2 start- At Prtncetotv Princeton 40, Lafay the Virginians were uncertain. Star-Bulleti- n ' "1 - 1.000 0 3 000 of the series after lall and the figures ers and cne cemher-c-f the Cox ' ;...... if0 Nationals "tile 2. . fere 'Ilamrd "wcie "trp'to de 'tlsitora Kalmnki v.'. ;.V;0 1 ' ".000 Service . 000 thaV tare been compiled tell a el ed to steal, and all were cut dowa , At New Haven,"''Conn. Yala : 19. ofTensethe bair waa :twlce witsia t.i..-o- ; 1 .uuu 0 0 000 quent story of why the Boston team tiereiania Colts -- rA, T U-r- Trnr-fI"H'Y."M.'C- O. , klcklhg"di8tahce gSaL catrhi.-- r.s Tor ColIese "of the Criasoa Kal- - took 'tla 'money. 'Lewis Icadin; Ths cf ..;:;y 1 Lait'nlghr iiallhl : at Hall 'the bat-tin- s 3 t-- t- -t At CUiwUe-lian- rd 'S, Tlrtlila tat la "eich ci4e T.Uht Guard Thcr-- the brigade at .444 and the team e.3 rh;::; 3 tr i cf t:.a i. ' muki 'and Kallhi teams opened their litN!shVa"iter:Us.- - ia-J;- ry by .;;': ' -.- thr-- t! 5 t"r:."3. Aa 0. man failed yards. A third attempt -- ,: 1 221, It Is asy to cnderstmJ crdsr v:ut fceason of indoor baseball to Honolulus,3, Nationals 0., : 1 'affair t At Ansapolla Nary 7, UnlTeraltj of was Diocicea. ; - ' ' howjhe pmps weit to the Hub City. to ::...';r'j t;.:r srra r - - , i1 " i sized crowd...... Tomorrow's Match. . nd ! " - ' 1 e e " r s a k e upca ".-e- tie!.-.:- tLa vc 7. ' Army IsTjfeztei. e -- Luderus," e ft t : r, the strins" ? Tczt. Kalmukl lost-th- game, put :tr Cosmos.-;''- t; hZ J - i htit - t- -t At V 1 Army 0, Cc!";.te 15. "WEST POINT, N. Oct 16. The led the rhr. 'S3 .with, a 'respectable entire1 buri:a cf tha ttrlcs, t3 rclnt a'game5 fight finish, . : ; a fronrstaft to and Match. ' 1 .U-L-- Piiut-rs'4- Ca-lLl- Amy T excep- proved of sterling wcrth. rs 5, was 'defeated to!ay,by Colsate: e -- .437, but with ;.t :sanier-tfm- helnjr handicapped ; - avcraia cf tie Dy at the Service vs. PB. C. - ;' i , 5 0. 13 to 0 la one or the hardest by t'wo players bowlhig tion cf:rancrcft tla rcct'cf the crew FlILCir.a AVZ A1--. the absence 6f star and The IloncJara started their1 . 1 so team -- dowq fl fr'j.trircs'etr EUsd here. thus -- being forced ' to fill in with 'ju season with" a fine "victory last' evening fell r:':cratly that the tacta'fousht-har- they "' batted, only "at .ISO. The avera;cs cf tlc.a tie i1- .: O. 1 O. vE. J ' by games A. Tct cc-J- niors. whining straight from - ' .' three . . tLa powerful pn- r e series: , ' Ll netard'e, UpVntU fifth ihei-- ; good the Gainer ...... 1 9 0 0 1.' ) : :the end of the' the Nationals. There was ."a ...... : , Crttytturs 12. - tliulits of the Tisltlng backs. In Philai:fnhla. 0 1.C : ) tt was . little, to xhoose between the two crowd cn hand 7;30 whea play was Whittcl .0 the fourth Brigham at 3 ...... 1.2 At L 1;.' 11. New n:arter' muffed a " L':f-r"- 4 1 lUhiira' teams, as Kalmuki 'pitcher, J.Lee, en- ...... '34) :ten-yar- the IIonoluIu3 their .::i d called. had ; -- ' pur.t on. Arny line 'anxi The A E Ave. Cc:::: f, r:tcs . . , . tie ABlt lfSBPO s 5 .3:1 0:,; was going strong and more than held whUq : -- hcl::u:1 i --- team of six men cn hand Conn'. 6, a Cclsate forward dropped on It. - tire nixfy .. .. 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 .3C0 r v- At llrtrori. Aciertt . ; the Kalihl sluggers from, ' ;. 'catc:::.: , la checkout' the Natlcnall'also had six. . y $ la Vila Ciar. 1 7 0 0 4 C-- Tri:.::y 7. the'(eixth'oa the Kaiihl' players began up captains Lu:;rns .i6 i -in? 4 II 3 "0 l.f NL.W 16. de-- "After, the . warm both 1 0 0 0- At D. Nola Caroll- - HAVEN, Oct Yale ' Chalmers . . 3 0 :o Tnc-.- :3 ..f.,.... 4 "0 l.C ), C -- to solve .his peculiar delivery and in 4 2.2), -- f 1 C. 3 Eprl-- rf - picked their men to start and the 17.-- n, " Yi 1L C A. Col- Bancroft . 5 0 13 10 i- 1 : ) zz 1 :3. "t c'i innings ran away. ; 2 Can -a- ...... T 0 0 l.C ! 13 the last three game "w'a 3 "tar'd ; fought to. the J.Iast 2 5 M . Ic'VN. J. Ruilr3 :j i.cre today, to 0. The joints Alexander j 5 0 0 Cu:n3 : 3 ..t n 01 ...... ' cr-fro- a'. 'l two touchdowns Camacho Playa Well...... ; frame. 'Ciir cpened with r; lit' and 15 s o v x : 21 KuL'.rl ur" 0. and tie Burns .... i zi .in . rnc: , rf..-;a- nt bcrre with a blow. ,MIIl3 struck'and Fa-S- 0 0 0X .137 f'a. Dickinson 0,Frdk-- goals, a beautiful Cell t:al .'L. Camacno, la reality a rald?et, cia ert '.. 13 2 3 17 Z 0 ) At C:ri:::?, v A!.:anier : IX 42-yar- d . . .. Ycurig.,- Wiaaejen-- Ilalone ; by Tarags , the line lzS. the catching for Kalmuki, and did well so. did Cravath 0 .5 0 0 .123 rc-- -r ) Un t: ; -- a 19. . frcn ...16 .2.2 s 0 l.r n, a safety. The visitors made but. hard 'luck seemed.' to pursue: tims eaxh scored nine "pins. Clark struck 17 1 .0 1 8 0 .117 21 Y,'t:Mr.-tc- 'caajf Stock .... ,2 A & . m At Ta. WasMnstca d. 1 - ' vl MlMMI d ' passes, un- in regard stopping, foul tips, Frraa bade 0 1 1 14 0 .CC j -- Jc::;rr:n 24, V,'e:tninster 0. brilliant forward but were to hard atd'.YAckeraa WhiUdv..;i3 C ' rra...... 1 J 1 ) l.C.) Ca-a- gain ;: ; . cr d ; ria folic ?ed 'with 1 10 9 0 .C31 1 R. I. Erown S3, Wil fatle to consistently. t and as a result his hands "and "face a. t: ire NIehc2 ...18 1:0 T 1 0 2 0 Provl fence, 1 ' :rd IS " - A- tcuchdowa CprlngSeld Was rwere some w ; bunged up. He and &a civ e ri s t 4 0 0 0 2 3 o .c:j ) fcr hat in Mayer ...... y 'D -- j...... I l.r' Her-Hmc- r, played Was "tuck "the finish 0 0 0 0 0 .CO 3 UilUrtltjr'fcf T!ilia14,-- lect'early la the when his trotherJohn, who third, led it 'tip aad 'to Klillfar .1 0 - 10 .z:: ..l l.. gie ui 0 .:r3 1,1, Cv;:.j c u after,- - , pickng .up a - bloclcJ Kalmuki at the 'tat each 'getting four Tf end the Hccl-l- wen cat by eleven Byrne ..... 1 0 0 0 0 0 .CCJ -- -i re 63 dropped hits. A. Nelson did fine 'work in piss. "tecc- found; the 0 0 0 "0 0 0 0 CCD ) At r:'.t!.-.c- Jclza llofklna 23, tall and rurnir? jards, it the The Becker ... .vlJ .. - l.C J ' ttrca-s- r .ceo E3'Le was tackii-g of strength'in and they "0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Lc-v.- 3 V.'cct 12. over 'the llze.'K field,' and was a"tower Honolulus coir,? to Daey ... j ; 1 ) i.t j :::r)I;nd fell steadying began T24 NaUcr.3lsv Let!-l- i Yc'e ran cn it fcr a touchtack. the team 'after Kallhi taled'810 to for the " r::'.;er 1 0 0 0 .1.) At EctLIcLea, Pa. -;, ruth Yale "safety Sheldon' to Lee. - ; -v- gam'ewas very close until .7148 10 2 13143 3 .1S3 P7 A'v "" t 0 scored a when C hit The third Totals 27 ' - - ' r' -- - punt Spring--i fcehind Ka- Honolulus' A t ? Yc New York- UnlTerelty 'cked a and Miller of J. nobeiro the bat for the ,last frahewhea. the !d fe'l cn it cv-- r tLe line, - , lIhi!Hot only 'caught a great game but staged one their ell time finishes Z 1:, I . . c. ef rw-a- vr 13 0 "0 IS, I) . Yale was ' thrdwlng to secorid "was ;perfect ,! . :a, Corc.II 41, penalUei for a total of his and.woa out ty.fifty'p'is. AiJ.'R.?H. 3.' r0. A. E. Ave. At Lck - A ya: Sam pin-fa- ll while Kauka at 'second took the ;c. C. Clark scored hish total Foster ... 8 0 '4 O 4 3 0 W V J S 0 1 -- IIccc? f.'avy 7, 7, an T3ddie Collins, "and - )man-- . -, Ar-sv- Penn throws like as Charley 'Hcrzej the 'peppery t for .the evening, ;T 31.:.; He also Lewis IS .1 10 1 0 .411 II:-- cr 3 S 0 1 J At cr, I'c3. Karrrd .... .8 .0 Pennsylva-- a result there was nor base stealing on - Einsla'game, 128. and 4 7 0 8 0 1 J E-- :' ) 7, 0. - . .'APCLIS, Oct 16. ' sr. of 'the "Cincinnati Reds, had hish Gear Hccrer ,Ju rr 0 0 .1 . Aztzcr . - y. ' ..20 cia aad Navy played a 7 to 7 tie game the part of KaimnkL . brought the club up around the top on; Mills were close u? la average; A. T." Gainer ... 3 1 1 0 9 0 "0 10 At IJ. Y. Rochester 0, ; here this afternoon,' each scoring ;a Spencer pitched u fine "game for Ka several occasions thj ;year. Henoj Young Was the hest man ba the .Na- Cady - 6 - 0 0 14 4 0 rr 5 3 14 0 IS ) . - ; Ihl and out :19 men and kept by . 5 25 1 1 touchdown and'goal. struck will be retained for next 'season tionals with Canarlo and Dorre tied Hotlitzel 1 5 .313 wCc 1 1 1 o S 0 At i: ever, N. II. Dartmouth 63, -- ..16,1 tf : '; ' his scattered in all but the ex- v l.J Ycr. Navy's store w?s'due' tojthe iuick hits ninth. theXhlo'lub wanasmnt, and isf for second honors. ;; - -- ker'..-17 2 5 0 10 0 0 .231 sncr.TCTCra ;r when by bunching1 ; 1 eye lntercept-!--T.'f- the Katmukls three he In race next v ' .. 17 2 4 0 5 14 1 1 ' ' 1, N. J. Stevens 7, of llartln, "who, after pected to a factor the Honolulus. :, V y Gardner Jaavrla ...... 0 I.c:) -- - hits, with two bases cm balls put over out-pitch- ed "3 1 4 3 0 J1C0 10 rd'r 7.'raa 73 yards for year. Toney, the Cincinnati, star, , . ;lst 2d ..2d 'Ttl. Thomas .. '0 0 C:stt 5 7 12 o i.c:) -- , Li-0- four runs.: VKalihi" played the -- 0 5 .TCO 'r-'v-i- U.3 t vvn, ctt kicking goal. best Alexander in game won, and .138 144 USi Ehcre 5 0 0 1 3 13 1 Cczn. Erctr; "l2. j -- Gear; ,134 .... rir.crcft n S.ll . game in the . field, no errors being Herzc'3 will pitch In a --4S3 17 0 10 9 0 .173 k O tpra f?"'tft nof. build his .staff Mills ...... 131 ,176 ,1?8 Carry .... 'l ' f'-t-- -t l-- end charged tip againstthem while Kal arcund cf'thfs yeari' t-- : s 413 18 0 0 8 12 0 .C"3 !."i:h& ..rr.T. 3 ID "13" 0 1 ) At ::e. a:ty Ncr-- cf WInne ...... ,157 163 124 Ecctt .... muki made but. one mis play , 4 331 0 2 0 .c:d r;rry .., z v. m 1 C. Clark ..1SS 127 178 Leonard 00 ::h T Spencer batting ! ..2 0 .ceo - Prir,;-- is Cared On. Robeiro and divided "i'l-""'!"-!:;'"'- V153 147 423 2 0 0 0 A A C .... I J r- , rz. CwartLncrs 14, t Franz . ... ;i23 Ilenrikson. honors. for their team. ; 8 0 .C") ' ' " : ::i:,cjtl N. J, Oct j: Carrigan . ,1 ,0 0 0 G L T V "'.'!; KalmuU 0 2 .2.0 0 4 9 .'" 0 ) lii..cct;a up a score of 40 to 3 .,..i,il 0.0 "7.63 w810 757 2342 Ruth 1 0 0 0 0 ) At 1 .itilurg, Ta. Carncsle Instl- - .5 .;... , rc.t.r'd)). ;n. ai-Li- 0 0 0 6 4 3 20 ; 220;:::,;, Kallhi .;;.;'. : "0 0 0 0 -- ' ny st Lafayette tttam 1 0 .C.J - ) r ) Allc-hc- tLe football ...... 2 Nationals. ; a. . i Janvria .'. I r1 (C) 1 1 0 1 : i 1. tuta 43. College 7. Kalmuki-Tota- l hits, 15; bases on. ;:';.; ,.'.,; t:re toay, but the visiters "have what :(iy) 2 11-:.- ) .: : Iowa City, 6, 19--- ...... : At la. Northwestern balls, 3; errors, 1; struck out 1 12 42 1 116 53 .ZZi a tliere Is in tke fact! that .141 -f-441 Total3 V.i:3 J "3 2 1 1 4 , ) .: ) Kalthl-TTp- tal Dorre ...... 151 ,143 (B).. ' hits, v.26; , bases on L'l-- Tl-nn- v they has lr.. 4 ) W.f Arbor,' Michigan 14, are the .Erst eleven 'that Youn ...... 163 172 153;tt434 Poor i r : 0 1 . : 0 K':h. balls, 2; errors, .Qi .struck out 7. , J (?.. C;- - scored on the TU:rs this, season. 123 ....'-J-2- 87 13. C" 1 ) v umpirer-jam-es Malone ...... 144 PHILADILLrillA, Oct Cr.3; r 1012 ;jo Lake, Lafayette's fullback, kicked a Nott, Scorekeeper 0 1 i 1 : 143 143 wa3't;.3 1... 1 : ;) 2 . .) 1 "7, Ckle-- i 12. .' :,. Bennv .. table of the series 2S-yar- 1 ;; . rvn.. : . d Frank Rice. , . 1 fctres field goal from the line la tie -- . ; Ackerman , . ... i.'.l55 121 133 403 lack "cf 'lass ."funning. 'Both 'B..tra .a. ..u This evening at. Kallhi the. Junior -- fourth period. A minute before the . .151 157 133 -- ' 't. tha C:: 3 , t r -- two League opens .with, tlje flrst .game. of Canarlo ...... H and It'.'1-- rzzlt vlr had penetrated to within tr-uc- t ; runners hors3 r.:!y f- the season, the; L.; , between Kalihi and ; .. -. ed Princeton's goal, butt they : c- .3ft-rt- Wu3 CI y: 3 !. Star-Bulletin-jun- 'V'V'"'': :734 724 717 2195 every from to don. Ila c' their drive against the line, fast teams, and on t'."i t:zt At . :.i 43, . -- -L :rr. - Thursday the Kauluwela'and Berefan-: i's erf-- ? second team had re- r Punahou Twill1 meet; College . of Ha- 0. play r: rs when Lafayette ia at Kauluwela,. while Saturday waii ; Saturday what - "ex: LEEOFDrtAVES XfitKES V, - .3 next ;in is At L- - If t'f.i will see. the Palama boys la action at -- pect.edto be anotherinteresting game A:" : Qz:: C-H- o. u Palama Vith "Beretanla. AH games football. 'great spirit shown TRIPL'E'FLAY IN GAME '. - of The . wcul.-- At .t. Lou:3 j- start "proTa ptly at 7 : 2 0 jj. m. t By the Punahou team .in their ame SUrJDAY:UrJASS13tED 23. 1. .iaca, n. . Y.f Oct. 9 1 m gained ihem ; ;; '" . l:-- t Buck-- with Kamehameha has Z'l O. CI T.'csle-'- " cf ttr with C-A- V At ctrl CHICAGO TS ElO AGAIN. II f ay, many friends, and there are a number season a Univ. 21, ;rve to aad. Pe-den- "For the first time' "this 7 rafr. t.: who will back them against Drr 's . .e r wcrs, ( "y Ly ;41ito 0. triple play was accomplished when the vcr:l. ; Aisoeiated Press by Federal TTireleesl squad in last Sat- - "yette,TI-- :I1 II 3 crv.: like pa-- bunch. The Roger team defeated the Hono At L i. Pu':u93, Wi;;: The'' .1 TOKIO. October 15. The Univer--. urday's game showed a surprising de- Fort per I rr II rtLack,.'ClpU Sunday by a score or ; tCH "..a the'C ' lulu Brave's on . Aw slty Chicago basefcall team, today. . husk- i ? of fensive when Booth's EccrlrT f . r rundowns, two 'strength 3 0. "play "is in At enc Kans. Kansas 20, defeated theknlhe!bf;Keio University ies j'were "going at top.' speed, and will to This seldomtaade cf tl on r '.' -- 1 long runs..;, baseb'all, afid "only comes two or three" I Drake . a the.Cbileglaris . M : sec--c no 'doubt, gve a 'reat At C lumt; Ho! Oklahoma 24, Ia the tMri r iarter Cornell's times In a "season. Smith was'sae Chicago ,.3 , : , 7 1 game .on .Saturday. v - V . 0. ; 1 "varsity, rt; Uced the first Iteanv .'.. X a on an error In the first'' inning; 'Jfones lllrscvri , (r ; game Is, exciting as the 5 -- fl-i- Keio ... .!';.w. ... lie aa in al quarter the third ,. Jll ? knocks a grounder to second and is At I cne,;Tr. U: iversity of r.J C.r 21 otie of 'Saturday. the,v fans of the v?t lADE FROM WOVEN FADICo . y last Lnlvt-..t- 7. firing r. j went In. Each of the'new! "h'alf.'countmg 17 Wore points.' safeahd both runners ileal. "IpLean i:. cf Uaho " second .clty 'WUl . recefve a treat worth while. sccfed a ; At I Utah.' Coloralj squads touchdown. s Xlarlisle, rto drives a hardhlt tall to Lee 'at third Citr. " : never, threatened score. Punahou' will not have to 'buck up - tU'? ' - V "wonderful one- Ar-:i- 1, Marc'i.Vwint 1 base, who makes a UI.crsitr'of 9. Out. vvjns., . . , , , , ; "a line as 'that'of 'Kam uaamouin ' against such Am i C rvai;.7. ;ton - 16. handed catch. Both runners believe At Or. .asl. State CHICAGO, UU Oct 16. The peed HANOVER. N. ILf October but they will be .forc'ed to meet 'a beti ' 2 ID, Col-- the ball is safe. and Lee fags "Jones r cc Orc::a Agricultural l backfield gave the team of the Dartmouth's "second 'football machine back-flel-d. 'says ; that f rf its ter ; 'Dr.; Peden coming. Into 'third,. touches the bag l 1' University of Chicago a 13 to 7 victory romped . away wUh the University of 'something up "his 'sleeve, and fie has and forces ' Smith 'mifing the. r, C;'-)- . over Indiana today after one of trie Vermont's ' liglxt ;Jine today, , Vinnhig Franklin field ( star may cut the former triple; play ; ' ; L . U y ; - ' battles ever fought between few new-plays- " on MIdklff'a unassisted. . cf 1 0 hardest nnlboses a WV'V' ! - who was on; the "mound ror ; 1. Captain Rusself ; Pruett Hasn't At C . - z 't.College the two Institutions. quarterback, "whom, Cp&cn Cavanangh aggregaUon. ;. i :, ' - - - Ruger t,e'am pitched great .i s the "Msd 1. Fort . Maitx-n- ; It . led dashing attack of the y j v. r cf 0. the has. been developing I this week,' was ball, striking out ll'men. 'Nelson, for At i I. Cr. S2, and in the first two periods it seemed easily the star of the game.HU long . GIANTS 'ARRrVEOO IT COAST. - :iul:cah J ... the Braves, was also effective, holding probable that Chicago would run; np a runs, one of them for .85 'yards fea i . 'TJHis Red Woven 'Label Ruger team .to "hits, 1 ' . three progress- ; the Fort t : large score, but as tnelga?1,6 tured. "Most of Dartmouth's gairis tAssocIated Press by Federal "Wireless J ca::: .;E, ': 3, i's. . suppbrxed.;, Jblg ed the Hoosiers braced "and took the FRANCISCO,1 ' 26. but. was poorly f ;A r. t. : . 1 1: 1 were made by trick plays and forward SAN October cf , I. rrard sMhsti-tute- d : feature of the1 game was the 'stop of . - . offensive. With, Hathaway passes, playing together ; G iants, one "of ; the ; best il 1 A ji. s t ,f i a t::y eucc :r to the team The colored a hard-hi- t ball by Bennett and the r .ui! - fullbacTt m the , 1 3 for Mcintosh 'at much Saturday. colored teams m the States, t t. C. L:'. t: f;rmer better thanlast, : tUnlted '"fielding r' v tl; r.. qnarter, machine excellent fpf Bafley'at firs : !i f : third the Indiana arrived In "San Francisco and n foe;: ly i :.I!y i Teatlng have base. Pruett played his , first fgame becan to"tear' through ItS.e Chicago line 16. games ' the UriK :y c f Vi ; tcay, 8 to PROMDENCE : (k. I.), October will play : a series of ; here Ruger ' made I :ra iand in the last period. Mcintosh, who ; sec- with the Fort team.and 0, by'd:, ..j thrc: !i goals, one Williams light; team." was unable to against the fast; teams of this' a success both In the box and at again ruii, aasnej tnrpugn - bat 1 1 r-- ri went in at headway ' against . ';',- ;- ti e 42 make the heavier tion. - - cf them I:. line. ' J " e " ' : Score by Innings; iaaroom for 23 ards t"-B''- Virl-ir.- s the eaiire teani 1 The less formid- Brown eleven today , and the latter fitXfc. lt r rfeved - ; and a touchdown. . . . i c : 41. c u able than was anticipated, from, their, r " won, 33 to 0. Brown scored 26 points V MITCH ELL BEATS AZEVEDO. 0 0 0 0-- 0 0 0 0 Ov- 3 7 v- " Braves ..0 ; v .old-styl- e -. m tinnoia Misaes Stara. 'f i : ' , . 10 to 0 defeat of Yale twa weeks ago. in the first half, mainly on f i:i ..' , Ft Ruger .0 .0 0 110 0 1 3 ',2 2 They had little in the wayt of an of- ; COLUMBUS, O, Oct 16. With: two football. The only score In the sec4 Associated Press by Federal Wireless Batteries Honolulu Braves, Nelson I i ' fense which "Harvard did nbr fathom of "their 'best'igrotrad-gainer- s on. , the 6nd half came when the visitors fum- l SAN .FRANCISCO,- - October 26. ami Lopez; Fort :Rugen ' Pruett and 7 ' P . 11 ' . li . ' C in the' first period, but their, delense side lines the Illinois football players bled the ;ball on their own 17-yar- d Ritchie MitchelLwho has been climb-In- g Benham. Struk outBy Nelson" 2, by de-clsio- n. ctllTcned as it retreated and twice were held to a tie --by Ohio state' on line and Brown pushed it over for a the' pugilistic ladder, gained a 1L Base on balls -- Nelson 0, 1 ; t Pruett. -- final' was. I ; their, re- ; Trade Mark threw Lack the Crimson tide inside Ohio field today. The" score touchdown in three: rushes. oyer JoeiAzevedo k in Pruett L . &z. UiSPat, OJt indYtrvri Ci five-yar- ' 10-rou- ;' d. -- line. 3 ; Oregon Gives Surprise. vbout in : Milwaukee. t ; ; tie toS.. . , I. cent ' ' , - -- 33-yarc- began Ha'r- L 16. aggressor through Loth teams rafgediy,' Standing on . the line In the .EUGENE (Or.), October Coach Mitchell was th FED: MAGNATE' DIES. HugO Beidek? University Ore- Oat and1 received, the popu - ' '. '" I fourth period Halfback Winters of of the bf 'the bduC ;..'' v t i , .' ; rt . Ohio kiciced a goal.from placement for gon slipped a surprise to' Coach Ra'de-mach- er Iar newspaper. yote. ; :; , Associated Press by Federal Wireless ." the est ; which marks the "first score of the ''game,, of the University of Idaho, and SAN FRANCISCO, October- - 26. AVlth defeat hanging over their as a result the lemon-yello- w mentor's ALEXANDER INJURED. Robert ..Ward, the bakery r magnate ' v hea'ds,; the Illinois1' repeatedly made new offen8e,a"dlrectpass from Risley and president, of the Brooklyn ; Fed- degree art Workmanship use' of .the forward 'pass, cringing, the to the backs, rolled up a clean victory Associated Press by Federal Wireless erals, idled ' at his. home In Brooklyn ' jc 24-yar- d iQuar-t.erh'ac- to, 26.. ball to tbe line, where for Oregon here today, ,1$ 7. . SAN FRANCISCO, October but week. Ward' was one Of the big - drop-kicke- d -- reason'-Alexander not"' Macomber .the Open ; football held sway this after The did pitch factors In. making the federal League. 4uaA1LJ v A aixu .. bal through" the p6sts 'for" his team's noon, and ere the .visiting secondary the last' game of the series against .the 1 r -- : y," ; ' "A. 'rn : . of was on account a sorje country-wid- e v.-- three' points. . . defense, fathomed . the ..neatness Boston' club of "appeal for fadds to The 'Illinois, playing Vlthouti Half- Quarterback' Huntington's forward side that had troubled him since the relieve "distress m ' Mexico will . be Fitting Comfort it tits t::s chavat back Pogue and Quarterbaclt Clarkv pass; Oregon had scored once by .the first game - This statement was given made ; to the Catholics of the United a backed some of the dash, which the method. and gotten, ha a position to out by' Lewis today." ;ri: ;; States through ; the three Cardinals, team ;haa aJi'own with;theseregnlais retaRate 'again oh '. two other occa 14 archbishops, 100 bishops, prac- ' -- aid ? -- lire-u- p. : ' Oregah-introduce- d I -- "For Safety's Sake" demand In 'the sions. a. hew end , DOC WHITE RELEASED. tically, 18,000 clergy. - ';.. , to ' Carlisle. Eeaten .by Pittsburg, in Jdltchell, who was on the receiving "Ha recent: Jap- : r7hu'nu."head of the see the above Red Woven Label, : . PITTSBURO, October 16. The Uni-vewi- ty end of three tbsseaA while? Tegert, the SAN FRANCISCO; October : 26. anese ' and seven of his asso- out- revolt v'V of Pittsburg completely other A. wing- crossed Hhe , final trench' Doc White, former White Sdx sur, ciates; were put to 'death7 for sedition ; ? v ' played, the. Carlisle Indians rfeu,: their on the,other successful 'attempt has been released as manager of the and revolt, - .; D.-COMPA- NY, annual football game here today, win- 7 Vernon team ' of ? the Coast 'League. Mofisignor-- : Petrelii, apostolic dele- THe.B.V; New Yorfc", ' ning by a score bf'45to 0. With the LoaisfaWs. siigar rcane district was "Him" Patterson," a i former .' coast gate to - the Philippines, 'will repre-sei- xt 1 Cf&t 'pliyTrTg " manager- - Cd.. --... nera llfotrgh 'the first n'ot seriously; hurt by' the recent storm leaguer and at present of P6pe; Benedict at' the' coronaflon -- p - ' half Pltt? rg cored 2S points. Sec- which did so much damage to south- - the Wichita team, ; wilL handle the of Emperor Yoahlhito of Japan, . New , V 1 r. STAfe-BULLETI- : Nr TUESDAY,: 2G 1915- . OCTOiiIl . i ... - HONOLULU -

- : Be it resolved hythtf- Board of Su. pervlsors of the City- - and County of Honolulu, 'Territory of HawaiL that the sum ef Two Hundred Elhty-eeve-a --- Niaety-tw- o 2S7 Y Dollars and Cents 92- - bo end the same Is hereby appro V.. . v.. J. L PWroem mocra c;t;;i; tleytntly prlated out of all moneja ia the In f furnished. Rent 135. Aptly portal ion Preservation or Game JhO ' and - - v ft - :vvi:,."' - - ; f Doe. 711 ItatbU lant. rr H Birds. Fund of. the Treasury for aa ' , . I . . - i ,. 4'- -. r r...... - v ::... l ; SALE -- ! . I. : i ... - ' ' I i ...... ir account known as Importation and L.i .if ill 3 Preservation of Game BJraX ,. " AUTO PAINTER CLOTHES CUEANINQ Sn-p- . motartcut. Ian;:!x .22 with Deslrahls cue: a la various pert 3 c! i Presented by ft. t v i' cabin cs;adty 52 pirsons; fully the c!ty, fum!:.v.?d unfum! City Ptlntlns Eiop, Kits; nr SozXh The Pioneer, clothe' cleaned' and re- DANIEL LOGAN, tul - 'equipped with cork cushions, etc.: a expert - Beretanla-Enjn- x v.. Supervisor. its, into and carriage paint- paired. Teh 3125, ' ,' In ' - caruain. Inquire P. O. tax 423. HJo, ct to 1123 a r.cutX 1'ct t CZU-t- t .CSSK.?,.--i!:---::-ir.v-- Try: this Etyle cf "display!' claiificdci , . 23, 4915. ' er;.all work fjaranteed. ; ;" Honolulu, October ".. -- ' ' ' '' ' Tii'm ii "TT" I,', HzwaiL crnce. Trent Trcct Co LtJ, m II ill m mi ".', (e::i2t . adjourned-meetin- g' EL, cstwesar Kir and ilereleet. Ilarada; clothes cleaned; TeL 2029. At a regular of tlae-euvl- ur 'fha TruurD envelcre. I x :;i-t-i . v em-t- r , Supervisors City v - ...... the Board of of the veut!on. f,o ai "rerctu; rectsry CLACHL:rrHia and County cf Honolulu, held on Sat :tys;"r'?out t:::j crrcccrrtc n Two new cottasc3, n!cely furu!:v ": Eultltorlna, ladies' and cents clothes -- urday,Ocober 22; 1313,-th- foregoing - ' b - alnsle rocrns sultcl'.a fcr CUerallc - T X25? vrzn lr Irca doors, cactla- r--- NunanivteLJiS alsizz u::zdzz was pu&sed on Read cratlrs. Resolutlca First v men, Ith LcurJ; t!acf-:nltti-- ttutj fcr pctcitc?.; ?tl rrcc'el ratei fry rerairea an! feneral ing and ordered print fol- 3 1 -- to ply Rccclawn,-12:- a. HIr.g st. E-c- :ntb v i;eni'a vrcrk" 'p," '1CJ I.rer lowing vote of -- board: A '.i-tcr- s, -- tcii-lhi- -- said Oa.Alcra Ilc'zlt-- let cf ' c:s7-t- f A. D. CL Eenoratory; clcthes cleaned. - The above 'einliple a ' t iis id cEvcxjpzi Ayes: ''. Ahla, Arnold, Hollinger, Hor .i "proTta; '. : titurul ctcus tulIJ.'cs slta; Iyed and repaired; rncne : looks thi3 r-- Hl ecs ck-- ner, Larsen, Logan, Total 6. . cl . . . . - C. . , . ; c ' New cottagers irccccs, 221 F: 1 - that t S it ct a -k " ' t: - cyy and ciLL ; Noes: - None. ' i hou extensicn. App"y 73 !: -- r st - Absent and not voting; Shingle. - w..-w- T -- 1 ' - i chant, st, "Phcna -- 2 vJ. I. Ta'.. . Etean cleaning. Alakea st, nr. Gas Co. ' Dlzncsfia, wttcbes and Jewelry ' r: - , - terrtt , : - If Total l. v .. 6234tf '':- ." . 7e cdYcctts Ihh; tiring tfcesa cm? for encend-hundiac'- ' J- x to:j and Carlo, Fcrt t " I -- excised. J. v '1 . I, E.. BUFFATmEAU, - A la cued cculltlin, I. CLEANING AND OYEINQ ; wishing concthia.a Hitb mcro cttrictive thaa thp? t ft Deputy City and County Clerk. --at a tarrula; can he seen at 1073 Two-bedroc- ui cctt partly fur:.' - - r.'.-v- .t a - CZZZAct. 25; 2S,-- 27. - ;AIuhea str. ?, 'CZZZ-lZ- l ed; three frcrn car. 11: ordinary f c-- v.j ; v i CAr.rrco vor.Ks. Royal Cleaning Chop, Tel. 3149 'liner cbsciI:d,', yet do Ect to, ave KaleuukL Ccthes 1 wt I'Lcus 2C3. ' 6213-t- f . ciisplax- a':'ccztrcfc'; RESOLUTION fiO. 317, Koay and .painted furniture; rea3, Car-pent- er. CalkL EantiK CC3 Eereta--n-li r rointo;larr;cr; cdTcrtUinhcra furniture; I. Takanov 544 S. Kiug . , . C0?8-t- st f 11-roo- ti. CURIO STORE ' Be itresolved hy the '.Board of Su- ra hous c3 r at 117 .' c'dYcr-tisin-!-c- r : ?r IIo ".cf nd pervisors City and County of ueni tv?.; p" ;v CICVCLC K. ; ccntmct is nccccriry fcr this fenn of the ' CTCr.S. Iwahara, moved td US N.King, cpp. Territory of HawaiL House and lot, oor..lCth and ralola Apply c::;:3 c, :'i : c. : ; Cxalos cheap. you .tsic- E3 mtic!i C3 Honolulu, that r-- a. Finnarket. Phone cpricir yea Tris!4 Sixty-eigh- t Inquire Vielra Jewelry Co., Ltd.. IL Ycztlzzti, nr.Tcrete'Sla ; tia the sum of Five Hundred - ft. ; . 6233-e- t . f f New c: :: : t'.l tfcycle JTryit iendhs' coavisccdof. its - - ; Dollars ($5C3.CQ) ta and the same 13 ,rr;j cfrca tlcrclcs and ncrit rucu' f ,i : : , s. c:io-t- hereby out cf all moneys ttc; If f . CLOTH1NQ arrrcrlated Twia cylinder Indian motorcycle: 7 err lice. la th9 Ceueral Fund cf the Treasury h. p. Apply llnvEnos, Met Wkt Pay your clothing f or "aa 'accruut knou'n as Premiua Au as - Ct : - fcr conrenlent , 6300-- rccm, c'.- -t -n V-;-- Store VM V.rts; c'A. r-'- & - ' ft ri'- rf.zllne cr.d czrzs.tcoi:zt it'Sh . The tcmotlles Insurance. LX cor. nr. I 1 ;' : Fat, -- i.j Cuu4-t- - X A' IaUr-Iccuu- d col CIoi.!;rs, Kerf bL; f Presented by and Cuhu EuIIrcal tl!p-pl-uj :: r DANIEL LOGAN, tcc!:u at Ctur-DuIIct-- 'a ' c.:i:o. tf. 7. Supervisor. r 3 f :r 1" t ! . c ti. - . illy Til J, Honolulu, October 23, 1915.' ... Four d:r:a c:url:t :.z, TeL . .C J, FCTk C . ... cncr-Tlr- Tar-l- c; . - - c:;:-t- nrllacaaiea , 1842. . f c:::-t- : . c:u-tf- . - v nc-:- ja, r At .a regular adjourned meeting cf EI:jc:::, ruicLtoTrl & Kins. ijr : rur.z CGTS-t- : " .we the Board cf Supervisors of the City czlcia:i iiAr.::. ::!:m tur . f -- c . or. and County cf Honolulu,, held ca Sat- i::3 n.--:' 1 fcxe-cl- u-; urday, Occtcr 23;1315, the t . . .- - 1 V t-s- Keui-Ins'a- ud cru:.:..:z3 red Rccolutlca" was ca First '- , PLUMCER. Crerycsi rrlti c; .iiz fcr cals ta -.all f'-ave- - cr-c- - fol-lovi- uj .3 rJ., u: ...ctanla iLIilsa "Play tz- rei to print on the Uc9 Eiitrr. tstr If yoa want food quarters to display Eifa." Ccu::::rl23 tha : n - ::: c:::-i- ruc--3'lT,'p!-un- . . ;::s 11" Cv Inoto, 615 Kins, tr. LEEia, expert v'tcrs cf. ti2:7, vote ct said board: - t ..ycrr r ia csa Orrrio's -- . , sr d, tlr ith; . Aye3: Ahla, Artold, HoWngef, Hor- r-- r ' plupt k ad Is r? ere r . 4 4 . r 7ci;:Lcin ; ,; aicra jz cIZIZ. ei ';!;:tcry. tt: C. v w . w . M"k. I w . v . ... tzswir jTicw it hrir":-- .::. ner, Larsen, Logan, Total 6. , .' '. Etrr-Eullet- ln Noes: Ncue. , 'y'A :yV' . wards.' . ' Af i ''.' PAirTEn "Ahsent and not-- ' voting: Shingle. -- A. - C147-t- f -- "Erlrj n;n ertry rl'ty- jty D. ....c. ,:; . v tha ;t;;a ' ' -- -- I. . ; Eur. V.1 1ZZT 41S7. Total do w at i: 3. Ch!rnil, lrauuin; TeL V - X3 Ti y E. .BUFFANDEAU, c n c fit . , n. i. puperl--::- - " ' nd pilutlr? and AU Dsa'-r- s -- City-a- !;;'-anil,,- t3 - Deputy Cofinty Clerk.'.' EY AUTHCr.ITY. S4- InsuzSvCta tuulu::s T. cr. Nun tuirr-trc- i. tt:d rj lj EeretiLi :r V.Li - Fcur-rce- n "wcri ...r-.i- 6C:3-Oc- t. 23,, 26.- 27. , , cc'.' .. - ;i :V , - ' scdajfrcux - . for cochr4,; yard- beys. treev-- -'- i-v - tharlTrv Tsia j rood liKStf rtu-l;r;::- t",l; ne ; T:-c::r.:i- rcr!c-rj-rho- .'fct;r Wcrlr, Cius E. jr. ' 4511: ,. . - .. - ...... - ... . , - czaleo Tzr:czn3. 'CICMtt-- ; RZCCLUTION NO. ZZ2. t will ty To buy TeL 1SC3. Be by tha Ecutd Su- Sealed tender3 ta rtctivei - it'IIclolvei T3 .:: crl-s- rhcn3 412S'fcr V.l"Lrndr help, or furnitura fcr cuth, cf Cc-.- -i: :;-- c. rrcii ; nlca cocL cf : C231-t- ' the Erard cf . ad SODA WATER ' f pervisors of City, County llirtcr , L-- the an i cf ..I ... i c cc,; ccyj cwii t ct ft., cr write to P, up until 2 p. in. cf V?l-:- : r, :: " rl ll' uni Ilcnclulu, Territory cf HiaH, that 1.;:. exility and y - " t. i:.. Eo2a Ctur-Z:::.- 2, 1913, for : cul 2.:e-!- ' 'x' cc; Tz ttrt ensuua'frca its Ilea. Caw rr;r for W:r:r. ! thy run' cf Three 'Hundred' Nintty-tw- o rcr.rsr f ru! .1 r- rri;tte- - i cur's; Itjv;X ETNa - .Jklsa Ec'.iverlus F.'ps aui r:tt:u-- 4 f r :: cr. Wttrr .Whs. That's- tia ;jci Ecll-- rs (23S2.C0) r-n:-- "'eiO-t- f ta and thy U rr?, v'! Ua 'runt,. Cls.3. Et Frzsutr, LTr. tz.s l- -c:3 Tips Line. Kuhi V.'hzrf, k;reiy'pprc;n-te- d cut all ncueys - .: cf Ila-R'ilL- - r' : ;..'-,-- : r6icr,-lr-r : ? SITUATION WANTED. C-- rrelu t: c f:, cccisrt r'ac8 la to"xn. Jcranc:j"hKli of all kind)!, nald and hi' tha Geuwiil Fund cf the Tresary fe.:i ' of .Ccmu:l:a:cn-er- 3 fcr.;ie C Kiracha,1210 Erunaeu Japanese j for the following purpesa; The Board Ilcrtbr CMlRTUAKEn. , citizen wsnts position as ; - reserves right to reject any or . i Euierrucy Hospital, fuThlture and the eta it. chauffeur and housework la private " -- " r - : .'equlpntat5 V. . .2332X0 all tcuders. tamatoya; ' i. ") --! ' - Alca--n:!cyr.en- ' family. ,TeL 4136, :SuxukL . : ' OfSee; TeL 4SS3; - r - v u - . Spcciricutlcu and fcrrj cf ' r: 6303-l-rt tlasi - - br""- Alarm at., Eapid Transit olzpe. Ehlrts, pajamas, made to order; now ". ,t DANIEL LOGA!,' proposal are on file In the c.TIcs cf -- tt ; - : ; cl.'.-ee:- , ; c:.i'.:- "5 r :r nctto; cpen c';y All k:nl3 he!? furiLhed.- - 1303 cpp. ,.,.,. : the Eoard of Harbor Ccmm!c:.:cuer3, to ; .r lzI t! at raw location, For at, HELP WANTED. Supervisor. ' n . - i til nicLt. lie.;:, crp. Cettel street.- KnkusV-'T- 233r. 622HT Honolulu, HawaiL October It, 1315. Capitol bulldln?:, Honolulu; - ' Forewomen fwhltejf estab-'-. n. u .:. ) for sewing .ciiAr.Lcs rcrj:, rnrfpner. 413C 6109-t-f - - For best ring G.Yamat6yav shirts, "pajamas, klmoP lishment; factory- experience prefer Approved this 23th day of October', Chairman, Board of Harbor Comuiis- r:-l.-- bet ; i 1 - ."-.- ,-. Ilctel and cos o oruur. Nuuanu, near pgu&nL red; permanent position.' ' Address,' A. D. 1915.. .:- '.- sloners.'-- r-- - '7 r::3 ce to r.t; 6333-tf- . . . .. giving" particulars of experience, ' E. y' JOHKC1 LANE,: 's Honc:ulJ,-Cctcic- r 22,- 13l5.r' --- The PIcrpcLut, frrr--r- Ce.e!iy, c - B1' F care Star-Bulletra'om- ; - " Mayor,' 'City County of Honolulu, '"t - C33M0t - - ' - - and m- (UTC3-6t- " C0F7.t CHINKS i, "' . ' :cl CUT FLOWERS H. : r 'J:".-- sleU cf iucir!: ccttc t. ;. ;- - gl3 cu-lc- cue::. 6304-O-ct : CZALE3 rcc:u3p 2 1 your - 26, 27, 23.1' ' icriszno. ICew C:!;in Cc!e. neal3, Kunlhlyo,- - 11U Fort; Phone 1635. Our sodv will ruaie' turine ri prcner.c ' plrr ut t::a r. 1 v -- t c! -.t tC3T, tt. grow. px.Eoda Water Wki, Curs. : - p r - :r R ECO LUTI O M N O. CC5. 1 is pi tr.'eir-- T el ar.i Lc r jSiCS-irr- .' f Sealed Tenders wlU ta5 received by t ill Evrrasier; aT..r': . ful--v-.v- .' r if Enperinteu-c- : i reel. UaxaSa, fresh cut' flowers; tel. 3029. Gold scarf pin, 'bulldog head, , Thurs- the ut Works ' l.'oveiu-hcr9,1213,-f-or 2373. Tcrrr.3 tZ C: 7" day night on walk between, Cassldy Be it Resolved' by the Boird of Su- up nocn cf TuesJay, ricecr st ,- ci2l-t- f cntiri2 i " pervisors City County of station 'and Wireless plant;"1 reward". of the and r.epiirlt cf tha Chin Fcrt : Star-Bullfetl-n. 6301-t- Hawaii,' Harae-steai-s, cxcH.::zr. KLanra, Cowers, Fcrt st Phone 5147. TEA, Retnrh; to f Honoluiui'Territory of that Chuck roc J alcu the Ilakaiau - - " house; (tC0O ' t ; ccs4-tf- - the sum of Six Hundred Dollars District cf South Hiio. i' One 8tadard slzs guitar, ::: Bunch of keytf:4 finder Kome 00y appro- - ' of- - Csca Etesn, best JapanesVdinhers. T7. Oda, return to be and the same Is hereby The Superintendent ' Public and In perfect ccudlticn; v.'.:i c U-- C5-Eerctoa- 'Alohs, 1 ya Hotel, st., re-- out Gen-er- al -- ::: d Ccr.: :t!c2 TTahlta, cut Cowers; Lxne. prow. TeL" 8212. - " : 183-t- f River and receive priated' of all moieys ln the Works reserves the risht to reject any change-for CTcccn tzz.z1c.Vjj. II. ... -0- - " ' ; . '. ward: u 3- ac- " - - ' ' tt.; t::S; tuiliins, cencrtta rjr Fund"of the Treasury for an or all tenders. Brewer, Em i, 4th Cavalry, C - r- - I -- uc:": t clearlns. C2CUf UJ.TZnZLLA MAKER count to be kndwnTaS" Repairs Police .'specifications and- blank T.-H.- " CZ : : ? Tlans, field .Earrachs. .: .FinzvcooL. Albert .Breyfus ; has .jeentere'd: the Station TJuildiniS - !; v forms of proposal are on file in the , . -- ralatllS.' R. re-- . army, br'-"'4'1.- ? ccntrt Tanaha-Co.- , lllznti.' UiahrtEia .tuuJa and French and commands one of 'Tresented office of the Superintendent of Futile Deaths 'In iluuhattaa from str: t Paiihi; nr. letter at,; teL - 1284 Fort, nr. Exkul; phone convicted-'o- i ; zZ jTk ralred'. the Paris forts. Hewas" ..- ROBERT HORNER, Works, Capitol building, Honolulu, accidents in September, 1313, cc: flrewcd and cnarcoaL whale 1-- '"' - -- - ' 2745. , :'''6553-t- f ?; In-te- .'- - selling jermany plans or a new '': v Supervisor. with W. R. Ilohby, 2S, core p ere 43 C237-6- m v and Public Works bered as with V tc:s-lyr- fcala i ... . 'and rctaiL4 ' . Hi. r. French , gun, but was 'acquitted 'on Honolulu, Hawaii, October 11, 1915. Agent, nilo. Hawaii ' same month in 1C1L. - i r ': re . -- . FURNITURE. rnOFESSlOrJAL CARDS retriat ?,," CHARLES fR. FORBES (S) Y. rnlrncnl, r-- cn 4S22; general cca-- . - ' . ... Approved thW oth tfayof October, Superintendent of Public Works, A tax of 15,200,000 was imposed c i trctcr and tu"der; tousa painting, - Klnoshlta, liSlfToH; teL New HYDRAULIC V A. D. 1915. - f 18, 1315. . 333. ENGINEER -- PY AUTHORITY. Honolulu; October the city of Lille, France, by the Cer ' - : 6237-lO- ' ) end 2d hand roods bought old. JOHN C. LANE, -- ' ' t mans. : . af 611 Ta'-nt'n- Hi Jaa. TTajIor, Btasgenwald bldg RESOLUTION' NO. 3C8, Mayor, City S. s Ehcpr 762 Bcr& and County of Honolulu, lzl:zr;x consulting cirll & hydraulic engln'r. Unia; tela. S7C9, SS96; carpentry. ' ; r- ? ' " ' i r r k5375-tt- : . ' ,304-Oct.,2-6; .- paper hanging. 6289-tt- t . Be It resolved br th Board of Su- 27. 28- massage; pervisors of the City and County of Wins Tai Co, U1C Nuuana; tel. 4S75.: GROCERY ...... Honolulu, Territory 'of HawaiL that R JSCfLUTlON NO. 307. : - Fourteen' Furniture, house painting, papering. K.- Oahtoa, massage, phone 1227. the suhi of Hundred Dollars - CCl-n- ' ' - - j Matt Kee, cor.. "King: and Punahou; (J14Oe.O0y "earner i - f V, . 6090-t- : be and' the la' hereby Be Resolved' by'th'e Board of Su- ; groceries. TeL 6425., . i f it staple f . appropriate out of air moneys fn' th pervisors of the City and County of JE Iujita, ccnt:t.ctoT and guilder, 6238.10. SURGEON- - CHIROPODIST Gen'eral Pund of theTreisnrt for5 an Honolulu, 'Terrlt'ory of- - Hawaii,- - that ;V cilnter. caper tanser. Phone EOOi account Trtvowri as Kaplol4nf Park; the sum'of Three Thousand' and Tive Ck)rns, conis,' corns--a- ll foot troubles. Maintenance and Upkeep." " v Hundred Dollars ($35(T0.00) be and the Mclnerny's Shoe Store, street Presentedlby z- - Fort - same U hereby appropriate out of ' -- K. Ecsava, contractor'Oi Eeretaaia. KOfIA COFFEE Dr. .:--. ,. tf. BEN HOLLTNGER, . MerrilL ' the Permanent Improvement Fund of ,.; J. t.--t - ; , Supervisor. the Treasury of the" City and County Kooa CoSee' Co., piione 6422; roasted MUSIC INSTRUCTOR. : Pala-.tzaeJtimat- Honolulu, October 14,1915. Contracting & Enlldlng Co, es for the 'account known' as ""Sidewalk FrI . cctTee: wholesale and. retail; 602 " Curbing:'-;-- furniahed. ClJ4-t- f Ukulele " fnstrnctlon, accompanlnjent and '''.;V" Approved this 25th day of October, " Presented ' .'vr : -- ty" and solo speciallat' A. A. Santos - ' " K. lithorncta & CoteJliSS; louse' A. D. 1915.. ROBERT W. iriSHINGLE, 1187 Garden lane ; phone 1810. v-r : 303-l- y JOHN C. LANE, - - . painting and pa.perlng; r -vV- p pv Suoervisor. '?e243f Mayor. City and County of Honolulu," ' MOTORCYCLE Date of Introduction: :. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER., 1 BARBER SHOP. Honolula, HawaiL .October If, 1915. . 6304-O- ct 28. Honolulu Cyclery Motorcycle sup-...-.. 26.27 ' Ceo M. geaeral contractor, motorcycles-bough- t Warts remoTed permanently and at Approved day October, Yaadav plies and. repairing; old this '25th ' of - - Estlcatcs furnished. ,No-- 203- Mc-- and sold. Alakea, shore King . small coat:' Progress Barber Shop, '.NOTICE.' A. D. 1915. ' ' 2157. ' 1 Candless Euildlng. Telephone ..' King and Smith ats. Phone 6008. JOHN C. LANE, - at. Telepnone ,4i -- " .;,S2Stt..;- 1 Hustace' Villa. rv 7 vv 195--a Mayor, City and Counry. of Honolulu, l T. H. '. ' :''.' -- - mi Banko Cot, Nuuanu and YIneyard. TeL 5 NURSE. The management of Hustace Villa; ' 6304-Oc- t. 26, 27, 28. ' 3151. ; Contracts building, paper-- ' from and after November 1, will . be nurse, maternity cases : or hanging, cement work cleans lots. Practical L. Rdmagoy, BUSINESS-- NOTICE. ; : under Mrs. who' win be - PRINTlNd care invalid. Phone 4248. w v of: responsible 1 debts ... - ; 6299-6- t ' .' for alt contracted. '. ': ' .r ' MELLXE "E." NOTICE TOf SHIPPERS. Yamamoto, S3 KuSdl TeL 4816. We do not boast of' low prices which HUSTACE. St caually coincide with poor quality; Building ' " Germany House painting and papering; reaa. stone "made in In accordance" with instructions re- ...... - -- .csoi-Sa. ! V-- but we 'know how? to' pnt lifts from blast furnace slag grows hanl ' ' -- ANNUAL MEETING, ceived front the Department of Com- - grr , hustle 'and' Into prthte tnatter, as it ages. - hereby given no contractor, 2034 and IS what talks londest and merce, notice is that Y. Kohayashv general that ' ; Star-Bulleti- n The annual meeting of . share- unhydrated or quicklime can be Ev Kins Phone 2356. Reasonable; lonEst; Itonolnlii Jot the - holders of E. C. Rhoaes, LtcL, will be transported' onr passenger ftteamers :'.. k5327-tf- i "J Printing Eartnrent, Alakea Street; ' held at the office of .Trent Trust CcL, after this date.' . ... . ; . ; Branch Office, Merchant - .1- - Street' 916-92- " ' - - ...-,- , 6239-tf- - ' ' Adelina Ltd., 0 Fort street. Honolulu, Arrangements must be made to ship V Dear, lady;- at your side outlined, CARD CASES . . ei Pattt Friday, October 29. 1915, at 11 o'clock same on freight steamers. ; - r 7? The seeing ey your beau nrny, i s, INTER-ISLAN- D r X-- - you Tlsitlng-card- engraTed STEAM NAV. CO., . ' .But who wilt know wherfc are at , and POULTRY MtO ' Business FRUIT ' -- V -.- . . v - .V ' j- ' ;: v - v, yoo; , Rnsaia. - IRWIN BEADLE, LTD..- i .. Whea underneath that , cr .prlntecL. in; attractive FIT2PATRICK- BROS. r H. st 'detachable Notaa, E2.dsL"watcrniaIarj; JLala Secretary 19, 1915. j-- leat cases, patent lane ' October ' . -' Eipr-nu!!et:- a cfScei 554Mf : ,...6303-22.-"ri ,;62?9-t-..- .i c: r t i njfteC?lrr.-.. 1 1 f7ppr lef coger dopr ... -- - nOXOLULU STA 1MJUIjTKTIN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER" 2(, 1915.

BY AUTHORITY (d) Proparty' of Manuel Carvalho S. 18S. 57' 00-- 100.5 feet across Moving and resetting S25 ft. ; LOD-Yoinr- o: Punchbowl street to the makal line rock curb, at $3.12...... 111.00 NOTICE OF PROPOSED IMPROVE Beginning at the east corner of this of Lusitana street; ' e . ; 5 Netr curbing, 1600 lix ft. at Ezjirccrirj Co., Ltd.:" MENT OF LUSITANA STREET. lot and on the northwest side of Lus S. 189 13' 00" 3994 feet along new $0.40 643.C9 and Contractors .IM HONOLULU. TERRITORY OF street, of said makal line of Lusitana street; Storm aswir. system ...... 630.C3 En;ineers itana the CAY3 TO XAN FflAr.'Cl-C- O OO--ss t;i Can-pte- 't CIc?2-- Honolulu, T. H. HAWAII. AN 3 OF PUCLIC HEAR point of, beginning being 187.15 feet 10. 93 45' feet along Resetting manholes, etc - 230.C3 Telephones 2210 and 4537. ING THERECM. I north and 27L76 feet east of Govern Government Lot; i Survey Street Monument west 11. 189 58' 00" 119.3 feet along Total cf above ...... ,$28,760.19 FOR SAN FRANC12CO: rCR SY2MY: cent l OY.NEItS, LESSEE3 AND Ho Pol Kee, Gov To . TO THE of San Antonio avenue and at the in lot of from which a ascertain cost cf which Ccnsma ...... Nav. 4 Vertura ...... Nav. 1 OCCUPANTS OP LANDS AEUT tangents ernment Survey Monument the City County shall ma tersection of the of the cen Street at and Venf-r- a .Cec 3 t:-.:- Nov. 22 TINQ ON LUSITANA intersection, lines f pay thor- ...... r.XHES::EYCOFFECO. STREET. ter line of Lusitaaa street, as shown the of center 10; toward mala -- Conoma ...... Dec 23 C.erra PROPOSED TO EE ASSESSED on Grade Hap No. 4, on file in the Lusitana' and Iolani avenue la by true oughfare, deduct as follows: -- 18 ...... Cc'U3 COFFEE POASTERS v. S7X)5 - Sierra ...... Jan. Ventura ...... Jan. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF office of the City and County Engineer azimuth 209 64' feet; V (si' Area to be pav- - . 0- , ...... ' . Dealers in Old Kent Coffee SAID STREET, AND OF THE and running by true azimuths: . 12. 190. 17' C- 154J feet acyoss ed by the Hono-- TO 00- - 35.20 along and School streets; -- ; Rapid . J ,--. LTO- MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU LANDS HEREIN PROPOSED 1. 235V 30'. feet Emma lalu Transit ; . C CREVER A COMPANY, - Csneral A::ntJ BE ACQUIRED FOR STREET fence along present northwest side of ,13. 191 35' e0" 243.7 feet along 4b Land Company, WIDENING; AND TO ALL PER Lusitana street? - new. makal line of Lusitana street; 1310 sq. yds. at GENERAL 39.43 on a curve to " . . , $2,423.50 SONS, INTERESTED ; 2Y . 222' feet along thence the right with a $15 ...... 603.7. - ; -- LY: . j'v: fence along present nortnwest side of radius of feet, the direct aiimuth (b) Cost of acqulr- WIRE FENCES AND GATES " J Lusitana street, ' - i : ; and distance 'being," f lands (to The very beat foVeveryuaa. - - 30-- -- NOTICE IS -- IIEREBY. GIVEN, ttat 3. 213- 45' 00 61.40 feet ' along :14. 200- IV 180J2 feet:" :be borne by City at a regular meeting of the Board cf fence present northwest side" of Losi 15. 208 46' 00-- 242 feet along and County)...... 1.489.19 v City County of post; new makal line of Lusitana street; (c) Cost of setting . ' J. C. A XT ELL'S , . Supervisor cf the and tana street to old fence Territory Hawaii, Held 4v 140 00- - 8.20 point thence on a curve right with a new curbs (to be 1 t Alakea Ctreet . Honolulu. of 15' feet to a to the ' li twl W.t vVa,..ll Cull Uilti J 7: lluii.i..J oa ilcnday, October 11, 1315, Resolu- - near the west corner of bridge over radius of 603.7 feet along new makal charged : against 1 - -- tloa No. SCI vas adopted, by the un Pauoa stream; - : r - line of Lusitana street,' the direct azi- Individual ' FROU CAN FRANCISCO: . FOR SAN FRANCI2CO: ' the "board : r 00- - ? being. 'K : . . 640.00 aclmona Tote cf the full 'pro 6. 224t 48' 20 feet to the muth and distance lots ...... ' ' ;-- r B, SS - 00- - - :. .. 8. Wllhelmlna...... OcL 8. 8. Lurline.. .OcL 23 , ...... - . 16. 213 30 99.6 ' SPECIAL SALE - t posing and approving the making of west comer of bridge over Pauoa feet; " '' : ; - 00--4-.0 on . :' r 17, 119 18' along - 4,55165 Grata Linen and Pongee Waist certain street lmprcTements Lust stream;'- v feet Total deductions ....M 8. 8. Manoa...... Nov. 2 8. 8. Wllhelmlna...... Nov. 3 tana ' ttreet. between the northwest . - lOi 63 feet along Mormon Church lot; . : ,. Patterns - C:- - 0014.50 Mataonla....;.V.V..Nov. 9 S. erty property line of Alapil street and the south bank of Pauoa stream to a 18. 218 51' 00 584 feet along f Balance ...... $344070 5. 8. S. Manoa..!....,... .Nov. - ; . YEE CHAN C CO. the southerly end of Pauoa bridge in point; .'" Cunha Lot;' Add '6C5r for engineering, 8. 8.; Lurllne.... Nov. 1$ 8. S. Matsonla...... Nov. 17 : . -"!i Corner Kir-- and Cethel Streets, aald City ed County, upon a. front-- 7.- - Thence along the new northwest 19. ,; 296 17 00- 6.1 ; feet . aVng , inspection, and incidental . 2.03J.45 age basis, according to the taap. plana, side of Lusitana street on a curve to Concordia tract; 8.; 8. Hyades sails from Seattle for Honolulu about Oet:ber 25. rt fiO 75 1ftTi specifications, details and estimates the right having a radius of 217.20 222 72 fpt Cost of construction of which ; y 8. 8. Enterprise, Seattle for Honolulu direct, OcUser 33. prepared and submitted to the Board feet, the' direct azimuth and distance new makal line of Lusitana street; 10 shall be borne by the ' : County. Engineer 125 09' 00-- 12.0 feet- - " curios; jewelry and by. the City and ; la of the long chord being: 21. , along City and County toward r : CASTLE Ci COOKE, LUTED, t.zzrXz, Hcnclulu v , kovi:ltje3 ;,: report thereon, with exhibits at- - S3 25" CO' 132.02 feet; - Concordia Tract; - - - main -- thoroughfare ...... $36,259.95 tls ; - SO, 1915, : r . 9 I 91' fri" tt fast ; ; Hawaiian jewelry- - tached, dated September and 9. S26V 30' 00" L60 feet along Proportion of cost to be ; - filed Board October 11, 1915, property C. M. lots of W. Allen, Hongwanji Mission, , City County : v NOVELTY-CO-. . , with the of Bettencourt to the borne by and in compliance with Resolution No. 209 point of beginning. ; 4 . Mrs. C. A. Ferreira,- - and Emily" K (lOCi toward main thor- - - Kins and Bethel Streets. r adopted by the Board August S, 1915. Area 1367 sq. ft. at 80.12 per Clark; . . ,'oughfare) .... .1 ; 3,623.93 And in compliance with law and the .sq. ft, . . . ;.v;.. . .3164.01 23. 310 22 4)-0- 16.8 feet' along no- terms Resolution No. 301, Moving: 140.50 Mrs. H. Lemke's lot to the new ma to charged on . m m- cf sa!i wall ...v.. Balance be mm J' - ' J m i u - kj - tice la also hereby given: . kai line of Lusitana street; thence on , a frontage basis ...... $32,C33.96 D;:rir. riy-atsene- e the from 1. CHARACTER OF. 'IMPROVE Total, ) . il a curve to the right with a radius of city Mr. II. rhKIIn have estimated cost .8304.54 MENTS: - - : Total estimated cost of wid- - 603.7 feet, the direct azimuth and dis Rats ' cf assessment per charge cf nil' work and give 1 1 s r. s ! The general character and extent of. ' enlng .'. .81489.19 tance being, : . - front foot ; ...... $3.1 347 CtJimers of thtatovt company vtlll call tt'tr.i l:.vs careful Utr.tioa to all details. ' 5 Improvements'proposed (a) i 24. 226 10 00" 42.3 along AUWAIO- - ; "V a-- the are: in. FRONTAGE TO BE ASSESSED: feet VIII. ASSESSMENTS: cr :-t tht ditts mer.tlcr.ei t:!:w: ' ' the grading, surfacing and pavlnp of A -- particular description of the new makal line of Lusitana street;; UMU TRACT LOTS: . The Plumber. , .. V - v ; said Lusitana street,- and laying of frontage to be assessed Is as follows: 23. 228' IT 00" 111.05 feet along An agreement has been made-b-e- FOR THE ORIENT: acquiring - gutters throughout; (b) the (a) The , frontage on the new makal line of Lusitana street; tweea Territory of Hawaii and the ys mauka the 23 CM.-- t'.zrjt ... cf certain new landa for the widening side of said Street, to be assessed, is 26. 127 33 00-- 2.35 feet along City and County of Honolulu, of which :. '8. C Tenyo r,:iru....,,.Oct, 0. c. ....r: - I curbing of all lane; ccpy - 13 t of said street; (c) the paralleT with and uniformly distant . a is on file with the Clerk, tin 8. 8. Nippon I'm ....Nov. c c. ch!p r':rj...... r; : . 23 nrs the moving and (20) 27. 228 56'- - 00" 50.9 feet alon $17,946.23 - . w- uncurbed streets and thirty feet mauka of and from der wnlch exceed will C 21 curbing wtere ne Senu " Fong Chun Yin;. Ko, ?and City County by 8. 8. Chjnyo Maru...... f.'3V. 21 O. C. Tenyo Vzrj iz, - resettiae cf cresent the center line of th proposed area ..Tal. be paid to the and the i - ' -.v- .;:;-- cessary; and (d) the installation and to be paved, said center being lane;-- - v. . ... Territory out of the moneys provided S. Chlyo. Dee. 24 S. S. Maru. ;n. 5 ' line 8. Maru...... Ni;;:n .....J C ..' ays-- K 223 00- - 101.0 CL, ttL construction of a storm drainage. described as fellows:' . 28. 04' feet along by "Act 128 of the Session Laws of tern. ' ' Ccnienencing at a Survey Monument Mrs. N. K. Llshmaa'a lot; ' ; ' 1915, to be used by the City and Coun II. NEV LAND TO BE ACQUIR Et tb.8 intersection center line 29. . 28 50' C-3- 38.3 feet along J. ty to pay the assessments which will cco::e, limited, i: ' " of the castle ED: .: ' cf Lusitana street, and the north prop F. Duraos lot; be made under these street improve .A. particular description-c-f the sev erty line of Alapal street, the co-or- d 10. 22S. 14' CO" 53.3. feet along ment proceedings against the lota. la;;a In everythin; eral parcels cf land prcposed to;be inates .of ths. point from Punchbowl John W. Bright; ; s.-.- - Tract" abutting on C0"-r4-4.0 acsulrpJ for tba weening cf portions Triangulatlon being 2178.1 31. 227 25' feet along A en- 1 Station Lusitana street list of the lots - AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- -- 8. CO.' THE PANAMA CANAL -- 8. V.'.Z cf eald ttrcct, czl ttate-cnt cf theJ feet south, and 908.5 feet west, thence Anare Sxlva; v- 1. titled to participate la the benefit of ' Ct!r.-tc- J cozi cf ac;U"ins'the same running by true azimuths and dis- 22. 223 12' CO 43.X . feet - along1 this "Auwaiclimu Fund" 13 attached ' A Steamer Mill fce despatehed from NET' YC?.:: FC?. IIC:.'CLTJLU ' ,J-.-" - ; . -- are as fellows: . tances as follows: I Mrs. llaria Almeida; as Exhibit .7 to. the. City and. County ; TWENTY-FOU- R At Ycjr Crcctr'a. ' ; .tr . and Pacific Coast Ports every. DAYS vli Etral'.i C (a) "rrcrsrty cf "lrj." r'itlida: K 1.V 150'. 15' 30" 215.47" feet to the 33. '22S 14' CO" 97.4 feet along Engineer's report on file with, the Magellan. ,.; ' Une:an-JoseptlnerBoyd- ;' " bfr'-nnin- , s 7 ClerK." g cf a tea degree (10') curve : as to rates, etc- apply to v L:-.i-'-.- particulars et a fcrra ccmer ct the to tba rlbt; thence along a ten degre9 34. 22S ir, C3" 82.4 feet along IX FURTHER DETAILS: ... .For - - - -- v - c tblj h r , Themap and general- plans, details, ; C. P. MOnCE, c H. HACJCFELD & CO., LTD. i we:t- rnrr cf 1:, cn the (10.)" curve to Ihe" the azimuth i i tzl rlht, ; ' cf u ' v ' 1 1 - I t . . :t 35. 228 00 4L5 along of - - Agent. , Ag:nt3. Ik... outr.--.- t.-.- street, the tnd distance' of the long chord being, 53" feet speclflcatlona, particulars esti General Freight . L: in V. B..Frlc!;- - : - :; '.. mates "and prepared by rf;rir co. es cf talj point cf 2: 55 CO" 113.1 feet; thence, other dataso te.,3M:2.3-f::t- ; tereh, -- an: ZliXa 3. 161 34' 30" 734.1 teet to the "36. 16217' CO" 4.1 feet along the Engineer, showing the area and et-- . Covc.-ne:en-t. - frontage of fc c::t-c- fi a Survey tes'.nnln? cf. a ten degree (10) curve B.- Frlel; thence" along lot of Mary J. of each; parcel land sub ' . ::cnjre-- t vreet Cea Anton.lo Quintal ject to assessment, the location of ex v . t i Will Ctreet cf to the" right; thence aiong" a ten1 de and direct azlc - ' ' ' ' isting curbing and the location of u:;: ' .v;r.ur, anj at Xitcresciica ci'ian- cree (10) curv$ to the right, the azi- mulh being, V' ". u the cAr:AD!An.AusTn:u:.:i t.oyal :ail i3 C-ij- r C0"-252- li- 37.- - 233- - .7 Storm sewer system may be seen and :ot to without rnts cf the' -- ter -a cf Lusitana muth end distance" cf the long chord 54' feet; :.? chnr;s r:t!:s. CO by any person C-- ttrcct, as Ebown Grai3.I.r;p No; 4, being,.. . .- ... 38. 242 22 1094 along examined Interested at ;.; vi, J ca ' ' - feet Fer Victoria and Vancouver Fcr At:!!xr.i sr. Z;l :y cf City" and 4. ICS C3VS0" 148.1 Ng Oa : : - - 7 the office of the City and County En ca file la tba'cffice the : feet; thence, lot; r T - O- -- 1; ,. N 3V. 12 r ':v,3 . . . . 2 County 'Engineer, and running by true 5. ITS' 24' C- 552.0" feet to the ' 53. 240 C2' C:' 100.2 feet along gineer in the Kapiolani building on the fll? 3a )...... - ' ,Makura ...... 15 N;;;;ra Zzz. 1 telnutts:-.- - : brlnnlnj of an elht degree .(8) IJarlaa E. Ferla and' C N. Betten north xcrner of King and Alakea ,.i .....,D;s. -- said Honolulu any tl en a 1. ' 111 13' C 5 47.C3 feet aJcng curve to. the ri"ht:. theace alone 'an court; from tLl3 point being the east streets la at TliHO. II. DAViZG Ci CO., LTD., C2.'Z7!.L . gov during business hours prior to the 'ZZ'.'aZ r tTr I fence tlzzz Ihe'rrceont southeast tide eight degree.") curve to the right corner cf Manuel Carvalho Rels. a ' - fixed the public hearing be- i tbs .ailmuth-an- i distance of- the long ernment street llcnument v west, .' of date, for, cf Lueltaha street; "J " ' : low . - ; . 2. 13 0.S0' feet chord .being,; ''i.;y... .. San Antonio avenue, and at the In stated, ; . 1 alons ::3 c:" 1 " ; r -- - - - . i 'eneaxlens'lane;-- - .' ; : 6. 12 48' 45" 159.8 feet; thence, tersection of .the tangents of the cen X. PEFINITION. 0- ' . ; Z. Tbenea new southeast 7. aiO'. 13' C- C20J feet to.Oty ter line of . Lusitana street as . shown The terri "subject to assessment," ii cuic:: tier' 19.37 beyond Map No. 4, al30 to . Oc t . - - e!e3 Cf Lueltena Etreet ca a curve to Survey Ilcnument feet, a ca Grade on" file in the as herein' used, relates lands 'Pef.I.-I- str. Claudine,. for Haul, r, - t . . w W tha r: Lt tavlet-- r a J3 cf 277.3 feet, Government Survey Monument at the office of the City, and County-Eng- i not subject to direct assessment but tober. 25. William Lcu-hs- Mrs. freight ai;d pa::: . ; r old inters ectloa'.cf "Lusitana ; and , Iolani neer," is by true zlmuth' 304 33' with respect to which their proportion Chong Kcng Fook, Mrs. Kekl cr.d in- the direct ailenuth and dlitazce cf the " .-- - . , 323.95 . ; . , Cheng streets; thence, , feet; : . ;i of cost i3 to be borne by the City uad fant. Miss Choe Kyan, Mrs. 35--4 -- L 1 ! r 8. 131V 35? CO" 236.6 to : 40. 235 30 CO" feet along County, including lands entitled Ah Ching. . ALL c-- C U - w riT V. - 4.1 3 12' CO" 47,5 feet; thence t feet ''.,the . the Sam Yow and Infant, Mrs. 5. 115 CO" along beginning" of "a tea degree (10) curve Manuel 'C. Reis; ...-r ?.?.-- to the benefit of said "Auwalolimu 10' 23 feet ' : - :: ;. t. property cf John Jescs to the to the'rlshf:' 'thence along a ten de 41. 222 30 CO 39.4- feet alonff Fund."',.: . TLZZZT.ZZZZ AZZZtD Frank ' ': f -- azi- C. Rel3; : given by rclnt cf beginning. - , , gree (10) curve to the right, the Manuel . And notice is further that -- 213 301, today Area C 3.0 sq. fu at 10,1,2 per ; muth and "distance of the long chord 42..; 45' 00r 6L4 feet along the; terms of said Resolution No. Per Matson str. Wllhelmlna being,. "". r.' -:- ;.. v.- - . . . 1 Manuel CJ Reis to an bid fence post a public hearing respecting, e pro Mr. ' Albertinl, 3. fL ...... ;,.V.1L40 - from San Fraucisco 60.00 9.- 200MO 30" 171.4 feet; thence, IV. MAIN THOROUGHFARE: CON posed Improvements will be held at and maid, Miss A. An- 7. ' ! Moving wall ...... Mrs. Albertlnl FRED L. i'ALZ Z'l, L.T Z 10. 2C3r. 46' .00" 242.5;feet to the TRIBUTION ,TO vCOST BY CITY the. Assembly hall of the Board of derson, Miss E. M, Anderson, L. J. Ar-di-s, . ;i::cc ' Total estimated cost' ...... 171.40 beginning cf a ten "degree (10) curve AND COUNTY: - Supervisors: of the City and County E. A. Back, Mrs. .Max Da3ker, F. hcr.CLULU ir.c?j vyc.iKS, de-- day H. (b) Prcptrty Cf Jarin Frank Jesus: to the.risbt; thence along a' teix The entire street so to be . Improved of 'Honolulu on Tuesday, the 9th Batchelor.. Mrs. F; Batclielor, Miss : H;r.:'.:j and Hila. Ee'-Innln- s: at a fence corner at the gree (10)'. curve, to .the right, the Is deemed and has been declared by of "NovemberrlSla, at the hour of 7.30 Belser, Miss M. Belaer, Mrs. J. north corner cf this lot on the soutV azimuth" and distance ' of - the , long the Board of Supervisors as a main o'clock p. m., at which time and place Mrs. A. A: Bemls. Mss. L. Bloom, . ; - chord being, . . or general thoroughfare,- with respect Opportunity will be given to all G. T. Church, J. P. east cf Lusltaza," ttreet, the co a'fuir David Center. FREIGHT-i f lie. it z- -- ' sugges- Co- - ordinates cf- - said point cf cer.nnlnj 11. 215 32' 30 135 feet; thence, to which the City and County of Ho persons interested to present Codke. C. S. Coon, Master L. A. ' 1 c e c 1S3.E3 234X5 12. 223; 19' 00" 353. feet to the nolulu proposes to assume and pay tions or objections . to the proposed C. H. Cruikshank, Mrs. C. H. being feet north, and feet velle, A!;at rerrrrztlcnjt cf Government Survey Street beginning of a ten degree (10) curve out of general revenue ten per ctnt Improvements , or any .part or detail Craikshank. E. F. Cikler. Mrs. D. r . tt v cny p:'-.- t T ' A t thence-alon- improvements - John ca tn i - J u iif v j Monument, weet cf San'Aatcaio ave to the right; a. ten de (10) of the cost of the thereof. .. ': . Cykler, 'Demosthenes Lycurgus, t:j Tc .j C:r".:s for Hent nue. and at the Intersection cf the tan gree (109) curve to the right,-th- e azi (except. as to the portion occupied" by Dated, Honolulu, T. II., October 16, Detor. Miss Miriam Dickinson, Jonn ..-; T.'.'rt . muth and distance of the long chord the Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land r O. Miss M. Ehrhorn, E M-- VELL2-rAR-C- Y.iTi' ' gents cf the ctnter line cf Lusitana 1913. Duarte. Zzs Fcrt Ct., r :;r AUen, upitalra. Map .4, being. - . Company for . its right of ; way, , and KALAUOKALANI, Ehrhorn. W. M. Ekinnd. Mrs. E. E1H3. CO- 72 C. ' street as shown ca Grade lo. ;' D. JR.., - '.. - 00- - j f 14:7. .: a flle.ia the eff ce of the City and 13. 223 15' B8.7 feet; thehce, except as to new curbing). ? '!. Clerk, City and County of Honolulu. James F. Fen wick. Miss H. C Foster, KIn-- Ct. Tel. 1313 710.8-tfee- Goel-le- r, 14, 11 t V. , . : County Engineer, and ruining by true .228' 00" to the MATERIALS: . l '.v4,:V 6236-O- ct 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22r.23, 25, Miss Elsie Goeller,. Mrs. Louisa - - , : . : i beginning of a ten degree curve The materials proposed to be used . .. - :r i H. S. Green. Mrs. Gross, Wm. azimuth: '. v U0) . 26, 27. R 1 22S. 10' 2.2a feet along fence to the right: thence alone a ten de are the following:- - - ...-- Hathaway, Mrs. Wm. Hathaway, Mrs. HAD YCUR gree right, (1)- - "War-- Mrs. K. L, Hicks. HAVZ YCU FEET' along property ; cf Mrs. Matilda A. (10) curve to the the azi For paving said street: W. W. Hetherlngton, "v J . - . long . . t , . K. :Mls3 E. Hons!.!- C:r n A . . :.- muth and distance of chord renite"; Miss Hill. Mrs. Hiram, - "FCCTCC". THZVl YCTT .. ;ocn?ues; . , . the 4ETJTS OF ';., & C;- 2. Thence alone the new southeast being, .; (2) 'For new curbing: Lava rock? Holt W. Hopper, Mrs. W. Hopper. Geo Dr:!r; - LU ' Lusitana street on a curve to 15 234' 06' 30 169.1 feet; thence. (3) Rock curbing already laid to R. Isenberg, Mrs. Geo. B. Isenberg, J. , CCOT chop side cf niCAL Law-renc- e. thfl rizht having: a radius of 277.3 leeL 16. 240 02' 00" 208.15 feet to the be moved and ? reset to conform i to E. Kennedy. Chas. Lambert, Bro. cr.J Ctreeta twenty-thre- e v I Fcrt Hcttl beginning degree necensary; . Max. Mrs. Jno. W. the direct azimuth and distance of jtixe of a new sireei lines woere t.m yic3L3 to izzm ; Iwin. - -. twenty mlnute5(23 (4) W4 Luddeke, Miss Carolyn being, . and J 20'),curve to . For; storm sewers: Concrete Lewis, J. long chord - twenty-thre- e . . .' - 3. 42 27' 4)0- - 5I.CS feet; the left, thence along a nines. . " Wednesday, Oct 27. -- Macadam, H. R. Macfarlane, Miss A ' - - ' Massey; A.:' 115 55' CO 12.20 feet along degree- and twenty minute' (23 .20) VI. METHODS AND RATES. OF Kauai W. G. Hall, I.--I. str. Mason. Mr. A. Mason, C. R. -- ' to. left,' ? ' ; ; Mrs. C. R.' Massey, C. J. McCarthy, W. - along . .- curve the the.azimuth and dis ASSESSMENT;. AND FRONTAGES Thursday, 23. ;i ft. lane; J - . fence Oct ELECTRICALLY J 76 1 - IT - -- 'CO 00-57.- tance of the long chord being, SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT: .;.- I.--I. - " 7 S. McDonald, Mrs. C. Meade, ;J. V. All Wraprlxis Paper's and 5." T31 40': feet along r Maul Claudine, str. k!nJ3 cf 17. .217 37' 189.87 The proposed methods of assess ,; " Mendonca, A. ; Menefogllo, Mrs. Ida Twines, J'rintlr- - as J Vrltin?; Tapers, fence along the. present southeast side 30' feet te the Friday, OcL 29... ' to the. point of be-- center of south end of Pauoa bridge. ment are the following: v r San Tenvo Maru. T; K. Mersberg. Miss MetL Miss U.Moir. C AMLRICAN4iAWAMAN PAFZR . of Lusitana street, iFrancIsco v (b) - The frontage on the znakai (1) The cost of improving streets. -. Jno. T. Moir, Mrs. Jno.;T. Molr,.Capt. C 'CwTPLY COm LTD. " K.strl sqr per t side of Bald. street, to be assessed, is Including gutters, moving and - reset- F. Mosher, Mrs. F. Mosher, Miss Flor- ur 1 Qjeen i trccts, Honolulu , Jlrea 434.0 ft. at 10.12 Tcrt : sq. jus described aMoUowt:-;- V u ting of rock curbing, and all general ence Musto, Zeno K. Myers, Mrs. Zeno There 1410. Geo. C, Cuiid.-Gen- . Mgr. tt TO DX7AET Moving fence and building...... 7L25 Beginning . at - the northwest corner expense not otherwise provided, (less i K. Myers, G. S. Olds, W. K. Orth, T. : M. Osario, H: Peterson, MrsJ J, of Lusitana . and Alapai streets from the proportion to be borne by the City Wednesday, OcL 27. E. J. - - Pohl-ma-n. 0AHU RAILWAY TIMETABLE . Monu I.-- - B. Pillow C. Pohlraan, Mrs. C. Total estimated cost U233 which a" Government Street and County and the portion of work Hilo Mauna Kea, l. str. :- -- 1 K Rehn, Master Asher Rich tc) Preperty'of J.'Jose Rodrlgues; ment on the center line of Lusitana to be done, by. the Honolulu Rapid : - 'Thursday, Oct. 23. i F. ' T of Alapal & Company), pro L-- ardson,. Mrs. M. E. Richardson Mrs. OUTWARD Beginning at a fence "corner at the street and the. Ewa line Transit Land Kanaf-- W. G. Hall. I. str. " Dorothy Sargent, H. west corner of this lot and .'on the street. Is by true azimuth 281V01' vided by general assessment ats the " Friday. Oct. 29. E. A Ross, Miss For Walanae, Walalua, Kahnka' and southeast side of Lusitana street, the 39.57 feet, 'co-ordinat- es of said Mon- rate of 83.1947 ( maximum front Yokohama Tenyo Maru, T. IC; K. Schultz, H. Schultre, Miss W. Scott, way stations 9:15 a. m., 2J2b p. xx Triangu-latlo- n - - Miss B. Sebastian, H. Seggerman, Mrs. es of said point of beginning ument referred to Punchbowl foot against all land abutting)r upon For Pearl City. Ewa Mill and way S. Station being 2178.1 south said street, .both sides included, the I.-- ; H. Seggerman, T. Short, A I. Sllva, m- ra-11-:30 being 130.6S feet north and 257.04 feet feet Maufr --Claudine, I. str. stations f7:30 a - 9:15 a, - Miss Edith E. Smith, F. G. Snow, Mrs. east of Government Survey Street and 908.5 teet west as shown on total frontage subject 'to assessment 4 a. hl, 2:15 P. nu 323 p. rx, Monument, west of San Antonio ave Grade Map No. 4, on file in the office therefor being approximately 10414.3 1 F. G. ; Snow, H. O. Stanton, Rnssell 5:15 p. nu $9:30 p. m-- 1U:1S p.m. - . - r . Stone, Mrs. E. Stone, H. L. Strange, nue, and at the intersection- or tne cf the City and County Engineer, and linear ieeu ' TJATTJf J. For Wahiawa and Lellehna 10:25-a- -- y' ' A. Mrs. P. A. tangents line of Lusi- running by. true azimuths: . ;; (2) acquiring P. Swift Swift Mrs. J. m p. m- 5.00 p. 11:C0 of the center .The cost of the new t . f2:40 - el, . Unger, J. H. WaddelL O. tana street, as shown' on Grade Map 1. J50 15' 30" 189.62 feet along land for the widening of said street. Mails are due from, the following J. Waller. p.. xx v ; W. Waterhouse, Mrs. W. Waterhouse, ; - No. 4, on file in the office of the City new makal line of Lbsltana street; Including the cost allowed for the re- points :- . INWARD as follows- Irving C. Watson, F. Weber, Ed. B. 7 'County Engineer, and running by thence on a curve to the right with, a moval; of OcL 29 ' and ' and reconstruction fences San Francisco Tenyo Maru. Arrive Honolulu from Kanaka, Wal : " - Webster, Miss M. G. Welsh, Miss 1L true-azimuths- ; ' radius of 603.7' feet, the direct azimuth and walls occasioned by street widen Yokohama Shlnyo Maru, Nov. 2. alua and Walanae 8:38 a. xx, 5:21 J5 : Mrs. ' X0-4S- being, - WenzeU Chas. Weston, Miss : 1. 238V 33' feet .along and distance s ing, amounting to approximately SL- Australia Sonoma, Nov. 4. v?; p. m. ;." ; ' : V Mary Mrs. Frank Woodward. ItU . COrt LTD. along aide 2. 155 55' 00" 119.0 teet; . 489.19 by City Weston. fence the present southeast 'to be borne the and Vancouver Makura, Nov. 3. Miss Phylls Woodward, Miss A. Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and street; 3.' 34' 30 885.63 feet albng County general revenue. . Hills, of Lusitana l6f out of ';t Malls will depart for the following R. Balding, Pearl City 7:45 a. xn' a. ix, V:. 00" 13.60 .!..along new makal line of Lusitana' street ; ' J. W. Asch, E.' N. Stecker, 2. 235" 35 feet (5) The cost of new: curbing to be points as follows: ' . - 11:02 m- 1:40 p. xx, 4.2S p. xx, Miss M. Stone. : . x - 1 . ' 1 on a curve to right with a i fence along lane; f thence the provided by assessment at the rate of. San Francisco Shlnyo Maru,' Nor. 2. 3:31 p. m- 7:30 p. xx . . G i;.:?AfJYf LTD. 603.7 azi- - S. Thence along the new southeast radius of feet, the direct 80.40 per foot . against the abut Yokohama Tenyo 29. -- and-Con- -- front Maru, Oct 7; Wahiawa . Fire destroyed the Salisbury Road Arrive Honolulu from and Ccr:. :, C:ifrninj on curvs-t- o muth and distance le!ng,-- . ; - " side of Lusitana street a ting lands opposite which ..the same Australia Ventura, Nov. L Military Hospital Eng-- Leilehua 9:15 a. xx, p. xx, t Erineera. - :168 30-15- 5.8 V at Plymouth, fl:55 the right laving a radius of 277.3 tbtt, L r feet; shall be laid; there being approximate Vancouver Niagara, Nov.,12.. ' p. m- p. xx I Concrete Struc- ; and. AH the patients were saved. 4:01 - 7:10 :IJrrs, 6. 176 24' 30" 30223 along ev .. ... mm ITol-ilv- the azimuth and distance feet ly 1600 linear 0 .. ra - - ft VrLrlfMIV direct mm feet v .lTnltart w-a- w Sys-- ofhe - , ThaAlly t n r t r c! Ctmctures, Sanitary. i . sjhii - - be compulsory tures, it: ong chord being, , , . i- new makal line of Lusitana street; i. VII. SUMMARY OF DETAILED ' It used to In Eng first-clas- s s,' nd on" Pro- train (only tickets honored) r rrcrl3 Estimates 4. 54 13' 00 46.80 feet; . - C. 158 38' 00 20.41 feet across ESTIMATES OF PROBABLE COST land that the dead should be burled : - ' 1' leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36 , ,; TsursrosT - .80 00--17- -- tssrica 1043. v-' -- 1 ves. ll:cne 5. 115 30' 'feet along Kmau lane; (Gross):.'-..'-- .:; v-- I n woolen shrouds. This law was In ar- ' -- xx, for Halelwa hotel; returning Ju-ian- a : ; In . x ence along 'the rroperty otMr8. f 7. 17.7 40 00" 315.0 feet along Cost; of oldening'y and Inci- - Logan, from Manila for San Francisco. troduced order to encourage the in Honolulu 10:10 p. xx Pe- woolen rives at The Gouveia to the point of begin property of Caroline T. R Monte; dental expense 1,489,19 due here Nov. 4. . ; . , . manufacture of cloth within stops : . ' Limited only at Pearl City and . .!..... ' ning.-- - - .V' rV": vi-- i dro Lopes Telxelra, Henry C Brown, Preparation of subgrade, 19--- : Thomas, due here November 13, for the kingdom. - .. Walanae. ; " -- v v ' Area 666.0 sq. ft. at S0.12 per . '. and Centeld Co.; LtdL, from and of this 000 sq. 'yds. at $0.15. 2,850.00 "Guam and Manila! J - By the use of a partial vacuum Mmj . f . MMMMM VM'. - Otnei-Pian- os 1 Survey - - I : Bargains- In. eq ft...... l ...... 79.92 course Government Street Extra grading,, 950 cu. yds;- . Sherman, now at coast, the United States department of GvP. DENISON, F. C. SMITH, ' of cen . - PIANOS. ; Moving fence and . bouse, and Monument at the Intersection at $0.60 ...... 670.00 Sheridan, left here OcL 16 for Guam agriculture has developed- a hydro Superintendent . G, P. A. PLAYEH : 1 of- - i; : 4 damages ...... ' . ; . . ... , . .;. 910.00 ter lines Lusitana street ,near Warrenlte Paving (Including . ; and' Manila. M. :;..v. "y?!y cyanic acid process fumigating CO . ' ' for THAYCn PIANO LTP. sub-bas-e) : jTAE-ErLL- Punchbowl street Is by .true azimuth. 19,000 sq. yds. at Dix, now at coast . imported seeds more rapidly than sn ;rrr3 ycu IT I Phone 2313. - r Ctreit." Total estimated cost ,....,. 989.92 274 07' 23175 feet $1.70 ... A...... 22,300.00 Warren, stationed at the ; Phflipptnes. heretofore. - TCDAI'J ZZ w3 T- - JIT