t 4 1,

SUGAR 96 Degree XT. S. WEATHER BUREAU, OCTOBER 10. Last 24 hours rainfall, .14. Test Centrifugals, 3.625c; Per Ton, $72.50. 88 Temperature, Max. 81; Min. 71. Weather, rainy. Analysis Beets 8s lO&d; Per Ton, $78.20. ESTABLISHED JULY 7 T856 EJUS VOL. XLII., NO. 7231. , TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. OURKE COCKRAN THE HERIC SHY IKE FOR CHARITY, r THE A GUEST A' BftOJW NOT BUSINESS MOANA HOTEL

The Fighting Passenger Soldiers Charged With i 1 Boat Given an Counterfeiting Taken Life Insurance Company Is Run to Famous New Yorker a Through Passenger on Ovation. From Transport the America Maru---Thin- ks Hawaii Makes Satisfy Demands of The steamship America Maru is Six men were taken from the trans- the United States Assailable. again in port, after achieving fame in port Sherman yesterday afternoon, by Philanthropy. the Japan-Russia- n war. The popular United States Marshal Hendry and U, liner of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha Com- S. District Attorney Breckons, charged

- pany arrived yesterday afternoon. with passing counterfeit paper money. Hon. Bourke Coekran, leading orator of Tammany Hall,- member of the (Associated The decks of the America Maru no Three men were also removed and are Press Cablegrams.) lower house of Congress from New York, and one of the foremost Democrats in longer bristle with guns. The latter held as witnesses. The six prisoners NEW YORK, October 11. During the progress of insur- J the United States, is passing through Honolulu as a passenger on the Japanese the have been removed and traces of the are held at the jail until their cases night ance investigation liner America Maru. He is making his first visit here and last took come up Commissioner Maling, President McCurdy testified that his company s, ! r gun platforms have been obliterated before i apartments at the Moana Hotel. as far as possible. In fact, the Amer- The arrests caused something of a was a philanthropic enterprise and not founded to make money for was met aboard the America Maru as the vessel entered the Mr. Coekran ica Maru looks almost as trim as she commotion aboard the transport. The the'policy holders. with Advertiser man for some time, speaking of the harbor. He chatted the did before she became an auxiliary first man taken off was Charles H. ami Hawaii. Philippines cruiser in the Japanese navy. Murphy of the Marine Corps. Murphy When told of the nomination of William B. Hearse for mayor of New York, The vessel was sighted about 4 was taken ashore and to the office of STRIKE SPREADS. been done by bolting Democrats." Mr. Coekran remarked: "That must have o'clock and at 5 o'clock was at anchor District Attorney where he was in- He was intensely interested in the news of the investigation of the life in the roadstead waiting for the pilot, terrogated, sum- with the result that MOSCOW, insurance companies in New York, and was surprised to hear that Hughes had customs and immigration officials. The monses were issued immediately for October 11. A majority of the factories have joiaed the 5 ttriking printers been nominated for mayor by the Republicans. customs launch went out about o'clocK the arrest of Thos. L. Carter, a civil and bakers. There Lave been several clashes with the Dolica. and the officials boarded the vessel. employe; C. P. Brown and John Doe "What was the purpose of your world-tou- r and especially your visit to the The crew, all in white uniforms, were Wood, former bluejackets; William Mr. Coekran. Philippines?" was asked of drawn up on the main deck, the Japa- Moore and John Brady. Orders were SCANDINAVIA SERENE. "To learn," was his reply. "My visit to the Philippines was to ascertain nese immigrants, in double lines, near- also issued to hold as witnesses James personally the situation there." by. With the Japanese flag flying at Murray, Mr. Sheehan and John Mc- - sternmast, "Have you changed your views with regard to the Philippines?" the and the crews in line, Cabe. it looked almost as if the America Maru Murphy was arrested early In the CHRISTIANIA, October 11. The treaty has been ratified. indeed. I have always been opposed to the acquisition and retention "No, were still an auxiliary cruiser, except afternoon. Although the vessel was STOCKHOLM, October 11. The treaty will be ratified on Friday. of the Philippines. My visit there did not alter my views. that no cannon were visible. scheduled to leave at three, it was held o "However, as long as President Roosevelt and Mr. Taft have evidently On the Waterwitch was a committee at the instance of the District Attor- determined upon a policy looking to their retention, and that policy will of Japanese wearing rosettes, and com- ney, and did not sail until five, by PEACE NOT NEAR. undoubtedly prevail, I will do what I can to benefit the islands. prising Rev. Mr. Motokawa, U. Ko-bayas- hi, which time all the men wanted were M. Komoeya, M. Yamashiro, patrol wagon. "But is my opinion that the plunderers will come out on top, despite ashore and in the it T. Hiramoto, K. Kawasaki, S. Hirano. is claimed that Murphy not only Mr. They will do everything It BUDAPEST, October 11. The Diet has been prorogued until December. the best intentions of the President and Taft. They were allowed to board the vessel flooded. and the transport possible for the benefit of the islanders, but the plunderers will get the best as soon as pratique was granted. They with bogus paper money, but that he The chances are slim that peace will crown the proposed coalition. of it." were greeted with enthusiasm by the attempted to pass it in Honolulu. o was next Japanese officers, and shortly tables Cablegraphie instructions came from . .... "What ideas have you had concerning the Hawaiian Islands?" were spread on the upper deck, where Chief Wilkie of the Secret Service to SABIN IS DEAD. , asked. . refreshments, principally liquid, were be on the lookout for these "passers Mr. Coekran. "The same as I had with regard to the Philippines," answered served. of the aueer." . .'""' of the Hawaiian Islands, for the reason that I As steamer Mikahala passed "I opposed the annexation the the It is said that Murphy had quanti SAN FRANCISCO, October 11. John I. Sabin, president of the Pacific unnecessary to nation. - America Maru, en route to Kauai, the ties of the bogus money, which is raw tielieved them entirely the Telephone & Telegraph Company, Japanese passengers aboard gave three In execution. He is also alleged to States is dead. "Before the United States acquired the Hawaiian Islands the nation was o rousing banzais, which were returned by have offered $10 greenbacks to ship- Now believe to the contrary. tnassailable. I those on the liner. mates for $2.75 and $3 each. A man, now a of Union, chan-(Continu- "However, as the Hawaiian Islands are part the American Then the liner started up the ed in presence of a Customs Inspector, HEARST ACCEPTS NOMINATION. the I J I believe it my duty to look out for their welfare as for that of any other part on Page 2.) (Continued on Page 3.) cf the Union." V NEW YORK, October 11. William R. Hearst has accepted the noauaa-- Roosevelt's trip below water in the sub- NO VESSEL TO TAKE ion of the Municipal League for mayor. 10 SUBMIHIIB USED marine Plunger, Mr. Miner said the re- o ceipt of the news in Japan caused tt great interest. THE ALAMEDA'S PLACE STEAMER SAVED. HI TBI JAPANESE FALSE ALARM. In reply to a cable by W. G. Irwin & Co., as to what vessel The second false alarm within a EUREKA, California, October 11. The Steamer Argo, which went ashore in the "Japan y.e& no week was turned in at midnight from would replace the Alameda the following reply was received: here four days ago, has been floated. war with Russia." box 35 at Alakea and Halekauwila sts. "Can not get a suitable vessel. Alameda will o statement of is The be ready This is the unqualified This the second false alarm from for sea in about five weeks." Mr. D. "Miner, Superintendent of this box within three months. Acting MAKES BIG HAUL. C Chief Engineer Deering he Construction of the Holland stated that W. G. Irwin & Co. presume from the foregoing that it is the would conduct an investigation to see passenger on the of Company, who is a who is giving the government unneces- intention the Oceanic Steamship Company to put the vessel on PITTSBURG, October 11. The Adams Express Company has been robbed Maru. ' Japanese liner America sary expense. the run again. of $100,000 by an employe. Mr. Miner, accompanied by Mrs. Miner and three electricians and ma- AFTERNOON REPORT. chinists, is returning from the Japa- 9 (?) TOKIO, 10. rfaltingr nese navy yard atYokosuka, where he October The ) British fleet left today for Tolso-- i) it put together six Holland submarine hama. finishing them just before the boats, (? TOKIO. October 10. Miss Allca peace treaty was signed. () Roosevelt and party will sail front Yo says parts 13 X Mr. Miner that all the kohama on October for the United (?) o . X the submarines were shipped to t Japan piecemeal. It was his duty to EUREKA, October 10. Efforts to assemble them and produce fighting float the wrecked steamer Argo have (?) machines. He and his men worked failed. Attempts to float her wiU be resumed. hard with the boats and put together over con- NEW YORK, October 10 Vice Presi- the first submarine craft . " I A j, "Z 4 dent Gillette of the Mutual Life Insur- structed in the Far East. ance Company testified today that his The construction of the Holland boats company gave Republican (?) the national at probably gave rise to the committee $40,000 in 1905, J35,00 In 190O rumor that Japan herself was engaged and J1.500 in 1896. in building submarines of a type plan- . t ned by Japanese naval constructors. CRABBE FOR SECRETARY. Mr. Miner states that none of the submarines were ready for use during Ex-Senat- and President of the Sen-

war, y L. Crabbe has be ap-- any engagements of the "Tin ... - : TTia-ni- r in 1 Ti ' . . ? .e rv l - 'wrrc . 1 ate Charles of the '. tt n r ,j t t wi'i t f ir w rin iFHi' n r were used on ?) and that no submarines pointed Secretary of the Immigrationa of Japan 1 either side in the great battle P?-sa- i. - ;;tT-""W-:.-v Commission. He took charge yeater- - Sea. ' x f and will look all statistics, On leaving Yokosuka Mr. Miner and (?)jd3y after by (? J noi7nt..i and records. Secretarv At-- associates were given an ovation (?) Japanese Yoko- private office has be- - turned naval officers, and at 5 kinson's hama they were similarly honored. , over to Mr. Crabbe, temporarily, until The statement of the Superintendent 9 pother quarters can be arranged for. of the Holland Submarine Company (?) Gr Secretary Cralde was formerly chair- - that no submarines were completed for 9,' man of the Republican Central C OEB- - Japan in tim to take part in the war X rnittee is of special interest in view of the famous "North Sea incident." when the VIOLATED ORDINANCE. Russian fleet fired on and sank English t laundrymen trawlers, afterwards claiming privilege A number of Chinese night for violating on the ground that Japanese subma-xgta- es (?) T. K. K. AMERICA MARU, WHICH ARRIVED YESTERDAY FROM ON HER FIRST RUN SINCE THE END were arrested last 1 newly passed ordinance prohibit- had been sighted.. JAP-RUSS- O the OF THE WAR. spitting. I Reference being made to President ing spraying clothes by PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER n, 1905. 2 THE THE AMERICA A r the ! MARU HERE REAL BARGAINS I r r i Leonard CleanaWe I) JiOi (Continued from Page L) IN PRETTY LACES Half way In the vessel was met JL Jt jt jfi 4 by the steam faare Pioneer, decorated Refrigerator - be" with Japanes- &gs- - Daylight fire- The following standard lines will soli at greatly re- I works were discharged from the c duced prices for one week only, commencing Monday, Octo- of the steamer, and the air was full There is none other as good ber 9th. The goods are ail new. i of ftytng; elephants", Krds. IfctHoons. Pa CLEAN Japanese nags, etc. Then as darknes DURABLE came on, Japanese lanterns were light- VALENCIENNES, TOECHONS, wa All-over- ed on the Pioneer. It a pretty Fancy Cotton, Orientals. Clunie, s, Fooking, etc. ECONOMICAL scene as viewed from the decks of the i Ladies Super Lisle Gloves, all colors, reduced styles: Zinc Lined. Porcelain America Maru as she swung about in from 50c 9r In three go pair. Covered. the harbor to stern foremost into the to 35c a Lined, Porcelain Lined and Hac-kfel-d slip. Ladies Ribbed Vests, regular SOI Then, as the vessel went Into the 15c, this week 10c COP slip, the dock became a mass of Japa- SIEJ PARTS EASILY REMOVED. J J J nor ALL nese lanterns, in the hands of the chil- CHI dren of various Japanese schools. The PROGRESS BLOCK. I children broke into fong and continued FORT STREET. H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Hardware Department. their musical ovation to the trium- BL0M J phant liner, until all the lines were secured.. The Japane national an- them and many other songs were sung DEATH OF MBS. lustily and enthusiastically, and at the rg.CTg.-.a..- j ...... nj; .m.liaw-f- f .Mil:' .PJWW "''"' M '.Wm conclusion of each, the crew and pas sengers broke out into "Banzai?!" The REBECCA J01S0II dock wag crowded with Japanese and every evidence of the patriotic feeling A gas range kitchen is cooler of the subjects of the Emperor was 1 Gran JOHNSON Mrs. Rebecca Johnson, shown. than "all out doors." at the home of her daughter and son-in-la- w, Captain Going, commander of the pa; COOLER Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Bon. America Maru. and formerly with the Young street, Pawaa, Honolulu, Oct. Nippon Maru. came into port wearing JC7 Don't miss Miss Tracy's cook- 10, 1S05. Deceased was 74 years of age, MS Tc a smile. a long WEATHER a native of Cadiz. Ohio. broad It is time since Sale he was here last. He has had a stren- ing demonstrations. uous career since the war began, be- IF Mrs. Johnson arrived here from Den- ing one of the Japanese transport cap- ver with her husband, Ashbury F. tains. He had command of the steam- Thursday Horning, Oct. 12, " Accompanyi- Ai YOU Johnson, on the 3rd inst. er RosiHa Maru. a hospital boat used ng: couple At 8 OXfock. TRC the aged from San Fran- to convey the wounded from Dalny to S. S cisco were Mrs. E. Kimble and Miss Japan. Afterwards he was in com- WANT Kimble, Mrs. John- 8. S sister and niece of mand of the Mancbu Maru, which con- All our beautiful blue and white Japanese Cotton son. Fi veyed new troops from Japan to Man- Rugs will be sold out at tremendous reductions and this IT. came Cori Honolulu Gas Mr. and Mrs. Johnson had to churia, landing them at Dalny. He will be your last chance in Brot spend On to get them this city. fthe islands to the winter. landed, in all, about &) troops. At Mrs. Johnson, while at Perhaps no other rug has proven so popular among FRf Saturday last the beginning of the war his trans-- Go,, Ltd. Moana hotel, was stricken with Honolulu housewives as these beautiful blue and white the port, with others, was always convoyed paralysis and was unable to rally. Japanese Cotton Rugs and mam' hundreds are doing fine 8. by Jap warships, but latterly the trans-jr-ts Death came painlessly. Besides Mrs. service today in prettily-furnishe- d B. S took chances. Captain Go- homes. Bon city are their i Chas. A. of this there ing prizes a picture, which occupies a They are not only beautiful, but possess excellent three daughters and three sons m other prominent place in his cabin, in which wearing qualities and are suitable for parlor, dining-roo- surviving 3Irs. Johnson. Two of the all the transport captains are shown, or bedrooms. daughters, Mrs. E. T. Duffey and Miss himself included. Then another picture Don't miss chance bar- Nellie and one son, Henry, have visit- this to buy them at great shows 237 persons, including the cap- m ed Honolulu. The other daughter is gains. tains, chief officers, engineers and pur- 1 Miss Annie and the other sons are NOTE THESE REDUCTIONS: Ashbury. Mr. Charles sers of the transports. o Charles and Captain Regular Sale Johnson will arrive by the Korea, hav- On the wall of bis cabin. Miaou Going also points with pride to a Japa- Sizes. Prices. Prices. ing been summoned by cable on Sat- eai Go- nese manuscript, stowing he, feet, Blue arid The Wonderful MAN-GA-NESE WATER. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are well that 2x 4 White $ 2.00 1.50 known at Denver and at Laramie, ing, has been honored with the ribbon Blue Center 2.40 - 1.80 of the Sixth Order of the Sacred Treas- 3-- Wyo. Mrs. Johnson was a cultivated, x 4 feet, Blue and White 3.00 2.25 ure by the Emperor of Japan, for ser- " lovable woman of beautiful christian Blue Center 3.60 2.70 that Distress after Eating or Drinking. vices in the Japan-Chin- a war. It is character. 3.x 6 feet, Blue and White Cures where all else fails expected that for his service in the 4.50 3.40 Blue Center . 4-0- 5 Japan-Russ- ia war some other acknowl- .. 5.40 CATARRH of the STOMACH POULTBY SHOW edgment of services will be granted by 4x 6 feet, Blue and White 6.00 4.50 Indigestion, Excess of Mucus, Fermentation, Acidity, Gases, the Emperor. Blue Center 7.20 5.40 Distention, That Lump, Distress, Nausea, Anaemia. C. Lacy-- Goodrich, than whom no 4x S feet, Blue and White 8x 6.03 For sale by your druggist or by PBOSPECTS BOOM other purser is more popular on the Blue Center 9.60 7.20 Pacific Ocean, is the "Guardiai of the 6x 6 feet, Blue and White 9.00 6.75 & Keys" aboard the America Maru. Mr. Blue Center 10.80 8.10 W. C. PEACOCK CO., LTD. The regular monthly Goodrich was sent from San Francisco meeting of the 6x 8 feet, Blue and White 12.00 - 9.03 SOLE AGENTS. Hawaiian Poultry Association was held to Yokohama to take charge of the 14-4- 0 10.80 clerical end of the Maru, and his ad- Blue Center last night in the office of the Fisher, vent both in Yokohama and Honplulu 8x 8 feet. Blue and White 16.00 12.00 Abies Co., P. L. "Weaver presiding. was hailed with joy. Lacy is one of Blue Center 19.20 1440 was It announced that G. P. Wilder, the officers who makes friends not only 8x10 feet, Elue and White 20.00 15.03 J. H-- Craig C. R. 1 and Frazier had been for himself, but the company. Blue Center 24.00 18.00 1 appointed an exhibition committee, at in charge of the H. B. Thomas is 8x12 Blue 24-0-0 18.03 Beneficial to Itoiig anUTOll a director's meeting, recently held, feet. and White steward's department, and from expres- power Blue Center 28.80 21.60 with full to arrange all details sions made by several of the passen- pertaining 9x12 feet, Blue and White 27.00 20.25 to the coming show. The gers, he is on the. highway to fame, management entire of the affair will as he has the art of satisfying the Blue Center 32.40 24.30 be left in the hands of these gentle- man down to a fine point. Mr. 10x10 feet, Blue and White 25.00 18.75 men. inner has recently had an interest- Blue Center 30.00 22.50 Prospects Thomas for the show are exceed- ing experience. He was steward aboard 10x12 feet, Blue and White ingly bright, 30.00 22.50 fifty entries already being American steamer Montara, which guaranteed the Blue Center 36.00 27.00 while at lea?t this number was captured by the Japanese at more 10x14 feet. Blue and White 35.00 26.25 is in sight. There will be over The Montara had a cargo three hundred Blue Center 43 00 32 25 birds on exhibition. for the Russian government, and an- A fine premium prom- 12x12 feet, Blue and White 36.00 27.00 list has been chored at Petropaulovsk, near the ised, the local Blue Center merchants having come Spreckels liner Australia. One day 43 20 32 40 forward very handsomely in this re- spect. two Japanese warships poked their i 111 ik1! J t t r v jvl u i noses into the harbor, and as a pre-- r, l. ix Two new were Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., it members elected at liminary discharged half a dozen guns. 4 night's last meeting and the names happily with blank cartridges. The of five more 177 S. KING STREET. were suggested. Montara did the only thing that was Out. JLB4DPRBIER.U3 A special meeting of the association She "will sensible under the circumstances. be held on the 24th inst. at 7:30 surrendered, and the crew were taken li Imn Inelowof JieaUharulgnre$;anew' lease P. m. purpose for the of making an prisoners and sent to Yokusuka. Japan. I"- - appropriation n with which to defray the The Australia. say Mr, Thomas, did ' war. with except-o- of a single Lieut. Brewster and Lieut. E?2n of the?-Mari- ne life. No expenses of 1 - mcdicmeican the exhibition. r,rt and a shot was sent i trip maae dv tne iiner to tan Fran- Corps, U. S. A.: Captain Jamej It is anticipated an. Cisco was r honf that between two yielded quickly j and return, master of the steamer across her bows. She was a of which in ran; RAINIER BOTTLING WORKS, ina inree thousand people will pass I sbe mounted with battery was recently soli J. Phone w. 1331. Honolulu. then. She had to, for she had several two guns, was n the me turnstiles on the show days. fore and aft; the engineer tons of dynamite in her hold. Mr. four one-pound- er guns and two 47- - steamer; Captain Cartwr sht wa cap- Thomas says that Petropaulovsk was in I millimeter guns tain of the British steams-- h p Pawnee; AN EVENING IN JAPAN. On the foremast is a lookout station. Mr. J. E. Matthews. Is connected with a big steel concern at Bethlehem, Pa.; The Young People's considerably above the crow's nest. Legion of the ished bombarding it. This came in handy after the battle of and is accompanied by Mrs. Matthews; local corps of the Salvation Army j Mr. Thomas had to completely out-announ- ce Harry Williams. Jr., is connected with the Japan Sea when the America Mini company an interesting meeting to fit Maru anew for the was despatched in pursuit of the three the big tea exporting of the America - Siegfried Kobe; C. B. Miner is su- take place in the Armv Hall trip, and it was a hard job. Tet he Russian warships which left Rojest- at every - neet ana nea r.o perintendent of the Holland Submarine Our Belts Suspenders Xuuanu and King streets, on Thurs-- hs so thoroughly fitted out de jvenssys Co., S. Ror.ey Trunks : and H. L. Brake. F. and Gloves -- partment, mat tne passengers iounu AJiientd jwiu " as- day p. m- - I R P. Metz were his assistants in i Spring ccuwig, uciooer at tn. MimTviain one swiftest of the auxiliaries. Neck. Hanck'fs Under-&n- i, Tinthirir of of the Toko-suk- a, and d Rev Mr. , . : 1 id mist, but sembling Hol'and submarines at Wadman. who- a T . . - - has sn " . ti, 4,1 UIC 0...;.1 IllC 13 snact- t throuehj the foes iii- - Tr sis-h- t vessels, sne Japan: Mrs. Miner accompanies wear number of years service Sn , ever said Mrs. taiiA the war Bummer Valisej wear, Japan as known at sea,' ; her husband. Among the important 1 1 , several desolate islands in the a missionary, will give an address, sub-- nr IP! i tt intriiuniL ii;it:i of the visited personages is Bourke Cockran, the-famou- Stock Hats WrtiJan.i Siihmarino ro . srnl this sen-- ', hope of discovering the quarry. and Pants Shirts Etc ject "An Evening in Japan." be- Tammany orator of New Tork After the I tt"t-!5.- Cock- - i went almost as far as Manila Bay. timont trsia bv" Ronrke lov-- r address a musical program will ren- - ' ' fore discovering they had gone city, and member of the house xos4 Fort Street, I. O. O. F. Building and 15a Hotel Street. be ran and manv others. In fact some that of Congress, who is a through pas- dered and refreshments will be wanted to remain aboard for dinner ! sareiy msiae. served. The America Maru was the first ves- - senger, completing a tour of the world. All are invited to attend. Admission last night, saving that they were sure The America Maru left Yokohama ti-- ,1 man : t free. 10 ir in better wnat inei l" 1. now making 23th Refreshments cents. t Qh.w sian fleet as it neared Singapore. She October and is her Ma-be- en voyage. Her officers are as follows: Havashi. the second steward, has ; had been dispatched through the ! Phiiip Going. Commander; AXHEUSER - BUSCH'S MANAGER "with the company for about ten lacca straits to locate the enemy. She Ernect . ENS.' CURED OF A HEAVY so and returned to get in touch Bent, Chief Officer; G. Ishii. Chief En- COLD. years, and formerly traveled in the did M. i "ith fleet. gineer; C. Lacy Goodrich. Purser; 3 Mr. Albert S. Stiasney, manager An- - steamers to London. the main Sanford: "l?i imprirfl Af4TTi hrjc 10 of Kanai, Surgeon. Optician tons neuser - Busch Brewing ; ; Association, gh Cape Town, Africa says: "During my is the only man aboard who served all freight for Honolulu. She will be BOSTON inci- - 5 to- - BUILDING, FORT ST., OVER MAY & CO. trip in the Transvaal I contracted a the war. He is full of spatched for San Francisco at noon severe cold, and am pleased to state dents of the experiences of the Amer- - .day. and wilj undoubtedly beat the that In Chamberlain's Courh Remedy I ica Maru. He presented to Dr. Katsu- - transport Sherman into port. That found prompt relief and after continu- numa. formerly a veterinarian in the being the case, the bulk of the mail. ing it for a few days was entirely rid Japanese army, a tattered and dirty j which was forwarded on the transport, of the distressing indisposition." For flag which was used at various times s will arrive some time later than that y IFYOU ARE sale by Benson. Smith & Co., Ltd., aboard the America Maru, while she despatched by the America Maru. Agents for Hawaii. was attached to Togo's fleet. The flag Among the passengers for Honolulu, VAlLfOCKIH'G m will form the center of at four in number, three were Japanese. Ftfv"x TT attraction r.TT READ THE ADVERTISER a dinner to be given in the near future. The other is Mr. P. Retallian. who will 1 The American Maru has been n aui. ston over here until thp next steamer. WORLD'S NEW? DAILY, iliary cruiser since the beginning of the Of the through passengers there are THE COMMERCfAE ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER PACIFIC n, 1905. 5 Lace Gurtain Sale QUITE A Great reduction in prices in our LACE CURTAIN Depart- TOURNEY HUNTING ment. Many lines will be closed out my .Telephone' Main 424-- ENTRIES THE SNIPE HERCULES At 20 Per Cent. Off the Regular Price These lots consist of DAY Twenty-Si- x Names Are Fair Nimrod's Have Bad Strong Man Slaar Is THIS Dovn for Men's Time in Palolo Looking for a Irish Point Lace Curtains Singles. Valley. Match. and Wednesday 3 The entries for the gentlemen's and There were some tall stunts doing in Oscar Staar, the strong man, is back October II, 1905, ladies' singles in the fall tennis tour- the snipe catching line at the mauka n town from a trip to Laysan Island, 10 O'CLOCK A. M., ney, to be played under the auspices end of Palolo Valley on Monday even- and is now on the trail of the local of the Hawaii Tenni3 Association, clos ing. alleged strong men. SPECIAL VALUES At my salesrooms, corner Fort and ed yesterday afternoon Woods & A local lady of alleged royal descent He particularly wants to try conclu In NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, each pair Queen streets, I will sell at reduced Sheldon's. and several of her friends, male and sions with Honolulu's champion Jap.a so as to close out all broken lines. The competition in the men's divi female, were lnvitea Dy a certain young . nese w resuer wno, wnue staar was 36-in- ch ODSEHuLD FORNITCRE slon promises to be unusually keen, no man about town to participate in a away, boasted that he could defeat him Dotted Curtain Swisses i2l2c yd. less than 26 entries having been re snipe-catchi- ng party to be held at the at weight-liftin- g. Silkolines, Newest Patterns 7 yds. for $1.00 TRUNKS ceived. time and place mentioned. Staar's standing challenge is that he CURIOS, The entries, which include a num The fair alii and the others swal- will lift more with one arm that any Beer Mugs, all sizes; ber of new names, are as follows: lowed the bait, hook, sinker and all, other man can lift with two. 8 p. more 25 years age Many Coffee Pots. C. G. Bockers, H. G. Gray, Major R and about m. a dozen or Staar is of and his meas - Many Flour Sieves. C. "Vllet. E. R. Adams, W. P. snipe catchers left the Club Stables urements are phenomenal as the fol pacific Van import ee. Ladies' Secretary. Roth, A. T. Brock, C. F. Eckhart, L lowing figures will show: Domestic Sewing Machines, (new); bound for Palolo. S. G. Wil 1-- 1-- Lewton Brain, J. P. Cooke, Arrived at the hunting ground each Forearm, 13 2 inches; bleep, 16 2 Elegant Hawaiian Quilts, der, D. Hitchcock, Prof, T T)nors. Howard inches; 44 i .0 nro Ha G. S. G. Fuller, lady and gentleman hunter was given chest, inches; expanded, 63 Shppta (new) 9 French, H. Dillingham, bag, ifl Corrusrated Iron C. H. Cooke, A. L. C. Atkinson, A. a stationed several hundred yards Inches. . F open feet long-- M. Alexander, W, apart, and told to hold it so that Staar is a Etc., Etc, Judd, F. Prosser, F. snipe fly to- natural Hercules whose Brown Wrapping Paper, A. Griffiths, W. S. the might in when driven H. Babbitt. F. War by of strength came with his birth. There is nothing up Bureau, Bedsteads. ren, T. R. Fulmore, R. D. Mead, E ward the hunters the rest the that tones Screens, Door Blinds, party, who left their companions pre- He has used no developing appar the run -down system like Chinaware, Steere. sur- a glass Rockers, Glassware, sumably to proceed to beat the atus ana has done no systematic of good beer. Firewood. Axes. Hatchets, In the ladies' singles only two names rounding country the birds. weight-liftin- g, Tahls. for other than . con Boxes, Refrigerator, Corrugated In reality they rendezvoused at a that Ice were received, those of Miss Lorita Van nected with his avocation as stevedore, Vliet and Mrs. F. C. Field. given point and were soon driving ' Couch, Bedding, Books, merrily home, leaving the snipe hunt- He drinks beer and smokes in mod- PRIMO LARGER The draw took place yesterday after prey ETC.. ETC.. ETC. ers awaiting their in Palolo's eration, but has a hankering fcr law rtoon and the first matches are ghostly solitudes. mince meat, of which he often partakes and scheduled to come off this afternoon. At 2 a. m. yesterday one dedraggled of a pound at a time. He Is very sportsman also WILL E. FISHER, The winner of the men's singles will made town and a little later fond of brown bread. AUCTIONEER. two of the fair sportswomen drove in WURZBURGER BEER receive the handsome J. A. M. John on a milk wagon. Staar's physical development is mar son cup, and a second prize, consist Just how the rest fared is not known, velous and he is as hard as a rock. ing of a leather racket case, has been but at least a couple of the deluded possess unequaled medicinal presented by Woods & Sheldon. Nimrods shared the hospitality) of a properties and are absolutely At Auction singles is Kaimuki resident who was awakened TOOK SWEETHEART pure. Invalids partaking of them The trophy for the ladies by agonized shrieks long after mid n a beautiful cup, offered by E. O. Hall night. quickly show their beneficent n and Co. , , The distinguished alii, who lives in SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 1905 The following games will be played the region round about Palolo, reached TO A CELL afternoon: PRISON AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. this home a sadder but wiser woman. courts 4 o'clock Whisper the word "snipe" to her and OO4OO4004OOO4004000KOC of Beretania at At the mauka or front entrance W. Warren vs. L. Lewton-Brai- n. she'll scratch you! the JUDICIARY BUILDING, we will C. G. Bockus vs. G. G. Fuller. PARKERSBURG, W. Va., September Hf.ll hv order of F. WUNDENBEKU, R. C. Van Vliet vs. Fred Alexander. 18. The trying ordeal of taking to CHAUFFEUR TOLD Esq., assignee for the creditors of the At 5 p. m. PUNAH0US prison his former sweetheart has fal "WAIKIKI SEASIDE HOTJdiLf J. R. Fulmore vs. A. F. Griffiths. UNION GAS the entire W. H. Babbitt vs. H. S. Gray. len to the lot of Guard H. F. Williams, Prof. French vs. H. C. Carter. TO of the Moundsville Penitentiary. This TO KEEP CBftHGE ENGINES Household Pacific Courts at 4 o'clock evening at Grantsville he will remove C. H. Cooke vs. E. R. Adams. from the Calhoun County Jail Mrs. The UNION GAS ENGINE! At 4:30 p. m. runs on Gasolene, Gene Blackshire, convicted of complic well-know- Distillate, Steere vs. H. G. Dillingham. A n local chauffeur struck Surf Boats, E. Association Footballers ity Naphtha, Benzine and Kero- Sittings, At 5 p. m. in the murder of her husband. windfall yesterday and in conse sene; but is ago. better than all M. F. Prosser vs. A. F. Judd. Henry Blackshire, six months She quence is today possessor of FUEL GAS. W. P. Roth vs. J. P. Cooke, Will the much Etc, Etc . . Organize will be brought to this city by Williams good red gold. Safe, clean, reliable and ele- Plants, placed ments of danger eliminate. and in the Wood County Jail The young fellow had been chauffing being penitentiary, No storage of explosives re- belonging to the Seaside Hotel MAUI MAY Today. before taken to the an individual from the transport Sher quired. Engines of all power premises to horse-pow- er Ltd., and situated in the where she is sentenced serve three man for the best part of the day and in stock from 1 t known as the HAWAIIAN HOTEL years. 150 horse-powe- r. beingr con- PLAY BALL as sailing time drew near he was told ANNEX at Walkiki, the Association football matters are rap-- When Williams entered the jail at Those desiring small power of all the buildings (excepting to go aboard the vessel and get his lighting, sents Idly shaping themselves and it won't Brants.ville saw woman the for pumping water er Walkiki corner building) Ho and the J de- 1 the mauka. , , r J. C. Davidson of Lahaina is in money. driving machinery of any lj' upon - M be long before all the league teams since the premises, consisting oi nolulu, conferring with various local first time she refused him her To his great surprise when he pre scription should investigate are organized. hand in marriage and told him that the Union Engines. VPianos. magnates with a view to ar- $18, Parlor Furniture. baseball The Punahou Association will meet she loved "Henry better and will mar sented a bill for his fare handed We equip oil or gasolene of games with an All-Ma- ui ry twenty-dolla- r gold pieces Bedroom Furniture of Iron. Brass, ranging a series this afternoon at 5 o'clock at the Thistle him," she fell back in her chair, him three with necessary apparatus te Oak and Mahogany, team, to be played here. and said: from a big bag of gold and told him to operate with fuel gas. representative wants to Club, Oregon Block, at the corner of God, you sent to Bedsteads, Dresners, Bureaus, The Maui "My it is who are keep the change. Cheffoniers, Rockers. Tables. play the H. A. C's, the league winners, Union and Hotel streets, for the pur- see me in disgrace. Why could they - parts is Bedding, Towels, Bathing- Suits, a series of three games, the pitching to pose of electing officers, including a not have sent some one else?" The man of liberal named FOR SALE Diningroom Furniture, Tables, be done by.someone other than Barney captain, manager and secretary. Mrs. Blackshire is on the verge of Sutcliffe and he is said to be employed Linen, Chinaware, Crockery, Cook- Joy. A large attendance Is earnestly re physical collapse, and at frequent in in the Quartermaster's Department in We have, for sale, a fine 1-- S willing to come on prays may saved cabin gasolene launch, 30 feet ing Utensils. The Maul team is quested. tervals that she be the Philippines. Oil Paintings, Rugs, Safe, a percentage basis. from serving the term In the peniten- - 6 inches in length, 6 feet The, Mailes have already organized The chauffeur is today making a 32 Folding Desk, Ornaments, Linoleum, will tiry, saying that she is innocent and inches beam, a draught of and the Iolanis do so in the near in- money. 8 p. Lanai Chairs, Lawn Iron Chairs. future. There will likely be two or a just God would not permit the noise like ready inches and an h. engine. Benches, nocent to suffer. FOR WEAK MEN three more teams in the league. men CALL AT Surf Boats. Plants. Practice will commence Mrs. Blackshire employed two Etc., Etc. at Makiki in Bub McCrosky and Louis Hendrick3 about ten days time. Hamm-Youn- The Furniture, etc., will be offered -- to kill her husband, and evidence was Von g Co., Ltd. as a whole. 5. t. shown at the trial that she assisted in particulars of the murder. Her illicit relations with your fixed! AGENTS, HONOLULW. Further THE JUNIOR Hendricks and other men, as well as Get mouth F. WUNDENBERG, ESQ., get life in- Pourquoi? Sea- her desire to her husband's Assignee for Creditors of Walkiki FOOTBALLERS surance $1,000 led to the crime. Black- Chicken mulligatawney soup, lobster side Hotel Ltd., or shire was first poisoned, presumably in American stvle and mouton a la by opens by his wife, and later shot to death FISHER, ABLES CO., LTD., Football on the 28th inst., when the hired assassins, who are now serv- Navarino. We Have For Sale AUCTIONEERS. WITH FREE SUSPENSORY. Oahu and St. Louis colleges oppose ing life sentences for the crime. Where? Where? is generally FAVORITE GROTTO If your manly strength has been each other. The woman's sentence Why, at the post- dissipations of youth or All four teams entered in the league recognized as light, in view of the at noon. IN LARGE OR SMALL LOT3 The above advertised sale is wasted by the crime. poned to Saturday, the 21st day of of maturity, overwork, worry or sick- have deposited $50 as a guarantee that Where else should it be? you wear October, 1905, at the same hour and ness, I can promise if will they will maintain a team until the sea- Merchantable Nor'west Lum- place. my belt that you will regain the vigor FRED KILEY, pleasure of perfect strength. son is over. SAY MAKE BAD MONEY ber, including1 a small lot of 6xi o and The Oahuans are doing exceedingly (You Know Him.) FISHER, ABLES CO., LTD., OR, MclAUGHlIN'S ELECT KiC BELT well, what the team lacks in weight 80ft. lengths. AUCTIONEERS. - 1.1 Cor. Hotel and Bethel Streets. Cures weakness in Men- and Women. being more than made up for in speed. (Continued from Pace Also Weak Backs, Rheumatism, Stomach, The season has been arranged in two picked up a bogus $10 greenback yes- Kidney and Liver Troubles, Constipa- series and the winner of each will play terday near the entrance to the naval off for the championship. x8oz. Munze Metal Sheathing, tion and all Nervous Diseases. The first dock. was rolled up into a wad. THE TENTH ANNUAL FREE BOOK If you can't call, in- series will be played as follows: It x 1-- 4 inch Munze Metal Nails. Just how it came there is a mystery. close tbis ad and I will mall, sealed Oct. 28 Punahou vs. St. Louis. 80-pa- ge money issued against No. 24 Gauge Corrugated Iron and free, my beautiful illustrated Oct. 30 Kams vs. High School. The bogus was book, which tells all. Address Washington and Ship's Felt. T. CLEMENTS g. Nov. 4 Punahou vs. High School. the National Bank of dr. m. Mclaughlin, Nov. 6 Kams vs. St. Louis. the Western National Bank of San BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP 206 MARKET ST., Above Ellis, Nov. 11 St. Louis vs. High School. Francisco. The local banks had been MUSEUM. i IX SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Nov. 13 Punahou vs. Kams. presentation of Church on the watch for the KAT.TTTT, OAXTTJ. Very low prices quoted on ap the stuff. plication. 3? "When the Sherman reaches San secret service people Residents of Hawaii Territory and Francisco the 111ER1CIM1IIM ENGINEERING Fair will go through it like a cyclone," re- strangers visiting Honolulu are hereby I the above named Museum marked District Attorney Breckons. notified that CONSTRUCTION CO.. Ill Murphy has a bad record in the will be open to inspection on FRI- Will Be Held ""T WE DYE each and navy. He is known as a "Bread and DAYS and SATURDAYS of 508 Stangenwald Building. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Send us your most dainty and Water" man, on account of his nu- - every week of the year, and also upon merous confinements in the brig. ALL PUBLIC HOLIDAYS (Thanks- OCTOBER 13TH AND 14TH. delicate fabrics if you wish them be- TO His chief offenses in his two years giving and Christmas excepted), s flyed or dry-cleane- d. Also feath- been repeated ab- tween the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. t of enlistment have day er boars, ostrich plumes any- sences from duty without leave, in- and 5 o'clock p. m., from the 31st n 23 or day of October, Admission, cents. thing solence to his superior officers, break- of March to the 31st Children, 10 cents. that you really care for and ing parole and liberty, etc. He had and from 10 o'clock a m. to 4:30 LIVE we will make them as good as been confined in double irons frequent- o'clock p. m. from the 1st day of 8 new. ly and on occasions has had the bread November to the 31st day of March and water diet for twenty days at a of each year until further notice. time, with a regular meal every three Tourists arriving in Honolulu by We up-to-da- te Pure Wines have just installed machinery days. Ihrough steamers on other than the for this purpose and guarantee our work. ceeular visitor's days hereinbefore rapid bath Heaters and Liquors You will be surprised how successfully we MISTAKEN DIAGNOSIS. lesignated (Sundays and Thanksgiving Family Trade Solicited. and Christmas excepted) and leaving Can be installed anywhere. AH can handle gloves, ribbons, girdles, neckties, etc. There are many people who have prior to the days set apart as regular they require is gas and water. & Co. Our wagons will call pains in the back and imagine that visitor's dayE mav be admitted to the Hot Water in plenty for toil- Lovejoy and deliver them. is-lu- affected, while their Museum On SPECIAL PERMITS, ed et and bath at a second's notice Nuuanu St. Phone 308. their kidneys are gen- of the during office hours from the when you have the Rapid. only trouble is rheumatism No. 77 Mer-ha- nt few eral office of the trustees, Very economical a bath for one muscles, which can be cured by a street, next dcor to the banking cent surely that is cheap enough. applications of Chamberlain's Pain & Co. "HOW SAVINGS GROW." or by dampening piece of flan- house of Bishop Bairn, a ADMISSION TO MUSEUM FREE. Soli and installed by Our little booklet with the above Sanitary Steam Laundry. nel with the Pain Balm and binding It west on King over the effected parts. A pain in the Electrie cars bound BATH the Plumber title free asking. ' pass the Museum every ten for the side or chest should be treated in the ltreet 165 Telephone Main 73. minutes during the day. Phone M. 61, S. King St. FIRST AMERICAN SAVING AND same manner and prompt relief Is sure 1906. to follow. For sale by Benson, Smith Honolulu, T. EL, June 12th. I TRUST CO. OF HAWAII, LTD. PES ORDER. " & Co., Ltd., Agents for Hawaii. THE- - PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER ir, 1905."

THE FACIFIO r LIKE the It Is Cool THESE DATS COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER paiLiPPiiiES At haleiwa Semi-Porcelai- n, Dinner Sets EDITOR. JUST THE PLACE TO T7ALTEB O. SMITH SPEND YOUR VACATION. "The visit of the Taft' party to the DECORATED IN DIFFERENT COLORS proven a colossal fail- OCTOBER 11. Philippines has WEDNESDAY ure, looking at it from the political JUSf ARRIVED . . , standpoint,"' said an army officer on THE BEST OF EVERYTHING THE CASE PRESENTED. the transport Sherman yesterday. All Sorts of Amusement, enough to be examined "It was a, political failure. It was e are offering" special inducements on these 1 f. Unless new evidence appears which is important All Kinds the biggest mistake ever made. There of Recreation. reported the case against the police and gamblers may be regarded as All goods and you will be surprised at the very rea- and. ig no doubt but Taft, being look- the Comforts of Home. made up. that ed upon as a 'possible nominee for the sonable prices. , demonstrated that widespread gambling in Jhis city .The Advertiser has presidency in'.1908, was sent out on a Was-practicall- up to the time when the exposure without police interference with, congressmen A large invoice of Steel Enamelled Ware This paper has given names, dates, grand tour, in his Tickets and information, at Oahu of the same was mate in these columns. Railway & 1 uxu. ciictjicu station and Trent Co., or! in both iruill lO sice vtuai ucca up White and Grey has just been opened. locations and photographs. under his administration in the Philip ring Haleiwa Hotel. Kine 53. The evidence produced was strong enough to lead the supervisors to pass On Sundays the Haleiwa Limited, a! pines. two-ho- ur annti-barricad- e ordinance and to send the county sheritt a letter to tnis train, leaves at 8:22 a. m.: I "But on arrival there the bubble returning, arrives in Honolulu at 10:10 effect burst and the congressmen saw' the I p m. . ,: . ... Honojulu, September 27, 1905. Philippines as they really were. A. M. Brown, Esq. Sheriff County of 'Oahu, Honolulu. "From what I gathered . from some Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd. Dear Sir: We are reliably informed that gambling is being of the congressmen, Senator Dubois in on Honolulu, both by Chinese and by white men. The cluded, for he remained in Manila when carried in Fort and Merchant Streets. . publicity with which gambling places are being conducted is such the party went to the southern is on lands, the party learned that the pros-- N , protection, indifference or incompetency t i as to indicate either ! Philippines was fictitious. otice perity of , the ; police. the money . being, spent upon the the part of the At best ! Their apparent prosperity was due to S3: police, elpecial'ly the detective force, is riot securing results which the millions of dollars which the Unit ' ' government poured annually :i - to expect. " ed States we are entitled . into the archiDelasro. With much; of To our Customers and Friends: '. - ' 1 The" Advertiser iaa demonstrated in the cases of Townsend.. and Daveu- this withheld, the Philippines would be We believe that we thot wliWhvATnArlA it their business to bulldoze and maltreat men but a shadow of their alleged eommer- - have " the reputation of Remington .uia . v.-,'- : .: ;r.;cial greatness, is where Standard Typewriter -- .., and that Taft's - "-u.....,- y.Z'f handing to our Patrons TfSrai....-!L- B liA'ir,. ? presidential bubble burst.' V. nave, one of the nicest Calend- Since the exposures Degan, tne ppce maueniaujr. T "The congressmen supposed, from ars distributed yearly in Eight models ranging in price from gamblers and .one arrest ot a.majorj-gamblr.;:btit- inrali..ca9es:brougfct to trial'; what they had been told, that .the this city. - Filipinos , : - they produced was not sufficient warrant mots- than: a nominal: were creating .things in the For 1906 we will have $97.50 TO $159 the evidence- , 00 Sold on EasvITcrm. !P2- k Jts.J-JU- mo. f.nm onrai v tint r" unl n wfnl trftfle.i l P''P-'-'O"- something very' fine and' j ' " w irv f - """ wrong. inXfz-i- br" ' "vr' "T: ,7. i: 7 : that this, theory was odd, a calendar we know ALSO peregarueu uy : state of aHaurs many otner crty..woum iub.w, "iok at the gigantic failures of which will be kept for reason, a. differ " - tffHttnoktfei as meaaipai&Ht one thing. ; Is. here:any fair .why business houses in the Philippines. years. . : s - A new line of intea'tlon shdtflfFbe put upon it here? omiin, ueii.-fl- vo;i laiieu tor- miuions But they are expensive, after being carried for a year by the and to prevent ' indis- At! banks. The North-- American Trading criminate distribu 1 1 o n, Company failed.' Barry Baldwin .and and to make sure that our . From up LIFE? INSURANCE PROSPECTS. Wolf are the Americans who are the friends will get one we $36.00 on easy terms. Supplies for all office auto--' mainstay of commercial prosperity In you ' companies and ask to call and reg- matic machinery. Repairing a specialty. There seems to be but one way out for the life insurance the iSian(js ana can't say that Bald ister your name in our over-anxio- us 4i that is to get under Federal control and subject themselves, to such regular win is to remain there store. - of , muca longer. They will en- examinations and to such full publicity as attend the operations - national be in "The foreign element look to the velopes, with the names oanKS. . development of the railroads all over on, ready for distribu- Hawaiian Office Specialty Co. Dryden, president of the Prudential, proposes this, we nave noi islands, by plentiful use fed-alway- s Senator the the of tion the last week of Tel. Main 15. King street. been inclined to credit him with sincerity in the matter, but there are eral government money, to December. 72 reasons a resort to Federal oversight would be desirable least two good why trade. irom tne companies- - point ox view. uw me ixv u. F"v v" That is their cry. They also want deal with forty-nin- e state and territorial commissioners, some of wnom are Chinese labor for their plantations, arbitrary, some stupid and some corrupt. They also come up against legisla- - They don't raise much of a cry about confusion and trouble which would all be avoided by the latter, but that is one of their Hollister Drug tares. There is endless most pressing needs. going under Jtederai law. - The Philippines can never amount COMPANY. The other reason is that the. companies would have a better standing to anything if they don't get Chinese Electricity's Many Uses! abroad. American state chartered life insurance companies have long been labor to develop the sugar industry . . Germany they ftfton found them Without Chinese labor other countries objects of suspicion m Europe, hile in hae etl selves in trouble with the authorities, vvnne tnese tnmgs ao not tion in sugar development." ji .4 insurance people from doing a trans-Atlanti- c .business, they have retarded t, n n progress. As corporations supervised by the United States the companies , Electricity may be used in a ' Only the Other Day multitude of ways apart would have fewer foreign as well as local obstacles to meet. t . J from its regular lighting application. Of course the great grafters would not like to lose tneir present cnance, or submission to drastic state regulations, with further The many ways in which the Electric Light can be used but it is either that THE LONG - LOOKED -- FOR loss of business. Next Monday STOCK OF to advantage may be explained in a personal interview with a representative of this company. If word is sent to our of- STRATEGIC HAWAII. Electric Lamps fice an agent will call on you, or the asked-fo- r information ' - ; "We can not be expected to agree with Hon. Bourke Cockran that the pos- October 16, IN ALL SHADES OF BRONZLJ, be otherwise" given. session of Hawaii has made the United States assailable. Naval and military ARRIVED, AND WE H WE NOW -- men contended for nearly fifty years that the maritime power which held READY FOR TOUR INSPECTION have AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT upon commerce and the vul- these islands could prey at leisure the ( attack IN ALL THE NEWEST SHAPES. nerable points of the Pacific Coast. No hostile ships of war except British t we will place ones operating from Esquimalt could attack the California, Oregon and "Was- We believe BAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO. hington shore cities without having Hawaii for a base. - That proposition stands on display a unchallenged among war-maker- s. YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING Limited. A fortified Hawaii, far from making the United States assailable, would handsome TO YOUR LIKING; AND THE of United States from the calculations of an WAY THEY ARE GOING WOULD Office, King and Alakea Sts. 'Phone, Main 390. I eliminate the western coast the MAKE AN EARLY SELECTION enemy. This assumes, of course, that this place would be adequately de-iend- ed new line el NECESSARY. ; and provisioned. PRICES RANGE FROM QUALITY. ECONOMY. The two evening papers rendered the same cablegram yesterday into the following contradictory statements: $12 to $50 This from the Bulletin: ESorLOl-u-l-u- . New York, N. Y., Oct. 10. In the course of the insurance in- Christmas Sosup "7"ox3rs Coj vestigation today Vice-Preside- nt Gillette testified that the Mutual H. F. WICHMAN CO., FRED. L. WALDRON, Company contributed $400,000 to the Republican k Life Insurance LIMITED. Spreckels Block. : : : Sole Agent. campaign fund in 1904, $350,000 in 1900, and $1,500 in 1896. This from the Star: Novcltic; JEWELERS. FORT STREET. New York, October 10. Vice-Preside- nt Gillette of the Mutual Sustaining Their Popularity Life Insurance Company testified today that his company gave the Republican national committee $40,000 in 1905, $35,000 in 1900 Our 40 gain in trade since we 1896. introduced these famous women's and $1500 in SHOES Is a marked demonstra- For a bad mix-u- p of an important piece of news this takes the leading tion of how the women of Ho nolulu appreciate high grade place among cable cryptograms. B.F.EHLERS&CO. footware at popular prices. Not only are OUR SHOES the swell-e- st in point of fashion," but they The personality of a ship is as individual as that of a man. The Alameda GOOD GOODS. are the greatest wearers and is to the citizen' of Honolulu as personal as a friend. The America Maru, re- the greatest fitters made. hard-fough- Every day new turned to the trans-Pacifi- c run after a t war, is like the coming THE FUNDAMENTAL LAW customers WATCH are introducing themselves to baek of an1 old chum. Every ship of their class is fondly remembered or OF HAWAII CONTAINS: us. Are you with us in this bitterly hated by many people. To islanders particularly, such regular callers CAMERA matter? Remember that there are deeply interesting. They carry the mail, convey the newly wedded on 1. The first Constitution of fCame- - are 22 different styles to select from, in their honeymoons, bring the mourners back to their dead. In a way they hameha III, 1840, including the pre all kinds of leathers is like is a Vici Kid, Patent Colt, Velour cease to be shipyard products and partake of our daily life. viously Issued Bill of Rights. built a watch and 2. vest-pock- Calf, etc. These SHOES are The first laws of Hawaii, enacted practical et CAMERA, E. P. REID'S Famous (1833-1842- ), made with GOODYEAR -- under Kamehameha III, clean-cu- doing t work and having WELTS and HAND-TURNE- D .$3.60: published together In 1842. SHOES Women The Hawaiian band might find it profitable to tour the United States every 3. The law creating and principles nearly all the merits of a much SOLES. for year under competent business management. Patrick Sarsfield Gilmore's guiding the Land Commission. larger and more expensive Island orders given prompt attention. Phone Main 282. 4-- MANUFACTURERS ' SHOE famous band did so annually for many seasons and Sousa's band still finds The second Constitution of Ka- camera. It easily excels all CO., LTD., 1051 Fort St. plenty of employment, playing in summer at the Eastern watering places and mehameha III, 1852. 5. The Constitution of Kamehameha other cameras in compactness, winter at theaters and public halls. Honolulu would not want its musicians in V, 1864 number of exposures to a load- to be away winters, but it would not object to exchanging the pleasure of 6. The Constitution of Kalakaua, ing, simplicity of manipulation hearing them summers for the advertising of which their presence at Newport, 1887. Brighton Beach and Atlantic City would be the means. 7. The Proclamation and orders Inci- and cheapness of operation. NE JAPANESE GOODS dent to the establishment of the Privo-sion- al Government, 1893. PRICE, $2.50; 8. Miss Roosevelt comes this way from Yokohama, The Constitution of the Republic 25 FILMS FOB 25c. If society ought to hire of Hawaii, 1894. the opera house, floor it over for dancing and give the President's daughter 9. The treaty annexing Hawaii to f nil Kinds, a function that would remind her of a gala evening at the White House. It is the United States, 1897. a long time since Honolulu society has exerted itself in a large way, and the 10. The Resolution of the Hawaiian Lowest Prices coming would give a senate ratifying the annexation treaty. of the American princess it fortunate chance. 1897. 1L The Joint Resolution of Congresi Bonolnla Photo Supply Co. AT annexing Hawaii, 1898. Hawaii doesn't exactly want a dry winter, but it could enjoy 12. one with The documents and procedure in- Nuuanu Street, considerably less rain in it than the summer and fall have supplied. cident to the transfer of the sovereign- Fort Street Near Hotel. AYFfiUSA ty and possession Just Mauka of Hotel O : of Hawaii to the United States, 1898; and the executive Does anybody suppose that Moore will go to jail or lose a day's profits on orders of President McKinley, relating the complaint of a dummy prosecutor? to the government of Hawaii, Issued during the transition period between BUY A VICTOR the date of annexation and the pas- It is surprising how much genuine sage 1898-190- 0. No political party can get of the Organic Act, amusement can be obtained from T. Cahalan its chances insured for another big campaign 13. The Act of Congress organising subscription from McCalL VICTOR TALKING MACHINE. Formerly with E. R. Bath, has taken charge Hawaii Into a Territory, 1900. Buy one and find out for yourself. l Cash or instalments. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT Tor sale by BERGSTEOM MUSIC CO. LD. The Chinese spitters should employ Attorney of Chillingworth. THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Odd Fellows' Bldg. ' . i " o ; . . Ltd, ' At King Aid now Manila is sending us tainted money. Price J5.Q0, postage prepaid. . SEAD THE ADVEBTISEB 8s Street. Honolulu, T. H. WORLD'S NEWS DAILY. 4 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER n, 1905.

Pure blood makes the skin clear, smooth, healthy. Impure blood blotches the Bkia with 0 0 pimples, sores, boils, eczema, eruptions. THE RECENT SOLAR ECLIPSE. Mr. G. W. Burtner, Keesletowa, Va., tella f the bad condition he waa in, and how 0 0 Don"t fee was cured by 0 Delay " , 4 4 y -- 1 but secure a box in our safe-depo- sit Ayer's 0 Y. y 0 s Im , r' - ? vaults today. The rent i only J3 per year and up. and it" 0 may be the means of saving you. Sarsaparilla - V- - v . ? - - . .. . y-- Irreparable loss from fire or "Shortly after leaving college. I was 0 " troubled with a fikia disease which showed 7 '7 0 burglars. itaelf first at the unties. Fhysioians pro- 1 nounced it eczema, aoid treated me for that " ' S ' " Si". - S , Q 0 ft,,,'' f i 11 0 0t

5 0t IliUVI wu BATH, 1 O'CLOCK. BRISTOL. PARIS. LIMITED.. Q Fort Street, t Honolulu. 0 i complaint. The eruption crept slowly up 0 WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. fny limbs, and on the body, until it envel- t oped the whole frame. lt"gave me infinite trouble, with constant Itching, casting off of dry scales, and a watery liquid which would 6 0 Wm. G. Irwin.. President and Manager exude from under the scales. I treated it t John D. Spreckels.. First Vice-Preside- nt for over three years unsuccessfully, and was W. M. Giffard.. Second Vice-Preside- nt unable to check it until I began using Ayer's 0 H. M. Whitney Treasurer Sarsaparilla. I used three bottles of thia Richard Ivers Secretary medicine, and was completely cured my skin becoming as smooth and clear as E. L Spalding Auditor before. i SVGAS FACTORS AND There are many imitation 0 COMMISSION AGENTS. Sarsapariilas. AGENTS FOR Be sure you get "AYER'S." Oceanic Steamship Co., San Fran-Cisc- o, Prepare by Dr. J.C AyertC.. La well. Mass., U.S.A. CaL ' 'iVw ' -,. Western Sugar Refining Co., Saa 6 turil 4 Francisco, CaL HOLXJSTER DRUG CO.. AGENTS. WHITBY. WHITBY. WORTHING, 1:57 P. M. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Phila- delphia. Pa. 0 Newall Universal Mill Co., Manu- facturers of National Cane Shredder, New York, N. Y. Pacific Oil Transportation Co., San When You do Francisco, CaL lo the States, 0 Q WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD. whether your destination be 0 AGENTS FOR THE 0 Royal Insurance Co., of Liverpool. Denver, 0t England. Alliance Assurance Co., of London Kansas City, 0 0 England. Scottish Union & National Insurance St. Louis, Co., of Edinburgh, Scotland. 0 0 Fire Association of Philadelphia. Chicago, Alliance Insurance Corporation Ltd. Wllhelma of Magdeburg General In- surance Co. or another eastern city, by all 0 means travel on the 6 LIVERPOOL, 12:40 P. M. LIVERPOOL, 12:43 P. M. 1 Fire Insurance 0 FALMOUTH, O'CLOCK. 4 , Denver and 0 CO-LIMIT- RioGrande,RR THE B. F. DILLINGHAM ED. and view the most beautiful scenery in America by daylight. General Agents for HawaiL Atlas Assurance Company of London. THROUGH SLEEPING AND i-- t - f Phoenix Assurance Company of CARS TO ALL DINING V don. . , ? - r 0 POINTS. - New York Underwriters' Agency. - I - " 4 Providence Washington Insurance Com- books t I' 1 0 pany, Handsomely illustrated . - v , a . 0 " Stangenwald Building. of travel mailed free; write to - ' J - x ' vs. Fourth Floor, mt Q W. J. SHOT WELL. 0 t HAWAII SHINPO SHA. General Agent, 625 Market St PRINT-in- g 1 0 THE PIONEER JAPANESE San Francisco, CaL U - , office. The publisher of Hawaii t7 Shinpo. the only daily Japanese paper -- published in the Territory of HawaiL j ... I v- C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Office 1020 NOTICE. 0 --7 Editorial and Printing 0 Smith St.. above King. Phone Main 43. ANT WOMAN OR GIRL NEEDING 0 T help or advice, is invited to communi- BANDON, CO. CORK, 12:29 P. M. RHYL, 12:50 P. M. SKIBBEEEEX, 12:30 P. M. C. & CO LTD. cate, either in person or by letter, with. (Photo by Lewis Danee, Wataon, Prone e, T. W. Jones, Cleaver, Stephens, ic.) BREWER Ensign L. Anderson, matron of the Sugar and Commission Salvation Army Woman's Industrial Factors Home, No. 1680 King street. Merchants. meat of this inquiry," said Mr. Hughes. "We have not yet reached the LIST OF OFFICERS. only started. Facts of greater importance to the pol- NEW YORK LIFE'S MONEY "In reality, we have just C. M. Cooke, President; George M. VISIT icy holders than those which have been brought out will come to light before Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, P. long. I have every reason for saying this." Treasurer and Secretary; F. W. Mac- - AND J. MORGAN'S SCHEMES Back of this statement is believed to be Mr. Hughes' intention to show that farlane, Auditor; P. C. Jonea. C. M. THE Cooke, J. R. Gait, Directors. at least $1,000,000 was contributed to the Republican campaign last year by life inguranee companies in this country. These companies include the New Xjea.33. NEW YORK, September 21. Like a lightning flash from a elear sky came York Life, Equitable, Mutual, Northwestern of Minnesota, Connecticut Mutual 3beTi&y to the sensational development today of the $132,000,000 mystery in connection and others of the larger corporations. j ON JEWELRY, ETC.. ETC.. AT of J. Pierpont Morgan with the New York Life Insurance Company, during the zoo ( 1- -9 3712 session of the Legislative Investigating Committee. maka (w) et al. D; int in R P tie J. carlo to. A trip to the Zoo, at Kaimuki, BEALTY TBIKTIuHS, mmm la enjoyable to children and It dwarfed all other talk of millions involved in "joint account" syndi- -- 9 int in R P 5453 kul 5428, Kaohe, CORNER UNION AND HOTEL STS. JL B 270, p 431. cates and turned the thoughts of the Investigating Committee Honuaula, Maui. parent alike. toward the fact Dated SeDt 6, 1905. collec- ' Besides the wonderful that had been gradually developing all day that J. P. Morgan is the great Entered for Record October 10, 1905, J jce Kawailepolepo by gdn to Kono. and birds there ! tion f animals dominating fieure in the New York Life Comnanv. and holds it in thrall thrnurh From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. L: por R P 3771 kul 8381, Haukoi, Ha-- are other delights too numerous makua, Hawaii. 10 yrs at $30 per yr. thp cnntrnl of it invpstmpnta hr-- fAnrtro W... PsrHna T?a fKo M Kahaleonohi Brash to W D to mention. e fT3ri" ot1 B 273, p 2S9. Dated Sept 2, 1905. By Cable of company. ! Clothing Gents Goods, go president the insurance Hie Bipi and hsb to F A Schaefer. D Hoopii H Wire and hsb M) et al to For and ADMISSION 10 CENTS. - 8-- 10 corner Queen "Is it true that $ 132,000.000 of the investments of the New York Life In- Poluea Kalauokalani and hsb to Eliza Johnson, M: 16 acr of R P to the RED FRONT, Come and shake hands with surance Company are flotations of the J. P. Morgan firm!" was the question Vr.v,3io t.t, On T.td D 1123. Mokuleia. Waialua, Oahu. $300. and Nuuanu. of 2T6, p 122. Dated Sept 30, 190o. the Orang Otitang. asked by Inquisitor Charles E. Hughes, and which was not satisfactorily John D Holt and wf by Afft B Mtgee to Irene I Holloway Tr FA E L Kauai to Charles Gay. D: por answered by Mr. then on the stand. Wai-me- a. Perkins, John D Holt and wf by Mtgee to R P 4475 kul 7713 ap 42. Kikiaola, THE HAWAIIAN REALTY This sensation developed in the murk and dreary muddle of a long and tire- Alfred W Carter Tr D Kauai. $150. B 270, p 432. Dated Ltd some session devoted to delving into the tangled and complicated ac- Sophie K Walker by Regr 11 Dec 22, 1903. AND MATURITY CO. Catton, Niiill & Co., "joint M count'' transactions. It came when the members of the committee were almost Sophie K Walker by Regr Alice M McChesney to John Walker, Limited. ENGINEERS and MACHINISTS Sophie K Walker by Regr M rents, etc. on lot D, Wai-ki- ki ready to fall asleep in their chairs as they listened yawningly to the dreary Assmt Rent; REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE. QUEEN AND RICHARDS STREETS. German Savs & Loan Socy by Any Rd. Honolulu. Oahu. $1. B 274, LOANS AND INVESTMENT SECU recitation of long lines of figures and statements of investments made and to John F Colburn et al R p 289. Sept 20. 1905. n Dated RITIES. Boilers re-tub- ed with charcoal-Iro- profits shared with outside financiers. J Alfred Magoon and wf to Akeau K Maawe, Bldg.. Honolulu. general ship work. D Polpe (widow) et al to J Office: Mclntyre eteel tubes; Ahchong 1- 3029, Mr. Perkins had no answer ready and was given time to check off the long D; -2 int in gr Kalulu. Lanai. T. H. P. O. Box 255. Phone Mam ivu f Ralph E Turner to Emma S Nor- 10, list of investments Iianded him by Mr. Hughes, all of which are said to be in CM S2.50. B 270, p 433. Dated June ton 1905. possession of the New York Life and floated at some time Morgan firm. to Mrs K Kuihelani.. R FOR by the J Garcia Tr to S Sajima, A: gen- - report of New York J TT TTarrisson bv attV to William G Shimoda P QUEEN According to the last the Life Company its investments in BS eraI voters. B 274, p 290. Dated OCl lhe bonds reached the total of $294,309,762. C Achi Jr . Nickel Plating Automobile has reached a stage of Kaimi and hsb to Hoopii Wire....- - D isod- - attempted never ac- WILL BE THOROUGHLY PROBED. and v.f to Bank Est of S C Allen to Mele K Notley. CALL ON perfection but Manuel J Carlos on complished by others.j,the result of of Hawaii Ltd - A&R A M: rotg D F Notley and wf lots This matter is to be gone into thoroughly before the investigation eloses, 5 6 25 Ka-lula- ni years careful experimenting. It Maria D Carlos and hsb to Hawn L 2. 3, 4 and parts and blk OWENS of will be shown ultimately New York com- D Honolulu. Oahu; lots 3 and GUY greater cylinder for it that the Life Company is as Land & Imprvmt Co Ltd tract, 215. is equipped with 2078 553. Kapalama 1120 Union St.. TeL Main any In Its class pletely in the control of J. P. Morgan as though he owned it. The connecting 4 of pors R P kul capacity than car Honolulu, Oahu: int in est of in Price, Power and link has always been Ge"orge W. Perkins, and before his testimony is concluded tract, and excels Recorded October 2. 1905. Charles Notley. $1628.80. B 276, p 124. TO ARRIVE PER S. S. MANCHURIA. much will be developed to show the manner in which he has made the insurance Dated Sept 15, 1905. . L: 20 acr BUSHES. AT CDIPAIT, company contributory to the great wealth of Mi-- Morgan. J Kekahuna to T Awana. C Bergstrom. NEW ROSE SGEHIAI CARR1M HMD, land, Makawao, Maui. 10 yrs at $20 Bishop & Co to Linda investigation today purchases firm por gr 3773, bldjrs, etc. Thurston Automobile Warehouse on Merchant During the of bonds from the Morgan per yr. B 273, p 287. Dated Sept 20. Bel; $30,000,000 were developed Per- and Spencer Aves. Honolulu, Oahu. Fort and Alakea Sts. to the value of nearly by the testimony of Mr. 1905. 2, 1905. SL, between $3000. B 220, p 312. Dated Oct E. M. Taylor kins. The mysterious connection of the Morgan firm and the Life Insurance Gear. Lansing & Co by Trs to Manoel Land Mrs 31, lots, Ku-l- a, Joao Gomes and wf to Hawn Company has only been touched upon as yet, however, and by the time the M Soares, D: lot Kaonoulu 5 6 blk Alexa'-'-er Toung Building. $510. 270, p 423. Dated & Imprvmt Co Ltd, D; lots and HARRISON MUTUAL transactions of this sort com- Maui. B $500. B is ended will be shown to be trivial Aug 25, 1905. 18. Pearl City, Ewa. Oahu. of' business flows from company's mas-ai- r 270. p 435. Dated Oct 2. 1905. CLEANING AND ASSOCIATION pared to the real bulk that the insurance Florence da C Jardin and hsb (A C) EAGLE building on Broadway to the squat, aneient home of the Morgan forces in to Maria S ves. D: int in 92.70 WORKS. 3.200, buried 137 of lt Gonial DYEING Has now has Wall street. acr land, Makawao. "Maui: int in 2 Hank "Ding it! Th' minister's gone members during the two and one-ha- lf shares hui land. Peahi, Harr.akualoa. away for a month's vacation!" Lafe Fort Street, opposite Star Bloe. There were other revelations equally astounding in today's session of the want-stoc- k, CLOTHINO years since its organization. The mem- Maui; int in household furniture. Ilv?- - "What of it?" Hank "Why. I LADIES' AND GENTS Legislative Investigating Committee. $510. 270, Thompson next Sun-- p CLEANED AT LOWEST bership fee will be raised to $5.50 on Hamakualoa, Maui. B ed to snoot Zeb the investigation began Mr. Hughes made a statement which indi- 429. 30, 1905. church. Now Til have to wait PRICES. TOWNSEND, Before Dated June day in 2362. May 1, 1905. J. H. - Ex-- Phone White Secrettry. cates that the work of probing the insurance companies has hardly begun. D Kama k a and wf to Kalihilihi Ka- till October!" THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER 11, 1905.


SEE HAWAI mtmmam m w u HAH g lab MtM Ultt M AND WE Cm Mackintosh's s. i IK Many Interesting Notes PROVE IT. Old i T Kults from its use are QUICK and PERMANENT. LAID YO ORDEK of Territorial English Travel. There are eggs. TOFFEE Fresh eggs. Strictly fresh eggs. Haleiwa. Oahu. T. H., ONLY August 17, 1905. guaranteed strictly Mm' tm And your request I Editor Press: At 10 Cents fresh eggs. shall endeavor Co write a letter for Per Package. It's the guaranteed strict- your paper and hope that it will be TRY IT ! ly fresh eggs that concern some interest. of U 'h' YOU'L LIKE IT. as well as us. Our party left San Francisco for the I us and you m White Rock Water and For we give our iron-cla- d islands July 8, on the steamer Man Ginger Ale, . $1.50 per dozen. warranty that the eggs we churia, this being the same steamer sell are the "guaranteed on which were Secretary Taft and i u 'it rv:r1 party. We were six days on the Pa- m St fresh" kind. -- strictly cific, we enjoyed every minute. Vl i'i 'it 9 ?, We keep Biddy busy and si We had no rough weather until th Henry Hay & Co Ld, yes, several hundred Biddies last two days, when the breakers roll r.l-- 7 , supplying our demands. ed quite high, but we only enjoyed sum- more, ii TELEPHONES: In fact winter and this .the having by this time I "sea-legs- it Retail, Main 22; Wholesale, Main 92. mer, the hennery has a gained our ." In fact, our - v2 standing order for all the i party succeeded in keeping their "sea- ' legs" from the very start. if i,:-!-' b guaranteed strictly fresh ship, eggs can produce. The Manchuria and her sister if ft vi it the Mongolia, are the largest steamers that leave the San Francisco harbor. FRANCES MARIE KSOWtTON, J. M. LEVY & CO. They are equipped witti all the com- MISS DOKOTHT CLARK, SSO Garfleld Boulevard, CUicago, 111.. miss cy MAY, Age 4 ir homeland one wants for noth- . 3130 Grenshaw St., Years. 5036 Forestvillo Ave., Phone Main 143. forts of CUICAGO. CHICAGO. ing. The service over the entire ship is Chinese. The waiters formed quite LITTLE FHAfOES rilAHIS ICfiOWLTOrj a striking picture in the dining room whose photograph appears herewith has a most beautiful head of golden hair, thicker than the crown of glory of most mature women. Frances is only four years old, and her hair hangs within 12 inches of the floor. The extraordinary hair K. FUKURODA as we came down to our meals. For Btrensctheninsr qualities of Danderine has grown for this little girl the most admirable head of hair ever possessed by ' Dealer In breakfast and lunch they dressed in a child of her age in the world. The other two ladies whose photographs are shown here are certainly delighted with the peaking; of Old Kona Coffee ! JN reacn to use Danderine. JAPANESE AND AMERICAN long blue robes, and for dinner they results they are getting. either of them having hair that would tneir waists beiore beginning the ot How would a cup of Coffee were all in white. What stoic faces IT iS POSITIVE AMD PERMANENT ISS ITS RESULTS. Dry and Taney Goods, never made from Kona Straw Hat Manufacturer. they did have, expressions When applied to the scalp on either old or young, it makes the hair sprout and grow thick, lonsr and beautiful, and there changing, no matter what the circum- is no waiting around for weeks and months to see results, either. Any druggist will refund the price if it does not ae-- ? go? We have a few bags of this Hobinson Block, Nos. 28-3- 2 Hotel St. stance. complish every result we claim. NOW at an druggists m tnree sizes, z& cents, su cents and 51 .CO per bottle. excellent Coffee (probably the We arrived in the Honolulu port ST E? To show how quickly Danderine act3 we will send a large sample free by return mail to any one who sends this advertisement to the only about 5 o'clock in the morning on iwnowitou uanuenne Co., Chicago, wun laeir name ana aaaresi ana iu cents to silver or scamps to pay postage. lot in the city) which we July 14, and docked about 7, although FOR SALE AND GUARANTEED BY HOLLISTER DRUG CO. will offer (while it lasts) at $1.75 allowed to land until 6-po- we were not per tins- - freshly roasted New Swell nearly 8. A party of native musicians FALL. SUITS FOR GENTS NOW came out to the steamer and met us acres of land that are now lying idle. fear of poisonous reptiles, there being great red mass of molten rock. The and ground while you wait. Try AT and played their sweet) native songs j The Ewa sugar mill is one of the none on these islands. Another pleas- - sight for the next three hours and a a tin. DISPLAYED - for us until we reached the wharf. ( most perfect, the machinery is thor- ing feature of this forest and a very half, as wre hung over the edge, large GLOBE CLOTHING CO. A number of Honolulu's prominent , oughly modern and embraces every tempting one to me was the fruit to eyed, awed, and almost terrified, was M. W. McChesney & Sons, Ltd, v Hotel Street. citizens came aboard also, bringing effect known for the extraction of the be found there. On every hand were one the like of which I never expect Coffee Eoasters, Queen Street. with them great armfuls of lei3; these j saccharine matter from cane. So per- - those delicious red berries, very much to see asain. thimble-berrie- s. are long strings of flowers.i and they j feet are the appliances that the extrac. , like Then there is Standing on the rim of this seeth-tio- n are the natives' welcome to the visi- - . at this mill now reaches 96 per another, the "Ohelo," or sacred ber-- ing cauldron, witnessing its upheavals, j tors on the islands. We came into cent of the sugar analytically , deter- - ry. They are thus named, as no na- - its breathings, its' cool madness, its in so j port amid great demonstrations ( mined. The mill is arranged that tive would go down to the crater of sudden flows, 'we realized more than honor of the Secretary of War, Miss inspection of the various processes is Kilauea without taking with him a ever, how great are God's works, how Roosevelt and others of the Taft easily made, the sugar may be fol- - handful of these berries and throwing ignorant man is. Surely "the heavens party. In the confusion of sound you lowed through every process, from the j them into the pit as an offering to Ma-- declare the glory of God and the fir ma-ca- ne could distinguish the boom of the j as it is brought in from , the dam Pele, the goddess of fire. ment sheweth His handiwork.'. cannons, the whistles and bells on the field on small cars, to the sugar as it j The following morning we wandered Now and then, at the beckon of Ma- - different ships in the harbor, and sev-er- al is sacked and loaded onto the cars, over to the Koa forest, Tree Moulds dam Pele down below, portions of the bands, playing the Hawaiian na- - j to be shipped to New York to be re- and the extinct crater of Kilauea Iki. side walls would go rumbling down tional hymn and "America." The city fined. It is from the Koa tree that a great with a roar that sent the cold chills were gay flying of An interesting drive from hotel many - M.-- . ' - and harbor in the the of the curios are made, and down one's spine, but which never- flags of all descriptions, but the one Is through the cane fields to the south a.lso a great deal of furniture. It has theless was fascinating. The floor of that looked the most like home was up to the "Wahiawa plains. The road a very pretty grain, and takes a beau- - the crater was ablaze with fire all the "Old Glory." j winds along the ridges and through tiful polish. time, and the cone with a great glare J.Iopp C0. The wharf was guarded by the na- gulches past the great reservoir before The tree moulds are very interest- - 0f light, shot a stream of liquid rock FINE FURNITURE tive police, and a company of the mentioned in the Kankonahua gulch ing. In some prehistoric time, during high into the air, fully 100 feet. A United States regulars, under whose to the settlement of Wahiawa. There one of the eruptions from Mauna Ixa, great fire fountain, as It were, weird 1053-10- 59 YOUNG BUILDING, amni protection we passed to the farther is located the largest pineapple can the lava flowed down over this forest. We Bishop anj wonderful in the extreme. Street. dock, where we were met by our nery in the Territory. Over 300 acres As it came to the trees it flowed right were favored with this displav Twice "Your friend.. Here I left our party and of growing fruit lie before the eye, a up them, covering them almost entire-- during the evening. There was one Attention in company with my sister and her sight purely tropical and very inter- - ly. Later there came a mud flow, flow the most beautiful of them all, FOR ONE MOMENT. husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bldgood, came estlng. ' burying the forest, and now there is being the largest, when one whole end COTTON BROS. & CO. i Tes; we do big: work but we are out to the Haleiwa hotel on the Oahu nothing left but these great holes, ce- - floor opened up and molten i- SEEING WONDERLAND. of the that ENGINEERS AND CON- - as anxious for little jobs. railroad, one of the two that they mented as it were, with lava. The tree angry GENERAL i lust the you iava seethed and boiled in its TRACTORS. "We paint floors. have on the islands. Leaving this island, I will take itself has rotted long ago and but the way viewing such a sight, we be-o- n Grain your front door. The trip on the Oahu railway is one a trip to Wonderland. My sister, impression is left of the bark on the came unconscious of the time, or the Plans and Estimates furnished for all a light of glass. of rare beauty and attractiveness to Mrs. Bidgood, and myself embarked iava. sharp rocks were almost piercing classes of Contracting Work. I. Put in fop that Boston Block, : : : : Hang a room of paper. a visitor on Ihe islands. Leaving Ho- on. the little Island steamer Kinau The extinct crater of Kilauea Iki is tfce fle5n until the guide reminded us Honolulu. lies west to Moanalua the island of Hawaii to visit the vol- - sights be Paint a sign. nolulu the route t another of the wonderful to Uiat it was 9 o'clock and about time and through the cane fields of Hono- cano'of Kilauea and the Puna district seen on this island. We stood on the to make the return trio. Whitewash a barn. trip over on was one 900 Renovate your furniture or anything lulu plantations. For more than half The the Kinau rjm and looked down feet to the with the scene fresh "in our minds of of Harbor long to be remembered. We struck a could imagine im-ga- le In fact done with paint. the circumference Pearl floor of this crater and the return ride was even more Dry Cleaning the l'.ne is on the shores of the lochs; or, in other words, the gale struck in a. very weak way of its one time pressive the first. There was no Garments cleaned by this process at ev- - than Fertile fields border the rails and the us, and the little boat did almost .activity. The walls of this crater are SOUI1)3) ?ave tne crushing of the lava im- - Stanley Stephenson, scenery of the western coast is erything but turn somersaults, and at now covered with a thick undergrowth, under' the horses' feet, or an occasion-time- s Mrs. A. M. Mellis' j pressive. Mountains, broken by deep we even thought she would do 2:30 the afternoon a party Dressmaking Establishment. GENERAL PAINTER. About in al word spoken to them. They needed Sachs j valleys come down to the sea in al- that. But finally we reached our des- - of us young people, mounted on horses, Black, Honolulu. Phone 426 137 King Street. no ging an the riclers were left SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Our slgnographi3t prescribes S.S.Sign most continuous cliffs, against which tination, a number of hours late, but eft the Volcano house and began to to their own reflections. It was a leaving well on well-wor- n to improve trade health. beat long surf lines. After pleased to again set foot solid descend the steep, trail that tired an(3 soiemn looking crowd that j Kaena Point, the northwestern end of ground. leads onto the brittle lava floor of Ki- - at last reached the Volcano house at Oahu, one looks out upon a fertile We stayed in Hilo over night, taking lauea. ho-ur- . twenty a iate plain, three miles wide and the early morning train for Glen Impressed with the awful grandeur , DISTRICT W. HIRAI K. long, on which are cattle ranges and wood, from which place we stagred it our surroundings, silence was more cf "" fol-- SCHOOL fields of rice and sugar cane. to the Volcano house, reaching there a eloquent than words. We went in In- - left the Volcano house the BUILDER AKD COIN TJRACTOR About midway of this coast is the little before lunch time. As our time dian file, the path being too narrow lowing afternoon and went down into AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. ho- - we the Puna district. This part of the bay of Waialua and the Haleiwa was short, began explorations at to allow more than one. We made our PHONE MAIN 161. tel. And It is here that I have taken once, first visiting the SUIphur banks, ay slowly over this lava bed for a island is extremely interesting, being: nearly Beretania street, ' Smith, SUPPLIES up my abode for the summer months. where we gathered a few sulphur distance of two and one-ha- lf miles, the heart of the extinct craters, between and A beautiful spot, a perfect Garden of crystals. AH around us were great where we left our horses in a rock a11 f which are the cone craters. It Maunakea Street. " AT Eden, placed as it is, picturesquely cracks from which issued columns ot corral and we proceeded to the deeper is over this district that the flow from 1S40, course, ! upon the shores of a quiet bay, and sulphur fumes and the rocks upon mysteries, where horses "fear to Mauna Loa in took its and we - far as the eye can see loom UP To Order i feTHRUM'St about which rise great mountains, at which wee standing were quite tread." as. Suits for Young Men a a the foot of which stretch vast valleys warm, some of them too much so for We first wandered over to the "Little these great black cinder rocks, piled Specialty. GOOD AT of the cane and rice fields. comfort. Some of this steam they Beggar," which at one time was a "P in great confusion, just as they Bis GOODS BOTTOM cooled in their to sea EVERY SUIT INDIVIDUAL NO PRICES. The variety of amusement here pipe to the hotel for hot sulphur steam spouting cone, then ovef to Madam mad rush the TWO ALIKE. would satisfy almost any heart, there baths. Pele's kitchen, from which issued many years ago. From Mauna Loa to Call and be convinced. being excellent golf links bordering After lunch, dressed in suitable clouds of sulphur fumes, then stopped the sea, a distance of about 18 miles, George A. , on the sea; tennis courts; bathing in garb for the occasion, we set off for at the hot cracks, over which we there extends one long line of extinct 'Martin ocean - craters, varying in size. One peculi- - Merchant ALL KINDS OF BUILDING AND or fresh water pool; driving. the Fern forest, even though it was scorched some postal cards as souven- Tailor. fishing, hunting and boating. Surely pouring rain. However, if one should irs. The heat coming from these arity of these craters in this district Merchant St., Next Postofflce. REPAIR WORK DONE ON one would not lack for entertainment. wait for clear weather in this country cracks is very intense and many times is they are composed of cinders, the SHORT NOTICE The Haleiwa hotel is located about he would be liable to be disappointed, we were forced back and had to mit belief being that at the time of their by the center of the great plantation of as it rains at the most unexpected our cards on long sticks. We looked activity the heat was so great that TRY OUR DELICIOUS Waialua, a mile away is the modern moment. down into some of the caves, but did they burned themselves out. leaving mill. The sugar crop of the Territory The Fern forest is certainly a thing not venture down into them for vari- - nothing but the cinders. This the na- - "Peach Mellow" and "Rasport' Wm, T. Paty. of Hawaii for the year 1904 was 763,-- 1 of rare beauty, covering hundreds of ous reasons. Of course, we would not tives use for their roads, much as we 491.99! pounds, of a do the fine and. AT 1048 ALAKEA STREET. total value of acres and a perfect jungle of ferns, all say we were afraid, but we thought $24,359.3S5; 102.019 tons of this output kinds and sizes, from very small above ground was safe enough for us. Close to the home where Ave visited was produced on the island of Oahu, plants to great trees standing 30 tb After beinar "nhotosrraphed" on the are three large extinct craters. In CONSOLIDATED UJDn WfiTER and 97 per cent of this amount was 40 feet in height. It is a quiet spot, top of the big blow-hole- s we stepped the pit of the first one is quite a Mil Pure Soda Water raised along the line of the Oahu rail- the silence broken only by the sough- - towards the crater and with a sudden- - good-size- d lake, known as Green lake, PHONE MAIN TL You can't get better Soda Water way, which runs from Honolulu to ing of the trees, or the singing of ness that fairly deprived us of our which is bottomless, as far as is known than that bearing the FOUNTAIN Kahuku, about 16 miles beyond tne the many little bird", which make breath, we found ourselves over the no one having been able to sound bot- - brand, for the simple reason that Haleiwa hotel. Along this line is the their home here. One can wander at great illumined pit. 600 feet below us, torn. In the pit of the second one is ALL KINDS OF there isn't any better made. most productive sugar estate in the will through this forest without any part of which boiled and surged, a just a small frog pond. But the third roi Fountain Soda Worka. world Ewa which last year produced as. one, just a short distonce above the RUBBER GOODS 31,696 tons. At Ewa sugar culture has I second, shows great activity at present. Sheridan Street, near King. ' become a science; some of the fields I and it erupts at the proper seasons in Phone Main 270. 15 s have produced tons to the acre. The , the form of delicious bananas, vege-- Goodyear Eubber Co. j i plantation is artificially irrigated, as tables of all kinds and fruits being R. H. PEASE, President. j in fact are all of those along this j watched and tended by a Japanese San ' WALTHAM Francisco, Cal., U. S. A. road. On it are. seven pumping sta- - WATCHES I gardener. These three craters go down PLAYIS5 CARDS. tions. which h.ive a capacity of 69,- - j i to a depth of about 300 feet. 750.000 gallons of water daily. j STEM WINDING, LEVER. AAA Taking the island as a whole one Two hundred feet is the highest WALT HAM EXPRESS would travel fai before finding another TRY OUR Vw We have a full stock of playing level irrigated, on WATCHES laxf but the Waralua such beautiful and interesting country. cards of the most popular makes, plantation there is being constructed At times one would almost imagine he Our Celebrated Bromo Pop, Peack IV bridge counters, etc. a great up ' THE HIGHEST STAGE OF in Bounce, Bishops I reservoir 'in the mountains, were Chfna or Japan, there is so Tonic,' Klondike Fizz, AAA. and it is the plan of the company j THE ART. much of Oriental life to H seen on and many others. ! WATCHMAKER'S f constructing to store up wa- - sidp-s- . HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., LTD., it all the al! ARCTIC SODA WORKS, - . , ter possible during the rainy season. Tonne T?uitd;nr- St-r- I M TYVELVE MILLION WALTHAM The foliage of the trees one of 117 Miller St., Honolulu, II. T. When full the water will back up the : d$S XNk the most beautiful sights .gorge to Ik seen. eisht mils. The capacity of j WATCHES NOW IN USE. Every tree, with very few exceptions, Tl , this reservoir will be such that enough , blooms, some in feral YAMATQYA V1' the most exquisite can a m m p 'water be stored there for a year's; j-- a rj ii jda a a r a n n Va colors. Especially beautiful is Oahu Ice & S Ait ji u v the at MERCHANT TAILOR AND SHIRT irrigation. This will do away with t poinciana regia. which is just one solid oil MAKER. the pumpinsr plants, reducing: the ex- AMERICAN WALTHAM mass of flaming red. fenlj pense greatly. Electric Co Nuuanu Street, one door above Pauahi. And again, where now COMPANY, Many more interesting place are yet O. 1 P. O. Box 822. they can only grow the sugar cane WATCH to be visited, but they are as yet in SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS. KIMONAS to a height of 200 feet, thus enable the future, so "thus endeth read- Ice delivered to any part of the city. OR- WALTHAM, MASS., U.S.A. the AND PAJAMAS MADE TO them to raise it to 700 feet, thus bring- ing of the first les on.' Ethel L. Post, Island orders promptly filled. Tel. Blue DER AND ON SALE. ing into cultivation a great many in (Cal.) Riverside Press. 1111. p. o. Box 600. Office: Kewalo. ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, OCTOBER THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ir, 1905. 7 '

I ARKER, JR., JOHN J. REGAN. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE ! NIM SHEE, KONG SHUN FET BY AU fHORITY. alias xjxxiuxj DXAiiSS bXJH. THE TER- - ED KONG, WONG LEOXG DOO SO- JK11UKY CF HAWAII. CIETY by WONG HOW; heirs of KG The United 41 FAWN as follows: WONG SHEE State of America, Plain, Notice is hereby given that the fol (widow), NG CHING tift and Petitioner, vs Chun Afone Illli'S CHEE (w), NG Bucks" lowing Registered Treasury warrants KAM w), NG FOO (k), NG KAM Julia H. Afong, et ala, Defendant OF and ana respondents. will be paid at the Treasury upon (k); THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII Action brought by LORRIN in said District Court and the Pe-- Pneumatic presentation: ANDREWS as Attorney wuon VALUABLE a-c- niea in the office of LEASEHOLD 11750, General, and to all whom it may the Air Cell Registered Numbers 10S01 to : Clerk of said District Court In inclusive. Whereas, a petition has bet,., .re- Honolulu. AT WAIJUKI A, J. CAMPBELL, , sented to said Court by the Estate of The President of the United Sta.ie Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii. S. O. Wilder, Limited, to register and or America, Greeting: Known as the Hotel Anne confirm its title in the following-describe- d j. Treasurer's Office, Honolulu, October o wiiuiN AFONG; JULIA H. land: AFONG; EMMEUNE M. MAGOON; 10, 1905. Commencing point on pres- at a the JOHN A. MAGOON. husband of said In accordance with the terms of sj 7231 11. ent northw est side of , Oct. 12. Liliha street LMMELINE M. MAGOON; CHUN T, certain Decree of Foreclosure mad MOUNTS bearing by true azimuth 54 37' 30" and AlTUJNG; and entered in the Circuit Court of the. 75-1- NANCY McSTOCKER; I! 601 00 distant At the meeting of the Board of Su feet from a monument rltANK B. McSTOCKER. First Judicial Circuit. Territory of Ha- are - handled exclusively by in Liliha street on a 17 feet offset Hus waii, on the 19th day of County Oahu, Ter to band Of saJd - SeDtembec pervisors of the of the new southeast side of Liliha street NANCY McSTOCKER- 1905. by the Honorable W. J. Robinson, trctnspori onerman yester-- 2-- sailed of Hawaii, held on the 9th day and on a 13 feet offset to the new juula JOHNSTONE; ARTHUR H Third Judge of said court. Id a mattee 1 ? rfy JOHNSTONE, WALL, NICHOLS CO Qdy anernoon at five o'clock for San 1905, office, northeast side of School husband of said JULIA then pending before said Judge where- , - of October, A. D. in their street from e a. . JOHNSTONE; HENRIETTA I I TJ. msteaa or at...three as following which monument Mokauea Trig, station WHIT in George W. Macfarlane was Peti McIntyre Building, the 146 ING; WILLIAM H. WHITING, J scheduled. The delay was caused by bears 5o' 30" and a similar monu bus tioner, and the Waikiki Seaside Hotel, ORDINANCE was duly passed by the ment on a 15 band of said HENRIETTA WTTTT. Limited, was Respondent. Notice Im the united feet offset tr th nen THIS STAMP States Marshal and District said Board. southeast side of Liliha street and on ING; MARIE K. HUMPHREYS; hereby given that the undersigned Com Attorney taking off alleged counter- a 10 feet offset to the new southwest ABRAM S. HUMPHREYS, husband of missioner will on feiters. Six men were arrested as be- - ORDER NO. 4. side of School street, bears 46 10' and said MARIE K. HUMPHREYS: WILL PRINT is distant z Q feet, ELIZABETH BURNS; I. R. BURNS, SATURDAY, tbe 7th day of s ? ing members of the ring, and running and three PROHIBITING THE EXPOSURE OF Dy husband of IMPLE tnence true azimuths; ELIZABETH BURNS; witnesses were OR 6-- J also held. The vessel GAMBLING TABLES (1) 144 56', 83 10 OR feet along L. C. A. HELEN O. HENSHALL; CAROLINE October, 1905, was ready to go at three. The postal j MENTS IN A ROOM BARRED Ap. 3, to B. RIGGS; M. OR PROTECTED iiz, Palapaa; J. RIGGS, husband of 1 authorities decided to send the mail BARRICADED (2) 227 37', 27 1-- 10 along said CAROLINE RIGGS; AT 11 O'CLOCK 1 ANY MANNER TO MAKE IT feet same; B. MARTHA NOON. to the Coast on the Sherman and 87 IN (3) , iv on M. DOUGHERTY: . IN- "u ieet to point ANDREW J. of said day, and in front of the Judi- bags were sent on j DIFFICULT OF ACCESS OR the: vessel. As the OFFICERS, northwest side of auwai; DOUGHERTY, husband of said MAR- ciary Building, Honolulu. County oC America Maru came in - ; GRESS TO POLICE (4) 47 45', 60 1-- 10 while the Sher- PER- feet along L. C. A. THA M. DOUGHERTY; ALICE HUT- Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, sell at Pub- man was leaving, j WHEN THREE OR MORE 981 to H and will sail at noon THE Holelua; CHINSON; MARY C. AFONG; lic Auction to the highest bidder th I SONS ARE PRESENT; OR 67 1-- 10 today, the Sherman will undoubtedly (5) 30', 48 feet along same; ALBERT P. AFONG; ABRAM H. property hereinafter described. ; A ROOM BARRED 8-- fl umu Hi jctclo l x uay VISITING OF (6) 326 17'. 108 10 feet along AFONG; Terms: Cash in gold over any rongh surface, giving a ic later AND BARRICADED OR PRO- re MELAINE B. BREW- United States than the America Maru would. TO mainder of L. C. A. 9009, to Liliha STER; JAMES W. W. BREW- coin. Ten per cent to be paid upon tb "Clear ant Perfect Impression. Several local people departed "on TECTED IN ANY MANNER street; fall 1 a the AC- STER, husband of said MELAINE B. of the hammer, and the balance OF 4-- only Sherman. Among them were Mrs. MAKE IT DIFFICULT (7) 230 38', 83 10 feet along to be paid upon tender of deed ex This is the CESS, OR INGRESS TO POLICE oresent BREWSTER; HENRY AFONG; LEE a it Behr, wife northwest side ecuted by undersigned of Lieut. Behr, Artillery GAM- of Liliha street to HONG; CHUN LUN; CHUN SIN; a the Commission OFFICERS, IN WHICH coo-firm- Corps, U. S.. A., who was formerly at the point of commencement; M. er after such sale shall have been ed TABLES OR . IMPLE- DAMON. Trustee; W. P. ALLEN. BLING Area 8505 square 1865-100- 00 by Court. ."si Camp McKinley. Mrs. Behr goes to OR feet or 0 Trustee: KIMO PII (sometimes called the i MENTS ARE EXHIBITED of an acre, being The property to be sold as aforesaid Rubber Stamp Fortress Monroe to join her husband, THREE OR houselots on Liliha JAMES PII); KAMALIE, wife of Mid . EXPOSED, WHEN street, Honolulu, consists of all the right, title, in- She has been visiting for two months in Hi of Koiuiu, be KIMO M. M. - and 1 MORE PERSONS ARB PRESENT. PH: ECKARGT, KEKU- made that will give perfect sat- with Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Downing, the ing a portion of R. P. No. 5554. L. C. terest of said Waikiki Seaside . Hotel, A. 9009 to Kaneeleele. ANAOA. HACKFELD it COMPANY, Limited, in and to that certain leas former being her brother. J.Hastings LIMITED, an Hawaiian Corporation; isfaction at all times. Howland, Assistant Superintendent of THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTY OF You are hereby cited to arjoear at of a certain piece of land containing DO ORDAIN AS the Court MIRIAM PURPLE, HENRY XUEXX 9 and 75-1- acres, more or letwt, situat OUR STAMPS have a Deep Public Works, left for the Coast on a' OAHU of Land Registration, to be JANE ; GREEN, HORACE ' ' nem BLACK. an4 at Helumoa, Waikiki, Honolulu, ,afors-- vacation. An, assemblage of friends on i , FOLLOWS: at Honolulu, Island of Oahu. on Cut die which assures Perfect ' GEORGE WHITE, unknown heirs ocuu, mc uuuer me v ua the dock aided Mr. Howland In sing-- j the 24th day of November, A. D. 1905. iiism it unices - aw of KAHIKAELE. Deceased; of Bern Ice P. Bishop xo E. C. Macfar Results. ing Sere- - : at one o'clock and thirty minutes i PE several selections from "The 1. be unlawful for twenty-eig- ht Section It shall the afternoon, to show cause, any TER BLUE. CATHERINE YELLOW, lane for a period of years; f We have recently added to our nade" while the vessel was waiting for any person within the limits of the if from day 1897, you have, why the prayer of neti- - HENRY BROWN, LYDIA SCARLET the first of June, whick shop equipment a new improved Aiarsnai ttendry to get through with Countv of Oahu to exhibit or expose to said VIOLET, lease Is dated the 7th day of April, his on ship. tion should not be granted. And unless and JOHN unknown heirs work the view in any room or house or place you appear at law of KAMALIE. Deceased, De- - 1897. and recorded In the Register Otfloa Inspectors Wilson and Sheehan of the built at said Court at the time 185, 4, S, barred or barricaded or otherwise and place aforesaid your endanta and Respondents. of Oahu, in liber on pages 3, Vulcanizer Customs Department departed for the or protected in a manner to make it default will and 6. " You appear, Steam on police be recorded, and the said petition will are hereby directed to Coast vacation absence. difficult of access or ingress to be taken as Md answer the Petition in an actios by city gas. We find it officers, when three or more persons confessed, and you will be For further particulars apply to operated MORRISON PROMOTED. forever barred from contesting said entitled as above, brought against over old are present, and cards, dice, dominoes, petition any you United F. WUNDENBERG. a great improvement Captain Morrison, U. S. A., a through layout, or any or decree entered thereon. in the District Court of the 2713 Commissioner. or any gambling table Witness, L. Esq.. States, in and for the Territory of Ha methods which are still in use by passenger on the Sherman, had an part of such layout, or any other gam- PHILIP WEAVER, Judge of said Court, this 25th day of waii, within twenty days from and af- By I other manufacturers. Compare honor conferred upon him yesterday. bling implements whatsoever used in September, copy order of the Honorable W. J. pr.y f3ro, monte, roulette, tan, in the year nineteen hun- ter service upon you of a certified Robinson, Third Judge of Circuit 1 game of dred and five. to- .the 'our He had just returned from Manchuria, tan, or any banking or percentage of the Plaintiff's Petition herein, Court of the First Judicial Circuit. where he has been attached to the fan Attest with Seal of said Court. gether a certified copy of this w-it- dominoes, with made and entered in the above entitled Japanese game played cards, dice, (Seal) W. L. HOWARD, armies, and received notifica or any device for money'ehecks, credit summons. Court and cause on the 4th day of Deep Cut Dies tion that he had been promoted to or any representative of value or any Registrar. And you are hereby notified that un October, A. D. 1905, the above sale Is was something 7219 Sept. 27, Oct. 4. 11. 18. major. There of a other game in which money or any- less you appear and answer as above postponed to SATURDAY, the 21st day to any other make, you will find ceremony on the Sherman's decks, al- is or won. required, the said Plaintiff will apply of October, 1905, at the hour of nodh of though unofficial, when Capt. Morrison thing of value lost IN THE CIRCUIT Section 2. It shall be unlawful for COURT OF THE to the Court for the relief demand said day, when said sale will be held ! 1 " Ours the Best" went up in rank. Captain Walter K. any person within the limits of the FIRST CIRCUIT. TERRITORY OF ed in the Petition herein. in front of the Judiciary Building, Ho Wright, U. S. A., removed the two County of Oahu to visit or resort to HAWAII. AT CHAMBERS IN WITNESS, the HONORABLE nolulu aforesaid. bars from each of Mr. Morrison's any such room or house or place PROBATE. SAN FORD B. DOLE, Judge of F. WUNDENBERG, shouldfer-strap- s. Two gold leaf em or built In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur Commissioner. blems were then brought from the barred or barricaded otherwise said District Court, this 1st TRY US AND YOU WILL BE or protected in a manner to make it W. Pearson, Deceased. Order for day of July In the year of our quartermaster's office, and were pinned access to police Notice of Hearing Petition for CONVINCED. shoulder-strap- difficult of or ingress, (Seal) Lord one thousand nine hun n to Major Morrison's s by officers, when or more persons Probate of Will. -- three dred and five and of the in- Mrs. Baldwin, widow of Lieut. Colonel present, or ex- A s ei! on are where are exhibited document purporting to be the Last dependence of the United Baldwin. The insignia his shoul posed to view any cards, dice, domi- Will and Testament of Arthur W. ders Major Morrison received the con-- United States the one hundred lb noes, or any gambling table layout, Pearson, deceased, having on 3rd Hi the twenty-nint- h. l gratulations of his brother officers. or any part of such layout, or any day of October, A. D. 1905, been pre- and ill, THOMPSON HELD IRMGARD. other gambling implements whatso- sented to said Probate Court, and a W. B. MALING, Notice is hereby given that 1W (Mi monte, Clerk. was delay ever, used in any game of faro, Petition for the Probate thereof, and On 14, (905 The barkentine Irmmgard roulette, tan, fan tan, or any banking for the Issuance of Letters Testa- A true copy of Summons. Saturday, Octcbsr ed in her sailing yesterday until after or percentage game, played with cards, mentary to Stella G. Pearson, widow Attest: W. B. MALING. Clerk. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, IflE QUEEN'S HOSPITAL 2 o'clock owing to legal proceedings dice, dominoes, or any device for of said deceased, having been filed by By F. L. HATCH, Deputy Clerk. at the auction rooms of J. F. Morgan, brought against A. D. Thompson, one money, checks, credit or any repre- said Stella G. Pearson; 7161 Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Oahu, Pay Patient Department of her passengers. Thompson and his sentative of value, or any other game It is hereby ordered, That Tuesday, under a license and order of sale mad family had already boarded the Irm-- in which money or anything of value the 14th day of November, A. D. 1905, Waikiki Seaside Hotel on September 23, 1905, by the Hon. QUEEN'S HOSPITAL, PAY gard, when a-- summons was. served on is lost or won. at 10 o'clock a.,m., of said day, at the J. T. De Bolt, First Judge of the Cir- THE - Section 3. Every person who shall Court Room of Court, Hono- Limited, PATIENT DEPARTMENT, offers su- him, charging him with the embezzle- said at cuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit, ment of 25 shares of Ookala. N. G- - violate any provision of this ordinance lulu, be and the same hereby is ap- sitting at Chambers, in the matter of perior accommodations and attendance C. Peterson was the complainant and R. shall be deemed guilty of a misde-- pointed the time and place for proving Notice is hereby given that at a the Guardianship of the persons and for pay patients, both in ward and - meanor, upon said Will hearing applica- meeting of the stockholders of the rooms. recent "Pauahi A. Peterson appeared as his attor- and conviction thereof and said property of Charles, Angela and Rosa- private The ney. appears had shall be punished by a fine not to ex- - tion; Waikiki Seaside Hotel, Limited, held lie Gilliland, minors, now on file addition to the Hospital, with It that the shares day, assignment of the com- and Annex" been hypothecated to Bishop & Co.'s ceed live hundred (?a00.ou dollars or Dy It is further ordered, That notice this an all in the office of the clerk of said court, its modernly equipped Operating Boom, imprisonment for not more six thereof be given, by publication, once pany's property was made to the un- two cer- and Bath Rooms, hank. Mr. Peterson claimed he had no than dersigned for the benefit of the credi- will be offered for sale those If. Sterilising, Anesthetic so. On payment of the (6) months, or by both such fine and a week for three successive weeks, in tain pieces of land conveyed to Bald also Portable Baths, afford an e" right todo 55 tors of the company. All persons in- 1 was Mr. Thompson imprisonment. the .Facihc Commercial Advertiser, a minors by E. S. Cunha by deed dated P respect, matter settled and company are requested service in every with Section 4. Jurisdiction is hereby con- newspaper published in Honolulu, debted to said 15, 1893, .recorded in the-offic- was allowed to start on his voyage. the to prompt of such in- November and Resident Physician, staff of Trained cargo, only ferred upon all District Magistrates last publication to be not less than ten make settlement of the Registrar of Conveyances 1 The Irmgard had but little debtedness with the undersigned; and Nurses, &c, also an Elevator Service w ithin the County of Oahu, to try and days previous to the time therein ap- Honolulu, in book 142, on pages in- enough being taken in for ballast. all creditors of the company are re- in said The following are the rates, which determine all offenses arising under the pointed for hearings 423 to 425, and described as follows: charges for" ordinary medical FOUND SOME DESERTERS. quested to present their claims to the clude all provisions of this ordinance. Dated at Honolulu, October 3, 1905. undersigned, thirty days from (a) That certain piece of land situ- charge of regular Hos- 5. within Mauna-ke- a cases if in the Deputy United States Marshal Win Section This ordinance shall take J. T. DE BOLT, the date hereof. ate on the northerly side of pital Physicians and Surgeons: effect be in First" Judge Circuit. street, Honolulu, and be ter, while searching yesterday for de and force from and after Circuit Court First Notice Is hereby further given, that in aid Private rooms. . .$2.50 to $3.50 per diem. its passage. 7225 Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25. the undersigned will not be responsl- - ing the mauka half of apana 4 of R- - serters from the Brenda, found three 2938. adjoining. Ward patients $1.50 per diem. Approved: , ble for any debts hereafter Incurred i P. 1081, L. C. A. and Practicing Physicians are invited to deserters from the Sofala James Diz-ne- y, (Sgd.) GEORGE W. SMITH, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE on behalf of the company without his on its makai siae, Virginia i. ait-Leo- d's place patients in the Hospital, either Thomas Bjorseth and John Lewis Chairman, Board of Supervisors. UNITED STATES FOR THE TER- written consent. (nee Gilliland) share, and con- Chilso Birley, the last an apprentice. Attest: RITORY OF ILVW3UI. Honolulu, September 15, 1905. taining an area of 1173 sq.' ft. The in ward or private rooms, such patients 45 to remain under the care of their own He also arrested Karl Franson, a de- D. KALAUOKALANI, JR., F. WUNDENBERG. makai side of this piece is about serter from the Brenda. All are held Clerk, County of Oahu. In the Matter of Andres A. Montano, 7210 Assignee. ft. distant from Queen street. This physician, subject to the rules of the ea o await the demand of the British 7231 a Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. piece has a frontage of 32 ft. on Mau-nak- Hospital; such patients will, however, average width of have to pay their own doctor. Consul. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. street and an Hos- At the meeting of the Board of Su- To the creditors of Andres A. Mon- about 36 feet. Applicants for admission to the SHIPPING NOTES. In Pauofc. must the Superintendent pervisors of the County of Oahu, Ter- tano of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Ter- AGRICULTURAL COM- (b) All that land situate pital furnish Crook, assigned to the America WAIALUA Valley comprising the whole of apana a surety for Hospital charges, or else Dr. ritory of Hawaii, held on the 3rd day ritory of Hawaii. PANY. LIMITED. must Maru. joined the vessel here. Notice Is hereby given that on the 3 of R P. 1081. L. C. A. 2938, containing: pay two weeks in advance, which A .special meeting of the stockholders 1-- 2 ready to go of October, A. D. 1905, in their office, 9th day of October, A. D. 1905, the said an area of 14 acres and in said be renewed every week thereafter. In The tug Fearless will be of Walalua Agricultural Co., Ltd., described. to commission today. The tug Chas. McIntyre Building, the following Andres A. Montano was duly adjudi- the Patent more particularly Surgical cases a charge of from $5 into will be held at the office of Castle & This piece is at a good al- to Hilo. ORDINANCE was duty passed by the cated bankrupt, and that the first - situated $15 is made for use of Operating Counselman will return Cooke, Ltd., on the first flooY- of the titude, a short distance mauka of the Room and materials. Surgeons are in- Of the five stowayays taken from the said Board: meeting of his creditors, will be held Building, Merchant street my office, 502 Stangenwald building, Stangenwald spring supplying Pacific Heights. to use the Operating Room of the barkentine Irmgard yesterday by Depu 3. at city of Honolulu, H. T., on two vited ORDER NO. in Honolulu, on the 24th day of Octo- in the For further descriptions of these Hospital under the above specified ty Marshal Winter, two were from the Thursday, October 19, 1905, at lands, see order of sale in Probate So- ber, A. D. 1905, .at 4 o'clock in the rates, and arrangements for hours can British ship Brenda, two from the - REGULATING THE SPRINKLING 10 o'clock a. m., to consider and Records No. 2868. Superintendent. one from the Criffel, which afternoon at which time the said credi- upon authorization of an by be made with the fala and OF CLOTHES. tors may attend, prove their claims, act the Terms, cash upon confirmation Persons desiring admission to the has already put to sea. tsue of bonds In the sum of One court; deeds at expense of pur- Superin- appoint a trustee, examine the bank- Dol- the Hospital should apply to the The Hawaiian Government band gave THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTY OF rupt, Million Five Hundred Thousand chaser. premises, Punchbowl and transact such other business ($1,500,000.00), to refund the exist- by the tendent, on the, a comciimentarv concert uooara ms OAHU DO ORDAIN AS FOL- as may properly come before said lars Sale subject to confirmation and Miller streets. transport Sherman from 2 to 3 p. m. LOWS: ing bonded indebtedness of the com- court, the court reserving liberty to or refer- meeting. purposes, and the For further information yesterday, which was greatly enjoyed Section 1. It shall be unlawful for RAWLINS, pany and for other consider and pass upon, as to each Superintendent or WILLIAM T. of a trust deed or mortgages only adequacy of the ence, apply to the by those aboard. When Dixie was any person or persons, ironing or per- Referee in Bankruptc5 execution piece, not the Physician the Hospital, en- ' secure the same, and the transac- price' the question of Resident at played the crowd went wild with forming any act, in the laundrying ot Honolulu, October 10, 1905. 7231 to bid but also GEO. W. SMITH, Esq., secretary tion of such other business as may whether or not the interests of the thusiasm. clothing of another, or in the laundry- meet- (Benson, Smith & Co.), or E. F. ing of clothing for hire, within the properly be brought before ,said minors will be best served by a sale (C. & Co.). The cruiser Calabria is scheduled to IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE BISHOP, Treasurer Brewer morning at 10 County of Oahu, to spray any article TER- ing. at the price bid. 7209 depart for Suva this UNITED STATES FOR THE CHAS. H. ATHERTON, For further particulars apply to J. o'clock. Last evening a complimentary so laundered with liquid sprayed or RITORY OF HAWAII. Com- projected from the mouth of said per- Secretary, Walalua Agricultural F. Morgan, Auctioneer, Kaahumanu dinner was tendered Prince Fer.dinando Limited. Perry, Attorney off- son or persons, or to direct or permit pany, street, or to Antonio of Savoy, Captain Moriondo and In the Matter of Mary J. Montano, a T-- . 29, 1905. 501 Stangenwald any person in his employ to so spray Honolulu, H. September for the Guardian, icers of the Calabria by Acting Consul Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. 7220 Building. Lanz and Mrs. Lanz at their Punahou such article so laundered. Section 2. Any person violating any CHRISTINA GILLILAND. residence. . To the creditors of Mary J. Montano of the provisions of thi3 ordinance HONOLULU BREWING & MALTING Guardian of Said Minors. E. H. Cocke, formerly with the of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Territory September 28, 1905. shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and " - CO., LTD. Army Quartermaster's Department of of Hawaii. - r 7221 Sept. 29. Oct. 4. 7," 11, 14. upon conviction shall be fined not less i on The annual meeting of the stock- Honolulu, who went to Manila in Feb- ' Notice is hereby given that the & than Five Dollars, nor more than 9th day October, A. D. 1905, the said holders of the Honolulu Brewing ruary, is a passenger on the Sherman Twenty-fiv- e case such of military hospital Dollars and in Mary J. Montano was duly adjudi- - Malting Co., Ltd., will be held at the FINE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. en route to the army fine is not satisfied by immediate pay-- i company. No. 53a Queen treatment. Mrs. cated bankrupt and that the first meet- - office of the at the Presidio for ment thereof the person so fined shall my city of i. ii.. one Osborne - ing of her creditors will be held at street, in the Honolulu: Cocke, formerly of the be committed to nrison for the non- Saturday, October 21, 190o, at 10 line most girls of Honolulu, and her infant, ac- - office, 502 Stangenwald building, in on Situated on car in the payment of the same and the time ot October, o'clock a. m. Stock books will De locality of this city. company him. imprisonment deemed to Honolulu, on the 24th day of desirable resident such shall be A. D. 1905. 4:30 in after- - closed for transfer from October J, improvements consist of discharge One at o'clock the m- - The the same at the rate of noon which creditors may, 1905, to October 21, 190a, both dates cottage, containing parlor, recep- per - at time said ANNUAL MEETING. r day. prove claims, appoint a elusive. drawing room, large din- Section 3. This Ordinance shall take attend, their tion hall, trustee, examine the bankrupt, and (Signed) .wTiMOTPin room, 3 bed chambers, kitchen, pan- THE HONOLULU LIBRARY AND effect from and after its passage and Secretary. Honolulu Brewing & ing publication. transact such other business, as may Acting try and' all modern Improvements. READING ROOM ASSOCIATION. properly come before said meeting. Malting Co.. Ltd. Large grounds Improved with many nn, - onn,,ol mootino- o-- momtipra Approved. . : ; r, ; , .r rf ; z, "z:z (sgd.) geo. w SMITH, WILLIAM T. RAWLINS, valuable and rare fruit tree. Choose tbe Artistic Chairman, Board of Supervisors. Referee in Bankruptcy. MEETING NOTICE. Servants' quarters witn stationary Room Association will be held at the Honolulu, October 10, 1905. 7231 porcelain bath; Building on Friday evening, Attest: washstands and larr Library (Sgd.) D. KALAUOKALANI, JR., C. BREWER & CO., LTD. with box stalls. MANY NEW DESIGNS IN October 13, 1905, at 8 p. m., for the stable y reports, electing 7226 Clerk. County of Oahu. NOTICE. The regular quarterly meeting of the Size of lot: 200x300 feet. purpose of receiving & Company, reasonable, much 1" Trustees, and the transaction of any shareholders of C. Brewer Price, very may No. 57.. EMMELUTH & CO.. LTD. T.t will be held at the office of the Its actual value. other business which properly street. Honolulu, on Easy. Monuments come before said meeting. TERRITORY OF HAWAII Oueen Terms: 1048-5- 10 ociock a. Can be seen at 0 Alakea Street. EDWARD W. CAMPBELL, are hereby notified to make immediate Friday, the 13th inst., at Secretary. The Honolulu Library and COURT OF LAND REGISTRATION, settlement of their accounts, other- - m. wtirther particulars upon appUoatMsj Reading Room Association. wise the same will be placed In the Honolulu, uctooera, rj- - ea tUTIVw J.C.AXTELL& CO. Honolulu, Hawaii. October 10, 1905. TERRITORY OF HAWAII to hands of our attorneys for collection. Secretary. J. H. FISHER. 7231 Oct. 11, 13. CHARLES M. MULITNER, ROBERT 7227 EMMELUTH & CO.. LTD. 722S v NPhone Blue 180L , P. O.. Box 642.. s THE PACIFIC COMMERCrAE ADVERTISER HONOLULU, OCTOBER n, 1905.

provements were not made, while the FRATERNAL MEETINGS. Waimea stables, wiuch were built, Saleswomen's Peril Castle & Cooke, Ltd. old ones could STORY OF were unnecessary as the HONOLULU. POLYNESIAN ENCAMP- have teen repaired. Wild dogs had in- GRAVE DISEASES, DUE TO STANDING creased, for John Lindsay had de- MENT Merkley's Dangerous clared ill luck followed those that Facts About Miss COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 1, I. O. O. F. that Illness and Complete Cure A killed them, particularly a tendency to SUGAR FACTORS. Meets every first and third FRIDAY RICH Have you ever thought why so many f the month at 7:30 p. m., in Odd fall off horses. complained that the women or girls rather walk an hour yellow's Hall, Fort Street. The witness than stand still for ten mmutesv AGENTS FOR Visiting brothers cordially invited to sleeping accommodations on the drives The Ewa Plantation Co. Attend. were insufficient, so that the men haul The Walalua Agricultural Co., M. McGREW, CP. LML F. Ikua Purdv on Stand to sleep with their feet in the middle. The Kohala Sugar Co. L. L. LA PIERRE. Scribe. The Waimea Sugar Moreover, the cooking pot was too Mill Co. The Fulton Iron Works. St Louia. jEXCELSIOR LODGE NO. i, in the Parker small to cook enough to go around The Standard Oil Co. I. O. O. F. Wild cattle were caught on the The George F. Blake Steam Pump. and to trees two or three Weston's Centrifugals. every evening Case. mountain tied Meets TUESDAY at down. On one The New England Mutual Life Insur :20, In Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort street. days before being taken ance Co.. of Boston occasion had to, be released Visiting brothers cordially invited to the cattle The Aetna Insurance Co . nf tt attend. If Ikua Purdv knows anv irood of before they were branded, on account AUCTION SALE ford, Conn. F. G. NOTES, N. O. of the excessive rains. The Alliance Assurance On PIERRE, Secretary. the ranch where he was born and don. t L. L. LA Magoon next asked about the occa brought up he has not come to it in Friday, 13, 1905, sion when Fred Carter had been absent October LODGE, testimony oc PACIFIC REBEKAH his evidence. His direct from the branding pen at Waimea for AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. NO. I. O. O. F. of and was one i, cupied all yesterday, over an hour. According to the wit At my salesroom, 847 Kaahumanu o Meets every second and fourth long recital of mismanagement and im ness, all work had immediately stopped streets ft Thursday, at 7:30 p. m., Odd Fellows' ill Hall, street. proper methods, following the bill of and Ikua himself had gone after Car thatkcan not be saved? Do not Fort in- posts ten MEN'S and BITS' CLOTHING let it your Visiting Rebekahas are cordially particulars. There were no tilts be- ter. Fence by the thousand remain in mouth to taint the breath and Impart de- vited to attend. proceed had been cut and hauled and then left It is because most women suffer from tween counsel to enliven the derans-emen- t - ALSO cay to the LILLIE DUNN. N. G., to rot. some of their delicate other teeth. Have It JACOBSON, Sec'y. ings, the story flowing on with scarcely discomfort of which is removed at once and replaced JENNY was un organism, the a ripple of objection. The direct examination still less trying when they are in motion with our Bridge Work. If you finished when court adjourned Regular Friday don't know the exact BRANCH REBEKAH Ikua agreed with Eben Low and the for than when standing. condition OLIVE the day. In some states laws compel employers of your teeth, we will examine LODGE NO.. 2 I. O. O. F. young Parker that a fence should be to provide resting places for their fe Sale them FREE. Thurs- constructed to prevent cattle from go male employees. Meets every first and third law can regulate F.L. Ferguson, D.D.S- - day 7:30 p. m.. in Odd Fellows' ing over to Humuula and Horner's. But no amount of ASSORTMENT OF at LOCAL OF the hard tasks of these women. They 215 Hotel St. Wall, Fort Street. Cattle had frequently been detained in TROUBLES which cordially In- must get the strength this work The Expert Dentists. Visiting Rebekahas are pens without food or water. Inbreed demands or run the risk of serious vited to attend. Furniture, Etc SIMONTON, N.G., ing should have been prevented by cut diseases and the sureeon's knife. MARGARET HEW YORK LIFE Read about the experience of Miss THORA OSS, Secretary. ting the ranch up in paddocks and sep Margret Merkley, 275 3d Street, Mil JAS. F. MORGAN, Cigars arating families. Other methods of waukee, Wis.: AUCTIONEER. at Cost LEAHI CHAPTER NO. 2, stopping poor cattle from breeding had Dear Mrs. Pinkham: Must have room loss strength, nervousness. for new stock. S. "Gradual of BEST BRANDS, $3.50 $6.00 O. E. been improperly prosecuted under Car Cashier F. A. Wiekett, of the New bearing-dow- n pains and extreme irritation TO 7:30 p. compelled me seek meaical aavice. PER 100. ; Meets every third Monday at ter's administration. xork Lite insurance company, was to ine to. In the Masonic Temple, corner of doctor said I had ovarian trouble and ulcer Order Now. The witness complained that brand- seen yesterday by an Advertiser re ation of the womb, and advised an operation AUCTION! .Alakea and Hotel streets. objected are ing at the Kuihale Den was made a porter in regard to the charges filed if I wanted to eet well. I to this Visiting Sisters and Brethren and decided to give Lydia E. Pmkham's Veg- Myrtle Cigar Store, ordially invited to attend. sport. was Waimea 's birthday. with the Insurance Commissioner by etable Compound a triai. I soon found that CRABBE, It your to a EMMA LONGSTREET RICH horses were saved for that oc- the Hawaiian Trust Co., agents for the all the erood thines said about this great I would draw attention P.W.M., Secretary. The best medicine were true. The ulceration soon T. J. FITZPATRICK, Proprietor. ADELAIDE M. WEBSTER, casion, and visitors were allowed to Prudential Life Insurance Co., of New healed, backache, headache and nervousness Guardian's Sale Property FORT STREET. "Worthy Matron. in run. The dairy at ark, N. J. disappeared, ana in a snore time l was participate the strone. vigorous and perfectly well. I wish Mana was not properly kept. The but- Mr. Wiekett said, "I have not very every working girl who suffers would try situated on MAUNAKEA STREET, HONOLULU IRON WORKS HAWAIIAN TRIBE NO. i, ter house was d,irty and dogs drank the much to say, for there is not much to Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable uompouna." NEAR QUEEN. Vegetable Com- - 1-- I. O. R. M. milk. The cows were milked in the talk about. I am at a loss to under Lydia E. Pinkham's 14 2 ACRES, PAUOA VALLEY. COMPANY. pound IS a vegetauic uuuiu nuwu mvi1 Meets every second and fourth open, and when it rained weak ealves stand what the real trouble is about strengthens O orates and the entire fe Saturday, October 14, THURSDAY of each month, in L erot stuck in the mud. Ivy had unless it is jealousy, which unfortu male oreranism, and will produce the Machinery, Black Pipe, Galvanised O. F. HalL in case of AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. Pipe, Boiler Tubes, Iron Steel, En- doubled in Carter's time and other nately exists between certain agents of same beneficial results the and ' Visiting brothers cordially invited to any sick woman as with Miss Merkley my 857 gineers' Supplies. noxious plants had spread. life insurance companies, especially At salesroom, Kaahumanu attend. ; street. Office Nuuanu street. T. F. McTIGHE, Sachem, One item of interest was the recital upon the part of the fellow who is get Works Kakaako. E. V. TODD, C. R. JUST SOME QUERIES. of a horse trade between the witness ting a little short on his business. JAS. F. MORGAN. WILLIAM M'KINLEY and Fred Carter, which read like a "I understood that this matter hat Editor Advertiser: What have Lord AUCTIONEER. chapter from "David Harum." The been settled to the satisfaction of all & Belser got to do with the police LODGE, facts were complicated, but at the parties concerned and did not know that labor patronaee should be in NO. 8, K. of P. close of the deal the witness had the that there was any kick eoming until 1 the hands of the latter? Limited Meets every SATURDAY evening at horse and Carter had $45. But the end read of the charges in this morning's Why should Isaac Cockett and Alex. Hall, King SALE T:30 Harmony FOR o'clock, in was not yet, for the witness was sur Advertiser. These charges are an at complain to Brown Btreet. Xicholls Sheriff Merchant Tailors Visiting brothers cordially invited to prised to receive a letter from Carter, tempt to discredit the New York Life that some one had given away the demanding $55 more on ground as any attend. . the "As far investigation is con secret compact to start a gambling At Auction Waity Bnildln?, Fort EDWIN FARMER, C. C, fi that the animal was worth $100 and cerned the New --York Life courts the house in Kalihi f Brown, as preserver Street. A. JACOBSON, K. of R. ft S. Phone Blae E. that Carter had sold him in ignorance most searching examination in all its of the peace, should be the last man 2741 Shortly at my salesroom, 857 Ka-jl-.- of the fact he was a race horse, affairs, jhe company has done go that its they should to. REMUS. manu street, Honolulu, (Opposite Advertiser Office) HONOLULU TEMPLE NO. i took exceptions business a SISTERS. The witness to other in straightforward manner RATHBONE horse deals of Carter's. John Chese-br- o and has written an unusually large American and Foreign every 2nd 4th Monday, at ? LAND OF KAPONO. Meets and had bought a horse for $40, amount of business, having at the pres FEEL SICK VVorsteads Knights of Pythias' Hall, King street Kapono Is All visitors cordially tea 10 at which, in the opinion of the witness, ent time over $4,000,000 in force LOCATION The land of inn Then you are the very person we wnnt - was worth $100. Akina had secured throughout these Islands, and our poll situated- at Punaluu, Koolauloa, tend. to interest in the merits of Hostetters Oahu, between the lands of Puhe JAPANESE AND SALLIE L. WILLIAMS, M.E.C., an animal for $30 which should have cies are held by the most substantial AMERICAN O'BRIEN, 1L H.&C. Stomach Bitters, to urge a emikl and Haleaha. GRACE of brought $60 or $70. These two were and representative people in the Ter and lair trial for your health's sake. This med PATENT AND AREA Royal Patent Dry and Fancy the only ones that had struck the ritorA'. (Grant) 879 to L. S. Ua, con Goods (LODGE LE PROGRES DE icine has restored more sickly peopl and ranch on its bargain day, though the is not our policy to throw mud tains 39 Acres, 3 Rud., 9 Ro. Ex Manufacturers of Straw Hata. L'OCEANIE. "It to robust health than any other. Get cepting kuleanas. witness had heard something about a at our competitors; we have gotten the U Meets Monday In each a Dottle or Twenty acres, now the last sale in which John Lindsay figured. bulk of the business without doing so, LEASE rice land, IWAKAMI month, at '7:30 o'clock in Masonic under lease for 13 years from 1897, HOTEL STREET. 0 Temple, corner Alakea d Hotel Tne recital of. mismanagement went as can easily be ascertained by refer Eostetter's at $300 per annum and taxes $24, treets. Visiting Masons ordially in on. The horses were broken in a way ence to the reports filed by all life in total $324. vited to attend. that caused injuries and death. The surance companies doing business in BUILDING It has a large building OrrtoIcA C. J. DE ROO, Stomach sleeping quarters Secretary. cattle were not properly tamed at all. Hawaii with Treasurer and Insurance and outhouses Gillman House The drives were so loosely conducted Commissioner Campbell. and storehouse for paddy. Cement W. R. FARRINGTON, W. M. Bitters threshing floor. Boquet Cigars branded animals were that counted "Our motto is, 'Stick to business WATER RIGHT It has a water right BEAVER LUNCH ROOMS LODGE 616, two or three times over. Needed im- - and keep a yellin', let the other fellow Pftf STOMACH today and take a HONOLULU dose before meals from the Waiono stream through H. J. NOLTE. B. P. O. E. kick.' " and at bedtime. auwai, for irrigation. Honolulu Lodge No. 616. B. P. O. E.. THB BRIGHT SIDE It will soon make SPRING It has a water spring of its will meet in their hall, on Millr and you strong and own in center or land now unused YUEN III Beretanla streets, every Friday even- of life. It is a feeling common BUYS LAND TO jjj robust, by but could be piped to house lot mm NG CO. ing. to the majority of us that we strengthening the for domestic use. By order of the E. R. do not get quite the amount of entire system and HOUSE LOT There is a house lot of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOH HARRY H. SIMPSON...1 curing nearly three acres area and happiness we are entitled to. RAISE SISAL OR thus in :: DEALERS. Secretary. Among the countless Poop fronts on the belt road of this is ANGUS, E. R. things Appetite, 36-3- 8 GEO. H. which tend to make us more or Indigestion, land. North King St. less miserable ill health takes Sick Headache, BELT ROAD The belt road cuts thro COURT CAMOES, NO. 8no, Christian Conradt has purchased the Constipation, the makai end of this land. first place. Hannah More said i ( Kauh tarn A. O. Mouritz i .t'TS TAnnfH f liron SEA BATHING Facilities- - for sea F. that sin was generally to bo at- lands at Pukoo, MolokSi, and Insomnia, op Use every 4th will l&Ltttt?! bathing is excellent, being only a Meets 2nd and tributed to biliousness. No doubt shortly begin planting sisal on an Malaria. Fevep few feet from the makai end of Novelty Mills Tuesday of each month at a crippled liver with the result- extensive scale. He will also continue ana Ague. land, and has a sandy bottom. 7:30 p. m. in San Antonio ing impure blood, is the cause of to raise cattle on the lands, using the Try a bottle at once. FISHERY Fishery is free being Gov EXCELLENT FLOOR M nail, vmeyara street. more mental gloom than any upper mountain ridges for this pur ernment land. f Visiting brothers cordial other single thing. And who pose, where the pasturage is luxuriant. STEAMER SERVICE Steamer John OAUFOBNIA FKED CO., AganU ly Invited to attend. can reckon up the fearful aggre- The Mouritz place runs from the top A. Cummins calls at Punaluu. O. ROSA, C. R. gate of pain, loss and fear ng of the mountains to the sea, with the ODD 10171! Sill w M. C. PACHECO, F. C. from the many diseases exception of that section purchased by JAS. F. MORGAN, which are familiar 'to mankind; Postmaster Bannister sometime ago. AUCTIONEER. HORSE SHOEING! HONOLULU AERIE 140, like a vast cloud it hangs over The Bannister land is on the makai Tuesday Night, October 17 F. O. E. a multitude no one can number. side of the government Dr. You can see road. Meets on 2nd and these people every- Ban- where. For them Mouritz had his residence on the RICH RED SOIL 4th WEDNESDAY life can scarce- nister property, Wright Co evenings ly be said to have any but afterwards built a Dr-- Bell .Ltd. of each "bright commodious Frederic Plenty of Water a,t 7:30 o'clock in K. of P. Hall, side" at all. Hence home beneath a grove of month the eager- The new contracts are now ready for have opened horse-shoeln- e Xing trees on the upper lands, close to the AMERICA'S SONG LECTURER, a depart Street. ness with which they search for the Kapiolani Addition Lots at Ka ment In Visiting Eagles are invited to at- and mouth of a valley. The Conradts will lihi. connection with their carriage relief cure. Remedies like "Will Deliver His Last Lecture, shop, etc. Having tend. take up their residence at Fukoo. The THE NEW PRICES ARE FIXE- D- secured the service M. ROSENBERG. W. P. WAMPOLE'S PREPARATION Entitled CUT of a first-cla- ss shoer, Secty. lands are well adapted to the growing THROUGHOUT. they are prepared H. T. MOORE, W. have not po- Now buy. to ao attained their high of sisal and Mr. Conradt expects to is the time to all work Intrusted to them In a sition in the first-cla- ss confidence of the develop sisal manner. THEODORE ROOSEVELT. people by bald assertions and into an industry which Camp No. i, U. S. W. V. boasting advertisements. will be entered into by others. "A Merry Vineyard Lands They He Department Hawaii. are obliged to win it by doing believes that in time it might Preference given to those already Smoke actually what is claimed for them. pay to have a sisal mill on Molokai. Heart owning lots but first come first Meets every first and That this remedy deserves its choice. GENERAL ARTHUR CIGARS third WEDNESDAY at reputation is conceded. is Waverley Hall, at 7:30 p. m. It WOULD IMPROVE Doeth GUNST-EAKI- N Visiting comrades cordial- palatable as honey and contains JAS. F. MORGAN, CIGAR CO. ly invited to attend. the nutritive and curative prop- SALES AGENT. Distributor. PAUL SMITH. Condr. erties of Pure Cod Liver Oil, KALIHI SECTION Good Call at my office any time and ask R. H. LONG. Adjutant. combined with the Compound f for Mr. Steven. Syrup of Hypophosphites, Ex- The "Kalihi Club," as the voters who Like a tracts of Malt and Wild Cherry. livp out that way call themselves, have JNO. CASSIDY, F. D WICKE, Nothing has such a record of resolved the outfit into an improve- success in Scrofula, Medicine" Influenza, ment club. In line with others of like CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Throat and Lung Troubles, OR and nature which have now found, the ne- Electrical Store Fittings a Specialty. emaciating complaints and dis- Hepairing, Cabinet Work and Polishing. orders cessity of being organized to advance Worker that tend to undermine the interests of section. 10S2 Alakea St., rear of Y. M. C. A. the foundations of their 59 KING ST. TEL. MAIN 153. Thone M. 447. residence Phone W. 1611. strength and A meeting was held evening Fun Better than vigour. Its use helps to show last at life's brighter side. Professor Senor Purges' store, which resulted in the election of P. P. Ryan as president HORSE CLIPPING. Eeddy, of Canada, says : "I have Physic." C. 3. Heyaolds & Co, man. much pleasure in statiijg and M. F. Peters (the well-kno- mes- Experienced Electric machine. that I senger Horses called for and returned. have used it; in cases of debility service man) as secretary; and and found to be they, the improvement club, further IMPORTERS AND DEALERS 114 CLUB STABLES. it a very valu- General to parts BUILDING MATERIALS: able remedy as well as pleasing resolved that the expenditure of the admission all of the Fort above Hotel Street. House, 25 cents. DOORS, SASH. to take." You cannot be disap- appropriations already made for roads for sale Wall, SHINGLES. TELEPHONE MAIN 109. Tickets at Nichols Co Builders pointed in it. Sold by chemists. and water should be asked for. Lecture commences 8 Hardware at lowest rata at o'clock. Alakea street, mauka Sailors' Horn. i


' LOCAL BREVITIES. MTT ""T lill'TTTll mm .i- BELL'S MATING i Headease Beautiful Chairs M. G. Silva is being sued by his We have received an especially WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD BEE DECLARED OFF wife for two years' unpaid alimony in fine shipment of chairs of all sorts Judge Robinson's court. and those needing chairs will do "well to inspect our new stock. Registered treasury warrants Xos. severe 10801 11750 upon pres- It will relieve the most There are chairs for every purpose Special to will be paid and all prices Offering of Frederic Bell delivered his sec- entation office headache, check a threatened pain at and all are well Dr. at the of the Treasurer. made and of beautiful design. ond lecture before a Honolulu audience Count A. de S. Canavarro, Consul-Gen-er- al or neuralgia symptom, yet it will for Portugal, left yesterday by in Odd Fellows' hall last night, the the not disturb the stomach, nor leave subject being "Love, Courtship, Mar- Kinau for Maui on a tour of inspec- Porter Furniture Go EMBROIDERIES tion. any bad effects. Do not be afraid riage and Divorce." LIMITED, Young Building. ' The annual meeting of the Honolu- to try them, they contain no mor- EDGINGS, A good house listened to the lecture. lu Library Reading Cor. Hotel & Bishop Streets. INSERTIONS AND CORSET COVERS. and Room Associa- ingre- Dr. Bell opened proceedings by sing- tion will be held at 8 o'clock Friday phine, opium or any other evening. ing a baritone solo, "Strangers Still," dient that is Injurious to take. Some old Buddhist Image?, very On applause. A new chapel is being built by Dr. M0NDY MORNING! which was received with The relief is instantaneous, and rare. Fijian Tapas. Old Hawai- The lecture was instructive and A. S. Baker at Holualoa, Hawaii. Dr. Baker is now in Honolulu getting the ure help for chronic headaches, ian Tapa Quilt. HAWAII & amusing and was listened to with material. sick headaches or neuralgia. SOUTH pleasure by those present. SEAS CURIO CO. Bargain prices to close out some odds and ends. Captain J. F. Morrison, U. S. A., who Young Dr. Bell threw much valuable light was attached to the Japanese army 25 CENTS A BOX. Building and Royal on martial problems and their solution, headquarters, went through on the Hawaiian Hotel. showing a thorough grasp of his sub- Sherman. t j M. A. Greenwell, Wm. J. Sheldon GO TO- - ject. and Abram Kaulukou passed the ex- At the conclusion of the lecture, Dr. aminations for admission" to the Su- Bell called for volunteers whom, he de- preme Court. Miss Power's (RED clared, he would mate harmoniously uapiain teorge urau, u. . a., iorm- - Hobron Drug Co. - FOR STYLISH MILLINERY. loopole TOP)f Extra on phrenological principles. erly of H. Hackfeld & Co., was in town i Millinery Parlors, Boston Building, Dry - j young rushed blushingly to yesterday during the stay of the trans- Fort Street. Six ladies port Sherman. j the front in almost less time than it PINTS and QUARTS. I A telegram yesterday announced that , takes to tell it. Fred Baldwin, who was operated on With the men it was different, how- in New York for appendicitis, was Our Tan Blucher PACIFIC HOTEL. slightly improved. From a ate Honolulu ever. All the cajoling, entreating and is the greatest value In an up-to-d- Hotel Manager: bantering on the part of the doctor Six recruits will be made into Eagles SHOE ever offered. Price J4.00. 1182 Union Street. "We have tried other Champagnes and since placing more one pale tonight at Honolulu Aerie 140, K. of Flrat-clas- s rooms and board; Amer- your failed to induce than P. hall on King street. Visiting Eagles ican cooking. Rates: Single meals, 25c.; Dry Monopole before our guests, they will use none youth to join his eager sisters. are invited to attend. STORE. per week. $4.00. other." ' to be MdNERNY SHOE Of course the mating bee had t The effects of the lately bankrupt Get the bast there is for your mney. ALSO declared on, Dr. Bell stating that as Chinese theatrical company were sold a rule it was the ladies that were dim-cu- lt yesterday at auction by J. F. Morgan ' to get to go to the front, not the and, brought fair prices. sterner sex. .Three cane-loade- rs for the Hawaiian BRUT Commercial & Sugar Company are be- From the Kaiser's Country (CliUB DRY) ing constructed by Wilson & Webster after the Invention of F. L. Webster. The perfection of a Champagne that you don't feel next BMiD TLtliGHT fil Don't miss the O. E. S. dance on Sat- morning. urday evening, October 14, at the Hea-la- ni boat house. Tickets fifty cents to STATION be bought from the members or Hobron A recent invoice of Germany's finest wooden ware has arrived. PAH Drug Co., or Benson, Smith & Co. The lot contains potatoe mashers, rolling pins, basting and skimming j n E. G. Carrera, who is an employe of spoons, butter spades, knife boxes and hand-carve- d breadboards. Company, I the Department of Commerce and La- . The Hawaiian Government band will bor, departed yesterday on the trans-- WHAT DO WE CLAIM FOE THIS SUPEEB LINE? LEWIS Limited. port for Washington, D. evening the Pa-la- ma Sherman C, give a concert this at where he will be assigned to duty. Simply that they are made with the greatest care by highly skilled R. R. Station, at 7:30. The pro- men, using selected material only, and that by virtue of these fea- GROCERS & WINE MERCHANTS. Judge Robinson yesterday overruled tures both the dealer and user will be gratified. gram is as follows: all the objections in the Takada murder 169 King street. Telephone 240. PART I. case and when the defendant refused Teike to plead ordered a plea of not guilty March "Old Comrades" entered. is next & "Autumn Queen" Bigge The trial set for W. W. DIMOND CO., LTD. Overture McKinley month. Intermezzo "Karama" ! PILOT OF THE HOUSEHOLD, "Musical Review" ... .Riviere Frank Fisher was found guilty yes- - j Selection dis-- 53, 55, 57 j terday morning of conducting a l King Street. PART II. orderly house. Judge Robinson sen Vocal Hawaiian Songs.. ar. by Berger tenced Fisher to ten days' hard labor Mrs. N. Alapai. and to pay costs. Fisher has already Intermezzo. . "A sprig O'Shillalah" been 10 in prison. IN LESS Helf months (new) j Sabura Adachi was released from THAN "Good-By- e (new), AYS a. Eyes of Blue" ! Oahu prison a 3 yesterday after serving DOUBLE-TRAC- K RAILWAY b. "He's My Pal" (new) Edwards no and over THE ONLY between the Boy" Helf year's sentence for perjury in the THAT "SUNRISE" IS A BRAND Missouri River and Chicago. March "Mama's (new)...... Ten-Doll- ar torious Club matter. Ada- Sunrise is a of the best "Creamery Butter," which we "The Star Spangled Banner." chi escaped after testifying before the brand THREE FAST TRAINS DAILY. grand jury and was extradited from receive from California by every steamer. VIA Japan. How we keep our butter fresh : We always get enough SOUTHERN PACIFIC, UNION PACIFIC AND Judge De Bolt yesterday, gave a to supply our customers until the next steamer arrives. decree in favor of Harold Jeffs for the butter CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAYS recovery $100 We are never over stocked. This butter is the best, as we with of and costs from the Overland Limited. Vestibuled. Leaves San , Francisco at 11 a. m. Sugar cured ham Rapid Company damages. m Transit for guarantee every pound we sell. Never fails to give satisfac- daily. The most Luxurious Train in the World. New Pullman Drawing-roo- CRI- Jeffs offered a transfer that was re- Gentle- champagne sauce at the tion. We deliver every pound in a cardboard box. and State-roo- m cars built expressly for this famous train. jected and he was put off the car on Book Lovers Library, TERION at noon today. street. men's Buffet and Lady's Parlor Observation Car, Beretania Tel. Main 251. Corner Beretania Dining Car, Meals a la Carte. Electric Lighted throughout. kind that melts in The annual meeting of the Honolulu G. Q. IEE BOP & CO.. The and Alakea Streets. Eastern Express. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 8 p. m. daily. Library and Reading Room Associa- Dining 4 your mouth. tion will be held on Friday, October 3, Through Pullman Palace and Sleeping Cars to Chicago. Cars. Plenty cold meat if you're at 8 o'clock p. m., in the reading room. Free Reclining Chair Cars. good and hungry. Trustees are to be elected, reports read Atlantic Express. Vestibuled. Leaves San Francisco at 9 a. m. daily. and such business transacted as may Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Tie a knot in your hand come up before meeting. forget the PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS kerchief so you won't Two cases of Kona coffee, the gift of Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The best of everything. Hackfeld & Co., were forwarded on it. the Sherman yesterday, one directed to r. r. ritchie, g.a.p.c. . CHICA(xO & NORTHWESTERN RT. General Hall, who was in charge of Correct Clothes Hotel) - MCCARTHY, Proprietor, one Col. 617 ktrke Steett (Palace Sia FraacHc- O. J. the Seagirt competition, and to Agent. Corner Hotel and Bethel Streets. Bird Spencer of Passaic, N. J. The -- FOR- or U. P. Company's immediate donors of the coffee were the Hawaii National Guard Seagirt rifle team. United States District Attorney R. W. Breekons, after making some ar- GENTLEMEN BUSINESS LOCALS. rests of alleged counterfeiters on the Sherman, walked ashore yesterday Every ham or piece sit- first-clas- s mechanic desires a evening a big under his A - with bundle uation on a Dlantation. See our Want- arm. The customs inspector took oc- - The Suits we are turning of bacon branded ed ads for particulars. I casion to inspect this and found three out are Models of Perfection There is nothing that tones up theboxes of cigars. District Attorney "Swift's Premium" or t"""-ici.iiuii- 3 ... - run-dow- n system nut; a. siaB3 6"'""" ,...... m.- Lager or Wurzburger beer. f ea he must pay duty and confessed to "Swift's Winchester" Don't delav but secure a box in our the justice of the inspector's seizure. Cut Artistically by an Expert is your guarantee for safe deposit vaults today, The rent $5 per year and up. Hawaiian soul-sig- who knows how to instruct his is only Electric light Is good for the ht flavor, quality and Trust Co. as well as the ye-sig- ht. It hefrs help to carry out the wishes of Go to Miss Power for stylish millin- people to see their duty as well 'as the customer . . . remium value. No other hams ery, exclusive designs and reasonable more mundane things. Hawaiian Elec- ... prices. Millinery parlors, Boston build- tric Co. Made on the premises by or bacon are so good, ing, Fort street. J Lewers & Cooke begin tomorrow sweet and tender. morning a grand sale of Japanese blue ; Give an order to your and white cotton rugs. Tremendous re SKILLED WHITE LABOR duction will prevail. dealer today. John Neil, at 133 Merchant street, Make-Roo- m HIGH CLASS TAILORS. has a lot of good machinery for sale Every One U. S. Inspected SWIFT &,COMPANY,U.S.A. at very low prices. See advertisement elsewhere, giving a list. au- ft 1. de L. Ward, accountant and Salel THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., ditor, has opened up an office in the L.B.KERR& Company, Ltd Mclntyre building where he will be AGENTS. pleased to meet his friends. Street. Alakea .. ss?mm Sachs' big make-roo- m sale of hand- Handkerchiefs and kerchiefs and leather goods commences I 1 tomorrow morning. Tonight will see , art-goo- Goods the last of the ds sale. Leather First class tickets to all stations on the Oahu Railroad and Haleiwa cou- Beginning Thursday, Oct. 12, pon tickets are now on sale at the . FOR THREE DAYS OTJLY LICATESSEN office of Trent & Co.. 936 Fort street. j Anything and everything will be sold j today at Will E- - Fisher's auction Nothing will be spared in our hand- room, at 10 o'clock. A partial list of kerchief and leather goods departments. Has returned and is ready for business. Ring up 'Phone White 591, When in doubt as to what to eat, visit our Delicatessen articles is published in his advertise- Everything must be sold to make room Delivery, until notice. ment elsewhere. for our holiday stock. or address General further Counter and there you will find temptingly arrayed a host annual meeting of the stock- The Brewing & of appetizing dainties which will bring that jaded appetite holders of the Honolulu HANDKERCHIEFS 1 Malting Co., Ltd., will be held at the B back to its former vigor and hugely please the most fasti- company on Saturday on ; office of the m. Plain, fancy border and embroidered ! UTILIZE, TO MAKE USE OF October 21st inst., at 10 o'clock a. goods for men, women and children dious or jaded palates. will be sold at extraordinary HAWAII PROMOTION WORK. lomnuure The Hawaii Promotion LEATHER GOODS with space that I have. meeting yesterday after- This is what I should do that wall h.M a short Globe-Wernic- ke printing of How well it would look to have it filled in with a nice set of Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. authorized the hand-ba.er- s. noon and ladies satchels and certainly keep my books in bet- 100.000 copies of a folder, the work to be purses of every description will be sold bookcases; and it would Telephone Main 45. by the Hawaiian Gazette Com- at nearly HALF PRICES. ter shape. I think I will take ten minutes and go and see them at done - - ...-- : - ...... ,, B .awiiMi-i- - - also ordered 3000 This is an unprecedented opportunity VJt"7? mi.t-i- I.TII WTtf fowr t i pany. The committee to purchase at marvelouly low prices. folders, the size of the- - ordinary bui-n-s- s DON'T MISS IT ! J. A M. Co., Ltd. envelope, on the subject "Why Johnson AT LESS THAN On. Should Visit Hawaii." These are 931 Fort Street. COST PRICES. int.: ti led to be enclosed with merchants' CALL AND BE I. S. DRY GOODS CO. j j Ji J correspondence. W CONVINCED. B The report of the secretary and treas- LIMITED O. Box 514 felt 143 P. to 'Phone Main urer was approved for submission COR. FORT AND BERETANIA STS. No. 30- - the of Commerce and the Specializers in Modern Office and Store K. ISOSHIMA. chamber J King street. Merchants' Association today. tfimffrTtf Methods. 11



HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Canadian-Australia- n Royal Wail Line Halstead&Go.vLfd DAMMED OP Honolulu, October 10, 1903. Steamers running in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. call at Honolulu on or about the following dates: NAME OF STOCK, Capital. I Val. Bid. Ask. STOCK AND BOND 5aW i , - VANCOUVER. M KHCAX 1 1LE. i FOR FIJI AND AUSTRAILIA. FOR C. hKEWjcK k l'o .. $1,000,000 103 1S05 51'OAR 1905 27 OCT. 18 THEJMER Ewa 5.000,003 20 2fi' 34IOWKRA OCT 21 MOANA Haw. Airi-i- i tural l.vo ,00 100 113 N"ov-- Haw. oni.tt --uigur o lO.OO.OO"! 100 hi 8S MOAN'A NOV. 18 AORANGI 33 DEC-- 13 Hawaiitiu su r Co.. 2.000.000 IfiOJiANGI DEC. 16 J MIOWERA Honoiuii.. 7f)0.000' 100 145 LOANS NEGOTIATED. United States and Europe. Bonoaa 2,000 ooo; V0 Through tickets issued to all points In Canada, Water Supply Held in Haiku 100 185 FOR Kahuku ftoo.oo! V0 305 THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., p ihei Fian. Co. Ltd.. ?,.'00.000 50 8 Members Honolulu Stock and Kipahulu ltW.OO'J 100 30 Exchange. GENERAL, AGENTS. Palolo's Old Koloa fVOOOOO loo ! 150 MeBrj-'- e Susr.C'o.,Ltd. SJ 0,000 20 6 Oahu Sugar Co- - 3.6frV 00 100 100 107! Volcano. RENT Onomea. l.OiO.O 0 20 Ookala 500,000 5 Building--5 Co., Occidental & Oriental Olaa Sugar Co. Ltd... 5.000,0fi0 0 5 FOR RENT Residence on Wyllie St; Pacific Mail S. S. 1333 Eeretania Street ..$30.00 Olowalu 150 000, 10 J 83 lot at Wahiawa, Paauhau SuKPlaiiCo. 5,0 O C00 5J Damming up a breach in the side of 1246 Kinau Street 27.50 Pacific 500,1 00 Iff' 235 FOR SALE 22 acres, Wahiawa; resi- S. Co. 100 S. an extinct volcano crater to conserve a 1323 27.50 Paia ... 150.000 dence on Young St.; house and lot on Matlock Avenue Pepeekto 7so,eoOj J00 140 10? Prospect St.; will call Honolulu and leave this nov- Pioneer 2,750,OnO' 100 145 152X Palolo lots with Hon, fj. Steamers of the above companies at water supply is something of a 1111 Kinau Street 30.00 view. below mentioned: Waialua Co 4,0" ,0 Oi 100 70 lulu prt on or about the dates elty, but it has been done in the crater King St. (cor. Aloha Lane) 35.00 Wailuku 700,000 100 Loans negotiated. .Abstracts of title. Wailuku Sugar Co. son.ooo! W. FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. at the head of Palolo Valley. Aloha Lane 18.00 Scrii "00 L. HOWARD, Financial Agent Waimanalo i52,000 100 19 OCT. 11 The crater has held water as far Alona Lane 15.00 KOREA OCT. MONGOLIA Waimea iugar Mill.. loo I K OCT. 28 CHINA NOV. 7 back as Hawaiians can remember. A Emma St. (cor. Gandall Lane) . . . 30.00 COPTIC NOV-l- Miscellaneous CHAS. i l Inter-lslan- d 11 BREWER & CO.'fi NOV. 11 DORIC flowed out d S. Co- - 1.50,000 100 US SIBERIA 28 continuous stream has Emma St. (near Beretania St.)... 50.00 105 MONGOLIA NOV. 22 MANCHURIA NOV. Hw. Eiectric Co 500,000 100 v. 1- through the opening, but generally, in (nr. Kapiolani St.) . . 50.00 H. K. T, L. Co., Pfd. 1.250,000 100 2 KOREA DEC. - Lunalilo St. l'l86 CHINA DEC. was H. K. T. A L. Co., C.J . 70 New 7ork Xino the direction of Waimanalo. It Alexander Street 20.00 Mutual Tel. Co 150,000' 10 ' For further Information apply to & 89 noticed that the springs in the upper 846 Young 20.00 O. R. L,Co. 4,000,000 U0 LTD., AGENTS. Street HlioR R. Co 1.000,000 20 Foohng Suey H. HACKFELD & COMPANY, minimum sup- & Bark Balling trm Palolo Valley gave but a Honolulu Brewing 23V,' Aiaitlug uo- - i--td . 400,000 20 New York to Honolulu on or ply of water during the summer 15, 1905. 3. Bonds. about Sept FREIGHT Co. months. LEASE Haw.Ter.,4 p. c.(Fire TAKEN AT LOWEST RATES. Stoamship FOR. r of damming up the breach Claims 315,000 100 The idea Haw Ter. 4jp o - .. 2,000,000! For freight rates apply tm port Stores Cor. Bethel and King Streets. Haw. 5 p. 830,000. fine passenger steamers of this line will arrive and leave this in the crater was broached, and carried Gov't.. c... 100 CHAS. BREWER & CO., The Stores Oregon block. Cal. Beet ting. Ret. 27 KUby as hereunder: into effect. The breach is quite nar- Co tt. p. c...... 1,000,000'. W2V St, Boton, or Raiku 6. p. c...- - 232,000i io;2 FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. extends down almost to the C. BREWER & CO., ITIX, Oct- - 11 row, but tiaw. vom. ?ngar BONOMA Oct. 18 ALAMEDA twelve-foo-t o. a p. c 1,804,00 '105 Honolulu. Oct. 17 base of the crater proper. A sugar 6 ALAMEDA Oct. 27 VENTURA HENRY WATERHOUSE Haw. p. c... 500,000 102Ji 1 NOV. ALAMEDA Nov, 1 wall was built across the opening Hilo K. K.Co.,6 p. c. 1.0jO,000 60 VENTURA i NOV. 7 Hon R T. A L. Co., ALAMEDA NOV. 17 SIERRA and the crater filled up with water. TRUST COMPANY, LTD. 6 p. c ., ... 70,000! 1C7X 29 ALAMEDA NOV. 22 Kahuku 6 p. c 200.000 BIERRA NOV. All through the summer months the K. & agents pre- Corner Fort and Merchant Sts. O. LCo.6 p. c. .. 2,000,000' 105 qaib:, with the sailling of the above steamers, the are Oahu Sugar Co. p. C. 750,000 for In connection springs in the valley have poured forth to intending passengers. Coupon Through Tickets by any rail- Olaa ut ar Co.. 6 p. c. 1,2W,000; pared to issue, a generous supply of water. Paia 6 p. c LOT 4I points in the United States, and from hew 100 at corner of Anapunl street road, from San Francisco to all m- - Pioneer Mill Co. 6 p. c. 1,250." 105 to all European ports. Waiulua Ag.Co. 6 p. e. LOUO.OOO ..... 103 Wilder Avenue. Area about 10,00$ York by any steamship line Houses Mctiryde TO to Let Bugar Co ioo' fiquare feet FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY UNCLAIMED LETTER LIST Emma Street, 2 Bed Rooms. $26.00 ALSO LOTS in various portion of & W. G. IRWIN CO., LTD. Puunui Avenue, 3 Bed Rooms. ... 18.00 SESSION SALES. Puunui and at Kapahulu tract of re- Christy Lane, 2 Bed Rooms . . . . 15.00 (Morning Session.) Following is the list letters None. maining unclaimed at the Honolulu Kinau Street, 3 Bed Rooms 30.00 Apply American-Hawaiia- n Steamship Company. SALES BETWEEN BOARDS. to W. W. CHAMBERLAIN, Postoffice for week ending October 7: Emma Street, 3 Bed Rooms 21.00 Dry i 30 13. Room 206 Judd building. YORK TO HONOLULU. Freight received at Company's wharf. Honokaa. FRuM YEW Mrs C R McLean, Mrs Aloha Lane, 2 Bed Rooms..''.... 18.00 ct-- 3 Greenwich street. Abbott, Rotf S. S. Aliskan Carrel 1, W F Minerva King Street, 3 Bed Rooms. 30.00 LOCAL S. S. Texan Nov. FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN- Megal, Miss M OFFICE OF THE UNITED Chapman, Capt B Vineyard Street, 2 Bed Rooms... 18.00 STATES WEATHER BUREAU. at the CISCO. (2) Morton, Mary Freight received at all times F Vineyard Street, 2 Bed Rooms... 15.00 w nave 26 e Company's wharf, 41st street, South S. S. Nabraskan, to sail Sept. Cole, H Pankrantz, E Ma-Fra- nk Manoa Valley, 2 Bed Rooms 30.00 Brooklyn. S. S. Nevadan Oct. 17 Cole! Mr and Mrs Robert, Miss Alexander Young isuiiding, Honolulu, FOR RENT. ' tild: Eeckley Ave., Kalihi, 2 Bed Rms. 18.00 Tuesday, October 10. FRANCISCO TO HONO- TACOMA TO Cottage on School Street, 6 Bedrooms. FROM SAN FROM SEATTLE AND Cooke, George A Robinson, Kalli Lunalilo Street, 3 Bed Rooms.... 25.00 LULU DIRECT. HONOLULU VIA SAN Henry g 52r Cottage on School Street, 2 Bedrooms. Daniel, Mr Fort Street, 2 Bed 20.00 5 THERMO. WIND Cottage on School Street, 4 Bedrooms. 7 FRANCISCO. W M Rooms...... 8 S. Nevadan, to sail Oct. Doyle, T Henry Russell, ' S. Vineyard Street (furnished) 2 : K SS Cottage corner Nuuanu and Kukui Sts. 2 S. Oct. 15 L E Ryan, Andreu w s - k I 2 B. S. Nebraskan Oct. S. Nebraskan, to sail Farr, Messrs IB s s- t 7, 3r 5 2 on 3 Nov. 5 Bed Rooms 25.00 J Cottage Nuuanu Ave., Bedrooms. a a noph month thereafter S. S Nevadan, to sail & Co Sewers, Miss Small Cottage on Adams Seefels, Hermann Lane. Fern, Mrs : : : 5. : : Two-stor- y House on HACKFELD & COMPANY, LTD., AGENTS. Sedgwick, C E P. Adams Lane. H. Ferrio, William & . Agent. TRENT COMPANY . . . . . Small Cottage corner of South and Freight ; C. P. MORSE. General Hawaiian Curio Sievers, Miss Han- 938 Fort Street. Queen Streets. Store, The nah (3) 1900 29 98 8ff 70 76 20 79 6 S ... Furnished Cottage at the Peninsula. Hudsen, Miss Smith, O D VESSELS IN PORT. 1801 29 90 82 71 78 02 76 7 .... Unfurnished Cottage at the Peninsula. Joe, Harry D Smith, Horace G Large Stables (14 stalls) and Pasture Josephson, Mrs Smith, W (Army Navy;) 1902 30.05 83 69 T6 .02 74 3 N F J and near Town. , mOBVBC Transfer Tea, Miss Mary U. S. S. Johanson. Mrs Iroquois, Niblack, from Mid- 1808 30.02 82 67 74 T 74 2 8W WILL CALL FOR YOUR BAGGAGE. Bernard Titcomb, Miss way cruise, Sept. 29. FOR LEASE. 1904 30. re money. Kente, Julia Hattie It. cr. Calabria, Moriondo, San Franc- 83 72 78 14 76 5 5 Large Lot on Queen Street. and save you Fire-Pro- of We pack, haul and ship your goods Knapp, Clyde A Tollefson, Olaf isco', Oct. 5. 1905 30 02 81 71 76 .14 81 8 KB 8 Warehouse on Merchant St Lason, Miss EleanorWinter, Wm (Merchant Vessels.) Large Store on Qneen Street Dealers in stove wood, coal and kindlings. ivge 30 00 62 70 76 .09 77 5 .... Lucky, Manly Wingo, J Claude" Alice Cooke, Warehouse on Nuuanu Street. Phone Main 5& M (2) Am. sch., Penhallow, Port Storage in Brick Warehouse, 126 King Street. Lucas, Mrs Esther Williams, Gamble, Oct. 9. ALEX. M'C. ASHLEY, Luhan, John Wilson, Albert Section Director. WANTED. America Maru, Jap. s.s., Going, from We have a tennant a of-- Ludwig, Herman Wright, Mrs C A for furnished Branch ' Yokohama, Oct. 10. house. Lynn, J F Brenda, Br. sp., Learmont, Hamburg, JOSEPH G. PRATT, Classified Adyertisements. i Go. Hustace, Peck Co., Ltd. Oct. 5. Union Express Postmaster. List your houses with us; it costs Enterprise, Am. s.s., Youngren, Hilo, you nothing. 6 Oueen Street. Oct. 8. 'WANTED. following steamship lines : Helene, Am. Having baggage contracts with the SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. schr., Larsen, San Fran- ONE OR TWO persons room cisco, Oct. 8. for and THE WATERHOUSE CO., Steamship Pacific Mail Steamship Co. board in private family at 711 Pros Oceanis C. Toyo Steamship Co. ARRIVED. Klikitat, Am. bktn., Cutler, Port Gam- pect Judd Building. Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. Kaisen Kaisha ble, Sept. 29. street. 145 baggage at your homes, saving you the trouble Tuesday, October 10. Louisiana, Am. bk., Peterson, New- T We check your S. S. Going, from the ON OR BEFORE November 1st a five America Maru, castle, Oct. 10. six-roo- f checking on the wbsrf. Orient, 6 p. m. or m modern unfurnished Professional Cards Morning Star, Am. s.s., Garland, Gil- house in Am. bark Louisiana, Peterson, 49 days bert Is., July 15. desirable location. Address C piano MOTing D. E., this office. 7228 Telephone Main from Newcastle, 8 a. m. Nuuanu, Am. bk., Josslyn, New York, ACCOUNTANT F 86 DEPARTED. August 8. I; afscir SITUATIONS L. DE L. WARD Accountant and I U. S. A. T. Sherman, Brugierre, for Pacific, Am. s.s., Gillespie, San Fran- WANTED. Auditor. Mclntyre Building. San Francisco, 5 p. m. cisco, Oct. 5. BY A FIRST-clas- s mechanic situation Restorer, Br. cable s.s.. Combe, Mid Vice-Preside- Mc-Lea- n, Stmr. Kinau, Freeman, for Hilo and on plantation. Address E. H., this "j C. Campbell, J. L. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W. I F Morgan, President: J. way ports, noon. way I., April 24. office. 7231 Secretary; A. Clark, Treasurer; N. E. Gedge, Auditor; Frank In? F. Likelike, Naopala, for Molo-ka- i, S. D.. Carleton, Am. sp., McLeod, New 71 Hustace, Manager. V Stmr. PHILIP L. WEAVER. Law office, Maui and Lanai ports, noon. castle, Oct. 9. FOR SALE. Merchant street. Cases in real prop- ZHZnjLSta.ce-ccl- X-t- a.. Stmr. W. G. Hall, S. Thompson, for Sofala, Br. bk., Auld, Newcastle, Sept. erty not accepted. r Co,, Kauai ports, 5 p. m. 29. CHOICE fox-terrier- s. For particulars DSAYMEN, G3 Queen Street. Stmr. J. A. Cummins, Searle, for as to price, etc., call at Gazette of TRANSPORT SERVICE. - DENTISTS. Ou DEALERS IN Koolau ports, 7 a. m. flee. 7226 COAL. Stmr. Noeau, Pedersop, for Mahuko-n- a, Solace, at San Francisco. HENRY BICKNELL, D.D.S. Union FIREWOOD, STOVE and STEAM Honokaa and Kukuihaele, 5 p. m. Lawton, at San Francisco. NICE driving horses, suitable for street corner Hotel; Tel. Main 281. Also Whit and Black Sand. Telephone Main 295. Stmr. Ke Au Hou, Tullett, for Kauai Sheridan, at San Francisco. hacks; al3o few choice bulls. Apply ports, 5 p. m. Buford, at Manila. Waialae Ranch. Phone Main 278 or A. B. CLARK, D.D.S. Room 311 Bos- Am. bktn. Irmgard, Schmidt, for San Logan, left Nagasaki for San Francis King 131. 7214 ton Building. Francisco, 2:30 p. m. co, via Honolulu, Oct. 7. THE PACIFIC 1D2TEOEOLOGICAL EECOED. COMPLETE 1 3AIL TODAY. Dix, at Seattle. set bound volumes Plant- SURVEYOR. Issued Every Sunday Morning by the Sherman, sailed for San Francisco, Oct. ers Monthly. 22 vols., 1882 to 1904. Advertiser Local Office, U. S. Weather Bureau. S. S. America Maru, Going, for San 10. Uniform binding: full sheep. Price J. S. EMERSON. Surveyor and en Commercial WIN. Francisco, 12 noon. Thomas, left San Francisco for Hono $175.00 Address P. M., care Hawaiian gineer, 607 Stangenwald building. THXKlf . o J' Gazette Co. Entered at the Post Office at Honolulu, DUE TOMORROW. lulu and Manila, Oct. 5. U. A. Lyman, San Warren, San Francisco. MUSICIANS. H., as second-clas- s matter. S. T. Thomas, from at t. Francisco. t-- FOR RENT. MRS. HERBERT S. EWING. Teaci g sa 31 O p 5 ! PASSENGERS. BORN. NEWLY furnished rooms at 730 Kinau er of piano. 444 Beretania street. ' 9, street. S., of- - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: B 1 S0.a3 81 79 0a 67 8 x 8 Arrived. MORGAN In Honolulu, October, Address Advertiser X 2 80.C8 81 72 04 68 6 K 10 Per T. K. K. S. S. America Maru, 1905, to the wife of J. A. Morgan, a fice. 7228 HUGO HERZER Teacher of ingU& One Tear ?12 T 8 S0.f& 80 Tt W 70 8 N9 y Yokohama, Oct. 10 For Honolu- daughter. corner ! from Beretania and Miller Sts., 6-- W 4 30.04 80 72 0 68 5 SIX-ROO- 0 Kb 9 A M cot- I Six Months r 5 30 04 82 71 .04 62 4 0 lu: Mrs. T. Fukusaki, K. Kobayashi, neatly furnished Bergstrom Music Co. Advertising rates on application. f 6 SO 05 82 71 T 64 8 Nb 7 Mrs. N. Toda, P. Retallian (lay over). tage In Punahou district for rent. 8 7 SO 02 79 70 .21 80 10 7 S. particulars apply office. For San Francisco: Lieut. tW. Machinery For Sale For Gazette OO A.r Brewster, U. S..M. C; H. I Brake, 7227 250 530QOO. and In small monthly will iPmbllshed every morning except Sunday rected for temperature, E. M. Brookfield, Bourke Cockran installments ' instrumental Capt. H. C. THE COOLEST, cheapest most buy you nice in tract. by errors, and local gravity, valet, J. Cartwright, Lieut. and a lot Nuuanu the and reduced Egan, U. S. M. C; Miss Anna L. Ide, AT A BARGAIN centrally located" rooms at Helen's the healthiest and coolest suburb of CO., LTD., to sea level. Average cloudiness stated court, Lane; suit- the city. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE in 0 to 10. Miss Marjoria Ide, Capt. J. James, R. Adams also rooms scale from Direction of wind ; able for light housekeeping. 7209 A fine lot (77x139 feet) on Middle 65 King St. is prevailing during 24 McQueen, J. E. Mathews, Mrs. J. E. St, - iVon Holt Block, No. South direction hours One 75 H-- P Double Cylinder Steam Kalihi, with a good W. 1- ending at 8 p. m. Velocity of wind is Mathews, R, P. Metz, C. B. Miner, Mrs. stable and C, average velocity ih per C. B. Miner, Ernest Petersen, M. Miya-sak- i, Engine, 12in. Cyl.xl2in. stroke. Built all fenced and planted in bearing choice miles hour. by Co., S. OFFICES FOR RENT. trees; Only $700. ALEX. McC. ASHLET, F. S. Roney, Dr. Theo. Stanley, Risdon Iron Works F. fruit water laid in. 25 30 H-- P STANGENWALD," fire- easy. : - " - Tagi, One to High Speed Steam "THE only Terms : ' Section Director. . Harry Williams, Jr., T. BAILWAY &LANTf!B: Departed." Engine, 10in, Cyl.xl2in. stroke. Suita proof office building in city. A couple of small building lots at ble for centrifugals or electric gen Palama within walking distance from TIDES, SUN AND MOON. Per stmr. Kinau, October 10, for Hilo erator. Postoffice, on easy monthly instal and way ports Sam Woods, Mrs. Har-bottl- e, BOARDING HORSES. 9 One Compound Steam Marine En ments. T3 M. Wright, P. E. A. Strauch, well-fe- 30 H-- P 6 IF YOU want a horse d and For rent, neat cottages all prloM. TIME TABLE Mat-subar- a, gine, 25 to Cylinders, at H. S. Ames, E. Ames, J. Arai, K. well-care- d a 7 in. for, at $10 a month, see In different localities. October 6, 1904. e wife, Suji and 12in, diam by stroke. m '82 Okamoto and G. Compressor, 6in. X H. Schnack. 7226 J. H. SCHNACK. a 55 U 33 wife, Wm. H. Heen, Master Alekana One F. Blake Air OUTWARD. Steam by 7in. Air Cylinders. ip m jn.m p ru. a.m Kamakaui, Mrs. Carry Kamakaui, C. One 6 to 8 H-- P Upright Wot Walaxiae, Waialua, Kafcuku and u 9j 1.13 1 4 1 SO. 7. 0 7.06 5.54 5.40. 2 53 F. Herrick, H. W. M. Mist, Miss Ruth Steam En LOST. "Way Stations 9: 15 a. m., 3.20 p. m. gine. THE COBWEB CAFE T 10 1.57 1.1 2J0V 8 15 7 57 Richardson, Miss E. Schooner, Mrs. A. A GOLD broach with diamond solitare, City, Mill Way One 2 H-- P Upright Steam Engine. Wor Pearl Ewa and W 11 2 37 1.2 2.30, 8.45 8 89 5 5 89: 4.S4 Waal, F. St. Goar, A. Lewis, Jr.. Judge somewhere between Makiki street Jo 4 H-- P Queen Alakea Stations t7: 30 a. m., 9:15 a. m, a m p m Willis, Cockett, One Union Gasolene Engine. and the Centnal Union Re- and St. T Mi S.02! 1 3! 8.08; 9 10 9 Mrs. Cockett, Master church. 11:05 m., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. m., ls'ss's 38 5.24 p, Boiler, Feed Pumps, etc., etc. ft a. IS S J. M. Vivas, E. F. Herrick, A. MacKil-lo- ward if same is this office. $9:30 p. m.. p. m. r 8.MI 1.4 34. 9 34 9 46 5.55 5.37 Rise All been thoroughly at :1S p. m., tll:15 I B. N. Smith, E. E. Olding, Mrs. have overhauled 72?0 rHE FINEST MEALS, ' 8 14, 4.04 IZ 4 OS 9 58 10.21 5.56 5.36 6 50 and are in good condition and will be INWARD, i I Olding, H. M. Gittel, H. B. Mariner, sold cheap to make room. WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. Wal-alu- a 3 15 4 34 1.5 4 32:10.23 5.56 5 36 L. M. Whitehouse. (arrive Honolulu from Kahuku, ii.ro 7 28 " i HAD CITY. 8:36 m--, 5:31 : : Per stmr. Likelike, October 10, for AT NEILL'S WORKSHOP, TO BE IN THE and Waianae a. w 1ft 5 08 1.6 08 10 51 45 5.56 35 WANTED A Crowd 1: 'it 5 8 09 ports H. R. p. m. Maui, Molokai and Lanai 133 135, Full moon, Oct. 13th, 0:31 a, and Merchant Street, Honolulu. arrive' Honolulu from Ewa Mill and at m. Hitchcock, Joseph Beiswanger, James ! CAMARA & CO , Propi Mc-Corris- of ton People . City 17:46 ajTn., 8:36 a. m., Times of the tide are taken from the Campbell, Mrs. D. McCorriston, H. Pearl Paa-wel- a, Machinery Bought, Sold and Repaired. a. m., 1:40 p. m., 4:31 p. m., United States Coast and Geodetic Sur and wife, .Miss Lizzie To come and dictate terms for rent- n:8 2 Gasolene Engines a Specialty. H:tl p. m., 7:30 p. m. vey tables. Mrs. Lukela and children, Mrs. ing the BEST FURNISHED ROOMS J. W. A. REDHOUSE ' The tides Kekahuna, Sam Kekahuna, Isaac Say-e- r. P. O. BOX 381 TEL. 116 in town for the money, unless our Daily, at Kahului and Hilo occur CHRONOMETER, Sunday Excepted. about one hour earlier than at Hono- Charles Gay, H. A. Howard, Mrs. terms are acceptable, to wit: $8, $10 WATCHMAKER f ? AND ADJUSTER OF NAUTICAL X Sunday Only. lulu. A. V. Inman and son. and $12 per month. It is a cut of 50 "for per two-ho- ur Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours Per bktn. Irmgard, October 1$ cent from our previous charges, INSTRUMENTS. 5 The Haleiwa, Limited , a 30 I make a specialty of repairing fine train, leaves Honolulu every Sunday, minutes slower than Greenwich San Francisco A. D. Thompson, wife but we look for business and are in time, being of 2 children,11 Mr. Hennessey. watches and watches for railroad use. at 8:12 a. m. Returning arrives in Ho- that the meridian of 157 and for oempetition. Remember, YOU - degrees thirty minutes. The time whis- Per U. S. A, T. Sherman, for San CANNOT GET BETTER ACCOMMO Merchant St., Half Block from Post- t nolulu, at 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops office. fcnly City tle blows at 1:30 p. m., which is the Francisco. October 10. Mrs. F. J. Behr, DATIONS for the same amount of at Pearl and Waianae. same as Greenwich, 0 0 G. B, Gib- CL' hours minutes. W. Wilson.TMr. Sheehan, J. money. P. DENISON, F. C. SMITH. Sun and moon are for local time for son, Geo. W. "Knight," G. H. Mann, E. MANAGER NEW ERA READ THE ADVERTISER F K Bupt. a. P. A. group. HOTEL. 4T. the whole G. Carrera. jf H. Howland. 7149 Fort St. abov V1nvrl WORLD'S NEWS DAILY.

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