Imposing Ceremonies Hawaii Arrives at San Pedro
u 6 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, June 21. Last 24 Hoars' Rainfall, trace SUGAR 96 DegTee Test Centrifugals, 4.40c. Per Ton, $88.00. Temperature, Max. 79; Min, 70. Weather, cloudy to fair. 83 Analysis Beets, Us. 4d. Per Ton, $88.00. ' KSTBlilHrih;U J'-.-i k. is vr i a Jk. W I IX I W m I- HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1908. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ALII LAID TO REST WITH STANCH YACHT IMPOSING CEREMONIES HAWAII ARRIVES AT SAN PEDRO French Deputies and Senators Who Voted for Separation of Church and State Are Excommunicated Anna Gould and Her Prince Go to England. 4 f (Associated Prea Cablegram.) SAN PEDRO, June 22. The yacht Hawaii arrived here last night after an uneventful voyage. The Hawaii Yacht Club's Transpa- - The Hawaiian entry In the first cific entry, Hawaii, was cabled lant Transpacific yacht ra-J- e held two years night as having arrived at San Pedro, ago. La Paloma, leit here on April 14, She left here on June 2 about two 1906, at 2 p. m., and arrived at Ban o'clock and has made the 2300-mi- le trip Francisco on May 13 at 7 p. m., thm in 19 days, averaging 115 knots a day. (Continued on Taga Three.) THE CHURCH STRETCHES FORTH HER MAILED HAND : ; ' 2 W V;-- - -- - V' "J,-:-- . PARIS; June 22. The Deputies and Senators who voted for the separation of church and state have been excommunicated. Action in the determined purpose of the French government antl the French neoole to secure complete separation of church and state - j ' has been going1 on for abotitstnree years.
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