February 8, 1900
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. B THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, THREE C8NT8. ESI i BLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 38._PORTLAND, MAINE, 1900^ _PRICE Yesterday (Tuesday) al * In tbe after- noon, tbe enemy, eneonraged doubtless THE CROSSING. by tbelr tnooeea at Upton Kop endeavored to recapture tbe position token by as et Veal Krauts. They were beaten bosk, however, with BEGUN. so ADVANCE far has GENERAL lose. The work accomplished How Buller Crossed The been magnltieontly dene. Tbs shell and Maxine flrr poured la by the Boors hoe ■ — ■ ■■■■■ ■ I THE MIAN been extremely severs, but oar losses are, Tugela. oomparatlrrly speaking, email. Tba Durham light taiantry took a few within je of everyone the entire range musi- places scope $f prisoners to tbe ooaree of their obMge. how difficult the the cal rompO'iti<vi No matter selection, The enemy as usual, fought with tba 8.—Tba Standard .Pollan will r- ter it, and in a manner to please the most The Whole British On The Loudon, February utmost •tubboraneee. The British man- Army bas tha following from Bpearmen'e sad the of aim on tbe oeuvring aeouraoy critical. Gamp, dated February 7: part of the British artillery during the of time and foroe Gen. Boiler I* The playe. uis absolute control expression, Tbe funder again lighting on Monday, were beyond praise. Boers. of Move ad van sing to the relief Ladysmith There Is not tbe llklthood that and every note s given its proper rcndeiiug. Against ■lightest ana, alter two day* of revere lighting. It the Boers will euooeed In dlelodg leg ua Pollan, irovldes a solo orchestra affording unlimited The may fairly be said to bare made a goo I from the poeltli.De we base gained end listened to an Pollan forget pleasure. Pew ho have once llrut (tep on tbe road to tbe bealeged tbe prospects of the relief of Ladysmith the fascination•*- dts perfect rendering of musical composi- town. are decidedly hopeful. The movement w.a began at an early The war balloon has proved o m at tion. V bonr Monday morning by way of Pot- ueelol adjunct making sen -dm dally and and shall We aro always pleased to show its capabilities gleters Drift. The eleventh brigade, getting Information ae to the Boer posi- lover. forming a part of the Uftb dlvlalon un- tion!. The offlere directed ■ heavy appreciate a visit /'rom every music and Roberts Starts For Duller Has Crossed Tugela der Gen. Warren, made a feint attack •brapnel Are In the endeavor to dtairoy upon the kopjes Immediately on our the talloon apparatus. The artillery be- * frank Tbe aeeanlt was delivered at tbe haved splendidly throughout, ably cover- Bloemfontein, outeet under cover of naval guns on ing tbe Infantry retirement from the Mount Altos and subusqnently under feint attack In tbe face of a heavy Bear that of Held.batteries. shell Ore. M. STEINERT & SONS 00. Tbe isfantry advanced steadily toward It Is believed that the Boere suffered the Boer entrenched poellton at Brak- heavtly ae tbetr ambnlancca were Maine. very 517 Congress Street, Portland, fonteln and kept the enemy busily em- hard at work. The Boer position eon- ployed eleted of a line of kopjes, strongly en- i T. C. McCOULDRIC . MANAGER. To Have Been While this division was being mode trenched, extending ;three miles from Buller’s Movement Reported tbe remainder of tte Infantry tokl ofT Splon kop and ourvlng sharply at the fcN»rhA8lp for tbe attack, who had blvouaoked eastern end to tbe eoath, about opposite __———— For Present. Sunday night under Mt. Aline, moved /warts kop whloh Is a steep hill eoath Stopped along at tba foot of Zwarta Kop In tba of the lagela that the British occupied dlreotlon of onr right. befort tbe telzore of drift. A PEORIA CRA: A GOOD SHOWING. Potgletsr’a A pontoon bridge was thrown across After tbe oaptore of Krantz Kloof the the tha engineers uader the lire a further ad. CloT. tourer* Shewn T* Be Tugela by heavy Boer prevented Hr Tile Sl*n Who 81 Squire May tire of tbe enemy. Tbe Brit battalion vanre Monday. Xbs next morning the Uoebel. gel vest, to move aoroae In tbe forenoon was the Boera Indulged In long raaga sbcll Ura, Durham light Infantry of Uen. Lyttle- Boston, Frbrnaiy 7.—ANli&ae Havana Movement February 7.-T. police In West Gen. Methuen Has Began Turning Against ton'a advance! Feorla, Ille., who b**n lit brigade. They against il* assas- W. Chaplin, hu ravaged think they are on the iraok of Veal Krantz, wblcb lies on tha moat A straightening oat the tlnanela! affair* of eln of Governor Uoibel of Kentucky. The Boer direct road to and, after two P. Right. Ladysmith; Is co- the John bqnlr* Co., corporation,gave well dressed stranger honra' splendid work, they got within mysterious, < ut a etateineat of tba force here and today eoinp'ate al stating with the local obarglng distance of the Boere. e ITHire of the concern at the aloe* of huel sensational develoj mente are expected. The Brit of the kopjes was carried by nvu December tb* dat* of tb* here last fall whose IS, 1809, A young man arrived them at tbe point of tbe bayonet, He said that assignment. Lame was Utorge F.Abler?.. this at Sterkstroom and is now in with tbe utmost gallantry.Almost simul- of tbe firm of The statement shows that on tb* abov* began morning his father was a member Capetown, February 7.—Fighting taneously the Bret battalion rlUo brigade Cincinnati. He data the aaeeta of oil th* compaalea nom- Huffman and Ablets, No details have been received. cleared the aeoond kopje and after mov- eald blned were 90,314,408.01 and U» Ilabtll- progress. claimed Kentucky as his home and ing across the long ridge they bivouacked (I ■ |6,u86,IM.tl, tear log • surplus of repeatedly that hie evidence acquitted on tbe spot. *098,080 94. The statement of tb* parent Uov. Uoebel of the charge of murder. Tbe feint attack at Potglerters Drift exclusive of the bnnehsa from dated Wednes- to hi# denunciation oorporatlon, London, 8.—A special despatch Spearman’s Camp h„ mide He was very bitter February having served Its purpose In preventing Quality euma was more favorable, tb* aaeeta on tb* them the of Uoebel and offered to bet large tbe concentration of tbe et tbe leading Cigar in abov* named and tba 7, says: enemy would be assassinated before batog 14,076,701.49, day, February that Uoebel as the Boers enfilade us from their critleal point the 11th brigade fell beet chair. He llablllliea *3,871,608 83 leaving a eorploi further advance is at this moment be reached the gubernatorial Our prevented to the river. NEW ENGLAND. victim of *1,186.911.93. said a near relative of Goebel’# Doorm Our casualties, estimated at are In the ooares of the operation both the A favorite in The took ooooont of (took Feb- on and Klof. although 250, every home, club, to kill tbe but In assignee positions Spion Kop was pledged governor, Infantry and the artillery had been sub- or office. of choice his others ruary ], *od le now preparing a state- of the movement concluded. Every judge case he failed to keep word, the great importance just to a severe shell Are. mens which will be In two or throe trifling considering jected has would not fall. He left Feorla some time ready cigars tb* smosnt of bnslnsas before tbe Kentucky tragedy and hie day* showing PERFECT CONFIDENCE In conducted alno* December 15, tb* day tba whereabouts Is not known. Waitt & Bond assignment was mad*. Xb* statement A COMBINED ATTACK, Blackstones FAFEK DEAEKKri FAIL. will. It Is sxpeoted, show a largo prollt, No. S3 Blackstonc St., Boston. three *r four emit an Washington, yebraary 7.—Cberlea M. sufficient to pay par dteever & Co., paper dealer* here, tb* total lnd«bt»db*** of tbo various con- cerns for tba tlms this basin*** bos been assigned today. Mr. Steever recently ~ and liabilities conducted by th* aaslgne*. British in lotion Every* claimed assets of *1:69,000 Troops The creditors are manu- *314,(00. Meat of tbe BOS ION WANTS MILLION DOLLA K New states Mr. where. facturers In the England BUILDING. of bteevsr said that the financial embar- Uses Washington, February T.—Representa- rassment was brought to a crisis by a tive of Maasachumtta, Intro- Baking Fitzgerald Chamois suit over a disputed aooouot at Pepperell, duced a bill today appropriating *1.000,- Mass., and by bis inability to rsallx- 030 for tha erection of a government London February 8. —t o. m.—Tho upon geed accounts. Skins building la the city of Boetoo, to be Brltiah oolumna nr* putting tbemaelvea are many and varied es- used as a enstom boose and appraiser's In all ot tho Boath Afri- TO REPEAL HORTON LAW. In motion port* pecially in the winter season. attack store. can war Hold. A combined upon For Dress and Coat Albany, N. Y., February 7.-13y a vote Linings, Boere to be In progreee. Powder for Protectors and Vests, committee on the eppeare Lung of 9 to 3, tbe assembly .all kiuds of work. Hen. Bailer has gained a footing on the and for fancy cede# decided to report favorably tomor- after two The silverware and jewelry re- E. which plateau north of the Tugsla, row the bill of Morton Lewie, quire more polishing now, on provides for the entire repeal of the ec- days' lighting. account of coal gas and closed Un the far western border.