PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. B THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, THREE C8NT8. ESI i BLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 38._PORTLAND, MAINE, 1900^ _PRICE Yesterday (Tuesday) al * In tbe after- noon, tbe enemy, eneonraged doubtless THE CROSSING. by tbelr tnooeea at Upton Kop endeavored to recapture tbe position token by as et Veal Krauts. They were beaten bosk, however, with BEGUN. so ADVANCE far has GENERAL lose. The work accomplished How Buller Crossed The been magnltieontly dene. Tbs shell and Maxine flrr poured la by the Boors hoe ■ — ■ ■■■■■ ■ I THE MIAN been extremely severs, but oar losses are, Tugela. oomparatlrrly speaking, email. Tba Durham light taiantry took a few within je of everyone the entire range musi- places scope $f prisoners to tbe ooaree of their obMge. how difficult the the cal rompO'iti! re- for the than in threaten, the Baer Hank, thus larger money aa to make It take Donald amended, however, bo > must on Lord Methneo'i places. Instead of Imme- growth lieving the pressure Economy affect September I, l'JOO, In of hair > front. diately as provided for ths bill. A Roberta who. eeoordlng to an L U 111 C 5 Lord H. H. Hftf&SON, Midd’eSt. y In dose toaoh with the "the weather. < Informant, It from lack theatre war oflloe, Is In the middle of tke of hair of and bn, the march on The manufacturers of war, began Royal ANDERSON, ADAMS & CO., food. The Bloemfontein, t — _ \ have taken the Initiative ► The Boer, Insurance Hi A IP hair has of Powder have Fire Agency against Gen. Gatacrs, attacking two Baking always HAIn no life. ► hie positions at Rterketroom. | 31 Exchange Street. It look, a, though the general [ i It is starved. It keeps ► really declined to a first Class American and Foreign Companies forward movement so long talked of produce cheap HOBACZ ANDKKSOM. t'HAS. C. ADAMS, y< declt Thos. J. I.ittlz. Ip eodd coming out, gets / were In progress. Gen. Buller'e third % thinner and thinner, ^ attempt at relieving Imdyvmlth absorbs at the sacrifice of from on* hun- ►< bald spots < attention. Telegrams baking powder WORTH OF ROM appear, dred to two hundred words, from a doien TEN CENTS ► then actual baldness. \ have been Dy the oorreap ndenta, passed of ■ 111 kindle a Are In vorne meu's brain and 7.—Bain Thursday, A ton cent ol Boston, February The hair oenaor, who ha, apparently re-dated quality. uake no end of misery. ag only good CHAKt'OAL to with / BKSRllN’S ALWAYS KKARY changing snow, cleaving Friday written Monday or Tuesday to a food messages ■ 111 kindle a llro In your range or healer lor variable winds be- Is much colder weather; ^ Wednesday at 6 p. in. From tbem It !■ The is made from seek aud make haopluess every lime It coming northerly. ; you dear that Gen. Bailer, up to Tueeday Royal lied. 4 BIG BAGS 10c ALL GROCERS. Washington, February 7,—Forecast for can evening, bad taken one bill, oao repuieeu a Boer ooonter attack and was bolding cream Thursday and Friday, New England '< buy of tartar, and (TALK Xo. 111.) the against an eabladlng bra pure grape Bain and warmer Thursday, with brisk — position is aad Boonn Kloof. Uls winds. snow and much ►4 from Upton /iop THE EYE. easterly Friday ► losses, oa mantloard by one ooe res pea- is the embodiment of all the camera colder. The eye In a photographer’s / I t dent, are H5U. In miniature. It has a lene, a focus- from Boer eouraoe * feeds The only tidings ting apparatus and a eeneltlvo WEATHER RETORT. assert that one of Uen. Boiler's attempts excellence to be attained LOCAL possible screen. If It la In perfeot adjust- i forde but admit Portland, Fab. 0. 1B07—Ths local the roots, stops A. to seize the tailed: they ment, It gets a perfect picture. the bat e baa lo'ged forces oa one kopje. Is clear end dlstlnet. If It la weather bureau records following: \ starvation, and the „ in Vision on Uen. Boiler's operations the class la thermome- Light highest out of adjustment everything a. baking 8 ra.—Barometer, 30.354; hair thick and ooatrlbot- rel. \ grows oaves ere, the war cbioe aot blurred. It le necessary to make a ter, 17; dew point, 15; humidity, ► < 90; direction of wind, N; wind veloc- long. It cures dan- Ing any Information. constant effort In order to eee at all. militia have been ity, 4; state of weather, clear. ► druff also. Keep a ■< 'X'bree thousand more powder. The strain upon the focussing powers 8 m. thermome- ordered to a for embarkation, lb# Is too Pain In the eyes. Im- p. Barometer, 30.343; bottle of it on preps great. ter, 20; dew point 20; rel. humidity, ^ your obsolete guns at various coast defenars costs paired vision and headaches are the direction of wind « Powder 72; wind, SW; velocity, table. are being replaoed with.modern nnvnl Royal Baking results. It la my business to put clear. dressing \ 2; state of weather, n \ It restores guns. The government la ptepnrlng these eyes la adjnstmsnt and to brlug Max. temp., 30; min. temp., 13; mean always > Parliament for plan to be eobmUted t a fair and is them to n perfeot focus, 1 oannot temp., 22; max. wind velocity, 8 W; color to faded or ► gray the conversion of the yeomanry, volun cheaper take out the defective lens and Insert hours .0. \ only price, precipitation—24 ► we a well hair. Mind, say / tears and militia Into organised a new one In Its place, but I oan set i for boms and properly equipped army at its than similar a lene In front of the eye that will ► “always.” any \ defense. price mi rrect all the delects. I take a care- All lets. WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. ► 91.00 a bottle. druff ful measurement of every ourve and •* ◄ BILLER HAS CROSSED. The agricultural department weather / I bar® found your Hair Vigor article. svery Imperfection. I see that tha to Ik* the beat I have ever taken at 8 4^ remedy > Admits Truth of leases are eo made that will bureau for yesterday, Feb. 7, hair «u Wartimes at Last § they tried for tlie hair. My < of mixtures made fn Imitation of the observation for ► falling out bad, so I thought Samples baking neotralUe every detioleney. Consul- p. m.. meridian time, very ^ Story. I would try a bottle of it. I nad powders, but containing alum, are frequently dis- in this order; * tation fiea. •ach section being given ► used only one bottle, and my hair London, Fsbrunry 7-5 p. ra.—'i’he l ■ o- tributed from door to door, or given away •• of state of 4 stopped falling out, and it is now ► Temperature, direction wind, < c la ted Press learns that lbs war oflloe to- stores. Such mixtures arc ► real thick and Ion*.” grocery dangerous weather. r. NANCY J. MOCKTCASTLK, k and i-t cities their sale is day received n telegram saying briefly to use in food, many New York. July 28, 1888. Youksrs.N.Y. < law. Alum is a corrosive nnJ Boston. 34, S, clear; 40. ^ that Uen. Unller "ad again oroswd the prohibited by poison, E, 44, E. cloudy: all condemn it A. M. WENTWORTH, cloudy; Philadelphia, < thm Dmmtor. river oa February 6, and Is now physicians baking powders confining 4«i. K, 34, Writ* *i Tugela Washington, cloudy: Albany. * book ob Tbe De- lie will send you hu advancing on L-adysix It b S, cloudy; Buffalo, 48, S, cloudy; i Hair and Scalp. Aak him any quaa- \ Practical hair, kou st la only akin Optician, troit, 44, SE, rain; Chicago, 50, S, ► tlon you wish about your ; The war offloe, prefect, 4 will recelro a prompt ► ere ctlU in MS 1-1 te agree. St. raain; St. Paul,20, NW.cidy; St. Vincent to addt ‘•Tbo operations pro- ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK.' —, —; Huron, Dak., 8,NW. oloudy; Bis- i „;•M.V'UI era haw no loforu scion ngzfd- marck, —, —, —; Jacksonville, 06, " Office I lag's'*' reealt Hours-iJJSrUlSSl E, p eldy. L 1 TLL L ...I ..J__ -L__ e' “Tba as Mr. terms of tba agreement pub- kat la lbs afternoon that made a England today, added Bsdmond, MONTANA NKN ATOMS HIP. vlgor- lished an taken to bo Him not la bat la ally correct, THE BILL. aoa stase* to tha position. FIGHTRG ON TOF TUGEU. stood apltodld. dlfgrnne- DIPLOMATIC pi re-oaptnn while rook la not tba oese. There hare fa) I alone her 1 hair aaaaull was made upon th nortk- eolation, Torbay loading Mare Light mm Pollllral Method* mt been eererel errata la Urn published II waa ooaatsnaaaa" ■rn and of Mm kopje and, at drat, the Wild Weal. itatement. the at Ha that offtolal si of Hepobllran masting soereiefnL Hal n lore manta ware, kaw- admitted premiss Kuala hall Is on tba that the bad not teen beard In the Unit- Idea agree- hnrrlad and tba Urlttah re car- bratlllty lint w't- arar, up, Hews Was Washington, February T.—Tbe ment kae lem bat It has not London Exfited When (he ed broanaa A m< rioa, be- published, the nt of tba State*, onletty neae the eoaemtltee ried poaltlon tha point bayo- called before senate bran out Passed House About In the bad given eorrasUy." net acd advanoid lha Aa ing engaged Philippine war, on and alnMIona In IM along ridge. privileges today Lieut Governor Marshall was one of ttvrn Oat. not felt bee self la a to nbake Urlt bate a foroa of position tbe election of Senator tka 1th largo troops, 'nveetlgallun of the members of As as sho woold otherwise oars Kepohlloan Tuesday Reported. lha oat look la koptful. England Clark of Montana, was George K. Mo- dona.” night's oonfevenca, and one of the signers “ Urnth of tbe olvll carrier nommlaalnn, Kentucky Negotiations Hang of the He ai l he not at _ the over- agreement. waa Mr. Bedmoad declared that located edi- * at Chicago. Me waa In 18W to discuss tba terror of tha docu- London, Feburary 7.—When the des- of leading American liberty whelming opinion tor of a In Untie, Mont., : the on the nowapapar Fire. ment further. ; patch nnoounolng fighting was hostile to Ureat Britain In statesmen which be aald Mr. Daly. Ue was there enpported Ditfission of Afriran and oppsr Tugela published today, this war and said the nnanlmoos Dpsullory disap- waa alao aaoratary of tna llemooratlo at ate PENDING PROBLEMS. was the usual scene of exoltemeut on the of the world demonstrated that proval central ooanltteo. Statements warn The attracted Fil Wars. streets. big placards the war waa and It ought there- pino unjust made by ex-Senator Falkoar and Mr. Brya it Alra Well Known VImii at G. newspaper buyers and the news was eag- for* to be I’wr Crneral stopped.” Foater that expected lo A. »» Merlin*. Rrpalse Imported by There was allowing they erly discussed in all quarters. At to whether the of borne • prospects prove Mr. MoUratb that in 1893 be __ In the House of Com- by notable excitement rule were affected by the atti- Boiler. adversely bad teen In a aancut at friend• to tbe war Daly’o Hasn’t New York, February 7.—Col. William mons. where, in addition tude of the Irish, Mr. Bsdmond said he Gov. Taylor and that Daly had then suggested the tonight at Car- office announcement that Oen. Boiler I retard bad to low and Jeoclngs Ilryan spoke thoogtt nothing defeat of Mr. Clark for the Senate Mr. Shafroth Favors was by Kuala hall on '“Pending Prob- bad oroseed the Tugela Monday and to by raising bar voice Signed Agreement. nogle everything gain getting come one ti go to Mr. Clark for a news lems," under the auspices cl WlpUeld t'ebru- advancing upon Ladysmith, on tbs side of juslloe and liberty. Siaaruan'a Camp, Wednesday, money and to thlo of Mediation. was that falling aoeoopllab Hoott llanotek Post. MU. U. A. H„ Hollar ooiumrneed agenoy telegram posted saying Patrlok Joseph Power, Nationalist, ary f—# p m.—Can. purpoen to pot the money op hlmeelf New tor tba te- one hundred additional ambulance the department of York, East Division, Waterf-nl oounty, second- for tka advene* for lbs relief of Ladysmith an “exposure." llaf of soldiers and widows and stretchers had been sent to the front from Hedmond's amendment. orphans. ed Mr. It waa olalmed waa coed at 7 This, by oooneel, Lass than 10CO men anil women the Monday. Tba naval guna o| Durban. Mr. Irish Nationalist, paid Timothy Uwly, the aoheme oar lied oat Mr. Daly In the dlreotlon of the war by prlos of admission. 'Ibare waa soma en- la tba morning and a feint attack waa The rush daring the eourrn ot a speech on tbe Nome Asked Him Ibroogb Mr. Wbltealde. Conference tbe Question* By office when It was learned tnat continua- wldt Wants Better Understiindiiifi; As To thusiasm, however, notwithstanding made In front of our 'three British defeats, Chairman Chandler announeed that the poaltlon. smallness of the au lienor. Col. tion tad been received there of the report Boers have bad Bryan Heretofore tbs only to exclude for Other Members. battel Iona advanced toward tha Brak- oommittee dealred tbe pres- entered tbe hall escorted si-Uev. that General Dollar was again advanotng feast In thstr Dio- Goebel Law. by two days oalaadar, ent tbe to tbe man- Kepeal with all laltnlta. At II tba to testimony relating Hogg, O. H. P. llelmoot and Thomas foateln, evidenced the enxlsty of UH public gaan’s day sad Majuba day; bat Eng- la Jubneon. He was with coo- Boare with artillery Are and sent obtain the latest details, fblwsr offlo* land baa them Boiler’s White's greet'd opened given day, a to am bar of tbe Montana lag l«l at tiro, as furnished no olue elderable obei-rlng and tbe band struck tevsral a balls among lha British Infan- message, given out, day, Uataere’a day,Methuen’s day, Yule’s of tba waa than meoued. Ha denied all “Hee tbe hero as to where the WM crossed no I up oonqurilng oomee." Tugela day and Symons's day.” and Kaoior 7.—The House try, who retired aa hoar later. testimony of WhllesUe It wae annouooid Washington, February the nembers General Boiler's of "shame” that letteie of regret sappoitlng Loud and ocnltnuwl orles bla la eonoeotioa wltb th« tin I the and consular Mranwhile a vigorous attack was mads oaelng naaaa had boon raaetved flow Admiral Uewsv, diplomatic ap- movement. Bat It Is presamdl this third the reference to tbs deceased greeted gen- aen a He aald In nontro- bill It substan- tori ai contest. Is Uen. Senator lie propriation today, passing .on tha extreme right, where tba engineer* will be a supreme effort on the and hastened to declare Another Conference Miles, Merritt, pew attempt eral, Mr. Beaty trua as It came from the comic It t**». •notion of Wblteililo that It waa not and ethers. tially tiav- of the to eat his was far tbe ipedltlouely eonatreeted a poe't'on. part general that he bad the greatest respect some discussion cf that ha bad baon "hxed” by Mr. titeala, Uen. D. the There was desultory and that he will employ ovary rontlan- Uiorgo Loud, presiding eral of half bidden among through, late lien. Symons. Mr. Healy, a Likely. the and the war In plawr* aanroa, and he danoonced all of Kaotor'a tor lea aa one Philippine question man. In the officer. Introduced Mr. Bryan available Ibe expression most Incident of the war be- on Zwarta bombarded ingithe pathetlo oonoernlng him aa untrue. £ontb Africa, the principal festure tba treat Hop, Affinlal ila.n.tyih l*lu nn* aitvan aIhiI who had s>r«ed lo tba reeuot war and he waa the correspondence between lien. the of Mr. Bbafrotb In favor advanoed Walter M. Hlokfonl waa naxt oailed. In tbe mat- log speech keenly. The British Infantry It la ted moat not befors Uen. modes plea for toleration Ladjamlth,” polo oat, Symons and Uen. Joubers of mediation in the Brltlsh-Boer war Ha bad been on, of Mr. Clark’a aotlra ter of Col. sold: the liorrs ware be taken to mean that Uon.nl Hollar h a opinions. Bryan and entirely enrprlred. Symons's death, and "the only unworthy under tne of Tbe Uauu» agents In tba senatorial campaign. Mr. war lt>06 wae tbe provisions out down all but that tbelr "The ftom Hull to At 4 o'clock a high bill, a continuation opposition maralj feature was that tbs English turned The bill as Hiokford aald that ha waa formerly a law in tba of the world. Tbe treaty. diplomatic passed h. la beaded In U>a dlreotlon of the their grvateet history of the had been taken. hacks on dying general. of tba carries Hrjkfontcm, partner of Mr.8tiff i, spanker hooaa Advised Constituents civil war waa than all tba wan $1,743,0.18. bealaged town and the pnhllo therefore Mr. Krdtuond's amendment was reject- Taylor Ily greater Tbe were of rapraaantatlrsa Mr. Blokford waa that It the soldiers or operations exoolleatly planned. are oo tantar-booka In preceded beoaoa* natnnllj regard Ml by a vote of HUS to 00. The House then Out. February 7.—The House drat naked oonoernlng bla engagement of To It the South aie now tbat tbs Washington, Tbe name of tbe hill taken 1* Krants to the next newa. Fight glad Union adjourned. resumed the consideration of the Mr. Ktlff to examine tba title of the prop- waa and tbat the was today kloff. preserved republic WARNED. erty own id U. W. of the diplomatic and consular appropriation HILLS WERE* SMOKING. ENGLAND by McLaughlin saved. fJ bat war eliminated the one the bombardment of tbe Doer position Montana whloh bill. Althougn genejui debate clocel February 8.—The Times Bays legislature, property obord of discord and made It possible London, Mr. was Terrible Bombardment By British waa afterward Mr. by unanimous consent, resumed this, (yesterday) morning. this morning: "In orltloal times friendly purohaaid by Clark, tbat never again will there Le any yesterday Mr. Hiokford. The latter aald It Bbafroib. (Silver, of Colorado,) was al- 'Tbe Deere worked a lsappearlng oan- Artillery. relations with foreign states are only through effort to disturb tbs Union. a waa an business lowed 45 minutes In which to complete too i1* nr bod and therefore, M be- ordinary transaction. "I claim no credit for myself for what rod from (ha high Doorm Klocf range,on London, February 8.—The Dally Tele- eaally 7.—So fares Mr. Hiokford aald that he bad never told Louisville, Ky., February speech he had begun last week In favor hooves us not to with unthinking I did as a soldier. I would rather not of tbe but tbe graph’* oor respondeat at 8pv or man's rely In the over the tbe rlgbt captured bill; Stiff that an tbs situation controversy of raedlntlon by the United State* In the in their oontlnned maintenance Hr. there waa understand- be called my military title and when Camp in a despatch dated'Mon day night, optimism Is there wae by llrlilab tballs Its magazine, and that should vote for governorship oonoerned, South African war. Under The Hague explodtd T'bo country should take a lesson from ing McLaughlin I recall tbs Civil war 1 feel ashamed to says: no ohnnge today. Uov. Tay- be contended that cou.’d was of notion until lute Mr. Clark for tbe Sonata. He had at practloally wss treaty, England tire gun put out “Under the dlreotlon of Gen- our military experiences and do every- tstak neral act. In state of eQl- saction a talk with Mr. Stiff oonoernlng tns In the recent friendly lire was Intermittent until tions was began this by nearly of the navy the highest "You solved problem bloskrtry morning Is that he will ultimately do the British were* re- oat tbe aenatorlal eleotlon. “X naked him opinion from While demanding the whole of our batteries, seventy-two olency. To wait for a war to break wav bat all the problems arising the afternoon when tbe Beers made a so, the probabilities are that be will not lief in tbe Sooth African he before we to bow he fait toward Mr. Clark,” aald Mr. have not been solved republic, guns, shelling the ridges where tbs ene- begin improvise appliances It yet. rstake tbe bill. He- sign It until tomorrow. If then. Uov. 30CO Hutch rt sklents cf British determined sflort to foresight can be better Hiokford, “and bs replied that he knew "We have confronting this said, my have th» ir trend, e* and redoubts on which, by prorer to make problems lay lor refused absolutely today Guiana, born upon British soil, who ore Inforeetueats rushed ap cheering; the and more telore of no naaoa wby be could not vote for as great. If not greater, than the Bxakfontein and the low crest facing eoonomloaily provided in to his generation Mr. Clark If he should be the nominee any statement regard probable not allowed to hold office in the legisla- Users wsra repulsed, and tbe Drltlsb nd- drift. bend, Is to ooutt disaster.’’ those whlob confronted the generations PotgleUrs aotlon In the matter, and during moat or of of the Democratic caucus. Mr. Stiff told tive, executive judicial tranches “The enemy suffered Several before us. xaneed along tbe ridge. severely. A BOSTON FAILURE. of the day declined to receive sailers ex- the oolonlal were me that ha had bad aspirations for the "I want a civilisation tbat embraces government, petition- hills were smoking like voloances from his advisers. 7.—The large whole- dlatrlot of that dletrlot and cept legal ing for relief. Their oases were almost tbeeffaote of the which Boston, February Judgeship those In tbe kitchen a* well as those who bomhardment, This afternoon Uov. T'nylor sent tele- to those of the Uitlsuders in sale clothing firm of Ml ner, Reala & Co., said that he wanted to an shape bla sit In the analogous set on lire their store* and the grass. eat In the dining room, or par- grams to ex-Uov. llradley Augustas K. Great Britain refused KKIIIsn TOOK klll’JK. assigned today with llabtlltlea ol f 4,Y\- oonrae aa a member of the house aa not to a class the Transvaal, yet “While the third wa* lor. A civilization whlob creates pontoon bridge Wilson, Judge Harr and Attorney listen to the Butoh in her own colon r. (HO. The Him operated stores tn many tbe olianeea lor bla nomination a to being constructed under lire near 8chlet injure that knows nothing hut eootety and Falrlelgb,asking them to oons to Frank- Grosvenor of said be wished oltlea two years benoe. 1 tbsn thought him of not Mr. Ohio, (gkl**lf) drift, the eleventh brigade, now Mr. Wil- class tbat knows nothing society,Is business end fort for a conference tonight. tbe gentleman from Colorado had told Unprofitable stringency friendly to Mr. Clark." a success. undT the oorumond of Col. Lynne, short- oauied tbe son was the only one to arrive and the House whether either of the coutend- in tbe money market by liqui- Tbs wltneaa denied that he had sug- "You must create wealth before yon loaded* demonstration against the 8 o’clock with 1*1! loss Has (be dation of Boston banks la announoed as If be ly altar tonight he, Judge ing had asked the United .States Wry limy Say gested to Mr. Stiff that would sup- can exchange 11 Ws roust look after parties Biskfcnteln ridge, marching across the oallsd on the oonoero had no Yost and Uen. Dan Lindsay for mediation. “They have Inter- the cause. The large port Mr. Clark for tbe Senate, the latter those who whether In form or not," meadows, with the support of H*ven bat- a oonlersnoe produce, ton. will governor and went Into Mr. “but The debt In any place and|probably pay would appoint him as attorney to repre- In If we look after those who rupted Shafroth, Hague teries of the confer- faotofy;snd artillery. with him. liefors going Into — nearly In full aant soma of bis Interests. A recess was all will be sustained. treaty “At eleven o’clock the enemy not produce, others opened ence Judge Yoss slated tkat he did ratifications of that have here taken. la there rale which “The treaty a heavy cannonade of shrapnel, oommon "Now, any always TUB GRIPPE IN GERMANY. expeot any action to le taken tonight. not been exchanged," interrupted Mr. and from enables us to And the right side of any shell Pompon shells, chiefly a lata hear no announcement liter Head Ladysmith, Tues- 7.—The lnfloenss MAY AMEND TREATY. Up to Groavenor. Larger, a Berlin, February 1 believe there is. We And It, 8|don kop. This was accompanied by had been made as to the result of tbs con- question. — which has Mr. Groavenor said be sympathized day, Ftbruary 'Win. m. Farther re- be- spread throughout Germany 1 think, In the declaration of Indepen- rattling musketry fire. Our gunners ference. section of tbs Louisville now numbers vlollma In Munloh. Sruulori Do Not Appiovr It .Altogeth- Kerry with any people struggling for liberty. at the as as 00,000 dence. The fathers said: *A 11 men are port* of yesterday's lighting Upper haved admirably and wen oool ovsr but It er. agreement was gone oarefully, He tbe house In a roar by In Berlin today ovary bad In ovary hospi- created Is It true or false? If art innnlng rlrer show that the Lfltleh lost upon was that equal.' Tn.sia parade. Is understood that the prlnolpal the of out tal waa occupied and the hospital physi- It Is can the doctrine over history Europe, pointing “The demonstration having gained its the of a new true, you apply at Pont Drift, but took an un- of whom have been 7. —The Senate ■lotion Learing on passage here and there the wrongs suffered bearlly cians. hundreds Washington, Feburary to national by effect, the real attack open the Baer left eleotloa law. The of the Uoebel every question." tia.ortsnt un a small on stricken with tbe malady, are soarcely commute*) on foreign relations met today repeal Hungarians, if inlanders, Pole?, etc., all position kopje was delivered at four o’clock. The Dur- Col. liryan then proceeded to sst forth law Is the one most strongly de- able to care to tbs Canal thing Ol Vfmuu wore <1*0 «*■«* toe Dolan Drift side. Four Doers were for their patients. oooslder Nicaraguan treaty. at his well known views on taxa- rctiit»cuwu ham light Infantry carried Vaal Krantr, as the length Tbe discussion was animated. While sired by Uov. Taylor and, lang- the United States had not felt railed of the lower while Gener- money and trusts yet killed. 'The Drltlsb loss la unknown, the key ridges; DIAZ RE-ELECTED. of the Louisville agreement Is oon- tion, some was manifested It waa uage upon to lntsrfere. He concluded with al milled the opposition are >1111 In i >n of tbe Mllyard'a brigade higher 7.—General they posses, kopje City Mexico, February not of such a character as to Indicate the the suggestion that a commission of 25 are FIGHT. ridges The general and nls troops tbe ll considered that the olauae CORBETT-JEFFItElS and be big gube bare tease l tiring. Diaz received an Immense mnjorttyof defeat of the treaty, but that It will be muit.T It members at aalariee of $2U,(kU each should the field or battle. In blvuuusklog upon for can- made more before be votes of his people aa their choice amended there seems to be little doubt. will be si>voltlo te to roato over the earth to the of bsudoir Krttlril It Will tome Off appointed language bulletins, suooeed himself. tbe Prartlrnlly didate for President to One of the amendments proposed la that signs agreement. discover where wrongs have been com- til FSSIM« I SELKSS. mother and chi’d are w.ll. Our In Nan-Kraurlsco. doing were a million and a halt votes This would InTolre further delay as It There the whole of the Clayton-Bui wer treaty mitted and to report to the House In or- losses are trilling." a further conference cast, of which Diaz received 1,4 0,(00. shall be would necessitate der that the United States might go to abrogated. New February 7. —San Frenolsou nits of Third Mink ratification are between the and Demoorstlo York, lirsrrsl Haller’s Enthusiastic meeting* It Is said by member* of tbe oommlt- Hcpublloau war any time that the kin of our con- will be the HMD. of tbs Cornett-Jeffreys held In the cities of tbs leaders. Another cause for Uov. Taylor's lukauuss. MADE IT WARM FOK“LABBY” being Republic tee favoring this change that there Is no stituents were oppressed. Mr. bbafroth, tbe Is sold light. W. A. llrmly, anil Uoorge Con- ueed of alive of tbe delay In regard to agreement who obtained the tlonr was Inter- A Peace llroken|l at North* keeping any portion and tbe again .Mrrllug p BIG NEW BEDFORD FAILURE. ol and "surren- eldlae met again today question old treaty. 10 be the ory “victory” by Mr. William Alden biulth of was settled. Constdlne re- rupted London. February a.—Dr. bpeooer iiiiplsa, sent the Democrats. Tbe praotlcaily Boston, February 7.—Henry A. Hol- Another change is la der" tip by Michigan, who asked If the gentleman suggested regard newed the offer of oent of tbs • llktofon In the Doming Post 7.—The as tJ Uov. Is sixty per today, Northampton, Log., February comb of Now Bedford, a manufacturer, to the of the oaual. The treaty agreement presented Taylor from Colorado knew whether the kindly protection on beball of the Seaside mye: announcement tost Mr. Henry La- undent lod t) be somewhat different from gross receipts filed a pclition in bankruptcy today. deolar** there shall be no fortification* office) of the United States had been ‘The Drltlsb forces now to be bour'll* editor of and liberal in tuat the Athletic elnb and lirady refused tu accept appear re, Truth, and H Is said thl*“will the Unit- tbe published abstracts, offered In the Uoer-Brltl*h war. Liabilities (1,351,438; assets none. Tbe prevent declared tbe offer of eetrywhers oa tbe more, la the ake-ace member of Parliament lor the election law and It. 'l'he latter then Northampton, ed State* from erecting batteries which olauee regarding Mr. bbafroth that he did not, unsecured claims amount to (07,800; tho the National Athletic club of San Fran- replied of looal knowledge, It Is Idle to guess tbe would address a In the one or tso (the* matters It muoh more peace meeting are some considered nco he "I would thank Clod notes and bills which to bo by absolutely most liberal of all received “bat," added, •Ite of Ueoeral Duller'a new attack. If, Northampton town hall, tnis ought puid than It Is understood cisco was the evening, essary in view of the Insurrection* that speoitto generally If suoh whs the oaae." this te of by other to bis transactions and It would be or every thing as seems likely tbe east Patglel- dr*w u oolsy crowd of optionee t»,|who parties to be, though ttlll net strung enough to accepted occur from time to time In Houth Ameri- ue asked If Mr. bmlth had any In- era drift, dlataaos to Ladysmith Is swnrmed the and smashed (1,283,031. Tlie unsecured claims are as end die of tbe Re- declared off. Corbett's manager dually tbe] upon platform can countries. suit him. Xbe rtult formation upon tne subject. only ten tulles.'and tbe country Is more ftk.. Via T .Un.ku.u>. follows: believe there consented provided tbe National Athlello It Is that thl* will be publican party apparently that be was net au- possible language as Mr*Smith replied a (ban other rout*. Xo .rant Wits the for rt'UHWed bold the Citizens National club would Immediately deposit HWOO o;» any any k)flirt) attack, 'the (20,098, by mrut I Maori met thaf. tiiirh nriitiinMnn ah t.h« le some foundation for tbe olaltr.s set np faith and advauoa thorised to speak for the administration, litaml liuilrt '• troop* will bare to of the ineetlug were forced off Bauk of New $32,002 the tbe Democrats. Scores of telegrams a guarantee of good promoters Bedford; by U nlted Elates deem neocKMry may be by our tie but he knew that If government t reat tb* *BrM) na Ulan on by bard the and cbalrs were hurled Five Out In on Uov. bint gilO to defray ex-obamplon'a expenses platform New Bedford Savings Hank; afforded the route of the canal. poured Taylor urging to aot either to along the Pad Bo ooaet. was requested by party lighting for th* d*lay Inroleod t* croaa- Into the body of t henhouse ainld cries of tbe First National Bank of not to sign tbs agreement, but to main- to f.1,100 by n_a__a-m I_1.1 k.. the conflict, its kindly offices would be tag tb* rtrrr r*u*t make It dlitljult to ‘tied beve the v OkHi^ilSelu Malr l>e|»tr “Such information would be conveyed art* baa morrd to 1**10 the carufelgti .tr' rt oe. ANOTHKR-t,ONWJH«Sl«.rr answer tomorrow. Frlfflttenrd by Regle«t. Brady promised not to send JetTrles to through our diplomatic channels in Lon- not. It may bo that bo baa only mo rod A nuutber of other persons were Washington, February 7.--It is lrarned A Hitch lu Peace Argot Intlous "Your enemies don’t seem to abuse you California until March 1. Corbett will Mi.bmlth. that the text of the don aud Pretoria,*' responded to aoiua point nearer tb* *o»ar of opera- hurt, not seriously. Uny-Paunoefote Now Yora on 15. Charley although •s used to,” suit! one politician. KeMprtnfc leave February entire of this they tbe of ttate but “Hat of tho willingness tion* where a* oan be la communication the of the peace other. ‘‘It’s a very treaty was work the depart- White as named by Brady as referee, Ultimately opponents “Yes,” iiuswerud the — *? The exis- wv» '1C» •• ■—- " tbe British Louisville, Ky., Kdtrtrrnry Conaldlne demurred asking for Uni ^Ufoinmcu* ||I vyws V >1 with all Me genet el* meeting gained the pUtforin and declared bid sign. It shows they are no longer ment; government acoeptlng tence of a bltob In peaoo negotlstions Hurst. This question will bo deolde-J the engaged in the oontl'ot bad York afraid of me.”—Washington Star. tbe doaomeut just a" It was drawn, so by parties that Northampton joined city dura- later. for end speeulaf ion as to lit probable there oan be no question." in rspudiatlog the critics of the govern- the Keatooaiblllty whatever Is oon- IU IT BRITISH BACK. occupied tbe minds of polltielans The bill was then read for amendments ment. talned in tbe treaty and the form In tion, UKWhiY UUKBX OF HIIXOH. TO CURE A COia> IN ONE DAY. tbe exclusfoll l la ot oonfu- son and Uavld W. Fairlelgh. Tbe last Introducing Dewey Islands were not Ut for sell-government gr Is Iba liouce of Comnoua today, to that arrangement, everyone of the mari- COAL. ba out of tba al Hurnett said that Admiral Dewey’s atoo. Tn* on minor* at Moino use named waa said to olty. and would not l>e within his lifetime. lighting) nur. au auiunduiunt to tba addr.ua la time powers will pledge itself to Its was fixed His oom- Drift with tbn htaadsrlaa olid The others left on tbe afternuon train for fame lmpirlsbably. Mr. Terry of Arkansas said the He- Jonsaborg to tbu from tbu tbrooa, rep nrmy and navy if need be to reserve rrply upuMtb rad is of the could only ex- ooamondoea. There were no caeeultlee Frankfort. Ihe Republicans of tola oily Loyal Legion had changed very greatly ■ that tba llttie bad arrived to tfte absolute neutrality of the canal and publloan party mooting their love and afleotiou for him. on our aide. lb* ooaoaaiod* waa th* are not as to the «ledum uf clos- press when It the libera- on Free- forttUoaltons would be unnecessary. agreed slnos lbOO stood.for brlog tbo war to a oonoiuutoo tbu A Full Assortment ot Lehlgti end do would add a sin- Imwt • Then wo* o the on the basis ur|iaaae4 general relations of and the beantl-admlnlslrutlnn Ion.of olty At &16 p. m., adjourned. maintain ln.tapoadaao* repob- England America, for the last n believe the should be kept up. The Taylor eight years promi- defeoiled with aaab an tbu. I urn. uae. ratification of which will constitute the light London. February T.—U. F. Ullano, llo lorge nent baseball In the National or Davis held a meeting player tb* of Hailwood ad ail Mad that wbao the latter, faction, l*gal aaalatant tbu cwloalal offlo*. Mr. Ueuulne tallej Franklin, of a uew era. Nothing could an on l.jkeni opening resolutions were league, died today In Infirmary la tonight at which •tart* for Cap* 'lawn Saturday la order empire area lu.nl.sd auiuplloatloaa n contribute more to cement the new-born 1 ngli.h aaJ American Canuel. Hnv. not to sign Statsn Island, from a complication of. to assist Sir Alfred tn* of and anllataatiun allrrnd adopted urging Taylor Vllner. bllllah feeling bo|« aecord* bttwoen the two nations. The diseases. the agree ment, high eommiaMwtor la tb* legal problems Iba wajoilt/of tba Irlab nl botna and Above Coals Constant- check to the Canadian given negotiations Mr. Jobe Marshall, Republican lieu ccnfn blra. abroad. LA WTON FUXKRAL TRAIN. fPE-RUNACure* Catarrh Wherever located. \ ntlng tho attitude of On Hand. by uncompromising tsuant said this afternoon that that cure*. bo oobllnuud, tba of ly governor, A sure. safe, time-tried remedy Bat. eyiupaUlec Tf.I.I T'llONK shaken this Inti., February 7.—This ol I.KaDKHS QO TO FHONT. Premier Laurior had fragile so many protests were being made by the Indianapolis. Catarrhal AHections •very description. tba Irlab would (till bate bean pro tioer, train draw Sold all PrumfisU. Write Its discoverer. edifice which seemed to rest on a the terms of tbe morning the Lawton funeral by — only of Ohio. February • Card Hubmlt ana If nil bod Dot been a.'boeraed OFFICE: Republicans against Dr. S. H. Hartman, Columbus, Cap* loam, angle out tlio lino for Waalt- Iree. nentimental bash. Lord Salisbury has oh agreement that he was doubtful If over Pennsylvania 11s will adviks you and Oaarral Kite better bar* Monad to* and aaotbar power bad atWinpMU to "aot Commercial & 70 Exchange Sir pen 7b It a «>p. It would be lie said: Ington. th* front. Iba bully bad tpprat eor la South Africa." tLViliiru just given powerful iw signed, and bad talked ebon* Wmka "la m far bee rath me (Corn lab) aa MIM'ICl.I.ANKOUS. lag of tbo Recorder naaa can be below another.” It waa tbo earn, making the Kata went t bat “ha air true that and the THE ARGUMENTS. weak] not hang a dag on each teetl- thla letter subsequent “What moay." ooraplal at by Mollaeux that the defead- M- Week* and Battle, council for aate resignation from the Knickerbocker Atbletlo Moltneux, itated they did not think there sink, wan aaueed. Sovoral of the Beautiful lettera written thorn to waa a partlole of troth la the alleged by Mellaeux, ooavariation. Ihe Reoordar made no Bollaaytine, Anetin, Schemer and John Hair!” meotlaa of the matter at the opening of Adame, wore by Mr. Weeke to the the court. The prltooer’e wife aad Jnry. remark often made about friends who have a your In court "la there any thing In theee lettera that fc^unant head ol hair. If your hair hi gray, faded, Counsel Week’s Plea For mother were today. thin, or falling out. you can have the same remark nude When Mr. Waaka dleooatlnoed hla ad- wonld lead yon to think" naked Mr. about your hair il you will only use ^owdre^s "that the defendant had draaa at adjoa rnment ha waa apeaklng of Weeke, any Client’s Life. the latter box agenoy kept by Joaaph motive to plan to take the lire of Harry Hair-Health. Koob. Ha reenmed at that point today. 8. Cora lab 1 Murdar la a faarful thing COFFEES It moil hare a motive. It has restored gray and bleached hair for thousands Mr. Weak a again referred to the Incredi- powerful men and will do so lor It is ■ hair of and woman, you. Kooh'a taatlmony, and "And that I* aobmltted bo you aa the food, and. unlike other preparations, its healthful action bility of Mr. on the roots of the hair causes the hair to regain its oalled attention to eevaral ao-oelled motive that would poaalbly lead to the original and youthful color. It la not a dye, and commitment at the crime of murder, that positively will not soil the scalp, hands or clothing, Inaoeoraolea. lines not nib off or make the hair greasy or sticky. Its Ha then of the famona Burnt la what the dletrlet attorney wonld have use cannot be detected by your friends. Equally good apoka defence believe le the motive. There aan be for men and women. Condemns Methods in letter, the one admitted by the you Hair-Health is sold by druggists every- leading and written on Hoblne-eng bine, trl- no each motive la them olrenmetanoee. where Pnce, 50c. for Urge Irnttle. or sent by express, O NEW PROVINCE. on After the on prepaid, tn plain scaled package, receipt of 60c by Molineux Case. oreacent paper. “There la no ooaaaalmant oiling law clroumetantlal LONDON SUPPLY CO., *53 Broadway. N. V. a boat that," ha aald. “It la written evldenee, Mr. Weeke oontlnnodi "It la a 2 A Cap of Hot Coffee from above famous brands will be Rtmemlor the mam*. Hatr-Hrmltk.'' tat mil Rtf an a half abeet of paper, and it enoloaed terrible thing to deetro y the tempi# of an % served Free to callers at our street store. tubittiutrs Monty rtfundid if it doit not btntfit you Dally Congress Immortal aouL Yon ewein In a white envelope It waa tlgned by have to decide C These Coffees are E. T. Boston. waa her Brat Intention there la packed only by Cowdrey Co., Moltneux. Xhat'a hla thla earn the evldenoe and the that thli whom I Roland npoo upon C l are In a One Mew f >r u little room t» doubt. They put up Pound, Style Can, easy a doubt.” facte, nal upon gnreaee. Yon muet ha algnature beyond P woman to handle, and in 5 pound cans for Hotel use. “Now In to the defendant’! taa- aatlefled aa a fact that the defendant com- A WHO. regard QHAMIXE UMtU’H 3 We are sole ngents tor this vicinity. eoroner'a Ton mitted the or I that be and ha alone la Calls Story of Colored Maid False tlmony before the Inqaoat. me; Qulney Meet., February 7 —An effort that Ihta defendant waa chargeable with the death o( Mra. mual remember la to be made by tbe Mew England Gran- ooanarl beoaaao Adame The fate of thla la In and Vile. the real one, without any prtaoner ite Maaufaoturera' aaaoelatlon to tattle i ... ami iirf.r..',,, LULL he waa there aa a wltneaa and a wltneaa your banda What eball It bat Unilty phy atrtnne. Write to F. Ills* oi,tt*lt way. | ||[_L tbe dlfferoneaa exletlng between tbe man- eouneel. Mr. (Jtborne or lanoooatf Ufa ar death f” L. WILSON & la not permitted ufaeturara and tbe union regarding tbe nave aeon Ae Mr. Wmka Mra. deli eiawloed him. Now you oloaed, Mollneux, are §ty> Wholesale and Retail Grocers, new regulattone wbleh to gorern Q of Mr. Oaborna’c examining the prtaoaer'a wife, ml with her faee enough prloee (or work koure tor labor, after 112 ST. ao that know aboot burled on hie cbookter, Hie CaicfcoXtiFESS ST. EXCHANGE quallttea hare you sobbing. March flret next. A meeting of tbe ae- Q PORTLANDPOST OFFICE. would leave In mother ml In her ebalr with 503-3. 503-2. bow much Information bo straight aoelatlon la to be held In Boaton on Feb- O Telephone Telephone Jfe e itlStUi rarer Ion of a wltneaa that he wanta tha tear* streaming down bee faee and (OIUIKI TKU TO JAX. 1, 1900. Yellow Story De- the pc ruary IS, at wbleh tko whole qaeetlon Dog He aald he Uenaral Mollneux a* he ban to get out of that wltneaa. eat, always will be oooaldered. Xhe granite nianu- OFFICE HOURS. recall that before. MOOOOOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOO* nied Under Oath. did not having paper faeturere of Qnlney bare appointed nine Wra U rtrrnmt Ha War not ibOWn the and unmoved. roitmaster’t Office, (Sunday* excepted* 9.01 delegatee, with fall power* to repreaent a. nt. to 5 m. belt ebeet of Mr. Oeborne Urn arose to address the p. Bonn letter but just * them. It le that tbe manofae- 8.00 it. expeotod cashier's Office. (Sundays excepted.) blank Vfna It strange be tbould July. After apollglzlng as Mr. Weeks bad m. to 6.00 nt.: Money order department. poo paper. turera of Uonoord, N. U. j Barra, Vt.; p. for the that had a. nt. to 6.oo p. in.: Keglatry department, 9.00& not be able to rtoall Ik dons, personalities Montpelier, Vt.; Uallowell,, U*.; Weet- m. to 6.00 p. in. Ur. the oonnell dur- “Another thing," continued passed between opposing K. and other plaoee will aUo General Delivery, excepted.) 7.30 erly, I„ (Mindays notloe tbe dele of this totter. tbe conduct of the case, Mr. Osborne, a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Sundays 9.00 to lo.uo a. ul, Weeke, "I ing eend delegatee. It la aald that tbe Mew 1.00 to 2.00 m. If p. Mr. Osborne Begins Argument It wee mailed tbe third day of Jane. said i aeaelon will agree to a aettle- Carrier*.' Deliveries, (Sundays England excepted.)—In rented tbe fael at times the keenest business section of the city between High and tbe defendant U tbe man who "1 anguish ment along the line of tbe old bill of India streets at 7.00, o.oo and l.oo a. m.. 1.30 and For State. on t all tbe bitter 1 OF LABOR tbe when think of EMPLOYERS letter .box In tbe West 48nd street things and allow tbe men an eight beur 8 p. in.; in other sections at 8.00 a. in., 1.30 p. m. prloee name of another man have said In this case. Who Sunday delivery at Office window, 9.00 to 10.00 37»b of Uay la the condustlng day. Xhe demand of tbe union la for an 1.00 to 2.00 m. Collections from street have claims for Accidents which p. why should bo write for remedies under can look upon this young man sitting aliek* hano ilan mltk a mlnlinfim of Are liable to heavy presented tni.,>xes at 7.00 and 11.00 a. in., 4.00 aud 8.00 p. in. bntlnoae ad- thsrs a without the of Sundays, c.00 p. m. only. bis own name and bis own prisoner, feeling 13. The maanfeotanrs are aot la favor WILL happen to EMPLOYES. AltKIVAl, AND DEPARTURE <»F MAILS. dress on tbe first day of Jnnef Why profonndeet pity? Who oan look upon of tha latter demand and It Mid that, It Southern and It'rstern, intermediate Boston, he do tble If be bad tbe to that ir other and old For a small we will INSURE YOU AGAINST offices and connections via. Boston ft Maine abonld right background—wife, the men can be Induord to make a con- premium Division.) Arrive at 12.15, nt 287 West 43od street? haired fathet—without an railroad (Eastern New February 7.—The moat In- nee tbe letter box gray feeling oeaelon. It can only be by a majority vote ns 5.00and 10.45 p. in.; close 8.00 and 1L41 a. in.. York, ALL SUCH CLAIMS. Let quote you price. He did not have the right. He knew emotion so strong as to almost bias hts tbs rate is 8.00 and 9.00 p. m.; Sundays, arrive 12.45 and teresting event of tbe day lo oouueotlon of the local anions, M wage close 11.45 a. 3.30 and 0.00 m. Heskmnn sense of and ll.oo p. ra., m., p. with the trial of Koland 11. Mollneux nothing of Ik And yet, Ur. right Justice? la tha oonstltullaa of the Southern and Western, and Interme- Incorporated Boston, defendant aa tbe man who "This defendant has been every diate offices and connections, via Boston ind for the murder of Mrs. K. J. Adams, Identified this given National Urantte Cottare' aaecolatlon. Maine railroad. (Western division)—Arrive at rented tbe letter box on Uny 37. Ur. to tee his counsel. He has be a wae tbe clronlatlon of tbe report that one opportunity Whlla It la eipeoted tha re will stop- 10.45 a. in., 5.30 and 8.20 p. 111.; close C.00 aud 8.00 Weeks then nt some length attooked the not been plaoed In a solitary oell. He Maroh 1, It la atm 11.30 a. in., and 2.30 p. m. of tee jurors bed disobeyed tbe com- page of work beginning E. C. JONES & via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive of Ur. Heckman. has been to see his wife and his CO., Eastern, mands of tbs oourt and bnd talked aboat bnslnem Integrity permitted hoped that a compromise oan bn arranged 2.00 aud 4.30 a. in.. 12.45 and 6.15 p. m.; clus# Ur. Weeks took op the different exhib- fathet and mother. Everything has been 8.00. 9.43 and 11.45 a.in., and 9.00 p.m. Sundays, tbe oaee, aunouoolag tbat be "would not within n faw day*. -Insurance- arrive 12.46 p. in.; close 11.45 a. m„ and 9.00 its of tbe Barnet series alleged to have done that be might have the beet means j bang a dog oo snob evidence.'' p. in. has not connec- been written by Uollneux and spoke of of defending himself. This trial TUHNKD ON THK1K CAPTORS. Augusta, intermediate offices and The rumor aobleved euob widespread PORTLAND. tion via Maine Central lalltoad— Arrive at 2.00 In none of he con- been hastened. This was not 13 EXCHANCE STREET, Kmll U an their oontente. these, prisoner Manila, February 7.—The Insurgents frt’JOOdtt and U.oo a. ni., 12.48 and 0.15 p. ni.; close at C.oo. publloltj tbat Msyrowlti, waa there asked for that accused and dragged before a on 9.45 and 11.45 u. in., 4.15 ami 9.00 p. rn. ptlolan, and tbe person to whom the tended anything suddrnly have been driven oat of Legnapl Intermediate offices and eonne> manner connect He has had Farmington. 1 to bars been ooold In any possible tribunal. every opportunity. previnee of Albay. flows. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at emi.rk Is allegsd made, Albayon bay, tbe defendant with the death of Uatnek He alts here before a each member were 12.45 and C.15 p. m.; close at 7.45 a. in. and 12.15 was summoned bsfors Heoonler UoiT. Jury, The rebels of Tabayae province p. in? Weeks referred to exhibit '*!' of which be selected or oonourrad In tbe Under oath be denied tbe truth of tbe Then Ur. oonveylng some three hundred Spanish Hocktan t, Intermediate offices and connec- tbe blank In wblab It la alleged selection. are all men from tbs and on tions via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive rsport. Ue admitted tbet he bad talked diagnosis 'l'bey prlaonera to Llobmann arriving 12.45 and 6.00 p. in.; close at C.00 and 11.45 a. in. defendant described blmself and same strata of as he. exhausted and with a but olalmed that the eoolety there, the prisoners, Skouhegan, intermediate offices and conneo- juror recently, a careful analysis of Ik Ho enld “This was not the only one and tbelr tions. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at tbe juror had never made any statements began prisoner starved, revolted dispersed WHY DO PENN AGENTS close at 12.15 ro was tho I did not want to 12.45 p. m.; p. on the that a man who superintendent who was susploloned. with stones and ulabi. They nisi Island Fond. Vt., Intermediate offices and directly or Indirectly bearing guards of a would not state that think him And 1 say to you connections, via Grand Trunk Railway—Ar- Mollneux ease. large fnotory guilty. oaptared a few rlQst aad barricaded rive at 8.30, tl.45 a in.. 6.00 p. in.; .Sundays 8.30 wee e dork No bed been pre- that no man on tbe face ot Mod's earth are liar tow S. Weeks, the attorney for tbe he proof themaelvea at Llbman, where they EARN MORE THAN OTHERS? a. m.; close at 7.30 a. m.. 1.00 aud 5.00 p.w. tbit be wee matrl was ever to a more rigid exam- osar Sundays 5.00 p. in. defence, today oonoluded his argument sented contemplating euljsoted awaiting (ha arrival of A loan troops | Gorham. X. II., Intermediate offices and con- of 1808, district of New Bills In behalf of Mollneux In tbe severest mony In Jane ination by the attorney Tho Penn Mutual straight good*. nections, via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at POKIO RICO TARIFF BILL. “Are melnnoholy," the blanks York than Harry Cornish, lie are what to be. 8.-0 aud 11.45 a. m., and 6.00 p. m.: Sundays 8.30 terms ns eondsmned tpe proprietors of yon oeunty They just they pretend a. close at 7.30 a. m.. 1.00, 6.00 m. Suu- aa affirmative was and If ever a 7.—II m.; p. tbe letter boxes who'had testified agalaet asked and reply given. was almost pot to torture Washington, Fabrnary developed The cash and loan features, automatic extension, from days at 7.00 a. m. and 5.00 p. m. incontestability "Here to a roan,," oontlnoed Ur. -Work* man had an awful task ot explaining In eonneetlon with tha Porto Rico Montreal—Arrive at 8.30 aud 1L45 a. m. and Mollneux, tbe polio* for tbe msnner In today issue, annual dividends if you like, and accumulations if you don't—all 6.00 m.. close at 1.00 and 5.0O p. m. since has not man was Cornish. I did that lbs of p. Sunday which bed bandied tbe oaee and who Vebrnnry 88, 18DW, conditions, that tariff bill Republican majority close 5 00 p. m. they up to date. drawn n free treath. He bee sat bore want to think this defendant the and means oommlttee waa not these|are suanton. I t., Intermediate offices and con tne bandwriting expert* for their will- not guilty, ways 'Pk« l.ian<1 on nor111 nit.v to #»&rn fin inoomo nections. via Mountain Division M. C. K. R.— this not bear the of for the measure or for the to oonvlot a man of murder before you every day daring long because 1 could thought unanimous Arrive at 8.40 p. m.; close at 8.00 a. m. ingness connected w.th the I’enn is as full of points as a paper of and con- trial. Has be appeared to yon to bo the son of Ueneml Mollneux It Involved, as to the govern- Every agent Bartlett. X. II.. intermediate offices upon tba evldanoe submitted to tbe m. believing prtnolpal nections via Mountain Division M. C. K. R.— Has be not sbown the a orlms.” aad that tacks. referred to the statements re- melancholy? oould be guilty of such ment of territorial acquisitions Arrive at H.50 a. ra. and b.4o p. in.; close at 8 a. When he of obeerfulnees?’’ Mr. Osborne then went on to say that MoCall, Republican mem- or address m. and 12.00 in. garding tbe relations of tbs defendant greatest Representative For Agent’s Contract, Sample Policy, Bocluster. X. //.. lute.* mediate offices and con- said Ur. bed a their he In- “Tbe district attorney,” he begged Interruptions from the j urore, ber of the oommlttee, prepared nections, via Port land & Rochester railroad— and his wife before marriage, "In his opening statement enld be Mr. Weeks or tbs If hs overstated dissenting report. Arrive at 1.45 aud 6.00 p. m.; close at 6.30 a. in. quired: Was not tbs grief of his old fsth- Weeks, court, strong aud 12.00 m. borne would show yon a man whose faoe was the foots. Hs would rather, he said, un- C. Cumberland Mills, Gorham and Westbrook er enough; was not Ihs burden by MB. BOUTKLLK MUCH BKT'iKK. BERTRAND MARCH, and sallow Irani sexual He had under- (Saeearappa> Arrive at 8.45 a. m. 1.45 and 6.00 this defendant’s mother and young paled perversion. derstate than overstate. aud 12.00 a. m. and 6.30 m. February 7.—A letter was for No. lOtiA Street. p. ni.; close 6.30 p. the t«3tl- Has bo done It? No. Waa not tbe grief stated, he asserted, the fasti In his open- Waablngton, General Agent Maine, Exchange South Portland. Wdlard and Cottage— wits enough without haring Cajte father was cot tbe reoslved today from K. P. Bontelle, a fefcteoflitn Arrive at 7.33. ll.oo a. ni. 8.00 p. m.; close .630 ooiored maid from a of tble old enough, ing statement. mony of a waiting Bootalle of a. m., 1.30 and 6.30 p. m. harden borne by tble defendant's mother The Keoorder then suspended proceed- brother or Repraoentatlve and Cash Comer— Arrive 7.30 boarding bouse Introduced to help the Pleasantdale wife without Maine, stating that the oondltlon of tbe and 11.15 a. m. aud 4.30 p.m.; closo 7.30 a.m. blot tbe home of this fami- end young enongb, having ings until tomorrow morning. proseoutlon so and 1.30 aud 6.30 p. m. the of a oolored maid said that he he Congressman has Improved rapidly did the assistant dlstrlet attor- testimony walling Mr. Osborns thought DON’T ISLAND MAILS. ly? Why be able to leave tbe moltarl- from a boarding bones tDtrodnoed to help would hla tomorrow. that ha will ney send to Washington to get this girl? oompiete argument Peaks Island—Arrive at 10.00 a. m.; close at the blot tho bums of this um wltblnl a^fsw; weeks, >ntlrely recov- 111. did bs not oall tba lady beraelf?” prooeontlon MAKE 1.30 p. Why THIEF CAME TO PORTLAND. ered. Ilarpsuell, Long and Chebeagne Islands—Ar- Then Mollneux’s wife broke down for family?’’ rive at 10.09 a in.; close at 1.3o p. m. tbs trial and cried Mollaeux’e wife bore oommenoed to ory Hlddeford, February 7.—A young man HARD PA SB AO K. MAILS. tbs first time during RKPOHTKD A 6TAOM hie band reas- leaned to- softly. Uollnenx plaoed namsd Varvllle, who rooms at the Na- Beach—Arrive at 5.30 p. m.; close at Utterly. The prisoner gently C. Fefcruary 7.—Steam- Bowery aa to Loulsburg, B., in. suringly on bar shoulder If comfort tional house, mads a to 2.(»o p. wards her and plaeed bis arm around bar oomplalnt Depu- arrived 1 MISTAKE Elisabeth and Knlghtville—kTT\ve at er Brltaanloa, whloh. yesterday Cape to oomfort her. bar. ty Marshal Mogan this noon that he had 7 JO a. m. and 8.30 p. m.; close at 6.00 a. in. and In a rain attempt from Boaton, reporta a hard paaaage and Ur. Weeke oontlnoed In a of an uaderooat 2.00 p. ra. This deounolallon of the meth- loathing been robbed overcoat, off Itsu GOOD -Vo. ringing very nearly got on the breakers TUINKIXG WE HAVE XO SOLICITOR.*?, thick Pond, Pride's Corner, Windham, arraignment of the district attorney for aud vest, whloh were taken from his Windham, Baymond and South Casco— Arrive ods of the assistant dlstriol attorney was harbor in the storm of Monday. Sba had REPRESENTATIVES CONTRIBUTED TO evldanoe that Uollnenx and who NO LESS TIIAN SEVENTY-FIVE at 11.00 a. in.: close at 2.00 u. m. from lntrodnelng room. B# inapaoted a young man broken only by a significant query to fill number three hold full of water to BUSINESS IN 1S99. THEY ARE WITH US NOW, FULLY Mlaa Cheese borough lived at Bell’s board- ■Dpt with him last night. The man OUR MAINE work the ship off ehore. bouse. didn't yon It?" noon train from Saoo for Port- ENDOWED WITH that Mollneux lived there a* Mr. Chsee- ing "Why deny tack the asked Ulstrlot Attorney Osborne. Be- Marshal an tele- broughf" land, and Oapnty Mug UK. PHKLPS ABOUT IUK SAUK. cause It wasn't necessary,'* Qsreely re- his description to the Portland "Because It waa not necessary," retort- phoned New Haven, Oonn., February 8.—Tbe BRAINS "Even tbs court torted Mr. Weeks, taming angrily to- police. ed Mr. Weeks, angrily. attenolng pbyslolan stated shortly alter wards Mr. Osborn*. “It was not neces- P. ordered It atrloken from the reoorde and midnight tbnt the oondltlon of Hon. K. worked Cornish, Even tha oonrt ordered It strnok STATE FIREMEN’S MUSTER. George sary. Knobel Ureene's told the jury to disregard J. Phelps was about the seme as It had out yesterday and told tba jury to disre- Gardiner, February 7.—The executive testimony. It had no bearing on the been for tbs twenty-four hams HONESTY Kaobaal Ursen's Beoause oommlttee of tb* Maine State Flremen’e pteoedlng I lntroduoe Hf gard testimony. oaae. How did you dare Prof. Phalpa waa somewhat worse oo urt wauld da that. Beoause met at the Evans Gar MERCHANT TAILOR, to do. It 1 kksw the asaoclation, house, It was an Infamous tblng night and tha alight setback THE SAME I knew It bad no on tba ease. and Uxad tb* data Tuesday WE WANT MORE MEN POSSESSING QUALIFICATIONS. Vila at well." bearing dinar, Wsdnssday, was not only false, kul that was ax par la aoed baa aot been re- PRO- Bow dared yan Introdnoe It. It was an 1 and 8. Uardlaer Is a favorite IF YOU ARE SUCCEEDING NOW IN YOUR PRESENT CALLING, Mr. Weeks eloaed a magnificent pero Augoet Infamous to do. It was not with tb* firemen and are gansd. FESSION OR SO MUCH THE BETTER. 571 1-2 St. the wordsi Gentlemen, tbs thing only they planning OCCUPATION, Rooms, ration with " Congress falsa botlt weevil* as walk-** > ■- i to make the 'tnOtW* of 1000 a record UHHIIAH winiin usuiii^u. ARE YOU WILLING AND AXStKIUS TO LEARN IIOW TO ADD' TO fate of tb j prisoner la la your hands. This ended an that oauaad oon breaker. The oommlttee, of whom ex- 7.—The What shell It bef UuUty or Innocent! episode New York, February steamship YOUR INCOME? sldarahl a sxoltsmsnt In tha room. Mr. Chief John Baton of liacgor, 0. M. Winter of the line, Life or death!" Herman Metropolitan Wsaka then Snrnsd to a consideration of of Westbrook, William TroM In the United Statee I shall open March* 1st, 1900, Though the wife and the mother uf the Leighton waa libelled today on “A" tbs E. the tbs handwriting exhibit of Fatrfiold and A. Knights of Port- illetrlot ooort for having on January S3 with an large and com- prisoner were la tears, father of the THE LIFE exceptionally add ram. This ha d wait worn present, spent the aft-moon and sunk In EQUITABLE prisoner, Uen.Mollneux, and tbe prisoner poison package land, last rundown Vineyard stock of British Woolens, con- for some and finally said, In the details. un- plete himself sat apparently unmoved. upon ^tlme, dleonaslng Sound the British fruitier Ardaadbu, “There of: Osborne In rafsrrlag to David ,N. Carvalho, der obarter ef the Munson line, running ASSURANCE COMPANY. sisting Assistant Dletrlot Attorney it SAW LIEUT. STOCKLEY. Is a man, expert, whe waa In this oaas Now London and Hali- oommenolng hie reply waa full of pathos an betwoaa Havana, unexcelled in quali- for th* whs them all the Washington, Ksbrnary 7.—A cablegram Overcoatings, and He said that he felt at polio* gave fax. 'Che amount of the libel it 1134,- STRONGEST IN THE WORLD dignity. 3 was received at the war from he bad. a man who Is shore department oevera the value of the Ar- ty and style. times the keenest anguish when be knowledge 106, whloh Otis a* follown "V(1T FOR * HAY HUT FOR ALL TIME.” reproaob, who was a witness before tne Gen. today dandbu and her The latest in Scotch and thought of tbe bitter things he had been Onego._ designs — l withdraw that, though, I don’t Manila, February 7.—Escaped Spanish compelled to say in ooaduollng the oaae. A MANAGERS FOR PORTLAND. A wide know that he was.” prisoners report they sew Lieut. Stock- F. H. HAZELTON CO., MAINE, English Suitings. variety Mr. Osborne bed not finished when He Fooled the Surgeon*. fcSMnon.wed. sal In the heads of the Insur- __ be Mr. Os- ley, n prisoner in and Flannel Suitings. eourt for the day, but be “Ob yes was,” Interrupted doctors told Renlck of Serges adjourned gents, January 88th, near Aatlmoaan, All Hamilton, that be would In all probabili- borne. West O.. after suffering 18 A line of and Scotch announoed Southern Luton." Jefferson, large English close bis tomorrow. "1 don’t want you to withdraw that. months from Rectal Fistula, he would ty arguments The officer referred to Is Seooad Lieu- Trouserings. I will ooneeds that hs wav a witness die unless a oostly operation was per- North British & Mercantile Insurance Co„ of In- tenant Paul U Stookley tb* 81(1 formed ; but he cured himself with five confirma- before the grand Jnry.” OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. White Dress and Fancy Vestings. New York, February 7.—No fantry, who ha* been missing from hie boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, tue the Usoses was thaa taken until 2.90. and the best tion was obtalnsd before days pro- alnoa January at a surest File cure on Earth, All are in company 18, last, my goods bought single trial of Holand B. Molln- In resuming his argument after reessa, Salve In the World. 25 cents a box. Sold The Inin ranee in the World doing a Fire Business* ceedings la the point a ear Talleay, Balanga*. Largest Company no two no Mr. Weeks told ths that th rd rP tula teeot. loomed THE PRESS. riaM the rates fa* 1880 a ad 1881 higher, •f fo • l Hr Gifford baa waterway# be- PORTLAND THEATRE, uhS were mueh lower than they bar# seer tw-en paetnrea. Ha baa wnap-tn been elnoe. n llaa of lari a dltabaa thronab tba (brat PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY THL'KNIIAT, H HRUAKI 8. 1900. •oil has tboamoda of irlloi of emallar BANNER ATTRACTION. Another explanation of the high death d'lehee In addition to tbla ba la now AND * nlBhUand Saturday .tlulliirr. Friday uud Saturday, Frb. I) nud IO to at, wee the rate, which occurred au tin In drtln tlla. Xba aotl taken TKKHSi Mel ae General Hi spit el. Our bselth de- from ta ditch bid* bae been ehortled C. J. Gorman’s MERRY and Ibua tba Uelda Urral rimI liar*.MAKERS, DAILY THESS- partment Includes In Its mortality reports beak over tba tleloa, SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS, ComrAy Sprrlnllf tba the end o! bare been rals«d lKtle by little aa EXTRA 1 Prof. C. C. Rom Hr lit Ilia Wontfeilul NUDE FOR LIFE By the yoar. $0 lu advance nr $7 at all tlm deaths at this Institution. though ditching work went oa. Tba work la still The most net ever seen la Portland. oome 87 AND 89 EXCHANGE STREET. daring known that lh* — the year. It I* well patients on, bat It will tabs years to pat all ('leal Price*. -- and area from By the month, 60 cent*. from nil parta of rbe state, Stingice tract Into oalllrottoa. “THE UREAT EVENT OF THE SEASON.” Gifford has between 300 and <00 other states. Manifestly the death* of poe- llr. tenement konaa aa tba farm, and the In .... $200,000 Entire at theseraiea so** Capital Paid In Cash. Week, Commencing Hominy, February 12, DAll.Y PRESS Ls dedvered ms brought her* fiomctber pi ought 80UO The la probably people. ... New in alt parts at population atoekholders' Additional Liability, 200,000 Kn^l.mii’s (.reatoat Favorite, every morning to subscribers not to he assigned to Portland. He baa a spur on tba farm from the Westbrook and Bourn Port- hie note and I’ndividcd Profits, 103,000 Portland, and In We found, of oonrse, that the •leathe at n«araat railway and eblps prod Uurpln. MISS KATHERINE direct to the markets. The land, when 1,500,000 ROBER, land. this Institution did swell the rntr, hot Deposits, Supported by a very clever company of artist* In great productions of New York *oceesses. In a etate or la aa STATE PRESS .Weekly. cultivation, productive Prices, lCvcnlngs 10, 20, 30c. Hally Matinee 1 Monday 10 aud 20c. Heats now on MAINE not much. For the past nine year* the commencing sale. or at the aa any in Indiana and la worth from $50 me year, (I in advance, $138 By death* at the hospital hare been to $75 aa acre. It ooet Ur. Gilford from of the yearly end year. $1 to $1 CO an acre. Ur. Gifford Urea at far Holders ol Trust Funds, Assignees, Ex- CITY 60 cents; lor tnreo mouths, a* follows* 1880, 24; 1691, 13; 1812, 87; Legal Depository HALL7 por sis monihs. Kankakee. and Bunks. [Us 1894, 88; 1815, 59; 1898, 48; 1*BT ecutors, Administrator., Ouardlans thee 1893, 47; Leroy Templeton, n few years ago I be 86; 1898, 69. Of oourei a part of these Popnllat candidate for Governor, awns n Burton Holmes’ Illustrated Lectures, deaths belong properly To Portland elnoe farm of 6,0mI acrea In Newton county, Second JAPAN REVISITED. Lecture whose are not delivered and la aald to ralee more oorn and oatUe Subscribers papers are of Portland who hare ofllce ol they people men tn the Tim rail 11 l*rb. Nth. are to nottty the avary year than anr other y livening, rrompi.y requested for treatment. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECH street, been taken to the hospital Htatao. Lem then tea yeare ago tba etate INTEREST PAID OH Course Tickets red weed to f $.’.00, and U.Si the DAILY PRESS. No. H7 Exchange J*U2tdtf Just what this nnmber I* It Is Impossi- ■old the load for 17 oeata an acre. The only Evening Ticket*, 50 aud 73 cent*. Ou Hale Wednesday morning. Feb. 7th. at Creisr, Jones Portland Me. and malaria. A & Allen's. fcl>3 ft ble to determine except by a long exami- orop then waa bnllfrrga drain fast wide and eight feat deep the bat thirty town nation of tbs reoerde of beep Hal; the land eoon be- Patrons of the PRESS who aro leaving was oontirnnted, and -FOR UNDERWOOD SPRINC. ol their from the anuual reports It appear* that came Ur. may have the addreeses prodnotlve. Templeton paid Kpnelous IXulng Hall always Music temporarily not leea open. NINTH ANNUAL has tarnished about a fifth of $10 ao acre for It and would take Card and Hawking Ito-mi- all with lire s changed as often as they uiay desire by Portland open papers tban $30 aa acre now. Tear before loot brilliantly lighten by electricity and healed by me oDIoo th- patients ou an average anil therefor* netllying Mr. Tempittoa ralerd 100,(0) bnthela of FEBRUARY •team. mth palate and •iirgrwt. be far from the truth to Ati excellent menu from which to order, It will not com on hla farm. He cleared (10 000 on DRILL AND BONDS (•nine and fish dlurers a specially. BALL or deaths to the the arsign about that proportion year’a erop. Daring year juet made for I le now admitted that Uenural Buller Arr-mgpinents tinner, Panring or I- ended be laleed 80,0 0 bnabela of oorn. ... OF THE.... this city. Heduotlog four-llfthe of the ('aid panie« with or without special can at la In another attempt to relieve lie baa more than a tboneand eattle oa office of Cortland A Yarm-nan ensued ths rate Is as INVESTMENTS Electric K«|U deaths st the Hospital and w Badyemltb, tut there le nothing In re- the farm. He employe fifty men to look -y Co.. oiUoe 44u Congress street. Telephone folfOWBI alter work. CITY OF D16-S. novJ3utf to hts progress exoapt a deepatoh {the WESTBROOX, ME., Portland School gard one Tba Allen Uiegery farm, whleh le aow High Cadets, a 1890— 18.88 per thr%ngfcj.QV tournee whloh alleges that '• " from Beer 1891— 14.78 f* being divided among the belra. Include# WE OFFER REFUNDINC book “ FOURS, SCHOOL of DRAWING nd PAINTiNG rart of bla force ha# Lean dl Ivan 1S9J—18.77 8, (0 terse. The Hldlain Kent farm, CITY HALL, “ " ■octhweat of Ka'r eonalata of 7,500 • under the auspices of the confavion arrow tne r»vrr. 1893— 17.63 Oika, I>UP 1910. IS “ AND MM I ICTY of FEIB. lO. lOOO. 1894— 18 07 acrea. ThV n ooacprleea nearly 10,000 POKTIi ARP. we do net as very ( Thte denpatoh, regard “ “ " arraa and lie* the blonton AUibK V. I'ltKIr.K, Instructor. 1095-18.48 parallel along The programme consists of half an hour in flaw of what “ •• *' Uni.an frem Fair Oaka to Hoae Lawn. Bonds, l>raw from cist, si ill-life an life In char- trustworthy, though 1890—16 57 Municipal lug concert by Arnencsn l»det Hand; a drill of '* coal, oi ami Ink; from -liil- Duller beforo. its state- The faim If H. W. Cooley, who recently crayon pen panning about nn hour by the Cadets; and a has happened to 1897-18.69 CITY OF In colors or flcure dunce, Ml rt«aJ In hit oftlotf la Chicago, haa al- BELFAST, MAifiEr Iffc and life olf. water pastel; music by American L ade; Oi«ahe«Lra. any Inherent composition and every day from ments ars not discredited by and last is competitions Ticket* DOc. Keserved seats 75c, at Creese ex- most 0,000 acres, year produced Water Works Bonds, .’..to Criticism* y, The only oltles in the country that REFUNDINC t> a. m.. to 1 p. tu. Tuesdays and Junes & Aden's. febcdid nearly 100,tO) bushels of oora. tirowan FOURS, Terms tucuith In advance. improbability. are: Fri-tays. $to per ceed the rate of these last two years iirot. of Crown Point have a farm of bOl l-i C'OKUHKMf ST. jair.’ldll that there is oppo- Due 1U18. It Is pkvtty evident Aloany, N. Y., 18 75 per one thousand. abcut 8 000 nore* Tbs Hamlet Hay Com* to Railroad Bonds, sition enough to the treaty in regard Charleston, S..C, 29( 0 p my has about 10,000 acres near Hamlet, " and W. L. by tteoretary Chelsea, Mas*.. 18 94 nelson morris haa 10,01)0 acres, FOR SALE BY the canal just negotiate! M haa in Hokoben, N. J.# 20.03 Khelty of Grand Uap'ds nearly 16.0^0 10 defeat it unless it is amended " M a Hay Lowell, Mass., 80.37 sores. Portions tf these farms are In Bank Stock. tenant* some important particulars. Evidently Macon, Georgia 19 43 tafe of cultivation. The are " Germans and there is strong opposition to the clause Vemphls, Tenn., 22 11 largely Polendere, Swedes, Mobil.*, Ala 25.74 Hollanders. our fortifying It, and that prevents Niew lied lord. Mass 19 39 One of these larg3 farms la owned and SWAN & BARRETT In al- guarantee log Its neutrality war.fio New Orleans, 24 89 managed by a woman. She la Mrs. Jen- war with us acres In low a nation that may be at Richmond, Va., 19.41 nie Conrad, and owns 7,000 strikes a Taunton. Mass. 20.05 Newton county. She farms every acre of Bankers, to use it as freely as ourselves M IV 08 conducts a oattla breeds too lib- Troy. N Y„ It, big basins**, many benators as a little *' and & Co. DADTI AMD M A IMP tbe market Is H. M. good Washington, D. horses for Chicago C..20.63 Payson * oertain eral. llut it Is by no means Wiluiingtun, Del, *18.85 making a great deal of money. 8h« la a jinlldtf modi- woman of about 45 and has all the 32 that England will consent to the Ths moat of theso cities contain large graces EXCHANGE ST. of her see. Hut "he looks after her farm felcdtf necessary to oore these defect. oolored which, owing fication populations among and vast business pvrsunally, not trust- to and unsanitary habits, a one to attend to It for her. POUTLASU'S I>KATII RATE. tgnorunoe ing any Sev- la worth from to BONDS. large mortality would be expeoteri. The land $40 $50 per If all women knew about were Could 0 If the people of Portland ao re. ^ eral others contain a large menu featuring Moses Individually asked their opinion In re- MoDy years ago Adam Karl and TANGIN there would be fewer population much of it foreign among Fowler owned the largest farm there ever | to the heakbfulness of the city and un- gard whloh there .la likely to be a large w*a In Indiana. Before tbe war they ac- unhappy, neglected wives, as in the mortality tables of acres In You of 1923 8 Its standing infant mortality to swell tbe total. Per- quired a stretch 41.0X1 Jasper Cour.ty Washington. Me., 4's, married and with other olties of the country and Menton count!*-#. The farm took In Tax Exempt. sickly girls, weak, compared Macs, ocineeae near having Around of haps Cheleea, almost all tbe vast lying from the nine hundred and ninety-nine out prairie // f stupid children. TANGIN,by the same conditions as Portland, but north of B'»Wtdl to the Sumner holding* Maine Central Raitroat. 5's. 1912 thousand would reply that they bla or n and every there is a large marine hospital there, and Fowler held about 25,000 acres In See »b« strengthening purifying the believed it to be an exceedingly healthful and Karl bad the remainder, which // perhaps tbe deaths at that Institution name, / / Caknav * Aroostook Ra'lrood. 5's. 1943 most in a low. Wo oeatred In and around Karl I'ark. They B:Hgor & important organs city, and Its mortality very state- may be inoluded in Its mortality farmed together. During tbe war they entertained these opinions, and were woman’s body, enables her ment. grazed and stocked It with t*ns of thous- Baegor & Piscataqus Oil 5's, 1943 j find that instead very much astonished to ands of cattle and filled Urge Govern- Into the to her in It will be wen that spite of all deiuo- ^% perform object borne out the mortality tables ront contracts. Their Benton ounty | net. 5’s. 1309 of being by that oan be made Portland makes West Chicago Tu tlons Interests caused th*m to tbe Indian- life without and the United States goveyn- pash Future suffering t by ~ prepared a very bad showing In the mortality apolis and Lafayette Line through their 5's. 1918 were very decidedly .oontro- cer- Rai’road Ci. weakness. It is good for meut, they tabl-s, and It o»anot, as In the case of lands Fowler mined tha county seat to a With any degree of Quincy Issued by the town d Id ted. A bulletin recently is es be moved, and built tha prevert of affairs might be ■ tne the wife and the insny of the cHtrs whose death rate tair.ty, Portland & Yarmouth Railroad 4's. 1919 maiden, j of Labor and edited Com- Fowlei on the eastern border of his farm so that the Department by Its arranged necessity > high, be attributed to the charaoter of land donations and giving j I mother. If you wish to know Carrol D. Wright, contains by making of Life Insurance would not i missioner potation. A very per cent if toward tho erection of a oourt- Oakland Me- Wafer Co- 1908-18 pi large $10,coo be so ‘But such 5's, statistics of all the olties In the while Karl dis- pronounced. I just what it is, send us a postal mortality Portland’s residents are Intelligent anil house*. After a Fowler | is impossible. In con- 1 country having 30,000 inhabitants and solved partnership, and the former ba- foresight Me. Water 4's. 1929 card and we will a well to do, and there t« but a sna il) no is more Newport Co, I send you gan to sell off hi* land, bowler bad In sequence. act of life »ns hundred and forty in number. ever, foreign element here, and moat of tbat^of view the perpetuation of his groat estate, important than protection. Uncer- Free includ- ; statistics are for InJ Cther Choice Investments Sample bottle, Most of those computed the best. and bis will made provision that it should at footstep. Life tainty lingers every = tut some of them Tbe will A a valuable book on the the calendar year 1898, Tne diseases to whloh this mortality 1* not be out up for twenty years Insurance does not overcome this Special Descriptive Circular sent on applica- ing 1898. That Is was broken, and tbe farm divided and com- tion. oofer the olties' fiscal year on ths mat- in the least, but it makes the diseases of women. dus throw very 1‘ttle light of it sold. Fowler 6c Karl | \\\ the oovered large parts got existence sure, whatever the case with Portland, period no disease that is forts of ter. Thera <6)0)8 to be sumo of this land by Government entry, M. BININCER & CO.'S Succeiaora March to March 8, for those who depend upon being from 31, 1*93, destructive bero as hut moat of it was bought at $3, |4 and befall, \\\a. specially compared ;4-s~ a it 1 New York. Is not $5 an acre. It 4« in the best corn- you for support. certainty, 1899. This difference, however, with other oltles situated. The today similarly section of the and la discounts death’s uncertainties. MERCANTILE TRUST CO., material, lhe tables contain two esti- producing Stats, death rate from consumption la 10.80 a worth from $50 to $70 an acre. Fowl«r Net* UNION MUTUAL Policies of one of the local Portland. JI*. mates population, thousand, whloh Is lower than that of died a millionaire, und Karl woe worth completely meet insurance require- [ board of and another based on about when he died two j uJTdtMo health, Heston, Provldeuee, New Haven and $500.000 years ments, and on local ago. estimates of local officials Pneumonia Is but Philadelphia. high, 'The Sumner farm, noitn of the Karl In Cost the Reasonable == oensusi*! showing probable population of northern cl tie*. ■ THE not above the average holdings, was even largar then the Fowler in In Jan uarr 1829. In most oases ih«se Ciberal Privileges 1, Apoplexy appears to be considerably (root, llcompiised about 27,000 acres but in a few differ The land ha* been divided slnoe Sumner's in Ualucs estimates agree, thty above the Gbolsra Infantum Is enact average. was to be as There Is no difference la the death. He repate-! wealthy without mat^riallf. vi would seem to be Thex give incontestability \ ry low. Meningitis a* Kower, and died leaving bis estate to The rets is limitations, extended insurance with- National Bank case of Portland. mortality Casco rather above the fever three children. are Jerae Sumner uvarage. Typhoid They and other on both of them, though the of and Mrs. Jana Hawkins out deductions, many fea- .or.. oomputed la pretty high, but that was swelled Milford, Hi., estimate is made the ai d Mrs. Jennie Caldwell of Karl Park, tures of definite worth. \ health rfficer’s no deaths temporal ily, doubt, by among Heaton particulars, precise MAINE. basis of the official death rate. Poit* ocunty. Interesting PORTLAND, the soldiers who were brought here from figures at any age. and illustrated one thousand of land's mortality per to the fall of 1898. the Ghirkamaugn camp a paper sent anywhere. I 1824. is as 19 and It will The Appetite of Coat Incorporated population given 85, a at- In tbe last ten years great deal of CAPITAL A.\D sntPLCS nstonl h to know that It Is a rate Is envied by all poor dyspcptioB whose Pearls people tention has been paid to sanitary aolenoe, I I Stomach and I.iver are out of order. All i th-.t is surpassed by only ssven cities In Union mutual our 6ewer/igo has been improved, many inch should know that Dr. King's New the These olties are Charleston, country. nuisances supposed to be dttrl mental to Life l'illii, the wonderful Stomach aud tt. with a ueatn rate of 29.06, the C., health, abated, and stringent precaution* Liver Kemedy, give* a splendid appetite, Cile Ins. £o., i ONE MILLION higfce'U in the country; Lowell, Mass., the of oonta- sound and a regular bodily enforoed to prevent spread digestion ■ Mew habit that insures health aud Portland, ■ fij.57; Mobile, Alabama, £6,74; gloua diseases, and yet the Uuaenoy of perfect Cure at II. P. S. I £0 Orleans, £4 39; Pavannah, Us., 65; to hats Daen great energy. Only 25c, Ulalne^j tbe death rate appears up- 677 street, and II. G. DOLLARS. Washington, D. C.. 20.58, Taunton, Gooid, Congress ward. Perhaps our physiolans nod snnl- Cumberland Mills. M. 2j 08. 'i be .SUrr, Mass.. 20.03. Hoboken, J, can throw souie on thia taiy experts light Paid oil death rates of some of the largest cities A Life and Death Fight. DIOmfEVER Interest matter. in this list are as follows: Mew At- Uf A Ulw.. U.i.ehaata* T u given stop to compare tiro present TIT1E DEPOSITS. Dyspepsia! his almost miraculous York. 18 15: PhilaUelDbia. 17 56: Hos- IA1MJK IN DIANA FA It J1S. writing of escap- double benefit liberal accident I froin death, says: ‘‘Kxposure after 18 Cincinnati, of with the t n, 34; 13.88; Chicago, measles induced serious trouble, policies today, lung limited benefit 13 93; IndlaBapolla, 10 83; Minneapolis which ended in Consumption. I had free old-time Drafts drawn on National Provincial 1 Are a slave n 7 forms before thn tlank of Loudon. In or you Our of 4,000 8 St. St. Louie, 14 13; Tlirm, ('ouiprlslitt; Acres, and ooughed night technical England, large 83; Paul, 8.51; quent heuioribagsa ■mall amowwti, for sale at c urrent rate* and All doctors said I n»un ■ PREFERRED Sao brunoiaco, 18.1$.. Of oltise about Was Formerly Mostly Marsh hand. day. my Current Account* received on fnvor- coon I to usa Dr. J to stomach? die. Then began King'* ablc terms. your tie size of Portland tha mortality la aa New Discovery for Consumption, which Correspondence •oltelted from Indi- bi entered the field. Hanks and f illorrai tlie completely cured ine. I would not viduals, Corporations, I And do have (From Chicago Rfoord.) to accounts a* well you Akron, Ohio, 13 25 without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. other* tireicing open as from those to transact Bank- 43.88 Indiana dpi!*, Jan. 29.—The hugest Hundreds have uaed It on my rvoomuien wtctftng Allentown. Pa., business description tkreugk farms In Indiana—one of them tbe and all It never rails to cure HIE Dia IT. ing sfaajr I to be Auburn, N. V., 12 19 largest Uatlon say this Hank careful of Bay City, Midi., 8.05 of Its bind In the world—ore strong along Throat. Chestund Lung troubles." Reg 7.39 ular slsa 50cts. and $1.00. Trial bottles VAu, Nearly all tlie other companies hare Canton, Ohio, the north.ru ot and ilvW com- through part Jasper H. P. ri 577 been forced by the i*R Yf. hkki* STEPHEN R. SMALL Prefer. I what you eat? Covington, Ky.t 13.70 free at Goold, Congress KKKD Newton oountleo and tbs southern ot Cumberland petition to follo«r|tb>* leader—The PUKKb UiDQUil I ft CfttllBQ P..K1. Maas 13 31 part street, and H. G. btarr, in hand to Haverhill. —but it stands tne insuring public isbidtl Little Hook, Ark., 10 08 L.aka county. Xha largest of them forme Mills, drug store. patronize the company— The TRKFFHUK[>— New Bedford, Maas., 1P.39 lithe 11.F. Ulflord tract, which by reoent that made the other camfotnic* |/«i« the I Don't be a slave Pawtucket H. 1 15.37 public doable benefit* and liberal contracts, any additions oonslsts of 32,000 aorea. It is AUCTION CASCO LOAN ini BUILDING Putbio, Col 11 48 9 of land essr longer.Takeoneofthese Salem, Maaa. 15.14 doubtless tbe largest body ASSOCIATION. Mass., 17.04 held one Individual In Indians. Xherr I Green Mountain Pearls Spring Held, by F. O. BAILEY & CO p r niiMi ad a< o( the t'wo Loan and 11.64 Tbe nnal meeting Topeka, Sanaa*, have been larger farms, but they have V/■ I • v wi kr vi I Building Aatte-lallon will be held at tbe room, I after It will Yonkurs, N. Y., 17.26 tiooMrs iertliAui ol Ui* A -eor atieu. 10, IMS. right eating. boon held by drmi or man representing Air uiCwi imiti Saturday, February Tbe only city In tbla llat that reaches at 7do. lor tbe elm't.uu u( tbe director, and ■ a tone tbs centralised Interests of others. From Salearem 4B Kxnkaege .Street. State Agent, such utner buelnest a> may legally com. betora give healthy early to Portland's rat* la New Bedford. It. J7It. CHUT K. ■ to stomach and en- the vlsw-pulst of the large tarura ot tho r. o. BAU.KK. C. W. 1UI' your All the others ara a good daal below It. rt leb5Mon,Tbur*»»t Secretary. Wait tbe UtBurd farm la net so notably Utah » SG EXCHANGE STREET, 9 able to Oor first thought waa that Portland’s you digest your large, tint In Indiana, where a farmer mortality In 1898 must have been far Portland, die. I food. Little Pearly who baa from tO to 100 a ares la consid- dec2l eodtt above tha average, dua to the fast that ered In good elrotunsUnoro, the ell, of For Women. 9 Pills arc mild in action during the euuimar e good nutny Blok this large holding Is enormous. Dr. Tolman's Monthly Regulator haa brought ■ and in eoldleie were brought hare from tbe happiness to hundreds of anxious woman. thorough opera- In one respect the UIlford farm le a There it positively no other remedy known Chlckun anga camp and placed In oar that will ao and notable one compared to any traot. It la ODD to medical science, quu kly hospitals. But an ainmlnatlon of tbe safely do tho work. Have never had n m male For salt alt 25 the largest ooitlvaasd swamp farm In h failure. The and inoat obatina tec alee by druggists, cents, of the of health longest reports local board fer the are relieved in 3 without fail. No other or mslleaby world. It was only ten years ago that days j£ showed that with tha ex- remedy will do this. No peln, no dancer, no peat nine years ALBANS RE.TEDV CO. tba section whtah Mr. UIBurd la now TROUSERS interference with work. The moat dllR*:ult B^. ST. ception of three years la that period the treated corres- St.Albuu.Vt. converting Into pastures and vegetable cases successfully through death rate had been oloee pondence, and the most complete satisfaction ^P^P year’s ap pretty to tide you o»er the between- and grain produolng land was n serifs of guaranteed In every tuetaace. i relics e hun- to the record at 1898. These are the see. Write marches, poils and takas—a part of the seasons period. It's a little late dred* of ladies whom 1 never for figures: further particulars. All letters truthfully Kankakee Mr. dlSord bad to bare a winter anit and answered. Free confidential advice la all I 85 swamps. weight 1890— 16 par one thousand. of a or delicate nature, ltcar ** traot alasllar a tilde for a suit matters private & CO. 1891— 15 43 prevlonsly developed afgrmt early spring In mind this is absolutely safe under Wholesale W. PERKINS " •• remedy Agent-JOHN 1892— 19.47 to this Mai Champaign, 111. When Mr. The Trousers will give an ap- every possible condition and wifi positively uo effects thshealth. 18193—18 43 U IS old lint ooaoelvsd tho Mm of con- the old leave after 111 Upon fly ; •• •• pearance of newness to mail seci.rwhr sealed, Dr. K. M.TOI,- 1394-19 17 The sett of Nervous Disease* Is at base of brain. •• n of the Kankakee lands In «1AN 110 Ilemont St.. Boston, Mass. “ verting portion StopsPain ar-.d that’s the main thing CO., ; waste, etembln 1896—19.43 suit, -.e.~ When lb« aereetwits alibis point he 1896—17 47 Indiana to agricultural purposes ac- toiuc and aee our " *■ ji^t.nuw. 1397—19.89 quired at a nominal pitas about ten Tlu Pi'is in Awful AS^^.5!Sfc-»!SS®XSUSCTSSaiS 1898—Ik 89 of Trouserings. I suffered for thousand acres. Ha then bought two had WOMAN’S l ltIKND. lft Was t-wwred The slight dltfereno* between cor com- 5A years. mmmiwr dreeg.s similar to those aaad by tho Uov- KMily, (illicit ly Insanity. orConramplion. PslwoT»tji«b( jUU, fer 1898 and the 1 overament A BLUSHING LONG LOOKKO FOR. aud Safely. No al * putation osnmtnl In Its river dredging. Xhe CUB* weakness Is due to SAFE AND KELIABI.E. or Risk. Neither Knife or l.lgat re. c*nncb«bil|lgal>|rtltainsanfreplacing bureau’* nndcultedly tho fast ware to dlteh- Ite- dredges put catling large Throw orf all i'ar sud from any Harmless Opeiattou aud C omplete that we took the calendar while the anxiety, ller. me addie** If u suffer, atul 1 NERVOUS DEBILITY. yaar ee, almost the slm of email rivers. This raiiAe vfhaiovrr. by using one box only. Give your y> By how I Kafir aai Rook. HAL:ID Dal i CO.. UJtVELAND. O. used tbe il>oal The mailt:.'.*). Ail business strictly rouAdeuttai W. L. KSS. wlM tell y *U obtained Speedy government year. work hue been on and cm going night day send Address THK Ut.llMAN MKIHCAL OO. Bel li... Ger- RgLlkK. stamp roirri AM>. vp nas rat* one thonnuml for 46 FKEE N. U. Itox *4*46 Me. * c«>.. ASkbi*, average death per for y, rri, and now there ere d tOU aorea In Addieis. PORTLAND AGKNCy. Box STREET. »., Lrwlilwa, I •jl-oupi'v many. ftUV2rtU.tli&sail these nine years la 12.83, t ud for tha a high state of oultliatlon. The last year l£>.Portland. .Me. jamidlin* lebicjilit j MO #R LAGKR?

_or-- What Was Sold At _ | Brunswick Restaurant.

Called I BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING? Superior Court J«ry pon MEN’S, To fctide.

The entire stock of C. W. Hull Co., Clothiers, corner of Middle and Cross Sts., consisting of Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Clothing, will be closed out of cost to satisfy chattel mortgage held by David F. Murdock. Suit For Slander regardless ] Against ✓ U. A. Caine. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO CLOTHE YOURSELF AND BOYS AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE.

Jury Wero Unable To Auree Sale Will Open Friday Morning, Feb. 9. at 9. a. m. Terms,of Sale Strictly Cash. Lnto Thin Mirninj;. FIXTURES 1^011 SALE. II p( I Ijlti

Xh» case of Ueorga K. Woodlury ft g tin at Uriah A. Caine, Grand Chief DAVID F. MURDOCK, was Mortgagee. it ruplar of this stalls for slander, Aunmi __ taa«an up Id tbs Sup*r or Court yatt«*nlay morning. Mr. Wcodbury ran the Maine Central restaurant at 1/runswlok. Mr. Nllllui Uabblaiof Blitdifnnl, Patrick the President with regard to the Philip- Mr. Bate of Tennessee followed in a THE Jaine Is a telegraph operator, and has good looking fallow, bat so was the other LINCOLN (LL'B. Joba Doylaof UldilcforO an.88 of 'C5. Arid of Chattanooga. Mr. High ment the commission Mr. Allen—“Ob, no, I beg your par- point blank If Lt was larger beer, saylug Mr. Cell, who was clerk for Wood- { from President Sohunnan of the Philip- through Philippine The ceremony was performed at 8 don.” that be did not want any slush, and the this trotined that Mr. ooinn flatly contradicting offered money for the rifles of the insur- bury during time, o'clock Hev. Howard A. pine isston, Washington, February 7.—Ihe Secre- by Clifford,pas- In ex- tlerk tald yes, lt Was straight goods. Woodbury never kept any lager beer; that statement made by Mr. Pettigrew In a gents, but no rifles were turned Mr. Spooner—"The power to destroy tor of the Old Orchard Mtthodist church, tary of War has forwarded to the com- 18th he states he call for beer he and then com- a few that had been explored and does not Involve tbe to create. A On Septeinter that when would lager speech several days ago oept powtr a people the ring service used. mittee ou military atlalrs of the Bouse out being to American a went Into the restaurant and bought would sometimes pass them lino mon led caustically upon methods of the given friendly Filipinos by potato bug may destroy potato vine,but which he called for from Following the oeieiuony a reoeptlon report the officers in order that be turned It cannot oreate one. •• sums lager of Uenrge Woodbury rersonal- beer and say nothing about U. South Dakota Senator in controverting they might (Laughter.) and National was held, at whioh the newly married Chlokamauga Chattanooga ly. At this time be askeJ Mr. Woodbury Mr. Hortleb testiued that the beer the evidence of such men ae President to t get the price offered for them. It Is Mr. Allen —(Speaking with some feel- ocuple received the congratulations of Military Fark commission upon Repre- if be could get a couple of bottles of whlcb they sent to M". Woodbury was Sohurmnn and Admiral through quite as well known that the bchurman ing—”1 do not like to be made a butt cf the half hundred guests. Dewey sentative f«rcdvenor's hill providing for which never con- commission offered to what a of thnt kind. This is a serious )*ffcr to take on to the tinln. Mr. Wood- Invariably Uno beer, the statement# of Agulnaldo. Agulnaldo jest an Among those who officiated in tbe the erection of arch of nationality or a in canted to a if be would with bury no, he couldn't do that, br- tained liiuob over 8 per ocnt aloobnt. Mr. Pettigrew replied sharply, repeat- SfitiOO year lay question me.” battlefield at replied diulng room were Miss Mamie Uloker, upon the Chattanooga. ca 'se on one oooaalon It bad coat him a Prof. Robinson] of liowdoln College ing mnch that be ha# said heretofore, but down his arms. the House bill and the Sen- who pourvd coffee; "Mias Lena Moses, Comparing Ihe commission expresses tbs opinion hundred dollurs for some that be sold to latticed that Mr. Woodbury brought him distinctly reiterating the statement* "I M r. continued, ate Mr. Allen said: ‘‘The who served ebooolate; Mrs. K. U. Mc- charge," Pettigrew substitute, that this Is an appropriate site. 1—k’e- go on tu the train, but told him ho conld bottle of beer for analysis sometime which bad oalled forth the denials of both that the facts of tills are be- man who drew U»e House bill at least Allister, who served loe cream, and Miss question cuuw ail of the great armies of the North sell him some to drink there at the bar. Not ember, isd that It contained i President Sohurman and Admiral withheld and wbut lufui motion is bod the of nls but last; Kelse* of Portland and Miss Bessie Ben* Dewey. ing o-jurage convictions*, and South were either engaged there cr Ho then pulled out a bottle from und< r pt»r o»inc of alcohol. On oroflfr+xamln*- Discussion of the financial measure was sent to us is garbled; and I charge that tbe man who drew the Senate u: vim tire in the j nett, who acted as waiters. numerously represented, namely: him out a re the stated that he had made the tar and poured srlasr, tlon, profesfor then resumed, sposobss being by we attacked an ally and made a compact had a refit craft and no moral courage. Union slue, the army of the Cumberland, si.arklag that be was a preitr of Uuo beer which ; Mr. Democrat of with one of and (Caine) analysed (amplea HOME TALK NT. Turner, Washington, slavery." The bill la spoliation ovrll-- two corps from the army of the 'l'ennea- had come from the lirm of ilaitleb and Mr. Democrat of and It unfortunate Pate, Tennessee, Mr. Pettigrew thought cutlon and to Inoraaso and perpetrate tne are, anil tiro corpa rruiu ciia array or the which had contained as high a* The Men's Society of the Holy Mr. of all In toe whol? of (Jheltra '(oung Allen, Populist Nebraska, for the administration that national debt. I have no henitatlon in I'otomao, wblcli on the Confederate aide -4 cert cf alcohol. have eevtral very cred- to the bill. Admiral Devrev's letter lo Senator Lodae pur Name, presented opposition pending declaring It to be my solemn conviction were the furoes of Dragg, made up of hie cunoiUil.nl the itable entertainments, but they have now as In the Admiral This testimony. nad been published it that. it la tba purpose ot tba framers of own army, Longetreit’s corps from the Weston as counsel in preparation a minstrel performance 7.—Mr. Vsst of he admitted what he h id I Tiuiupsin appears Washington, February aald( just this bill forever tc perpetuate tha nation- army of North Virginia and large forces I X< _ tll..n.il. ..n .nrf I.M ... 1 r» 1 ream i that will surely prove one of the best Missouri In the Senate A Baby’s toduy proposed charged. al debt.;' trorn Vicksburg and from Joseph h. % of Uldderord os ooantei for Mr. Cato. eTcr seen in this by local talent. an amendment til the tinenoial Hoar asked Mr city Mr. of Massachusetts, j pending In answer to a question from Mr. Al- Johnson's ooumiand In Mississippi, The 1 % Mr. Cram In his argument laid consid- Active rehearsals are now being held hill that the of the If hs had understood that Presi- providing secretary Depew len, Mr. Aldrloh aatd: ‘"Ibis bill does present and absent on the rolls ot them :*• 2 the fact that Mr. nun uni li iri.ui ui iur mil n»»r Taste .■ruble stress upon wviui; treasury ahull have prepared 9X0 010,000 dent Sohurnian did net regard Agulnaldo all of whom or their friends 1 not change the status of our sliver money, comir.'intis, Wood bn ry had not Mho wo any special an opportunity to enjoy an excellent pro- of notea to be known a* "bond as honest. He read a verbatim address of treasury our greenbacks or our and are Interested are, Union, 189 501); sol- " treasury notes, £ no evidence ha J been iff ?red gramme and at the laiui time appreciate treasury notes shall be full President giburraen In which he had damage,that they legal it confers i upon no bank or bank diers Confederate, 141 009. The total bad Buffered In the of the members ; 2 to to that he reputa- ability tender fur ull debts and shall be loaned said Agulnaldo was honest. were of which guided ^show cu-renoy any rights or privileges which organizations engaged 080, tion or that hie buidutss had baeo in- the ol ths to any- Mr. that he had no far- by secretary treasury Dupjw replied they do not now posreB* 348 were Un'on and 338 were Confederate. jured. lie 8uld C at thin waa the roost MARRAUhS- body vrbo may deposit llrlted State*, ther Information than that contained In the fl Mr. Allen (sarcastically >—“It’s a very 2. —Krery stute in the Union at slander cnas that had ever bonds for the note to bear the tame Prof. Sohurman’s letter. % Grape-Nuts r^piarkable them, harmless measure^’* outbreak of the war east of the Hooky co ne to hla for hare waa a roau lu Hath. .Tan. 31. Ilerbort K. Grludell and as bonds notice; tntartst the deposited. It nus tbe Intention of Mr. Chandler, mountains had troops engaged In the Miss Agues Neagle. Mr. Aldrloh—1"I should say was In ot a Mary oommiite* on rather, who confessedly possession In N. Y.. .bin. 24. Harry M. Mur- A joint lesolntlon Increasing ths limit chairman of the privileges battles about except four— Brooklyn. that, it 1b a very benelloUl measure." Chsttanorga United Btates license, claiming to be In- stll and Miss Sara F. Newman. both of lUlh. of oost of the new government printing and elections to call up tbe Quay oa«e Khode Island lu Jau. 27. Heibert \V. aud Without concluded bit New Hampshire, Vermont, became he was byuu, Sprague having remarks, K)V. P. V. jured In bis reputation oHlee by 9420,000, on acconnt cf lnoreaset) today, but he yielded to the unanimous In the mobilization at Koblnson, Brooklyn Bills, Miss Kdna M. Wright. Mr. Allen at 5.jJ'J tha tlior and Delaware. with beer. lu Jau. C. L. Grinin and Mist p. in., yielded N. rays: “A few days ago an Inol- charged selling la^er Maplet -n, ill, price of building materials was passed. con*eot agreement to take up the pending Thomas for the war with Y., Christina Bird. aad tbe Senate Camp Spaio, Air. oensurdd Mr. Caloe At the oonoluslon ol routine business llnanolttl that adjourned. dent occurred la my home that may lu- Thompson lu ttaswor, Jan. 97 ('^varies H. Brown and bill, simply announcing New Hampshire and Vermont were for bit conduct la tbla mat- a on tiest you. Mur baby boy, a lino speci- quite severely Flora A. Towtiend. discussion the Pnlllpplne question during any lull in the financial debate and from both sections In Jau. 27. William F. Adams and represented troops lie said that Mr. Caine had pre- I.^wUton, was Mr. tbe senator- DKIYINU WHEELS WENT OX. men of two years and three months old tor. Miss Clara F. Bowie. unexpectedly precipitated by bo would bring Pennsylvania rallied there. 'Ibis assembling of troops the Good Templar's of New York who eallstl atten- rate before the Senate. ba- ybcod, was brought downstairs Im- sumably signed Depew ial at Cblckamauga, where fully one-quarter and that was a solemn tions to some remarks made a few Mr. Turner then entered a die* mediately after he awuke. Be wae teetb- pledge, thing; da;a upon A l'«cMllar Accident io tloatoo hikI uf the entire army was gathered, is the stand and had eaten but little for two or and yet he bed gone upon and ago by Mr, Pettigrew. In the cunree of ouoslon of the linanolal hill. He main- commission to far- ng, Mslnr Kiigtur. deemod by the park sworn that be han violated In this Feb* 7r--Beenfaiuln Adams, aged of three days, and had to be coated to do deliberately city, tbsst remarks Mr. Pettigrew quoted an tained that the passage the pending ther the of the 80 years. emphasize appropriateness that n interview with President Sebur- would be a deliberate blow to that. On this partionlar inorulng his pledge. [Fuueral dr Fi i.la®ralteruoou at 1 o'clock, allegtd bill kllver. proposed location of an aroh ef national- case was to the ut about from his lab* re> ij vine No. 150 Mam sueei. of tie Urst was (or of The given jury msn of the Philippine oommleelon wbloh This bill was put forward, he said, by Lexington, February 7.—Ooe were Okie side request tirape-Nute, Fast Peering Bnrtilal dray, Maine. ity. since there camped by and at six o'clock, the In a sod In the In tbe of mo.t accidents to a l.ror.iollre whloh be Is very foud. HU atoUur bad quarter past five; lu this city, Henry Juhnsou, aged 44 appeared Chicago newspaper Kepublioan party luterests peculiar uuder the one tiug soldiers from Minne- not the oourt Years 1 mouth 14 ilasy. President Schurmao was classes. ever beieabouU occurred come ecrnmcxl ninab ocoketl, and served jury having agreed, gave which quoted the moneyed Its result would reported ahoitiy sota and South Vermont and lu Stand is li, Feb. o. Mrs. Iceetitia J. Kami, Carolina, orders for them to seal their verdlot as that was honest. be the enhancement of the value uf after live o'olook this to loconi o- him with that Instead, but after be ban up aged 65 v vai s 6 days. saying Agulualdu evening Tennessee, Michigan and Ueorgla, oourt tomorrow morn- In Norm Palermo. Jan. 31, James the which was the 5.10 looked at It for a he U and bring it into Soule, aged In bis remarks Mr. Pettigrew said Mr. money and deprseelon in value of tire No. 7Bo, drawing Arkansas and New Maine and moment, pushed 73 \«*ars 9 months. York, Schnrman triad to bribe tbs tbs farmers and lab- train from Lexington to Has. away Indignantly, saying. ‘I don't want ing. lu Hiadlorrt. Jan. 31. Mr*. Priscilla Barter, Insurgents thing! produced by paiier.ger Mississippi. 98 and 6 tb. 1 want He would not fh* jury wa« still out at 1.30. widow of Samuel Barter, aged years and tailed. oring class*. Mr. Turner ridiculed the too on th. Lexington branch of Bos- 3. —The commission out that that; Urape-Nuts.' mouths. points said he hail reo*iv:d a letter of tbe ton and Maine railroad. be satisfied uotll Urape-Nuts were served lu Wiulhrop, Jan. 30. Urieu Miller Snaw. aged Mi. Depew effort Kepublioan stutesmrn^to Chzttanoiga Is nearer central and nearer 74 an of the financial When the train wne slowly to blm, wh.eh he ate with evident en- INDICTMENTS years. from Professor t-churu wbloh be de- claim the autborsolp proceeding the oentor of population thau any of the THE In West Bath, Feb. 1, Charles Mitchell, aged sired to before the Senate. The letter of the St. Louis about half a mil. east of the Lexington between joyment. We were Interested in hla dls- 70 years. lay plank platform. great battleUelds, being midway Fannie wife of as eooo have the credit cf a Conductor Frank Pratt felt a oriailaailjn, and yon will doubtless ap- In Bangor, Jau. 27, Mrs. B., Is as follows: “I would station. Maine end Texas, bet wean Minnesota and loui.U tlir V. 8. Dt.trIre Court George Webster. by see from 18U2 of the and successful eonfldeaoe sodden and looking out of tbs win- preciate the boy's taste." in Orriugton, Jan. 27. Helen Avis, daughter "1 page Congree- smooth game," J.r, blur Ida, between the lakes and the gulf ttr.iiil Jury. as was to wo ooe of tha to ur Probably ao food In existence—net of W. J. and Gertrude M. Bush. slonal Hroord that Senator Pettigrew he said, "as to be known the author of dow, surprised end between Kansas and the Atlantlo. Iu Fryeburg Centre, Jau 23, lsaa« Abbott, wheels the side of even tba beet of says: ‘The fact of the the money in the last Kspublloau dilvlng rolling along 4 —The of the oommleslon which exorptlng vary prepared aged 74 year*. speaking myself plank plans Tba of tbe United States tried to tbe track. Tb. train was to a baby foods—U aa well-adapted to tbs ute grnjd jury In North Perry, Jan. 24, Eliza J. Seeley, aged matter Is that hs brlba the Insur- platform." brought has long been oc-operating with Denars 1 oourt fore- 74 yeon. tbrej cat aa Dietin', reported y.steiday gena as near as ws oan a oner tain and If a bunco game was ever It •top after running about In tha ot Infante Urape-NnU, wall soaked In York, Jan. 29, Mr*. >Valty Manson. agea played, Urosrenur matter, oootemplate live lndlntiuents found. One fatther and tbe oondoctor went 1'be food la made op In granular form, noon, living 70 years. failed; but they would not take gold for was when the people wnre Induced by length, bronze tablets prezsn ting a complete of the U not mads Iu Saco. Feb. 1. Grace W., daughter of BenJ. 1 to a .certain tbe oause and extent and for onlldrvn should be soaked a (lndlotments pabllo. that to vote Mr. MokLinley into the forward of all torn mandz on eao few F. Kullon, aged 14 yeare. peace. plank roster engaged Tha others are as follows: William Wars of the aocident. It was found that uot minutes In bet water, when It becomes a "Had Ibis preposterous statement been presidential ohjlr, said Mr. Tnrner. side down to regiments and batteries with ot violation of lbs Internal rsv whloh be bad mush, and ahoold be treated with oreaia Augusta, made anywhere alas 1 scoald not have He praised the Democratic national only tb. driver, already their oummanders. A rosier of all, state enue law; Uoynton of Aagusta, to as ohoeen mo was broken bnt tool th. two ard anger. Henry Almost every dentist in paid any attention it, bnt It has platform of it?'.Hi and declared the off, commissioners and their gorernory who It uontalns the elements required for violation of tha Internal revenua law; been made Id ths Senate of the United leader of the convention of that year was driving wheel, on tha loft hand .Id. had hare assisted In tha work at aatabUihlng Kr.ri U. of the park and a roster of the Congress the bonne, and the matter M.tqbell Portland, taking Portland his States I desire to say to you that It Is himself an and a platform. aluo snapped abort off olaae np to the building gray gives personal inspiration which authorized the park and ot the money from a Carl U. Parohsr of ootweea the Id tba nerve oentem. A oh lid or an ndolt latter; absolutely without foundation. Ha ref err 3d to his party as the "nobis, Unbox and bad fallen track., as to Congraae which authorised Ihe arch kSaco, endorsement the Prophy- down tbe fad on tirupe-Nnts will show merged Im- obstructing ourraapindenoa. “Very kruly yours, inspired aad Uod-Uke Democracy," and totting tb. engine bodily upon lie oxowning work. provement In and mantel abili- “J. G. SOHUKUAN.” declared the of MMtt would be re- rails. Tbe broken nxl. showed old frac- phyaleal lactic Tooth Brush. fight IN 1HI1S CITY. In tbe oraoks la in one rOUNU ty. Many of the riders testify to the re- THE COURTS, Senator .Capew commenting upon sumed on tbe same Hue and onder tbe ture^ lastaaoe, t Inn tbe e nter surface rith reoelvod word by moval of physteal alluanU by abandon- Ask your dentist why you the matter said: same leadership." ztendlag nearly Deputy Marshall* ear. toft afternoon from Bld- ing portions of the food that have been Alllie Joadry waa senatsaoed to sixty “At the .very time thle epeeoh ef the In oonolusloa, Mr. Turner said: "The to tba con. Neither engine nor telephone /estsrday use can South Daakta and bad done eo it 1. deford that • man named Brest was la ana, sad taking ap U rape-Note regu- day* In jail for ■ lasting a aids of pork. should it. He tell Senator bom was being •nllgbtened oonsclenoe of the nation will tba Iron they prob- So would not bare boon over- wanted la that far a charge of lar- larly. William Howard and William Craig delivered, President harm an was to ths ad van os ever tbe tremendous fares of abto they alty even better than we can. slew at whloh Knot Offlosr Bold by grooms everywhere, aad made were aaatanosd to thirty days in jaU for you otkr asst'tlag in the preparation of the taaad aad corruption wbtab before stood turned, owing to tbe pace ceny. night fa’ylTester^ar- tbe level ebnrne- Isated who will bn east to BhMt- at the pore food factories of the Basic in tba laroany of two homlrad pound! of pig Atwmy* sold lo * ycllcw box. At *11 (triton. rerart of the Philippine eemmlsatoh At la its way aad wbieb will agate be op- they wen miffing and Brant, Canal Cot, lad.. Battle Creek, Mlok. iron from Cbnrlm U. Coopor. AdilU (lu, Be. CUUdr.u'. (two iUu) 20c. that li j hour hs wut In seafnreusn with posed to lie just aad harness demand." ford this morning. V X Mm Will McDonald of SomottUI#, CANARIES AS TRAVELLERS. breeder. After be baa osavaagod hie dU- MAINE TOWNS. Mom, I* Halting k«r noUtr, Mr*. Hao- ■WCKtLAIKOPI._ MISCKI.I. t J KOI1. ■iKEUArcon._ * ba takes kle bird* to the nearest p*** 'N. I trlct, nak Day. railway station, aad skips them to kls Mra. Lit■la Haiamoad Pray bu ra- aad =BEWARE OF IMITATIONS OF employer. Tbs crates go as baggage, itemi of lattral Gathered by Oar Local tnrnad hose after • long vlatt asong tba pi star always ecoompanlee thorn and frlaada Ik Uoaton No Easy Task lo Got Them From helps to handle them. At tbs exporting for reepon den te. Heater klaon Norton of Cornlab la rla- bones, tbs bltde are nnpaekel and kept Iklog bla eoaala, (Jllatoa Ubadborn, tbla J%FromMa(|j§0n Germany to New York. until tksy ara all la Urtt-claee ooudltlon week. Ha la anjoylng bla vlalt very (or shipping. From 88,000 to 80,000 salts- muoh. — CASCO. _ ) rias are taken ears of dally; and during the )l«l Kail the Untie nr tba busy season, about 4.0J0 blrda are Catos, Feb..6.—At thla writing we are Klr.t Buyer PA received and seat out each wash. There a hero GEORGIE’S TALKS. AVcKinley March enow Moral thn Present Breeder*—Then the having regular In when Madison the JWBMk LIEBIG are a many rooms In tbs building, V NfflRi 1M0, o«*eupled great ji,lT» In Caaoo, tornad from a heavy rain dur- President's chair, JnllNsoN'H nirde Muit liner the Cloaeat Allen* ns two kept at tbe same temperature, ■« Explains Clearly Why Poverty Ve are In AN«U)\ N'K IJNIMKN r wus orliri- and tba different birds ere allotted to ing Sunday night, and the road* a 2iwSl\^ ix&J OK\ tion on Shipboard—Perils of Disease BIpmIbb. V# by l»r. A. Johnson. For E^^rn^ In of sold with nboot earae wen n a COMPANY’S EXTRACT roomr, agreeing degree the condition they •Taw, what’s All this in the £y W* nearly century It has remained MESH Rata at Sea. Papers a and tbe allmate to wblob they hays bean as- Va household remedy of the first rank ^ weak ago today, nil enow and water. About a maw jgWOB. sustomed. A email army of workmen Is Poverty being Pressing?” /I The grandparents of many who now & A1 *aAlt Mr. and Burnham of UL use JOHNS*>N H ANODYNE Las tbe oleanlng, feed Mre. George Asf. UMMKNT were /flt OF BEEF. The genuine employed; apprentleos brought through cough, and all the lag and while the eld bands Bildgtoa parsed Sunday, Jan. 16, with "That’s the latest paw IX whooping croup (N. Y. Son.) waterlog, discovery," iff accident* of eh lid hood In safety by this retried v. M^Bk ^^Sf/jBEWw' been known "round the world sort unt tbs grades of birds, dootor tbs Mr. and Mre. Mark L. Leroh, says. "This is the Graltest aige of dis- Qa Manv a time a botile of JOHNHON H ANODYNE "Xhe Hon published raw oily A etory slok and tbs stock for ctiverles the LINIMFNT lu the cupboard of aorne remote farm over as the prepare shipment. Miea Clementine Ckllneb and eleter'of world Ever seen. Every few yUt Jj for thirty years "lbs birds are eeleotad for Z BW house, has aaved life when sudden and acute disease about onnary breeding In Uarmany," sold strongest are some new kind of a dis- ^vW/My Portland are at Sumner Lord'e Pays they ha* in the night. are now In old standard for It is firm America, lor tbe lcsg ocean voyage plays vlaltlng l/il developed Many living ^8b' fel quality. pure tba head^of a largo bird Importing curery. One week they Discuver a Wire- age who owe tbelr Uvea to till* remedy. You cnn stifel v haroe with any save the heallbleit. und Mre. George Lombard’*. 1441 |jn| whan I nw It less and the next sum- Wl put your trust In a remedy that haa stood tho test of nearly IW beef, free rrom all adulterations, Id tbit olty. “I wofidwad For the London market, color Is tbs cbist ber telegraft pole Day MU* Rnby M. Braokett odebrated Gets ifl a century and gained etich n high reputation as ha* Ve/ whether tba areruge reader would bare consideration. Two men are always seat buddy up from the Table in a hurry or It has a her without fat gelatine. one to man- twelfth birthday by party of young and ‘Excuse me a few Mluutcs. I tba ilightMt lien of tba amount of work wltb a London oonslgnment. nays: been selected the age tbs business, and a younger follow friend*. Saturday evening. All enjoyed got to go out and Discuver a Limf to recently by Implied In the Lreliefer of tbe bird* from oanarles to learn (he ropes. SI ire female o pleaeant evening. keep people from Ever Growing old,' or for use in tbe Uerman breederi to the American are seat to then elsewhere; for I English government Kngland Mice Abble Smith of t in else be Discuvers bow to freetc air and johnson^ Raymond owner, of oonnrlea. It's a etory the street fakirs, In London, bny only jvaa I field of the Brit- pet long then thnw it Ho It’ll be Ice water. the hospitals tbs cheap female birds, taka them boms gueit of her aunt, Mre. A. H. Mnora, and a. full of problem* an n modern "So Andru got to fi LINIMENT in South Africa and paint them skilfully, and tben ped- laet week. Carniggy Thinking Bfl A majority of the ailment* of humanly begin, or are nrromnanv d. with Inflom- MUi ish Army Corps tbe hii mat amt It Is ami this that norel. or oonrae,' n goad many of dle them about tba town. Tbe man who It about It the Other day, I he thot he I?)/ Inn. by controlling removing condition Johnson’s A.no- RM The Pleaeant Pond I, O. G. T., uraa l.iMMi sr cures 418*rent as lodge, a lw| widely distaste, such colds, coughs, croup, _a remarkable official endorse- Uerman blrda t) tbe market, tent to America with a consignment of would Do little Discovering, becox he la go Koglleh haa and Inatalled the tl catarrh, hroochltla. grippe, hirutuem colic, cramps, dlarrh and and Inhamniatlon In and It It a ilmpl* natter plenty haft bruises, burns, stings. nattng pain any part oftha BX ment. comparatively end ofllnere; body. Hold In two sit* bottles 26c. and 50c., tbs larger size belug the nioro ccodoiu- takes a wonderfully honest, sober following to Taro off the next Bunch of Coop pens. (Jf OJ to ship them to abort a cittancs. A large He Jh leal; It holds three times as much. X faithful man to carry It through. W. C. T.-I. W. Kemp. That nlte he had to Make a lie- tbe Uam- Speech 1- $• JOHNSON A CO.. 22 Custom House St.. Boston. Mast. 4,\ 111* proportion o( the baa: alngsra, has dee largo orates, wblob cootaln about V. T.-Uraoo A. fjL This It tlgfltlurt Gay. fore Home people that haven't Ennything IBv ITr ft for af't* copy 0/ Treatment for Diaraaaa and l\tr* of the Stek Room.” on iar for the and the are that jM over? genuine panlnl bird., atay lo Uarmany: 1,81)0 birds, probabilities U-Clara S. Moore. to live for how to find Hum and wrapper. Be be will bs to work for twenty except way Uermana ere enab ruPslo reran tbat obliged Heo.—Fthel Kdwarde. sure that it is titerc. they to Get rid of the Worry a purson has aft- boors out of the twenty -foot. He and F. Soo.— Kvnrtz May Derry. will or dollar* for a more Than or pay ality aerenty bis ekargea are stowed away la lbe seal T. —C. A. I wool). er they get Ecreu Four- canary, more qnlokly um than tba bankers or the steerage, where be makes M.—Angaetln P. Corllea teen million dollars, so be thot and sed: tbs orates fast to the walls and floor. Ho " Is a Amarloaaa who an NifoM tobt n L u.—Ft i.l Flokutt. 'Poverty Blessing.’ begins bis work by 4 a. m., and spends O. G,—lioeoue N. •The that were !■ U Willi WWlfvw Mayberry. unbapyy inillyunaires IBUUVJi from one hours to two cleenlng seed, L. 1).—H. -K. Gay. X Icuon inn fit film ItrriLo mil In Wiltl fin. b'tatcs afford tbe beat bird market In tbe preparing fond and drawing water lor U. C. Smith waa thrown from n pung ploz ami give him three Cheers. It was FEBRUARY world and, tbe number of ordinary grade * u»wa. *urn >■ !■ uuaiyea while vet ore lag from Otford daring euoh examined one of the most Tutching things ever eauarlee here each aaason Is watered, and each la oarefollr eztrerne atlpaery eondltlon of onr road* shipped men and wiintuen for Indloatlone of aloknoas. 'lb# sage# are aa prevailed here for .everal daya recently. happened. Strong wep of— enormous. New York Is tba distributing neer- —Buyers sorupulously danced, and tha quarters He waa qolte badly ehaken up and re- who haft to Use marble Hath tubs point, and the New York Importing Urnis emulated as well ee possible. Tbe slight- nel veil a alight out on bla fare, bat no ly fainted when thly Thot of the Bless- care bring hero a large staff of employees working est negleot In all this ml«nt bonez were broken. ings of the poor and Then Remembered about disease and a death list; ard The Cneoo Clrolo will be lor them abroad. We hare about thirty long Union Sewing their own trubhles. The poor Don’t linft tbat would mean buelneta ruin for tbe Feb. entutitned by Mre. Mary Young, for fear men back and forth to worry the coachman might get CASTORIfl travelling who go man In oliarge. sometimes tbe dreaded 16. drunk und Ix-t the horses Run For Infanta and Children. OVERCOATS between Kurope and New York. Then, bird part, celled tohnappen, breaks oat, away and then tbe tender la wild with despair. FREKFOHT. when they are Going home from the too, we have a few travellers In South .OR.. Cases hare been known where, out of Feb. to tho bad Grand opera. The poor don't need to Be America and but our ehlef trade Freeport, 6.—Owing Afrloa, 1.500 not more than twenty were afrnde the mite Sink while birds, ooodltlon of the many of tbo ship they Is In canaries and la earrled on with the reaok-d New etreele, all re when tbeoonilgnrnsnt Take three Trips to Yoorup every year. The Kind You Have York. Tba rat* are another dreaded townspeople have met with more or laio great German exporting honse, whose ahlp The poor neewfn't Toss about at nite enemy; In of all rlgllanco, In- oarloua aooldeote. Mrs. W. B. tto>k- we distribute. and, eplte one of the Survcnts mite shipment make a few blrda dar- thinking mebby satiably way with while on her to ohurob Sun- SUITS ‘‘These German Urma sooras of brldge, woy run Away with a Dimuud necklace val- employ ing the royage. Nothing In tbe world la wbleb re- Always Bought fell on tbe toe, ued at three hundred dollers and pickers, who go from village to village mon- voraolous then a entp rat; and al- day irornlng, Tbousan sulted In a bad break of the wrlat. dimunds ou Account Look for Bargains. thorough the bird breeding dlstrtote, though tbe bird tinder usually stays up eery going up every day moat of the night to protect bla charges, Several other* fell In about tbo eome of the War In Africky. The poor Don't All of our Suits and eeleollng the singers. Xbe picker’s job de- tba rate actually attack tbe cages and plaoe, but were very fortunate In eaonp- haft to think their sons mite Get their Isn’t I ean tall He has vour birds before bla One of Overcoats to be 6old at any snap, yon. very oyax ing w't'iort injuries. necks Broke playing polo or chasing bags tbe tbe hardest that oan confront a Mlaa baa been elok to be as shrewd os a weaaal; for problems liMale Jordan, wbo with amnia seed in them. bird leader la a loog delay In tba voyage, for some time, le able tJ be oat again, breeders are np to all sorts of trloka, and "All these Things and a Lot more I through eone aooldent to the 'ship. In The senior olasa v lei ted Webber’s studio, will In to waie can't think of now Come to Andy discount try every possible way get tbe old daye euob situations fre- Uiunawlok, Saturday, to alt for their just 20% aronnd him, and pains off old, slok, or quent and tbe maiterly wny In whlob elaa* plotnrea. in a Flash wheu he looked at the Had bird rations ware shortened and made to faces of the In frunt of silent birds on him. The hardest propo- Mr*. Martha Smith and daughter Ritch Him, last was a marret. Mabel bare been friends and re- and it’s no Wonder Bum of Them almost sition he ds Is In distinguishing tbs visiting from regular prices. "During good weather, tbr man In latives Id row no! fur the past Wd*k. Broke down when they thot How they sexes of the birds, lbs oolora In the head ohargs of tbe blrda may posilDly acoom- Mr. W. who baa charge includes Knirry Chase, had recked their lives by getting So they This sale feathers are the and rome of bla day’a work In ton boura; but. If of the malls to and from tbe Indication, pllab transporting could Own counties here and there with the era la at all rougb, he will be twloe trains, has been ill for eeveral weeks. line in the the breeders are adepts at dyeing feathers Cassels on Then and have their own Ice many styles tout long In getting through tbe neces- During this time. Mr. Ieaao Fogi has It’s a olevsr that doesn't In was celebrated pinker bring sary programme; and, whan be reaches performed hie duties. Cut. So when the meeting over they at least a few female oannrlee, for whloh New York, and bands tba birds over to New poles are being planed from the all went up and shook Andy's hand, and a demoral- he has paid songster priors. It takss tbe proper persona, b* la sadly corner to the reeldenoe of Mr. John Ken- when they Went nwav from there every ised and sleepy Uerman. Keoently many dall for electrlo wires. The next move one a new* his ol to teach a man even Had resolve in hart.” years experience of the ham been two them exporters eendlng will probably be to have extend “What was that?" maw ast. moderate proUolenny in this fseture of men with eaoh shipment; end, In tbat down North Mato, ae well. Not la |only “To go on Nobly sacrificing themselves STEIN-BLOCH tbs baying. Through tbs summer and way, both the work and the risk are leva- tne t">wn having improvement! In elec- and Time nud happiness to keep wealth fall the work Isn't so vary bad. trle light*, but alao the trolley eeriioe I* picker's from whare it mite and His routs lies far IT the lines of railway, any way you 111 It." to be Id eueoeesfal operation by the bring Misery any of which hoped garments und^he does a tremendous amount of lint of July. dispepsy to miilyuns of their Hcnited are yours now at 1-5 tramping; but be Is well known, along Dltt’e Marguerite Grant la quite 111 at countryman who don’t know Knuff to the way, and hospitably entertained, and MODISH MATKIHOMY. the time of our writing. Enjoy a first Class blessing When they’ve off from actual oon- prices. the weathet la .usually good. After tbs Mrs. U. ▲. Davie, who has bean got It nnd cau’t get out from under it,” Urst of November It's another story. The Ur.ed to the house all of the win- nearly puw says.— Gcorgie In Chicago Times* winds and tbs |g able to be oat storms, especially among ter, again. Herald. Cash. when the canaries The Brtile's Will suil Wishes Are Psra- under the the Terms—Strictly Hnrtz Mountains, oast The mloetrele, ausploeeef _ are bred, ate simply terrltte and the snow K. of P. Dodge, have boon 00 rehearsal A 111* A# Pk lln.Ai.kr nioliut on Her Wedding flay. Ilea on the paths, four or five feet deep. for some time. This will be precent-d “The ashes,” sighed the man, “of ray The cold Is lots use, and many pickers Feb. and no doubt will be inoit euo- 27, fondest Years ALLEN & COMPANY, have bean badly frostbitten, a fe w even oeesful, ae tbe rehearsals are showing hopes!” a Thirty dying from tbe exposure. Htlll, the holi- good work. Then he smiled in sweetly resigned All tbs expenses of a wedding are as- the ladles !!OI Middle Street. day season must be provided for, and tbe Un Wednesday evening next way. birds, after tbe summer sales, are soaroe; sumed by the bride’s family—cards, of tbe Unlversallst obuioh will give a will make the to ieuzuti “Perhaps they way to those of tbe the picker meet search every nook nod carriages, floral’ deoo rations—everything. supper, also Uaplist Soolety access a bit less slippery for those who corner of the breeding dlstrlot to sunnlv will a dinner on town meeting day The brldercnm'a first privilege Is to pay glee follow me,” he said. the dsmind of bis house. Hs starts out, In the olub room. fee. This sounded so much like Concord tariy In Kthe morning, taking a helper the clergymen’s RAYMOND. that the man then and there with biin, to carry bis cage orates. This It Is the bride's prerogative to name philosophy after the cheerful oustom of the The winter resolved to write a book.—Detroit Jour- CASTORIfltwi ctwrauw commnt, mw toww city. helper, the wedding day. Feet Rsvmood. Fab 6.— FaUerland, Is usually a woman, and school oh the hill doped- alter a nal. Reward. The fashionable hour for the ceremony term if $100 more often than not, an old women. The session or nine weeks, Frldav, prolltable Took Him at His Word. two travellers budet their way through is "high noon." Feb. 3. The tsaoher waa Mias Hattie H. Portland Electric Iillit Company will rpHF. the snow and storm, and the greatest care and all the details and she established a A certain impecunious author, b« inf M. pay $100 to any one who will furnish evi- Church, clergyman, Moere, fully reputa- Is exercls-d In the birds car- us instructor. his for a board dence that will convict any person of tamper- protecting of tne wedding are left to the cholne of tion a lirtt-olees Friday pressed by laudludy bill, with their lines, lamps or machinery. ried with them from cold. The little afternoon them was an exhibition, and to demands as follows: ing the bride. replied bet; LIGHT COMPANY wloker cages are ; first packed In straw, other exercises that were t»ery good. PORTLAND ELECTRIC There Is no use to worry me— Geo. W. Brown. President. then oovfred with thick , and It Is tbs present fashion to have four, About 40 rleltore were Includ- present, To add thlf tribulation; Unally wrupped in heavy woolen tdsnk- of the and the eohool tlx or sight bridesmaids, as many ushers ing many parents, This word alone 1 answer thee— Hti. .Frequently, In extreme weather, at the Centre, In u body. Following was a maid of honor, a best man, and some- I pay on publication! pickers have been body frostbitten, be- the programme: MERRYS cause has* taken off their times one or two little girls. The bride Bhe her own construction on Second Term Fed. 1st. they grestooats School placed Begins to about birds of Welcome, next she wrap cages holding decides what the gowns of ber brides- bierclsee In and that statement, and the day valoe. Reading, Geography special maids shall be. Grammar published him.—Atlanta Constitution. 10 Cent Collars. these the a oageM, by way, provide Hacesa distinct for t>erinan peasants, in The bride always wears the bride- industry Two Little Welcome*, to Best in the market for the bird dUtrlot. made the Without Regard Expense. £ Tbey.’ars by groom’s gift. Walter Strout and Maud Symonda who whit lie them The king assembles the royal archi- the poorest classes, by The bride wears ber veil over her face Quotation*, School money. UNIVERSITY hand, lu the long winter evenings, and a tects. so after the Sermon, School clever hand oan make Ilf tern In an even- arranged that, Immediately A Little Uirl’e Trouble*. “Build me a ," he commands, Th*y sell for about three and the muld of honor may part It, CUFFS 3 for 50c. ing. coots, otremony, blanche Plummer “so costly that no smoker will ever l»e 18c, prs. In demand. of the are always Many disposing of It becomingly. What Makes Me Good, Clifford Strout told that he might have owned it had he breeders occtract to sell nlJ their birds to PREPARATORY Fashion now dictates white snede W bat the Uld Hen bald. let tobacco alone!" a o*rtaln firm, lu that oate, the picker's Per H. The left one la removed when the ley fc'plller Ah, this was aiming, high indeed! But work Is slightly lightened; for he doesn't gloves. Annie Glatry 237-239 MIDDLE ST. Recitation, when was true art ever known to falter? S.Tu.fatf have to aim against compt titlcn, and ring Is given. Lesson, Uoldle Strout SCHOOL. need wrestle to foil the wiles of the Geography —Detroit Journal. only Presents are sent at any time after It The Presidents, School is known that the date has been fixe! for Wise and Otherwise, Dialogue A School for Boys, A b lit In SobuoJ, Lena Strout A Stage Fright. the but the of the Invi- wedding, reoelpt Little Mildred Strout The first part of an athelctc’s training re- Roy blue, Stella—So that homely Miss Witberupp KTKAMKRH. tations Is the general clgnal for their When I Waa Young, Pupils successfully prepared for Har- lates to the care of the stomach. The nour- Is not to appear in your private theatric- Mettle strout, Bertie Strout STEAMBOAT CO. Howdoin aud oilier ishing quality of his food is oonsideied. offering. als after all ? CASCO BAY vard, Vale, classical How Sbe Cured blm, Dialogue. The quantity he eats is carefully weighed Bella—No. She was afraid she might and scientific courses. and measured. It is curious The New Churuh Organ, Custom House Wliarf, who bare sent p.wwiu to oorue and eee Mabel L. Strout suffer from stage fright. School rooms. tin© Mule Si. fvO that this care of the atom- Poitlmui, .tie. BOSTON and PHILADELPHIA tbe Mattla'e Wonts and Wlahes, Stella—It seem9 to me the audience ach is looked upon us an ex- them on some day shortly before Apply to the Priucipal, Maud Symonda would have suffered most from that 1 ouimemiutr Monday. Xor. 1st, 1899. TRI-WEEKLY SAILINGS. traordinary thing only to be wedding. If they are not to be displayed KEV. T. E. CALVERT, HI. A., in circum- Courting, if she had gone , practiced special at Urn. recaption. ca^se on.—Philadelphia** ^ !/T»| K KHK MTtMWVWtS'* * '»'«* ** * ■ » -•Mildred-Btratro,-Rita W. 'Symonda from BijIm Tlwrsdaf, Saturday, 36’ stances. A1 widow bride wears pearl gray, or £*rfcts. Toesihy. Charade* Sohool For Forrit City Erfmtl tug,Peaks Inlauil, Tel. 9SS.J. •oat light silk, or a trarellog ooetuiue 6.45. 10.30 a. ID., 2.15. 4.00. 0.15 m. From jan23eod3w Singing—Good night." the Case. >.30, 6.00, p. Philadelphia Monday, Wednesday with bonnet. She removes bar former Apparently For Ulautl, 0.45, 10.30 a. Bl., 4.00 Mr. John Plummer, one of the puplla, Cuskliik* and wedding ring. 8be may no more wear Indulgent Mother—You mustn’t be too in. Friday. then the teacher with a line L.l(tle nun lirntl Dlainontl tban sbe may bear both names presented on his care- For ■•Ir.ntls, Fro:n Central Wharf, Boston. 39. na. From both rings In a few hArd on Johnny -gee*mat of oopy of Wblttler’e poems appro- I'rcfrlhru'i l.auillug, Fmka Ulauil, 3.30, street Wharf. at 3 m. in- —Mrs. burton Klngsland In the Fehru- less drossinir. He’ll cot over it as he fine Philadelphia. p. to which ah* re- 10.80 a. m.. 2.15. 6.15 m. Ladles' borne Journal. priate remarks, Uttlngly .00, 8.00, p. surance effected at offlc-. ary sponded. Remarks by the Visitor* grows older. It la rftuly a ^nbit he has For Foiicc's Lnu only. Dr Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. Iavl Jordan end 0. S. Wltham attend- "No," replied Mr. Bellefield; "the wa- Through tickets issued and baggage checked This remarkable has such a oonventlon of Cum- to destination, relght received up to 4.00 remedy perfect MAINE PENSIONS. ed the Mth quarterly ter in the pipes was frozen. That was sy- control of the stomach, digestive and assim- berland County Reform Club* at Weet p. m. all."—Pittsburg Chronicle-Telcgt ttph. For tickets and staterooms apply at the Flue ilative organs and blood making glands that Washington, February 7.—The follow- Poland the Saturday, repr-tenting Hey- Tree Ticket Office. Monument square, or for it speedily corrects the derangements w’hich Maine inond liefcrm Club ae .'elegttea li come to our uotlce Kallroad ing pension changes resulting Indeed! Imrlng other Information at Company's Office, weaken them, re-establishes them in healthy Why, ns street. from the lr-sne of January £4, are an- PA RSON8FIKLD. Hint we ure reported lutviutg Wharf, foot ot btate order, so that once more the whole n habit the bstrich has working ’That’s funny given up tile ngrncy of the Hind J. F. t ISCOMB. bupt. body—blood, brain, nerves and muscles—is nounced: Kaet Feb. 10 —Mr.Hart’ey remarked noT4dtf II- P- C. fl ERSEY, Agent Pnreouellela, of sticking his bill in the sand,” iniin Piano, we deem il our duty nourished, and built into rugged health. M. Johnenn, who bat bean eraplyed In np OBianiaL. the monkey. io Hie public, mid ourselves to Primary, and Tertiary Blood Poison “Golden Medical Discovery” contains iiaaton for the paal four yeare. le paying Secondary "Yes,” snickered the laughing hyena, itute Unit we still coutrol the Permanently Cured. You ran be treated at no alcohol, whisky or other intoxicant. Its an extended vlail to the old parental same HI mm to cover the bill, uud home under guarantee. If you have taken protracted use does not create a craving for Staples, end, Bowery Hunch, a»a Franklin Wharf. Portland, COOK REMEDY CO. the cure and insist on ‘‘Golden Medical a few hat Mre. aud Saturday for MO. paaaing daye with friend, winter prophets?" 317 Congress Street. at 7 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday 828 Muonic Chicago. for OniaiKAL, WIDOWS. at Harbor Temple. 111., proof, Discovery.’* Emily Chadhorn. 1 dou’t believe the cold weather East Boothbay. touching Boithbay cares, We solicit the most "No; •f capital Moo.ooo. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets do not gripe. Julia A. Corner. 113 Mr. M Hldlon of Portlaad and Bo. Bristol. •beUnate cases. We have cured the worst Lake, Nealey’s Joseph is over until my wife quits telling me we T. C. BIcGOl'I.DKIC, Blgr. They effectually cleanse the system of accu- Minors of Daub US Header, L thttuld, passed last Sunday with hta brother, Mr. Wees in U to 80 days, icopaga hook tree. are out of coal."—Chicago Record. IcbCdtf M“T* “flHMWh m^. MTWUf mulated impurities. <1* Wood Hid las. j — --■j.’.iji;1!' — -L1-

for Domination approach** moro U be lag ■ URIC AND DRAMA. of the PORTt.11®. WILL FORECLOSE. WESTBROOK. heard ae to tho probable make ap SOUTH tickets. KATHERINE BOBER. The Kapobllaaa* are deelrooe of aeour- la the of Portland ban Ing the ooseoat of Hon. T. H, Barn* aa Never hletnry boon l>r their sand I data far major, bat aa Hr. ■nob groat productions glron company, and tb* eagagt- Park Will Hama 1* a oandldatr for a elate senator- Meeting School any report*!!* Rigby Shortly Political Pot Beginning Monthly of New ship It la doubtful If ha aan be persuaded amnt Eaglead'e greelect fororlte, Ketberla* Keber. oa* Go Into the Market. to accept tba nomlnalicn for tho major Committee. Him eupported by To Boil. tb* beet that bae eror sur- nltj at this time. If nominated ba la of eompaaloe llttl* will admitted by loth parties to bo tbs stroag- roondod thl* pretty famrlte, be on* of tb* greetret erente of cat can d I data and would. It Is predicted eertelely Cures Weak and Nerves. not lea la on win oat In n contest, In tb* stent that the eeeeon. Kerry prod pat wltb llttl* detail and equal to tha Io- Mr. Home oinnot ba secured as a candi- Ordered erery President George Burnham, Jr„ Makes Candidal ms For of of Schools Sal* of aaate Thurt- Possible 1W publican date, the names of Aldeiman-at-Uarge Report Snpl. original production*. ooun- day. a Ke-election. Joseph Warren tb* proildent of tb* Printed. dines There will be a epaolal matins* Mon- Weak Men Major. ell and Ur. J. U Hurr, are mentioned

aa available men. day. --- UOKMAN'S MERRY MAKERS. The Democrats are anxious that Hon. Strong, Cures King 8. Kaymond, the pr,smt ananm- Th* O. J. Uorman'e Merry Maker* will and Satur- Bondholders State Their bent shall trooms a candidate for re elec- and Kalor be tb* attrnetloa for Friday baa Mayor Supt. wltb a matinee. Nervous Mayor Raymond May tion to a third term. Hr. Hay mood day nights Saturday will b* seen some of Plan to Directors. expressed a deelra to step down and out, Thanked. Wltb Ibis company Run bn* assured and artist* Again. hut It Is oneraKod that be the beat; oornedy /peelalty Prostration, tba party leaders that he will word* to that baa been aaaa In Portland for a their etlstaes In the event tbey deem It long time. Among the many feature* to Inexpedient to aeitle on another candi- be mentioned In tbit comedy will be Sleeplessness, Prof. C. C. Ilonetta, tb* yoong mon Stockholders Go Through Form To date. Dills Approved and Other Busi- Temperance Mass Mt’etinff The Citlune' party whlob for the past tbst fell £00 feet at the Roobroter fair of OBFers. M meat •ucr<»t«ful In lacier In the bl* balloon aaoenalon and Fleeting Exhaustion. two jrars bee been n etrong ness Transacted. while meklng curing men'* d I »•*•*«. can be conanltod ?| Be Held This Afternoon. or by letter. All letter* political element* £*t not been heard hurt hit aplna, and on next Friday 0^ fre.-j from definitely n* yet, but It te under- night at tba Portland theatre b* will — stood that It D to enter tb* oonteet. make bla wonderful slide for life from II* obolo* et n candidate would doubt the back end of lb* gallery to tb* stage, Ion ?-? YeaUrday'. annual meeting of tba loss be Hr. C. W. Wentworth, Tba lift monthly meeting of the Sooth by bla teeth. Wratbrnok lodte No. 87, Knights of •t< ck Holder* of the Main. Mile Iraok as* waa bald laat fair last the candidate of on* jeer ago. Portland aohool oommlttaa JAPAN REVISITED. Pjtblaa opened their grand soetatlon waa brief and anlntereetlng. chicken the temperanoe people voting with the evening. All were preeent. Including evening at Odd Follows' ball. A "Japan Herialted" will be Mr. Barton lbe prooecdlng. were purely formal and While understood and waa well waa citizen*' movement. Major Hejnold* Superlntendant dinner which attended Holmes' euhjeet at bla neoond Illustrated gave no Intimation of wbal was brewing to he oatlsOed with tho Domina- Kaler. served noon from 11.80 to 8 poealble lsoture at Olty ban, and all who In tbs mind, of tbo bondholder*. When yesterday town trans* tonight tion of Hr. Wentworth, the mem- A oommunloatlon from tbo :: o'clock. The neveral tables and booths bare eaen this lector* prononno* It on* of lbe cewlr elected director, sot togetber. SPECIAL the board tersof the would In the nrer of Capa KUxabeth acting are hnodeoinely partj the beat In bla count*. Il daal*altogether alter tbs stockholders' In- arranged. for 47 whlob aball matting, they event that he did net beoom* * candidate to raoalpt a bill $171 Last the "hloreans’' of Port- with eatlrely new In th* lector* In some talk about Unanoes aTeuIng • I of nil tboae who euljeot# dulged plain to see Hr. Utorgr H. Uraj, a Dover tba taltion pence theatrical desire as tb* of tb* land, a strong company, pre- Portland school*. field, It picture* quelntnee* and tbs future of Klgby pai k. former member of tho oltj government, bare attended the Sooth sented the four not comody ‘''The 'Two Mikado's and th* con- A total of 757 ebarea ware waa laid on tbe oountry Mange represented FOR- become a candidate. With thra* candi- Tbs oommunloatlon Tramps,” with the following coat of trast* therein. Th* tlluslratlnni ate In tbe meeting, a large percentage of dates in the Held the result this pear will table. charaoteia: Tony Warren, U. A. Clark, I*reelr from original negative* by Mr. tn«m Tbe report! of Treasur- nn by proxies. the two hr bard to forecaat, bat tho Kapublloan* A *UIPlJUUSUi Weary Woyslde, H. A. Heald, Holme*, while the moving pictures lend er Joan U Small and tha retiring secre- about a thousand ouplee of tbe hearted and are quite (anguine of suoceas. kave tramps; James Harley, hard no added charm to the lecture. Secure tary and manager, Ur. F. W. Hunting- the of olerk. Hr. eobool committee's report printed for W. A. Hutchinson; Phil p For poeltlon oltj now at Jones S a month Tlndlo.lv*; In your tickets Creseey, ton, which were anbmllted ago, i,'ritr.rd H. Smith wUl probable receive distribution after It It printed tbe olty Warburtou, a eoolal leader, Everett Allan's. when the annual meeting was to bars ntmlnation, he having Bnlterlleld; Van Crugsr, of the the Republican reports. bnt Judge Knler asked to be In- NOTCH. been held, were formally piaseoteo, Warren served with great credit to the Superintendent Court, E. M. Leavitt; previously not dleouased or eren read aloud. The Hupreme for a oertaln time Meckle closed hie J. city and the party, lie has ba*n a can- structed to suspend Jamerm itlon- church were entertained school are hold reception signal Congregational In tbe furniture Treasurer—John C. Smell. lanJ hall next Friday evening. Refresh- and It was Toted tbat tne superintendent yeara.be waa engaged Cnla WC Itt tin Mile II Mils In tba of the chinch a rote was nf day |: ngll lest evening parlors street In Portland. On motion of Clerk Dyer, ments of Ice cream, etc., are tbe seperate schools of the town business on Kacbange ul a committee composed of Mre. Ueorge I consisting notify the directors to lease nioriiiiig 8.30, $I.9S Heavy by a widow, who la hit passed, authorizing to be served during the evening. on stormy daye as test be can that there Ho Is survived by T. Mra Alex antler UU< at such terms as Flnnneletl* Wrapper* in (t9c, Springer, Spiers, and two ohlldren. Klgby to such persons FI ANNFI A temperance mass matting will be will be no session. third wife, young rLHIlllbLCFTTF I lb Haniet Preble, Mra Henry M.Hutoblne, be deemed Then the nintle Midi separate lining*. at Westbrook Two childrea of bla Oral wife art alao liv- may expedlunt. and Alfred W. held Thursday evening the cut extra full Mra Fred fetevena Mis. RESOLUTION'S OK THANKS. em- stockholders' meeting »dj lurned and the Skirl* with deep Dr. K. S. McAllister of ing, mil ism Adaiua, who la Id tbe UIDIDDCDC a lx o’oloek opera house fewett. Supper was served al and directors went Into exeeutlre session. ■ounce. iJiprls over shoulders, and several of the olttaens of 'ibo resolutions were pre- ployment of K. S. Davie of Portland, Tf nArrCllO* was followed a social Rortland following and by evening's who llvrg In the Weal. First they ooropleted the Hat of ofUaere by collar, yoke anil sleeve* braid Westbrook will speak. The meeting Is to lented by Committeemen Tilton an* Mrs. Hoblnson, entertainment will take of electing the following: triuuued. held tbe of tbe W. G. and unani- The funeral place Friday A was served last be under susplees Druwn respectively adopted supper evening by will be at President—Charles K. MlllUen. We have one hundred a vote: enj the burial Uray. Wrap* the members of the olrole of Mlnnlhaha T. U. mously by rising Vloe-Prsldenti—J. S. Sanborn of Bos- I'crs in llie lol iiutl \» e shall of to tbe Resolved, That we, the members of tbe DH. A. J. Dll,LINUS. ton, George M. Stanwood of Portland oouucU, Daughters Pocahontas, divide tlrst school board of tbe oily of South and K R. B. Plngrea of Lswlston. il, selling fifty in the members and families of tbe eoolaty. Belfast, February 7.—Ur. A. J. Bil- Portland, for the jeer 181W, do hereby The directors wanted to re-eleot Presi- morning uud lift) in the after* was WOODFOKJDS. neural- An entertainment provided daring our and thanks to lings of Freedom died today from express appreciation dent Bnrnham, bnt he poeltirely de- •* iioou. Sale limited lo two the evening. the Ren. K. C. Reynolds, obslrman of of tbe heart. Ha waa aeventy-four gia to the directors ibis board, for tbs able. Impartial and clined. He stated plainly Wrappers lo each customer. Several of the members of tbe Preenmp- yeara of age and had been aotlve In publto rtroi, enter- manner In wnlcb he baa In- that the bondholders hare grown weary SJU* U.rtrude ticell,Ocean geutlemsnly He state aoot Christian Endeavor Union, belong- at oar also for affairs for many years was tnined the O. C. C. »t ber boiue leet ... variably presided meetings of earrylng their burden and that they to tbe local societies of Endeavor In thereby senator In In 1877 and bad served ing many timely suggestions offered, 1816, mort- Ulna. A bD.lneH meeting woe held d ur- and thus are determined to foreclose their 89c for tbla olty are planning to attond the rendering valuable aselatanoe, two terms ea representatlre. He was a Today OiTy. the bis and desire to on the pioperty. As a majori- of tbe union to be hill this af- ing evening. ■bowing willingness Waldo medloal gage Klgby meetlDg to which member of tbe county Thirteen pupil, in MU. Agnes & Fnlr- serve and honor the pueltloo by ty or the Btcck Is held by the dirt-dorr, ternoon anu evening at tbs Baptist the suffrages of tbevsople hi bss been society and during tba olvll war ha waa brotbtrs’ olnsi nt tbe Sounders street It Is probably that the foreclosure pro- ohureb, Buxton Centre. obusen. wltb tbe 19tb Mains volunteer* He school ere oontlneil at tome ob ceedings will not be contested. It looks Tbe Ammonoongin olub was enter- primary ooperlntendent James Otis Knler was leaves a widow and one child. account of tbe roeae’.es. as If the plant would be knocked at tbe home of as Klgby ““' tained yesterday afternoon remembered follows) We nre The W. W. W. dub «ra. entertained off to the bidder before the sea- displaying this week Urnbam. warns at this time tbat aa highest Mre. Julia It fitting we, MOlt KILLS. »»r line of Wednesday afturnoou at the borne of tbe eobool board, should In scuts way ex- son opens. of Spring Underwear THE POLITICAL SITUATION. Opening; Displsiy Hr*. Jsok, idncolo atroet Whist *u In- press an opinion of appreciation fur tbe In order to protect the Interests of lor 1900. Samples are shown la to boll work done by Kaler In she Tbe political pot beginning and refreshments served. A Dnperinteadent member* of Good whoerer comes Into possession cf MIICI in our t'ongres* St. Window. dulged tbe aoboole and for tbe eeboole during tbe Thu hlapla lodge |U and the situation ao far as nomi- a committee ■lowly eoolai afternoon was enjoyed by en- an Interest truck, the directors delegated We offer us lor pleasant year about to dole. The Interest Templar*, North Dealing,held Spcrial today: nations are ooncerned, oan be more aoou- tbe teoohers with each to make a list of dotes for rece meet- all tbs ladles. gendered among l Dg da bate on a toplo of temp* ran oe In- up sited a week from now at tbe other In better results, as an will olalm dates rately up Key. K. U. Tbayoi, U. D., presiding ubtalnlng terest last evening at their hall. Mn. B. lags. Tbs oommlttee *11.50 Umbrella While Skirts outoome of the monthly meetings where UNDERWEAR* are The time tbe caucuses held. liepub- Ul iue * urwauu wuiuuui» In and UiUbr u»w °* Skirts at ing happens 1” ; Ur. Frank Parkins of New York olty G. V. Jelileon, woodan atabla la mar of have common oed. A UK hi AT A TTH ACTION OPM1NU. vCrMilft I k $1.98, made with stiffening In of hit Now you probably drink coffee. Is visiting at tha borne parents, 18 Ploket street. “MISS KATHKEUNK HO BEK" IN bottom and velveteen finished. ONE HAND FROZEN. How can we make realize Mr. and Mrs. L. J. U. Perkins, High- to B. wooden (table at 148 you Twltohell, UKKAT PKOPUCTION8 Olf NKW wbo underwent a native of Swltxer- what are in not land street. HU met bar, Main atreet, Willard. Henman Brltta, One lot of Moliairs, you losing trying YOKE SUCCKSHKS. Figured a on U report- urnad. was taken to the station laat surgical operation Sunday Ad jo laad, police same finish at arrived $1.30. ed os resting quite oo infer table at the evening. He Is a sailor and at Gommeoclog Mend**. February U for taw CHASE & SANBORN'S present time. this port from Newport News a deya entire dally matlaee* The yearly business meeting of the tbo week, gtrlng $1.00 Wide Wale Skirt*, strict- of the ago with oaa of bla hands froasa. As one of tbo floss* suss A hols i.uut, an Inmate Lad lea’ Circle* of the M. E. eomueaclng Tuesday, ly till wool, at $2.98. ohorohlwlll eervtee for a time wbo bae been confined he had aot been In the and beat eeeepanles 0rade” Deerlog city farm, be held Ihte afternoon. Plane for tha equipped repertoire “fiigb to be taken aa a eat to to her bad for HO aa the re- long enough pall on the beaded by Now Knglaad's nearly yearn year will ha dlaouased. road, 1 lot of at oomlag the marine ke was attended $4.00 Crepons Of a trim Lie,bat been remored hospital, by ferorlte. Mies Katherlns Honor, sult spinal A fine programme la aelng prepared for greatest *9 98. COFFEE for treatment. City Physlelan Leighton. tbs best company that baa to tbe olty hospital the mualnele to be nut Monday ■upportod by given hot a email earn of money In lien' Patterns in other grades entertained tbe Brltte bad erer eurrounded this Ultle notrees, to you if Mrs. Luther Bradford, at the M. E. ohutoh. A pretty Nothing happens you evening pianola and be was of Skins at 4.30, 3.00, ot Crreoent h Is pcokst greatly pleased and the way erdnt* are oMilng la la a $3.98, don't use it 1 So it is hard to clrole Arssmbly, Pythian will be heard, aim the Oakdale Mandolin get when Marshal Frith rant ont and attraction 6.75 and 8.73. sisterhood, at her borne on Bounders WUeon of 1-ewli- Deputy sore ladloatioa that tbla groat started. and Guitar olua. Mr. a for him, and then gars him you afternoon. got enppar do tho banner business of Portland if street, yesterday la the reader of the evening. ted In the lodging room. The sailor will But something happens you loa, made from A was served In the supper was one of the crew ef the this season. Hainy Day Skins supper formerly big _. once a cupl You find the gTOcer steamer Kaiser*Wilhelm. try mom ot tbe Clark Memorial Methodist irriien new spiing Suiting* at $4.98, delivers it in an OEKICE3 WKBB VERY SICK. An oruflow of water osused by trouble imported, air-tight, Plaarant avenue. After the and 7.73. ehurob, sup- a dam- $6.73 wonder MORE TKOURLE FOR A PRISONER with a steam pips, caused slight parchment-lined bag. You ibe Ksnlor held a Oilioer l'nrrla O. Wehb who suffered a per Kpwcrth league on Mtdalo a age la tt* boi factory street, about this. But when you taste the business meeting, letter la tbe erealng eerlou* fall Tueeday Bight, Is aew orUl- Officer Skillings recovered watch last erenlng. At $7.75 we make them to • which had haen stolen several ___ coffee a hint. This coffee is tbe t nil.rs or the Junior Kpworth league cally 1U at hie home oa Alder treat Hie yesterday you get measure. from a bouse on Wilmot e'reet. customer* only roasted on order; it is then were politely Installed. A very enjoy- ooadltloa waa very low laat evening land days ago on the oacw A few a man named ilurd wee sealed as it comes able waning was bad by all. the phyelelnaa io ettwndanoe days ago hermetically on Investi- of the to tbe entertain the fears. Offfoer Webb teat to tha jail aad tha polios from the roaster; it is packed un- The presentation pictures gravest 3EECHAMS the cnee of this larceny of a wutdb Oakdale Bubool ulUcooorua Friday, baa base a member of the police toroe for gating PILLS] der the Chase & Sanborn Seal the 9 at 8 o'clock. All lntfreebed tba last half dozen years and alnoa tba euepeoted that Unrd was guilty paity taken at night will make you 1 and is February warranted trade-mark, guar- about watefa was ldeut'tted by Uurd mil ere Invited to be present. accident which befell him two Iba fcol right, act right and anteed be st lookj to highest quality. of In the when he wa« struck over tbe whan hlermtrnce the Jail ex| lira be | A party young peopls living ywcra *go right. They cure Constipation.. CO. once: In the court l BROTHERS it take a rids to he has been the officer at will be arraigned munlolpel and adeems. at cUOrud stereo. BINES Try just # Bearing diilrlct, will head, special lorsafcs it (talon tha wateh. J Bowery Ibacb tonight. the City building. on the charge br.vlng | TO LKT. IAL1. and mere was »n Inter- REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. _worn THI BBAlS. taeir very tips, MAKING UP LOMT THE. "\ her filled with Forty word* laatrirU aad«r this hra4 •I val of sound which eye* Fwrf j words lawrted under this Head j.. •■a week for U cealt, aaak la edeeaew They named H WFl di«ar mwil ta beautiful light. •»c week for S9 cents, cock la advance. me?" »h« cried. Haw It la Dana Aimed Retry Day by Tbe Hepublloans of Portland, herein- gray, "Why didn't you tell are notified to meet In K ALE^OH h XCH A NOE-FI .• traveling VW dream are all fhe wakeftilnaaa ye* tauffkt "Am he began. an Train. after designated, board ~at~ the RAY• you”— Kiprru PTTTFllUom. Tod" FOKoutlie. l leasan. easy, sure and large «f • 1 fit Free the or Ta man; the ongrubbed wtlcJenwsa thought. •'Yes, of courts My father Major eanone In their respective ward roome, oa MONI» HOUAX. S’ by day also fine magic lantern outfit, slide, Ive a punned or aha,lad waji week; also most ikxei«. : Whence lore dart. down mil. I might hare known you were, Wtdneeday, February net, A. IX 1100, at _8J_ rtrofiU;oplcs. everything complete. Fortune for one when re gen 1 u« gapes or two live also outfit, The window quirk gaeptnf aeon button. Iha Pltubor* Pat! ) toon; scetylfn* gas whence hats leo. If I bad your academy (From (Pt»a.) 4 o'uloek m to eeloet flte TO I FT-Very and larg- ftnccess Address For rorompenas; the dealhlepa ash at p. delegattr ItOOMS pleasant guaranteed. BOX 12, Kuigh:- “You never took the trouble to look Ohio, Ah corner rooms to furnished or uniut brands of Ihe busy shop whan tala Starting oat sf Youegatown, form etoh ward to attend tbe let, flaws venom* “I'm Har- Kepnblloaa ralshed. with or without board: also flret class vllle._gug ; sorrow aha me,” Harrington suggested. fifteen minute, aa tba loeoaeotlT* Her laughter molds and every pea; lata, State Contention to be held In Lab le boat d at .107 Cumberland. corner of Kim' Fourth. I came on from olty ball, SALE—A car load o* horses, welshing Time-* altar, lit to burn out undent thenkg rington of the which haul* (b* faat trala No. 80, the itreet, references required. MRS. Lowlotoa, Melon on Wedneaday, April FORfrom 1000 to l7*-0 lbs., some eitra good For meaner memories or turn about COLWELL ; Bliss.” careful obaarrer la Interested la the work matched purs: also several second baud A hand of Hitt# afrokaa to afratghtrn out “I’m to the Presidio.” lltb, 1U00, at il o’olook a. m„ for the horses. J. A. 1 Cumber land Mill*. going la Ibalt LKT—Detached house of elereu rronis RAPTOR, routed armies Into rigid ranks; of tba anglaaar and fireman tor j 1 Loose, Harrington was going to the Presidio, perpoee of mleotlag elr oaodliatee TO and six rooms, steam bar of A 4 64 hath, sleeping heat, _7 To start shrill war from lha harbor peso* he went effort* la teaka tba lot* time. ce too, by virtue of all of which up eMotors of Preeldent and Vloe Preeldent of t>pen fireplace, slate tub. cemented lar, largo ( BALE— Prop 124 Ploatant street* bo- Or Jove's from thr Satyr's flee.*. da* te suu ail d»v. )o«-aied on Oak rty clip lightning and the beer hot. p. m., railroad tlma, tbla trala la rard. ceutrally Br., 1.M)Rtween High and Par a Sts. fine nelgbor- toll in Journal of Education. back to his section got tbe United Htatea, and four delegatee-at- near street. For —J. A. 2 l* do* Congress price and par icu- hoou and vcrv sunny, compr.slng about iv non sat himself down In section tear* at 0,86 It re of tie and Youngatewu, god large and four alternetee to attend Ike larslnqu IIKNKY 8. TH1CKKY, 121 Ex- feet of land. 100 feet on street, with house 14 on the window ledge. to that the change »treat. with it beside him la tba PltMbarg Station, National Hepnblloan Contention to bo _7-1 rooms, bath and laundry, stable, carriage was la oaa- houses and will he sold for less than The old Indian salutation password mil** moat be oorerad LET-Large pleasant front rooms with garden; vlrtne of alxty-algbt hold hi Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, an F|30 valua tor). Apply to M fl FOSTER. 7-1 to the ranks of friendship. By wltb twa alaw 1 alcove, furnished or unfurnished, steam bour and forty mlnataa, Jane aloo to oeleol Bto it had known other and all of Tneaday, Id, 1VO0; lieat and bath. Inquire at 34 FINK ST. ci I SALK—The house and lot k town as the they ych crdeia aad Bra oa tba way. Oadaat- fj'OR st the corner of “HOW!” and tradition* for Mope dolegateo from eaeh ward to attoad the -Purmgton property" each other’s friends alow ROOMS, furnished or 11 ta Main snd Btrondwater streets, Westbrook, lag ten minotea for tb* etop* »od half a century at least. Portland Hepnblloan Mayoralty Conten- DESIRABLEuiehed, single or eu suite, from 7 c to Large lot and a co piratlvely modern hou-e. A Password to Farad Iso. and amount oa tba arrrag* C of W. W. 7-:» “I’ve been down to Bliaa on a court on-art, they tion for tbe of a oan- M 00. at 36 OAK ST. Inquire CUTTER. Bad purpose nominating ‘'Where to more than fourteen mlaotaa, w* martial,” Harrington explained. date for May or, and three female eandl 5 2ft PAPERS FOR SALE-About roa of TO LKT—I«ower rent rooms. No. Orauge been?” that tbla train muet make tha SCIENTIFIC» of A n. BY GWENDOLEN OVERTON. have yon delee for me ml ere of the School Commit- R street. Upper and lower tent, ft rooms volumes ihe Scientific meric “I've been east at school. It * very mile* la oa* boor and thirty pack, ;No. 17 Bummer. Lower rent No. 60 boun l and unbound, dating from near its c mt- alxty-algbt tee, also to nominate candidates for eeeb and We never have Whan Anderson, f» room*. Apply lo WILLIAM II. tneiiOfmcnt, In good condition; aho funny, isn't It? might mlaotaa actual running tl«*. iiom ward aa follows, to wilt One WILLARD, No. 194 1-3 Midi!Is Patent Office Reports 185<> toiMKt, no one another until wo had both mad* Aldermen, St_ft-1 reasonable offer reiusc I. G. I* 8.1 There are a number of ways in which known After a mlaotaa lata tba run I* often HAILEY. And we are in the three Connollmea, Warden, Clerk, and tenement, 33 Oraut St.. IIkidle a*reel. 6-1 reached the post. or at th* LKT—Upstairs can test woman's beauty and prove In on* boor and tan minotea, next to corner of state SL. first class re> t yon too. What were Constables; aad ial on same floor, cold storage, SALE—West of state St., on street car It a algbt-wbeelar aad will temalo open until nine o'eloek dickens didn't we divine this sooner? tb* laundry, hot and cold water, suu absolutely all 1,V)Hline, house of 10 rooms and bath, in com- the surf, no daughter foam and fire, ing thirty-lire miles aa boar through Wfj been dull—this beastly desert." p. as., aad for snob further time aa any day. no bett-r rent and location to be found. plete rep dr. new, o;eu plumbing and hot water and horribly llraman la at work, L. M. neat, first time a at but a creature it daiiL'Jpcks purple not a beast- crowded yard*. Th* LEIGHTON, M Exchange Bt.3-1 offered, bargain 94,coo. W. Miss Hill protested. “It's oast naneua may tote. 160 her after she and a luminous, comet-ilk* gltam la IL WALDRON ft CO, Middle lips. Or yon can lo©Jr*rtt RENT -Two frame house. No. 20 St.__31 ly desert." bank from the foraao* door, lb* A ebeek list prepared by tbe Heepublt- story has twice fouii(T*'rtie links in the open FORProspect street: ten rooms, sunny expo- EM >K SALE—8 w mac blue, suitable for gone “It Isn't he admitted, which she all aad be In each ageing THE DAILY PRESS now,” la oa taoslon, but atari, eaa City Committee will need sure ; Immediate BENJAMIN w a board saw or smve saw, draws out the blazing sun and' the dftt fraught wind. engineer possession. and went on: hit not abewa a man determined whose name has SHAW A CO-. M 1-2 street. teeth Instead of uns-Mling them, very envy am to of the Ignored atnry aterd, and any person Exchange _3J^ All these are likely opnvince you beautiful and If you to mats tome of tb* lost time. At 4«lck to operate, been used little, will be “It's very grand np aa a RENT—Store No. 263 Middle street. very deccitfulucss of But some wo- a net been marked thereon Kepubll- •Old kt a bargain. SILAS HI BBARD, North beauty. It. I dare say you wsr* tie Haasiton aa nauel, long (30RPossession 1st, liTOO. K«r only understand crowing, given April LI min 2 tfrn, men are so fair as to bear each and all of (rain of the and Waat- oan. Is not inolnded In this call and will to >. F. First Nat- (rfcml at the o on It?” freight Pittsburg terras apply 1 EMBRY Jr., Maine._31 I %Cea a'.sajt'lA period not brought up and 189 these tests. Yet if you were to put them era, o-tha Plttaburg, Youngttown not be allowed to rote or take any part ional Bank Building or W. M. llRADl.F.Y, SALK—At a bargain, single 9 room, of: “I wasn't, thank heaven!” tb* Middle street. store* car Aehtabola li In th* way, and rad. FORn- w bouse, never occupied, at Coyle in a smoky, close sleeping anywhere 1 was on It. I la aald oeoooa. _f«b3dif Park, "Well, I was. wrathful Two more all modern conveniences, high lot, sewerage E. AV Hoberta loo congress street between, Tucson and Yuma, at the l.orn_ light says atep. large room, (with * say, first mud with till* water, tb* tbiotll* I* Held obenk Hate will be teriOed by the pleasant first class, view from piazza unsurpassed, will A. B. Merrill. 1*47 made my plea minotea loit, and than In a stesin heat, * middle of au they might TOLKT-Onehoard!. private family, bo sok) with small dow balance K. G. Fessenden, MU August day, rode first burro nround Thomas until tha antlre ward committees and all errors wlili the very payment n, I my pulled apaa gradually rerpeetlre electric lights and bath, table supplied as tout. Terms very reasonable.m L. M, AV. H. Jewett 604 theu become, as every one else, so ugly this alkali and the I__ Ik. _-b.t MlVi UtfUil hiT * * nnd had my first spill Into maohtne tremble* and rltratca, or In tbe will A. Libber. 670 and omlmleaa marking thereof, LEIGHTON, 53 Exchange street, 3-1 1. that it would Increase your ugliness used to It a laaa aa tb* 2 1 & 405 Congress street dust. I one has to be rtaek etng marry slxty-elahl Borague. McKlin, at suppose be oomoted upon application to aald roll SALK—Close to IF.