Harness. Richmond Will Move Her Household Dr Edwards M
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a Stevens-Durye- Automo- -' Gasoline biles. Engines. If you are looking for a Gasoline Engine with Parties desiring an up-to-d- Automobile that few parts and lots of power for a little money, le do yill make ltj-mi- trips will well to call on The Bee. write or call on E. N. Ct. Newtown E. N. Ct. Sipperley, Westport, Sipperley, Westport, VOLUME XXVI. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1903. TEN PAGES. NUMBER 11 See the New Spring Styles of the TOWN TOPICS. number of years, has gone to Wood Ueleurated bury, where she will make her home with Mr and Mrs mar- THE ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING Pond until her Douglas Shoes Have You Tested riage to F. S. Blackman, which wil Peculiar Brldssport, Corns. take place soon. r LAYS A FIFTEEN-MIL- L TAX IN SFITB AT FOSTER'S. Cor-ne- r of the OVERSTOCK L To SALE at BIGHTEBN-MIL- The ability Library OF THE FACT THAT AN A JllTE'S MITE. Itself They are the latest in the shoemaker's art to save actual dollars and cents ? Thousands have. In what it is and what it does-con-taini- Spring Hats and can't be beat for style or wear. The TAX WAS NEEDED. is a the blood-purifyin- g, The new Ihlla. Cap. In Velour calf. 13.50. savings are such that when you make a purchase you know T,he following good illustration best -- i Manhattan Plain In Velour Calf. 3.50. Tbe annual town of the with which On Dress Parade. Patent In American Toe, S1.50. how much less than regular value are adjourned meeting, hearty spirit all, alterative and tonic substances and Kangaroo or exactly you paying. was on from to Vlcl Kid and Box Calf, Cap Plain Toe, So is sale of unusual Men know and which held last Saturday, the oldest the youngest, have the most radical and per- 3.01). it a popularity in effecting We've mustered in all the though but very slimly attended, pro joined raising the money for, the manent cures of all know by experience the worth of Library Corner values. duced more discussion a now made in humors and all pood shapes of stiff and & than many improvements being the , R. F. FOSTER CO., A short time only left to avail yourself of the savings larger one has done. The meeting was Congregational church. A lady mem- eruptions, relieving weak, tired, jSoft'Jiats approved by cri-- 146 Mam St., Danbury, Conn. for the purpose of laying a tax, and ber of this, church was calling, the languid feelings, and building up to our Next to Duribury NutlonalBank. As the auctioneer but not after George W. Stuart had stated bis other day, upon another lady member; the whole system is true only of says, "Going, Going," as to of econ- and of Pticsandfup quite gone. opinion the desirability the little daughter the latter of the omy and a resolution made to lay an toddled in and triumphantly "poured Hood's Sarsaparilla parade tlSmttt iSelectmaB-iIerriB-gftv- e the oontertkStif a diminutive Into 'k No other medicine acts like new is the tax, a purse it; ' styles attracting Some Overstock ns. brief estimate of expenses for the year, the former's" lap. Thirteen pennies no other medicine"'his" done so . attention of men who want Devoe's Lead which aggregated about $29,000 and were collected in the "What much real, substantial no J 5 heap. good, to start Spring with In Men's Suits, worth $15 and now 7.98 includes the $3000 for are was other medicine restored health right and Zinc Paint, the best Paint the in,' appropriation these for?" the inquiry. has, the Spring hat. world for houses. Color (These are broken lots.) new state road, $1300 for High school "They are. for the church!" was the and strength at so little cost. right painting . - Several of the Cards sent on application. Men's Suits, wdrth $10, now $6.98 and $1000 gratuity to the Fabric Fire quick rejoinder,- with considerable em- "I was troubled with scrofula and came styles Hose Co. Mr Morris stated it on the last word. The mother near losing my eyesight. For four months I Chalfont the best Men's Suitf, worth $15, now 9.98 that phasis "not . Dirbys, 18-mi- could see to do anything-- After would an ll tax to all of the had taking hats for J the THE Men's Suits, worth $16.50, now 11.98 require pay young lady urged that two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could see $ best hai expenses. Mr Stuart said among other nickels take the place of some of the to walk, and when I had taken eight bottles I maker can produce for the & WADE Men's Overcoats, worth $15 and now 7.98 ex- see as as A. Hairs-ton- , HUB BELL Co., $17, things that people are living too pennies; but the proprietress of the could well ever." Susis three of three widths of to-da- C. heights crown, Surtouts and Paddocks worth and y. We must econ as Withers, N. price 362 Water St., Foot or Bank, $18 travagantly bank stoutly refused, reasoning that brim. now 9.98 omize or we will all be In the poor looked more in the form. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to Conn. $20, they penny cure and keeps the promise. for men the Bridgeport, Suits, worth $2.50 and 3.50, house. Because we are adding more It was learned that the niiss had earn- Shapes especially young among Boys' Play and more to tax rate our ed in wood or s at the in shades IVStore Open Monday and Saturday now 1.98 the property every penny by bringing Waterbury hall, last Darby $3; college shape soft hat In City Thursday of is depreciating value and the taxes setting the dry dishes away in the evening, to listen to an address on brown lowt flat crown and wide brim, $h are very burdensome to the poor. china closet. With this spirit prompt- "The life and death of . Robert Em- Things are not as well now as they ing the gift, the donor of the Modish shapes of Derbys and soft hats In our special make largest met." J. E. Madigan acted as pre at $2 the test hats 92 can still sell the best were 15 years ago. It is easy for the amount that was subscribed will find buy. We fl.50 Painting:. F. & siding officer and introduced the speak- hats made. , 1 am located In John Keane Co., men to want to a no more with Him who If g professional put acceptance er, Rev of you're a I? hat man, you'll find our $4 Derby the equal Newtown and am prepared to undertakany-tbln- on is Eugene Sheehey, Limerick, of the In the painting line, having had years of large tax the poor people but.it said, "Suffer the little children to Ireland. A banquet followed the lec- best $5 bat yon ever bought In correctness of model and experience. Can furnish anything in the Library Building, Main and John Streets, difficult for the workingman to Sake come unto Me and forbid them not, in quality the best stock, best trimmings and beet Russia leath- Paint Line. Also have the agency for Carara ture at P. T. Haynes' cafe, at which er in It. , , ; Paints. both ends meet. for of such is the of Heaven.'' toast-maste- r. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. kingdom Mr Madigan did the honors as New Spring hats for boys and children are in now. New Attorney C. H. NorthWp said that Spring Neckwear, hosiery And gloves are 'being shown In our Wall Papers. we ought not to consider whether the Michael Crowe, who has been em- furnishing department. I can show a splendid line ofjWall Papers was and Invite all who contemplate papering to tax a burden or not. We should ployed in Bridgeport, expects to return BERKSHIRE. look at my papers and prices. Also a fine line do our like men and not go on to Botsford, where he will take his old of mouldings. 1 am a paper hanger and duty guarantee my work to give satisfaction. year after year heaping up a heavier position at Keane 's button shop. ITEMS OF INTEREST. burden for posterity. How does our Miss Annie Shea has returned from WILLIAM WOHLER, taxes compare with other towns? Miss Hattie Northrop is in Brooklyn, Shelton, where she has been with her INCORPORATED Conn. the of the Misses Hammond. Head-to-Fc- Newtown, 15 Easton 15 mills; guest sister. ot Bedding pays mills, Main Street BKTMBrOKX Co. Bethel 15 and Bethel and Fairfield Avenue, XZTT BUYBM. F & town,! mills, Mrs Mrs of - Q. Baker Hiram Merrell is somewhat im Nichols and Nauga- Clothiers 10 other Oxford daughter oteaTKWssr count) J. H. borough, every year; proved. Mrs George W. Northrop has. tuck has been visiting her sister, Mrs BEARD, 26 mills. I say let us face the condi Bridgeport, Conn. sur- been caring for her. Charles Sperry. Real Fire and Life You no doubt will think we are dead and buried; you people in the tions as we find them. In June, when Estate, cities and towns. we have been from advertisements, rounding Yes, writing one-ha- lf Mrs Helen Page of Shelton is visit Insurance. from stoves. The married ones have been of the road contracts are done, Miss Fida Merrell of New York but not selling furniture and newly her son, E.