“Butterfly”■.-Ia—■■■■■■■■ ■
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— t-■-- a r- Wonder Dog of Movies ‘7/ It the Late.” at Moon Clair Windsor Is 'Actor r.nd I*alls Do Unique Picture Play Mu Offers Varied It Screen Version of Program Movies; WOAW Radio Programs to Moon Soon “Perfect Beauty” Not Mix in Movies Is Coming to Rialto of _----- Coming Popular N. V. Stage Novel If illiam Fox Feature 1. Cello Solo—Selected \_/ s Sunday. Februnr> Cactus lw* of some * arl ThnmM plants may * A. M -Radio chapel service. con- Mr*. Robert Allen "It Is the Jaw," the photoplay at- The photoplay offering at the Muse dinted bv Rev. R. R. Brown, pastor of piano. use in this world, but few people have th* Omaha tabernacle the Soprano So|o "I ►reamt That 1 Dwelt for and tomorrow be tht Gospel of traction at ths Moon this week, Is today will < Uriatian and Missionary alliance. 2006 la Marble Halla discovered are for. what they good m< of Douglas Street, and minister of the Sun- Phoebe Spencer Kmr> Wllltam Fox reen version the Pearl Howard another screen version of s stage day Morning World Radin congregation. Melvin, pigno. They are a hindrance to prog res* •’age “It I* the Law.” which Oai one ‘The of Your play 1:10 P. M.—Matinee prog-am. trans- Solo— Magic nlav which had a run in New long I* as the Aim muted from WOAW'a remote control M> es." of humanity In ttie opinion of little **huwing feature for th# Fred B Oliver York. It la a of ro- *' udlo in the May Feed & Nursery Co., story mystery, week at the Moon. building, Shcnandooh. Is. Tkanday, February 5. Farina, youthful and dusky star of SO I mance and Intrigue. -:!0 P. M.—Mmtlnre program. First 12 p. in Hurtleuh lira progran Arthur Hohl, one of ■rreendom's 11 a nsinlt ted from W'OAWS remote conti It was first as s novel "Our comedies. Christian church orchestra and arloiata, published Gang" newest has the aitidi'o In the See and c«m lights, leading role, Joseph F. Woolary. Jr., director. May Nursery written lla.vden Talbot and gained Selection. "lilONsom Time” .Romberg pany building, Shenandoah, la. by The latest comedy out, ‘‘Kvrry Man with Helen JVAlgv and Mimi Pal- <The on 8:00 m Child con form that a well operetta It based Incidents In p. Kvery story hour, such favor in that mer! in the Mar- the life ducted by Grace Sorenson. editor and For Himself," is showing this weef supporting cast. of Franz Schubert, the famous pub known New York theatrical composer.) 'ialmr of Fvery Child’s magazine. producer guerite de la Motte nnd Allen Forrest, First Christian church orchestra. 8:20 p. in. To b» imnounccd. commissioned Ulmer Rice to turn it at the Sun theater. In this Farina r Piano solos. 8:45 p m Randall'.- Royal Font^nell are the stars In “In Love With Into a across a field of this ta) "Allegro, Sonata No. 7" ...Grieg orchestra at Hotel Fontenelle. stage play. running vege Love.” the film presentation for Tues- ...... Rs-hmauinoff 3:00 m.: lb) "liumureskc" p. Half-hnur program tranr Arthur llohl, playing the featured tat ion when Pearl linwaid Melvin. mltted from Sun theater, rat's Me loci he accidently stumble, day and Wednescbjy. which of dual ...... boya and soloists. role, is character, "Caressing Butterfly" Barthtlejny and falls into the middle of the larg For the last three days of the week Orchestra. 3:30 v- m.. Program transmitted ti on made his first success Violin big Broadway the feature will he Mae Mur- irolo. "Indian Foment" ...Krelslcr WO AW".4 remote control studio in the \1a est of the cactus plants. play Seed n In the part. So tine was his work .Mabel Hinxie Reed nd Nursery company building r::y’* recent picture. ‘‘Circe, the En- Pearl How art! Melvin, piano. Shenandoah, la that William Fox selecled him to Tenor Solo— Selected. chantress.'' with .James Kirkwood as *'\dagio Pathetlque-’ .Godard 8. the aame In the screen ver- Friday. February the play pari man. It the t )rchastrs. Here is Harry Goldberg of the lending depicts story < ;'ui p m. .Matinee program, transmit- sion. Contralto aoio. "Where All la Light" ac- of a crazed woman who ted from WO AW* remote control World Realty theaters getting jazz young studio scenes and .Bfigga In tlie Seed iind Several of lhe biggest Marjorie Jon-a. May Nursery company quainted with Peter the Great, won- 1 >ses her entire fortune, only to find Cornet "The Srinma building. Shenandoah, la a number of the dramatic moments anlo, Holy City" 8:00 der of the movies. 1« *ve. Muriel p. in.: Story hour, conducted by dog flinipaoti. Doris Claire are staged In a huge gambling ca- "Lucia dl Lammermoor". Record, daughter «>r Cru-la was in California Fantasia. Kn-.s" When Harry Donizetti of the Omaha World Herald sino and healries being people with 8'30 p. m last year, he met a boat of Oi rheetn Harry Grader, violinist early well dressed "exlraa," the Clgi re'i'hadiot and nearly 50ft __ CROSS-WORD solo. He to Thee. My conductor, Frank Strawn. pianist of one most In- f‘npr;inn "Glory the movie stars, but of the God. This Night" ...Gounod Klalto Symphony orchestra. gaming room Is said to he equipped Ernest famed Vien- m.. To lie was with this Llnnenkamp, Wlhna Melotr. J.00 p announced teresting meetings dog, all clfi p. m.: with gambling apparatus from who selected the 15 most I i3eban Helene Rosenbaum, piano, Current spoil events bi whose is remarkable and nese painter, ygorge PUZZLE FILM Ivan Gaddis, intelligence la) Turkish intermezzo, "On tha sports editor of the Omaha parts of the world. beautiful women in* America as .Raul Ltncke Daily News. whose understanding and ability Is Th- latest novelty to come from Bosphorus" a The new “The Greatest ....Sousa 3 On n. in.: Half-hour The film also contains quadruple models for a series of polraits, picture, (to Match. "Washington Pom" program, trans- almost human. It seems a« though the world of motion picture* is the mitted from the Sun Stanley Orchestra. theater. Jan exposure which shows the same per- made the first canvas Claire Wind- Love of All," written and directed by 6 under Letovsky, piano; .r. Kdward I Peter was to meet uf cross-word film which is being P. M. Hi hi a study period, Carnal,- bari- mighty glad The puzzle lb Mr*. Carl R. tone; Mrs. Peter Jensen, violin. son In one scene four times. personal direction of to.*! sor, the film actress. George Beban, who also plays the sponsored by Judge, magazine of wit t. a y. 3:30 p. m : Francis Potter's and Harry, cast Includes Mind Pal- mu banjo supporting It hail a In the 9 P. M. — Musical service. Dun- nd id In quar.et. “The Silent prominent place and humor. Little did the originator chapel Auspices Chicago. The dog is starred in De Snscla leading role in I he film, comes to the dee Methodist church. Rev .1. Hurlinglon A Quincy Railroad mer!, Florence Dixon and artist's Initial exhibition of his work Kpiacopal company. Accuser,’* the motion attrac- of crees-vvoYd puzzle" ever think hi* Il-nry Stitt, pustoi, Maurice McMaeterr', Personnel of quartet Francis Potter. picture Rialto Saturday. The picture is a Mrsi Mooera. at a Los gallery. choir director; Ruth Quinlan, plsnlai. mandolin and banjo; A. I> Hunter tion at the Moon theater starting Angeles idea « oil’d gain such publicity. Cross- second A group of old favorite hymns. mandolin and banjo, F. YV. And* r- Mr. Miss jtowerful drama, full of pathos and H for a week. Eleanor Idnnenkamp painted word worker* will undoubt- Choir. con. tenor mandolin and tenor banjo R February puzzle 1* Windsor in a reminiscent of excellent Prayer. Kimball, inando-cello and cello banjo. Board man is the leading lady In the gown comedy situations, photog- edly tear their hair when they see. Vocal solo. "Rock of Ages" Johnson Mrs. Fran* is Potter, pianist. Winks” Week’s she was wear- the old south, which these for no matter how wise Kathryn Shelby Varner. Selection from "Chime* of Normandie’*. product ion. “Forty raphy and an appealing story. puzzles, Vocal "Under Hi8 Wings" ..Sankey the making of "The Dixie duet. ...: .. Planquette ing during are will not be able to K. William* Dance The starts as a motion they they Mr. and Mrs. Krtward di Cupid an Addment".Odell Attraction at Strand story pic- Handicap,” the Metro-Goldwyn film are filled A group of old f»\nrit* hymns. "NarcissuH" Nevln guess the words before they Choir. Pranci* to Sun theater for ture. a series of Potter’* Mandolin Quartet. which comes the progressing through in on the screen. The Strand and rending. Mandolin Scripture solo, "Mosaic" Odell week thrilling incidents, and as it reaches Quartet. It Is Well With M\ Soul BHhs Hun jo solo, selected. RADIO a commencing Saturday. Rialto theaters are featuring these as Mrs. Varner. Mrs. Williams, Frauds r “Miss Windsor is a of the most tense situation the scene rotter. V_I perfect type a attraction on their screen*. Mr. Williams. Mr. Greenwa> Reverie special Modestls" Oilrll on "Arise. Shine" Mat Donald Program for February 1. beauty,” was the tribute fades from the screen and the Vocal solo, Kspagnnl**. "La Cerenade"... Metra imperial Green way. (Courtesy of K-'dlo Digest) all Harry jnt error zz.,. ‘’Gallantry" (idell the screen Mr. Linnen- stage the players are seen in person, There is no happier kiddie in i.