
Gemachs ...... 31 INDEX Kallah Gowns ...... 31 Chosson Gemachs ...... 32 Support Groups ...... 3 Hair ...... 32 Hotlines for Answers, Advice, and Support .. 5 Makeup ...... 32 Headpieces ...... 33 Shiurim by Phone ...... 6 Kallah Shoes ...... 33 Services Gemachs ...... 7 Kallah Capes ...... 33 Shidduchim ...... 9 ...... 33 Shtick ...... 34 Bais Avel Gemachs ...... 10 Miscellaneous Wedding Gemachs ...... 35 Medical Gemachs ...... 10 Money Gemachs ...... 35 Baby Gemachs ...... 14 Seforim, Books, CDs, and Tapes ...... 36 Bris and ...... 14 Baby Equipment ...... 16 Additional Gemachs (by Location)...... 37 Preemies and Multiples ...... 17 Crown Heights ...... 37 Newborn Clothing ...... 17 Queens ...... 38 Nursing/Formula Gemachs ...... 17 Five Towns and Far Rockaway ...... 38 Monsey...... 41 Children’s Gemachs ...... 18 Lakewood ...... 48 Hachnosas Orchim ...... 19 Food Gemachs ...... 20 E MERGENCY N UMBERS Household Gemachs...... 21 Clothing Gemachs ...... 23 Hatzolah Shoes, Stockings, and Boots Gemachs...... 25 (718) 230-1000 Maternity Gemachs ...... 25 Shomrim ...... 26 (718) 338-9797 Simcha Clothing ...... 26 Girls’ Gowns ...... 26 Chaveirim Boys’ Outfi ts ...... 26 Ladies Gowns ...... 27 (718) 431-8181 Petticoats ...... 27 Jewelry and Hairpieces ...... 27 This Gemach list is sponsored by Simcha Gemachs ...... 28 THE COMMITTEE AND STUDENTS OF Shabbos and Yom Tov ...... 28 TIFERES MIRIAM HIGH SCHOOL Centerpieces and Props ...... 29 Tablecloths ...... 30 L ’ ZECHER NISHMAS Flowers ...... 30 ALTE MIRIAM RAIZEL BAS SHLOMO YISROEL Tables and Chairs ...... 30 GELBER Miscellaneous ...... 30 For future sponsorship, call: 2 718.253.5497 Friends with Diabetes upport roups Limited to Type 1 Diabetes. S G Call: (845) 352-7532x101 American Friends of PUAH Counseling and supervision for infertility challenges. Men’s Phone Support Group Call: (718) 336-0603 or (718) 440-5114 Anxiety​/​Depression​/​OCD​/​Addiction issues. Sundays 9pm. Call: (712) 775-7031, passcode 546772 A.T.I.M.E. (A Infertility Medium of Exchange) Medical referrals, publications, support groups and online HASC Center Family Support Hotline bulletin board. Support, referrals and respite for children on the autistic Call: (718) 686-8912 spectrum, down syndrome and multiple disabilities. Call: 712-775-7031 Bina Stroke and Brain Injury Assistance Passcode 546772 Referrals, guidance, hotline, support groups, etc., following brain injury in both children and adults. Hearing Impaired Children Call: (718) 645-6400 A group of mothers meet regularly in Monsey. Networking and information also available. Bonei Olam Call: (845) 425-4138 Call: (718) 252-2347 HUG - Pregnancy Loss Support Program (A TIME) Caring and Sharing Inc. Loss packets, Specially trained doulas, support groups, Outreach and support network for families whose children have referrals. cancer. Newsletters with Divrei Chizuk at no charge. Call: (718) 686-8912 or (347) 986-6443 Call: (718) 596-3130 Jewish Crohn’s and Colitis Support Group (JCCSG) Chai Lifeline Call: (718) 63-JCCSG, (718) 63-2274 Telephone conferencing support groups. Call: (212) 465-1300 Kidney Donors To donate a kidney or to speak to others who have done so. Crohn’s Disease Call: (917) 627-8336 A network to share ideas, information and subsidized kosher meals for patients with Crohn’s/Colitis. Magen Avrohom Call: (347) 668-4402 Education guidance and support for families dealing with eating disorders. Dialysis and Kidney Failure Support Group Call: (718) 222-4321 or (877) HELP-EAT Call: (646) 525-0016 MASK (Mothers and Fathers Aligned Saving Kids) Ezras Dov Confidential helpline, support groups, referrals, prevention and For bereaved families, provides meals, emotional support and awareness programs to help raise emotionally healthy families. various types of assistance. Call: (718) 758-0400 Call: (718) 951-0696 Meoiros Help for parents who lost children. Call: (718) 624-7908 3 MS Telephone Support Group Zicharon Call: (732) 905-6798 Support groups for caregivers dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s. MyTEAM Call: (718) 534-1008 Peer support for high school and post-seminary girls who are dealing with non-life-threatening medical conditions. Each girl is matched with a “teammate” - a peer who is going through a similar medical challenge, as well as an older mentor for more support, perspective, and guidance. Call: (973) 610-8954 or email: [email protected]

Neurofibromatosis Talk An informal support hotline for Jewish neurofibromatosis carriers and their family members. Call: (845) 422-1891

N’shei C.A.R.E.S. Mothers of multiples support group, counseling before and after birth. Call: (718) 951-6735 Fax to sign up: (718) 951-9091

N’shei C.A.R.E.S. Support group for caregivers of a spouse, elderly parent or relative with a physical or mental disability. Call: Bluma Goodman (917) 921-2600 or Leshkowitz (718) 851-3191

Sister to Sister Offering emotional support and assistance for Jewish divorced mothers. Call: (718) 338-2943

Someich Noflim Support for parents of children with epilepsy and seizure disorders. Call: (845) 537-1039 or (347) 677-4166

Yaametz Libechu For families and parents of children with congenital heart defects. Library, parent networking, medical advice, helpline, newsletters, referrals and adult chapter. Call: (718) 501-7537

4 Gemach Hashovas Aveida otlines for Help for lost or found , mezuzas and megillos. H Send a fax to: (347) 435-0545 Answers, Advice, Gemach Hotline/Chesed Shebachesed Looking for a phone number for a particular gemach? and Support Call: (718) 436-0678, (718) 633-2323 Homework Gemach Anchor If you have a five-minute Limudei Kodesh question. Postpartum support network. 24 hour hotline. Advice, support, Call Mrs. Tiktin at: (718) 851-5265 from 6-8pm or 9-10pm and referrals are all confidential. Call: (718) 307-7892 International Medical/Chesed Hotline For all medical and information. Bais Horaah of Flatbush Call: (718) 705-5000 Emergency Shailos answered from 10am – 6:30pm. Call: (718) 336-1375 Jewish Diabetes Association Call: (718) 303-5955 BINA: Brain INjury Assistance Referrals, guidance, hotline, support groups, etc., following Kiruv Hotline – Oz Nidbiru brain injury in both children and adults. For all your kiruv questions while doing kiruv. Call: (718) 645-6400 Call: (800) 98KIRUV

Challah 1-2-3 Gemach Life Insurance Gemach Step-by-step guidance until you the perfect dough. Not a broker but can give advice on the importance of insurance Call: (718) 853-0364 and help to obtain the correct insurance for each person. Men or women. Call: (347) 203-4712 Baking Hotline Any baking mistakes or problems while making challah. Machon HaHoyroa Shaila Hotline Call: (718) 436-0927 If you have any type of emergency shaila it can be answered 24 hours a day. Chayim Aruchim Call: (845) HALACHA When someone is seriously ill and you need support and guidance. Matzasi Hotline Call: (718) 278-2446 If you lost or found an object. Erev Shabbos Road Assistance If you get stuck on the road and it is close to Shabbos. Ohel Helpline Call: (718) 705-5000 When you need a professional to talk to. Call: (800) 603-OHEL Eitzah Experienced mechanchim answer you on yeshivah boys issues from 9:30-11:00 pm. Call (718) 851-5111; fax (718) 989-9257 5 Shmiras Halashon Shaila Hotline A will answer your question on Shmiras Halashon from hiurim by hone 9-10:30 pm Mon–Thu night as well as Motzoei Shabbosim. S P Call: (718) 951-3696 Aneinu For Wednesday night Shiurim. Sparks Call: (212) 990-8000 #8020 Serving pre and post natal women with awareness, relief, knowledge and support. Chazak Call: (718) 277-2757 A project of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation. Inspirational ten minutes of free shiurim on the phone 24 hours. Tefillas Haderech Call: (718) 258-2008 or (845) 356-6665 If you are driving on the road and forgot Tefillas Haderech, call for a recording. Children’s’ Shmiras Halashon Halacha and Story Hotline Call: (212) DRI-VING A project of Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Call anytime to hear Meir Erps teach a daily Halacha in The IMA Line – Rochel Shmiras Halashon with an exciting story. Information about prenatal and postpartum challenges including Call: (718) 305-6960, (212) 444-1119 or (845) 738-1066 depression, anxiety and other related issues. Advice, mentoring and doctor referrals. “J”root (formerly Hidabrut) Call: (732) 364-4462 between 10am-8pm Listen to 97.5 FM by phone from anywhere. Call: (712) 432-4217 Yittie Leibel Help Line Confidential counseling and advice given by mental health Kol Haloshon professionals. Thousands of free Shiurim over the phone in many languages. Call: (718) 435-7669 Call: (718) 906-6400

Zemanim Hotline Kol Kevudah Konnections To get times for Shabbos, chatzos, neitz and other times. Tznius awareness and inspiration line. Call: (718) 331-TIME (8463) Call: (718) 906-6434

Tzinus Inspiration Line – Inspired by Wire A project of Bnos Melochim. Call: (718) 906-6451

6 Free Legal Services ervices emachs In Conjunction with COJO of Flatbush S G Helps with SSI, food stamps, Medicaid, unemployment, Agudath Israel Professional Career Services evictions, green cards, immigration applications, welfare, and Assists with job placement. more. Call: (718) 436-1900 Call: (718) 377-2900 x7623

Be’er Myriam Legal Advice and Referral Gemach JBFCS of Boro Park Call Ari Neuberger, Esq.: (718) 236-7399 Individual and family therapy, after school groups including socialization groups for girls, parenting groups and more. Brachos Party Call: (718) 435-5700 Free assistance and resources in planning your party for kol minei yeshuos. Kashering Call: (347) 251-9237, (718) 436-8946 or (718) 853-1607. Free or reduced rate, kitchen koshering for those in need. For free pekalach, call: (718) 854-8066 Call: (718) 730-0224

Breathing Method to Quit Smoking Koshershaver.org Call: (718) 310-9231 Make your Norelco or Philips lift and cut shaver kosher according to Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, shlit”a. Car Ride Gemach Mail the 3 heads in a mailer to: Riders pay $5 to and from Monsey. Koshershaver 1157 Tiffany Lane, Lakewood, NJ 08701 Call: (917) 995-1961 Machsom L’Fi Gemach Challah Baking Segulah Join groups of 18 people in need of a yeshua. Recite the names of childless couple when you are mafrish Call: (732) 905-8676 challah on Thursday or Friday. Call Halberstam: (718) 972-4793 Mailing Gemach We will label, stuff, seal and stamp your chasunah invitation for Chasdei Avos a small fee. Are you homebound? Or would you like to learn with a Call: (718) 436-5918 homebound Yid? Call: (718) 377-3273 (day) or (718) 692-2898 (night) Mailing and Invitations Gemach We will use your stamps and labels and help you get out your Chaveirim Volunteer Road Assistance mailing or invitations. Broke down on the road? Locked out? We can help you from Call: (718) 435-1235 almost anywhere! Call: (718) 431-8181 Notary Public Licensed notary. Erev Shabbos Road Assistance Call: (646) 675-4424 at any time located in Flatbush If you are stuck on the road on Erev Shabbos on the way to New York or New Jersey and need a place for Shabbos. Call: (718) 705-5000

7 NY Soars Shomrim In conjunction with COJO of Flatbush Flatbush: (718) 338-9797 Helping individuals with current or past addictions to alcohol or Boro Park: (718) 871-6666 drugs. Counseling, support services and housing support. Crown Heights: (718) 774-3333 Call Rabbi Shmuel Steinharter: (718) 290-4320 Substitute Gemach Project Metropair If you are looking for a substitute, or you are available to A project of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty substitute. Can’t afford a handyman? Text: (718) 809-2083 Call: (212) 453-9500 Tafkid Project RISE Provides support, information and referrals, special education A project of Agudah Israel of America advocacy, equipment lending and family recreation programs Help with social services, monetary matters and other referrals for children with special needs. as well. Call: (718) 252-2236 Call: (212) 797-9000 Working Papers Help Rides to Bais Olam For application help. NY & NJ from Flatbush and Boro Park. Call evenings or weekends: (718) 854-0961; or daytime: (917) Call: (718) 436-8381 676-7611

Ride Gemach Zichron Etel Volunteer Tutors Need a ride to or from Baltimore, Monsey, or Volunteer tutors needed to help children who can’t afford Lakewood? tutorial services with homework or a particular subject. Call: (410) 358 – RIDE Call: (718) 692-0430

Sefarim Help Need help looking up anything in a sefer? Call: (206) 984-6192

Shir Hashirim Segulah Names of people needing a , to have in mind while reciting Shir Hashirim at licht bentshen. Call Halberstam for a name: (718) 972-4793

Shiluach Hakane If you have a bird’s nest and need help clarifying how to do this or for a fee if you want to find a nest as a segulah for children and shidduchim. Call Rabbi Kahan: (917) 923-0995

8 significant. hidduchim Call: (877) 55-SOSTA Mon.–Thurs. 10am–4pm or S Call: (212) 894-8220 Boneh Bayis Shidduchim Shidduchim for young people with medical or physical issues. The Zivug Line Strictly confidential. To join Wednesday night meetings. Call: (718) 438-1639 Call: (718) 998-3499

Binyan Adey Ad Zivugim Shidduchim services for all ages. Call: (718) 298-4480 ext. 203 Call: (718) 256-7525

Eishes Lapidos Shadchanim who deal with girls ages 23-30. Call: (732) 806-4650 or (732) 806-4651

Kesher Connection Call: (718) 576-1094

L’Chaim For a list of shaddchanim send $18 to: L’Chaim, 1 Bartlett Road, Monsey, NY 10952

Mesos Dodim Helps make shidduchim when medical issues are involved. Call: (718) 708-1299

Meeting Place Gemach For dates or beshows. For out-of-towners, or if your home lacks privacy. Boro Park, 14th and 55th. Call: (718) 851-0415

Set A groundbreaking non-profit shidduch organization. A personalized approach. Getting the “yes.” Coaching all the way. Call: (845) 548-4096

Shidduchim Hotline Every Tuesday 9:30 – 11:00pm. All ages and backgrounds. Strictly confidential. Call: (646) 519-5800 Pin #4005

Sos Tasis Shidduchim for young men and women up to age 30 with current or past medical issues that range from slight to 9 Bais Avel Medical Gemachs Kol Hachesed Gemachs International Medical/Chesed Hotline For all medical and bikur cholim information. Bais Avel Gemachs Call: (718) 705-5000 Availim Chairs – 8 available. Call: (718) 336-0217 (Flatbush) Akeres Habayis For women during bed rest. Tapes, books, bed trays and meals. Bais Avel Gemach Call: (718) 435-8044 or (718) 259-1487 Provide and Avel chairs and siddurim. Call: (718) 377-1113 or (718) 972-1800 (Flatbush) American Friends of Puah Free halachic and medical counseling for fertility and women’s Gemach for Availim health issues. 4 chairs. Pick up only in Flatbush. Call: (718) 336-0603 Call: (718) 338-1188 Bikur Cholim Apartments Gemach Yisroel Aryeh a”h Temporary apartments arranged for those in need of medical Sefer Torah with aron for short-term use. treatment. Call: (347) 203-4712 or (718) 998-1172 Call Mrs. Lowy at: (718) 221-1309

Misaskim Bikur Cholim of Boro Park Provides all items and services for the grieving family, To borrow or donate medical equipment including electric including Sefer Torah, and chairs. hospital beds, wheelchairs, walkers, bath chairs, medula nursing Call: (877) CHESED6 or (718) 854-4548 pumps, nebulizers, incontinence supplies or to receive blood for a patient in any NY city hospital. The Mitzva Man Call: (718) 438-2020 Sign up for a text list that will let you know where a at a shivah house is needed. Blood Pressure Gemach – Zichron Devorah Call: (866) 355-1825 Digital and manual available. Call: (347) 251-9237 or (718) 436-8946

Bonei Olam Call: (718) 252-2347

Burns Special cream from Israel for help with 1st or 2nd degree burn. Call: (917) 301-8899

Caring and Sharing Newsletter outreach and support network for families whose children have cancer. Call: (718) 596-1542 or (718) 596-3130 10 Chai Lifeline Feeding Tube Supplies Call: (212) 465-1300 Zevex feeding pump and supplies. Mickey Button 14F 1.7 cm. Support and information also available for mothers and children Chasdei Chana with feeding tubes. Magnetic healing for backaches, allergies, etc. Call: (718) 677-6585 Call: (718) 854-8066 Foot Scooter Gemach Chasdei Yonah Broke your foot? Need an easier way to get around the house? Children’s medical equipment for special needs children. Call: (718) 853-3214, (718) 854-6320 or (718) 377-8635 Call: (718) 436-0141 or (718) 755-0920 Gastrointestinal and Back Pain Child Life Society For information and to borrow book. Nutritional supplments, home help services, respite, etc. Call: (718) 435-7848 Call: (347) 301-0493 Glaucoma Pens Dentist Gemach (Park Slope) Call: (917) 692-2674 Park Slope dentist offering his basic services to adults who cannot afford basic dentistry. HILF Support Network Call: (347) 394-7113 Volunteers needed to take shifts to relieve family members of patients who need 24 hour care. Call: (718) 388-8088 Committee for prevention of Jewish genetic diseases. Call: (718) 384-6060 Jewish Heritage for the Blind Many seforim available in large print and braille. Doula Gemach Call: (718) 338-4999 or (800) 995-1888 If you need a doula for when you are in labor. Call: (917) 353-3186 Kapayim – Hand in Hand Support services for children with serious illnesses. Echo Call: (718) 851-1341 Provides doctor referrals and help. Call: (718) 859-9800 or (845) 425-9750 Kesher- The Medical Gemach G-Tube equipment, oxygen supplies, catherters etc. To donate Emergency Childcare Network or receive. When you have a medical emergency and don’t have anyone to Call: (718) 435-0748 take care of your children. (Boro Park/ Flatbush or Kensington) Call for emergencies: (718) 436-3024 or (347) 436-6606 Kesser Kavod Provides custom hairpieces for men and children with hair loss Esrog Jelly conditions and illnesses. Segulah for easy childbirth. Call: (732) 901-0188 or (908) 907-2828 Call: (718) 438-8629 or (516) 295-5724 Kidney Donor Matchmaker Eyeglass Gemach To speak to others who successfully donated kidneys or to be Eyeglasses at cost for those in need. matched with someone who desperately needs a kidney. Call: (718) 253-5497 Call: (917) 627-8336 11 Knee Scooter N’Shei C.A.R.E.S. Call and leave a message: (718) 437-8331 Doula labor coach program n Volunteer program based in Hospital. Kol Hachesed Call: (212) 363-8940 International Medical Hotline Medical referrals, hospital information, chesed rides and bus Pediatric Medical Advice information, Bikur Cholim information. If you have a medical question between 11pm and 7am and Call: (718) 705-5000 need to speak to a pediatrician. Call: (888) 623-8854 Lend an Ear Hearing aids and FM units on short-term loan. Pediatrician Available on Yom Tov Call: (718) 963-0806 Dr. Goodman’s office 1525 45th (15th & 16th) Stat Care 1153 58th (11th & 12th) Magen Avrohom Call: (718) 851-1632 or (718) 851-2500 For help and support in dealing with eating disorders. Call: (718) 222-4321 Pesha Elias Bikur Cholim D’Bobov Medical referrals for Brooklyn. Medical Referrals Rofeh International Call: (718) 851-1632 or (212) 575-0008 Medical referrals as well as hospitality in . Call: (617) 734-5100 or (617) 734-5101 Physical Therapy Equipment Gemach Borrow from or add to this collection of equipment used for Medical Equipment home exercises prescribed by a physical therapist. Currently Wheelchairs, crutches, etc., loaned out on a temporary basis. available ankle weights, medicine ball and stretching cane. Call: (718) 854-2680 or (718) 438-0211 Call: (347) 424-3335 and leave a message.

Medical Equipment Gemach Psoriasis Wheelchairs, walkers and quads. Closed July and August. For information on how to finally cure psoriasis. Call: (718) 338-5375 Call: (718) 336-1888

Mekimi Gemach Ostomy Support and Supplies Patient live and DVDs. Call: (347) 742-1868 Call: (866) MEKIMI1 Radiology Advice Mill Basin Medical Equipment Radiologist will give a free 2nd opinion on mammograms and Call: (718) 692-3425 other x-rays. Call: (718) 258-2125 Nebulizer Gemachs Call: (718) 677-6585, (718) 253-5497 or (718) 951-2247 RCCS Ensures that cancer patients have access to the best medical N’Shei Ahavas Chesed care possible. Arranges volunteers to drive and pick up patients from doctors. Call: (718) 722-2002 Call: (718) 436-7265

12 Refuah Gemach Vaad L’Tzorchay Refuah Over-the-counter medicine in the middle of the night. Helps patient get proper hospital care. Will also help intercede Weekdays 11pm-9am, call first. Shabbos and Yom Tov- with hospital administration on behalf of patients. open 24 hours. Call: (877) 9-REFUAH or (718) 853-2090 For 4917 12th Avenue, call: (718) 431-8311 For 5305 12th Avenue, call: (718) 435-8266 Waterproof Cast Protector Rubber sleeve that covers casts or bandages. Refuah Resources Call: (718) 915-6612 Physician referrals and medical information. Call: (718) 437-7474 Yad Ephraim Heartwarming Heimeshe Hospital Meals for someone spending Relief Resources time in the hospital in Boro Park. Patient care and family Mental health referral agency. support as well. Call: (718) 431-9501 Call: (718) 431-0404

Renewal Yameitz Libechu Helps patients find kidney donors and offers support Referrals for children with heart defects. publications and guidance to patients and donors. Call: (718) 486-2895 or (718) 501-7537 Call: (718) 431-9831 Zichron Baila Rodeph Chesed Call Shulamit: (718) 627-8079 Volunteer ambulette service. Call Matti: (718) 677-1907 (Madison Area) Call: (718) 833-9220 or (718) 435-9229 Zichron Shlomo Refuah Fund Ruby Gemach Organization to help cancer patients cover medical bills, For a yeshua for Dovid Ben Rina Nogah vitamins, travel expenses, food, housekeeping and more. Segulah to prevent miscarriages. Call: (718) GET-WELL (438-9355) Call: (516) 295-5724 Zichron Yisroel Book Gemach Segulah Horn and Esrog Jelly Gastro Information. Segulah for an easy delivery. Call: (718) 435-7848 Call: (845) 356-5035

Tznius Hospital Gowns LI”N Miriam Bas Schneur Zalman For maternity or hospital stay, locations all over the east coast, call for availability in your area. Call in evening: (845) 425-8687 or (718) 853-3187

Tznius Hospital Gowns Call: (718) 633-8261, (845) 426-5334, Queens (917) 859-8177

T-Shirt Material Call: (718) 851-2418 13 Bris Gemach aby emachs Brand new bris set and vach nacht outfit. We wash. B G Call: (917) 683-5557 or (718) 633-6359

BRIS AND PIDYON HABEN Bris Pillow used by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Call: (646) 492-9952 (Monsey) Shalom Zachor Gemach Beer for Shalom Zachor available even at last minute. Asher Anshel v’Sara Bris Gemach Call: (718) 338-1644 Outfits, puyas, pillowcases, blankets, bib for Pidyon Haben jewelry. Outfit for Pidyon Haben also available. No washing. Shalom Zachor Gemach #2 Deposit. Including summers. We will pull together a last-minute Simcha in honor of a baby Call: (718) 252-7480 or (718) 677-0413 boy born on Friday. Food, drink, table wear. Call for more details. Will set up in Flatbush. Gemach Zichron Leah Shoshana Call: (347) 351-7098. Leave a message if there is no answer. Beautiful bris buntings and outfits, pillowcase and tray for Pidyon Haben. No Charge. Mohelim Call: (718) 436-6074 Experienced, certified Mohelim available for those in need. Call: (347) 628-6198; (347) 967-9138; (347) 455-8882; Bris and Pidyon Haben Gemach (732) 598-4106; (646) 637-5092 Outfits and pillows available. Please dry clean after use. Call: (973) 777-7488 (Clifton, NJ) Bris Pillow and Bris Outfit Call: (718) 853-8429 (Kensington) Everything for the Bris Even the Mohel. Bris Gemach Call: (646) 637-5092 Pillow, outfits, blanket. No washing necessary. Deposit. Call: (917) 838-2191 (Flatbush) Bris Hachesed To order food for a bris l’shem mitzvah, call: (718) 387-0207 Bris Gemach To volunteer to cook for a bris, call: (718) 599-2564 Beautiful puyas, pillows and an outfit for your son’s bris. No To provide a bris at no cost for those in need, call: (718) 851- charge. Do not have to wash. 6357 or (917) 776-7785 Call: (718) 871-7902 (Boro Park) Bris Outfits Bris Gemach Pillow, outfit. No need to wash. Bris pillowcases, outfits, blankets, puya outfits, no charge and Call: (718) 375-0469 don’t have to wash. Call Gitty after 3pm at: (718) 435-3638 The Complete Bris Gemach Pillows, bunting and outfit at no charge. Bris Gemach Call: (917) 682-5403 Outfits, pillowcases, blankets, puyas, etc. Call: (718) 871-5467 or (718) 435-7221 (Boro Park) Boro Park Bris Gemachim Call: (718) 599-5508 (Williamsburg) For 15th & 57th, call: (718) 435-7221 For 13th & 45th, call: (718) 871-5467

14 Bris Booklets Kimpit Tzetlach Tefillos to say at a bris. Shmira cards for kimpeturing and babies. Call: (718) 633-4661 Call: (718) 851-3696

Bris Gemach Segulah Stone Everything baby needs for the bris. Helps bring down jaundice in baby in time for bris as late as Call: (646) 228-9565 night before. Call: (347) 241-3946 (Boro Park) Bris Outfit and Pillow Call: (718) 382-8863 Segulah Stone Helps jaundice to make bris on time. Zichron Eliyahu Bris Gemach Call: (718) 710-8483 Embroidered pillow, outfits, blankets and yarmulkes available for bris. Yad Yaakov Bris Gemach Call: (718) 646-7696 or (917) 596-8315 Beautiful bris outfits, puyas, pillows, blankets. No washing or charge. Gemach Zichron Moshe Yaakov Call: (718) 837-5137 Bris outfit, pillow, blanket and puyas. Call: (718) 258-8917 or (718) 972-1119 Zichron Eliyahu Bris Gemach Outfit, pillow, yarmulke and matching blanket. Gemach Zichron Aharon Call: (718) 646-7696 2 matching bris outfits. Call: (718) 377-7333 Bibs for Pidyon Haben L’zecher nishmos Asher Anshel V’Sara. Gemach Keren Zichron Avraham Moshe Pin Jewelry on this lace bib. Outfit and blanket also available. Cards with tefillos to say at a bris or chasunah. Returnable deposit. Call: (718) 376-5545 Call: (718) 252-7480 or (718) 677-0413

Gemach Zichron Pinchos and Rivka Roiza Pidyon Haben Tefillos to say at a bris. Large lace Pidyon Haben box. Call Portowicz: (718) 338-4243 Call: (718) 438-4993

Bris Cards Silver Coins and Tray Tefillos for Ais Ratzon at a bris. Available for your Pidyon Haben. Call: (718) 510-5521 Call: (718) 337-2228 (Far Rockaway)

Gemach Zichron L’Shmuel Pidyon Haben Coins Bris outfit available. 5 pure silver 1 oz. coins. Call Chamoula at: (718) 627-9290 (Flatbush) Call: (646) 419-0782

5 Handsewn Gowns and 4 Pillowcases Pidyon Haben Tray Gemach Call: (347) 359-8945 (Ocean Parkway) Large ornate silver tray available for Pidyon Haben. References required. Call: (718) 438-4993 15 Gemach Zichron Meyer V’Liba Baby Carriers Everything you need for a Pidyon Haben: outfit, tray, Infant and toddlers available. Deposit returned. pillowcase, coins, sugar, bib, and benchers. Call: (718) 336-0212 Call: (718) 252-1517 Baby Scales in Williamsburg Gemach Zichron Asher Anshel v’Sara Call: (718) 599-5508 or (718) 782-1948 Outfit and silver plated tray. Call: (718) 252-7480 Baby Infant Digital Scales Call Braun at: (718) 915-6612 Zichron Leah Shoshana Pidyon Haben Tray – silver-plated. Bassinet Gemach Call: (718) 436-6074 Call: (347) 228-9222 (Boro Park)

Pidyon Haben Baskets and Bentchers Bili Blanket Gemach Call: (718) 435-8204 Jaundice lowering electrical medical blanket. Call: (845) 494-5498 or (845) 425-8966 Pidyon Haben Tray Gemach Real Silver. Bubby’s Car Seat Gemach Call: (718) 756-4946 (Crown Heights) Short-term car seat gemach perfect for picking up grandchildren at airport or over Yom Tov. Pidyon Haben Gemach Call C. S. Fogel at: (718) 338-1676 (evenings) Tray, pillow, lace container etc. Call: (718) 851-7964 Chasdei Chaim Car Seat Gemach Boro Park call: (917) 468-7557 Pidyon Haben Tray & Box Gemach Williamsburg call: (718) 384-4622 Free of charge. Please leave a message. Call: (718) 851-8416 (Boro Park) Gemach Keren Eta Porta-cribs for newborns. $20 deposit. Zichron Mordechai Bris Gemach Call: (718) 382-5592 Bris outfits with pillow, Tefillah for Bris, Pidyon Haben outfit, and much more. Located at 578 East 2nd St. Gemach Zichron L’Shlomo Call or text: (347) 794-1278 Porta Cribs available. Call Chamoula at: (718) 627-9290 Zichron Shmuel Dovid Pidyon Haben coins at reduced price. Keren Memalei Call (347) 623-8252 and leave a message. Will find someone who can use your crib, swing, playpen, etc. Call Mrs. Loeb at: (718) 377-3810

BABY EQUIPMENT Pack ‘N Play Gemach Baby Scale For short-term use. $20 deposit. Digital. Security deposit. Call: (718) 851-6304 Call: (718) 782-1948 (Williamsbug) Playpen Gemach Call (718) 963-3328 or (718) 858-2935 (Williamsburg) 16 Sorala’s Baby Gemach Baby Layette Gemach Digital baby scales, nursing pumps, pack‘n plays, booster Brand new beautiful package of newborn baby clothing for chairs, snap and go, baby bath tubs and more. For short-term those in need. use. Refundable deposit required. Call: (718) 377-4207 Call: (347) 201-BABY and leave a clear message. Gemach Ezer L’Yoldos Zichron Aharon Tzvi Yehuda v’ Chaya Rochel – Boro Park A new layette given to new mothers in need. Baby Gemach Call: (718) 431-9158 Pack ‘n Plays, bassinets, car seats, snap ‘n go’s. No charge, cash deposit, 6 weeks. Little Layette Call: (718) 854-6829 For brand-new box of essentials for families who can’t afford them. Gemach Zichron Gedalya www.littlelayette.org Car infant and booster seats. Call: (718) 438-5451 Teaneck Baby Gemach Formula, diapers, clothing and equipment. PREEMIES AND MULTIPLES Call Fleishcher: (201) 797-1770 Hour Blessings NURSING/FORMULA GEMACHS Lending a hand to mothers of multiples. Call Faigy: (718) 438-9013 Eizer Aim V’Yeled Nursing Pumps. Available in Brooklyn and Monsey. Deposit N’Shei C.A.R.E.S. required. Mothers of multiples baby equipment: carriages, high chairs, Call: (845) 794-9277 and car seats. Also accepts donations. Call Rivki: (718) 253-6234 (Equipment) Gemach Chasdei Malka Call Leah: (718) 853-0301 or (718) 436-2466 (Newborn – Size 4) Medela nursing pumps. Call: (718) 633-2139 or (718) 851-7040 Leibel Fink Preemie Gemach Clothing, books, bottles and support. Available in Brooklyn and Medela Nursing Pump Monsey. Call: (718) 677-6585 Call: (845) 362-9222 Mommy’s Helper Gemach Preemie Gemach Long term electric breast pumps. Long- and short-term use. Outfits for babies up to 6 lbs. To give or receive the baby’s Hospital-quality pumps also available. basics. Call: (718) 436-3919 Call: (718) 331-0004 Mother’s Milk Gemach We pick up from anywhere. NEWBORN CLOTHING Call: (845) 354-7515 Gemach Zichron Shevach Brand new baby clothing. Nursing Hotline Call: (917) 301-1888 Help and advice for mothers. Call Mrs. Aiello at: (908) 355-3998 or (917) 817-9203 17 Neocate Formula Gemach To give or receive. hildren s Call: (718) 853-4090 C ’ Medela Pump Gemach Gemachs For short-term loan. Call: (718) 853-2382 Bike Gemach Leave a message about what kind of bike you have or need. Zichron Eliyahu Formula Gemach Call: (718) 338-5910 If you need formula or want to donate. Call Boro Park: (718) 972-2142; Flatbush: (718) 253-5497 Cast Cover Gemach Williamsburg: (718) 782-5145; Five Towns: (718) 337-2268 Waterproof sleeve that fits over casts and bandages. Monsey: (845) 371-3232; Queens: (718) 846-9362 Call: (718) 915-6612

Children’s Gemach of Mill Basin Children’s and baby clothing, furniture, and paraphernalia given away for free. Please leave name and number clearly. Call: (718) 692-3425

Hearing Aids and FM Units Call: (718) 963-0806

Keren Memalei Will find someone who can use your children’s furniture. Call Mrs. Loeb at: (718) 377-3810

Myad L’yad – Nshei Ahavas Chesed Baby Furniture Furniture given away and donations accepted. Call: (718) 436-9088 (day) or (718) 972-8702

Reflector Belts For children and adults walking at night. Call: (718) 853-4966

School Supplies Gemach School supplies available for families in need (no mosdos please). Call: (718) 734-8102

Toys and Book Gemach Don’t know what to do with your extra toys? Bring them to: 4702 15th Avenue Apt C-3 or call: (718) 854-2413

18 Disguise the Limit A children’s costume gemach. $5.00 fee to . Please not achnosas before Shevat. Donations of costumes accepted. H Call C.S. Fogel at: (718) 338-1676 Orchim Flatbush Costumes Only after Rosh Chodesh Shevat. Bikur Cholim Apartments Call: (718) 951-2016 Temporary apartments arranged for those in need of medical treatment. Flatbush Costume Gemach Call Mrs. Lowy at: (718) 854-3650 Call: (347) 312-7722 Erev Shabbos Road Assistance Kosher iPad with Games If you get stuck on the road and it is close to Shabbos. For sick or homebound children. Max 4-week use. Call: (718) 705-5000 Call and leave a message: (718) 437-8831 Freezer Space Gemach P-3 Gemach For short-term use. Are you a P-3 provider? Or are you looking for a P-3 provider? Call: (718) 703-8950 (Kensington) We are not an agency. Email [email protected] Hachnosas Orchim Apartments available in Boro Park and Williamsburg for short- Purim Costume Gemach term use. 1641 East 31st Street bet P. and Quentin. Size 0-6T Call: (718) 686-2750 ext. 101 Call: (718) 989-2275 Pesach Meals Purim Costume Gemach If you need a Seder or Yom Tov meal or would like to have a We charge $5 plus $5 deposit refundable deposit per costume. guest. Call: Klitnick at: (718) 259-4870 Call: (718) 435-3577

“The Whole Megilla Costume Gemach” Shabbos Meals Only $5 per costume donation to tzedakah. Plus $5 per costume Do you want a Shabbos guest for a meal? Do you want to join a refundable deposit. Donations accepted all year. family for a Shabbos meal? Ave R and E. 15th. Call: (718) 972-3211 Call: (718) 998-7720

Sifrei Shmiras Halashon for Children 10 copies of “Who Wants Life” to borrow. Call: (718) 252-7480

Toy Gemach No stuffed animals or puzzles. No toys or games with missing pieces. Limited to 2 boxes at a time. Call: (718) 419-8782 or text pictures of toys to (718) 614-8390

19 Honey Cake ood emachs Has pesukim which are a segulah for p’sichas halev and F G hatzlocha b’Torah. Free. Challah Bikelach Gemach Call: (718) 259-5435 Call: (347) 228-9222

Chasdei Henoch Chaim Food Gemach We accept and give out cakes, food for simchos and families. Call: (718) 436-3024 (Kensington)

Chicken Soup Gemach If you need soup for Shabbos. Call: (917) 353-3186

Closed Food Packages Bring to 4702 15th Avenue Apt C-3 or call: (718) 854-2413

Heimishe Shabbos Meals for Kimpeturins Lz”n Dovid Ben Yaakov and Dovid Yehuda ben Moshe Call by Wednesday to see if available that week: (718) 871- 7783

Kimperturin Lunches Hot delicious lunches delivered to your door. Boro Park only. Please call 3 days in advance and leave message. Call: (718) 853-1890 or (845) 796-1727

Nshei Chayil Provides hot, fresh suppers for kimperturins and their families for a minimal fee. Call: (718) 964-8057

S.T.O.P. To give or receive leftovers from simchos. Call: (347) 782-3940

Simchas Rivky Unused cake and flowers from simchos free of charge. To donate or obtain, call: (718) 853-8484 or (917) 776-5642

Zichron Chaim Fishel We accept and give out cakes that are suitable for simchos. Call: (718) 749-4572

20 Furniture, Clothing, Appliances and Bric-A-Brac Gemach ousehold We will call you within 24 hours to schedule a pickup. H Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island only. Gemachs Call: (516) 741-4761 or (516) 476-0845 Furniture Gemach Zichron Shimon Blow Dryer Gemach Call: (718) 336-1888 220 Volt Elchim. Short-term use only. Call: (718) 331-0217 Furniture and Appliance Gemach To donate or receive. Please text a picture and include name, Boxes for Moving address, phone number, and measurements. Call: (646) 469-4952 Text: (917) 361-8268

Bins Gemach Furniture, Major Appliances and Baby Equipment Sterilite/Rubbermaid bins for an easier move. To donate or receive. Call: (347) 374-6306 Call: (718) 972-3211

Cell Phone Gemach GPS Gemach If you have a cell phone or charger in working condition and Call: (718) 972-2580 you no longer use it or you need a cell phone. Call: 732-484-7051 or (718) 282-0223 (Kensington) Heaters and Air Conditioners Call: (347) 232-6832 Exercise Equipment Gmach (Zichron Tzvi) Give away or obtain exercise equipment (treadmill, stationary Heater Gemach bicycle, elliptical, etc.). Text details of the equipment you have $25 deposit required for a 2-week loan of a heater. Short- or are seeking (type, age, condition, where located). Be sure to term use only. state “giving” or “seeking.” We do not store any equipment. We Call: (718) 677-1149 try to match the people giving with the people seeking. Text: (347) 424-3335 Housewares Do you have extra household items cluttering your kitchen? Freezer Space Gemach Bring them to 4702 15th Avenue Apt C3 For short-term use. Or call: (718) 854-2413 Call: (718) 703-8950 Kensington Kashering Gemach Furniture Are you moving? Do you need help koshering your kitchen? Call: (516) 569-8581 Reduced rate available for those in need. Call: (718) 730-0224 Furniture Gemach Call: (718) 773-1920 (Crown Heights) Laptop Gemach Donate your laptop in usable condition for children with special Furniture Gemach needs. Call: (718) 544-1396 Call: (646) 5-GEMACH

Furniture and Large Appliances Call F. Levy: (718) 438-5669 or R. Pollack: (718) 339-0915 21 Leather Briefcase Gemach Deposit refunded upon return of item. Black leather briefcase with matching black leather portfolio Call Brustowski at: (718) 853-4743 or Wolf at: (718) 854-0178 available for those going on corporate interviews. (after 6pm) Call: (347) 424-3335 Keren Nosson Gemach Linen Gemach $50 cash deposit per mezuzah. Refunded upon return of Linen in perfect condition accepted and given away to those in mezuzah. need. Full sets only. Call Y. Herman at: (917) 847-1025 Call: (718) 853-6481 Hasofer Teffilin and Mezuzos Gemach Luggage Gemach All types of tefillin and mezuzos to lend. 1640 49th St. Luggage on wheels. $20 deposit required for short-term loan. Call: (718) 437-7078 () Various sizes available. Call: (718) 336-9281 Teffilin Gemach Left and right available for short-term loan. Luggage Gemach Call: (917) 337-7484 $20 deposit per suitcase. Call: (718) 734-8102 Mini Refrigerator Holds 4-6 soda cans. Luggage Scales Gemach Call: (347) 251-9237 or (718) 436-8946 Call: (718) 972-3213 Steam Cleaner Major Appliances Borrow a Steam Magic to clean almost any surface. Deposit At discounted prices for those who qualify. required. Call: (718) 749-4572 Call: (718) 437-1983

Minadvim Sukkah Shadchan Donate or receive household items, furniture, appliances and Do you have a sukkah you are no longer using? more. Call: (718) 677-6487 Call: (718) 636-2384 Sukkah Gemach Matan Mazel Housewares Gemach Call: (718) 998-6596 We accept and give away clearly labeled and perfect condition housewares and small appliances. 14-Foot Tree Pruner Tool Gemach Call: (718) 871-0860 between 9am – 9pm This tool cuts branches easily. Ths is not a tree pruning service. Call: (347) 424-3335 (Flatbush) or (718) 436-0574 (Boro Park) Mezuzah Gemach Call: (718) 376-5714 Video Projector $125 to use a projector, amplifier and screen. CYCR Chesed Gemach Call: (516) 374-1528 A mezuzah and tefillin gemach. $75 cash deposit for each mezuzah. $750 cash deposit for tefillin. Water Pump Gemach 50 ft. hose. Call: (718) 633-1850 (Boro Park) 22 Tool Box Gemach Call: (347) 939-9914 Clothing Gemachs Boy’s Coat Gemach Call: (718) 331-9634

Boys’ Coats and Outer Jackets Sizes 3-18. Excellent condition. Call: (347) 419-3044

Boy’s Suits and Pants Gemach Blue and black suits and pants in perfect condition. Sizes 4-18. To donate or receive, call: (718) 437-1983

Chesed Center We pick up clothing, shoes, toys, electronics, etc. Call: (347) 837-8256

Children’s Clothing 0-6 years in perfect condition. Call: (718) 377-8733

Children’s Clothing Call: (718) 302-2794

Clothing Drop Off 1685 43rd Street

Clothing Gemach Free pickup of clothing, toys, or home goods. Call or text: (347) 978-6544

Gemach Malbushei Yisroel Bekishes and Chassidishe suits and coats for bochurim and men in brand new condition. Call: (718) 435-3822

Headcovering Gemach Snoods, tichels, headbands etc, all proceeds go to tzedakah. Call: (718) 755-6877.

23 Ladies and Children’s Clothing Tichel Gemach We accept and give away. Silk tichels to donate or receive. Call: (718) 854-4081 Call: (718) 854-1514

Ladies and Children’s Coats Young Israel of Brighton Beach Excellent condition only. Donate or receive. We pick up and give away clothing in good condition. 1345 41st Street basement. Self-service. Call: (718) 385-5002 (Flatbush only) Call: (718) 972-3211

Ladies Hats Gently used weekday and Shabbos hats. Donate or receive at 1345 41st Street, 1st floor between doors. Call: (718) 972-3211

Matan Mazel Clothing Gemach $5.00 fee per bag. Call: 718-871-0860 between 9am-9pm

Manhattan Clothing Gemach For men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing. Call: (212) 724-2700 for an appointment.

Men’s Coats In good condition only. To donate or receive. If you are donating, please mark the size on the left sleeve. 4435 18th Ave. Right bell. Monday through Thursday 5-9pm.

Men’s Hat Gemach We take your worn but usable condition hats and give it to needy Bnei Torah in Eretz Yisroel. For dropoff location, call: (718) 338-3895

Pick Purple Schedule a pick-up of your clothing, shoes or stuffed animals in any condition. Call: (201) 477-8775

Robe Gemach Call: (718) 645-6715 or (718) 866-5878

Staten Island Children’s Clothing Sizes 0-24 months. Call: (718) 873-7386

24 Shoes, Stockings, Maternity and Boots Gemachs Simcha Maternity Gemach Gemachs Only elegant maternity outfits – mostly dresses. Wednesdays 8-9pm, 1325 56th Street. Heart and Sole Shoe Gemach Call Melamid at: (718) 871-2005 We accept men’s, women’s and children’s shoes in perfect condition only. Nshei Ahavas Chesed Maternity Gemach Call E. Gut at: (917) 499-SHOE (7463) Call B. Pollak at: (718) 436-4301

Surgical Stockings Zichron Miriam Gittel V’Baila To donate to women in Eretz Yisroel. Maternity Gemach of Queens Call Silksation Plus at: (718) 435-3986 Weekday clothing given away for free. Call: (718) 544-9218 (evenings only) Children’s Boot Gemach To donate, call: (718) 263-1055 Did your children outgrow their boots? Are they still in great condition? Why not donate them? Maternity Coat Gemach Call: (718) 435-7848 or (917) 538-9162 Call: (718) 635-1710 (Webster Ave)

Maternity Clothing Gemach To donate or receive new or like-new. Call: (718) 338-3732 or (646) 320-6627

Simcha Baila Maternity Simcha Wear Call Mrs. Wachs at: (718) 951-7977 or Mrs. Goldbrenner at: (718) 338-2535 In Lakewood call: (732) 942-1076 In Passaic call: (973) 779-2648 In Toronto call at the beginning of the week for hours. Most gowns cost $50: (416) 932-6632

25 Sheitels Simcha Clothing Brooklyn Gemach Simchas Rochel V’Golda Gown Gemach (Crown Heights) To donate a new or used sheitel in good condition. By appointment only. Sunday 1-4 PM; Wednesday 7-9:30 PM. Call: (718) 377-8227 (Flatbush) Call or Text: (347) 770-4136

Sheitels for Needy Kallahs Brand-new and beautiful European hair sheitels for kallahs GIRLS’ GOWNS in need. Limit of 1 sheitel per kallah. Price: $500 (Originally Baby Gowns (up to size 2) priced over $1200). Approval will be based on 2 references. Call: (718) 434-9621 Call Tzipi: (917) 213-9919 Boro Park Girls and Teen Gown Gemach Sheitel Gemach Size 2-16. Up to 40 matching gowns. Sun 1pm-2:30pm If you need a sheitel or if you have an old sheitel that you are 1917 61st St. no longer wearing and would like to donate it to someone who Call: (718) 854-0334 or (804) 223-0712 can’t afford one. Call: (917) 301-7728 (Kew Gardens Hills) Gemach Zichron Raizy For sisters and nieces of the kallah. Sizes 2-16 and pre-teen Sheitel Gemach sizes. Petticoats too. By appointment only. Sheitels in excellent condition sent to Eretz Yisroel. Call: (718) 972-6153 Drop off at 4217 16th Avenue, Apt C3. Call: (718) 435-5760 Simchas Avraham V’Yaakov Moshe Girls’ Gown Gemach Yad Rivka Sheitel Gemach Sizes infant girls through 16. All colors. Sheitels in excellent condition sent to Eretz Yisroel. Call Anemer for appointment: (718) 253-5372 Call: (718) 951-1799 Simchas Sara – Girls’ Gowns Call for appointment: (718) 338-1993

BOYS’ OUTFITS Yeled Shashuim Boys’ Simcha Wear Brand new outfits, sizes 0-6 years Call: (718) 677-1483

Boys’ Caps Call: (718) 851-4256

Boys’ Husky Chasuna Suits Call: (347) 228-9222 (Boro Park)

26 LADIES GOWNS ewelry and Ten Simcha J For mother, sister and sister-in-law of the Kallah. After you checked every place and know what you want, please Hairpieces text or call a month or two before your simcha. Call or text: (718) 363-2997 Yismach Lev Boro Park Jewelry Gemach Call: (718) 972-5342 or (718) 913-0445 Fairlawn Gemach Gowns, shoes, and accessories for kallah, mothers, and sisters. Boro Park Jewelry Gemach Call: (201) 797-1770 Call: (718) 972-8702

Beautiful Memories Chaya Tzirel’s Jewels Located in Young Israel of New Hyde Park. Men’s and ladies By appointment only. Deposit required. clothing, gowns, shoes, and accessories. Call: (718) 771-3443 (Crown Heights) Call: (917) 703-4694 Jewelry Gemach Simcha Gowns for Ladies and Teens Call: (718) 951-0915 Tuesday Evenings 8-10 pm. 2129 East 8th Street (side door). Call: (718) 336-7946 or email [email protected] Gitty’s Gems Liluy Nishmas Hayalda Gittel A”H Bas Yitzchok Staten Island Simcha Gemach Gemach for hair accessories, including hair clips, crowns and For kallahs, mothers and sisters. Gowns, head pieces and . headbands. Call: (718) 951-0649 Call: (718) 494-1905 Silver Jewelry Gemach Silver and cubic zirconium jewelry. PETTICOATS Call: (718) 871-7071 (Boro Park)

Gemach Zichron Raizy Flower Buds – Girls’ Wreaths Gemach For sisters and nieces of the kallah. Sizes 2-16 and pre-teen Call: (718) 851-4256 sizes. Petticoats too. By appointment only. Call: (718) 972-6153 Girls’ Wreaths and Hairpieces Call: (718) 782-2869 (Boro Park) Petticoats Gemach Children and adults. Childrens’ Hair Accessories Call for weekend appointment: (718) 338-1297 (Flatbush) Tiaras, headbands, wreaths, etc. Call week before simcha. Call: (718) 331-3931 Petticoat Gemach Women’s and girl’s sizes. Call for appt between 9:30-10:30am Call Batya Blumenkrantz at: (718) 435-8171

Petticoat Gemach Call Neiman: (718) 252-2157 6-8pm

27 rental for tzedakah and deposit of $20 each. Simcha Gemachs Call: Keren Bayis Neeman at (718) 338-1676 Crockpot Gemach SHABBOS AND YOM TOV 18-quart crock pots for your simcha. Call: (718) 438-4993 (Boro Park) No-Talking Sign For beautiful signs to put up in shul for your simcha. Flatware Call: (718) 853-4934 Call: (718) 599-6256

Benchers and Zemiros Gemach Zichron Eitz Chai Call: (718) 871-3047 Challah covers, benchers, knives, leichters and bechers. Place orders by Wednesday. Bimah Gemach Call: (718) 851-7757 For tabletop Bimah and shtender. Call: (718) 724-9429 Gemach Bais Yosef Bechers and challah covers. 100 lace hand towels also Benchers and Challah Covers available. Proceeds to Hachnosas Kallah Zichron HaRav Avraham Yitzchok Call: (718) 252-2157 Deposit required. Call: (718) 972-8471 Gemach Zichron Malka Lchaim Gemach Milchig 3 tier trays, stands and more. Benchers, challah covers. Donation to Hachnosas Kallah. Call: (718) 972-9310 Call: (718) 339-9378 Gemach Zichron Yosef Benchers L’Sason Ul’simcha 250 Challah covers. Donation at your discretion. Benchers for Bar Mitzvos and . Call: (718) 435-2881 (Boro Park); (718) 222-8668 Call Braun: (718) 338-0087 (Williamsburg); (845) 425-3747 (Monsey)

Benchers Lekovod Shabbos Malkasa Glassware for Party Gemach Challah covers, bechers, benchers, knives, siddurim and Pitchers, cake trays and miniature holder trays. chumashim. Please call to reserve early. Call: (718) 858-1617 (Williamsburg) Call: (917) 803-6443 (Boro Park) Hotplate Gemach Benchers Gemach – Keren Sara Hotplates available l’sheim mitzvah for simchas or short-term Laminated zemiros and leather benchers. For Shabbos use only. use. Proceeds to Aniyei Eretz Yisroel. Call: (718) 854-9468 (Boro Park) Call: (718) 435-7311 Lev Devorah Chumashim, Siddurim and Candles Reading glasses for shuls. Will also help you set up a glasses Siddurim and Chumashim. Gemach for your shul. Call: (718) 972-4712 Call: (347) 251-9237 or (718) 436-8946 Coat Rack Gemach 10 coat racks which can be used as with your own 28 fabric. Also 6 coat rack’s worth of hangers available. $5.00 Laminated Al Hamichya Cards Simchas Hadassah All on attractive stands for use at a , vort etc. Challah cover, bechers, and benchers. Call: (718) 951-2256 or (718) 677-0596 Call: (347) 244-3369 after 9pm (Boro Park)

Laminated Al Hamichya Cards Zichron Chasdei Sara Call: (718) 941-4509 Challah covers, benchers, zemiros, siddurim, chumashim, leichters, and challah knives. Napkin Rings Call: (718) 633-6348 (Boro Park) or (718) 258-9598 (Flatbush) Call: (347) 524-9870 or (718) 259-2231 YBZ Simcha Gemach Netilas Yadayim Towel Gemach Benchers and challah covers. A large beautiful basket and 100 towels with lace trim are Call: (718) 853-4060 or (718) 438-2452 available to borrow for your simcha. Call: (718) 252-2157 (Flatbush) or (845) 352-3071 (Monsey) CENTERPIECES AND PROPS Gemach Zichron Meir Crystal Prop Gemach Sefard Siddurim and Chumashim Call: (718) 851-2903 Proceeds to Hatzolah of Flatbush. Call: (718) 252-8348 or (718) 377-0493 The Glass Gemach Glass centerpieces for a simcha. and Chumash Gemach Call: (718) 338-3895 Sfard and Ashkenaz available. Proceeds of $1 per Chumash go to Yad Batya L’Kallah Gemach Chasdei Golda Call: (516) 371-0160 or (347) 244-6613 Centerpieces, topiaries, vases, orchids, and candlesticks. Designer tablets also. Proceeds to Tzedakah. Nusach Sefard All-in-One Chumash and Siddur Call: (718) 377-2231 Call: (718) 236-0744 Glass Vase Gemach Tiferes Avos Call: (917) 445-6342 Siddurim and chumashim loaned for free. Call: (718) 853-4060 or (718) 438-2452 Glass Vase Gemach Call Auerbach: (718) 336-2374 Pokeach Ivrim Gemach Sets of reading glasses available for use at Shabbos simchas. Glassware Gemach Small donation to Yad for Babies. Fruit bowls, trays, mirrors, candy dishes, jars, glass shelves. Call Goldbrenner at: (718) 338-2535 or (212) 362-6997 (Upper Call: (718) 854-3017 West Side) Simcha Gemach – Glass Bowls & Trays Simcha Gemach No fee. Pareve. Bechers and challah covers. Donations accepted. Call: (718) 871-0860 Call: (718) 972-6709 (Boro Park) or (845) 425-8874 (Monsey) Tefillin Centerpiece Gemach 17 Tefillin centerpieces. Call: (718) 356-8562 (Staten Island) 29 Tefillin/Bar Mitzvah Centerpieces Mateh Ephraim Flowers Proceeds to Mirrer Yeshivah. Rent elegant floral centerpieces or backdrops. Free kallah Call Leiser: (718) 645-1478 bouquet with order. Proceeds to Hachzakas Hatorah Call: (718) 435-6393 Tefillin Flower Centerpieces Pictures available. Petals in Bloom Call: (718) 633-1850 Silk and fresh flowers, kallah bouquets and backgrounds. Call: (718) 258-6236 Tiferes Mordechai Centerpieces Bar Mitzva-themed centerpieces available for rental. All Simchas Rivkie proceeds to Heart and Sole Shoe Fund. Beautiful flowers available from other simchos. Share your Monday-Thursday 1:30-3pm or 8:30-9:30pm. simcha by giving away your beautiful flowers and cake. Call as Call Chavi: (718) 692-1596 early as possible. To donate, call: (718) 853-8484, (917) 776-5642 Glass Vases and Glass & White Serving Dishes/Bowls To obtain, call: (718) 633-8443 Call or text: (347) 254-3226 TABLES AND CHAIRS TABLECLOTHS Tables and Chairs Tablets and Tablecloths We have 10 tables (6 ft. length), 4 round tables, and 100 chairs. Proceeds to Livnas Hasapir, Chush. Many styles and sizes to Call: (718) 338-4276 (Flatbush) choose from. Call: (347) 709-9013 Table and Chair Gemach 250 narrow chairs, lightweight 3 sized rectangular fold-in-half Tablets and Tablecloths Gemach tables. No round tables. Donation requested. Proceeds to Tzedakah. Call: (718) 336-7155 or (718) 510-6589 Call Sori Katz: (718) 258-1406. Please do not call after 10pm. Tables, Chairs and Coat Racks Gemach Tablecloths/ Tablets For 100 people, $20 charge. Round and long available. 19th and 51st. Formerly Berman’s Gemach. Call: (718) 438-2116 Call: (718) 338-9062

Tablets Tables and Chairs Call: (718) 854-9403 Call: (718) 336-4045

Rust/Maroon Tablecloths Chair Caps Gemach Call: (718) 782-0843 Call: (718) 853-8429 or (845) 356-6761

FLOWERS MISCELLANEOUS Fresh Flowers Freezer Space Gemach To give away or obtain from a simcha. For short-term use. Call: (516) 239-6066 Call: (718) 703-8950 (Kensington) 30 Linens Gemach Linens, pillows and quilts available. Refundable deposit. edding emachs Call: (718) 853-4934 W G

Down Blanket KALLAH GOWNS Making a simcha? Having guests? We have new down blankets to lend. Small cost. BROOK LY N: Call: (917) 676-7919 Ohr Naava Flatbush Bridal Gemach Air Bed Gemach Gowns, crowns, tiaras and veils. By appointment only. 39” inflatable mattress for short-term loan, including electric Call: (646) 354-1151 pump. $15 cash deposit to be returned. Call: (718) 435-4322 (Boro Park) or (732) 730-8373 Gemach Zichron Yehudis Miriam (Lakewood) Gowns and headpieces. Sunday 7:30-9:00pm Call: (718) 854-0334 Audio-Visual Gemach A bedridden immediate family member can enjoy and Likras Kallah participate in a simcha with live transmission cameras. Sunday 11:00am-1pm and 6-8pm Call: (866) MEKIMI-1 x 300 (635-4641) or (866) 635- Call: (718) 237-4272, (718) 387-7460 or (718) 963-0047 4641x300 (Williamsburg)

Generator Gemach, Zichron Don Ten Yad Kallah Gemach For Hachnosas Sefer Torah and the like. Call: (718) 756-1482 (Crown Heights) Call: (347) 673-1865 QUEENS: Microphone Gemach Call Dovid Shain: (718) 627-1461 Gemach Gowns of Queens In memory of Alta Gelber a”h. Mother, sister of bride and kallah gowns. Call: (718) 916-6294

Golda Gross Headpieces, petticoats, and gowns for Kallahs only. Call: (347) 495-1011 for an appointment

N’shei Chasdei Leah Gowns for Kallahs only. Hours by appointment. Call: (718) 868-3997 or (718) 327-0385 (Far Rockaway)

Kallah Gowns Call Garbaz: (718) 327-0385 (Far Rockaway)

31 MONSEY: HAIR Gemach Mazel U’Bracha Kallah Hairstyling Petticoats, shoes, fur capes for outdoor chuppah. Minimal Fee. Call: (845) 425-0547 Call: (718) 853-8679

Ateres Esther Bridal Collection Hairstyling Gemach 9am – 7pm. Call: (347) 768-3361 Call: (845) 369-3384 or (845) 598-2822 Haircutting and Styling Gemach Gemach Zichron Yehudis Miriam Call: (718) 809-3460 (Boro Park) Call: (845) 352-2418

NEW JERSEY: MAKEUP Accessory Basket Ateres Esther Bridal Gemach Call: (845) 352-2326 (Boro Park) Call for appointment: (732) 370-4591 (Lakewood) Makeup by Brocha Fairlawn Gemach $20-25 charge. Gowns and accessories including shoes, gowns, crowns, and Call: (718) 252-4960 (Flatbush) veils. Call: (201) 797-1770 Makeup Gemach Weekdays after 4pm and some Sundays. Gemach Zichron Yehudis Miriam Call: (718) 986-1211 Call: (732) 730-1459 Make up Gemach STATEN ISLAND: Call: (646) 460-1408 Kallah Gemach Makeup Gemach Call: (718) 494-1905 (Lakewood) Professional makeup artist. Call Raizy: (347) 243-9347 Staten Island Simcha Gemach For kallahs, mothers and sisters. Gowns, head pieces and veils. Makeup Gemach Call: (718) 494-1905 $15 charge. Call: (718) 666-2383 CHOSSON GEMACHS Makeup Gemach Chosson and Kallah Guide Call Chani Engel: (718) 972-1586 or (347) 489-0879 Call for your free copy: (732) 362-7191 or (732) 364-0649 Makeup Gemach Chassanim Seforim Call: (347) 228-9222 Lashon Kodesh seforim to help a chosson prepare for . Call: (718) 252-2758

32 Makeup Gemach Kallah Shoe Gemach Half price. Call: (718) 972-4005 Call: (917) 426-7948 (Boro Park)

Makeup Gemach KALLAH CAPES Makeup application and instruction for singles and kallahs. Fur Capes Call Geltzer: (917) 975-8211 Call: (718) 854-1957

Makeup by Shevy Kallah Fur Jackets and Capes $25. No house calls. $50 maintenance charge. Call: (347) 893-6286 (Boro Park) Call: (718) 972-5794 HEADPIECES Kallah Capes $30 maintenance charge Bridal Headpiece Gemach Call: (718) 599-0224 (Williamsburg). Large selection of crowns, tiaras, headbands and more. Headpieces are $50-75. Veils are $25. New updated pieces. Kallah Fur Capes Also white fur capes and jackets. Call: (718) 218-8124 Call: (718) 972-5794 Lace Kallah Capes Headpieces Used for tznius for chuppah and mitzvah tantz. Call Horowitz for an appointment: (718) 436-7267 Call: (718) 782-2869

Kallah Headpiece Gemach Bridal Cape Gemach Exquisite one-of-a-kind pieces. Cape and headcover set for chuppah and mitzvah tantz. Lace Call: (718) 998-5595 and Fur. Call: (718) 438-6250 Kallah Headpieces Call: (917) 474-1667 White Kallah Capes Call: (718) 437-2873 Stunning Bridal Headpieces Call: (718) 737-1844 (Flatbush) Pashmina Gemach Used as lap covers during mitzvah tantz. KALLAH SHOES Call: (718) 438-5864 and leave a message Kallah Shoe Gemach CHUPPAH Kallahs can donate or borrow white shoes or sneakers in perfect condition. Refundable deposit upon return. Chuppah Cards In memory of Sorel Bas Yaakov Shlomo Tehillim and tefillos to be said at a chuppah. Call: (718) 339-3790 Call Esther at: (718) 253-5040

Kallah Shoe Gemach Monday-Wednesday 8-10pm Call: (718) 435-1950 or work (201) 686-1764 33 Chuppah Tehillim Booklets Fantashtick 500 laminated and clear Tehillim and bakasha booklets for All standard kallah shtick. Proceeds for Hachnosas Kallah. reciting during a chuppah. (Flatbush) Call: (917) 309-1538 (Marine Park, Brooklyn) Call Sadowsky: (718) 258-2462 and leave a message J-Shtick G’mach G’mach Zichron Yosef Pinchas and Rivka Roiza Arches, parachute, umbrella, balloon poppers, and more. Tefillos and bakashos to be said at the time of the chuppah. Call: (347) 374-0473 Call Portowicz at: (718) 338-4243 Kallah Shtick Gemach Keren Zichron Avraham Moshe Proceeds to Yad Eliezer. Tefillos to be said at a chuppah or bris. No charge. Donations Call: (917) 686-7572 appreciated. Call: (718) 376-5545 Simchas Chava Shtick Gemach Call Hadassah: (718) 756-0935 (Crown Heights) Chuppah Gemach Portable 5 square foot chuppah to use for a small wedding. Wedding Shtick Call: (718) 252-2758 Juggling items, drums, shakers, batons. Deposit required. Call: (347) 546-3902 Chuppah Gemach Small portable chuppah with 4 poles. Shtick Gemach Call: (718) 253-0394 Call or text: (347) 720-7435; (347) 803-3668 or (347)759-2520

Kallah Chair Gemach Simchas Chaya and Miriam Leah Also available silk and fresh flowers. Donation to Yad Batya L’kallah Call Mazal at: (718) 692-3425 Call: (718) 258-2906

Tefillah Card Gemach Washington Heights Wedding Shtick Gemach Beautiful tefillah cards for your chuppah. Arches, parachute, and some miscellaneous shtick items. Call: (347) 278-1278 (Boro Park) Email: [email protected]

Tefillah Card Gemach Wedding Shtick Used for chuppah. Umbrellas, arches, balloons and more. Minimum charge. Call: (347) 489-9887 (Boro Park) Call: (718) 436-5202

Kol Tefillos Wedding Shtick Pamphlets of Tefillos for the chuppah. Donation to Yad Batya. Proceeds to tzedakah. Call Rochel: (718) 258-0415 or Chaya: (718) 986-0594 Call: (718) 253-1823

Wedding Shtick SHTICK Call: (917) 428-7569 Crown Heights Shtick Gemach Arches and umbrellas. Suggested donation of $20 per package. Wedding Shtick Gemach Call: (917) 660-4499 $50 deposit plus donation. Call: (347) 524-6851 34 MISCELLANEOUS WEDDING Ezra L’Limud Torah A loan fund to help pay tuition. GEMACHS Call Rabbi Karpensprung: (718) 208-8399

Baby Headphones Gemach C.S.M.F. for Bnei Torah Avoid damage to baby’s hearing. Infant – 2 years old. Call Fischer: (718) 871-9561 Flatbush: (917) 545-3065; Boro Park: (718) 300-0848; Gemach Keren Brocha Far Rockaway: (718) 309-3218 Lends money for Chasunah expenses. Call Mermelstein: (718) 941-4509 Baby Headphone Gemach Protect your baby’s ears from loud music at simchos. Gemach Keren Matzmiach Yeshuah Call: (718) 258-0191 (Flatbush) For short-term loans. Call: (646) 484-1743 Mashinka Brooms Call Auerbach: (718) 336-2374 (Flatbush) and leave a message. Gemach for Rebbeim Call Aharon Ausfresser: (718) 853-0856 Od Yeshoma Free earplugs for use at chasuna when music gets too loud. Gemach Zichron Yosef Aryeh Call: (718) 377-6735 Lends money to Rebbeim and Moros. Call: (718) 951-7731, (718) 913-9328 or (718) 913-8719 Juggler/Dancer Amateur juggler and dancer will come to your chassunah. Hadassah Freidel Gemilas Chesed Call: (347) 546-3902 Call: (718) 692-1958

Hebrew Free Loan Society Chasdei Yehudis Fund Money Gemachs $5000 available to be repaid over 20 months. Call: (212) 687-0188 Agudah Benevolent Society Call Rabbi Sitner: (718) 471-3885 Keren Bayis Neeman Loans up to $750. Avigdor’s Helping Hand Call Rabbi Fogel: (718) 338-1676 Helps Almanim and almanos financially for the first year. Professional volunteer help for yesomim. Gives money towards Mercaz Yisroel Kallah Gemach chasunas of yesomim. Avigdorshelpinghand.com Call: (646) 529-1399 Call Glasser: (718) 568-9720 Pepi Light Gemach L’Hachnosas Kallah Chana Stranger Gemilas Chesed Call E. Goldman: (718) 633-6853 Call F. Aryeh at: (718) 258-1515 Refuah Yeshuah Doros Medical Assistance Fund, Inc. Helps financially when a medical crisis occurs. Arranges interest free loans for couples with infertility Call: (718) 436-0666 problems. Information on doctors and procedures available. Call: (718) 854-4341 35 Rofeh Choleh Cancer Society Pays health insurance premiums for cancer patients. eforim ooks Call: (718) 722-2002 S , B , Rochel Perl Gemach CDs, and Tapes Any purpose. Co-signers required. Call: (718) 851-0686 or (718) 438-9691 Ahiezer Book Library 1960 E. 7th Street. Short-term Loans Call for hours: (718) 627-4440 Call: (646) 484-1743 Beth Shaul U’Miriam Family Library The Wainhaus Memorial Gemach Friday 12:30-2:30 and Sunday 11:00-6:00. Call S. Yurman (evenings): (718) 375-9434 Corner of Avenue S and 22nd.

Yad Batya L’Kallah Book Gemach Flatbush/Kensington: (845) 425-1846 Donate English Judaica books to frum in prison. Boro Park: (718) 758-0303 Call: (718) 436-3214 or (917) 578-3585 Williamsburg: (718) 858-5931 All other locations: (845) 425-0964 Boro Park Book Library Donations can be sent to: 1256 26th Street, Brooklyn, NY 1737 55th Street. 11210 Sun, Mon, Wed, Fri: 2-3 pm Sun, Tues, Thurs: 7:30-8:30 pm Call: (646) 535-2665

Children’s DVD Gemach For children staying in hospitals. Uncle Moishy DVD available with DVD player. Call or text: (718) 614-3271 or (718) 614-6789

Chizuk & Emunah Gemach Tapes, CDs, and books. Call: (347) 251-9237 or (718) 436-8946

Clep Books Gemach All proceeds go to help kallahs in need. Call: (347) 768-4287

Jewish Library of Mill Basin 6703 Avenue T. Call: (917) 213-9919 (for schedule)

Magazine Gemach Good condition , Ami, Binah, and Zman. Drop off in box on front porch. 2003 East 22nd St. Between S. and T. 36 MP3 Gemach Rav Aharon Friedman from Yerushalayim drashos on chinuch, dditional shalom bayis and more in Yiddish. A Call: (718) 871-4506 Gemachs (by Location) Oz Vehadar Levusha 40 booklets for 40 days. A segulah nifla’ah. Call or Text: (347) 372-5115 CROWN HEIGHTS Ahavas Chesed Soup Kitchen Sefer Kan Mefureshes 271 Kingston Avenue. Learn from this sefer for a yeshua. Call: (718) 221-2422 Call: (917) 573-9521 Baby Cribs Seforim Cribs available. Call: (718) 854-6151 Call: (347) 739-9912

Siddur and Chumash Gemach Clothing Gemach Ashkenaz or Sefard. $1 rental fee per Chumash. New and used women’s clothing. All proceeds go to benefit Gedolah Ner Meshulem. Call: (718) 773-5595 Call: (917) 399-5783 Crown Heights Food Pantry Tehillim Hachida Vegetables, fruit, cake, pizza etc. A segulah for all yeshuos. To obtain for 40 days. Call for times: (718) 756-8492 Call: (718) 435-8789 Baby Clothing Tehillim Perek 119 Will give a brand new package of baby clothing. We will print it according to the name needed. To donate or receive. Call: (718) 953-9387 Call: (718) 513-7666 or (347) 680-8883 Furniture Gemach Torah Tapes Cannot pick up or deliver. Tapes, MP3’s, CD’s and iPod’s. Call: (718) 773-1920 Call: (718) 438-3904 Real Silver Pidyon Haben Tray and Coins Tehillim Mechulak $18 donation. $100 refundable deposit. Call: (718) 336-7155 Call: (718) 756-4946

Zichron R’Shlomo Aryeh v’Rivka Reb Yitzchok Bris Set Tape Lending Library. Over 25,000 titles. New Pillow and outfit. No washing necessary. Call: (718) 377-8635 or (732) 730-3931 Call: (718) 756-4339

37 Ten Simcha – Ladies Gowns Lost and Found For mother, sister and sister-in-law of the Kallah. Call: (917) 459-7549 After you checked every place and know what you want, please text or call a month or two before your simcha. Maternity Clothing Call: (718) 363-2997 (Crown Heights) Call: (718) 263-1055

Ten Yad Kallah Gowns Sheitel Gemach Call: (718) 756-1482 Call: (718) 256-8653

Yad Vezer Shtick Gemach Provides cooked fresh meals for families in Crown Heights in Call: (917) 291-7382 temporary need. Call: (718) 613-1818 Silk Centerpieces 24 silk arrangements available. Proceeds to tzedaka. QUEENS Call: (718) 591-4143 Bris Gemach The Baby’s Room Pillow outfit and tefillos. Baby furniture and accessories in excellent condition. Call: (917) 291-7382 To donate or receive call: (718) 793-6910

Chaveirim Vaad of Queens Call: (718) 441-0505 Call: (718) 454-3529

Chevra Kadisha Queens Hospitality Call: (718) 849-9700 Don’t be alone on Shabbos – call to be set up with a family for Shabbos meals. Eynayim Call: (917) 873-5961 Reading Eyeglasses for shul. Call: (718) 261-1258 FIVE TOWNS AND FAR Girls Simcha Dresses ROCK AWAY To donate or receive. Call: (718) 380-3642 Aron Kodesh/Sefer Torah Call: (516) 295-5467 Gemach Gowns of Queens In memory of Alta Gelber a”h. Baby Equipment Mother, sister of bride and kallah gowns. Call: (718) 327-0113 Call: (718) 916-6294 Baby Formula Kids for Chesed L’zecher nishmas Batya Tzina Zichron Chana Bayla Call: (718) 337-2268 Children (6th grade and up) prepare packages for the sick. Call to prepare or receive packages. Baby Gifts Call: (718) 793-1764 Call: (718) 327-0312 38 Baby Layette Costumes Call: (718) 327-7174 Call: (718) 327-7475

Bed Rest Costume Jewelry for Simchas Call: (718) 868-0488 Call: (516) 371-9734

Bikur Cholim Equipment Crinolines Call: (718) 327-4680 or (718) 327-4810 Call: (516) 239-1254

Bilirubin Blanket Casual Clothing Donations Call: (516) 295-1200 Drop-off in bins at Sephardic Temple, Branch Blvd., Cedarhurst. Or call Kesher for pickup of Shabbos and casual Boys’ Chasunah Outfits clothing. Ages 0-8 yrs. Call: (516) 371-0996 Call: (718) 327-0764 For pickup of coats, call: (516) 374-0741

Bridal Gowns (N’Shei Chasdei Leah) Electric Nursing Pump Gowns for Kallahs only. Hours by appointment. Call: (718) 327-7286 or (718) 316-2760 Call: (718) 868-3997 or (718) 327-0385 Food From Simchas Bris, Pillowcases & Outfits Call: (516) 510-3581 Call: (516) 371-4585; (516) 569-1885; (516) 295-3772; (718) 327-8322 Fresh Flowers Simchas Naava Candlesticks Call: (516) 239-6066 Call: (718) 471-8323 Furniture Cell Phones Call: (718) 471-8264 Call: (718) 868-0160 Glass Dishes Centerpiece Rental Call: (718) 868-1600 Call: (718) 471-3157; (718) 868-1590; (516) 374-1528; (516) 791-2800; (516) 295-5467 Gently-used-Clothing Centers Call: (516) 295-5894 Chairs/Tables Call if you need any of the following: Call: (718) 327-6006; (718) 471-8598; (718) 868-2167; (718) Children’s clothing: (516) 569-1253 471-0368; (718) 337-2946; (718) 327-4110 Men’s clothing: (718) 471-1218 Women’s clothing: (718) 471-6061 Chumashim/Siddurim Rental Coats: (516) 374-0741 or (917) 662-3519 Call: (718) 471-3157; (516) 371-0160; (917) 613-3664; (516) 295-5467 Gowns (Adults) Call: (516) 239-7222 (Sun 10-12; Tues 8-9:30 only) Chuppah Rental Call: (718) 471-3157 39 Gowns (Children sizes 2-16) Makeup for Simchas 8:45-10 am or 8-9 pm Call: (516) 371-9734 Call: (347) 453-9131 for appointment Maternity Weekday Clothes Gowns (Teens) Call: (718) 897-0984 Call: (917) 578-4027 Mezuzos Gowns Call: (516) 239-9002 ext. 139 Call: (516) 239-0284 Pidyon Haben Tray and Coins Greater NY Gemach Hotline Call: (718) 337-2228 Call: (718) 436-0678 Preemie Clothing Horeinu Gemach Fund Call: (516) 239-3289 Call: (718) 327-0469 Regents Review Books Hachnosas Kallah Call: (516) 371-4688 Claire Kamhi Hachnasat Kallah Fund Call: (516) 569-9101 Rides Call: (516) 581-9395 Hospital Gowns Chasdei Miriam Sefer Torah Call: (718) 327-8611 Call: (347) 203-4712

Little Boys Chasuna Outfits Segulah Challah Call: (718) 327-0764 (Far Rockaway) Call: (718) 868-1602

Loans Shabbos Clothes Keren r’Mechel v’Chaya Yehudis Call: (718) 263-1055 Call: (718) 327-3991 Shefa Brachos Loans for Hachnosas Kallah High-end designer clothing for kallahs to wear to shabbos sheva Call: (718) 471-3885 Brachos. Clothing is available to rent for a minimal fee. Call: 516-882-6252 or Email [email protected] Loans for and Morahs Keren Zichron Yaakov Zev Shiva Necessities Call: (718) 868-2300 ext. 232 or (917) 364-3052 Keren Avraham Yosef Dovid Call: (718) 471-0291 Loans – United Jewish Community Call: (516) 239-2340 (Evenings only) Simcha Props Call: (718) 327-6702 or (718) 327-8611 Luggage Call: (718) 471-3535 Tablecloths Call: (516) 569-3178 or (718) 327-2272 40 Teen Gowns of Far Rockaway CHUMASHIM, CHALLAH COVERS Sunday 8:30-10:30am. Closed in July. Call: (917) 578-4027 Bentcher Gemach Call: (845) 425-1603 Tefillin Call: (917) 577-9644 Brand New Challah Deklach Shomrei Hachomos R’ Meir Baal Haness Torah Tapes Call: (845) 352-6610, (845) 425-7087 Call: (718) 327-5065 (Wednesday: 9-11pm; Thursday: 8-11 pm) or (347) 224-6911 (9-10pm) Challah Decklach and Bechers Call: (845) 425-8874 or (845) 426-0605 and leave message Tools Call: (718) 327-8029 Chumashim and Siddurim Call: (845) 425-2504, (845) 425-6694, (845) 371-0808 Toys Call: (516) 569-3338 Gemach Zichron Aharon Siddurim and Chumashim: (845) 425-2505 Wedding Photography Friedman: (845) 425-3973 Call: (516) 984-2891 To reserve in advance: (845) 352-4247, (845) 709-1376

Wedding Shoes/Sneakers Laminated Benchers Call: (718) 868-1896 Call: (845) 425-6718

Wedding Shtick Zmiros & Challah Deklach Call: (516) 295-6888; (516) 791-4289; (718) 868-1896 Call: (845) 356-2315

Whiskey/Wine for Simchas CLOTHING AND GOWNS Call: (718) 327-4999 Boys’ Wedding Clothing Call: (845) 362-4176 Call: (718) 337-1281 Clothing Wishing Well for Showers Call: (845) 426-5506 Call: (516) 668-1988 Children’s Gowns With thanks to the Chessed Network News Directory of Far Call: (845) 425-4192 Rockaway and the Five Towns For more information, please call (718) 471-1314 Children’s Clothing Call: (845) 352-0118

MONSEY Children’s Dresses BENTCHERS, SIDDURIM, New ivory dresses Call: (845) 426-5506

41 Children’s Gowns Coat Rack & Hangers Call: (845) 426-5506 Call: (845) 356-9841, (845) 352-6935

Gemach Tiferes Malka 20-qt. Crock Pot for Chulent Children’s gowns & suits. Some adult sizes available. Call: (845) 354-8087 Call: (845) 425-0624 Cutlery and Dishes Gowns Dishes, cutlery, challah decklach. Ladies Gowns, mother-sister, sizes 0-14 Call: (845) 354-5080 Call: (845) 426-7491, (845) 352-3031 Cutlery Kleine Kinder Gemach Call: (845) 356-2577 Beautiful children gowns sizes 2-18. Open most Tues. nights. By appointment only. Flowers/Centerpieces Call: (845) 352-5042 Call: (845) 356-5364 or (845) 356-3840.

Ladies Clothing Fresh and Silk Centerpieces Call: (845) 517-0596 Arches, baskets, bouquet. Call Kupath Ezra: (845) 352-0715 Maternity Gemach Call: (845) 425-1725 Hot Plates/Warmers & Chairs Call: (845) 425-6176 Mother and Sister of the Kallah Call: (845) 356-9434 Hot Plates Call: (845) 425-1723 or (845) 425-2534 Mother and Sister of the Kallah Call for an evening appointment: (845) 304-2398 Call: (845) 426-1425 New Silk & Wool Suits Black or navy. Ideal for chasunahs. Sizes 4-20 for rent. Portable Food Warmers Call: (845) 371-4111 Call: (845) 371-1531

Simchas Leah Gemach Props & Flowers Boys tuxedos for chasunahs. Sizes newborn – boys. 20 beautiful centerpieces for chasunahs. Call: (845) 356-1052 or (845) 426-7273 between 8:30-10:30pm Call: (845) 425-5071

Sister of the Kallah Signs Call: (845) 578-5757 Attractive Al Hamichya signs on stand for your Simcha. Call: (845) 352-6211 SIMCHA GEMACHS Wire rack for warmers and 50 qt. pot Catering Tray & Microphone System Call: (845) 371-5556 Trays with stands, microphone system with shtender. Call: (845) 371-3221 42 TABLES AND TABLECLOTH Towels with Basket for a Simcha Call: (845) 352-3071 Lace tablecloths (60x108”) Call: (845) 356-5567 CENTERPIECES AND DISHES Lou Yichyeh Table Gemach Baskets, Props, Platters Lightweight folding tables. Call: (845) 425-5696 Call: (845) 371-9262 Crystal Cake Plates & Serving Dishes Plastic Liners Centerpieces for Brissim, Kiddushim small simchos Call: (845) 425-2534 Call: (845) 425-2066

Skirts, Liners, Napkins & Tablets Crystal Li’ilui nishmas Yoel ben Shaul Full line of crystals, pitchers, lucites, tablecloths, flowers, Call: (845) 426-1986 cutlery holders & more. Call M. Ungar at: (845) 364-0149 Tablecloths Or T. Spitzer: (845) 354-6512 or (845) 354-4485 (20) 90” round champagne (beige) Damask tablecloths (4) 60x108” white Damask tablecloths CHASUNA (10) 24” tall, narrow glass flower vases Also, 8 ft wide X 6.5 ft high wooden Mechitza on wheels. Arches Call: (845) 362-1798 Arch for kallah. Call: (845) 426-3350 Tablecloth Gemach Bring back washed. Beauty supply basket Call: (845) 426-5853 Call: (845) 641-2465

Tablesetting Chosson-Kallah Apartments Call: (845) 362-6129, (845) 352-8292 Beautiful newly-renovated 2 1/2 room ground floor apartment with separate entrance and heating and air conditioning. Up to Tablets and Chargers 2 weeks. Call: (845) 425-5696 Call: (845) 354-7145

Tablets Chuppah Canopy Call Klein at: (845) 425-5946 Call: (845) 425-4790

Tablets, Vases, Flowers Capes Call: (845) 425-6268 Kallah capes for Chupah and Mitzvah tanz (not fur) Call: (845) 425-7176 Towels Wrought-iron towel holder with elegant lace-trimmed towels. Call: (845) 426-1553

43 Chasuna Shtick Bassinet, Carriage, Double Carriage, Car Seat Umbrellas, arches, balloons and more. Also, pick up location in Call: (845) 290-6527, (845) 356-2326, (845) 367-1283 Williamsburg. Call: (718) 436-5202, (845) 425-6176, (845) 729-5662 Bassinets & Cradles Call/Text Mimi: (845) 659-3707; Call Miriam at: (845) 356- Call: (845) 425-1202 0917 Breast Pump Gemach Chasuna Gartel Call: (845) 794-9277, (845) 216-9528 For Mitzvah Tantz Call: (845) 426-3106 Chesed Shifra U’Puah Trained heimishe woman to help with cases of emergency Guests Baskets preceding childbirth. Call 24/7. Accessories basket beautifully decorated with all your guests’ Call: (845) 371-1999 needs. Call: (845) 371-6857 Carriages & Strollers Only new & current. Hairdo and Make-up To receive or donate call: (845) 269-8093 Call: (845) 538-7289 Car Seats & Boosters Hairstyling for Kallahs Call: (845) 425-1202 For Kallahs on their wedding day at no charge. Call: (845) 426-0557 Electric Breast Pumps Loaned for up to 6 weeks. Headpiece Gemach 1154 East 24th Street Call: (845) 300-6945 Call: (845) 354-5432

Headpiece (Tiara & ) Baby Clothes (New) Call: (845) 356-8217 Gemach Zichron Avrohom Gershon Ages 0-9 months. Mashka Call: (845) 425-0807 Mashka for simchahs. Call: (845) 352-6457 Kimpeturin Lunches Delicious lunches delivered. FOR BABIES Call Devoiry: (845) 426-6891 Or Esty: (845) 352-2823 Baby Clothing Gemach Li’ilui nishmas Frimit bas Menasha Yitzchak Maternity Gemach New clothing for new parents who need help affording layettes Call: (845) 425-1725 and baby clothing. Drop-off: Only new clothing (with tags on) at front door of Mothers of Multiples 104 Mcnamara Rd. Spring Valley, NY. Call: (845) 426-7841 or (845) 354-5591 Requests: Text (718) 551-1732 or email [email protected]. Please provide 2 references. Mother Helper Agency Call: (845) 364-7019 44 Medela pumps Boots Up to 6 weeks. Children’s boots in excellent condition. Call: (845) 356-1897 To Donate: (845) 371-2668 To Receive: (845) 425-8641 Pack-N-Play or Crib Call: (845) 362-1023, (845) 356-7353, (845) 356-2905, (845) Newborn Layette Fund 354-7432 Ezras Russi L’Tinok (845) 362-7520 also has high chairs Call Sora Fischer:: (845) 425-3266 Or Yehudis Levi: (845) 362-2004 Preemie Snow Suits Newborn-24 months New Baby Layette Call: (845) 362-8168 Donations of new baby clothing appreciated. Call: (845) 371-0709 Preemie Gemach Clothing, car seats, informative books, support network. Orthopedic Shoes Call Fink: (845) 362-9222 Gemach Na’alei Sara Schaffer Fills prescriptions for orthopedic shoes & bars for infants. Preemie Gemach Call: (845) 425-3255 Clothes, accessories, and books for parents. Call: (845) 426-3507 LOANS Segula Horn Appliance Exchange For easy birth. Monsey Appliance Exchange. Call Kushner at: (845) 356-5035 Call: (845) 356-4022, (206) 984-5423

Stroller, Play Yards, and Bassinets Free Loan Funds Call: (845) 356-6662; (845) 425-6984 or (845) 659-2181 Call: (845) 356-3181

Will pickup your Baby Formula, Toys, Clothing Gemach Ahavas Chesed Ezras Noshim Only if in good condition. Small loans for Kollel for Shabbos expenses Call: (845) 537-9000 Call Bylu at: (845) 352-8448

White Wooden Cradle Confidential Call: (845) 425-0346 No cosigners needed. Call: (845) 349-3050 CHILDRENS GEMACHS Gemilas Chesed Inc. Bedwetting Call at: (845) 356-7964 between 6-7:30pm Stop the natural way. Call: (845) 425-3648 MEZUZOS AND TEFILLIN Gemach Sisrei Rochel Mezuzos Call: (845) 426-0543

45 Tefillin Ostomy Supplies Call: (845) 352-1059, (845) 425-4252, (845) 371-0808, To donate or receive. (845) 371-9288 call before 10 pm. Call: (347) 742-1868

Tefillin & Mezuzos Bar Mitzva Lessons For short-term use. Sefard, Ashkanaz, , Ari, right/left- Baal Koreh with many years’ experience will help prepare your handed, etc. Deposit required. son for free. Call Rabbi Melech Michaels at: (845) 371-9288 before 10pm. Call: (845) 362-7321

TEHILLIM Car Service For ladies. Sunday only. Monsey area. Tehillim Mechulak for Chuppah Call: (845) 356-0752 and leave a message Gemach Bracha Sobel Also brochos cards to remind to say correct brochos. Cell Phone Call: (845) 426-1425 Cellphone for day, week, month or longer. Call: (917) 279-3245 and leave a message Tehillim Chidah D’meshek Eliezer Call: (845) 425-8616 (8-10 evenings) Coat Gemach Call: (845) 578-5740 or (845) 642-7178 Tehillim M’chulak, Tehillim Hachida & Perek Shira Call: (845) 356-8123 Cook Book Gemach Call: (914) 391-4393 Perek Shira Call: (845) 352-6837, (718) 513-7666 Costume Jewelry Donate costume or silver jewelry to an orphanage. MISCELLANEOUS Call: (347) 709-1598 Akeres Habayis Hotline Electric Heaters Gemach Free shiurim: Parenting, Shalom Bayis, Chizuk, Recipes, Stress Call: (845) 425-6268 or (845) 362-8666 Management & more. Call: (951) 262-3570 or (845) 694-4151. Exercise Gemach Free for ladies. Tuesdays 9:30-10:30am sharp. Asher Yotzer Posters Call: (845) 352-8198 Call: (800) 700-9577, (845) 352-0111 Food Gemach Air Conditioner Gemach To give or take supplementary items (milk, cheese, cereal, etc) To receive or donate air conditioners. Call: (845) 426-0978 Call: (845) 425-1924 Furniture Gemach Bikur Cholim To donate or receive furniture and appliances in like-new Call: (845) 425-7877 condition. 11:30am-2pm or Wednesday evenings 8-9:30pm. Call: (845) 356-2482

46 Gebentcha Esrog Jelly Pot Gemach Call Kushner: (845) 356-5035 Pareve 5-qt pot. Call: (845) 371-5556 Glider Gemach Call: (845) 426-7619 or (845) 371-8207 Portable Heaters Call Braun: (845) 425-7088 GPS Navigation GPS for short-term use. Reading Glasses Call: (845) 354-0114 Call: (845) 425-6111

Hail and Recover Towing Recovery from Pain Tow your car for a very minimal fee. 24 hrs, roadside Books on rapid recovery by F. Amir, self-help program. $10 assistance, lockouts. deposit. Call: (845) 371-2229 Call: (845) 352-9067

Hashovas Aveida Shaitel Gemach Call: (718) 437-7078 Rochel Leah: (845) 371-8387, (845) 362-2349

Homebound Entertainment Shmiras HaLashon Cards Bringing smiles to the homebound. Shmiras Haloshon cards for your simcha. Yiddish/English. Call: (845) 352-2771 Call: (845) 354-7036

Medicine Supplies Speaker Systems Call: (845) 371-7590. For late nights, call: (845) 371-4486 Sound systems for any occasion. Microphones, Speakers, PA Systems, Cables, Adapters. Moving Boxes Call: (917) 749-1647 10 & 18 gallon cartons. To Donate: (845) 425-6826 Special Education Advocacy To Receive: (845) 352-1247 Call: (845) 659-0225

Necklines Table and Chairs We fix cut-out necklines Call: (845) 371-8240, (845) 352-8473 Call: (845) 352-3959 Chairs only: (845) 426-2923

Notary Public Tichel Gemach Free notary public service. Call: (845) 352-3009 Call: (845) 371-7079 Tools Organize All house garage tools. Will organize your closets. Call: (845) 354-7925 Call: (845) 270-9163 Transportation Call: (845) 538-3775

47 Tznius Alterations Gemach LAKEWOOD Sew up slits. Call: (845) 425-7584. Adapters/International (848) 525-9117 Used Clothing We also take mens’ winter coats. Air Conditioners Call: (845) 352-5434 (732) 363-5385

Wheelchair Air Pumps Gemach Zichron Moshe (732) 901-1945, (732) 901-3983” Call: (845) 362-6985 Air Purifier Wound Healing (732) 961-0472 or (732) 364-5146 Speedy & neat technique for wounds, burns, etc. Call: (845) 425-0387 or (845) 661-3939 Aish Hatorah Emunah Books & Tapes (917) 435-9322 TAPES & BOOKS Amplifier/Microphone Gemach Yeruchem Zev (732) 370-7012 or (732) 730-1373 or (732) 766-3100 or (732) Tape and book Gemach. Open every night 9:45-10:15 367-5470 Call: (845) 356-2453 Animal Trap Games and Books (732) 901-7544 or (732) 364-6616 Call: (845) 426-1553 Al Hamichyah/Kiddush Card Loshon Hakodesh Tapes (732) 905-0452 or (732) 370-2609 Call: (845) 371-0884 Aron Hakodesh (portable) Tam Tapes (732) 740-9611 Tape and book gemach. Yiddish. 6 English speakers Call: (845) 426-1512 Baby Banz (ear plugs/earmuffs) (732) 370-2609 Tapes in English Call: (845) 356-8794, (845) 352-6443 Baby Bassinet (732) 730-2153 Tefillas Chana Call: (845) 425-1423; 9-10 pm. Baby Bundle Me (732) 905-0425 Zichron Menachem Yehoshua Tape library for kallahs and women Baby Cribs/Sleepaway Call: (845) 356-8002 (732) 370-1859 or (732) 901-6497

Zichron Aish Halimud seforim library Baby Equipment Call: (845) 290-1003 (732) 923-1299 (Deal) or (732) 901-0884 or (732) 503-8376 48 Baby Foods (give or take) Bed Bug Support (732) 364-8523 (732) 363-4207 or (732) 364-4350

Baby Helmets for ITP Beds (732) 905-6992 (732) 364-8417 or (732) 961-1196 or (732) 370-0436 or (732) 370-3928 or (732) 364-9125 or (732) 905-0044 Baby Info Book (732) 905-6777 “Beadrest Books, Tapes, Crafts and Activities” (732) 370-4884 Baby Packpack/Sunggly (732) 901-1945 or (732) 364-8417 or (732) 886-7640 Bedrest MP3 Players (732) 367-7055 Baby Preemie Supplies/Clothing/Info (732) 886-2689 or (732) 367-9685 or (718) 331-0004 Beepers (732) 942-3448 Baby Scale (732) 886-1595 or (732) 364-8046 or (732) 364-7543 Benches (732) 905-7646 Baby Strollers (732) 905-7095 or (732) 886-6512 or (732) 606-5784 or (732) Bike Rack/Car Carrier (Roof Top) 364-8417 (Lakewood/E.Y.) (732) 901-1945

Baby Swing Bikur Cholim Medical Supplies (732) 961-1196 (732) 363-0470 or (732) 364-2545

Babysitter Central Binding Machine (732) 905-6722 or (732) 942-7730 (732) 901-1945

Baking Pans and Forms Blood Pressure Monitor (732) 367-5624 (732) 370-0236 or (732) 886-3119

Baskets for Simchos Books Educational (heb./eng.) (732) 363-5973 or (732) 961-7246 (732) 901-0597

Baskets – Toiletry Books (Jewish) (732) 276-5195 or (732) 886-7199 (732) 942-8909 or (732) 363-2470 or (732) 363-6848 or (732) 730-2171 Beam Detector (732) 901-1945 or (732) 942-8857 or (732) 905-5504 Boots (732) 901-2047 Bechers (732) 363-6536 or (732) 363-8220 or (732) 905-5294 or (732) Boxes for Moving 363-6809 or (732) 370-5348 or (732) 901-9772 or (732) 370- (732) 730-9801 or (732) 364-7228 or (732) 363-2120 or (732) 2296 or (732) 942-7761 363-7834 or (848) 525-8638 49 Boxes for Moving – for China & Dishes Car Carrier (Roof top) / Bike Rack (732) 243-9323 or (732) 901-3238 (732) 901-1945

Bris Blanket (hand-knit) Car Engine Check (732) 367-3830 (732) 886-0064

Bris Cards Car Refrigerator (732) 901-2545 or (732) 901-7694 or (732) 364-1317 or (732) (732) 901-1945 367-6509 or (732) 905-4063 or (732) 905-0788 Car Seat Bris Hachesed (Seuda) (732) 905-7095 or (732) 961-1196 or (732) 367-0945 or (732) (732) 901-8936 or (732) 370-7056 363-3138 or (732) 367-3970 or (732) 364-1154

Bris Pillow (only) Cast and BandAid Protector (732) 886-8046 or (732) 886-1001 or (732) 364-1524 or (732) (732) 370-0287 or (732) 363-0470 942-3761 or (732) 363-5262 or (732) 905-9051 or (732) 905- 0030 or (732) 901-0306 or (732) 367-3734 or (732) 364-7239 CD – Childrens or (732) 905-0004 or (732) 833-3577 or (732) 364-5598 (732) 707-7735

Bris Pillow/Outfit CD – R’ Sapirman (732) 905-1369 or (732) 942-7718 or (732) 905-1294 or (732) (732) 364-3948 363-5084 or (732) 886-8193 or (732) 367-3734 or (732) 901- 6414 or (732) 942-9529 or (732) 961-9140 or (732) 730-0992 CD – R’ Reisman / R’ Veiner or (732) 370-9525 or (732) 363-2955 or (732) 905-0044 or (732) 367-3789 (732) 905-6490 Cell Phone (Bochrim) Bris B’zman Herbal Drops (732) 961-9434 (732) 901-9225 Centerpieces, Platters Bris Seforim (732) 942-9404 or (732) 363-8302 or (732) 364-5922 or (732) (732) 364-4771 or (732) 364-1094 or (732) 363-5888 or (732) 886-3386 or (732) 367-7438 or (732) 363-7012 961-9468 or (732) 367-7857 Chain Saw Brochos Cards (732) 901-1945 (732) 370-6887 Chairs C#, ASP.net.training (732) 370-9923 or (732) 901-6055 or (732) 901-6171 or (732) (732) 552-5566 364-1317 or (732) 363-6730 or (732) 730-8464 or (732) 364- 9125 or (732) 279-5572 or (732) 886-2176 Cake & Platters (732) 364-1375 Chairs and Tables (732) 367-2559 or (732) 363-5767 or (732) 370-0720 or (732) Camera – Digital 367-1620 or (732) 370-0436 or (732) 886-5999 or (732) 370- (732) 730-9861 2296 or (732) 886-0658 or (732) 905-0044 50 Challah Covers Clothing Ladies (732) 370-5348 or (732) 901-9772 or (732) 370-2296 or (732) (732) 364-2095 or (732) 364-3284 942-7761 Clothing Ladies for Simcha Chasunah Gift Drop Off (732) 703-2000 (732) 364-8943 or (732) 905-2539 or (732) 364-8231 Clothing Maternity Chasunah Mens Shtick (732) 730-9923 or (732) 923-1299 (Deal) or (732) 848-226- (732) 363-0141 1837

Chaverim/24-Hour Emergency Lockout Clothing for Eretz Yisroel (732) 370-2229 or (732) 575-2589 (732) 364-2325

Chesed of Lakewood Clothing for Twins (732) 901-1945 or (732) 901-0482 ext. 16 (732) 901-7044 or (732) 886-3168

Children’s Wedding Gowns Coats (732) 364-8235 or (732) 367-4771 or (732) 364-5598 or (732) (732) 370-2735 580-3070 Coat Rack Chumash/Siddur (732) 364-8417 or (732) 363-9364 (732) 901-6117 or (732) 367-7232 or (732) 367-0393 or (732) 367-8161 or (732) 942-7761 or (732) 901-1105 or (732) 364- Coolers and Insulated Bags 7317 (732) 367-6013 or (732) 901-1945

Chupa Card Copy, Print, Scan, Fax (732) 691-2762 or (732) 901-4119 or (732) 364-3967 or (732) (732) 901-1945 901-7435 or (732) 363-6809 or (732) 364-4352 or (732) 995- 1927 Costumes for Purim (732) 901-1945 or (732) 730-0511 or (732) 415-0828 Cleaning Lady Shadchan (732) 364-8363 Coupons (732) 905-4450 CLEP Books (732) 886-6355 Creams for Burns (732) 367-5954 Clothing Baby/Layette/Snow Suits (0-2 years) (732) 961-1459 or (732) 363-0109 Crock Pots (732) 364-2974 or (732) 905-5504 or (732) 367-3476 Clothing Children (732) 364-2095 or (732) 901-5794 or (732) 901-8519 Daas Tahara/Kodshim (Cards/Booklet) (732) 901-1945 Clothing Children/Infant for Simcha (732) 364-7317 51 Daughters of Dignity Fan for Floods (732) 364-3060 (732) 901-0579 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) 995-5798

De-Humidifier Finger Towels with Basket (732) 370-3116 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) 364-5146 or (732) (732) 905-7699 or (732) 905-8487 or (732) 961-7246 370-8236 or (732) 961-0472 or (732) 363-2153 or (732) 364- 7653 Flour Sifter (electric) (732) 363-6345 Deisel Oil Cans (732) 905-2490 or (732) 901-6020 Flowers (732) 905-2075 or (732) 364-7422 Diabetic Supplies (732) 905-5893 Formula – Receive/Donate (732) 364-1248 or (732) 363-6263 Drivers Manuals (732) 370-3116 Freezer (732) 901-1945 Driving Directions Computer Printout (732) 905-8560 Furniture/Appliances (732) 363-0429 Signs (732) 730-9790 Gardening Equipment (732) 905-0979 Esrog Jelly (732) 367-3018 or (732) 364-0910 or (732) 678-7076 Gas Gerry Cans (732) 901-1945 Even Tekumah (732) 367-1301 or (732) 905-4060 , English-Artscroll/Hebrew-Artscroll (732) 364-7191 Eyeglass Frames/Repair Kit (732) 730-9148 or (732) 685-4585 or (732) 901-1945 Gemaras, Talleisim (732) 905-5923 Extension Electric Cord (732) 901-1945 Gemaras, Mesivta Oz V’Hadar (732) 363-7437 E-Z Pass (732) 901-0745 or (732) 905-1895 Glasses Reading (732) 370-3720 Fax (732) 364-0984 or (732) 364-7842 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) Gluten Free Foods (SCD Diet) 363-5726 or (732) 364-1154 or (732) 363-1160 or (732) 942- (732) 905-3877 or (732) 347-831-7480 8990 Glue Gun (732) 901-1945 52 GPS Hot Plate (Griddle) (732) 901-1945 or (732) 370-0793 or (732) 961-2034 or (732) (732) 364-1094 or (732) 886-2081 or (732) 905-2590 or (732) 496-2988 or (732) 364-1154 901-1945

Grape Juice/Wine/Schnapps/Beer Ice Machine (732) 901-1945 (732) 901-1945

Hachnosas Orchim ID Badge Clips/Hole-Puncher (732) 901-1945 or (732) 367-0570 (732) 901-1945

Hachnosas Orchim-Meshulachim Inch by Inch (732) 367-6761 or (732) 370-1392 or (732) 363-3650 or (732) (732) 363-8380 364-4132 Immerser Handtruck (dolly) (732) 370-8052 (732) 730-3014 or (732) 901-9698 or (732) 364-1094 or (732) 942-7047 or (732) 901-1945 Jewlery (732) 363-9767 or (732) 367-3278 or (732) 363-1700 Sets (732) 367-1167 Jumpstarter (732) 370-1759 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) 901-3983 Headpieces (732) 367-4171 or (732) 363-7369 or (732) 367-5624 or (732) Kallah Books/Tapes 886-9022 (732) 364-7191 or (732) 363-8302

Heaters Kallah Gowns (732) 901-1945 or (732) 886-1902 or (732) 367-5750 or (732) (732) 363-4587 370-2229 or (732) 730-8436 or (732) 905-0044 Kallah Shoes Helpers to Pack When Moving (732) 730-1916 or (732) 886-0951 (732) 901-0347 Kittel Herbs for Low Hemoglobin (732) 901-1945 (732) 886-8115 Kol Halashon (24 hrs.) new/updated High Chairs (732) 806-8199 (732) 961-1196 or (732) 905-7095 Kosher Capsule covers Hole Puncher for ID and 2-Hole Punch (732) 364-8046 (732) 901-1945 Ladders (6, 8, 16, 20, 24-ft.) Hospital Robes/Gowns (Tznius) (732) 730-0393 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) 901-2656 or (732) (732) 942-4596 or (732) 367-8298 or (732) 370-1421 or (732) 901-5148 905-7809 or (732) 961-9699 53 Laminate Machine (for all sizes) Mishkan Display (732) 901-1945 (732) 370-7012 or (732) 901-1945

Leaf Blower Mishanyis with pictures (732) 901-1945 (732) 901-1945 or (732) 363-6240

Lease Molds Chocolate/Cake (732) 370-8548 (732) 364-2959

Lice Combs Money Counter (bills) (732) 901-8868 or (732) 364-1497 or (732) 367-4832 (732) 905-5473

Lifeguard Books (kosher) Mothers Milk (732) 905-8533 (732) 901-6020

Light for Checking Bugs Moving Blankets (732) 942-1587 (732) 905-2272

Light Bulb Extender MP3 – Rabbi Viener Shiurim (732) 886-0863 or (732) 901-1945 (732) 905-5905

Light on Stand MP3 Players (for shiurim only) (732) 942-1232 (732) 901-1945

Linen/Pillows/Blankets Music (drums, casio) (732) 364-8472 or (732) 364-8417 or (732) 370-3977 or (732) (732) 996-9213 363-9396 or (732) 364-3034 Napkin Rings Lost and Found (732) 363-5973 (732) 901-7090 Nebulizer Mazel Tov Signs (732) 730-9126 (732) 901-1945 Notary Public Mechitzos (732) 886-7114 or (732) 886-1776 or (732) 901-0612 or (732) (732) 364-8417 or (732) 370-2235 or (732) 347-225-7068 364-2071 or (732) 942-9498 or (732) 905-3834 or (732) 730- 1861 or (732) 363-6240 Mezuzos (732) 363-6087 or (732) 779-8728 or (732) 905-3356 or (732) Nursing Pillows/Covers 905-6431 or (732) 901-2637 or (732) 730-1271 or (732) 363- (732) 730-3655 or (732) 961-9117 or (732) 364-2139 5054 or (732) 730-8195 Pack ‘n Play Mirror Trays (732) 901-6339 or (732) 364-8417 or (732) 961-1196 or (732) (732) 370-0236 942-8890 or (732) 942-9621 or (732) 905-5905 or (732) 886- 54 2263 or (732) 370-1182 or (732) 363-7574 or (732) 901-6497 Refrigerator (732) 901-1945 or (732) 363-8490 Paper Cutter (732) 901-1945 Rides to Anywhere (718) 506-1500 Petticoats (732) 364-1613 or (732) 886-9760 Rides to Baltimore – Lakewood (732) 367-9739 Pidyon Haben Coins (732) 901-7114 Rides to Cleveland – Lakewood (732) 363-6091 Pidyon Haben Outfit (732) 901-9304 or (732) 662-5568 Rides to Montreal – Lakewood (732) 961-9974 Pidyon Haben Silver Tray (732) 901-7619 or (732) 886-0069 or (732) 367-0956 Rides to Washington Hts – Lakewood (732) 364-3845 or (732) 886-5485 Pidyon Haben Bentchers/cards (732) 367-3062 or (732) 367-0956 Ruby Powder and Ruby Stone (732) 364-1256 or (732) 901-0187 Post Digger/Rammer (732) 367-8089 or (732) 905-1231 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) Scale for Travel (weighing suitcases) 364-5337 (732) 901-1945 or (732) 278-8839 or 848-525-9117

Power Washer Schnapps/Wine/Grape Juice/Beer (732) 901-1945 (732) 901-1945

Pruner for Branches/Trees Sefer Shmiras Hanefesh V’haguf (732) 367-9032 or (732) 901-1945 (732) 364-1094

Pump for Floods Seforim Library (English Only) (732) 901-1945 or (732) 367-8089 or (732) 905-1231 or (732) (732) 363-8938 363-7160 Seforim on Aveilus, Levaya, Cemetary, Pump – Double (732) 901-1945 or (732) 363-7653 (732) 363-0470 or (732) 905-3834 or (732) 730-9607 or (732) 367-4445 or (732) 363-1160 or (732) 364-2139 Seforim on Shas & Chumash (travel) (732) 886-3717 or (732) 901-4318 Radar Detectors (732) 370-0793 Seforim on Tznius (732) 551-0772 or (732) 363-6809 or (732) 370-4858 or (732) Reflectors 886-1902 (732) 886-1218 or (732) 363-1554 or (732) 276-6139

55 Segulah Hafrashas Challah Sifrei Mussar. Tehillim, Chofetz Chaim (732) 942-9147 (732) 901-1945

Segulah Horn Silverware/Stoneware/Glasses (732) 367-2468 (732) 370-9732 or (732) 367-6807 or (732) 370-0665 or (732) 363-8029 or (732) 886-5129 Segulah Booklets (R’ Kanievsky) (732) 370-2673 Simcha Mazel Tov Signs (732) 901-1945 Sewing Patterns (732) 905-2842 Snake for Toilets (732) 905-1231 or (732) 363-9175 or (732) 905-4568 Shabbos Clocks (732) 905-4031 Snoods/Tichels – for homebound (732) 367-6557 Shabbos kit (732) 942-8468 Spanish Words/Phrases (732) 370-0857 Shabbos Kosher Lamps (732) 367-4397 Staplers/Staple Guns (732) 901-1945 Shabbos Phones (732) 961-2034 or (732) 901-4750 Steamers – for clothes (732) 942-8990 Shaitels (732) 367-2203 or (732) 364-3034 Sterno Racks (732) 886-3073 or (732) 370-7041 or (732) 730-8519 or (732) Shaitel Part Coloring 947-0847 or (732) 901-1945 (732) 703-1014 Suitcases Shalom Bayis Books/CDs (732) 901-1945 (732) 523-1112 Sukkah Shadchan Shalom Zachor (Beer/Arbis) (732) 901-1945 (732) 364-8417 or (732) 363-7076 Sump Pump Shidduch Meeting House (732) 367-8089 or (732) 905-1231 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) (732) 363-7076 or (732) 367-8796 or (732) 730-1796 or (732) 363-7160 370-6058 Sweaters (velour)/School Shredder for Papers (732) 364-3894 (732) 901-1945

56 Tables Tehillim Divide into Booklets (732) 961-9651 or 901-6167 or (732) 886-1088 or (732) 364- (732) 730-3703 or (732) 901-1190 2195 or (732) 363-3962 or (732) 886-5779 or (732) 901-1945 Tehillim HaChida Tableclothes (732) 901-9567 or (732) 886-1902 or (732) 730-0737 (732) 367-3830 or (732) 886-7436 Therapy Equipment Tapes (732) 370-2645 (732) 886-1001 or (732) 730-0904 or (732) 367-6773 or (732) 367-3725 or (732) 730-3931 or (732) 363-6848 Ties Chosson (732) 886-8179 Tapes – Project Vital (732) 364-3167 Tools (732) 370-4858 or (732) 367-9031 or (732) 370-3413 or (732) Tapes – Project Yes, R’ Horowitz 905-0979 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) 363-7160 (732) 901-9224 Toys for Keeps/Simchos Tapes – R’ Irons – History (732) 364-2799 or (732) 370-2572 or (732) 363-0195 or (732) (732) 886-1604 905-8004

Tapes – R’ Avigdor Miller Zt”l Toilet Training Support/Books (732) 901-9224 or (732) 370-5527 or (732) 905-1855 (732) 364-7753

Tapes – R’ Zev Smith Translation Hebrew/English (732) 901-6851 (732) 730-1006

Tapes – R’ Mattisyahu Solomon Tree Trimmer (732) 905-5923 (732) 901-1945

Tapes – R’ Falk Trifle Bowls/Trays (732) 730-3532 (732) 370-0663 or (732) 942-7718

Tapes – R’ Braunstein Tzitzes Kosher Cutter (732) 370-5527 or (732) 905-3025 or (732) 961-9468 or (732) (732) 901-1945 363-9364 or (732) 575-4390 or (732) 363-5462 Tznius Alterations Tefillin (732) 367-3368 or (732) 370-0167 (732) 901-8891 or (732) 364-3753 or (732) 942-1876 or (732) 363-5084 or (732) 905-2981 or (732) 905-5508 or (732) 905- Uniforms – school 7631 (lefty) or (732) 905-5905 or (732) 363-9106 (Rabbeinu (732) 364-5499 or (732) 370-3679 or (732) 730-3450 Tam) Urns Tefillin – Paint/Mirror/Cards (732) 370-2735 (732) 901-1945 57 Vacuum, Wet/Dry (732) 363-0799 or (732) 901-1945 or (732) 364-8952 or (732) 901-0579

Vases (732) 905-4450 or (732) 364-5922 or (732) 363-5973 or (732) 363-1970

Vitamins (2-week trial) (732) 901-6418

Water Hose (732) 901-1945

Wedding Brooms for Mezinka (732) 370-7787

Wedding Countdown Clock (732) 901-1945

Wheel Chairs, Walkers, Hospital Table (732) 905-9011 or (732) 370-0436 or (732) 995-4540 or (732) 370-9681 or (732) 364-2545

Wine, Grape Juice, Schnapps, Beer (732) 901-1945

Zemiros & Bentchers (732) 364-6439 or (732) 905-1918 or (732) 905-9657 or (732) 370-5348 or (732) 901-9772 or (732) 942-7761 or (732) 367- 0807

Lakewood Chessed Interview (212) 444-1100 after ad press 3-1-942#