Survey of Entering Student Engagement
Survey of Entering Student Engagement - Riverside City College (2018 Administration) 2018 Frequency Distributions - Guided Pathways Module Comparison Group: CA Colleges* Entering Students Only [Weighted] Module Your College CA Colleges Participants Item Variable Responses Count Percent Count Percent Count Percent 1. Were you required to meet (in person or COLLQ879 Yes 199 35.2 5,104 58.0 26,959 67.3 online) with an academic advisor before registering for classes this academic term at this college? No 366 64.8 3,698 42.0 13,119 32.7 Total 565 100.0 8,802 100.0 40,078 100.0 2. During this academic term at this college, COLLQ880 None 295 51.6 3,075 34.8 11,354 28.2 how many times have you met (in person or online) with an academic advisor? 1 time 193 33.8 3,597 40.7 15,699 39.0 2 times 60 10.6 1,399 15.8 7,887 19.6 More than 2 times 23 4.1 770 8.7 5,348 13.3 Total 571 100.0 8,841 100.0 40,287 100.0 3. Prior to registering for classes your first COLLQ881 Yes 405 71.9 6,084 69.2 29,453 73.5 academic term at this college, had you decided on a job or career that you wanted to pursue? I am not attending this college to pursue a 35 6.2 483 5.5 2,122 5.3 job or career No 123 21.9 2,221 25.3 8,501 21.2 Total 563 100.0 8,788 100.0 40,076 100.0 4.
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