DEPARTMENT OF 'THEINTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION tp, BULLE FIN, 1916, NO.8 REORGANIZATION OF THEPUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM By FRANK 'FORESTBUNKER FORMERLY ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTSEAT-17,E. PUBLIC SCHOOLS ASSISTANT SUPER INTFNDENT LOS ANGFI -FSPUBLIC SCHOOLS SUPERINTENDENT BERJ(ELEY PUBLICSCHOOLS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRIMING OFFICE 1916 ... ADDITIONAL COPIES 07' THU PDBLICIIION ILATBE 7ROCURZD 17t071 *Tip 5137ZY,CNTINDINT 07 DOCIIIIINT8 00VTAR117.777 PRIMING °MCI WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 20 CENTS PER COPY V et r CONTENTS. Preface Page. Chapter I.The rise of the chief division yf the American public-school syst$m 1 ILThe rise of the graded school 19 IILEfforts toward a functional reorganizationThe first decade of the discussion 40 IV.Efforts toward a functional reorganizationSecond decade of the discussion 156 V. Efforts toward a functional reorganizationThe practice___ 75 VI.The plan adopted by Berkeley, Cal 95 VII.The course of studyThe first cycle 116 VIII.The course of studyThe second and third cycles__-- 136 APPliNDIX. Saginaw (East Side), Mich., cout<es of study._ 160 A six-year high-school course_ 163 -Garfield Junior High School, Richmond, Ind., course of study 184 Union school district, Concord, N. H., course of study for the high school_ 165 Intermediate schools of Los Angeles, Cal., course of study 167 Berkeley, Cal., courses of study 169 JapanCourses of *study in the elementary schools 178 Bibliography 177 INDKX 188 -to ie PREFACE. A little more than two decades ago Charles W. Eliot, convinced that the age at which the college graduate completes hiscourse and begins supporting himself was too high, nut the question, Can school programs be shortened and enriched?This query precipitated a discussion which, while ranging over the entire field of educational the and practice, centered particularly upon the purpose and placiof the common school, the high school, and the institutions of higher learning: This critical examination of the principal parts of the system.
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