TOPEKA HIGH HISTORICAL SOCIETY News from the THSHS Paul Fink Room THS Historical Society/Alumni Association, 800 SW 10th, Topeka, KS 66612 Website: Phone: 785-295-3200 Email:
[email protected] Vol. 36 No.1 Trojan Profiles: Ruth Fairbank and Ira Hutchison Ruth Fairbank (‘37) - To- In the mid-1940s some activities were still segre- peka High’s Babe Didrik- gated, at THS, notably basketball. Thus, Ira son! (for those who don’t James Hutchison (‘44) played not for the Black know, Babe Didrikson & Gold Trojans (all-white) but instead for the Red Zaharias was in the mid & White Ramblers (all-black). After graduation 20th century considered and with WWII still rag- America’s greatest woman ing, Hutchison joined athlete, proficient in many the Navy. Upon dis- sports). When Miss Fair- charge he entered Kan- bank attended THS, the sas State College 1930s, girl sports were lim- (Manhattan) graduating ited just to the phys. ed. Department (in the early in 1950 with a degree in 1900s there was girls’ basketball competition be- physical education and tween area schools, but not by 1937). Thus, Ruth recreation. Shortly Fairbank could only participate in high school as thereafter he obtained a a Trojanette pep club member and with the Girls position at the Topeka Athletic Association (G.A.A.) of which she was State Hospital, incorpo- secretary. A three sport all-star, her first love was rating recreation in ther- baseball (later softball) with a Chesney Park team apy work. Spending 13 in 1932 (shortstop). Her local team won a state years at Topeka State, Hutchison became its rec- championship in 1936, and Fairbank continued in reation director in 1954.