Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 124214019





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 124214019




A Sa>ijana Sa:t.;tta Ufldel'gta"duate Thesis



Student Number: 124214019

L~IlUi' Mi. M. HUm 17 July 20'17 Advisor

Drs. Htrmawan: Wttanarka, M.Hufll 17 July 2017 Co-Advisor


A SCi1jarla Sastra Undergraduate Th:e'sts



Student Number: 124214019

Defended lYefore tlle Board ofExmniners On July 27,2017 and Declared Acceptable


Name Chairperson : Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, M, Hum. Secretary : Drs, Hinnawan Wijanarka, M, Hum. MemlYer 1 : AB. srt MUlyani, PlIo D. Member 2 : Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, M. Hum. Member 3 : Drs. Hinnawan Wijanarka, M. Hum.



I celiify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text ofthe undergraduate thesis.

a, July 31,2017




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dhanna

Nama : Natalia Sisca Dessensia

Nomor Mahasiswa : 124214019

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul

GENDER AND SEXUAL DILEMMA AS SEEN THROUGH THE CHARACTER OF EINAR WEGENER IN DAVID EBERSHOFF'S THE DANISH GIRL beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkandalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secm"a terbatas, dan mempublikasikmUlya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama mencamtumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakatia Pada tanggaI17 Juli 2017

Natalia Sisca Dessensia







First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty

Jesus Christ for always holding my hands. Without His strength and blessing I would not be able to finish this thesis. I also thank my parents and family who never give up to support me in ups and downs situation. My parents always say,

“you are the grace from God, that‟s why we never left you.”

I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my advisor, Ni Luh Putu

Rosiandani, S.S, M. Hum., for her precious time and guidance. Without your patience I would not be able to finish this undergraduate thesis during my hard times. I also thank Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka for his guidance and advice to improve my writing skill.

I am grateful for all my friends who always support me: Nanang,

Handoko, Disa, Eki, Aurel, Erika, Oo, Wiwid, Noven, Stefi, Alex, Alvian, Bertha,

Bovis, Tjia, Sr. Liza, Yanzer, Suci, Mimi, Elen, Nico, Pamela, Monik, Glory,

Mahendra, Yordan, Nova, Jeje, Maria, Eri, Rio and all 2012 English Letters

Department‟s students, I would like to say thanks for wonderful moments we have experienced in this university.

Finally, the last but not least, to my future I would like to say, “Here I go!”

Natalia Sisca Dessensia




TITLE PAGE ...... ii APPROVAL PAGE ...... iii ACCEPTANCE PAGE ...... iv STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ...... iv LEMBAR PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH ...... vi UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS ...... vi MOTTO PAGE ...... vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... ix ABSTRACT ...... xi ABSTRAK ...... xii CHAPTER I ...... 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 3 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 3 D. Definition of Terms ...... 3 CHAPTER II ...... 6 REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 8 1. Theory of Characters and Characterization ...... 9 2. Theory of Gender Identity ...... 10 3. Theory of Transsexualism ...... 13 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 15 CHAPTER III ...... 16 METHODOLOGY ...... 16 A. Object of the Study...... 16 B. Approach of the Study ...... 18 C. Method of the Study ...... 19 CHAPTER IV ...... 21



ANALYSIS ...... 21 A. The Characteristics of Einar Wegener ...... 21 1. The Feminine Characteristics ...... 23 2. The Masculine Charactersics ...... 28 B. Internal Conflict of Einar Wegener ...... 29 1. Low Self-Confidence in Men‟s Dressing ...... 30 2. Sexual Attraction to Male ...... 33 3. Struggle for Determining the Identity ...... 36 C. Einar‟s Attempt in Solving His Internal Conflict ...... 40 CHAPTER V ...... 45 CONCLUSION ...... 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 47




Natalia Sisca Dessensia. Gender and Sexual Dilemma as seen in the character of Einar Wegener in David Ebershoff’s The Danish Girl. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017

LGBT is an unfamiliar issue in some societies. This issue sometimes becomes „scourge‟ because it againsts the principle of certain religion. This is because LGBT is considered to violate the nature which has been given by the God. Although this issue is a 'scourge' in some societies groups, this issue is often discussed by certain institutions supporting LGBT.

In this study, the writer analyzes the . Transsexual is a person who feels that he/she is in the wrong body, then the transsexual goes through the stage in which it replaces the genitals to find the identity. To reach the stage of genital change, a person is deeply depressed. This phenomenon is found in a literary work entitled The Danish Girl by David Ebershoff.

In this study, there are three problem formulations. The first deals with the description of Einar Wegener in relation to his gender. The second problem is about the internal conflicts experienced by Einar Wegener. The last problem is about how to solve the intimate conflicts faced by Einar Wegener.

This study used library research method. The primary source is a novel by David Ebershoff, The Danish Girl. The secondary source is all studies which related to gender and gender studies, specifically the theories of transsexual by Harry Benjamin.

After analyzing this novel, there are three conclusions. Firstly, Einar Wegener is described as a man who has a feminine tendency; submissive, inferior, and emotional. Secondly, the internal conflicts found are (1) Einar has low self- confidence dressing as a men, (2) Einar has sexual attraction to male and (3) Einar's struggle to discover identity. Thirdly, in the presence of these conflicts, there is a solution to find his identity. In transsexual, this solution is called genital surgery. Einar can finally find his identity by being a real woman.




Natalia Sisca Dessensia. Gender and Sexual Dilemma as seen in the character of Einar Wegener in David Ebershoff’s The Danish Girl. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2017.

Isu tentang LGBT menjadi isu yang tidak familiar di beberapa kalangan masyarakat. Terkadang isu ini menjadi „momok‟ karena bertentangan dengan prinsip agama. Hal ini disebabkan karena kaum LGBT dianggap menyalahi kodrat yang sudah diberikan oleh Sang Pencipta. Meskipun isu ini menjadi „momok‟ dalam beberapa golongan masyarakat, tetapi isu ini tak jarang dibahas oleh beberapa lembaga tertentu yang mendukung LGBT.

Dalam studi ini, penulis menganalisis tentang transeksual. Transeksual menjadi „tahap akhir‟ ketika seseorang merasa bahwa dirinya berada di raga yang salah, karena transeksual menjalani tahap di mana ia mengganti alat kelamin agar bisa menemukan benar-benar jadi dirinya. Untuk mencapai tahap pergantian kelamin, seseorang mengalami depresi batin yang sangat mendalam. Fenomena ini penulis ditemukan di dalam sebuah karya sastra yang berjudul The Danish Girl oleh David Ebershoff.

Di dalam studi ini, terdapat tiga rumusan masalah. Pertama tentang penggambaran Einar Wegener dalam kaitannya dengan gender. Kedua tentang bagaimana konlik-konflik internal yang di alami oleh Einar Wegener. Ketiga tentang bagaimana penyelesaian untuk konflik-konflik intenal yang dihadapi oleh Einar Wegener.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan. Sumber utamanya adalah sebuah novel karya David Ebershoff, The Danish Girl. Sumber kedua adalah semua studi yang berkaitan dengan gender dan dan gender studi, terutama teori dari Harry Benjamin tentang transeksual.

Setelah menganalisa novel ini, terdapat tiga hal yang dapat disimpulkan.. Pertama, Einar Wegener digambarkan sebagai seorang laki-laki yang memiliki kecenderungan feminin, sehingga memunculkan sikap-sikap patuh, rendah diri, dan emosional. Kedua, konflik-konflik internal yang dialami Einar adalah rasa ketidakpercayaan diri untuk berpakaian seperti laki-laki, memiliki daya tarik seksual terhadap laki-laki dan perjuangan diri Einar untuk menemukan jati diri. Ketiga, dengan adanya konflik-konflik itu, munculah penyelesaian untuk menemukan jati diri. Dalam transeksual, penyelesaian ini disebut operasi alat kelamin. Einar akhirnya dapat menemukan jati dirinya dengan menjadi seorang perempuan sejati.





A. Background of the Study

In nearly all societies, men and women, boys and girls, have different status and play different roles. Men and women behave (attitudes and interests) and dress differently. It is contrary against traditional custom that hold the beliefs these differences between male and female behavior are biologically determined.

Based on the concept of gender, this study is revealed that they are socially constructed. Gender becomes a global issue and the most favorite issue to be discussed.

Further, when people are talking about gender and sex, they might also think about the familiar phenomenon called LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and

Transgender). However, in some part of the world, this phenomenon is still taboo to be discussed because some societies consider that LGBT against moral value in their culture.

This study focuses on the phenomenon of . Transgender is an umbrella for a person who feels and dresses as the opposite sex. For example, a man who dresses as a woman and he claims himself as a woman. However, transgender only feels and dresses as an opposite sex, but they do not change their sex into opposite sex. It is known as transsexual.

Transsexual is a person who feels that he/she belongs to the other sex.

Further, they want to be and function as members of opposite sex, not only in




appearing and dressing. Most of them feel disgust about their primary sex, and they want to have surgery to change their sex. Transsexual people feel that they are trapped in wrong body, so the decision to have surgery will be taken.

Transsexual phenomenon can be seen not only in daily life, but also in literary work. One of the most famous novels is written by an American author, namely David Ebershoff and the title of his book is The Danish Girl. This novel is taken from true story of Einar Wegener, who changes his primary sex to the second sex (man into woman), and he changes his name into . He is also the inspiration for transsexual people today.

The writer chooses this novel because it can bring the imagination of Einar when he is struggling to find his identity. Ebershoff illustrates the story clearly.

He provides the story with the emotion, so the reader can feel the atmosphere about what happen in Einar‟s life. In writing his novel, Ebershoff totally searches information about Einar Wegener that becomes Lili Elbe. Ebershoff states that he is really interested of writing Lili‟s story, so he goes to Copenhagen in order to make the imagination about Lili‟s life (Ebershoff, 2015: 7).

This novel becomes interesting since it shows how Einar Wegener‟s confusion about himself. This novel is a bit complicated to understand once, because it tells how Einar often dresses woman‟s dress before he decides to do transsexual surgery. However, the basic problem of transsexual people is that they‟re feeling trapped in wrong body. The writer thinks that it must be so difficult for transsexual people to recognize their identity. Here, the writer decides to analyze the whole conflict of the character in order to find his identity.



B. Problem Formulation

1. How is Einar Wegener described in the novel related to his gender identity?

2. What is Einar‟s internal conflict to determine confusion about his identity?

3. How does Einar solve the conflict in order to determine his identity?

C. Objectives of the Study

In order to find gender identity, the writer needs to firstly depict the characteristics of Einar. The writer finds that Einar‟s characteristics are the characteristics which are related to the gender characteristics of the character; the female and male characteristics of him. Those characteristics are important to this study because they illustrate the life of Einar, which lead the writer to see development of his character. After that, from the characteristics found, the writer observes the conflicts in Einar‟s life. The conflicts are sufficiently various from him and the socials such as Einar‟s life, friends and other people. After the conflicts are completely found, the writer tries to provide the solution towards these conflicts.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid the misunderstanding and misinterpretation, it is necessary to give the explanation and definition of terms that used in this study:

1. Gender

Guez and Allen in Gender Sensitivity stated that, „according to Stoller, gender is the amount of masculinity or femininity‟. Gender also has social, cultural and psychological rather than biological connotations.



According to Pilcher and Whelehan in 50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies, gender itself is defined as;

“The concept of gender, as we now use it came into common parlance during early 1970s. It was used as analytical category to draw a line of demarcation between biological sex differences and the way these are used to inform behaviors and competencies, which are then assigned as either „masculine‟ and „feminine‟ (Pilcher and Whelehan, 2004:56).

In short, gender is the concept to differentiate between feminine and masculine.

2. Sexual

In Gender Sensitivity, sex as defined by Susan Basow, is a biological term referring to people, animals, etc., being either female or male depending on their sex organs or genes. Sex also refers to the differences between individuals that make them male or female (Guez and Allen, 2000: 9).

3. Dilemma

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, dilemma is an argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent


4. Transsexual

According to Benjamin, true transsexual feels that they belong to other sex, they want to be and function as members of the opposite sex, not only appears as such. For them, their sex organs, the primary (testes) as well as the secondary (penis and others) are disgusting deformities that must be changed by the surgeon‟s knife. The transsexual, however, puts all his faith and future into hands of the doctor, particularly surgeon. (Benjamin, 1999: 11)



Another sources of Transsexual‟ definition is from Merriam Webster

Dictionary, states that transsexual is a person who strongly identifies with the opposite sex and may seek to live as a member of this sex especially by undergoing surgery and hormone therapy to obtain the necessary physical appearance (as by changing the external sex organs).

5. Transgender

In journal of American Psychological Association, transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as make or female) or gender expression differs from that usually associated with their birth sex.




A. Review of Related Studies

Reviewing other studies improves the originality of this thesis. It also decreases the possibility of plagiarism and an understanding of the study. The

Danish Girl can be regarded as a new novel which gains the achievement of

Lembda Literary Award for Transgender.

The writer chose two related studies as the comparisons; they were Cherry

Diah Anggraini‟s and Nicholas Mason‟s. They discussed the character that changes his/her sex to opposite sex by doing sexual surgery. Yet, Nicholas Mason discussed about his own experience of being female transsexual where Anggraini discussed about the character in the novel. These related studies were taken because they have the same topic with the writer‟s topic.

The first is Anggraini‟s study entitled Cal‟s Gender Identity: Nature and

Nurture as seen through the Character Development in Jeffrey Eugenide‟s

Middlesex, which discussed about gender identity in the main character, Cal, in

Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Her thesis intendscto answer three major questions; how are the characteristics of Cal presented in the novel; how do the nature and nurture factors Cal‟s character development; and how do the nature and nurture contribute to the establishment of Cal‟s gender identity.

There were several theories used in her thesis. The first one was the theory of character and characterization. There were two books that Anggraini used to




explain theory of character and characterization; first, the book by M. H

Abrams A Glossary of Literary Term; second, the book by M. J Murphy

Understanding Unseen. Anggraini observed the description of Cal through these books.

Anggraini, in her study, divided Cal into two parts; as female character and male character. She stated that Cal was a girl which transformed into boy. Cal was born to be a girl and she has a long hair. Yet, when her friends got their period, Cal did not (Anggraini, 2010: 30). Besides, her physical appearance also supported the opinion of Cal‟s female character.

The second part of Anggraini‟s study was about Cal in male characters.

She found that Cal in male characteristics in the way Cal‟s behaviors. However, many people were confused to identify Cal.

“From the report that the doctor had after examining Callie, it mentioned that the height of Callie may raise confusion for people at first impression to determine the gender identity.” (Anggraini, 2010: 32) The second study that the writer chose was the article from Nicholas

Mason, entitled The Transsexual Dilemma: Being a Transsexual. In his article,

Mason emphasized that his journal illustrated the problem which beset the transsexual before, during, and after treatment. Actually, this journal is about his own experience of being female transsexual.

In the beginning of his article, he said that when he was still a child he often played with boys and wore boyish clothes. His family seemed accept with that, until one day his mother checked him to the doctor because the size of his



clitoris was small. Mason also said that female attire was shunned by him as much as possible because he felt so awkward and „wrong in it‟ (Mason, 1980: 5).

“As the hated puberty progressed so it also became obvious that my sexuality was not that of a normal female. Having passed the „crush‟ stage, I was still sexually attracted to women.” (Mason, 1980: 1) In his article, Mason had social judgment that made him down of being

„oddness‟ from another woman. Many of her friends mocked her because she looked and dressed as a man.

“‟He, she or it?‟ Asked a man, thinking it very amusing. ‟When are you going to change sex?‟ Shouted a teenage boy across the street.” (Mason, 1980: 1)

This depression because of social judgment made him decided to see the doctor. The first doctor was Dr. G who agrees about his problem. He advised him to see psychiatrist. Yet, most of the psychiatrist refused his decision. After four years, he found a doctor that could help him named Dr. X. After surgery, Mason changed his name as Nicholas Mason.

The writer found that those related studies had the same topic to this thesis which discussed about gender confusion. Besides, the character of those related studies had the same problem and solution with the character in this study; where all the characters also looked for the doctors and psychiatrist to help their confusion. Even though, Anggraini and Mason‟s studies discussed about female transsexual, but the confusion was the same.

B. Review of Related Theories

In order to answer the problem formulated above, several theories are needed to gain the analysis. They are character and characterization, theory of



gender, and theory of transsexualism. These theories help the writer to deeply analyze Einar‟s confusion in order to find his identity.

1. Theory of Characters and Characterization Characters are the most important thing in a literary work. They support the idea of how the story is going. Characters are “persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work that are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities” (Abrams, 1999: 34).

Those values can be examined by the inferences of action, speech and motivation.

Motivation in this context means “‟character‟ temperament, desires and moral natures for their speech and action” (Abrams, 1999: 161).

In his book entitled Understanding Unseen, Murphy states that there are several ways to make the characters in the novel understandable. The ways come from personal description, the way a character is seen in by others, by character‟s speech, his or her past life, from the conversation of others, the figure reactions, direct comment stated by author, the character‟s thought, and manner ship (1972:

161-173). They have the definition of each, here are: a. Personal description

The author can describe a person‟s appearance and clothes. b. Characters seen by others

Instead of describing a character directly the author can describe him/her through the eyes and opinion of another. c. Speech



The author can give us an insight into character of one of the persons in a book through what that person says. d. Past life

By letting the readers learn something about a person‟s past life the author can give us a clue to an event that have helped to shape a person‟s character. e. Conversation of others

The author can also give us clues to a person‟s character through the conversation of other people and things they say about him. f. Reaction

The author can give us clues to a person‟s character directly. It can be seen in their acts or behaviors. g. Direct comment

The author can describe a comment on a person‟s character directly. h. Thoughts

The author can give us clues about what the character is thinking about. i. Mannerism

The author can describe a person‟s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies which may also tell us something about his character.

2. Theory of Gender Identity In this part, the writer tries to see Einar‟s gender by using theory of gender identity, but before comes to gender identity‟s explanation, the writer gives the definition of gender. This theory is important in this study because it can help the writer to find the answer of the character in the novel about his gender. However,



the main character in the novel is confused about his gender whether he is a man or woman.

According to Pilcher and Whelehan in 50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies, gender itself is defined as;

“The concept of gender, as we now use it came into common parlance during early 1970s. It was used as analytical category to draw a line of demarcation between biological sex differences and the way these are used to inform behaviors and competencies, which are then assigned as either „masculine‟ and „feminine‟. The purpose of affirming a sex/gender distinction was to argue that the actual physical or mental effects of biological difference had been exaggerated to maintain a patriarchal system of power and to create a consciousness among women that they were naturally better suited to „domestic‟ roles. (Pilcher and Whelehan, 2004:56).

It means that sex cannot be a criterion to determine which a person is masculine or feminine. Gender has social, cultural and psychological rather than biological connotations. It is defined in terms of femininity and masculinity. The proper term for describing sex is male and female, while the terms for gender is masculine and feminine.

One‟s gender can be determined in many ways e.g., behavior. In most societies, humility, submissiveness, emotional and quiet are considered feminine behavior and women are expected to behave that way. Men, on the other hand are expected to be dominant, aggressive, etc. (Guez and Allen, 2000:10-11)

The theory emphasizes that gender is constructed by social. By seeing his/her sex, socially expects that the gender should follow the sex. If a person was born as a man, he should be masculine.

Guez and Allen also divide the feminine and masculine‟s behavior, they are: feminine behavior should be submissive, gentle, emotional and quiet, while



masculine behavior should be dominant, aggressive, not emotional and talkative

(2000:10-11). Those behaviour characteristics are created by social.

As Guez and Allen states in Gender Sensitivity, gender refers to

„subjective feelings of maleness and femaleness‟, irrespective of one‟s sex and this is called as gender identity (10). Further, here is the explanation about gender identity. In the book entitled Genders, Glover and Kaplan define gender identity,

Gender identity starts with the knowledge and awareness, whether conscious or unconscious, that one belongs to one sex and not to other, though as one develops, gender identity becomes much more complicated, so that, for example, one may sense himself as not only a male, but a masculine man of an effeminate man or even as a man who fantasies being a woman (Stoller in Glover and Kaplan, 2000: xxi)

In short words, gender identity is how a person feels and expresses his/her gender. For example, if a person considers himself as a male and he is comfortable referring to his personal gender in masculine terms, then his gender identity is male. However, the concept of gender identity is related to gender role.

According to article Sexuality: Gender Identity, Ghosh explains that,

Gender identity is defined a personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely both or neither). This concept is intimately related to the concept of gender role, which is defined as the outward manifestations of personality that reflect the gender identity. Gender identity, in nearly all instances, is self-identified, as a result of a combination of inherent and extrinsic or environmental factors; gender role, on the other hand, is manifested within society by observable factors such as behaviors and appearance (

Linda Brannon, in her book Gender: Psychological Perspective tries to unfold the terms of gender role.

Therefore, the male gender role of female is like a script that men and women follow to fulfill their appropriate parts in acting masculine or feminine” (Brannon, 1996: 168).



Thus, gender role is often an outward expression of gender identity, but it is also called as a society‟s evaluation of behavior as masculine and feminine.

Meaning to say, gender role is behaviors, traits and another characteristic that someone has to follow to be feminine or masculine.

3. Theory of Transsexualism Transsexual is a person who wants to change their sex by doing surgery.

Most of transsexual people feel that they live in wrong body. In The Transsexual

Phenomenon, Benjamin states about the transsexual,

The transsexual male or female is deeply unhappy as a member of the sex (or gender) to which he or she was assigned by the anatomical structure of the body, particularly the genitals. (Benjamin, 1999: 11)

This statement shows that the big will of transsexual people are changing their genital. It also supports the idea of “live in wrong body” that the writer mentions above. Most of go to the doctor to find any help for changing their genitals, so the feelings of wrong body can be the right body as their soul lives.

True transsexual feels that they belong to other sex, they want to be and function as members of the opposite sex, not only appears as such. For them, their sex organs, the primary (testes) as well as the secondary (penis and others) are disgusting deformities that must be changed by the surgeon‟s knife. The transsexual, however, puts all his faith and future into hands of the doctor, particularly surgeon. (Benjamin, 1999: 11)

Benjamin clearly explains what the basic needs of transsexual people. In short words, transsexual people want to change their sex because they feel live in wrong body. In Benjamin‟s book, he wrote the opinion about transsexualism from

Dr. Daniel C. Brown, which says:



Brown speaks of transsexualism as a term related to „Sex Role Inversion‟, specifically meaning that this type of invert wants or receives surgical alliteration of his genitals. (Benjamin, 1999: 12)

Benjamin mentions that the transsexual feels himself to be a woman

(trapped in a man‟s body) and is attracted to men (1999: 14). So, simply to say, if male transsexual will have attraction to men, and also female transsexual is attracted to women.

Further, there are also characteristics for transsexuals that have been discussing by several researcher, they are; David J. Luts, Howard B. Roback, and

Maureen Hart in their journal Feminine Gender Identity and Psychological

Adjustment of Male Transsexuals and Male Homosexuals. They have done the research about transsexuals and homosexuals by collecting the member of transsexuals and homosexuals to be interviewed. They find that transsexuals have the characteristics as:

1. Transsexuals (especially male transsexuals) do not feel themselves to be homosexuals and are marked by a persistent femininity. 2. Transsexuals were significantly more likely to prefer girls‟ games over boys‟ games. 3. Transsexuals reported that they wished they had been born as girls instead of boys. 4. Transsexuals put on women‟s underwear and clothing. 5. Transsexuals reported that their appearance was quite feminine significantly. (1984: 356-358)

These characteristics add some point that transsexuals always want to be as opposite sex, even the characteristics also show in childhood (characteristics number 2).



C. Theoretical Framework

There are three problems formulated that answered by using several theories. The first theory used is theory of character and characterization by

Murphy in Understanding Unseen. The first question is related to the depiction of

Einar Wegener as the main character in this study. Besides, the writer also completes the depiction of Einar Wegener by using the characteristics of transsexual by David J. Luts, Howard B. Roback, and Maureen Hart in their journal Feminine Gender Identity and Psychological Adjustment of Male

Transsexuals and Male Homosexuals.

Later, after the depiction of Einar have found, the writer tries to find the internal conflicts that happen in Einar Wegener. The internal conflicts lead to the confusion of his identity. The writer also put theory of gender to see his gender and find his identity. The last, the writer tries to figure the arrangement of Einar‟s internal conflicts by using the theory of transsexualism. This theory draws how transsexual people take the last step to be his/her identity.




A. Object of the Study

The Danish Girl is a novel written by an American author named David

Ebershoff. The first publication of this novel is in the United States of America by

Viking Penguin in 2000. The writer uses the third edition by Penguin in 2015. The novel is dedicated as the best story by several foundation, such as; the Rosenthal

Foundation Award from America Academy of Arts and Letters, and the Lambda

Literary Awards for transgender fiction. This novel also becomes a finalist for the

New York Public Library‟s Young Lions Award, an American Library

Association Award, a New York Times Notable book and an International best seller.

This novel is taken from a true story of Lili Elbe. Firstly, it told a story about a man, named Einar Wegener, who is confused about his gender identity.

He was born as a boy and raised by his father and grandmother, because his mother was died when he was a baby. Since he was young, Einar liked to play with his mother‟s things, such as scarf and head-craft and imagined that those were his. He also had a best friend, Hans, who always supported Einar‟s dream; as a painter. Yet, young Einar found himself fallen in love with Hans because Hans was always paid attention to Einar just like Einar was a girl. In short, they played in the kitchen and kissed.




Knowing that his son loved to play with girl‟s stuff, Einar‟s father got angry on him and said that the boys could not be like that. Einar shouted his father, “Why not?!” when his father said like that. His father wanted Einar to be a boy, not a girl.

When Einar was adult, he married to Greta, who was his student when in

Art-school. They married for six years and they had no children. One day, Greta‟s model for painting, Anna, did not come to finish the painting. So, Greta asked

Einar‟s help to wear Anna‟s stockings, because she wanted to finish feet-part of the painting. Einar realized something wrong with the stockings; comfort and soft.

Einar was not really liked to go to ball room party for painting‟s exhibition. Greta suggested him to go to ball room by dressing as a woman, and he agreed. Greta called him Lili (Einar‟s name when he dressed as a woman). Besides, Einar has unusual body that his body was Danish‟s body goal.

Einar found that Lili was just like someone he knew inside him and never be appeared. He also realized that Lili was a part of himself and he couldn‟t stop

Lili. After Lili was detected, most of his time he dressed as a woman. And Einar preferred to choose Lili rather than hold the soul of Einar. However, Einar knew that himself had two souls; soul of Einar and Lili.

Greta‟s paintings of Anna (her model) always rejected by art dealer.

Finally, she painted Lili and amazingly all Lili‟s portraits were sold. Greta kept painting of Lili. Both of them enjoyed to „play a game‟ in their marriage. Greta also permitted her husband dressed as woman, even walked out night with a man.

In other side, Greta loved about Lili‟s presences because they were like best



friend, but she found her husband seemed wanted to „kill‟ Einar and maintained


In 1930, Einar decided to have gender reassignment surgery. Greta was always beside Lili to face the process of surgery. The love of Greta encouraged

Lili and believed her that she was doing the right thing; to be herself. Since Lili lived, she was just felt that she was in wrong body.

B. Approach of the Study

The writer needs an approach to help the writer to do this study. So, the writer chooses gender studies as the approach of the study. Gender studies itself is a part of feminist criticism that emphasize on women‟ revolution. It was de

Beauvoir especially who had emphasized that the ideas of feminineness are chiefly influenced by cultural factors. The most off-quoted sentence of her studies, “One is nor born, but rather becomes, a woman” (Schmitz, 2007: 188).

Our natural sex merely defines our body. Yet, all factors that we consider, consciously or unconsciously, as defining o “manliness” and “feminineness” are cultural, not natural, as becomes clear when we remember that they are different in different human societies.

Schmitz states in his book that the distinction between a natural “sex”

(restricted to our bodies) and a cultural “gender” (defined by social factors) has been universally accepted. He also defined the gender studies that support this study.

“Gender studies sees as its aim to analyze the ways in which gender is culturally constructed and influenced our lives. Gender studies analyze the ways in which such construction proceed and act, they look at the effects



they have on our society, and they ask which mechanisms make these constructions appear to be perfectly “natural” to all actors.” (Schmitz, 2007: 189)

It shows that gender is constructed by society. However, sex does not determine the gender. It can be said, when a person is born sexually as a man, but in society he is treated as woman, he would have to be feminine. This approach is related to this study which is seeing that the gender is influenced by social.

C. Method of the Study

This method of the study was library research. There were several books, journals and articles that have been used to this study. The primary book was The

Danish Girl by David Ebbershoff to be the object of this study. Another book used was by M. H Abrams titled Glossary Literary Term Seventh Edition on the theory of character and characterization. For this theory, the writer also used

Understanding Unseen by Murphy to completely understand about theory character and characterization.

The writer also used books and articles of gender identity to support this study. This study was discussed about transsexual, so the writer chose the theory of gender identity to understand deeply about the gender and problem related to it.

It is related to the main character discussed. The books used were from Linda

Brannon entitled Gender: Psychological Perspective and Lisbeth Goodman

Literature and Gender. In order to complete the theory, the writer used an article from Shuvo Ghosh named Article Medcape.

Other sources that the writer used were the book titled The Transsexual

Phenomenon by Harry Benjamin; and the journal from David J. Luts, Howard B.



Roback, and Maureen Hart in Feminine Gender Identity and Psychological

Adjustment of Male Transsexuals and Male Homosexuals. These sources were related to how a transsexual could be deal with himself/herself.




In this chapter the writer aims to answer the problems formulated in the previous chapter. Since there are three major problems, the writer divides this chapter into three subchapters. Firstly, the writer tries to emphasize the characteristics of Einar as the main character in the story. The characteristics that the writer tries to emphasize are the characteristics that are seen from gender perspective, so the writer divides them into feminine and masculine characteristics. Next, the writer discusses about the internal conflicts of Einar, which become Einar‟s problem to determine his identify. This subchapter also sees how the feminine characteristics are dominant through the masculine characteristics. Finally, the writer tries to answer the last problems which is the problem solving of Einar‟s internal conflict.

A. The Characteristics of Einar Wegener

As Abrams mentions that characters are the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are endowed with moral and dispositional qualities (Abrams, 1981:20), then the writer treats Einar Wegener who is the major character in the novel as a person who has the characteristics and life as human.

In describing the characteristics, the writer applies the theory of Murphy which emphasizes that there are nine ways to make the characteristics understandable by the reader. The ways come from personal description, the way




a character is seen by others, by character‟s speech, his or her past life, from the conversation of others, the figure reactions, direct comment stated by author, the character‟s thought, and mannership (1972: 161-173).

Because this thesis discusses the identity from the character, thus in depicting the characteristics of Einar Wegener, the writer sees more on the gender-related characteristics. Based on the theory of gender identity in the previous chapter, the writer divides the characteristics of Einar Wegener into feminine and masculine. The writer takes the theory of gender identity by Ghosh to see feminine and masculine characteristics in Einar.

As Ghosh states in the article of Sexuality: Gender Identity,

“Gender identity is defined a personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely both or neither). This concept is intimately related to the concept of gender role, which is defined as the outward manifestations of personality that reflect the gender identity” (2009).

In The Danish Girl, Einar was portrayed as a man who found himself like to play girl‟s things since he was a child. When he was adult, he married a girl named Greta and they had no children in their six years-marriage. In their marriage, they „play a game‟ which was Einar as a husband liked who to dress as a woman and called Lili. Lili became the model for Greta‟s paintings and it was sold quickly. It made Einar thought about being a woman, not only by dressing.

He found himself was confused about his gender.

However, the writer used the name of Einar and the pronoun of he/him referring to Einar when he dressed as a man, while the writer used the name of

Lili and the pronoun she/her referring to Einar when he dressed as a woman.



1. The Feminine Characteristics In this subchapter, the writer tries to find the feminine characteristics. The writer marks one thing from the theory above that feminine behavior should be submissive, inferior, emotional and quiet. In this context, the writer does not explain the quiet behavior because the writer finds that submissive and quite are quite same. a. Submissive

Even though Einar is a man, but he is submissive. This characteristic is explained as a person who always does what other people say, even though it is not what he wants. The writer sees many evidences about that. When Einar was young, he had a close friend named Hans. Hans paid attention to everything about

Einar and they always played together. Hans also treated Einar as little girl that should be kept. When they played a kite, Hans asked Einar to stand in shaded place, so he could avoid the sunlight (Ebershoff, 2015: 30) Later, Hans asked to play in the kitchen, while Hans acted like a husband waited for the food and Einar was like a wife. Hans put Einar‟s grandmother‟s apron and put it into Einar‟s waist (Ebershoff, 2015:32).

Hans said quietly, “Light a fire. Boil some water. Drop in a few stone potatoes and mutton joint.” Then more vaguely, his gravelly voice suddenly smooths: “Einar, let‟s pretend.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 32) In describing Einar‟s submission, it can not be concluded as seen only from his childhood. When Einar married, he was also become submissive to her wife. Greta, the one who asked for Einar‟s help, supported Einar to dress as a



woman, even Greta agreed when Einar became Lili. Einar always listened to what

Greta says.

“Then just slip it on for a few minutes.” Greta brought it to Einar and held it to his chest. “Greta,” he said. “what if I-“ “Just take off your shirt,” Greta said. And he did. “What if I-“ “Just close your eyes,” she said. And he did. (Ebershoff, 2015: 10)

The dialogue above showed that Einar obeyed Greta‟s order. The writer found out that actually Einar did not want to wear the dress, but he had no power to reject that. The way author describes his submissive by the words, “and he did”. Einar‟s submissive was also depicted when Greta asked him to be a model, while Einar was busy with his painting.

”For a moment, Einar felt defying his wife. He had his own painting to finish. He had told himself that he would call up Lily in the afternoon, that he‟d spend the morning painting, which he‟d been so much lately, and buying the groceries at open market. But now Greta wanted him to choose Lili over him. Greta wanted to him to give up his own painting for hers. He did not want to. He did not long for Lily just then. He felt as if Greta was forcing him to choose. „Maybe you can spend an hour with her before Hans comes by‟” (2015: 72) This paragraph showed how Greta forced Einar to be Lili, because she wanted to paint Lili indeed. It also showed that Einar was busy with his painting and he wanted to finish his painting. Finally he obeyed Greta‟s request and chose the dress.

“He chose a dress. It was white, printed with pink conch shells. Its hem hung to his calf. The white and pink looked pretty against his leg, which had taken color from the French sun.” (2015: 73) By listening what Greta says, Einar chose the dress by himself. Murphy‟s theory can be applied to these two evidences, which is personal description, that



the author can give a clue about the character. Based on the story, Greta wanted to paint Lili, before Hans, Einar‟s friend when he was young, comes to their house.

Further, Einar also could not reject what Greta wants when she asked him to visit a doctor. Einar felt that he was fine with his mysterious bleeding (this mysterious bleeding came once a month after he realizes about Lili), but Greta a bit forced Einar to see a doctor, even she made an appointment for the doctor.

“Greta straightened her back, her head lifting. “But I want you to go,” she said. “I‟m your wife, Einar.” She pointed him toward track 8 and sent him on his way, her hand falling on the small of his back, “Go on.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 87)

By pointing Greta‟s speech „I‟m your wife, Einar‟ and finally Einar followed

Greta‟s asking, it showed that Einar did not have any mettle to speak his mind that he was alright. b. Inferior

The second characteristic of feminine behavior is inferior. When Einar was young, he lived with his father and grandmother. His mother died when he was a baby. Einar found that he was envy of his dog because his father loved it so much.

Einar felt that his father loved his dog than him (Ebershoff, 2015: 28). Even though, he felt that way, he loved his father so much. When his father was sick, the mysterious malady, Einar would sneak into his father‟s room while he was asleep, and would find foam collected on his father‟s lips, bubbled with breath

(Ebershoff, 2015: 27).

Einar was a famous painter than Greta. Einar‟s paintings were always accepted by the art dealer, so he wanted that Greta‟s paintings were put in the



same gallery of the art dealer. He said to Ramussen, the art dealer, to consider his request. Finally, Ramussen agreed that Greta‟s paintings were displayed for two weeks. (Ebershoff, 2015: 52). He wanted to help Greta to be proud of her masterpiece, because she never found the art dealer for her paintings.

Besides, Einar would always try to help Greta in painting. He helped her wherever possible, and would try to teach her techniques he thought she did not know, especially about the light and distance (Ebershoff, 2015: 7). However,

Einar never thought that he was a famous painter. Many people knew him and claimed that he was one of the good painters in Denmark, but he felt that he was just a painter (Eberhsoff, 2015: 47). c. Emotional

Emotinal is a part of feminine character that the writer wanted to explain in Einar. The writer finds the evidence showing that Einar is quite emotional.

Besides, Einar also became more sensitive when he dressed as a woman.

Lili and Hendrik often met after the party, but in their last meeting,

Hendrik said to Lili that he had already known about Lili. Hendrik knew that Lili was Einar. After Hendrik said that, Lili suddenly broke up their relationship, because Lili was shy that anyone knew about the true of her (Ebershoff, 2015: 60)

Lili shuddered again. “I‟m afraid I can‟t see you anymore,” Lili finally said. “I‟m going to have to say goodbye to you tonight.” “What are you talking about?” Hendrik said. “Why are you saying this?” “I just can‟t see you anymoe. Not right now.” He reached Lili‟s hand, but she refused. “But it does not make any difference to me. Is that what is about? That what I‟m trying to tell you. Is this because you think that I won‟t-“ (Ebershoff, 2015: 61)



The emotional was directly seen when he refused Hendrik‟s hand. Hendrik was trying to explain, but Einar did not want to hear anything from Hendrik. It showed how Einar became so sensitive because Hendrik knew about the truly Lili. By seeing the reaction from the character, it helps the writer to establish Einar‟s characteristic as an emotional person.

The emotional in this context also means that Einar was sensitive. He would easily cry for simple things. This is proven when Hans wanted to visit

Greta and Einar. Greta wanted Einar to meet him in men-dressing, but Einar refused that. Einar wanted to show as a woman. (Ebershoff, 2015: 67). After long conversation they had, Hans did not realize that Lili was Einar. However, Lili was worried that Hans would notice her.

Lili cried and said to Greta, “Hans didn‟t figure it out, did he?” Her arms folded across her breasts, which the way things were, hang more flathy than Lili‟s. (Ebershoff, 2015: 68)

Speech and reaction by Murphy are applied here. When the author wrote „Lili cried and said to Greta‟, it could be concluded that she was emotionally crying.

Besides, the speech was also used for this evidence to explain about Lili‟s worrying that Hans would notice her. Besides, Einar always wanted to meet Hans and dreses up as a woman.

Einar‟s sensitive feeling also could be seen when Einar made two cup of coffee when Greta woke up. In their life, Greta almost never saw Einar when she woke up. Einar in woman-dress woke up early and made some breakfast for both.

They fall asleep and when Greta woke she found Lili holding two cups of coffee. Lili was smiling, and then she tried to slip back beneath the sheet, but the tipped. Greta watched the coffee spill across the bed, toward her hand, and Lili began to cry. (Ebershoff, 2015: 69)



The emotional could be seen in her reaction when her hand‟s was spilled by the coffee. Her reaction showed that feminine characteristic was dominant.

2. The Masculine Characteristic

After analyzing the female characteristics, the writer tries to analyze the masculine characteristics of Einar Wegener. Masculine in this context is explained that biologically Einar is a male. According to Allen and Guez in Gender

Sensitivity about masculine behavior that should be dominant, aggressive, not emotional and talkative (Guez and Allen, 2010: 10-11), yet Einar does not have all those characteristics, because the characteristics found are dominant feminine.

Even though Einar is a man who has tendency of being a woman, but he is married to Greta with no children. Further, the „masculinity‟ of Einar is seen when he does sexual intercourse with Greta.

“Any children?” Dr. Hexler asked. “No” “You do conduct intercourse, is that right?” Dr. Hexler face was stony, and Einar could imagine him in his rose garden with that same face, discovering with grave disappointment a petal eating mite. “There is ejaculation?” “Sometimes.” “Good enough.” Dr. Hexler said. (Eberhoff, 2015: 90)

Based on that conversation to others, it shows that Einar does sexual intercourse with Greta, even though, he has the tendency to be more feminine.

One of the characteristics of masculine is aggressive, but when Einar does sexual intercourse with Greta, he is awkward and without initiative.

“It was almost as if the question had tumbled with its own will out of Greta‟s mouth. She had never wondered about this before, because Einar had always been sexually awkward and without initiative.” (2015: 55)



By seeing the Greta‟s thought above, the writer concludes that Einar still has „masculinity‟ side because he still does sexual intercourse with his wife, even though it is awkward and without initiative. Those evidences prove that masculine characteristics based on the Gender Sensitivity by Allen and Guez does not happen to Einar.

B. Internal Conflict of Einar Wegener

In previous chapter, the writer has described Einar characteristics. After knowing Einar‟s characteristics, it can be said that actually Einar has feminine characteristics as the gender identity opposing his sexual identity which is a male.

This fact brings him to the confusion about his gender and sexual identity.

According to Genders, Glover and Kaplan define gender identity,

“Gender identity starts with the knowledge and awareness, whether conscious or unconscious, that one belongs to one sex and not to other, though as one develops, gender identity becomes much more complicated, so that, for example, one may sense himself as not only a male, but a masculine man of an effeminate man or even as a man who fantasies being a woman.” (Stoller in Glover and Kaplan, 2000: xxi)

In short words, gender identity is how a person feels and expresses his/her gender. In conducting the analysis, the writer finds that feminine characteristics are dominant in Einar. As the theory stated above that gender is the way person express himself to be masculine or feminine. In that theory, Stoller also gives an example of gender identity itself, which is said that a masculine man who fantasies being a woman. The example given has the same case with Einar




In order to make clearly explanation about the internal conflicts of Einar, the writer also puts the characteristics of transsexual by David J. Luts, Howard B.

Roback, and Maureen Hart in their journal Feminine Gender Identity and

Psychological Adjustment of Male Transsexuals and Male Homosexuals. The purpose of adding the characteristics of transsexual are to emphasize that not all men who have tendency to be feminine are transsexual; and to show how the internal conflicts of Einar are related to the characteristics of transsexual.

1. Low Self-Confidence in Men’s Dressing The confusion of Einar Wegener starts from the first time his wife asks to wear Anna‟s dress and shoes. When Einar is wearing the shoes, Einar feels dizzy and warm. He feels something wrong about the shoes.

“He looked down at his shins, the silk smooth except for a few hairs bursting through like tiny hard fuzz on a bean. The yellow shoes looked too dainty to support him, but his feet natural arched up, as if he was stretching a long-unused muscle. Something began to run though Einar‟s head and it made him think of a fox chasing a fieldmouse: the thin red nose of the fox digging for the mouse through the folds of a pulse filed.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 7)

Later, when Greta asks for wearing the dress, Einar feels warmer like it never felt before. Einar put his attention to the dress when the first time Anna

(Greta‟s model for painting) wearing that.

“A strange watery feeling was Einar as he stood on the lacquer trunk, the sunlight moving across him, the scent of herring in the air. The dress was loose everywhere except in the sleeves, and he left warm and submerged, as if dipping into a summer sea. The fox was chasing the mouse, and there was a distant voice in his head: the soft cry of a scared little girl.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 10)



The dress makes Einar imagine about a little girl which it has been a long time he has saved in his mind. Einar realizes that from the first time he sees the dress, he loves the dress and wonders that it belongs to anyone, even to him

(Ebershoff, 2015: 11). That moment makes Einar always thinks about the little girl, Lili. Einar feels that Lili is a part of his soul which Lili should be known by others.

“I‟ve been thinking about her,” Einar said. “Who‟s that?” “Little Lili.” (Ebershoff, 2105: 18)

The dialogue between Einar and Greta above shows that „the dress‟ makes

Einar always thinks about Lili. Further, starting from that moment, Einar is confused about his identity. Part of him wants Lili becomes the first before Einar.

However, by wearing the dress when Einar helps Greta to finish the painting, it feels like the dress calling a little girl inside Einar. Besides, Einar also loves the dress.

Starting from that moment, Einar has lost his confidence to dress up as a man. He often dresses up as woman in order to make him satisfied. Einar also feels that he gets a chance to dress up as a woman by knowing that Greta permits him to dress up as a woman. Greta gives an idea to dressing as a woman in ballroom party in painting exhibition, because she knows that Einar is almost never liked going to ballroom party.

Lily was in a chiffon dress with a linen sailor‟s collar and cuffs. The dress was making a soft noise as she walked, and she kept her mind on the swish-swish, nervously trying not to think what lay ahead. (Ebershoff, 2015: 43)



Inside of Einar, he is happy of dressing as a woman, even though he is still shy because that is the first time of dressing as a woman in front of public. Later, dressing as a woman becomes a desire for Einar because he knows that by dressing as a woman, he can appear Lili inside him.

Additionally, Einar realizes that he is more confident when he dresses up as a woman. He finds such as satisfication of it, so he decides to dress as a woman when Greta‟s twin comes to visit them.

“He‟ll be here within the hour,” Greta said. She was wearing a brown wool dress that clung to her in a pretty way. “Are you going to stay dressed as Lili?” She asked. “I thought I might.” “But I don‟t think he should meet Lili right away. Not first. Not before Einar.” Greta was right, and yet part of Einar wanted Lili to be the first to meet Carlisle, as if she were his better half. (Ebershoff, 2015: 11)

The sentence above supports the idea that Einar has low self-confidence when he dresses as a man. Other evidence is when Hans comes to visit Einar and

Greta. After years, Hans and Einar never met, Einar thinks that he should dress as

Lili, because he is not ready yet for meeting Hans (Ebershoff, 2015: 67). Besides,

Einar finds himself comfort covered by woman‟s dress not only in meeting people, even when he goes to bed, he will cover himself with nightdress.

Greta fell asleep before Einar came to bed. When she woke, she discovered Lili lying in her camisole beneath the summer sheet. Never before had Lili slept with Greta; they had eaten breakfast together in silk kimonos patterned with cranes, and shopped for stockings together. (Ebershoff, 2015 68)

The author also gives a clue that Einar is more comfort when he dresses as a woman. Einar is also „smart‟ to choose his own dress to make him looking



beautiful (Ebershoff, 2015: 73). Einar realizes that the more he dresses up as a woman; the most Lili‟s shadow comes into his mind.

“Where do you go to find her? Dr. Hexler asked. “Inside me.” Einar said. “And is she always there?” “Yes.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 91)

This eveidence shows that Lili has always been living in Einar. The delusion about Lili makes Einar believe that he lives with two soul exist; Lili and


Those all evidences above refer to the characteristics of transsexual. After seeing that Einar is confident in women‟s dress, it relates to the characteristics of transsexual; transsexual put on women‟s underwear and clothing, transsexual reported that their appearance was quite feminine, and transsexual wished born as girls instead boys (1984: 356-358). Besides, by dressing as a woman, it makes

Einar grows more feminine, not only in appearance, but also in gender. However, the conversation between Dr. Hexler and Einar also supports that actually Einar wishes born as Lili.

2. Sexual Attraction to Male After analyzing the low self-confidence of Einar, the writer finds the second internal conflict which Einar‟s sexual attraction is to male. The effect of dressing as woman influences Einar‟s sexual attraction, because he thinks that he is a woman. In conducting this analysis, the writer puts several evidences show that Einar has tendency to male sexually.



Firstly, young Einar has old friend, named Hans whom they often play when they were young. Hans treats young Einar like a little girl girl that should be kept, and it makes Einar melts by the way Hans treats him. It looks simple, but it is precious for Einar.

And Einar got more and more used to spinning spool, and the kite dipping and rising wrens. Hans was tickling Einar‟s stomacth with a reed. His face was so close to Hans‟s that he could feel, through the grass, his breath. Einar wanted to lie so close to Hans that their knees would touch, and that moment Hans seemed open to anything at all. (Ebershoff, 2015: 31)

Hans can make young Einar always feels comfortable with him. The next day when they play in the kitchen, Hans puts Einar‟s grandmother apron and whispers, “You never played this game?” Hans‟s hot and creamy voice on Einar‟s ear and they kiss (Ebershoff, 2015: 32). Knowing that scene, Einar‟s father gets angry and drives Hans away from their house.

Secondly, the sexual attraction to male also can be seen when Einar starts to realize that he is a part of woman. It also portrays as the climax moment, because Einar can not change the feeling to other men. After ballroom party, when

Einar covers himself with woman‟s dress and turns out into Lili, Einar meets a man named Hendrik Sandhal, who is starring at her from the first time she enters the room. Besides, Lili feels like she sees her father when she looks at Hendrik

(Ebershoff, 2015: 46). Lili can not lie to herself that the man takes her attention.

Hendrik walks to Lili and they start to talk to know each other. Their conversation ends up when Hendrik asks the permission to kiss Lili.

Hendrik, whose lips were flat and purple and cracked just down the middle, kissed Lili. His head swooped in, his mouth landed on hers and then pulled away. He did again, and again, while his hand kneaded the flesh above her elbow, and then the smell of her back. What surprised her



most about man‟s kiss was the scratch of the whiskers, and the dense hot weight of a young man‟s arm. The tip of his tongue was strenghtly smooth, as if a scalding tea had burned of the bumpy buds. Lili wanted to push him away and she couldn‟t do this, but it suddenly seemed like an impossible task. As if her hand could never shove away Hendrik, whose corkscrew hair twisting likes a rope around her throat (Ebershoff, 2015: 49) The evidence shows that Lili enjoys Hendrik‟s kiss and Lili cannot stop it.

Einar is aware that he is covered by woman‟ dress and now he is Lili. She is afraid if Hendrik knows that she is breastless (Ebershoff, 2015: 49). However, it does not make Lili stops to meet Hendrik. Inside of Lili, Lili wants to be loved as a woman by Hendrik. Greta asks to stop seeing Hendrik, but Einar (in Lili‟s dress) refuses that.

“I don‟t want to stop seeing him,” Lili said. “Then please, stop seeing him for me.” “Lili said she‟d try, but even she said it she knew it would be impossible. As she stood in the front room, by Einar‟s empty easel, she knew she was lying to Greta. But Lili couldn‟dt help it. She could hardly help herself.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 60)

The conversation above leads to the fact that Einar likes Hendrik, even they often meet secretly. Einar experiences the new thing; he is happy always meeting

Hendrik. In every meeting, they always have a kiss to prove their love (Ebershoff,

2015: 60).

Thirdly, sexual attraction of Einar can be seen when he does oral to a man that he meets in Madame Jasmine Cartoon‟s (prostitution in Paris). When Einar watches a man and woman are doing sexual interaction in the prostitution, Einar suddenly thinks that he wants the man to do the same to Lili (Ebershoff, 2015:

109). Further, Einar meets a mysterious man in the prostitution which is the man



watching Einar more than he watches the stripper. After the strip show has done, the man come closer to Einar and opened his trousers.

“Einar sank back in the chair. The man seemed to like what he saw. He unbuttoned his overcoat, split it open. With the knot of his tie diamond- shaped, he was well groomed except for one thing: his fly was open and through it poked in the eye of his penis. He stepped toward Einar. Then another step. The head of his penis was peeking from beyond foreskin. It smelled salty, and Einar began to think about Jutland where his mother laid to sea in the fishing net picked clean of gills, and then the man‟s penis was only inches from Einar‟s mouth, and Einar closed his eyes. Einar‟s mouth was opened. He could almost taste something bitter and warm, and just as Einar‟s tongue emerged from his mouth and the man took one final step closer, just when Einar knew for sure that Lili was here to stay and very soon Einar have to disappear.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 126-127)

Einar has reached the point where he is very curious about the man's penis.

In the beginning he arrives in Mademe Jasmine Cartoon‟s, he watches two people are making love, and he wants it to happen to Lily. However, from this situation,

Einar increasingly convinces that he must immediately choose to lead to the determination of identity that he does not know.

3. Struggle for Determining the Identity In this part, the writer analyzes the process of determining his identity. It takes a long process for transsexual to encourage themselves to find and choose the identity. This is also happening to Einar, which he has been experienced many things before he is brave to choose become a woman.

Knowing that Einar starts to like a man and he seems enjoy that, his confusion about himself is growing everyday. Einar and Greta move to Paris to have a new life because Greta‟s painting becomes the French‟s taste. Before they



move to Paris, Einar and Greta visit a doctor to examine mysterious bleeding

(caused the changing of hormon, and it comes once a month).

“You‟re not really concerned about the bleeding?” Greta asked to Dr. Hexler. “Not in the least?” “Not as much as I am about his delusion that he is a woman. Even X-ray can‟t cure that. Would you like me to talk to Einar? I can tell him that he‟s injuring himslef.” “But is he really?” “Yes, of course.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 99)

Dr. Hexler straightens that Einar has a delusion of being a woman. Dr.

Hexler also says to Greta that Copenhagen (Denmark) cannot accept a man like

Einar (Ebershoff, 2015: 100). It makes Greta thinks to move to Paris in order to make Einar feeling better. Besides, Greta‟s painting of Lili becomes French‟s taste.

After moving to Paris, Einar becomes so frustated about himself. Besides,

Einar feels that Lili should alive rather than Einar. He also goes to library to find books about the gender development; The Sexes; The Normal and Abnormal

Man; A Scientific Study of Sexual Immortality. Those can help Einar to find his gender and he can decide about Lili should be existed (Ebershoff, 2015: 138).

“He eventually read enough to become convinced that he too possessed the female organs. Buried in the cavity of his body were Lili‟s organs, the bloody packets and folds flesh that made her who she was. At the first it was hard to believe, but then the nation of it- that it was not a mental problem, but a physical one- made more and more sense to him. He imagined a uterus shoved up behind his testicles. He imagined breasts somehow trapped by his ribcage. (Ebershoff, 2015: 139) By reading these books, Einar believes that he should make any move to reach his will. Einar really realizes that the half of himself is Lili. His imagination about



female organs also becomes his will. However, the one who supports and believes that Lili exists is Greta. Greta sets Einar free to choose his identity.

“No. It‟s just that I sometimes don‟t know what‟s going on with me.” “But that‟s not true,” she said. “We know exactly what‟s going on with you. Inside of you lives Lili. In your soul is a pretty young lady named Lili. It‟s as simple as that. It has nothing to do with being crazy.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 150) Greta‟s dialogue shows how she believes in Lili‟s existing, and it influences Einar‟s thought about Lili. Because of Einar feels that he is supported by his own wife, so he often thinks about his identity whether he is a man or woman.

According to Ghosh, gender identity is the way a person expresses him/herself and it relates to gender role that reflects to gender identity (Ghosh,

2009). It means when a person expresses himself as a woman, then he should follow the role of being a feminine. In the Einar‟s case, his confusion is caused by the fact that his sex is a male but his gender identity is dominant feminine, even he claims that a part of him is woman.

“No one would tell him this, but Einar knew it was because he was female inside. He‟d read about it: the buried female organs of the hermaphrodite hemorrhaging irregularly, as if in protest.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 148) Einar‟s confusion about his identity is also hard to be faced. He often tries to be a man, and tries to forget about Lili, but he can not hide Lili every each morning when he wakes up.

“Einar was sleeping late and rising tired. Each morning he‟d promise himself that he would live the day as Einar, but when he went to the wardrobe to dress, it was like coming across the belongings of an ancestor in the attic.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 150)



The dialogue shows how hard Einar tries to be a man, but Lili‟s shadow comes around his head. Everything that he does, he should do too for Lili, just like

Lili is sitting beside him (Ebershoff, 2015: 145). His thought about Lili is stronger everyday until he gives himself time for year to decide.

“If in exactly one year Lili and Einar weren‟t sorted out, he would come to the park and kill himself. It made him straighten his back. He could no longer bear the chaos in his life. Einar and Lili were one, but it was time to split them in two. He had one year.” (Ebrshoff, 2015: 111)

The uncomfortable feeling of being a man is seen in the dialogue above.

The confusion is not only about a woman soul that lives in Einar, but also it affects his sexual desire.

Einar was born as a man, and realized that he has a tendency to be a woman. Then, his confusion caused by Lili that lives in Einar‟s imagination.

However, in society, his sex is male then it should be a masculine rather than feminine. It also makes Einar‟s confusion about his identity grows stronger everyday. By seeing the evidences in part Einar‟s thoughts and speech, they show how Einar‟s tendency becomes a woman.

The confusion also led him to be a different person. It means here that actually he is a husband, but he cannot give Greta sexual satisfaction and he does not have a role as a husband. Then, his sexual desire also directed to a man, which is in the evidence when he is kissed by Hendrik and the man in the prostitution.

The internal conflicts that happen in Einar are viewing how the gender is constructed by social. Further, sex and gender is one line, but in the object of this study, it shows that sex doesn‟t influence the gender. Especially, for transsexual people who feel that they live in wrong body.



C. Einar’s Attempt in Solving His Internal Conflict

After finding the internal conflicts in Einar, which he is actually confused about his gender, in this part, the writer analyzes about the solution of Einar‟s internal conflicts and the writer does not divide it in the form of sub-chapters, because the writer focuses on how to solve it according to transsexual theory. In order to answer this part, the writer uses the theory of transsexualism by

Benjamin. Benjamin emphasizes that “the true transsexual is not happy as member of the sex (or gender) to which she/was assigned by the anatomical structure of body.” (1999: 11).

In the previous part, it can be seen that Einar is not happy being a man

(sex) while his gender is feminine. It is related to what Benjamin says about the true transsexual, which is not happy as a member of the sex. Besides, he tries to find the way how to be a woman by dressing women‟s clothes. When he kisses a man, it shows he wants to be loved by a man.

Benjamin also mentions about anatomical of the body particularly the genitals. It means the person wants to change their primary genital into the second genital. In this case, Einar change his genital into woman. Before having transformation surgery, Einar tries to „hide‟ his penis in order to make it looks like vagina.

“...Then, shutting his eyes and feeling himself slide down through the tunnel of his soul, Einar pulled his penis back and taped it up in the blank space just beneath his groin.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 73)



That statement shows that Einar wants to „disappear‟ his penis, so he can wear dress appropriate. It is also related to what Benjamin says about anatomical of the body, which Einar is not happy to have penis. His obsession to be a woman is clearly seen here.

Benjamin‟s statement shows that transsexual is not happy as the member of their sex. Einar‟s unhappiness also can be seen in the internal conflicts that lead

Einar to choose to be as a woman rather than a man. In the novel, the author tells that Einar will give himself time to decide about Lili.

Benjamin also mention that,

“True transsexual feels that they belong to other sex, they want to be and function as members of the opposite sex, not only appears as such. For them, their sex organs, the primary (testes) as well as the secondary (penis and others) are disgusting deformities that must be changed by the surgeon‟s knife. The transsexual, however, puts all his faith and future into hands of the doctor, particularly surgeon.”” (Benjamin, 1999: 11)

From that statement, the writer marks that a transsexual wants to be and function as a member of the opposite sex. Before Einar decides to have transformation surgery, he does activities as the member of the opposite sex. His activities here refer to what Einar has done, such as kissing a man and dressing as a woman.

From that long explanation, it can be concluded that transsexual wants to be the member of the opposite sex.

Einar begins to be sure about what he wants: he wants Lili and Einar should be disappeared. When Einar is sure about his decision, he puts his faith to the doctor, Dr. Bolk. As Benjamin says in his theory, he says that transsexual puts his faith and future into hands of the doctor, particularly surgeon (1999: 11). Here,

Einar meets Dr. Bolk to make his dream comes true. Professor Bolk suggests him



to take a rest for a week. When a week passed, Bolk comes to his room to announce about the surgery.

The next morning Professor Bolk appeared in the door of her room. “Please don‟t eat anything today. Not even cream with your tea. Nothing at all.” “Are you sure?” Lili asked. “You won‟t change your mind?” “The amphitheater is scheduled. The nurses‟ shifts have been assigned. You‟ve gained some weight. Yes, I‟m sure. Tomorrow is your day, Lili.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 196)

According to Benjamin, transsexual puts his faith to the doctor. Finally,

Einar has his surgeon with Dr. Bolk. Einar believes that Dr. Bolk can make him into woman. After hours, the surgery has done.

“Only hours before, in the black of morning, at the hands of Professor Albert Bolk, Einar Wegener had passed from man into woman, two testiles scooped from the pruned hammock of his scrotum, and now Lili Elbe slipped into unconsciousness from three days and nights.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 200)

Greta, the person who „creates‟ Lili, she is not permitted by Einar to accompany him to Germany. Yet, inside of Greta, she is worried much about his husband. Yes, Greta still loves Einar. She comes to Germany to visit and see

Lili‟s condition.

“Do you know what they‟ve done to me?” Lili asked. “Nothing more than we talked about.” “Am I now Lili? Have I become Lili Elbe?” “You‟ve always been Lili.” “Yes, but if I were to look down there, what would I see? “Don‟t think about it like that. That‟s not the only thing that makes you Lili.” Greta said. “Was it succesful, the operation?” “Frau Krebs said so.” “How do I look? Tell me, Greta, how do I look? “Very pretty.” “Am I really woman now?” (Ebershoff, 2015: 206)



Now, Einar is disappeared and Lili lives. Based on Greta‟s statement in the dialogue, she said that Einar is always been Lili. It means that Greta realizes from long time ago that her husband has two souls live inside him. It is also related to

Benjamin statement that transsexual feels himself to be a woman (trapped in a man‟s body) and is attracted to men (1999: 14). Greta‟s answer supports this idea which is actually Einar has the wrong body to live with woman‟s soul there.

Professor Bolk, the only doctor that can understand what Lili wants, he finds something unique. He tells to Greta that Einar has ovaries.

“In his abdomen, tangled in his intestine, I found something. Dr. Bolk said. “I found a pair of ovaries. Underdeveloped, of course. Small, of course. But they were there.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 209)

It makes Dr. Bolk thinks that Einar can have uterus transplantation and he can make Lili to be a real woman. It‟s heard so strange that from a man can be the real woman with all wishes of women in general.

“...something that would make her even more of a woman than she already was. Something that Greta said was crazy even to think about. Something so magnificent it was like an all-white dream, but was, Professor Bolk promised in his basso voice, more than possible. As she was preparing to leave the clinic, Bolk had told to Lili that the ovarian transplant had succeeded. He eventually wanted to try a uterine transplant to make her fruitful.” (Ebershoff, 2015: 243)

Besides, Lili finds herself that she has a new life, so she wants to have a husband and a child of he own. She tells this to Greta, “I‟ve made up my mind.

Greta, don‟t you understand? I want to have children with my husband.”

(Ebershoff, 2015: 248). As Brown states in Benjamin‟s book that transsexual is related to sex role inversion (Benjamin, 1999: 12). Sex role inversion here means



that when a transsexual has done the surgery, automatically they find the object of sex.

Finally, Lili finds her love. Hendrik Sandhal, the man that she met in the ballroom party several years ago (before Lili has the transformation surgery).

Hendrik proposes Lili to be married him. Lili knows that this is what she wants from long time ago (Ebershoff, 2015: 241). Hendrik loves Lili for who she is.

Hendrik convinces Lili, “I‟m in love with an extraordinary woman.” (Ebershoff,

2015: 242).






This part contains the conclusion of this study. The writer has done with the analysis from three problems formulation. Here are several things that is marked as the conclusion of this study.

The writer finds that gender is constructed by social. When Einar was a boy, he was forbidden to play with girl‟s stuff. It made him stay to be a man until he married Greta. After married to Greta, Einar‟s gender changed into feminine.

This is because Greta permits Einar to dress and hang out with men. Einar‟s confusion begins when he realizes that he has two genders; woman and man.

The writer also divides the description of Einar into two parts; feminine and masculine characteristics. In feminine characteristics, Einar can be said as a person who is submissive, inferior and emotional. The writer only emphasizes in feminine characteristics, because Einar has the tendency to be more feminine. The writer proves the „masculinity‟ of Einar when he does sexual intercourse with his wife.

Later, in the process of finding his identity, Einar has internal conflicts which are divided into three sections. The writer finds that Einar has low self- confidence when he is dressing as a man or wearing men‟s clothes. Einar gets such satisfaction when he dresses up as a woman. It becomes an internal conflict because it relates to the theory of gender identity. The effect of having low self- confidence is Einar starts considering about little girl, named Lili, that lives inside

Einar. When Einar thinks that he is a part of woman, he realizes that he has sexual




attraction to male. This moment makes Einar‟s confusion is deeper until he gives time to himself to choose whether he lives with the soul of Einar or Lili.

However, every single problem has a solution. Einar puts his faith in the hand of the doctor that can change him into a woman. It is said by Benjamin that transsexual would always make the doctor as the “God” of their life, because only the doctor can fulfil their desire to be woman or man. By having a transformation surgery, Einar becomes to be a woman. Then, Lili is alive. After the surgery, Lili has found the love of her life. She wants to live and marry her lover, Hendrik

Sandhal. Further, she also wants to have children of her own. It is not always easy to a person when she/he thinks that they live in wrong body. Yet, Einar proves himself that he is a woman trapped in man‟s body.



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