M~:Li~~:;S2a 1 LESBIAN, G.AY .J\T(~T~ ::::;''
t 162$:C~mnecticut Avenue, NW, vYas~ipgt9n DC 20009 • 202-462-6969 Summer 1994 ,paul Mo·n~~it.; R¢ttirns to M~:li~~:;s2a 1 LESBIAN, G.AY .J\t(~t~ ::::;''.:. phy nominees are City Poet, by Brad Gooch and James BIO<iRAPHJ~k r{(:ia~i?fiY p~~I\. ,us~ R?liJPi\ of his dog,l Broughton' s Coming Unl?,µ,t;; DEMONSTRATE. : toned. The other Lesbfa)i .MAINSTREAM APPEAL Biography/ Autobi9gr~,Plf¥ finalists are Forty-Thi!~ _Sepf · !f!t:~:r~1r:1, tembers by J ewellf Washington, DC; March 1, Gq;rpe~/ t\'ElC to read from and How Am I to be Headff:Leti .r ·sign his new book, Last 1994-Many gay men and ters of Lillian Smith;\ ed. ~}. lesbians find themselves Rose Gladney, Mary Reriau\f ,. l Watch of the Night alienated and shunned by by David Sweetman, and\ I (Harcourt Brace.) This the society into which Family Values by Phyllis j is a collection of ten can orsJer;:?autpgrap.g.~ { they are born. Yet 1993 saw Burke. ! essays from a foremost copie~ from our tip- a torrent of lesbian and gay I It is, of course, the merit of ,!i gay activist about the comingstgnings. Your 1 biographies and autobiogra these authors that accounts for 1 meaning of mortal order must be placed I phies that captured the atten their recognition. Yet the tion of the literary establish l things, of what at least 24 hours before l Lambda Literary Awards, held ment, and which makes the ! endures in the heart, the signing.
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