October 6, 1969.Pdf
339 October 6, 1969 Minute Book 52 - Page 339 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina was held in the Council Chamber, City Hall, on Monday, October 6, 1969, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.',"with Mayor John M. Belk presiding, and Councilmen Fred'D. Alexander,' Sandy R. Jordan, Milton Short, Jerry Tuttle, James B. Whittington, and Joe D. Withrow present. ABSENT: Councilman John Thrower. * * * * * * * * * * * * INVOCATION. The invocation was given by Reverend Jack Bullard, Executive Director of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee. MINUTES APPROVED. Upon motion of Councilman Whittington, seconded by. Councilman Tuttle, and unanimously carried, the minutes of the last meeting, on September 29, 1969, were approved as submitted. STUDENT LEADERS FROM COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES AND HIGH SCHOOLS IN AREA RECOGNIZED AND REQUESTED TO PARTICIPATE IN CITY GOVERNMENT. Mayor Belk stated now that the Community Relations Committee has been made a: part of the County, they feel the Youth should be brought into this group, and tonight Student Leaders from all Colleges and Universities will be recogni~ed as adVisors to this Committee at its monthly meetings or any special call meetings. He stated the Committee feels it can learn a lot from the students who have been elected to leadership in their respective schools. Mayor Belk then presented the following students who csme to the front of the Chambers for recognition: Mr. Dan Suther, Central Piedmont Community College Mr. Pete Hobbie, Davidson College Mr. Grover Smith, of Johnson C. Smith University, was not present and Mr. Vernon RosS, of Johnson C.
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