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4 Ff, ,U . < • <>••• ^ T Ha^S 'Ihufan I nüu y silfio á r 4/ J&rtB®"4"*! C hantai •»«aWHM L. »m u,,, L. L«nnK »Ff feo/ ■noi- )« V " SJ fi/ini , ÍS ^ "r? tiuinftv, 5 KìnWuii^ •IjüiWiu , -Buimd I ^Satíhonfa“ Ä W 1' .M ía la '' r Öreup ? . t«1"' í-.Yilliu «han. hVi/JS t’uiin últ¿ T . luj/nl Chiúnfl. Kirutujvi ta& 'U hvpir -°iJitil SfhHUÍUJWt IJíum«flnu 1 l,fíovd,y.. ».-«flit«“'" t¿I»d » s7 \ boiiyrnlxiti t M* »“.ffV, n¡) 3 n * » » r / 1' Triufhuiffxr pr*¡¿>¡u» \ i. jiíh««**' iLqU-L——---- p/l/Urt ’XjùùTÌg^i: ..fi/uVuiíí O Í IíirJeiu \ UII0W* m u n “'W ir # 'TKmn éUJiJì \#CUUl. [UM« Li. vÇ « to/zjìT ü ¿7/i)í /u ff»!»/' « i ï ^ Ti/j/ltfpOu) ¿¡¿¿iMuPtf- H'W“ ym íM¿:r¿4 ulgrjni ÍÍPV., 'tl 1 Sitingtibfi WG J.iuya. L v lù u ì a jí 'y fu each au xi^w, ¡ m . utgyitA fç5£ià.</y4' \ll SlUl t e rptitg “ ".y Typini»"-11 n u t u llllK » ” P '"l/S lialLi jlaiiijwi V//. ; ,:v:" pouflM1 í jsjtùukK»-*'-” onfjdiuA Formata. f f , , u . <■■■•■<>••• jh ii.f» "!) Haiiks ÿ *$<ufui'anA Siti ¿sii p e * i h - i WnUUs*' ¿ A V » ^ n - c b o S . ^ T hA^S' '“‘‘fiait. ThaiVY^uyen VtU- H i * s ñ ú x ; (IN rin. SAMK SCAI.I ^Kv-.ui;Oai jA û jD ÿ 7>m 'tDXawTll '. Ounu/tfj s i i 1 a .Voruoyl: Tung rtmsü A s m a n S C .C am i ní /UKÍ- . , . T\than V.' ~r^Ik¿IÍ5tillL Sipht'n.jalr I llianli Hoa Ñ tlÜ, , T o v a Z? \sM Íff liin T o ru jM P 3/: PREPARED FOR THE fun4 I’ l ir a b a u i CHINA INLAND MISSION U'fit/wpust' tTu/m htJfi/tJ Mt*sti'n •'ittuivn* ¿ V OuJ<^ Sima Tinhorn \/u t>n /Alii htHUUi v\ ./w/i/4;<iyt T b f fu/ 1 4 lì * Arr^ Pen* F r u i & i k i & f/W1 ■—- SovtLJ. ^X'-Rnu^Rmua Scale o f English Miles MamphaA# u l f o i ■Pnom1 L»rf?en»v' - - — » ■ ■ » — ■ — — — .—j Stun/br/fa Cfiop U stiib* -i5.(7isinns/ C rtv. l.ond/*t l.omiiMi Pnblislied b\-the ('lim a lillaii'i .M ission.(» PvrlaucJ Itoail > h in a s il l io n s C%**• ’ M . EDITED BY J. HUDSON TAYLOR, M.R.C.S., F.R.G.S. 1879. L o n d o n : MORGAN AND SCOTT, 12, PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS, E.C. HAZELL, WATSON, AND VINEY, PRINTERS, LONDON AND AYLESBURY. + C -M riT I 3?rrfat& HE issue of the fourth volume of C h i n a 's M il l io n s affords opportunity for remark concerning the purpose T for which it is published. “ Of making many books there is no end ; ” and yet all will admit that the books are all too few which plead the cause of the perishing millions of China. This, however, is our design in the publication of C h in a ’s M il l io n s . In its pages we have sought to call attention to the spiritual need and claims of China, and to deepen and extend the desire to rescue the perishing, to care for the dying, to tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save. How far we have failed to do, in this respect, all we have desired, few but ourselves can know; but our endeavour has not been in vain. Letters are continually being received, telling of interest in mission work in China awakened or deepened through reading C h in a ’ s M il l io n s ; one writes, “ I had never felt any interest in the poor Chinese until one of the first numbers was sent me by a friend. Now, if it were possible, I would willingly become a missionary.” Another, who read the paper in New Zealand, was led to desire to go to China as a missionary; and relinquishing a comfortable position, he has come over to England to offer for the work. Thus, and in many other ways, have we had encouragement and abundant confirmation of the view expressed in the following words, which we quote from our first number :— “ Why is not a deeper interest felt in China by the people of England ? and more especially, why does not the Church evince more concern and feel more responsibility about China’s perishing millions ? We think that one reason is, that China and its people are not present to them. They have never seen its glorious hills, its noble rivers, its fertile plains: nor its crowded cities, its populous towns, its countless villages, and therefore they do not realise their existence. To enable them to do this will be our aim ; and by illustrations and descriptions of places, individuals, and circumstances, we shall hope to bring more vividly before our readers China’s Millions and their spiritual need.” * We firmly believe that as more is known about China, more will be done for China. Missionary intelli­ gence is essential to missionary effort. Deeper sympathy, more active and self-denying endeavours will be the result of a fuller knowledge of the actual state of things in the mission field, and of what is being done by the missionary labourers. The more definite the information the better, hence our estimate of the value of illustrations and maps. By their use we have been enabled to do more than we could have done by mere description. For instance, a glance at the missionary journeys indicated on the large map published by the Mission, shows in a more striking manner than any description could do, that the country is practically open for evangelistic work; while it enables the friends of the Mission better to understand the extent and importance of the journeys taken by their missionary brethren. The remarkable journey of Mr. Cameron,'recorded at some length in the following pages, deserves special attention. It will be seen that he has gone through large tracts of country hitherto but little known; and we venture to say, that whether viewed from a missionary or geographical standpoint, his narrative, as given in this volume, contains not less of interest and value than many a costly book of travel. We believe that these pioneer journeys will have no mean place in the development of mission work in China. Referring to them in the report read at our annual meeting, we said— * All the numbers of C h in a ’ s M il l io n s , from the commencement, containing much information of permanent value, and about one hundred and fifty illustrations of China and its people, may be had in four volumes, for 4s. ; or with coloured maps, etc., handsomely bound, cloth gilt, at 3s. 6d, each, or i2-\ the set of four volumes, carriage free. IV PREFACE. “ Our brethren who have been permitted to take them have given practical demonstration to the Church of God that China is open for evangelistic work, that the people of China are accessible, that if they be treated with courtesy and kindness, that if on the part of the missionary there be no assumption of national superiority, no undue insistence upon treaty rights, but rather the according to the Chinese, willingly and not by constraint, the respect due to people in their own country, friendly intercourse is possible, and in many cases even welcomed, “ If nothing beyond this had been accomplished by these journeys there would be ample cause for thankfulness ; but all along the routes the people have been freely spoken to, the object of the missionary has been plainly stated, and portions of Scripture and statements of Christian truth, in tract or book form, have been widely distributed. ” Mr. A. Wylie— than whom, from his long experience in China as agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society, few if any, either in China or England, can speak with greater authority— said, in reference to the China Inland Mission— “ I am glad to think that ere long its agents will have traversed the most distant provinces of China, and the news of a Saviour will have reached to every part of the country. I do not remember the exact words, but it has been well said in the report that we cannot fully judge of the significance of the journeys that are being undertaken at the present time. That I verily believe ; there is far more in the effect of these journeys than can be by any means gauged. I may refer to a secondary benefit arising from these journeys. It renders the natives familiar with European appearances, which is no small matter— it is breaking the ice. Again, they are able to make known to the natives the objects of the missionaries coming to China. This is by no means understood by the natives, comparatively few of whom can appreciate the motives for which missionaries come. I have been much interested in reading the journeys of many of the agents of this society, and especially that of my friend Mr. McCarthy; and we know that there are many other remarkable journeys already accomplished, and others are being accomplished which will tell for much good in the future. ’’ In several provinces, where for a time itinerant work was the only work possible, stations have now been opened. The converts who may be gathered in these stations will, we trust, become the evangelists of their respective provinces.
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