Cavalry Player / Coach Specific

Marco Carducci Marco Carducci - Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Marco Carducci - Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap

Nik Giantsopoulos Our keeper is a giant Our keeper is a giant Giantsopoulos Giantsopoulos

Mason Trafford ’s magic. He wears a wizard’s hat. And if you throw a brick at him. He’ll head the ball right back. He heads it to the left. He heads it to the right. And when we win the Premiership. We’ll sing this song all night. OHHHHHHHHH.

Duh Duh duhduhduhda Mason Trafford

Dominic Zator Big Kick Dominic, Big Kick Dominic

Dean Northover Dean Machine (Chant)

Nathan Mavila (tune of Tequila by the Champs Replace TEQUILA with MAVILA!

Elijah Adekugbe Your dad is James Bond Your dad is James Bond Adekugbe Your dad is James Bond

Adekugbe, Doo Doo Doo-Doo

Nik Ledgerwood (to the tune of Baby Shark) Ledgerwood. DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO. Ledgerwood. DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO. Ledgerwood. DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO. Ledgerwood.

Oliver Minatel Obrigado Obrigado Obrigado Minatel Ob-ri-ga-do Min-a-tel (Tune: )

Escalante (To Barbie Girl) Vamos Jose Escalante Ah ah ah Yeah Vamos Jose Escalante Ooh wah ooh, ooh wah ooh (Tune: - Link timestamped, skip to 1:25 on mobile)

Nico Pasquotti (tune of If You Like Pina Coladas) If you like Nico Pasquotti ... And Scoring Goals from the wing... If you’re stuck playing left back...... best of luck, that’s a shame... If you here us cheering loudly...... 17’s in the game... We like Nico Pasquotti- burning’ up and down the wing....

Nico Throw in - rising cheer as he goes up with a big BOOM! On the throw

Sergio Camargo Sergio, Sergio,

Jordan Brown (tune of staying alive by the Bee Gees) Ah, ha, ha ha, Jordan Brown Jordan Brown Ah, ha, ha ha, Jordan Brown Jordan Brown

Mohamed Farsi

Marcus Haber He’s Tall He’s Tan He’s big on Instagram Marcus Haber, Marcus Haber

Tommy Wheeldon We’re all part of Tommy’s Army We’re all out to win the game And we’ll really mess them up When we win the Premiership (Voy’geurs Cup) ‘Cause Cavalry is the greatest football team

Song/Chant List - Cavalry

Cavalry - Clap Clap Clap

Sha la la la la la la oooooooo Cavalry (getting louder every time, finishing with shouting and jumping) (Tune: ) - Link timestamped, skip to 0:20 on mobile)

Cavalry, Cavalry, Cavalry (getting faster)

Oh when the Cavs, go marching in. Oh when the Cavs go marching in. I want to be in 200. Oh when the Cavs, go marching in.

Ohhhhhh, Cavalry Calvalry, Cavalry, Onward Cavalry (Tune: )

We love you, we love you, we love you, And where you play we follow, we follow, we follow, ‘Cause we support Cavalry, Cavalry, Cavalry, And that's the way we like it, we like it, we like it, Whoa whoa Whoaaaaaaa whoa whoa (x4) (Tune: - Link timestamped, skip to 0:59 on mobile)

Call to Arms Oooh-Ahhh (x8) Whao-oooh-wahhh-oohhh-waahhh-oohh-waahhh-oohhh - Cavalry

Ooooh Cavalry Forever Fly the Red and Green Keep the faith and we will all sing Oh Cavalry Ohhh Oh Oh Ohhh Oh Oh-Oh-Oh Ohhh Oh Oh-Oh-Oh Ohhh Oh Oh

Cavalry--403--YYC Whoooaaa-whoa-whoaaa

Stand Up Chants Stand up for the Cavalry Stand up in 109 Shirts off for the Cavalry (Tune - Go West by the Village People)

Cav’s Clap (Hands Up, slow build up clap shouting CAVS)

Cavs Cavs Cavs Cavs Cavs-Cavs Cavs Cavs Cavs Cavs-Cavs Cavs Cavs Cavs Cavs-Cavs Everybody!

Come On you Cavs

Don’t Take me Home Don't take me home, Please don't take me home, I just don't wanna go to work, I wanna stay here and drink all Jay’s beer, Please don't, Please don't take me home… (Tune: )

Opposing Team Song List

Build a Bonfire, Build a Bonfire Put Forge on the top Put the Eddies in the middle And we burn the flippin lot (Tune: )

He’s eating our grass He’s eating our grass He must be a vegan He’s eating our grass


Slums of Edmonton In the Edmonton Slums In the Edmonton Slums They search in the garbage for something to eat, They find a dead rat and they think it's a treat,

Nobody wants to live in Edmonton, live in Edmonton, live in Edmonton Building one’s a meth lab (to the tune of Yellow Submarine)

Heeeyyyy Eddies You Suck Oooohhh ohhh ohh ohh I wanna know when you beat Marco

Angela is a Cavs Fan

You’re just a bigger Winnipeg

Hamilton No one wants to live in Hamilton, live in Hamilton, live in Hamilton Building one’s a factory, building two’s a factory, et cetera (to the tune of Yellow Submarine)

Pacific Diesel on your shirt. You’ve got diesel on your shirt. You dump sewage in your harbour And you’ve got diesel on your shirt.

Pacific Ocean Diving Team - Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap,

York We only need 9 We only need 9 We’ll score on you with 9 men We only need 9

Valour They robbed your garage They robbed your garaaage It’s Wednesday in Winnipeg They robbed your garage

(Stole your car, stabbed your friend, etc. etc.)

Mosquitos and Snow Mosquitos and Snow You have two seasons Mosquitos and Snow

Halifax You lost to Amateurs You lost to Amateurs You lost to Amateurs You lost to Amateurs

Impact Tick Tac Tabernac Who the heck are the Impact?

Qu’est ce que vous Chante? Nous Chantons les Cavs Allez


Joel Waterman High, Quality, H2O, High-Quality-H2O

Dominique Malonga Dominique Malonga. DOO DOO DOO

Malyk Hamilton (To Feliz Navidad) Malyk Hamilton do do do-do do Malyk Hamilton do do do-do do Malyk Hamilton do do do-do do Calgary’s finest running down the wing

Julian Buescher Auf Ghets Buescher Shoot and Score Shoot and Score Shoot and Scoor-or-ore