
The and the

Jennifer Carbrey Ph.D. Department of Cell Biology

Sound waves are transmitted through air by the compression and expansion of air molecules in the form of pressure waves.

Auditory system detects complex and breaks them into their basic . Sound frequencies are converted to action potentials by the and relayed to the (auditory areas) for interpretation. image by Pluke, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CPT-sound-pitchvolume.svg, public domain

Anatomy of the Ear

Pinna and external auditory canal (air filled) focus sound waves on the tympanic membrane, which rocks the , , and (air filled), causing ripples in the cochlear fluid (fluid filled) and auditory transduction. image by Dan Pickard (modified), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HumanEar.jpg, public domain

Sound Transmission

Middle ear amplifies sound waves & couples vibrations of tympanic membrane with . Vibrations at oval window sets off the ripples in the cochlear fluid within the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. These ripples cause the to vibrate. image by Dan Pickard (modified), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HumanEar.jpg, public domain

Sound Transmission

Middle ear amplifies sound waves & couples vibrations of tympanic membrane with oval window. Vibrations at oval window sets off the ripples in the cochlear fluid within the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. These ripples cause the basilar membrane to vibrate. image by Dick Lyon (modified), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cochlea.svg, public domain

Organ of Corti

Stereocilia of cells are embedded in the . As the basilar membrane bounces up & down, bend. Bending in one direction depolarizes the cell; in the other direction hyperpolarizes the cell. image by Oarih (modified), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cochlea-crosssection.png, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Sound Transduction

After a (= ) activates the afferent , from these join to form the cochlear .

The region of the basilar membrane that vibrates the most correlates with the of the sound. The louder the sound, the more vibration and the greater frequency of action potentials produced in the afferent neurons. of : Vestibular System

Two receptor organs in the sense movement of the . They detect: - angular acceleration (shake or nod your head); - linear acceleration (elevator drops, or body leans to one side).

Semicircular canals: respond to changes in head rotation. organs: detects vertical movement. detects horizontal movement. : Vestibular System

Semicircular canals detect angular acceleration during rotation nodding yes of the head along three perpendicular axes : shaking no tipping ear to image from The Effects of Space Flight on the Vestibular System, an online educational article by the U.S. government’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vestibular_organs-_canals,_otolith,_cochlea.jpg, public domain

Semicircular Canals

image from The Effects of Space Flight on the Human Vestibular System, an online educational article by the U.S. government’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Inner_ear%27s_cupula_transmitting_indication_of_acceleration.jpg, public domain

Otolith Organs

OTOLITH ORGANS: sheets of hair cells that detect changes in linear acceleration or position of the head. Since the are heavier than the fluid around the hair cells, a change in position causes them to move and pull on the stereocilia otoliths – calcium carbonate crystals embedded in at the tips of stereocilia

UTRICLE detects movement in the horizontal plane (acceleration during take off in a plane or car).

SACCULE detects vertical movement (jumping). Cells are at a 90 degree angle compared to utricle. Otolith Organs

animation by Rick Melges, Duke University Key Concepts

The auditory system detects complex sounds and breaks them into their basic sound frequencies. The fundamental frequency components are transduced into action potentials and transmitted through the auditory pathways to the brain for interpretation.

The vestibular system aids in maintaining the body’s balance by detecting the position and motion of the head in space. The sensory cells are in the ampullae of the semicircular canals and in the utricle and saccule.