ARCHBISHOP MOUSHEGH MARDIROSSIAN, PRELATE Editors: Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan and Rev. Fr. Movses Shannakian 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta, CA 91214. Tel: (818) 248-7737/8 Fax: (818) 248-7745 E-mail: [email protected], WWW.WESTERNPRELACY.ORG

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As we commence the 2017-2018 academic year, let us first and foremost give thanks and gratitude to Almighty God for granting us the blessing and joy of a new school year, and let us pray for Him to safeguard all who are committed to enriching the minds and souls of our students. Throughout this new academic year and always, let us keep in mind that the Armenian School is not an ordinary institution of learning where students develop their minds with knowl- edge, where they are prepared for higher education and in the future to become productive citizens of society. The Armenian School offers much more than that; the Armenian School, above all, is a special and unique place where love and reverence for our faith and heritage is cultivated in our youth. It is where students learn about our rich and ancient history, and the bravery passed to us by our forefathers throughout centuries of hard struggle. Armenian teachers instill all of this and more in the hearts and minds of our youth in such a way that it remains with them for the rest of their lives, guides them in their daily life and service to our nation, and inspires them to pass on our treasures to the next generation. Furthermore, Armenian students also gain an understanding of current issues, of the advancement of independent Armenia and the realities of the Artsakh conflict where our young soldiers boldly defend our borders and sacrifice their lives for our lands. Just a few years ago, our brave soldiers defending Armenia and Artsakh were young students, like our own students. Today, they fight at the front lines with the conviction that sacrificing one’s life for the leads to immortality, as in the Battle of Avarayr. Another struggle that we face is maintaining our Armenian identity in the Diaspora, and it is our youth who must become soldiers in that battle. Finally, let us remember that next year, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of the first Republic of Armenia as well as the 100th anniversary of Homenetmen. Through celebrations in Armenia and across the Diaspora, we will renew and revitalize our faithfulness to upholding the legacy of our forefathers who built our nation. May God bless our principals, educators, and students. May the Lord’s wisdom and guidance be upon the Board of Regents of Prelacy Schools, School Boards, and Parent- Teacher Committees. May God bless the parents who entrust the religious and cultural in- struction of their children to the Armenian School. We express our appreciation also to our sponsors and community organizations who lend their valuable moral and financial support to our Armenian Schools, ensuring their continued success.

May God’s bountiful blessings be upon our Armenian Schools and may the 2017-2018 academic year be a fruitful and productive one for all.


Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian Prelate, Western United States

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PILIBOS SCHOOL STUDENTS VISIT THE achieve our goals with faith, patience, and per- PRELACY PRIOR TO sistence, stated the Prelate, and hoped that the ARMENIA PILGRIMAGE students’ pilgrimage to Armenia will have a lasting effect on them and strengthen their religious and Prior to departing on their pilgrimage to national identity so that they return with renewed Armenia, on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, the 11th spirits and renewed commitment to our Cause grade class of Rose and Alex Pilibos School, ac- and inspire younger generations to follow in their companied by their Armenian teachers and don- path. His Eminence concluded by calling for wide- ning “Our wounds are still open” t-shirts, visited spread participation in forthcoming Armenian the Prelacy where they received the blessings of Genocide commemorative events. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Pre- The program concluded with the benedic- late, and presented a cultural program dedicated tion and “Cilicia,” after which the students gath- to the 102nd anniversary of the Armenian Geno- ered at the Armenian Genocide memorial cide. monument at the Prelacy courtyard where The visit began with an Easter hymns and Prelacy staff member Deacon Christapor prayers at the “St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen” Mikayelian spoke about the monuments in Bik- Chapel conducted by the Prelate, Very Rev. Fr. faya and Dzidzernagapert and expressed confi- Torkom Donoyan, Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian. dence that the students will actively work for the The program at the “Dikran and Zarouhie Der advancement of our Cause. The students were Ghazarian” Hall began with remarks by Masters then given a tour and familiarized with the work of Ceremony Meghri Marselian and John carried out at the Prelacy and received crosses Kurkjian. The students thanked the Prelate for the as mementos. warm welcome, highlighted the role of the Church in the life of the Armenian people, affirmed that ------they are ready to fight for our Cause, and stated that their pilgrimage to Armenia will allow them TUFENKIAN PRE-SCHOOL STUDENTS LAY not only to see with their eyes what they have FLOWERS AT THE PRELACY ARMENIAN learned in school but also to become renewed in GENOCIDE MONUMENT their service to our nation following to the Year of Renewal proclamation of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I. The cultural program was comprised of piano performances, songs, and recitations ded- icated to the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide and to the pursuit of our Cause. Mr. Kevork Sarkissian, a teacher at the school, noted that the entire week has been dedicated to hon- oring the legacy of our holy martyrs, emphasized that it was important for the students to receive the Prelate’s blessings prior to their pilgrimage, and invited His Eminence to deliver his message. On the eve of April 24, Kindergarten stu- His Eminence first commended the stu- dents from Richard Tufenkian Pre-School paid a dents’ moving performances, which he regarded special visit to the Western Prelacy to honor the a beautiful tribute to our holy martyrs and a re- memory of our holy martyrs by laying flowers at minder to renew and revitalize our efforts and the Armenian Genocide monument. path to victory, just like the Easter celebrations a Accompanied by Director Mrs. Arsine Ag- few days prior and the triumph of our Lord Jesus hazarian and teachers, one hundred students ar- Christ over death reminded us to stay strong in rived at the Prelacy on the morning of Friday, April the face of challenges and be patient. We will 21, 2017 and were greeted at the Armenian


Genocide monument by H.E. Archbishop ment in Montebello with the participation of Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, who was ac- elected officials, clergy and community leaders, companied by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan and and thousands of community members. The pro- Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian. Following the col- gram began with a prayer service beseeching the lective singing of the Lord’s Prayer, the Prelate intercession of our holy martyrs. Speakers in- and clergy sang the Easter hymn “Today He is cluded Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, Califor- Risen,” after which His Eminence reminded the nia State Treasurer John Chiang, Los Angeles students to always pray and trust in God. The stu- City Councilman Paul Krekorian, State dents laid flowers at the monument in homage to Senator Anthony Portantino, California State As- our martyrs, and received crosses prior to their semblyman Adrin Nazarian, Turkish lawyer, writer, return to school. and human rights activist Fethiye Cetin, and As- syrian Genocide scholar Sabri Atman. ------In the evening, the annual vigil and candle lighting service organized by the Dro Gomideh COMMUNITY-WIDE COMMEMORATIONS OF was held at the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Mon- THE 102ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE ument in Montebello featuring ARF Bureau mem- ARMENIAN GENOCIDE ber Dr. Viken Yacoubian and professor, author, and activist Paul Von Blum as the keynote speak- On Monday, April 24, 2017, Armenian ers as well as musical performances. Very Rev. communities worldwide rallied to mark the 102nd Fr. Muron Aznikian and Rev. Fr. Ashod Kam- anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and honor bourian participated in the service with a prayer. the legacy of our holy martyrs with public gather- On the evening of Saturday, April 22nd, a ings, protests, and commemorative events. commemoration was held at the Armenian Geno- Within the Western U.S., the largest of the cide Memorial in Pasadena with the participation commemorations was the March for Justice, of clergy, elected officials, organizations leaders, which mobilized tens of thousands of Armenian- and community members. On behalf of the Americans calling for justice and recognition. H.E. Prelate, Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Very Rev. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, Fr. Vache Balekjian, and Archpriest Fr. Nareg clergy, community leaders, activists, high-ranking Pehlivanian participated in the program with a officials including Lieutenant Governor Gavin prayer. Newsom, Congressman Adam Schiff, Mayor Eric On Thursday, April 20, over 700 students Garcetti, former Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, from Southern California Armenian Schools, Councilman Paul Krekorian and others, and joined by elected officials, principals, and teach- members of other ethnic communities gathered ers, gathered at the Armenian Genocide Martyrs at Pan Pacific Park to begin their protest march Monument in Montebello to pay tribute to our holy to the Turkish consulate where a program com- martyrs. Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Rev. Fr. prised of remarks and cultural performances was Ashod Kambourian, and Deacon Khatchig Shan- held. nakian participated in the gathering with an inter- In the evening, the 16th annual commem- cessory prayer. The program included remarks, oration organized by the City of Glendale took student pledges, and the laying of flowers at the place at Alex Theatre featuring Mr. Robert Monument. Avetisyan, Permanent Representative of Artsakh to the United States, as the keynote speaker and ------musical performances. Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian, Arch- CASPS HONORS OUTSTANDING priest Fr. Vazken Atmajian, and Executive Council ARMENIAN GRADUATES OF GLENDALE Vice-Chair Garo Eshgian were in attendance. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT On the afternoon of Sunday, April 23rd, the annual community-wide commemoration or- On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, the Com- ganized by the United Armenian Council for the mittee for Armenian Students in Public School Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide took (CASPS) hosted its 21st annual reception honor- place at the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monu- ing outstanding Armenian students graduating

50 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM from Glendale Unified School District at the Glen- new residents. Thirty-two homes have been built dale Adult Recreation Center. H.E. Archbishop thus far, and many others renovated, primarily for Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, attended and families of Artsakh’s martyrs and those with mul- conveyed his congratulations, blessings, and tiple children. message to the graduates. He was accompanied H.E. Archbishop Barkev Martirosyan, Pri- by Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Torossian. Elected of- mate of Artsakh, presided over the opening cere- ficials, community members, principals, teachers, mony. On behalf of His Holiness Catholicos Aram and administrators of the Glendale Unified School I, Catholicosate Central Religious Council mem- District were in attendance. bers H.E. Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, Prelate The program began with welcoming re- of Tehran, and H.E. Archbishop Moushegh marks by CASPS Executive Director Mrs. Arsineh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western U.S., partic- Hovannisian. Christine Dashdemirians served as ipated, as did H.G. Bishop Magar Ashkarian, the Mistress of Ceremonies. Vicar General of the Tehran Prelacy, government Prior to delivering his message, the leaders and representatives, Catholicosate Cen- Prelate recited a verse from St. Nerses the tral Council member Mr. Dikran Jinbashian, Graceful’s “I confess with faith” prayer, wishing Prelacy Executive Council member Mr. Alec the students wisdom to think, speak and do what Baghdasaryan, and residents. is good in God’s eyes. On behalf of the Western The ceremony began with the Blessing of Prelacy family, His Eminence congratulated and the Home service. Archbishop Sarkissian read the commended the students on their achievements message of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I and and commended also their parents, educators, conveyed his remarks. In an interview for Artsakh and the members of CASPS for their guidance TV, Archbishop Mardirossian and Mr. Dikran Jin- and encouragement of our youth. The Prelate bashian expressed their joy at the project’s spoke to the students about the ups and downs progress. At the conclusion of the service, the del- of life, encouraging them to always have a posi- egation visited the new homes. The residents ex- tive perspective and outlook and navigate the pressed their gratitude to His Holiness and all bumps in the road with faith and patience. Finally, who contributed to the project’s realization and the Prelate wished the students continued suc- demonstrated their great joy with song and cesses in their educational pursuits and beyond, dance. expressing confidence that they will become valu- On Tuesday, May 9, events were held in able assets to the Armenian-American community Stepanakert and Shushi in celebration of the Art- and society, and reminded them to bring glory to sakh defense Army and the 25th anniversary of God, their families, and our nation in all that they the liberation of Shushi. President of Armenia do. Serzh Sargsyan, President of Artsakh Bako Sa- The program continued with the keynote hakyan, and H.E. Archbishop Barkev Martirosyan, address by Superintendent Vivian Ekchian, re- Primate of Artsakh, led a march from the Presi- marks by GUSD Board of Education President Dr. dential Palace to the Stepanakert Memorial Armina Gharpetian, the Superintendent’s mes- where flowers were laid at the Artsakh War Tank sage by Winfred Roberson, musical perform- Memorial and at the memorial statute of the late ances, and the presentation of awards and Artsakh War military commander Vazgen certificates by CASPS member Annette Zarian. Sargsyan. Government members, clergy leaders and members, armed forces members, and a ------large number of citizens took part in event, as did the Prelate, who paid tribute to Artskah’s martyrs PRELATE PARTICIPATES IN OPENING OF by laying a flower at the monument. “NEW CILICIA” HOMES IN ARTSAKH AND On Thursday, May 11, Archbishop Sebouh LIBERATION OF SHUSHI 25TH Sarkissian and Archbishop Moushegh Mardiross- ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS ian were received by His Holiness Catholicos Karekin II to extend His Holiness Catholicos Aram The official opening of this second phase I’s brotherly greetings and to report about their of newly built homes took place on Monday, May mission and celebration in Artsakh. 8, 2017, and the homes were presented to their


CLERGY CONFERENCE HELD ON THE EVE lunch. Two lectures were presented; Very Rev. Fr. OF THE 45TH REPRESENTATIVE Torkom Donoyan spoke first on the topic of reor- ASSEMBLY ganization. Referencing the Armenian Church’s unique identity and vast centuries-long mission, Fr. Torkom invited the clergymen to reorganize and restructure their pastoral duties. He spoke also on the importance of reorganization in the fields of religious and social service, which led to a discussion among the participants, after which the Prelate advised for the undertaking of reor- ganization. Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian pre- sented the second lecture on the topic of renewal, giving an overview of what renewal entails in the life of a clergyman. The Prelate and participants Ahead of the Western Prelacy 45th Rep- commended the two speakers. resentative Assembly, on Thursday, May 18, Next, the parish pastors reported on their 2017, the annual clergy conference was held at reorganization plans, with the Prelate offering Holy Martyrs Church in Encino presided by H.E. suggestions on how to more closely bond the Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and faithful with our church. Reports were also pre- with the participation of clergy members. H.E. sented for “Year of Renewal” plans within individ- Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian participated in the ual parishes. A committee comprised of clergy conference, which was hosted by Holy Martyrs members will be formed to draft a guideline on Church. restructuring and renewal. The final item on the The day began with a prayer service, after agenda was the election of religious delegates to which the Prelate delivered the spiritual medita- take the place of those who have completed their tion on Acts 2:42-47, which tells of the birth and terms. The conference came to a close with the growth of the Christian Church following Pente- hymn “Disciples of Christ,”“Cilicia,” and the cost. The first Christian Church was a learning benediction by the Prelate. church, as the new faithful were learning from the apostles, it was a caring church, with the new ------members showing concern for one another, it was a loving church, with the new Christians express- WESTERN PRELACY 45TH ing love and praise to our Lord in one accord, and REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY COMMITS it became an evangelizing church, stated the RENEWAL AND REVITALIZATION Prelate, and urged all clergymen to follow in that same path, to learn, care, love, and evangelize. - ZAREH MARKARIAN AND VAHE KRAJIAN In light of the “Year of Renewal” proclamation of HONORED FOR THEIR SERVICE His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, His Eminence in- vited the clergy members to pay close attention - LETTERS TO STATE AND JUSTICE DEPART- to their individual spiritual renewal and that of MENTS PROTESTING TURKISH VIOLENCE IN their flock. The conference convened at the WASHINGTON, DC “Yeghia Sarafian” meeting room with opening re- marks by the Prelate, who wished for the pro- - LETTER OF THANKS TO THE STATE OF ceedings to be productive for all. TEXAS FOR GENOCIDE RECOGNITION The election of the tivan followed, with H.E. Archbishop Yeprem Tabakian elected Chair On Friday, May 19, 2017, the 45th West- and Very Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian Secretary. ern Prelacy Representative Assembly convened Archbishop Tabakian wished for the day’s pro- at Holy Martyrs Church “Avedissian” Hall in En- ceedings to be fruitful not only for the individual cino presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh participants but for the Prelacy in general. The Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the participation Religious Council’s annual report was read and of Catholicosate Central Executive member Mr. reviewed. The conference reconvened after Khajag Dikijian, clergy, members of the Religious


Council, Executive Council, Board of Trustees, to our church and nation and for the opportunity Board of Regents, and CASPS, principals, direc- to collectively review the endeavors of the previ- tors, and a majority of delegates. This year’s As- ous term and collectively plan for the coming year sembly was hosted by the Holy Martyrs Church and years, looking ahead to the 50th anniversary Board of Trustees. of the establishment of the Western Prelacy in The first day’s proceedings began with five years. His Eminence commended all those prayer and requiem for clergy and lay servants who serve under the umbrella of our Prelacy, not- who passed away in the previous year, namely ing that our successes are due to collective ef- Archpriest Fr. Mesrob Tashjian, Dikran Sarkuni, forts, and stating confidently that all will continue Jack Gahvejian, and Sarkis Yegenian. to serve with added drive and vigor to reorganize, The Prelate invited Very Rev. Fr. Muron renew, and revitalize our collective mission. Aznikian to read the message of His Holiness Next, the Prelate went over some of the Catholicos Aram I. His Holiness greeted the par- highlights of the past year, notably the addition of ticipants and urged them to draft future endeav- Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan and Very Rev. Fr. ors with a practical approach and a great sense Vache Balekjian to the Prelacy family, efforts in of responsibility. Given that we are in the “Year of the advancement of the Armenian Cause, support Renewal,” our Pontiff advised for renewal among to the lawsuit by the Holy See of Cilicia demand- all members of the Prelacy family and in all areas ing the return of our historic properties in Sis, aid of service. His Holiness concluded by commend- to Artsakh following the four-day war, the ongoing ing the Prelate, clergy, and Executive Council and “New Cilicia” village project in Artsakh, and more. expressing confidence that they will continue their His Eminence spoke of the unparalleled and in- service with renewed drive and initiative. dispensable role of the Armenian Church as a The election of the tivan followed, with Mr. homeland, a school, a cultural center, and the George Chorbajian and Dr. Garo Agopian elected bastion of our heritage in the Diaspora especially, to serve as Chairmen, and Mr. Hamo Kasbarian and called for continued service with this aware- and Mr. Vartan Minassian as Secretaries. ness and reality in mind. The Prelate concluded Catholicosate Central Executive member by thanking all for their collaboration and cooper- Mr. Khajag Dikijian delivered his message, in ation, and Holy Martyrs Church for hosting this which he urged for the “Year of Renewal” mes- year’s Assembly. sage to be the guideline for future endeavors, The Prelate thereafter announced that as called for serious examination of the challenge to in previous years, this year too, in collaboration engage our youth, and stating that the Western with the Executive Council, it was decided that Prelacy is fortunate to have five members of the two individuals would be honored for their Brotherhood serving, called for closer collabora- decades-long service spanning from the Middle tion between clergy and laity. In conclusion, Mr. East to the Western Prelacy. The two honorees, Dikijian lauded the role of the Holy See of Cilicia Mr. Zareh Markarian and Mr. Vahe Kradjian were Seminary, commended the diligent efforts of the invited to the podium to receive plaques of appre- Prelate and Councils, and wished success to all. ciation and commendation from the Prelate, who On behalf of the Executive Council, Chair- was joined by the Chairmen of the Religious and man Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian thanked the Repre- Executive Councils. Both expressed their thanks sentative Assembly for their confidence in the to the Prelate and Councils for the honor. Executive Council, reflected on the visit of His Ho- Prior to resuming the proceedings, the As- liness Catholicos Aram I, and spoke on the need sembly came to a decision to send a letter of to plan not only for the coming year but the com- thanks to the state of Texas for becoming the 46th ing years. state to recognize the Armenian Genocide, as On behalf of the host parish, Archpriest well as letters to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Ses- Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian addressed the gath- sions and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson con- ering, noting that the church is not merely a phys- demning the violence by Turkish President ical structure but a living expression of the service Erdogan’s security detail against peaceful protes- of its servants and faithful. tors in Washington D.C. The Prelate began his message by giving The meeting continued with the presenta- thanks to God for granting another year of service tion of the financial report, Auditing Committee re-

53 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM port, briefing by the Board of Regents, briefings ANCA BURBANK CHAPTER 9TH ANNUAL by the Religious and Executive Councils, and a BANQUET review of the annual activities of the Prelate and Councils, which were found to be “highly com- On Sunday, May 21, 2017, the 9th annual mendable.” banquet of the Armenian National Committee of In preparation for the Catholicosate Gen- America Burbank Chapter was held at Anoush eral Assembly, which will be held in Antelias from Banquet Hall in Glendale, during which individu- December 5-8, 15 delegates and 3 alternates als and organizations were honored for their serv- were unanimously elected. They are: Vahe Hov- ice to the community. This year’s honorees were: aguimian, Garo Eshgian, Hrair Balian, Gaidzag Jess Talamantes (“William Saroyan” Award), Zetlian, Vahan Bezdikian, George Chorbajian, Araksya Karapetyan (“Hrant Dink” Award), Chil- Meher Der Ohanessian, Avo Kechichian, Joe dren’s Hospital Los Angeles (“Johannes Lepsius” Samuelian, Mark Shirin, Dr. Kaloust Agopian, Elo Award), Ani Gharibian and Nazeli Khodabakhsk Boyajian, Seta Tarpinian, Rostom Aintablian, and (“Karekin Njteh” Award). Khatchig Yeretzian. The three alternates are: Dr. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Garo Agopian, Adroushan Armenian, and Rima Prelate, delivered the invocation and conveyed Boghossian. The first day’s proceedings con- his congratulatory greetings. His Eminence highly cluded with the drafting of proposals to present commended the devoted members and volun- to the General Assembly. teers of the ANCA Burbank Chapter for their dili- The Assembly reconvened on the morn- gent service and efforts in promoting awareness ing of Saturday, May 20th. The second day fo- of and advancing our cause, the elected officials cused on the drafting of future activities relating and sponsors for their vital solidarity and support, to the “Year of Renewal,” a strategic planning and the honorees for their exemplary service and framework based on a plan of action provided by contributions to the betterment and progress of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, the 60th anniver- the Armenian-American community and of society sary of the establishment of the North American in general, praying for God to grant them all good Prelacy in 2018, the 100th anniversary of the first health, strength, and wisdom so that they may Republic of Armenia and Homenetmen, and continue to serve with renewed drive and dedica- more. The proposals offered by the clergy confer- tion toward even greater accomplishments. ence held on the eve of the Assembly were pre- Welcoming remarks were delivered by sented, and the session also included the Banquet Committee Co-Chair Souzi Ohanian, fol- presentation and ratification of the new budget, lowed by remarks by Glendale City Clerk Ar- election of the Auditing Committee, and unfore- dashes Kassakhian, who served as the evening’s seen matters. Master of Ceremonies, and the Banquet Commit- On behalf of the tivan, co-chair Dr. Garo tee’s message by Co-Chair Vicky Marashlian. Agopian thanked the participants for their input, During dinner, guests enjoyed traditional Armen- the staff, and especially the Prelate for his diligent ian dances. The awards presentation followed. leadership. The Prelate delivered his closing mes- The ANCA-WR message was delivered by Chair- sage, in which he thanked the host parish, tivan, woman Nora Hovsepian, Esq., and the ANCA and delegates for their attentiveness and contri- Burbank chapter message by Co-Chair Zareh bution, and expressed hope that delegates and Khachatourian. Board of Trustees members will assembly in the coming weeks to put into action the guideline pro------vided by His Holiness. His Eminence thanked es- pecially Mr. Khajag Dikijian for his close ARS REGIONAL EXECUTIVE MEMBERS collaboration and valuable suggestions, com- MEET WITH THE PRELATE mended the staff, and once again welcomed the new clergymen. The Assembly came to a close On Wednesday, May 24, 2017, members with the benediction and “Cilicia.” of the Armenian Relief Society Western Regional Executive, headed by Chairwoman Rebecca ------Berberian, paid a visit to the Prelacy. As their term comes to a close, the guests

54 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM had come to give an overview of their activities in of solidarity for the Prelacy’s mission. Next the the previous year, in particular on the social serv- Prelate spoke on the commemoration of the feast ices the organization provides, ranging from itself, stating that is an invitation for each individ- refugee programs, immigration, homelessness, ual faithful to celebrate the glorification of our and more. The Prelate highly commended the Lord and prepare ourselves to celebrate the com- members for their compassionate and dedicated ing of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost, ten days later. service, affirmed the Prelacy’s support, and At the conclusion of his message, the Prelate pre- wished them continued success in their humani- sented a plaque to Mrs. Silva Tchakmakjian for tarian mission. her generous donation of $10,000 to host the luncheon, and gladly announced that next year’s ------hosts are Mrs. Kathy Bedrosian and her daugh- ters Linda Abdulian and Jane Asmar, all of whom FEAST OF ASCENSION CELEBRATION had traveled from Fresno to participate in the day’s celebration. On Thursday, May 25, 2017, the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ was cele------brated within the Western Prelacy with Divine Liturgy and a luncheon. CONGRESSMAN JEFF FORTENBERRY The day began with Divine Liturgy at St. MEETS WITH RELIGIOUS AND COMMUNITY Mary’s Church in Glendale presided by H.E. Arch- LEADERS AT THE WESTERN PRELACY bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the participation of Prelacy clergy members. Very On Saturday, May 27, 2017, H.E. Arch- Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan celebrated Divine bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, hosted Liturgy and delivered the sermon, in which he a reception at the Western Prelacy in honor of Ne- spoke of the feast’s deeper meaning, inviting the braska Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, with the faithful to open their spiritual eyes and witness presence of religious and lay leaders including the glory of Christ. H.G. Bishop Mikayel Mouradian, Reverend Berdj Next, guests headed to Brandview Ball- Djambazian, representatives of H.E. Archbishop room for the traditional luncheon organized by the Hovnan Derderian and of the ARF Western U.S. Ladies Auxiliary, which this year was hosted by Central Committee, ANCA National and Western Prelacy and community benefactor Mrs. Silva Region, and Syrian Armenian Relief Fund. Tchakmakjian. Among the guests in attendance Given that Congressman Fortenberry is were members of the Prelacy Executive Council, one of the greatest champions of Christians in the the wives of Executive Council members, ARS Middle East, the persecution of Christians and members, parishes’ Ladies Guilds’ members, other religious minorities, and the war in Syria. sponsors, and friends. Congressman Fortenberry is a tireless The program began with the invocation by advocate in the U.S. Congress for humanitarian, the Prelate, who also conveyed his blessings and security, and political assistance for Christians in well wishes. Ladies Auxiliary member Mrs. Sossy the Middle East. He led the passage of a resolu- Guekguezian served as the MC, while member tion in the House of Representatives condemning Mrs. Vania Babikian spoke about the popular tra- the persecution of Iraqi Christians and other mi- ditions associated with the feast and the duty of norities and calling for international humanitarian all to preserve our centuries-old national tradi- intervention. He also introduced a resolution tions as they are a significant part of our national launching an international effort to name and identity. During lunch, guests enjoyed music by decry the genocide of Christians and other reli- Salpi Mayilian and participated in the traditional gious minorities by ISIS, a resolution that passed drawing of lots. in a historic and unanimous vote. Furthermore, In his message, the Prelate commended he is a staunch supporter of Armenia and the Ar- the hard work of the Ladies Auxiliary and thanked menian Diaspora in the U.S., publicly calling on the host, sponsors, and guests for their ongoing the Trump administration to officially recognize support and gracious donations made on such the Armenian Genocide. occasions, which are in themselves expressions


CELEBRATION OF PENTECOST AT HOLY strengths and wisdom, emboldened and reinvig- CROSS CATHEDRAL IN MONTEBELLO orated, and ready to begin their commission of spreading the good news of salvation across con- On Sunday, June 4, 2017, on the feast of tinents. It was the birth of the church. Pentecost, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardiross- The Prelate stressed that the gift of the ian, Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy and de- Holy Spirit was not only for those gathered on that livered the sermon at Holy Cross Cathedral in day of Pentecost, rather for all those who put their Montebello. Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Rev. faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Fr. Ashod Kambourian. The graduates received Holy Communion On this day, the annual Senior Baccalau- and were gifted copies of His Holiness Catholicos reate Service was held, a tradition begun over Aram I’s “The Armenian Church.” three decades ago honoring the graduating class Following the service, a luncheon in cele- of Mesrobian School. The students were in atten- bration of the feast of Pentecost was held at Tu- dance to receive Holy Communion and the manjan Hall. The Prelate presided over the Prelate’s blessings as they prepare to embark on luncheon, which was sponsored by Holy Cross the next phase of their lives. The Mesrobian Mid- Cathedral Dean, Pastor, and Board of Trustees, dle and High School Performing Arts Choir, third and organized by the Prelacy Bible Study groups, grade students, and Sunday School students at- head by Mr. Krikor Misserlian. Executive Council tended and performed in the service. Executive member Antranik Kasbarian was among the Council Secretary Mr. Antranik Kasbarian, former guests in attendance. Dr. Dikran Dikranian, a principals and teachers, students’ families, and long-time altar server at Holy Cross Cathedral, members of the Holy Cross and Mesrobian served as the MC. The program featured Bile School family were among the faithful in atten- readings and spiritual songs. Rev. Fr. Ashod Kam- dance. bourian sang the day’s hymn. In his message, the Prior to delivering the sermon, the Prelate Prelate reiterated the importance of renewal and joyfully greeted the Holy Cross Cathedral family of unity which is at the heart of Pentecost. The and especially the graduating class of Mesrobian luncheon closed with “Cilicia.” School, to whom he conveyed his congratulations and message. As they prepare for the next phase ------of their lives, His Eminence urged them to always pray, to be strong and courageous, and not be ARARAT HOME LUNCHEON SPONSORED discouraged, and also reminded them that our BY THE ARMENIAN RELIEF SOCIETY church and community is always available to them as a support system, to provide a listening On Tuesday, June 6, 2017, members and ear, a helping hand, encouraging words, strength, friends of Ararat Home and of the Armenian Relief and support. The Prelate greeted also the mem- Society Western Region gathered at Deukmejian bers of Prelacy Bible Study Groups, whose dedi- Grand Ballroom for the monthly luncheon organ- cation to teaching the Word of God he ized by the Ararat Home Ladies Auxiliary. Tradi- commended. tionally, the June luncheon is sponsored by the His Eminence next delivered his sermon ARS as well by friends of Ararat Home in memory on the feast of Pentecost and its message of re- of their loved ones. newal, beginning by giving an overview of the H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, episode which occurred ten days after the Ascen- Prelate, delivered the invocation and conveyed sion of our Lord Jesus Christ when one hundred his well wishes. He was accompanied by Arch- and twenty people had gathered to pray in the priest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian. Board Chair- Upper Room in Jerusalem when suddenly there man Michael Surmeian was in attendance, came a powerful wind and a fire that separated alongside staff members. The Prelate beseeched into individual tongues or flames and came to rest the blessings of the Lord upon the Board, admin- on each of their heads. Those who were present istration, staff, and volunteers of Ararat Home for received the source of were filled with God Him- the loving care they provide to our beloved elders, self, they were transformed into new beings, re- upon the members of the ARS for their dedicated inforced in their faith, armed with spiritual service to the welfare of our brethren in Armenia,


Artsakh, and throughout the Diaspora, and upon program and graduation ceremony of Richard the guests for their support to the worthwhile mis- Tufenkian Pre-School and Kindergarten took sion of Ararat Home and the ARS. He wished con- place at Glendale High School Auditorium. The tinued successes to all and good health to the Prelate was accompanied by Archpriest Fr. residents. Vazken Atmajian. The program began with the On behalf of the ARS Regional Executive, national anthems and the invocation by Fr. remarks were delivered by Mrs. Nanik Kupelian. Vazken. Director Mrs. Arsine Aghazarian con- The Ararat Home Ladies Auxiliary surprised the veyed her message. The Prelate commended the Chairman with a birthday cake and all conveyed young students for their culturally enriching per- their well wishes to Mr. Surmeian on this occa- formances, the parents for trusting the instruction sion. of their children to Armenian Schools, and the de- voted service of the faculty. He greeted the school ------benefactors, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Savey Tufenkian and thanked them for their continued PRELACY SCHOOLS' COMMENCEMENT support. The program continued with songs and CEREMONIES dances by the Kindergarten class, remarks by School Board member Mrs. Nora Kalachian, and At the close of the academic year, com- the presentation of diplomas. mencement ceremonies of Prelacy Schools took On Thursday, June 8, the elementary and place, which H.E. Archbishop Moushegh middle school ceremonies of Vahan and Anoush Mardirossian, Prelate, and/or representatives at- Chamlian School took place at Glendale High tended. This year, the Prelate attended the fol- School Auditorium. The Prelate attended the 8th lowing ceremonies, during which he conveyed his grade graduation ceremony, accompanied by congratulatory message and blessings to the stu- Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Torossian and Executive dents and their families and his commendation to Council member Mrs. Elo Boyajian. The program the school administrators and faculty. began with the national anthems and the school On Sunday, June 4, the 12th grade grad- hymn and continued with welcoming remarks by uation ceremony of Rose and Alex Pilibos School Masters of Ceremony Mrs. Ani Berberian and Dr. was held at the school’s Nerses Tashdjian Gym- Armig Panossian, valedictorian and salutatorian nasium. The Prelate was accompanied by Arch- speeches, presentation of special awards, the priest Fr. Vicken Vassilian and Executive Council keynote address by alumnus Hrach Titizian, pres- member Dr. Kaloust Agopian. The program began entation of diplomas, and the Principal’s message with the national anthems and school hymn. MC by Dr. Talin Kargodorian. The Prelate first com- Ms. Sevan Sherikian delivered welcoming re- mended the school family for their utmost dedi- marks, followed by the Board of Regents address cation to ensuring a bright future for our youth. by Mrs. Lena Kortoshian, valedictorian and salu- He advised the graduates to be prudent, make tatorian speeches, presentation of scholarships, wise choices, always give their best, and do good, recognitions, and awards, the keynote address by and urged them to never forget their school and alumna Aleek Sherikian, presentation of diplo- to give back to their community. mas, and the Principal’s address by Dr. Alina Do- On Saturday, June 10, the 12th grade rian.nIn his message, the Prelate highlighted the graduation ceremony of Holy Martyrs Ferrahian vital and unique role of Armenian Schools in the High School took place at Avedissian Hall. The intellectual, national, moral, and spiritual devel- Prelate was accompanied by Archpriest Fr. opment of our youth. His Eminence commended Razmig Khatchadourian. The program began with the students’ speeches, and referring to Matthew the national anthems, followed by the invocation 7:7 (“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and by Fr. Razmig, welcoming remarks by Masters of you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”), Ceremony Mrs. Jasmine Rostamian and Mrs. which one of the students had cited, urged the Talin Janetsian, Board of Regents message by graduates to turn to God and seek His wisdom, Dr. Hasmig Baran, senior class messages, the to enrich their minds with our national and reli- commencement address by Mr. Christ Keosian, gious treasures, and to seek out opportunities. School Board message by Mr. Vahe Benlian, con- On Tuesday, June 6, the end of the year ferring of academic and monetary awards, the


Principal’s message by Mrs. Sossi Shanlian and the presentation of diplomas. The Prelate com- mended the school family for their care and de- votion to our students. He commended the graduates for the pledges they made to keep their national identity, and as they prepare to embark on the next phase of their lives, he urged them to always speak, think, and do good, keep the faith, keep learning, and give back to their school. Finally, on Sunday, June 11, the High School graduation and Middle School promotion over Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at of Armenian Mesrobian School took place in the Holy Trinity Church in Fresno, during which he school courtyard. The Prelate was accompanied presented parish pastor, Very Rev. Fr. Dajad by Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Rev. Fr. Ashod Ashekian, the Pontifical Encyclical of His Holiness Kambourian, and Executive Council member Mr. Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, Antranik Kasbarian. The program included na- granting him the privilege of wearing a pectoral tional anthems, the invocation by Fr. Muron, cross, as well as the cross itself. opening remarks by MC Mr. Berch Papikyan, During the service, after the choir sang Board of Regents message by Mrs. Armineh the hymn “Oorakh Ler,” the Pontifical Encyclical Alexan Papazian, the Middle School message, was read by the Prelate and presented to Fr. presentation of scholarships, valedictorian and Dajad along with the pectoral cross. His Emi- salutatorian speeches, keynote address by alum- nence congratulated Fr. Dajad on receiving the ’ nus Mr. Richard Elden, the Principal s message privilege and also on the 5th anniversary of his by Mr. David Ghoogasian, and the presentation ordination into the priesthood, and commended of diplomas. The Prelate commended the school his service to the Armenian Apostolic Church and family and wished them continued successes in to the Fresno parish community in particular. The “ their vital mission as a fountain of light and cra- Prelate commended Fr. Dajad for being faithful in ” ’ dle of hope in the words of the school s motto. his calling thus far, wished him continued service His Eminence urged the students to place their with even greater drive and dedication, and urged hope and trust in God, to keep learning, bettering the parishioners to contribute to the advancement themselves, and always striving for the best. of the parish community with their joint service. In addition, parish pastors attended cere- Given that it was also Father’s Day, he monies of all Prelacy Schools and conveyed the congratulated all the fathers and highlighted the ’ Prelate s blessings. These included the cere- tremendous role of fathers as providers, discipli- “ ” monies of: ARS Mayr Chapter Mary Postoian narians, teachers, role models, and an inspiration Pre-School on Friday, June 2nd, Levon and Has- for their children. mig Tavlian Pre-School on Saturday, June 3rd, Next, he delivered his sermon, beginning Holy Martyrs Cabayan Elementary School, Ari with the Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin which was ob- Guiragos Minassian, and ARS Ashkhen Pilavjian served on that day, and the Feast of St. Gregory Pre-School on Sunday, June 4, Krouzian-Zekar- the Illuminator’s deliverance from the pit which ian-Vasbouragan on Saturday, June 10, and Holy was observed the day before. His Eminence gave Martyrs Ferrahian School on Sunday, June 11. a background on the feast, which celebrates the establishment of the Cathedral of Holy Etchmi------adzin according to the vision of St. Gregory the Illuminator. He relayed the familiar story St. Gre- PRELATE PRESENTS PONTIFICAL gory the Illuminator’s vision, following the adop- ENCYCLICAL AND PECTORAL CROSS TO tion of Christianity as the official religion in 301, VERY REV. FR. DAJAD ASHEKIAN in which our Lord Jesus Christ descended from heaven and with the strike of a golden hammer On Sunday, June 18, 2017, the Feast of designated the site where the Mother Cathedral Holy Etchmiadzin and Father’s Day, H.E. Arch- of the Armenian nation was to be built, thus the bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided name Etchmiadzin, “the descent of the only be-

58 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM gotten.” Finally, he reflected on the day’s Gospel HOMENETMEN VICTORY BANQUET reading from John 10:22-30, where Jesus em- phasizes true discipleship and invites us to follow On Saturday, June 24, the 42nd annual Him like sheep to a shepherd. “The Jews in Homenetmen Navasartian Victory Banquet was today’s reading heard His words but did not be- held at the Beverly Hilton. In attendance were lieve, they saw His works but did not comprehend members of the ARF Western Region Central His message. We too have heard His words and Committee, Homenetmen Central and Western seen His works, through the Bible, through ser- Region Executives and chapters, Western mons, through instruction by our church fathers, Prelacy Executive Council members, Honorary and more, and so, we must trust in Him and follow Presidents Mr. and Mrs. Vicken and Nono Apelian Him as our true and good shepherd with great and past presidents, Exemplary Homenetmen conviction, as did St. Gregory the Illuminator and member Dr. Shahe Yenikomshian, sponsors, and all of our saints and forefathers,” stressed the friends. The Prelate attended and delivered the Prelate. The service concluded with Cilicia, after invocation and his well wishes. He was accompa- which faithful had the opportunity to congratulate nied by Vicar General Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Fr. Dajad. A luncheon on this joyous occasion fol- Donoyan and Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatch- lowed. adourian. The Prelate commended the Homenet- men Central and Regional Executives, Scouting ------Council, the local chapters and volunteers who work in unison with brotherly love for the physical, VERY REV. FR. TORKOM DONOYAN intellectual, and national development of our APPOINTED VICAR GENERAL OF THE youth, for the preservation of our culture and her- WESTERN PRELACY itage, and for the great success of the Navasart- ian games and festival year after year. We are pleased to announce that on On the eve of the Homenetmen centen- Tuesday, June 20, 2017, during the first joint ses- nial, and in this Year of Renewal, the Prelate sion of the Religious and Executive Councils prayed for God to grant all wisdom and strength presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh to continue on their path of service with renewed Mardirossian, Prelate, Very Rev. Fr. Torkom faith, love, and resolve for the benefit of our na- Donoyan was appointed Vicar General of the tion and our youth in particular, and wished con- Western Prelacy. tinued successes and even greater The Prelate had previously announced accomplishments for all. The program continued during the 45th Representative Assembly that he with the Homenetmen Western Region message would propose the candidature of Fr. Torkom for delivered by Manual Marselian, a video presen- the post of Vicar General at the first joint session. tation on the Navasartian Games and the upcom- The proposal was unanimously approved at Tues- ing 100th anniversary of Homenetmen, and day’s meeting and has the blessing of His Holi- remarks by this year’s Honorary President and ness Catholicos Aram I. Exemplary Homenetmen member. The Joint Council wishes Fr. Torkom great successes in his service and mission, with the ------confidence that he will contribute valuably to the advancement of our Prelacy in collaboration with PRELATE PRESIDES OVER PONTIFICAL the Prelate and Councils’ members. THANKSGIVING SERVICE AT ST. GREGORY The joint session also reviewed the deci- THE ILLUMINATOR CHURCH IN sions and proposals of the Representative As- SAN FRANCISCO sembly, among them a ten-year plan of action initiated by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I to - PRESENTS PONTIFICAL ENCYCLICAL AND renew and revitalize our mission, which will serve PECTORAL CROSS TO VERY REV. FR. as the groundwork for the Religious and Execu- BAROUYR SHERNEZIAN tive Councils’ future endeavors. On Sunday, June 25, 2017, H.E. Arch- bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, paid a


Catholicoi, included our own Pontiff,” stated the Prelate, who went on to speak of the remarkable service and legacy of Catholicos Aram I as a sig- nificant and prominent figure not only in the Ar- menian Church, but on the international stage as well. Following the sermon, the Prelate con- ducted the Pontifical Thanksgiving Service, which concluded with the Pontifical and Cilician an- thems. A celebratory luncheon hosted by the parish Ladies Guild followed at “Vasbouragan” Hall on the occasion of the Prelate’s 20th anniver- sary as Bishop and Fr. Barouyr receiving the pec- pastoral visit to St. Gregory the Illuminator toral cross. Members of sister organizations and Church in San Francisco, where he presided over parishioners were in attendance. Remarks were Divine Liturgy, delivered the sermon, and con- delivered by Fr. Barouyr, Board of Trustees Chair ducted Pontifical Thanksgiving Service in celebra- Dr. Garo Mirigian, and Co-Chair Mr. Sarkis tion of the 22nd anniversary of the election and Shrikian. The Pastor and Board presented gifts consecration of His Holiness Aram I as Catholicos to the Prelate on his 20th anniversary, wishing of the Great House of Cilicia. During the service, him many more years of good health and contin- the Prelate presented parish pastor, Very Rev. Fr. ued service to our Church, while His Eminence Barouyr Shernezian, the Pontifical Encyclical of presented a pectoral cross to Fr. Barouyr and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great once again congratulated him as well as the House of Cilicia, granting him the privilege of parish community. wearing a pectoral cross, as well as the cross it- self. ------After the choir sang the hymn “Oorakh ” Ler, the Prelate read and presented to Fr. HOMENETMEN NAVASARTIAN GAMES AND Barouyr the Pontifical Encyclical of His Holiness FESTIVAL CLOSING CEREMONY along with the pectoral cross. His Eminence blessed and congratulated Fr. Barouyr and com- On the evening of Sunday, July 2nd, the mended his service and dedication to the Armen- 42nd Homenetmen Navasartian Games and Fes- ian Apostolic Church, stating, “We have seen tival culminated with the closing ceremony fea- first-hand your devotion to the sacred calling of turing the parade of athletes and distribution of the priesthood and your hard work for the growth championship trophies. The Prelate attended, de- and advancement of this parish.” The Prelate livered his message, and participated in the pres- urged him to continue to be a good shepherd for entation of trophies. He was accompanied by his flock and serve with even greater drive, and Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Very Rev. Fr. always with utmost faith, love, and humility. Vache Balekjian, and Archpriest Fr. Razmig Next, the Prelate delivered the sermon on Khatchadourian. Catholicos Nerses the Great, one of the most cel- In attendance were Consul Valery Mkr- ebrated figures in our history, whose feast day toumian, ARF Central Committee Chairman was observed the day prior. His Eminence high- Daron Der Khachadourian, Homenetmen Central lighted the legacy of Nerses the Great as the first and Western Region Executive members, repre- great reformer of the Church, the forerunner of sentatives of sister organizations, as well as State our religious and national enlightenment, and the Senator Anthony Portantino. “Illuminator of Hearts,” lauding his vast contribu- His Eminence greeted the Homenetmen tions to our spiritual, ecclesiastical, and national family, Honorary President Mr. and Mrs. Vicken life, which included establishing numerous and Nono Apelian, Exemplary Homenetmen monasteries and schools, and building hospices, member Dr. Shahe Yenikomshian, and all the residences, and hospitals for the ailing, home- sponsors and friends who had assembled for the less, and the poor. “Today we celebrate his wor- culmination of yet another successful Navasart- thy legacy, which has inspired countless

60 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM ian Games. The Prelate noted that next year served in the ranks of the worthy organization to marks Homenetmen’s centennial, when we will provide for the needs of our compatriots in need honor the legacy and vision of the founders who and in crisis with a loving and compassionate established this worthy organization to ensure the heart, with the full awareness that the wellbeing proper national, spiritual, intellectual, and physi- of our larger collective family is as important as cal development and instruction of our youth, the wellbeing of their individual families. “We are stating, “that this organization took shape a mere assured that the ARS will continue to thrive and three years after the start of the Armenian Geno- endure owing to its dedicated members and gen- cide is indeed a powerful testament to the re- erous supporters,” he stated. The Prelate re- silience, resolve, and resurgence of the Armenian called that the Prelacy honored ARS members on people.” On the eve of Homenetmen’s centen- the occasions of the Year of Service, stating, “In- nial, and in the Year of Renewal proclaimed by deed you are worthy of every commendation and His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, the Prelate appreciation,” and stated that this year, the Year wished for all to undergo renewal, reorganization, of Renewal, is an invitation to all, individuals and and revitalization in their individual and collective organizations alike, to renew our faith in our Lord life, with the faith and the hope that the seeds we and our Church, and to renew our commitment to plant today will yield an abundant harvest for fu- serving our nation and our homeland. Finally, His ture generations and open up new horizons for Eminence again commended the exemplary serv- our nation. ice of ARS members for the benefit of our people On Saturday, July 1st, the Prelate, ac- and nation, and wished them continued suc- companied by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, cesses in their valuable work. Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian, and Archpriest Fr. Remarks were delivered by Western Re- Razmig Khatchadourian visited the various gional Executive Chair Mrs. Rebecca Berberian, booths and conveyed his blessings and well Mr. Ispenjian, and Mrs. Matossian. wishes to all. ------REQUIEM SERVICE ON THE 7TH ARS 96TH REGIONAL CONVENTION ANNIVERSARY OF THE PASSING OF ARCHBISHOP SUMBAT LAPAJIAN On Friday, July 14, 2017, the Armenian Relief Society’s 96th Regional Convention con- vened at Homenetmen Glendale “Ararat” Chap- ter’s center. The three-day convention will review the organization’s biennial activities and draft en- deavors for the new term. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, accompanied by Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, attended and delivered the opening message. In attendance were ARF Western Region Central Committee member Garo Ispenjian, ARS Central Executive members Nyree Derderian, Rita Hintlian, and Maral Matoss- ian, members of the Regional Executive and On Sunday, July 16, 2017, the eve of the chapters, delegates, and guests. Fast of Transfiguration, H.E. Archbishop His Eminence began his message by Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over greeting the members of the Central and Re- Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at Holy gional Executives, delegates, and honored guests Cross Cathedral in Montebello, after which re- and wishing for productive deliberations as they quiem prayers were offered at the gravesite of assess past activities and lay the groundwork for Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian on the seventh an- future endeavors. The Prelate lauded the subse- niversary of his passing. Divine Liturgy was cele- quent generations of diligent members who have brated by Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Ashod


Kambourian. Parish Dean, Very Rev. Fr. Muron Consul General of Lebanon in Los Angeles, who Aznikian and Very Rev. Fr. Jirayr Tashjian from was accompanied by former Executive Council the Diocese of France participated in the service. member and Consulate supporter Mr. Toros Ke- The Prelate’s sermon was on the day’s jejian. Gospel reading from Matthew 14:13-21, the feed- The Consul General had come to person- ing of the five thousand by our Lord Jesus Christ. ally invite the Prelate to the second annual After giving a brief overview of the miracle, the Lebanese Diaspora Energy Conference for North Prelate expounded on the meaning and lessons America, which will be held on September 23 and of the reading, emphasizing first the boundless 24 in Las Vegas under the auspices of H.E. Ge- and unconditional compassion of our Lord evi- bran Bassil, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emi- denced through His healing of the sick, second, grants. The purpose of the conference is to bring that we must cast all worry and doubt and turn to members of the Lebanese Diaspora together and Christ in all circumstances or He will provide for to tighten the bond between the Diaspora, all of our needs, third, that with God the impossi- Lebanon, and partners in North America. ble becomes possible, and finally, that we too are The Prelate thanked the Consul General commissioned to help our fellow man in the ex- for the invitation and commended the initiative, ample of our Lord. Thus, he urged the faithful to which not only strengthens the bond between the look to our Lord alone for strength, wisdom, Diaspora and Lebanon but also allows for the op- courage, and comfort, and turn to Him to satiate portunity for individuals to contribute to the pros- our hunger and quench our thirst, for He is suffi- perity of Lebanon. cient for all our needs and will abundantly bless us. ------Next, the Prelate paid tribute to Arch- bishop Sumbat Lapajian, “a faithful servant who PRELATE CONGRATULATES CONSUL lived and served with absolute dependence on GENERAL OF LEBANON ON HIS and trust in God alone, strengthened and nour- APPOINTMENT AS AMBASSADOR TO ished by the daily bread and living water of our THE VATICAN Lord Jesus Christ.” His Eminence highlighted the legacy of Archbishop Lapajian as a good and true On Thursday, July 20, 2017, H.E. Arch- shepherd, an able spiritual leader, and a father bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, sent a figure to many, noting that he lived a purposeful congratulatory letter to the Honorable Johnny life dedicated to glorifying God and building up Ibrahim, Consul General of Lebanon in Los Ange- our church. Finally, the Prelate announced that a les, on his appointment as Ambassador of Library-Museum is in the works adjacent to the Lebanon to the Vatican. Cathedral, regarding it a fitting and well-deserved On behalf of the Western Prelacy Reli- tribute to a remarkable man who was such a gious and Executive Councils and community of beloved presence in the community. faithful, the Prelate extended heartfelt congratu- At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, the lations to Mr. Ibrahim, stating, “You have distin- Prelate, clergy, and congregation gathered at the guished yourself in your diplomatic mission gravesite of Archbishop Lapajian located outside through your meritorious service and are truly de- the Cathedral, where prayers for the repose of his serving of this great honor.” soul were conducted. A memorial reception fol- His Eminence also expressed apprecia- lowed. tion for the genuine friendship, collaboration, and the closeness Mr. Ibrahim has exhibited toward ------our Prelacy and the Armenian-American commu- nity in the past five years as Consul General of LEBANESE CONSUL GENERAL VISITS THE Lebanon in Los Angeles, and wished his bound- PRELACY less success in his new post.

On Thursday, July 20, 2017, H.E. Arch- bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, wel------comed the visit of the Honorable Johnny Ibrahim,


DEACON KHATCHIG SHANNAKIAN priesthood before the holy altar of our Lord, for ORDAINED TO THE PRIESTHOOD AS God to keep him steadfast in his calling, that he REVEREND FATHER MOVSES serve with righteousness, a pure heart, sincere faith, and for the Lord to enlighten and adorn him with the gifts of His Holy Spirit. The Prelate took stole from Deacon Khatchig’s shoulder and placed it behind his neck and over both shoulders in the form of a priest’s stole stating, “Take the yoke of our Lord Jesus Christ, for His yoke is easy and His burden in light.” (Matthew 11:30) Divine Liturgy continued, and the ordina- tion ceremony resumed later on in the service with the presentation of priestly vestments and church vessels. Kneeling before the Prelate, Dea- On Sunday, July 23, 2017, on the Feast con Khatchig was one by one robed in priestly of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ, vestments as His Eminence offered prayers. The H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate placed the cope over Deacon Khatchig’s Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy at St. Mary’s shoulders, the crown on his head, and tied the Church in Glendale, during which he conducted belt around him, after which he was taken to the the ordination and consecration of Deacon vestry to be fully vested. Upon his return to the Khatchig Shannakian to the priesthood, renaming altar, the Prelate anointed him with Holy three him Rev. Fr. Movses. Vicar General Very Rev. Fr. times, his forehead, right palm, and left palm, Torkom Donoyan assisted in the ordination cere- each time announcing his new name, Movses. mony as the Sponsoring Priest, Very Rev. Fr. The conferral of the chalice and paten followed, Vache Balekjian and Rev. Fr. Ardak Demirjian as- giving him authority to conduct the Holy Eu- sisted, and clergy members participated, among charist, after which the newly-ordained priest them Holy See of Cilicia Seminary Dean, Very gave his first blessing to the people. Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian. The ordination Godfa- The Liturgy continued with the “Kiss of ther was Mr. and Mrs. Ara Kurkjian. Executive Peace,” during which the Prelate and clergy one Council members were among the hundreds in by one approached Fr. Movses to kiss his newly- attendance to witness the moving ceremony. anointed forehead and hands. The ordination ceremony, comprised of The Prelate next delivered the sermon, prayers, Psalms, and Scripture readings, began which he began by giving thanks to God for grant- with Deacon Khatchig being led up to the altar on ing the opportunity to conduct and witness the or- bended knee. First was the confirmation of the dination of Deacon Khatchig on the Feast of candidate’s worthiness, with the sponsoring Transfiguration and collectively pray for the Lord priest, Fr. Torkom, attesting that Deacon Khatchig was worthy to bear the yoke of the order of priest- hood. Deacon Khatchig approached the Prelate, and while the attending priests placed their hands on his shoulders, His Eminence placed his hand on his head and prayed for God to bless him and grace him with the Holy Spirit. Next, Deacon Khatchig was led kneeling to the center of the bema where he presented himself to the people and raised his hands to the side of his head in a gesture of humble assent to the people’s will. Deacon Khatchig again knelt before the Prelate, the attending priests once again put their hands on his shoulders as the Prelate placed his right hand upon his head praying that he may be wor- thy to perform with holiness the duties of the

63 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM to transform him with His heavenly graces. The the Western Prelacy as Executive Secretary of Prelate noted that the ceremony was particularly the Christian Education Department. The Prelate moving for him as it evoked memories of his or- stated that Fr. Movses will begin his 40 days of dination 41 years ago and his first Divine Liturgy, solitude, fasting, and penance, under the care as well as his first Divine Liturgy as a Bishop 20 and guidance of Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, years ago, all on the Feast of Transfiguration, after which he will celebrate his first Divine Liturgy thanking God for making him worthy of this serv- and continue his service within the Prelacy. ice. The Prelate concluded by congratulating His Eminence gave a brief overview of the Yeretsgin Roubina, Fr. Movses’ parents, loved Feast of Transfiguration, how prior to the occur- ones, the Prelacy family, and the Godfather, and rence Jesus had spoken to His disciples about prayed that all are enlightened and transformed His forthcoming death and resurrection, and gave by the Word of God and in turn illuminate and them the commandment to deny themselves, strengthen our church and nation. take up their cross, and follow Him. Jesus then During “Der Voghormya,” prayers were retreated to a mountaintop for prayer, taking with offered for the soul of Holy See of Cilicia Brother- Him Peter, James, and John, where His face hood member Bishop Norayr Ashekian, who had shone like the sun and His clothes became white entered eternal rest two days prior. as light, Moses and Elijah appearing next to Him, At the conclusion of the service, in a pro- and His glory was revealed as a voice from the cession of clergy and deacons the Prelate was cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I led out of the sanctuary where Cilicia was sung, am well pleased. Hear Him.” while the faithful received Holy Communion and Addressing the newly-ordained priest, His had the opportunity to greet the new priest and Eminence stated that the message of the Feast kiss his freshly-anointed hands. With his Godfa- has deep significance in his new mission, and ther by his side, the washing of the new priest’s wished that the Feast of Transfiguration inspire hands took place. him to become strengthened in his faith and em- boldened in his service as were the disciples who witnessed the transfiguration of our Lord. “As Moses brought the law to the people and Elijah, the greatest prophet, led the people, you are to serve in their example, be guided by God’s Word, convey His Word to the people, and lead them to God. And as the Holy Spirit strengthened the dis- ciples, made them “fishers of men,” and illumi- nated their lives, you must also seek the grace of the Holy Spirit, take on a new life and spirit, re- An intimate luncheon in honor of the new main unshaken and firm in his faith, and always priest followed at Phoenicia restaurant, during beseech the divine wisdom and guidance of our which congratulations, well wishes, and remarks Lor,“” he stressed. The Prelate congratulated the were offered by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, new priest and wished that he become “a worker Archpriest Fr. Khoren Habeshian, Executive who does not need to be ashamed” (2 Timothy Council member Mr. Avo Kechichian, Godfather 2:15) and that he make prayer a constant in his Mr. Ara Kurkjian, St. Mary’s Church Board of life. Trustees Chairman Mr. Garo Kurkjian, parents, Next, His Eminence gave a brief back- and family members of the new priest. Archpriest ground on the new priest, noting that he has been Fr. Vazken Atmajian served as the MC. Father involved in the Armenian Church since childhood, Movses expressed his gratitude to the Prelate for was ordained a deacon in 2005, earned a Bach- his years of guidance and support, and for finding elor’s of Science Degree in Neuroscience and him worthy of ordination to the priesthood. The Psychology, continued his education and earned Prelate conveyed his blessings and message to a Master’s Degree in Divinity, and served for the new priest, urging him to serve with utmost years within the Prelacy of Canada until his relo- faith, love, sincerity, and conviction. Alluding to cation to the United States and employment at the name Movses, the Prelate noted that the

64 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM name was chosen in part as a tribute to his re- On Monday, July 24th, His Holiness cently deceased classmate and colleague, Catholicos Aram I, surrounded by Brotherhood Bishop Norayr Ashekian, whose baptismal name members, conducted the rite of Extreme Unction was Movses. The luncheon concluded with the during Funeral Mass at St. Gregory the Illumina- singing of “Cilicia,” after which Fr. Movses en- tor Cathedral in Antelias. In his eulogy, His Holi- tered his 40 day period of solitude. ness lauded Bishop Norayr’s four decades of The ceremony of the Deacon Khatchig selfless, devoted, faithful, and humble service. In- Shannakian’s Calling to the Priesthood was held terment followed at the Holy See Brotherhood the evening prior at St. Mary’s Church, during mausoleum on the Catholicosate grounds. which he rejected and anathematized all heresy Requiem for the repose of Bishop No- and affirmed his allegiance to the creed of the Ar- rayr’s soul was offered in all Prelacy Churches on menian Apostolic Church. The Prelate delivered Sunday, July 30. his message to Deacon Khatchig, urging him to always abide by the tenets and rites of our church ------and adhere to the teachings of our religious fore- fathers. His Eminence prayed for God to pour the CONSULTATIVE MEETING AIMED AT grace of the Holy Spirit upon the candidate and REVITALIZING PARISH ENDEAVORS HELD asked the faithful to pray for him and for all clergy AT THE PRELACY and church servants, so that God may strengthen and lead them in their calling and mission. By the invitation of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and the Execu------tive Council, on Tuesday, July 25, 2017, Parish Pastors and Board of Trustees members gath- IN MEMORIAM ered at the “Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian” BISHOP NORAYR ASHEKIAN Hall for a consultative meeting aimed at reorgan- izing and revitalizing parish endeavors. Following the invocation the Prelate deliv- ered his message, first commending the service of Board of Trustees members, in conjunction with Parish Pastors. He also reminded that the meeting was being held in light of the suggestion presented at the Representative Assembly to bring together members of the Religious Council, Executive Council, and parishes on a regular basis to ensure the smooth progress of endeav- ors. Executive Council Chair Mr. Vahe Hov- aguimian greeted the participants and gave a His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the slideshow presentation on the Board of Trustees Great House of Cilicia, the Cilician Brotherhood, guidelines, which he noted is based on the Ar- and Prelacies mourn the passing of Bishop No- menian National Constitution, which also serves rayr Ashekian, who entered eternal rest on Friday, as the basis for the Holy See of Cilicia and the July 21, 2017. On this somber occasion, H.E. Western Prelacy by-laws, and urged all to closely Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate sent follow the principles and rules of the guidelines. a letter of condolence to His Holiness on behalf Religious Council Chair Very Rev. Fr. of the Prelacy family and expressed his sympa- Muron Aznikian gave a report on the sections of thies to his late colleague’s loved ones. the guidelines that pertain to pastors, focusing on By the ordinance of the Prelate, on Sun- religious ceremonies and their roots in the doc- day, July 23rd, “Der Voghormya” prayer was of- trine of the Armenian Apostolic Church. fered in all Prelacy Churches for the soul of Executive Council Treasurer Mr. Avo Bishop Norayr Ashekian. Kechichian spoke on the subdivisions of the May his memory remain ever blessed. guidelines which relate to financial matters, as

65 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM well as on financial legalities. A question and an- tional anthem. The students presented a rich cul- swer session followed the presentations. tural program comprised of hymns, prayers, and At the conclusion of the meeting the traditional national songs. Prelate thanked all for a productive dialogues and Fr. Boghos gave an overview of the Vaca- the speakers for their presentations. His Emi- tion Bible School curriculum, which includes nence reiterated the importance of collaborative prayers, hymns, Armenian songs, poems, and efforts, adhering to the guidelines, and serving more, noting that this year marks the fifth anniver- with heart and soul, and wished continued suc- sary of the program. cesses to all in their mission. Finally, the Prelate The Prelate highly commended the stu- noted that the meeting was called as part of Year dents, teachers, parents, the pastor, Board of of Renewal efforts, and underscored that renewal Trustees, Ladies Guild, and all those who con- is not limited to the current year, rather it must be tribute to the program’s success year after year. a constant part of our lives and service. His Eminence emphasized the importance of The meeting closed with the benediction prayer, touched upon the meaning of the Feast of and singing of Cilicia. Transfiguration celebrated the week before, and taught the students the prayer that is recited after ------meals.


On Sunday, July 30, 2017, requiem serv- ice was held in all Prelacy Churches in memory of Bishop Norayr Ashekian, who entered eternal rest on July 21st, and for the young men of the Lisbon 5, Simon Yahniyan, Vatche Daghlian, Sarkis Abrahamian, Ara Kerjelian, and Setrak Ajemian, on the 34th anniversary of their martyr- dom. For the past few years, a number of West- H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, ern Prelacy parishes have been organizing Vaca- Prelate, presided over Divine Liturgy and deliv- tion Bible Schools over the summer where youth ered the sermon at Holy Martyrs Church. Divine come together to learn prayers, Bible stories, Liturgy was celebrated by Archpriest Fr. Razmig hymns, services and traditions of the Armenian Khatchadourian. Archpriest Fr. Hrant Yeretsian Apostolic Church, and engage in educational and participated in the service. Among the hundreds fun activities including, sports, games, and arts in attendance were Catholicosate Central Execu- and crafts. On Wednesday, July 26, 2017, H.E. tive member Mr. Khajag Dikijian, Executive Coun- Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, vis- cil Chair Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian, and ARF ited St. Sarkis Vacation Bible School in “Rostom” and “Arshavir Shiragian” Gomideh Pasadena, and conveyed his blessings and mes- members. sage to the teachers and young students. Rev. The Prelate first delivered his sermon on Fr. Boghos Baltayan, Executive Council member the Feast of St. Thaddeus the Apostle and St. Mrs. Therese Kemanjian, Board of Trustees and Santoukht the Virgin, which was observed the day Ladies Guild members, and parents were in at- prior. Following the Lord’s command to the apos- tendance. This years’ theme was “The Lord is my tles and disciples to “go to all peoples everywhere Shepherd,” and the Director was Mrs. Ashkhen and make them My disciples,” the St. Thaddeus, Yeremian-Clemens. along with St. Bartholomew, reached the lands of The program began with the Lord’s Armenia where the preached and set the founda- Prayer, followed by prayer and the Armenian na- tion of our faith, he said. The Prelate cited from

66 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM the Gospel reading of the Feast, Luke 9:1-6, in world so that our historic lands are returned to the which is told how Jesus “called His twelve disci- Armenian people and justice is served for the ples together and gave them power and authority martyrs and losses of the Armenian Genocide. over all demons, and to cure diseases…to preach This was not an isolated act. On the 50th the kingdom of God and to heal the sick,” noting anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, our strug- that the Apostle Thaddeus obeyed this command, gle against the perpetrators was reawakened by preached the Word of God and converted many the conviction that Turkey’s modern-day leaders, in Armenia, including Santoukht, the daughter of as the loyal heirs of Talat, Enver, Jemal, and their King Sanadroug, which eventually cost him and accomplices, were to be held liable. The justice- St. Santoukht their lives as they were killed by the seeking Armenian youths had comprehended that King for their faith. “Jesus first sent the 12, then their political and diplomatic acts were to remain the 72, and then all who received Him and His in the state of the “paper ladle” without the use teachings and were baptized in the name of the of force. Holy Trinity. St. Gregory the Illuminator and all of Before and after the Genocide, the Ar- our church fathers carried out this great commis- menian people have been in a perpetual struggle sion, and it is our responsibility and duty as well against enemies who have sought to destroy our to spread the Word of God and become exem- nation. The young men of the Lisbon 5 initiated plary disciples and followers of Christ,” stressed their act inspired by Tehlirian, Shiragian, Tro, Tor- the Prelate, and concluded by inviting all to re- lakian, and going back even further, by Vartan newal in their faith and spiritual journey. and Vahan Mamigonian, and all the way to Haig Next, the Prelate paid tribute to Bishop Nahabed. They made history and entered into Norayr Ashekian, alongside whom he was or- history as a light that will guide us to the future. dained to the priesthood 41 years prior. His Emi- No doubt, that the act of the Lisbon 5 nence reflected on Bishop Norayr’s meritorious spurred the movement for the liberation of Art- four-decade long service, the majority of which sakh five years later and inspired the steps to- was dedicated to the Holy See of Cilicia Semi- wards the independence of Armenia. No doubt, nary, in addition to serving as Vicar General of the that the spirit of the Lisbon 5 lives on in the hearts Prelacy of Aleppo and Vicarage of Jezireh, pas- and souls of the brave soldiers defending our toral service in Greece, and in recent years as lands in Artsakh and Armenia today, as well as in Dean of the Catholicosate Printing House. “We the hearts and souls of our national leaders, will remember him as a devoted and humble ser- along with the legacy of Apovian’s Aghasi, vant of our Lord Jesus Christ and of the Armenian Sasountsi Kevork Chavoush, Sepasdatsi Mourad, Church, a clergyman who was zealous in uphold- and generations of fedayees. ing our traditions and rites, and as a faithful child The defense of our homeland and nation of God, church, and nation, a faithful preacher of has always necessitated great devotion; those the Living Word, and a faithful member of the who have shaped our history have dedicated Holy See of Cilicia Brotherhood,” said His Emi- themselves financially, offered their intellectual nence, and concluded by praying for the repose abilities, and when needed, have also paid the ul- of his soul. timate price of their lives, with the conviction that Thereafter, the Prelate conveyed his mes- “Conscious death is immortality.” This truth is sage dedicated to the Lisbon 5, which was also reaffirmed by the willingness of Armenian moth- read in all Prelacy Churches. ers and fathers to dedicated their children to the “Thirty-four years ago, on July 27, five Cause, just as the parents of the Lisbon 5 felt that young men carried out a bold mission at the Turk- martyrs for our nation live on forever. Our martyrs ish embassy in Lisbon to avenge the long-stand- are immortal and will remain so. The Lisbon 5 ing tribulations and disregarded rights of the have a special place in our collective memory and Armenian people, and at the cost of their lives re- in our souls, where they will remain forevermore. minded the world that the Armenian Genocide is Honor and prayers for the memory of the not and will not be forgotten, that the Armenian Lisbon 5 martyrs. May their legacy live on in all of people have undeniable rights, will not concede us and lead our youth in particular in our struggle, its lands and national treasures, and will continu- until our ultimate and absolute triumph,” read the ously stir the compassion and memory of the Prelate’s message.



For the 25th consecutive year, on Wednesday, August 9, 2017, the Feast of the As- sumption of the Holy Mother of God was cele- brated at Glendale Adventist Medical Center with the blessing of grapes conducted by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General. St. Mary’s Church pastors assisted in the service. Glendale Adventist President Mr. Kevin celebrated in Prelacy parishes with Divine Liturgy Roberts delivered opening remarks, welcoming and the blessing of grapes. As the feast corre- the clergy and thanking the Prelate and Prelacy sponds with the name-day of St. Mary’s Church for the service each year. Archpriest Fr. Vazken in Glendale, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Atmajian conveyed the Prelate’s blessings and Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy, well wishes, and invited Fr. Torkom to begin the delivered the sermon, and conducted the blessing grape blessing service. At the conclusion of the of grapes and madagh at St. Mary’s Church. service, the benediction was delivered by Chap- Parish Pastors assisted at the altar. lain Alice Zulli and attendees received blessed The Prelate began his sermon by giving grapes. Clergy members then visited patient thanks to God for granting the opportunity to once rooms to offer prayers and blessed grapes. again collectively celebrate the Feast of the As- sumption, and prayed for the Holy Mother of God ------to intercede on our behalf for our Lord Jesus CHAPLAIN RAFI GARABEDIAN HONORED Christ to fill our individual homes with faith, love, hope, and His blessings. BY THE LOS ANGELES SHERIFF’S Referencing the hymn dedicated to the DEPARTMENT Virgin Mary, the Prelate highlighted the Holy Mother of God’s virtues of humility, obedience, On Saturday, August 12, 2017, the Los piety, and purity, which earned her the title of Angeles Sheriff’s Department 8th annual Volun- “blessed among all women.” His Eminence also teer Appreciation Awards Ceremony was held at touched upon the unique love and reverence ex- the STAR Center in Whittier. This annual event is hibited toward the Holy Mother of God by all held to recognize chaplains and volunteers with Christians as the embodiment of love, sacrifice, over 20 years of service to the Sherriff’s Depart- nurture, and modesty and the exemplar of moth- ment. Chaplain Rafi Garabedian, who by the or- erhood. Citing from Scriptures, His Eminence fo- dinance of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mar- cused on three points which defined the life of the dirossian, Prelate, has been involved in jail min- Holy Mother of God. First, by virtue of her humility istry for 23 years, was honored with a Certificate and deference, the Virgin Mary became worthy of of Appreciation for his dedicated volunteer service becoming the mother of our Lord and was to inmates, former inmates, and recovering ad- blessed with divine graces; second, the Holy dicts. Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian was also in at- Mother of God trusted in God’s promises and be- tendance. Sheriff Jim McDonnell greeted the came worthy of being assumed into heaven; and attendees and commended the volunteers for third, the Holy Mother of God lived her life guided their valuable service. by God’s will, placing all hope in Him, and this hope found expression in her love toward God ------and mankind. The Prelate called on the faithful to emu- PRELATE CELEBRATES THE FEAST OF late the life of the Holy Mother of God and live ’ ASSUMPTION AT ST. MARY S CHURCH IN with humility and obedience, faith and hope, and GLENDALE love toward God and our fellow man, and to be an example and inspiration to younger genera- On Sunday, August 13, 2017, the feast of tions. He concluded by congratulating the church the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God was

68 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM community on their name day and commended gust 15, 2017, special services were held for the the pastors and all the servants for their dedi- residents and faculty of Ararat Home in Mission, cated service. conducted by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, the Mardirossian, Prelate, and clergy members. Prelate conducted the blessing of grapes and The celebration began at the Nursing Fa- madagh. cility with a prayer service and blessing of grapes. The Prelate conveyed his blessings and well ------wishes to all, after which he explained the mean- ing of the grape blessing ceremony. His Emi- PRELATE ATTENDS UNVEILING nence prayed for the intercession of the Holy CEREMONY OF NEW FACILITIES AT Mother of God and urged all to live with utmost CHAMLIAN SCHOOL hope, faith, and love in her ideal example. Re- marks were delivered by former Board Chair Mr. Over the summer, Vahan and Anoush Robert Taylor and COO Mr. Derik Ghoogasian, Chamlian School underwent renovations and ex- both of whom thanked the Prelate and clergy for pansions in preparation for the 2017-2018 aca- bringing joy to the residents with their visits and demic year. The unveiling ceremony of the new services. Next, Divine Liturgy was held at the Kindergarten classroom, memorial garden, and Sheen Memorial Chapel, presided by the Prelate playground took place on Monday, August 14, and celebrated by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, 2017, with the participation of Dr. Talin Kargodo- Vicar General, who also delivered the sermon. Fr. rian, Principal, School Board members, faculty, Torkom’s sermon focused on three points, the im- sponsors, and friends. H.E. Archbishop portant presence and role of the Holy Mother of Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over God in the life of the Armenian Church, the sym- the ribbon-cutting ceremonies and conveyed his bolism of grapes in the Armenian Church, and congratulations and blessings. The ceremony lessons learned from the life of the Holy Mother commenced with opening remarks by Chamlian’s of God, in particular her staunch faith. The bless- Director of Facilities, Mr. Emil Tatevosian. Next, ing of grapes ceremony followed. The visit con- Dr. Talin Kargodorian thanked all stakeholders for cluded with a luncheon hosted by the their continued support during the last four administration, during which Board Chair Mr. decades as Chamlian continues to grow, thrive, Michael Surmeian thanked the clergy for their and reach new heights. The Prelate congratu- regular visits and care. lated the school and noted that the new improve- The Feast of the Assumption of the Holy ments on campus will positively impact student Mother of God was also celebrated at Ararat Con- performance, parent satisfaction, and help the valescent Hospital in Eagle Rock on Thursday, school excel. He also congratulated and thanked August 10, with prayer and the blessing of all the donors. During the ceremony, the gener- grapes. ous donors were honored with plaques for their support. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Michael and ------Lara Tchakmakjian, Mr. and Mrs. Razmig and Rita Hovsepian, and Mr. and Mrs. Murad and Flora PRELACY SCHOOLS COMMENCE THE Ookhtens who sponsored the new garden in 2017-2018 ACADEMIC YEAR memory of their daughter Melanie. Thereafter, guests had the opportunity to Monday, August 21, 2017, marked the tour the new spaces. start of the 2017-2018 academic year for most Prelacy Schools. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh ------Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over the back to school ceremony at Ferrahian and Marie FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION CELEBRATED Cabayan Schools, while Very Rev. Fr. Torkom AT ARARAT HOME Donoyan, Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr. Vache Balekjian, and parish pastors presided over cer- In celebration of the feast of the Assump- emonies in a number of other schools, read the tion of the Holy Mother of God, on Tuesday, Au- Prelate’s message, and conveyed his blessings

69 SPIRITUAL SPECTRUM and well wishes for a fruitful academic year. The Prelate highlighted the invaluable and unmatched role and mission of Armenian Schools, stating, “the Armenian School is not an ordinary institution of learning where students de- velop their minds with knowledge, where they are prepared for higher education and in the future to become productive citizens of society. The Ar- menian School offers much more than that; the Armenian School, above all, is a special and unique place where love and reverence for our faith and heritage is cultivated in our youth.” Ad- dressing the students directly, the Prelate noted that the young soldiers defending our lands and the hearts and minds of our youth are enriched sacrificing their lives in Artsakh were students just with our religious and cultural treasures. He like them a few years ago, adding, “here in the thanked also the parents and sponsors for their Diaspora the struggle that we face is maintaining encouragement and support. our Armenian identity, and you, our youth must Next, the Prelate presided over the inau- ’ become soldiers in that battle.” Next, the Prelate guration of the school s newly remodeled kitchen, touched upon two upcoming milestone anniver- sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Razmig and Rita Hov- saries, the 100th anniversary of the first Republic sepian, after which he visited classrooms and of Armenia and the 100th anniversary of Home- blessed the students. netmen, stating that they are both opportunities not only for celebration but also a time to renew ------and revitalize our faithfulness to upholding the legacy of our forefathers who built our nation. The NEWLY ORDAINED REV. FR. MOVSES Prelate concluded his message by blessing and SHANNAKIAN CELEBRATES FIRST DIVINE commending the principals, educators, parents, LITURGY students, Board of Regents of Prelacy Schools, School Boards, Parent-Teacher Committees, On Sunday, August 27, 2017, at Forty sponsors, and community organizations, for their Martyrs Church in Orange County, newly ordained valuable service, support, and encouragement. Rev. Fr. Movses Shannakian celebrated his first Divine Liturgy, delivered his first sermon, and ------pledged to serve our church and faithful with faith and devotion. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh PRELATE PRESIDES OVER BACK TO Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over Divine SCHOOL CEREMONY AT TAVLIAN Liturgy, and was joined by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom PRE-SCHOOL Donoyan, Vicar General, and Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian, Forty Martyrs Church Parish Pastor. On Friday, August 25, 2017, H.E. Arch- In attendance were Executive Council Chair and bishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided Vice-Chair Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian and Mr. Garo over the official back to school ceremony of Eshgian, along with their wives, parish delegates Levon and Hasmig Tavlian Pre-School and and board members, representatives of sister or- Kindergarten. The ceremony began with the ganizations, Mrs. Zarouhie Kurkjian, matriarch of ’ Lord’s Prayer sung by the students. Next, the the Kurkjian family who served as Fr. Movses ’ Prelate delivered the invocation and conducted Godfather, and members of Fr. Movses family. the Blessing of the Home service, which was fol- Divine Liturgy began at the conclusion of lowed by remarks by Mrs. Garine Joukadarian, morning service. The Prelate addressed the con- Director, and songs by the young students. gregation prior to the sermon. His Eminence The Prelate delivered his message, com- greeted the faithful and noted that the Forty Mar- mending the Director and faculty and wishing for tyrs Church community is fortunate to be the site a safe and productive school year during which of many memorable ceremonies and ordinations, including his elevation to the rank of Supreme


peace, Fr. Movses stressed that as faithful Chris- tians we must trust in our Lord Jesus Christ in all circumstances for He is the Prince of Peace and will guide us to calm. Fr. Movses concluded his sermon by praying for the Prince of Peace to grant peace to all, to strengthen our faith, and help us overcome the doubts that lead to storms in our lives. Later in the service, on behalf of the parish community Fr. Karekin greeted the Prelate, thanked him for selecting Forty Martyrs Church to hold Fr. Movses’ first Divine Liturgy, and wished Fr. Movses success in his service. Archimandrite thirty years prior. The Prelate then Following the service, a luncheon hosted ’ gave an overview of Fr. Movses service thus far, by the parish Board of Trustees and Ladies Guild stating with gladness that Fr. Movses has been was held at the “Julian and Aleen Movsesian dedicated to our church from an early age, has Center.” Congratulatory remarks were delivered served as a deacon, received higher education, by the Prelate, Vicar General, Executive Council was ordained to the priesthood on the Feast of Vice-Chair, Board of Trustees Chair, and the God- the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ father family. Fr. Movses expressed his gratitude ’ nearly 40 days prior at St. Mary s Church in Glen- to all and reaffirmed his vow of service. dale, and completed his 40 days of solitude at the Western Prelacy. Fr. Movses will continue to teach religion classes at Prelacy Schools and serve within the Prelacy Christian Education De- partment, and in due time will have parish respon- sibilities as well. His Eminence wished Fr. Movses fruitful service, prayed that he always remain “a laborer in the vineyard of our Lord who does not need to be ashamed,” and invited him to deliver the sermon. Fr. Movses began by giving thanks to God for blessing him with the opportunity to serve our church and people through the calling of the priesthood. He expressed thanks to the Prelate for his guidance over the past five years and es- pecially in preparation for his ordination. He thanked also the clergy who assisted in his train- ing during his time of solitude. Fr. Movses then delivered his sermon on the day’s Gospel reading from Mark 4:35-41, which tells of the wind and waves obeying Jesus, focusing on verse 40 in which Jesus says to His disciples, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” These words of our Lord apply to us all, remind us to place our absolute trust in Him and to never be afraid, for He is with us always, as He was with His disciples in the middle of the storm, stated Fr. Movses. And just as Jesus responded to the disciples’ pleas and stilled the storm, He is beside us as we strive to overcome storms in our lives as well, he said. Noting that after every storm comes calm and



². λݹ³ÝÇ ²ëïáõÍáÛ àñ¹Ç, A. Son of the living God, blessed in ûñÑÝ»³Éª ³Ù¿Ý μ³ÝÇ Ù¿ç, ¸áõݪ ³Ñ³õáñ all things, whose awesome birth by Your ÐûñÁ ³ÝùÝÝ»ÉÇ ÍÝáõݹ£ ø»½Ç ѳٳñ Father passes all understanding, for whom ³Ýϳñ»ÉÇ μ³Ý ãϳۣ nothing is impossible, before the dawning ºñμ øáõ ÷³é³õáñ Ý»ñϳÛáõ- of the uneclipsed rays of the mercy of Your û³Ý¹ ³Ýëïáõ»ñ ÝßáÛÉÝ»ñÁ ͳ·Çݪ glory, sins melt away, demons flee, trans- Ù»Õù»ñÁ ÏÁ ѳÉÇÝ, ¹»õ»ñÁ ÏÁ ѳɳÍáõÇÝ, gressions are erased, bindings are cut and Û³Ýó³ÝùÝ»ñÁ ÏÁ çÝçáõÇÝ, ϳå³ÝùÝ»ñÁ chains undone. The dead are born again, ÏÁ ˽áõÇÝ, ßÕóݻñÁ ÏÁ ÷ßñáõÇÝ, infirmities are cured, wounds are healed, ٳѳó³ÍÝ»ñÁ Ýáñ ÍÝáõݹáí ÏÁ Ï»Ý- corruption is cleansed, sadness withdraws, ¹³Ý³Ý³Ý, ѳñáõ³ÍÝ»ñÁ ÏÁ μÅßÏáõÇÝ, sighs retreat, darkness flees, fog departs, í¿ñù»ñÁ Ïþ³éáÕç³Ý³Ý, ³å³Ï³Ýáõ- twilight vanishes, darkness lifts, the night ÃÇõÝÁ ÏÁ í»ñݳÛ, ïËñáõÃÇõÝÁ ï»ÕÇ Ïáõ passes, alarm is banished, evil is de- ï³Û, Ñ»ÍáõÃÇõÝÁ ÏÁ ݳѳÝç¿, ˳õ³ñÁ stroyed, despair is exiled. And Your om- ÏÁ ÷³ËãÇ, ÙßáõßÁ ÏÁ Ù»ÏÝÇ, Ù³é³ËáõÕÁ nipotent hand rules, redeemer of all. ÏÁ Ñ»é³Ý³Û, Ùé³ÛÉÁ ÏÁ ÷³ñ³ïÇ, B. You who came not to destroy our ³Õç³ÙáõÕçÁ ÏÁ ëå³éÇ, ÙáõÃÁ ÏÁ mortal souls, but to give them life, forgive í»ñ³Ý³Û, ·Çß»ñÁ ÏÁ Ù»ÏÝÇ, ﳷݳåÁ my countless wrongs with Your abundant ÏÁ ï³ñ³·ñáõÇ, ã³ñÇùÝ»ñÁ ÏÁ ãù³Ý³Ý, mercy. For You alone are in heaven beyond Ûáõë³Ñ³ïáõÃÇõÝÁ ÏÁ ѳɳÍáõÇ, »õ øáõ words, and on earth beyond understanding, ³Ù»Ý³Ï³ñáÕ Ó»°éù¹ ÏÁ ó·³õáñ¿, á¯í in the substance of existence unto the ends ù³õÇã μáÉáñÇÝ£ of the earth, the beginning of everything ´. ¸áõÝ, áñ ã»Ï³°ñ Ù³ñ¹áó Ñá- and the completion of everything in all ·ÇÝ»ñÁ ÏáñëÝóÝ»Éáõ, ³Ûɪ ÷ñÏ»Éáõ, ùáõ ways, blessed in the highest. Glory forever ³Ýë³ÑÙ³Ý Ý»ñáÕ³Ùïáõû³Ùμ¹ Ý»ñ¿° to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. ÇÙ ³ÝÃÇõ ã³ñÇùÝ»ñë, áñáíÑ»ï»õ ÙdzÛÝ Amen. ¸á°õÝ »ëª »ñÏÇÝùÇ Ù¿ç ³Ý׳é»ÉÇ »õ »ñÏñÇ íñ³Û ³ÝùÝÝ»ÉÇ, áñ Ý»ñÏ³Û »ëª ·áÛáõÃÇõÝ St. Gregory of Nareg, Prayer 41 áõÝ»óáÕ Çõñ³ù³ÝãÇõñ ï³ññÇ Ù¿ç »õ ³ß˳ñÑÇ μáÉáñ ÏáÕÙ»ñÁ. ¸áõݪ ³Ù¿Ý μ³ÝÇ ëÏǽμÁ, ³Ù¿Ý μ³ÝÇ Ù¿ç Ý»ñϳÛ, áñ ϳï³ñ»É³å¿ë ÏþûñÑݳμ³ÝáõÇë μ³ñ- ÓáõÝùÝ»ñáõÝ Ù¿ç£ ÐûñÁ »õ êáõñμ Ðá·ÇÇÝ Ñ»ï ÙdzëÇݪ ÷³¯éù ø»½Çª Û³õÇﻳݣ ²Ù¿Ý£

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