were in C bf (fhforb POETRY. you earnest, but I can't hardly be- formeU to this world's, for the trillion there· I bing clo*e mini tight foi cold weather, and >uiv« lnpifneJ? Hut ha at lut. A ÇUmocrat, lieve are such *' yon a— of p»«seth away.' rlien the wind* hie» «ml the ·ηο« llew, icri. There is η it on* of th<»m hut ! irm house. be'ore a cheerful, open woo J brought with him « dozen of heautilul Soetb 10 il i t ο r i»n«l Proprietor, Γ of Mr*. Ellfi I* itt.it··) ll»iery H»-n"i»o*4, «ko i td In Buck· i'lintlr expre»«e· my mind. Hut «•ill laugh at your courjc, and say your are t ire, read the F U>ll*ri rrmr. O·· t»o!l*r and iebruary you earnest?'1 a fool." I >ooks, wnn« the old one he mon· of th« next week or was off «Il nt Mr. κ really them, two, I w. Axm. R.tlph hit; r«u, tl pklil In adititcf. "I wa» never more ro in life." my ••All I can say is, that il boeomes every ι ioned to hi* frien 1 Tom Burton. and felt •lar. an 1 once it was rather late in the even· Il«|p« uf UfftlUini. 1 h· ml.tr «huiet of di/M or*pi «town the mountain "Kxcum ιη<·, I know I've no tocat· one to ')>« in his own « ontent with his when be I I Vf ith right fully presuaded' mind. lot. Not content, ing got home. Hit aunt and »i·- For Ixcho# ιρκ· I «Nt. |l no aolemn tielfli··» tr*t»··ι· »·*«. J echicu on what it that "to * Λ D't Jw e*OU U Hul »el!*»l the «uri ofhearea, jou your plan»,hut fur, yourself alone you stand or fall." itber. Som^tbinj was wanting llis tie· Ter wondered what could take him Cor I s in m n) * mm. I away M)ia*rr |l f j»tf. |U <» rew e« Vor I 1 (Urtrr «rifhcâi. indu· you to lik« tins cour«c? Λ "I see. there'· no I er and aunt were to Ml«·· tr*r, |1V0D. | rot. fit». I eel 9 U »trange moving you, and I all well enough, kind and from home much. «ΓΜ Ml Xorit κ·— a rout ar ] h· u > η of education ami must * inoviikM wfilt fell ρ th· eoltt|r, young gentleman taste, give it hut it'· a and Otte an eamo Γ*·.· r· N»ri<-κ»—ι )rarti »| noik* ul Κ «tat· ! » up; hard, Ralph." fToctionate. intelligent sympathetic, day elderly gentleman in a Or4rr< OH lli(» lay our leal frlen I ; Will·, prr ·>|ΐιιι·, I JO pat talent for mirisfer, doe· "BuC this nee i not break our I ut not to were iirill«l>'< enough lawyer, «till, could be said be con- shigh and behind htm three young X.illo I » 1 k' laJinj of her lac «al l friendship, Kilph A beauty plainly, tor, menhuil or " lmt™|«*ra>or'· iml Ktmlnr't Nmlr»··, I yt ig el.»·* Τ uni I •nt. would read and muse so aie : of the a· Hit· Uf· for lier naatt rai anythi you please He go cattle Jersey breed, all handsome All i' fjr Ikrr· p»r «juirr, loh·." — Inwril·»·. *'Never, give υ» your hart] it t at antl feed bit cattle—two cows and two aa pictures, delivered tbe same farm I lr> thai ha·! ··eme.1 to hrr Inttea 1 of atinthinr, Ralph; by »r *■ Μ Α 1>1 4 "Thank the ever a Ρ·ΙΙ»·ί11| Γ»., Slttr >llwl Rxlin, A atarle.e yon, Tom, for high opinion you need favor come to me!" oung heifers with ol I "sorrel.M constituted hand who was «rood in the ab(.d • η·1 -» ·* tlondf, nlfht; chopping Ν«··< t Ν<·« Υ ,»k ·ι»1 Κ Nil·», ]] H , haso ivtmvil to ha*e of ind ······ t'oart "Ί1*Ί, -too, ai· lalliortt'il i(*at< et «til! wllhln Her hr»tlo((. torture! bo torn, you always me, >is entire stock. We mar as well ear that the first day Ralph «ras at Mr. Proctor1·. lit* «tar of >h<)M JOB hope bright. I it iimv never lté le»·. I will >n PRINTING, liopc toljyou A few day· after, saw Rilph Cra*t in t here was a picture l»«d aw y down deep "Somehow, this Mr. Proctor seems t· Drsrr 1 >»4ai «h» «till ·« to how il is with me. I wa« the u Of rrrry ijtfinn, i\rΙ UmM·· the lx* t eouplo Snackerty, lately eye." Tape Professional \ears. I am Now not extravagant, hut how to all appearance, a devote J ol fash- Yardstick's there had cotnu into tha said ioad till th» Or«t feint ft votary store, ••Well—res—perhaps ·ο." Ralph k'rli( rar· of morning much do O. R. M. D.. you suppose that 1 laid the last ion. ot his olne la a who had "filled his ««it>i a "and to com· HALL, l.lt up the no * y air, up Many ac» great luni, certain- ings at being recompiled iu such a "rig t was the quiet beaut/ of her sweet face, •Ό, you rogue," exclaimed Aunt Judy, tie· .Kir own peak *a-l lot; ; two or tbrve hundred ly perhaps doliiri." Some pitied him for bis folly, but more I he unconscious grace of her own "is that what's to J. P. he to a I tirer rllioe t*ian our·, hat peculiar pay?" SWASEY, rl*e·, ••Three hundred and Now made their mind* that a man th\t ••If, which bad itself in his said 'are in Wli.tr grief an.t pain ο me aot. twenty-two. up young anbrotypad "Sow, Ralph." Mattie, yoa Councilor and at add three and five \((ογοι>) Law. Tari·. klaret, 1·, IXVa two, hundted mon; to cou'd take such a course never was much, I ■eart. She came and went, no one else earnest or only joking?" I h it for the lour or fivo Ιυ CANTON, MR. year» come, and after all, or he would have more ambition icemed to notice her. and no one knew who ••It's no joke with me,I assure yoa. And W ill fr»it «· la « «fard aa.} A Tht· bcatitilul line# were wril- thon I ο·Ιγ MO)(ftn otttir* lolloping -hall be towartl ami than to settle down as a ! he was. an 1 forbore to the now. that the is if ι>· η," getting thirty years gumption, Kilph press Mattic. thing out, you I rn Sy Until Mit.i.r.R. *n Ralph up that, » 1·»-îr marru-j»». No ol have the sum of j>rvvtoj« about two thousand dollars Πιο Burtons were the in life and a for ATTORNEYS ΛΜ» COUNSELLORS. ruling family offered, be would Iske meas- call home, yourself" momnit o( delirium ctviM rob the anthot all opportunity told. I lake a wife, and in that and all the men of ainb'·· so I can't Inil IT. S. Cliiim position Snackerty. youig ires for his stock, and add a few '·<). Ralph. I'm impatient wait. Igret·, ( improving >f turb a fen I. r π·ν.·Ι*ϋοιι of a truu faith ol what is i» » m·· g' iig t ro»t to live? Mv sal- lion and smartness were to make their When shall we Nc»KW\V,Mκ eager by way of upon his farm. go?'* ii· rpwAtal : ■beep experiment C. C. StiPI»·'». Il M. Ill tin ary would hi' last ine the and alliance. Kate was with at- lly year out, plea-ied the IVhile lie was the one At Christmas time, the next year, the old I.tdit. «IBM 111 be ·ordttl thinking subject over, gift, a· <*oul 1 expenses naturally increase, what tention of ton while he was Zack Market t witnessed abouaewarm- LAW PARTNERSHIP. Where lore like mine espre«*e.l. Ralph Cray lay. his eye fell upon an advertisement in place must he Take th·· result,— .if considered the first iuan a« lleaeeo Ifal Su», thi. farre.1 Book, ·»ρβο illy advantage j oung of the place, ho Farmer of sheep and cattle for sale the ing such made its latter «lays surpass its From him who lo«e« he·ι bo taken of 8 II A W & thee my and ion.1 one l>ut in cowhides airl cotton was was the no KIXDALL·, nocessity, Ralph jean lext in * tovn not m miles distant, tirs ; il "Old Hackett" place Iλτ· atritif a« that I he >r to IW day any shoul I say j ou must be content with, «jnite another affair and the Mr he ««r» say altogether young on a Proctor said, ( Were aaaptly toi J I'he next morning be put rather better longer. though \Uornn> λ. «uiiTlIur* at Law. twelve or even or >' tor soon a Ht or hundred, 1er», leave? d found clear track, and received didn I hoi I to folks too along lli«er«, lifetr·· gem·, | han every day suit, shaved, ami put on a giving young great IIILL, Or ·· ul eninatIn( gold No, »ir, I d > not 'ravel that road—neitlier her and to some ex'int her hand, fortune, illar and cravat a little better than uiual a start in the world to be,{iii with, y.-t ho tast« or inclination mo to it. I've for she never mt\*« 1 IP *■%··<· m I know Kit llr w'i> form-.1 tM« hea compels said she would bave a man as well be done in f3prW.ll Bmkrtptejr, «»! ft —though Ralph never thought it recessarv thought something might IVomo*!· 4· I Η.*»·»' ν 4* * 11 » ι· * done with lient, |% «Η Who Keek· thl· heart t.» gui'le starch and pomatum. Let those who had no ambition than to be a thein higher like he was just getting comfortably under way lb· Cmn· ι*» iSr — Logo looking 4,eaiieho,wbceauae lot wlijr lie bi-l· to·· to * ν the* snore to ft· η who that and the farmer r r IM4W. W Κ keep fancy line, and them and II9B Alt. l~hau all ou earth lnnUe a farmer—v»d, bitching old sorrel to letting having things snug it unly Γ «m. J 4*· 1. end lea Is to. I'm g->i ig to avoid it,— fashion and were the to with. And the third of V e«, l.ydia, bill* tu·· cleare «ο the·, Upholstery, parade the sleigh, set otT to see what could be tidy begin year take in· A· ling thi« tirart hat r.eared off broadcloth and it lor element* ot I)r Lane.ett'i household and found him the DR. NELSON H lay by, gained at the auction. He !» d a liti lo Ralph's farm lif?, happiest NORRIS, W «il·!, J'are.i, t*i«t III. other lawa my Sunday's best, get me a of cow for % time matters w.'nt on wilt att*n>ctor had soma but not was five patent chip j ictioo, stock could consume, and ifinatters and implements, worth thousand Fail tunt a present Medicine and (htnjr. tny oalf lor·, tor my beaver, a cheeked shirt and a full suit to the h·· ha i the am- enough support were favorable he made his mind to dollars, and winlly out Surgery, • In human life atleud· ; jlyl· up οΓ"_debt, though of blu·· m and to w as j go irk (»jd d«»i^n- lutein to live in. and as h ".iad but this latter was to his fortunate chance At Pari· IT111, Maino. AimI at the cold ·»ι«ί ehral (tone nothing buy. owing The e I man to lo ; raise corn, beans ami l is ambition to reeo ιιπι··η and asa-ertaln «lata end· v.-ge· aim. at the of he soon at the cattle auction. I'«ru,I·'· 11, I S6> β ο nothing Arriving p!v:e m!a, acquaintance How be«t to t»«r th· uncertain change tables to live on, a few bens, a e'se to fall back of course Ij keep couple upon, be, had k)ii:i I that neither the sio-k or the Wli -n the domestic storm broke over (he should weal »r woe priera lSNOCil POSTER, JR. befal ; of tw > όwi a pig·. and sober horsu. that rely upon the "ten thousand" bu bad uiar· the household before referred to, and love To lot», lire, die, thl· S«ftr l Rook. uiled him. Wbile observing the sale, he will !> >th and < me to of ricd. Hut Kate was a It te!U hi plow airy Hur on, who. b.de farewell to that, lté waa louoHfllor anil at I.ydla, all. meeting though fell into conversation with an elderly gen- departing rap- Ittornry Law^ a S a md.tv, I tne rest of ch»î worhl must loved show, and lovod lus at they parade, money, tleman stock and so forth,and idly increasing choicest gift· the farm. BETHEL ΜΑΙΛΕ. (), miiefi-UluTwl, oar coming " upon farming, day and do what like to a in Prnilnn· tl say they also, pmverb, arid this ■«oon A little ot tittle more than a old, >aa(ir« an J ΒκΙ pay i»ro«{>Uy «tired- To u« la all itnkaown ; particular discovered that he was thoroughly girl, year ».| to an 1 e j||n*l' t "I as we see. the is as Kate bad the trait. She stood a Kut «are «tanV pul- strings, seemed to take an interest in his affairs, ar.d, as BETHEL. tbll »· may kO'i* «Ι Iliai I »h >ul 1 »oon have believed it as been sLrewd to in own pit. enough keep her as neither w re interested in the i· sale, bo (jjb< A'iatt*/!'· /!.'«<4; R— inf» ·« /'«'4-Λ. ,14 alr.l Villi lllVl1 If,1,1 I'lkilP.d II «t I I··.I hands, arid soon a daik clou 1 to HI· βιιίΦ m τ Ιο»» w» (τνΐΊ«· «ont*. began ask« 1 Rilph to g> home with him to dinner Λ Down-East Savant. nftl h*· tirvin Ιΐ»ι·ΐι· I» »» --· Anι>«ι· gathered lie find wba» lie *j« in with cot oJ the Springfield R-pul>li- « ouux r> Λ. «inr· riiigfit pjrsuitof respondent lU Law operation* or»." up Ιιι» fe.v r ni ii i^ nL*k nai'ks, \Uornr)>al Ofcnnini ivant» *a-f »■»«·« II· Iti.mfht, which, liîrit. a■« lie li nl more than hecaicdlo winter. *..•11 -jives the following account of a gentle- lllu, loiin ru mnri< maa lie mnl or "I have tiie old Zic'c. after arc so in sin «'«tx'iai, bought Ilickett all, serviceable idling ami man with whom some of our readers bo * Ralph very readily consented and unhitch- may liountioe, Bock Pay & Pounioufi, Λη<1 took t»> llln» a human hrtrt, farm the haid realities u( cnibtdlishing rough, their hones, started off. : Thaï II» rnlKKt fr»l fur man. off ing they acquainted Diinc i. t>. "What, away there? You might a· life, an 1 bade to tlx· alieu boudiold, and Probablv not one in one hundred nl «our w. Alter halt a dozen miles or »o, the OsUjni o«*tjr Mr. IVn O, m y tr>(, tny on!/ ko**, II go into the wilderness, and «lotie with tbereafterward riding W«,W. Rotin* Κ M Kicm »*»·««>» cold, stony, »>y ««dfisbneas, reader· hi»» ever hoard of William Small. 11m· klwlnl, Jr4fnl, b*it it." stranger, who hid g »en his name to senti u.- il ar.d into Ralph <»a ili n nia» a'I ont liar-lening every feeling Κur those who arc κκιιϋοποι) to read Oliver Ο iJ. ll.iDEK. repott. Tom it is a location— a« Mr. Proetor, reined into the of a •'Why, «'harming settled over }trd Ihi lliutvtr ·ι<Ηη r<«t, positive dislike, the n. idmiritble Ilo\a* anil fïirls' a ρ >ixl will ever running tirook, a t>ev»liiul lidy, well-to-do but not »bowy farm Optic'i Mag- A loriicv .nid louuM-llar al 111· tir U>« f.i'vrr » Jou'.liul day, Four or live· hi·! 'i m sifirient to looking Law, years azine can have failed lo make his or «oil, fruit Louse, with tli·* barn and out m hardly l^l je» (r l*f I» fal. light loamy »plendid trues,.nil work huildin^* ro mk " all this It ; meantime what ihckpii.U»,oxpori> : change. He writes over lo lf« >r H al H la a··»! or i», everything to please tin· wye real "model farm" style. "This is com- acquaintance unwittingly. m» ba>l bccoine of him who no am- '(JT IVc ·& iitennon |ι»ι·ι t tu ih· Our < >>»I, our 1.1», mir ail. h 1 the of the an«l ρπιηιιτ ru "I never »aw much in cohl higher forcible. Life in its true sense and mystical sign square ro'it, all f\>i t 4*1 I I ιλ·.ιγ·. l> beauty water, proper »;|» \·«'», CilVr bition than to be a farmer, which lu I lost his contributions are as full of information (tul)l tv«»m 4^r«N|ii Ml S. "Ml i( or dut of an* kind. loam. «and or I Hut dignity," thought Ralph. Mr. Proctor gave clay hi ii the smile· of beauty τ 1 fashion? Not as an egg i« ol meat—to use a trite compari >1 1ST I are no worth orders to the farm band wbo w.a* Κ L Λ Ν V. t^-r«* building· speaking of, chopping son. In many respect* h~ resemble· Eliliu entirely. Whether l'alph had seen the Dr. W. B. un I hare to build, and that'll cost ^tha wood in the shed, to rub off both horses, Burritt. the learned olacksmiih. Lapham, you'll « nature col·!, alculating of Kale,or not, one is son V» \ ο s< I lie tin of a j»oor farmer, was horn ,LL ATTKMP TO ru A PKAITICE OF RALPH CRAY TON; uiething, you'll find; whr, wlut do lanket aio) toed 'hem, then led the way thing is c« nam, lie seen, d not bo I be'ifve in Aubarn and now, a far- MEtm iyr. ash s vu a κ r rill "BE Π l.l.Y l'KR<» of her favor but with mer himself, lives there. Growing up as at ouï \> ΓΉ ro*i>. nr. MIM».m nier this bad ever »ccn From this went pjipt»*d lumwr?" Ka'ph they all poor (armors' sons grow up. in constant ** cbeerLil gave hi- whol<; to "iîc,r>'l assiduity energy ■ |'··ίη·<· yrvinptl; atl'iikJ to ·η.| c^i»rgr< rrt« evening, Tom "Three or lour hundred dollar*." nto tbe yard w!i it-h w»i large, and divided toil, h<· was generally regarded by hie ac- the cultivation an 1 οι OMblr· ** improvtuaent* ins as a inert srb« < "Hallo, Ralph. tha» jrou?" ••Over five into three paits. one for sheep, one lor quaintance* stupid, fellow, VI KO I & " farm Ile lia·! a few hurt Ired dollais to never would amount to But tha Ν it'» «"erlani cow« — anything. UPTON, "Y· ». I. "t)b. well, 1 've no idea oi or young cat11<· and one for and oxen painting with, and in his b hayhood saw even •·|· true, »1| S. that have Ri*·· Tht* old house is not «o hau«an «frlj mortgage I dollars — •tu in the ti- G-'Ointlry earned th·) m for \ »R\V ι Y k»?" ed repair·, are very good." gaged viewing cuttle and sheep.su bavins; >ney VII.Ltor.. the farm which w*s to remain for sev- " ιιρ·»η tb'· corn at one nnt truc it «r »■ m In \\ mons to dinner came purchase by hoeing per Oi« <>i lS» |i tnwi will Illr.il (H» I'nWir "Ι' Whr, ilnfl joii ell, hut it m off oui of tin· where for (hem. Tlio sa ne way, eral var* .il the interest was lie hundri-d bill*, a'rer his dav's work ('.ttrll. 1*411·' ili> .·· ι. m I» paid, regular f·».· c..lU-ι ll>»H » iltlix·· lu «»fr« cl»e but won't «ee one·· a month." and comfortable air ·· .« .x)il) myself, you anybody ly, complete reigned was done. Before he ihe of A' «· ·ιθ ·Ι I· I 11 I bad made s reached age Hnri tml· necessary upon the build- " 1 a repai even II 4· I' >aΊ ino»i>?" "It'» onlv mile and a in the "a little more so he hid tines 1.1,1 1· il * ···, Κιι» am I Ui· half from the house, only 2·*» gone three through be ings, which were m icb be"er than lia I I t.»' IK #· i« U 4 they ir M'-can Cclose Ac the of he ...njuiit* •'Il Ί >♦·«, most ilcri leing there great very dar, Ralph • Ν »i D \ i| ti » h» y had tbï w d| miivll, ru "I·· iter have li*rn abed, Iik<· a sensible rable matron ot fifty or ·ο. wt»o received ars in America. Some dozen years tltornry " The first farm one el»*· l»â» * lo year, Ralph's operations aj;o h* w»*nt tliroid and traveled extensive- rigbt mmplain fellow, then tuch notions wool I n< t with an air whi h at once exhibited HI' e, witli wli .'n ihf »«v bave a ino*e course of mathematics. home to M. l>.t j you ron tiin>j. You may come to ) oiir sens·'· ed Mr. Proctor Coining To manure bought. £.*,<> f*i his from the*·: exercises !r»< t, n· tb" btnine»» worbl ralN bu ·· !.-v|ging* if, before it i« too latf. I'm afraid tli ι team work hired took Ihcir dinners to school, to- dripping PIIVSirilN \\|) «proj< 30 OO "They With he used to '"tinjre MKUON, " perspiration, say. w!ii< h 1ο»··γ« rail an erigageim ni ?** will ruin with eiri'i'i hired said it was too cold to come your piosp^-ts h I'e, help, jy» oo day. They are not five men in the Stale· who NORWAY VIM.\UR, Μ i: (Jnited "Ί Ιι*ί i«on«* c f the ιιη«οΙν«·ι| an·! that co:i li «he with a f*r t > problème." giv·» your rival, ■«•ιΙ·· | >n<·." smile, can follow the·* work as wl.l ■ !« j.IT Ml'nUon to «(rutting replied hoys through such (..Mifulir dl«»·»- INI Ψ9 ut \tf Κ ·η4 I· •'An n eb ili I 'tonshav, «M.VHIO bnt his as "l'r* <·!«··!» is a tine *bfl thinks nally mathematical; proficien y girl, though totncthing ι r. .fust tb«*n a young lady in !»*> bu«h. beans, |m| mi stepped a linguist shows that he has not neglect*d c. \v. "Will, b'if.roa hiven't loll me w bat jo< of it y le ; an I then, that nice little foil-in·· ·· " Howard, ISO corn, l;jn fx) from the dinner room "My daughter Jul· other of And in a J· " department· learning. aie gouϋ ·° 'Iw ol her*.— "leu thuo«inl '-—is to JK) ·· at not be potatoes, OO •a, Mr. ton." said the father. Their dition to sebolarly req lirem-nts, l»e ATTQRNfci COUNSELLOR AT " * ·· Cray purely LAW, l· found t vr η an Ι I has mistered the science of ihe law. II·» arimng ! day. don't want her to veg· tables, |Λ met. in I /or a moment both stood as Kl W Ροκ I» l'on Γ. MP.. " eye* foOder, industry is almost like that of a Ν **ι > "Sow. no with an ob thtow I»··r·»»·If on that <■··*. 16 00 machine; I \ ι. ( r ι ι,ι ιj,. Ralph, j >kir»g away >mb. 1 know if turned to of «alt, and self ι ,ri< i.,^ pillirs Ralph's no can ■ n igb. w'itt ar·· you you have got the inai f the H Vit? son» "I shall be as ^K) pounds. Attorney Lnn, j'forni· gréai just good iu cowhide and ni^lr. Hut Kalph felt that there was one*ln « .uittkr·. υΙ n l bather. It Kate takes «he η t ipiril etiirrpri·· ine. takes me v<*ry well be e*pr«*s«. in figm «, end an I from the look that had met his own, cas»· He sleeps not more than five of the "N> i'h«T t' *hi«h I am, il I it I am twentv fortr and ia yoo plea» what my«elf, not »lul I wear.'' that was tii" Me and he felt assured that his own countenance hours, etridllv trufts'lln DK. AI.BKRÏ KVANS. inc*pre«« pleasure Tom. Hut I tell OU, linnoiilr an·) tolirrl "All well in ail r.-spf.-ts, tising no nor tobaecd. J that'· ciough, b it you know. sttisfa lion which be h· I in wn not to h'*r ilia aunt liquor e*pcrieii<*ed entirely strange It is a commnn hi· Irion.Is-— I am to anil no that tli' question by *oing fariii'ig. that 'do, Ralph. look of the «tflo.faah· tli anil nent of f»r»d sister w >nde red what in the world hid IDEISTTXST, thing, watching growth levelop What is his object in »ife ? To this, as to ont \V«*»t, or i|i»wn Sou'h or <1 ivn Kid ion. if rule· the you please, world, and his cfoj» an I the enjoyeen'. which he ha I hee«nne ol that be did not get home most other niter rogatories be return· tto ¥o. 8 « Block. b«i RslpH Cltipp Strê^t, here in ol *i w. day. engaged wof-e »et, ber» in tbi« *· rv town of Sr ! wiih to tie and leod his cattle at noon, tn gnod wo. «IK. up is married At id ha· one nine "" * r*'' ';· I an daughter, years ! ··"·» .·· I I·· erty." yet, have old t>o«>k at home, whieh I lite co on of w( h case bo did nol now it w is ait· .«I·■ ninf iter, lie >ard -d Ins return,but grow- • who .«η u^-r » ι,λ .ιΙ·?·^» ι wi.rn old. speak· French, Otrinui, La 4r*tr*4 1 an<| tangly Von look «peak ivn1 «very· ing dark and ho had not com·. Wuat could an

Judicial Court-March T- rrow cuoiiiiâiion brought out nothing of Γ*ιιηί<Ί··Ι ·>ηΐΚ ma·)·, an I louirl 11t·- ir«V< •Hut m'V nl hη·η \αΚ····« ? It; Γ·«ι·<ί -.ocikfl..»J Supreme Um· I* Um ι··Ιμ aa. mr t1.- fork « υ' lit» f« t Villi,;* lUjt. lo id λ mil·· or l*n tar Mum ·< inuK>rttnN po:i«jf btillv; it ».· Ike ι||(τ< 1 ο I ram a jcdgk Harrow η ι»κκ*ιι>ιχα. >η· ilia, |w V'. F litvr. A« ·ι·ιι ο* et. ·■«· lound ih* Mm·· li a· k tr n "Λ ir -i a· ι·· your μί-Ι.π Cbf GMorb II C. 1Mb. of Ν r*n lior·# k, I « u. tt w t'h !. II· «·· ■W· JUmocrat v. Κ ioch A · <·'%η η<·*Γ ike on tin· BK**n 1 luun | ·,> γ ι»Ί· >i<, y rtwli^. avtth no mrar p*«tni4rk' >1 Iki ι»γ brrn. ·ι .1 arv |·ι*ιιιι«-·| wiih lin* Horatio Auatin. Simp«on afe«ot( Hank, ntjrbl ; fnibn»···!'dl goi» ; V· Wft jlilii « ίΐιι,,π ·< ·!· <· lo. »h.f IW :- »" «ο f HA Κ IS·, MAIN K, M\K< 11 '.»7 »ii *< lion of tb· about I 'J 1*. be M bhtillr «ml Oal >rd ; <>un ! «I»· t»*« k* s, ,,, „>·■ * win» h lo Tbi· «» upon a proa>ia*<>ry noli tobhcrv, pi»t ".1^11 {, |wn I. I» It utl ·!».· lllff, itlk'HiHtlithi Itt'tl nr%' ihu w.n r< (urtiiujj iitxnr—tvt-arvl him whittle a·') hrrv a^am; lu lourd to Hid^ui Util, and K|v-».unty AtWrv-f wITtvlfr m )' | · t« lUfrrtnl Ιο I De- * t -· outh ol N· »tr« m*\ I··· .iatrd M*eah 9ih» lNôô, for li.'. II Ν" TniaaM iv.»«t m M··· iiim-uU η, il not ϋ»··η into ato#p. • l:>M«vl Irat'k· ikt '<■ ht » t* go tin- uni .ml, I » at «*· ·*» Mr. Il^al I, ·η t S» Viras· >n. ΜιHlillxl ι4|«τ· η u uni· lo ν a t>-<* Coppeihead fence acfotd ind lict: It tu '·# » rt.iirg lb···» to ιιοΐι· l*«l· payment, */·>Α* of the St. (.inifci rntJ< :ΐ|{νΐΊ, p>'« 1 m» rtui. «I41· S th..·»· rnA by mr.n· trf 1h» rflMTTMa. a *4 thr not- T'iytor, Lrf{>rr I ■« r. t» ν il· an | .nk 'n * I ·>■ Some on« writing ftoui Paria, tu that M' m evidence that d.-fcndant f.ad ex- Hoa«r, in Portland. in l.vl. t.-*»i'i· I [ fol lo·· <1 ; loti tit·· ti a· k b#r·· but di».··* (<·α» tk » lw ρ|·| ru* ; Ih α^. h till irk uti »' '««hfl* lh> |„ II mrmun ·, it rontai-i· 4 toppvtht'iil sheet, Hangar againu Kilt*, priioner; >..«J ι;», < «ir Imf tarj·*» <*oni on ami I f illow·-·) tiir'lirr. anl ο Ifiln MbvXi' 'I· ll< " I Ih· m »» ΙΗ» Η'ι of < 11» kin tiiMix· (S« 17th of Jarua't. Ι^'ΐΓ. frtund "t>|. I when a a on >· *" • pi|)vr wbieb John A ΡHt re, to make· levy the real ktif Vu»·» ih·. b«v t V |U. ··<·..I Ih nlioua bout ·, imliiiliitg · i.v^w plaintiff agreed on tbe I9ih of anil lin- tr.tik 1 Imind, tin· ii<|f of tin S'iifcPr >ouf. ριιΜι< Si-ptcnibcr. ttcU'wI IV only nnv I I»», ra k··»·» I»·*·» » 1 00 at, tl«npunc*'il 11 ihr rthst »h*fi in ex- Hint· of i«aid Fut», ami for his >eivicea tit Till· I' t> k I ||·"ι·< l« In KiT· hi· niinr a* J. Κ «eer* hp I· ft on ilir ^1»'. «itlajr, il»·· I rack *r'«m ; i|m| t ot diacoacr mm". KtKIIH ITHI* I <'t»n >l ·*»> '««ν MtT |ll on— Irlntr II l*vtt at Ι«τ I ".I and which »»· w obnoxious in the ami tl»e note in *.υ to hive one· which wa« Saturdav a funk wi'h th·· wii'k i.'nn till I i;iti I « » (irir romln^ up Hrrr. It»· it ran I \V»rn-ii un «iruil» istence, <|ueatâon, ; brought Oorwr, » Ι··π«ρτram·· I Λ. Ι·ι tV I'll* K«l)»*♦ 11 Kali of thr» H«»ereM tW land »ct .iff. That him, Mr Τ Court, i|« jvi»t ; I i'-n it i« il»·· linwl Jut ι ha of Γ' ΗΗ-ιρ ci. Il lut l*i> buatci «I raily part it. ρυΜι.· car;» tin· trunk to bu mnm an·! take tL·'··* fur > trim ; hdluwt·»! lo I'oitlai.d m I Irttnk in an |- ..««ι··- >maaa-a>t k»» a· a an acvounl waa *rt off in 1>M»«. I'l.iiniiff h«l|x*hh > t — 11»· trunk ta»·ip, Ικ>·>| |».>ι|»«·, it out ii »*< deliver· «I to ihi· « ; r with Mr. ; ·Ιχ»ιΐ 'otar or Ijrjjk» ; *prv«»ni»n n«pan» l^»»-|«i I m» I· l'>r lirtn I » r. >v > I ifiri of our town vied uses this :ecriwd (row* the détend t,| an I ο no «loth ion, dignified Sunp«on. m r a 1 In* «Ί »· till* ft»» — r. Kngtish (■κχίρπι··, ►aw lu· pt vomti company with two oil* fir» nil!· »■«!« 1' itiaiid. Iiy a wat.·· >lM«n. Ι» ih. Mr >n «MU IV t in ot a who of om> undivided ••an ι«ι·'··| m. ι·ι lui. lui. IS l't. t'.. *« "f ΙΓ <>n«t language Speaking clergyman .nit, half of «am·; and ►trangera at the ht»u««». t»»li f1·*' ··. I ·η«ι·Ι lt>i «aim· ImNr trark an i ρι 4 >i»r«. bird war» »iow, «Ihtî tin rlotli *■ rr fnjt lr*r«, un I t'v irtnk l>vknl. Il M>|| a our a next < Yom tua: he ·*· n»no» lu 1' k iron »»ii> her been resident ot town «earvelx that llw* loltl out tbeir whVFft iIia tjr.nntuni—Stated rn'oc" lin·; c»l Mland al>uul half »^ίΐ·|| t.» *. | lit u ·Ι· I·.. (M il lj Ait "Λ « r. *' i ihcfl arc mtnulariunM). two ·» *«! tbe trunk Iwt au»«· of t■ ·«* card wiili ".F lbrv in tin· ahrrnooit ; .-amr hark ibat l\ ill ti'Hi*ti* f I»» lm»k IH# ami who. bi· iwitow has after ttl off for that pi*t ■ » | t<)« »»orr«, on* wbole»a!·· dealer i year, during la) $1·'Α); plaintiff \Hori»< ·η<| lia»· il. u·· 'HK lu* liaal te l|i>* had t-hin »h»«k nifcM. XI»»· m *1 ilai. Monda», «itrinl lor k'pt never alludld to in bi» : rvoenretl and defendant Ihw rrtukikiler prisoner ΜΜ|·Ν o< il· »w » nn* /*»/»<««·* preaching φ7·», •rs e It "I. « I ι·> ·»·»·«■ ΐ|Η)ΐΙ>κ·4Μ·, milliwrt, 'n ιη'χτ an.l a Ma· k muusta· tvlliriMfd l'on laud ΗιΙΙιΙ.βΓ STH >x*-ll»i it*lM «i >' ·γ»» *y j«-wr|.r, Sfji1· Γ. »r κ was cUiletl in ι·> m 1 ,htir a .-t l.i itru lh«n «4« 'm O' <«· on·· **G. L. Voie, coHMMtitt, couidcralMW of the d«-ed ol their munit Jiotcatd »on of roiro'wri ιν-|ι» ; m .rum·; I w, nf lo In NLr h maker. two John, a " nr Irtl pbotograpbt-r. itirii|c /«y/or. >vfc 4tta U'fur* Ina mbl«fi. I tt* .*■ la Si'ltool (. unimilin· over ran- in for a· of (In* olliw and saw Mar»}.»! η In ιιη<·»« one onr> SnfMrintrndini; the *ot «ill Verdict (ltleiit »«a* IM a*ti •on lor defendant. ttl-Itr«|.w-| lat N'itfitll; ba»o il: ι<-«· «h'K1. oni· on*» jority." 1 in (a» linntrr, gri«t iiran^i-ri inlioialr with lb· p»»M»n«-r fign»-d went rial Satiir iiv tml mir un !>υΐι·Ι.ιι ; «; "i"l »· |k'|a*lltr, M ·β rt al»v K>. Walker'a offence ia be is α Uiowu v. Eli ht> i* a», it th* riacmrr kl.tfv Iti on» >4· on· Mr. only tbat tSgood Twitched. betr MMTt a» il. U. M taon ai i Uni ( ol· li·· a· <)r litrr» d to Μι. Irith »»· nml to | ill. mill, *bti»i(!· null, oite II.M I pirn .ti V irwaf. *.vn-i«rT tf thrlawk ami be U thua di>tain«»<·1 on·» prta> htr, plaintiff on; ιΐιιψ |».a»:»r.-l l'i. Hi.erla, V) |>rw·· Dm iMyuUKtM «I rding mill. IhmII·· mill, 1 ivd wι'Ιι a when it ran»e an I left the taken off. anil I m ··*···! linn ; the·!· an· lb# Hjok who la* cla ml to rtapcrftibdih/. The wrier nue· in writ ui entry to ncOTtr lan«l wbirh rope, t-, ir]i«nt*t'i «hop. on«· dentiat. thr··· pb»«i· ιραΜ ; be wiiro thin wlii»ker« antl mua·· th« «lidr» in Court; thf tra-k of Th» lioitttnm! i'fp»J k- rt-t^Ml Ih» Hoar of rcferted to knows well tbat be lie>l be v aun« ibe def» ndaiil eatered prodiwed Cl M» very ha» Jftri't 41··. two Uairri tuai Ont· uajuxtν a<-h», Nothing new in on»·* examination iH* Kitra thai i followed from the «lard in '} t II.» .1 <\ JutKx·. when he denominated Mr. Voae a cwvsrrrvi unto him lit' rf po»e»*ion of, and withohi* train S-imuei J FiajtcJtvi*—-SuUU k«e|>«-r of N'uia.ij orrv*|MxiiK'ra, In tfttit» M H Vk f |S» |*|η.»μ al·- ®*l okrr. Oi>n cuttmu >· wort.iy ol nom*, rj Ikt' It* k*l to t··» It tat taa. le idrr arv 1 f»ee; a stauncber republican than he does lb* land in dinput· L a «unaII »lnp about I 'ortland, ι.car the Si l.awn nn· hott«e ; let tin* strn* 1· a jm 1 uliar one·, Wing narrow on |.r»w i4a j ■in^ hand.··! d"tm Irom will*· t4lar on·· difhrrnt 1 mm ih»i· m (S·· ιοιιη )tt|, mtMMltf thaï IN» i.u.l κ».| rot exist—nor will be fcrl rotnplinv ntcd by three rod# wide at one eed. and running to priaoeer night, iif llie u»bab· KM f.r 1.1 Itaat Ikr Kur*t. v·' lUlk ·>»4 ta» prrtrnl Mr; j >< I'.bb to £o a few miles ; ga*·· bit name lev; iU«· rnrk il nut in diflh-renllr, aid it Itf tbe be is in. a at the ami i.m hundred an·] pt. 1)1* f ·!» lltl< ai· 11·· Company placed poinl oilier, liant.a« II >** tN»f oala kefa» Iktlr I····!·, |>t|·"·, i Ij^ill.X m; town* )|4»<· ι» A Rogvra; il -re w*j anotttrr man w.th maki-t a ddT· rvi.I iuiprvaaM»:i on Ibr ρ'ομιμΙ. are to W a a*.', n- t» I ··'· ,r· a m Ji drMorrsta determined fl bevond twiniyoue roil· Defendant claim* w *t ·Λ ·» j>*rt ut rt Ιι· re t*cn Sa'ur long. | lim ; on Friday he came at*in. an>l «anted I lit U»r lit·· pap· r» of ih« Hank the Γι!ι '«y af»«moon. wciiber κ .r. »hl |h»» .1 1 B tu l i ! »a not the ofdtctRr* men. l>v for more «am· ! ree »>r Pent, aj. »n pale by attacking clergy title adverse |>uM'i?ion than ho to go to tira*' Comer,a»ki'd '•'Ι» ο Ociolmr »·.·! gut them o! Mar»hal ^,( •rmitlinj;. r».nf'trrmrt Kuril ι··»π ago. »at thaï thr bal atr r r Tt lo Ik* r nortp) j>r*attl···. let tbem on. and will ùnd tbat the» tMntr «ram, and to division f bor«e mi a roa>K ao«rn me an- lh»· I mttiii) ght go j*era paprr» >rr will noon be where the culp«il was. who fenre. The fence waa not bui t on the tklaac aa.| rblrr lat( lia rtj« |iun-d. Iiilthon-I tr ι·ν« I. tor. 6*e fur» ait· r. .\l»vW >l lia i a J >erond (ira* for ; wanted nome C"«'n put 'r(#' M »'»hal 11· aid, ai'ij Im-Iihij |.» ibe ir|«iaral of h- art* an tu «Vi» >ta» was too m an to ba not entitled 10 line to deed. hat a hnttr. diorp l| mu* in w»« hanged, according plaintiff*·. η, l*eeau*« hr might a'«| have a ctlance to Haiik. Γΐ»»·ν writ put info tin· ran· riglit puMif plat·*·, and [ j !·»<·» a»-t iMiittli rtrr la Ik· twr»r*ti»»fa la»U the twfit of rtrr-iy abort *ir «outh of it, leaving tie «trip m I ■ait the bora· ; got I be liuis" sVjuI 1 Ibr * «1 rr at the tiiu« I Marled r»r-*hipp*rd «om» ef all la**··· wi:hnut they unpaid K'·». »akl»| ·· Itfrtl.tta tt t'|«tt>ti ·· iltr l»y on ibe north »ide of »aid fencc ii ; it ou a Iks»···, and on ibr ut I toh« r with Mr S-jrnnn controvert} Saturday lar;*n |.a_» ta**«aU tJaail.htal riNkaHllf aaiakia( Util· lit· 'r *r. aUb'< igb il t»*· kmi«ii 1»·· lui ram· l rore a otif· The Vice Freiideacy· f air cf interN r:ng ibori; the Ibirnliim. to ς·> It eeii J Court | ii.'tMiivti kal«<*·! a |<»t'»f κ m·* ol the nie'!«··. « in ail Ihi* n· appointe by ide bcivli-r than inaide* the hot·*· had (»mr at l ο'ι Κκ k at with l»n^Sir*«i the nijrht ; ttatlcd tt·· of rlrraat··! .allai ·»■■« ·α» TW !*ntiaieot 0/ the R than tana· ktra ,. great puUiran and the w.u introduced. Verrit for on. \ ι». i* iliinnl t« r· plan >n ah oca tinailar totbeae in court, Mr I.»»»·· anil fur ( Hmuli, ri ana Ct ΛΙι-obol bj mp pruilucol j'.v Simpson Itinal rt«r brl'ir». ta I ·» aHmM mi, I·· of tb«· t'nion is down upon move· a party settling delemiaiil. I'Uini.ff fur new ttial.i' l'hf mi a χ nar· • on tl«« inn in ■ a· aj κ« ami ia rvol known lo un· csmi;e top buggy with bile road *c nirl pnilruun ••a mar'i a· «a· tr>-ln| Ό r^tikl injure any one lit.N kjr tbe uo more ·· <·ιιλνγ because verdict ι· t 1 ow ot to wide a« the* tt»o in the a « t|> it lumvd il«*n, M* Su kc ■ Presidency, again: evidence aaid tire, Ι»·ρ arriajjr. Ιι·ρ n,.<( Noitii I» rtl I: WJ lo |f«t! '* lie do·»· it ί·ι ·ifTir «-otner not »*·♦ η h* l'ic ■oiintr» wi< wnn »i-ar» nine in than M «me*» Juliit· w« »»hr I"b«· ln>r»«* old, a' a!"nit o VIo· k lli·· nnMiiin; ; rrj.i |or bit twrft aid t>anw4»»aa It unmiatakenbly upon of «vwirnce, lultft·! ρ ihiic r\*. I hi»·· con»·· to ιlw fondation Hon IUnmbaI. Mtffrilv »und, *ngl·» '.··»,*> II.a rro«« thi ·ι« : lb· ν n«i*t« motdt ■xa.Twnat! n. atatcd thai the man wore a Mr M int uf Κ·ι·ΐιιη. a U'Hr«lιrp ; Tun· pi» >|ΊΙ» Atlurtra V.-alrr lb* ntw eommnnity. for tbe Vice nar.af.l l>re»i i«i Sr IMIitatt at· n. »· >'* !» Mat exchanges Gibson v. MilU-tt ,/ *rph Ii—oat 1er Ha·· lime liot (•.•rhatn tracing lb» lo ihr· >4 afwl ·ιβΙη' ·»·1η( I II <· larm. (ht new* nf lit· we.-k end rni ;v ibeaiirlvM and η S ι-·., corro! >ratrd Ntr 11 ιί'ιμ.ι ; I arnt t.J'he S»ro II outran·! fo,ind I kl ImImIuI air ItaJailMakir pt·)»·· lit wttfi >1 p.>·♦*«·akiar truly in this nlh ; » m: ? 'bo iMati pav«» I r inn· a» V II uni si «4 Yrt'inp ilirr» ; I «ι nt into a »ι·Ιι· aa4t half.lt bit ai««mri|, rvnclu.it rlr way. l>rfiandant offered which Court commtinil* and lo «Imict tho la·!·' of proof, | teper». and bad chin wh»»krr». 1 ho : fain • loor an.l «al tluwu behind it, an·! κ ηι. lor ikotmf ih» ru «I t!i» prltctff, ading Tbe Tribune Mi»m«.polis. () ruled and the case wn carried Π·' il Γ.» ■■ " « upon up. ■ hit-b he bad on Saturday, wa to t> r< ltumham ; Μ ·. II mt ι|ι* » r> l m·· a·. ! rSar*» lf t, I ai h nar, anal ling I «août·! |kiiii| to th·· pabli.aliot « lia» a >t »biut »»< rut in'' i!.r rrkHii» lib a lk«r ι* I i-'rTV· · urnp'J ,n/ l.roiijdtl motion· ·! lo ^ 'Ui'tf and ib«-j «nit 11 »o th«* IV»»f ΗΓκι·, m h Hi, hv il « Itirtrul o( IV Itt In. Jar» hut < actnot thi« «tek, an·! the Ν ν» •a^ k till '.»n wLen 1ι<· I·iin tn.k. rtitr* ; I followed tin m and mv band n'.lH aliac^rk, cop», Gibson. llamnoni brought put >«hI i* an honor lo an* ιa-i la là tutti·· tl la a VrrtM regulation, tilltjr, Tribane ha« taken in !p tonk t tit hie wali h an·I «aid i· i« on ^ nunj;'· «lirtnlilrr, and »at«l lir «a* t'*· brtM4 of tiilllf. Yoik ground Wulia η Tarlin libellant ν Loi» are lately Parlin. \ bg r»rr|i«i Ik· V'f Ί I alik tk* uni M >!kj in-re (ill* fi*e kiinJ* cl 10 miBifr· piat 1'.'; mud he liml tl»e lM>r*e tuan I » *i till. Hunt atked lu «liai ri^tn paper», among favor of Mr. llatnlin. a t iknrf» ·.« litd min l'.at. Libel for Divorce—Hirortc deer ed. J ^itauflM-al thr trial a lu b ari »i* m 11 *1 >li a«i onjfwr th.\n bf intend* d. I>r· au»e tl»·* I »i*p 1 aai l I bad 4 p*j« r f·«r bun Ilu'it <> r· U-'pu (*»(»·ι·, 11 fim-kr·! to »u lin' »· hr ·. turtal lata for !il»'l. tad looK'inl it·· »huld bon· a bol·· ihr-o* ^ r Ν V. WeokU M (· Wrek· Virgin pi*iol » ΓγιΙηιιη·, ; Impeachment. '* il ih·· loairf ai a ) oa»| naat *1 ·«·> «J.il.lt, Jon Tobin ,lr t. Ii ·>ι t<-n doMara. ti*»t ?>·· oi in·· ιί I did'fil lit him ο I raid. Da* id KiniLalI. hargrd lj paid her»·. m II·· I1 ·*> ; Ι,«·ι«Ιβ·ι JJ «|k kr aaaaaatrf taka a {.» II» taaarl anmtt Journal. wr«kly an·! The big!» Court of Iinpesrbmcnt at Wash- •even ; th« bnrw d tircii and 'ook- hot I *>Μΐ«·Ι·Ι I ···* man. I Ihrni Submitted to on apj»cert krrp krpt » n»». taj η»«ττ ttf ro < ►< C«>jrt, action ju·".;ui< nt tlatl kU II· ra» ta» |a»*tt f I daily ; ·ηΙ l ·. >ο· *1. Il; M * n«* must give way to tbe high Court •♦1 loan and hollow, when br· i-oiuf in iki-rr lit! lit·' t il· \|«r»l>ai and Mr Hum ington, I>cfendant r< 1 the The 'a'r η vijiti j idgmetr tVitaeu iileiil'fied tb»· bari.p*» in tout, a* ba'u a mat -I. i i»rd« r»-d tl·· Mir·! .| t.. ar IV» a#, wrwklj ai 1 daily ; |W»*i«»n be Id in our midst—in olht-r word», tbe pro *n ou th.* lien for lie one tin· L r>e Lad an-J wa« tin one r« »i l.iiu .1 l drr· I >> ·« «ni- I w. an.l tour ■juration Attorney'· on, ttbvn !! { ■·»■«»· a l'ita'k· atxl a».m.-1 ■•ornai .-kU ilail» ; l'.>tilann»*d ami till fio»n ■>t»a m ta· ît w- Judgment plaintiff. rally ψ\g 'tvm 4 t· (lot kta r*| Ir t^' Β iar. fkhr. Su poliiws! [Wian-til else out. ΪΤ"»Λ y — botr? at Γΐ*β* lh·· IUIii< lufil t»i b«ni to thing f.,ir*i-»y k«"Pp« lion»· brought |h»l ·»ι·| ro··» «t. rrt»«4*4 tha llarlow l.udJtn. «tariaf trial. i|» rv lliii^or I K-iiio· rai. l i wr*kl* Ktat· were re 'oftHf, al oui 11» or 17 mile· Itom l* irtla'i I an-i bitu 111 il»·· n. at Ban· ·· « ta The linjwachmer.t proceedings CHIMIN M. ni'MMM. livl^·· jail, Ivt la g la al a»! «arv rn 7 wt. »· thr >iinn« r a- Ni\ louifl t al < I λ ·λ r kl*, t Ii W kl* 2 dailt ; on an- and. pot Uou·*' π.οίΐιΐ·^ I », ΓΙ)·; j j» ba*ck· I.I· In 11 mil, *rh j b···! f Mr ItÎart "tf »»■ ta.l la t:.r ira iK'MKxiit, -4 w«rklr; lloaion swer of lb·· 1·. Tbe re Saliiiiiay. Si-pt itlilftlliit, President li'.i-d. « irvg Larcenv, «ml to th« Verdict w.ts wiih a In 11 it. \t a^ Jury. itioibcr ι·.an him. ·li« hid lui· «a» at Cur i»h. at tl botrl; .l'tllnt oi a p.ta* I >f th.· > l-r »,-^r|. «t. '» Jail* Portland .\d»rrt»#*r, » wr« k- «»< » )·η f plica·ion man.'.peis p I*ii»onei sentenced to nine month· arc·· lia» bor·· d top Imr»e In i« kn II..n a*'' 1 >·ηρ·Λ»». and [•al ..»i t r»-ritrka l <'hm '» ima »l IUii||n>ii* tin»*· giver tbe Piesidmt. to tbe ÎÏOtb inst in County Jail. put up; wl ιι··'ι an 17 /. ma tbe to r> ^ >'rml thnr na'u< a .·»» Jann· 1'. Ida· ki*r iIm-ii l'tati m··. Iia»c »··· 11 il c » [hr rr na tr t. il j al tti· ar· la M· t[at'>t for t ha pajw-r·, *· ut er ai Ν ifaai, »om» «b· 1»· a il ·Ι·ι!« ma». Γ |a»liif atialfr. It mali'i îlkriHar». W*OC>Ui SI Vouih*' 7. In. d an t'ompanion, upon tbe trial o( T!ie who TTr-rr -patch impeachment. Ird guilt il«· and » »· b a ! η·· ! m h. w ru r a hr rr hi*IH ·| laila.lrt ·■' aaa-Γ jivaMH. that ptitonrr» files laroMt, koljing up thtll.brok· ilw I hi in il··· toil Ν ■ (vrttdrni. Λ Nloniinj Siar l> liant.rr of sentenced *" folh w« Mirhai l jot Mr. Ri -h to mend it : aaw tbp Mme «a» and Oahird hrh»n : I at Itrtl η,» til nail la· ηΐ"κ Irai ι» ·»·· «Ι I bla ni·· nr Οίον. Cbamb· rlam delivered his η Imi- Ix-ai», (In- 11·vi^>hl 3 Wjf Ι.Γ» Cii«i· i a· » ij'ii. ultural :e in *c1 icn the m! «lav. almul f > ► tat I.· ha. baak rala I» ra .* il Λgrii \ in .s j·* I'riîOn. |0n"«-lo k br· tra S'i ι· tu· k. tiut itid In- |ilaaatO,atJ on "Tbe ol diau) table lecture Surrutidei l.tt·, I wo Ml in I 11*· oaltr α '·· Mta.ailt «Ή t*. fi· Maine I jfm«-r, 1 ji»ii»2 low.tid· Portland, with m-n in it; ka» γ ••τfi Join »ιιι ll.'n* r*.l »|.« ]>wliluan 17; John A. »ϊχ Mradgdon, 'arrrnv, month· a a», a f«·.·' I· a I» » I Κι» Jl· ■ • a' Noiwivy. on Wednesday and at South ! wii*nt to i'^rtlat* I the >aui< aliiiinw n.«.ih Ci At fj.imtantt···!—I*· 1 not niratiirr tl,·· I I I w Kr>j;l*nd V «ititrr. 4 ΙΙ<>·'οη ('·ιΙιιιι- in at· In I) Ik rr ha a n>a Co Jail Wr and foun 4 It at I ·' Paris on Thursdav of last w»*.W ijr Sand '·οιι, tl»·· 1 lir··; knrx it «a* a lij:bi tiir. nan··» ba»·· it, I »η evenings »t Ijirtiri—KcpuMir Portland »■ ■oiiapt' 'iibtl ra*lvit tklik a a· to M l)>wnc·, three mnntl · in 1 >arr· at lla«rltm<*i· ^Jablp; kn··· (?n· r h ! uilrrfiTin.» h<>r*r· bad trrri V welt |»ιι|*ι On I tiiir*j4. ΙιΙ^Γ. Month· Count* Jail. ime Wc«u«r it bad bc««n liiok n. and pirk- \\ arb Hal·· I » ht—on.i- at Noiwtt and (aMiUt talion, and eat down with ικη«· t.«cn:\ jl ikr t wl< ttulat «». Atlanin.. !>d out tin- !»<>r»e bv the color anio# friends to dinner at Mr. r··: tii« b.irncaa in court a» «· I capital Η«Ι>1>«ηΓ(. .i^nixi- the same '»<· I pi a a ! m Portland, •rpir'i· TV· Qbr'iil an. S. jrtft ha'tl Labor it Ilia I'iImm·. Allai U)lt| » thrv had in S. at:«I an a·· afford*»! lo THE NORWAY BASK p·· h.1.. la»l, ι·'ι F'ankli'i St not far ll« id·» il.« Net in«« >»!· I»*· a oppori unity many R0B3ER?. an'thar ea*r ft· a a I a Q wraa· 4 II atll » Ι..-lj;»· libiarjr Mtrtka Rirh ->ko>f τη » V τ a' CVrn from II ••■•hiti··*· ; I ·ι« ·b"· lb«" attending Court to take the Gavel· Or. ».'ît rnoon, Truman Y (îrjj pfi<«titr f'.a a aa».taaaal aluta η i rvt I ha aala at! a«t rataMi ° ( o*i r'.'" » l imn», and lb<· »lal people Friilij «■,»«·»« t'ry \Va*e, Young, i*r, nif*n«|r>l thr h a of il·.»· pn-oiirr in Suinta» atlrr ibr l'iank rot·' r*\ —tir ιιικ nor br the hacd. It waa a int·*· known a-> I>r. * »« into nl* ·'· w. rfc* ohl, a ol n»rr ·>" plrannt Young, brought ami ti ·. iiarrir*» m coml ι· the llato âlt\ »dâ!#!··. ittoiit 1 J Ο iH k til ·« ll library vol· Srpieinb··». <·ίπ,<·ι an Ημ·4> Ι* 1·ηι«Ι·| t •ion. and the lecture wii received at both Court ami J<»r the our the jonrr «on a full I 1 wl.;> b t· la*t in — arraigned rotd»eiy of } braril. l/Lck. !·-<"ΐι>1 ti<( .ι ·· jtu llwfr· ιο taiM letii to 1." >.4· U»H| lu Jc*k U> •■απ», un tu mri, inrntnnc l»ooka l'it' α· ·> »·»■# f· a* » » > w« ikirfr·! ·* ι« with commendat ions. I' w,m Hank. The Indictment ι» //"«••y i^imps'-n.—iraihral ( ·>γ I ! ? I I; »·»γ|«-ι! i)>viil our oVIoca. μΐι twbi) | k «ι.ΐ· » 11 κ- loan η χ>ι». Γ>-\ r*· ι< a plat···* h»-arty Norway fitieeii .ri··..·. It β" prmtr t: MMÉtaf M*Mtl ÎÉMM nrr. c *»>;· ) a >i! for f in S .·■>«! ;ro«i· to the !<«·]·!· f ·**< M * .Ιο·Ί cacb all ar»-1 Tlx· Unglb, carrluJly ■»· * iv 1 «prmg. prevent lr· Γ 'λ tu- If) | a l.jri ■«·«« ι·μΙ m« ··-! ; »·· linln't Dlk miK on I ha the (ieneral, with auch ii uinKr aweral » Ι' •ηβ ι» Λ Κ vividttt»*, ιΙιΓοημ'ι Young trrti^n»d alia·· whu li «a· uroKcn : lif hal t .Il To··!, ·*.»* ΓΧ) n.ier }®rin ιρα'. Im«< —Jul III tlui-Ir 1 ord |t«)i t .ί o'< knit ; out the J. lecture. Kocrr", »»J Ο ΓΙ> n. an ] »»· be. Ma« k tau tue· »an»c ruan u:i (Le (_ w»n i»b ^ a o» of 1<«ι 'i'br Lfrfonl »mp*« ί··>Κ lad ru'ih'r blank·! mil, I»»· 1·Ι·Γ IT' Il -Tin «*f Tv.cn·. '.i f· Iff rtf >ij't»ar«i» p-ipila. lirre uaed to a H<>trl at roa-i» >oui' fi χ arotk» aller. « dn»·» on tlm f ( keep A«(ilia»il «'ft pi afirr ji l.«mr|tr ilmmr ► «t uf Kr v! cfh «II If ··! α* WDM HI N-llrf rani of Saco, conîî ted ii< S» ό Jin ivb wwmh, tn>i r«rri ·Ιι·« ιιι·ιοη Ihj l>rrn being Ira kt m »linl ol the t bin rlt.jn I m Hir arii ► it ! ii < \>« η »jt : I·· «»· > ljitn iIm' 11··ι·W !■«·) II' lh- Jftn rti(vAwri)<«l, Ihc ra«« to wiliieaa I he fulfilment of a novel election on ihe of :Le Corniab ο mi f * >1Ιυ·»ιΙ in extra irji! m mm charge rohocry. •calling Sunday n><>roing alter tbo • wijf On Iw l'4i| «liin »im»· r» *ι>Ί mou· tlir Co VUomry, Uanrr vrllBKf·*-· ri«m by , ijx-r. bet Mi. True \V. Jonc·. ;he lettn» .. t!i on Ί.· ·ι I » *u » by By Plfa. not guilty. a-n, <;r ι·1 an·! t*< it.- tuai b.»«.k Ιι il Lint it lb»· Hi I I·· 1 v» 1 -HMimi.i Ί ihr ii*«1 t τ Ik· iiijit·· 1 wfiuM i»ot I «r^'-t lU i>l<| »«· »· of tije bet. il »Ιαπ. ·.αΐι wu J r- •tall. Τ!·· tr» k« ««owl·! t <'r» on i!»«* Ilo :<ι· 1 tLrn Ml lit lo ill·' Sil l) j·. f!k Jur il* I"·» \t|nrn m*·^ hh ri·»· fleet· Gov· t'ndt-r a la* of t'ir U»t In- g'i»« Uo I jwn Uo'i»e thar alarx!· ihr ok} L«-gi»!ature ι» upon rpot, in lli·· I It ·!♦*»» >f iIm· »b«>win~ a t>< 11 ■> ·. »r, i«h Q| tS< J »«l lïr iff li.f uor, Mr Jones w*i to carry a »a·... ι·; im jar·!. j.*'a«< I *»m Y .rg 'iir> ij»b S,c I a« « *«r IkI tU *t t; one night |ui»«l ij'iifc hundred lo swer to of pound*, »irapp<-d tlit» Indictment. in « >»'« < fn 11 a hard a! halt le ha* h»-»n tavforv-.or ibc un.>i«.ifi^ rv»tdc ibr nrxt iii»i' ; I*· wan go m/ ha k lb·· » ·»·· urav «*%» f rr, ιηΊ Otfw fnoott«# >anj politi· fought, his back, from Njble'» ialand to pr.· IV* I m IIh* « "«M* ««* » b'idgc Attorney (»<·η« ral Fry? waa in attrnda»c<- hon««·. am· ; I ha»»· rincc »···-ιι lu t: at tin 1' rtlanJ Jail, «11 wtlkaio Usli t at »■ n« »o 6eree a· la«t fall. » hen iar..e t ·/-"*·, (if .la : tr »;·!». th.nk w»« φ» ί". »f tliet' U biiilye rej'ing. to a«»i«i the oonty Αιιο«·η*ν. Th·* 'un Ilniry Nnrwjy—»!i y »»·» 'tittk. ur\d their enrni* ran »i.h ir· i«l< 4^1 a third. He wu tv »ΐϋ«*·1 / rJ Μ I· at Mi lrford. acsntupanicd Attorney that he «Il γ··αΊ\ to hr |>r ilr of ιiir lia *. tr* m jrnn ■_· iff· r lt»«· io'#l»vr*. w Ίι 1 in a l.i» r* •'ablr (or n»» br^tbrr the Port «taoufli Cornet liatid and attend- by lo tria'. of tin rf I # IImi ii«cliiii|{ Ικ>«ι·· «κ·1 l,*rn ο I Oi«»« r r«r» pimi'd I'pon en<] dry and tU<> Irark* a huh in lb·.· »hv J, at ιίκ· la·· >n r »ta < I u » ι* re tain· < unrniii.·», «t till I ·«·'*· j»ri' tlia! he Via ! tio «ί*Γίΐ* bon·· tΙι tb· to Mt W » t'-am Ml IIm tS)l Ol 9t I'lrtntii r, tri«. tnlirrl* ι »n pU ι; I * ; *ι 1 ο °· ··» k. Λ Μ and !,· I s •criheJ, "Thi» i* hut X re w« the w\* a '.fir k t ';· a ..a I». Mit il c<" i· t I nn a Ii a ιΐ· »ti < I Itr»· hag «Îi^ht pre*· co!in«fl and not |»r. pared f.-r tr al. ρ a-knl 1 .1 I.ax _» lit 4 <»*< l it! I al f. an·! triant at I alf Ρ M. oui.»y anignrd. I'lit. ! a <£tli I I * ιηι-lit » frirm il vm I -· ripidlf p*«t loar, * 111^, rj.ii» Ik '.r; i».'iit all··»·' ami I ro.l β'·"»»'·· Ii« tbe tiaairi ol * < Il wetgl heavy upon ldlagr Marne. age tli-9 Cour ir».'' Veal tame a hall-|ii*t 'arc-· Κ· of *»·· rr f a »r *.>i sti r »ι i!j< if fi.. * ci « «rr »· »»· (telega Black, ι Τ'λγμ, a*·,»· aring for t' [·«.·· i·!, by iiil»-lnrr. and rr< ojftnjtwi )ιι·η ρ |c|rt I « nd pr jk rit j. tha: crnpl ·■» Itllle ta ρ «' ι· » ftor* ol 11· m», headed bv the I'riion ac<*»l*eil f· lui' !ior»e lliirk tb ί court arr win h lir lai.e tit· I nm» lur tb« tram, 1 aaid to bun. h< Mf, >1 in,; Îrom lh« rbiaiin ri α! m mtriufa furing a* thu pfa<-c. Mo*t Cot net 1 tu«i. a v**t Dif w a « like t! >»r tb* lim«e had on: kr4 a art* ι. ! a* iiie wi>h and jd ellrd. ami Sf a»-n» pi· tip Ίι t*r II· ki-il and or com ι· ll-m banner, .lu»y empv l>arti Mr pi rnlir I in tli« c the nûihi I men. ehi« h are not a frw, in,ail hnii ol ΐκ-ai mIh··· thr· « » » with th·· S l'orfi-r. r>f oil, wagon aa ou »····π» I know m», but I d n· m Éolh»wmj; ion· iVhat l'an·, apr· ·in'»··! Fort-man d.") llain·-* I «· o-.c^in if tie fir <· not « re uiacript «4» »i ·ι > a know cnl tir let r itiitli' lurrt l>e artirtl Lrra· lal»·"! 'Ilruwklin, Ν \ I * ·id, I lis»i· «fh % l»rl»rr It· I «· r.ι canned Taxai i>»n ?" 'Πι·· Ornerai w.i« not • Answer, 'Thi! War" Attorney Il hi ! 1>«·«· îr» a iter t· I nrtununno'4 t to incrn c η a τ »lw rt tatr V pr»*«ent. I wrappril «-iia.i ( f pt Ii on a' IIM lli ic'ii Hi·*. in· !· ιΊ a in·» > poι· #*rur«ljr Itu-kfirld dlag··. '■Win 'at.Acd tin βηΊ Connt»' \llwnri Fo*''tif ll h <··*· »·;··ι '· War?" Answer, "The prn)t> n'inutr· b il airroMu. * |0l Dcmoi ralic I'm I he alone w it Ii ill·· e.»·.· II·» Ih·· «me .i!l Willi lh< tr,, « ai il t tin· κ tKr liai I r» d .ι« 1' i> ttreili on bulh *»a«e»l tb«* law wajjor ijiiii I η "il an ιιι»ιΐ(*Ί'·ι· ol *1,000. r»o u!h»f fide* wi re and wliat I»·· don't kl <» |U| It lti< w whi'ti h III lined with p«'ople, and hundred· eiperted to prove, aixl IΙκ-η Hiram J'· Κ of N'.irwji ; m ic- m·· r· l»a< k wnh ib* fi sut h a· ki d ill I Γ ι·· Ν * Ί \Vi»rl·· !·*· λ C of ► blocked the · Satur lar, ^ !.. ,t lrutn ijr j a pi a .»( |i ιι lia»·· a d·· il ·· ir.nn t » jjn ■>> mil· ίι!Ι< i)r» ·Ιί·Ί I *ι*ι| ·. was «oc. >rui< — "· r«|w· »n«rnng »«-τ>Πιι·;» f » ·! »«rr ·η. me eMitutlt d. and M< I >f \f.f 1 ik 1κ· d! tli«" lot.1* m »aw a ■ in flu· rrrti that ha»( ||ii> 1'inV li.^hl Iuat ^bi ; 1 iJr«"ii«n· I I·· a···- t I I ·· ( wai ree« i· a« mi tn*n wait ! i-t m sr !* m·' I lnrn< it ι···''« it dor»Yt likr. "II. ived w.thtir ih-iiiI.iii· on rliMftl ihi»l *»itu*lar night, i{j 1 Irt a ti'jin ι· m «ι I kr»i t I I· t λ |.ι «peciallj j a I for '.1h> winter. Mari h t κκΊαιικ· cheering, **«*pt " •„Ί·ι nexi Ill·· ι.π r iirir il tiank .in» '. > .··· ι» Mir (i i' >»·" ι·. ; fou ιΊ ih»· If ·ι »ιο<» t tu t·· Mr j'iiii I. k r tf a' to J *;f Williitn ('art I: im «· t conjileimv the link. M> Samuel ihilofl. imomug T nijjhl, I" .«· I Λ· up in th«· Il■ «rrr unlm kr In λκΊ I »' crwar.l· »a· tt.r·. m·· t>ci»»i>ii door l, ilir la»' ·!»■< ol t.d rnth a· it ment puld -ho-iMe'ed I·*·» of »·< -r. h I. '· * j ttrck, making g liai mg ii r» iii d « It »"k ·» «· t 1 4 κ _· atnml oViot k. l»o lnif«r· ainl J »r»iitijf ».f t»i<« km! "'Π (IraiR'irrUifl of n.^a!. m wntout or to ·· Ν' .v a ni r··· — η·ιι Iron» »r Fall· m an iitimrittr «trap inuaic, arri d th count i η of »|>· »r«· >.f Miaer Κ *·- »I i tn |* t, tli«Tr Iwii it ο*ι·ι Kiwr I Hink kl.iimri III 4Γ ill >ιΠ w'l It'll *1* ί·* g λ\ ii*ve η·· i,f hat'k tl>·· (tame tuuli attend· d bt a ι»···»1 o^r «al· pai l no it* at ι> I iith iwr a »»■· k a„ > frar» .'inugf, bating re* kniii'l hi * ■· u n; il lu »U·· la»1 **ν·ιιΊι» m il».· >» η .1 ail. in lit* M*»·· jfli «····> t tmo chrermg rrowd ol |·ι> l»d-, and ·<· vtilho· bat voied •■«••t ♦ t i»rr« i r t* ·. "»hkh ·· κ i- t t· ·· nir 'lie » a rr b·· I • £.><·%( -ml of th»· year, for» rm ι·« .gt.. T.'··· I» J-m it -Κ'·ιΜ ι· ItM·' *KfV t··» ι· Tb·· f imn il··· Wofl»l ·!<«· i.i«t h-<| won , ntnnl( r bot· h ieally apptan ll"rlori the » « ^ « « »»t ;«r Mr U»r« I ■ < | b·· #»f I>»mI proof, ha^ \\ ii«· (|··»ι ri it Ί lb· » Τ « » μ(. taius in tire «ale >.#|W«IJ» —l*ir· f '\:r |lr k. « fnor I «m t)i41 emA w+nt 1 η Un t fill* S l,ki fio*· Cliiitihi ilt: ι« (bit k· rr oi meal and a bet of ten dollar* a α r»··/1»? The bon» ihoii«»fi'f dollar* in >· " »«·** λ we » hrijj cirrer a it ; II I »ti»f II»·· |>t ··»«« M J «il k *»„ % « « » -iffil lUfarirntli-r of Ι.··ο. Γη<·ι Tow* MrrTiito J, was mild at a ti<>n >r l»ondr ami Γ. ) 'i.r I· > 'i v! ··* t •'Ί» ? -tn »ti f· i·· «r MoHrrunr, I h>r y nuit d"'!ar.« ; Mr. I a* >r, who « «· Town '♦·. ι i '· H |»f \T M 1 «|«-| M«« YiMfKitT M tf*l»jil rtf !* »rl • aeti;»· < I* ( l< tk ('.·! rr< it I I, lor the of J°r< nuirr, had m···» ν in Ι'.λ * li i ll '.»»·. ι«»ι· It ^ >ugli«t irrr, benefit Mr Horion A. ft 0-* | I »TJ ■. »·: :· fli·· f H· S··? ·>»·- ·«*· Sides, T-t lahrr IΊΤ 1 1*. %■ (..ο Μ-· jar·., (if Ι!*ι i>or, I'm whuli lie hatnk an·! fonn l t»· t·*·· ·'· η il», m t» of·, .t*#! fh*f iSrr irrff l*fc η ι A *»r » >r». O» t· rf « a ni > U-t'· the it tta< to 1 .,!(·· pave k Mr. I lorton » » » .. v pnreha«**r • w » f λ i«i Mr. Il ·* »l I1'· »l f, r «·( ikt Hi « ■»' aiul ale a 1. un 1. 'w 1 *otn of tin tin' «af·· I I tw-»«n i..'»n i»*-n » ·in m. t nunar*·, II ojx «·■ r. t»? Welwiir»-. t1». )· ·«*»· l« ·· in r»i% ·· n'·" : Λ 't il»" J l| \V it, .1 I, .lune»* 21 minul··» ll 1 V|»«. f» titn·. ; »rton 17 >n»enu on ■ · w ■»· II « III « ■ tin»··, the fl ; >k* w· re |. '.· lo l!ir nhr · l'i l «h··· Ί ,»«*r I ibai a I ο ·· ri>r «ibcf. till (Ιιτ'τ Ν·ί· t ν Vue 411 III* •#••1 jfjtl | Il F Writ, minute*. were two «t tragi;: l'nlli'rtor, Γhere »nl« Mr. Ka»t»r bad ΙιΛ·! 4* a χ il· h nil»· *'i λ» Kin· /lit '- ft keju. j » il· m. (' iniiii*tei *. lu· )f f'tv »»«%,— W mu ) rt-·«MinK r.»rf ·· » ·· TiiM rif«l threw lati 1>*ίι· ©»*·. 1 tl»t· tb< r I »» I *·Λ the tr·· k· of IIm I·· » et I '111 I ·- lUpalilicitt, Ifll I I 11 ιΙ·»··Ι » » I· η » in of *» ι·ίι. llait^fi*. OfvliitftlMHi "I f"3Ti Ί·2'ι ha* ! l I lo rut TV cr >«* » χ «r ·1 ^ f ir «Si ihf * wi».-ly tmii.a'ion limited uotbii / m-m o li<" m·'··: I <|·ΙΠΙ*·Ι M pt K*·*. t ft» ra'« 1/· S !.-k>'· .'.*··■ f'. linue th< l· ctlioa·»"· llun aa uuolht r \ear j>ii|Kir»nn-«· M imJiiiiii no I I ο !ιλ Ι : t» a· k ·! ·ι H' I·· (1 » » .·· fl ··»'..♦.,/·· f. «f ♦».. 1 *.''<·» (>»t t> »«J» £#·»■. H «r>» tliat tli*· w»· I lui \·.ιι I Κ· ItA k λ! Il»· Ιι '»·· «h ιι « ht » η i<«f «»n ·< »'f alii Jal· m al, the S« < ri n—-t»*«rifie«l «afr |«m |f. <-rt|r< ft on ·<»··Ι, I» /· leaving of W .ii ·-tr» ■· κ*» « » «t â*ej j·-" r Sf Y k It not % an oprre<| |t> powiirr. ·Ιι«·ιιι.' th it «killi.il ι···' aiail, *ith a rial·· I I ai; I wi'tit■ I κ m·' ΓΙι· ·»η1*·# a· iuIhhIik War In n« m ι»' fin* t». lit ν Mr of w»l| sitrpend *prrats»n« Siate» |M»f m ι· t ·· tn " fiimniteti, Sor*t», gîte hand* did I' ; a kol« near the *· ·! wr a ll· ίΜ* λ l« al»-· i'i η Itriti^ dribtrd i|od«r lb·* $\ry ilrnt, ··· > «\uii\iimi· Ki « IV Irnik iHe p«rt i«an*lii]i •Im i<» I<«(·<*■ ate nul a r>( fanr«<-· the doc» i»»t»M Ί ι,«· l.ole. «fi k 11 it. * Ai •tri· Mteeasar} key ju»i ·Ιμ-γ« tbere wa* a u juim f >t (iitmi ll·* all I mi-a^ur· I r» if hi« rnf m»r% «·· 11· tin iml of lin- I ».-«*i<. ft' ^i-nai'ir·, |Kal upnn ,rri-«j«ni·)»*»! *.ι· tf <*··»« 1>< iu c·!! f li«* I*· niorril· tri· voting m t >·»·ι|! on all t're·! in ; tb·· Ιιη«· of tin» p*»p I'm· ii η the on the jj «af«i l»finj Ιι» iIm to· in «il·*: I it it 1 ι·η ; I 11 η fit Mlii !.. lit" ri*η «1 Sai» timn.m «omtter»· Hun ρ lull, |*r<>u·»! ol aosp II»·· ft \ort»a», ing «tone. II. ι I f i;r-«|iir«I I ff| U »f«l l«*t K«"j'U'il hiphiIiiti ·11 the '•tified lia· be f'»und a OMiaiurc I uM βι··'* tr a a *niili «a· |·%Μ·9 M I'li'ittoni I,ut it anr-car· no pur»·»· <|aiic ·· M ·*· li rt< ?'·?l i *f, e*|>ft»M·. that ad«li ol eiianit ^ !»♦#· ι'ίΛ' ft. η*. f»r*t I r-Γ· νt ir t I tuny, l.eil wl.i- b war il·· M* η ||m o«i< d piamin «kf·!, iId: iitfl nnrli .mi. •ta tlfiuk I « iw fl** ««t f IIh· ·!·» t· l^»r-t jul.'in 'tonal will Im· ill»· |»r»···· m il/Ht r»: appropriation Th· from wimloir, and had b. en » u< ihp lin·' l'a k on l!.· «ι ad f i. | f»f 4- *»t ih »nf &; !» t»f 4i 4 m ti' I if it· 'Ί I t rejuired. k up ϊο·ιη·Ι wilk |>>>int< Inio '^·ΐΒ·*'. WliH-h ·»·!·· attack on (ten. witli ·. v. ra I aw ^f· ·ΙΙΓ f% II? ι. t»l III I »I| la»· 1r «I Wt η' I' " trifif of 11··11. Howard hv the I>rn»o ratn· I·, lo darken the wit d >w I I'm Kan« I t«»·»k tl.r in··»·· 1*1, S'-w IV«la «h inj; fitiililing fuf f t II « ι* ε iwft mil. f|. wot' f} Iti «how· ·tc «. a'«o. ■ mill lnr. alii» Ii p»ri»«j· πιιμμΙμ ri wa» an had hi·» η ιι« I (o •in »»itli π ai· 1 «lartr·! lor * l*f.n ; I nb '· « < ·· »· % M *r k I of K-»oc»rtne «ntmlj pro '· Ortgtη up he «iiiilu·, Irwii itw t* Ιΐκ· In eon· it 1. »> f «I»* » I. r I en 1 1 bir#· not » ·Ι«»«»Μ aid wa· o»tiid«, it hi κηηΙ lb· Iiiaik I wagr.'i ,··<·! λ t. I'm Ιι»«1ι· »t r an Oeling. «»< m «♦ In «hi·*···!» M ΙΨ M. iiiUK|> ·Ι | ftt«!iinrnl. properly «lealt w.ih !.▼ Ι··Ι in denture* on fh mtn %| »·^1^·»Ι Ih·.- window < id. Mi. il m a· a ■· ·♦· il wji Mr. F.iiot and Mr, il' iin.· light l»»i^^,». Ht l«H*»f*l. ti»4i tirt ii ·! \Vjll «t.. »l·^ km I ol "imtrl ik· I)nftrî*to( U'aiaoi. w»« a of -· «4 3-1, l'ni»rrt»l Hilfiliuti, Director tl·*· bank. .irrjwi-r iban ·miiii'y «a.· »n tln n e n if kf If iltr M«r*tift) ft'l* •rtlo l lui Her Λ λ — nr ! f.»>k fhr mf.^Ti f H* t «I iitl < \ ι»1 ι··ι 'fvmn t freaident of \* or > hr»»T ilr· that l· Ii! t'·*· ni.ark 'if lh· trunli ill4 in." ·*'·44 *fnj I he Ni·» 1 llaMItt, Ivfr «< tiMKvr. W* were way » .· Φ it»» ri»f V »«**»f · t η ·!1« to *»ιτιη«· »»·»·η the I intending l(«nk,ha»l pn«orn r in Nor waç'iii tir·· an·! Imn·· » irrt w· π ο·ι IM ft? 'ι f·. h*t i^'lit u'i'lu'ililnllj 4th. T'ir rtmptuinr pridi'll ptib'iih we«k. a of t V" Oelor»· I % t if » >* I I » »· ·)*1 t portion tU«e»c*ll«i way ilia/»*, he ; aw )i>m in a» in a Wi m *jr • ·· rol»'>ery (l'a··, 'i« U*·»». aΊιοιΐ ligli iι * h I I N- · Vurk "l th«· JaIiiiki u( l'utiiah· a >««ei h of »n the of M I o ·! tV *r»m< Wirt. f»· f· I j j loan lion piaai the Itof* l.and ιη.·ι bi.ii in 1 Ih> ibcrp air '*j < Kidney I'erham, delivered ΐοιΊι it of tb· »iila^· it■· ■· ·»Η M»··<·· -«r if '«ur pi «il «η» ΙΙλΙ lafb. tu it* Ί·*' »· ii tirve^ l e η Ii' <·■·', rvëif. lift»· k, nJio· η··Μ ami 1 riitrrt*lnui. th η e ih· wore a 1 dl now cut I ft tr 1 iff* I t in IK on tie «th mat. but the beard, ha* Mu xaeinid tb· m ο γο··Ι« ami f-ann Itljittk «*.ι 1 il υ'<1ry fcnH Court ■ a mount ai Ικ· rec tr4im Ν» Mir mi ii ftii-t'Mn· rfd *t l*j if·# *tt ·». 1 Im ·' lu»·. I.i.t Κ « in I »'< are *»il| tr> k' w th« ar# only ; -gritae»! him from ln« (h«! »arn« traJ ami full >mr citnijt ι :.um r«««)' le» Mr HemlitcoD.gtt fb»Ji ot tM Γ «itlud f«>ftd I IiIB'jO. ··) nutoi 10 att' i il.tac lici t»·. 9 1 Kduoria. an! Selected Iuuin Editorial revt w of Porllaud Market.· MARRIED HIRAM YOUNG Λ «ork »4<ΙΙ·( Hurb il. REMOVAL. CO., T*ie I W isconsin b··!»··· iftn'Mllmi· n( t'i» *r«k lu (>η·«Ίΐ<>'χ> «h» ΤΜ in·!, II '»«»·» Of Roots \ Γο·η i· η··*ι S at- p«'ftin| ,1 I «Ίλ, uf *1. Μ Ι.τΊι» meuti I w » «Ι Itr IX Κ- wlernl*'· «ill lu urdav, iw Ιμλι ihf in U itU|«oll>ou Iv μ··ΓιΙι«·« imir» 'fun la n |ilrr>l Ια lly I·' I" irk M ««. MarrN lilh. *t II.· M«ptl*t THIS Hup VjoU WianHKM. rtrr ν la»i- l'ftmm·"''!'» Il· .«il..· lh- Ti'.r, h* τ Γ» OR n Ef" The Piobat· Nt/tice· ol îa*t u tim wiil ·Ι|4 tr« |« |a rMlilniH h. U, \V II WnirM··. Mr lUfwu Λ WAY, MU. HARNESSES, relofnlt·. h it.I. B F WAKRAtmtn IN lo linn···-Il«I· »· Γι» In lh· «ι ·ι»· "oil οί au I Hltl Jrnortl·' Κ »)μ|ι «rvl, ^tcarn·, < Ο (ml) OUI) Lk IVtfC.V ULLIVFKF.lf W.mUl inform ihil hr Sat mot Ol all deer 11|>( iniit, un J Duiililr, ipp«'ir MMRihlT. r) mirkrt h·· nul imr lf<4» tu II»* r*trhl f I'irt·. M |»iMi<* »,l to th* Single thaï II H·· Itnrt c'Wa. In II Ihrl. »«r'h IVh. J M ir .nl VH»r or Ιι·ι· *1 an at l> dale,a· >r bu«r wdf. Λ ι.·<>—Constantly on lia ·<1 |ouJ «ικνίητη! ui ίο». It·· lltr II,. ·|ι·,ι fiTrtrebl·· balai»*·· 'alia. *ιι·| Kiial·' (' Ι|η*4Πΐ. ο! Irwut.m OI,l> CO Κ Ν Κ It ilnsiil) ni|| ι|τΊ Nt«nl kiwdml art· Chamberlain appointed ■ Ιι lit ·«··. «I..I .jr mrrvhumi* «'r lu |l«n„iir. Μβ'·-Ιι Itflli, K> ». (. Γ HTORK, tKnMraitJ by Efrrlt, AM nrk, y April for th* annual Siai»' Ka»t. t·· "h·· ,·ηι lî ΊιΙ el I <1 fi .1» Ir. Κ ii'«1'ri », lu Μι»β Λ Μ·<· Κ>*··»>. ηrrosi 11 rrunJks mixCRrs s:rut: stoke, Valises, iml «imwiiwI m *ι·« (·ι ihia \ rr ra— I tn-fr ι· a ftnl iK-aa*H b·» r'. lfr*» le MM dmifklfr *f H»*nry Κ- Pmll·*, Mh αΓ ItM S|Mii»f'» Iran· 1 QTtlmrji Lord. £κ|.,('ιΙ; Trruurrr trr Ir ·ιι.ι »i.~.k I» I'ar juilntl'ii· «r. Wh»··- h·· Id >h >w hi* riwtuimt· a ;>Lh>'i»s HAYKMKI»* BR.VUFOKl». m ». I CARPET • r# *»l| n«-l BAGS, WHIPS, CwIim, F*l>. 12. 1MB of fur mmv » 1'irtland, yearr, »|ir.| U*t Γ. \a»>|W «KwanJ Cuallmi't tu If (Imvt. whllr· Ihr nurki I I· nt*r |»·ΐ''ι "·ΐ|·ι·Ιι·-Γ ttirr»· ,« Λ λ \V STOCK AID S.iii'l»». aller a ft -w illitt···. Il·· wa« DIED. d.»y· i>..lhl"( ·»| in* al ÎMul»ln In tlih met. Roots baa a«l»aiirr.|. an·) |.fl\bc al· la «akrd l'util mOB l'an·, ϋ)Ι»»αβ· Jack·"». an au»>l Travelling Bag*. Hop llljri ·»! tlii« I iw an.1 Inlnlut afv fi.l'nT than At ihr ..u t? Mr. Kliji» ( htw, ol l'ari·. <|ualilk· ι|'ΐΙ(Ι·Ί tliry In «««urwl, order lu I be tfi-e.it ilr«4»l f>* formerly ha«i· 'a·»··. Ν .rth Γ*ϊΙ·. M »r-h îl«t, l if»ut «.in of \mcr »upplv Hop ••a an.l '« — » M «rth» \« »rr«« KwiH.fm m.V. Il l.'lhiaat liart··!*.". wlluw οΓ M»K Spiiu^. rh·· wlwrril·' baa mail·· arrangt-m* U oia« Choicest HI*»» roc··. illllT V CHILD. I*on Lainl. (iKMt-rtVIn». xi I» mal» In r -rn. Willi·, forin-rlyot llaaurvr. M«s »κ·Ί"Ι »ra. Goods, in firent dirrct fiuj W ||| r*ian(» The laruiiam, fee K»u<* he « «m an-l Hwf» ■wxtllll. TO nr. F«>rNO l\ THF. M \ltKKT. ||||^.|< «11, l«alar««r trmau.l Irum nty req'ilie. lie hat riu|ilit)rη of Ι>-τΙ I, (jrAtWnt.en tailed |i*cttr. '»»·· limât, aa I î».iu br the Kr«My,ol>lral μ h* ara 1 h.S \lm i«a b· -· »i «ί· "·1 Γιιι·· t«-«l an·! ·la »ri»arr Hm«« Wtl· r<»nl. Mfl I m. Γ mu·, ut> S|y|f·, pnlrns··· hey in Il a ri ... » k· m H Stn. k. br.»igtit mmiuI Iht· und pxrtirolur in «slmiaj) f Τ h» WISCONSIN HOP ·· a Ik· we ιιΐ'·Ι· ikMM ilij.'i hi lartax··· IVtatura «·Β· yf Rrp tiring prow|Hlr lui m· 'tafw f·» Tu-iU· i. VI..,. h I9M t"y~Wv ai«* indebted lo Mr. Ilrnj, V. |»IUH' <|ualiU· ·. vui >«· arc wlHi( It). ai |IT< IS per W·· harnesses at )(> Best in quality raised in United Stales, Twllel >*ll for tpleudi I Map!' Syryjt rnn i.i'.n·. I Ikt pufI ms-kfl I· 'jullr ar)i<* anil Tucker's, χ ι ;\v GR ι>κ. j.rtr»-· ha*»· «·Ι> aiM-r-l l»e all am I·, la bea-f Um »a Don't Read This. ami c< an ma ml* lhn in -•'Iti· lir»i •«••«on.* NORWAY VILLAGE hi|li»rt prie· ail iIm ftlaie», o| »|u< a·· ib' liaa|»nirr.| »tata«! and Iromart··! II* il ihr nn*m I» he V* P. umirriif »fl iiVi?#· th* rff'tlio I (f ihr piwt |iru«M .»·(,—Til' i. m.11'1 la arrjr mmlrra'* an·'· llirte la pih *j i. rdura In fur 11»«- lie It» tlinr .Hi »rk ol ihr lx-«l ηΙμιιΙλΙ tir m Ihu Mt ile of iv ru Academy ··> eh·»»*·· la M iaalar'.>in nt[ |>rl«*· ill·(mm h»* ((NIK? ·· <··■»▼#» «h# lir*t «Mor'iBfni of un ••I lu aay Ι(οβΐ· u»rl here. wiil be ilrlirnvil on IVi Ικ·« of η at ywictia··· lafirly at I'mrui. l|:*inr««<>« in Omlur·! inwlrof th" P.I WW BROKE* S Thr«e IL.»h» will lie rut lay MAY Cm·"'*, UXHKDKEMKD ία SlitM, and dune up we>-k To« eour«·· our >· #l «lock. η mi i»i «4 rm I* i^iuhi rd in the inaini" earh H m Ile i# free to citxen· The lliabla'on Pi%««ai»il. \ci|» FURNITURE ! goods. mXKir'Hr sales, #·<·., 4-r. Itniwllea, »oth.ienl fir plan·.· "U«r, \Wo, ι!%%.»\« »·ιι bin !, iitg FIFTY IIILL&, (rifhi tiimM kill· to lb·· O'lr lh· R ibl m.li ι|-·ΙΜ» the llVrtlai H.<« Iwrrn «rVfiwl «dit an lo RT Γ(κ· «fti>lhrr piml Which Alt Atf'rt (1 b* », ami mat tn i< «rie i« juuii^ p«o|ik gu< l>r» of ι·ι· py· llie aiii<*U'it rei|«irp | lor pUmiii|), an I il·· Jamr· l*«tr I'm· UhiiiiI· m .ml» rt.watrjr. lia>|M-»nl ihr iS'ir cuetίοντι. ιι·4 ·> ν. i «W >* an t» 'MSW. nm< of ail Trunk-. Flilters. ρ fmr fiaiot y lufnsl in μ-μ·»μ· lôr tlar ihi> B*r ■ rnaUv Kirterta nt on Tueadar Evening, ramWra Sllrraia* uaeàrr». »<» il*-a:rn> llirir Whip·*, S|irwi|| F.r*ry tntr«»l ii*· 'ι*· in* m4il« l.ii «il Ikiimi t·» i»ir «'ork *f >< nd l(> an 1 rrlttrn mail rrt II t* h im ertier pulMin-Ki· ■!· C*Mi ·»··. ai»«l ρ "•alec* ( DI.I. VUS. ri KRV COMBS Ihnn( cnli you «111 rtwlf* bjr jf-rwt wk'n dtitrrrtt at II til. in whit li ana I·· «a»·* A err <-h ·.·< «rh t'i-»cr rwn Academy tliej lirougbt ihr Ihr· nt th.m-an·!· Λ«Ι )our |iir(Mml t« turn.h lb* 1ΓΛ-U· l*iiS .«l s·!· wrlptlrr ml 11 ntm<*>l th. Tu uhiani iheae IC.>H« order· mail he rereirail *·"<· I 4 b·'» *al raa·. «olil tw lur««r Ι··1 dp ta i I, βη·1 ool tome iir* wlticit ·<τι· en I't U Ixrri >b·' f ιι·ιμ I* kr|il ni fini ru·· II ir· |>ruiu|ilJy r*«lp(iril<-ra ai*(Arti lu «hup. Wholcsalo and Retail, (lise ih* oo*t of tl»* m«vilsi#at. agent*. ih* KikiU will lie ami well "C'inder- Xo I »· tai Iw wiirrfaiiltiil»r«nlf f»p»t l»ltjf In *n«l»r Uilaiiiing |»cd ■keliverrd h» ·*ι.1 ntberwiae nie Ml |h» f-nia'· in, Ihaai ih· baa· «»4 I'·«· ha'r. ^Ilnnrtara il » I»·.U··.»U- il ilr#«rc<1. \V ilh rim of Fiiailurr i»t agent·. t>> M»; ΙΚ·Ιι· ato (luaaji, i|«M*ri|iliiiii prir»· Uak al this l'kinrr ing«| a Valuable rlla.' liroiin·)'* ·κ4 "Tlw (^lt« k liaaurian1 hair lauaar nt Itie in ··» «>1 a »*»· leai'leiK-e. y»>arrful all in· u· <"»ll 4<>α. t*!·»·· Prevent! Ail «on· vaki r'· Hat"* wi rv rnartrtl. Oiaim·. V* liru bai·!··· ·« or mu a 'IrH.*·· <\ Η. TI'i KKB. pet dMirni( me lu forriali thwa with Γπ»«-γ If 'lal/ ratal», arr naturally l««a»k f»ie a drr ·η·Ι R. U MIRVKV 4k CO. Fo* t Cm-» m Kirrr. 1>γμ« P«Hfm; Mill lin# tkrtr Ν ·ι » « M.ircîi Î7, 3 u Kl».la. aràrrm îmm»4ittelf, (or a· aarlu^Mil a I i»>t Snow * Κ ill·. M i.rh IMtiH ("as1· m r» |tr»« Patterns Shiule Stlrrr l'Ut·*·! It»· ikln, 'ir4 r«»iujilc\um «Inn act- Mo.. I». fen —on aa ai I i-waol ofcaia it ibin»on two of hi* ·· po«»tf>le), ih*m unlw lyProf ga\«· pop «*η. »» ···· tlirm in *ul>lnlo- ually li»»(l-ail a| |μ(ι·.ιι|ιμ·« Mr·* ill.«Inn* ituri 4 1I1· ιrtii.iimf«-r nl Ilia ininocil\« I !(>*<-* ϊ*ηρ. poinded kill," mVVi·- > l'en'» » I>n L»rr·- |*,»t .ir.| u·· a f » II.I» it.lgr.r «r l'isin ami (lie ia η >«r lllif lin·» «lit La- out nhm m * h*!l rUim mntr ·»Ι Ιιι· lum»·· rtmim iv.r ramil, pioap»«-i and gave ··:it- »»ur aar |·ιι> .my IIF. mUcii'iri· ;ιιι· ιλιιγι· ih Ί arr tr· Γι..ι·ν| ι'skr Ι1*«*··ι Ksncv l'Islil Sliawl « .>><><1 piet*ca, great l^rr-aln*, In bottle. Priée Ο l»-ill»r Κτ«* Ί thrj (irep l/iog m ol I»·# <·η·ι.·ι J * » 11 in rtrrllml order, (here ί· IMW a t.i» gv mnnuni |tru|al>t irila ll Irbta tinf. Ν |* FKKN'il. 1 ml lo III! HI· Η ihrii Mill at <Ί"*Ι l'tllrr» faction it uc alwji doc· lo a l'ari» llill ■>f iimw un ΓιίIff M irrh 21 «I. ! -KS Kiiii Λ I M it or OMK III .SI'HKI>. Ittod Hunting | the grownd audirmt*. STJ£EP PALLS, NORWAY, MB. W'»icli. Ilp<«fr Πη«( INiirrn; il»nt«' Silid («old Ο. item n-ceived or inform iiion given l»v II. G. How the Ready Rf Act»! (AiIiukI* lil««. ^plrnili·! iV*io!i (isia; Tiilb«l BR«»WN. Went Pari·. SliiTitf's Sale ~ Article. No. in bot un· In * Ir « mlnutn thr *ΙΊ Μ * ·ΙΙ|Μ All knt.li» of II tilt) -·. I ttOFT Dre. s Pattern t of Itnlhî Gold .lewi-lrjr. Gallop 3, l,»!*·, lln( «« M Tk.MttS.caab "· délirer* li». Irru» ·η il» Ι* f "V:il *··ι ·ι η %iu r« m ·\ )irn«n, irrh 2-1-t I'♦ft* Κοκ a < n or Γ\«ο Silrer Hunt· * |·ι # Hi:»u«Mi. Ν on N. L MARSHALL avoidaMv oinilted. In* lh* ο«Γ··η tin* r·*»··· « 1 ·» tnntn l« f«-lt Κ Κ f\-. il Hid U'»«l It Ih? Kitltl sê I I*i4i*»r lr>| l'atrut Lr.er rt'*tctl I.rsnit·· !·<■* Iuk UarliliM·; | ^ Went P:iria, Fib. 1S«8 t·h«· rttllrv IkmIv tnd 1(4 Ί ii t*i>< «:ιιη-ι· A tut ion, .it h« Ofhr·* t>I unorl F. (ϊιΙμίπ in tph-ndnl Hravpr Plosk Ι',.ιΙ.το.β barrelled lilltr Mr., 1, W 0 1\\ Pine & Hemlock IV un«Ifr»ianil lhat fir· fiufi»·· l'iiu··! Il»-vi«i*er, l>r»—s l'attrrn. J.nljj·· Culling, Uituf ri|i.»|ijr ttl'oiigh rtrry rnq 1 Ui Si'l, »«i 1 nit «·( I *\(«»· <| un S.«n»i <|«|\ lhr Lumber, Γ^ρΙιη ι·* '· r·» » * *-miti|y Vol· \ ("i.t κ or An-l u· Nil ·>«'■· ?» »i th# i:\iu *η·Ι Λη<1 ill fill Cir ΓιΐΗΚΚ Ι|ιχι»·«κι». I.*dl~« ΜΙΛ nit. who·· trnn "t « h.·»» lit* been >«-«-.o»«i Si> ··! Μ \ !> it ID oVliirJ* in oriler« G. f. ofji expired, j.*rti^U» iHirn! 1· I < 4.1!· tu«l or^ uh I > rrn<»f Ι «•••Id Hunting t-4« U'tleSjallk D ♦<· l'aitrrn. Stl· Joimif, Hf .if ■> it ν wrhii h S » rr >rrv 'ft re be b·· an.) 1^ ir»y »<*tl 1 |**r«ptr«. > «, an 1 « t»«· ijjht efjii irfib«*n l'Iait-tl Τ«-a !«·«■. pkvee· ■>« Ol StosrHilll appointed (Îotrmur, • i <»rk ·»! h «ri. ol III·· !»rj« IMnr4«nl h«*4t I'T»·· nick· \l!i m>, ».·»«! 'm.it\, ha» »f ir Iffini Dimen'n \\srr, coiii|>ri.t>.£ limitM·!. dinnrr ss>l Ir» »i· -« *; ·! » "4f 1 » !·« Λ < ! I B or Solid DENTIST, ·>·«!· ·. hr.±l* » hi· f II··*» ΚοΚ l'KK lll'ÛDNKD. (o'llt·1 IV Γ wo \ crwinl wert out to lake 1»·. ^ o»jç il»»i| ir.il r^îkiV, >innir in f tiii Timber, Laths, bojrt brrithtivl.t'f »r»*m ol Hit »ιι4 All 11 <>r other Limier*, «I »S η I niln t. QuM l'unMnr ·'*«· Wsirh or η ·ρΙ«ιιΊΙ·Ι «"tof Hsbl. μιΙα«, V ».»..» 111 I ρ 11 f II I. I It·»·? J···» r-1 t II NORW AY VILLAGE ME. the 11w·I* air lb·* other and killed Ibim itlhrr iuirfaalh ur rA(iUit ·ΐιί»·11ι *it<| h urv ΜϋΐΤ.ιιΐι,Κ ape ; Lat.1·'» (kilUlrr lii.tn.tiil |{iii|;. dai. hr γ^ο«μ| Π "»?»·, ΓΟιίΐΛ.ιΐϋΐz to l>»«- ptikut UiitiaiuA ii $ »» ·">),*+ 4kn« rrlr*-«ii- SA\V|N<·, 1*L UMN(î, kr rl»ίι|, beam wbilo their fr·, .ιη.Ι Iwim^ hr tiimc 1M·· w Ku'h lh«* «.tui or.o-r or d< or rm io ...■»■ er fortifying lung» wi:h the ••*1. iMviintilril, oirf-l. |»rrmt A. S\NHOR* Λ M)\ all. bjr ll « i»t Ι«"4κ I ihat in »*tof 9hf KrUrf «* itrrn*Ιίτ ·. \ « k « iff »r«! t«» ι»" t ··»' Z** Kifni h l>\ Stend l'Idrw.s In fell. Tosrn, f'ojtr and Sl»lf. ^'rph M #»· your aitirl* N'ufw M-.. h H, I^ îlm « purr <"i «« ly, A o-rt iticati «rr uutlî r»J«Bi«l. rith'-r thr *v*inr ur r«M« tti«* titlue*·, or u*»r b>< 'fi-t-'l ί| M *·<· t.i fd M ι·, h I h H«V», .ι·»ι! (nui « lh·· «Ιοίι^π ·»'! Ιηιλ··!· (N«t f »r ·»*γγ·Ι a *#-»et>d for irrulsr. iV I lie lto»i'fnor of litis Slate ha* V«*n Ιλ>*« rw»»r lr | tn il,· < ·»Γ iVnU, lî >«»k Fresh Fish! (>Ιτ«·Ιμ^ ««rni'ti η til I»·· frit, Hi·» Ifttjth of 103, I* » Jjr· '22*, *#MUir th·· ·«*· t ol Hf»t# ttf SrfîViSîÎS Si TflDtt P33!*, ΚΙ Λ lib I ON. th« Old K*»h Mun, will auiLi'ti/.-.l ίο ϊμοο certificat··» of tltt··· It ctmtia-ajr* it· li»i«#rne< «»»»r tl»·· |ν INSURANCE RATES REDUCED appropri- Ικ·*4Π»»£ t-r«i ·! tir *»nh #ι»··Ι Icir th»· JONASkppji Fi^h Κii»h at hi· rriidcore.S'iiiih — — Middle ate Ιο «ο! iirr· in tin· Ο H 145 Street, Portland, Maine. i«t ihe I iwput ile»ign who »rrvril war § j·!1»!·· i»f Κ It Κ V t+ m· prf niui ol t.i.\ ίt ·1<·!Ι«ι i, wir \c.kr* Γ4Ι··* March 13 2»%· 1 O s.» s»i«l t»i Πι4111J Mvrc!i4iit< i»ruc«*r« '· «m «l j·* P nox 217 1. forth· »uppre««ion of fbr rtbtllio:*, ami it·*, iitrrret, m I !λ·ι ij 'hf «tm· nirio 4 Farm ~c7m. fTORMELL, lu«r been honortlilv W Π lie il··· I α I fc« I t»i»t l«> ΙμιΓο" thrr«* a di»cliargrj. πμ i« %n-1 irf· iiiiif h il t·» e.iid Mrr I* nij th·· t»r«»rii u( ι^η ί^Γ··, tlir hrniii fur .· m CO., IV l'benrr r t 'ol··· Km|.. ol (>ray, r»· ν If, jvtrt*rtllir itr^* ri|t'iun «ii th*· α υ 1 riin*ilfu'im l>4« Ι«'· η mciIi' I >·"ΐη„. I f .. by «!·«·**·* or *X^*··· YKl'-i WORMKI.L. Shrt.ff m» ihr I \ > KWKV l'URIK R. MK ατιo»Bsi( Γ.Ι it lit··' eut ol venitoti from I > ·· ι·· I Cum pilK !, Γ>r ."Γι Λ# (1)9 til f»r« *luMrrr4—|Ik •Otftitc « ·~«k"tird—t 1·· II irvl BETHEL, MAINE. I \RTK)Kl>, .V V.. Fin· In Il ».i\ !·» ihe and (ο rfei ν ο « itim··» IN IHNKHI l'TfY p*it»lir, ol Mi*»nori. i' w — I'.-ij Mr. forn»«rl* I·»··', «iivi All Hi# triil epprin <(li» .nt) purl nr»' ail in*«irr fn-t «-(.««β Κ air ui L*«»i»»(wnir#, il ··« «4ul u( tkil lhe> h^ve ju-l te· A L·»—DEPL'TY SHERIFF lor Ruinpird ai d l'i th·· mm· ι·Ι Sitv i«i« — » t-· itnitr (frth o.llitui U In ol l'intrr, .m 1 cuiiiffiie wt th»· olil <>l 11 I in In· N··»'»· Tb~ rrnttnn rtn- thi· I^Kir jroir up. «hap·- lUikrnpl: lltnMmç· «*r it rd λ WiS il ftir lll|l«4*· 1 -.f 1 h·" f«|jlr ut mu) viemiiy. l'i4«fi!l'Mt Hiltvf·, «Itkrh wilt « tier Hi·* (la«!i»«* of ^ A*«I4-«W diaianrw in fr« t » long pel condi i-vn tkfU il, hri ν χι%··* it tlpCf lllit |||«* ιΗ·ι·Ι ;»fn· Hf·· Atf'lu Ntrit t#rtrf tllf. Λ I ill H.1|( A on<*« ïUKfXi: !,«'Γ HI' (ÎOHI)M ri 11 ιι···Ιμι^ 'ι ·* ι· ι· «»| a» « «· )».«.tkt'i 1 ct. for Four Years. A b »r rfiitrof·-. ► >»r Im» Mt mm m SHIMQUES & CUPB3ARDS I? anntr, the in- Lilt·· Ι!Ι·«· Aid ·· per U»Hnin U i· ·Ι··|4ΐ>( h· ijht pure·, grnn containing following «%ii hr »i· Srth M ·\, Ki-^i-'rr ta l'.mk· ally kr;K :itr •it OF ALL Λ Nit OF jt«~ntl·» «'imaUin wl a· rr » « ·· *' Γΐι·**τ ihr ih>c.· lir:»r*t in tIw α KINDS THF VA It IOCS tension. wa* »u«pendrd ov«r lite reeent tl^y jalrr.— ι' -Ml ·· .1 /·· \ W H '*«wt»jvintra I inr.l S ι*»· ·«'»» ι\ « M ΐΑ·ηΐιΐ·-« ·»- % > «n « ι.lira, ami h |J U.-ii:» Any will Aot nrit «1 It. Il lu· im I'.···-, an l. t\Hirtb Γικ··ιΐ4» ·»Γ April* \ Ι' μι·χι·(>1 QUALITIES, an StMo .ιιι.Ι l«r.< Ιι» ι.ι*ι·ι (irorgi· K-puMi. Convention titbit··' «4U it lh· w ·» t»· Κ lh.'ii>lurf lh>* in. Ihruuc'to »rU 1 1*6^, ÎiM'k % M.. Γ II th·· |HII|l I'll· 1||·η· COUNTRY For ».|l« lit the »nli»ciilier at MEXICO. n STORE, "New men, progrr·» an l harm mi nl th»· »πΊι.ιιι il the !».· »ik i»|rf Ail «»! im'jng and ihe» :irr lo »*ll l«»w fi »r ra«h, or $ Ant cota muii cal mrvi rr^iidini ini*kiml of lum· " M·# ft |m#»7 prrpar^d pr 21. A!l J< «·f ■· our···!»··· ku I»rf»j'rny duc*:· Λ·<ο, h.·»p mlcUri a new .«mi titer loi *» Iwr aii»« eitt!. ami .u»* u··!»· ··«··'» C ic I at 1 ce s. S iht-y pruranlly •S'p' J'tSUII IIOHIH, A«#*4m^. II K.N R Y W PARK r^Mr .fan··* \V<> > 1 > in ol H M jrrli 24. ItiN Insured on Roasoaablo Tornu. ingor Stores unil Hardware, 13·!». 131 ilo/rn of the I h % « i«i #·♦ i»a»i -f A rooking W Ν I) ! •hip|H ι \ ΓΙ » >i * II .i- 11 ·· X|i|''> wo tluzi*n. hp will In a·.·! sou I a AN wealjf per β> |it»#-i t II iviiin i»( H.I kli··I I in- lirr 1 b**tu. We (lair g,nnl lot <.l .irl.l-ii I» II \<ι««» tf ·· ni y > /. »n |'rr,Miail ('Klltii; Ι.IVΚ STOI'K Invumncf. ΥΟΐ'ΛΙί. ι» II nUw Ji ,, «il I* ι· ι·· tli«* I »uut % ut IV II»" atrnf « it a v·» •κ·:, ii, iii 1 mv Os oril following ρ b<««?n i««n> «lrlii< .nul Howe, Agent, ll.iiMii, tipro*· »rv-«1er <'liarht· 1.1VINO Γ UI CES. Saleratus WIIV SIFFER Kit)» S'JXSi ί (|rllt«-r\ 1*1 l. y |»f i«f lr>f t V HT I "IJJUW I.* «tti'h It.lllll- NORWAY, Μ Κ. Pyle's I" I'ortlan l .«J for ilie Kiiu'ull. -«igii eaten- iupt« t * thrill of Ι··ι ihnf .·♦··! ill»· Ιγ.·ιι«1··γ Vr .tr»· ih.inkf'i! lo our fMtrmtu fur thr-ir p.itron· %T ff| II* Ihr Uiruf lh \ Κ Ν I V 0|\* ΓΜΚΧΓ > ·>! U««', Is the Best in hp au Λ Acknowlfiged Ifrf, •inn of iIn> l»ody of a deigb. ol 4ii\ μρφί'ΐΐν Ιι> ιti« in .up I·»· l»i«lilrιι Ιιγ 11 ν HOP ROOTS! .i^r ibr (M«l Uihi, II ij»e f«»r fiinlttiiMliCCol ifu· tu· ih «·»·*·. V\ ·* λ hi Id uU«i lu H «--«ι l« »ρ(>··1 II % η I ·. ιρι··ΐιι·. ·' it» tli«ê( rlt<«{ ol ibr Γγι ΊιΙ·η· ol tfir κ.ΐ|·Ι Uiuk euy lbi>«r «%b<»Hre Alwuys put up iu r-9- I ... I » pouud j»ackugt?%, H > un ill, « I «ιι· Tr/ il, u,»t to tivpir .ii»J lo cb«*IM· Qor or WIN'} niA.i#· *rr ιη*π·»·Μ»: with în«'rlitrfj tu u* tbat no «r »· tUr tiiur tu raii and |»i*»«r iuf> tvl «>k fur « m· ·ι e ·· (»| mrir » 1( »lr, a ill Ι»»*Ι·Ι .«I .1 Ih * hi Nrw V nhili I*' ««SU? ta irulf ami th^ *e,ir aiifr. I'hiiJtnt Μ·Ι II .» * |tui« lr un lb" Π ark, liirm»h i»j>, Ι)ΐ·;·ιι Juii^v II. ruiift uf U«*ki ttpiry, io In· h>*lij«n 41 i'11 1·, lirlui Γ. IIΛ It Κ1S k CO. of the lor nT. i* Araioa Ointmoat wl»o not a î iSrih -t« *»«i Sold Grocers ftttnnpt lawyer, M41 » II· r, ihe l<«airih T»ie*.l.ty «»ί Roots from the best Yard^ by »f Everywhere. Κ ur by 1 ! 11 { ·ι "■ yo if *«l I rr·* λ «ni Hop to »rt "in» el in Α|μιΙ. I It, I"fiS, il in» o'r'ocW, Λ M, .ι( th' —151 — up |>oliry" tl*fenc»> oppo· 1) I* >f H tl \ It i«t m, u(hi » ol · ··*·»· 4·· Λ. W iléon. au4 rvCrifr * U»\ **1 fflur» u>*t!. iVIill for Sale. COMSTQCK'S aition to ilul ol bit l< *ml of —, ~ DR .A. M mtann ll»*t lie I \ i % Mr-*-··.'{· Mr. .k- .11 k V. DIATORS1! ΚΟΚ ΓΙΟΜ. M ut tied « « UK «> » 'f»<· Um -·ι nMM ki2? 2 «· £ THRU »» in u«»· »it« act* at oitn in «τη«in I·· '"· hrr»by rortlfj· thai here h»lnr- bis bit a fool I >r a InforMir m) * lir % I ·»Γ 4 ·· » ν »· ·ι«·ι it mui *■! #··«··' *U WK |f"«n uμ biM 6-·γ·Ιιπ luer, Τ fi· I Γίι il fui ihc '21 w iU« <>J in thirirU *·*·»'■ 4rip U «·»·ηι»ιιιι<ΊηΙ «ami I teptir. Th»· priti- In our iiinix·» and oilier one of ΠιΜ clirnt * for r» m ImiIMhiji*, nt«» if»e »%«! «»f IMnicv», M iii % I· I 1 NV^rrinl m I.»«·«-1 jt ili,· rai ni .·( «be iniikri .c.·. h"-h ΙΊιιιμί·», h, Iru ,« lin»f ftniiMTif «mb tin mil* i« *nfij ir»ui to STlM'K .H MAfU * rOR.M, Ihe rl#li« of >ni. -r* on IV ««u» I ?Hr ·4ΐη«* nptcy miry patent wh*ch, Κ"\>;·ο «rlti/ toff, « 1· ihe >ι >t A little ol tlirea· when abr firat 1 ««ne I jijf4lfw*l ihf m'itlf «Ι I ι.ι. > I « »i lil Mi.iia.ticf 'S ill Ι»·· j'uri· hr·· 4Π\ olh*f mi ihil in l»f for 'he Countv of Oxford, l« now iiviimI b* Mr .1 fill cU-u ·. »'ii(H>é>i'l'il. C4i ih*«?»r 4t«t«-«l «vithuvl irlinwrj i> :·«Μ<* I. «*f»erg»i ■ »»ι ni < .xioro Bitti ir>m mc'iihi I· no· » 4 •il II- ··»» m he Γ ·»! IKî.u .·n ! »te liolUii» l'«i.liel. λ mi 4 ·"*(>«·· aaw an irrt m lull fc> «ν ! !/r «f im£ ΓΙΙ Κ fil \|·Μ \N. Γμ^μι-γ «uty l, |irr ?*.···! m»·! h»· run r»f torn, mo ! can apple ftloom, Ficlaiiufd, Ιι·ν<· fourni that on ilmn having » itr.iught O.'l .Nr« >' M.1111·' w II * it «« lire 11 * Il on Λ H lit >«■: iii.ii are in * ι·ιι >Γ l< »p i»»U. r.m γ«·*Γ»\ 1 Κ Imavy ■ |l.iu· Ιι.ι»ι· ihriu ili«frri\ i|e|» ■nil on «tove« of ordinary draught ofK-vt'AKΓ» Η. iver% m lllrn JCr»i*4»i will ;il*o ft«li l*t« Jfi.l .If f.*»»»- |n »j»rri\ Ιι· but *tn<( lo >i»rh Ill( b('h4>k-· j ·) .Krv.in· '· It not only «nve» l>at regulatr* the hf»i, >nil e« a j"^"I>e»rc»n Plum nrr, J la»i χτεαι xrûëc! itcxc. profitât* 11. nkt t»|»' lu h mu, or » I 1 If H .·ο»Ιι·Γ I'immI VV S. llnMr, 11.■ of Huh Ικ· »'»l> regulator I· r'|iutlly ti*eful in warm weather aa to n( λ t.ircH· ·« ιrc//' scratch' « on Dv/ lî:n» Homo and rolil All who would lomlitei· vooaoinv «tilt com· auiu'Mvr tin· Drmv.nti ior »:ii]er ol (i· »perty I·ν him mr«r ΓμΙηΊ b n l»% l.»w ; >h <1 rilrr il' bait'IeJ m lo Im· |>ai.i tor Stable, I'j twiljiij;. r*ily, fort, «lioul.l ha*« »ur or uiore of lh«f Ktiiintori. In from lu to l< hour·. λ i*l lin· rr· iliiur# ni -4o. liinWι In ia tin ·■ w «rît* iirriMij ·ιρ!, ery. ;iml thr l.i i.l MnnKlrii ihi-rrwriih. maraliall at Seth T. Ilolhrnok, linklnwi of Augii*!*. vvm*T'>* nii* iM r <· ir.·« Γ·»·> I rr*H |»·«»μ lin» (k " <·( 4il«r *·ιΐ« ur mot·» Λΐ· Α. Κ. K.NAPI'. Jrweph Γ··γ lh«· ^t>or«· will l>* <ι<·«. Κ o rir»r If «.«on, pronrrfv lvwk-l»urv, tCoi>iti*on Maituf 'g MTiuimy l'l.«tii(«r n.t Kui V • » H»r «il λ \| urh l"li'<. ;ιρμΚ*·Ι lyTlir Ma»«a-Ι>η»·-Η» llouar of χ Ih« vil ilr« »*»IJ In· hell M .'oui I ··! Ifan»*er, 1H, W. P. M .Iitlm J WH«kri1'>tU1f4( rrr.« anM il OREAl B4BOAIN I *)»v.-«t,.r, I»., Perry, Kcprw («ι 'r .il ■>' IUukiU|ilr« hnKÎrii !*»·ι f», M.|»IH· l Γ ·«'» l|<(4r«r «it· It m κ Ιτι II. I». ο. .illr«*a, C. F. WALKER. pa»·*·»! S*· 1· M 1* *ii» ι»ί Horace Walter. rej*altn«; iVhiî u >4'4 >ti< r 4 y r care· Hi.it ■* κr.·. K^i'lrr, ih»· foi·· eh Pur· Ι** OOODHICH M«rcK !«·. R«- hrl, Mr. 1ί«Γ a· t pro»i«lin» fur a Nttt* policv t>* r <»■·»· AjhiI. \. |l. |%Ί i*l ιγμ «Vlork, A. M, al Oxford, Oet, 21, ·>r lit»* Ι.ΙΚ » vilf. l.«e Offir of Ι··*ντ^ι· A V\ »Ι·*ι«. SKKDIiI.Nîî potatoes crnor l^lttx i » «t-iu, a »ut* of I·'»- to ή·>. I h-we made arrangement» to miiiI the Radiator· by \0 (*«»· in 'rt ιΜ. .!>?·*·. A'IJrni t ftl % ΚI. IvS l, % Κ H l S Vf a ρ k» jI Farm for Sale. into th«· »«-»i ral town· in Ihia I lh« -· ounly during HI.KK^ * |·Μ>;.{ Si i:> ·*" ·» .Hirr et «β K' * Warranted true to Same. ill1 < .llh·. MM Γ nrTbf l*re»it »'i l> «κι·*·. il N.ITI» }fmt the four· ς Smr.tl uf ·■» •elvr- wuh the name. J. (J DKNSKX. I t· rvt M Ί.% of Λ I» * Warrant In Grown for seed I Κυΐ^ΡλΚΠ M RI lent# A· www^i *f MfH, expressly O*ford, Jf.»f I, 1*17. n># tf lllniiin a* out· ι» i lut > ta 11 ·-1 Mr fiai'it IIM M t» 1.1 » ·« Κ\ΓΙ{\Ι I HI'· III rife· health Itmkruptry l»»u«d «f«in*t th«* r| hl.»i.| i<> tnr )ia III I clin k· ari tr| Μοβ*, of |*Arl«· In the I oaiilf of Ox lord. ·ι.ι| ir|f S i(i«mi«, .«ml 1 I 2 miW*· lr<#ei I'jmh Mill. (Hi tli« i« a Η·· ·!>:t an. » »· one ut tiie uf ρ rlector» l« *< m n< ·>·η«ιιΐ| »ΙαΙι >»( )Uliir, «lia h·· Ι/» «I a mi OXFOHI) llwMUlf ιυιιΐίχιιιηΐ lijr ·> mj»· l)i»tii4<1ju liankrupt, Fj.Iv (j'Hxirirh or *6 M»l. mm riM<1 from S.»«ith tVif lu Uuiiiiun), am! ιηι«· COUNTY I αι Ituu«h per Abfa'mu mi »a< a ubalUfdtO, Oontulii}·· pet iu»n, j* any irlf « Lincoln, l cit· *' " (MJ nnW· from h·» all * or ej> »('if Hi· rniu'. flfitl delivery of any beinng\ug in itnH 11 >r< i«>tia 81 $10 property Th^t ·· »i H) .i ιγ4οΙ luin ν «Ir.tml M^.i'io* Liml iirn of Vair.i». M< wft« At one trno bankrupt In him, or for ht* uv, an«l the irtniftr ol SEWING MACHINE > 4ii\rrCKf'.» ·ν·*ΠΓΓri<»vH κεηγοηι.ι» ■n? prcperty In htm are lurbiddrii by law that it Outer· of VI lnireU an I u »irl« will lie de te» »·1 % » ibr |»l 4H(| *r\th»·; en·· nr>tr 20 ion· ft»ti·ηι| ««Il irno-d 4n/| Col.fjje, "olbjr bankrupt, lifereil m( I'oflUnl, Me li> rum··· at price $ f»!· n^irrw1, jaav.xrtx. μίυ**· llirir id t to choo-f oi*e or ffloft «ι#·|· %» I'lntrfii' *. d*bt*, aluifr η mini. Ith Λ g·· ·<♦ HMH k l*«J. <»f lllf e·» m#. «Ill be be|»l it I» I int. S S FITCH S ||ff< CiMVt BamIk* rhi* if#? r>nn \ '■ ι·ι«ν%·· » r»*»iifly ikw,—(he rt· rbpic;, to be hold· η at Perl·, )lr. t* fore .Heth )|«ν, |Ί iib «ι.» μ rnt l « IniîIiIii»|4 At D. H. raritu rrp· «1 l!iftt a mintifa t'l'rr in l4tn« 2 «/tiMt" 2 ♦«·"·! r'»»n« *ι»Ί ιι ρ«»ιΐ·νβ YOUNG'S It· jfi«»er, ou 5 he I.Hirtn l iimlaf of April, % I» e«l, will receife lllrnlinii, prom,it — N· al (I'll A M «t Hi»· ;ill fiMi"hr«l, with .« *n/i wkhJ 30l York »it* ha» an ( .· c.ir· tbiaiMr». at 1* rrnia a Pile* 2Λ J une «(..it I, I, .ni lalan.1. Where tna\ i»e <|ηι»·η, f«»r a ''gift Sicthty-Six Pa-jr*. ( Λ Marshal Mrivngrr, ΙΜ·Ι. of Mitnr rii2* .imf ·ΙΐΓ«*μ h >ti«r, uitl* rrllar loi «.vine, 2i) (inml he to »η» η Hf'« Ν inini-r rf «mil lh· en rrpr »e," ti«-kcta Λ ·ί»μ. and no I·!»'*» ^lrril tin SI.\Q r, bin! I· fir··! l Γ*· I. n mliwrihrr et ν il Γ W. WiGHl, M D.. ER. ROVER 4· BAKER. HOWE I ·η*| lu It I· The h el» ^ι»·*· Ρι»'»·ιγ ^uIh·· b « i)iMuiril, J (oil her ptrti iiIam, impur?* f>( Lirthrr StotV, (MTfrrt (*ι·ι~ ι·ι the .Irk ..r lnitl«i o«r«i. lie |ni« Irrn e«| I hi· Mo»HM»l»ir W Ε r «a» «folly 4p|M>»itf »y 11 «m Ε Γι. WILLIAMS !r OR rr-.v ont«mpotft tliit fVeaiilcnt *1 ir*·* l»r η·* th pieini*»», *»l ih»· *.ιΙηγγιΙ^γ, nr.ir Nor· VIS, >11 M i* Tr mua I Sf r»»t, Ha· ni I09 ilir ol (Mim I, u»«J |fr*')Mi0t Cntiiiiy and «ι Jo'xiiaon ba» a» mi a »c*ri to· >1 ν «f %'i .iff1. I#4ft of be pun li iw in ιηκ\ r;m i*· WIJEI'LEU φ W/Lxoy. L1ΌΛ n»·'! jt'.ural cba'adrr •oilim I lie Intel «»( A'lmmiflMli ol (he KiMie Ol Physician Surgeon FtNKLF.i m.iti· on iMoflenge ιι tifurr I li Mpp'ieJ luf ·σοιι —thi* *· ! «i —m SI Μ Ν AflH #«!l ihe ne w jn■*1ΐ| ιι»· In lifolf lill I .unit, rlrmir·!, by 41*103 l«»m| 4· lh' ru w. ιικοοκ*. nigh'*. mllrr Unir tu |iir tridai il ol «II dlr< inri«l«-Bt Ι%λ i| ι»·· if II#» 4M r ·» M, M irrb 2, i%«. lithe therrf>rr tef|vte#ii |ier#onf ALL STANDARD t »*n f.· m tir· irtirni %n of MACHINE*, No m\n, fh h<» r ill i fh« i'» e«t«rlerice twenty- tih'i in 1 e»iair »i,»h g I hr «-e ι·1 ifi W'lefrtr In lb* ol a.n«l tfec»aa*e I 10 rniti>i 'ιI in >9 (utrautrr nml Farm ior Sale. W «mnleil t<> J»···-·!jr «η i".»i»c.|i.i;· »h< g>ve a tii#« il»*» ι· Houso for Sal·· lljr Su a, get · dirty in prrnmr^l uf 4apprr««luR pitwetit; Ml Γ. / rb Ι*»·ι in Norway • u a ·■ I 'thi t th«'iron, lo <\hibit Ihf «mine to ·. ♦· Vf,-a«lrj«l It rait^' wekti, flora ··<·!· drttMi^le 1 I ψ 4 ·, ··.!»* Xat'hin' rm hand. eiilifr nr * ■ I ψ Trimmiig» ahrrya p»r«on 1S at the St<*am |i "!i r« (ir I. n· w ι·| eunltln h 2» Village M« h, IH>\ Jo<*t;i'll K. \VM«HT. til»· If » HI Il.l « clothing. » (bffl/HI It in M"Th H«M! F I • ·■ ιι»»-·· >' ». lie >tl «trrel, ΙΙ.ι.Ιι,Γι. 'ΓΙΙΓ. mvai.hll »|lMJ«F. 4M» Ill K< '<1 will m»C lu m ■ » > Ο 41 1 Ν H * .4 I.OT. Soap» bring ont I» in N 11 It >«r I |r « ni I* J* 'it U till 4 I III lu |Ιιο·» who with to ir A ,V>< λα\ 5Hirr M imf 411.1 Pin*· Ί nul m of a« a »< m «Ι Jnlrr If il Hi itf. he ^tfWiilfi hnielif giten |n«bli< e lb.il th«' Lili«*r PORTLAND AND YO-K a an·! lu» »»· t ·· |>l.·«·»·. «ΟΙ li < NE# prlibln. gvni»ntt « Hin-li, njigrMil·1 "*||.|··Η '· «Itwf, u H tttUM. June J.I, I -iV,. je h I»·'* ill» fi.e I f ·»«»«>r .·t» h.ih! Ι*\·ι im m*»#f* MO MT»: 4*1*11 IP ( UMI'WV I .i|i|>o»nle*l by of itrir*· >H ■ rn·»· r^mprinin^ ι»Ί »n II ·.»·. ιι ( ml fui lir. *n I n vo «- M fi n«S ft ti«ii»f filing* *r*pm ft»·. 41» LlH<|, |w«<*tivr«^r »·Ι ίι ililr, iwi» (ι»») <·»μι' «η ■»<»<■ 4 Ian I. f|· !4*unte<| the »t»«l of mbfioii· i.Hor of th*· r#t.«te 01 » iri Hi la' »· ·«· In»·· h· »n| »nr Turner· Omlnniriii or I"nl*nnn· 'intvi ·! 2 I h h in" * 11# MEMI-Wr.CKI.Y I.INE fti)'·"»»') 4iu,'2l·) Ua4i mi^ iiHii li··*--, in I in 1ra'4l|in fill. i Mil. Ml III K>l ill i.ilr of In .ι ! lo 4M oM isrh «« I, \ in** h;iv if^ir S'n-ri 11 »»"« ί i* Con lit inn r, IVf*1, 1'it fttrl.lrt t.ruUi ΓΗΙ |||> rt· |>.II inquire, |ii»ni.wt 1ΙΜΙΓ, 't imi »lry Ι itli «ι· 1 lui· fit Ν 11 '*♦·ο »»f S im( n»"' »|iienrt fit»! r« now ·<> ι·Η,ΐ' «|η·4ι rural* »· «4 ni μ % ten «fil l*\ χι* Iefiil4**he ..I J CARPCNTEK. Pte:ii»*hifi> flIHIfl'l, airtnivrlf ιι····!, it l»a« ■ a«e< inj m l'uni H. fhrrw ·Ί«η XrlniM Ι»ι rie ·»»ΓΠ ·Ι «·*··· «le rtfl* 20 h iv. v% *11 11 î w.ifrr "" oti, and FKANCOKIâi ο η fir··· r '•w •Jneti-: Ile |h^re'ore 41I on· (*»' »' ^ of imivr «a ! < * Ι >n ». r ·'·■ >ι t r*<|*»r«m |ie: \μ·<« I \V Γπ».Ι. aj iplr1'I» iter inei.ili rnΛ-rt In a »·Ι, *»ι«Ι «Ιι#· it a < I ι«» i»hI 'apt. W. η ill uni il lui 'hor ■»»»· ptobftltoli. • b rire m Ινι<Ι(1μ·χ< >tt|»l#« g rt*|t*tf (•Hin*|)iif, fl'U· t ■· '· « tel*lr«l loi lie entitle ol fiiiil t nr k*4i| l< utlrrli hall • lire. r«i« a· : ·» r» -w if th i<>r nt ·ή tf» ill'· follow· >1 ol fh· I···*··*» ifn idmt to I. * ι. i| η « |<· « nmin V io'ln t Utrtimi I flat a· ••4ke 1 finn*il 4··» f»»\ went nu l lN«'«r vihn lu*' ('«Hinly. ^ r'· W λR htiman | « *\THI.-VHI.E FF.· l.rave (ijM'a • p'»r Itiflhr» |iarf it nl.ii of «he ffiitw^ilii Whiif, Portland, everv Weil Ι·Ι«·. γ··»ί1ι Ιι mil μ li'nu lull ·ιι·(ΐ( liita in It Ι·«· Int un |ΐι·ΙΙ· m» ilfiMmli tl)rre««w, to e%li»b·! » be »4»i»r io M % ·>μ m· nN "»♦* l«il<* #1 pain pntilit· irij» ran*··, ami nr» im '»r l.»., jiii ue iliv aiel -il 4 0*4 of iti«m e nln nt Il run llif ι ···, of i»*rh»if I M ··#«*, Nmw Vlif' o*· torV. I'. M a-il «("itmri' ρ"ι*«1ι·ι«η·. I Ι.ϋΗ»1'(·Ι. M\ " — Sal»rrf«_», mu I»·· ιιrι*·I lit a n A· M lî«'m I K< Oflll Juki '/> 4MmU< ρ n-li· I····. m tfti 4 lit) Ir I *|« lit lite οι nt itfl|r«lr V.lii Mr. \ Γ S \ Ν Ν |i l'iei Si. K'Inl Κ ver f.ail ol Mltkrt *11 »· I New »ing agent, t^ilrtn, M i, LHKu II· lU ·· • h 17, tftfcg Ymk. hiiiii," f'ri » miili") tuili a« Γ a II »»rr «Uric, m r.e* ιμ| of UU ·η·Ι I·* • * Pftij.lt.1* \V< .lfiee.1,1 > lllooi Kh«-un>atie < φι Ν I. M- β M irrh l«, !*#>« Yoïk.eVerv hmI I it'· Ik Unip/niml. 1 lUlii'iUi,M pu· <|«i thaï f h" »·ιΙμπ ilif <·miiu-.i Hit·, 1'iuprl. July I, hef*'tiy hr»*l>v ïiff> »·■»* in· iti. .·.·i liy Hr In-rfi «|ι·Ι% ihf I C» H.»f»· ·< 11 \ Il I··» «ijipoiiitH «y II μηιγηΙ» pi I ion* lot » ιι·>Λ tat ·!*« f r »l t 1 paeeenfei it.f lu. Ihe m»*l «leecl» »Ίΐ'κ>ί t lit»*, in Uk» ο f To «Μ ·γ »i ι» ι ν i: «. lot lie of tuf 4m' » tnvI'Dii ttanniy |il (Mliifil, IH ^ \NKKK« IN, liik· mulot «trt aiitl lalile rotin· lor t r*Velei Iwt weeti |r>||i|||<» Τ ie Hfitinnl ibe int«l ol -Iilmim·!. iHtxof m μ··|1ιι|<ιΐ"ΐ b» t ΊΜ Ι··Ι Ι· ·-< ι*·». H-T. I t»V tut) \ *"lf.·* IΝ »lll II-II'I fre· the r«titf • -•«ι»· ifir ιγη«ι I ut r h Μ.ΙΙ rh 10. 2 Ι,Ι.ιι «I M» tti( of \Vι II l'.irll^itl. Ne* Ymk a· mI M..I »Ι*» ιιι«Ί· *Ν λΓγιι «r4·■, ιο tu m il'ilri II. lh» e· lit!Ion «itk ie, l'.i««m|e, with ilai» ftilmÎMitl f«»r a·· μ MOH M Κ \% HW* "ON, U*e ol Pir «, irtil '§ «···»«m rii i»f t ι·· illr>ei|i· nftr ot n I 4«lttf he -1*··).ι·- rent UmiiiM, (β'ΚΙ, l/iilini }M((>i|r, tl,IHI M".il»i·*- r^«iM arlell a nt»'t ikU| •|>t>r«'ι lit· m·) Uw iltι \ψ "»h·' hr retorn ψ- .til *·«ι»« u be ·.·» I (·!ΐηΗ· ·· m |n«plrti)| ('·ι·«<ιοιριl>tκ n'Jil π·ι|«ι»ί·ι |***i minh (V-f r··# t»\ Ν·ηΊ »l * Ik'warc ! CorwariVil Ι·\ h line and from Von 4 g Λ» I lo 'lOnt III I-te l»e Ml 1 ▼·«!£ Brwaie, Ί nlili cl- »i 4>t|ii'lri| awl Ιιιι|>·ι Π ••(rltl « frrnvil β • Ίιπτί· Μ·· 11>« r· f<»rr ·*!ι> w Ν dml, 11 ιιι|ή liai II, A t ta Kite! bf Ml Ir* Itftl· |>re«i*r|pf| ta, 4i H «ι)| rinl I ien hui!i <|·ι· ill |i**f «fcirt# or i*|iiw pot »wf, t Ο 4«η. · >1»IÎ1 « »· «α ||η· ιιι;Λ· fMMmvif ml e pu \ men*, m· > iH"·* «Ko Nitr !<·. ικ»ι H iViin I114, 4«·Ι «If Jlilfr 4 n »i<|i|f l' et.e iVImi *ir tHiirlrtnl f«> fhr e«t*tr «»( -hi ! ilrf»· I ι»»*l John. κ in% to K· k, ·*μ -tat κ >< ».» W ha »»«rr M. « λ #em4it a m».v ti.n λ 11 m-d ι.« I#· |umix m| μμ! lh«|mraiiT*lf Τ .rk M «f h I I •un milrimnii If· I· 17, hey le.tve l'ofllunil. «ru II m l'i» pmgr unm» J OIK* λ WALI'IWif. *2 or ♦ M in Kcm Krei^Hi Pi·.. lo tl)»l II »»' ο »f t'»· rrWif»lr I (iRrrl^lH ΙΙΙ,Ι.ΚΙΙΟΙ,ΙΜ ΚI.Γ11' I X f ΚΛΙ Ι III Ί III I» TUe ·Μ·«ι il» hrn4»i ηΉirr ih il b 17. 1 i|· app'y lir|«a·, |tv<« fr.fMtr I t* m' tlir. Λ-Μγ ·« U ·» IV.* tr II. Kg I·,. T. WKfIY b F ^Ι·4«4| I< 14·! ««I 11 lr»« o en e »X UH VvV.i.r. P..«l.il. Ritaati«l»rr(,, J. K. A HKS Γ « J*. Κ ««t H Ν Y •ι» I ■ >· of û»r lie rata ·|>·· iai< if «' .>1 > .. > < Jaiilf ΡπιΙιβΙ* l"oin»»% o| 4nd f*·· H » M|h pr lir^n ilttif by ».i- M»>»· >r «hi p/#f»l#»i Ν »¥. 11 « 1 *1,7 acmoia ·· 4i"«ri' llie m*I f A^<··ίηι«< iti«r ol !he r-f i*e |l»«tn. tfiajr ar< aa a| tw mi 1·»·· ia nf fr* ιh*· <'**»i.it »>< Onfrml nn NEW DRUG STORE! < Citirrh Ο.ια bo A«'rwa. Sama'i Η·τ· »■ Cured ! ul Il Al 1.1*0*, lifr «4 tsuannl ih·· 1ifi#i n4 Α·Ι·»ιι**··!γ»»ικ of ihr lit ir|t'i< a P'JΊΙy »·4 >!■»·»» »«l | Nil OL \ M) U n ι of t--»·· II» » I »ch* re l»»» |, m l in fli" lrg l \f I.. In·#» I « 411-aily (ar-d 0« t he u«e of 1 hi !V«hctv Cl*NU Al.!. ftr·! mu·! 'an* »ai«t l« ··. I.1 « ilireri»; Ile ibi tefoie 4 I il.# ιmrrira» "t nr·*!!-* ·*β ·πρ·τ··*ΐιι • *.-»-· f ·.*··*» « V « 'i'(faa· r»ra*4f. permn# ,· Λ 6c "'»·'· "nil h «Ικι #»e (« i lo nrileul Druggist Apothecary, ir'fii· mut idiiel ibe 11H (0 U* l« rt· !ΚΓΤ»Λ. Ι'.ΊΓ JIXHTi H. (■•rfari ail tr^a * t if ln( |1ιι·Ι ίμι'ι e*r»fnitv in Rtie imatio Difficulties. T r* H f.i. It mi. ilrmAf» U itl* ru^t. Ιο l*1'··»'! he «mie lo Wl |ir»Kfl^tlBin r«a«l· tli-iu «'M'rtff.t. ; |M\ITN-HI ; h.ifr vil .If·!»· |>r**t v»r —.it MM I* 4f.» 4i|| * Jnil.N M lUutimH |<% KtfffwlMir, prméê· a Ιι»ι« ■«. III., lto«l«B, (tALU^ON, 19i*~irrm, rthilnf th#· Mi^k In jfni talpnia a .4 I rr.nlit 4 Ί ·Λ 'j, relira mmiI March |«i. J. A. RI'RI. Il i II V\" 17, ; M»»'h I7>h rfWI', J II » \% I ΚI ) Job «lono at holeaale Ι·ι n|( *t, l»m. Printing this utfiw. | ΜΛ Agont ιο locate well· rrmot· from danger ; ιη<1 Legal A'olices. ΧΚΛν GOODS! Portland *liivttisemrnt$. i'oriluiid .idccrtisem* nls hence it might seem that suspicion «houId KKM ΙΗΛ be confined to these localities Thi», how· ι I». Μ. Λ Co. Pat· »(r«·! STEAM farmers'Department.! Α. YOU V\ h>iV—> kr u ion· Courts of F. G, tirwttir· A I'tai pver, ta not a taie conclusion. How oiten ! Rl< 11 r κ κ d rem ριο#. probate. f OR. RAILROAD AVU MAlX STREETS, eoun- STAT»; OF MAINE. A ^ l> J I Ar I η I ι· ■ >4 ( r* Jo »· ace. upon isolated farms in the j ■»(*··> °>«κ kr OiroDD, ■•.—At a < ot I'ralat» Κ«·Μ at WEST PARIS, (>Um k t'Unv· ·«·»·. I iJ ik 144 Kt' ·ι REPINED SOAPS. ·οι«ιηή to J hiav Alllhe »π »n«t ptrninini life,«ι* the or tb· , I γτ, well located within, upon, Ι**ι κ «t II bin ι»! kw MÎJ t ·* m «. »■ lh· third I infced infMkn, i«i ·« mneiift» ro·· | U rr*! tlltt ikr Ja« n oiber O, & I· VI I «««irul f*l km I «I GORE, with ammoniacal and j alla nt ma ·■ f nil leaps, reeking • tH# ( 'nut li of IWwlf in ih* tlHMill »i *»· klfeeld aelicil lk* tke *>d(iM ·" lh'« "·**■ *'·». *"Ή'4· • Hi Porta. oa thr ihirU T»r««*»j of (·»»<> I'orcha·» ι* P«nl··*! M·{«!> illfH W.l ■«, Li· lor r«»S. SOAPS, In improve- — — forming plan· t unfit as a beverage for man or beast. It \\ Hrikwl, vn \V nlor^U» Ιο1«·«»ι·'< lb'- 'bi««l «IB! J TU Κ ItARD ΡΑ ? ment of tbe (arm. a good rotation u of the l'imilo ot Mm» awl (Vi'Jrt, OWS Ο S timnlmn < tiar. no doubt be a convenience to the far- FLETCHER &. NMllr, IW Ixlkta ι·· V I CO., 'Hie ol thi· i» Uilrll, Wfklcxlit b «I T»· GROCr.RIKi* ( Im nical Ulirr fir»t importance neglect water »o as •S'·"···*» I· imt to have bis situated ,Ui ni liât ·*<Ι IVlnlvf, Mil* M ·■ Kn». Fieirkf ( (»., 4 r«if·» 1 supply I'ltlrkl, ruining tbo soils ol tbe West. Con- ·.it Thurut» lulkm tKr 'b«·»Ι Γ·μ-·.Ι«« ot A r» .f (Ι)# WΙΚ·* η·*»» virgin i> meet the wants of hi* barn jnd b.s dweU I.n>g, ιη| fnmilt t at 10 »· i>h «.Λ-·.! !.. Η Κ« Μ* tinned wheat has diuiinsbe»! the M.» aitti A M.; 11imm, Ι,.Μ· μ»1~ ΤΕ%Μ· Wholesale ■C&lr·· cropping ^ but it i· full of cf I n > mi·** ng ; danger.— [Journal Kivbi I 4 tow tug ibr thiiti Tnc*tl«\ of < tclotn-r, at l'Vi··# r«M an my |ikhIi and |* wi t»r- Grocers, wheat ield one liait or more. State· and Λ M> CVMMtS&tOX Λ c 1, y IU A M I HT MFftrHAXTS, ^ 'betoistry. |M>r. Κ.···<>( Ο or » ·1κ »« !·(■«·« C'cunUe* that onco AH «bub bltr Urti nlrtril «til lr < .... aveiaged twenty 159 iiinmrirtHl Slirrl. ΡομΙημιΙ. *nd te«»ra#Mr >m ktoirta«r» »iib 'Kf >ν<|·ι 10 000 Potatoes Komρ· do no now lntt|iitrt| OTantod bush. huahel· to tbe acre. « »r f*(rPF.K10R U'MH Hf la twenty-frve f aitle A il. Ν Lik>s Wr.u. το Tit* Asimau. Vk'ALKfcK. J~U~ !-«, 1*C7, ill bn·< la«il« «ar. more than ten or twelve. The ro Aitr·! : J. S. Mom, Κ<-*··ιμ »· «Î awti average red to be well attended to from thie time UMlkfH« rbraural» tliirri, βι»· mirf o> tat ion in tbe dwtricta oi »*i«" grain Pennsylvania ik» w»l lata, aia.l a a «··«» I.·-. I·» <11 ill turned mit lo grjjt. They si ould U' Admin etratri*'» Sale. WILLIAM mills,, and has borne the LOWELL, Ιη*<| ·»1>ι l»r |>r ·.·»·» I »ι.|>» » ι. .. •••til··.. ia convenient, nmpli'i ·· ih·! « well bedded ilown everv OTICK ba-rl.% f.t-a · » fed an1 ikii irai· >roperly ■ ··· I) parin »ι· » te«l of It the NI^ !·«■» >»r inMd ill' II ■#»·»** i« 1V4m»c , long experience. keeps up Fall à Hinter tioods! If w 1(1)4 *rco««f I f r% ΐν«Ί·ΐΙι> Im.imi, ·» and their stalls neat and clean ■· »«I ikllfl·'!· a·»»!· light, kept Cn«t| M 0*l.ir.! *i»llrr* ae«! lof lit to to a vivid of wheat twenty· five l>u»bels tbe JWST RECEIVED AT MaKlir «ilk ru»fcJ'iicr h I «* (II anil « || Γοο farmers are about their *utr ·ι ihr •««rllto; I rr«n^t m h* many slovenly >k lb* corn to or a* «m ,·ι· acre, and It is I .«»·ι <>i VI. xr«», S'hi U*. »·# tl'h ltr«l (·οο4· hi ihr Lunni Pii«r»t follow·: 1st year, com upon a ao-) Ik· »·, » Wft« |f llm k ff »i·, ΙΓι«4·« .SU»·, 11,·· m ■ r.rai la a»d inn ^l^\ in the ear It fall, and turned over in tbe Ui ··/ a ·» Mrxie·*. ι« Ibr « I I leansed few roots or a little corn Hi, ι·ι· A — 4 · I» kkOHK**. aia| all ikr m·· ri κ n or daily ρ will tie *«κα off·*»· I i*| or turned over either in the fall I'rt^Afril, |N«Ninrt FUEXCH Λ- a· a·» spring, 4.11£Jt/C4.Y. ENGLISH ami·, enaldr·Ι ι· «i»»h a a-l aily to a· h animal will keep tl»em in good InJIm·*, Ww lb* |u^«rm of ami to Ίτμι#Ι ·»(·)!) and tbo lime the in- Hjusc F α r η i s h i η H..»a ρ» el Η< ft· «I ilwlki spread upon :h«i «Μ ·μ Vr g Goods QinlilKa· •pring, ondition. Want ο / ru re in this tnonlb will çe» mlapil DRY Ο ODS. la-iad. Ft port ami |)iiMr«llr I uu>in verted soil ; 2d year. a crop of oats, or a IH.1N AH F. Ml ΓΓΙιΓΙ.I., % W% Λο. h rrrUt s;, v,. tour cattle lar motr than portlasd. II··. cpreciate they Ol rvrtt #t\lc ami Krwii At»», summer fallow, will» all the manure *prea»l ^ .»»< gaine«É through the «inter it they have l!N H A \ KRI ΓΊ * \ REMOVAL. in tlioi Ki < '«hkI ι»ί il » I »» rd S ι*. r·, V»r ibr Carpetings of all Kinds, q· arta oi timothy ft the acre, at drilling, I )ι »i m t ol %!.«»'# rig in" sheul 1 Ιό looked to, and working yUATHEHH WOODMAN. TRUE & CO.. STEAM REFINED SOAPS and MX of clover seed, the follow- In iKr mi'ltf n| rn b »U ol Γ·ι ·*. !>»·* THF. î*TAl F. crop seed; year, work Iftfc*, iimmrf spring ηφΙ ρι.ηΐΜ/ III-·! Kr »·« I*· iVrit-rtl ··· h ifr l«)t Goods, timothy for one. two or three yeats, ae Trunk*. Valut*. Dry Woolens, Take goou care of the sheep t! at have If 4f othlif U»e GENT S FURNISHING LEATHX A: ftOUX. to the of the land. Tin — GOODS, cording strength lUfiki U|4 W4| mnl frti.iif^ uni |»H··»··«» < initn. Mi: y farmers have their lauds W. I. CROCKERY &C- 39? oaanrinl «M.. 4? k. 40 ItrrcK Ht If m (M «Mr,i In Ibe ( m «1 |)mI » h^.it i».g («r G030S, WARE, aim is to up tlte iand to a productive- keep «4 n»r «m ι» »*n ΙΟΚΓΙ. 4Nl>. M» ropped iluring this month. A lai,jc por- I ιη·>« i'ir W# || h tiii M A |) \Vf rr«fi ctfif'lt mtitr nr ft 1· ■»! ness ol two tons of or more to the acre, SMALL liay l»i r« ibr (Vn»il in Pt^iL»i*tl. m *m«.| |Ιι· m « to ri +tn ARES, iun of the laud's that die in the ft st fort· 1%M, luit «κ4 br f««Un· it) rjli «ml and if it fall below this, it is an intlicalion I N*t, at 3 »»N l>fk Γ M.; a fed that » br »w««ail t*«r ··*·« M«<«k Wf ««II (U4(l·· r« «4M |N κ et i« H WE PORTLAND AND die for wa· t THIS 0*Y REMOVED TO Ν;» YOFK of their rxi«fetif-e. of f<»od. n>*eiiit( ol »br rtr liior· ol mm! U !··4«Ι I ·» «» ibr W*«r»« • that more lime and manure is needed. ighl rriMHiîP πιιιρλ^ιυ Irl-nr SH I· Μ·* i»lrf i»ftx » ·»! ( iamhs are weak, they can be iud on cow'.· U« 4 U ibr Itr»*£r Λ common rotation in Canada is:—1st. h \\ »ir«» i« ·» la· »#,«*» ihr 4 h Ι ιιμ »·Ι M «« Ι*, lit»\VK ά 1JKAL. «F.M I WF.FK< Y l l>F. first or two it in WOODMAN iilk the Give them »| *1 Uw k \ Μ BLOCK, day ΙΗβ&. Μ ,μμΙ «f — wheat ; 2d. clover fcr two year* ; 3d. fallow Hr|.i. SO. l«sT Com*** or ; «il ihf ci^ »»ί Mi«··.·»-k I II Gib. a d*y ·, ll'll, 4th. wheat; 5th, oats; peas; Tib, Sr[b May. Krg t««ei ·»«ι iH*· 4' » I tir#Ui\ I %|«a 11 MIDDLE AND PEARL STREETS. H auib thus eared ior. can be made to it*··.and I i'»pi Skrtxid, imI FkA5( OHlAt al IO % M .. al «H* »;imr Ur» irvi runs, \\ W bastard three nr\l, n'durk | runs, > «» Γ·(.Ι Shi *<11 fallow; 8t.f>, wheat; making Ν curly j»i»« >~t t t W«M r < »l«l H il·», tHIMll, «aul f*f>kr| no. η a lew months will four fold the ikiil all rr# liliM· nb·· b-itp |>n»«nl |K« iv iW-N· aa>1 lirt, ian aa (ilh>aa : of wheat in Hut the lend repay crops eight years. ιΗΚη I ·* t« r.· »n iMi rr«l, ·»♦.·* «p^r»f at μ··Ι |i«r At.l.N f» K*U MAIM. I>'K Ιλι» 0»b'« are and trouble bestowed upon them at tt'lmf, Pnlllaaif, rirn Vtul. runs down under this treatment ma- m»t| I'· Iff «Ml »S« f4U»f, if .m\ fbe f b«»r m b ι^*1·* ··■' without HOWill BE AL !l*l»fiUi, al 4 «VU·· k Γ M ar«J his when il to «il η ·« ».»·» season, left tberoselre» ibr mmI «Η<·μΜ W (f vl Ρ tri W I a«l lîllrf »i they |»t*\cr ^iiUtu l'aient Molded Cellar. ΙαΗ ui M W· ·Ι rr< ■ nure. and this uiust come in as a part of the irrritrtl * ck«HTt it<«k r,( Ur»]'s ,1f \\ %l Ρ jn·! V»'k Β »" w rould soon die and adorn lh« root of the PRRBUJ AVO m» Wull.li Ρ HHO« VKD Mlariilai Hall· da» al 4 c'a k rotation in any improving syste upon any l>ia(iKl C««il lui aa»«l ΡιμγκΙ Γ M bed or the tree nearest tlie apple yard. Γ ■«· ι»·»»'· air 4 r«1 « il ordinary land. And even upon the Ladies' & Childrens' Linon Finished Collar, ap H (w arrn» 4a* pairies I '·»· In Jut tl corn, oats or t**an· sir l.x BANKRUPTCY. Furs, paor »|iia, ■>·« kn| k<> lb' an ν barley, given With lot» il II» Rattan ·«-*·Mtr»cl *À Itir l nurtl Staira lar lb·1 1^· (*ν««ι·ΐ··| sheep, liotially potatoes Na«a Vnak a« »«'R l'ia>atr. ailk **ialr >r other roots the tl e lambs f-'ttch, HuAttan Jt Si&tkm /VcwrA UO. winter, la tbf m itlrr ol \% lnm — .SfmrrW, lt»aM, kk i'aliia |-a»·· i Λ,ΟΟ. MraUa*· better to use and or during >»»«>>, lUoknifM manure, get eighty ira rill be the trouble of avoid- Th- brrpli* gill· η··* ter «f b·· ap- a»r I ο a a,* tli ninety. States, grain is I <0»>4 IIM-tU M Λ Μ||ΙΜ< «·ί \% II» llll Si Jf|t % ·»( Von and the of lurli "or· ι» ed, putting in nauDVii.TRii: a c o. lirai, Qa kal llaill A ·ι I ιaised with less manure ia still more necessity l't«iirr, ιΚ*· l?oanl% of (Kbavl mwl *»Γ llaaga»* a|»ila I.a«l| profit, arwl <·( Jvka. laments" up η the outbuildings and apple M^iqr, m.iu.a mi«1 lh»fti*lv »b«i b«i !a»w ··! Victorlnes and I~»rl!«»d. l»K tsA.* 4M and is tbe four dation of all *uc- Cap s,Collars, f»h ·|·|·». » aie ai ri*ln irad (km important, iip'frtl « ik'M|»' iaf»>o bi· uaa pel >Ii«mi, bj I br ri|t*r Fr*i|kHn ree» for the benefit of will be Muffs ik» "*lf à mar ai ccs ful Manure should sooot- pa«sers-hy hi*lrHl C .«Ml of mi |fiaii»rl milj κ | P.M. <> a I k «î a a lhat hushardry. M&RRETT. POOR A. hri I··»· ibviatcd. Fru, Jr. OFO \V W(XM>M CO.. Pmtlaad. or Ani|fir«. m>«· In panν every hoed be used in BUFFALO ROBFS ANO ιαίκαι S» rililM· ol lb·· «null Ia. n» crop, large Marcb ë. 1NW. I« LINED UNLINEO, IV| krriglit l'aaaaf* apfal a I· ih» irautol le η·<· ·*·Ι I once in a rotation of five near*, I.o·*. ba*>u| •(«•ο-μμ MKKÎ k MlX liai·1· kfc bai'. Pin I laaa I. quiutities. pRactKaL. Skill. to JJTl'ncft Vrrf Many presume M·*·, J F S k4F«. Cm, V*. F-..I Ν Y is a very valuable and with sut in ba^kki rrt-γ. iiowe i nr.«t.. llay crop, , biuk that can leave the or r.Mil.^l. V.a «. |Mi7 th-y workshop la thr D»»*rirt l'nui of .br 1 ailed Sfaira (of Ν·ι*«»«,<Μ 3. IW7 ficient or land be No. 90 Middle wt., Portland topdreifing irrigation may >ar and succeed in l>ut are tbr Mlvfticl ol Maint Mc, farming. they AT 14# r«««i .%«'»»*«i /ΰ·ι in It alwavs needs η I maf ? rr of I »«*·· kept constantly grass. iure to fail, no inatier bow »··Ι1 versed I br IL iKâkr laakinpl lliafiHi they ih*« h*»r |fi Ktd « lull fv.i »#- more manure when it falls short of two tons i»f Vlaif»r aa at lkar»ov ibr ίλ b A*y of Krln» Jj® |»W»I» Paris I in or. as it i« book t»rnt *4 all kind» ui Exposition. nay theory, talltd, •ft, Λ t> 1WM MRS. S. W. SANDERSON'S, to the acre. There is a in handsome Tbr wo·' hrirlib ooirr ot Κ to profit aiming. Be«ide, a jterson may raise good »i^i>r^ |nri at»· MAIS STEET. this of to tbe acre, but I»·? mi* ii»· m( λ m N«»ifiw ρ ol ibr r· lair ol (mi. Κ raising quantity hay and valuable but one •ropa stock, ^reat ol>· Orakr, oi l'ai»·, la ibr o( Oak»rl a%d OXFORD VIILaUE. CAltPET IΝ AH one Ion is a business. GS. AOWITTFI» r *CT very In » Paper pocr any eet is not whieb ia to Huir uf Mainr, ««ifbin a hI I>ioIik*I, a bo b.i« lla«(in|«. yet gained, Can l«r a tk««·» trirriM ol A Ν ) di-pose (ALL f I ui I nil· system of rotation for I'astern farmer», brrti ^ril H|ma b ο » ο Pi&t uir·, Il h ]d*lilrl l»a ail po- if our to »rjtu fataktof» |μ·Ι·Ιν»«, (bal F.l.l kH ll''VVK. J II. product» good advantage he I >·· ici '«an ol oat » ISTF.R Young l»i J llah iff. I (.nod. Pm«iral I.IT|I H ■« VvAui a» aa tatoes, oats, and hay, should have a pbiwlrif C·', aaa'-l place. armer· have to contend with this, and in J Oc91A H â Η*1! |Λ ^··^ nOLO Prntbri*. Malirttr·. MEDAL M ik· Ι"*»ι· Κ»ι»·«ι«.β Ac. H ia al>uil lr I [American Agriculturist. with tbeir blother farmers the» are AU··, (bal iHr Cnai al raiiiiig IS Β A Ai I LL I X ERY: f*«rr fc. .· r# I it»·· «I»·». ««m »nr I ·ι· NKRUITCV. |uw »· /^(kia .//.«a» aa aa A H Ρ ru»fc*rlap·· Kl.14.1 urc of taken in it know not the ra»|WtUillv Pi'i'fj tu η··iim »m Mori,. HllSk What to do with Bones. being they Ια lUr I)i»lr«ri ('««urt ni ibr l'a«tr«i Siatr^ lor (be K. Ja tap Ika l,j IIIIM ,\·|«4ηι« I tara· ■elative value of stock |Ιι·> riff »,f Ma> nr. FANCY GOODS! aarrr ikr M b M a a II. a ο a a ra ri A great numU'r of oar farm»"·» am awire Sharks of everv aaiijaai lu ■ In ibt matte* ··! I^an In Γ Ikiikrr. U. kri^a To MillorH and Mill- •Vraa>«( H.ikia· *f'«ali»la'« that hone is an excellent >ixe and are around him to At 11»* mmi Low i'kkxm 1^- fertilizer ; but few grade prev upon Tbr ant'rr»i|i^·!. IlUaa M Cafirf, b*i»^M |*fra THF. ONLY Ql k-r*riiiN M. us »v lire of h«a law «»| ai λ m »»!' t»e »-a« »fr wrights. Far aa*·' arc near a bone or and nature, and the re· apimio ifirr f.j. s—,_.j 4»4 F.l.l k.** HttW !.. J· 'KiiH lieing'.anywhere radl have ignoiance good s°>r.,w rji //..*. >V kfrj! r« «ιαμΙ) η» K«n1 «II Ν«.» «»! ο lb# b· l*»« L aotVri Τ Ba* krr ol Bnhil, ia ihr miih(i I fcr»-»«Î llr mrml illr a* facilities for tin· most >ult is an and a store bill. CvW'wIn A»4rv Hr^kd* oi Ει^ηιΙιιβ · of the bon»·» empty pocket ι* ,wr«» m* BokflP· kl » ai » ■ making *· t'kOTHI, aCTra M a-W a· ίυΐ mW «« Wwr»« ·· ^ra.aj Mukiai·, tbey have or can ohuin. Br all the [)st U e»l l»ere iuu tnu»i learn the art of ΙμιΛιμ^ιΙ 4|w>o bt! (I*»» iiflilKiu, ihr DmIIkI pflte·. Imw+mt *.'· raving by L>ir·· »o«! Γ lull M t! .IX· to nn'r ( .»l^oga ahccp, KUAS CARTF.R. t Ut,., a. (Vrt. 14. IN»7 i*tm >|w«k· of MR ·· AMiftirr. M IIOWE, Prvtwl»'" ·· several hundred can often be breeding. &: i* no atnal matter. (lu), Κ l sr _ifci _i_: _su Κ («)■>■ ·α^ιρα·ηΙ le k ) xH m man ιμιιπΙ r·».·»·» ol Ik* Gol V M » 4 «a of treatment can be suggested for fitting >oor. and will, until they learn, 1·? hitter [Unkivtr> af-nn·! «h< a* «aahW It kHBi tu bu \Vm W >m»*s i'( DnliliLim ibi i*.»%·*'* ·.! Mi· kiwi » * l» rua these bone· for to their Ol !W«ini| tibit»irH ^ il!** of In Inetn »♦» ibr In the first ' (urine*·. In be can a »uo Γ »ηλ«» *4 Kitiiikli· 4»'i «»i m b**r y Ναι» ut aU »» place, fake a sledge hammer ahoit, only l>» ^Utnf, b·» if. +ΤΨ RXi Αι €*o# fiifwi aah H'fc*#f Λ/» ·( V»· Uni l U< th*· ιΚ« μ»Λ\ iM«u 4Mt ilrliwt oi *n% Cv· lui ta·*» llltl·, wl ■· ara (M- k nl« i*r ihr S «ir ··( Tut then take an old η all tbc various branche» of most \ar- .< A 'if(r tfh ol •••I. hogshead and cover the tbi* prwfirHji l« i«»r.iH| lu >irh »^>ι·. I·· uf >1 h« p<4'l··· «I»·· «·« h«wl. uu< fc»r ihrir lu c*, an«1 ihr Iraiiffrr tri m> »»v FLUMMKH Ai bottom with two bushel· of rotu η dirt, ol all pur»uita. I have tried tin· tbc |»*opc*iy WILDER, chip ib<*« «if bw ih»i » ··* Ε ·· imtn·> any absorbant Cover wiih »te«ical. and the advice of othcra. an Srai*| Ma· good ashr-a rrft!tianie Na'ure ami M *f·» I luM ·<·, »«·*! strongest unlearbed ash···. trusting pq λ l'ar ·· t»r· Ni b M** Kr^ielrf ι»ί I br 4ih tlrretipii *i\ cr·»»· in ·ΐ4ΐ*ΐ}>4 or f«»n iri l«.r t.ui ■toi «V Those I ur»U> «. |f J *1 .ru OXPOIÎD COUNTV made from hickory, bard maple, ■otninon sense. iliat 1 ha*·· realised a lair A|m»I, A, oVkarfe % M al vtfa· «»l · »r Ν Wi'»(»n ClffilfiN, bneud m form. S THIN A beech and white oak are the best. \V. \\ illiaina, Median l'iuiiphifl AY Λί SONS, Ti.one •ctnpetency. Cli%KLI~H i l.AKK. t ni from scrub Ill ib« l* v>u ». fW u« Ur lit ·.» «ml an j « bo ·*ιν an «r«Wt IVniiom ovrr all eat ihe Pno fttra b ν I b««r ib Uf »t iU >f lb*- Commissioner of «ν *« In ιι·\ *«»n, M. !>·»»»- H (frat At D. H. Fill the hogshead with aliernate l.treia of acting Agriculture Ν ii«|Ui*bfi) iir*»fjjr HAL· ESTATE AGENTS. YOUNG'S, h ou, h·· ttm* t*#f tl»r ι» m4in'lrr ui hi· wwi bone or I lie relate» the in itt, 1U Lindall Γ%Ι«1Η I ami ashc and have prvaetit year cresting 4* St., lioalon, Msse. XIWITIO?!, Maine. on the il »h ill j. » γη» rtriil· ut bin f»niif jfi *i c Wmi Norway, pla-ter nj A'V4 act that t!-e ttutnbt r oi inv« »· o( b·· » 4lirf|b·· iUl# (|lirr^ % «*pi>»»ii# ihf »«lh Laliiitr* tu ihr Γ<ι*ι rtina»«^i#ntU ii*i A III ll* b» W Ή1.1) WImii I* k~»ak« top to aba->rh the gas. in a wirni agricultural nw) ntiit·!· «aj Keep I # > JIM*.* IM Ν || A fil' roar s2>Mi and moisten »>>n« now aunually it in ·γ»· ihan M. aisorn. qrovkr place, with suds. If it jirilrcinl *U«. ♦ + β\kf.r. how soap Ι'λι if, M *rrb 2. S«* 1 li^r ji uijr i««*rftia^.ii i»f f* b* f I II.HT β. ater tban it *λ·> tear* *·% freezes the ι» forty-fold gr< Β. CI. A %l \ Κ Κ Κ *· « barb r*· I wirn. Williams 4- up diasolting pro»··»» entirely tweny H. I t«ll ·! h# uua ohms. HALL, ui '< (ϋΐ η β* V « *| » III I »* arrested. After several igu. In I?■« 47 lite number of agricultural NOf ICE • |M iff#. LKH * //. son. FIMKLK «· ί. ΓΟΛ months, if the hog r J f * ry r. », r: >r r ^ ^ >-> ^I^lll ^ ι· '5 ffflii* ibil .;n m if ί1 ·· MlrOfi «a· 43. m 1"»»>/ had Μλ'·4 C. OLD AaJ all lb·· *· a·» t "»··ι m bead is uplift, most of the bones wdl be grant··! lliey PIANOS μ>|mL»a I «M, f. id Irii m Inl «··! nK hjI an% ncrraaed to in lï*'·· to liETIitsL· HILL, MAINE. In M .Mi» β 140. found »oft — 39U; 1.· and * Taken Tor quite ij'tht uthej ιrtre strong jiutt 1 ft r>4»f Κ *<·» *c-ow t. »φ 1 »b*U ικ> ..Γ % ALL STANDARD M AC ΚI Ν ΚΊ Those which are still unsubdued should lurii'g pre»enf |wi fypi n«»s ro κ» sr .ypj go In lu «»J b^ ai rf it»»· nmliiflinl rtalr W a rar «ter·· ι·»ιχ to iff Mr I In a tf 1 »Cif · 1 #*i back and take another six agricultural paient» d ibe .«#vtj « (tie month· sweat ; ItOYAl, A ILE M ANT. />/c r î; S λ ·*1 £/> /C/Λ f-'.v, Tu*M| ftr|tiinn| μ·«Μηρ<Ι« la. tomber ol «ι J/ ' and if have some 1.777 Tb»-»e improvement» are Wftπ·«# \% Τη '· it. immimyt on h.mt. jou solphutic acid diluted rAixrs. oils. dye < nltrryt Κ »m lord. Jar». I. |%ί ίτί^ stuffs, \\ arrrouni U37 onrrr»* Strffl. with water throw this on them with a»bcs apnlly revolutionising tbts agi .Culture of Η7.ν/ιθΗ· υ Lass. pnnn COMSTOCK'S be weal, tu the lowcat *M>. NR., The manure thus obtained should be mixed reducing iiiniinam CLASS PJrrVRF. FKA Wanted. f— MES, M M. TW OMIII Y. ■v· r tin ai IR. -A. with three or lour limes the bulk attained, proportion of niul la CUk Ml· λ mm4 DIATORS11 of pea', OVKKSI tH (m F«r» Tu·» Fx· I'»·» LS. TOi'S. ( ^ iirmr« Κ *■( «h* «ί ( l^eaitJ· k Co. .«»r ·» rottid sawdust, or employed in if» l'fwration» A· a ai»· vtll 1^ rM'rifirl up ·«· ;b# FA St Y Hit àtfS I'frffUnl ► I» I·, I**»* li harrtif (*r'lf| IhM I·»»» ·>»! la »·· (t»r any other active ab»orb- \X g*m~êilp 1 II»· alar 14· h mi W> f '«at ma-It. at'ac Ici l« »ι· ir« Tb» Vlrrffn m I »* tj ipm ο «I la ent. I [le illu*iration, the i« in· book* λ *T%Tio*r»t% <■·> I*»···· arvrl nth», dm ( lie difference between r»-.»|»cr Hionrd, · ΜΜΙ·|·, i»f OM- tlir ϋιηιΐ'ι '· 'lb· ji »«wl ii· ». a m a coarsely Γι Κ Κ Vl'H H ιΐ:<, ih» rl«lil uf while »ie w >r» fikif h «'flrt * i ^ i«lr «I ibr K«»e·· rj*b »#*■# IMPORTANT TO |atml «kicli, crushed bone •Inch, of »'·η l>.r ι·η nf 11 and bone- jp1 M»ii«etadt>i Mr J mainly fVv ·«>·»<· « I»»1 » Γ «ilHn iif ni I > «a a Α.·* Mil·, 'y |>» of <»■ «··<<·. βη·Ι If m a w of uni·. ran 6r»l m· := I with a a· d i Γ· Κ II·». lirynll ·.·«»! a|v> I b· finer the the anppW rafcrr, li tte* U>t "I #t m k »Μ Iliai '» af »·*#-» grinding quicker JuN t.s 111 III I. ti^i»n tin/ μ»ΚΓ·, «nd XKUIlT dO !>·> lt>| a lira» a Ua'J»M Mil KM·» II alii naakr a tlie action. it'll now. «till further to facilitate and econ· ■nt kift'1 i|rv nr»n1 a («· } M'la| ιΊ «.««lui a) As a m.inure for or» barda M irrh 5, I·«♦»■* |>*i'**« 4r*em| to Τ Ν Ρ tra*|i>»l-1Nltl>, and Pari·, a tail iaft finira ol tifillfclrt *)»a vm'.mT·* i^ ili k i«»U Ijkr iH fU tlraat'tl yt » κ r a κ >mne the i* [M Ni»H» * Il mat on »at a bail gTass bonea ii < !»«··«».'· lt(M ll»4, ·Ί·| f iff# -I* y rr a*"f la ! CAUTION. j£} ^ # g*j r*|Ua »«.lil la a «r >n ar»l h»f aa la bean or a small fur the nat m> aiteou* of ^ imtbrii 4( ·**·»! f •'iHC ^ ·*♦! »l«w k Cil η·Μ a..iM walnut will have as pparatua ·· ( All »lw kidiMh »«»··» ··»■ aalt* mai much binding 'ο f »w» nil pc»»#.n· tffM· « infr » » h I M Ir lu s South ·1·»>β'·1 h··# ut» tf a, I(t aa· virtue in he I' (mm # <««i *· ·»)«} J η ·« h m? and North f«n, (.1 11 lia laWf» the end as bone »heavca. 'Πι· the * of ha.*· Ι"*//Ι*Ίlui·* c ^»ll* in tm *« «.h.i flour, but no higher wag· M'l-. »· kilf mil» W » BOî«lO.\ A%al %ork. lldbriMl, r|»»i must eat woikin, the «rrowiif. I a>«H· 1.··. f great effect* ihe broa'lcr become the har- I |»f 4ir ir»»»»c i«#ih i«f··^ ·" rail «lu*· Italilxn. Μ«ι.ιΙ <> I*expected fust •ι·λ« ··* "» μυ;<1ι \λ«Ι hf «η '( jear. al π»» h"Tf »-iiil »H«· ·· fif h rra Γμ# I #aa/»W raWitHi W I· «livraiar M l> · eat II li mu />'·«#^μμ· Jalia I'.ffr, A little salt mixed with fiehla, and the more » » the a«hc« will evtenvtve bet om· jrmii "I >n aj»Mi » 1/ br· eu*- μ1 vu * »«%*"» lUH * M >»· Un l»% Mark·· * ilihrr rot |ui iiK 11 lu rnri Il ML i, ib' AVia ft llialu, > w à Cintr ai an / ll far» the bones. bones i»e re of the work!. ir»ri>i>f «li*r ib·· ^ /*·4* A4ra raili o« t»a liait. Burnt are a slow manure, game ad«( M Ι.ΜΊίΙΙΙ.ΙΊ flri'ti· «»··Ι|Ι»* !§>·*Μ Omfofd. 0«t, 11, l«-7 and not more than W#aarril li<*il half as a* the an· * rM»al7 ihrlk| tk< Freedom Notice. /««itai Ai ^ rfinn li'»»a, Olr "(fartaill· ·«»»>· l'ra». well known that « M. FOSTER, a»l»r· aa 11 r. »ia atar la· betw· »*n two a on tb·· il» »· ο Mit*, 4f ikr (4 ri« <· V« /'· 4' ··Ir « i l«» · dccomposnion etet iorat ion in orcharda Tbeern- (tun b»· tir I »h«ll fUim I ι, %*· apple i*»nf <·· f «ffa, l Uh i. ai1 iW «ah*f vegetable substances, ai or near the surface bit r^rniiiff, «ικΙ fbail |ta? rv· «4 bia nntp*f**! |«hHH iuaion arrived at *a« 'hat or· bar ia, grn roMrafim^. Il (1 Far #«4'«/ f4# I» of tlie earth, under certain ftOLI*. ««if /Sua k't t% l*s conditions, nitro- I, M »rrb Goods & rally, erraliteralb afarr Μ nitre earth* found 'weeping, Γ1Μ3 CO., ΑΟΚΝ Γ3 lieneath old buildings re· » Ι οι·ο of lut·» «nil Plrmmi h lrUiH>wle<1_.''d Ihf BrM in I certainly wortbr of roainieration Or· AGENTS Rlrrrli, nri- »*·(» Γnkf« suit from these WANTED loCU.U'CHNM fc>f «iW changea although it if hard* <( tfc* luor*l Wfi in quite left year after tear with the turf fnn BKTHKL.. Μ Κ. Always pnt up pa. k»grs, dit!i< ult to pr>an· « FULL WKICHT. tlie romps, roota a id lower »t>ι Η J «ι (ho k>t*n r» '«. chemical Iran «format onu l>K. WIM.IAM SMITH'S FARE which eel ion of tl»e bodie« Ι'ΙτμτμΙΙ*·Ί «4·ι·γ ϊ7 OU3FD TO BOSTON. produce of (be treea, wuh no them. In the waters Sold of a large number of of tbe 5m rnrrt'r Groccra r>of»tiing aoil. nor of A rrn t by Everywhere. well» m towns ami any application DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. η^ητφπ em-·, and also in ihe naniire. «an h- bar.Jly eapefe-l -o Wriltn I»» κ»'#*» #1 1 S» ι»'·ι ι.ιi»»f.ι.·Η»ίί the nitrates are prodix· FURNITURE] I rti il luttlT ι»ι«ι>» SHINGLES & CLf country, foutu) «ι »· me Ι» * ill»· S'n» PBOAPDS. sea nocb fruit ; nor do «MM t AnlllirtM·! Γ<»Γητ» ·Λ-Ι ihi· r»<·1ι» sans ll»ey, Tbe »3d need» II* f DU l"H» »· ··( Ik* iln» Parlt fif ALL SIM'S A >// OP THF. VA in considerable » M.■«· rai»·! urilh <-Trf J ?J» ·< Ir. I )«■! W «1 RIO IB quantifie·. The |°.i|ti« ο» « salts wanla the ai 1 of ψψ Μ*·»»- *»Ιι·"Τ<, «»■*· iS» wbrir ll'i II M»» »· l)' «· at iirring. fert»· "HI* «·>' »■· 'iraMr ■· ·»»» IF S, lors» the wrlacs in invigmat.rig C(iiB|itHf mr qt'ALII warm weather, < Ui|p kmrr Κ I. %KUK Λ «·iOK Γ * i'.> Γ ·»|* Ιλ·» %lUlrtK W hnf fcif and »cra anΊ ·η· li Vta«» val nw * I >r ral# ika pruning care a« «ball diveat IV ία rifi f?»'ii ·>* aj«f iihri «I M I X If Ό, being qnite are carried f ("♦*!■··<»»· fi'Hi f«« It i< ■· ihf n» if««« j· 5 l'M 4a» rniamaaii γ'(ιι·Ιιι | la.aki·*^ >»f lam. rain »«iperabon al' Fi|^iirt fil an' fdhrr# «4111^! t-> i(Mf υ per elating water intj the well υ, l'nht» | I»t a* am ·Ί<-· .·-■· Ifl venta iSm fttt. 91 iO prn«D<:J aitawrcrif, « orcbar-li»!· should avoid 4·<ττ·1 ralmiM· κ ΙιιΊ ·«» cities ar.d the j j«f cen· into »»rr» <··ι»ιΙ« l>- »τ. » ·' Ι1 I th m i'l ·» V y κΙ I^f Λ*·»· k« 1 of lUr * tH-u< mall ra · '..iuU.· Af#n( m ] r*< y a: jund SJollinrp πt \V Λ Ν I > • Τ I ! .. lu .ι .·■ I I r. 11 ·«· ι*κι difficult! loing year alter J H III L * L w. 17 *IJ year. KKkC".,' EOMKLL. L 1·» IP A·» fciir M UILLIAûi». A«~« I _ It» ra tha Γ» k«i # Γι* I II.rttord Γβ·· I^