Louisville Daily Journal (Louisville, Ky. : 1833): 1862-02-12
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. —. " 1 , ; ' THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL VOLUME XXXI. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1862 NUMBER 65. Emigrants Kkt^rmino to Irelam, —Dur Marsh Ford, of the pilots re LOUISVILLE JOURNAL ff^T one of the Esse OFFICIAL. CXTT TA5 COtLHCTOH'B BAX.B. MEDICAL* MISCELLANEOUS. AUCTION ing the month of December, 18b'l, 4,5(K> emi who was killed by the explosion of a bcu'.er. was 1 WILL eipo«e for sale at pubUe auction, before the SALEaS. rsxafro urn iun wd vt e-ourt-hoiiM door in tho city of Louisville, Ky.. on grants reached Liverpool on their return to a residtmt of Alleghany City, Penn., where be Feb. le»12 the following LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES 14, defcribel i.r,pi>rtr, to satis- «r 9a As, j. VA^p^saZxZens,^ * •• **nt _ fy the Oily, School, Oa., and Hou.e of K-fugs taxes and to ^ m„ their homes. They were principally natives of leaves a family. AHMvoprioa is, svaaaoNB, the Sctsion the seventh cost, of sale for taxes Kale l^resfisor of Eooi* CttatoM 4m i>Iea!lcta* S. Passed at Second of Thirty- due »e |wr f dloevlng list, botween AND89TLBHB. a. Ho*ry Si Oo, Ireland. Hie hour, of in o'clock A. of Pharmacy lo FnrK a Prartltlonrr of 'JO Congress. M and 3 o'clock V. M. sa'.J AUCTIONEERS AND WMMiSSION aaarae'HAfTT* cuu om?i buimik tiiii gnu?. Police Proceedings— Ttutday, February 11 day, nnlesi soo ter eeld T. g'JsIMF.RS. year*, Yf*nr attention ts railed T. eornor irf Main and Wall streets, LoiUcUee, By Tkstxessre U.mos Mfn.— The despatches of a.ity Tax Collector for Eastern Dl-'.rlct AKV0UNCR8 TO ITI3 FRIBNP8 AND TP* PUB- to PR ROBACK'S UNRI- "r caash advanxva THRD AND FOURTH. John Rose, disorderly conduct. Discharged. mide on goods ccnaigned to ns I | Pobi.io No. 15. I c that h« contlnuei to — Art r Nicholas, 3u by .7, Bberl devote iiia time to tbo rar- VAr.EO STOMACH BIT- any are.aont. published, and which gave * (Jam, Ches 4 Pre, 01" Zollicoffar, recently ing; th« followion dlieaMa, vizz TERS These Bir**! have (sew 10 Terry Burns, stealing $15 from Casper Shafer. making appropriations for the consular « Imp 157 06 We are e.t all tlir.es reedy to attend to saales rTaouniom—PbI't. da»Ilvered in the *Hy .•10 AN ACT Colds, AFtlirrta, 0 A'tord Israel Is. Consbas Fit«, Dropty, r>v3ptip*U, Mv«r been fully tested and rro- Seal Estate, Marilia','a or .. 8 i* such romarkable testimony concerning lb< ssx bv luo, see .leff Steel, «a imp CVmstahle's Sml'is. fjoaeehol Mgtlp tn*ii, in advanos... Bail in to answer felony. and diplomatic expenses of tho Government for * ComrKiut, Pitea, J300 Sam., 17 by IKI, u Mk. Flrtula, U<ntt, Rbfeuniatliro, Hcrofula, nounced br aconfidma niib- rtirnlture, fte.. on terms eatlsfaetory te J » its-try daily .. I 00 It ].t Imp sellers. lyM of tbe loyal sentiment in Tennessee the year ending thirtieth June, eighteen bund- Wh'.f'i Sweilir-fT, Nervotia Atle-t.i >n», Fevet and Atiue, lic one nf tbo verr b*at strength r- iT-p . 'Jo by 120, re-er L'd Pre. Blt- r-(-We«klr ~ .. I ou church. a> Itup ... 1 BHl^n* C^iaij'ainbje 4:c. t4t*-a dost In < . so by nse. Their or- ekly, 'n .. I Of facts the of Rt.Lt»r for the Moohtaiss.—The Logisli red and sixty-three, and additional appropria- San.. M Mag. 15 IS W advanc., dajcle copy call Is miod some other about men Va\ndervllc« baV" me* nif-a*. fame, as bv IS11 n lliph. Dr. with ancoeea by bta pe> dlal qufitlttes adapt <hem *n '.'una of five or orer .. I ft tions for tho year ending thirtieth June, eighteen 14 At is ture will meet on Wednesday, •Mliar iaio-1*. of treacmant of diMseoi ubero partlrnlarly to th# r. forgotten in the hurry of and the following Same, l*i kv MS. ( other very SoMt* 'BcmltUiKe* in re^Utorsd lel-ors at our that State which are Fulon. e & Rlv. r IS. by B&U hundred and sixtv-two. etsiaent phr*lc*a>ia have faBed to prodnoo a rure. who ir-- !• aTo-no. MISCELLANEOUS. !>a rbeeroua: Julia, 47>4 by 300, . Pra, Fl". et To Bine from the Mount Sterling Whig will cf course at Bro & atteai events. The N. Y. Evening Po3t says that Ten- Be it enacted by the Senate and Bouse of Repre- Imp hia oo-ifidcnce In hit own aklil and merite, he will their lntT<aaflnetlon In the nnd'<rtako tho tir.e cf alt ratlsuts without charge es- A my 'houstuds hare b*en tract attention : Coyer Mary, by nessee has never ceased to be represented in both sentatives "f the I'mtrd States of Ameriza in 78^a 1 C n Lai, Flo t Pres. t 4IWOI ADVFRTIHINO IH TH2 certlng the coat of medicine, res'iiritjg no tee until af- relieved who wo'^ld now be imp balance eS. 33, MoGILL, TI8EI16. Congress Assembled. That the following sums ' JOURHAL FOB RHQUIAB AOYTL * gallant Senator, Since tbe Courts have opened, the secessionists ter thi mtoratlon of their hnsitn. havn hoen In the horpltal or branch of Congress, and her Bnaderlc Ol, -2SH by CO, w fltaeL Ore, °ai era berehy jeat t DisPMM of a pecurUr character 307 Ore>«n st., bet Third and Fonrtti, •» .*r 9*J M have completely and tbe same appropriated, c ut of any imp he jroarantlet to re- in their gravt-s. ranirtw chiruMh wet k?7, Ranum the advantage of lb* Union men J 60 Andrew Johnson, has shown himself, from :bo move r»dlep.Uy In a few daya without onuueive or dele- »uolx6aus Lib BsrraiL i-talbb nt Atw rstnikTii flo do I ttn>e »r arweos, per ausaini.. in the mountain mouey in Iho Troasory not otherwise appropria- Burrvtt Georfe, tsM by rS, e Han, i '.Miei. i. A half a wineglass full, counties, ia this: laftor Marshal's Waj terious medicin** He warrants op flo do I rimes Co do 100 Ot imp to all, no matter how given to earh so'dter Id the beginning of the struggle, one of the most daunt dafeat they bad nearly all ted, for the objacls hereafter expressed, for the •overe or long ••eh additions! ewraa-e, abo-v*? ©rloe. fled with him, taking Clara rfel.nn, tuei by l-;, '& «U.u<3mjc the dhearn, an efloctnal cure, or ore-half tbe , hre rk, Prca Jack. roonlna, will re» tore t*»e Havana Cisars with Ibom their fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen be requires no pay. i^>m&)c4 en5erli>tr with IrregnUrl & VirglDla Tobacco, Advtvttaetnents pnM'abed at Interval*—61 for flrtt In lesB. and uncompromising Dalop men. It was bo personal effects, or, where they iTu'rhfield Ed, 105 by 155, s 4; Invisnrate Hote Lace, Clay tlea, iserrourw*-!?, «PP tltoand th*» **tloo uiA 90 rent* mbaequent one. had real estate hundred and sixty-three, namely: Shei debility, Ac., r;in be Derrnantnjtly r»*- OfJetra for sale In lots to suit porcbaeen for each of and owed money, making rtacn TTTV. ..... yvtoin, rleanee and pnrlfv :• who said, in reply to the taunting question lleved by I)r. V. InvKlM^ in Aaaouoelns' and! • weefc for each - Same, 315 any ecct.ou of tV conn let $1 per pre p.rty over to some For salaries of Envoys FJxtranrdiiary, Minis- X by s Pra, Han * ( lav th * blood, and keep off all A A lu me else. The debts which try, by addreulng a letter to hi in 'r-->et-p*id<. and en- .Y i*^ WMF^TIC CTOABB Y*r-i* *.i?T.:',!;w( pay quarterly, 'all olben ai in bis opinion a rebel Hauae, » bjr If 1, w 1. Che* i Gray,* Imp th" r»i.d eff^ts of malaria 300tl\l\t j\r\SM000 cfH the fallowing^ secessionists, that some Ihe Union men owe uo ters, and Commissioners of tbe United States at closing a fe«, c.vi ha,-e advice, aud brands: Ha*.* them thev are graduillv Bame, I- by :c. e !. Ma et Wafer, meiiciue will be t Imp. pro?"T, and the sudden chamte "f pfcer-fTs' has no right to own Bonding hsck Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Spiir, 'Jy fentthem. ELS 1, Ti.-lop, R<*i eaeata sWs, sieauboat advei^iaemeots, against this Government to friends, or officers', to coerce pftv- Same, 4ft by test. Soead st, imp tnthlp cli- Washington, nenry Clay, |^Sf^lw.aeldi.'nc9 weather peculiar • ir 3 doora team the cornor of Green and Zouave, F.aglo, c > theatrics.:, .nd r; i « patent medicine, mont. Thus Austria, Brazil, Mexico, China, Italv, Chili, Mania, laj by 1I.S. e Pre., Wash .... AlnDer, Coeinette anything whatever. It is remarkible, also, that all the seer Beinrnsts are enabled to mske K Water Floyd ttreoU, Louiuvllle, mata sa\o_*s, cr published by tho rear. 1 be- Ky. Office tuars from (3 to lit Pineapple, inouenniilad.Iji Hltica, similar a^vertUlng. not their debts by ruining Peru, Portugal, Switzerland, Rome, "Belgium, Beaae. a* * 156, . lirar. Jar A Hen, 4 Imp. .4^1 li ARMY SITTLFR3 can be I. a Loin a. flie Union men. while the lat- A. M. and from J to 7 P. M. Valentee r, Prloco A4rcvHaementi for charitable Institution*, eompa- therealiy prominent public men cf Tennessee.evon Crutehlield & Pope, T3 by so, w First, Wasn «: ent»p Ird bv W.