Τ Κ It MS, TWO DOLLARS PKR YEAR. UTH Κ WORLD IS GOVKRNKD TOO MUCH.' ONE DOLLAR AND KItTY CENTS IN ADVANCE. NEW S Κ R IKS, VOL. 10. NO. 10. PARIS, MAINE. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1868. OLD SERIES, VOLUME 35, NO. 20. were in C bf (fhforb POETRY. you earnest, but I can't hardly be- formeU to this world's, for the trillion there· I bing clo*e mini tight foi cold weather, and >uiv« lnpifneJ? Hut ha at lut. A ÇUmocrat, lieve are such *' yon a— of p»«seth away.' rlien the wind* hie» «ml the ·ηο« llew, i<w iUy< .liter, he «uni υίΐ »ilh £ îsrge I'LOUIieO tVKRV rKIUir »v th*OifoH I MOKXI.NO, |Κβ» k*tn<M*rat-J "Fool -out with own it, Tom." "Well. but look a* your church ] Ulpb tat in the large south room <»l his old |)unj» ili'ijjh, tmi when he returned be Κ κ.. SHAW, The Silent I no Me«sen2?r· "Well, {onivn, tbvie'i other term DMia!>cri. There is η it on* of th<»m hut ! irm house. be'ore a cheerful, open woo J brought with him « dozen of heautilul Soetb 10 il i t ο r i»n«l Proprietor, Γ of Mr*. Ellfi I* itt.it··) ll»iery H»-n"i»o*4, «ko i td In Buck· i'lintlr expre»«e· my mind. Hut «•ill laugh at your courjc, and say your are t ire, read the F<trmrr and some choice Dow ι»». Two or three time· in the course ?8th, 1863. now toll me. ire in TKIIHA —V«<> U>ll*ri rrmr. O·· t»o!l*r and iebruary you earnest?'1 a fool." I >ooks, wnn« the old one he mon· of th« next week or was off «Il nt Mr. κ really them, two, I w. Axm. R.tlph hit; r«u, tl pklil In adititcf. "I wa» never more ro in life." my ••All I can say is, that il boeomes every ι ioned to hi* frien 1 Tom Burton. and felt •lar. an 1 once it was rather late in the even· Il«|p« uf UfftlUini. 1 h· ml.tr «huiet of di/M or*pi «town the mountain "Kxcum ιη<·, I know I've no tocat· one to ')>« in his own « ontent with his when be I I Vf ith right fully presuaded' mind. lot. Not content, ing got home. Hit aunt and »i·- For Ixcho# ιρκ· I «Nt. |l no aolemn tielfli··» tr*t<l, exactly Κι < >»··ι· »·*«. J echicu on what it that "to * Λ D't Jw e*OU U Hul »el!*»l the «uri ofhearea, jou your plan»,hut fur, yourself alone you stand or fall." itber. Som^tbinj was wanting llis tie· Ter wondered what could take him Cor I s in m n) * mm. I away M)ia*rr |l f j»tf. |U <» rew e« Vor I 1 (Urtrr «rifhcâi. indu· you to lik« tins cour«c? Λ "I see. there'· no I er and aunt were to Ml«·· tr*r, |1V0D. | rot. fit». I eel 9 U »trange moving you, and I all well enough, kind and from home much. «ΓΜ Ml Xorit κ·— a rout a<Ml(loual. i*>r ] h· u > η of education ami must * inoviikM wfilt fell ρ th· eoltt|r, young gentleman taste, give it hut it'· a and Otte an eamo Γ*·.· r· N»ri<-κ»—ι )rarti »| noik* ul Κ «tat· ! » up; hard, Ralph." fToctionate. intelligent sympathetic, day elderly gentleman in a Or4rr< OH lli(» lay our leal frlen I ; Will·, prr ·>|ΐιιι·, I JO pat talent for mirisfer, doe· "BuC this nee i not break our I ut not to were iirill«l>'< enough lawyer, «till, could be said be con- shigh and behind htm three young X.illo I » 1 k' laJinj of her lac «al l friendship, Kilph A beauty plainly, tor, menhuil or " lmt™|«*ra>or'· iml Ktmlnr't Nmlr»··, I yt ig el.»·* Τ uni I •nt. would read and muse so aie : of the a· Hit· Uf· for lier naatt rai anythi you please He go cattle Jersey breed, all handsome All i<h»r Ι.'|·ί Xml· ·, !->' fjr Ikrr· p»r «juirr, loh·." — Inwril·»·. *'Never, give υ» your hart] it t at antl feed bit cattle—two cows and two aa pictures, delivered tbe same farm I lr> thai ha·! ··eme.1 to hrr Inttea 1 of atinthinr, Ralph; by »r *■ Μ Α 1>1 4 "Thank the ever a Ρ·ΙΙ»·ί11| Γ»., Slttr >llwl Rxlin, A atarle.e yon, Tom, for high opinion you need favor come to me!" oung heifers with ol I "sorrel.M constituted hand who was «rood in the ab(.d • η·1 -» ·* tlondf, nlfht; chopping Ν«··< t Ν<·« Υ ,»k ·ι»1 Κ Nil·», ]] H , haso ivtmvil to ha*e of ind ······ t'oart "Ί1*Ί, -too, ai· lalliortt'il i(*at< et «til! wllhln Her hr»tlo((. torture! bo torn, you always me, >is entire stock. We mar as well ear that the first day Ralph «ras at Mr. Proctor1·. lit* «tar of >h<)M JOB hope bright. I it iimv never lté le»·. I will >n PRINTING, liopc toljyou A few day· after, saw Rilph Cra*t in t here was a picture l»«d aw y down deep "Somehow, this Mr. Proctor seems t· Drsrr 1 >»4ai «h» «till ·« to how il is with me. I wa« the u Of rrrry ijtfinn, i\r<t//y llrrruifti. hopinjj rwo»»r, plainly having very sober suit he htl foretold, driving i Rtlph's h'-art, which though out of tight take a β» eat interest in your affairs,1' laic' Λ·Ί rala» acain '<er head, twclvo hundred dollar· a year with a fair hi* "sotter horse" through the streets of I O thu rest ot the world, was often "in Aunt Judy to Halph after that gentleman «lient m»t«rng»-r rain· atoeu, an I ralrrnl, t o( fil!«'en a pro»j»e< hundred, in of where he had I' it walked, lis While he was a clerk at <& had left. Cards. Λν\ An t ·|ιμ>Ι UmM·· the lx* t eouplo Snackerty, lately eye." Tape Professional \ears. I am Now not extravagant, hut how to all appearance, a devote J ol fash- Yardstick's there had cotnu into tha said ioad till th» Or«t feint ft votary store, ••Well—res—perhaps ·ο." Ralph k'rli( rar· of morning much do O. R. M. D.. you suppose that 1 laid the last ion. ot his ol<l as«oc: lies and tin· < >ne la a who had "filled his ««it>i a "and to com· HALL, l.lt up the no * y air, up Many ac<j r. voting lady peculiar expression, ,ad when I he angel -are-1 again to hraren, year'" tance* turned awav their head* as they ui«t « re.'' It wis not the richness or style of up wi'.h him*, I take great interest in hia and llr bore rat lova.I one tlivre. Physician Surgoon, '•Hum, l«*t nj·* see, wi-ll it eouM not have biin, some lo sav his feel- I 1er attire, these were but eldest lll't p^rhift, hurting though faultless, daughter." Κ FIELD, ni;. " r« hal rot tor tier oor t.-ar· ot been a as time» are now weep wrrt>» great luni, certain- ings at being recompiled iu such a "rig t was the quiet beaut/ of her sweet face, •Ό, you rogue," exclaimed Aunt Judy, tie· .Kir own peak *a-l lot; ; two or tbrve hundred ly perhaps doliiri." Some pitied him for bis folly, but more I he unconscious grace of her own "is that what's to J. P. he to a I tirer rllioe t*ian our·, hat peculiar pay?" SWASEY, rl*e·, ••Three hundred and Now made their mind* that a man th\t ••If, which bad itself in his said 'are in Wli.tr grief an.t pain ο me aot. twenty-two. up young anbrotypad "Sow, Ralph." Mattie, yoa Councilor and at add three and five \((ογοι>) Law. Tari·. klaret, 1·, IXVa two, hundted mon; to cou'd take such a course never was much, I ■eart. She came and went, no one else earnest or only joking?" I h it for the lour or fivo Ιυ CANTON, MR. year» come, and after all, or he would have more ambition icemed to notice her. and no one knew who ••It's no joke with me,I assure yoa. And W ill fr»it «· la « «fard aa.} A Tht· bcatitilul line# were wril- thon I ο·Ιγ MO)(ftn otttir* lolloping -hall be towartl ami than to settle down as a ! he was. an 1 forbore to the now. that the is if ι>· η," getting thirty years gumption, Kilph press Mattic. thing out, you I rn Sy Until Mit.i.r.R. *n<l of a time when a if icramptnied aj{··, man. over, should "clod hopper." Tom Burton's fe rs in re· nailer (or fear of remarks. say so, we'll take a ride over there some 8ANOKRSON Si HLARCK, < S«* o( λ 11 «la·. to t.i» *· ll.-arvft think of j»ili I.j lia, married, f should thon to his cousin Kate were not unfounded. ami shall tee I gelling gard had made his min I if an pleasant evening, you what j»t t.> Ralph up that, » 1·»-îr marru-j»».
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