H4338 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 12, 2015 outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his stand- currently serve, many of whom come other agreements into it. Since the ing in any way, nor will we proceed with from no privilege, to be able to hold TAA did not pass, then it can’t, appar- force against him, or send others to do so, onto that opportunity. ently, go directly to conference unless except by the lawful judgment of his equals To do that, Mr. Speaker, we have to we pass an amendment to allow it to go or by the law of the land. hold on to freedom. We are the freest to conference or find some other way Let me repeat those last few words, country in the world, and that, the rule to effectuate a conference on agree- Mr. Speaker, ‘‘the law of the land.’’ In of law, and our capitalistic system are ment. Mr. Speaker, I can only surmise those words, we see the idea that the those things that make us such a great that, since the Speaker, himself, law does not come from any individual country. moved to reconsider, then there is person or government. To quote Daniel I want to express again my apprecia- something afoot in order to keep it Hannan, who wrote a wonderful essay tion to those rebel barons and to all from dying, as it should have, since on the 800th anniversary of Magna the people who came after them who both the TPA and the TAA did not Carta for The Wall Street Journal last kept the idea of Magna Carta alive to pass. month: ‘‘It is immanent in the land the time when we could develop our The TPA, I read it. It has got some itself, the common inheritance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights and to good aspects to it, but it is not, in and people living there.’’ the present time when we fight so hard of itself, free trade. As a judge in a dis- Mr. Speaker, the language may sound to maintain those principles. trict court—our highest level trial a little stilted, and folks may think, Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance court in Texas—so many times, I would be the fact finder without a jury. So goodness, that doesn’t sound like some- of my time. thing we would say today, but it is so often, you would sit and listen to the important for us to understand the di- f evidence, and you would wonder why rect link between Magna Carta and the CONGRATULATING ROBERTA someone would take the action he did. Revolution that occurred in this coun- GIANFORTONI There has got to be some motivating factor. You consider all of the possi- try in 1776. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Although Magna Carta failed to re- bilities. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- We had a very rare visit from Presi- solve the conflict between King John uary 6, 2015, the gentleman from Cali- and his barons, it was reissued several dent Obama to the Capitol, trying to fornia (Mr. RUIZ) is recognized for 60 push people to vote for the TPA—this times after his death. Again, Magna minutes as the designee of the minor- Carta’s legacy is particularly evident trade agreement—and the TAA. It was ity leader. great to see him come out to the Con- in the documents that form the basis of Mr. RUIZ. Mr. Speaker, today, it is our government, the U.S. Constitution gressional Baseball Game last night. It my honor to recognize and congratu- is not something he does regularly. So, and the Bill of Rights. late Roberta Gianfortoni, assistant At the National Archives, visitors to Mr. Speaker, I am left to wonder. I dean for professional education at the Washington have the opportunity to mean, we have not seen this President Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public view one of four surviving originals of push this hard on very many bills over Health, as she retires after 26 years of 1 the 1297 Magna Carta alongside the re- the last 6 ⁄2 years, and I am left won- service. markable documents it inspired. When dering: Why would President Obama Assistant Dean Gianfortoni has been visitors come here to the House, I often push so hard to pass this trade agree- an inspirational leader and adviser in point out to them on the walls the pro- ment structure that allows him to ne- the School of Public Health for more files of the ancient lawgivers. Pope In- gotiate so many deals with so many than 4,000 graduates, including myself. nocent III is one of those ancient law- different countries? Her guidance and mentorship during One possibility is he did it because he givers shown here in the House. my time at Harvard opened my eyes to knew that Speaker BOEHNER was push- Again, we can see directly, in many new issues and innovative solutions, ing to pass it, and it is possible that he cases, how our Constitution and our inspiring me to think outside the box really wanted to make Speaker BOEH- Bill of Rights are derived from Magna to address our public health challenges. NER and MITCH MCCONNELL, the leader Carta and also from the Bible, that we The students she mentored have gone down in the Senate, look good. That is can see those direct connections. on to become doctors, professors, na- a possibility. I don’t think it is terribly Today, I would like to acknowledge tional and international leaders, and probable. In weighing all of the evi- the debt of gratitude we owe to those advocates all working to improve pub- dence, it would seem to me that it is rebel barons with grievances against lic health conditions right here at far more probable that the TPA will their King, and I am reminded that we home and across the globe. Her con- give this President far more power to must always be attentive to the free- tributions to our Nation’s public fundamentally transform America in dom we have inherited. health will last for generations. his remaining year and a half or so as Ronald Reagan said famously: I cherish my time and the lessons I President. That is what it appears to Freedom is not in our genes. It is only a learned from Assistant Dean be to me. generation away from being lost. It is some- Now, one of our Republicans speak- thing we have to cherish. Gianfortoni. After 26 years of service, I congratulate her on her retirement. ing, whom I have tremendous respect Also, Mr. Speaker, with freedom Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance and admiration for, commented that comes opportunity and responsibility, of my time. we are not a nation that sits on the and I want to say how grateful I am for sidelines. I agree that that used to be f the opportunity I have had to serve in true, but we have basically sat on the the House of Representatives along b 1445 sidelines as Christians and Jews are with my colleagues. being persecuted and killed around the I often tell, particularly school- THE POWER OF TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY world in greater numbers than ever be- children, when I talk to them about fore. We have sat on the sidelines in Ni- this country and the radical idea that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under geria as precious little African girls it represents, that I am a person who the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- are kidnapped and brutally, sexually grew up in a house with no electricity uary 6, 2015, the Chair recognizes the assaulted day after day, month after and no running water, extraordinarily gentleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) month. poor, and with parents with no privi- for 30 minutes. Then we see an article. According to lege, no exalted status in our country. Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, it the article, actually, this administra- As I said, with the freedom that we seems so often in this body we tend not tion communicated to Nigeria that, if have comes opportunity. We on our to learn from mistakes. We passed a they will change their laws to provide side of the aisle—and I know many of bill—I guess part of a bill—that the for same-sex marriage and possibly for my colleagues, or most of my col- Senate sent, referred to as the TPA, abortions to be paid for, then the leagues, on the other side of the aisle— but it is all about a trade agreement United States would not continue to want to see that opportunity that has that will provide a structure in which sit on the sidelines, that we would ac- been made available to those of us who the President can negotiate and dock tually help them stop radical Islamists.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Jun 13, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JN7.061 H12JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE June 12, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4339 Of course, they didn’t use the term this document before we put it on a think things can get better, and that is ‘‘radical Islamists,’’ but that is what path to approval. why we are here. I know you and I have they are. They would stop them, the The other reason I voted ‘‘no’’ today worked so many times together, and radical Islamists, from continuing to was the implication of ceding our au- that is why we are here. We want to kill and persecute Christians the way thority to the World Trade Organiza- make things better, and we think we they are doing in Nigeria. tion, which struck me this week when can—that we have got a shot at mak- I have talked to some folks who have we voted to overturn our country of or- ing things better. But at some point, been on a recent trip to eastern Africa igin labeling on beef and pork. Now, you at least have to take notice of the and who have met and even prayed whether you think we should require old Washington saying that, no matter with leaders in east Africa. I was going companies to label beef and pork when how cynical you get here in Wash- to be on the trip, but, apparently, the they bring them into this country from ington, it is never enough to catch up. Speaker feels, if you oppose him, then another country—whether that is a I love that people are aware that the you are not allowed to travel, that good thing or whether that is a bad President promised in ObamaCare that, those rewards are saved for people who thing—that doesn’t matter. What dis- if you liked your insurance, you could vote as he tells them to. I will tell you turbs me is that the reason for writing keep it and that, if you liked your doc- what: if that is the price of speaking this law this week was the World Trade tor, you could keep him. He promised truth to power, it is still a great coun- Organization told us we had to. They that nobody on Medicare would be af- try. said we have got to do that. We swore fected, that it would only affect the re- The people who went on that trip in- an oath to the Constitution, not to the imbursements. Well, people have found dicated that leaders in eastern Africa World Trade Organization. My concern out that those things were not true. had indicated that the United States is that this trade agreement could bind They did lose the insurance they liked, administration, the Obama administra- us to things that we don’t even under- and they lost the doctors they liked. tion, was telling them, in essence, what stand yet because, surely, some trade Medicare recipients had found out: the article said happened in Nigeria, agreement years ago has caused us this Wait a minute. You said it wouldn’t af- which is that, if you will change your week to change our food labeling laws. fect me, but what I found out is, when laws to allow for same-sex marriage, The third and final reason I voted you cut $700 billion from how much you though it is totally against their spir- against the TPA today—and this may reimburse the health care providers, itual beliefs as Christians or as Mus- be the best reason, in fact—is that my my doctors are not able to see me. It lims, then we would help them with constituents don’t like it. I have re- does affect me. things like radical Islam, but, other- ceived 30 phone calls a day for the past Then, of course, I remember—and I wise, we are not going to help them. week against this. I might have re- did consider Bart Stupak a friend. I So I appreciate hearing a Republican ceived 1 or 2 all week saying to vote for saw him not long ago, and I still think say the United States is not a nation it. We didn’t get a chip implanted in of him as a friend. I know he was pro- that sits on the sidelines, but this ad- our brains when we came to Congress life and wanted to do what was right. ministration does. It sits on the side- that makes us smarter than all of our He was promised by the President that lines and uses power to fundamentally constituents. I think it is important to nothing in or about ObamaCare would transform this country and other coun- be humble, to know that we don’t al- cause anybody who disagreed with tries. We have seen that. ways have the right answer. We don’t abortion or who had spiritual beliefs I see my very dear friend from Ken- really have a whole lot more informa- against abortion—that nothing that tucky (Mr. MASSIE) here on the floor, tion than our constituents have in this they would ever have to buy would pay and I would like to yield to him for his case. I think that their concern that for abortion, that no Federal money comments and thoughts. they expressed to me, like of the Presi- would go for abortion. As I understood Mr. MASSIE. I appreciate the gen- dent getting too much authority and it, he was even getting the President to tleman from Texas for yielding. that this President does not need more put that in writing for him. Mr. Speaker, we had a vote on the authority, is a valid concern; that b 1500 TPA here, and I just wanted to take there is not enough transparency is an- some time to explain, and I think my other valid concern. Well, as JOE WILSON observed during colleague from Texas probably feels I know my friend from Texas has ex- a speech being given in here, I think he the same way. I am for trade. I think pressed both of those concerns himself, said it differently, but it turned out trade is good. I am not against trade, and I am sure he is hearing those from those things weren’t true. Abortion is but, today, I voted against the trade his constituents as well. paid for with Federal dollars. The Fed- promotion authority, which would fast Mr. GOHMERT. I would like to fol- eral Government even has fought peo- track the TPP. I just wanted to take a low up with the observation there ple in court, like these precious Catho- second to explain why I was compelled about our constituents because—I wish lic nuns, the Little Sisters of the Poor. to vote against this legislation today. I didn’t—I remember all too well how They have dedicated their lives to First of all, like my colleague, I have things went in this room on TARP, the helping our Nation’s poor and people read the TPP. I have been down to the Wall Street bailout. The vast number that are downtrodden. Those are the confidential room. It is a very thick of Americans—a huge percentage of kind of people that government offi- document, and there are two bound Americans—did not want us to pass the cials used to revere, admire, respect. volumes, and there is a binder that Wall Street bailout. There was an FDIC Not now. Because those broken prom- goes with it as sort of a guide. What former Director, named Isaac, who ises even resulted in this administra- struck me the most about this TPP came. He had a lot of economists’ sup- tion fighting them in court to try to document is the enormity of it. My port, and he had a great free market force them to have insurance that paid staff isn’t even allowed to read the doc- solution. People were excited when for abortion that these precious nuns ument. We are not allowed to have ac- that passed. I know we had people clap- believed was murdering a child in the cess to the Internet while we are in ping today just like they did when womb. there when we are looking at the docu- ObamaCare passed. A lot of people Constituents were against TARP. ment. We are not allowed to take notes clapped when ObamaCare passed. Then There were people here that supported from the room, and this document ref- they got defeated in the next election, this free trade agreement, just as you erences other bound documents. so they were not here to clap for this and I support free trade, but they sup- So how could I possibly—one person, one. There were people who clapped for ported this TPA that truly will give by myself in a confidential room—un- the Wall Street bailout’s passing. Some the President more authority. derstand what some of the unintended of them didn’t come back because the I remember some of these same peo- consequences of this trade agreement people could see this was not a good ple saying: Look, we don’t have to would be if I can’t understand the doc- way to go. worry because by passing the bill we ument and if I am not allowed the re- Now, one of the things I love about are about to pass, the President can’t sources to fully analyze this document? being a Republican is that, basically, remove anybody from Guantanamo I want there to be more daylight on as conservatives, we are optimists. We without giving us notice, and when he

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Jun 13, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00095 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JN7.063 H12JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 12, 2015 gives us notice, we can stop him. I country to trade with other countries. were told things about ObamaCare and mean, I have been told that. And, in We know that. We believe it. We have the way it would be interpreted and fact, the law is, he can’t remove any- seen it. Trade is good. But this was a carried out, the PATRIOT Act, the way body from Guantanamo without first referendum on giving the President it would be interpreted and carried out. giving us notice. The American people more authority; this was a referendum It turns out it simply was not the case. remember that. on voting for something we can’t see, It is still why I am concerned over They also happen to have noticed we can’t verify; and this was a ref- the part of section 215, even though I that the President cut a deal for a guy erendum on a huge, giant document. It have been assured, oh, no, it really that looks like he is going to be reminds me of some of the omnibus doesn’t mean anything. But it says not charged with desertion, and released bills we are given 2 days to read that only can they gather the data of people five terrorists from Guantanamo and come to this body, 1600 pages. associated with terrorists or involved didn’t give us notice until after he had But this was a referendum on the in international terrorism, but it has released them. So I love the optimism process. That is why they couldn’t get this little two-letter disjunctive, the that says, yes, there have been mis- the bill passed today. TPA is not a law ‘‘or,’’ clandestine intelligence activi- representations from this administra- yet. It didn’t pass today, but we sup- ties. Nobody will explain where that is tion over and over and over and over, port free trade. I know my colleague defined in writing because until it is and now we have had 61⁄2 years of con- does. We just don’t support the TPA. defined adequately in writing, that can tinued misrepresentations from the ad- Mr. GOHMERT. My friend has ob- mean anything anybody wants it to ministration, and the good news is this served all the goings-on very closely. mean. It is just too vague, allows too time we really think he means it. Now, The President has acted extraor- much arbitrariness and capriciousness. I love that kind of optimism; I really dinarily in reaching out to Congress, So I am not as concerned about what do. trying to push through this trade bill. people tell me something says or I want to yield to the gentleman I am curious whether the gentleman means because I know when you put from Kentucky (Mr. MASSIE), my from Kentucky, my friend, thinks words in a bill, at some point some friend, for his thoughts. maybe this, for the first time, is an ef- judge somewhere is going to say, you Mr. MASSIE. Well, you are an opti- fort by the President reaching out to know what those words actually say; mist, Mr. GOHMERT, and I would whole- make the Republican Party, Repub- they mean exactly what they say. heartedly second that, but, look, you lican leadership look good. Or what So I am concerned about the power are also a realist, and I think we all kind of motivation do you think most that is given to the President. I am need to be realists. The best way to likely caused him to reach out more concerned about the ability of the keep those promises is not to make a than he has, as I recall, on a bill? President to cut deals, and if he hap- promise you can’t keep or not to make Mr. MASSIE. Well, I don’t want to pens to forget to give us notice, as he a promise that you can’t make some- question anybody’s motivations here in happened to do with regard to the five body else keep. So far, we have shown this body or in the other branch of the terrorists that were released from that we are pretty ineffectual here in government, but I will say I have seen Guantanamo, then I don’t see this body Congress at keeping the President a zeal for the deal, a zeal for the trade stepping up and stopping him. I know maintaining those promises. If you like deal, a zeal for a deal that people don’t we absolutely pledged we were going to the plan you have, you can keep it was fully even understand but they want to on the illegal, unconstitutional am- one of those promises I remember. get the deal done. nesty he did, but then we decided, well, While we are talking about the Af- So I think they just need to slow we will just trust the judge in Texas fordable Care Act, I remember Con- down, look at the terms of the deal, get that his ruling will be upheld all the gress was told to pass it so you can see some experts in that room with you way to the Supreme Court. So we gave what is in it. And we are being told: when you are looking at that secret up on that fight as a body. Pass the TPA so you can see what is in document, have them tell you what all But I just have not seen anything the TPP, at least so our constituents those things mean in there and just from the House and Senate, either can see it. kind of calm down the zeal for the deal. when it was under total Democratic I just want to close with this and not We can do trade, we can do free trade, control or now, that indicates we are consume any more of the gentleman’s we can do trade agreements, but not going to be able to step up and stop the time. this giant omnibus-like trade agree- President if there is a violation of the Mr. GOHMERT. Before the gen- ment. law or a violation of personal commit- tleman gets too far, reclaiming my Thank you. ments that were made. Because of that, time, I want to point out, he and I have Mr. GOHMERT. I appreciate my I was not comfortable voting for TPA. been down to the classified area and friend, but my problem is, having had I could not vote for it. I voted against viewed the TPP, but as I understand it, so many provisions explained, for ex- TAA because it would facilitate TPA. the President is going to be allowed to ample, oh, this won’t affect seniors by I do have to make a parenthetical add like 20 percent to that that we cutting $700 billion out of Medicare, note here. It is interesting, we are as- have not even had an opportunity to and, gee, if you will just renew the PA- sured that TPA is going to create this see. So even when we say we have been TRIOT Act, section 215, gosh, you have massive number of jobs, but we have down to the classified area, they made got to be a terrorist before we get any to—absolutely have to—pass TAA, it available, we have been through it, of your personal information, your which creates additional welfare be- we can’t say that all of it was provided. data—there have just been so many ex- cause there are going to be so many Is that your understanding? planations and promises that have been Americans that lose their jobs as a re- Mr. MASSIE. That is absolutely cor- made. With regard to section 215 of the sult of TPA. So it is going to create all rect. Furthermore, the document that PATRIOT Act, that was over two ad- these American jobs, but we have got we viewed was a draft. It is not com- ministrations. But there have been so to have TAA so we can cover all the plete. If you read it, virtually every many representations on what an ad- American jobs that are lost that go page of it has a little footnote that ministration—particularly this admin- overseas, when the fact is: You want a says, oh, we are still working on this istration—believes something means free trade agreement, you want to blow page here. So, yeah, we are fast-track- that allowed activity far beyond that, the doors off the barriers in the world ing something that we can’t see, we are that even if this administration or the to American goods and services? Let’s not really going to be a party to the prior administration says this is what cut the biggest tariff that any nation negotiations, and we can’t control the something means, I am sorry, the judge in the world puts on its own goods and outcome of it. So I think we should do completely hasn’t left me, the chief services called a corporate tax. Let’s that with great caution. justice completely hasn’t left me, and cut it, if not eliminate it, at least get I just want to close with this. I want so I care more about what the language it below that of China. And the cuts to to say that the vote today was not a says on its face than what somebody the prices will be so astounding that referendum on free trade. It was not a tells me they think it will mean or how the doors will come down. They will referendum on whether it benefits our they will apply it. Again, you know, we have to come down, because our goods

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:16 Jun 13, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JN7.065 H12JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE June 12, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4341 will not only be the best in the world, Bishop, Rob Bishop, Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Billy Long, Barry Loudermilk, Mia B. Love, but they will be the best prices in the Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Rod Blum, Alan S. Lowenthal, Nita M. Lowey, Frank D. world. Earl Blumenauer, John A. Boehner, Suzanne Lucas, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Ben Ray Luja´ n, So we want real free trade. You are Bonamici, Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Mike Bost, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Cynthia M. Lum- Charles W. Boustany, Jr., Brendan F. Boyle, not going to get it by cutting a deal mis, Stephen F. Lynch, Thomas MacArthur, Kevin Brady, Robert A. Brady, Dave Brat, Carolyn B. Maloney, Sean Patrick Maloney, with countries that manipulate their Jim Bridenstine, Mo Brooks, Susan W. Kenny Marchant, Tom Marino, Thomas currencies. Those were excellent points Brooks, Corrine Brown, Julia Brownley, Massie, Doris O. Matsui, Kevin McCarthy, that some across the aisle made. If you Vern Buchanan, Ken Buck, Larry Bucshon, Michael T. McCaul, Tom McClintock, Betty are talking about free trade with coun- Michael C. Burgess, Cheri Bustos, G. K. McCollum, James P. McGovern, Patrick T. tries that manipulate their own cur- Butterfield, Bradley Byrne, Ken Calvert, McHenry, David B. McKinley, Cathy McMor- rencies, you are not going to get free Lois Capps, Michael E. Capuano, Tony ris Rodgers, Jerry McNerney, Martha Ca´ rdenas, John C. Carney, Jr., Andre´ Carson, McSally, Mark Meadows, Patrick Meehan, trade with countries that manipulate Earl L. ‘‘Buddy’’ Carter, John R. Carter, Gregory W. Meeks, Grace Meng, Luke their own currency because they can Matt Cartwright, Kathy Castor, Joaquin Messer, John L. Mica, Candice S. Miller, Jeff always maneuver around you and make Castro, Steve Chabot, Jason Chaffetz, Judy their product better. So this didn’t ad- Chu, David N. Cicilline, Katherine M. Clark, Miller, John R. Moolenaar, Alexander X. Mooney, Gwen Moore, Seth Moulton, dress the manipulative nature of some Yvette D. Clarke, Curt Clawson, Wm. Lacy Clay, Emanuel Cleaver, James E. Clyburn, Markwayne Mullin, Mick Mulvaney, Patrick nations’ currencies. Without that, you Murphy, Tim Murphy, Jerrold Nadler, Grace are not going to have a free trade deal. Mike Coffman, Steve Cohen, Tom Cole, Chris Collins, Doug Collins, Barbara Comstock, K. F. Napolitano, Richard E. Neal, Randy I would like to be an optimist and Michael Conaway, Gerald E. Connolly, John Neugebauer, Dan Newhouse, Kristi L. Noem, say that this bill that President Obama Conyers, Jr., Paul Cook, Jim Cooper, Jim Richard M. Nolan, Donald Norcross, Eleanor pushed so hard—historically hard for Costa, Ryan A. Costello, Joe Courtney, Holmes Norton, Richard B. Nugent, Devin his administration—to get passed, I Kevin Cramer, Eric A. ‘‘Rick’’ Crawford, Nunes, Alan Nunnelee*, Pete Olson, Beto would like to be the optimist, as so Ander Crenshaw, Joseph Crowley, Henry O’Rourke, Steven M. Palazzo, Frank Pallone, many of my colleagues are, and say, Cuellar, John Abney Culberson, Elijah E. Jr., Gary J. Palmer, Bill Pascrell, Jr., Erik but the reason President Obama was Cummings, Carlos Curbelo, Danny K. Davis, Paulsen, Donald M. Payne, Jr., Stevan Rodney Davis, Susan A. Davis, Peter A. pushing for this so hard is this will Pearce, Nancy Pelosi, Ed Perlmutter, Scott DeFazio, Diana DeGette, John K. Delaney, Perry, Scott H. Peters, Collin C. Peterson, really curtail his ability to make Rosa L. DeLauro, Suzan K. DelBene, Jeff Pedro R. Pierluisi, Chellie Pingree, Robert agreements without our agreement. I Denham, Charles W. Dent, Ron DeSantis, Pittenger, Joseph R. Pitts, Stacey E. would like to think that he worked Mark DeSaulnier, Scott DesJarlais, Theo- Plaskett, Mark Pocan, Ted Poe, Bruce that hard to curtail his own power, but dore E. Deutch, Mario Diaz-Balart, Debbie Poliquin, Jared Polis, Mike Pompeo, Bill the realist, the old judge in me comes Dingell, Lloyd Doggett, Robert J. Dold, Dan- Posey, David E. Price, Tom Price, Mike back and has to say, the verdict is he iel M. Donovan, Jr., Michael F. Doyle, Quigley, Amata Coleman Radewagen, pushed for this TPA because it was Tammy Duckworth, Sean P. Duffy, Jeff Dun- Charles B. Rangel, John Ratcliffe, Tom Reed, can, John J. Duncan, Jr., Donna F. Edwards, David G. Reichert, James B. Renacci, Reid J. going to give him a lot more power Keith Ellison, Renee L. Ellmers, Tom than he has now. Ribble, Kathleen M. Rice, Tom Rice, Cedric Emmer, Eliot L. Engel, Anna G. Eshoo, Eliz- L. Richmond, E. Scott Rigell, Martha Roby, I yield to the gentleman from Florida abeth H. Esty, Blake Farenthold, Sam Farr, David P. Roe, Harold Rogers, Mike Rogers, Chaka Fattah, Stephen Lee Fincher, Michael (Mr. YOHO). Dana Rohrabacher, Todd Rokita, Thomas J. G. Fitzpatrick, Charles J. ‘‘Chuck’’ Mr. YOHO. I thank my colleague Rooney, Peter J. Roskam, Ileana Ros- Fleischmann, John Fleming, Bill Flores, J. from Texas. I appreciate his loyalty Lehtinen, Dennis A. Ross, Keith J. Rothfus, Randy Forbes, Jeff Fortenberry, Bill Foster, and his patriotism to our country. I David Rouzer, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Edward Virginia Foxx, Lois Frankel, Trent Franks, R. Royce, Raul Ruiz, C. A. Dutch Ruppers- look forward to working with him in Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Marcia L. Fudge, berger, Bobby L. Rush, Steve Russell, Paul the future to talk about future nego- Tulsi Gabbard, Ruben Gallego, John Ryan, Tim Ryan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho tiations to make sure that the Federal Garamendi, Scott Garrett, Bob Gibbs, Chris- ´ Government, every time we act, every topher P. Gibson, Louie Gohmert, Bob Good- Sablan, Matt Salmon, Linda T. Sanchez, Lo- time we move, every time we vote is to latte, Paul A. Gosar, Trey Gowdy, Gwen Gra- retta Sanchez, Mark Sanford, John P. Sar- ham, Kay Granger, Garret Graves, Sam banes, Steve Scalise, Janice D. Schakowsky, do what is best for America, to make Adam B. Schiff, Aaron Schock*, Kurt Schra- America stronger, more competitive, Graves, Tom Graves, Alan Grayson, Al ´ der, David Schweikert, Austin Scott, David and a better nation to pass on to our Green, Gene Green, H. Morgan Griffith, Raul M. Grijalva, Glenn Grothman, Frank C. Scott, Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Scott, F. James ´ next generation. Guinta, Brett Guthrie, Luis V. Gutie´rrez, Sensenbrenner, Jr., Jose E. Serrano, Pete Mr. GOHMERT. I thank my friend Janice Hahn, Richard L. Hanna, Cresent Sessions, Terri A. Sewell, Brad Sherman, and yield back the balance of my time. Hardy, Gregg Harper, Andy Harris, Vicky John Shimkus, Bill Shuster, Michael K. Simpson, Kyrsten Sinema, Albio Sires, Lou- f Hartzler, Alcee L. Hastings, Denny Heck, Jo- seph J. Heck, Jeb Hensarling, Jaime Herrera ise McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Adrian ADJOURNMENT Beutler, Jody B. Hice, Brian Higgins, J. Smith, Christopher H. Smith, Jason Smith, Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I move French Hill, James A. Himes, Rube´n Hino- Lamar Smith, Jackie Speier, Elise M. josa, George Holding, Michael M. Honda, Stefanik, Chris Stewart, Steve Stivers, Mar- that the House do now adjourn. lin A. Stutzman, Eric Swalwell, Mark Takai, The motion was agreed to; accord- Steny H. Hoyer, Richard Hudson, Tim Huelskamp, Jared Huffman, , Mark Takano, Bennie G. Thompson, Glenn ingly (at 3 o’clock and 14 minutes Randy Hultgren, Duncan Hunter, Will Hurd, Thompson, Mike Thompson, Mac Thorn- p.m.), under its previous order, the Robert Hurt, Steve Israel, Darrell E. Issa, berry, Patrick J. Tiberi, Scott R. Tipton, House adjourned until Monday, June Sheila Jackson Lee, Hakeem S. Jeffries, Dina Titus, Paul Tonko, Norma J. Torres, 15, 2015, at noon for morning-hour de- Evan H. Jenkins, Lynn Jenkins, Bill John- David A. Trott, Niki Tsongas, Michael R. bate. son, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Henry C. Turner, , David G. Valadao, Chris Van Hollen, Juan Vargas, Marc A. Veasey, f ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson, Jr., Sam Johnson, David W. Jolly, Walter B. Jones, Jim Jordan, David Filemon Vela, Nydia M. Vela´ zquez, Peter J. OATH FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED P. Joyce, Marcy Kaptur, John Katko, Wil- Visclosky, Ann Wagner, , Greg INFORMATION liam R. Keating, Mike Kelly, Robin L. Kelly, Walden, Mark Walker, Jackie Walorski, Mimi Walters, Timothy J. Walz, Debbie Under clause 13 of rule XXIII, the fol- Trent Kelly, Joseph P. Kennedy III, Daniel T. Kildee, Derek Kilmer, Ron Kind, Peter T. Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, Bonnie lowing Members executed the oath for King, Steve King, Adam Kinzinger, Ann Watson Coleman, Randy K. Weber, Sr., Dan- access to classified information: Kirkpatrick, John Kline, Stephen Knight, iel Webster, Peter Welch, Brad R. Wenstrup, Ralph Lee Abraham, Alma S. Adams, Rob- Ann M. Kuster, Rau´ l R. Labrador, Doug Bruce Westerman, Lynn A. Westmoreland, ert B. Aderholt, Pete Aguilar, Rick W. Allen, LaMalfa, Doug Lamborn, Leonard Lance, Ed Whitfield, Roger Williams, Frederica S. , Mark E. Amodei, Brad James R. Langevin, Rick Larsen, John B. Wilson, Joe Wilson, Robert J. Wittman, Ashford, Brian Babin, Lou Barletta, Andy Larson, Robert E. Latta, Brenda L. Law- Steve Womack, Rob Woodall, John A. Yar- Barr, Joe Barton, Karen Bass, Joyce Beatty, rence, Barbara Lee, Sander M. Levin, John muth, Kevin Yoder, Ted S. Yoho, David Xavier Becerra, , Ami Bera, Lewis, Ted Lieu, Daniel Lipinski, Frank A. Young, Don Young, Todd C. Young, Lee M. Donald S. Beyer, Jr., Gus M. Bilirakis, Mike LoBiondo, David Loebsack, Zoe Lofgren, Zeldin, Ryan K. Zinke

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