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April 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986

4-9-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 09, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Summit to be in United States, but when? WASIII :\(;TO , ITI ieadt:'i' ) t 'klmli,r had.f'\' 1" \'(,1 CommuOlst P a rl\ dnd I thought ad"anced agreemelli, rr"'~:dl~al Rl'l.Ig II. :nn But ' l'lllt, .....lId ht., wuuld Ct'lltr I I ('om miltcC' f(l[l'lgn mt So' Il t Fur ~!! n 't'I'!!.:,tt.'r :llf:III'''i posl HeaEan and Gllrbache,·. form"lI) ,"\'lIed G~, · bach l·'· t" . n.. ltllh Onr.-, nm i'll t:~l~ :l'. .;.,,: l:.~113r·f ;-,h l" ~ r liIlJdz(' Ir. Tl1 t~ mel"l lIlg \\,IS ~l·'1 t"ll" lt'<.i dUlIIH£ thf'lr fir!-= t .~umnllt in a summit In the Unitl'1. : ~ t a k:­ I;P a lop-Ie\ rl m(>{"lng fur 'n1:l1 \','.I"!.ILtlh!!1 I~~ 1I1 1d · ~t a \ I I) fnr};, m ll'ules, out \\ .. 'It I!~i 101 G e f1(~ \ 'a :\''J\'. 19·20. agrL'{'(! tu I either late June or 1.1 :'-' Ju;.­ ~ l;)\ ' /I I~I\ tilt:' l:,1 oUnC\\'1f :< lor nltJ).' p·'t'}J.:4:,' ,n!' , '.IT ' 1" an hour I01ge!' SI,ulti' sud the holtl two ml'rf' s urr.mils: m the but has r~eh' Pd no re~ pon ~e he' ~t1 11 ·ull·q ·heduJrd !:Iuper· F- ur ~· m l l . \\hlt:!' h '~ !;Clld buth fac t that 11 was ('xtended 'IlIted Stat<'S III 1986 a nd in Ihe Shultz and Speakes ,a,d till powl" r :oou mmllihif yr'ar !, Idc .. H!'.! '!"f'(' ~ h nu! rt bl' h(lh; 10 ":--p('a ks, \·,,.,)urnes" and While SO\'I('! l!1I :on in 198i. But 111 u nilcd States Hill prefer, Secrt:'tan of St", t' Geor'l,f' the ,,:n l l t ' dS t ;lI(, ~ tim. ) ~ar , HOLJl"(' s pokesman Larry recent wC\.'l:"s. Gorbache\' ha s those dates But Schultz said. Shult z.. bricPng rcp1rters 011 peakes said the two men had seerred to puiJ away. irritating " I won't rule anything inor the om··ho'.. r . 15·mlOute (h'al Dobn nil' '5 \ lsit 10 the 0\'0:: "a lot to aboul. ·· lilp ariministra llon with out." Office mecting bpI",,, r " Office \\'as offlcia llv a farewel! uggestions tha t there would Heagall a nd Dobrynin. aid I1 r cali m3rking hi ~' retul'n to ';The meeting with Am· be no point in ha \'jng a nother Dobrynm. ~i J !Snul lz. "wa~ dale was set for the preside-Ill'S M~cow after 24 years a!' bassador Dobrynin was a ver~ summit wilhout the prospect of at pains to say, 'We're nct second summit with 50\'lel a l-:lbassador to take up ~ top- substanth'e, constructive onf a U . . ·Soviet arms control seH:ilg any preconditions ... · Daily Egyptian Southern IllinOIS University at Carbondale Wednesday, April H. 1986, Vol. 72, No . 134. 24 Pages Write-ins, disqualifications highlight usa election tally By Breit Yates StatfWrit€r Eighl senalOrs were seated seated on the School of on the West Side. DoUy Bl.1ir Agricullure. Res ul t s of th e Un· was seated with 324 votes: Eight sena tors were seated d e rgraduale Siude nt Mark Case. with 319 votes. on the E,sl Side. Lou Mar· Organiza tion Sen&!e races J a mie Kahn. with 252 votes: cinczyk was seat.ed with 29i were rel ea~2: and Todd WiUianlS, John Grigas. usa election with li6 votes. commissioner. said Tuesday Gus Bode For Thompson Point. Arthur vote tabula lion wa s dela" cd Leardi was sealed with 115 because the " Otes were hand votes. and Cathy Cherede was counted and because faces for seated willi 15 votes. Staff Photo by ~en II. Kufrin seats representing the Wesl Lying room only Side and the School of Bu. iness Two senators were s ealed were highly contesled. from Ihe School of Com· Don't let their smiles fool you, they' re not taking things Grigas said seven can· -nunicati ons. Damon Mathis lying _no Tanya Abramoske, left, senior In Public didates were disqualified from was seated with 193 voLes, and Relations, and Donna "'ngston, medical secretary at the the race, because they either fod King:on, with 146 votes. Carboncbtle Clinic, are just two of the 725 donors who gave failed to meel the 2.0 grade Gus says call Lyndon Carla J . Todd, with 103 voles. blood Tuesday for the week·long Red Cross blood drive. point ~ '. .'~ age requirement or a nd Dee Tracy, with 96 votes. LaRouche - he'll put some The thrlNHlay total stands at 1,510, according to coor· were under discip linary were seated as senators on the dinator Vivian Ugenl probation. people In those senate seats. School of Education. Dorm dwellers face bill for water rate increase By Trlcla Yocum Slaff Wri1er crease is expecled for fa U 1987. So students may be faced requi res a bout 18 month of service or operating costs a nd he said. with a S10 or SIS increase in pla nn ing because of lime no( capital improvements. Students wi ll eventually pay °niver sitv off:cials arc coming years. Hindersma n needed to requesl funds from Cily officials say the in· for the water and sewer ra tes working 10 "iake the sting oul" said. the state Legislature. The crease is needed 10 fund increases passed by the City of the increase, Hindersman Budget Director John Baker funds requested by the capital improvements to Council. says Charles Hin· said. said he has " no idea" where University will nol be a p· ma intain the water a nd sewer dersman. vice president for One a lternative. said Bruce the money fo r the incrr.ase \vill proved until sometime in July syst.em and to meet s tandards financial affairs. Swinburne. vice preside nt for come from, since the increase when appropriations bills a re se t by the Ill inois En· The University bill will in· s lude nt affairs, is Ihe came " ralher late in the passed. vironmental Protection crease by about S325.000. refinancing of some of the game" for budget planning. Technically. it is possible to Agene),. comparable to more tha n S20 University'S bonds. which Hindersman said pa rt of the a mend the funding request to Hindcrsman al'" 'uggesled fo r each stucent living in Ih e would decre.1se the inlerest funds for this year's increase re!leet the incrt'ase bU l lhat is ~h e sale of rcvenJe bonds to resiuence halls, Hinrtersman payments and I.,,;sen housi ng will come from the housing nol very realis tic considering help offset th. incr.,,;,e and said. incr ea es . budget's reser\'es and tha I the budgel cuts on the state level. lhat a consultant be hi red However. hou_ ing rates wiB The "good news." Swin· rest will probably have to Baker said. before such a drasllC' incrpase not increase for fa B 1986 bur ne sai d. i that lhe come from academic depart. Hindersman asked the ity is implemented. because contracts have refina ncing will sav ( ~ s tudents ments or other projects. Council Monday to lessen the alread\' been lei. but an in· aboul 550.000 a year. The niversi t)' budget increase t~ only cover debt s .... WATER , Page 7 This Morning Halloween can-ban plan put on back burner -- - Affirmative action By Trici& Yocum StaHWuter people downtown is the The board 's decision fective the first year. bUI said still a priority at primary concern of the boa rd Tuesday came after monthly it would be " a step in the right SIU·C, Baily says The Liquor Ad\'isory Board and thai if the ban were nol d iscussions sint..-e December of direction, ., will not r e commend a er..acted , injur ies more s<:rious the problem of injuries from Hogan said enforcing the - Page 10 Halloween can ban to the Ci ty lhan Ihose in the pasl could beer cans thrown on the Strip ban would mean a "trade-off" Council - alleast for 1986. occur. Waiting until next year during the Halloween - \.dking officers away from However, all me.mbers said may be too late, he said. weekend. palrolling the crowd and Salukis they would not hesitate 10 The board wi ll recom mend Police Chief Ed ilogan told Iransfrrring them to specific split with Evansville recommend such a ba n for 1987 thai existing laws and or· th ~ board he favored the ban checkpoints - bul thai it if alterna te m easures do not dinances be well·publicized and thought it would reduce wouldn't be a major problem -Spo~s24 r~uce the .-isk of revelers in and that the c""ncil enact an injuries a nd da mage 10 for the department. the downtown a rea. ordinance banning people prGperty. Hogan Three liquor store owners Partty sunny. high In tho 60s. Rov Miller was the lone from r ooftops except Ihe ackn... Iedged thai Ihe ban dissenler. s.ying that safely of businesses' emil)OYecs. woui< not be 100 percent cf· S•• BAN, Page 7 t\)\(tj\i~ ~ : N ' ewswrap GJ\:~Dt~S I 1~: I nation/world ----.- WEDNESDAY DINNER SPECIAL $6.25/person 3 hurt as bomb explodes induding on egg roll , sOUP . chicken MO ir~~ ' ~~~~:e r m Mon.Sot 11 :30.2:3f)WI1 h broccoli a nd Chinese teo. I ( Apr i ~~I::.tI19 ) 1 mile from Weinberger Mar-. Sot 5:00.10:00 Muf'{l .;'" )11' I, ",'4., Se-rvlce5 ".,-formed 8 1' r.oslTlolOQ,sl l:-t fro/nlng I \ ,. ,1l.O' " oJ·," 0,., I.. J 529·2813 BA NGKOK, Tha ila nd cur l! - A time bomb fill,,,j wi th nail.. exploded Tuesday about 2Q fet-' from wher e Secretary of Defense All RESERVED SE."- TlNG Caspar Weinterger was to PdSS on his way to attend a sta te banquet. Thre.-, Tha is were in ju r~d in th. blast. Weinberger. on a five-nation Asian tour. was in his holel .bout a mile away from E I>Jr C.oncL Washroom Equipped. Reclining Soat1 the scene. No Americans were near lhE. site, the U.S. Embassy S UD E N T Slops Loooted Throughoo1 ChQ,go and s.A>u.t.s ~ said. RANSIT .. . lJ -- D'1.!er' s family sues TWA for $21 million - -- NLW YORK

Record Setting Blood Drive T oday-F riday, Stuuent Center 1 O:30am- 4:30pm

The need for blood in this region has increased dangerously this past year. The Red Cross has again urged this community to meetthis ever increasing demand on its blood supply. Join this united University and Carbondale community effort to collect 5,000 pints of blood and establish a new world record. Together we can prove . that this truly is the Heart of Southern Illinois. Let's Do It Appointments are not necessary, but if you have made one for today. please honor it.

Arnold Air Society C/L-FM Daily Egyptian MOVE DiIIt' .."..., Opinion & Commentary

Student Ed"Of -.n -C h'et l ,\oo Eu.enhOUCI Ed"ollot Poge Edol O< S v~ on S';Ir''lOu"l.olo A'\oelale Edltorlo l Poge Edllor Scoll Flee mon foculty Manag'"g Ed Itor \'11111'0 '" Hormon Student trustee elections today

STU DE~· rs AilE EXPECTEJI to elect a student trustre t01ay. Bu t do , tudents knew where Ihe elcclton IS. whet: the polls open. or who IS on the ballot? Do they know what a student trustee does? La ck of knowl edg., among tl;e students can b<> partially blamed on the DE I nlll ,·esterdav. we did not have anv tories about the election. There hadn't s mro 10 be much to report , since onl y one pprson I ~ on the ballot. Irs sad lha out of almo t 23 .000 ludents. onl) one \" a~ in­ ter ested enough in this important po." I I inn 10 eel 2001 .: :gf atures on a petition ba llot It'g ad th3t students arc l U\ itmsly unaware of what a student lrust.-e does for them. TH E STlI OE:-iT Tllt:STEES (one from the a r bondale Why field hockey shouldn't be cut campus. one from Edwardsville) a re a direct link between lhe students and the BOilrd of Trustccs. Although they ha vc only ar. Irs bad enou!(il th ?~ (he and II I 111 extremciy pot>r cut. because it doesn't Ii\'e , p advisory \'ote on r olutions lhat COf'le before the board, they women's 3ihletic£ depal tment tas~e lnat an editorial on tile to your standards of what a can present resoillt ion:-. and proposals and dl scu s them. like nny has suffered the loss of II ·r !'ports page v:a:; written. woman's role should b ? other board member. They a re the voice of th,> s(eden ts when the gy m nastic~ learn. but wh3.t 1:; So teU us, since you didn' t boa rd discusses tuition and fee increases. di\'e"", tment of Foun­ worse is the lack of support for elaborate in the art:cle, what If you ever take a trip 10 the dation funds in Soulh ..Urica , selecting a chancellor - anytlling the teams left in that dppa r t· exactlv does " w omen east or west coa l. vou will 10 that the Board of Trustees rulc, on. ment, parti("Ul a rly fHd shouldn't be pl ayi"g field wha t a highly respected spor hockey. hockey a nyway" mean? Are fi eld !lockey is. And SII; is a Ed Lance. the sole candida te for trustee. is . ,robably as For some reason f!eld we to assume thai field hockey '..-ell respected competitor in qualified as anyone else to do Ihls importanl job. Bct again, It'S hockey has b<>cn Singled GU t as i a maseuline sport'? A:tually, that sport. placing first and sad - he'll \\'in no matter what, l'\CC3use tudenlS ha ve no choicr If they were the group if you 10<.· at it realisl'oally. second for the past two years in this election. There i!!. no conte5t. 111} d bale abol:t who is b('st rf' 'pon ible for Lhr elimination field hockey altr,~ ,,·ilh in the Mid west Indteuled au: a' ·poiled ballots "IT!; which u.'c In would I)C learns han" the Jea~t rl3em· " ·ork together to support all of c li minate rl . T~l\' field hockf.::) blance to any men's por t. IC 's athletics, - ;\lind.\ I T WOrLD ~I:. E JI. e.:)pcc iall~ · In a year when only one can­ learn players fJ:wC alwa) s Anl,,"ay. wu"ld that be <; valid Thornl.' a nd ;\l d inda Foe, didate has offiCiallY bCf"'n listed on the ballot. tha a write-in vote bel'll supporti\·t? .... , all the otller reason to .or whl thc field \\ omen'!lo fi eld hnck,,\, and should not be discouraged Isn·t an election suppo,ed 10 be ahout sports. i n cl~uil1g gymnastics, hockey team hocld h. ,·o bl",n -\r.:'rr-3 lIas ante, .\ lun1l1u choice, about picking the best of two or nlor'e C':tndtda ' es? It may seem a moot poin this year. a' apparent). no on else b in­ lerested in the Joh. All persons concernC'd about studen! !t's a sad tirne for SIU athletics ~epr esent.atio!i in ma tters that arfcct students should publici7c thr job opelling more nt-~t ) car, a nd \\ nte-Ills !'hou)fl Pc allowf...Q nn,·'" isgrUIt. Idiocy p rc\all~ U I1I\'ers!l\', ChariClue W~t s~n\: ~ we won', to provide some competition. .1t Sl L' , Yesterday rMarch 2t' } 1\ow, we ha\'e a little budget need them 3mmllrr. Just think we were informed Iha t the problem, we're tt)ld by our two of how much mone\' the \''':men's gymnastics progr"m fabulous top =' Lhle'ics ad­ t;niversit\' could ~ :\\ ' e on their at SIU \\ ill be scrapped as of minislrators. Jim LI\'engood two salaries alone! Letters April 9 for all practical pur­ and Char/otle \\'e.:l \\'ell. I P'oSe.<. Thi s will be a sad day have a wonderful sdution to A ~ for the playing fields not nIl' for thos' who par­ the probiem. IJ the Uni" rSlty behl:1rl the Ar!1a and tid p~ te in the sport. but for lanus 10 $55,000-S6O.000 Mc.,'\narew ':1ta di um, whv not Gross restroom graffiti thl> e who enjoy watching the over the npx' three years by just n<:kc parking lots out of sport as well . simply cutlllig women's them. ThaI way the parking I don ·t wan t to run scarus mc to de.a th to think The women's gymnastic gymnastics alone, wby not just ticket dh'i ion of SIl· S('Curity something into the ground, but that people like you, who care tea m coached by Herb \"ogel save some " real money" and could keep rea!iy bUSl ,nd r:iJ writing in regards to nothing about other people or W3j once on e of the fin est CUI out all collegiate a thl etics, clear up all of lhe University's ··Graffiti." This time it is on a property tha t docsn·: belong to t~ams in the nation. not to both men's and \\'omen'~ . a nd Inoney problems. - - l\1ichae! place where not everyone vou. will be the leadecs of our mention a gr eat source of while we' re at It. why don't we A . H(' ~ ni c k . ,\illu nu s, could see it , on th ~ back of a country. Hea\'cli help us. pl..hH c relations for the entire just fire J im J..jvet:gO'ld and ;\lak'illda. door in a restroom in Quigley Hall. I know ·011 are probably We a re a product of our classifying me as a ··prude"· ellvironmcnl. accl)rdlllg to all Figures for fee proposal misleading a lready. but I" m not. If the the experts, and will even· wording wasn't gross rnllugh, tually show what !ype of en­ lOW t'1a: lhe lIi.s urance inc-(,.35(> premiums by hun­ ea.!h sludent must pay every the picture finished it ofr. I" m vironment we ha \f(~ been Ii\'lng referendun ~ issue I ~ ov~r, the d.-ed.i ot do! iars per per un , time he goes to the hEalth disgusted wilh the lack of in. Well . needless to sav I can economic issues raised st.::"uld Tli? direc tor has now cenier? Ho\\ about dental concer n for other pe(lpie when tell what type of Envir'O:lmenl be discussed. dis."llSed that a subsidv would care'? How about returning the I see this type of thing. you came from or perhaps The direclOr of hediln ser­ have come from Ihe difference money to the l"ni\'ersi y [or '.l'i"'h vo :.: were from . Shame on vices furnished the g ross~ y ~tween a budgeted :1 percent use in upgrading the libra ry? We have a b<>autlful campus vou. i doubt that this letter will misleading figures 10 the usa increase for saidries and a How about not ~pe.nding every here, IIlside and o!...l. 'fhe inakc a dirference in VI..U' line which were used in phrasing prooableG.5 percent increase. taxpayer or studenl dolla r ja n itors and bui ldin g vf thi rJking the next time you t1e choices between Wba t would havp rappened possible? custodians do a marvelous job chooEe to deface somcone coverages, the next year wilen the dif­ Mr. Director. instead of in helping to preserve its else's pI oper ~y; but it makes The S2 or S4 fees cited COUld ference' was '!ple will never grow up. It FOl-d and Nu(ritior.. (unless subsidized ) cOIJ ld how about eliminating the $3 student. Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Editorial Policies S'gn-.d o r hC;~$ . including I_"er$ V.ewpolnt, 0".0 ~ l ~.menton... . r';to.,., the c?nlOi"tt. of rhelr JUthon. ~ I)' . Un! ; gn~ editoriols repreu.,t a c onSG"SUS of th. DO l!" Egyptian EditorIal Commi"'e4! , ...... hos. members are the sl\ldeont..ditor".k'IaUy Egypt,an, ApriJ9 , 1l1li6 I / ' Letters TONIGHT Educator should check facts AT Gross m i. srepreseniatiolls in Classrooms are constructed to developed country but has its Darci Allrn article of March take ari vantag', of natural own unique problems which 26 ("Education poor in African li ght. unlike In lhe linited are not necessarily less nalion" ) put to question the Statt:S , where mllSt classrooms dest;uctive tha r. th"se of competency of the training depend on artificial lighting. developing countrleB. program in Cameroon directed Cameroon ' s elementary Quisenberry erred in her by Nancy Quisenberry. schools are day schools, so a sru Courier article, saying 2 for 1 b~dget for electric lighting is lhal only 33 perceill ~f I f her report is based Oli a raU:er unnecessary. Cameroonian teachers have case she came across in It is a shame 'hat ·'the (;ompleted grauo .chool. 1979 Drink Night Cameroon, it v'ould be un· e l em\~;}ta ry schools have no figures pullhal nutrlber a132.4 scientific for her to infer from books. paper, pencils, or visual percent. and it is eVt:i, higher lhat incident anct conclude that learning aids ... " Any r3tional today. education is poor in Cameroon, person knows this is not true. Cameroon has never heen a A,I Drinks; Buy1 get1 FREE ! Her fin a the director of a to . make educati on rich in la tions 0 accomplish? project. of this dimension Cameroon. Besides. the ti!lc 0 0 V(·urself a favor next which boo Is the Un ivers ity's " Education Poor ill AfriCd!l timc. find out jus t wha t is Ihc illf enlational ima ge to di sUJSS Na tion" is ques tiona ble . leacher to siudent ratio a nd the project which s he is in· Publications s uch as the World the percentage of prima ry \'ol\'ed in . But it becomes Bank ·s World Table. U 'ESCO ~ t h oo l enrollment together ques tionable when someone Annua l Sta ti s ti cs and the with the lit eracy rate of holding. responsible position nifed Nation's Sta tis tical Ca mcroon. Then compa re tha t such as Dr. Quisenhcrrv, 13VS yearbook provide data a nd with s,J rn e oi her African cla im 0 her s hortsight ed definitions whic h a re used in na tions a nd 110t wit h ttl(> lJnilcd s ightseeing trip as a n un· qua lifying countries. Stalcs. - ~i .~ n: · ders ta nding of a counln"s As a s t udent fr o m r. l · nr ~ f · !'llfu lI !! , t! raclu;l!t, educational system. . C a m c r oon . I find Dr . ~1I11 11 'IH . T.-I"l'fJlI1l1l1l11ic:llinn .. . Abortion debate and sex education Week after week the DE ulerus (i .e. ruDs). methods to risks and benefilS of these prints various points of view prevent the union of sperm and methods, how these can be "0 FOOL "P'tIL SPECIALSI concernine: the ethics of egg (i.e. wi thdrawal. condoms, used mos t effectively, or abor t jon. Many of the letlers dia phragms. sponges ), where they may be obtained. which a re print.ed a re sensible, sterilization, and liming sex to People are best able to make All Sandwiches only 99 c: most are emotionally·toned, coincide with infertile periods responsible choices when they each and some a re evangelical. of the menstrual cycle. Like are well·informed. During the entire month of April Each has chosen to neglect the aborti on, each of these our Hamburger. Roost Beef, Fish Fillet, problem underlying abortion; solutions has ethi ca l im· Deciding thaI abortion is Hot Hom, Chicken Fillet, and our the fundamental dilemma is plications, and each has at· illegal may stop some women thaI people have sex, and tracted proponents and op· from having abortions, but it NEW Beef Barbeque will only be M'. sometimes an unwanteO Efe is ponents. certainly won't sol, e the basic lboco'l & ChP.e!A ~)rtrc ) the consequence. Mer. and wom en will not stop problem f how to ha ve sex Abortion, right or wrong, ir having sex, probably because without babies. In order to get but one way of coping with the most a re cognizant of im · at the roots of this problem, Thru April 30th prohlem of unwanted new !ife. mediate benefits lhan the what is needed is a weU· No Coupon tu"torically, there have been potential risks. Nevertheless, funded, active and aggressive .....ut .... many solu tions to this many lack a sex education program of sex education, ·price doft not problem, including in fa n l.ici~" , suffi denl enought to provide aimed at a llowing people to ingestion of hormones to an understanding of the birth make rational choices on their Include to • . prevent the development

Program THECiREAT John McNaughton, Saturday, April 26 ~Tini Wood Craftsman & Michael n '" ,"_.d+"+- Old Main Mall Slide Lecture, April 10 \Ji+lEeE FaneI' Museum Auditorium 1-3 pm r~E \i'LP D emonstr~iion, April 11 Th<)' ~",n ' l looking 1-+-"+­ "'U'N~( 4~f Student Ce nter Woodshop (or a fig/II ... jusllO brlon~ . i r OIM nr shlne l SP( f Ini* "H~ I he )Iudf'n l C,on'Ct Crall Shoo MOll Dillion )oulhf'fn(I,H \\ o rl ~IU S chOl"' lof -\ 11 Th., Ro lph M acchIO Booth Appli cations Due Tom ('vise April 11 Rob Lowe

• CURRENT RIVER Congra:ulations to the Canoe Trip FOREST PARK, 1986-87 SPC Chairpersons AprU19&20 ST. LOUIS Brian Elmore Jean Sanders SJ5 !ncludes FAMILY TRIP h ~OCUlr~t' Ch.m 'mf.'Arr5 -Canoes, lIfelacfClilll\'«mu $2 C':hildren under 12 Howard SuPerez (includes roundtrip transportationl r"m) Splllr Bus leaves Studenl Center al9am, R(>turlS al7pm Mi chael Cushny \ ,deo Pass-fail sys tem fails to pass test of time ~"'!!?1fa.MAtIHlU&f"III'II.J'f\ The Universitv's 17-vear-old said 1 mid-iOS survey in­ course work with very little The nivcrsity has twn types Pretty In ".. PO~ 1 J pass·fail gradilig sysiem will dicated that " not one st udent" work il1\'t)I\·ed . But businesses ~f pa ss·fail courses : those in 7:30 lleepl... _ G be aboli shed. possi~ l y as early \\'3S taking a pas~ - rall course and uth:;r colleges assume lha t \\ hich all students in a class as spring of 1987. fo ll owing a that he or she wou ld ha ve you 're a work dodger. receive a " pass " or " fail" (S,[email protected] proposal recommended by the othennse avoided. graGP. and those where 0.-..... Ovt I,, -.-I w HI li. Faculty Senate and a pproved The grade of "P" is not ·· It may ~ five to 10 years stl

ni versity Legal Counsel the proposed increase and a the olliv member to vote questioned ;"hether the cit y fla t rate structure were needed against - the increase. He was acting within its statutory for "sound f ina ncial disagreed with the nat in· authority and was resea rching management" of the water crease and wanted to maintain the maUer. Citv Attornev and sewer department. a three-tiered structure. Patricia McMeen told lhe council that lhe city has an Councilman Palrick KeJiev Dillard also suggested ex· ordina nce that allows It to said the department has been tending some of the capital increase water and sewer in lhe red for a while and lhat improvements in to the next rates and was acting within the rate increase was esse ntial fiscal year 10 give large Cl uthO 'ily of the ordinance if needed repairs a nd im· vol um e t: sers like the provements were to be made. niversil v more time to Ci ty Manager Bill Dixon >aid Councilman ~eil Dillard was budget for i he increases. BAN, from Page 1---- and a bar m an~~er presented To sa ve the city the cos t of as a fund -raising device" for the board wilh aiternatives to the printing and d'islribution of the city and the ban would the ban. nyers. liquor store and bar e~Ciljate that use, Doug Diggle. oWller of Old ownP rs wUl assume the c~t s. Town Liquor>. 514 S. liI inoi he>aid. Dan Sheridan. East Side 9:30 - 1:30 Ave.: Steve Hoffman. owner or Tbe businesses also pl an to Sella tor. said lhat if a can ban AB C Liquor Mart. I~ 1\ . ':III!r advertisements from were enacted . man\! students Washington 51.: and Nancy newspapers and radio would slav away - from the I(LLIllaS'IILOOI Aldridge. manager of lhe stations. he said. lrip and Party (n the neigh· "-m ricall Tap. 518 S. Illinois Diggle. who helped write the borhood . creating more Po';e" >aid lhat a can ban would ban on the sale of akohol in problems for the police. SPECIAL cr<)a te more problems than it bOllles lhl' week before lhe a&.&. Da7 ••rr~ would sol ve . Halloween lestival. volun· Crowds would be worse teered to oversee the flyers Kuhluu a round the beer booths if cans a nd lhe media advertisements. M@WD~ooo & were not a Uowed on the Strip. Diggle also proposed lhat AT KERASOTESTHEATRES Diggle said. and fights would people not be a ll owed on break out amollg impatient rooftops. except police officers lIDEP.TY 664'6022J partiers waiting in line for and store employees. Murphysbolo All 5eo" S 1 beer. A few members of the Un· :L ':"U'Ph'" .om.n'.... "" I~, "." People should be IIlformed de r g r ad u ate Student 7 30 ... bout exis!ing laws and Organization al 0 protested warned oi the consequences thecan ban. SAlUKI 549 ' 5622~1 for offenses in advance Da v p Mo-Jlener. SO city l~ . O ' W " T h '"''''' ' SOO7059 '0 through flyers at .,11 liG uor a ffairs c~ r.l lni ssio ncr , said Apri l rool" O.YIIiI SOOiOO9 00 sal'" location . Diggl~said . tha t "students were being used VAP.SlTY 457·6100 ' , ...... , GunaHo Pl1 :! OO.t 1,.o; 700Q15 SEAFOOD lu~.u !Of " 3(XH iOOOUO Bruil . 1 ~41.'()b4 S Q1 j

: PA~! i ,~!LAD : FOX [OSI901. 457.5665" I\U • Thl' Moncey Pil , 5 1C; 7 lSQ lS 11 'A lth Oul ofAf,iu , on",.. Murdole Shopp nQ Ce""er $ coupon ~·/, WH .. , .. 4 0; - UO CJ 10 I ~. ~o 0' MO.Oy "o,.h ilLboe' , ! L '200 ~~ ~, \< ~ "'OIU t'''' tll."" Dail), Egypliar.. AP:-119, 1900. P(Jg(>1 F-Senate names 5 to committee By Oarei Allen StaflWritor Se na t e . have a n a d ­ similar to the undergraduate ministra tive r a nk above eva luation at SIU-C. Block Pomeranions The Fac'li !y Senate named cha irman or beali ~ m e r it u s . The IBHE will receive the m e mbe r s t o t h e Un · The duli es of the cllmmillee c om m itt ee ' s r e com ­ Apricot Poodles dergraduate Review Oversight arc sti ll in draft form. mendations at its September Commi It ee Tuesday. The J ames Tweedy, represen­ m e<> ting. Tweedy said. ·SOON· rommitlee will assess the la live to the Facult y Adv isory W; lli a m Cosca r e l li. Scotties, Maltese & c ur r e n t u nd e r gra dua t e Committee of lh'e ! !1iriOls ~ .isoc i a t e professor of learning 'Long Hair Chihuahuas education program and ex­ Bo" rd of Hi gher Education. resources, said the ins1ruclor plore options for Its om­ gave a report on th e com­ and course eva luation fo rms NEW EXOTIC BIRDS . provement. mi ttee-'s activities fo r the year . wi ll not be changed. bu! the Those selecled were Kendall He said the IB HE didn 'l way the information is Buy One - Get One Adams. marketing professor: accept the recommendation prese n l ~d 10 facul ty wi ll be FREE K.K. Coll ins. a s socia te c on cerning m i nim u m a ltered. professor of English; Patricia requirements for incoming The sludy r esul ts will be Select group of E I mor e . pro fessor of freshmen, bul that Iwo board li sted as the qJestion appears Flnche. educationa l psycholog_ ; mem bers said the issue wasn't on the forrr:s . instead 0 being David Kos ter. proiessor of dead yet. categorized. and wi ll be on two chemistry and biochemistry; Tweedy also said the IBHE pages instead of three. HURRYUPI and Mil ton Sulliva n. a rl is s tudy i n g s t ude nt Only 3 baby ferrets left ! professor. pre p a r a t ion , sl ude nl Coscarelli said the new & Committee members cannot achievement Rnd scholarship, system wi ll not be im­ be members of the Faculty a nd t~ c h e r ' s skills, which is plemented until ': ;s summer. A NEW TAME RED lORIKEET " HOPPY" liIiiM.... iIIIIi!PGlPIIIf! Anti-nuke marchers cross line

More than just a fis" store! into Nevada on way to Capitol Murdale Shopping Center JEAN. -ev.



Pa id for by the Office of Student Work and financial Ass;stance

PageB. Da ily Egyplian. A prll~ . 19t16 ~o~~ ~:~!,~~a~ toba~h~Y~l ~h~. A ~!1g Sn~~r~O~l ~ea~~!e -0yoDuekntesotwwhtheerescOonlreYl the prC!'l ldcnl uf thE! ,..\ mcrican CP·, Il" P residen t Jonl1 bclllg appointed as director of • Federation of T{'a d1('r~ ...,ill P \.lhlma nn ::::ald part uf the Colleges and njve rsitics s peak nil coll('t" t!\'l' barg:dntng :'\ll'isnn's <.! dda-c;;s " 111 focu ::, un Oppa rlmenl oi the AFT in 1973 I( hl:1 k One') at ;\ p m ' f h u rsda ~ 111 the cllflJ·lr.lle mana~c!1len i 111 thl' lie has conlrlbulcd " lOre tha n \'I.e 10 Student l (:olef 'i1 :-. I ~ .. IPPI l nl\·('r ·q l~ "The ' 'IlIn ' r si t~ i:- :1.;; arlil"l~ to th Chronicle of I .~ 1)0 \lUU \\oI nllo hi' I hi ' R i.~rn ;.t t.. orporalJ(In. o rgan l74;~d Irnm Higher Edll('allOll ? lld written D D on I\( nne \\ hll kltfm .. 1I1 ~ prT':-.t'II I.l luJO ·.\·Ii~ .ld the I.'p d(\\\n Th;.1 ... trul'lun' nu merou ::, b ook ~ and dr\~~- .. Ihp rnlt· 01 I ,tll.:,itll1'l1;t.ll ha ... IInpl1<.'all'lIl!'l fnr Ih' :-- t at u ~ m unogr a ph. a boul u OI n !'r- \dlf'Tl IIOU lI!-lI,IfII'ddV P" '~ l l d IU V 11· ... 1 · I'!du:--lnn! mallagl,. !llt'n: a ;1t: ()f rlJl!..·:-'~IO'lah- al ~n- 1".": ~ Il IP !-= r:n'1l1t! 1!lt\"{rn alhT If1 puh.1I i·f)r.' ~ 11'1nn"'dld \ r~cl' p !J")n 1{1 thl' Ca l lit ..... "\" ·I!.(':o. ""h, I, ("tll-' ;" '(J~Oh 11;J ~ d. elnral/' In hllncf:.h Holul.r. Inn <..r n 'n.ui,j \\ 110;11 \loll\!lcli" I it~'l !h.II .. ldlflll v !If!':.,tll' III "PilI .. I, (': b~ t nl\'c-r'il~ '1 ••1 !Wfll.dll"'" Ij£, \\0.1" f n lin i{hnl1 \\lli 1<11 1(1'.\' hl:-- p r h.(;tl t"'·ipl l·:-';'IIl;l,,,..:·:-.1l thill .. 1\ L~lIdi.

Pack of rampaging wild eiephants kill 10 \\'IIi1,~ Villi Iih,' d It .. : IP,i1'''Plllltlhl'', ~,'Il' II ic.1 Id,\\ "I II III,ITI. I'PI 11,.1" .... '\"1 !l p'·f.pll· \\ erl' L" ''1pf..·o 1..1,' ,I~ r .. II \\ lilt 1.11/'1 ,. d I ;\Oi.... .q "ilrl '1('I'/;a~t .. 1:)11&:.1 111 '11(' ~1~lh lu ,,·.·.rth \\ 11(> 11 a /wr II! ~' I DO n',11111 iIll"I'.oIh I E" r·'illl!.C ,Illl\!(,' 111 hl • h' \'i1!(,1 I qllOli!lg 1'1 t·:.'lil1.lI:,:- .. 111 <1('''('0 tlH'lr uln O")t · ..... ,· ... slin OIH' \ ·'Ih.(,1" \\i..I" :,,,rt!;C " "':l" \~ " ::1 (' Ijj;l~" IiC:!" :11l'! Il:! ran1! \.1,11110\ n!llIlll .. '"11(11,' flo.!:l 1\llll'O i< Ii!'" : III Pl'(lph trdH!~)h·ct In (jf':lti, ~,nd .t'lolh, Foit· .. · It ,Ith' ah(ll.l 1)(1 mil·" tlIlI "hP 1,'.,1 "Ilh " (tl t ,IIi t Itlrc'ul ""l(it'I1~~ \'3rn to '.H1~· ~1I1t'i wtwn ai' "I"ph;lTlt /lorlh (II (Ju',\dhatt ihl' ofrr 'I~jj l1l ol tU lol,\;" , h.1I1~t· 11I.11· ... l!nlJ1b :I'Jc1 If'f,·lll... III cifl\~' In t:Il.l r!.hl him Ih IrUl11\ .1I1d lO a III t·,I" \.' III rI'fltI dlult ... I JHI'" awa\ thC·l('.I:--' It- ! 1m hl:r ttl I ht.' ground 11 (' ..,ald 1:10 t of till' \·I(,.·l1m" ,If llll',IIt": 'ome' \"I lJa).!t.'r~ han' :--;"it.-nt \\crt· women u a ble to llc{' Ihe ~ I c<~ pl p !,- s I ~~h\:"o "Ii guar d I·k :-3lt i :11 j l.' a~t (,1J:;!.h t ot i l(~ r rampae lng. lH' ds t tha t aJ:! ;tIO~t ' h . a n in,~I~, winch pt.·opl e \\'{,I"C h,lIed '" \\\ (J ,'11 · dl.·stro\ ed d0 7. ('n ~ of Ih .. ltctll~ d !lumber 4.500 111 I~f' hilh . t a<:k ~ lasl \\ {'ck but ~a \'e no hOllses In ' he ~ p l tle01cnt _ forest·(·O\·ercd Sla te . dales , A state forestn' offici~l sa id In As ~ a m . o\'crgrazing of t.he mosl rcceni a ' l.. tCk was I n 0 1·'''' rncidenl III the sn ow fo.>d. the increased cutting of late Monda\', when 3 herd of area 3S Monday nigh: tre.:s and the steady en­ II ~1J 1I dll!l,kl't1 " Yes" III I about 12 elephu!lts stormed rampage. an clephanl at­ cro;.,cnmcnt OIl habitats by _.'­ lh",ho,,,, U'TI'l.lJS" IO~ through the !aborers' housing tacked a group of laborers man force man\' wi!d VOU , US<' :t, and onlV you area of a tea estate near collecting be' mboo. crushing a elephants to leave the forcsts -- =-- ,,; 11 knrn \ ' ~~ ! SI~l)rc . Nazira. about 200 miles nor- man in search of food . Congress, public ignored, winds heeded in nuke test LAS \ 'EGAS, Ne\". I UP)) - with a curr('I" Soviet A nu lc..1 r weapons explosion. moralOnum on tcstlng :lnd an scheduled by the gO\'crnment offer by So,'iel leader Mlkl,~il despite congressional protest Gorbaehcv 10 halt all testing if and invasion of the te-fo;t site by Ihe l'nitPd 'tatC5i doe!o; . demonstrator was postponed H1Sl0n will record th3t the Tuesda\' b"cause of thp 1.Jnllcd ~ t :lIe:i r jeeted a lest weather. bile, the les 0pPOllents Sind, SPECIAL :\ dozen anli·lestlllg ac· "The 0\'1"[5 ha\" ~ ~lIrt they th·ists. induning D a nl. ~ 1 \\' 1lI 10 s top t (,~ lJn g :lnd are E ils bcrg. were arre5> ted "';1 the wllJ 'ng 10 acce pt nn-s ite in­ I e!>. I 511(' before tilt' d el.'l ~io n to Spt'C; lon 10 \"crify a I ('~ I ban PO !:o IPOI1(.· \\ :lS revealed. l r l'al; , ' Rep, Ed Maricey, D­ :\ s pok es rr.ClIl fo r the !\lass .. saId "Wh\" don'l we RY Southern ('aliforma Freeze call their bluff'! Ii ', 'e do,,'t. ampali~ n claimed tl!p l('st his ton \', ill record tilalll \\ as a was called off beca use of then SO\ ie-I leader "ho wenl the dc"nnllslrallon extra mile toward cndlll the nuclear ar ms racc and an "ThiS mean!>' \\ e have won a m erican preslden who slgnifica nl \ ·Illor~. ·· Slid John tur ned him down .. Murphy of the Fre eze Or2.;)11173I ion " E\,t.; 11 If il I ~ He}J. Tom IJ O\··tl "~ 0 -:'\ Y JXl~lpo n ed onl~ a l ew day:,. 11 sa lt:: ha : by C' l mdut' lI l1l-' h~ gi\'e .1 chance for the 1(''''1. th e admimstratlo "will moratonum_" take a pefl l ()u~ ~ Iep bal·k·v.. ard ~ In Washington. In their nuclrar weapons. congrt'":!- siOl1<-tl opponents urg d puliL'Y , placing id t~r log)' firmly the adm, r) , _ t ra t IOn to go ;- lo: ~n2~ __a_h _ea_d_of_n_a_l_io_n_d_1 s_",,_'u_r_it:...y _"_

When you order from Domino's So when you want that special PIzza, you're In for a special Irealment. just pick up lhe delivery: Fresh·from-Ihe·oven phone Dom:no's PIzza pizza made right Ie your ord€r Delivers-' ~~~ I with lop·quahty Ingredlenls. And we de !:v ~r In less than Our drivers ;. ... . ry less ~atoakton 30 minute .... lhan $2000, r------,·w__ .. _____ ., LImited delivery a rea. 457-f776 $5.~.o 616E W..ll"tul Il. , L ,.(1 ... . :: E Gale Plaza Summer .:Iasses SPECIAL Ca.OOndale ~ •·.. 0 .. , .... , no C'u nt'''oo; ... "'n • .June 9 July 3 1 Gel a 12 pepperonI C(' I t, ·, ~ ,·n " , I l' .' tlC ....' th double cheese lor only 5500 Available "'.,r_I·'.tf) ,lit l..'M .. "t S R ~is t e r now I every Wednesday JuS! ...11 ... 10' ·..., • .• d"O '1 ~"\, "'"'I •. p ask for the Wednesday I .. 0 FOI IOfo,matlOn (:0111 specIaL No coupon requlled ();tt~r Yo - 1.. ' .... 01' ""1/..'1';.1 , _' Oalo.,on Co mmunllY College {~(' .. "1..1 t l"',('~'f'! 01'" f"tol·'1 t ·S I DOf ColIROlO Fait. Free Deliverv ~ . S· ., eo .. " 0 ·.. :;e "':7.' 0,·., PI .... ( . ., 'l l 0"'" ''''0'"1 I .', ,~p I e 11 ' . r'~ . '0' DOMINO'S Requesl 'Of apphcatton .. nd m.)11 ,e-glstrahO'1 tOfms PIZZA DEUVERS ~ FREE. ~------~

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RellJfn m it. re>q ' te"IO "I' r • 'r. Id D .... . " I' ", Affirmative action SIU-C priority, Baily says By Nola Cowse rt Stafl Wnfer while in another handicapl>ed hire an a pplica nt . harassment cntJ rg(''i . H£.' said people might be excluded. a nd Baily a id one question he tt,is IS an a rea ' :'31 mam Wlil lOllTI Bail\', affl rr.~ati \' e so on. to wh('re 31 or more asked when hc 'flok the p",'ple do not li k to talk a!Joui. ; l ('~lon officer for SI .( and rules ~H e neccssan' 10 position as a ffirmali\'.: adiol1 but he says it d"", happen In ;lssiSt.:t l1 l to President Albert "uliimately IItclude I)eople officer v:a~ where 51U~C was th£, ni ne lii;}~~hs lhal he has Snm i t. S3\'S Soml l is wl. o need protection .. r Tuitiag fur employees. The b<'ell here. Bally saId. he has " .,llowing affirmative 3(,tion Rail" ~airi sli ch minorities as a nswer, he said. was in rccci'Jed fl" ur compl;,li nts 0 rules and doing th~ right thing. black"s, Asia ns , Na t h 'c outhern illinoi s. whert''' he exual hara me nt One no ma iler what Pr ident Americans. Hi spa nics. womcn claims ther e is a illTIll ed compla.nt was dropped, on(! BCdga n sa ys." and the handicapped need number of educated a nd ex· was resolved, 011(' def('ndant Balh' said. " We are in a protection now because of perie nced m ino:-itics with has " backed off for a whilr·: · national era where a ffirmative history. naily said L;a: b:acks a ppropriate credentials io be a nd one offender has been act ion is one of the leas t were slaves in the earl v da,,!'o viable em ployees. ter rr-lnafed priori! ies on our list." Baily of America : Asia ns wcre put 'in Baily said the solutiollto this Bally said he does not ha 'e a added that Presid ent Reagan Japanese corccntratiol1 camps problem was 10 advertise the clear cha racter with others in has said the \j nitc·j tates no during Wor ld War II: Native positions in papers outs ide of lhe University. He said to the longer neetis affirmative Americans sUPP"",

Polls will be open 10am-4pm TODAY p" ~. to. Daily Egyptian, April 9, tll86 -~ ~ ~-"- , ...... ,.,.._ ...... ,~ ., ...... ,...,,- .. _.....,.. -- •• ~...... ,...... - ...... _ ..._...... ___..... - .; ...... ~,.u...... " JO_...... Ooty _ ., ...... _ -...... ~.. ... _.. - .....

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Daily Egyptian, ApriJ 9. 1986. Page 11 GPSC to vote on election input ARNOLD'S MARKET A resolution asking that the split - bre ~ k option was nalism. Field Sliced BHQ Ham ...... $3.09 lb. ndergr aduate Student previously opposer! . The Nominees for vice president Organi zation consult with the referendums that the GPSC of Graduate School Affairs Indian River OJ liz gal...... 99¢ Graduate and Professional was not consulted on were include : McCormack : a nd Pepsi 6 pk cans ...... $1.69 Student Council belor~ placing those dealing with the abortion E le'inor Holt. Department of Sealtest Ice Cream I;' gal. _. 21$4.00 ~ ..?< C=; « l relerendums on the USO or-uon in health insurance: (~e Microbiology. election ballot will be voted on busing system and the illinOIS at the GPSC meeting Wed­ Student Association fee in­ Student I.D.s mus t be nesday. The group wi ll meet at crease. pr("Sc nted by GPSC members 7:00 p.m. in the Mississippi GPSC officer elections \"iH before they wi I; be allowed to Room 01 the Student Center . take place after the ve

WASHINGTON ( P I) - Libyan rtlle in Jast week's l(\ sanctions against Libya - Top·ranking administra ti on explosion aboara ci TWA and a n ollicial said his offt ctals said Tuesday they jell ine. uve.· Greece Lila t killed remarks had been toned down have information li ng fou r Americans a nd the bl a ., a t the request of the Whi,e Libya to recent terroric: t at· at a West Beriin night club that House. tacks that lelt five Atnericans killed an :\merican ser· " We know who the terrorist dead but relused to detail any viceman. orga ni za tions are a nd other evidence p'Jblicly. Spcc; kef., however, s.:!iti hr: is e:ovcrnments know who t:ley The spons\} !"'S hip of terrorism nOl yet prepored to announce are." Meese said. " We know by Moa mmar Khndafy's Libya admini stra:ion conclusions that the Soviets. among other was discussed during a about who \y3s j'esponsible for countries , directly and through meeting between President the inciderLS. their Cuban and Libyan Reagan and Soviet diplomat Reaga" is to hold a news proxies. arm, train and plan Anatol), Dobrynin. and also by confer'-:lIce Wednesday night. the work of lc:-rorists." Allorney General Edwin and olficials may ha ve been Meese told the pro-Israel Meese. who spoke to a forum soft-pedaling the issue tc let group the "success of our work on terrorism. but the official the president take full credit depends lor the moment on line remained ihat while for any revelations or et:'.· maintaining the secrecy of Khadaly is the chi ef suspect. it nouncements. some of the centrs i parts of our 9·c\ose is not yet ti me to reveal Meese. who addressed t.he activi ties." Pabst 85¢ definitive evidence. American Israel Public Af­ Jack Daniels $1.00 White House spokesman fairs Committee. spoke about Si nce the military con­ Larry Speakes. taking the lead the need for nations to unite frontation with Libya in the at the Wh ite House. said the aga inst terrori s m Gul f of Sidra two weeks ago administration has " a sulr something the Uni ted States and lhe suLJsequellt terrorism. stantia l amount of in· has failed to convince its administration officials have forma tion " about a possible European a lli es to do in regard potnted a fin ger at Khadafy. Fertility test from U of I Going Home This Summer? We've eliminates the 'guesswork' Got the Special Airfares for you! CHA MPAIG.' Kola Lompur '156 (roundtrip ) when women are most likely to Tsibris said. become pregnant, officials The !est.. whi ch employs 'From St . Louis to Bangkok '875 (roundtrip ) say. chemicals !!hange color as • From St. Louis to Toipei '750 (roundtrip) The- test, which is expected they react with tbe peroxidase. to be on the market w10lin two wiU provide a woman with four • From St . Louis to Hong Kong '750 (roundtrip ) years, <:ou ld be used as either to six days' warning before she a ll aid to get pregnant or to starts ovulating. be said. avoid getting pregnant, said The new test. which Tsibris biochemist John Tsibris. said can take lhe "guesswork" For More Information, Call: 457-6911 The findings show that the out of lamily planning. is 529-2113 amount of peroxidase, an eXP"Cted to seli for ahout$25.

NEW ENGLAND CAMP FOR BOYS ISLA"D lA" 715 S. University - On the Island Next Door to Kinko's Berkshire Mountoins. High solory for dedi­ ,------.------, ::oted people who have : Island Tan : skills in land sports, , Introductory CO&JPOIl I tennis, soiling, archery, fencing, piano, Guitar, ! 4 TANS $10.00 ! basketball. Positions : 549-7323 : also available for RN 's and LPN 's. Call or write L___ ~~=~~:~~~:.4~2!1!'__ J for further in forr,lalion Graduation-SpringIest Special Iand applicolion. HURRY - DON', MISS OUT We Will Be Open CAMP WINANDU 7 Days A Week, S Glen lon e, MQmcroneck. NT N543 As Late As Necessary 91 4-381 - 5983 549·7323

Page 1.2. Daily Egyptian. ",prllt. 1986 City halts development of retirement village By J im McBride concerned thai use of the land residents (ell that rezoning members in the Universit)' family resiuenllJI zones. StatfWrirer for ? high-densily developmenl was an imvortant as?CC1 of thp community. would .dversely affect s~le . Councilman Palrick Ke lley Al'"TER TIlE council voted Pla ns to d E' ve:op a mtilti· property values of near by !;aid Ihe sale of the la nd in­ not to il"rmit sale of the la nd, million dollar retirement homes. GAYLE KLAM, a member volved the question of ap­ Hunter a(:("epted the council't village on C~ rbondale-owned Cha ~ les Carter. 222 Ma rk ~f the city's planning com· propriate land use a nd added vot.e gr.3cioosly. land have been halted because Court, said he was put ti ng a mission, said the ci ty would that pers ons buying or '" think , can read the If numer oo s complaints Crom " hall" to construction plans on have an " ethical obJigaU"n" to building homes in single· handwritinr; on the wqll," he residents living near the a new hame until the city rezone the property if it was family neighborhoods expect said. " We took our bef.l shot propo!Ced site. determ inE:t! what wou ld sold to Hunter al!J added that those areas to remain single· and got whipped." The City Council Monday happen to the land. the city n.:eded the tax base of unanim,)u~ly vOh~ not to sen a "Nobody would say that this rcsidentia I proper!y owners. 16.1 acre tract of city land is a ba d project for the city of SIU.c J.nnuitants President located on Tower Road bel· Carbnndale," said Carter. Jerry Au >rbach. speaking in ween Kent Drive a nd " We just .imply questi.," this favor of the projecl. said it Cha ulaqua Street to Car· location a t L'lis point in Hme. ,. would be hPne~icia l to retired bondale business mar. Richa rd Uni versit y personnel a nd Hunter afler residents !l\Iing THOMAS ~IITC IlELI. . t07 S. elderly city residents. r. ear the proposed project bite Rod Lane. criticized the Ohio­ "I'm 75 years old. I play complained tha! the project based development group tennis. 1 go swimming. I'm would change the cha racter of represented by HI:nter for not reti r e d ." s a id Auer­ a predomina ntly residentia l condllrti"g a feasibility s tudy barh. " Don't give me the neighborhood . to determme whether the nursing home business. I'm Mosl of Ihe cemplaints came project would succeed and nol ready fortha yel." from residents of Parrish added lhat many development A cr e ~ ubdivisirn. an area projects in the Cil" have failed nOUG HOSE of Carbo"""I" l'CcupiNi exclusi'.tely by single­ to Jjve up to tllc city's ex­ R. etirE> ment Communit\' Inc., fa mil~ homes. pecta tions. said the proj=ct would serve as "The volers. the taxpayers a " prototype" for other JIM KI'liLEY. 27 10 Sunsel of CJ rbondale. a re really lired sim iliar ccmmunit ies a nd Drive. said the neighborhood ofthal.·' hesaid . added lhz l it was important contains the " most prime Allhough Mayor H len lhat the project be localed as residenlial s ingle·family Westberg said zoning issup..5 close a s possible to the housi ng 10 be found in Southern would not be di cussed during University so ni ve rsit y Illinois" and added thai he was the hearing. many of the retirees could still be active s. Africa hotels said to be desegregated JOHANNESBU RG . South calling it a brl!a kthro"gh for race. known as " coloreds." Africa ( UPI ) - The director of the country's emba ttled tourist The segrega tion laws were Sou th Afr ica' s Hotel industry. part of the government's Association said Tuesday the Thermann said the an· policy of aparlheid, the in­ white-minority govcrnment nouncem ent abol ished stitutionalized disc ril!1in ~ tion has abolished decades-old decades·old segregation in of the nation':, l> lack nliljt';rity segregation measures in some hote ls and restaurants a nd minorities oi color. hotels and restaurants. li censed to serve alcohol. Racial violence nared anew " In other words. segregation However. siHce the early a round the country with police in hotels on the basis of race is 1970. the gcvernmenl has firing on black s tude nts cor.l plete ly scrappe d ." granted "inlernal;onal hotel" massing outside a high school Thermann said hotel owners licenses to many three- and in Durban. ' iIIing a schoolgirl 5tH! retain the right to restrict four-slar hotels. allowing them and wounding fo ur other access to any person or group to be multiracia I. pupils. of people they choose. The cha rred bodies of two " Liquor may be supplied 10 The Iic e n s~ was Widely blacks also were found, one any person on any premises at granted in major cities. in· easl of Johannesburg a nd the the discretion of the licensee," eluding at JO flar,n~burg ' s other near Port Elizabelh, and he said. premier hotel. The Carlton. a ma n was shot dead by Before the announcement, it Bars and fI.!Sta urams of the unknow n a ltackers in Cape was ill ega l for some bars and international hotels have a Town's Guguletu ghetto. Also restaurants io serve blacks. dress code but do not restricl nea,' Durban. one blac.k Asians and people of mixed· clientele on the basis of race. woman was injured by police who fired sholguns on a crowd Utat was stoning a police vehide in the Lamont"iIIe SIU Students ghetto. W ho plan t o transfer to Hotel Association Director F r ed The r mann said segr egation Jaws were Respiratory Therapy a bolished in some hotels and restaurants by a governmenl Appointments are being made for order published April 2. The advisement period which will end announcement. in the official My little guy says the cutest things. Government Gazette, passed unnoticed until Thermann Friday, May 2, 1986 The other day in day-care he went up to drew a ttention to the move, his teacher and told her, 'When I grow

Music workshop Contact Si an Pearson or LOri Ceghmkl up, I want to be a policeman, just like on liturgical year STC Allied Health and PubliC S rVlce~ my mommy." He really makes me proud 53&-61>82 . _t en"on 2>0 set for Saturday sometimes. A workshop on mus ic for the The IlUnol. SQpartment of State lilurgical yea r will be presenled by the Rev. Michael -Headaches -Neck & Police Is now taking pre-employment Joncas from 9 a .m. to 3 p.m . cards for Its June e.amlnatlons. Sa!urday a l the Newma,l -Stress Upper Back Ca tholic Student Center, 715 S. -Back Pain Tension They must be received no later than W.shington, Carbondale. April 25. To see If you can qualify, Joncas is a Roma n Catholic WHY SUFFER? priest working as education contact: director and campus minister at the Newman Center at the Chiropractic Can Help University of Minnesota in Most Insurance Cove rs Trooper Fruenz Lewis or Minneapolis. Chiropra ctic Care and He has five albums. SIU Student Health S e rvice Special Agent numcrous musical com­ Referra ls A re Possible . Clarence Banks pos ition s and several published arlicles 10 his credit. Ar_ IV H_dquarters Joncas frequenUy conducts 10023 Bunkum Rood workshops on liturgical and sacramental renewal. Fairview HelgMs, IL 62208 J oncas will a lso perform in (618) 397-8230 concerl at 1: 30 p.m Sunday. There IS no charge for Ibe workshop or concert. Those or your n_relt who wish l~ allene the workshop arc asked 'a State Police preregister before noon Friday H_dquarte rs by ca ling the Newman C'!nte r , 529·3?1 1. Daily Egyptian, April 9. t986. Page .3 ® -d ' G Id K l:You're llllllOrtallt to Us. FI or. a 0 en erne Sweet Corn

sliced free 14-17 avg. Tend'rlean fresh whole porkloin lib .• Limit one per family please.

Magic or White Satin

Sib. Sugar bag

Cottonelle Tissue 4 roll II pack with coupon & $20 purchase senior citizens with $10. purchase.


Page 14 . Da ily Egyptian. April 9. 11186 Speech on Panama theology set - P,)li lical SC I(~ n C' professor " IS to put the church more into R~. OOO pt.-'Oplc within an arcC. of Cla~5sifieds W i! li ~lll Garner wtl l discuss the hands of the people." 1.000 ~quare miles. tlle iJasir Chris tian corn· Garner was the o,)\, lavlnan m:iOilIC~ lIf PiJlla ma at 'i p.m . allo\\cd i. O join a r'ccent He s3Id th e eight priests \\'cn:1l.'sda\' ~11 l h ~ In crfalth j) a~ : (\ ral vi s it to Panama. He \\'orked , ; jlh -1 20 Ja\' ministers. (' en!('r . said h(, spent most of his lllnc \\'ho perfor m ed mos t G:. rnf' r sClid his lecture will ~(){l miles wcst of the Costa traditional church functions. fo(· ,· ... on ::i \: theology of HI CClIl border s tudying a basIc Ga l'ner said Ih is is one libera tion that d' ~ \'e loprd out of r ho istia n community. example of how the Catholi c Vatican II in196L. Church in La tin Am en ca is The object of I~I'- libC'ration He lCCJrn d that there were dealing wi th a lack of at· For Sale l heolog~ ' . Ga rner ex pl ained. eight pri sIs working a mong traction to the' pr iesthood. Man heid for robbery of Bel-Aire Motel Auto C'a rbond:; ie police a rrested a A poli ce oi:icer had been but had checked OLt earher. Parts & Services man car!y Tuesday morning in pa trOlling in the a rea aboui a n Using the vehicle description Motorcycles co nn ec ~ io n with a burglary at hour before the e"lI. The of­ a nd li cence platt' numbers Bel-Ai re ~I ote l at 905 E . Main ficer said he had s ~n a ma n In provijed by the motel. poli ce Homes St., C& rbondale. on) v hours the vrne\?, hut didn't s uspect locater and arrestea Mick Mobile Homes after mutel officia Is reported foul play. The police officer 1cDonald. 34. on South Illinois the burgla ry. police reported. described the man he had seen "-venue, Ca r bondale . on Miscellaneous Police received a call at 4:30 to the motel management. ourglary cha rges. a .m . that S55() had been I4ken Motel officials lold peke that Electronics from the cash drawer in the a man fitting the des,:r iption ~IcD o"a ld is bei ng held in Pets & Supplies office. had been stayi:1g ai the motel !acks"n County .l? il. Bicycles Cameras Hitman admits plot to kill Aquino Sporting Goods MAI'lLA. Philippines [UPl , mili ta ry rt:\'oll fo rced M:!.rc(':; S24.000 - A genera l allegedly paid a from office Feb 15. the s~ ;n e Gonzales refused to identifv Recreational Vehicles hilman S24,OOO to assassinate day Aqu ino was ins ta lled as the general. ciling a possi'Jle Furni tllre Corazon Aq uino before he president . infringement of due pr{)(,t: s , became president in February Aqu ino's husbanr! . Benigno but said he slill IS in active Musical an~ officia!s ar e investigating - a leading Marcos opponent military sen'icc. \\ hether F'erdin?nd Marcos' - was as as~ inat ed in 1923, r egime wa in \'o l ved, a nd officirlls in the Ma rcos Also Tuesday. • deposed a ut horities said Tuesday. government were sus pected in go\'er nor a llied to Ma rcos wa For Rent Romu?!do Mercado, a 30- the slaying. Sl4bbed to death in Aquino's \'car-old U!li\ ersih' economics Flarniniano said Mercado home pro\'i nce, the officia l g raduate :ror.l· Aqui no's revealed during a lengthy Philippine :\ews Agency northern h·)mc pro\'ince of interrogation i\'londay !ha t the reported. Apartments Tarlac. reportedly told police assassinatIOn plOI "was hat· Houses :le approached Aq uino at a c hed be fore the peopl e 's Forme r T a r lac Go\' . rallv but decided at the last revolution - probably a month Federico Peralta. 58, was Mobile Homes minute not to kill her, or two before thp rc\·olutiOI .... s tabbed ,epeatedly by ma , keo Rooms !\'1aniJa Cit y Prosecutor Jose men whe- ior med into the Fl alllini~Il !J ~aid investigators Jus tice l\'linister i\" epl (J1i bedroom of his home in an Roommates a re iooki ng into whether the GOI17.a les said J\'Jercado claims lanuel. Peralta had received Duplexes reglme of the deposed ~I arcos a n a rmed forces genera! hired severa l death threats. in- was in\,oh·ed j:j the a ll eged him to kill Aqu:no or 500.000 cluding a letter saying his life Wanted to Rent was "only good up to April 7 ." conspiracy. A ci\'ilian-backed pesos - equi\'a lent to about Business Property Toluia Mobile Home Lots SIUDAY Help Wanted 20%OFF Employment Wanted AIIID stocl SIU "_s ~A"~~ Services Offered ,,0<:.0 Almost Bluv Wanted Lost BECK'S...... 95¢ IIjl!stfiJ Found O ranjeboom or Corona . .. . 95¢ 102 W. College Carbondale Hanger Hotline 54g·1Z33 Entertainmen.t Announcements Auctions & sales GRAND OPENING Antiq les FRIDA Y APRIL 11th 9AM·9PM Buslneu Opportunities SATURDAY APRIL 12th 9AM·6PM Free SUNDAY APRIL 13th llPM· 5PM Rides Needed Riders Needed ALL Lee JEANS Real Estate $14.99. $17.99 Sugge.ted Retail Values up to $35.00 MS.UEEXPOSEDIIUTlONR.Y $17.99 MS. LEE PLEATED YOKE $14.99 Claillfl.clinforrnation -Denim, Super Bleach -Canvas - Natural , Grey, Mint •• t •• -Red, Block. Pink. Turquoise

(3Itn. mInimum. oppro.ima tel.,. 15 Th. Daily Egyptio n connol b. MS. LEE PLEATED YOKE $17.99 MS. LEE PLEATED CASUAL $14.99 worch r.sponsible tor more than on. -Denim, Super Bleach -Callans - Grey, Pink . White, Khaki One doy · 58 cent, per I:ne, doy', incorrec' In •• rtion Two dayt·53 cents per lin ..• ?e' doy. Adv.rti ••,. 0'. r.'pon,ibl. tor ThrMl 01' tour days . 47 cenl, pe-r checking their odv.rti,.m.nb lor MS. LEE PLEATED CAPRI $17.99 ALL BASIC DENIM $17.99 line. ~ day, .rror. , Erron not ,he fault of ,he -Cabbage Rose -Men's & ladies f'~thtueOghl~ ' 4I c,,""per od.... rti,.r which I.... n the valu., per day. ..,I th. odv.rti,m.nt w ill b. N ; . ~doyl . 38 cen'spefl i M . pefday . -';td ju,t.d. If yOU f ad opp.o,. MS. LEE LONDON RIDER $17.99 MS. LEE LARGE SIZES T,," thru nl1\eteen ~ . 35 cent" ~ ( inc:orrec:tly or it yOU with to conc.1 $17.99 Ii,.e. per day. your ad, call 536·3311 betor., 12: -Denim , White Denim -Pleated Yoke · Si les 32·44 Tweoty(X mnrecJoy!o 19ceo1lpef noorl for conc.llation in the n • • , ladies Sizes 3·20 (Junior & Missy) Men's Sizes 28·38 line. per day. day'. I.. u. , Any ad which ;. conc.lled betor Other Brands: Union Boy, OP SpOrtswear. BS/! HawaIIans and many morel I . -:;""0 1101: "",III be charged a 12. All Clo,,;fi ed Adv.rti. ing mu" ~ •• rv ic. I.... Any und. proc."O'Id Ufor. 12:00 noon to '2,00 wlil be forf. itlld ~, in n ••1 doy. • public.o.ion, No oct. will be ml. ·do.. i fied. PItEFEItItED STOCK of Carbondale Any 'hlng proc ....d oft.r 12 :00 Clonili.d a dv.rti,lng mu.' b. A truly unique "off-price" clothing I'or. - For. men & worr.en fMM)n will go in the following doY' poid in odvonc••• cepl for thoM 611 A . S. lIIinots Avenu_ (NexlloGold Mine) .DUbl kotion, occounts ..... Ith ..tobU ... ~d,., llluell'__ ,.: _·Ie' .:10-,:. 1'1 MO NT E (ARl O s moU va r.,", I I I(ENMOR£ POIl ' A8lE O I S Hw~ s ~ r" TH' [[ 8[ Olr00M5 Aor055 "0 ..... ~ Co lI " ~ I [ l new porI, S 1600 1 Hom.. r" ,ld blcyfl. 'dro_ r f.,. cobine' ne .... I,~ory c/o le IQ SIU UJO , \I G4 3596pm 011., ~ " 96 " '6 IV SIU /c)< l- . ' ~ "9 0 1Ja " om e. tel SJoo ' c U. Mo"roe 5~ 1539 .. 10 6ft 8" /AoI3S p "" • 10.10 oe93~ 1 16 CAMARO Vee r t.o.w'''ln Br.-olo: I'll NOR TH N.Cr .. bedroom (cwn'ry .. /1 86 1&98" '1 36 O Nf 8fDfi'00M AP r ovcllebl, SIS o"dmOf'e 5 1500 H,mS ' \lJ~77 heme on 10 ocr. wI" oond ~p ' MET AL V,A'IOUSSIIU ,"colc,,", I~ 36 8.","0 IrH een'," 5 '80,,0n/" .. 1086 "JSAc/lS _" ,",.,Iored I.n,ed 'fO,d torg" I' ... -.dt!"'"P'''" '"SI ,.d'"1iI ol'd .tc S",I 5,9 ISJ9 5]9 'J71f 1950 C~{VY (" ~ "ON .. ,pel 'or I room .... ,,1'1 ' .replor. dec" ,...0" mob, e 1\0,..., Ie UO SbO • 10 .!le. tH9l! 3 e ... , ro,,d 'It> ' .,. ' hi boc ~ 56 000 Goud rom ...... '. II) Cdole [ OIl' S1' SSOS A PA P 1MfNT FOil! " £'11 ",' A C~ ' S I 'O) 5791083 Ile"o oneu UJIIIB, . .. 4 11 6 F ~ S"jIJl twdloo.... ". ~ I"""·,,,IPCI ;'!t (' ...... 1186 901' ''0130 .. " 8!1 817).\.11" I cc"'p",' 98S 35£'904.('.(0 .... 17 Cf4fVY CJlMAfO 3 " 1} HP It/perl HOUSe IN M· RF IN ~J 0l'IO ,,0 .... n r . 9!6 t.9Je·', ~~j ~' :'; .Y .nl ,.11 A\~ lor Rei ~~; :~u oeoC ';,rV! tor m'r'~;;:;' Jl 1_ __EI.,tr o n lu 'Ar.os Dd ..... Ot:' , " ~ = TV "''''gl"' Y~'1 ~Ig j, 'c'" S ~ 1; 80 901u.o ' ~ 3 CCO J& Jl l" " f S U o'.~ .. tx1' ... oil ~'OY SI O 176S !)' IS 7 J ;:.~ '018 'OPO fHUNO£I!IJ/JlO bu:..... eoh:'(""'( U'"'.e' c" ('II' ....cIt'· ~ CONSOlE ee(o" T. 900'1.~ rw l !b S' (!~!fo "0 ~ lo q~ onl l "" CoIl ~ p ~ ". c ... ~ "Qru. "0,1 be," \"'cod oorcgt' S9S 0 8 0 Co CO" "'..., ,, ...... c::;~, S ; 810f'C,"J'" (I p., • ... fC" ... "',. • ~ ... .ocS'vl{') "'0 I t· ... lr Po·..,' sa.oo· I 'P'" Sl J ~·!b J' W ( ~ 8, 8939/.(1 '0 Pou '" 0,. l 10"'nrc~ ..d otrtn Sf • It.. 86 AS~1Ag ',$~ 06: IAAIDA 6;1iI Ot.) ~ -1. "' ...... , So" 000 ~ ~7 "'t" ("..000 5"'fO S • 'U'I If' ,,. '" AM ~I.\ Qu .. ·.,...... ," C·, ':>00 DCWIJPA 'I".'fr., • b"d' 0'" • • ..-'~!) (> , ."Qd I...... ",IU,I.. Su or. " 9 'lilt' 'too,.. _:(' '.. ,~ ~ rC-1 • ...... 0'" 5,,·· c...... ,., I~"I'''' Pe ''r~'''''h o.l.oOul 1'.. (I ,"(I '"9 • · f'(" t'·v(" "(1" 0' '.·w,,, A' J'; 9J~ 'J It: ~. n ,'tl ..... , ., r~' ··'C" (' Po rh a n d S.0,.",1 1: 0 . C!).,.,r ,.,. '11'.- "90 !I~ 05C C,., ~e ... ~~ ~ f ·.~

..... ·0:30 • .. 0 E~ ~.q .. 4,,, J' 16 "0" 0 y , .... Ii"NO or " ... 1.,., " • • ,..IIt'"' '"'C Rt' 0"''·' $1:0(, 0110 Ce, .0,.Q1Eh • .. 6 ~6 ~5'AcIJO 1¢ V\\ SC "~fi' OCO Gooo (0r4 ~ 'r ""'&oge 11 000 M. 11 .... pg s r t ~O 080 M"", ,. 11 Cell .:;.o" ..... o.Jy, .s IIp.... j " O .s fJ'l .. Ill "! 8tl'A"1l0

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  • < office use 0 Iy) · oir conditioned. corpeted _ ott ... ","_0""-""",_ • 1S min ...... o l ~· ft· campu, " 2$.00'" -... ~ __ . 1",... ;" ,• • Name ...... at.r Includvd "~OO f ., ...._ ... f_ ...... Address ______.______· furn ished. quiet A'tI AIlAklNOW.,SUMM[l/J ALt GREEN ... CltES _~------,,._------=_;:~;_------Now R.ntl"1l For l ""IIMN ot ltomo6o ...... Qn' Starr Zip Cod e Pho n e Summ.r" Fall .... Ot. root SIGH Oft tto. oomo UN( SMOf" COMf'ARf , no- C. III 549-3150 ______~!!~~~~!~~~~_!~!~~~~~~~!~!!~~~ ______j l '__S4_9_-6_990___ J P.1ge IG. Da ily E~y pUan . April 9. 1986 J .ORM APT f "JI,. ItII'nht\ed 0 ( H·IIl£( 8EOROOM A"A_1MEN1S 'n I color JV, dry.,. 0'" M,1/ I "...., .. reo' old of :::pcn '",.n' bulld''!V S,,_, A". OIIOble AUVUI I 4,H 7181 locol.d on old IJ lor". roo"'1 or 579 S1' . Iounrlry 0'.0 001, 1/ ,nt ulo red c. " 'rol of:"6 ;-tqJ' Bal . qI oor SJ~ AI, o 1 ~ r oo'" opo·1m.,.,' GE04tGno w:"~ SUMMU SPiCIAL A 'n 10"'. buHd,,,V .5,.... J91J M or ~:: , '~o:,., ~~t~ 1~' f~~'lIlrn"'. , ~ ' ;r~'6be~' 9OSe50I . , I S ~~:! POPtA' SlRE" a:~~:~~: I ~:~:L ~:: r~ :'",S ~:y :;,,5' '1'Ia ~~i:,:~'~~:':"~:/:·~,':':o;; r ~~:~o:: ' S7161Sol,., S ,907501 . 1 Fu"", h. d On.· Bedroo", 1 NtCE I 1 J ad,,,, Aph ol'ld "'OU'lei bedroo'" • b.droom o,.,d .1 A .. allabl. Mo)' or Au"ulf Co li Clyde hc •• ,.cy Owne.. ,n Corbondol. 5wo"lol'I S10 S1'. ptr01i,de ,.IV"" /, ,,,,,:. , e lu,. plcioup \ ' ::' 1 '6 906C80 :. ' WO I. , 9,on mowon" o.s' con"ol GEO'GffOWN A,.A RJMENTS a"td 11'10 001 .. nl Ira'" C" y l OVEl Y n._r lurn 0' u,.lu," IIOeWOlo.l V.,.,. compehl, .. e rol.1 "'e"II"g fall Su",m.' for 1 1 • Call . ,H.1J" ol'ld 579 5771 '0 ,_ ,I peoJll. )'Ip/ayope" 106 do" y S79 whot you won' II o .. o llobl. wh." 1111 YOUWO"III 5·S·'6 105080 IS1 • JO ·16 1016801 . 9 CAR80N.)Al£. ouln lOCAL for wrsr MIU S"'EET Opo,l",enll (01 p,ol.u IO,.c. 11 S""O mon'h 1 Sou,h Ja"'e, 5't ••' } Corbol'ldol. bedroom, Avol/abl. May IS S10 ' :.~I ;'e'on 5',_, fro'" CompUI . J6O fown"","'" "yl. 1 bedrOO"'1 ol'ld S.6.'1I 906180 IS~ bo'n up (,.. _oom ." down I 80RM AP T A.. o rlobl. l umm., or FUf'I'I"hed 0.,1y wilh 110.... ond 101/ 01 604 5 !..'.~"'''!n I)' Oul.' ortd I.f" i.rotor !wI used f"rl'll. ... '''''1 .. ery"ic. CoI/M. ·n/Jolt.,S ofle" o"ollabl. locolly Owne, In • . " ." 10Sl~I _ J Cn,bondol• • JH o .. lde ,.IVh, II,h' l NICE I 8011'M Opl lor , u",,,,e, loll ,.Iv,. pickup 9'ou I'IIOwlni t·nd G,eo' locotlon oc I""n """fer ond ,now remolfOl I'om C,ty , Id.wal.. , "0'" ..ol ' S7 4181 V.,.,. ~ III "•• rOtel. S11O"., • . ' • .16 ..U50I.S II'oo,h Co il .$1. 7JS1 o,.d S19·s n1 to ,_ II yev wa,,' Is olO"ollob,... wt.."yovwo,."It Ho..... • ·10·16 1011501. 9 GRADS. N~ , I beItOOM A,.J 1"10 portle,. 1"10 houimg bl-drocwn. fur a. al1 ..... ~ . )w , ... pels W. f"mfs" _'er OM garbage "IINd and w.> furnbn.d A lI'Ol lob~ 'ba'" May lS ondAug IS .SI·U)8 Ullr-... ' -"'eo ...... IJU ,_ AIr O>f'WiIJKHwd SI15 ·onotIt" ) ~ 1Sf-oll ;111 · S2OO ",II" eo1 l 01 camp'" . $1-6JS1 Ho . ·' ·16 O9.JOeb134 , STOttY S bdrm reccttlll}· coll,offer'pm hotn., effiCiencies, furnished remodeled f um , oll'Oll Moy IS. • • • 1 • ...-. 4 !)do... _.t-. • . 1. ·'6 100001olJ7 ...,., .., j.I, ..... _ tvO.:t " " ...... , or unfurnished, air. gIrl, ra".S1·S913 1"""• . ' 1.)_ ' 1701-011 .·11.'" . 1161ibl4 1 laundry, close to • ,(MMS . AVAllAl!tf Mcrr or s. ulaOW .... la. )1>6n¥I . fI •• . shopping. A ..AIITMINTS A"'SIutl, cot'peled. ""a pe:. U OO· ...... "-' . _ -.fu6ood . '~ S600 " 51· 1477 .....s l_. , . I25 . _ . USll-oil 250 Lewis Lane SIUA.....aVID 5·S-86 . . 1118b1S1 FOI U Nf SUMMU or fo U , bdrm • • 11n ...... Sbdking f;:>r· MTV and FM chan"el and HBO available. Furnished or Unfurnished. now and in the future. 51U'. N_ot La.Dry TDwnhoa.e. Gne! "amllca,," I'cce •• Unit. Super clean' Pets are ailowed. Walk to University WOODRUFF Mall, 5 min to campus • • J adrlll. Apll. for Renl· Murdale Townhouses SERVICES A".lIollle to groGp' of J or 4 ,-:ople IlJtetn hi...... , New large two bedroom lO ...... nhouse _. ""'" .., "'_Nty - Washrr &. O,,'('.r . Ccnual Air CA li E1rctric) apartments. Just completed. Washer - ,,,,,,. ·Mkrowavr . ,'h Oath. · Dilhwa, hr r and dryer. dishwasher. garbage di5poS'I1. 1195 E. Walnut Call P.O . Box~ Jeff or ..--I·~ ~ Carbondole. Ill inois L«etftl ... W.II St. CALL 457·JJZ 1 Aura .. ~ ~ 600 I." ( • .,.. 0,... CALL 529·4301 NOW 618/ 529·180t 4S·1·332i II""" CfIofytJ ~ or 529·17.' Daily Egyplian. April 9. t981;. Page 17 ] S£ORCYJM 'URN IS"flO (Ot' ".'~ ... C C't.,.. 10 ('Ompu , ' end 11 moI"Ilh 1'tO •• , Poul Styonl ""'Mob . H~ft6 · . 11 811 lo.-oeclJII AVA I1ASti F~ SUMMfII! r.dlKe1rm l:h S1 a ll . loh of ,had. c/co,. ~ comw, No pe!h 0 77t>J' .. 1. !6 9OS.IcIJ7 FOUlR IfN''''U IfNT/ NG lOT umm~ ond fo U Furnl,hflI ('Or 0. • .:--1 ~.-.(I U,. ... ~p l nn.d ond an-hor.,d C/o, . ;O cO"'J'u, No '"'" ~ ".5.S0S Po, Io: ; ., ••• " " . ·S6 I ~J~!17 ; SORM FUHNISHED boon lnd , _ e .nl., ' ,,-or ('Onlro:t SlSO mo foil SlOO mc summ. r S . ' · 7 '~ .·11'6 8" . Ik I. J ~~!~;,~O ~~~oro; ':h u~';;' 80J 71k lJ6

    STUDENT SPECIAL • AlEE M()N'TH'S RENT e INQUIR£ NOWI 1 & 2 ..drooms -Coble & Sol olll t~ Tv N lcoly f u,n l , he~ .... nd

    BEL-AIRE MOBI LE HOMES 900 E. PARk Now Re nling for Summer. falUS prng. 12 & 14 wid es no~.. ' leasing Nice, Q uiel Sha dy Pa rk Eff iCien cies • Fully FurnIShed 1 & 2 bedroom ap('s & Carpeted Mobile Ho " • 'atural Gas • Cable TV C lean • Air Conditioned AIC, f: umi, hd. f'IO'C'-.o--G-o-OG>-::>(\ • ~o rry 0 Pets Cood Locati ons Reasonable Rale Congrats O ffi ce Open Mon- SaI 1-5 529-4431 457-4422 Lauren a n d Pan ton )Your pinning. COMPARE OUR RATES


    $50l month Love, Summer Rates Sigma Kappa with fall contract '\ INDOOR FREE BUS POOL TO S.I.U. LAUNDROMAT - ~r::..o;; """0'-:;:"''''D''':;''L·'---, MOBILE * - *HOMES Wa te r, se wer, trash p/ u, lown PIU,G!"ANC 'f C<>lIl'O ELL,;G F/ Mll.\' L"QV"SSEUSG Core included Duple ••• in rent. ... 529-5923 ONE SOIiM HEAl (rob Orfnerd to.. Cor!'t.G'ol ceilI ng _I.d'fIg PoV """,""I",",,1 s lon door ne.... cor".' Ie,,,. 101 jjeS U1." -,,,n."" RENTALS Abtolvr. ly no ~h 30.' J97J \.uthrr-.. r., ChIld & ".mih 5.,niut • 8£OIlOOM FURNISHEO .. l:..!::--1.1 I,Of"! SIU S4SO . S7 bOJ1 549-300 0 • '&'tI 81036 11 . J K·SPICIA LTII S INDOOR J !fO" OOM FU~N JS "'lD t b'oc., Comp/rt te Rueber S,c<" o Rt.51 N . frO<'"' comDIlW ,MODUN 1 bd,,.-. 01)' fl1e.g~ LOVE, .I"t.'" fO:O,-},.,,, dfC~. ' O ll.rl The Gang ~l lIIlIlIIlIllIIlIlIlIIllIIlIlIIiilllllllll lllllll l lllllllllll llllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllll; ondo"rc"'''~m In ' 41' r ~19ISOI :-t I:':-;if I !6tBflJa I Page 18. Dully E gypti?"l. April 9, 1986 OPENINGS NOW FOR PILOTS, Briefs NAVIGATORS AND TECHNICAL

    L'l:TIlAMl:HA L S PI)IlT ~ badminton tourna ment at 9:3ll SCHO LA STIC I\PTITt:llE OFFICER S wi!: sponsor an 18·hole " Besl a .m . Sal ur d ~'; at the Rct' Test laic registration clos',;$ Ball' golf lournamenl ~Ionday Cenl er Ca ll Jick\' Lam al 529· Wednesday for Ihe May 3 Your college degree IS the f lfH step In qualifYing for al c' reen Acres Golf Cl ub. 5120 to register ~ x ami n alicn . Call 536·3303 to t hese c halleng:IlG posit ions In the UOItf'd States Air Force III~. south of Herrin on stale rcrister. En joy excellen t beneiits and starting pa\' plus 30 days high\' ay 148 Registration " \WAll E :\E~ S WEEK ':;';." o f vacation With pay eadi "ear AlIlS deadline i!'i 10 p.m. Thur~day al a sen es of worksnops on CmlPl:TI:\G AFF will To flOd out mor~ abou t Cl rew arding c areer a an Air sponsor a fret: workshop tiUed lht Recreation Cenicf communitv health is ; ues. will Force Pdot, aV lgator o r Teci''IOlca l Officer, contact your be sponsored by the Gay a nd " Com municalmg Wilh AT&T CA:'L- EH I' I..-\. :\:\I:\G a nd Lesbian Peoplc·s Union from 3B Sy"em and PC6300" fro'T.? local All F"rce re rU lter toda"l PlaCf'mll1l Cenl~ r will sponsor noon tf) 5 p.rn Wednesda y in 10 4 p.m Wednesciay in Ihe a resume wri llng \xorkshop at the .. :udent Cent er Mackinaw Morris Li brary Auditorium. SSg! Dirk Ward 10 a .m. Thur;;da\' in Ihe Wood" Room. 61 S-624-4321 Hall Dean 's Confprence Roon, " I'EW \IODEL for Being B·118 I'HOE:\IX· -Il' Bi k ~ RaCing lhe Church in La li r. America : Call Collect Team wlli meet at 8 p.m . Christian Basic Commumties " TH E J EWS of Russ ia" will \\'ednesda\' in Ihe Sl udenl in Panama·· will be presented be the topic of disCL:ss:.Jn Center Mi ssouri Room. by po Ji lica I scie nce professor sponsored by Habbi Leonard S. Wil liam Ga rner al 7 p.m. Zoll of th e Cong regalon of B,'ln Ll811AH \' C O~lPl' TEll Wednesdav al lhe Interfaith Jacob at i :30 p.m. Thursday in Sy tem in trod uctory session Center. Grand and Illinois Ihe Sludenl Cenl er Kaskaskia wi ll be conducled al 2 p.m. avenues . The lecture is Room . Dmitri Shalin will be Thursdav in the Morris s ponsor ed b\' Univers it\" Ihe guesl speaker. Library Cenl ral Ca rd Ca lalog Christian IVlinis·tries. . ~oom . Call 453·2708 10 regis!.er. \'lLl ,,\ GE OF Ma kanda will sponsor cons("Culi\'c weekend FOLK OA:\CE Cl ub will ~\..\lY II~ cleanups fo r village residen ls meel from 7 10 9 p.m. Wed· ~ Whlle~.., .-\.pril 12. 13. 19 and 20 A dump nesday III Parkinson 108 . ~ You ., truck will be available in dOWIJlo\,,'" Makanda...... Walt 'P COLLEG E OF Educalion oRlng Sizing "G,\HIJE:\ OF the Gods" Tuition Waiver Scholarships trip for international stude" new applica Lion deadline is °Chaln Repair will deparl al 8:30 a.m April May 15 fo r fall 1~86 Ihrough Eoslgole Shopping Ctr. 19 from Ihe Sludent Ba p'i"1 spring 198; appli cants. Juniors 549.4444 Cenler. iOI W. ~ l iII SI. A .\3 and seniors with a 3.7 or higher charge will cover tran· avera 11 grade-point en-crag£' (20 '~ off w il h ,h,s ad) sportation and a meal. are eligible 10 apply in Wham Hogi ter al Ih e Baplisl luder I 135 N n r Public Nolie. il .... r. by gi". n ''''tal Center or c;lil 529-355 ! . Regislralion deadline is Ap.-il on Marc"'1Ct. A .D 11M6 . 0 c. ,heal. CA:\OE KAY AK Club will WOI fil.ct in " .. Offic . of , .... Ccunly 17. meet at 7 p.m . Mondays in CI.rl!. of Jock ~on County. ll iinoil . Pulliam 11 3 Cl ub members I.uing fo"~ , .... nom.1 ond po.'. ~ 1.\ I. . \ YS ' .\ :\ ST lIJE:\T teach kayak i ~·hniques to offlc. o dol .II. ~ of a ll t .... perlon .. Organization will ofJ!ani7c a newcomer owning condUC1;ng and tronloc1lr.g the bul inen k ~ OIly"" ~tton ACRO SS lye Fe.hlons. locol.d 01 301 b . N. ~ Ord. ec.bordoIe lI. bml . 1 Passage OGI.d , ... ,. 10th day of Mo r~ h . A 0 51nlent Today's ,... . 9 Improve 14 Celtic 15 Anliquer 16 Vietnam cily Puzzle 17 Sugar source 19 Flower 20 Fatima's male WE SELL 21 '\'leantalions ..COnvenient 23 Tri!'1 Puzzle answers 2. Pine leaves ~ Food Marl ' Lotto Tic!~ets 26 Absolute are on Page 10. 28 Paddler r------COUPON·------I 29 Tiles 32 Patois 35 Beseech • BANANAS i SOC Off 1 36 Besmear 37 AccompliSher DO_ 3 1 lady Jane - 38 SwiSS river l S18" anew 32 BeveraQp!: 3 lbS· foor _-a i Any Carton of i 39 Do diShes 2 Vestment 33 W:;-,t:! type 40 Superlative 3Easy -- 34 Entrain ~ : Cigarettes suffix 4 NeKlto NJ 35 Slepper S O ., Show 0:1 5 Instead 38 Ridicule : Good Thru April 15th. 1986 .2 Impertinem I 6 Asian rur;s 39 Rod l ______CI,p Here ______-.l Tidal afea 43 7 House ("I f 41 Serpent II~------~. ' , .5 Asian coin lords 42 Sirengih .6 Behemoth member 44 Inlerior • TOMBSTONE 47 Venice crah 8 Shaking .5 Beaver or • LAYS 5 1 WeU versed In 9 El:clamalion muskrat PIZZA 53 Revilement 10 010 ~, ,,, 47 Diversions 55 Homo 11 Animal 48 Greek H!l1er POTATO sapiens sickness 49 Household ;- - 56 Blackboard 12 Negal/ves gods CHIPS 58 Unknown site 99 13 Gravel 50 .'- - of 60 Equines robins ...... , 51 18 Distinction ~ 130z. 61 Undeviating 22 Banged in 51 West Point 1'2 Periods 25 Portal 52 Conspire All Flavors 63 - Prevln 27 Minimus 54 Ramble ~ s.s Remainder 29 Hoar 57 ""aUve: sufi. Sausage or Pepperoni 6! Pole 30 Sies18S 59 Meat • COCA COLA R 99( 6 pack 7 oz.

    79 WE'RE ALWAYS OPEti! 51 PRICES GOOD THRU APRIL 15. 19(.6 {WHIL( SU""lU; LAsn 16 oz. SELF SERVE GAS no return all flavors Rt. 51 & Pleasant Hili Rd . • Carbondlc•lle . Illinois lliil4r WE ACCEPT: lEI I~'.I I;=.I eli Coffee Rrbc:tuce Ice Sandwiches ~oda Snacks Ice Cream .. Candy Party Trays

    Daily Egyptl:An. ApnI9. 1986, Page IH Landscape photography making a comeback By Maureen Cavanagh beyonu politics a nd ideology poration rlistributed 33 million StaHWriter a nd ',ppeals to timeless values. cheap "opies of la ndscape photos. which were intended to Landscape photography has "This would sit well in our counteract the company's bad been enjoying a renai.~sa n ce current conservative cuJlural public image a t the lime. which has increased its ex­ clima te. where images 01 the And books such as " The posure beyond coffee tables la nd - conceptual. historicdl or Glory of Our West" are also and gas stalir:, wall c~ l enrlars . ht., ary - are being used to used to manipu late the priva te Deborah Bright is one artist promote the universal con­ ~eclo r and r einforce dedicated t.o the study of stancy of a gc'Ological and traditional values. she says. landscape r.ho:cgraphy. mythical America " Bright • . ",,:urer at DePaul " Whether noble. pic­ University and the Art In­ BRI G IIT SA\'S that turesqup, sublime or mun· stitute of Chicago. discussed societ)' ' s " reiigious dane. tne landscape image landscape photography's reverence" for nature is not bears the imprint of its "spectacular resurgence" always ~ood . In fact. it may cultural pedigree. It is a Mondav in the A~ricu Hure ··subvert. manipulate a nd selected and constructed test. Building. Bright is one of fOtlr exploit," she said. And , while the formal choices visiting lecturers participating Landscape " can not be of wha t has been exclud ed and in the series "LandSc.1pe : percdved simply as an an­ includ ed have been the focu s of Issues and Ideals." tc-dote!o politcs.·· she said. mos t art a nd hisl.)rical criticism today. the his"orical BRIGHT RECEIVED her She said she doesn't wanl a nd social significanc'.:! of those master's degree in painting anyone to considc: her work a choices have nol been ad­ from the University of solution to ii problem. Ra ther. dressed and even intentionall:t' Chicago. She hc:l ~ bien a she p r efers to set up avoided. photographer iOI' ~v er a Photo by Gin. M. Helligenstein t heoret lo:al issu es in· decade. RecenUy. she has Landscape photographer Debor~ h Bright addresses an dependenUy of her work. studic-d the histon of land­ Hright . associate editor of audience In Muckelroy Auditorium In the IIrst 01 a lour'part TH E LECTURE SERI ES is in visual art 'and within lhe New Art Examiner. used supported by the National the frameworks of social lecture series titled " Landscape: Issu~s and Ideals." :he metaphor of lhp. double Endowment for the Arts. the hist.ory. politics and ('uUurc. helix to illustrate her work. Orrice of Research a nd She 53\ '5 her ideas a re in­ cuiture and how images of PIlESE!I."T1!1."G i\ !'I.IDE of " One strand of D!I."A is my Development. Illinois Arts fluenced 'by the contextllalist landscape are used to sustain the ' M~rlboro man" alid nne critical inv€stiga!ion. and Council. and Southern Illinois critics "who are very con· myths a~out progress and of Presi AG UA , ,"' iea ragua journa list. a dOl't or. and a at the SIt.: Arer,". political science at SIU-C. in Iha! sd lool. Bleyer is I UPI 1 - Nica: dgua 1 uesday geologist. arc 3 111 (mg s pc~ k c rs cont inues to serv e the retirin thiFi year a ft er 30 blamed the United Stales for schedul ed for pring Com­ T elevis;o n corl)ora t e ni\'ersit \ in the On; · years at Si:j·C. Services. will the latesl bre..'l kdown in lhe mencernrnl exercises on l\la\" exceut iw rI a Iph E Becker. buc ... ,n a n ··s office Com · begin a lii a .m . Sa turday. May CO lltadora peace process. IO a nd 11. - wmner of the 1985 Sll'·C mcncemenl begins at 4 p.m . 10. at the Are:13 . saying Washington's support \t ost not a bl e IS Fred Alumni Achi evement Awa rd. Saturda\'. Ma\' 10. a t the Arena Ur. Virgini a V, Weldon. for Contra rebels cuttled the Graham. longt im e C BS will be 1. ~ iC College of Com· for these students. department \'icc cl,:) ll ceilor for new effort 10 end con(J:cts in Il('ws man. who wi ll 3l!dress munication a nd Fine Arts' medical affairs, and professor C('nlra l Amer ica . g r : l ~ lI at in g !i'tudcnts in the commcr.cemcnl speaker. He is Th Presid ent of Ca liforni a of pedia lries allhe Washinglon Schoo l of Law. He will talk C!l presid(: nt of Telc\'ision Stati,., Sta te Uni\'r rs ity·Los Angeles. Uni \'ers it \, School of Mcchl:ine. " The conditions for s igni ng a i he Supreme Court 111 the ~J ar l: le rs. a N flW York firm James H. Rosser. will : peak al will s pca'k to Ihe gradua ti ng pl>~ce agrer ment do not lI.agon cra_Th e chool of Law that owns s .... ·: t':': tele\'ision the Coll ege of Edur"lion's cia s of SIt'·s Sehotil r·1 exi~t." said ;\'icaraguan commenc.:emcnt and hooding statioll!, . £xprcisc!' begin a t {'t'l'emonies. Hosser is an ;\l edl cinc om m encerr.e nt F orergn MinISter Miguel '\'lil be held ,1\ 113m Su ndav. Cccted to show a He sald the agenl.'Y will repor t to Pres ident Reaga n b~ added demanding the United combin.ilion of factors. Thom}J:-.nn said some 300 prest-nt its formal ;-eport to the carh· Junp. . tales el~d its suppor t for coupl~d WIth a " marg1l1al" te:-.l:' 110\'c been ('.)nducted ChaJienge r di astt:!' com· "C:!P:-:r! \, . the fai lure was in Conlra rebeb ccking h rocket Joint d srgn_ led 10 the o;;incc ChalJ(' n ~er exploded miSSIOn April l ti but that soi'7:~ ' I !,!:: .1"1 111 . ' from c\'crything we o\'erthrow oi :X icaragu3's shuttle rxploslOn. a top in· Jan 28 to pill dowil tn,= precise membC'rs will be gin:" kno\\ that joint's got to be leftist Sandilllsta go\'crnment. \(':-Iu~altlr !-I3Id Tu sda\ calise of a fa t..1 i f'lljJ ture ill a prelimin~ r:' fincings Thur· redesigned.'- Thor.rp on said '1 Ihrnk oul of Ihis \\ hole joint connecting Iwo fuel sday a t the Marsi!all pace " We know ('xacth' 'ha t Lhe "Xo COU f'l ' r~' can negotiate exci c'se. ~:\ A'!o> got Il '0 scgnumts IflthC'shuttle's right. Flight cnter in J-1 nntS\·ill,·. problcm was, i.e .. 'it b(jlJ1g th the acqUISit ion of means of bal'k and look :..II e\'{'r~ thlll!!," Side boo;,tcr. la _ jOint. wha t wcre Ihe indh'idual defense when it IS being at· said ,! H Thump!-Ion. man... g~r "Looklllg back on It. that " I thrnk we II be gi vins them ~Ie p !' Ihat led us to this lacked b~ t!'t' la rge·51. rkhest of IfU age n c~ · ... intern:.1 ae:· jOint has SC\· ral shortcomings a brg d"ta dump Ihi' I'hur­ prohlcm 011 this flight at that power .n the world." d'E!"coto dd('ul rent'\\·. and ii's quite. margillal S(I if SOllY," Thompson said at a joint i!' wh:1I we're trying to said . "The United StatC!' " " The slmpl!' ans\\('r 10 the things aren't just right its news conference. unders tand now" blockll1g pe"ce efforts"

    AlP's and Faculty Are invited to an address by .obert Nielson Assistant to the President for Higher Education, Colleges and ) ( Universitie$ ~epartment, Ilmerican Federation of Teachers, Washinaton, D.C.


    " Industrial Management & Faculty Govt:.!ri1 cmce in Public Universities: The Role of Collective Bargaining"

    Thursday, April 10, 3:00 p.m. Student Center, Mississippi Room

    Followed by a reception for AlP's and Facu ~ ty at the Holiday Inn (Granada Room) 4:30 p_m.

    For additional information, Phone the UP Office, 457-5831 Brought to you by University Professionals of StU-Co Yankees beat Royals in opener; HAPPY HOUR SPECIAL Piniella wins managerial debut 2forl ...... Berra scrat.ched a si ngle to "'Ell' YORK t Pi) - Butch run homer by Hal McRae. Includes: Turkey, CoHo Salomi, W\,llcgar a three-run homer Rod Scurry worked 2 1-3 center and Wynegar foll owed Americon Cheese. Ch ips 'n' pickle 1!1'. with his homer. 10' back Ron Guidry's first relief innings, with Da\'c (Spm-7,... _.-'rl.1 l " . Opening Day victory Tuesday. Righetti pitching the final I 2-3 Kansas City scored twice in propelling the N~w York inning!> for' the save. the fourth when George Brell -In Store Only- ' --", . Yankees to a 4-2 deCISIOn over Guidry left with a strained wa lked a nd McRae hit a 2-0 7SC MIUER UTE & BUD aonlES,aU DAY ! the Kansas Cit Royals. left calf but the injury is not pitch into the right field The largest Opening Day believed to be serious. stands. crowd in the history of Yankee Despite being the ace of the The Yonkees addee an in­ S!.adium - 55.602 - saw Lou Yankee staff. Gui', ry had suran e run in the liJth when Pmiella make a successful never collected a victory in six Bobbv Meachan: singled. stole secmld a nd srored on a looping STEARNS LOCKER debut as Yankee manager. previous Opening Da~ Hours Locateel 2 mil.. E.. t of S5 1 549-2290 W\'negar hit a 3-2 pitch from assignm ~ nls. single by Wiliie Randolph. 8-5 Mon-'rl on _I

    Leafs have edge on Hawks National but wary of loud Stadium

    CHICAGO (UPIl - The lately they have been !,!aying " Who knows what will hap­ Toronto Maple Leafs, who well defMsively." pen? We don't know what to finished fourth in the Norris expect ourselves." Division this season , The Blackhawks took But there is agreement that nonetheless en'er their Stanley command of the Norris the Maple Loafs a re pleased to Cu;> pi.yoff series against the Division by winning 11 of 13 be pla yin~ the Blackhawks. first placc Chicago games from Dec. 15 to J a.i. 12. even thougi; lhey are the Blackhawks with an edge. But In March, Chicago i'3C division Iitlists. Chicago -, 'on the Norris only one two-game winning " The Hawks are 0 physical, Division with 86 points to 57 streak and went i·l0 over its grinding team, but that seems compiled by Toronto. whict last 17 games. to bring out the best in us." lost almost twice as many said T ~ c o nto coach Dan games as the team won. " In lhe last 10 games. we Maloney. " We know irs going But the Mapie Leafs won six just couldn ' t s tane to be dtfficult because the of eight f,ames a sa:nst prosperity." said Chicago's Hawks are a good team who Chicago during tlle regular Stevt' Ludlik. "We seem to do have Ule loudest fans in the season and olltscored the things the hard way." league behind them. But at B"'ckhawks 36-3'). leasl we've showed that the "Maybe it 's just that Bob Pulford, Chicago's co- atmosphere there Q;dn' t in­ Chicago wahes us up," coach and general manger, timidate us." YOUR MESSAGE TO APPEAR APRIL 23 Toronto's Hick Vaive said it3.S not announced how he wiU "I'm really happy we're (Maximum 25 wordJ) before his team's best-of-five use g

    THE nME OUT rul -Above 11K Sporls Center. behind Lee, I)ellay drags the Abe Mertln Field Infield, the University I!\all - Plent), of Parklnl!- 519-)191

    BUSINESS, from Page 24 Mid West Productions " They just come out 10 have he added. ''I've bet>n a poor boy all of presents a few drinks and a good time, As a resull, police patrolled my life. and you've got to get and if I wasn't working, I'd the hillside for a few games out a nd t.ry t.o le:un by wat­ probably be in there with following the incident. ching oiller people." he .. ill. LEON ROSSELL them:' he saio. Dailey. 59, was born and And learn he did. He soon Dailey remembers only one raised near the neighboring became a sist.ant ground­ lime that the happy-go-lucky villages of Bush and Hm rst. skeeper for Abe Martin iield crowd got out of hand. About 10 and now lives just a few miles and moved up to Ihe top rung a In Concert. years ago with 2 large crowd wesl of his boyhood stopping few years later. However. the present. a male student grounds in Herrin. work he pefformed wasn't One Show. spontaneously performed a n The son of a coal miner. easy. he said. especially whe.l imitation of Gypsy Lee Rose, Dailey was detecmined not to the grass needed watering. the famous stripper fol!~w in his father's footsteps. Sunday, " People were up there en­ "J never went down in lhe In addition to the watering joying themselves, hJving a mine. You coul

    with parchos. of on, sll(. of oor Aword winning DHp-li'an Pizzo ot oar spetkiliancli.on prlc. of S2.00 for any Ilice. FREE 6-PACK OF COKE Sports Salukis split two with Aces; sore arm worries Bockhorn By Ron Warnick has since been fi gr.ling l: hrnnic Gockhorn's early exit with Staff V/nler soreness and has pilchC