Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986 4-9-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 09, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1986 Volume 72, Issue 134 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 09, 1986." (Apr 1986). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Summit to be in United States, but when? WASIII :\(;TO , ITI ieadt:'i' ) t 'klmli t.il,r had.f'\' 1" \'(,1 CommuOlst P a rl\ dnd I thought ad"anced agreemelli, rr"'~:dl~al Rl'l.Ig II. :nn But ' l'lllt, .....lId ht., wuuld Ct'lltr I I ('om miltcC' f(l[l'lgn m<lIll', s," . hultz S;1I0 Thf' admlOl:ilr atlOn tl J~ OU!gOlI1!! !:-- •. \ ~l~' \ :.:ba:-- sJd(lJ' t; i'(>t So' Il t Fur ~!! n 't'I'!!.:,tt.'r :llf:III'''i posl HeaEan and Gllrbache,·. form"lI) ,"\'lIed G~, · bach l·'· t" . n.. ltllh Onr.-, nm i'll t:~l~ :l'. .;.,,: l:.~113r·f ;-,h l" ~ r liIlJdz(' Ir. Tl1 t~ mel"l lIlg \\,IS ~l·'1 t"ll" lt'<.i dUlIIH£ thf'lr fir!-= t .~umnllt in a summit In the Unitl'1. : ~ t a k:­ I;P a lop-Ie\ rl m(>{"lng fur 'n1:l1 \','.I"!.ILtlh!!1 I~~ 1I1 1d · ~t a \ I I) fnr};, m ll'ules, out \\ .. 'It I!~i 101 G e f1(~ \ 'a :\''J\'. 19·20. agrL'{'(! tu I either late June or 1.1 :'-' Ju;.­ ~ l;)\ ' /I I~I\ tilt:' l:,1 oUnC\\'1f :< lor nltJ).' p·'t'}J.:4:,' ,n!' , '.IT ' 1" an hour I01ge!' SI,ulti' sud the holtl two ml'rf' s urr.mils: m the but has r~eh' Pd no re~ pon ~e he' ~t1 11 ·ull·q ·heduJrd !:Iuper· F- ur ~· m l l . \\hlt:!' h '~ !;Clld buth fac t that 11 was ('xtended 'IlIted Stat<'S III 1986 a nd in Ihe Shultz and Speakes ,a,d till powl" r :oou mmllihif yr'ar !, Idc .. H!'.! '!"f'(' ~ h nu! rt bl' h(lh; 10 ":--p('a ks, \·,,.,)urnes" and While SO\'I('! l!1I :on in 198i. But 111 u nilcd States Hill prefer, Secrt:'tan of St", t' Geor'l,f' the ,,:n l l t ' dS t ;lI(, ~ tim. ) ~ar , HOLJl"(' s pokesman Larry recent wC\.'l:"s. Gorbache\' ha s those dates But Schultz said. Shult z.. bricPng rcp1rters 011 peakes said the two men had seerred to puiJ away. irritating " I won't rule anything inor the om··ho'.. r . 15·mlOute (h'al Dobn nil' '5 \ lsit 10 the 0\'0:: "a lot to t.lk aboul. ·· lilp ariministra llon with out." Office mecting bpI",,, r " Office \\'as offlcia llv a farewel! uggestions tha t there would Heagall a nd Dobrynin. aid I1 r cali m3rking hi ~' retul'n to ';The meeting with Am· be no point in ha \'jng a nother Dobrynm. ~i J !Snul lz. "wa~ dale was set for the preside-Ill'S M~cow after 24 years a!' bassador Dobrynin was a ver~ summit wilhout the prospect of at pains to say, 'We're nct second summit with 50\'lel a l-:lbassador to take up ~ top- substanth'e, constructive onf a U . ·Soviet arms control seH:ilg any preconditions ... · Daily Egyptian Southern IllinOIS University at Carbondale Wednesday, April H. 1986, Vol. 72, No . 134. 24 Pages Write-ins, disqualifications highlight usa election tally By Breit Yates StatfWrit€r Eighl senalOrs were seated seated on the School of on the West Side. DoUy Bl.1ir Agricullure. Res ul t s of th e Un· was seated with 324 votes: Eight sena tors were seated d e rgraduale Siude nt Mark Case. with 319 votes. on the E,sl Side. Lou Mar· Organiza tion Sen&!e races J a mie Kahn. with 252 votes: cinczyk was seat.ed with 29i were rel ea~2<i Tueso.:! y. six Donna DeFosse. with 243 voles: Troyce O. Polk. with 290 days after the election. VOtes : Greg Schafer . with 29 votes: Corey Luhtala, with 289 Although only 26 people votes : Paul Martin. with 28 votes: Karen Baker. with 273 appeared on the ballot for 41 votes: Kenl Kohler. with 23 voles: Linda Pfisler. with 255 open seats. 36 sena tors were votes : a nd Thea Rubin. with 14 VOtes : Jane Deppe. wi th 2~ e le cted" d esp ite seven votes. VOtes: Angela Black. with 248 <1 isqu~ lilicati o n . At least tcn VOtes: and Mark Lauberg. of the enators-elect were Two sena tors were sea led on with five votes. wrile·ins. the School of Business. /)ennis Under usa rules there is no Dugan was seated with 2i4 Three !;~ nators were seated minimum number of votes votes. and K wangee L.ee was on the East Campus. Charles required for election, so seated with 159 voles. Bruce Levv was scated wilh 245 unopposed candidates needed W y#l t!. wi th 72 \IlJtes, a nd Dave v tis . PI1:lIip K Ireland. 1\ ilh only one vot.e to be seated. Hurst. with 53 \'otes. were 184 vote>: and Todd WiUianlS, John Grigas. usa election with li6 votes. commissioner. said Tuesday Gus Bode For Thompson Point. Arthur vote tabula lion wa s dela" cd Leardi was sealed with 115 because the " Otes were hand votes. and Cathy Cherede was counted and because faces for seated willi 15 votes. Staff Photo by ~en II. Kufrin seats representing the Wesl Lying room only Side and the School of Bu. iness Two senators were s ealed were highly contesled. from Ihe School of Com· Don't let their smiles fool you, they' re not taking things Grigas said seven can· -nunicati ons. Damon Mathis lying _no Tanya Abramoske, left, senior In Public didates were disqualified from was seated with 193 voLes, and Relations, and Donna "'ngston, medical secretary at the the race, because they either fod King:on, with 146 votes. Carboncbtle Clinic, are just two of the 725 donors who gave failed to meel the 2.0 grade Gus says call Lyndon Carla J . Todd, with 103 voles. blood Tuesday for the week·long Red Cross blood drive. point ~ '. .'~ age requirement or a nd Dee Tracy, with 96 votes. LaRouche - he'll put some The thrlNHlay total stands at 1,510, according to coor· were under discip linary were seated as senators on the dinator Vivian Ugenl probation. people In those senate seats. School of Education. Dorm dwellers face bill for water rate increase By Trlcla Yocum Slaff Wri1er crease is expecled for fa U 1987. So students may be faced requi res a bout 18 month of service or operating costs a nd he said. with a S10 or SIS increase in pla nn ing because of lime no( capital improvements. Students wi ll eventually pay °niver sitv off:cials arc coming years. Hindersma n needed to requesl funds from Cily officials say the in· for the water and sewer ra tes working 10 "iake the sting oul" said. the state Legislature. The crease is needed 10 fund increases passed by the City of the increase, Hindersman Budget Director John Baker funds requested by the capital improvements to Council. says Charles Hin· said. said he has " no idea" where University will nol be a p· ma intain the water a nd sewer dersman. vice president for One a lternative. said Bruce the money fo r the incrr.ase \vill proved until sometime in July syst.em and to meet s tandards financial affairs. Swinburne. vice preside nt for come from, since the increase when appropriations bills a re se t by the Ill inois En· The University bill will in· s lude nt affairs, is Ihe came " ralher late in the passed. vironmental Protection crease by about S325.000. refinancing of some of the game" for budget planning. Technically. it is possible to Agene),. comparable to more tha n S20 University'S bonds. which Hindersman said pa rt of the a mend the funding request to Hindcrsman al'" 'uggesled fo r each stucent living in Ih e would decre.1se the inlerest funds for this year's increase re!leet the incrt'ase bU l lhat is ~h e sale of rcvenJe bonds to resiuence halls, Hinrtersman payments and I.,,;sen housi ng will come from the housing nol very realis tic considering help offset th. incr.,,;,e and said. incr ea es . budget's reser\'es and tha I the budgel cuts on the state level. lhat a consultant be hi red However. hou_ ing rates wiB The "good news." Swin· rest will probably have to Baker said. before such a drasllC' incrpase not increase for fa B 1986 bur ne sai d. i that lhe come from academic depart. Hindersman asked the ity is implemented. because contracts have refina ncing will sav ( ~ s tudents ments or other projects. Council Monday to lessen the alread\' been lei. but an in· aboul 550.000 a year. The niversi t)' budget increase t~ only cover debt s .... WATER , Page 7 This Morning Halloween can-ban plan put on back burner -- - Affirmative action By Trici& Yocum StaHWuter people downtown is the The board 's decision fective the first year. bUI said still a priority at primary concern of the boa rd Tuesday came after monthly it would be " a step in the right SIU·C, Baily says The Liquor Ad\'isory Board and thai if the ban were nol d iscussions sint..-e December of direction, ., will not r e commend a er..acted , injur ies more s<:rious the problem of injuries from Hogan said enforcing the - Page 10 Halloween can ban to the Ci ty lhan Ihose in the pasl could beer cans thrown on the Strip ban would mean a "trade-off" Council - alleast for 1986.
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