Spellman Alumni Magazine / Fall 2013

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Spellman Alumni Magazine / Fall 2013 Spellman Alumni Magazine / Fall 2013 Spellman’s Online Networking Communities – Between our website, twitter account, and facebook page; we want you to feel like you are truly Connected to the Spellman Family. “Like” us on Facebook to receive important information about Follow Cardinal Spellman High School news and updates at Cardinal Spellman High School. We will be posting updates for photos, www.twitter.com/SpellmanNews. You will be informed about the news, and events on facebook.com/cardinalspellmanhighschool. daily happenings at Cardinal Spellman and linked to all our news. On our Feel free to share photos and post on our wall. Our Facebook page is a twitter page you will find links to important news stories, sports scores, place for alumni, parents, and students to communicate with each other snow cancellations, and much more. You can even have the messages and with the school. You are the Spellman Family. sent directly to your phone. Staying Connected? hands with tablet photo – ®Shutterstock.com / 2012 Cardinal Spellman Grand March Grand March has been a tradition at Cardinal Spellman High School for many years. It was originally created so the Sisters of Saint Joseph, who taught at the school, could see the students before they went to their prom. Even though the Sisters of Saint Joseph no longer live on campus, the custom still continues. Grand March is an event that truly accentuates the pageantry of a high school prom. Table of Contents letter from the president . 2 letter from the chairman . 3 happening on the hill . 5 student profile . 11 cover story: Welcome Mr . Peebles . 12 annual report . 16 class notes . 23 in memoriam . 31 perspective . 32 Editorial Staff Julian T. Peebles, President Ellen Morrissey Rota, Acting Director of Advancement Kevin Delano, Special Assistant to the President Kathy Golden, Director of Marketing & Communications Jane Westerlund ’63, Advancement Staff Susan Ashton ’73, Advancement Assistant Joanna McCarthy, Manager of Research & Data Layout & Design by Brian Beck, Studio Cobalt, LLC tradition • Cardinal Spellman 1 president’s letter Fall 2013 Dear Spellman Alumni and Friends, I am most honored to have the opportunity to serve as the new president of Cardinal Spellman High School. In the short time I have been at Spellman, it has become clear to me that I am very fortunate to be able to serve this extraordinary school at this point in time. It is a humbling experience to follow the late Dr. John McEwan as president. I regret that I did not have the opportunity to meet this fine man. His contributions to his alma mater will long be remembered. In particular, his impact on the academic excellence at Spellman has made a dra- matic difference in the curriculum and the educational opportunities available at the school. Dr. McEwan has left an indelible mark on Cardinal Spellman High School. I want to assure the Spellman family that I already have come to respect the Spellman traditions and excellence. The unique nature of the school is evident and has become known to me early in my tenure. The teaching faculty and staff are committed to not only the academic development of each student but the spiritual and emotional development of the fine young men and women that we serve. Having worked in independent Catholic schools across the country, I can tell you that Cardinal Spellman holds a unique place, not only in the Archdiocese of Boston, but in Catholic education as a whole. As proud as we all rightfully are of today’s Spellman, the school is poised to add another noteworthy chapter in its storied history. Opportunities abound to increase enrollment, build on academic excellence, and create a model independent Catholic school campus that will better serve the needs of current and future students. Spellman is a school that lives its motto, “Sequere Deum” - Follow God. Our students are highly motivated to practice their faith. Liturgies are conducted with exceptional fervor – a trademark of the Spellman experience. One only has to witness a Spellman mass to know this is true. Spellman is a Catholic school with a capital “C.” Even though the school year ended on a somber note, with Dr. McEwan’s passing and the tragic loss of Joey Glynn, a 2012 graduate who was the epitome of what a Spellman young man should be; the 2012-2013 school year was a very successful one. The school year was highlighted by memorable drama productions, the continuing excellence of the choir, strong academics and student achieve- ments, as well as athletics led by a state track championship. We graduated an excellent class with very meaningful baccalaureate and graduation ceremonies in spite of inclement weather. More than 97 percent of our graduates are continuing their studies in higher education, earning mil- lions of dollars in scholarship money. Their achievements are to be commended. During the search process for the position of President of Cardinal Spellman High School, it was my good fortune to get to know Board of Trustees’ Chairman, Barry C. Cosgrove. Everyone associated with Spellman owes Barry a sincere debt of gratitude. His 10 years as Chairman of Spellman’s board have been truly transformational in nature. Barry turned the gavel over to Gerrie Mahoney in July. Gerrie is also a Spellman graduate and a person deeply committed to her alma mater. Gerrie will provide strong, insightful leadership. I personally look forward to working with her and her fellow trustees to keep the positive momentum going. I hope each of you will find a way to be part of the future of this fine school and lend your support to that end. Each of you is a stakeholder, and each of you has the opportunity to see and contribute to the success of the future of Spellman. It will only be with your support and efforts that Spellman will achieve the next level of excellence. So join in. It’s going to be an exciting time to be part of Spellman as it moves toward being the preeminent independent Catholic high school in Massachusetts. I could not be more excited about the future of Cardinal Spellman High School and serving as its president. For Spellman, I am, Julian Peebles, President Peebles 2 Cardinal Spellman • tradition chairman’s letter Fall 2013 Dear Members of the Spellman Community, As the incoming Chair of the Cardinal Spellman High School Board of Trustees, I am proud and honored to serve our Spellman community. I assume this role with the full understanding that the school we are today is the direct result of the efforts and contributions of all who have come before us. The Sisters of St. Joseph, who staffed and led our school, worked tirelessly and unselfishly to ensure that each student had the opportu- nity to receive an outstanding Catholic education. Our former president, Dr. John F. McEwan, directed the successful completion of many vital enhancements to our school’s curriculum, academic rigor, facilities, technology and extra- curricular activities. We can be assured that Cardinal Spellman is well-poised to continue our mission of excellence in Catholic education. We will be forever grateful for all that the Sisters of St. Joseph and Dr. McEwan have accomplished for us. In addition, we also want to thank our outgoing Chairman, Barry C. Cosgrove ’75, who has provided great leadership over the past decade during the transition from religious to lay leadership and from an Archdiocesan-funded school to a financially independent Catholic school. Barry Cosgrove’s unparalleled guidance, vision, commitment and support, combined with the efforts of the administration, faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, friends of Spellman and the Board of Trustees have us well on our way to becoming the premiere college preparatory, co-educational, independent, Catholic High School in Massachusetts. In order to maintain excellence, we know that we must focus on the present and look toward the future to ensure that we continue to provide an outstanding experience for our students. Toward that end, I am thrilled that Julian Peebles has joined the Spellman family as our new president. Julian brings a wealth of educational leadership and expertise to Spellman and is eager to lead our school through its next important chapter. Us- ing the framework established by the Strategic Plan completed in 2012, we will continue to focus on our goals: to prepare our students for future success, to integrate faith with action, to develop an expanded state-of-the-art campus, to strengthen our community relations and to manage our financial resources wisely. I am excited by the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead for Cardinal Spellman High School. As we begin the new school year, I would like to welcome our faculty, administration, staff and students back to campus with a particularly warm welcome to the many new faces in our largest incoming freshman class (class of 2017) in recent years. Cardinal Spellman High School is very fortunate to have an extremely dedicated and talented administration, faculty and staff who are eager to engage all of you in your educational en- deavors. I encourage all of our students to take advantage of the many spiritual, academic, and extra-curricular offerings and to do your very best as you chart your path toward fully utilizing your God given abilities and maximizing your potential. You have my firm commitment that I will do my very best to continue to make you proud of our school. Sequere Deum! For the Board of Trustees, Geradine A. Mahoney ’84 A. Mahoney tradition • Cardinal Spellman 3 letter from Barry Cosgrove Dear Spellman Community: purpose…. to serve as the bridge from our terrific past to a new and promising future of Catholic identity, education and service.
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